ullvluli uu I Ur nmxnnXffI5mmT& oonunacum, .0 To RA'r'I'm1~`r:3U1=.~.Y,'s.r ` A loan In 5 llotol. \\':u.m'nu. N. \'n.. Mu-ch M.-Lat avenlng the grand hotel In: burngd. 1`,horo wt: a panic man; the gneau, and there wore may nu-mw ooonpu, There in no the department here. A nnmbor ol noon in tho third story won nucnod by lad an an be- lon the Inllp Ml. Several Iuon nmpod from tho third nory wlndmu, on wuro badly Injured. Six or bo'vcn India In the nl-mar nun-Ian hul thnir hair nn Iiullv nnnnnh. lly Ill]|II"(.l- ll Dr XVGII `ICIIX III "IO nape: norln Ind choir hclr so badly Ieomlr ` that tholr bond: will ban to be Ihuod. The In-no 0! License: Wlll In oppy]- And Ilouon For It. Gumcnsncn. Mu .. March M.-Roporto from Nnwlouudlnm lays the issue of lloonun to Amorlonn vessel: for tho purchuo of bait and other nocun outts will ho nfuud this anon. ad tut, mg gavu-nmgnt will coincido with the dominion varamant in its policy. The reuon one in that Amo- ricun vessel: lut noon violated the licences given them, sud innit, purelulod in Now- fbumlllndnvu sold to the French at St. Pierre. Finhormen who have noontly ro- turnod lrom Fortune nnql Pluoontlo ha I any the men are Already patrolling I 0 mm, god gvery port in utriolly gnudod. Cnmooc our he putchneti lor export under ICIOJIX) bond that lhay no In bo`ludod in American rtl. lpcnhl from sin . . no nigno lh"fo'i therltinh consul being required. An I-lngugenunt That Ind .\`ut Tulle Place ` outing For an Acuan. Al`(`Kl.A.\D, Much H.-Advicea jun re~ ceived (mm Samoa show that there was no basis for the Iennntinual rumor of an an Age ment between the United State: mun uywur Nipaic and the German Olga. Fur fnm this tno German olllcilla on the lllllld have eu- ziroly given up their nggreaaive policy. lhu proclamntion of mlfllrtl luv has been pub- licly withdrawn, and the Gormuaa have nbnndoued all clnim to the right of touch- inu the incoming vessels for contraband of var. Both the Itopa have met with the hearty approval of all iurei n reuiclenu at Apln, nnd have nguietinge cot. Unuuusl tranquility prevail: throughout the islsnd. Mntnfu. however. him I force of trou . estimated to bouix thouund Itron . I'll` Tnmiueuynrmy cousin: of about 7 men. The men of war, both in Gormuny and Amerion. null rernsin at Apiu ready for my emergency that may arise. He closed by bidding her I sorrowful good-bye an-l naked her In take her trouble. to Jsun. Knru has since munienl the (In-xgh MEI` of B reputedly wealthy medical man of '\\'omlatock. \\'han examined before the trim] he glve as one reason why he broke off the engagement with little Ulgn. to whom he lldll penned the poetical etfusion, that when he lwcume enuam-cl she wan amull of stature. He expected she would row, hut she dial not. and he vmul-I be .3 nmed of her upon the .~treet.. llr. Karu and his wile walked the streets of Wnllwrton during this aftrnoon.unl whun little 01;: met :1 em the Imlle on her face imlicated thut .3 42 Bruce luau menu buaincu. ruuuwlu nan eurm : I re: ly do not {or you an I uaod to. Huvo entirely ceam-(l to love you and would be pleuexl to see you in December oulyu I friend. I un sorry to hue to write this, kuowingul do that it will strike deeply intuyour poor hurt, but. Ulgn, I do not think I am to blmne, for you have failed to make yourself aulliciently ltu`ACll\'e to re- clnim my love, mud it would be only de- Ccptiun on my pal ! to keep them in the dunk." IJ _ .l___I |,, .-II- I -- mu cup Took Nor can to tho Conn` And Gut Justina Duwn Hero. \\'n.KII'r0N, Mnrch l3.--In the breach of promise cue, Niemier vs. Karn. mention- ed in yesterday`: dctpntches. the counsel put in &hodoohr`o lutkcm of whichlhs followiu ban extrnc "I ~ HIVO entirelv cemu-(I tn lnvn vnu and nnnl THE FISHERY INTERESTS. THE Mmasrens EXPhNSES ARE GO- ` ma AWAY up, up, up. THE 0031* or TOURING.` Wolllnxwn 8 . II` More to follow. ".8! IT WAS A FALSE ALARM. T|:lE FINAL LETTER. Ar: wuul-I U6 QBHIIIIIGH 0| . `nun In...` n..-. - uuuu \-uuuo an-,1 \\'u.o Poison : Norvillno in mud. Coun- 'pnud of the moat powerful pain uubdnlu; rum-dies known Norvillno cannot fail to give prompt mliof in rheumatism. nonrnlgzlq. cramps. pain in the back and side, And the host of pniulul nloutionn. intunul or 0:- tornul. arising from Inammatory action. A la. Inllmll bank of Nnrvlllnn will nivn We `rnlll PIC lffi ll 0' I` .r';`"m I 0 5 poflo I an; nmv? T: Nu!-vyh "Ii s."..;`<"....i";ii. :.....s."`.'ir,` u:|o::n nmody.o Try Norvmsu. hrp can is calm; trig! bonlu only I0 cum. CIIIIIIIUU 0| IIVI IIIIII. IIQ l0I' IOIIIO RIC running won Inn bun ad over the `gang rank. Ilisui nopggggnthu boon mu 3ToiIi iofvico} hinco t U}'n"n"d' Trunk`: notion. Solnuro by Ilto In-and Trunk. BRO(`I(\'ll.l.R. March lI.-At the instance of tho Gnnd Trunk A Ioixun ha been mule on nearly all the rolling uock of the B. & W. rnllwgy. 'lha Inter road In: not at boon nished batman here And Lyn. I inuwo of five miles. ad for uomo time running nn-an Inn: had: no-as-al tn:-r oh. Iirllll. II'lIll|' lrom unusmmwory Icllol. A 100. ample bottle of Norvlllno will give nnolont nroof of l nnnnrlorllv ova nvnrv PIANO RRPHR9 of all kinds on Fprikhts and Squares ex:-culcd M the VV-her l"M'lon`. oornor of Princess and Uordnn blroela. Kings mn. No mnru durable or wollmuud insmunent l1\(`anadnIlnnnlhou.!\l. \V|\`.UER UPIHHH1`. Modurnlu in price and uuexcellcd by any Cuna- diom inal runwnl uueuuen urn-new up AVI.IIl. Cuvnuun, Merch I-i.--Ker| Krieg. from Gerauny, loel hie wife eome time Iince end he: heen opping with e friend. Momley morning he did not come down to breekiut. end when celled wrote on A paper : "I em etruck dumb." He proceeded to write the perticuiere of e horrible dream, in which two impe oi Seten eat on each aide oi the I bed end choked him. The phyeiciene ere unable to relieve him or expieiu. r|uuI( pm ~ .1 lrentlllelll, (0 III IIIKQ`, uy lr. Bnlfv-.' , was npplnuded as the true secret, at Ll. th discovered. of the well governing of relnnd. But this very slay the heir clipping and similar practices were condemned In the house of common! by the minietry lteelf. Tlnt party, which, at the election, exceeded in in number-e by neerly 1,201. he: just rejected 3 conciliatory bill for the reforming of prison treetment. but it could only muster for the rejection 8 majority of 61!). Every me who we able to read the Iigne of the time: must clenly nee the way in which the preecnt struggle mun terminate. ' The Letter 0! Mr. G-nrlntuna to the I. b--rnl ` Ctudldnlc In Kennlnglon. L0,~'lm.\', March H.-In his letter to she (ilmlatuuiun candidate at Kenningtou .\lr. (i'mlst.one_ .-UN.-r referring to crime in Ire- land, says `in! until the hunt. few day: the rm And mznstnunt ulnninistrution of do rsdilu `T .1 treatment, to all alike, by R11 cw was governing the hnir nlinninn And nimilu nnooimn -am They Are Leaving Mllwankoo In Compa- nloo-'l`ho People: Are I-Ixoltod. l\ln.vru'xn, \\in., March l-I.~- The (`hin one are leaving Milwaukee. Yeoterdny four- teen Chimmeu left the city fur Chicago. ~ All the Chinese laundries on Walnut ntreet end vicinity hum lwen zslrtndone mil the (`hinunen yesterday remm-ml their posses- uinm under the protection of the police. They then repaired to Lung Sing! lnumlry. at TL ) Wulnut street. where they hml been Iheltered. and from thence ten of them form- ed as manure and marched to the St. l'nlll depot.:~aoorted by the policemen. Sum Ring Leo. the (`hineae nuboh, who sheltered about thirty (`hinesc in his down town resort. yes tertlny received at ll`Ul`l` of warning ll vi-.uI signed "\\>()!7 utrnng. `.200 ready tu wnrk." and w uneul him that he and his cnuntryim-,n had better get out nf the citv It once And not attempt to resume work here. The Chinese Sumlny schools. which have hul I rather checkered cnreer, seem to have re- ceived their death l.JluW by the recent reve- lutions. The Labor Representatives at the Capital Now I'm-ihlug I-`ur Loglalutlon. O1'r.n\'.\. March l3.- The knights of lnbor delegates had another innings to day. While Mr. \\'il.son, of l-Ilgin, vans introducing A bill in their interest in the house. they were shut up with Sir John Thompson, trying to make him solid fur the hill. The present demand for legialmn - 1 grows out of the re- cent ptooeelings n.. llumiltnn. Une of 1 gang of workmen \ ....~:ructing it bell tower there hecaune ol)uo\muu to his fellows, and they decided to qui' work while he (`on tinned to be employed. Three of them were indicted and wuvicted of vunspintvy. Dr. Wilson considers a law unjust which admits of such a prosecution, holduu v that men have A rfect right to refuse to do work for an ot er. no matter what is the re`\sou, always provided thtt they do no injury to his per son 0| property. Sir John Tlimnpaon liaten~ ed very sympathetically to the plaiut of the knights, and so far departed from the custom of ministers in replying to delegations as to romite that he would nuke tl study of Dr. \'daou`a bill. and would support it if he fotmrl it I fxir and just cue.` uua ululuuut. urine mnuenuil zmu llhlllllglll men are secretly dilcussing the Luaation of how they slndl co_utri\'-: to gut rid of the minister because he is nut paying pew rents, 01 how they shall lind one that will do that. an lppeul of alarm would arise to the ears of God. I have long been an zulvmzate of U3 free church system. I don`t believe men uuld own the church -it all. 1,! should be as free as the winds of heuveu." A Sharp OI-ltlclsm by `Bishop Huntington `--pIntInctlons Iletwoen Clones. Svluc rsl. N.\'., March 14 In an inter View yesterday Bishcp Huntington said : Commercial forces are pushing their wsy into the church. This is seen repputcclly in the election of vestrymen. Spirituality seems often no longer the test of the`chuIch's otcisl business success. High wciel posi- tion, shrewduess in tho conuliict of affairs. are coming to he considered the more impor- tent qualiticrstions for. n good Vestry msu or trustee. 1 do not refer to the episcopal church ulpne but to the churches in general. The mun poor in spirit hm. rich commercial- l_y is preferred in a church oilicer to the man poor in worldly goods though rich spiritual- ly. This cnmlnercinl tendency is Also 0lI\'iulll-l in pew renting. The rich occupy the choice places. while the poor must sit in the obscure out Jf the way corners. l`he church becomes it club house, and this amounts in c:Lscs_to an cxcliisiou of the poor. If the church seius to be merely a means of providing comfort uhle lll.'lllO8 for Sun-luy orsturs, and cosy seats for wealthy listeners. thc ew renting systcin might be ll success. Illut as the (`hulcll is for is cuminon snlvaition, of rich and pour u.like, no system that shins out the nmr or puts the rich into a fashionable. house with I saint's name at one end of the town, and the pour into is lure chapel by themselves at (_ c other end, mu cver bc A system that (lud will prosper. If it could be luiown openly in how mnuy parishes at this moment some iniluentisl zmd unumging secretlv discussing tlu- unnhtinn -tr THE CHINESE IN DISGRACE. SIGNS OF TH:TlMES- Struck Dumb by Night. .. ...p. ll-._;L In .__I l.'-: lH"H'l'H, l(|`I.\"l'.\' IT!` .(`0Ll.l`}(`TI'`. ). B0 and .\(`(`uunls ullemlt-:1 to xu-1-kl)` or or 4-rw l.'hI|rgl'.-IluV\'. I-`. USTLEIQ. Uollvgd Szroot. THE ACTIVE KNIGH TS- ausmsssm we CHURCH; ._A.-_J_j. l'n|n`(`uunuI Ito: .I-.._|. I'I--_1Il_- X- ... It In that tho Jesuit Rotate IIIII-Coluul 0'I!l'hI O Ilolols Ornwu. Much l4.-'l`horo I I N; row in the umnervnivo camp out t A0 rofunl of Col. 0'|h'iou. M P.. to withdnvo his motion on the Jotnlt nation. some of the men born want to 0 himbnt of the puny. sir John Mmdonld not the pronoun: mem- . but from the vino: of Ontuio yutoniny. Ho `unied t onuno ol sh? vornmc-nu an I MAD `nut A nnhnn DI`- -.-- 3. `unied ru uvul uw guuvuluu Ill lIIlIIflII,UIlUl1II". 0 the quaint but bar" In . `J. mm]: min . .n:.'::.'..n|.,a..:.. 33:. &"'...1x'.".1'l n?,'.".Ia3.'.'.'."'. ?:'.n.'. a'..}.'2' TZ.'I.'; IL ` A Vmln Dlnrlel Torrorlud - `Ito .Vum~ her of lbuutln Very Nnuormun. Slorx I"Al.I.%. DAL. March I4.--John Rndor, '0! De Lnperc township. report: A oonrlct kvor epidemic in tho: vicinity. Thorn won than lunernln uterdny. One family has his throo chi Iron and three other: no down. The community in terror- uriciou. No one known how many on sick. no the {unmet you untouched fear to venture now the nmioted. Fntnl remlu uo` known by noting ooinn onrriod to the come- tory. The oonncy ooinln hue done umb- ing to mm the contagion. pad the lchonh nu nill open. ~ we-guuu too we. Ina nulcneu mu lint. Brown looited I tiifle nervous. while .\1it chell curried himself condently. At the end of the third round Brown`: nose and lips were swollen bully. while Mitchell Wu npperently without s ecretch. From the fourth to the tenth round Brown pursued rushing tsctics, but no Iellin blots were struck. In the seventh Mitche l Ives throu ll heevily in I clinch end claimed .\ foul, smith wee not Allowed. Leter Mitchell knocked the eeilor down re tedly. He etru led to his feet but `me e no attempt to d and himself. Finelly Mitchell welked up to him And delivered e tetrio right header on the jet, knocking the eeilor eenseleu end win uing the fight. Mitchell nished without I lcrllch. It II In Ono-sided Alfhlr-0no Noted Pagi- III! Rllotlrd Scnulou. SAN FRA.-sclsm, .\lnrch I4.--l`he ght to n nish last night between Snilnr Brown, of New York. un-I young Mitchell, of Sun Frnuvisco, for SL500 and the lIl1l\lleWt*l).'lI! clmnpionship of the Pacic mast. resulted in n victor for the letter at the and of the `Ila: roum. The ght toult place at the rooms of the Uulden Gate athletic club. Rilly Jordan was chosen referee. Brown welghod 1.3.`) lbs. end Mitchell I50 Hrs. Bron-n lnntnnl I tnin non-nnn uhiln uh l'l um uuaulw mav no uewuteu. Frank Fnroy. I elexk in the employ of the Iiquidntnrs uf the Exchunge bank. is missing. He was sent with It vhmue on the Hulqtw ulu Peupie, payable to nearer, vndnraed for deposit tn the credit of the Exchange bank." The cheque I'll for 8800. `IxIu.'x':.\rii.-' dub n.A.\*k 1...} ;;.n7..: .me7 Shun vs. l)ucrs. so.-.1. Klu, nu;-plied hy HIuN- N_5\' Kll.(`Al`Ll:Y, nnmulaclururs. Basket 57.. luniraton. Um. r. x C u $3). umquust Ul um: place. The Protestant alliance) uf London has mlopced resolutions expressing sympathy with the Urang:-nnen in (`unndm The alliance will prny the nu ressive movements of the Jesuits may be de outed. I-3.-...|. I`...-...y - ..l...l. L. .|... -._._I-_. ,K CIIIIIUI I)!` Tl`-I(.'ne(l. Queen Victoria will shortly go to Sun Sebastian in pny an visit to the ceuiet,er_\' where lie the British soldier: who fell in the Peninsular war, resulting ir. the British conquest of that place. The Prom-nfnnt nllinnnna ..l lnmlnn I... uuny muuuulu H16 vensell wnen completed. A boiler explosion in reported from Mor- |ia' fuumlry. Pi'.tqhnrg. Iwo dead men hn\'o: been taken from the ruins, and the bodies of two more men, suppose to be deud, cannot be reached. f\........ \'i.o.._:_ _.:n _L-_.I._ -_ -, . CAIISIIIII pruleCl.Ol'Il-B. Lord Ueorge Hnmilton Announces that Australia hn prpmined 30 give 35{l)0 K inuuidly for Ken yeah toward: the guilt in of the prupoeecl new shins of var, nlao to fully maintain the vessel: when completed. exnloaion in mnortnd [mm Mm. IIIUIIIUII l$UUl'l*lIl)n. The I-Imin Bey relief expedition. under the lead;-rsliip of Mr. Peters, will start frnm Wadelni by I route burinu north~ ward. The expedition will .bo under an English protectorate. Lord Hnnrma Hnniiltnn nnnnuuuuu that Icuvcra nuns lurgerlf. Mayor (`larke intends going to Ottawa to Apply to the minister of militia for the transfer of the garrison common, used an n militia parade ground, tothe 'loronto er hilritinn a.suoci.~\tiun. Than Rlnin Ran: ralinf nvnanninn n-uh... I(`U In the trial of n will unit at Bruuels. an English handwriting expert, Mr. Nether olift, Cnusetl I sensation luv stating that he had proved to Mr. Parnell that the Pigott letters were fnrgeries. Mnvnr (`lnrlm intnmh rvninn on (tn...-. In pluueu III In connection Wlln acnool noun. John Daniels and his nun Joseph, farmers. Ilickeyville, Wis, qunrrelled on Tneadtv. The father stabbed the son. who will die. The father wu badly bruised and in conned lu'|)ed. In Hm h-inl nf . will ...:p ..o D........l. .. HUUSFI with alarm moms and extension kil- nheu heard and soft w-mar, with gnml smbllmz ; oonwuicut In Qua-en's Collugo ; inmwdhne ()3- acxsion. Anply on the pm.-vuincs l`.!.\L or at Yo. HI L'niun Street. between Go .01: and Alfred ` 319. I ANOTHER BROTAL E XHIBITION. urcu un lrlll In several cnuru. Hm report of Lord Tennyson`: serious ""i`HIt* is refuted by the nnnouncement!?in he hag beau out of dnnger for some time past. an is slowly progreasin . The nnmnsad dual luau: u Rnlimnrn nu! nuwrveaslou 0! ex rung nlllln. It has been decided to drop in the legiala- lure the proposed ameuclmeut to the II uni- cipul act granting power to municipalities to own and operate street railways. Arlnitratiouie now going on between the eulucatlou department and the principal Ontario publishers to x the pricea com~ plained of in connection with achool books. Jnlin llaninln an.l his gun ,`t\h1\k Inn..--. puss. nulu ls Ul0Wly progreasm . proposed duel betw ll Belinmrn Kovica, one nf the regents. and Miaokovics. chief of stulf, Belgrade. Wu prevented by the inwrceasiou of King Milan. Ir. hu hmm .l....;A...l m .1"... a.. 91.. |-..:-I- Dl('(lllIl'l' \ Urtllll. .\lr. Parley`: bill provida thnt after the ` let January. I890, telegraph. hole bone and electric companion shall not be at iberly to put. up wires above ground. \\'. J. Javua. .\`nnM-an Knnnn has ham. plll. up 'll'(`8 KDOVG ground. J. Joyce. Seneca, Kansu, has been convicted of selling Junaicn ginger in viola- tion of the prohibntory luv. The one hm: , been on trial in several courts. TI... .-......... ..c I _._.a '1` ....... .-v_ -A_: UUIUHIT3. Between forty and fifty crofter families. tel:-Neal under the stale aided scheme, will leave (llouuow for Halifax on April 3rd. per stounwr (`oreau. ' SCARL; %;VER EPIDEMIC. lull is nu ma urualueu N! A men: In JIIIV. John H. Erby, Chic 0, I! sold to Knupp Brown, of _)umhA. I116 nmouo pace! U Bet and running mate. re-curd` 2:07}, for S7.."nl?0. The French cahiuet. in order to avoid `the nppusitiqn of the Bouhsngists. have decided to almndoh the creo.ti(')n of a ministry of the colonies. l).......__. l:---__ _,,I pp. A. A \l|l IHIS HCKUU". V ` (Ben. Sherman`: son, Thomas Ewin . Jun hocumen member 0! the Society of esua, and is to be ordained priest in July. JOIIII Krhv (`hinnnrn Mun nnlzl On lfnunn In-.I-.'\'I-.\. Kim: Strm-I. Ill be sold at whole.-mle DriC(`s. IIUII. _ The imperial federation league is being urged to have lending statesmen visit Caus- da this season. I',.... L`I......_. _,,_ -N us - . The Ll-`tale Thlnp thatmbct Canadlane- ` lflauhee From Europe aad What They Portend-A Little ol Everything Rail]: Road and Remembered. Sixret-n torpedo boayta intended for the , (lermnu navy are now in course of cnnatruau ' lion. `TL- :__._,_: I 1 3 .- I AFFAIRS OF THE Wm. TELEGRAMS FROM THE tEARTH'S FOUR OURTERS GIVEN. NO. 6 -) we (Mir {awn m\'*rn::{ ui.ov|a:.4 all x?- IH-Il-I\ l'I\". Kim: .\`trm`t. Ill.) Saunplu pairs to Drives. house on Unturio 5'};-ue_t. Vneffr Unibn n7lWpt"-7 lif oocnpmt 15 MM lI6i'u1i.'n\m$1}'1l`6 3:1 .-rE.w\'. Wain at suuoy. A BRIPK DWlI`.LLl.\'G AND A STONE DWlI`.l..I.lNl}. wi.h orwithom furnaces and 1|" modern inlpruu-manta. Both are nvnrthe vor- uer of King and Wes! slroels. Anply to MAC- DU.\'.\'El.L & MUDIE. H{U.\l 1&1` .\uv. that good. aunsumntu Sm-.el. pour L _nion. M pro- 61`1`b1u'1Y 6! Uciitih. ADHIYLT) E. '1' iv One ALARKA SABLE (`.\l'lC. (`nuld nol bought elsewhere for loss than 820. Will be ollbrod to-Ilon-ow only for 312.!) II the TIHC -`HUI AV!) l|\\'l`l.|.l)c'U on King ulrout. on-uplvd In` John Henderson nu; -\ ` whnl-Mia liquor more. Apply I0 JUHN REEVEB`. Brock street. dry. with lone rvaltlem-0 and outbuildings. gxpply to WAl)DlNG'l`UN lH{()S.. Market uaro. 1'w1T\' .(`1u:.~' or ..K\'|n, aawinninfng` city. with stone rvaidem-o and outbuildings. ADDLV to IH{US.. no uIuu\:.V1..-\.\'n emu. (`A PIC. Kean! price at other stores . Can be got from us for I. -THE l"Rl'l'I` S'l`Ol{|sI on (he M-lrkvl >`qm\rc ` in the M.-asnnic Building. Apply to MRS. TOWN. up stairs. _,__._._.___ HOUSE. now ocmxplcd by J. Mills. (`urnor of Princess and l)i\'i.aion >'lrncla. from Many Isl. Apply at \\ n1q(Jlti.`.u. NU. I l`vUl4l $U_l(.\ E .\"l'Il I'.'I`."|'. Hut and Culd `\lIlCl` baths; sxx rum-ms: exit-nsi~m kin-lwn. Pu- lat Vluy. Apply to J H. .\h'lVl-.R. T SHOP KING .\"l`REE I`. with dwcllimk zbovo. near Market Square. Apply at 48 Earl Street. DEBTS, ll|C.\'T.~` .(`01.l.l*2("l`F Rooks md Accountsnlmmh-ll In w.-nl.-Ir nr nl nuns...- vnuv: Iv: cyano- Lowover If I bad man comet done will make lm cm) for the same pl-loo. . TIA! I` 3 l'\ I` I I "not"si~:"nl' w7X['uiT_ r}i:}iITEET union May 1st. Apply at \\'Hl(i 0I"l*`l(`E. 0l"l~`lCI\`.. ln;!_*ge. central. well fitted. Terms remsqnnalnle. Possession lnunodiaboly. Apply `Box." Wma. the summgxr. u SM ALL in a good [fans-I111 lam lodging. with lhrcv I- ior two Indira and u l; -; _ olce. LUlH\' Ir _\nIl .\ ml 41 good .~'l'l' 'A'I'IU.\ write MAY Ml{ul`llllta'. Nrn.sn:u\'mnc.\'. ltocmcs1'r:n..\'.Y.. us they are in want of honest ouul upri ht B<`.\'|l'Il!l1.l0 sullthoirvlmice and hardy varutlus of Nursery :`tock.uilher on salary or comnlisslon. 1\Iu.ny new nnd ml- nnble varieties to nffur. Wlllu at om-o for lcnms ; deluya um damn-roua. -:.:.....:.__.__.-_.__.__.. BARGAIN SERIES. -FROM I51` MAY. that good. substantial muse Street. near Union. uro- lI`lll'.'z:| l'lU'\ll ["41" years and girls llll(l\'l' I -1 Tmc sum` .`\\`l) l)\\`l oh King Ilrout. orcunlvd John Henderson BGYS AND GUN..- !I`ll1'S (`NHR FM` vmu-n and swirls IImI.~r mom hll[)l)l.P3v:F;l:?Vl) or /wmn. fur \.hcsIIn|Inur.ua`.\lAl.l. |-`l.`l{.\'lsllIClI HUL'a'E wood Irms-nut l1u*~c]il\ : or 20011 hoard und A aooi QC}; BvL}c}{Jiaaa. to order for $13 . __..-..__ ll- L-.l _.-_ ...._.... I___. _.n| _._|.- ` ' V U ONE DOOR BELOW C-[TY HOTEL FOR A CHOICE 101` OF SIDE!` 'I$-f|"fhm\ AACI A'i RIIHI T0 .Jum~.uA~`I-f }'\ ,' mun 1n:1.1\'IE? \\'A(}(:().\'. W. II`. BAKER. 12 Market :-'quau'u. A SlC()Nl)-HA.\'D \1I(`I((|*'()l'F:'T`7{;Td wurking order. J. H. l.. .\'t.. 5 | .m- Street. noon-`I-zu.-x iu..m1i..uI_1{u-cpmr ;r\<:f'u! ma Pembroke Station. App y to W. F. BAKER. NO. I I ~\ nlllr ha Kl a br;rg\ix| ulroug Wmu Omusu. A uuuu Cook. Ap ly tn MH ~`. P. Corner of King and nlun .~u~ ~18. THE DAILY W HIG. A FOR SALE QR. T0 RENT. -IJJJ3IJa l>i.u'ln:'rr~-A't the Hotel Dieu, March 12th. ` Mn. Mary Haoltect, wife of Johnston l Hpckett, aged 74 yegrl. l" The funeral will leave the Hotel Diveu to- mqrrow it 2:30 p.m. Friends and ne- quuintgnceu aro respectfully requested In attend. ' ' One 1.Am's- eu-:1` mcavrm (-0 .1'.An AN CUFFS. Ununl pl-Ioojll: vi 1 benold tomorrow for 06.75. ` `.. LOOK Ivritn M "75 600-!) t-(rbk. Ap 1} m .\fH < v.\ \i]~:ri0. Burner L ms. 9!E'3 {Continued from yesterday.) BARGAIIJNO; a I l'UI.VBUIIu LINDIRI received by` W. Nowlania. J:-'.. HIIQJ _SPECIAI.. MEN'I`1UN. V()L. LVIH. ll5Vl5".i'-":l'.'fl:. In Ivn\n Illlll n V 1' BARGEE No. 7._ One (I lllIC.\'L.-\.\' n SEAL (`A PIC. Roguhu price I). not BARGATE No.6. BARCAIN N6. 5. `l\|\lI|lnI i (`0l.BUl{.\'lC .\"l`|U'IE'| . Hut and culd mH\i~ nit rm-mq~ 1-\'Iun~xi-m kin-lum FUL.N11NGs. T REMINDERS. }".3 L.E; -WA.N_'.1`ED- DIED. .1. |"l.l{.\ ISHICU Hl)lJ5l`.' mliu K0011 1:--uns_ in privnto family, . -_\, apply by letter to 11113 130sTo1g,i}_:_"%'g1`A"AuTi__W-_ sroma, Tr .4 omu-.\7n:nr7. IbH\'. liars under lv I mu-u! not apply. `. AND nld . A Crllll In (`opp-o:-. Puuu, March l|.-La Buursr. I feuvcnt uuppom-rot the copper ring. admit: that the ccioin in nppnlling. and umounool that ull the mines have consumed .v.o stop their output for two monthl. The Star: In I lloal. Sr PAl'|.. Mu-ch I4.--()onernl Pnoongor Agsnt Fee as I the report of an lndinn mu- ncn at Ya lownonu lurk is untrue. and that such nplnoou Rut! eunke Croek.ln the park. does not exist. Ihe In Proetrnted by Oeerworl-She Wlll (Be Abroed Again.- Pnu.ur:u-nu. Pe., March H.--1\lnry Anderson arrived here lut evening and ut hereell under the oere of Dr. S. Weir A it- chell. She eeid that einoe her arrival in Weehlngton ahe~- hed been eulfering from nervoneneu, which. at timee, compelled her to give up All hope: of nppeerln on the etngc. end her head had iven or much trouble. Dr. Mitchell :15 her condition wee not serious. end we: undoubtedly due to overwork. Joeeph Andereon eeid hie ele- ter hee been trouhled with her heed since her weetern en gement. While there ehe begun to ehovr n gne of felling etrength. end it In thought at one time I e would have to cancel the remainder of her detee. M lee Anderenu bu devoted All her tlme, while off the etege. to reedlnn end reheerehlg her new piece bv Lord Tennyeon. The Cup," which she expecte to euge next eeeenn, end, her whole nervoue eyetern he: been ehettered by overetndy. Afoer the oloee of the eeeeon ehe will take e trip ebroed for the benet of her" health. Ul l.'IL'II' JUllrII("'. ` Lou` A.\`u:I.s.-, LIL, March H. - Two l atenmera nilml from San Diego to Elxuinln. and were loauled to the guard: with minor! and pl onpoclors. Gov. Torre: hn Ielegraph~ ed the Me-xicnn Iecretnry of wnr for Midi- tiontl troops. He in fonrful of bloodshed. nail the feeling betm.-an the Mexicnn And Amoriou miners over their ri ht: to certain gulchel hu no incrnuod t at n contiiot boom: curtain. Mexican troops on hurrying no the mine: from the city of Mexico. uuru Iuuuu Iu um DIIICUU pomneu out. I saw no indisations of the precious meal in the Itrmied rock of the locality. Whit gold has been found is on the tide hills, for [rum water euurua, und in laces Lhn cannot be reached by Human. 'lo sum up it may be laid that the Lower Californiu gold excita- vneut is a clululion and I fraud. It is pro- bnlxle thu 5,000 deluded and hupeful fortune hunters are now at, or on thmr way to, 1h. digqings. They have been rohlmd at the frnntier by Mexican cuatmn otlicialn. uwindlod at. utoppin place: along the way. and are sure to be usappointed at the end of their journey. Inn` A\'|:L`II-\' Lgl Mn:-nh I1 _ 'I`-n. Ths Won-ld`s" Corrospolident (`-|vos.Snmo at His Bnqulrlus Into It. .\`A\` lllmo. Cola , March I4 --'l`he New York ll?-Id`: cnrrespon-lvnt has just re- lnrnml from the Skunk Clara golul region. He-. says`: While there is uudoubterlly some gold in the Santa (`laws region. just as there is gold in North Carolina and Northern Georgia. it is not likely to be a pmtituble plnce to seek for vut fortunes. 'lhe precious meal is found in pockets for sport, and no pmitive geologictsl imlicslinns presmt themselves to direct the search. Waiter is scarce, so that plncer mining can not he prose-cute.l with the assunuicv neces sary ;o Jo.-velop as greu Iniuing region. I wns shown some small nuggets, but 110- ` where lid I find A guarantee {list they h-id been found in the places pointed out. l no indigatinns nf tlm um.-inn: Inntnl in th- 5113', 91*`) km. V, . ,7 . L"r1vA, Much l4.-Juck|on Wu hanged at 9:18. Ullb Ul llIU IIUUUU BUG IHUC U13 Wile Iuu U503` sonuin the ro.ul. Words passed between the two men. and then they psrtiully clinched. Immediately afterwards three shots were tired by Jackson in quick suc- cesaiou, and Metcalfe fell to the grouucl lillil. l'pon the day of the trial Jackson's plea was self ulefence, but the plan uimiletl him nothing. and he was convicted of mur- tler in the tirst degree. He hes shown re- nmrklihle nerve,iunl even when informed that the last threetl of hope Wu broken, hy tlw tletlinatiou of the governor to interfere, lid not betray nervousness. He has heltl tlmt s msn gets all his punishment on earth. He refused to see the cletgymen. As sprisuner he has been quiet Illll orderly. He was 1 fairly good periormet on the flute. and passed much of his time in playing sud reading. Last night, at his request, local vocalists visited the jail and several songs were sung. Jackson singin with them. When they left he retired sin slept soundly sn_ni16=4.~,' e.m._r I`-run M--nh IA _'I;nI:- A . _ . ... D...-......I :7 `- ucuwuvv uvvl II! Two ELEGANT HEAR BOA:-1. Easily worth OH. 89 will purchuo on tomorrow. bm_ not the day her. The llud or \'lrgll JncIuou-'l`ho Last Night Spent In Slnglng. l'r|<'.\, March 14.--Virgil `Jackson was hanged this morning for the murder of Nor- ton .\letcnlle in Augusta Centre. The crime was coniniittcml on January 29th, 1883, and grew out of the criminal relations _ between Jackson and the wife of his vic- tim. Metcslle had ordered Jackson to keep away from M rs..\lctcnlfe. Jackson, however. followed her to church that fatal undny afternoon, returning in company with her. As they neared l\lutcnlle's home he come out of the house and met his wife and Jack- Hun in tho -n..l \\'.\...l- -.....-..l |.-L...,.-.. MARY ANDERSON `S ILLNESS. ulul u.uu ngvlll. A`. A1. 1.`! of Brook $1.. Klnimton .1 .-.-no -`sunny, THE Ll1`..\DlNG UNDERTAKICR. Plunclas :~"rmu-1`. (`l'.V A R l) STE.\hlHlP C0 \il AN \' . Sunmo from New York every Saturday. Au- Lhorlzod Akelft. F`. A. Fhlzor. 1-"eri Dock tool A 11.... m ' In.......... uuuuyruuv.--u. `:- Iru u: r Ill ring: In (`01'u1` l<`|w'rIc.~1Ac..\'o.59. RI-Iul'L'AR Mntrr. ING. Thursday ovonln . March `list. J. S. MCL`i\NN. Secretary. u-uuunuuu \rI uvl I` urcnwul nu (`ova-r Snnunr. No. 199. C.0.l'.. meet the auccoun AND LAM` l`UIutuA\' or nu-H ` MONTH in tho `Prentice Boywllull. King Stre:-t. 1`. T. RICNTON. Recording Souremry. h!f(IS1'l:R l40D0l.'. No. 33. of the Sons of Eng- lund Benevolent Society. will mum in their new Lodge Roum. oornewhluntroal and Princess Sh. over` 8tmuhan'n Hardware Store. the 9nd ind uh Tuuodn"ys of each month. THE GOLD FRAUD EXPOSED. I. II: II, I`: Ail." Ila Uuhlm `mt Ausmcns or 1-HI GRAND Loom: or MANCIIICIITIR. ENGLAND. meet every other Friday in the Sons of En land Robm. Princess Street. Next meeting ARCH mm W. HCSHILL. Recording Secretary. A I-`l.\'l\`. l*`.U{.\I OF 76 A(`Rl-3.4. |'`\Rl Purl of Ln! No. II, Isl (`on-`oasion Township uf Klngutuu. bmuuifully silunlod on the Lake slmrv. our mile frnm the I`:-niu-ntinry. Hood large huuso. uullmi|din5:u, orchard. &c., anim- hle for A farmer or mmh-m-r. Apply on the nrmniz-os to JUHN UllAllA.\l. P1). address. Purlanmul h. Uuun-aq III. at 7:!) D.m. D- lnIVonlo R0 [at `linden. No. 253. on onday. April lat. |t,1::0 0 III. -molont St. John's. No 3. on Thursday, April ` l'.h at 7:!) tiIl)LI;l(l|n\lRJl-0. Otonwodnodny. March lath` a : . . *Ha'exPAriATed HIS oF'FNc. span of England. lirci-an what. No. as. of the son: or mug- lund Society. nine! lmlapomlent Order oi Foreutqrll. |l'|J'r I:`unu-nrunn \'n K0 Du.-nuvuun \l: Canadian Order Foresters. ._ n_. -.. .... xv- an n 1` n *EfiG*'f6i~7. C1;NADA, Tl{ l;I{DA\. EVEI`I_ING. 1\IAl{~(i{-U14`, 1339; v\vn vvxvnmum n gr .1 A Mics Ricln. SOCIETIES,` I. 0. 0. r. M.-U. A lvn-1-1::-cu n BOSTON - HAT - STORE. A