AIIIICIID. Till LIAD . S+`u'. V0 UXVVDIRTAKIR. Pnuoj incest: cl |lcycl0yr~" Bnux, Mnroh 2l.-The Emperor sud Era of Germany will put the summer it mm and be united by the CIII`, tho Empororol Aunt:-In and the King oi Italy. Emperor Wllllnm hu uoooptod Qnun Vic- toria`: Invitation to visit England when `nun! mum-uvrcl will be bcldin his hon- ` DUI . -- III}. in: Il- IIUIIIOCICPQII. NASIIVILLI. Tonn.. March 2|.-Govornor Toylor yoatordn pardoned Clurloo -Iolbon, who. u olork o the Guano hotel, In` Mem- hla. ucolo $126,011) worth of diamond: from may lhvonport. After Tolbott had been rolouod Min Davenport sent for him, gnu him 0 looturo and 800, and told him to go and do no more. \ nun: llIVlI'I venoronnonu. Lennon, March 2l.-Gent Dnvia. whose roni nation canned the election for Kenning- ton at week and who ed the country. ha: been traced to Borne in Switzerland. He in livi wizha woman of unuvory chancter. for Ivnom he deserted I young and beautiful wife. The amount: which he obtained by bill: of sale upon hi: furniture aggregate 8l5,000. n-on Iugul-. :1 0| UITWCF Illd U10 pfflpli com uy we: I feiluue. The Iubecriptionl tn t e oompen `e securities in New York city bed been gluppointingly smell. There 10 tell Among brewers of forming I compmy among themselves. A Bl: Schema Hunt. llp. SYRACUSE, March 2l.-The million: of money from England and New York that were ta furnish the Syrusune brewing And mnlting company with big capital have hil- ed to mntorinlizo. The time allotted for the connummnlion of the scheme expired last night. A big brewer aid the proposed company The nuhmriminn. Ill! IUQICDCO. The member: of Leicester lodge are to be cougrntulued u n the mucous of the entertainment. r. Jonathnn Taylor. who was prominently connected with the event. is entitlod to prninc for the fnithfnl In) In which he performed hi: Ihnre of the work. An intermission of ten minutes In: given. and those present. were allowed to compare notes. The time was panned plenuntly. Fho contributors to the last part of the `programme were : Mn. Guessing, And Messrs. T. Songs. Guoasin , I-`. Birch, M. Melville. R. Holding. M. . oore, Mouluon, \\'. Booth, and W. R. 'l'n_vlor. The accom- puuimenta ware played by Mina Hnnnnh Tnylor, orgnnist of St. l'|uI'I church. At ll o'clock u rognrnme of thirty pieces In: concluded. Ellie meeting dispersed After "God Save the Queen" had been sung by, the Audience. "PL... ...-_L___ _r v ,1, ,. I u ulc. n uuev. glvun ny (ne mines Lnylor wn Iuccoufully rendered. Fhey were henrlily enenrod but did not respond. Miu Hubbud nag sweetly, "Como Saviour, fnme." lllllly IJIEHICU IIICHIUUYI I" [He Orler. An orcheetre furnished several pleuing eeleetione. Bro. Swain was very eective in hieeoeg, Where there`: A will, there`: I way." Ae e humorist. Robert. Holding wee is greet eucceee. His selections. A reman in an emeteur re brigede. end " Right Before the Miuue," were very enuein. Miss Liuie Holding utonilhed the poop e by the cleveruey ehe recited A dieobedicni Inbuii." mam`: Thomnonung "Au iwful toolheche." end deli had everyone. A clerionet eolo by Mr. her showed that he wee e mueicien nf uncommon Ability. Bro. Guessing told I touching ewiy, Driving the Dover Express," and Mine Riell did well u a soloist, singing effectively," hinke ing of Home," "By and hye you will for el me. A duet given hy the Mince Taylor Iuccoeufullv remlerml, PM-u -an-. -uuuy. The moet appreciated pert of the pro- ` gramme Ins then proceeded with. Refresh- ments in abundance were served. The musical and literary part of the proceedings wu very interesting. Before the programme Inn nished. it true proven that there were mnuy telented member: in the order. In nrnhnurrn fur-nigh-A ..u-.-..l ..I---:.... a. an In llll uuly one In (no business mu on re lair ourcunun whoa It need: it. In prion lint. I. KIRKPATRICK. 159 Plincau Street. A lietcls of What They Have Donll"Uy Dr. sInytho-A Social nun win st mou- antly lumeI.nbereil-'l`he Programme at Long And Meritorious (Inn. has been held in the city this winter occur- red last evening in the Sons ef Temperance hat-l,eoru er of Princess and Montreal streets. The event was arranged by the members of Leicester lodke, Sons of England. They ia- eued a large number of invitations to triends and consequently the hall was packed. All the Englishmen of prominence in the city, with their wives a_ud children, were there. The rear of the platform was artistically de- corated. Mr. Salter. president of the so- ciety. occupied the chair. Beside him were Dr. Smythe, ll . .1. Savage. J. (yreen and J; Allison. A letter wits read lrom Bro. C. F. Smith regretting absence. Dr. Sm the delivered an address on the principles 0 the order. He said that the Sons of England society was establisiml in Canada about twelve yenrs ago, and had during this tiiue made rapid progress. Une of the great aims of the order was to enable the members to help themselves. Twenty live years ago he had heard the remdrk passed that such a man would get along because he had Irish or Scotch elements to help him. But he had never heard it said that a men would get ulong because he had the English element to help him. He (-onclutlltl that English- men were powerless to help themselves because they did not form an important combination of the population. When he became older .he discovered that there were a great many more Englishtnen in the coun try than he had anticipated, and he consi- dered that they had a right to associate to- gether. Everyman, woman and ehild has implanted in their hearts a sincere atfection for the country that gave them birth. and any society that teachel its members to love that country and the queen deserves to hold a position of importance in the country. The Sons of England society trains its mem here to hold inviulalvle the principles of the Protestant neligion, and to honor and obey the teachings of the bible. These principles are Iuicient reason for the existence of the Innat annrnniatanl nart nt` st... n-.. `One of the most sociable meetings that ' An Act In In Itouno-bu-ad. auuunun 1`--- Il_.._L nu .- THE SONS OF ENGLAND-._ THEY ARE SHOWING THE GOOD EF- 1 FECTS OF ASSOCIATION. ' T Glvol luminary Jun |o., .lQn\I-A l\Ll_ ll__.|. nu -jju Gout Davin`: Whoroobonll. run. \l-_.L an n__. n - u--'-w-1 nun ulu -UII . Another I-obboty wee committed in: evening within the oity Iimite. The ihievee did their work cleverly. and won amply nwerdod for Ihoit trouble. They `vioitod. Ir. 0etiin e reuennni es tho lower depot betwoon the bone oi ii end 8 o'clock and emptied the till ol 840. which wee in until ohengo. No erreeu have boon Inede. Cull! (died 113 Al opocuzoru. `rho Walla bland luau. The manual inland winter noun took place on the ion Lt Mnrynvillo on Mondnv has bad draw I lnrgocrowd including Iovornl from tho city. The weather wu very line, and though the truck Wu in bad condition homo trotting wu done. and unin- Afternoon`: sport fnrniohed the nnncntom The Plans some I-Englishmen llnvo on [land-A New Lookout Slollon. NIWIURUH, N.Y.. Msrch 2l.-Wheu the steamer Aluks sails from Liverpool March 23rd she will hsve on board s ty of tourists who sre to visit. Cornwsl below this city. with the ides of developing some plea to gen: sn easy access to the top of Storm Kin mountsin. If their plsos ms ture as we! as they Anticipate s lookout will be erected on the summit of Storm King. which will oommsnd so extensive View of the Hudson, both north and south. which will eclipee my views of this kind in the world. LARGE QUANTIFIES TO CHOOSE FRO! AT VERY LOWEST PRICES. ` A Hruh Young Agvnt In Warmly Iluetlrd Out 0! Pendleton. Ind. Axnlnson, Iud., Mnrch `ll.--Ten days ago I young mun giving his nomeuJohn Spotteford come to Pendleton end begun convening for I quilting machine. He mule himself so obnoxious to the lodiea that pro- Ininent citizen: eecorted him to the Bee liue roilwey end run him through I gnuntlet of ewitchee e dietmce of 100 yards. Before beiu etorted through the god: the fellow pinged guilty to insulting women And beg- ged for mercy. Two miles out of town he Itopped at a farm houee. badly scarred and bleoding, and hired I rig to take him out 0! the neighbou: hood. some 0! the .\`choIno N we I-Ingnglnx the Attention ol the New Yorlu-nu, NEW Yulw, March `.. l.-~Ruasell Snge, R. W. Gullowuy and other elevated railroad mngnobee called on Mayor (Grant. to day And hod 3 cnnsultution with him on the subject of rapid transit. The mayor said he could agree with the suggestions embodied in M r. Gould's letter, and tlinnght all new echenics in the way of rapid transit should be Awarded to the highest bidder. He said he did not the hlanhnttun ale-uteri people were such philanthropists as would like the peo- ple to think he was. Mr. Gnllowuy said no matter what ache.-.'ne would get. the right of way, his people would buy them up. ".11 I10 . `3-"s`r.`f9i#f"f$'.s`ns.. ........... .. L`0I.`|` IACI. -- .8.8."-J. npn ............ .. " Nmnbc -0. Wood-ML. Hevornl ol 1 hem are In Gaol--Thuy All any The-y are lunm-out. YORK, l`e.. March 2!. A('oustalnles yea terduy arres-*ed James an-l Howard Stump, Aged 9 and 1] years. for setting tire to the harn of Lewis Miller : Mrs. l'Tliul)eth Weaver. for destroying the hem of Benja- min Forrey ; Mrs. Aurelia Miller, for ring the barn nf David Newcomer; end Miss Core Reihle, for tiring the burn of Levi Dubs. The three women were brought hora lust evening and counnittcd to gaol. Mrs. Weaver is the mother of live children, me A babe, which is in prison _witlI her. Mrs. Miller has also 3 large family. Cora Reible in 16 years old. All protest innocence. "Joe BI-own"-Dr. kIo.. ..... "lillok HlnJwk"-(_`._. to . . . . . . . .. `-`w.a."-'u. _m'I_n.,] ..... ...T.'f "nudu "-J.Uoyla . . . . . . . . .` "'l`opy"- Btnloy . . . . . , Guam mac. " mmy"-W. WInborno.. Mr '--W. Henley . . . . . . .. "Bclly`-'l`. Connolly ..... .. X", -1. lxlllllllllly . . . . . . . . . .. mwmnlr Iucu. "Don:-aux Prg:'oo"-D. B:-uky.. "Joe Brown'`- . klo.......` Hnwk"--(`.. kn , mu In-c l'hrr:-'l`. H An "Mud _` -J.0oy e.. "Topsy - 8uuloy.... BRILL! ll; nu uusuuuu uuu wnn suuzuer mun. , The case against the marquis was dis missed. A cuunter suit brought by the Inarquia against Lord Douegal was also dia- mined. "Gnu '--w. Henley . I BOOTS, SHOES, TRUVKS AND VALISES The Cue of the inrqulu Ind Mnrclnlom-u of Donmrnl ls Opened To-tiny. LuNnu.\', March 2l.-The Msrehioness of Donegal hu brought suit nguinst her hus- band on the ground of cruelty and deser Lion. The marquis is 67 years old. The case was heard today. The 'mar-'hiom-sa testified that she was mnrried to the defend- ant in 1865. She left her husband's house in_l8T`2. Previous to leaning they occu ied separate moms. One night the respondent brought I friend home with him and drag- ged her from her bed into the passage where his friend was. Afterwards the re- spondent lived with s woman named Wright. The defence produced witnesses who testified that Lady llonegal had cum mitted Adultery with a groom employed by her husband and with another 1`)... n.... ......;..-. .1... "ClBZt\nn: 1:- Ullfl nnyueu I'CII `WIS, Iraqi "ll nolna In the sown of Winslow fifty years ago because his father insisted on educating him for the ministry. For twent five years no trace of himwvas found, and 0th his parents died. A year or two ago I distant relative from Waterville found him in St. Louis. He wss very eccclitrlc, a firm believer in spiritual ism, and severely economical. Notice of his person was found in key to a vault in in safe depopit company. with A card attached thereto directing the public administrator to deliver the same to H. U. Paine, of Win- slow, who married his eldest sister. Both are now dead. Hayden had deposited secu- rities amounting to $35,000 with one of the trust companies of St. Louis. There was about 81.000 upon his person. and iustru men,f.s and papers indicating that he was the owner of property worth $60,000. He left no will. His living relatives are Charles Cook`-Hayden, of Winslow, and the children "of his sistefa,' among whom are Prof. J. D. Taylor. of Colby university, Prof. Jetfcrson oral others. death has just reached Waterville. He died, in a meauly furnished room. and upon his, Taylor. of Wsterville high school, and se\'- ` COO'LWI[ wuu the lone). tinni- nnlulugu-u mpg- ..-_..h.n.. on I--ua- uuvu `VII'lIIIII'I I \V'A1'i:lWlLl.LE, Ny. Much 2l.-Ueor5o Clarke Hayden ram 0. yTrom his home abwu of \\'iualnw ttv vunrh nun hm-mum TALK OF RAPID TRANSIT- For Twenty Your-s Nothing Wu Known of IIn- lolcd Wu-nlthy. u7................. .`.__-L m n,,,_U CHASETD HIM WITH GADS. WANT A BETTER VIEW. WOMEN AS i JJENDIARIES. SCANDAL }N HiGH SOCIETY- IUHZT CASH PHI )! PAID FOR 0} IRON coal or Iv`!-ouglm. Bran, Pnppor. laud. liooo. Bun and In-. AN ECCENTRIC MAN. lat The Evlcton at Wort. Dvnmt. March 9I.-A number of taunt.- Towurvilly. county Dons], have been evicted. The ovloton won but bun nomad land not not uthorldu u-uhhod 5 aroooll) polloononnd may to um um. -:_` The Colin Data will be pnuontod at. tho uylnn to-night. A Band 0! Duper-nto Ion who wm Vio- lolltly Bulu cnpcuro. P11-rsncm. PL, Norah 2!.--Six duper- no men. unon whom are lath. Runny. Sullivan sud uhr. ol the ty which Uortund uvenl oitlaenl It M lollnud Inn wont. are located nut Mnkloyovlllo. Tiny are armed, and annually on gun! qnlnu Inrpriu. Mnrkloynvillo pioplo have uh-d duo not the county oommlmnmm to In. ct-out tho runrd for their capture to OWL. G10.` morcn. lllIl'I were plenty on canon. Iow- evor. The umly diorouoo In: that they came alone with vgry {ow exoo tlolu. The president`: mall uliowl no sign an docrouina. Since the (ch of Much It In: averaged from 6(1) to 700 latter: I ula; And on some _doyI I-uunin uhighu I I-Ix. mnidant l`'. Ln... ....|_ Illlllllll u nlgn II I.UUU. ` l-Ix- resident Cl-wolnnd u lotion nroly exoeododillhsday. Tho lull 6! the President Still loops l'p -Rum ol Cullen. \\'A.-mI.\'u1-m4. Much 2|.--'l`hon won no dolegnlonn at the White Houo Io-day. This in somewhat unusual, not having boon the one except on Sunday: since tho ll of Much. Thcro won plenty ol callers. how- ever. The unlv dmm-um un. thgt on... The: Cut And Slush I-Inch Other Wllh Swords-lleopc-ruto Conllct. Lox Alt.-sLr.s, CAL, March `ll.--A brutal tight occurred` on Tuenday night in I subur- lmn sporting pluce between two Jepeneee girls. who hsd quarrelled. The girls seized short. Js nese swords and stacked each other. l`.u.-h proved skillful in the use of the weapon. sud both were soon dripping with blood from numerous cute. The etfnir would have ended in the death of one I! not both, lud not the clash of steel extracted s policeman who entered the place. Neither girl received mortal wounds, but both were slashed All over the upper parts of their bodies. uam-u III we nngusn political vocabulary. The (lntarin legiaature has been nailed to vote SL000 towanls welcoming to Otta- wa the American institute of mining engi- neern. The matter will be considered. Ex cnrsions are proposed to the mining districts of Suclbury, Pun. Arihur, .\lumorn, And Kingston, whiuh would in all likelihood result. in the infusion of capital and a come quent development of the mineral district: at present. lying idle. [VIC Ulll. Pigntt was sent to (`hathnm prison luv. December to interview Duly for the Tirnu. Lord 5`.-slishury hu mliaclaimed roafonaibility for the Tina letters, but spoke of their szenuinenvss as still an open question, thus pron.-laiming himself more "Piguttist than the l ig~n.ists," to use L word now well esub ` lishul in the English political vocabulary. 1 leuinatnm hu ll-an nhml m MAMMOTH SHOE STORE cALLERX:rk1'-HE wrma HOUSE. queues neguuuure. we only tlnng that Mr. Blake speaks diapatagingly about to his party in the nonsensical and of! incurring ` use of the pope's name in the preaunble of the bill. l):...-g. _.._ _._,A ., (`L .I Iuy vmn hl iummlpn LT.|lrchlll'l lino. Hon. Edwnrul Blake has given it uhia opinion that the Jesuits act is perfectly con- stitutional. and within the authority of the Quebec legislature. The only thing that ` sneaks (liamuauilwlv nlmnt m hi. IICCEIJI IHO PIECE. The rat: Amt! (7r'1rIIe, when eipii;-5 about the navy forced the libernl ministry : hand ve years ago, begin: I new Ierieu of article: b the lame wriur, agreeing genu- ally with mrd Rumlolph Churchill`: lino. Edwlrii Hilkl! hn aivnn it An In`. HUUII. In an interview \\'hitelnw Reid said the nomination u minister to Frnnce came to him without. any etfurt en his put. He would try to nrramze his lmsinots no II to accept the place. Tin PH jifl fJr.t.n. E5 .55 ..::.x;; .5; IUlCl'VIIl- The uteamer City of Troy, from New York, has arrived at Troy. N. Y._. this morning. The first tow of the season ` reached [toy from New York this after D001], cuxuug um men 0! Damn annrcmats. Professor Brooks, of Geneva, in observing the new white region an Saturn`: ring. dil- Cl)\'Ql'e(l that the light is variable, and `h`t\ 1 there were pulsations of light It irregular intervals. 'l`L.. -. ..\-_ 1'1... _r rr t \v una avllcu nus propurty. A government detective named Wickmlu has been sentenced to two yams` imprison- ment at Alumna, Germany, for falsely Ac- cusing two men of being anarchists. Prnfmuanr Hrnnha of ll.r...u.. :. ..|..--..:_.. IIVCIVI. i`reaid(-nt Harrison offered Chauncey M. Depew A position in his cabinet and the ap- grintment of minister to England. Mr. epcw declined. ` Judgments aggregating $3iT.ll)0 hanboan entered against Henry A Truitt, knit oodu manufacturer. Pliiiudeiphia, and than eri bu seized his propurty. umrermm-.nt dot:-.-tivn nnmml \\`inIm.... 3. The Prussian government hu granted 6,()0'),()()() marks maid in the contruction uflcunal connecting the Elbe and Travis rivers. FIRST LOT Ju_s_T ARRIVED. UV `.l :he long strike of the ootrich fenther. work"era in New York has ended, the girls ` returning to work at the manufacturers` terms. 'l'|._. n...._.:._. -,,, - - Iuluuuululll. nun are sure to become luv. Fourteen at the largest paper mtkers in England have formed a syndicate to rlile prim-ea. The syndicates capital is 2000,- 000. umuera aux 11 pounds. Afuriuua storm has prevailed on the (fhesapeake bay. Several oyster boat: and other small craft: have been wrecked. Viva alivnra-n Li". In.|'.\n-. IL. .I:...\..... ...._ uun-.r amuu cram! nave been wrecked. Five divorce bill: before the divorce com- mittee of senate have been reported without Amendment land are sure to become luv. Fnnrtnnn 1.! Han In-nu... n..\.._ .....I....._ :_ ur cll|ncV.I.le(l ZU,UUU. The London stock nmrket is quiet but irregular. (fnpperia firmer at 4] pounds. Holders ask 4-! pounds. Afuriuua storm ha: nrmmil-ul nn oh. UUUUIIII7 IHW. In Mlunesoti logialatum a bill has been iubrmluced providing for capital punishment by electricity. ' Clan R. `lnrlf1n\ li...\lzl.yn..n.... I`..- c_.:.I. ll, UICUlwI'lL'lly. Gen R. Carlton, bookkeeper for Smith Brnn. R: ('0., ."\, \\'.'l`., has disappeared. He elnlrezzld $20,000. Thu lnnnn nlnnlv rm-1.;-l:nL L. ....:..A l._-_- :4 bill `tn tax sleeping and dining curl in Nebmaka has passed both houses and will boconnelaw. L. \n..._-_-.: I- ,:_|,.,, I -II I THEY HOLD IHE roriri" The um. Tmng. tint Anhot cumIuuo-'- Hashes I":-'onu Europe and What They Pox-tend-A Little 0! Everything In lieu! end Remembered. ' A strung shock of earthquake has occur- red at. Smyrna. Riotoua tIlIieDt8 nearly ruined the 810.- 000 statue of Honjrunill .\`illimn'n at Yale. John (iiddcns. Urn-enville, Texas, we: shot and killed yesterday by his son, aged 17. ~ A I-`l.\'E FARM OF` 75 ACRES. E-ml Part of but Na Li Isl (`onccation Tnwnship of Kinuulwn. hunukifully uillmled on the Lakv Shore. one mile (mm the l`enih`nIinr_v. (loud lurgu hmm~.oulbuildin|:a. un-hard. &c.. anim- ble for n funny-r or nrdulwr. Axguly on the vnlniso.-slu Jun}! 0 AIIAM. P. .nddrous. lamuuxh. TELEGRAMS FROM THE EARTH'8 FOUR OUARTERS GIVEN-. IAFFAIRSOF THE Wl). JAPANESE Gum_-r-'I_GH'r. NO, 68. H()l SI1`. with eight moms and extension kil- ohen hztrd and soft water. with goud Ilnhling ; convenient to Queen's t` tendon. Amriyvn thvvrum .1!8|.lIr IX . ' gt Union Street. between Gordon and Alfrcni (I. ~- A s.\lAI.l. HnL~'.~`ls`. on Centre street. vi. 1 Doria Ward. Mum. um-In-limx lax.s_ sixty dol- Inm per aumum. Also an small House nu West Street. Sydunhnm Ward. olnposilo [Inn 01. Houses in good order. Apply to A. Mc(`6R- IIIPK Princess Stu-er. . `B. BARNEY & 00., IIIDIKYIVIIIQQ EL..--4 Y7.'_._.-4_ _- _- _______ __ ___' 39PRINOES_S Btroofu Kingston. HIGHQT CASH PIN )! PAID FOR OLD out wfounhll. l`r-mnr. THE WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT ` 1 m-;.\'1'--\vHnl.l1`.s.\Ll: STORE--(`omer nf ("Ian-n~c zuul Hnlurio ilrc-ms. Apply to W. H. 51 l.l.Iv.\.\'. Sulic mr. l`laren(`o street. or J. H. HER:-uv. 'l`oh-phone No. I70. A BRICK I)Wl~}1.l.I.\`(i .\.\`l) A Sl`0.\'E D\\ E|.l.lNG. with or without furnaces and all modern impmvoments. Hath Are near the cur- ucr nf Knngund W :-at strools. Anply to .\IAU~ l)U.\'.\'|-21.1. at M L'l)lh`.. I-`Rl).\l la-11' MAY. that good. substantial house on Ontario Street, near Union. at pre- sent ovcuplud b Mm. Deacon. Apply to E. 'l` Sl`lACY. \\'als kstency Slrucl. ocrcu led I wholq-mlu lquor REl~.`.\'h`..s`_ Brnvl. sh xvnolu-\.aIu liquor more REEVES. Brock street. __ THAT IHCSIIIABLE il!Il`K l)\\'|-.`Ll.L\'G, 12!) Earl Su-out. at prosoul ocvupied by W. H. Wormwith. Posueuion may let. or sooner if desired. 'rw|s.`:V l`Y A(`lHI2S' OI-` .,AND. adjoining city. with stone re-aide-nee and uulbuxldimza. Apply to \\Al)l)l.\'UTU,\' liHUS.. Market Square. . ` _xo. 4 (m.nm{.\'m STREE1`. Hut and cold wnlerhnlm: si.\' rooms; extension kin-hon. Poseeauiun Isl \ln_v. Apnly toJ B. .\lvlVI4:R. IIOUSIC. now occupied by J. Mills. Porncr 0 Princess and llivi.-lion Streets. from May Isl Apply at Wulu (NH -9. 7-- y-3---2 A-n:.aY & BAKERS FLOUR BIID GRAIN. PRIBSID HAY. CLO- VIBA8Dll0CH3 SIID. C) D. FRANKLIN` Il;--p- Linn .-.- A snor ox I:|\7: {17{zh:a:r. with dwellin sbovo, non: M!IrkcL :-lunro. Apply at ca I-Jar Street. 117 BROCK STREET. OFFICE. large. central. well tted. r-ea.-mnmblo. Possessmn imluodiately. `Box." Wum. T0 R :-:.\'1*_.\vunI.Ics.u.r: sTd?u:-(`mner nf \`lrc-Nat .-\nnl\' m w _-l !0VlT.:3l'I lA:`JNV_A-l?lV1ll.\: l`l-2RRA(`.r27. Pol}; sion Mi] lat. Apply at \\'HlG OI"!-`l(`-h`.. .___.._________________ THE SHOP A.\'l) l)WEl.|.l.\'ll on King slruo.-I. ied by John Henderson L5 at lauor more, nnlv In JuH\' AN .\Ul`lV'l. lNTlcI.l.lH!-3.\'I` MAN, who us a ood. nwiv writer. ` Must ha well recom- mon ed. Apply to B. .\_l. HRl l"l`U.\'. AN l.N'l-ZIKGI-`.'l`lC MAN Ln canvass for Fire and Am-iden. llmnrnnve. ltufo l`t`l'l(`(`3 reqnirnd. Apply to J. S. It .\lcLf.\.\'.\'. 232 Princess Street. A GOOD. A(`1`lVE BOY-onc why can write and gurequiu-kly. Aimly in I ~ '|l:-:~1I)lR- SON (`heap urocery ouso. Ir-n`L mrcot. 'rw1-:.~:1`Y A(`m-:' or }.A.\ n. udjnioil uutbunldiml D. H. \J\JI'Il`Il-In FIIUF. ` This Horus hujun ham to nodohomuul ro Ind. and no no will ho Jparod no noun the comfort of noun. Oolnmodloul sample Room: for Comments! 'h'avollon. `I'M buntfynni and Itableo In Iowa. ONI DOLLAR PIE DAY. `hm .\II|.i1A'ruL{'. A noon mink. Apply to MILE`. (`AMlRU.\'. (`orm-r of King .uul Union SI reels. 1 .uJ.nuJ. Bm'.\.\'1--Un In-ch ilst. It his residence. Division ntreet, John Brynpt, Jun., aged 53 your: I-'uneral`on Saturday ct 2:30 p.m. Friends nml aoqluiiluncea are rcapoctfuily i:n-iv 1! to ntwnd. - ' FN will wrougnu. Brant. Pnppgr land. lbw. nap. G. OFFORD. FOR SALE 9:; 1'0 RENT. AN ACT] VIC. lNTICLlJ(i`.C.\'T MAN, us uood. nmdv writer. Mm! lm wnll I-nonm- NOVV OPEN '- SPICIAI. Meeting of Y. I. C.'B. A. At 7:1p.m. - 'l'lll'KIDIYo Txxnuun received b{ Pcwor anion till 6 p.1:. COURT Frontennc. .0;l-`.. at 7:&p.m. IDIHA ' VOL. LVIII. , -_j. fj- om r_-'_t:(_)pR Lerroaa THE % AILY WWHIG.. % ` REM IN DERS. WANTED. jgo LET DIED. ._..L |)I-s _ .V )-JJJ.-I-V Ihnnrr sotunn IICIIGCTSOH pply lo JUHN- Terms Apply nu uuu nun In-IuI1.I_ Nlw Yon: Hnrcll 2l.-Robort. lgol.' can of Ge-nerd I. who plnndod gull: to forging pension c ooh. nu noun - dny Uonix yuan` Imprisonment at by-d In r ` in tho Eric county pooluothry. In A Paul Ilnvo. 'Mox'rII.uL, March 9I.-Xhroun'.e, tho oolebruud olnrionotint. in dying of oryui I- Ian. A low day: ago in" slaved t o harbor out 1 pimple on hh oboe . He caught ` cold. Ho la now unconnloun. BIS00_;HOUSE, NAPANER, ONTARIO IIvIIu-' -' ICU `$.30 ALRANY. N. Y., Much `ll.-Controller Mnyon, of Nu! York city. bu paid into the auto trouury $05.11!). received by him in nix monthu. an Inn on oollaunl inheri-., uncut under the Voddu lun. For collect- ing that tun Myen rocdvod 5 per cent. or our 83.00). ' ; in ch: waters thorool. `is liable to dut'y. and a repayment of 3 ondd duty. or any gortion ol.-......l ........ :.- -..L...._..-_. ___-_. -1..."...-u urn-wuuuiumvut npuyrnuxof tzould portion thoreol, upon its Iubnequong exportation. A Ruling ouho Trouury. WA~m|.\`u'r0x. lurch 2l.--'Iho tumult- ucrohrv of the trouury hu informed the collector of customs ct Ugvlomburg. N. Y.. rim 5 Canadian dredge. Impound into the * United Sun-I for tho Eur of doing work waters I iahlo duty. lnrumhnrigonr gnu xuuv IIIIJIIIIFIIDII. To-dey John Fieher, Portsmouth, eppeur- ` ed before Police hlegietreu cliim. et Ceterequi, cherged with selling intoxicetiug liquor eontrery to the Cenede oemperence ect. The evidence of one witneee wee teken. He Ieid the liquor found in Me- Connell : store we: not eeoured from F'isher'e brewery. He did not know whet the keg conteined. In the preeenoe of the court the keg wee broken open end experte declerod thet the liquor wee celled 3ronk" end wee not intoxicating. Then the cue wee ed- journed for e week. Death of an llicm-ntrlo Character at. I:lun- tlnglun--Hn Wnn Wealthy. Wuusu. 1nd,, March `2l.--Joseph W. Hritiiu. who died at Huntington, I'll A most cc:-entric chnrnctor. After hi: death the undertaker found in his trouser: pocket 84,700 in currency. In various place: about V his store were found huts full of silver nnd gold. covered with dust. hnving been lldit turbecl for years. Promissory notes, run- ning up into the thousands, were found Among bin etfectn. um um: ugur Into every nure 0! ma body. Remember R. .\lcl"nul'n in the only place where you can buy silk warp henrieltus for 75 cents; wool Henrietta: for 65 Lents; biurity cloth for 45 ccnu. Every new colouring shown for the spring trade in every new material and at the very lowest price: st R. .\lcl"|ul'I. I Iuglnulllle lI(0l'. _` Tlmt. tired, debilitated feelin , so peculiar to Spring, indicates depraved lood. Nuw is the lime to prove thv benecial ellecu of Ayz-r's Snrnpnrillu. It cleanse: the qvstvm. restores physical energy, and infuses new life and vigor into every bre of the hotly. .\lcl"nu|'n in the nnlv nlnna murrla. M IL, nmoulyn, .\.l'. En-r_\' arrnngelnout in being mule for I n!-clans pmgramme for St. Andrews choir concert. on Tuucluy evouing next. .\larch `lbth. The choir. forty voices strung. . H H! sing several choruscl from good works. Programme later.` TI... .:,...| .a..| n-o...l t....I:_.. -- ..-_..I:-_ saving in: couul uo nolnlug IO!` mem. Aye: '3 Medicine: have boen satisfactory to me through-xut my practicmeapecinlly Ayer'n (`harry Pecbornl. which hu been used by many of mv patients. nne of whom say: he knows it saved his Iife."-F. L. Morris. .\1 l).. Brooklyn, .\'.\'. Eu-r\' nrrnnmamam. in |w.inam..l. in . lat. In buying his carriages he thornu hly 1 nnderunnda h bnllnec. being a pact cu on.rria maker. h an . a loan ovary one 1- n. 3 lo L the only one Inthe business that can Mgr ?:lh Yh iucuuucu wur. Ine proceedings. The l`iAiiI'7l_"VlilVi|ii clerks hnve waited on 1 Hon. Mi`. Haggart ind boinied out toihim that by changes in his act they would lose 8150 per your on the Kingston-Montreal mate. The minister curtiy dismissed them, saving he could do nothing for them. .-\vei's Medicine: luvs hm-n nti-fm-mm l)CllU\ Ill?` l.U`(Iay. On Tuesday evenin 3 very successful concert was held in Me ren s hall, .\iarys~ ville, Wolfe Inland. Contributors .to the rogrnmme came irom Kingston and (inrden slunul. .\lr. Quinn was pruminently identified with the proceedings. ruilwnv mail elm-|u hum wnit.-A nn away a. IUO rrulcul ureet, ningstou. T. A. Webotor, the dominion government inspector of food, arrived in the city yester- dav, and received a number of samples of. milk culul in the city. He will forward them in Utmwa for Analysis. He is in ` Belleville today. On Timsiinv nvnnina n vnru nnmmnfnl morning and accompanied him to his home. Ltdies half, whole and quarter wigs. 'lmu`gI, twitches, hair chains. rings. made to order. [iron and mantle making. Czmuil corset, best ever made, over Walsh & Staoacyb. 105 Princes: street, Kingston. \\' the drnnininn unvnrnm-nt nun :1 new acrauznes on ma race. fwu years :30 Uu|.L`amphell lost a hound. and all eurts to trace it. up proved futile. fhe dog met the colonel on King tree: Elia morning and accompanied him to his home. ` Lulian half. whnln `ml nuurrnr win. -`numb 0Iu|Iu|_y cuutu ll'IlllL'. A young fellow named Snrothart was um o\'er on the corner of King and Qunn street; yesterday Afternoon. He escaped with a few scratches on his face. I`.... ......... ...... 1`..I1`-.\...|.-n I--. _ L, ; 4 3unI'l. ` Senator Sullivan, on behnlf of the King- ston branch of the Evangelical alliance. presented a petition in t.hesenate,prolosting Against Sunday canal truic. A vmma fnllnw nnmsul \`n-nolnu-9 nun. ..u.. IIC plllu III- Thc lute Mrs. lune Noble mnde A be- queal of SWO to the house of providence. She was a benefactreaa of the institution for 27 yearn. Rnnnlnr Qnlliunn An Imhglf n` 91.. II... IJUIICUI i. win uc unuru-r nnu Dene!` Inl! time. The Thousand laland ark hotel will open June lat. The hotel will have an orchestra in attendance. An electric light plant will be put in. Tim hr U" 1...... \'..m.. .....A- - 1.- Nuuy Pnrugrnpl-n'l*'lc|rod Up by out it- porloru In Their Itumhlu. Remember the C. S. C. C. in opera house at 7:30, Friday evning; tickets I0 and 200. [he programme of the Central school concert will be shorter and better this time. Thu Thnnmxml lnlnml nnrlz Imrnl mill mm... mm Good a...o.TwI, You Should Buy rm nmmucn uuuupvllucut utuur Ill l'0l'OhlI!l`9. Comer I-`Ru\'n:.~ur*. .\'o. 69. lhcuL'1.An Mum`- mu. Thursday cvonrin . March llet. . J. S. . M(.`(.\NN. Secrets:-y. ` V-ullul-Il_ IIIWICI" HUI'UIIUrIu Covwr Snxur. No. 199. C.O.F.. meets tho us(`o.\`n nu) LL31` Tvmruv or non IONTII in the `Prentice Bo .~'Hnll. King Street. 1`. 1`. lum'roN. Recon-dint! oorcuuy. over Strachnnh Hardware St Id: Tuesdays of each month. nun! ul M-(Inna. Lmcnncn Loner. No. 7!}, of the Sons of Eng- V land Benevolcnl Society. will meet in their new Lodge Room; corner Montreal and Pnncma Sh-. Su-achnnh Hardwaro Store. the 2nd and Tuesdays at each month. 1. V. U. I . I. U. UNDIR `ml Avsrlqas or Tl GRAND Lomnc or Mwcumrrnu, E.vm.Armi meet every other Friday in the Sons of Enimnd Room. _ Princess Street. Next meeting W. Bl'&Hl:Ll.. Recording Secretary. Anon 1511: . I-Eula Regular nootlu. .\' mdon. No. 28. on Mondny. April lat. st 7:9 ""&}'.c:-nix ac. Jonah. No 3. on Tlinradny. `April uh. at 7:!) m. (`nmnq . No. 0!. on Wednesday, April l0Lb. ` nl 7;.'!) p.m. HATS FULCOF MONEY. Rollin; up the fuses. .. `V V I]. _-L .1: n I10 Got Illa noun: 3 .._.. Il-_,l nu is . lndopomlent urdor nf Foresters. mum Inn.--....u..~. V- zn I)....... .. -- WILL HAVE OUR BEST A'I'I`INTION A8 USUAL. Q NO CHARGE FOR CASES. .j_:j_jj- Tho (`no Adjournod. Int... l.`:-|.-- n,._.-_. -...I lNClDENT S 0% THE oAir. CnundI|n_ llrdoi Foresters. nil! -r.un-- \V.. Inn nnu Mxmastmx; G.`.NAI'.)A_, T.THURsvAY EVENl`N(`:..MA'RC5}I 21, 1335: Son: of England.` 'l\l'\nD Mn '1`) Ala}... { s99n:am$:- wu ulooiou HIIIIIUI. A IIIODOII I` hil- uood to In. Ron and told bar child wu klllod. Tho shock In: to great (In: the Indy became ill and did some day: Altar. The line! IKIIIMI llor. lnoquols. lurch 2l.--A wool jump- ing on sleigh, I child named Vol: Roan was hooked annulus. A mouuncr hu- hnnd mun Rnnnnntl mm |... . - -I.nA I mason truxounm In court that Bane: mud n murdorod on Tucodny night and that his body. with a bullet wound through his hurt, had boon found by the rosdui o. ulvvu UIIIII-ll ! UIIII I00- `Btu;-mono. Ohio. March 21. - Albert J 3...... . am nun we too bouuihn 3 unmA:..l-flat n III-I-n--m ----~----- `` BABY` OARRIAGES.