Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Mar 1889, p. 8

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oquu Io norm: in ms: nqnoi II II urlnoro -'*..*-.'.:.-.:*.-.:;..v."-.:*~.m *2: one ol 9 but in the world, and now some uvuurooy oonou qnsxlr. can-`. may; 51.1? ._......__....` __ .Southw:t to him ILA5 uuu uulunpolull IIOIOI Keeper ll]! [19 Wily thank the Scott not for having the beat cur- ringe and best carriage team in his township. as he sold more liquor than before the time of the act. sud hut no license to pny. A speaker at n temperance meeting not long ago ntlirmed thu all the crime, poverty, in- sanity and disuse were the direct result of the liquor trntlic. The inquiry was then mule if the ssloon goes will the prinon,poor~ honu,- asylum and 'tol go with it E` This inquisitive indivi unl was promptly muscle to understand thot none of that openl- er`s lll(ll(`nL'Q were allowed to talk back." Hin whole oration Ctwlllleli of putting or- gumt-nts into the mouth of an imaginary op- pm-cut. |nd`tlIeu triutnphnutly vnnquishing them. Having again mule specic refer- ence: to crime. the some inqnirer produces the criminal atatistim of the United States, which showed thnt of `2,I8l mnrleru com- mitted in thnt country in I888 some HF. were true:-Able In liquor, And that 210 were the result of jeulousy in those whom t-`ml hul joined together in the holy stste of uutrinmny. hut fncts were of no uvtil in the praentzeolthesliibbolethtzf prohibition. Lit the progress will, however, be made till the tenuperunue party discover and fully realize tlnt the only uniod_v is some years of tem- pernnce education followed by n general pru- hihitor luv coupled with I provision for coinpensntory ilnmnceo. '1 his is the onlv legislative unsure to-Ihich no one could renoozuhly object. The otlucotion of public sentiment in no doubt A slow and diicult tank. but it is the only solid basis on which tones: the hope for the End suppression of the liquor tratlic.--Yourn. eu:.. W. " lJvnrooI.lrohll-J W (3ouo-WhltculOolotol:7I0tl U. rnoouEE"b'oii3aiI5i"FuLn. 1 Ilagalnng-Q.-.n...tVI..-... IN_.n.- 1.1, IV! UH) . The fine: collected from the illicit denlora. u acknowledged by the Scott not party. will nut meet the expenses of enforcing the act, while the ratepayers must make up the amount formerly obtained from licenueu. Ono ouupokoa hotel keeper he for hnvinu lhl hunt ngr. JOSEPH FRANKLIN, :Al\AD Ilnhl D_'...... GL....A uuuu rusu wt slneeu yearrueloro the ad- vent of the Scott set we never saw liquor except in 3 hotel. Nor is it s rood locking in good inuences. for in thst distnnoe no tiv-e churches. Indeed, at a ten meeting re- cently in one of these churches whiskey was as plentiful outside as od tes snd coffee were inside. We have nuwn boys to have A _c.-onstuu supply of it. who under the license system could not have obtained it under any circumstances. Nor were the Kingston merchsnts then us now obliged to have A supply bottled ready for esch mar ket day. 1`l`|A Run: nnllnnt-A I-am ck . :lI:..;o .J--l-... IICCVII V: N 'l`lw':e in no queation but that more liquor has been conaumeql in the county. and more people have used it during the time the Scott act ha been in force than in any similar preceding period. Driving from Kingston Int fall. a distance of fifteen miles, we overtook at ditferent times nix market wuggona. and everyone of them had liquor, whixh was generously obrod, and. tell it not` to the acoern, some of them were Scott act supporters. But it is no greater in- consistency than that of a Kingston gentle- man, now working earnestly for the Scot`! not. who, a few years ago, worked just as earnestly to form a syndicate of farmers for the purpose of undertaking malting on a large scale in this city. Tm .elling on this same road for sixteen years fore the ad- mm of llu-. ~ntt. An! m. ..-...... .._ |:........ reuwmperwg. With I'egur1l to Leipzig, it has a popula tion of 170,000 inlmhit.-Lute and is situated on a level plane. It is the centre of the German book trade, the sea`, of the su~ preme court of the empire and one of the oldest universities in Europe and is one of the most important commercial towns in (lermany. It is also noted irr its grtat (markets. three of `which are held every year and are attended by thouirands from all parts of the world. During these seasons merchants (lock in to Lei zig from all sec~ tions of the country am erect booths on every available spot in the city lillxl when these. are illuminated in the evening by numerous lamps, and the varied assortments of goods-displayed to the best advantage to the admiring gaze of the crowds, it forms a win, weird scene that has a strange fascination for the beholder especially if he be a str nger to the customs and language of the co ntry. Tim (`itv inuwlf in aliviulmi inrn he-n nun-ha "IVIIIIJ *1. noun numnu. `Iota-aux. Inch IL-1! noon. nuns. Alin nIr`I. The Node of Procedure Impra|etleahIe-- Iloro Liquor consumed Than Either- to+'l"ho lhluota Derived by Kingston lerehanta-An lnqulaltlve Qnaatlon Qnaahed. ` Kl.\`:.~."l\):4, March l2.-(J'o the Editcr): Conceding to the Scott act party the best intentions, and admiring the disinterested devotion of some of the leaders. we rml maintain that theirs is a niistalton belie . that thelrmode of procedure is impracticable and that the interests of society would be befier served by regulating the liquor traliic than by attempting its total anppreaaion by legal measures. Dr. Fairburu aaya: While religion, morality and temperance are lowered and made coarse hy having their discipline incorporated in the criminal law, the law itself is weakened and made ollen- sive hy being made to invade the realm mzule sacred to conscience and to God." The Scott act has rovod itself ineectual as a means of prohiliitiou or restraining the` use of liquor. or even as a source. of revenue. it has, however, been etoacioua in lav-break~ in_ deceptinmlowa ring the moral tone of so~ cie , stirring u strife and illfeeling. things that have a ways attended and must forever attend the creation of oifences in lnwyrhicli are not so in conec.-ien``6Z" It has also had 5 depreciating eliect on property. which the state encouraged and taxed heavily. 'l`ln-m in nn nnnaiinn hue that -5...... II........ Muswixas _oi= THE scoTT ACT PARTY ARE SET FORTH. IJETTER TEEHE `EDIT(T. EOQMERCIAL _MATTR. look At IIII. _ .|:__., n.n LII I310 .'!lI.. it A Ito--.-Ito-I nf|tho \\'under(uI Things View- eat In the Great Musical Centrss-Smno )l;s|nil|m-nt. Pumtlnxs-- the severity in! this Customs Laws In Austria. \'u::(.\'A. Austria, Feb. I4.--0ur month's- visit to Leipzig, will always remain fresh in our memory from the general kindness withwhich we were everywhere treated and especially by the Americans we`ha-l the pleasure of meeting. During our visit our time was chiey occupied in trying to master the Gehnan language, but we found that it would not be mastered on such , short notice and.ha\'e about concluded that Mark Twain in his sketch of'his trip to this country `was not far away when he said it would take a person thirty years to speak German; however. we have mastered` more than that one word (damit-with it) that he seemed to pride himself so much on V remembering. 'iLh I'n5r.'|r|l tn Lenin /iu it. has n nnnnln. 'TWO oocrons WHO ARE c'>NA TOUR OFSIGHT-S\EE|N_G. VISITING IN LEIPZIG. IUII llllll [I I ubwn all . hm r date 9 A. 1.. wucoclu, J. u. sumo. ls. H. Lyon, 11. Runyon. O. E. Fnnqulcr, 0. E. Murphy, '1'. P. Oonlool. Toronto: J. B. Woroor, C. A. Hooper. Nnponu; K. J. Donioon. H. Martin. Hamilton; A. C. Hyh. S._T. Auotin. J..C. lol . C. W. Iloodho. log- tnnnl - J \ II I-an nnI- . III A. 1. vuulvlul. lulvlliilo D. Wlfllf, C. Ian- tronl:J. W. A , Hsllfuzw. F. Under. Nov York; W. S. MAS]. Bollo- villo ; J. H. Croil. Aultnvlllo. . .. l.n1nLu&..J\'AIlIII Alplmtln, K, and in Iomtthing boner, Lhnn the more none! yuan ` hlloso h In My `1`l.u..ia::"u.. --' " " " " II "H II. I confess I am not sgron ndmircr oi the Kant and Hazel grnnd philosophy. and um fur from believing that the highut praise that can be bonowed'nn Dr. Watson is that he in the `greatest living oxyonont 0! their I l.hinL1k..l\Almn upizum, . something better. Lhnn thn -urn l|l:I.Zl.JDJlll IVII`, in upon: with Dr. Watson. `You don't know whn. I man you bu`: got at Queen`n,' being heartily glad Do be gblo to pruiuo him, uni this. too, though Dr. Wuhan`: phl|oIo- phical opinion: were the very nntipodsu of his mvu. 1-! ...._l... I -..- _-A - .._-_. -.I__:_-_ _x .|_, ll'0lll HIGH VIII` K0 y0ll, HIS] II` III-IUIIOQI C0 mulitv of the nrloun contlncntnl nanninnn," `tho PI-also Butowod Upon Dr. Watson of Quanta : Unlvorollv. J. Antiull Allen writes the Nail : I'herecnn bono doubt on tho rt of any Mr-minded and competent crit c tint. hr. Wuuon, of Queen`: univenity, in I clever, as very clever mu:-a man, too. of wide wd vnriod reading, who hu uoimilr ted whnt he hu_ read, and can rocnll it when the occasion demand:-u var dun stout man in argument in A dual of v to. you, U;:au.A1lAn,nnm uid.nunnAltr .n uran- inn nnnnt wiQI\ llr \\.'nlnnn `\'nn Ann`: nu: nun a plupclky H45 an ueeueu [0 (-'<-neral liuoth was untrue, for the rope-rty use held in trust for the aulc benefit of the n; my in general, and the property was an rolled in chancery in London, Eng. He thought the fact of the army having ac- quired hulfa million dollars worth of pro pcrty in Cemmlu I as sullicicnt proof in itself that the Booth family did not get it. for people would not give monev to Such an extent if they first were not uite euro that there was no fraud connoutec with the or ganization. Speaking to the charge made that all the good positions in Canada were held by lingliah oiliceru he said there were twenty-two divisional otlicea in Canada. and out of these eleven only were Englishmen. In the dominion of Canada there were 880 eld olliuera and only 3. ) of them English. It was not true that there was no place ro- vided for the aged and the aick, for t ey had a home where fty could be accommo- dated. and where the beat of doctora and nurses were provided. Mr. Sumner, the former War Ury editor, had forgottan how he had been to ice picked up by the Salva- tion army, nursed through aickneaa, hcw he had been helped along. and nally how the armv had to diapeme with hie aervicea. He did not think thia a fair return for all the kindnaae ahown to him. Arrlvua II we ununn AIIIHCII now- A. L. Wilcockn, J. H. Stowe. E. H. Lyons, H. Rnnnn. 0. E. Fnnnnlava 0. IE, Mn!-nlnv, From (`hmgon Brnuuht Agnlnnt It by tho Farmer Editor of the War Cry " Mnjpr Spooner. Salvntiun army, Montreal division, refutes the atnteynents ugaiqlt the \A'ol'kil)gs vi the army sent out from Toronto. M r. Spooucr mus glad to reply to the Calum- nics heznpetl upon the army by one of their Lute 0lll\.`t:l8, namely, A. Summer, former editor of the Wm Cry. The statement that the army's :0 er: ' us all deeded to l . 1 (it-meral lluulh wan nntnm lnr ll\n In-nnt.v-tn _____.,____.: `rho Hod! Arrlvuln. Azania an an nruhh Austrian noun; L L, \""a-nail J '1 Ron-A P H `nann- Illl IIIU I ll. '1`:-tschen is surrounded on all sides by hills. and for miles after we left there we travelled through a mountainous section of the country that stforded us many it View of some ne pieces of scenery. It wens not, however, until we reached the btanlts of the Elba again that we obtained not only an oc- cnsiomal view but one continual panorama that at one time strongly reminded us of sections from Old Missouri." and then again of certain parts of the Hudson river. We ran along one bank of the Elba for miles, and as we looked across the river we could see the hills piled one above the other in all imaginable shapes, and forms with a fresh coat of snow forming asplendid buck- uround for the numerous small evergreen trn's' |'k\'tt."(`|i over their surface, and here mid there the d ry, brown leaves of some hirrh tree, lending their color to add to the lmrluly and attractiveness of the picture, then we would catch B passing glimpse of some quiet snou` rind village situated, as if for protection, In-tween the two large bills, then aguin u hurried glance at some tine rnluntaiitiul lo:-l;ing ll()u.\(.' built against the side of the mountain, and looking fully caps- lilo of withstanding any storm, and so the views kept charming, the last one always seeming to be the beat, until we diverged from the river, when we unfortunately had to pass through the most monotonous and uninteresting sections of country we hsd yet seen. This, however, gave us an oppor tnnity to notice one or two thin s_. one of `.htn'Bein,; its number of turns t he railroad made within ll short distance. The Platse river runs a straight course in comparison with that road, so the sun within it half hour wouid shine on all sides of the our. '1 Q A 5-... .u of the original paintings by the old masters, such as l .aphael s .\ladonna," painted in 1515. representing the \_'irgin and child ir- thu dioxide, with two saints kneeling one at each side and two charubs looking uri from below ; The Tribute Money," by `MID: .\laiia Von Egypten" by Ribera and other or-h-hr.-.:e pictures. The Roman Catholic C-rllrt church is a magnicent edice, but in an ovalshs with esmsllervovshforming smnethingli ea second story and the are- pets ornpper part of the rst bu ding adorned with between sixty and seventy statues of dierent saints. The tower is fully 280 feet highdand -is itself a line piece of work. The theatre is another magnicent structure and covers an area of 5,500 square yards, but we had not time to visit the interior of it or the palace with its green vault which is said to contain such` a valu- able collection of jewels, trinkets, etc. Leaving Dresden the same evening we again started on our way towards Vienna only to nd on our arrival. about midnight, at Teta- clren that we had to remain there until the morning ; however, later on we were well pleased with the delay, as it gave us the opportunity of viewing some of the finest stenery we had seen on this side of the pond. Tetschcu is on the Austrian frontier, so our lmggagc had to bo e.\'amined again, and although I am It firm believer in the henr-tits of protection, the disagreeable side of the question was forcibly impressed upon my mind that o.-venimg. In my vaiisel had about s half box of.cigars, and naturally thought` s. hroken package like that would` pass the custom house ollicials, but no, they took them out, examined them and informed me I would have to pay so much duty on them. Well, whether it was fromthe poor quzriitv of the cigars or not, I know not, but when l gured the amount out I found they were charging more than the cigars originally cost, so with'all my native modesty I reach- ed over to the box, helped myself to three or four. and told them to kee the balance. They looked rather su rise at first, but the advantage of n,t5L.mu esty striking them at last they smiled, espcqially when the chief told them to throw the cigars in the stove, and looked toward the one that had no lire in it. I`_.s.,. L-.. 2- _..__.-.._.l, I _._ .II _:J,, I _ SALVATION ARMY HE IS A GEAT MAN. THE BRITISH WHIG. TUESDA-Y. MARCH 12. (llllllly IJI (BC VITIUIII UOIIKIIICIIKCI PCDIIODI." We Id: laipdg on the morning of Feb. llth. and After ouvernl hourl tn-availing thro h 0 list and uninur-uting looking put. o the oonnuy arrived st Duoden when we runsinod the bclnnoo ol the day for the auto 0! today tho city. Di-den. the capital ol Saxony. ll Iitmtod on both huh ol the Elba, tho city being united by that non brld It but may ne buildings. And though tho city in not oqulto Berlin in that Impact It It hr more nlctunnnua sud lnhlntlnm Wu vhitul u DEFENDED no Ell . S. A.\'(.`l.l!| . ` H. l)u\\`.\'l.\`c: iuoztu uni: to lmlllfll :51! Inulu 0| norlul; I. o t o ' upon Hold ,' VII orlglnlllynrplqod by IlolboInohao- Doull. Funny lhnuponh landing sun. It in one of the ntronpit pm In the plny. numu run un ulc city, tn! nppmvu ol the cnuncl boin Iecurod. Ono grout Accommo- dnioh will the placing of A truck on On- tuio street. no that accent to the whorvcn oruluubu willboanoy dauomplhlimunt. ' '0 hall the chum: of mnnnamam. nu! um put: a IIIIIIIV-- vv Cll-'IIl-'. The galloping hone" dovloo In Hold I by tho Enemy" had the sum chat on tho ` public :1 I "catchy" air In I popular open. After the Gut. rforunnoo ovary boy In town tries to i an the sound of horns Inna`: nun ng-O Al Q-I-.n- FI.IJIg- 7` unuuwIIwsu>oroIIy u We the chsn of msnsgomont and wars are satised the business ability of the Folgsr Bms. will In such st to merit public nstrousns. um uenuer ox rolger nroe. wee eooepted. We underetend that the firm will epoedlly Jeovgenieethooeueere. Ferthetilnehelug the care will he run with two hornet. - Ultimately locomotion will be eccolil iehed by electricity. The movement of e are any eleo be changed and with it A reduction of terilf, poeelbly e three cent rate over oertein portion: of the line. There are eleo iudicetlone tht the line will changed In eome rte of the elty. the epprovel of _the cnuncl beinn eecm-ed. One nmnt Annnmmn. III l\Ill8I0IIlII|Iu There were nix tenders put in u follow: Folger Broe., 39.000; 15. Ueborne, 87.4%; Jemee Swift. $8,300; Welkem & Welkem. 88.000; Ueptein 1`. J. `Craig. 89,200. end Robert J. Uerlon. $9.U(X). The two letter wanted an arbitration to decide whet amount should be deducted for the damage by the collepeina of the oer mode. The tender of I-`olger Broe. eooepted. will Inoodllv They Ilnve l'ur-Jnued the street CI! I{nllwnu -lt Wlll be \\'eII Run. Lut evening the Itreet rnilwey syndicate dilpoeed of the plnnt u it stand: to Fol r Bron. for 89,000. There was much eat ac- tion expressed to duy when it became known that the eute rising citizene had eecnred theproperty. t we: felt that the road would be run in a manner thet would meet with the epprobntion end support of ell Kingetoninne. Thom were nit Mmlnn mu h. .. ..II----- more llllll ulu urine ouereu. A few years ago Messrs. Oleun and C. R. Rnnnou. Newhoro. purchased from Mona Armstrong. of Smith : Falls, A colt for 01%). In Kitley they Imtched it for 8125. Mr. Oleun took them to Wncartnwn And in A short time sold them to Charles Robinnomof New York ante. Mr. Robinson kept them over I year and then sold them to Jay Gould. New York. for 83,000. Mr. Gould in still in poueauiol of thin ne pnir of hornet. They can trot together in loan than ~ three minutes. quality vnrloul contlnonul penaiona." We loll lalndn on Ihn llnrnina nf I-`uh I`llI.. |'IIIHl. It is said that three Trentouiuns will tigure in IE unenvinble one It Cobourg naizea for wickedly Attempting to induce a father to brand his son: as inoenduriu, so an to clear the way for It certain merchun. whole premises were destroyed by tire. to enable him to recover his inuurunce. The father vulued the reputation of his tons more than the bribe oered. A 6`-.. ..--.... -.... u---__ t\I,_, ,_ J n n was Ill unuule nemre It reue\'Iue. Frank (.`hapma.n and Capt. Fitzgerlld. of Ogdeusllurg, have urchued the steamer John Rugee, of .\ilvr:ukee. for 890,0). The Rugee was builf last season for I syndi- (`ntv by the Milwaukee shipyard com ny. and rates A 1. Her capacity ia65,000 uuh. \\'.'l('dl. She will be commanded by Clpt. I"nz;,n-ruld. I. L. -_.:I .n_,. .L.,,, -r . - --I 1 IIHUCUE HITCH`. Constable Banks, of Kem ztville. writes that a lad named Page, an linglinh youth, who came from L Hotel Dieu, Kingston, stole I horse nml rig from '1 church shed in South .\Inunmiu and was arrested st K:-mph ville while 0fTering the outt for unit. Page was in trouble before at Relleville. I`.-gulp l`|m......... .....l I`--. l:I:.___.__|j -3 wavy I. IUU rrulcesa street. Iungawn. Sm! catm_ro42his:a1'.l.remnrknblc incidents. wnnclorla transactions occur every day, but it in only once in I while that you can get such extraordinsry good vulue in clothing 1 as now offered bv Lmnhen A \\`.luh Ila ` uucu exbruurulnlry 3000 value In clothing offered by Lumber: & Walsh, 110 Princess street. t~,........|.I_ n-_L_ _: L-,, ,.,,-n ~. xur nivmg tne liquor In ma ossessxnn. Ladies hulf, whole an quarter wigs. bangs. switches, hair chains. rings, made to order. Dress *nm1_n,1sn_tle mskin . Cannif corset, best ever mue, over `i\'ulsh & Stacey's, 105 Princess street. Kingston. Slld catutronhiea: remnrlmhla incident; Luwuump nS(`SSm('ll[ la :I.`.$.:I.'. . To-day Scott Mt constables seized beer ` and whiskey in the store of \V.- Mdlounell. Portsmouth. The Itorekeeper will be tried for having the liquor in his ossession. lAdim hm" whnln nn nun:-QAII main. uusuy news wltn ustereopucon. The township of Front of Leeds And Lansdowne is practi-wally free from debt, the ` only churge against it, other than on cur- ` rem account. in $220. The amount of the township assessment is 3933.. T2. Tn-dnv S.-nn 1|.-f l`l'\nIfA|I'~\I n:-m.I 1...... lac. In n. Mortals. D. W. Campbell gave an instructive en- tertainment in the Queen strtet Methodist church last evening on London. He showed many views with u stereopticon. tnwnnhin nf Frnnf nf I and: gml on any Dill) W000. luukinh bath towels, one And I unrtor yards in length, onl'y ~I.0c.; hlenche linen towels, one and one eighth yards long, only l5c. at R. McFanl`s. I] H l`.......|...n ,....... .... :__._._,.:_._ .,, uy we Iluel. Beiore leevln Leipzig our Freu re- queeted ue to wt to eornethinq in her ento- greph elbum. end you cen eee by the follow- ing that ehe looked well after our inner men as well ee treeling ue kindly in every wey poeeible. "To Frau Vogei. Our month`: vieit to Leipeiz. owing to . your rent hininae. will ever romein es an ..pu~ium~or `pelleioneihoch em thin end the Americen continent. It on be truly eeid oi you the! in am. of need you were like e ministering on I, elweye pre- sent. 6. e., when our eppet men. under your ioetering eere. had grown out of ell propor- tion: you were ever preeent with eome new and tempting dieh to enoourege them on theiroohle eouree. We leeve Leipzig with eorrow tehin . our trembling elomeohe with tie intoen nn nowh world, where we ieer, from their vieit to you. they ere ill-united to GU UQHUTC. There has Just nrrived at L wood yard, Ontario street, t of nwed or unsaved maple, of dry slab wood. l`...l.i.h hunk n-!A'n nu- . The-T. S. ' Henry stock of books, fwcy goods. and wall papers, Napanee, ha: been bought in and the business will be continued ` as before. TL--- L..- __.-L ___:..,,1 _. 7 1`! u an wmu you want In me me: nuts av their yard. The beat and handsoment 10c. crenonno ` ever shown in Kingston. New patterns in muslina, new curtain mnterinla at R. Me- Faul's. "l`L.. 'r e `um ,, _.-,I, r I - I lilllll-EU`! lu um noyzu 8611001 01 gunnery Wutertown proposes to put up I $50,000 city hall. Hon. 1:. I . Flower offers 82,000 towards the purchase of a suitable kite. Iirack & llnnth hnvn Mm hunt .I.|.. 5...: wwurus we purchase 01 suitable lute. Brock & Booth have the boat limbs. hard wood And dry blocks. You cqn got jun what you want in the fuel line at: their yard. The hast. nu.` |uuulunn1nnI- ln .....o.-.....- uruvnuru I. 100! 0] queen IIFOOB. Thpre Are nine oiceru and fnrty~four non- commiaaioned oicem and men taking long courage in the Royal achoaol of nronuaea to nut. un n ma om u. -I man H, In} rnnceaa IEIGOD. For dry oak and soft maple, soft wood and hnrd wood at lowest prices, (0 low .)rurford`n. foot. of Queen street. Thhrn Ara ninn nhxnrn nnr! in-on 6...... ....... |ur an l|.IH'|ll`[l0lI 0! {no N30 act. Don't forget it. Striped tweed: and worateda. 83 lo 84 for trousers, at Lambert & Walsh's, 110 Princess street. |1`..- than .\..I. _...l ant; .........I- ....l`g ___,l oi. nlsuuelw I. Chnir backs, apiushern, sideboard covers. D'0yley`a toilet covers, trny covers, ebc., very chanpmt R. McFnul,'a. 7 ' ` Yesterday Police Magistrate Mciiim ned I Mrs. James Smith, Sunbnry, 850 nud coats for an infraction of the Scott act. `inn ! fn-nut :9 Qo..:....l o........l_ _-.I W Ill` I70 IUUUCU. Piles of new dress materials, newest styles and coloj, from 6c. to 250.. at Bowen Ga Bisonetttfa. f`|...:..l.....I... __:-_L.._.. _:.1-|_..__.1 _____,,_ BUIHU OI IIIC Illrllly. Historically Leipzig is noted chit-tiy on account of the battle that was fought there in ISI3 between the forces of Napoleon numbering l50,0(l), and those of the com bined ermiee of Prussia, Austria, and Russia amounting to 300,000. The hettle raged for four days. and it is laid to be the must eenguinery end hotly contested battle on record, the French Ioememounting to 60,- 000. end that of the allies to over 5l..)00. Our friend, who in making as Ipeviul xturly of hietory at Leipzig, kindly took us over this old bottle eld end ex luined where the two nrmiee were etetione . where the fiercest ghting took place. besides pointing out the monument erected on the Ipot where Na- poleon etuod end from where he directed the movement: of his ermy. the road by which the French retreated on the evening of October 19th, together with the place where they oroeeed the river by the only enilehle brid , end by the premature de- etruqtlon of w ich thouunde of lives were loet and fully 25,000 0! their Army ceptured by the elliee. nlne-an Innvlna Igi-uh: mu uli`..-.." ..., mcrnul I. , ' ` W. '1`. `Gibbard, Nnpaneo, intends putting us new compound engine in the yacht Veapr this summer. A \\..:.l..... 5- -,,. an nun __.:n L- |,,_:|. IJIIB cu in mar. Abridge to cost $4,000 will be built at South Lake. Debentures to run nix yenrs wilt be issued. Hal... .4` ...._. .:.m.... ___a.A_:-|_ _-_.,,- The Spice ot Ever! DI! L"9-Wl|| N10 Pnbllo are Talking Abontq-Nothing Eo- cnpu the Attention of Thou Who on `Toma: Noun. - To mnko I long story short-mend ii; the editor of a newspaper. ` ' A horse belon ing to Bibby Bron, livery- mell. had to bias or yesterday. Maura. H. MoCuno and J. Jncluon leave for Denver, COL. tomorrow afternoon. Abell I Island, in the rivcr, has been bought by June: F. Hubbard for 02.300; ` The hnnrlnmnn-I int-Irnt mntnrinla in Hug uuugnu 0] June: r. l 1llDDIl'(l tor 71.3011.` humdpomul jacket material: .in tho city in black. light colors, and check: MR. MoFaul'I. ' ' I 'I` 1v:|-|.__.: \u............ :..;.._.|_ _._..s,,, PARAGRAPHSPICKED up `av our: ` "V BUSY REPORTERS. IN THE FOLGER'S HAVE IT. oporn Ilouu--wodu`odny. Oh-.II....l__ L_..._ll .I-_l.._ I- INGIDENTEOF THE` `1')Af ; J. Campbell`: , the boat nock , also the beat INC Will CUIEIVIIBU llellll (N 301118 lurnl. Leipzig is also one of the great musical centres of Europe, and this no doubt mostly accounts for the large Ame-ric`an an-l English colony located here. The Leipzig nrrhestrn, consisting of About tweny ve violins and some twentyve other instruments, is mini to be the lien in the world, and as we haul the pleasure of hemiug them play the mu sin to Shakeapeare'a_ "Mid nun-iner .\'iglnt's Dream" by Mendelssohn. lllut famous Wl5(l- ding march by the same author, and Ollie!` equally tine seleciionn, we hllll not the slightest reason to complain of the gemarul verdict, but will ever tum-xnln-r tin-.', wen- ing'| entertainment. Another great, treat that we indulged in every Sdlurlln) nit. r- noon was the singing at M. Nicholikirehe" by is choir of some thirty buys from the `Thomae Schula." To any that the sin,-gin ; Wu greed would not properly express it ; in fact it is something that must be heard to be fully appreciated. This church is crow -l ed when the boys sing, and the large nu dienoc during the singing will sit perfectly quiet, not daring to move for fear of lubing some of the hnrinnuy. lintnrirvnllr [pin-pin in nn`n.l ..|.l.... 1,... A ..:....I.7?..".'.'Xi ?:."i~'."c'n.:...a..... st Lyndhnnt. uuoucu that tho by-luv. `running some to tho Klnpton. 8uith n .......`! .".. .2I'_`..{`.'_"j .;;".`."_`3'. .".'E Folk lid 00%| nil ' I , . In tho J-7..up'3'x..a."-'3 1.3 . owno RIM` by a majority of 256. 3 II \.aU|II'5 Ill \IIIII'IU, ITIUWIIZIV \JI'\IUI' of onnton, upon: [at evening in the city. In I oonfonnoo with High Chief Ban r uulqllilllhiblliofdthtdtf.` 0 uoounolthoolniot all our Oltuiq 5 bus- Iyobd uljpnudul. `D K .L IIIIIICT UIIC IICW IFIIIKUT UV WIIIVII UIIHIWI of the bundiu: militia are admitted to nor- vico in the ilnperisl Iowa. He H tho ns oll'V(lIU'i mmmu-mmuvm ' _ I` \\'Hn|n `hp in-Ilnnfnlb n. III: UIIIXT WIIU - WIIIUKCIIK III IIIU IIUW KW. Mr. C. C. Whale, the inlpoctor of tho Iikih Court of Ontario, Indopoudat Onior 0 nrmlnl-L nnnnt Int nvnninu in IE3 nilv. Rev. l'rinci Gnu! Inn | lunar in the Mail in whic ho utrongly dinppnoveu at tho inoor don of the Jesuit: without oondomnlgj o nettle-Inch of their states IX-..s -9.--I-(L0 nl R-poi- in nu... -5- Oolltlelnlllll `II. XKKITIUIIW Ill llI'II' KT Lient. ortvrljht. of Barrio. in now At- Mohod to "A" battery, prop: himself under an new rognlmiau by whic oionn nf than Lnnulhn Inllith an ulnilhd In nr. The Pullee Itelded the Ilonee of Cathe- rlne 01!:-Ien Last Night. Catharine 0 Btjen. lth in appearance. etood in the polioe court och (hie mornin wiping her large red eyes (rimmed "with coail duet), with a handkerchief onoe white but now diecolonred. Her clothing wee even dirtier than her face. She wee charged with drnnlrenneee and with hee `n; a dieorderly houee. Thomas Smith, hr eman.andJarnee Mclwen, en `no wiper. were aleo taken. The woman ived on Montreal etreet and comp'einte have been freqnentol the die- turhancee canned in the honee the occupied. When the police ewooped down laet night the trio were glorionaly drunk and making ni ht hldeone. Catharine eeid ehe ween't in . but her oompanione eaid they were. She denied keeping a dieorderly honee and claimed that ehe did not eleep in the place. but in a nei hbour'e. The men eeid they were hailed y the creature and fteen nin- ntee afterward: were arreeted. If the home wee a disorderly one they were in it. The proving of the character of the hhuee will be made to-Inorrow. . 1 Pooplo Whoa Iovo-onto. sayings and Dollar Anne! Attaches. uxuuuu puwucr |u lucm, [HILL ll! iumu nu crust aml no hi.~wuit. Ti:'.s`L' of a late are large stone I-all-liu,;s ll`UlH fnur L. w\ vii stories high. dividccl intu lhts, Milli uuM`ll llmt representing one or inmo ulnclliings. UH: emrunce in, as a. rule, throu_L;h u largo p.-tau n,gm\'ny which leads into an inner Clufl, and is guarded by massive doors tint an: locked each night by the R161 at ten u"L-lock. an that anyone outager that hour without A key~.i:.1:oinpelxed to ring for Ilia porter and then to pay him some twenty pennies for his trouble. This style of houses sgrggiuly ;; ma appenranm nfytlwr town, hut generally surprises the stranger. especially if to American, when, after puss- inc A block of those lmnalaome large |ui|l- ings he suddenly finds himself gazing upon the well cultivated fields of farm. I ..-`n-:.. i. -I-.. ...... ..t .L... ..-..._. __...-:-,.I WIII IE PrUKuI- At the meeting of the citv property com- mittee there were present Aida Creeggan, Carson. and Poison. 'l'hc_v inspected the police station And proupunced it unlit for abitatinns by human beings The tire station was looked over with a View to ascertaining whether it would suit for police purposes. They consider it the station the police should occupy. It was agreed that the oices in the city building: were too small, and that the vaults were t large snongh,and were dangerous. At th request of Dr. Fowler the use of the city hall will be granted {see to the Ontario medial council for examination purposes. uuaou yuuturuly utlsruoon. xnero W!!! resent Alda. Gaekin. W. Robinson. J. iscovk, C. Robinson, W. Mtfammon. and Mnckleeton. Action in the case of Mra. Wilson, asking for !l.0(l) a: compensation for injuries received through a defective sidewalk. was deferred. The openinl of Sixth atreet was diacusaed,hut no action wan taken. S. F. Budgeman. of Godfrey, stated in a letter that his horse was frightened last eummer by the engine used by the men em- ployed in excavating for the waterworks ipee. Hia horse ran away and was injured. e claima Jamagen estimated at $33 70. Referred to the waterworks contractorr. The engineer submitted a report regarding the advisability of laying down on the prin cipalatreeta uphalt pavement. The report will be presented. .\t thn Innntinu of than nitv nrnruu-ru mm. Aalxlnr for Compensation .. (ho Police should Oceupy the Fire Hall. Meeting: of the streets and city property cmnmittees were held in the cit engineer : oce yesterday Afternoon. here were nrenent Aid; hnhin, \V Rnhingnn I part In mo service In All Stun! chur-.h. The Riahop of Lincoln hnd I ple an united and as devotioull as those aominim tare-.i over. They were in perfect accord with the service as conducted by the bishop, and only when the church associa- tion took up the cue introduced strife inao the service by getting outside parties to qualify as parishioners and then andegvoned to persecute the hiahop for doing that which his lawful people endorsed. Such conduct M r. Prime chnracterizoxl u Jo-oniIicA|." ulauvp Ill LIIICUID I18 PCTSEPUIIOH. Speaking of ritualistic ceremonies Mr. Prime said that five out of six of the dis- puted points were used in All Selma`, and the sixth. incense, would be used were there room for it. He is sstrong believer in IH helps of worship, but he does not obtrude his views upon those who are opposed to them. If he prenches in A low church he conforms with the sfatem of V\m:<`H'u :1`.- joyed by the Attendants. and he exprs same from those who worship or who 1-L. pert in the service in All Saints` clmr-.h. "ha `unhnn nf linnnln Iugd . -H...-`I- _- uuavu --nuns crervyulcll In r.lu{lau(l [or so- called ritualistic practices in connection with divine service at the churches. The bishops had been given power to consider all accusations made in their various dio- ceses. On the death of the late Archbisho Tait, and when the various bishops has been given power to euduire into these` cases. this church association ceased their" persecutions. Not finding any law `under which they could bring accusations of ritua- listic practices they had ferreted out the Public Warships act passed in l8?-L and so brought the Bishop of Lincoln up for trial under it. Some time ago, 4th Qeggmlger. 1887, the Rev, J. Weston Tom nroe. vicar of St. Peter at Gowts, `Lincoln, had his church consecrated by the bishop. the Archbishopo!(`anterbuiy being the preacher at a service held later in the same day. Detectives were present taking evidence in the interest of the church association. and legal roceedings were taken for alleged un lawfu practices. Seven charges were pre- ferred. This is the first time the law has been tested. Other priests were gaoled for contempt of court. They refused to recog- nize auy tribunal instituted by civil authori- ties. Mr. Prime looked on the trial of the Bishop of Lincoln as persecution. .\'nn.~ihinn nf rif||nl;a`in on!-Aswan-\:An \I.. u| rlunulluc ceremonies. ' This association some years ago perse- cuted various clerarymcn in Euglaml for ritualistiu lirllvtin-vi in nnnnn.-Hun nun unurcll or r.'nglu|d." Mr. Prime was found in the depository room in St. George : hull this morning. He said that A pledging service was held to-day. He then went into a lengthy review of the one that is being huurd before the, Arch- bishop of Canterbury and the llinho of London, Winchester, Oxford and Sslis ury. The Bishop of Lincoln `in being tried" for ritunlistic praotices, the same as are in` dulgetl in in All Stinks` church. It is known as the full maximum service of the Church of Euglanil. The trial is pcnsscd lay as church association that insists on the abolishment of ritualistic ceremonies. Thin unnm.i..o:`n.. .._....- ,7 ----u-,, uunuuuwu I Iervloa lll morning `of eommlmion and inter.-euion on behalf of the accused Bishop of Lincoln, that his cause may be upheld nguimt his poroocuvorl. And pence nnd quietness enabliahed to. the greater glory of God and tlno vindication of i the Church of England." Prima I'll fnnuul in Oh. J--....:s.u... Row. M}. i-raimfiu-II. mu Ila sympuunu-p With the Illuhop of Lincoln. Rev. F. Prime, incumbent of All Saint! church, coiductod I service this morning "of eommhninn ..mI :....... .....;.... .. :...n...I: IUI IIIIIJUH. The dwelling houses, not only in Lvipzig llllf. tllrnughout (lermuny, are of quite as llitlerent style from what tlwy are in (`un- mla. The old houses are tall llLl(lSl1l$llUW, built principally of brick uml covered with plush-r. lmving mlll_y clvm-ltrllclv-;l red Lilo roof-1, looki g for all the world l.ke nu uvcr craude-l Late!) of biscuits with tun much baking powder in them. that is vrusx! nml nn hie.-niv 'l`l:..u. 4.0` n l..n .- .I.n.. Pansumu. MENTION. A onsonosnu PJJE. `tho Q)-Luv Oauled. __ l___ AI":-1 a nu ENDORSED `IN-(E SERVICE. cnvnc coMM|r?Ess. uuvvuvu VVIVIIIIIUUIIIII Il&ILIn uf Hat:-gnnuuhr Clout. `H3. Hold hnlnn Ihnih I1nnI-. nnnn llghnu in-1 wi;..`;..:';a;t;1`:g_.g;_3-..;;_;...s't;:.., nhllllllf nnnnnnuunnu nals- Egan:-d.dolirend. I dun Inn on hand ihe ucranton coal at thohnput price. J. Parsons. cod and wood yud. foot. of Prin- coconut. Saving 31. 50. Prevou, us gho New York clothing store. given the choice of my punt pattern in his window for 83.50, undo to order. The ode are stripe: And chain. in Scubch t and Englinh wanted in Ilzi 115$ goods as North pot pair. 0| one Ink only. UI IIIU Uuuulry. The city itself is divided into two parts by wlmt some years ago formcal the line of ` fortications uround the old town, but which later on were removed and the place made into a splendid promenade. lined with numerous shade trees and interspucell here and there by handsome platz or uluntres, the finest one oi which is "Augustus l lcilz with the large museum building situated on the one side and the theatre on the other. A little further Along the promenade in the Alto Schloes" or castle, about the only remnant of the old fortilications. and noted chielly us the place where Luther hclul his meetings during the stormy days of the re formntion. 'I`l... .l......H2..... L A . . . ..- _.-. L. 2., I

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