Ioxu` OI "III. IVUIIIIDK 0| IIIIUII Blip. duna htor of Victor Hugo; Udnoni linens J. right contribute: thb "Dior; of Col. Charla Portorold," throwing ii t n thoutm-kouQnoboo at Doe. I. 5; r. UVNI Thomas, the uninont an uuinn. AK`:-1 nil-nun Aronmnnh nu II " nlllld. DIIB IICUIIIU IYIIGIII. We shall nd out without any trouble that the men who are the most anxious to repeal the Scott act and to return to license are the ones who contribute the greatest share to the support of licensed publio houses, and the ones who suffer the most on account of them. they'are the men who like to drink liquor, and who getting half- slewed" in the city. on their way home, stop at every tavern and spend more or less money on getting more liquor, and making themsel a poorer and more beastly, and in degradidt and hurting themselves. I remember the cases of two men which perfectly illustrate my meaning. Both of them lived at the same place less than a score of miles from Kingston. We will call them Mr. A. and Mr. B. Mr. A. used to say that heicould drive into the city wit his horse and buggy and do his business an come home again at a cost of 60 to 75 cents; Mr. B. said he never could go to Kingston and home again without spending 85 and oftentimes more. This was perhaps twenty- eight years ago; Mr. A. is still alive, and an active and useful citizen. Mr. A. paid his tolls, 16 cents. fed his horse hay and cats. 25 cents, got his dinner. 25 to 35 cents, and and spentno more; but Mr. B. stopped at nearly every tavern. going and coming home, and generally treated all the loafers in each. Now who supported the taverns in this case? Anybody can see. ./\n.l lum- would these two men have voted on :!.:. Scott act had it been in existence at that t`me? Wh Mr. A. would have voted for it and M r. . would have voted against it, It. is inst the same t.o.rlav_ and it alumna No Phone to Stop AI ! Knmrrox, Much 27.-('I`o the Editor) 2 Peo le from all part: of the country never thin of gain to Barnum ; show without the money to%uy their ticket! beoeuee they know they cannot get in without them: they ` do not expect to attend the egriculturnl ehowe in the cryetel lace without paying to gain. These inatitntione do not open I big nloon at their gates and employ e crler to etend on it: verendeh end proolelm_y"Pey- for your drinker gentlemen. "end welt in free. No. they don't do thin; thie would not be lnulneee Property owners do not rent houses to person: and leave it to their own option whether the pay the rent for it _or not; nor will on ital Ito lend out their money unleu they even certein amount, of interest secured upo p it; every bueineel men expects pay {or commodetlng every other men. end the ne accommodated ex- pects to pay for e benets. The enrne rule exactly e.ppl' e to pulilio hou_eee and those who use th ad vantages ehoul Now let unl ; thoee who enjoy their pay for them. A little (leaner intn the uuvnnuwea Inoul pay lor Ineln. Now let uu 3 little deeper into the matter and rtain who do, in reality, pny for the support of public house: under the liclnle ayatem. . `VA nhnll nrl nut urifhnnf. gnu frnnhln hsve nothing skin on the fauna except` Icientio truth, moral prlnclplo sud social welfare. ` U. V- In In In I cloud ..... m. .:.:...::'.'..f.':.":-.:.`.'.`.:.....,: wind and local ubgvorn. IIIVUUVE VVWIIVIIUUIVUI Ubhblio Bod hr Olonr. . Hall `I? qurul-1 Timothy Choloo Inna Baton our I npoohlu. vv~ -~ wuz Vi i-0113:; "(I616 RE/xv In! lot; Ill LN! 5: Ours-Io :.3lol.7:Cl$l5II.l. account: on. waidsfo? 33:51 mJei."13Fi.3.}S' Ilnnn ALI AID nu-An. [.1 VB ITOCK MARKET. MONTREAL. Mu-oh '20.-I'he receipts for the week have been 253 cattle. 49 aboep, and 339 calvee. The receipts have been n-hurt of the demand and hi her prioee ruled. 1-`nod cattle brought an big an Ho per lb. ; uwlium, 3&0 no 44:. We quote the follow ing as being fair average value : Export. good, -tc to 4&0 ; bnwhera . good, 35: to 4c ; butchers . medium, 3c to Me 3 butuhera`, culle, `lc to 3c ; hogs, 5c to 5c ; aheep, 4c to qc ; calvea, 82 to 86. aooording to quality. Good horeea range from 890 to 8140 each. Ilzlli. VV . I` . DIIIIT, 00lI|llll-l0ll lllII'ClIIlIK~ Remember R. Mol"oul o in tho only plooo A whore you on buy ollk worp heurlottu for 75 onto; wool Honrlonoo for 65 oonto; blorlu cloth for 45 oonu. Every now colouring ohown for the o ring trodo in ovory now motorlol Illd or t vory lowool. price: or R. Mol"oul'I. Tho mm o! tho Klngoeon food oml oood mArhn in mm` onntnlnnl-I. lawn nrlnon and stun J-lulu; vu unv u-nu-no The Robiuon-Gukin cub lio in still I Inhject of much dilcuuiqn. he committee will meet on Friday or Soturdny. IAIVZZKIIVII VIII I153 ZC2Z-Io kviuotihlncch. 0oo.un.ouad7:AunrhuunIMlIau.6-I1-1|. Ex Speaker Kirkpatrick is now included in the list of government supporters who will not support the Jesuit act. Mr. Kirk- patrick s independent attitude on several cocaeions of late has caused a great deal of _ comment about the house. He strenuously opposed the government on the wrecking question, and nally carried his bill against the vote of nine tenths of the cabinet. He supported the opposition demand for free corn. and advocated other concessions to farmers, opposed by the ministry as covert ettacks on the NJ . Part of his county, Frontenec, runs within a mile of American territory. and it would cause little surprise in some quarters if the gallant colonel came out for reciprocity with the United States. He is working that-way already. The hoe. gentleman, who "l'ives' in Kingston. feels pretty safe in a general election. even it the government opposed him. He is personally very popular and well connected. 101133514 KTIIJIIIIC ZQQ$-ln Inch I1. gouhnooullau. IN lug E: Innoh. .`:".3 ainhtarufll w pout qt-Inc us II . . 3 L1'n:'non`mr|nn"1:: IICF IIII WU IIIIIIIY I UUII Ulll. The Kingston and Montreal forwarding company have given employment to About fty men during the winter in their ship- yard Lt Portunonth, expending upwards of 88,000 in rebuilding end making extensive repairtto their bergea, preparutory to the opening of nnvigntion. They hsve also aehuilt the echr. Singapore at I coat of 2 500. ` Hon. 8. A. Klrkputrlck In Acting up His Conutltuanu Would Have Elm Do. Montreal Witness. I. . u_-_|_,_ I!:.,|__-`L__:-I_ 2- _____ :_ ,I__J. I U1 lU|' IIIUIIIUT llllla Wlll lull! IIII purpuuv. The atenmer Guide on the route botwecln Alexandria Bay and Ogdensbnrg, ha been sold for 8250. She was knocked down to Gear 43 Hull & 00., by whom she was seized lut All to satisfy I coal bill. Tlm Kinantnn Anrl Mnntrnnl fnrwnrdinn D8 80` reauy TOT U0l'\'IC9 E5 0009. The commodore of the Royal Canadian club, neaotluting for the celebrated ywht Saracen. has fniled to buy her. He in look- ing for another that will auit his purpose. The ntnnmnr Gnirln nn than rnnta hnfw n YEHCI1. The conduct of boy: who congregnte nivhtly on the corner of Colborne and Clergy streets. in not ntiufawtor to resident: of the locality. The names J the lads will be given to the police if their opnduct in not imgloved. I.-n Il-_lL..I.- L..- 1. AL. ..|.-......-L .....I l\IHgIlULI. Capt. T. brawford, master of the schr. Grantham. left today for Amherntburg with Mr. Newll, who in mute. The venue! will be got. ready for uervice at once. The nnmmndnrn nf the Rnvnl Cnnndinn .u`I,OUU The cutter Verve, Tdronto. will come out with I new suit. of nails made in Eng- land. She hes worn her present suit. ten yearn. The summer Knthlpon `ill thin vnnr run I5 IITOUKVIIICI Ihe Iolmthe. Bellevillo. has I new suit of nail: and will ght it out with the Marie. of Oawego, clear around the circuit. \\r nrnin A. Dim. nf Antwm-n, N \':, Inn UI UUWEg0, clear arounu EH6 Clfcll-. V Warrn A. Dye. of Antwerp. N.Y1, has purchased the steamer Magic. The Itenmer ' 3-aiginnlly colt $18,000, but in now held at .560 - T ` ` urlgxmu. _raonuc coMMiI5i"b"ALn. \I..4Inn.-.-nIn-f1In-n- uwnthb High UIIO KICQDIIUK DI "II `C II)? II lllxll they had 5 work to _or 1 vow to cm. The conclusion 0! the matter in this : The toetohllou hnvo no "nelf intorcut" either in the Scott not or in licenses. They labor gnd make uncritical from 3 Chrittinn acme nf (Intu fnr than nanny-Al anon]. The linnnr Il IIIIIB IIUTIHUVI ITOUI I Ufllillu IEIIII gyduty for the general good. The ll uor drinker: would nd their sell-inberut ' in voting"-for the Scott act with` might and main. fhe liquor ullern, end they Alone. have "se1flntereIt. money interest. every interelt in the licence law which allow: them to sell lntoxloeting drinks and thuu corrupt, debuo end ruin their fellowmen. Electors of Frontenac, what in your self- iuterolt?" < ' .\'.\'. Paragraphs Plkod Up About the Wllnrvpl -Noun of Guuunl lmergu. To-day the ferry Itenmern began running It llrockville. 'l`L.. I..I.....A|... IJ..II....2II.. L..- .. _..... -..lL Ihe steamer Kathleen will thin year run on the route of ntenmor Ella Roan msking the trip around by Montreal and Ottawa to Kingston. Cunt. T. (.1-nwfnrd_ mutnr of the nchr. ll IOVCO- `Fbn Manitoba bnu in the cheapest and moat popular food in the market. Vetorin riu order it for borne: out of condition. and the dnirymen can't do without it. Lot: of it in stock And to Arrive st the Muaitcbu. food store, 12 Market square. Tho [nasal and but nmok nf m-nu nnuh ,:`91.!T.*.* ..f3_ 3}1;~ them nwlft |'lIl!t'l!_IOVl&tbl0 dufrnotlon. Thooo have no "golf-inherent." la the liquor trnlc. -but they have self damnation in it. These would nd their "self; interest in opposing the lioennlng of whg shop: on long on thev K or a . IOITIIAL PIODUOI IAIIII. Ila-:-u ll--`L 3 "':......a""" ` ..z.... - :a`{; o'v'ai. an-- lOwVl8:_hIz.'fIibl| ' uvnnromonnnnn nun:-r. .......wu..` """ KONTIIAL U`l`00_K IABIIT 3. |n....-..-.- |1-....L.o-.v Io-.. AN INDEPENDENT MEMBER. c6iniAeREnI\L ivmrrahs. sun Talking ot the Alhlr. I)-L2__-_ IV__I.2_ __L__..I!._ :_ IIVILI. The mout comfortable sud delightful spot in the lower rt ul the city is the K. & l`. R. station. every window are beautiful tlower plants. mmy in bloom, And emitting ll plenum fragrnnce, in inhniled by tru- rellorl. TL` ...._.I....t ..l k..... _I... ........--.....s.. MARINE INTELLIGENCE- u nnvvu --u:-- `v loxvanu. In-ch 812-11 noon. . urn. on'n. nntrnnl . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . .. 1.125 .-:1) UIIIU OI [H3 l`Il-II UIFKIIIUIL llly PTIICIIUQS twice A week, and are working on I uumber of new marching Ielectiona. Five more players will join the organization next week. For the cum of colds. cnnuha. aml All pllyeru Ill JUIII IIIU urguluzxsuun IJUXI. V|'CCl\o For the cure of colds, coughs, and all dernngements of the respiratory organa, no other medicine is no reliable In Ayer's Cherry Pecboral. It relieves the uthmntlc uml consumptive, even in advamxxl stages of disease, and has nved innumernble liven. l`L_ .._..-L ....-.C....A-I-J- -_.I J-H..LAl..I -....A Ullcy I. [U0 FTIDCCII IDTUCI. BIIIKHMJII. There Are thirt member: in the bran band of the 1-lth ttalion. They practice twin: A wpnk, and Ara wnrlximr on A number OIHCQ IPPKET IF EH8 BOP OI EHO "BIP- New Irish munic, new Irish songs, new \ scenery, and meny new sttractionu will be iutrmluced at the second performance 0! the Colleen Dawn" in the open house on Mon- da ' evening. Adieu hnlf. whole And mmrtar win. (II ' UVUIIIIIK. Adieu hnlf, whole sud quarter wiga. bangs. twitches, hnir chains. rings, made to order. Dress sud mantle makin . Cunnif corset. but ever mndo. over t(\'ulsh & Stacy's. 105 Princeu street, Kingston. Thar: APB thirlv mumhan in the hull uperi IIOIIIF Oll auunuly I5\'CUlIlg- (`-rnnt Allen nya thut III the moat intelli- gent nuimnlu are those which hue a grasp- ing organ. This would seem to place the ot ca seeker st the top of the heap. Yaw lrinh munin. nnw lrinh nnmn. new I` IKTUII llnlldon am [Helr Weuulng tour. At the Nauunee.usizes three actions for \leImgee,fnr re: alleged to have been caused by the GT. R. engines were, postponed. The docket in 5 light one. Swell the proceeds thst are to be devoted to the Parnell defence fund by attending the entertainment, Colleen Bum. in the cspertuuuu on Monday evening. Punt Allen nva thnt or ary nu) woou. A young Kingstoninn, now I resident of Toronto, will be married this week to a wealthy lady. They will visit the city on their wedding tour. Ar lhu N:umnaa.:n:izpn lhran actions for Dlfldy. There has Just arrived at J. Campbell ; ` wood yard. Ontario street, the beat ltock of awed or unuwed maple, alto the best of dry ulnl) wood. A vmmo Kimntnninn. now a resident of Wnlt you W'IlI5 In 5110 [I181 IIIJO II Elr _VIl'(l. A race between horse: owned by P. .\lcLuugh|in nnd J. Carson has been ar~ ran . The race will occur on the Queen's Rim .1." ~ run I. J Birftiay. Tharp In I583. rum open II Upfl "GU38. Brock & Booth have the best clubs, hard > wood md dry blocks. You can get just ' whnt you wantin the fuel line at their vunl. A mm hntwnnn hnrlan nwnnrl h-v P, up` aecure ynur sun nu once. he very hnndnomest material: for spring jacket: and dulvnaus in entirely new ma- terials Ind designs at R. Mcl"uul'u. \In'M.)u-wn Rr (Tn _ Pnrnntn. are nrranuina COFIIFU IIKI CIGBDWI III: IV. LVLCPIUI I. Matthews & Co., Foronto, are arranging to hue the cheese made it Eastern Ontario sold on commission through them. 'l`i:-In-tn lnr Hm nnmmd nl-mhmtinn nf thn Sol 0!] CUVHHIIKIUII IAIIIUIIEU IIIICHI. Ticketa for the second roduction of the Irish dramu, Colleen awn," are going fast. Plan open at operas house. Rrnnlr &, Rnnfh luv: the ham: nlnhm hnrd uruuoru I. ion! In queen lI.H..-en. Colleen Bnwn" in opera home Monday evening. The plan in being rapidly tilled up` Secure your seat: at once. Fhn varv hnndnommt. mnterinln anrinn IOOII. Illll mu unu. urup uruunu Inn at him who he a barn! ol good apple: on um In (or Imp omen: outmnon. T 0 Manama of American Hiuory for "Uouoon nswn." ` HIV good enough for anybody at $14 at 12 Market aquara. W. J. Baker. com- mission merchnnt. li`..- A-up ab ant` -nflv vnnnln nnf! Irnznl lor UIUM) Sure t. every time if you leave your order for new spring jacket. dolnmn or wrap at Hardy's. no nu um nnnrn hruum nn Mnndav avanina mission merchnnt. For dry hk and soft maple. soft wood and hard wood at lowest prices, go to L7nwforl I. foot of Queen Itreet. Hlfnllnnn lhwn" in nnau-A hnmm Mnntlnv an naruyt. . Go to the opera house on Monday evening if you went to see 5 first-clue Irish drama, "Colleen Bswn." II-.. nu-uni annual: `AF nnvhntiu nf KIA up stairs. * ~ Joueph` Roadie purhuedra house and lot. on Johnlpn It eat from Mr. Rutherford for 81075 Rum. t nvnrv timn if unn lmlvn vnur lune: 0! tween: M zoo. per {urn wurul -mu. Pou and oats, corn an: onto, or clear corn-menl. only 81.25 per 100, It 12 Market lllllr, square. The `rush for the new shndea in henriettn and other dress materials continues at `Hgrdy a. Thn u`-iaht kind of tweed: for inckets and xvnurnuv The r1 `grdym. The right kind of tweed: foulckets the lowent prices at Hurdy |. antle room stairs. Jnumh Rnndlau/nurhued a Tho ol Every Buy l.l!o-Wlut the Public an Talking About-!lohlng EI- onpon the Attontlnu of Thom Who nu 'l'ntIn:_Notu. ' The new wutar tank in now ready for non. Luce curtains, tape bound, 430. 5 pair at Hardy`; , Lima iult nrrivad: Pembroke lime. It A I II IIIOII Il lIICI'CIII'. IIOII. I! \'JfnLon[loy. Hnlllu, wrltu I I Account ol "Tho Romuoo of Adele Hugo," nlgnnhtnr nl Vlotnr I-[mm 2 Hdnarnl Ilnmn `Z8!!! Ind IVU1. Colleen Bnwn."`ope1"`a houn, Monday evening, April lat. For nnulna Sm-Anton No. 4 0051 no to I . VVIIIIYI. - A post oico wi Island Park. A n-6InnnI .III\l\Al' nnlu 0.`:- u be established .: Round :0 nu MA,- IIIIIODII Ill 28th and 29th. ` ul`..ll..n R. u the tin worn yum. The largest shock of new dress trimming: and the loyyeut price: at Hnrdy I. Rain. Av. Rilonattemte offering anbcial inb IECIDENTSA OF THE DAY. PARAGRAPH8 PIOKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. Inruym. Limo nag lI`I iV6d; Pembroke lime, P. \VIlllI{I. . V A has nh-n will In nnfAI\IInhuI At. Rnum and the loweun prices at nnrny I. - Boffu & Biuonettolne offering apbcial job line: of tweed: st 25. per nrd worth 45c. Pauu and nuns, nnrn nm oats. evening, apru mm. For genuine Scranton No. go the 0:: Work: yard. `mm lnrmant stack of new dress trimmings slum rant. _ A nntionnl supper, only 25c., at city hall, Mich and QQIIL . u of all kind: 5 credit to the dominion. ' The Itroa t. llghhlt. but nhhod, any Fvorklnman moat ruoozlosl newly Iinpromod umlmo lnory. us on tupnrnw on needed. will ho loud at $7 um-Ihouno of the Msnltohn food non ooo. 19 market oqum, when Hour`! Hughes on be found can we HIM III glnmhy load. clout mad. that In-an. ran uonnd and no million on mo "ll Ilr Ancient Works." New shades In nrt blinds. crnuhod mum * hm. Itnwbu mu. N110 pon.,&o..' fl! complete with t 0 vary but grin` rolcr mumhcturod tor 70. Lt R. Mo ml 1. III $lJUIllII' llCIllIl In only I p 2:: we under.` PI-uoulnllol at llrvnlo. Qulto I In a puty of tho momborl and friend: of t c Murvsle Mokhodlnt church mot at John Lee : and upon: 3 very plenum ovoulng together. An oddnu wuuod And Mr. Loo was mounted with I boonlul bible and hymn book. Mr. Loo nmovoo to uudjolullg neighbourhood. Tho ohdmh nnonh nmtlv nnnnnhhd Mn Inhnnrn n VIII; [U11 VIUIIII IUUUIIIII-o with the View of givin our client: the but of ovorythlng our r. Wuloh bu npent thelut two month In New York. under the instruction 0! on of tho moot ominent cnuoro In America, snd now we are proporod to make gonclomon nu ln tholoten style: and glvoupo act 3 at u ioiontio knowlodgo and onlotlo oklll oon produce at "our usual` loI'v prion. Lun- bort I Ebb. .Ill) Prlnonnn an-not. can DIINIIIOI II 0|Il' lllllll IOW PHOE- | bgrt t Wnlnh, VH0 Prluoul uroot. An Experience With the 1.6 Host to In lion:-nbu-no Many n Dny. E. P. Wililnlnl. oi Pinion, while coming norou the ion ynntordny nlhrnoon had on exciting pnnnqo. B0 was anointing oi the ion bone and had union the aide to uh n run. when he Inn ngnin nlkod to nivo n helping hnnd. He had no hulhtion in do- ing sound at onoomndo n jun ontotiao ice. He missed catching the hn In when he made the jam and went out of night and under the loo. 0 cnmo up again and [rub bod tho ion, to which a hold until rnocuod. On the pnungn over r. Williams in Mid to Inn lost an ovoroont and 5 out containing 3 sum of rnonoy. A: n noun oi the wetting he in now confined to bed. KUVBTDUT U! "I Illrll IUIU UU Rev. H. G. Parker, formerly lecturer on elocution in Queen`: university, has gone to .`-hunoe n e upecinl correspondent. of the Sydney. Australia Iln-aid. He will report on the pending difcululel between Ger- meny end the United Sum. Twn mmtlnnnan in whom Klmntoninnl Are mluy um [FIG UIIIICU nVlvIlA3I- Two gentlemen in whom Kingotonionl ore interested on doing well AI North Yokum, Wuhingmn Territory. John D. Cornott. and Gear e Donald, bonkers. '1 boy are re Ipoct vely vicepreoident and cuhier of tho Notional bunk chore. on well u diroctorl of the Ynkunn real cattle and Improvement company. U55 U00 Ippolnleu [0 llllf prealuency. The Duke of Buckingham and Claude: is dead. The duke was born in 1823 and was loud president of the council I866 67: secre- tary of sum for the colonic: 1867 68, And governor of Medrn 1875 80. Raw. H. G. PArIxer_ formerlv lecturer on IIDIU` wuvuu anus-u an uvw u-- -rw .u----- III`! tl:IoIIy seed. that bran. rap around and no him u-In hum I bu-rnl n! and nlmhn on p|I.l_y,II1llu yeuleruuy [Ur V` &HllILII4IJ[I' lJ.l.:. J. Forest, late manager of McNaughton`: clothing house, left. for Toronto yesterday, where he obtained I remunerative position there. \I.. f` l\ E- ..__...._1_... - _I... -3 LL- LHCTU. Mr. C. Outlet in preparing a. phn of the proposed route: of thn Kimzutnn branch of the Napanee & Tamworth RR. through Ynrker. IA... II- l`_..AI.. l-.. |,-._ --..._...II..I I IITKUT. Kev. Dr. (`astle hut bun compelled t N re:-inn his pusitiou us had of Mchlule icnlle 0. Toronto. Prof. I). A. Meregor has an appointed to the presidency. The Dnlm nf Rmakinahnm nml Ulandnn in ITIDCU l'.(lH'l|I|l uurlug llle \v'IU'lllUll. James Daugherty pm! James Mc(;`ill,book- keepers in the unploy of the Ruthbun com- pmy, lalt. yesterday for \\ a.shi::gt.on, D.(.`. J. Pnront. lute nmnnner of MnNnnuhl. Wdy IIOIIIU lI'Ul'I| l')l'UlU. Ca taln Joe Lutlgate and hi: wife (Cup min ellie Ryersou) have severed their connection with the Salvation army. Hui Hnrlinauli nfmlvina muriininn at the UUIIIIUCIIUII Wllll VII ~3IlVH|IIUI.I army. Eel. Harrison, studying medicine at the Rnvnl college. has `obtained a school in Prince I".dward during the vacation. .lAIIII Hnnluhorfv Anal .1nma|\nl.i hon]:- nngmut . W. (I. Caldwell. M.l .P., of Lannrk. arrived in the citv yesterday. He is on hi: way home from Toronto. :-......z.. I... I..,:....... .....| m. ...u. m.... IUT. I` G- Rubert R. chance of England. \\' I` I" VVUIKUWI. Rev. Dr. Mockridge, of Hamilton. hu been elected rector of (lhrilt church, Wind- Inr N' R 3 LVJNTK ICIIUIVCII. [)lIrrIelIUllI. lull CVUUHIE. Lieut. Col. Montizamhert, commuudamt B battery, Quebec, is the guest of R. T. Walkevn. I)... I\.. \l....l...:.l...- -3 lI.......ZIn..... I.-- no lo! Innpnonmn ouwmon. Hagazuu qf Hiolory A I In utron nod llmnnting. Hon. J. \ lnnnlnl Hnlllnx. urlhn A m-nnlllo kooplc Whale Dlovomanu-, Sayings and Dolnzn Arnrl Atnontum. There was no business hr the police court tnin nmrninp. Rev. R. F. Taylor will preach in St. Mark`: church, Burrieehl. this evening. Lien? (_'ul. Mnnti7..unh.=.rt. rnmnmndanxt "C manager! line CUICFHIIHIIICIIY. Special mention shoulvl have been made of Miss Ms gie McIlroy's obligum solo in the chorus udian Maid." She was: great. success. and was loudly applauded. An- other vocalist rapidly gaining in public esteem is .\liss Pullie. She took the 9010 part in the chorus Shcuthed Swords. It is One Which All lnJoyed-TIfo success at It Acknowledged. The concert given in Ontario hall last, evening under the management of St. An- drew s chulch choir was a. gteat success in every particular. 'lhe provramme was one of rare excellence andwu carried out in I very able manner by the contributors to it. Every seat in the hallivas lled with people _ who were well pleased with the proceedings. The entertainment was commenced` at 8 o'clock by Mr. R. Hhrvey, a '!iV0l` pianist, giving a piano solo in good taste and time. A choir, composed of over forty voioes, un- der the direction of Mr. N. C. Greenwood. rendered the.choruses- Now is the Mouth of Maying," "The Indian Maid,",and With Sheathed Sword." it was quite evident from the manner in which these pieces were pre- sented that the sin ers had been diligent in their practices. `hey gave the choruses in a very hearty and 'eli'ective way. A double qua:-tune, `v-When Evening I`wiliu ut," was applauded vigorously. ` Mr. 0. Harvey. pos< se.~sed of a highly cultivated voice, captive. ted the audience` when he sang Uood-bye." Too much praise cannot be given to the Misses Greenwood and Orser for the waylin which they sang the duet When the Wind Blows in From the Sea. The applause given them was very demon- strative,-snd betpklened that their efforts to please had been eminently successful. Only Once More, by J. C. Greenwood. was exceedingly well rendered. He is very popular. Mr. Oscar Telgmann s selections on the violin were very skillfully performed. He is undoubtedly a violinist of a high rank. When Miss McCartney came for- ward her reception was very warm. And slie sang with the usual sweetness and power and pathos. Miss Munro, as a pianist, sustained her very high reputation. She is an expert performer. Mr. F. Strange is an effective singer. He rendered in a creditable , way, The Young Brigade" and The Quaker. Mrs. J. Galloway showed that she was in the front rank as a vocalist. Her training in Rochester has been productive of ,tiue vocal results. The qualtette, The Watchman." could not have been presented better than by Messrs. Greenwood, Craig and Medley. Capt. Crawford was the funny man of the evening, and caused every one to laugh heartily by the way in which he delivered himself on the question, Is Mnrria e a Failure?" In his usual nished style, ir. C. J. Cameron. M. A., gave his reading. An interesting programme was concluded with bod Save the Queen." Mr. N. 0. Greenwood is deserving of the warmest thanks for the success with which he managed the entertainment. Run.-inl nunntinn nhnnirl innvn in-on mmin manning nugnnournoou. Inn onuron pie spproohlod hi: labour: at ntv o Cldlr. ' Nun: Inn Worth Iusdlnu. AI. 5L- R- _ ..l _l..l_.. ....- `ll.-I A VERY CLOSE CALL. `ST; ANDREW'S coucenf, PERSONAL MENTION. . Hilt, of Illinois, utnndr A good being nppuinted minister to THE B:R['l`lSH WHIG. wEDNEsnAY.$M`ARCH%21. LIIC IIIIC Ill BIIU IXIIIIIWII IT] III Xl market in more outomol-I. lower prion and In 1' receipt: of hay. och, oorn chop clover an Timothy uood. nod. what. pone. oats. nlm corn-mnl. out-mod and linseed Inool. Apples. oulonunntl pontoon. at the Manho- bc Itorc. I2 Huh! squuo. Cunt]: In bnlnn oonm-ntnlnlod nnnx WUII IIVUI' III Hull` we Suetdnlng the Scott not in the county on the 4th roxlmo Iuoene e low price for grain dnhfrh rnteotlntenetonmone. it one 3 our Iteto ol morale nod u hi rate ol nation. It meene A poorer ieruler and e richer moroheut. It ntenne e depnuion in the county `end e hoom in the cit .. The iermore need not deoelve then veo h believing that thoee olty men, who no _ vacating the Scott eot. heve the luteuete of the poor et heart. or even morollty or roll glon. It in their hot they in wiehlng euxlouely to lill. who heve epohen ioudeet and lonnli in lie favor ere the "eoolel teelue." who iere euruptoonely on the tol oi otherl. Ivory doller in the county ropreecntu on honeet `e work. of eolnehody. But In It the men It o eerned lt that he: in No ior were It not en. the id Illpoi I lid I :l .r:'nn't`3lnn `.15: lannnnlrn: In ::.... Fa." '""" II In! writhn In the inuunt ol the liquor oulon. nor In opposition to the Scott not men. We win I) uuauu. ll Iloll wno would now all about It, the clot . an at dagger point: In ralonnon to it. '0 will. however. add that Eulldi ohunpionlnt rohlbmonin, Archduoon Fol-nr, hu neon: y fu-ed budly ` In A dlnlooth in-numnt with Lord Brun- woll our la nor! upoot. Rlllhli. `II. M Inf. in I'll nnnnbv nun Ill!` us: now puuu | mouuro unanimously to N-submit It to 3 vote of the oplo. \ Muuohuutt! vote: on it next moat . sud pl-cunt indication point to certain delnt. so throhnootion has not In oluwhon than In (MIA T UIIKIl'I}. The men! part cl the question we do not wish to discus. us than who uhonld know All AMI II, (n nlnnnu nun -0 tI-.....- _.I_A- III! uwrlwre II [0 III. Everybody has heard of the Maine liquor luv, but everybody done not know that Maine in the pooreet and least enter rising state in the union. All the clever. ntelll- gent young men emigrate. and all the tint- olaae artlaane and meohanice; there are no manufacturing bueinene worth lpesklng of, and the form: are paeoing Into the hand: of FrenohCanadiana. Nor have the poo le become morally elevated. an the follow ng item from last week : Olmluiau at Work, a New York religious and tem rance man- Iiue, will nhow: "An lnd cation of the growth of the fearful morphine habit ll given by 3 Portland, |le., manufacturer. who ha: made and eold over 26.000 hy - dormio needle: elnoe 1885." That prohm tion in inning in popular favor is plainly evident. Texan haa defected it by 92,061 ri 3'1` clue . : .- :.':.2. ? `... 9.`;'.:;... ..`. .'.?.".`.;':' 7.. majoris ; Tnnnessso, 27.003 ;0rsgon. 7,- L859; est Virginis, 36.75-I: Michigan, 5,- ` M5; New Rsmpshin dslsutsd it lsst west by n isrgs msjority. Rhoda Isisnd s short tims sgoszioptod it, but the ststo legisla- turo hss now pssssd n Inossnrc unsnimonsly it to A vote of uh. mm.I._ UUJUKR. Ul umir lnlelleclllil IU0lIU'y. Now what have our most approved liter~ ery authors to say re arding strong drink 3 The wise king ordere it as a solace for sor- row, and the prince of the apostles prescrib- ` ed it as a tonic for a weak stomach, and a greater than either Paul or Solomon coun- tensnced its use on an ocaasion when ple were neither sick nor sorrowful. S a|tes- peare throws about the'tavern soeial"and intellectual attractions which were to be found nowhere else in his day. It even out- shines the palace in the scenes of Henry the IV. The May Pole and Holly Tne inns of Dickens are ideals of happiness. simplicity and innocence. Thacltery, who loved a dro with his chop, chants the charms of the s 0 house. Even the good \Vondswort.h could find rest for neither soul nor body except at the village inn. When the Saracen cavalier taunted the Christian knight by telling him that his mouth visited the wine flask too often the latter probably overdid the retort when he said the drunkard was not a greater fool thsn the total abstainer. But aside from this he made a vigorous defence of its moderate use. As soon as I enter a tavern. said Dr. Johnson, I experience an oblivion of care and a freedom from solicitucle." It is almost inconczivable that Addison spent much of his time in the tap room, and that Dryden was seldom absent from his post as the centre of a cirvle of with at the tavern None but those who have read it would believe that the moral Longfellow wrote the following: He who has not been in a tavern knows not what a paradise it is. U, holy tavern E U, miracu lous ta\'ern 3 Holy because no carking cares are there, no weariness nor pain." Many others have done their full shares in glorify- ing the tavern, and Pope says : "We want as much etomal spines and cloud- less skies As men forever temperate. calm and wine." In the event of the realization of prohibi- tion all our literature must be revised and much of it eliminated, otherwise it will be tn Hm atmlnnt of Ilsa future ulnar the Illucu Ul Il vlllnllllleu, DIHBTWIIO II Wlll D0 to the student of the future what the Basque literature in to Ill. Evarvhndv nu Iuurd nl than Mginn limmr , insu cient, but for the healthy, strong and ~ -he Liquor Question 'From a Scientic. Literary/and commercial Point, __ ew -Both sides Get a eas-lng-'l'lW' leo- tors of Frontenac Are Evodantly Taking Gs-eat Interest In the Repeal Vote. Kmes-ros. March 26.-(1`o;the Editor) :' Waiving the grave moral roblem which re- lates to the excessive use 0 alcohol the ques- tion may be stated physiologically-and prac- tically as follows ; Is there a safe use of wine and other liquors, either fermented or distilled, and in what we , if at all can they be recommended 3 Dr. rancis E. Austin. of London, in his recent work on stimulants and narcotics concludes as follows : Alco hul in moderate doses is a -true stimulant, and is rapidly and completely diqested leav- ing not a trace of its presence on the breath, and produces absolutely no reaction or recoil. 'I`his is a symptom of the excessive or nar- coticpdose. Alcohol is of great value to a large"ii'ii'ifber of people whose health and stre th are below par, or whose dietary is well fed individual it is unnecessary. For the former the moderate use of wine or beer at meals is often very benecial, and its ctfects are closely analaqous to true food. Prof. Bins, of Bonn. says that every mole- cule ot alcohol burned within the system yields heat and power to acoom lish work identical with the assimilation 0 food. and thnt it is no more liable to be followed by morbid depression than the revivifying influ- ence of any of tho! alimentary substances usually considered food, and that the quan tity of alcohol in a pint of claret or other light wine is fully digested. Sir James Paget says that the best and largest quantity of brain work has been done. and is still be- ing done by the people of those nations in which the use of alcoholic drinks is habitual. And further, of the brain work of dierent individuals they have done most and best who have habitually and temperately taken alcoholic drinks. We have the word of England's highest medical authority that erroneous habits of eating are as mischievous to the human race as the habitual use of alcohol. The foregoing views have been re-atlirmed by still more recent investiga- tions. During the past three centuries the number of stimulants has increased without in the least impairing either the physique or civilization of the people. Dr . F. Rich- ardson, without the slightest regard for scientic truth and honesty. has suppressed and misrepresented the conclusion of the foremost physiologists of his own time, and some of them were his most intimate friends in order to strengthen his position as the cl~ief apostle of total abstinence. Yet this is the man prohibitionists have set up as the object of their intellectual idolatry. Now what haw: nnr mnnt. annrnvnri litnrv oa Iwri. II -Il'lIl Iqunn. Cllldi It being oongntnlnu-d ovary- whoro on tho exoullcool of her manufac- mm In the nrlou bnnchu. An utulned III In promlnontly In the front not 0! er Improvononu. Tlnnh tobioclunlnd & Son. of Turouo. who tor 4. ) you: have Inbound. not only to toonmnlau money. but to Inch uulnod and ornunonhl glue Plug gin;--not IIQILOA-6 Isa-D A-l.|..A ann- LETTEEi1 HE EDITOR; THE SCOTT ACT IS BEING VlGOR- OUSLY DISCUSSED. llIIIl'IlIj IIIUIF III DIE oouln, om-on their human, I In vvvr lining uuuuu Ilvluvnne No. gentlemen. tho hetotollere have no soil Internet" in nsigyreuing the enle of intoxicating drink. e only one: who hove eny "eeli-inienet" in the matter either wey Ire ihoee shes engage in eelllng liquor and th Ithnt drink it. The former have n ` >b)eroIi ln continuing iioenooe hoonneo they mike money out ofit. The latter. r lollo who buy liquor nod drink it, no n true `-inherent" in enpporting tho` Soon not, but nlnuoet to n Inn they will voto lor lloeneee.` [The have on nppeme for liquor. and to thie they enp Iholiqnor ` I it empeiee Ir mheu, wuioe their In. nlnhenn their lee, dnlipornlinen their In rnlnn their nnnln, nu-non (hair lunllinn, Ant` nun nnnn "moo ol rovouuo" xrom one non-mum; or lloonooo, but thoy no in you ond uill no willing to boot I oir o oroof tho burden it tho can: con ho romovod athx know all tho inoonvonlooooo oonnoctod wi o wont of woyoido inno,_bui thoy irovol tho mod: on much on do than whioko drinkoro ond no otill willing to put up w sh tho in- oonvenionoo if liquor drinking on ho oop- prouod : thoy know, that porhopo borloy moy bo I low coon lowor tor o whilo. but ihor on lorgo borlo rolooro and yo! no wll no oooopi lost I thoir ban and choir noigh n I on be provontod from opondiogtoh t moo on much on tho dloroooo in tho ricoo of groin would ho. and ot tho umo no loyilu tho louodotion for hobico ol ovorlullng dookruotlon. 11. _...AI._.._ AL- nA-A-A-II._. L-..` -A in IIIPPUTF IIII WHIIIUY IIIOP ; IBW III next eoe whet intereet the temperenoe men heve in trying to do my with them. It in I oonstent eccuution brou ht egeinet tem- perence men that it in "ee intereet. end e deeire to interfere with the lihertiee of otherl." end "e with to overturn the foun- detione of nliqioue end civil inetitntione," end meny other unlawful ambition: thet prom t them to try end Inppreel the eel: of intouoeting drlnhe. AI 5 rule the teetotel- lerl of thin country ere quite on e r with the ooneumere of liquor in morel o erecter. intelligence, wealth. petriotiun. eooiel posi- tion endloyelty. There in, therefore. no ree- Ion why they ehonld wish to overturn or enh- vert or deetroy anything thet in for the good of their oountry or the benet of their fel- lowmen. Al to "eel!-lntereet" everyhod known thet the telling or not eelling intox ~ outing drink: doee notnifect them peonnlerily et.ell dlreotl . end it eleote them indirec onlyee lt te'every other lover ol h nountrv. he nivinn them neln to lee the Olllyf I` INF IVCW OIIIIT IOVCC W IIII country. bf giving them pnln to eee the pun and nnooent youth of the oonn going on to vice and deetruotlon thmua the oontinuenoe 0! III evil which II In poeeI~ his to remove. They know nll about the "lone ol revenue" from the non-Inning of llnnn-an. hut than an In-no Inxnnvnn And IIIIIJI. I remember once leying ten cents on the counter of I country tavern on I cold winter day to pey for warming myeell at the stove, and the tavern-kee r, throwing it back at me with the rumor : Take your -- ten cenu; ifs men an`: buy 3 glue of some thing to drin when he come: into my houee. I don't an hie money." What u- tounding meznsmlnity ! We have not learned who am the nu-tine wunulug murnunuuuy . We have now Iumod who no the rtiu that support the whiskey shops; at an mull nan tint interact u tamnnrnnnn man I` Cull Ell". D. Wulllll IIIVU V0590 UKIIHIW I`. It is just the some to-day. and it always will be so. The men who like liquor. and who tske it, end then become foolish and spend dollars where cents would have an- swered, are the men who keep up thelicensed taverns. These are the very men who should oppose licenses and support the Scott set for their own protection ; but alas, slas, they are the ones who are taking the very opposite course and bringing pecuniary ruin and destruction upon themselves: The tee- totsllers who are working for the Scott sct have not supported licensed taverns; they never will support them ; they do not need them. Why do they not need them? Do they not need stopping places slong the roads as well as others? Yes, they need stopping places, but they do not need whis- key shops, and they would rather suffer the inconvenience of having ntutnpping places, then to have them if they must accept them in connection with the `traic in intoxicating drinks. The temperlnce man gets cold, and his teem gets tired and thirsty. and all the inconven- iences of travel come to him as well as to the whiskey lover, but he will vote against licensed taverns every time. make sacri- ces end beer sutferings for conscience sske, that he may thus prevent the destruction and misery of his fellow-beings. It is not from stinginess or meenuess that consistent temperance men will not support alcoholic taverns. but it is becsuse they will not drink their poisoned cup. and custom has not yet instructed the innkeeper to take from ten to twenty-ve _cents for accommodating s [TI IIUTU. I3 ECTIUV IqllII'I. The lugeu and but nook of (run need: in the city In It 12 Market Iquuro. Don't. {ail no rioo it bolero purchulng either wholcuo or null. 1|, it in: bought bo- toro the Into ulvsnoo, and prlou are right. W. F`. Bukonoommlulon merchant. Rgmnmhnr R Iln|7'nnI'n In tho nnlv nlnnn