R. J. McDOWALL, Princess-st. In the ordinary course oftrade the consumer buys his tea from the retailer, the retailer from the jobber, thejobber from the importer, the impor- ter from the producer. This is commonly known known as the regular channel of trade. This is necessary in most cases as many merchants. both wholesale and retail, have not sufficient trade to purchase from place of growth. N SF"\T STROUD BROS. 8ty/ea IIew,. Latestsnapes; am 8tocIr. Prices Low. WHERE SHOULD '1 HE CUNSIJMJER. BUY? _|g C_al'3_rr1I_'e iafd Plain Goods. In Several Materials. Uoall EARLY. CONSULTATION luuclt. Dr. Washington. as almost ever person knows. is an eminent authority on 41 diseases Dftlu-throat uni lunzs and has been most successful in the treatment of his patients. HEAD 0FFICE:-Untar1o 82 McCnul street. successful in the of his 0FFICE:-Untar1o McCuu.l street. Toronto. unnvuuwu n nu-yr u. Catarrho the Head and Throat, nmrrhnl l)eafnos,s, Jnronic Bronchitis. Asthma and Consumption. Alsoloas of voice. #011) throat, onlnnzod tonsils. Polypus of the nose romuvcd. Con: CONQULTATION Dr. Wmihinnrrnn. mi nlmnnl nvm-v nnrnnn or TORONTO. THROAT & LUNG SURGEON. Cuban-b. Bronchitis, Asthma. Consump- tion, Eeccually Cured. DESTHOYS AND REMOVES WORMS OF ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR. ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND CANNOT~HARM THE MOST; A *3`DELlCATC CHILD-E-< . mun no ruuu uy every mu: wno, ll nervou `d d bilitnled. Addreu. P OF. F. C. FOWLER. MOODUS Conn. - THE ueur nuurgnff IQUAL. GEORGE oLI:a~Jr, -_ TIIOOIOIII Rd: Inuonnns. 1 Ion II LIOUINESI. CONSTI PATION, lNDIGt8TlON. DIZZINESI. Ilc, HEADACHE, no oulusn or 1'94: ` ITOIACH. LIVER AND IOWELI. Tun Au: mum onouan um noun II ACTION. Aii Oili A VALUAILI Alo to I--noocn Imoo lIrr'r:no In rut tvantutur AND cunt or cunoim: AND OIITINATE DIIIIAIILI. others do not. (lurtpri Lime Liver Pnlonre very smnll and wry easy (0 (aka. One 01' two pills make: dole. `flu-y are atrlcll) vogctnblo and do nut gripe or puma. but by their gentln m-Hun plane all who use them. In vialut. '15 COIILI; vo fur 81. Sold by druggintn overywhero. or sent by xunll. Z II the bane of so mmy Hvu that bore II when We muku our gr-ml bunt. Our pill: cure it whue others do Cnrlnr'A Lima l'.lwu' Plllmnrn var-v 1 1 j 1 lobe they would be Ilmoabpricelua In those who lnmsr from thin dlstrnulng cmuplnlnt; bu; fortn- 1m:ul_,' lhelrgrmdueu duel noteud here,nhd thou whoouno try them will nnd those little pllln uln- nlalo In no mnny vnyn that they will not be vill- 11ug.v.o do without. them. But After all nick hood - L` - `h j HA8 I T 2 Z - Budawlne. yet Cnrtex-`n Lltllo Llvcr Pills no 1-qlmlly \':\Iunl)lo In Conallpal nun. curing In.--l pro- vmllu-,1lhisnunnyluamun-lnlnt.whilullmy nlao cl-rrm tall IHllII`(lL'l`!IvX thenLnmm'll.uuvnulntutho av-`-i` null rogulutu the bowels. Even 1! they only cured `-nj-j .n - 3` MM. mglllntu the buwclil. lvcu H u Inlu. I Imu n.uul.I lm lllnt\nI.Iu'It`nIAll in H: Tjj 3icl"l1oulncI.II sud nuovonll thou-oublcu moi- dent. to 5 bllloul stator! the uyuam.|uuh u Dlzzlueu, Nzumn, Drowlinoll. Dmma wet outing. Pnlu in the Bhle, kc. While their moot V~-nu-table aucmu bu been Ihowu In curing L- L-Z DR. WASHINGTON, .::.a\.J.cu.:v-.n.5 LJ.l.|J...'.', 5:'5*,|T-"@'."-""-..7.7.2~`5m`:,*'.;.-`;-gg om noun-um. on winning CARTER MEDICINE C0.. Nev; York. lu WIUIOIII wen). DUI lilo!` Ill ll AGHE uED16)LIT1E3.. Dlnonlea Treated. Isl... l.'4\nA" .._.I 'I'|L_....a I POST OFFICE: A GUN! CUII can a wasting weakness. loss of man In . etc.. will send R valuable treatise (seal. ed) oonmlning full particular: for home cure. FREE 0! chm:-`ye. A Iplondld medical work ; should he ran bravery mu: who, is nervous nndd P OI`. II`. C. l()Wl.l!R Mnnnma (`nan LADIES FAVORITE. When Macbeth lronloelly eeked, "Cunt thou rnlnhter to e mind dleeeeed ?" be little knew that Iuenklnd would we day be bleuetl with Ayn : Sereeperllle. In puri- lng the blood. llnle powerful elternetlve nllone end Itaengtll to every function and he ol the eyemu. J. G. eteon, Anprlor. he received the connect lor the out atone required for the nolt-oloe and oultom llnnln. Pnmhrnkn uulurlol wr we on: non required for CI `pout-clot and custom houu, Pembroke. vvnuuuuuuuuno nlll. In$lIIn|toCIlt.urh. Whnuhshuchmsuaho gun thnauchc - WM! 505! WM Ilok. V0 [in hot Cuwrin. WhuIuhowunohlld.|hou-lodtor Cum:-ls. Who: the boouno lbs. uhlnng to Cum.-1., mI1IhAhA`.nL nn -n-A thg-`fl.-A._J- Ul TUUMCIIDH. Another true Itetement Mr. Shibley mehee. ie, Ganada'e reeouroee are unlimited but undeveloped." True, indeed ! We be- lon to a country whoee reeouroee are un- lim ted and, whoee future ie deetined to be glorioue, if we but in reve our opportuni- tiee in developing t eee reeouroee. Shall we then. in view of reaping a temporary nancial gain, or in view of gainln anything whatever, barter away the glor out proa- te that iilumene the future of Canada? hell we dlahoeor the grave: 0! our vener- able iathere and noble patrlote, who bled and died in eetabllehing and defending it? Ever bre of a true Canadian`: being ebou vibrate never. Oh mother of patriot- lern, wilt thou not eeeure the head` of o thie thine erring. atnlent eon in a gee hag eothat hie unpetriotic may oat him into eome lone re ion 0 that " t repub- lic there to aw t in eolltude luopportw nity to vote in "coneolldeted America! I` I J Anne-nnee II I} WHU DU VUCIQLCI HUGH \'lt'\V'B KI HG. Butl must give Mr. Shibley credit for speaking some truth: Foremost among these I see a truth as aolemn as was ever uttered. He says in his description of the American people "they are sassy, and fur- ther on he na,s the great republic is will- ing to abeorb the colonies." In these few words he has accurately described the atti- tude and desirea of the American republic. But be it lmown to Mr. Shibley and his annexation brethren, as well as to the great republic, of which they are auch ardent ad- mirers, that Canada is not that species of bivalve which they take it to be when they speak of our absorption, but is a lendid representative of t e highest type 0 mam- malia, and must needs be disomanixed by a process of pulveriution before ready for the process of absorption. Does Mr. Shlbley not know that before a substance is capable of being absorbed it must be reduced to a very fine powder by a process of rituratiou, or, what is a better condition. toa solution. if Mr. Shibley had even the patriotism of an oyster he would cloee his doors and resist unto death the humiliation of such a process of reduction. A_..sL-- a_..- -a.a-_..-_a `I- GLILI--. IIUU. Illlh EH1`-y H0 "UL 118$"! n. Ilyl, See your son and daughter would be wed` dad." So we see this Mr. hibley in not only an advocate of unuexationnl union but of sister And brother. \\'ell,what better political morals could we expect from 1 man who axlvocatea such views as he. Duo! .....-s ..:.... ll- uL;LI.... n__,1:. L- UNIIUI Ul `lllIl'I'l(-"IS. fhe second characteristic ` feature of his letter is falsehood. This feature particular; ly characterizes his description and compari- son of the two countries, the dominion of Canada and the United States of America. For instance he says the present govern ment of Canada is a dictatorship, and Sir John A. Macdonald is dictator. Is Mr. Shib- ley so ignorant of the form of government of the country to which he professes to have such a strong attachment not to know that the Canadian form of gov: rnment is the same as that of Great Britain and Ireland. and that Sir John A. Macdonald is an indi- vidual elected by the people of his constitn ency to a seat in the house of represents tives, where he has the privilege of freedom of speech and a vote the same as the rest of the Canadian representatives? Mr. Shibley sneeringly remarks : Our governor-gener al makes viceregal processions through the country when the people gather from the back townships to see him and wonder " Mr. Shibley must have been reared in a bank township if he does not know that the most intellectual, rened. and cultured Ca- nadians assemble to listen 'ith editication to our governorgeneral. A oreover he in- sinuates that the members of the Canadian legislature do not earn their salaries, and that they are idlers. In reply I would say they earn their salaries in a much more honourable manner than his American la is- lators_ and their labours bear the mark 0 a courteous, independent statesmanship not exhibited by his American legislators. Our cabinet has never stooped to otfer in- courtesies to a neighbouring nation for the pur e of alning a political cam ign. M as Cans a," as Mr. Shibley calirher, remains long enough at home with her mo- ther to `get agood bringing up. and good manners. The result of good rearing always tells on the character of a nation as well as an individual. When a boy`rnns away from his mother and comes up himself he usually grows up sassv. Mr. Rhibley, referring to England. says : "We are all your chil- dren on this continent." False again, but I should let him down this time, forl believe his ideas are so large about the glorious re- public that he thinks South America, Gen` tral America, and Mexico belong to it too. lint they do not. Again he Nae vmlr ann aml tianohtpr would in: wml. 8uerh:g from the effects of youthful errors. earl doccui wutln Iveaknesl. .etc.. wlnen avnlunhln Lrmrlmmuu. sna unpamotuum. . In taking a general survey of the letter in question the reader is at once struck with the jsusty trivial handling of the whole question, which is so peculiarly unsuitable to the subject of discourse, and so unworthy of an individual who talks publicly on ques; tion involving such lsaues' as the consolida- tion of America. In tact, judzing from the subject matter and execution one would take the author to be a Yankee. However he saysyhe is a Canadian, but if his letter is a characteristic one I can see very little evi- dence that would lead me to believe he is such. Were Icalld on to classify him on the basis of instinct and feeling I would place him among a species of Yankee which inhabits the Atlantic sea board `of the United States of America. If Mr. Shibley and the rest of his annexation brethren, who prnte in such a "silly" manner about an- nexation, are very anxious to vote in conso- lidated America. I would advise them to shoot from guns ofa heavier calibre and charge with steel instead of lead slu a. Mr. Shibley possesses the qualities whic would render im asncceseful reporter on such an occaeio as a holiday excursion, or a game-` at pug, but he certainly lacks the power ne- cessa to generate a cement.that will unite insolu le such heterogeneous elements as the Dominion of Canada and the United States of America. PI... --......A -l..........a..-2..a:.. ..-a...... ..l` L}. an onl.,. ' ' he most charm,-taerhtlc fenturo of thy lettgr. according to my way` of thinking. 15 ' I. jsunty Yunlmeliod phrueology. falsehood and nnpuriotinm. In tnlxinn . general nurvev to polni out me OM01 cnnrucwrumu [OIIIIICI A as they Appear to me. I shall not take up much ugoce u the 16b in light. nnd any of diapon . , 1.- ......L ..l......`..o-.l-Mn la-turn nf Hunt llcgilv to Mr. I`. Shlblqy. M0l`N'l`Al.\', Much 22.-- To the Editnr) : In your last luue of the \_'I-:1cxL\" Wmu I read 3 letter over the nignnture of Fred W. Shibley, which, if i; be characterintic. ren- der: hi: character euily uudernhtood. If you will be kind enough to allow ma space in your interesting` per I will ondeuonr to point out the chi mnructoriatlo (natural in than Annanr tn man I shall not take [ID 'LE`r`rtns 1'0 THE :oI`Toh: Z ouuonauoa Altlflol!" I`. J. Junuon, M. D. vran Bnrrrsn WBIG.4TUESDAY. MARCH 26, Onnlinl Drlvo It Montreal Wu I bl; thing, but Dyer : Jolly ol Cucumber and Boom In humans for curing chapped huadl. Try is. W. A. Dyoi 8100., M mung]. CIIIIPPU III M ontusl. "1.`he nu}. Goo. H. Thnyor. of Bourlion. Ind.. uyu : "Both myself and my wile owe our lives to Shiloh`: Coolnmpdqn curs." Wilson. drnt. ud 9",! . H9! rupuol I rvntonaguxooouo? trolemn on the human body. The author probably nndlod the Amorloan us-nut girl quullon from A" skin. ' `PI Inn marl: mlnnl-ALI: hv Yuullnngtlnn It can be given in a cup of coffee or ion with out the kn uwiedge oi the purson taking it; is Iboolumiy harmless and will cbct A perma- nent and s edy cure. whether the patient is A moderate uinkm or an alcoholic wreck. it has boon given to thousands of cases and in every inslancen perfect cure has foilowed. It never mils. The system onco impregnated withtho Specic. it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor nlppeiiio to exist. For circular wd iuii pau-ticu ars address GOLDEN SPECIFIC 00.. 185 Race St... Cincinnati. 0. III qllllllll Wm NI IICIOI. ' ` Are you mndo mlunblo by Indlgatlon. Collttl ti Di-hut. I of A H00 Yullowpgkal .! Shiloh`: Vlmlnr |.p!......:'. uuulpsuon. mllnuu, loan or Appouu. Yellow Skin ! Shiloh`: Vltallur In I poll- ` the euro. W. J. Wilson. drnuht. _ HIGH]. Among the lnmoun cuu of 4-yxintenoc with- out food Ind drink In that of I fut. of sixty- niy duyljnu completed I) 8 shop on 0 farm near Tuuools. III. be poor animal wu lmprloonod ull that time beneath a staunch. ` `BL- D-.. (1.. It 'l`L-..-_ -1 n__._|:_, nooooa nu ma nu. I Have no unlun prompt and pooltlvc cure for do headache. blhouunou. oonui~ potlop, pain In the side, sud all liver trollblei. CQ| Hl'.l1lI\llLl!.I1',Pll|l- Try them. A _..._.. AL. I......... -_-__ .1 __r . 0.1 [IOT- For Dyepepeie end Liver Complaint you have e printed querentee on ev bottle 0! Shiloh'e Vitellzer. It never hi to cure. W. J. Wlleon, drnulet. F. 0. Adelne, reeve ,0! North Cmeby, and W. Rorleon, ex-reeve. have obtelned e contrect from the government to build e dun and lere on t e outlet of the Weet Rldeeu Ie e end deepen the cut lroln there to Send leh-. Thle will be e reet Benefit to the Rldeee oenel. ee It w I hold vthe overplue of weter In the eprlng until It is needed ln the fell. 3.... ..A -....-I .- - ---.__L -4 1 ___u:,,. znrougn new 1 or: recently on her Ivny 90 the Sandwich ialnnda. when she goes to nnrunleper colony At Mnlnksi. She cm never again mingle with the outside world. It In hurd to no how heroism can go {or- that. F-_ I\___-_-:_ .._.I II__._ n I I OI CII]VI'I- For coughs and colds take the Diamond Cough Remedy, composed of elecampane, wild che and horehonnd. 9-5 and 50 cents a bot! e at Wade's drug store. The sewing machine advertised to be given away at Conger`: boot and shoe store, Picton. to the person guessing the nearest to the number of beans contained in ajar, has been awarded to Miss N.Jacluon, Milford, she having guessed the exact num ber. being. 3,709. Not one in twenty are free from some little ailment caused by inaction of the liver. Use Carter : Little Liver Pills. The result will be a leasant surprise. may give positive relied.) Miss Fabien, an Engllshwsman, passed through New York recently her to the ialanda. Ihorn aha am. In IIIBIT CW1] (.'0C(l. Shiloh : (`ure will immediately relieve Crou , Whooping Cough end Bronchitil. W. . Wilson, druggiet. Why will you cough when Shiloh`: Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cm. 50 cm, and SI. W. J. Wilson. dragging. l . (1. Cameron, artist, Cape Vincent, who inted the picture of Niagara Fells for . H. Warner. of Rochester, end which Wu destroyed by re, has painted another of the name place, covering I26 aquure feet of canvas. anc unuuul. De, [Ur may mute ner "I861 Illa a diiferent person," so they All say. and their husbands any so, too. - The Action of the trustee: of the Metho- dint church, Bulingbrook, Against the Bap- tist. minister and Mr. Korry has been i Iettlod. The Methodist: retain the church, I the burying ground in to be used u a gen- eral burying ground, nud each party pay: their own costs. QI.:l_LI_ r`_.__. _._.:n .'_,_ ,j:,.,I,, I! , UUFU. A men : wife should always be the name, 1 especially to her husband. but if she in weak and nervous, and uses Carter`: Iron Pilll, she cannot be, for they make her feel like A (liH'm-ant nnmnn " an than gll -Au gm! gm: onimla mum: CLI AT QIIIEQ VV J. V` IIIOIJ, HTUHIIW. On Wedndny hat Judge Jallatt, Picton. ` sentenced two debtor: to 20 dnya in jail for ` contempt, and diapnqed of Ieven defended cu? in 14 minutes! This break: the re- cor . A _.-..|- ...:l'.. -I._..I I _I___._ L- AL_ _, OI WICBT wneels IUISUKIKDU I55` Week. Human : magic corn salve cures coma nnd bunionn with three application. 15c. per box st Wade : drug store. _ A Nnnd iniontnr from with mph hnttln nl DOX II V` 503` {lfllg DCOTO. A Nun] injector free with each bottle of Shiloh : Caurrh Remedy. Price 50 outs. W. J. Wilson, druggin. On Wndnudnv Int Jnrlon Jnllntt Pintnn lIlUIIu A funded or gri/.7.l_y beard is unbecoming to any man, and may be colored I natural brown or black by using Buckingham`: Dye for the whiskers. I I` \1V.'l-- l)..L..... ..|.:......_I .. ...._l-...l :1: ` `Tho Cresm of the Paper: Gathered For the W hlx Roldan. IUI" LIIU WHIUKCTI` J. C. Wilson, Picton, shipped A carload of water wheels tulngland last. week. Hinton : mania vnrn nah-A mum: nnrnn and Be sure and see these goods.They a_re choice and remarkably cheap. We give our whole attention to OrderedC|othingalone,and have facilities forthis department possessed by no other house in Kingston. yspnme and FALL OVEROOATING At $13 and $l5.which are selling fast. If you want a "V "i{rdr3ci'dIo{hig}"th<;B}{;}.m `We show a splendid line of Suiting at` $13, $14 and $15 away ahead of the average quality. r Black Venetians and Corkscrew from $18 to $24. WE HAVE A SPLENDID LINE 034` Or the Liquor Habit, Poaltivelr Cured bl Ad- ministering Hr. Ha1nas'Go den Speci o. It be given in of coffee -wledke onhe mu-son mldmz H: In Weh'show the largest and best assorted stock fog ,J-.._J _I_Al,', ' Front & Wood, Smith's F4113, employ 225 ` SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. oun STOCK or spnlums Isuow COMPLETE. DORLANDS. ORDERED; CLOTHING I W. E. DORQND. SPRING OVERCOAT THE TEA TABLE. BOOTS AND SHOESWXRRIVING DAILY * ** '` --`' I V. A Most Beautiful Bhade for Early Spring. The knowing one: an now scouring I run choion. Mural tho now abode we cannot ` repent even I! wo would. TI\?"'9 CI AD7\C- unto g Juana HAINES 3; LOCKETT. PRU N.K.ENNE LIGHTLLHUSESF S ve al SAT_Ul1NE_LLE1(?_r_; REED] JiREENiF. ELEGANT 1% M JET TRIMMINGS. Vsarwtcaaux f;|ain'Dress Goods. ID G VVULILLUI ULLGII 5|-IULL VQIUU UCLI IE IVUI.I, `IUUJJU [ Buying from rst hands and selling at a small prot is the secret of our success. KINGSTON Address, 109 Princess Street. Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Belleville. '"~ [ wwE`h:uua.lity of the tea. and the prizes given with each pound is a. wonder that such value can be given, Rnvinor frnm r-at hands: and nnllina at A nrnnll mmt In tho STROUD BRUS. stro ly recommend tnetzea. drinking pub- lic to try any of the follogngng brands : BLACK MIXED OR GREEN at 30c. ASSAM (Specially Recommended) at 30c. I This is an extraordinary tea. for the money, also the 500. prize tea. '1-In nnofn A? fiat: fan on!` fhn ru-Inna poinnn u-r-ILL nan}. \J\aV\aI IQI I\I"5I V W5 STROU5 BROS . name has become a house- ` hold word in this great Dominion, and their teas are noted for their PU/?/TY, FRAGR/lN0 A/VD Er/mvc r/1. Are one of the few rms whohave builtup a trade sufcientto enable them to purchase from first ` hands, and the benet of such buying enables ` them to be the medium through which the consu- mer of tea can urchase that article without pay- ing several pro its. QTD!\lIr'\ DDr\Q' ............ I.-- I............. .. I.......... JOHN L/'{ 1`"13"1"JA"\"fv & SON. TO WEAK MEN