Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Mar 1889, p. 5

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Ind munous up wlul wnlcn may Ira DIM!` int When his friends found him he wu Jtretched senseless, with the peucu" or Fhhguey leaves in his hnndn. He was carried to his home, and soon regained hi: health. `Experience has long since taught the Indiana that " uca" up invariably Acts as I curt `upon 03: uuoring from hydrophobin. `come In. uoru oitunuuiy uuu xuv JIIIIUU iwill fall together." The Parnell (`om-ulniou. L0.V'D0.\', March 5.--The Parnell Com- Imissiou resumed its sittings this morning. Attorney-(ienenl Webster narrated the facts in relation to Pigotfs communicntion ` `from Madrid to Mr. Soames. He stated "that. another letter from Pigotr. had jbeen received to-day. It. bud been [posted on March 2. This letter was sent 1:0 Mr. So&mes' office for Mr. Ponsunby." | . :1: was not read In court. a l'uteII-`I llsclnlneu Gone. PANAMA, Murch 5.~Chsnce bu led to `the discovery of A cure for hydrophobiu in Ayucuoho, Porn. A mun wu bitten by I unnd dog, and lhory After the disc-ue do- 'velopod. In his mndneu the man rushed }from the house, And fallin among 3 lot of `,peuc|" plsnu, some of t. e juice of then }plnutI entered hi: mouth, and he swallowed it. A nmment. of reason teams to havo }pl|Dll entered an nlouul, unu ms uwuuuwuu it. A moment. of reason followd,during which he mind some of the `lleaves, broke them, and drunk of the milky anulutinous up with which they are sum- `no \\'hnn ni: frinndn found him ha in Inn-hon Falls to Pknu Iorlln. BERLIN, Much 5.-Moat of the paper! hero return their 0 iuiom on Harrison : insugurnl address. '1` no 'l'Agoblnu. up that the address shown An arrogant opirit and does not display particularly friendly feel- my toward other powers. other papers make Iimilnr comuouu. Inl (IIIOIIN! IIIIIII Ill: yvlll alulu I-1|! II. ).\ l)U.\ , March 5.--Although Gladstone only spoke of nyour or two hence as the possible date of an appeal to the countr in his speech, he ent.ert,ains I strong belie in his return to power being almost imminent. One day last week he was discovered in n 1 Ewell-known London drawing-room deep in i the pages of The Morning Post, I paper I irhicli is carefully ta|l)001l in Jzum*s'-sqliare, : iwliile waiting for the mistress of the house. a V | ` lUn putting the! paper down he remgnized ~ `his fellow-cnller and said ch-eerily : I mus! 'come in. Lord Salisbury uni The Times lwill full tnanthnr " Parnell In Grateful. LONDON, March 5.--Mr. Parnell, finding it impossible to respond to the many letters he has received from Europe and America congratulating him upon the calls e of `The Times cuse against him, desire: t rough `the press to heartily thank the writers of [the letters. c.`u?auu.m-. Tllnlua Ile _wm Soon has In. \l._,.L : |I.L,.....L 1\I...l......- " - 1 3:: llgtesmm Owing to Financial I-IIenmea Ie Sad- ____ ` deal: Leavee Pelerbera i ` 1" ""'"'" ' PITIRIORO, March 5.-For some time NEW Yonx, March 5.-The Tiinea h ; br_ 3, Kincgjd, u.M,L__.\__ ha been "'9 fu""`8 l'l` P" f- M3B`: Who ,I nancial difcultiee. Although he hed e urnished Houston with the money and was the third partner in the amazing] y ambitious, amazingly fatuoua plot now laid bare, de- servea an obituary line not less than Pigott. Iiie it was who wrote three years ago what `is known as "the mphlet," in which the iinlies of the i ague were described as a. historicil lcounterpart of the association of harlot: iwnich waeeo active in Paris during the French Revolution. He wae not killed for this, but he lived on the high favor of the Castle crew in Dublin and came to London last week to help swear to the authenticity of the forged letters. Just when roof of their debued origin came to light Eiaguire suddenly died. The doctor: firet aald he choked to death. Now they report that it was fatty degen- erntion of the heart. and the question: bloody thumb-n|ark" ` iii?` lar a practice and accumulated property, ` of ate yearn hie aflaire have gone behind, and a farm he owned south of the town and hie other property wae covered with A mortgage A couple of years ago he con soiiilated his debt: and gave a mortgage for $l6,000,_and made an effort to retrieve itfon. It aeelm, however, that he was unable to do so, although his repu- taliou as a physician was good, and rather than remain and face the dim- cuitiea and lee hie propergiy taken he has departed from the town. hie rssulution seem: to have been suddenly come to, or at any rate wan actedon romptiy, as his family were informed of it a ortly before he left. On Saturday night he packed his vniiue and yesterday morning, accompanied i-y his son Kenneth, he took the early train, suaaeniy area. it erstion of heart, questions which were asked in Psrllament concerning the suspected poison felled to secure any intelligent investigation in to whether there is sught of truth in these suspicions. Ms- guire in dead end now Pigott is dead, and .tall, slender and well-groomed young Mr. Houston is the only survivor of the group vs ho planned and lsutcd this foul conspiracy upon the credulhus London Times. Well may we wonder what the next set in this squalid, sinful tragedy will i 0. Plgolfl Iljln Iole-llled. LU.\ l)()_\`, Mn |.- English detectives sent to Madrid to-day ldentitied the remains fol l'i2ott in the presence of the British iconsu, who ordered thst the body b linterred. [unity in the GIIIII1. < `hp pun! oxpuditure [at 1888-39 would ho. cunning lot the loot month mount :' W and Clnllm. . . . . . . .. ....7'I2.. I7 :`b'no`Wum. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. mm Dollllllon Iuudi. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. lll Neutral Bcbollho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. lI`.5ll lhAl|vny3uhuldioo...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IJBJ8 llldlllllollol DOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l.Ot.$ `mncas; BARKIS IS WlLL|N'. ---..,_ VIHI death. Ho Inns 3 1 `Jun. mount on ur. rnncu uuou . 1orth0Count.y of Hqlton. Ir. buns Incident of 3 county ft: yuan, was Appoin nghlnr which position In hold I gotta lino alum Ha I-no I ol nun at MILTON. Mnrcn o.-luIon was on OI nur no tad cltluu today by I-boonlolnlxhgllr. F:-such Burch tor the County Iugngmnldnnt Jun math In -an Prongnllon of the I.ninlnInre-`l`Io Ion- oplol-Ielecllvn loollnn tor `lnwoil. \VIx.\`II'F.u, .\lnrch 5.-The prorogntion uf the Le islaturo this nltornoon Ill nlmos: with emocrntlc simplicity with the e'\- ceptinn of a gnnrd of honor. The House on till 5 this morning to nish business. The cm-lorn won unable to onnumnw I lny this morning owln to non wonther. But have decided to be n this evening And plny ln rolnyn night nna dny till the whole competition in com and. It will take about five day: to n h the hon . A nnmlur of Ininnrn [min Athhidua In IDWII IOOIID8 l0l' IIKIII. The elo in; couple mentioned yeeterdey ere Prof. `meet and 3 Ha. Miuhell. They ere sun in the city. Iunln II Inllbcd. . Buxrronn, Much 5.-I-`Ive young man named Joe Wslker, (`hula Milne. J. Much, F. Sickle: and Mark Gu-via lnvo boon u-round clurged with bnrgloriling 'l`. E. King`: llquol-non last night. Pun ol the nolen pmporty, which coulnod of llqllor In quart. bottlu. wu loud In Che poouuion at the prinun. They will In trlod no-moi-row. . CXII` `nV. uI I I0 IIIIKI El. IKJII A number of minor: lroln :tlhbrid through to New York to-day. V Sir Doncld Smith in hell. u--.--..I A_.--a..-.. .I-o..oi... .... ..-....o-.l $0 PIIIIIO5 VVCBM . .. Rcbollloo Railway Suhuldiol. . . . .. lhdolnuuou ot an` uonuu mnun II nut. ` Several American dohttivu are reported In town looking for Tnoott. Th: nlnninn oonnlo Incntinnnd vnhnhv uouuuul. Four is-`res of land, east oi the city, It of lhc Land estate, immodiatu-ly Swill I of the Grand Trunk Rnilwty truck and oppo; lite \\'illi|ms coal` oil factory, hn\'e been transferred to R. McKeclmiv, the well- known manufacturer. Mr. M. Kechnio will` erect on the site large machine shops, for the nmnuficturu of vnrioua kinds of ma- chinery for iron And wtod work. The huildings. it. is understood, will cover two- tl1i.ds of the ground. Locomotives may; also he mnnufactnred there. Employment will be given to about 400 men. Theerection of the building: will be commenced early` this year. | lnn\nr'LnnI.t-hnnnnl us being made in this Ilnporumt changes ere being cunnectiou, with the well-known rm of L.` D. Sawyer & Co., manufacturer: of thresh- ' ing machinery, enginoe, etc.,'by the retire- ` ment of L. D. Snvyer and Jonnthan Amen, who bwc disposed of their interest. to H. A. Massey, president of the Massey Manu-I featuring Colnpeny ofToronto. Wllo Cum -3`. I IIOIIIIL IIIUTU ll IIOVV OIIU one in Shedden, that of Judson Harwell. livery utnhlo keeper, who caught. it from the robes of one of his cutters, which had been hired by I young nun who attended the {anal deuce M. Eunice ; Tue hotel :1. bhedden in closed. nbout the nnsuer nnu nicnox was iouuwcu by oflicerl and found in Aurora. The money was not found and he told the oicer that he had lost it, which is not believed, . ` however. Hickok pvau placed under arrest and was brought up for trial `on Manila)`. He was tried on the charge of gruml larceny in the second degree. The evidence In the case showed that (llmstead had willin vly loaned the mum.-y>to lIickock,aunl tin: jn go held that under those circnmatunces the case was: one -for the civil courts and not the criminal. and the prisoner wss discharged. Olmslc-ml was lucky in regaining M00 out of the zilnount lost. .s....:.. D..m...ll ...|.n .n.....mml tn tnlua 01 the amount. lost. Annie Russell, who numnpted In Inks her own life by means of pnisun on Satur- duy night, is still in A very luw condition at the City Hospital and her rectwery is doubtful. I.'...... ....--- -5 |.....I .....o .1 Hm .-in: nnrl } The smallpox l!pldnIe-Iweuu (`am In ` Ila VI:-Inlay 0! Plan]. ` S1-. Tumus, arch 5. -Almost the sole` topic of couverution hero is the ulullpm epidemic in Sonthwold. The City (`cum 11 mm] the Bond of Hoslth are fully awake 1. the urgenc of prompt And v" orous action, and I r' i qunrnntino will ikcly be es- tablish . n. 11...... .....-...-u .-.6 oh. Pm.-.`....:-v FIUIIIIIGQ. Dr. Brycqnecrotur of the Proviucigt Board of Hulth, w o has just returned from Fingnl, I1. rt: that than are clan-1. houaeo infpct , and there Inn bern twenty-seven one: up to date. There an- now uomo twcnty one: in the township am! villlge. The doctor udviud the prompt arrest ofan infected or ex sod perlolla who onto St. Thoma '1` are is now ouu .._-- I- uL..l.l-.. 95.: ad` Iuulgnu ll-..--I) I 4 . ` ' I`:-njecletl Nw Inclnslry In the Aubluolo cuy-lIanuubu`.-A lexlllqlurc I":-ned -Iao|slnx for T113120 II WIIIIQOG HA.\m.;'oN, Ml.ruh 5.--H.- C. Hickok, who use: to run the St. Chnrlu restaurant here and now\mgm:ngr.-s A uloon in Bnilo, Is in trouble. A few weeks horn denier named Beujnmin `. Olmstosd, who knew Hickok in thin city, arrived in Buffalo and went tn board at his place. Olmuand curried 0\'l SUN with him and told Hickok about it. In the out! part of last week Hickok asked Ohm tolend him the $1100 for I little while. as he wnnted to make u but with I Broadway 'uluonkcepcr that he could show up that mrnnunt. His req'uL-at was grunt- ` ed and Hickok lildli `I bet with his man v and won $l0. Ila man- aged to give his (`uuudinn friend the slip. nnd soon after left the city with a horse and vutter. Olmsteud cmn [mined tn the lice ubout. the matter and ickok was fol owed funny` in Aurnrn Th? L.. ..m....r. .. ...I 3 Cthldiln- tram. It is not known where the doctor has gone. There Are various eetimntes of the amount of his indebtedneu. but the man gage is known of and there is beside: cull aidernble of his pug: ooti_ug, hacked by vnrioun persons. in Ion expuessecl ihv opinion that the neon Ire of surlicient \`&l11t' to otflet the liabilities. " fullolu : Wvs OF THE n0MIr`i()Y. ~ I HAMu_TON|ANGETS INTO TROUBLE ~. In BUFFALO. ~ *- lull of nch : Ihlnr. llnxox. Much 5.`-IilIon but on of Inor ....a Ll-nhlu lunnnnlnrl nhhnnn In.tInI Iv SOUTHWOLUS SCOURGE. MANITOBA MATTERS. DR. KINCAID GONE. v?.._. ._. Railroads ntl cud: .. Public works..... .. Dominion lnndn. . . . Nonhwdl. rebellion. ..i_a'i'.':'..oou"""'1' "` " """"" ` or the [must nu. 13-3. the nlinntod nooi had been mmm For the eight moat oowludod the actual nonipu wen Clfl. . He now `cuilnuu-d lot she ro- mnunuz four month near I: ulumntim to 813,%4.5u\d tho : onmmntn of n- eenpu for this yin; now utood u lollmn; (`uutolno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82.1..`S11.97l Ilclao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.IIB.ll.1 Illqqpllanooul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. $999,130 OIOOIIII II)|lll_V In uuuu purity in the wintry. 'l`In- annual olnmdit ol oondot and Innknou. Rafe-rrint Colic ultimate: ol the revouun of tho you [8871 ha [no the following nuur In-ml: moat: ` changes are to be numonncou on mnuzn u:\y. Mr. I-`mater onem-d with I comphnmntary refrn-nee to the men ol ucknuwledzod ab-lity ` And experience fur greater than his own who have preceded him In the uice and naked fur the nuomun indulgence and aymmthy of the Home in this his rs: oxporicwo. Cuudn to day. he and. had every reason to survey her psnt roootd with pride mud to stop fun-ward into the future with condence of peace. plan: , proupuriw ml continued gnnlleu. (kn: nukod uoononluulof herrocordmo prouprrity sud eolmuuen gnnnou. Gun a naked moonondncnl of her l 0culd,lIo Sunny. sud whatnot nu-in or demerits hm utnenenl would lmvo it would hno the mom. ol condor and kunknou. D.:..ni.m MIL: untivnnan Kxouo. . . . . Iliadnoouu crgner. The Mimstor 0! Finance At once gave the- indicatlon thnl there we-II to he no tlri "clnnuus, because he moved lhv House int... supply ln$N`:u" of ways nnd nu-ans. Hud he mnde the Inner lnotiun t.|u- clnuuzeu would Inna fulluwod ml the end of the 3|:-ch. l`~~- uidmu the Guvirnmeni did not sum tlw tele- graph line: running out of the (fnlutal and tie them up until that tho custom lnmw-u we-rv elm-ed, an it usual, when inn-on-ml um changes to be Annonncd Budzrt day. Mr I-`mmr ancm-d.Iit.h conmllnmntary were crowded and tho-re win a good tenu- suou ul Iuelnburn. Mr. Foster spake very rapidly but clvu-ly and distinctly. AI in hit wont. he In.-quendy di-upped tho subject of ; Sguroc lo brunch out into a laudimon of the probnbilntien and possibilities of this grout countty. Hi: words throughout were wordp of nnonurumnunt and hopes. He made many O0lllpIl'Iu(\nl buwoen tlnoonndnmn J C-unldn. the Unm-d SKm~ niN of chi Emplna-and continental Collhlll-II pnmnll) ; ' u to the do-bt nf I-lions! nnlono, sbm J-ility _ to pay. the rrluurcel and \lu' -nuglu -0 v- , ,-T purple, and ir noun; :1: cltu tn ..~;iue that _thuc0lIIntr_\',':1)II.|\xrr-(` fax"-zrally with any of them. 0! course the uprcch Inns a grant man: of figures from beginnmc to end. brnkell at mlerv;\|u- by incident-I -1f nnnce mud dc-duc~ nuns. The lluuno listened ntantivc-l_v to the nsimutc-r : exponitiou. none more so than Snr l{Ic|m rd Cnrtwright Sir Charles Tuppe-r. `Mr. Falter : predecessor III oico. In: on the ` oor of the Home during the delivery of the speech. and when the nix o'clock recon: u-rived ` hocou nmlnkod the hou.goutlemm on hi: pn- ` uentatuon tb the-House. "Fl... -9.-.Iyi-up lnnhn-n nl u: Rndonl. uf 1 Ienution tb the-House. The striking In-nture of the Budget, ul course, in that than nre to be no chang-s in the um. All those trips of depuunonn of lumber man. millers, imu men, mrnnnfucturorn, etc... have been for naught no In us today`: \ll.to-l'IIlI(`I by the Finance Minister go tn shun. To m-no of these do-uutntiomdut `hu- Gnu-rmuam Ihow any indicutmu of u|ter.m: the present. impacts. This WI lw of expo-cml um-re-at to the our miller: and lumber men. Thr h-rmcr wanted the duty on our incn-am-d from 50 cents I0 81 per bll`I`81aIIdl|\8ll|llllw|` men wanted the export duty of Si pa-r thou- nnd on uwlogu reduced or removed alw- crnher. Th. Mimqnr nl Finnnec nvo THE _1>0mN{1o_N FINANCES.` \u change: In Ila-. `hr-Il-Thc unusual ' .Deb--Pncrnn of-the Io-lllon-Mr Ijclnnl (`nu-Ivrrlxhlk (`rI_tl-has ()'rnwA. Maucln 5.-.-Hon. G. 1'1. Foster, Minister n( Finance. doliwred `his iunuaunl Budget :1-H-ch this dwrnoon uadthis nvenimr. Ha spoke fur nurl four hours. T|n- ullc-riot cmwdul an tho-re good unend- nnnn nf I||lIl||I|uI'ul XII` wlll ilmkli V.I" `Hon. 0. e; FOSTER MAKES ms nnsr euocew spsscn. g use louovlua eucgunucu. _un I u In which were hand mnplv on unouuo '. .Tilhn1i"-v2doI-D018, , the iuonun nu u may uncut hr Anna; _ *-.........n' '....m* '" ':r'.:: ._A .-_-l. \. % I 710192: 373..')l3 I nsum - noun '5 man :.m.osu -:__-----I- _.j-:_: . I 7.211. ._ A1.,._ , A .3 tmrot I.:m.m nun ..Il.l\`I0.lS T733 l.027.0Il 3J3-5.3 iv V V V V V 7 V V V 7' T42: Toll! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l The manhunt IOI luloro the Homtomounl to O8&4N.& and ulna uuuplomonuriu would uuttnchsnoindinclyluigla an-, no shut .J..n.A.l-mnulnlllr II` H OH"! ' nklon .m XI Ill l0I"I IIIU 0-I Uuuu t pmi Iuvndo-rod mun um time now on cdntu comocccc to Inch bu` way in tho Iurkvhol the votld. It had alnn ban the policy at tho Govcnmcnl to cxund undo rclnnom with other countmc. bulil tlnccommyuo the combo! us would uctdccl In: Mr lino. it run Canada : duly `hon wcnngn-uccuuyin South Anod- y to Ind with ac, than an an op- ing to: pcmuncm and [scalable tndc win was India. and 8:: Gm-ctnmcldl touciu in no vclopmcnl uni: uic byjnntilacuth 5 cuhdd on would nth npnd communication puci To the and .1 u were Ginuaud Jucmudcur nth ' .... -`.3 :2: Government lml wuni-ad It has 3115 with 3 sub-klv In 1 line of neonate nlnady nuboi- at 3 and 3} pa cam. Inureal. The whole transaction ahoved that the aur- plua had coat for the you rather lo-sa than 4 on oz-IIL. or luaa than a temporary loan would havlouat. .,'l`ha laat bout 0! the Finance Miniatar'a ` Ii waa devout! to Ih0Wil|` Ilsa prop-can l at Canada waa making. Dunn the pan , year bot oommoroo had pvoaruaad uavond (ha avarago. Uoropa won amallar. price: warn lugbot. Dlauulactuuinginduatrioa won in a In-allhy asah, havmg won-had ol than lama anrpllaaatooka Thorowaaa proapecs at an adva-on ul wagon in the lawn nanafaolotioa. The alnppin; inbteau would In clad to hear tlanlonvuapnapact ol an iuonaao II lrolghla. Tbaqairlaol Ionian uado,- Io colundanl. wan davalupiuc in alnia country. In i878 tlna _ had daoidad man! In could not an noiuooiay with our aaiahhan we would build up a oonmonaol out man and than !_g0uIId"onhI0olIlN'|. and tho mild and ainoa (ha; an a In oonnaaoa bar drbv. one cent Ho non referred to the 'A.000.000 loan just Hosted in London and pointod out that :1. sun one of the mall luonblo loam ever nqzuu and. It not only nude I [rntilymg cc-mparr mu with uthet Cundun Iouun. but also wuh locus our-d in 1888 in the London market by otlm countries. There had boon Iun.e crui- ciun in the prod shout the amount uked for. wind: In ropnurlud an ucoauive. but -1: view 0! the hack that tolnponry Iouu would ...|...-i.. Inn. boon nauinvd fur work: an nble to calm the loan 0| :;1,wu.uw. The ntool uclnulao being Ill our [not the money In uchuuod to New Yotk and Wu than put into the hand: of tour Cumdmu hunks st the but rate tint oouid be ubtaim-cl or 1) pr cont. It had boon intended to X. change it back to London ghoul Jun. 1, the table: 0! uchnnn fur A series of your: show In that that vuuld be pruhubly protable. Abnormal condntiom. howuor. upset that calculation And It was louud that it would ban nag:-utnhle to exchange it to London. The money in now on dopuoit in Oanndisn banks at 3 sud 3} cunt. intonot. Th. whnln u-nnuction ol the (act that componry noun wounu oshorwi-0 have been roquinvd nu...` mu! m win-. also of the exceptionally have been requm-a Iur worn rrouneee end III view. eleo exceptionally evonhle condition of the money market, It. wee. Alter (rue cuneideretion. deemed advis- able take the loan 01 4,(XX).(XK). 'I"|.. nun! emhuue beinn \gu_|mp! up by tho an-ml Ink-0. the x-nn.n- lllrlru were not Ill clml-no of the `vderr .pmvou, the Go! an-non were not It the charge of the Fade-utiuu. In connoct_iun withwlnnu ccmpansun the following autemont of paw umuu nu ncconm. of tho crmmlidutz-d fund from July 1. 1867. l.oJune 30, 1888, would be interesting: Snbcidius to provinces . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 72,316.08 lnleroul on public dob: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147.381.6211 itdminial union of justice . . . . . . . . . .. 10,821.54`: nan-igmliou and ulmrnntlne . . . . . . . . 5.571.631 Millllu and defence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2l.85l.&`t'm Peullollliurics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.6ll.6SI3 Sula: lot: of uuvcrnora . . . . . ` . . . . . . . . . . 8.250.613 Assumed dobi: of provlncos. . . .. 108.172.1138 Iuuu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . .. ,..,,.-.--- The mdemption of dob: would lu-uw [lu- expendituro un to 81`. .,'.'H9,P`lSl. On ll..- oclner nude ho entimau-d I uurplun :1 $15,000,000 in the three yours] That 8ti,(Xl),000 would be plncv-d to the credit of the linking Mud and that than would ho a bnlnnco null on lmlm of loam now undo of C`3.5(X!.(XJO, mnkuna I total of 8l~l,5(X).W to aoat the capitol I'XDHlld|'.ul'l! ol 812,750,849 And being clnou on ,00l),000 fur unfon-soon ospihlexpoudituromatlut from now to 1892 than would, be believed, be not I dollu nddod to the public debt. Mm hear.` he believed that the country ought to gu ..n lots anon ol you: without incronmg ch. drbs cool. 11. ...-. ..I..-uul in tho mootmoo lmn um. In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41. m...'.rxuIv Iunau .... ............. .., ...... .. 108.324.9610 in 13321 .............. ......... .., 2:u,5s1.a5s1 From188Q to 1888 the Cnusdian Pacic! Railway Ind been oomplou-d_ and yr: the bnrdonuf tlm debt. up represented by the imonut clurgo Ins only increuod by 14' cents` per head between those yc-nu._ ` Ouunusrinn our debt with thnol the UniUed_ head between those ya-nu 1 Cuiupsrinirpur United Sum, while the oommrisom mule .with` n! VIQI to diucn-ditiuc the Canadian Government Iron In the euct that lhu.'Uniu9d Staten In-re in I now Ilvurnble position. the facts were` otherwise. Cunuuriaon could not fairly bel nude, becnuie the United sun: had nsuumed no debts of the provinces, [rue no subsidies to` pmvincua, pnid I very nllllll proportion of tho: coat uf Adminintntion of justice. the milit.i`s' Igu Imp! non-nl the unrio-. were clmmo `ederx ruuu . , . . . . . .7: . . . . . . . . . . . .. I372.'!79.8I7 If Uuladn had not out an the sour buia us NW Umtc-d Status shp would have mun-d : AlS`|III"`d debts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $l06.482.0l9 SUI-n'I1|i(!8. . . . ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 7`l.3I5.0`Z9 Internal un dob: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7U.(ll).0(I) Pam! -.-|.lI:\ri<-B . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. 5.lill.6`.I X~fnl.arIn:. ul guvvrlmm . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . `. .2.i().6|.`i Mililin nml defence` In . . . . . . . . . . . . . l0.9l5.Sl`. A-lminlalrnuon ufjusllce (I) . . . . . . . .. 5.410.771 lmnnlurnlion nd quumntiuo . . . . . . . . .'I.57l.63l T ._ Tom .. . . ..................... .. 8*. 7&.'.a.Tna Om net debt is but 823{53l.35.\`, so tint. It CIunda\ Ind set out. on the nine Imam ml the Cum-d Status [mun the first she wuuld not only |I.`\\'o- nu d-bt. today but she would lu.ve- I surplus _u[ $~H.0(X).000. Just so soon is this stulelneut went below the people: it. would ro-move a stock nmumvut. u! the uppum-nu of the (Sm-c-runmm who argued that the :UniteJ St.:m-.-I vccupie l a more nd\'mn.aue-ous pusiuuu than Cunnudal with I-aspect. to her debt. 'I`.......;.... ..-.....J tun kinds. ruhmLm\' null Cnimdu with to new uem. Tiixatiuii was of two kinds, mliiiitniy iiiinliiiitnry; for instance, hiindri-du Of thous- ands, if nut millions. in this country did nut use iiituxicatiiig liquor: or tobacco. The tux on these 3 man iniuht pay or nut. just as h- choue. An out of the total of $`_`.\`,000.0_00 taxation in 1838, QSJKXMXX) was paid on t.ln.~~ tan articles of luxury, the in\uluiit:ii_\' uxntioii was found to be only $3.88 per he-aid out of the total at 8.3 66 her head. Bui the per cu;-it.\ inude of rockuniiig was not ii fnlr -me and uversiiited the ninuunt of imp-.~i levied iipuii the poor uiiiii. Canada had \\`Il|iIll hr-r ii\\`Il bniiiidaries the grenl. ample: l't`(]lI|f`d for this niistaiiniice ul her people-. A wt-ll~t.0-do iimn uf liixuri-ms Luau-. if he we-ii: to New York and there pnrclum.-d his furni~ turn, his inusiciil instruiiie-iiiui. 9tM.unr_\'_ plate, juvalry, \\'|lI8-95 silks, cuzriiiges. Cll'||l`l.~i, 1-i.c., upon 1 IlIUdt'Sl outt of hi` eutablisliiueiit iiiighi. ouily bn taxed 81700; but in they case of the fairiiier he grows IIIIIII. of tha iirticlvs of his fund, the uni iniiterinl for his clothiiig H grown or is hruiight in withuut tin, his farm in`: Iniule-ineiitn iin- made in this cuunsrv, his iuol is luiiiid hero in inc-xliuuutihlo qiiniitities ; all the aunt slliipiezi it-qiiin-(I iue uiiuxed. The cue iii the nrtiun is similar. f`..n.A.'. n.nn|mr miturnl in] \'uiitiiL'its nlnood rec!-mu would do muclg to mute |l|'b"l0I' It. Wm: I-eluv-uoo to ag colndntium ol the debt the gures of net debt was: ' In um - ....... ..s umein In um. . The at the annular. Canada : peculxar natuul nduun.ugas placed the Lautiun n.u.~n. In-.~uI]y who-Ie It shall rest. upon the nun xi nmms. Tim cu-nunu n-turns showed thut onrthnd of thc- total nnporu for home consumption were (rm of duty and nlwzllnat nuirr than 200 uncle: at nw nmtutml came In duty [re-. The United States had duaing the pan 21 yr-nrs paid an nu-rage uf $3.64 per hand and the Average of Callbdl wan $l.'.'0 per hend has; thus in. that were Canndru tuumon u heavy II Ihntol the United Sun: the vmmd hnvc paid for cunwlm and excise Il8`.?.(l)0.000 more than the has paid. . -`I. mi. [Ilium m an on forever 3" hr Asked. the has paid. "In this thing to so on forever Are to to go on mcmuinx the debt and the -mount of uxnuuu nlu-n from the people 3" Cnnadn In no-day in I pmitiun to fairly answer the qucuimx. Taking Hm next three y-art, he estimated that bum-en now and July 1, I892, the cnpnul expenditures would Public orka . . . . ,. lluilwny Suhlldlen. Reduction u! the debt. humiulon lundl . . . . .. Ho Ihoucht slut this In: the lat rohollion on ndman that would In baud ol. non Ill ucnounrq u Ian 01 ooruinty about the your ll-`IL but the very luonblo omluui fut Ind: nu Iain condence in mnlunn the lollovlug ulouluuou. ch in- .-....... m which -imnlv on iaucuo rolling noclr. and he thought the Incyeu receipts would do much mate u|Hor st. Wm. rolnu-nan In I.I'u.~ coudntinu dc WUKUZ .8 1~r{i: BRITISH wma. \_\'l ~`)DN.ESDAY. 21.85! .6?) 6.6l l .6513 HIIVFH Q 5.Iil 1.613 .1.-`:71 JLII HPDOQ. IQCOIIIIOII D] I : ISOIII. Inn relunvvu uuonlmouuly, too and U. W. Sweecuun. Paul Stein, And Jamel Lane to join the deleptlon. PM towuhl lnuyentod an in turnout In this watt 5: will have no- thin nndonoln thwlr oort to uooompllnh the mmhto utanuhnol tho unto Pal- the un _ nu mor Rap 3:. A l)opnuu.Inn Apumnlo-d. A meeting of the ntopuyoru of Donbigh. Ablngor And Ashby {or naming delegate: to join the depuntlou to he sent from the townships slang tho propnud new route to unlicio I bonus from the provlncid and fodenl government: in aid of the proposed exlemlon. wu hold at Venunchor on Wed- nesday owning. Feb. 97th. U ward: of one-third of cltu-ooopoyou nun od. Pnul Scion, G. W. Swootuoll. Juno: lane. D. Youmsnn, E. Msrqmrrlt, E. O. Boboo. C Howsrth, A. \loF'nydon. A. Connolly, T. Haldny. J. G._ Knvnungh. A. Conan, T. Pntionoo, and Gen. Dawson, of Plovnn, ad dmud the mouth 1 lI_--I..sl-_- -Inn Inn numnv nun nnnnnrnnd I Reoolntlone changing every one concerned In working up the scheme we: unenimonely carried. end It III then moved by E. L. Bebee. seconded by P. Rose. and resolved ....-..a........|.. 9: mad (3 W.!-lvngetnnm. ! (`handler ('cun1:Ied. Mo.\`n.zAL, March 5.-~'l`hn cue sgnlnu , J.J. Chandler for auempbod murder of ` J. A. bhetold of LboC. I`. R. was conclud- ed to-ui hL,when the Jury brought. in O vordicl. 0] "Guilty of uhooting with intent. I In Iii" " - VITUIUI. U to kill." Iulcldo In (`antes-ulol. Nxw Youl. Mlrch 5.~-l-lobart. Mullnney, ouhier for the lithogruphinn rm of J uliun Bien & Co., comminod suicide today. He had just been plucod under nrrent for ombouling 870(1). Ill failure] II hull; R.|AmNu, Pm, March 5.--The Rudlqg Iron Works (`ompuny but failed, liubililiu heavy. The company did An immonu Imnimunn, uuuvy. buniueu. Three Governors 9! won Hrgluln. CIIARLI-2.\`T().V, W. \ n., March 5.-Uu. Goff And President Carr, of the Senna. ouch took the uni: of office an governor yel- tordny sud demsndod that Limurnor Wil` non give up the otce. Governor Wilson |doclmod to do I0. 6. Cleveland. Allornoyvulruw. Nlw Yuan, March 5.-Ex-I-`resident ` Clevolnnd will begin In-rk in this city an I member of the mm 0! llnngu, Stetson, Tracy I .\lc\'ou1h, at H \\ illiun-street, lomo time this week. Hus mune hu ulready been priuuadon the sign over the door. bur went cunt. und .-\usru_-:um_. , . l "l'houh mlr A`:-|am.uc service had been good Lnum pant. in. mm Hut :14 .'uod_ an u. might. be. nd the Gu\`vrn|m-uc \V.|~' mnsulunng -wan: to make u mum uwml wlunl tn the service run- ning to Nani Yuri` Flux W1-|u-r Cnudinf licy was that vm .I|uuH lpuk fin! to l.he~ ..m1jt_m'.. d.:\~.-lupnmn, and Ilvnnt po-ace with nthor cuuntnea. but at the same time no )|nqdiI|nufnls from witlumt or upeciuua plea! Iron: wnlnn would iudncr her tu hand over har . counuo-rcinl guvermm-ut In any union ouuidb of Carnda. g....1.:.... m cl... z.-u:muu u! Lha mm;lo_ aha I I O I ! exigeiicios. Sir Richard cuntiiiin-ii his nrrxiigiininnl. of the UoVQ'I l|ll\PnL and IN policv uutil ll.-ll ), wlioii he moved this aim-iidiiiem. to go into i-imply; Tlml. all iho words nfi--r " ilmL" lib niruck out and Him ii he rosoli I-d lhiil ` .\Ir. 3pl'&h"I` du not now leave Um vh_iir hiii ilml III [his present condition of un:-ina,nml in i-ii-.w of the rm-cvnl aciiuii of |_i-0 lluiiue uf Ile- prenciilulves 0! ihv [nixed Si.-ii s. it is l!XDL`(0lIL lhxil .|l'[!s slimild b~ lukcii to agmruun on wimx 1.-run mil cum! iiiins RI`: The estimated oxpondnuto Ind been $7,!!!).- 000|lId *0AOtCl upenditure83ti.7l8.~I`.H,|o-u- in; a dilerenco of 331,503 to the good, an that the usual dulcit In unly IBIQOSI m place of the million dollars animated. It must be none-bend. hovnet thou n time can tlnadash lhuohd `neon 3960 in amkinz lund @377. no thnif we had not thus at I DO debt thou would be 3 nun-Iun of 81.l39.0iB. ooml of expenditure won an lnllnnn 2 of It-0 nuuue 1:! ma- shuns. expedient nuns ur- l`an1-lneI|lu(-nu be c-ll--rn-d will: the Unllml Status for l.|mpur1)osv nl sut`urinu rulland un- I roxlrlctcd f(`cipr41(`il)' uf 1:-mic umuwllh. Hun. C. H. Tuppe-r muxed thv nduummem. of the debug-. Thv llnuse udjuurnrd at 11.45 until Thursday uflrrnuvu. and lg-nnorrmv being Ash \\ edm-sdny Llu-re ml! he nhsittiug I: in exnecu-d that nucwntlmtamling thu being Ash \\ e(Im-sdn_v more will no nusuung It e-xpected In-cwltlmulndilng st.aLvIn-nt of Hm Finance .\lInmu-r the-re will ; be a law lninur nlterntiun-s in the Larnli. And Ihelr llghly Iunorous Demand to: Intern-Ilol. PHILADELNIIA, March 4. -Purnell branch I of the Irish Nstionsl League will ihis week submit to President Harrison and Secretary country. Blsine a resolution adopted lay it yesterdsy, and which will be sent to every brunch in ` the United States, urging joint. sctinn by Congress requiring the State Department to ilemund of the English l-uvernment {I state` mum of how fur it has curried on its spy system, military and otherwise, in this The action is based on the testi- mony of LeCuron before the Parnell Com-, mission. ,_The resolution alleges that spies V OI neutron uewrc un: x mu-=u \,-nu-I f mission. .T,he alleges spies " pnid by Great Britain are now em iloyecl in ; the government departments mm in the i United States nrmy, which is equivalent to ; zuleclnrntion of war. It ndviseh n demand ; upon England for the names Ind sliuen of \ all its Ipiu in this country. I COIII IQIII. C-uoccxs1n..Mua.,.\luch 5. --TheIchoon- er Wm. H. Toys was seized on Friday at Beaver Harbor, N.B.. for alleged violation of the custom: Inn. A ne of S400 wu imposed and paid bafon the nasal Wu released. Cnpuin Rowe denies that he 1 law, was unuggling or otherwise violating the . Fire: II Inc Ilnln ALTONA, Pa., arch 5. --.\'l.u>k'n .\lounuin ('ity Thenre Wu burned this morning by an incendiary, Ion 875.000. Mmvwu-nl H, Minn. Mnrch :1 The Illa: Io Ahdlu-ale. _ Loxbus, March 5 ~ A liclgrule dcspuch says there is the lugncst milmrity tor suiting that King Milan will Abdicate in invor of hi: son on Wealnc-.-lay, the nnui\'er~ ury of his being proclaimed King, And that M. Rialich will be up intul Regent. lot the whole time nf his son a minority. of Sponkimr 0| thv e.1x:n,nu the pnuplo. H30 -'Finance A\l|lliIt8l cuuu:-nlrd the taxes mu] {by any people was the gamway lluuuxh which Nagy paged Lo prog`reg,;..,,,1,g,,vu(na an indicutiuu hf tlneirmhmnconnelnt and mmnnul prosperity. I Mr. Fuuu-r. in concIus5|I. said that many Ifeputngiunu had visited (Mlaim during the I few wee-ks [art the purpose of securing -Imngu in the uri. 7 Tim ',LIlus of many of them were nWxT.'13m the _ wernnneut. nfzur due cousixh-ration. had decided to cmmnuc on Hie line of the exiuung turl l'rII||{0lllt`l|L If there in any re-ndjuuuneut It WI not be nig- Iiicunt nor of an lll||KJl`U|"'- Cl|=|fi|CN`f. u.. I.v;..I.....I r`....-nu.-iuhm fullmved. He said the nicunt of nuporlnlll C||=irucN'r. A Sn` Richard Curuvrigllt fullmved. He said protective system is wrong in this respect. Ihnt she burden of lnxnuon is buruehy the Ilnsssu. Mr. Foster lnboru under a dnluliun when he say; the taxutiun borne by the Cana- dian wurltinkmnn in lower than the tuxatiunn paid by the Briuuh workix mun. Ex cine duty in England is nixher than \ in Canada, but the poor man l.l.-r-rn in not. oblnzed to indulge in luxuries. Tnxatmn `l in Cnnula on the wh/)h= Is600per cum. higher than In l'Inulnnd. A hnzh Larn is not m-ces.~mr- ily the onlv highway to national prugrea-Is._ nnzimninar Sir Richard endorsed the pro ily the onlv lnghwny numnu prugresx._ Continuing Sir Richard pro- posal ol [Llu-Guvernmc-M to extund It foreinzn , trade n-lath ll. l)-.ulrn: vnth t}lno=i1~.-.Ji|1:Avn~ cial relzmms with the Canadian Pacific = Rmlwny he langlu-d at Llm Finance .\liuiIl.(~r'a l mode of lmukkeepmg nn nunlmuz tlw slmwing lac-luul. 'I`ln~.se accounts had been liberally "cooked" to null . lh-1 purptm-, If not in :1 framlulent way then to sun: party I exigencies. pl Total . . . . . . . . ` . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . .. Railroad subtitles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Redemption ddobt......... ...... .. 'l`ouleupltnlncouunI....... ....... .. The not dob: union Iollavn: Jul: 1. I887 ...... ................ .. mconumry, Ion wo.uw. Ml.\`.VlAl'0l.ls, Minn, Much 5.-The rendering And glue factory ul lhv: Mumeuou Trmnsfcr Packing (`ompamy was bunu-J this morning. loss $65,000. nu-1| hv line I nu-I-mil l`i0"'!'lI|IIfl|I- I 0'01! 3,, ,u,l',|,,., .4 ,,,;...\- ..f.uur cuuop n`mll.-s found m alk._.t in H... _~..uuu`lr.-i . TIM (1(IH`l`l)lD`0l| 1` `la, P,-`.1... -,.(| My gun and fur lllv ewmbhslll Inc-ut. oh: direct. lima uf an-annslnips b'\" 1 west and ;\u1s*!'=|"i`- I -n.......|. ...... .n|,mm- Ind abod ` \ llnolnn-t-rinl (`-0"`l1IlI|!'lIf. T04! .- -....'.n.... ..4 ........v ..I.mn Cuuull nulls THE FUNNY FENIANS. I H nnlmv uunl ll.-I5. ill Ina ll|ll|II, Inculuu Iuoooding or Idling. A O. `I . I. FOIPYUOII Illlln Wnmoon, Jlu-oh 6.-The Grand Trunk l Ion-ybon Tnndl, which Inc has lying at the dock for none t|ma.wu dhoovond to ho on lira last night about II o'dook. Now could in done to an but ud also bu to the tour`: odgo. The Ions in 815,000. Alumni}. On In lnnnrnd. Th: Trunk Ina nnl ` tome Vlwruuugu. LII not I Qlmvuu. ' thouglltoln In-and. TIM Trunk In: no! I ha in commission for Ionotlmopnnf ilxnnd Tmnkhrllgboutqlngto g The Ill: el Ielleml Ienbund. BERLIN. March 5.-'l`he leteet news from The Hague is that the death of the King 01 1 Holland is imminent. There ere ecute ` eyniptomu of blood poisoning. The King in experiencing terrible Iulfering end whet ceeeetiun from pein in obteineil is due to the nee of morphle. It in sieved that liiemerok fevore joining Alsace-borrsine with xen- bourg on the deeth of the King of Ho d, melting the Duke of Neeeau King. A fnuie en the rem Ieliln. Pnus. lurch 6.--'l`he eudden kieeth d M. Deuiert Rooherenu oeueed I temporery peuic on the bouruto-day. Stocks beyond the ephere of copper Ipeculetion remained un- . nnekeu. To-nerrov, it in umleqtood. will be big with fete for the copper eyndleete, the negotiations (or ell errengenent with .n n... mines. inoiudiu Ainerlnna. `nun. the nogomuona tor urangonout mun all the minus, lnolncng America. nally nnnnnmilnl or ldlinn. Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. US$11.89! Or, mu wulun n mark. my I38..')00.0ll). The up:-ndnuro vouli umunt. he ccumnod, to about dlll. louint A wohlblo unr- plun ol Cl, NIL This Ind not Anna from any mcnav suction but showed an in- cu-ued ability to oououne and mcnuod prun- tunpiti in tho II-nu-V.

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