Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Mar 1889, p. 2

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:itirnmunucxcoH;T,A HA R'l'l'( DR!) (Y)NN_ -.--- __._, -,---,--- _-. Claim: *omptly and equitably Adjusted. I [on by luhtnlax covered whether lire en- list or not. J. S. R. MCCANN. Agent ? nl`l'If`.I! - A-r Dnlnnun lhuvn H-rnun uvenvoot AND LONDON nun ems: l`:".` ?`F`7i`T`_""`T .`."`.'. ;"T'." ".-. CAPITAL - - $l.600.000. THE GLASGOW AND LONDON INSUR- ANCE COMPANY transact: the BIJUND largest business of all Bngsh Companies in Canada, deposit. nnually Wllh the Canadian Government. Olmol assets for every 810) of list- bility as calculated by the Government. PAYS ALL Louisa Ioulnmv AND l R()MIl'l.Y without waiting the usual sixty days. resuitilul in the :omnnny never but once having at end of any oneyettr ouuumding lusaea exceeding 8511!. W. 0 BROWN. STEWART BRUWNIL Chin! lnnnomnr. MAnnnmr fnr Hnnuln. received. Hairbrushesand combs. See our un- breakahlecomb, best. made. warranted to saw wood without breaking. only 15c. tine horn comb 3c. and a double thick one 50. Don't, fall to see our new stock of penknives. in table rut- lery we can uive you polishet steel bladed goods. rosewood handles, for we per half dozen airs. Rubber balls a good one for 3c. We vs slwag is good value in brooms and ottr re- cord last year or nearly I800 dozen shows how well this community have appreciated our of. forts ; but now we down the post. and shall commence oil` ring you this week a three string broom. mado front the very best select- ed haudpickuti corn. two for 250. You t- tunot match tltt-so brooms elsewhere for loss than `25c eaoh. lie Page's liqttid glue tutti mttciiage. the best and only deot-nt tnttcilngc ntanuiuotureti. on this continent. i0c a bottle. Once used you would take no other as a gift. The delusion mouselrap, oatvitcs all your mice in a sinuie night. only i-ic. l`wu hole trap 30, 3 hole trap 50. and the renownetlntt trap 150. ii any of our customers are troublotl with rat 4 try one. soaps -wo ropose to continue the sale. Seven bars best I'.let:ll`lC sun in the world for 25. i0ten- ounce bars ruby tutndry (this is one of the tin- est laundry soaps known to the `rude. and is regularly retaileti at Bu Dcl burl Our present price is 1 most terrible cut. `lie; .5 bars Morsc`s celebrated mottled soap` for 250 : i large cakes toilet transparent iycerine soap given away for 90 ; 1 ton ounce ll` white castilc or oatmeal soaplfor 7c ; it iinecatteof oatmeal swap l'or5o; Baby's Own soap lilo. Oriental soap 3cakes in a ilnelydetorated box I00 per box. But our ttroausst break in price is on Morse's Rose lio- q_uet. This is a very choice toilet soap put ttu six in a very handsome box, regularly rotailed atmc per box. Our desperately cut `prices this week 280. Afull 3-lb bar of choice iatnily soap for 10 per bar. This last is the greatest cut ever made in laundry bar snap in the Dominion 'i`in spoons in new and handsome patterns 7t-. oer htutdosen. Our motto is to lead in low prion. Extra quality elastic web. 5c. per yard silk elastic web. loo. Gnuo's copy books 70.; ill) scribbiinz books 3c-; 2'!) page 50.: a beauti ui oil chromo willbegiven with each set-ibbiim book ;two 0! Dixon s best cedar n- oils for ic.; rubber tip , I. and the very t cabinet. 3c. each. 'e just received a large stock of elegant cloth bound books. including over 200 different stories. from the best authors on the globe. These books nre usually sold at 750. Si and $1.25; our usual price e. We havealso ll ilneline -ti poets. shall soli nt half their value. Our great nifering will be 5.000 copies oi` Rose Library written by the very best authors. These books are usually sold at 25.3) and soc. Our sweeping rice 7c. or three for 15c. Shawl straps l7c.an abeauty 250. School ban. allleathet lo. We cannot enumerate all our prices for this week. but come and sea for yourselves and you wiu iind our oottnters load- cd down With bargains at Wood's Fair and 7c. Store. \.0l'De|' Princess and Wellington Streets. Kingston. Ulttario. GLASGOWANDLONDON OFFICE: Ar Pouora Dnua Bron. CITIZENS INSURANCE CO. W. U BHUWN. BTEWAIKT BRUWNIC` Chief Inspector. Manager for Cunadn. Toronto. . Montroa. J. '1'. WHITE city Agent. ` ` $1 Baccx STREET. ` will nnd maple ea bargains never uerure miunlied since L e foundin of our and "old "L meswnelfily. Uur iirst nrgnin s 600 am]- vanlzed water pails ; they might bosoid at 3. . our prire i5c : I tin dipper 7u ; one 6 quart press- ed pen 1c ;one Lin shovel 5c ; six Lea spoons 7c: one-tea. ketlie. copper bottom, 42.3; one imit- doten cooki g sp'|On5 50 ; three pie plates 9c : Lhreejeityvplntesc: 1 iron pun i0c:l Lincup 3e: mutng pauu.pres1ed puns nii sizes pails all sizes 2 isiop pain; (may painted, 35c : pegacper box 3q. nutnwg grnters 3c; 1 fire shove ._ ;l long handle India 70 : one-imii` dozen tea spoons 7c ; l tin dish pan Mu ; 6 iarge cooking spoons 5c ; 1 ton put worth 25. our price 141'. Never in the historf of the tin lrmlc has there been such unpuruile ed imrguins rnlilsrc-xi. M rs. Potts and irons, Ihreoine set. $1.!!! penset; Ladies noie weii this prieexvue or the most essemiui urti- oies to the mus ifc and at Ihis eiuugiueriuur price. not nlfiheir uellnl retail price. brings them within the reach of all. Husbands lhink oil rg_our.wi+'es and Inn) in set. Owing to Lhe fui ure of a large Wholesale Jewelry iiriu in Montreal we shall offer you some real ulnher jewelry n.t about ono~qunner us vu_lue. A choice line or urses and ladies shopping "bags juol. receivecf. Hnirbrushesund combs. h, e hmnimhienmnh. heal nuuie. Nsrrow Escape of the I Inmetes--}I'e-lble lnomqdency in the Fire Apparatus - Lesson to the Citv and Al10tbers-Be ` Welt Provided and Prepe.red!~-Pur-_ obese Earlv. Early on Sunday morning the alarm was sounded that the great. seyium st Lont_`lon.0nL. _ with [[8 hundredsot closely conned Unf('l`lll nate human beings was 3 am wrnppe_d'in tinmesand soon the clarnoro the mad rush of the re b ede was heard. and at once the City of Lon on was thrown into most intense excitement. Butnllhou hthe exeitement. was great it was Lame besi e the fever heetei ex- cit mentinto which the surrounding vicinity has been thrown for the past few weeks by the unprecedented clenrlnu sale at Wood~' Fuirnnd `,7c. titer. and to prevent that excitement hem wnnlmi we propaseto make the cutting more genera throughout` the entire stuck this week, and those w.ho visit the Fair promptly will find displa ed bargains before eatmlled since foundinx lmtnd old NC! 00!? NY. an mun Pn- fn Income mow" I!."c.hn.1.. bw.oAonI.. Itnet.MukeI.SquAro nines mm GREATER mm mm (mm FIRE 0F1887. ANOTHER `BIG ` BLAZE. FIR INSURANCE CO. INO0RPO_R.-ATED mu` `.1 AAA HARTFORD OONN. I INsURA_Npm. _._.._q._., 7.. pour mun; money tmnvost Em-clan mom: of the onnn D0; ton , IIIIIJOIIC lllllflrt OI VIC 0. r (`On N043? I nu: ma un. ml onoaoo. Pn- kummh %I.IlP "d'a`u: nnniqs. ;m:. \\'AN'l`l:D.-Pononr mo: on Always obmln Em-ohm mom uomd `t E: an 048 1 IF]. ANCI COMPANY. 0: {.0 minus: Income Illllllll . ( ul uuuuuu uuun: I: now nu mucll CnIl1`I OI etyle, except that they ere nneller end lower then they were leet yeer. A pretty nu). In-each one In bleck lece, with umngnin velvet hove. bed e from of delleeee Ink roeee, under e tell of the ne bleak The how: were pleoed, one e little at: one elde of the front, and the other et the heck. where It broke the etrelght edge Another. In the nine mixture of color, had en 0 network crownln jet end ellk mm, dare wce h[l'@'r1*ll-well'ee'4lItfhi:~ lien amen rmn nnneer In vnrlmtn htnnnh -hlnh `run: HIIIII` wt 1 W" yd. if [guurcuunppear Invu-tom bonnohwhloh V0 gtunlntholr ,And.th ` unlike Anything in nuturmmyuorw 3'5: pnrpontn repeating and lurmonmugtoul. I-`uhlons in Flowers. Real owers, instead of favors, have been treely distributed of late among wedding guests At one wedding each favor was com- posed of n Marshal Niel roar, a spray of orange blossom and l sprig of whim heath (a badge): at another "08 of the valley and t-hair Ieavos, tied with silver cord and tunnels. and accompanied lay A pearl headed pin to fix it in by. The owers will be those of the Iouon, an the time goes on, till we arrive at the month of room. A few bridal And ball bouquets have recently been made up on 5 at circular or oval frame, with curled on- trich tip: placed round the edge, and all the delicate bloom: uused within the plumed ring. A large bow at the lnndlo and 5 back of drawn lace orlstln completed tbeu'rango- malt. For room docornuonn great brmchm of lemon and orsngo trees, with fruit on than. are put into large, all recaptndnu Thuonrocootly; but inmanycuentholuvn and branches are not the real thing. out: many Io fall to detect it, and o 6 in clovor y o tnchod. The effect in excellent. IISIU. Full gures do not look well in belted waists, and should wear instead ba.-quos or round waists made with darts and side forms. The princess dress on becoming to full, rounded gures is being made up in various ways in all cotton stuffs. Long polonalaea in princess shape very slightly draped on the left side. and the diroctolru redingowa with aeparate panels in the buck and sides. are made of plain Chambr-ry or lawn to wear above em- broidered skirta that may he of the same fabric or else of whim embroidered muslin.- .._-....\.. D`-..- IIUI H} In (Lac kn v `Harper :-1 Bnznr. Fuhlonn for Summer Dreues. The empire waist so sultable for thin sum- mer goods is similar to an ordinary belted waist, with all its features accentuated, and worn with a broad sash. The {route of this wulst are gathered on the shoulders and lap in surplice fashion on the bust, and sometimes the back is also lapped. Other waists have the fronts gathered to the shoulders of the plain back and open in V shape at the throat, then drawn down to the waist line, while still others are draped acres: the from in curving folds andtrimmed down only one side. The full, straight skirt is in keeping with these waists. I'4\.ll IE...-.u. r'r\nnO Inn! uunll la knloml --l..b.. rm. 2-A :\1:w comm` BODICI. to eect this. There is a short, aqua.rB collar at the back of the neck, with the lace within; but it is not suioiently large to form 9. ruff. It is a graceful, pir`tul'esque bodice, the idea inspired by a painting of (Hwy in tbepnst \ century, which hangs on the walls at the South Kenslugton picture gallery. .-uuInlJa In bonnet: than In not so much chnngu of $110. excont thov ImA.lla' And lnwar ` Lu! II IRIVB tun UI LIIU Illlllfl nu. The V shaped opening in front is bordered with lace and has a rovers on either side. This pattern [)(`|(hi(`-6 is made in olive velvet. but it may be copied in any other material. A white stomucher of satin, with 11 lattive work of pearls, comes from the point at the waist. to the bust, whero it is met by the lace, and bencuth iL soft folds of lisse, which can be hood or left ma the-y are. The arrange- ment OI the lam pt-rmits the neclk to be partly or ouuroiy shown (if desired) in front, and the jewels can be attached in such a way as /I . . ".'".i'32` `Slim "7" 4... ...'`' I"""' mndwork looks nnnrhbly well '3 the mph ,1. which In now cm In; Illndl. Igm To Low_. msupmcn ..__..-..-:..... 1. H113] U}! M.) LIIU |4Hl'U.l.: Wllvll H3 , H1111] Wlhll white silk, if it is needed thicker. It is essen- tial that the addition, whether thin or thick, be white. V The slaoves tau to the elbow,_ and are nished by lace rufes, arranged to show the arm to the best advantage, the lace drooping gracefully at the back. The sleeves may, if desired, be entirely transparent. The sleevesin the other bodice are out exactly on the same principle; the lace headed by I turn back out? of the material. VFI... IV ..L...__..l ,...._.... l..n...L 4.. I...-..'l.....`.I 'I' " rm. I--A mcw COURT nnmcn. The avcnmpanying illustrations show the new court bodicea The rst one is cut. half high and is m:ule of watered silk, the open- ing bordered by acnscade of lace, within ` which is n lisse chu. Those who desire to have an entirely high bodice can have this . lled up to the throat with lisse, lined with whifn cillz if it. in nnmlrxrl thiolznr If. in amen- Since Queen Victoria has been pleased to permit the wearing of a high court dress ut ` her mnjesty`s drawing rooms, and Mrs. Presi- ` dent Harrison has announced her intention to wear gowns made with 5 high bodice, even- in; toilets that cover the shoulders deserve some attention. ' ; The New Court Bodlcen Approved by Quoon Vlctorla and`0I!'e1-lug Suggaatlonn In Way of Evmng Toueu `to Ladies Who Cnnnot Wear Decollete. LONDON, mans AND NEW YORK FASHIONS. WHAT SHALL WE `WEAR? `THE BRIT1H WHIG. FRIDAY, MARCH29. XI IIIXTVUIWKIFWDLXI cube oldod topur uh out-d1 lutawuylnncornc. wow wurru we cxvun. Icu. uuurlunw rulI3,I and All aorta of that dlnuorxlel_|m_gi__|_J `Bi>t'antm;nn'anpcmey-vmiao of I IUNIY. TOIDAN In late orcmnll lllllll on hm. o WA`l'I `:0 non! having minvest cuaulwuuo n tat-ohm m uulnnl-nd and: mm: Inc can - Coppcr work to gaining In muhrltymnd all Inn: at pretty ormluu thing: are mule d It-dun toilet tabla sppulntmub. ooppn phqnu, with unbound boa-darn. no decorated In the ontur with (low- Cl. bbdlor Ioavapdntcdlnos. W iron it Inn 1: A........'$*.....':.'..:..." W % of 9 ~- ..`E"" ..4.....'T..' ..``'`. .'..'``.....a 3532'`; ..;"`.'.2'.:' UllIIll,lllIllII3lU]llulIuB 01 K` livarlnc than to ats and hounu utter 5 dclookatnizht. n\-.___.. _-_|_ A- _._4_.1_.. 1.. ......|-.n.. -_.I I-`uhlona of tho lone. City pooplo ordu donut now as they would note paper. `All over town there no null nbo when Iuo cream. ices. ehnrlotto nmo.: All -m-tn nf um tlinhu-delimcinn am I Luv gluon Iuuuc, Iu `uuuuu nu npuu gauze. trtmmed with ribbon bqw_:. igung top, on the right, the lame 1115661: In moire gauze, prmud on pin or yellow `round. .And4Hnn'ued with lace. The IhldO below is In dz panels, and consists of dried ferns ho- I tween white gauze. It In edged with phhorl Inn. . LAX! ICISIN AND SHADES. On tholcft. at the top, then is the lion lumen, made of paper In the natural colors. Below in the globe shade, In goerod striped n-mung OI-(nu-nnrl nI'Q.h I-lhhnn hn-1 `At th lzluuuu l`lUIl vvnuu u-Irv: uouunc-o Wash a alias of halibut, dry it on a towel, dustlt. with pepper and mlt. plum it on :1 double sh gridiron, which has been buttered to prevent the sh sticking to it. and broil it light. brown on both sides over: moderate re. Any fresh fish may be used instead of halibut. In the meantime mix 1 tablespoon- ful ol chopped capers with a table-spoonful of cold butter, half 11 saltspoonful of salt, and quarter 0! n saltsponnful of pepper; usu th'L' mixture on tho sh when it ls c'ml('(l. Chopped pick!--u nf any kind may be used in- stead of the cupvrs Either caper or pickle butter is excellent witbany broiled or tried 1.. shade: for Lnlnpn. Scrmns and shades for lamps are fanciful and dajnty almost beyond description. In tho out are shmvn a few very attractive models which give a good idea of the range of cboico aHm\'94|, and will be suggestive to lay one Who wi~hos to make a fancy shado. nun. Hominy Cake-Boil two cupfuls of whole hominy far one lmur in milk. and Add while hot a spoonful of butter; nc-xt add three eggs beaten verjlight, stir in gradually a pint of milk. and lastly a pint of corn moal. Bake in "a pan; serve wrapped in a napkin Cu :1 plate. uuu Bllll. ('HllH;? \I H` `Ulla. `nice WnlPs-()ne and . half pints of boiled rice. the samc of flour. half a tea:-up- ful of sweet milk. one t0&s`prx)nfulof Roda. salt, three eggs and butter the size 0.` A wal- KI.-....l_-- f`..l... I`..JI `viva nu-\l'nIn AI --|..~I.. HUKUU 'b'\}\)LI I L'L'I`l\.'BL Johnny Cake--0nu cubful of Indian meal, one vupful white nur, ono-lmif cupful (scant) of sugar, [W1)(`|l[Jfli:~' {sf buttermilk, two tul- spoonfuis of soda, me-half teaispuunful or salt. The nmasurcuiay vary in size from A small tcncup ton bnwl, provided the proper proportions are kepf and the amount of soda and salt changed to euit. Urn-.. Iv..m..._ n...` ......I .. L...n ..x..... .4 IIAIITIUIIU uumv. in Cut 00 Ml ..... ... ............ .. I. own. i luuuy lot. 13. . 178.!) gm ...,.... ..... .. 6..mm.,., mun lnnunuor In yontho Ooathmn. Annual Premium lpm In Gouda and the U lad Salon I than bone of any othot "company. .n'5'h'?n'l'.'.n nu: om mun "~'d ' JX3A'i:"asw1rr. Aunt` Breakfast Cakes. Breakfast cakes of all sorts come in very conveniently at tlns season. Following` an- , some good recipes; Jnhnnv ('.-IL-1-_nn 1-n`nfnl nf Imlinn nna.-1| ..-........... .~....,... .. ......... ....,.... A Frenchman's rm-ipe fora good soup with- out muanis the following, which will furnish a vnluableadtlitiun to the list of Lenten dishes: Put butter the size of u pigeon`e egg into the saucepan, When very hot add two or three large nuirms sliced thin; stir end oook until they are r- Add half a teachp ml of ilounstirriu: until itis red; and taki g care that it does nut burn. Now pour in about A pint of boiling water, stir well. sea- son with plenty of .~.:1lt and pepper and let boil one mimite. l`h--n pour the whole into the soup kettle and sot at the hack of the stove till just he-for-u time to serve, when add a pint and a halt" ormnre of boiling milk and two or three hoilmi nml nnashul potatoes. Before putting in tho potatoes mix them up smooth and thin with a little of the soup. Stir all WUU together and simmer a. few min- ' Put; bits of i\lL'iI(`ll bread in the soup tureen, pour in tin: mp and serve very hot. Anntlmr h\Inntinvr ennn fnr thn &nn:nn in uu Urn, yulu lu Luv `Hula unu Is-.1 vv vI:|_y IIUL. Another tcxnptin-; soup for the season is made with cho(~ol;m~. Bmak nnequartaer pound of sweet vlm-A late in small pieces and dissolve in a lime \\'uu`r over the re; add Jne quart of milk uml bout with the egg beater until it hails; udd three yolks hf eggs, but do not let them (_?urdle,nnrl pour over toasted broad. Thu whites may be beaten to a standing froth and placed in heaps on the soup before serving. _ uvur u. lll sun eluDr_uIucIy. A wedding glow and handkerchief set. ` has myrtle bloummn, accentuated with gold` and pale blue embroidery on a faint creamy satin grdunil. _ ' A nmnrnl hnr.l.u- tlrnf. in vnrv nlntrnnf.-hilt suuu 5| Uuuu. __V _, A ngaxxlel border that is very elegant but simple is` worked on cream satin, with a scroll design in brown and gold. A I-mnufnl ouhln .-..vnr In n at-I-nll aim.-In-n in acruu uvslgll ll] UTOVI H u 50"!- A beautiful table (-nV(`l' is a scroll design in brown and gold upnn a ground of pale elec- tric blue. ____,,___- owers emorolaereul on t.u_uuu|ue. -, Among novelties is -u glove case of helm trope satin, with single yellow pansies strewn over it in silk embr_uidery. ' A wmlrlinn ~l.u.. and hnnullznrnhinf uni . A lovely set or glovgi and uapdkm-cur cases is in primrose . deep red Wal|- . owers embroidered on 't.h_outside. ~ Amm... ........n:... L. n n`nI'n mm. Al Imlan, . Novelties lu D('(`0I'1lN()llll niul Fin V-ll'3~ ' Timely and Tempting llocqpc-a. . Large` palni fans, mm half covered with` White satin, tenibrolah-red with a slnz1eJapan- ese chi'ysaiitlwmum iiml leaves, the other half decorated with a. lattice work of white silk and gold thread, mid large bow: at the handles, are a pk\'i.~'in(: change tom the or- dinary forms of mill p0t`k0tS- A 181's!` Wall pocket is of mrru cuttu silk rep, the front of plush of the same (`(ii()l`, with a conventional design carried out` in gold thread term coma .in. Broiled Fish with Caper utter. '__L - _I:..- ._l L..I:L..A .I-.. It 4-. 3 61.: gq;1_;p1_Ag%gnnuun comm. 44.4.... ..,.n Dellcluun Soups Wltllout Moat. I7`.........L..._._\. __ '.... 63...... ..,..\.I ..._.._. . ALL, Anounb Tr-Ii: House.- __f.___. ` BOOTS AND s Ho"XRR1v1NG DA`ILY Owned To-diy 25 low Bad Vinita and upon with long South. New Lnuiou Km and` Down. Spocid show of Filo Drona Goods. ._...._..-__._j.__.._-__..-..j;.-...._.... WlNERY OPENING SPENCE & 0I?UlILEY'8_ 8HOW RO0M8 WERE CROWDED; Thou who could not pln admittance please call only to-morrov. SPEND! &0_RlJILlY, Logding lllnorytqro. 182 and 184 Prlnom-ut~ HAINES & LOCKETT. John: ul ulorvtnvuu vv r. any n Al` lJllv\.-Innw \1.nA1Qn-nn.:\l' vs, nu v--.., -.u.. .... diooonnt and give the purchooer the benot. In tho nndorhking. no ovory ono" known, the ono who dooo tho Inrgoot bad on do it tho choopoot. It roquiroo tho ulna number of honeo. hoonoo. oorriopo. oto. do 50 funeral: for on your on It does 360. We Also do our own engraving which is o groot saving. Attend pononolly to ovory (nnornl ond with tho long exporionco which wo hovo hod con ottond to innol-oil hottor and ohoopor than any no in tho bnoluoo JAMES REID. 264 and 266 Princess Street. . R. REID, Manage A Great Many Ask Why It Is We Do the Largest Business in the City in Our Line ? `. ."'.` $131 PLY BECAUSE WE BUY IN LARGER QUANTITIES, buy for each, an the )1, A__n 4:.-- .L_ ._._.__L__-_ .L- L-._-n.. I- .L_ .._A__.-|.:._- _- _...._ -__"|.......- oh- `LAD/8 ./Ac/(H moms A 7 W,4LD 0N 6 . This mm In one of the but In the world. In IV Illdl Amount. to 868.13. [In add! n:hi.o;hloh In the unmnl llabllluea at c The you-Iv luau tor are run slono cmountto. .8. lnnunnoo mecca: hm And City Pro At the lowest ble rates. year polloiol lnuuod on rluto dvu-' ltnpv and ban bnudlnp at w mm at Icahn We have laid ont on the Bargain Coun- ter alarge lot of good serviceable Dress i Goods, which we will offer at Half Price for one week. It will pay you to call and see them. MINNES & BURNS. ms isa_spec'iz1_|iih;and-;/ 1758." M" We- Have them in all the New Shades. Inspection invited SECOND REPEAT ORDER THIS SPRING OF ff 0U_R A 50 CENT _HENRIETTAS. LAUE GURTAINS, GIIRTAIN SURIM, Oousineau, Quinn & Corrigan, See 0u1AWindow for Styles and Prices. SPEC`/AL 8A}.E ON `SATURDAY M/D ASAIURDAK NIO/-/T. We Guarantee the Best Value Ever Offered in Kingston, \ IIHVIXEPMUIIKII1 unto . """""% ..'.., NLW FANCY 0HEO/(M0/(ET 0I. )7H, 40c, 50, 600. 750. New Fancy Mixtures Jac/1et0/oth, 500, 60c, 759. New Bro/{en Check Jac/ret 0/oth. 600, 750, 900. New 00/ored Si//1 Plush. 24 inches, /ow Prices. /Lew Si/It Striped and Brocade Ja'c74et 0/oth. New Black Beaded Sets and Panels. THESE GOODS ARE ALL NEW AND AT LOW PRICES. Sty/es New. latest Shapes. Best 8toclt. Prices Low. K|DGLOVEAND[}URSETS MURRAY & TAYLOR"f$, 176 Princess Street. HALF PRICE SALE I WA|,.SH& STEAACY S. UNXL D VALUE HEMP UARPETS. and TAPESTRY GLRPETS. 0m Goods and Prices Ouercome all Competition BUOOEBSORS TO F. X. COUSINEAU & CO. 'VV.A.LSIi; &: STEAOY- Kyla UUIH Government I , -._ I\..'.I

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