FRII. . To than who want their Mlvortloinz to m . wo cnn I-br no holler medium for lbomuy and scum worgaon (In various uouou ' n ulo. I'37A1`c`owI:1`.L lBC0.. "I P V I O R)` pruoo in-oot.$lo: :1-k. soul. to give melr vlewl upon me euuject. Ceptein Gukin explained that two rouge lights were needed. One should be located at the gate houee near the miliury college grounds. and the other in the vicinity of St. Merk e church, Berrietield. Then would enable merinere to bring their vee- eele safely into the harbour At. night. The lights in the city clock were indiepennble. Cent. T. Donnellv nid he wmnmd nmm WIFE HDU LIHIPUCIH The chairman read the letter from the minister of marine. and naked those pro- sont to give their view: upon the subject. Clbtlin Gukin axnlninml NIL! tun I-Ana: A Squall In the Council Chamber-Who Is the Best Mu-lnerf A short time ago the Kingston board of trade passed I resolution memoriulizing the government to place rsnge lights in the harbor for the benet of mariners. The matter having being duly considered by the minister of marine. he forwarded I com- munication to Aid. Fenwick, chairmen of the whnrves and harbor committee. asking him if it` would be necesurv to do sway with the lights in the city clock rovidod range lights were furnished. Ald. `enwick called his committee together yesterday afternoon to consider the communicstion. He also invited the vessel owners and mu- ters of the city to be present. There were in attendance when business began. Aids. Fenwick, McLeod, Carson, Shannon and C. Robinson; Captains Ts lur, Trowell, Saunders, Dix, T. Donnelly, Donnelly,sr.. Buunre: end Messrs. Richnrdnnn, .1, Nu. nnunuerl, Ulx, Luonneuy, J. UonneIIy,ar.. Buupre; and Maura. Richardson, J. Sue- wart and Campbeli. 1'hn nhnirmnn I-and lm. Intogu 'rnIv\ oh- then give} it forztheir use rent free. or leave | it to theiroption whether they pay him or not for occupying it. No. no. They In at be taught tp hand Over their ten cents or vo centq u the cue may be to pay for their accommodntiqn and for nothing else.- Youru, &c., \. We are pleased to notice that our cus- tomers, acting on our advice, have bought so freely during the past two weeks. We are in a position to state that almost all the New Shades of Fine Dress Goods are ' in the hands of retailers. Perhaps notone Jobbing House in Canada could to-day? fill an order for a complete range of New 00- lours. Our 2nd and 3rd repeat order for some shades are to hang; We again advise buy at once, even if you a<`5 Fi"'t` intend hav- ingthem made up for some time. Opened this week a new range of Wool Henriettas . at 49c. A new range `of French Cupi.and Satin Stripe. A new range of Foul-le Stripe, double-fold, 35c., all the new shades and black. I-Iz>rRD.Y s D%E From $9 119- LOCATING OF LIGH T5. (To be continued.) __.....j.j_j._.j_._j. ..j__..j `FACTS wonm KNOWING 11 One,& P%rice..$togj, 88 Princess Street. 3 wuwr. 8-J50 p.m. ..M 2.11) nun. -_ Elli LI I 35.51` i ` In Plllll. Qlllfgllll Inn] IQ. whl;h Jtdoo or-aounoouu culnthodty. * . R. T OM PSON, D. can: A III \vr- an V- _U3T' RECEWED non mmnf-st ` A LARGE STOCK. BOTTOM PRICES. DESIRE TO PLEASE, nus-r A'l'l'BAC I' A'I`.'l`lN'l'ION. Mill Feed. Feed Grain. Seed (lrnln and Grant Seeds. :4` CASH PA ID {or Buckwheat. Our. Vhet. Murrowlnt Pen. Pounbooa And Raw rs. `ma P;EOPL(E'S ' _Up-Town Grocery. FULL HTUPKS OI` FLUUR. OATMEAL. Mill Feed. I1`. ed Grain. Seed Hoods. [1 CASH PA ll) lnr llunkwhmt. thin. TDRES8 GOODS FFLOUR, mm) AND sun srorw, Mn In nlanlr-II unnum- DESIRABLE PROPER'l`Y ON BUILDING LEASE FUR 21 YEARS. The underslmne-I otfers on building lease for A term of 9| years from lat Mu) next, at a very reasonable ground rent. lhnl centwnlly situated city property between the premises of George Brown and Samuel Jenkins About 132 feet front on south side of rrincess street. above Harrie. with an average depth of no feet. more or lens. The lease will be renewal at the end of the term, or buildings p.l~l for us Inuy be arranged. uuuuuuu]. SVUUIMIIJ E `I don. No. 4 Bulnnoh St. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. the Great Medical Work of the age, on Manhood, Nor-v oun and Physical Deblllly. Premature Decline. Errors of Youth. and the untold miseries consequent thereon no pages 8 vo., I25 preeori ptionn for all dlnouu. Clo! h. lull gilt. only C1. by mall. settled. [Hul- Lrative sample free no I" young Illd lnlddlo Aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jowellod Medalnwardod tothe an her by the National Medical Amoclntlon. Add!-on P. O Box I896. Boston. Mum, or HR. W. R. PARKER. grud- unte of Harvard Medlool College, I5 you-9 pructlce ln Boston, who may be consulted oon dontlnlly. Specialty: Dlneueo of Mn. 0!- ` an NA 1 Dull!-"uh no l'll|'I. TELEPHONE N0. IQ. Ow --- 11;. -16 c;4gn:vc;s1v'.. ' Onoun Burn; Anuuu Hows. wnonnsanfn RETAIL. FULL STOCKS OP FLOUR. OATMEAL. MIII Feed. Iml Grain. Seed (lrnln and (Iran: EXHAUSTED VITA_LITY, Warehouse : om xcon naronbroke. nuunz DITI Iuprrwr at AYE mo PORTER - Isl- IL.-_._ __J L_-nI C... 1h!-L I-1. uuuur. rnnmn. bl lhulmua FUN SALE. TENDERS will be received by the subscriber nnlll 9th March lnatanl. at noon fur the pur- chase and removal within two weeks after In May of three double tenement trauma buildings on Ihe southerly ulde nf Prlncess Slrcut._nbove Barrie 2-meet. between the premises of George Brown and Samuel Jenkins. The hlgheat. or any tender not nu-oeusarll . ncooplod. J. M. ACHAR. Solicitor. Klngston. 15th March. 1889. OUR FINE ALLWOOL STOCK IN TH CITY IS AT At N ISBET S, Uver 150 POPULARAMERICAN SONGS `THE FAVOR[TE sous FQDB. HENRIETTA A. J. McMAHON S. T//E MANITOBA BOOKS AND MAGAZINES. Miijiaiijjiv 'VV'I I'I-I MUSIC, _-, _ --- --._ N0. II IIAIIKET IQUABL CORNER BOOKSTORE. tn mm or the Ont: uul lhlunc On : sup: AVID A\'RKl'\II IN ALL COLOURS. Only 50c. THE UHEAPEST W. I`. BAKER. Commluion Merchant. 'T0ZiK.`}ELLE.l; _ , _ ___-_.. -_v-v--. arvnannlodill IV uu u-Au THE EXTENSIVE CARRIAGE FACTORY PRICMISICR. occupied by George Brown. on Barrie Slrvot. near Princess Street. having a fmnmgo of 86 feet. with very lur as yard, room and shedding in rear. The ma lnery on Ibo premises mar be bought from lhe outgoing tonnnunl a ow valuation. To an impuoving tenant favourable terms will be given. LT1it:i:"1vTcroinTBu1Ln1NeM To an LET. nu rnvu-xx ..\..-......__-_..__. `fb7_ 1-. .AInAn.._--....__._. .n.. .n_.a -4- n_._ BOSTON ;`m.`si5mr;: THREE FRAME BVILDINGS FOR SALE. 'l`Il`,\Tl'Ili`1'1u nylll I... ........a.....I I... .1... _..L---.-\.,. cllld all adult null: Donolnod 0|:-no. lnduonuh to lth nnlnlunn of III. W-. A. Hu- -7 vv_--: ---y,---;. A "at. of tom new-vpnpen dlved Into Bur fglliilctmxl win be non: on application-7 left in Costa, Jackets. Robes, O01- lsre Capes, Mt_1`s and Boas. All of then we `wall eer for a few days longer at tam tins prices $0 bu or-s,and some o then; we wl so 101' less than cost prxce at the -'-v -: nnvou an vpnu VuIIlA\.lI.LID lA1l\IlI' able colors for sprin and summer wear. T119 design an plsh of our Dress Su` Huts ax-_e aunply 1_1n- surpaasable, and justly entltle gvery hat to rank as a work of art In the eyes of all who see and wea_.r them. We have still a few cho1ce FURS M Our new s_tock is now rep|et_e wlth the leadmg stylgs of pro_m1- nent makers m we vanous fa.sh1on- springand W. din Rh nih rs`. nun nmrlu (3hurch,Adomhusluwn. Mum and specications mayhosoon at our m \ ' POWER 1 son, Architects. Lion Block. Kingston. I `I &&l`IIIl`II9III TENDERS will be received by mounds!- ulgnrd up to 6 pm. of 'l`Hl.'lt~'l)A\. 281 h inst.` for the Carpenter. Plaster and Puinler \Vorka n,~q'|h`ed in the complcuon of the U.E.L. Me- morial (3hurch,Adomhustuwn. and anm-.idnnI.imu nlnlhnllnnn :1! ga- VV'LE}.A.T7;.`E_'l__]E?. _.S_.__ HATS 1.21 vu1.V1'1:u:Ul'Uno5. TENIJEHS will be received by the unher- nigued up till MONDAY: A ril 133-. at 8312111.. for the sevenu trades` wur a required in the `erection and cnvrwlauotn of 41 house on Barrie . Street for G. 011 _ Plans and smsc-irivnnuns to be soon m. mv street for U. Cliff. Esq lama apouim-anions be soon at my oluo. Anchor Buildings. I J. B. REID, Architect. &c. . T Awgri/9 wo/9/(3 /vo r/05 AND NIL` FREI- 'I`n Ihm i>rWt_r- _ tor the collection olugd rates `enforced. LANDLORDS wilf plum: remember that temmts wuler mun. I! not paid, become a lion ('15 U. lR'ET.A`S.'H CONSUMERS are hereby notied that all those whose Water Rama fur :1 period of six learns are in arrears wi 1 have their supply of wluar cut off. besides having lherremedies for the oolloolion ollald ratm-renforcetl. wilf ' relnnnlhnr lhnt Kingston. ulum) NATIONAL M on I) die: ainzhaontlemou. under t.ho or ajw l I! OWDI PO.(i{{'.tMME of, `national Songs and Or- chawll cancer: we vcnlug. _ ae_rvp( U[I_[||l`l0 Hall each even- surwm served I ' 0ntari'o inirt I to 3 o'clr~c Tickets 25c. AD S"l0N-Aftmnoon loc. Evening 25c. Co lnation l`ickots--0onccrt and Supper, 350. 1-3 open 11! 2p.m. CITY J.=rA_.I.ir_..,: Afternoon and Evqngnga of larch l28th-290h,--~- I L d th A otth hldi Aid it "A" " .2."e`.':::.....-'.=.......:. MATIONAL rooms ma um m men u00'l'B. - - oruNn`NL'rw.vAL. d_ioo and Gentlemen. apt U9_|_l92v.-x. _- ( Kingston. March Blh. 1889. rm-Y eNNoUri1I_.EIi'rTE2-. __. Iauvvv V In! I I `only utlu 8 sun orlle-cry 1':-siting. loan loan and In one . Hind wnndotlu on Human nhlld and adult -rnnllv Lancing`. L-nasal Cancer: fevunlug. " I .~5UPPERaerved Ontario ixnirjtgga 25, Wellington Street. Noted for Low Prices. ' s'66v':v` n-I-A Iwn- Al` 1:11. U: T0 CONTRACTOR: TO CONTRACTORS. IDIPHS -ilI I... .... ..x..-,a 1... n... FUBNIS E 11~fE+:;, :.uumuu..u.1. T U. "IR"ELA.`.'l 5, City 'l'rcnauror. Ih. It is `a matter for profound regret that our council hae. recently, been identied with ecenee of a more or leee ecandalcue nature. The electora prefer at all timea to feel that they have made the beat aeleotion of per- eone eligible and ambitioue to aerve them in the city government, and they dielike one alderman lnainuatlng of another that hie conduct; la crooked. hie eervlcee ehady, and hie motivee opea to empicion.__ It in an much eaeier to injure than to vindicate the. char acter of any man. and only the moat die- treealng ulrcumetanoee ahould warrant any alderman in laying of a colleague that which hae a tendency to miedlreot public opinion. into the merite of the oaee which cropped up in the council laet night we have no deeire to enter. It ie an unfortunate {act that it occaeir-ued a moat ahocking acene, one that will be much talked of by the peo ple, one to which an unexpected aiguilicanoe perhapa will be attached, one that cool .blood would not have euggeeted or had preeeed to the iiniah. Oi couree a eerioua charge having been preferred it could not be ignored. An i`p_veetlgation by a commit- tee hae been ordered. It ehould deal with all the faete and diap'oee oi the ecandal at once and forever. Apart from thie ieeue. however. there ie an unhappy diepoeitlon on the parhol the aldermen to indulge in per eonalitiee. ` It ie not oura to lecture them on the pnprietlee oi public life. but we treat that heeeetorth, a they ralae the reepeet of the people. they will do the beeineaaei the i city in a calmer and gentler eplrlt. . . You can not Inn best value In HANGING ~ LAMPS at S. Weaver`; THE FACT [3 WICA V Et{'3 IS THELEADINO PLMIIC FUR BARGAINS IN FANCY 003118, Jewollur . (fro kery. Glui- wnre. Lamps. Oil I-`nlaun. Hctnro Fnmon. etc. Positively! clow- eat prices In the (It): A " you can get the l'lNEh1` TEAS In Black Japan lhd Hymn at half price at u-ya. -.__._ -._- -__. WON'T BE PURIFIED. It is announced that the house of lords; by a vote of 13 to I4. rejected the bill of the Earl of Carnarvon, which aimed at the ex- pulsion from the house of peers who are found guilty of disgraceful conduct. We have not seen the debate which preceeded the vote, and therefore not the reasons which induced the lords to refuse a measure so well calculate} to add to the respect the upper house is expected to command. No reasoning on the part of the opponents of the Carnsrvt-n bill can, however, elsce the fact that the hereditary system of represen V tation has been the means of inflicting upon the people, through the appearance or action of men in s non-elective chamber. scandals which there is no excusing. Why should men, who are convicted of misdemeanors who could not appeal to the people for en- dorsement, continue to act as supervisors of the law, and even as low-makers? Why should men, who have disgraced themselves, disgrace the people by wanting to pose with the wise and pure? But then the titled seape-graces are not to blame. 1`hey cannot ` be expected to care for the honor of a house ` whose other members show so little desire for its purication. _;__:e...- 1 5 A PPEAL T0 .`N(.'LA ND. Theouly wayof upsetting the Jesuiteststes set," we are informed, is by its being car- ried to the privy council in order that its constitutionality or unconstitutionality may be decided. The fact is very certain. if the . indications outlined in Ottawa correspond- ence are correct, that the house of commons will, by is large majority, endorse the action of the government in advising the Queen's representative to sanction the hill. Those who will be dissatised with the issue, who feel that their civil and religious rights have been interfered with, that the power of even her majesty has been ignored, will nd it incumbent upon them to do more than ex- press an opinion. The appeal of the case to the privy council is an expensive under- taking, and the cost of mailing it will not fall upon the government. 0! course the money can be raised easily if the canvass for it"Ts'ma'de energeticnlly. And it is hoped the appeal will go on, since a decision must be had upon the case are the agitation con- cerning it ceases. The public mind is large- ly disturbed, and must continue to be so while any doubt remains as to the functions and duties of the government. nu. B`: . V. .. ...... -. _.. ...- ,._.. not know what themotivos of our ministry are, but we opine that they see aomelychnnce of renewing negotiations unent the treaty, and if resort to modux rireruli in the mean. time will ensure peaceful relntiona while progress is mule towards A settlement of the whole miner all will b: well. In this shery matter all parties, we are glad to lay, have, in the house, acted patrioticully. The liberals helped parliament to adopt the work of the commission on Sir Charles Tup- per : return from Washington. and they will not object to the uontinuence oi the Arrangement by which the treaty rights are respected Ind pence preserved while an- other attempt is made diplomatically to solve the fishery problem. There in 3 difference of opinion in regard to the media 1-frantic , which has been re. nowed_ by an understanding between the Canadian and United States governments, and under the provisions of which Amerionn shermen will be able to uh out licenses to land in Canadian ports for commercial purposes. Some regnrd thiuu 5 lieckdown on the part of the government. w do ....A l....__ ...I-a. LI..-'__-AE..-_ -1 -..- ._:..\2..>.... all Older: they All do ffiovr` advertlsity and ob nu an able 1: mun. be dtatinug erstood. Uver tour unea, Int inner-uou.,v. Each cu uentoonnouuvolnm. Once I II aunt in: Twinnn i , -I nnnt. inn Sliolal -lotion in readin oolnmnl Ho ollulv odoahti twenL 03:: per I no for zach illiligrnfslogl; com o orporl uoc 8 Societies wm be 133.1 peruona xy resvonaiblefor ` SH older: thoyaive dearth` . nubsertption and lob;orraanaMalIle`?:IdIICIIc.' this `rm: iii? usaoa uenc oonnouuvomn. .. inn. .. Twioo 5 It In uept 1113.. `than 5 weak. subsequent Inn. .. Twelve lines to the inch. Notloeu of Birth! and Dunn: r ww` bmdwhcnil he I notion: radius are % `Le?'_9n';z 09195 W !,!a*:!2'- " `"- A --....l..ol.s-n nun wmvi }1i~.v'v" 115:1 ?I1iii:'"sron:, 125 Princess Street. - uquvuvuruauvwtuvuuuuu - - TR: Btu-nan Wuldln nhllshud every even-v Inc. tt 8!! King Sin! Kingston. OnLu'l0o at a_1x_uo1.unu FIR nan}. ADVERTFEHINTE. N (ha. cw lmemonn. . .. "N Po: mu. =:3.ho:ubagqnont U Over four lines, Int Inner-t.lon.,`J. . . 100 por,l_ino Each IubuauentoonnoutJvolnI......,-50 ' ,, ..-- ..v.-, ----y`--,..- ._....... I imno" oak. huq u 6c 'l`wol.v:|1noa't`:a `glclh. - Noloeuoflnhl, r:-lngu Indbuth dd,'whuI8Hlo ' readum GT0 051919 ORDER, GEN Tl EMEN . _. ._..._ .. . ...,..,. `w`. ...-. Telephone, Number 229. rHE`Mo1)Us I ! rzcxpz. " OP`/'6' ` Orbcu Dicor. T A_Nn:__9LA:i3iviENT. aerunua. uuoscrtpuon mctzbgedin advance; rs o . y umr nun lam Inn tun Ilurlll tom. Roy mu! ho high! that a man oaunog put mono`! into In inn.` hoop it in repair, w"nun It An light 13, pay tun upon It. otu., And look: Lou-nod In Ivory child and adult trutly bnelnod. Gnu On:-nnnoodnon ugn way can In the other. But I am supposing the use of a whole house for the purpose of accommodating travellers.wheress one room of a house wit a good big stove in it. and a shed toaccom- modate five or six teams, are all that would he found necessary on most of the country roads about Kingston. There are small farmers with houses near the road who might easily erect a suitable shed and de- vote a room or two to the accommodation of travellers. or the blacksmith or shoemaker or other mechanic or a gardener by the roadside could protably do so and supple- ment his means of living with almost up extra expense by thus providing "for the public needs. And a wife or child, or some old member of the family. could easily look after the room and fire and the little wants of the guests. Very iewseople ever stay over night. or get their me a at the wayside inns. so that a small amount of accommoda- tion wnuld suiiice for these ; in villages and towns, of course. accommodations would be more and of better quality. for a greater demand would create a greater sup ly. And now, if besides warm room, a good s ed sad water. cakes and confectionery for those who wanted to purchase some.little things for their children. gin or ale, coffee, and soda water for such as d not like to slahe their thirst with pure cold water, cigars and tobacco and pipes for smokers. were dwaysmt on hand.-and also a few bushels oats several hundreds of-hay for feeding horses. I cannot _eee any difilculty in we way of keeping good places of rest and refreshment for the travelling public without a smell of alcoholic liquors within a hundred miles of them. But the public must he taught to pay for their accommoda- tion, not the few little things they may buy. but irectly and in cash just as they : .hey_must taught , I- 2 caunottyut y their road tolls and their market tolls. i nearer me number. But beeidea Lccommodatin the travelling public euch hnulea could be t e poet oicee, for they would alweye be central and con- venient places, and could not be 0 `acted to when no intoxicating liquors we sold in them. They would eleo form depoeitoriee for Agricultural and other machiuerv to be exhibited for sale or advertisement. and could be used for other purpoeee. such as little neighbourhood qetheringe. Templara lod ea, Sons of Temperance divieiona, oli- tioe meetingn. etc. And from each of t eee things a little income should be derived. In the city ode cannot atore away a stove or a buggy without paying for it, or get I room big enough to hold A prayer meeting in without giving afuir rent, and why should it be dierent in the country ? l`eop|e cannot get anything for nothing in one place more th a they can in the other. nv I nun nnnn-ulna 0.. u... -3 . ...|...l.. avian .auI' uuull. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HUI,` Interest on this at I0 per cent.. Il00, and Ooyearly outlay fa fuel makea Il50 per year required to pay 10 per cent.. which in a good interest. New suppme we take 300 days of the year in which travellers are abroad, and it will require fty cents per day to make this up. Five .teama a day at ten cents each make fty centa, and this will pay for fuel and the per cent. interest on the capital invested. Now what man that was cold and wanted to warm. whose term was tired and thirsty and wanted to rest and drinlrnvould refuse to pay ten cents for his accommodation 3' And if five teams a day did not require such accommodation certainly there would be no call for a huuae of that sort in that locality. Bdt we opine that in a locality where a public house was needed not ve but twenty teams would be nearer the number. Duo L--I.l..- -........_,- l.A-'A - Al - A -- "-' [or "UK 193'. '90 UHIIR. Now why should we not pay `P No man oanoupply us then. things for nothing. and I0 let us nuke An estimate of what we ought to nut. ' `Aka A hm... .... .5 (u........|.. o to y. In nu uu mule An esumuce 0! what ought Tnko A home, any at Glenvule, Sun ury or Westbrook, and let us examine: House and lot....... Comfortable sheds with door: . . . . .. 150 Well to lurnlsh good water . . . . . . . .. 50 DUB! WINK I30 "U gnln. If you ask how are houses of a.ccomm-)(la- tion for travellers going to be kept up 'I answer you, on roads. markets, bridges, mecaonicl shops, etc., are kept up. tint in Iupportod by those who use them and have the benet of them. And I should pay And you Ihould pay for shelter for our teams sud ourselves, And tire to worm us and water for our team: to drink. \T.... _.|.... -L....|.I .._ _-; _-.. - Iv lunuco mum vnul may luau. I (10 not: want I man to sit in his house llld smoke his pipe,and stand behind 5 bar in A good warm room `in roufh wintry wuuther and make more money In a life of worse than idleness than 1 can make bearing the cold and toil- ing_ through the mow all duy long and some- times 3 part oithe night. And 1 mm sure, gentlemen, ilyou look at the matter in I candid light, you will feel as I do on this qnuon. But that in who: your licensed liquor sellers have done for years. and what they want to do again. vou ask hnw urn linunnn nf am-nmmndn CRUC- The Irgument tor licenses, founded on the `supposition that ;here can be no places for thevaccornmmlation of travellers, is to me the most absurd of all, and yet thinseems to capture the votes of even thinking men. The demand for everything gets this supply, und whenever there is demand for stopping places there will they urine. I do not: want sit in M: hnnnn ma .m.I.. hi. one count act and bring in license again 2 Why, gentlemen, you must have grocery stores and blacksmith shops, and various other accommodations scattered all over the country; and you have them, and they are kept up without` the assistance of any in- toxicating liquors. You know when and why the exist and how they are kept up. They ex 0 where tiieyiare needed and be- cause they are needed; and they are kept up by the men who need them paying for what they get done at them. You all know that roads to travel upon are needed. and most of us know how they are kept up. If we o not know, the toll gates will explain th t to use soon as we begin to travel upon the roads. Most of you, gentlemen voters in the county. come to market here mansion- ally, and you know that to keep a market place in order it requires mono ; and you know that you pay this money hy your ten cent `market tolls.` Now if selling intoxi- c"s'tin g"dr1nks`was the best way of keeping up a market place for your accommodation lam sure our wise council would open I big saloon where the butchers stalls are and oolleet money to keep the market in order, indirectly hrough stilling strong drink to those 1! ojwishecl to buy and leave the whole mar et place free to everybody. The road companies should make every tollgate into a little saloon, and the Cataraqui bridge eompany should start a shebeen ,in the "bridge house" and all of them get the money tokeep up their several enterprises in this way, if selling intoxicatin drinks is the proper method of keeping up . laces for the accommodation of the puhlic,,as the opponents of the Scott not declare is the l. uuu In uulr uveu, begin to Illllll there an no tnvarnn to no at and wagm our- ,u|ves, nndmo rent gm feed our team: at, what no we going to do? We must have home: of Accommodation; and how an we have them, any 'thb_\'. unless we vote out the Scott act and bring in license_ sgain 2 Why, gentlemen. von rmrerv 1 UL (`AN un.'|` \ UL' PICTURES FllAM the cheapest in the any at H. WEAVEWS. You can set the` l'llE'l"l`lE5T BABY C\R- , IUAUES at the lowest prices at S. \ Vn|\ er'l. You not tho best value In HANGING S. Weaver`; No Ylaoee no Stall 4! l 1 ` Kl.l_fOl)l,"Mlrch `25.-('l`o the Editor): We bent at oonltnnt cry `About having `no place! to etc At "beoeueevintoxicetinge I nor: cannot" Ioid." ` `his team: to be u very Ipacipuu and ad ggphudsm argument. Staid old temperance men "who huve never taken three gluiee of whiskey or other alcoholic Ii nor in unoccu- Iion in their liven, begin to 0 ink "ii there Ll! nn tnvnrnn tn -tnn It uni was-u m nu. Tom! for outt... ..___A __ .L:, ,. III j__.___._._..__ --~-- i LETTERS TO `me aorron. _ ____ V-V -.u I SPRING SUITINGS AT BOTTOM PRICES. J. TWEDDELL, ONE DOOR IIIDW CIT! EUPIL - -- V _v--u--a `Ann: I Q-A-9 A tOnnd l`rukRMl . Johnson " %....:i'...u.H. ...."' an ucxuu [ml] (0 rolurn nvr [irt] (IIII. \ An-no ll-_-.I llI..._I. n..n..._ ___-_ IAL----- I coma um`. some No. I .... ..At 1:50 p.m. No. 2 ..... p. No. 3......uI mo am. No. I ..... ..M 5.1 Mixed .... .;.nt Ozlo mm. Na 0 ..... ..M 6:05 Ll Mlxod.....ut- 7:!) L1 Mlxod.....nt 7:50 .1 lxpreu tutu Nos. 8. 4 and 6 run an Includod. No. 6 duo: not run on Monday. All llckou good to return for thin] dun. For rates and general lnfnrmuuon I gm mvvnnn An 71 n 11 1' 1.... / Puunser trains leave the new Cit; P:-em nr Donut. luot of Johnson Strut. ulollown: coma I omm: wnrr. VII VI HI W0 me saved and dine: oonnootlom made In this route. hl E\?IAl. UUONIST TRAINSWII be run EVEIW TUE8 DAY dun-mg the month: of March and April. with col-vnlu free nleoplnx our nmwhod. Intending puumgers nro recom- mended to communicate an only at possible with the mom of the Grand Trunk Railway/. Ion Diroqt Route-t-o-innitobn. Northwest Torritorios. Bram Columbia and Pacic Gout. Vin North Bay. ' rlme by YOU cm on THETrITEsr SILVERWARE guaranteed and the best quality made at almost half price at o THE GREAT ONTARIO SHORT LINE. WIIU IHITIIIU UUIIDBII. Clpta. Taylor And Trowoll were satisfied thnt the lights in thg city clock were needed at night. Thu nnmmittnn dauphin` tn rnnnmmnn Oh- II III i- Thge committee decided to recommend the government to piece range light: in the herbor end to ecqueint the minietcr of marine with the feet tint the lights in the ` city clock were lndiepenuble. : :: i____ _4_ [CHI UI WILEY IIIIU Ill! IIITUOT. C: t. J. Dounelly, an-., jumped to his feet and eclnreai that be hand piloted bouts draw ing fourteen feet of water into the harbor when Capt. Uukiu was 5 boy. The ma- riners left the council chamber, Arguing no they want, u to who was the best. man in the marine buuxeu. t`V-_- 1`-.I__ -_j 'l"____II ...___ __.e c .1 _ .. .............. .,..,,... _...... ..KTm.y. Then Cnpt. Gnkln proceeded to explain that Capt Murray was the only mun pre- nont who had piloted boats drawing fourteen feet of wnter into the harbor. l`.. I l\,_......lI . . . _ . . . _ _-J g- L:_ :-_A UUllI(| UU Dilly rCIIC(I upon. Capt. T Donnelly wnrmed up and object- ed in forcible lenauege to (Sept. (vukiu be- littling the other mariners ll 0llDd the board. He contended thnt he and other men pre- eent were just no good navigators as Cepte. or M urrny, and were just as capable ling I boat. It would seem an if the ee should huve lnu-red out All other and edmitted only Cepte. (laekin lII'I'IV. ALL WOOL srame Nncoars, 13..-... An ,___ UIUUI WUKU IIIUIIPCIJIIUIC `W llllu. Capt. Oaekin contended that two liqhte, located where he had stated, would furnish course of his veeeel into the harbor at night. The channel in the harbor had been sounded etrtlicient. light for a mariner to direct the J and studied by Capt, Murray, who was present. He wan satisfied that two light: located where he (Gaskin) had stated would answer the purpnlee of mariners. Capt. Murray was the beet navigator of the river St. Lawreuhe in the room. and when he gave hie opinion on marine matter: it could be safely relied upon. Cant, 'l' nnnmallu wnrmnrl Inn and nhiuxt. ugnw II] we ClF_V CIOCK inmapennble. Capt. Donnelly said he wanted range lights, coloured, in the harbor. but he did not think if they were located where Capt. Uukin bud mentioned they would he of any me. The needed three light: instead of two, and t ey Ihould be erected Along the hnrbor front. The light: In the city clock were indispensable at night. (`.Anf., fllnhin 1-nnfnnrlntl Oh-O, -n Hake- V - -j---- v ---.1--nu @1- \'0l' (`AN GET YOUR PICTURES FRAM