R. J. McDOW"ALL, .Princess-st. 08010! FAMILY & BAKER-8' FLOUR SEED GRAIN. PRESSED BAY. OLD- VEB AND TIMOTHY SEED. 3-` 1-` -I-|-I-I-\ A -`W-`I-1--7 -I"n'I' ` G|1_'Y r_=_|_._c_)pR STORE. _...._ ..._ ._. _. -__... _- ..-... .21. ALLA-1 a.rL.|l.lAa.L.1LIo Ilorlda, Valencia and jlessina Oran-ges, Lemons, Cranberries Cocoauuta and all kinds ` of Apples. REES BROS.. Manufacturing: Confectioners. 1%oNTo FLOUR STORE Van 3515] Lnlnvaul I3 0 D- FRANKE.iuiN `llnnnv-nu L`l.nn;u_n We take the lad in Quality am: ' Variety. You can get almost anv shape and style. Our Home-Made I Bread is the latest. Made only at I G. OFFOR_D, %Sr'., f"-II-I {cl-ldll kg": would ldt.hl.lwusu. olcodlu gu .. . vnunl a avvga .A\4nal av -v u.---. It oonmlnn neither Alum. limo. nor Ammonh and may be used by the most delicate constitu non: with perfect enfety. In t euooens u Aria from its bet inetrinaioel y THE HES I` VAL E IN THE ARKE'l`.u wouu thmw l Juuhly adapted to the mums of the kitchen hm , excited envious imluuiona oliu name an eu ` ncmrgncn. Hnwam of such. R- H- ToYE S. L'I\M1 u'!`D l.`|."l" L! A L | .`D\.' luaulyvu Uu Uhll Unyuluu. Iv llulcunuz uy Lyman Sons &. 00., Montreal. excited envious xmlumona or its um Dem-ance. Beware of such. No addition go or va.na.t1on from the sunple name: ` COOK'S FRIEND IS GENUINE. THE OELEBRATED G0K 8 FRIEND BAKING PUWDER [S A PURE FRUII` ACID POWDER. E Fresh, Smoked, Dried. Salt. Green \ Pnpkled and Canned Fish. AF.I%S_I:1' SAUQES W. H. GARNUVSKY. 212 Princess-st. TELEPHONE 2|. OPERA HOUSE mun mo ovsnsn MARKET `luv.-.- \l --....-u.r -v 9...... Trade Mark. on every puckuzo WOYSTERS FRESH EVERY DAY _,-T.?I`?`. BAZAAR- I .-.__ _-..l l(-....:.__ 127 Princess Street. Go to thin Old Reliable Rouse for your 6 U T-13 THE GREAT STANDA RD REMEDY for all ` weaknesses and Disease 1' the Lungs. Impair- ed Nuirillon. ow. Th oil in pure. fresh. nearly tasteless. and (here'ore lll03[BvH.&bl0 tor dclicate digestion. None Ronmne wxthout. the name IZDAHL _ F-re;1-Oysters every day. BREAD,BREAD. LT- KBFEQTREET mxuzay.` THE LARDER. I POST OFFICE. VPro1;.u-iotor. ` V M-Li` Muuurr Sound: ROOM PAFER DEPOT, MONTRE AL BTRIET. nw swonn. NEWEEJK. nw nnsmns. .PAJ.N!IhIOA.ND- w ALL . BRLNOHI8. ' WHILE RITUIKEIN THANKS to: the nmmnma nonnrdul me or con man nut. I `loaned to receive omen tor noun ruuumg. spur llnnglnu Dnvonnntn Mg; WHI- nu on. In umohruu. um: noon Pnhcn. aommns. Km. nu new man, which cannot fail to plans. An Inspection In uouolud. ll mono In: "Good work. fur nrloatnnd loll." , aucccaatul In the treatment of his patients. THEAD 0FFICE:-~0nuu-io 82 Mccaul street. oronbo. WHILE ltrruluyumu 'l`A.NllB lo!` we Rntronaco accorded me for can can put.l Ava `lemurs In nnnounoinq RE OVAI. TO A DIOR CENTRAL LOOA HON. on MON- TRBAL 8 REM` TWEEN PRINCESS AN UK N wrhn when 1 mm be I to receive union for noun I-`aiming. Hanging HI I 1... an-. n. .omL.rnI.I. Lmm I nmu motto" pa-iocnud toh." M|L0 S - PA|NT- SHOP MONGENAIS. BOIVIN 8:. C0. IA-IVYIPII TEE J . U. McL. *..1`.`.2T ILII1-`I'll.-T} C"). l . JNTRERL 44___-.._--___-.._.. P|. E i3[`A"S-S THC C~R'.-IAT CNCl.`3}1 RIMEDY CF PURELY VZU .'.T.AZ`.L; !.i'iiu I)-'F.N F5 AND WITH- C!..'`.' i\ ".'?C.K.. " '..'.`..';.`D `I THE ' ' " Ffnfl ZVAN: ".'::;n :29 .Ul: EL'0liS 3.45 !Ah1:L`I APER:E;1I.P.__lLLS lF'J" nsszmuz. wmo IL S yluvlnwn I rclwru. Cntarrhn the Hand and Throat. Pmarrhal Deafness. . ronlc Bronchitis. Asthma and Conaum Lion. Al.-aoloss of voice. mm throat. 8l'Ih|l`[lL tonsils. Polypus of the nose removed. Cox: IARLY-. C0NuUI.'rA'noN FREE. ' N t:U:\F.iT2' !. ?`iEXBE'.lE F at {OQKLE mmsIs _ 2380 2.`. 8 3:"3W"1`ON'3 `H. AJl]_S%L&-.U%. let-'coce___' Flam-i'n.g `Extracts ~ C0.\lE|Ul.'l`ATl0N DI`. Washington, as almost avcrf raon knows.` in an eminent authority on .1 d senses oflhe throat. and lumm. and has been most ?"".. IIFL Mmnlus. n To 4 THOB. W. NILO. wk in the Do- fnuml :1! (C-, LIMITED, AND -UNoRIss Catarrh. Bronchitis. Asthma. Consump- tIo_n, Eoctuslly Cured. " ` ".tYi:nr mhln .r. .:' ennmgeu Lonslls. Polyplls or the I CONHl. L'I`A'I l0N DI`. Wnnhlnuton. ma Almost. aver` Knows. In eminent authority all diseases lungs, successful In the of his patients. HEAD Mccaulau-eat. NORWEGIAN COD ms ouwuue mum: L. `run mvzs Specic. It becomes an utter Impossibility for Ihoqunr n|ppolileto e :91. For circular and lull punlcu 00.. 185 Race St... Ctnclnnntl. 0. an address LDBN SPECIFIC ` or 'r_onoN'ro. ' A. MTHROAT & LUNG SURGEON, IVA`! RE \Yll l`EI'\ AT IZDAHL 7 wIueMAt_:H_m:_ LIVE3 OIL- THE UGHT RUNNING A{1 H A 3 IO IQUAL. DR. AWAVSHINGTON, VP}3prietoVrs.Toronto. use ONLY , THE 'BRAND OF PURE Or the Liquor Habit Positive] Cured b Ad- ministering l)r. lloxinod 0 den Speni c. ll can be given in a cup of coffee or tea with out the kn`-wlod e of the person taking it: in obeolulol) hnrm can and will oifevt on perma- nent and n -dy cure. whether the patient is 3 moderate nlnkex or an alcoholic wreck. It ha! been given to thousands of cases and in every instance as perfect cure ha: followed. 1! never fuila. The uyatem once impregnated withthe Specic. it becomes utter impossibility for Olle llounr nnuolilo to exlul. MEDIOQLLITIES. Dllouen Trentod. `I91... tI....rl .....A Il\|...-..n Wednesday an; day, April 3rd and 4th. vlullluu Al KINGSTON, British Americgn %_ Till |.ADlII' FAVOIITI. A Lu: ol luo. Miss Mzzlo Rntc'iB'e, writing from Ful- klrk, Ont .uyn: "I had Inch a cough I could not Ileep and wu fut going Into con- Ium tion._ Itrled ever thing I could but of w thou! relief. but It on I got 11 ud Q Peotornl Bulnm I soon got one. It 0 tho but medicine 1 our wind. Luau Rn curnz, Fnlklrk, Ont. , The luhlonablo Clnn-oh Agnln. St. Peter-"We|l, did you down to earth, tuko poueuion of (but In do! nlmed told `on to 2" Ha ha! Chnroh-"Yu, I found him "in s; ` Q L yvnlked him lntaq the church 0 I. must ; but he had oi: '6 run Al --ntlmmndn nlnthnn and tin nnhnr klnind Innruoll. and walk him Into church A: I` W1 |:I_ L yvmueu nun mug un- 1;? gt. lama 3% randy-made olothu, and tho usher klokod Ill out." V llollownre PIN: and Ointment. lhoee to whom uuone of clan ble temperature: are protected period: o trlul should neck the enrlieet opportunity of re- moving nil obetnclee to good heeith. Thin cooling Ointment, penevorini rubbed upon the skin, in the moot reiin e remedy for overcoming nil dieeuee of the throat and cheat. Qnineey. relned toneile note throet. Iwollen glendu, ordinary ontarrlnnnd bronchitis, nenelly prevailing nt thin eeuon. may be arrested on noon en die- oovered, and every eym tom benlehed by Hollowny'e elmple end e ective treetlnent. This Ointment and Pill: ere highly com- mended for the facility with which they eucceufully conquer iniiuenu; they alloy in an incredibly nhort time the dietreeeing {ever end toning cough. uuuuuauq. uyvunnuq . (loo. No. 4 Bnlnch St. IGIIIDQ DII "Klll Dl'OtnEl'-ID-IIW. "Well, Johnnie," he uid, Iolemnl . I ` am going to also your sister luv 0 and have her All to myuelf, where you won't loo her my more." Nn' Ranllv. Ara vou 3' laid the "kid" nor more." No! Really, are you?" aid curiously. "Van. I un. Whnudo vou think of It ?" no vvu-u uuu-u am. It was Bilklnu wedding day, and he `Wu testing his kid brother-in-luv. "Wall. Johnnie." he nid. Iolemnlv. Few Think Of the wonderful processes constantly be- ing conducted within the human bod , and all are prone to forget that new bloo must be supplied to replace the effete and disin- tegrating atoms. which, if allowed to re- main within the body, do so at the peril of health if not of life itself. Nature some times fails to eliminate as rapidly as neces- sary the waste material of the or nism,and it is then that Hamilton's Pills o Mandrake and Butternut prove of the greatest value. fhey speedily harmonize every irregularity of action an restore. as if by magic. the wonted moisture of health and strength. Hamilton's Pills are entirely ve etahle in composition, and are safe to empio under the circumstances. Sold by drug ts and dealers in medicine. shall be completed. i When Maclxetlx ironically asked, "Canet thou minister to a mind diseued ? l1'e1TEEl'e knew that mankind would one day be blessed with Ayer a Sarupurilla. In puri- fying the blood, ibis powerful alternitiile gives tone and utrength to every function and faculty of the a stem. RhiInh'n Cntarrh emnrlv-n nnnitive cure V`. J. VVHIOD, aru glila. ` George Cunninjmm, Gnnano ue, for} assaulting Elisha. Netrleton, I gcott act` constable ha: been ned $13 30 including ooatl. When baby was sick. we gave her Castoria, When she wasa child. she cried for Cutoris. When she became Mina. Ihe clung to Ctfatoria. When aha hm! chlldrenmhe gave them Csworla. `IVE Cure. VV. 1]. V` H3011. uruggiu. Henry Green, Lyndhurat, has 9. ne roller mill. He ca.nm.t compete with the larger mills in buying grain and manufacturing our to be sold at distant points, but he expect: to be relieved of this diaadvnntnge when the Kingston & Smitlia Fall: railway \\'hnn Mnnlunlla in-nnimxllv nnluvl "{`.nn}f. |v\II uvllv --u. --.`.-a-.. vw V... .__...v_ Shiloh`: Cntarrh emedy-a positive cure for Camrfh, Diphtheria and Canker-Mouth. i W. J. Wilson, dru gist. ` nnnv-an nnnninr uni (h\m\nnnne_ fnrx VV. J. V` IIBOD. arugglsc. Are you made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin ? `Shiloh : Vitalizer is &gpoei- tive cure. W. J. Wilson. druggist. Ham-v {Z man, Y.vml'm1rnt. has A ne roller THE SCIENCE OF` LIFE. the Grant Medical VVurk of the R230. on Manhood, Nerv. oua and Physical Debiiily. Premature Decline. Errors of Youth. and the untold miseries cunaoquunt [hereon 900 pages 8 \'o.. 125 proscript ions for all diseases. Cloth, full gilt, only 31. by mail. sealed. Illus- trative sauupio {me to all young and middle Aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewolled Medalnwardad to the an hor by Lhe National Helical Association. Address P. 0` Box 18%, Boston. Muss.. or DR. W. H. PARKER. grad- uate of Hm-veu-d Medical College. .25 your: practice in Boston, who may be consulted eon douuaiiy. Spocmityz Diseases of Man. Of- n. \Yn A Dulnnlu Q0 1 them. Mrs. K. I la.ur.t, sr., Ronfrew, is dead. She was one of the pioneers of the village. Lust year the celebrated her golden wedding anniversary. Tim Rm: an H Thnvnr, of Bourbon. anniversary. The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon. Ind.. says : Both myself and my wife owe our lives 66 Shiloh`: Conpumptiou cure. W. J. Wilson, druggist. Ara vnn mndn minernhla hv Indication. w. .1. wuson, aruggxsu. ` Have no equal as a. prompt and positive cure for sick headache. biliouaneas, counti- pation, pain in the side, and all liver troubles. Carter s Little Liver Pillp. Try them. M..- \' m....,.+ .. D...c.-mu in .1...A assumption. , For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint you have a. printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh`s vVil.alizer. It never fails to cure. W. J. Wilson, druggist. AVA nn pmml an n. nromnt DOBitiVe give positive reuei. Nazareth Minaker sues the township of North Marysburg for $2,000 for dunages caused by a detective road. The township pleaded that actions must be entered inside of three months but the judge set aside the assumption. For Dvnnennin and Liver Complaint vou cents a. Dottie in Wade 3 urug store. Not one in twenty are free from some little ailment caused by inaction of the liver. Use Carter's Little Livolzr Pills. The result will be 3 leasant surprise. `They give positive relief? Nn1.nral.h Minuker sues township past services. For coughs and colds take the Diamond Cough Remedy, composed of elecampaue, wild cherry and hurehound. 25 and 50 cents bottle at Wade : drug store. Mm nnn in nmanru am from from some W.,J. Wilson, uruggiu. Why will you cough when Shiloh : Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 ct.a.. 50 Otla, and $1. W. J. Wilson. druggist. Rnnhiu Mt-('.nllnn.ol1. nrcmniat Of Lonsdale and 51. W. J. Wilson. aw in. Sophie. McCuilou-gh, organist 0 Lonsdale Presbyterian church, has been presented ` with a silver tilting pitcher and goblet for past services. ' Fur mniahn and colds take Diamond for the whiskers. ` Hanson : msgio corn salve cures oornsaTnd` bunionl with three applications. 150. per"- box at Wade`: drug store. <. Mrs. Ads Horton. of l-Iiverside, Cali- iomls. iormorly of Stirling, Ontario, sui- cided by hanging. having grown clespondent because of her husband's desertion. A Nasal injector free with each bottle` of Shiloh : Cstarrh Remedy. Price cents. J. Wilson. druggist. A men : wife should always be the same, especially to her husbandflxut if she is weak sud nervous, and uses Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot be, for they make her `ffcel like a. different person. so they all say. and their liusbsntls say so, too. ,. 'l`l-m`mnn Rani-,H'.. nr-.. Oxford Mills_ WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Bliiousness. Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Jaundlce. Eryoipelna. Sllll Rheum,llear1burn Headache, Dizziness. Dropay.F`luttering of the Heart, Ac- idity of the Stomach; Dryneu 0! the Skin. and evry species of dlaeaae arising from disordered Liver. Kidneys. Stomach. Bowel: or Blood. -- --nu n-nu nu-5;: n l\ their hualmnds mo. Thomas Beckett, sr., Oxford Mills, stricken with apoplexy in church, died be- fore he could be carried outside, He was a Stirling man. Hhilnh n (lure Wlll immediatelv relieve ` Stirling ` Shiloh`: Cure will immediately Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. W.,J. Wilson, druggiat. . Whu will vnu nnuah when Shiloh unouuy. ` "Yea, I um. Whutldo you think "Not.hin'; I gun I can stand it if you ntlona in Sm The Cream of tho IPIPOII` Bnthorod For Ihb Whll.RosqcrI. _ l`bore in in-omiae of much building6per- th'| Full: this year. _ A I...a.a A!` an-huh: hmnrd is unbecoming Itl0lll In Smith : Falls um N A faded or rizzly board is unbecomin to any nun}. an niiy be colofed l n'stura brown or-black by using Buckingham p Dye . the whiskers. u.........v. .......:.. ........ hm mu-an nornjd` I-lo Could Stand It. n-no 1 In, , j__. THE TEA T`A-BLE. THE BRITI$H'W}j{G. WEDNESDAYS MARCH 27. Carnival Drive 3: Montreal Wu I big thing, but Dyer : Jolly oi Cucumber and Rona in immonu for curing ohtppod hands. Try is. W. A. Dyer &Co., M ohtreul. 1H0 Onloerl 0 "3. llDCl'II`COIIIUl'VIlIVO association of Smith! Full arc: Pmldont. G. F. Calms; vloo-pmideuu, J. R. Lsvell sud John Mu-Both; ~oorlhry-truuun. J. M Mn... A ..In.-uln will In hold in tin -_...-. u--u -- .. -__.__._-.- Artlune, meclunlce end leborln men ere liable to sudden uooldente end In flu: ee well u pelnlul corde, ml! jolnle end lemeneu. To All thue troubled` we would recommend H$gyerd'e Yellow 0"`, the handy and reliable pein cure {or outuve.-d or __,..e...~.. .. ,. .. Ina aonn llctioln; `OUl'IIl'y`"'UIIlll'I. u. M. Many. A plo-nic will bo hold In tho IIIIIIIIIOI. uoorgo Motoaun, we rvli nllguln nov` ' ollnt. I Ildl the greater put of hi: life in I bosuti ul little villn Iltuntod At the foot of Box hill. Vlnltors Ind admirer: uomotimu cutch a glimpse of him ukln hlu vny lrom hit home to u hu}n~1:m nun:-,-~ where h hu bui t hlmlolf I am: , lsin chslelt, in which he bu: written most 0 his nova I. v Erorr recuutlonl. uuch M uling Bur~ doc lo Bitten, whenever my |croful- ous Imptomn up . No medicine equals B.B. . u u bl cleanser. .._.. -..- ._, -._... -.-.._ The mind of Amoe H. Allioon. Naponee, bu grndunlly been weakening. Lu! week ` he grew woree, so that on Saturday it Wu deemed advisable to remove him to hie brother : residence in Richmond. Bin mind he: become completely unsettle}. Henvi louse in bucket shop deal: prayed upon in mind constantly. Eighty Per Cent. Of the human race, eccordin to I hlgh nuthority, aulfer from one or at or form of blood taint. Never allow thin latent evil to develo into serious dlleue while the blood can Be kept pure and the ayntem cleel ` Erorilgreceutxonl. Rinnn wlmnswo-r Anv um-nful. Advk 0 To Ilotnon. Mrs. Winslow : Soothing Syrup, for chil- dren toething, in the presori tion of one of the boot femnle nurses sud physician in tha ` United States, and ha been mod for forty years with nevor-failin nuccou by millions of mother: for their 0 ildren. Durin the nrocou of teethin its nlno in lncalcu able. It relieve: the chi d from pain, cure: dysen- wry and diarrhcrmgriping in the bowola,nud W wind-colic. By givin health to the child ` it relta the mother. rioo 250 I bottle. ` (Heir 3513 IHIUUHII LU I5! 01 IIIUUIIIIUU - These facts speak for themselves, and clearly uhow that while so many medical do matists have been groping in the dsrk, heghas actually discovered and tpplied the true and only means of eradicating the pri- msr cause of disease in the human system. -x\ew I im_a/une. If there were health in a multitude of me~ dical systems, as there is said to be wisdom in a multitude of counsellors, sickness would be unknown in this age of so-called patholo- gical discoveries. The homu-pathists tell us that the salvation of our lives in sickness depends upon infinitesimal doses and innite dilution ; the hydropathists profess to raise health upon us from shower baths, or soak disease on`. of us with wet blankets ; while a still newer set of exclusives purpose bury ing us up to armpits in the earth-putting both feet in the grave as it were, by way of saving our lives 2 Then, we have Sangrados. who are all for bleeding. blistering. and low diet, and minerslists, who believe in nothing but mercury and its oxides. It hap us un- fortunately, however, for all these t eorists, that they can show-'no practical proof of the assumed infallibility of their methods of cure. Not so Thomas Halloway, whose medicines for the last forty years have annu- ally benetted hundrels of thousands. This is no assumption, but a fact veried by the unim had evidence of a choice of wit- nesses. The archives of his oice in London contain manuscript certicates, authentica- ted In the stron est manner, and placing beyond the posslbi lty of doubt the infallibi- lity of his Pills and Ointment in maladies to which man is subject. Great Britain, the continent of Europe, India, China. the West Indies, British America,every tiivilized land, and every country to which the pioneers of civilization, commercial and religious, have found their way, ring with the fame of these all conquering remedies. Such is the de- mand for them in all parts of the world that they may be justly called a great commer- cial staple, and the number of agencies for their sale amounts to tens of thousands I 'I`L...... 65.... mil!` ........|. L... ot......-.-.|...... Be sure and see fhese goods.They are choice and remarkably cheap. We give our whole attention to Ordered Clothing alone,and have i facilities forthis department possessed by no other house in Kingston. -' EXHAUSTED VITALITY, The oioorn of the llbornl-conurvntivo n- Al c...x.|.'. Full nrn- pranldnnt. George Motodith, the great Engllnh nov- .llnt._ nnpnrln nu nmnhr nnrt of hi: life in I NNTNNNNSPNJNG ANNOUNCEMENT. oun STOCK or srnlns ISANOW COMPLETE. "SPRING and FALL OVERCOATING We show the largestl and best assorted stock for ordered clothing in the city. a We show a splendid line of Suiting at $13; $14 and $15 away ahead of the average quality. d Black Venetians and Corkscrew from $18 to $24. WE HAVE A SPLENDID LINE OF At $13 and $1 5, which are selling fast. If you want a *`T)'Ff4AND s V ORDERED CLOTHING! A ~ Important to Won hlnglnon. I . I 4...] I-L--!___ `THE RIEHT MAN AT LAST XV. E. DOR;AND. DRUNKENNESS SPRING OVERCOAT = ~ JJNES 1 01vso1u.u. 431.01: and-um-1 a anamxuu-no x.n.-m.. $'m3'3nxy mun In ukuy `' hand bynanmwhaoby noon:-Ina At an hon :- hocwun. ` Our Rriool are the Very lowest In Ihe olty. T 0 won in M11 oonductod by Mr. Arch. Abernathy. GEORGE CJLIB`F, . The annual Isl lento Anus. GLEM1L|lE_8$_ l_8_ _NE_XT Iqt_sooLIuEs& ! BOOTS, SHOES, TRUVKS AND VALISES YOU WILL FIND ALL THE ` L T" urisfjsiinm ms % SPRING ; ANNOUNCEMENT. CENTRAL SHOE STORE, Cholceet. Grade: of Pantry And Funny Flour always on hand : Gmluun Flour. Rolled Oats. uollod Wheat. Cracked Wheat. Germ Wheat, I Onunealnnd Conunenl ; Seeds In season. ' W. J. MONIILL. - BROOK STREET delicate algesuon. gonmne stamped on each capsule. Wholesale by I , (I, ' , II II II I I