Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Mar 1889, p. 6

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Rf` V I K ' A u_- BA H3:L:3llTnF. &to.. 193 b"``'` e":':y1-3|, o. c.. 1.1.0. 0- 9- 31" II. V LYON I. A uong me C038! anu up Lne luugllzu river. The Chinese thunselvea appur to have pi-any Acwrue notions about leprany. The , attribute it to itffc-tiun, defective nutrition. and climate. They emplo isolation and better diet as remedies. `hey distinguish ve classes of the disease. and it in remark- uble that in China, as in India, there arc more mule than female lepers. In lmli; Hm nnlinv nf the xmvermnent in The People oI' New South Wales Are Being Very Bully Frlgh toned. LUNDO.\`, March I.'%.-The British colonisl oice has received in deapatch to the effect thnt. lepoav has put in an appesunce among the Chinese in New South Wales, and that the cry for the prohibition of Chinese immi gratiun had been again aroused by tha popular dread of perhaps the most horrible diaeue which ltliiivta humanity. The mnaiirsni rcrnnr-In nf Hm fnrnian CHI- plunged into the watrr. The noise of the jiightened fowls attrsct- ed Andrew Sshaflcnhurgi attention, and when he reached the yard he saw the bull and man disappear under the bridge cross- imz the river. He hurried to the otheraside and new the bull endesvoring to climb a" steep embankment above the river. He found Morton l)ing in the shallow water in I faint. He had been knocked from the bull's back by contact with the archway of the bridge. His clothes were torn to rib- bone, and the flesh on his legs hung in long strings. He was thoroughly exhausted from his wild ride, and was unable to explain how he managed to hold on so long. As it was impossible to capture the bull alive he wus shot. 1\l'IW IURK, i\llll"C I-D.-'-nun u.g.-mu, \I| ` Kingsland. N.J.. had an excitiu XP|'l0 with a bull, Morton was leading the animal home. when a dog ran at it and bit his hind leg. The hull, mad with pain. rushed .-,t Morton. and before he realized what had occurred the animal caught him up on his home and threw-`him 6V8? it! bud MOITOII alightedon the bulls back. `Dd. fearing I second attack. concluded to sta there until he could receive assistance. ying upon his breast and seizing the animal : home he held himself on. Morton hollered for help. .'1`he bull was now muruughlv -ngered and made frantic attempts to shake oif the rider. Finding his elforts fruitless the animal, with the dog still at his heels, started upon a run in the direction of the river. When the track of the Erie railroad was reached the b'east concluded to `take the roadbed for a course and went up the track at breakneck speed. The animal was now springing along at such a ait t`liat Morton was..araid to let go his hogd, while xisions of approaehing trains appeared to his mind at every jump of the bull. `While running on this course Morton was` made painfully aware of a num- ber,of telegraph poles along the line by the force with which his limbs struck them in passing. The bean`. suddenly left the track ' and headed up the avenue again. It made direct for an opening in a shed which was scarcely larger than the size of Jthe bull. Not waitin to examine the apertureltzhe beast rushed` through. tearing the boards on both sides and leaving the trousers and esh upon Morton : lilnls-4 in shreds. Morton, through fear or loss of.presence of mind, still held on tenaciously. The animal then ran down the bank of a second river and plunged into the The noise of the Kinhtened Y T-j V Aderuyman Han an lll'1l||l8 EXD0"'|30 on It Frlghtonocl B07199" "`3"' ` Naw You. M.r'ch1:;.`-si1u Mqrton, of Iz:.....I.....I N I 1...; an excitiull exnerienco LEPROSY IS SPREADING. TH`f1*EA TABLE. RIDING A-|\./IAD BULL. NOTICE IR HEREBY GIVEN THAT A I GENERAL MEETING oi the Kingston (`er Work: Uompcmy ihimiiedp will be held on the I Twonlinlh day up! March N-xl at THREE ' e'cioci'xhin theE1fwfmo%\. at the dlfco of `la B. an-u ere .. or o purpose 0 com; or- ing: and. if Joemod advisable. of pulsing An ex- I trnonhnary reooiutiun of the company. author him: the hquidnwre to make such oompromiae or other arrangement u may mu `loam expo `diam with any croditorl. or pol-lane claiming to be crodlioru. or person: having. or imarinr - to have. any olnim. present or future. certain or contingent neoeruined or sounding only. in damages ugninni. the oomnunil or whereby the Q. com puny muy be rendered Ila And. 5130. Authorizing the liquidntojjl to_o9m- BOOKS. Accounts. Colloououor In any geno- rnl business [$3 13 . and n polbourd to FRED. 08'! RC llogo at-root. Account; ndludud booklkopl. by the week. Would nvol on commlulon. THE SCIENCE OF` L FE. ....I \|!..--', I\ A ..I_- 11--.. \l.. named and noolu up naval on conunlulon. rendered liable. And. to com- promise ullcslis, and iisbiiit to cells. debts end liabilities cnpsble of resu uug in dehtgsnd sllchims. whether present or iuture. an-tutu sr contingent. II-IOOl U||l ea or only sounding us dslnsxss. subsisting. or only supposed to sub- sist. between the company end any rontnbu- ion or other debtor. or person apprehending liability to the compsny ; snd eii questions in soy way reiatingto or sifoctinn the assets of the company. as no ot4hs.nnm:. p-in . upon the receipt 0 suIns.hpsynhiest suc times. end genersll upon suc terms. ss msy be named upon; w h war for the liqui- dntors to t-the any security or the discharge ti such debts or lisbilities.end to give a complete dischnrgc in respect of sii or my such cells. debts or lisbilities. mum nt Klnnton. Fob. Itth. I889. \ ' I? IIQll`&& III-Iv- ! ANY on WANTINO mu. wrrn ml hnnlnau csnnctty. polbonrd IN THE MATTER oF`THEK1NGsT6N GAR WORKS comm (Limned). I vuuwuvu w - -w-- w---- Cholceetrndel of Pantry and Family Flour ~ Always on hand : Gmluun Flour. Rolled Oats. {tolled Wheat. Cr naked When, Germ Wheat` Ontmealand cornmeal ;Boe-`la In season. W. J. MONIILL. - BROOK STREET TORONTO FLOUR STORE ` ,1 n,_.__ ._.u n,_. u_ uu___ arm from its be luau-Inuonuy THE um-5'1 VAL E IN THE ARKET. as well an thor- I ouchly adaptad to the want; of the kitohen bu excited envious Imitation: of la nuno uni an lnau-nnon. Beware of such. HOW t_oM.`17(.1)__"}'b'\1 TJI(IQ`Sf_/lI.I7*'.T I -...-- Yvuu--u-----------v ----_. Our tale '5 true. and if you hee(\H{Q it will on- rich you. Be economical and trade with g-u...v.-..-.-v-- ---4-.. --.V..-.--. , It oonmlna neither slum, lime. nor Ammonia and mny be used by the most delicate oonautu done with perfect safety. In t enooeu arising it be lnslrtnaiou y THE BEST nnwhlv sulnnnvl tn the wnnrn nftha kitnhan. his I VVLLLJ .I.AL&\JA A--L\IluI5 -LAQA.---\.4 As a tonic for children. for invalials recover- ing from sickness, or for women who are nursing. it is uf the greatest value. Raid by all lenlers. BROWN BROTHERS 8; PRINCESS STREET. FERGUSONS `BLOCK com mmmmm POWDER IS A PURE FRUII` ACID POWDER. ; oxonaa onvloul lmluuonl or In an lveuuaoo. Beware such. No addition to or vnnauon from the ample name: \ oooxcs FRIEND IS GENUINE. l CAN MAi{E\_I{0'I`II ENDS MEET BY TAK- 1.\'(} ms {AIL l.\' ms MOUT. `Ill! 'flIlF l'\lIh\TlI I` III I'\III'I IIf\II'I'II l urn.` AKII|\L2\|l . -. A4113` {AIL HIS M(`)UT WE TAKE OUR {ALE IN OUR 0UTH JAMES REDDEN, _-___.I"!@_IEL$T.9EF-..-- THE GREAT STANDARD REMEDY for all weaknesses and Diseanes of the Lungs. Impair- sd Nutrition, etc. This oil is pure. fresh. nearly tasteless. and there ore mostsuiuzble for delicate digestion. None srenulne without the name IZDAHL /.yr}ran Sons`& 00., Monfreal. delicate digestion. ` genuine stamped on each capsule. Wholeaale by ` iobu llnbllmeu. Duud at Klnpton. H. I-{AR 1-T0 WEAK MEN lxuo. which, he regretted to say. had been sworn to. See " l`imes." Jul ' 13, 1864. Sold In bottles at 13. ld., 28. 9d., 4s.6d.. and 115. each. None is genuilu) without the wards ` D J. (`.o1.Lua Buow.~uc`s (`nI.(m0uvNn:" on the Government, suunp. overwhelming nu-dim! lea . mony accompanies each bottle. _ - ` CAU'l`ION-Beware of Piracy nnmlnlitntion. Sole Manufacturer. '1`. J. I)AVEN'I 0l'l` 33 Great. lhu-wall Street. Bloomsbury. London, Fug unven rt, Ia`:-sq., 33 Great Russell Street. Bloomsbur. '. London. Dear Sir.--We embrace this op- rtun ty of congratulating you upon thewide-sprout reputation this ustly esteenwd medicine . J. Collie Browne's Qhlerpd `I19, has earned `for itself, not onlg; in II ndosten. but till ever the East. As It remedy of genera utility we must dtiestion whet or II. better is iiitptjrteti into the country, and we shall be glad to hear of its ilndin it place in every Anglo-lndinn home. The other brands. weore happy_to say.nre now rele met to the nntiveheztuirs,m1d judging from their . sale. we fnncy that their noteurn there will be mt emnest-ent. We could multiply instunczes mi inilnitum" of the extraordinary eiiiency on Ilr. (`ollis Bt'ownc':<) Chlerodyne in l)il`l`ht(`. nod Dys- entery. Sptuams. Crumps. Neuralgin, the Vomiting of Pregntutoy. and as n eneml sedative. that have occurred under our xiersonnl observation (luring mun)` `curs. In C oleru, ' Dinrrhusu. and l even in the more ten'ibie turn 5 of (`holern itself. we lmve witnessed its surprisingly mntrolling ` power. We hxu'_e never used uny other form of this medicine than Coliis Browne's. from A iirm ` conviction that it is decidedly the best. and also from ttsent-Ie oftiuty weoweto the profession and the public. as we are of the opinion thnt the substitution of of any other than ('ollis Browne's is an l)ELlHERATi4: llltlsi.-\(Yll otr FAITII ON Tim t'1m'r or TIIE ('ill~.`MlH1`.'l`0 i'i{Et-i('.RillR AND l'A I`|lII.\'1` ALIKE. We are. Sir. fuithfull ' yours. Smes & 00., Members of the Pharmacy Secietyot Great. Britain. His Excellency the it-er`oy's (7 emints. ` CAU'l`I0i\-Viee (fhuneellor Sir Page VVood stated that Dr. J. COLLIH BROWNE was undoubt- edly the inventor of t`itl.ouotn'Ntc; that the story of the dt-fmuinnt Freemun was deliberately un- , tzue, which, he regretted had been l`imes." Hd.. 9d.. is.6d.. and None is mmu n without the wm-(la l) NORWEGIAN COD ma. . ` : ' . :' 7 I r CHLORODYNE _a.cts like I charm in Dlnrrhtna. and is the only spoclc ln Cholera and Dy- sento . 1 S C`!-LORODYNE effectually out: than all attacks of lglpllepsy. Hysteria, Pulpitatlon and pnsms. _ ---- --*4 M (3lHigR%DYNll is the only palliatlveln Nourulgia, Rheumatism. Gout. Cancer. Toothache. on n s. o. ' , From Symneasz Co.. Plmnnmceutlcal Chemists. Medical hail Simh}. Jun; 5, 1880. To J. 'l`. Darvon rt, Ex-aq., 33 Great _Ruhsoll Street. Bloomsbur. London. boar S|r.--V\ o p_Ortlln__l):`(_)f gongmL_ulgj_i_ng reputation justly ADVICE T0 INVALIDS--If you wish to obtain t}uiet. refreshing sleep, free from hetuim-.he rolloftrom in and anguish to calm and assuage t In weary uchingn of n-ntmctod disouw. in vlgomtlng I a nervous medll1,und rculutiua Lho c rculnting systems of the ly,you will rovido 'oursolf with that nmxtvellous rem ' discover hy-Dr. J. Collie lirownp gale Army A edit-nl `mm to which he gave the name of C LOR0l)YNE, and which is admitted y the profession to the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered. UHLORUDYNE is the best. remedy known for Coughs. Consumption, Bronchitis and `Asth- I I ZWDWALH L Trade Mark. on every paokuzo Dr. -Oollis 1- mne -@ChE); ANY DOG -`-.-..c.}r- THE GREAT STKNDARI) REMEDY for all wnnknnnnmz and llinnmam of the Lnmm. Imnair- ExHAusI`EDTvJIIAL1Tg; ~' - mm Arm cupzsr MEAT ' mwou ms sro K run soups. MADE msuas & snucss. Cookery Books post tree on application. To hp had >1 all .*'-tureiu.-rper.-, Grocers. *.' Ask for the _C9MPANY'S Extract. and see `..n.m......m.. that it be:.rs`Baron Liebig's Signature S,-:;g;`;`;,g;;;,:;{;;;;;7;;*:.rg_'g; f\'"(`!fj_f in Blue Ink ac]-Os; the Lab9[_ 9. Fenchnrch Avenno. London. England. LIEBIG CQE v::PANY S LIVEJ3. OIL- enobmlims. LIQUOR. TO BUSINESS MEN. up nun Q. A nvnwun unl D I THE OEILEBRATED USE ONLY THE BRAND OF PURE TO srloivwuu - n 111- an--1 J-n. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. sT)1mrii1N*G WORTH T A KNOWINGT `EHTNE-R'S n I :,_.__n:I .__:n. n....,...L-,...L:A.... |. aouz. I889. HARPER. Secretary of Llqnldnwn. 'j--_% *T R. J. McDOWALL, Princes :-st. I ' cnorcn mum! & BAKERS noon 33:30 mum, prmssmn HAY. cx. - van AND TIMOTHY snap on ya --ru-u-5 A 1-I--I-'-w- w--sv \\LAL a.L.;.na A.r.44nla.As_5Au- I~lora'li)>,\_ Valencia and )1:-..w'un Orrtragef, emous, CI'(lubtI'I'i(`.w Cocoam and all kimls of Apples. REIIS HROS.. Mauuhsclujgu Cunh-clioncru CITY .'f'_':9P" `SI0R- _.__..._ ._.__.........,.- VIIARQAVLI Lullvlul uuuxua O D. FRANKLIN \ Ilguvnvr Hnnnun ZJOHN P. MOTT & 00., We take the lead in Quality and Variety. You can get almost any shape and style. Our Home-Made Bread is the latest. Made only at ` The\moat oconomical (-neon in the market. Try it. \J _I--LV _L&l-L\l&l Emuls-it: of CodLiver 011 with Hypophosphites Highly Nuitritious, Absolutely burs, Extra Strength, Free from Oil, Easily Digested. R- I-I- TOYE S. L I\Ill ETD L` L"l` 11 A L MD \' MOTT'S BREAKFAST COCUA. ? F_ISI_i SA-UGES Fresh Oysters every day. W. H. GARNUVSKY. 212 Princess-st, Fresh, Smoked, Dried. Salt. Green Plckled and Canned Fish. OPERA HOUSE FRUIT mo ovsren MARKET `THE om szwma mum: I-If CHAT QIUIC QYSTERS FRESH EVERY V//r SEWI MAW!!! \J\J..I.J .L.J.:. V .l&I.I_v \_I.a._n_.I Fm Lack uf Energy, Nervousnesa.Paralysis, Loss of Ruin Power, it is highly reuom mended, being combined I'T1"I"'lI?1 r1-17r\r\T\1"l r\ol'II"l'1"'I'\'E1Q THE um nuunma Li I ji~41sIeI,-i{I{v[EoU{~3- BREAD,BREAD. \AT THE BAZAAR. '..I.......'-. -. WA K-17: -(l:-.-s`TRl-1F.'I` BAR ERY. THE LARDERM |" IJLVVIIIC Z YHAT GIVES Tl-I LE PHONE `2 I . EXTRACT HAL] FAX. N. S. \\'ill cure you of A Cough, Cold, Bronchitis or other Lung Trouble. As an WI AT. THI LADIII' FLVCIIITI. A -V ..l_l-l..A.V MAu_Inrr Bomm. DAY ulcuucu, u\. n15 uuuuuu WITH HYPOPHOSPIZIHITES POND my CREAM. -----n Sucnl from lhe omen of youthful on-oI'I. e:rdooA1 wounln woaknois. Inn of mu: h . 010.. I will son: a valuable trwuloo [nonl- edoontnlning hm pnruo-nan for home: cure. I` llIol'huJ;n. A splendid modlou work: nmd baton by evury mun who In norvouq I obllltatod. Addr v PROF. I`. (3. lI`UWLE HOODUS Conn. \|uuuuu, -1.-:5 nu-..` `I GO LIVER-OIL I I ...... ............ .. Ila...` .. . .&J.LV..l.. I...J _I_.lg).l.\/_LV t is uuaur passed for Scrofulu, General Debility. Loss nf Vigor. &c.. it is une- - qualled, being made of rnr-r 1' 'r'\'T`U1': f`TI' Ache tlmy wnul~l he lll1losl.p|`i`1-Ivatntlmso who lumvr {nun this tllnlreulng cnnnnplnunt; but tortu- Imtely lhol r guosluondueu uuteud llere,nnd thnno wlloonuu try them will llml these little pllls valu- ubloln uoxmny wu `I that they will not be wll- llug to do \\'iI.houH em. But after nllalck hood 3 LC- - _ ' 1 1 j In the bane of no nuny llvol Hut horn in where wemukeour great bout. Our plllu cure it while . others do not. (`|rh~r'I Lima Llver Plllu are very smxll and not? Carter`: Limo Llvar M-o \ 0X'_\' very any to two. One nrltwo pills mnkvl duno. Tbvy Ire atricily \'u,;etIl)Is; nml do Ir-t g"i1\n or pu 0. but by llmir gcutlo m-tiun plvnso 1:11 a no me am. In vmnt 25 cents; nu fur $_I. sold by geutlo m-ti-vll ]vl~Ise nu the 31. by druggiuta everywhere. nr son: by nuil. CARTER MEDICINE C0.. New York. Snail Prico.< uVf~l' lull l`(3glH3Al0 U16 nmvcm. DVUU U U M HEA . ,1 . u ,_ ..u 1|... -1......-a ...l:,...I...-., 0.. H. ick Heuhvho Ind relieve nil the trouble: inci- dent to I. biliouo stated! the I) IL'Vm.Iuch ll Dizziness, Nnunes. DrmralueuI_ Distress after eating. Pain in tho Hivle, 510. While ihairtnoot 0- o--varknblo success has been shown incuring L 1 L I I ' Z i Z Hudwlno. yet Curler`: Llltlo Llvor Pills no equally valuable in Cuuutlpul inn. curuu; an-l pro- vyutlug Ulllnlllltl)illCUln[Al1lilIl,\\`ll1l'lln`_)`llIl0 currer diam-ll-rnufthonluxnn-~l1,mmulnlo the Illll reguluto the bowels. Even 1! they only cured - - j - -' Or the Liquor Habit Positive] Cured b Ad- ministering lir. iininos' 00 don Spoci o. It can be given in a cup of oooo or tea with out the kn-nwiod eoi the po 11 taking it: in ahooluwly harm on And wii start A perma- noni. and y cure. whether the patient in A modetnio ninkol or an alcoholic wreck. It has hopu jinn; to Lhouumdl of cum: and in ovary instance as perfect cure has followed. I! never fhllc. The system once impregnated with the Specic. it. box-omen an utter impouibiiity for lilo liquorn pctitaio oxili. For circular and full puniuu an address GOLDEN SPECIFIC 00`. 185 Race Btu Oincinnsbi. 0. 33MII`ir~SIoN ,. Q......J..I.. I .... nr gyms vPr7oprieto'rs,Toront6. ?--.*"{ %MED!2ALIfrII=; EUR: _.I-..I.- --.1` -`H-nun h" Olux Iv-nuhl ll) \\u.uuuI. luulu. Duh IIIIUI luAuu.- nu-A AC!-IE . _n __ ...-.... II...... H... 1.... In -`unI-A I0 lll(`(`cBl nun l.H"L'l.l uuuwn Au SICK .._n n `n `liuln 'lwnvI l)ruggisho, Halifax, N.S. 9%-nlnnn far all .Hu....n.~.u of Ihc skin from when (`var I'M`-I30 and AH ` irouyrhnoss from the two. hnudmnock and ` .!Q._II_. __,u.x.. ___g ....I NIH. 0!` any IIUDIDOSB WILL CL'm: on RELIEVE` Bllioumess, Dyspepein, Indigestion. Jaundlce. Eryuipelns. Salt llhoum. Heartburn Iloadnchc. Diulnou. Dr0psy.l"lullering of the Heart. Ac- ldlty of the Stomach. Dryncn of tho Skin. and ovary species of dlseaae arising trdm disordered Liver. Kldneyn. Smmwh. Bowel: or Blood. A (.0 mhlful Toilet _ Article. No! A tnce paml or powdendooo not cover over. but min-n, |'nnd In nnnna-4-, 1 no A Queer Irpmpu. To following: liueno um from an epitaph by the Earl of lloclwsu-r on King Charles II. of ` lihglsnd: "Hero tau ouuovenlgn lord. the king. Whoa: word no man rolhl. Who never and p foolish thin. Ur ever did at who one. . `P lllgh anal Low Prouun Engine.` The Irmln difference between a high pres- turu uudn low procure engine is that tho latter works with a partial vacuum on the preceding sidqnof the piston. made by con- dc-mung the smun and thus Adding about thirmeu pounds to its effective work (or every i square Inch of the cylinder u-en. ' . .... ....... . . ..-......-. Kyrlo Bellow, who support Mrs. Potter.` the actress. is a non of n clergyman who thirty yours ago pymolned In an Eplscopsl cliurch at at. John`: Wood. London. England. He was very popular and I [rut olocutipnlnt, , giving public rendingu. su L`8H`7_ll)l|I (ugly wno womg 913:9 u an. 1 -cqumilenhn-ycdoptla-nu).meamxy), b`(avlour). V o. The initial: 1. H. S. signify, Jesus, Mon`: Se \-tour." In German those letters stand for I((~sus), II(ound), Swligxnnher). L 9., "Jesus, ` Saviour, Snuvtmer." . In Greek. Hr-sous), 3 memeterns). Smtcr), L e., J:-ans, Uur Sa- ` Hour." In Latin, I((-sus). H(ominum). Bul- vator). L 0., Jesus. Men`: Saviour." Brewer sufgusta that those who would _l{ko In Eng~ ` IT. . nnn3i7E1nnE mnir Adnnl`. JEIII, `nu;-vnnlvl Velocity of sound. - The velocity of sound through the air in I temperntum of 6. dogs. Fahrenheit is 1,126 feet pur second. The velocity of sound through wntcr is 4}, times, through iron 10 times. and through wmd from II to 17 timcs that in air. Sound may be lmanl as follown: A powerful human voice in the ()p('n air, and no wind. I00 feet; hunting a drum, l0,5tl) feat; music 0! a heavy bras.-1 band, 15,540 foot; reportot n musket, 16,000 feet, and (`Annun- ading. very strong, 475,000 feet In the Arctic regions conversation has been maintained over water at a distance of 0,090 feet. III I"\ III" II|IIIl|" I V | -` "(ll nI"' "Il` V"lIKllI|IIl-\l renrhcul 2:,-:m,nm_ ruprvsvntixnq nn .-\;..:;__'regnte In0ne_v value of at It-tut $3uu,(lxI,nm_ 'I`hest- gures only inclmlo null:-m11d" huggtapto or that which has been olmvknd and forwarded. The inbouml rem-ipls amount to about I,-`i00,()0U pi('('\'.<. nggn-gating A grand total of ` 5_()u.),()()l)piu-ws halnllml. (If this number, It is report;-d, only tlmv pieces were lost en route from starting paint to destinntiun. ....,_..,,. In the vonlv-nmul _v.-art of ls:1',.:ga;:<~ hamllml lay rujlruml 1-un1p.".ny mun which was Hm lxiglu-st 1 that timv. nud \\:L~' Hwln` nhlu rm-nnl fur thv _\w L .. ,I.... `.I.. ....s_. ` `i`IViiI]LBUF3N{& Co. "bK` III Ill.` lI.l'l "ill lIl"|. ll `VH5 UH U) -`(C17, and [10 \`.':AS U1` III! Y~N'llI mu`: '6 have far- gntton Ihu u:-,:x;:- uf tin hero, but nre not his dmds rrvlma--1 1:: 1300?-`ifs :\f`.llul fur 1.,\`liar Tlw): nrv -f u n-rny. 1`.vnll_\'. thnugh, n_\'sxvrs have how: cutcn .~in(`v3 the time of the (,S:'wk.~; and I .ou1m.:~. |||\\ . . \ ..\ .-, loop \\'n`.(' vruft cl:I!~ l.~ n\`(`l' UN` 1` at .~'h int ;. 1,. I ll| Ill`! v\.l nsl<\q{ not , eluuaqd." luv In M .\1__`.: in, is a lixw n: in lougth,u!? On rlnscr Vim" _.. .Ln.I | Ill Flu:-I I \ u'\\ Muxu; 3`-tun In tingtxishod :'.< tht`\\'1l\'q`s' n-I plllllgu`; hut l}:uI1t~xr mnmvn iutvrminuhiv lino vf on I{up_n_v fur xlw vrui.wr in um if thv .~'ur;:in;; \\'.`l\'('S -.>n1i:2` lint` nf rwf; fa l'HU'(`4H"lI1`l'(\l:: lIl[(`I'\'(`lu`.\`, whivh s<-Pings to \\'n`.r\rs nh(-ml, Mr! I r. 1 1.. _. I I..o Dl'l`.'!lI|I-'-l:\`t"IIl!l in n Dru-nun l`rowdml.|nlo . n Sinuu-. Tim :nnjm*.\_ uf_ dn-.'un.< am only of. mo- m<`nt.'1r_\'_1lIn'.:: .n. thnn_;h mcta-Iuisqlum-nsi0n- nily-tn the ix*n;;!h of a Iuinutu. ` in pron! of this iir. St-Imiz tuii tho following story from his 4-xporivm-oz After exwssivge boiiily fa- tiglw and aday- of mental strain, of a not dlsngtoeable kind, I betuioit myself to bed nftor ,1 had wound my watch and placed it on the night table. Tin-n I lay down beside A burning lump. Soon I found myself on the high we on board it \\ t`ii |mu\\'n ship. I was again young um] stond wu the lookout. .1 hem`1l_the mar uf the water and goidch clouds oated nrnumi me. iimv long I stood so] did not know. but it su-nnmi n vi-r_v long tixno. Than the soc-no 4-hnugzvd. l was in the coun- try and nry I-m;_-, qiumi purvnts came to grwt mo; tiwy tout; mo in uhurcix, where the loud ` r..,4._ _ .._.1 I I ..-... .1 r-Lrluhul hnt n! the i ll _)' Illlll Ill) IHH I nman su_|mdv.l. ammo tlnw xrnml arm thI'l`t'. '1`I.,. ... uIl_:u uu The privs: :2 In)! I muhl lh ihv somnl or I L. I 0.. I. l'\ ("I , `l`V rpnmml with thr- >-S9 Hm numlwr: . I -~ .I4u| nun ... Ill nu Invu, uruluu. uu\:| nuu Arm. lenvin them bunutirully white and Val` voty. Sold 5 wlmlt-sale dualern nnddruu lulu everywhere Pond Lily (Dream. 25 cents ; ond [J1] Liver Pollcu. 26 cenu ' Pond Lily Skin Soap. I5 cents. H. PICRRIN. Chonnlat, Monufuc ur Pronrlotor for Canada. I \-nun Hf Hm I THE fcumonv SHOP. |Hl\.'\I- wnkt` I n`,,n' \- hrmlzq rr 1_\ III I r:m'h n ... '. mm] the pulpit and preached, at nn.l(-r.~ Iu:ul wlmt he Nlld for tlm ur;;:m, whivlx vuntixlued to .':1_\'n`.1l'_\` [ho hum! and wlnh 1 :11 -h:u'x-h tum-1', but again us ('llu2):t4'1l. lxistonnl of being I. l Stuutl uvnr an early known I uIllL`t`l`-1 ought to `explain that y .~x11';,:vu1n'l111`im_: tho Inum-u\'er& 111;: why the umjur. should look ` v.-u quite ,1-`:1 mp in my vars a can- ` 'l`m'I'illul, I \\`.':.~' l|ln'I}{\`i11g off, .... I ... 1 oh"! H... on. '.'!l lllllIl`r(':H.\(' 0 up mvl n-:i-ml lh:1ttlmsup- .~h<-: haul its cause in Ibo open- x'll`u<)!.'l dun!` llfm-u;:l1 sonno one \v.'x.~. as if` I lmil lived through 1 my In-mu, but wlmu I looked in l saw that since] had fallen mnre than one minute had III I?!) \'- ll .\ ll rau- In L'uul`L'u, \\'m:rL- IUI.` Iuuu l. I was xTgI)l-d. but. at the ` nh-rod to >41` my wifv and vh'|l- I '-"gage llnudled. mun _\`--arlh ' number ofpiwxms lull:-I tho Pexmsylrnnia .".ny tunnuntwl In 1.ti0O.Ul|U, pnintn-nchod up to n as Hwumnsi1m-la remark- u' ynur, Those gures, wilu intu in~i;nith-nnm when .I.,. __ : .\., bT=u NKENNE.ss; to point n-ac tlwln-un.~'i`.a~1`ml Thus wllu in~i',.'ni'n Klimt` of 11:1` _w:\rj hr!` Hf .~z~pnr.1 to pin` II m.nn-urn! i nu nu ....y .. - drnp vn Iumu-u llll" ll|`|(.lIIII\ lIllll7 `V IlY'lI *~(` _\ 1'51!` just (`luI~`(`d. ` .-pur.m- picvm handled o hnggtapto .. .~|.....Lv..| .....: r...-..~.....a..a ||.'\l l`l\'lH.'H |iLIlHI_\ BVIIIILI ux:-.1. In <-lumbering up L" \\'at-:`-it was low tide 1 u .~.Inul`. as be thought. I-1n.u~d upon l11su;;(-rs, rcl;.'. With his truaty l`4u`:{ upril and rulousa- -put iumhis mouth to l .~n-zxwthing sudvlicio hxt (Lutvr. uhn \'.ns the first man, tut I111` rat n_\'stm`, how a it-=-x nj-yud. answer has -\\' York Sun: .. is J}. I YA ..o `l||ll- III.` III- u-] he. lhullgl ll!;i"\ that I I. ._..... Iil ll Il`l\ IIl\lllIl'lI|5 IIJUI I` \ tho mrul roof. The my In-H by u \'oss`(`li.n \\'. |_\' If lifting it and nth its weight against -, IHIL-Re prompt osvnpe l, Hm msmlxltzxxg wan-s mu] mun :`.1'tvr make I <`.c~t1'-.1<-liwn. At km -11 <'e'a.~c`, Ur n(`1u`l_V` so. -~: v:u't is thou in full ll. .~v9 nl Jo fa.--1.-, !2`)$.'x`L||.K'll,`il @1331. ll: 1` of William the Cou- 1\~m2v11. In the _\`nar -ix-1-'.n)l>or, a younger Fronch fuzxlilv swam `I I . . 1 UI n IJUII. <$.L`:,|I.c`n-Lt (Lied. It. 0 \\ .1). u cl... l".\.. m BRITISH WH1G.'TI1UR 5'D.AY. JMARCHI4. ulu ngu. uu nu-uuuuu, .V\.uv- am; and Physiczd --mbiIny:"" Prematuxro Decline. Erron of Youth. and the untold miseries consequent than-on ll) pages 8 vo., 125 vroeoriptiona for all dtsouses. Cloth, full gilt. only 81. by mail. sealed. Illus- trative sample free to all young and middle Aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the nu hor by the Nations! Medical Association. Address P. 0 Box 1895. Boston. Mum. or DR. W. H. PAIIKEIL, grad- uate of Harvard Medical (`ollcgca 25 years practice in Boston, who may be con-sultod con dentlnlly. Sp--I'!:\I1y: l)isc:\sc:s of Mr). O!`- t`.`;. \'n A II).-Innh Q0 an L` llll'll nu lull 1: >21! uluft. favor- du_\'ligl)t, unviga- |Il.U"l'I U`l`I' ~,;h with fear, I lay in the Lnalr use. The utrawborry ore of Goo gin in expect- ed to ho ready for pic log A_ month earlier thnn ununl. l'\. _..L -..l'.- l...._.. nlnln Inngnnhn 1 Inn. mun noun. Donot sulfur from this hudacho 3 mo- ment longer. It In not noounry. Carter : Llttlo Liver Pills will cure you. Don, one am. pill. Small prloo. Suull dose. Small plll. ' nor I no: 3 drpnrtmont the CRY Q! ,N' York emplo I '24 lnwyern st tn snnnul can of $232,400 In ulariel. v... L....n.. .....n.. H11}. in n modlclnn ol rzx'1,1uuIn ularu-I. You hardly realize thus it I medicine when taklny C|l Ml"l Ljttlo Liver Pillli thoy are very umnll : no bud elfecu: all" troubion from torpld liver Are relieved by their * 'l`|... --- ...L-_.... ..-.... Al nnrnlg In Aunnnf. Ilr . or cough: and uoldq tAh'th:3 Dllmond Cough R. ed _ mposod o e oclmpcne, wild charm Kngohcnnhohnd. 25 had 50 cents I bott e nt Wade`: drug ICON. nu I.-:-...I 'n1\|r In-ul unn inn: Imw w. J. Wilson. dru nu. Are you msde In table by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, loan of Appetite. Yellow Skin 2 Shiloh`: Vibnlizer II a posi- ive cure. W. J. Wilson. druggint. In nll hit {our town: in the state of Indi- nnn com and hog: are nllowad to run: at lnr 5:. .........I.- -_.I _.-lA.. Oglvn OLA nlnmnn came Dome et wade`: nrug Iwrv. My friend, look here! on know how weak and nervone our wfe II. Ind 370 know an: C|rter'| ron Pllle will relleve her, now why not be telr ebout it and buy her box ? 1.. n- n_.... .:__._.._...s 41.. nhm nl Hm w. .1. wmon, annggnu. It. in reported that Yule college bu been presented with $50,000 for In new gymn nium. The Rev. Geo. H. Thnyor, of Bourbon. Ind., uyu : lloih myself and my wife on our live: to Shiloh : Consumption cure. W. J. Wilson, dru int. `rd vnn Inna`: nn nnrnhln bv llllntiill. nunuunug. u,:-_:- nu-4 . ce No. 4 Bulnch Rt. `HO "wnll plgll OK IDS IIOTIKI. A Nual iujz-cwr free with each bottle of Shiloh`: Cuurrh Remedy. Price 60 coma. W I Wilson. drnggiat. For Dyupepeia and Liver Complaint you have n pl mtecl guarantee on eye; bottle of Shiloh`: Viulizer. It never full to cure. W. J. Wilson, dnnggint. It in mnm~t.....i nun. Yule oolleno V! .__.J. H noon, urugguu. Shiloh`: Cure will immodinely relieve Group, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. W. J. Wilton, dru int. nliumr \\'.m.I..1I nlman (mlln r-nnnumntinn w. .1. n upon, aru nu. Oliver Wendell lglunes call: consumption the "white plague of the north." A NAIAI inio-nun` free 0%., and `I. \\ . J. `V IIIOII. (lfllgglli. Hoover, Elmslev. and Curry. seem to be banked for nppointment as international u- Iocintion umpires. H|\nh`- (in...-rh RAmn(lv----| nnnitivn cure .DOX II. N MIC H Jfllg BDOTO. Why will you cough when Shiloh : Cure will give imunealiate relief. Price 10 cta.. 50 cm, and SI. W. J. Wilson. druggint. Hmumr l`lmnl.m Ami (lnrrv, imam tn ha IOCIIIIOII umpires. Shiloh`: (latarrh R.emedy--n positive cure or Cainrrh, Diphtheria And (Junker-Mouth. W,_J. Wilgon, druggin. .Qhilnh'n (`aura will immadinmlv IOHOVQ The Cream u! the Paper: Gathered For ` _ thu Whig Readers. Little Josef llofmann, the muniul pro- digy. is studying in Berlin. He is said to hue grown quite tall since leaving this country. Hmnmn . mgnin nnrn nlvn aura: corn: And country. Hnunolfa magic corn ulve cures corn: And bunions with three applications. 15c. per .box st. \\'s,de'n Jrug store. \\'In: will vnn vnnah when Shiloh : Cure IXIUFG In-IV llllu IUUIIIIU ICPUI H- In Indie the policy of the govern ent in the treatment of leper: is lVOWe(ll:'\>Q0d on the proposition that medical science the on yet discoveml no remedy for the license. ` '1 hot policy is practically to lenve it alone, but to encourage the grunt of medical relief to lepers in voluntary hospitals and apecinl uyluma. To any one who has travelled in India Among Imlinns and other Orientals, the marn-l is that so many are free from the taint of leprosy, seeing that leper: go about like ordinary people, marry and are given in nnarri-age. Fortunately. leprosy will only ourish in congenial soil, and it in rnre tho! the average European suffers from ICCi- dentnl contact. IIIIIEIIO WIIICII lIll|Ik'l8 numsuuy. The medical rel-nrts of the foreign cus- toms refer fr'quenIi_v to the subject. It is said that tive greet epidemics have been re corded since the Iifteenth century. It is spreading now-to districts which were pre- viously compsrativz-iy free from the scourge. The spread at the disease is due to the in- creased comlnuicstion by means of steamers slong the coal`. and up the Yangtsze river. Tho ('i1innnA Hi.-Inst-`-Ivan nnnmsr tn hnve I K 3\JIl`4lV\.l \II` 1.1 III me Grant Medical \v...3.h1~\ the Age. on Manhood, Nerv. ...... ...a m.....a.~..| --n..r.amu/

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