WI INTERN FOR 'lHErCOIING WEIR To sum. Boots and Shoes, '- TRUNKS AND VALISES, BOOMINO BoUg..4 X'7EIsM.' ' led? und command than {no 0` . R. A. Gun, M.D., Dun and Profcuor I of Surgery of tho Uniud Suntan .Modicsl Collogu. Editor of Medical Tlnunc. Author of (3unn'I New And Improved Hard book or yglono and Domestic Modicino." speck- ing: with refcronoo to Warner : SJ: Cure`, aid over his own' ni nature : "I praorihod ll (nun doun ln ch some and chroiaio Brljhfn dluue. with the most utlnlutory rooulu. ` ' ' I on willing to minor- ly the ulna Amer`: Safe CIIPO." I! you no gndnnl- ly loning your nu-on Ila, have extreme not of face, puiuou an or the eyes. po ` but swelling of tho jolnu. abdomen and logo. unoooounuble that poll: in the heart. shon- ncn ol bunch, taking Warner : Solo Cure without delay. Brook vlllo. The far Routing Perfume of I good nuno hernlds the clniln that Putnam : Painless Corn Extractor h I nun, cernln. And polnleu remed y for coma. Fifty imitations pnovo it to be the but. Tnko no meld substitute: II drugghu. A Filo Display. Pnvout Ian I ue din lay in bi: window of Scotch tweed: for on Iingu. and I largo variety of pottornn for putingu. B100 a line of `outed for oven-coating. nnging from IIO. Mule to nrdor. A t. guaranteed. A I-'oeble I-`allure. Menv persona become leehle and fail in health from disease of the blood. liver. lid- noyu and uomech when prompt in of Bur- dock Blood Bitten, the and mi yingund reguleti tonic. woul quic ly regulate every ily function and reetole to perfect health. ' nllae lleatty III. Word has reached the city from India that Miss Dr. Beatty, Indore, a graduate of the Women`: Medical college. has ain been laid aaide thronqh fever. and the ear in expreued that aha may; be compelled to return to Canada at an early date to recruit her health. In connection with the hoepi tal work at Indore two native women have been baptiled, the tint fruits of the ladies` medical work there. The baptism: occa- sioned much excitement in native circles in Indore. Ely. The population of our county is l4.(ll) and the annual cost of liquor to the dominion is 827,000,(l)0. and every man and school boy can calculate our share of this money under license and then see the thousands of dollarssaved by thescott act tothe people of Frontenac. -Again it is stated that more liquor is drank under the act than under li- eense. The revenue per head in l885 for Ontario on spirits was IL35 and in I888 only 3.50., and ratepayers can judge for themselves. And why is it that the largest ratepayers are in favour of the Scott act ? Let the ratepayers of Frontenac not for et that i: is just as they say. It is the bal ot that decides. If the law is observed we want no magistrate and will have none. It's a necessityder existing circumstances. Now just a word about Frontenac. Barely one year ago potatoes were twenty cents per peck on the market and last year fty to sixty cents per bag. and why 3 Over production. And the same thing in America` has reduced the price of bailey and not the Scott act. It is after all a moral question, and we in this county believe in heaven and hell, and that no drunktrd has eternal life, and as you write your ballot think of the millions who are crying to you from eternity to not increase the number of drunkards, already many millions from this globe. ` Vote under the All Seeing eye. N, R, -rlil`l`l`l:. Ahuo ball club has boon orgsnilodln LI-nnkvlllg c EIAJINIIURG. March `27.-(To the Editor) : It has been stated that the Scott act has cost the county about seven or eight thou- sand dollars; others have toned down this statement to a little over four thousand. Now let us honestly see what the county has lost by the Scott act. One-third of the hotel license fee goes to the county and two- thirds to the government, and our share of license in the entire county was about This was all we received, and hence it was all we had to lose. We have paid into the county treasurer 8633 95 over all expenses, and t.his has been done for the most part during the last year. This might have been done during the first two years had it not been for causes beyond our control. For example we faced the British lion in place ` of paying the police magistrates salary, and cost us $l.037.`2.'). and then we concluded we would pay his salary, and since that for the mos: part the Scott act has been enforced. This, however, cannot in justice be charged I I to the Szott act. much less the salaries of inspectors appointed under the license sys- tem. The election expenses. amounting to sets. are a just charge. but need not be re- peated. What about the six or seven thou- sand dollars? Where can this money be found as caused by the Scott act ? Inspec- tors` salaries must be paid under license, and nothing from nothing and nothing re- mains. We repeat we cannot lose more than we receive. and the only loss to the county is our share of the license, and if we had not been hampered we would not be one cent out of pocket by the Scott act to- day. The nonnlatjun M our nnnntv is l-Lflll OI E11888 W8 WLII DUB!` I0l'_I IOW days longer at tom timr prloea t_.o bu ere,and someo then; we wxll so tor less than cost pnce at the We are pleased tooeevthat our cus- torners, acting on our advige, have bought so freely `during the past two weeks, We are in a position to state that almost all the New Shades of Fine Dress" Goods ar in the hands of retailers. Perhaps not one Jobbing House in Canada could to-day ll an order for a complete range of New Co- lours. Our 2nd and 3rd repeat order for some shades are to hand. We again advise buy at onoe, even if you don't intend hav- . ingthem made up for some time. Opened this week a new range of Wool .Henriettas at 490. A new range of French Cupi and, F Satin Stripe. A new range of Foulle Stripe, double-fold, 350., all the new shades and -t black. HARDYS _l>.`E:'TE.RS TO THE EDITOR. Scott Act In Frontenac. One Price Store, 88 Princess Street. . 1`orr|zu:. Wllllll lI'I)lI 0|` Elf II) T HKHIY U, tho dc mint, and uulglod to the phila- ti. and for n declaration ot the plnintifu Ian. J damn: tor the ill. but on y hr Hon ol t til`: tlllotothoolmndnoochornl . The nlntlf to pay the dehndoufl colts. sclnr (Klnpton) for the phlntll. Il----I', III` III`-g Gunn v. Cain.-Judgment in potion tried st Bollovillo. Action to obtain poooulon of oortAin.proInloo beneath the nurhco eon- ulnln Iron on granted to one Ilaohu by Ihn dc undnnh. nu] mankind to tin nlnln. -uw V-cu-v vu o-v nvww . In rogurd to the charge onion Aid. Willliam Robinson. ox-M.P.l .. it in said tint during port of 1870 he ucwd no police m intrnto as well u mayor. In I87]. Mr. Arc ibnld Livingston Iuocoedod to the chief Imglotrno . Together they served six months no poioe mogintrnou. Then the Into M. W. Strange wu appointed. For uervicu 83?!) cool: Ill voted to Melon. Robinson and Llvinglton by the nnnce committee. This monpy. Ald. Gukin chums. wu lrngnluly paid. on tho coun~ cil never consented to it. Other portion hold thou the solution were paid without the oonncll'I sanction, the ttenanrot bolna nuthoriud to pny nnoh yhon duo. It is Inial that Mr. Flnni has discovered that tho ncnoo lnp'ot-I." the amounts did` ly pan the council In _ Ila In Hold For n Ilnnonm-The Cowboys llnvo Illa: In Charge. Clll(`.u:0, March 29.--Ar'.hur Knnschcn- ski. the fourteen year old lad aid to be heix to 880,000. in the old country, and who In: said to hnve been abducted lovers] day: ago, but been heard from. Hi: mother Int night received I doapntch from Creatline, Ohio, readin : "Your young non ha just posted throng here. He wu on I nook tnin. He tried to t of! the con. Two men who ' won Cow y but hold him until the trnin loft the oil. 1: mo be that you con head him ca` st t.t|bnrg.' Telegram: were sent to the chief ol pollen nl Pitnhurg. but no reply has been rooblvod. \ G. OFFORP, s.~., QHE_APl CHEAP I White and Grey Cotton cheap. Bleached Sheetings cheap. Fnblenched Sheeting: cheap. Pillow (`otlons cheap. Tu-kings cheap. Cononadea (`Ir up. shining: cheap. Table Linens cheap. Tabla Napkins cheap. Towels and Towelllngn cheap. Examine the value we give. A I I I A I A I I 3 Q I uh. VIAIIIIIUIID nvvvvl, UJ A`A\l1Ul.l'.U VVDIUUH. 30c. Guilderoy. by Oujda. 25. Dothy. by Justin 'XcCs.rthy. 250. Jack Dudley's Wife 25. Canada for Canadians, by John Hngne. 10. The Pmmn City, by Wm. Westall. 25. Ir. Fortescue, by Wm. Wssall. 250. At N ISBET'S, lary, the Queen of the House of David, a Companion Volumeto Ben Hur. $1. I A Bad Maifs Sweetheart by I-1 E. Sheppard. ' 300. F St Cuthberfs Tower, by Florence Warden. V Qnn iBQOK-S.;5N`DiMAa-AZINES. .- vvu gnu: `"Xf" lI'""rsiIcMAHo~. CORNER BOOKSTORE. *;3ao* +.65; faov. oft in Coats, Jackets. Robes, Col- ars Capes, Muffs and Boas. All of these we will offer for a few (`Infra `Anna: of at-nvxirutv r\DI.l\na fr` NEW BOOKS.T The Canto 0! tin lbw. Chnloon Dlvlolol. I`-l_ I...I_._-_. I- . L'`:';:-' ' < BO0|(;LLER Q ~ ,<\ -: staring" R, :- Qur new stock is now replete wlth the leaqmg styles of pro_mx- nent make:-slntne yanous faeh1on- able oolora fox; spn a.nc_l summer wear. The deexzn an qnah of our Dress Stx Hate are aunply pn- eurpaasable. and justly entxtle every hat to rank as a. work of art In the eyes of all who see and wear them. We have etnll a few choice FURS BOSTON - HA_T J STORE, I AI` Innn:-n n..uwn~a -I-unu -I-Q:-3 I HAVE BEEN INSTRl'(`TEl) to sell by Auction In the Bum.-ll House. Ontario Street. 01. SATURDA Y. Much Nth. all of the Carpeu and some furniture. as the hotel is tube newly furnished and cupmerl. WM. Il`RR\Y. A uvtioneer. I ` Hr.\\'E RF.L!ll\'lII) I.\'~1TRU(`TI().`I:~` FROM MISS DUPU Y to sell by auction ul her Residence. (`oruer of Barrie nn ' Union Streets. on MUN IHY. April 131.. u qunnlily of House~ hukii Furniture. etc. P811.` nl IU:3d u.m. Terms can 1. M M Ml`nRA\'_ HATS 7717" nn1w1" In IIIIII H, II nun-it w.m......... m... loud-llnd mountain and -on by A Inunurmo Pdwansunt \- A J \.I\lLV ALUlJ\ll\/lU\'o 'l`E.\II)l1`.ll.S will be roe-uivud by the under- signed nplill M0.`'l).\\'. A ril lav. at 6p.m.. for the at-vorm lnuh-s` wurs romired in the erection nnll emu rlution of n lnusc on Harrie Street for G. Cli . Esq. Plans and anevidmtions to be soon at mv street (or U. Ulllf. Esq. speoirlmtions, 2 olce. Anchor Buildings. J H. R Street. Plans and sped icntions may be seen at our oice. _ Tho luwo.-st lcndur not new-:wuril)' accepted. l'U\\'ER & .~0N. Architects. `_I \/ 24. Three porfo' nuances of delightful Pomody. Evening l ricos-'a'5c. 501: and `. ..`x`. Muliucc and ALL wobL spams ovencons, F\__._. $I\ ____. `I\i2xR?i' o75E_I2A House; TWO NIGHTS ANDEKTURDAY MATINEE III III AGIIVIUIJ B I'|VU['I'l`!, ARrHUiiu1"1~r:HA1rs co. or conuznuns Clllldllli Order l"ol-enters. I Cocwr S1-nluv. No. 199. C.0.F.. meets the slcoxn AND us-r Tn mm or non IONTH In the `Prentice U0]:-' lull. King Street. 'I`. 'l`. Rnsmn. Recording Secretary. -uonw nngulnr noon!!! - Xhdon. No. am. onlongu. April In. at. 7:30 '-'K"nuIon'eat. Johiru. No 3. on Tllndni. April an. tun . 4 . _ t0a?Arnqnr..nl`o.-OI. on Wodnoadu. April 10th. at 1:!) mill. UNDIR nu: Ava:-Icnn or` m: Gunm- bononor MANcHI:s'r:n. I-lmnlmn meet every other Friday in the Sons-of E `and Room, Princess Street. Next meeting ARCH 1511! W. BUsm:.I.l.. Recording Secretary. IN WHOLEALI DEPARTIENT _\$'oull at Iontrul price: and do charge for * can-. uunl Ill .'LII'lIll(Iu Lnolcrin Louoz. No. of the Sons of Eng- land Benevolent Socioty, 11 most in their new Room, corner Montreal and Pnnoea SL5. over Stmchmfs llnnlwgro Store. the inland Ith Tuudan of each month. Bl:-,chnn'a llnnlwu-o BU Tuqsdnyu month. JIIIIIIIIUIIIIUIII vrilrr ul run.-nvnru. Covwr Fnownxac. No.51. Rl:(ll l.AR Mum- ma. Thursday evenin. A nril lth. J. S. . 1\ class. Socmmrv. Playing the (`omody Sm-N-uses from Dal_v's 'l'hculI`u. New York. Lion Block. Kingston. j171METLi.}?;A11IoUNcEM133NTs. L 117 Brock Street. I. U. U. I . ll. U.` UNDIR AUI'lCl: Gmmn-. L000! or Mnvcnm-rm; I-`.vm.A-an, nlnnl nvnl-V ONE DOOR BELOW CPI`! HOTEL. Fridzy and snurdKuamh 29:11. 30m. Return of Sm-let)/"s Faxvoriles. D'l`lJnb` nnunxro nn no nnunnn-nu sccmo - HAND sooE| _A_99.I_'9,h_`__,S,_A1LEr, Wellington unot. Noted for Low Prices. 1~1'.e.;if'c5-1"rm;$W3o- \`.unnI.u- "|).:Itnz\ .....I \':..|.n ITUCTION SALE. Independent Order of lrorentnru. uvnm 'm...n..__..... \v- an n_..... ._ -n. NIIBJCS Wllll I I! up 106 p.m u a several trade _T0 CONTRAETORS. T ) CONTRACTORS. l\I.`n_ _:n L . ._. ..: VL4..I-V\J..I. \xl\/\- Saturday Matinee and Night. L: -_ - - lnaonlc goollngn. I Jpn. NA in nn.\a.....I.- A...n 1-. JKKIIIILVLIUT V731` IIHIJ In use w. u. aurm. womngum sum &*.?...'3' 3 :.`:l.i'.` ..'. .:'." '5 ""':!".....'" . I I18 nuts in on day. llrtnnklur. :1`: All: ?x?Ts7 ms r RECEIVE n._ not? `nu I`I1'I'I| I1`: I-`RID KY EV'E.\'lNG. _31i?: _ Son: of England. Lnnnnn Mn `II 1.! sh. [IN AU. A U. `I9. l'E(ll`l.LR NULL"! avenin. cUAN.\'. Secretary. .:._._.....:_...:._. Pmrgor. I V\ M. MURRAY. Aucl ionecr. J R!-Ill). Architect, &c. Come and U7. qruainlglcvan to choose from [SSH I FUN. Then in nothing now for` the opponent: ol the bill to do but opod the out to the privy council and hurt it u-gnod than on In merits and fun ot the outuulomcnu which otuudod in dhouulon in the house. And by the Iny. the ooagntubdou ol- fcnd by tholou. Hr. Blah to the mini- uloroljuuloontthoolonool his doloo of vu-Iv utuuvu. Illll HIIII VII I III! `am at '...'.1soa mo ... an Biiiinj "om. resolution, and that its method dldtho party no hum. ..__. --._.._._..r-_ ----v .- -wv--w ----v --- eoetnpidly connttucted. Col. O'Brien we: certainly acting queerly when he ehoved it no one end uked no one : opinion In regard `eon He kept it to himself until he reed I It in the houee.end um 1.: up with ell l inoongrnltiee nnd imperfection. Few the enti-Jeenlt hill member: could vote for the Iranian. end It In lneinueted thnt {ewe _.-_- .4 __1__ J - ;; 6IiIunn; that?! `should lino boon. an gbnnhlln .u...-t-....A_.I I`..| l`|'IZI-:.._ ___ nu-w ----r.---' u. u-www---uv-u Then in no doubt that the division in the house lat night could notboupocted to I ("out the resolution of Col. O'Brien on it was vroniod. In onnibun clnructer killed it. it was objectionable oven to H1000 vim desired the diuilownn` of the Jesuit bill. .._J in l-_____X__- A|._A _L_._I,I L-._- |_-__ ._r-_-__. "A short straight motion,setting forth thet the Jesuit estates act should he disallowed beceuse of its attribution of s measure of sovereignty, would." the Gfohr says. have brought together all who wish the measure ` disallow ed. The defeat of the resolution will not indicate how many and what members think the Jesuit eststes act ought to Le disal- lowed. The defeat of the resolution will indi cate nothing except the number of members who are willing to have at political feud estab lished between Protestants and Roman Ce- tholics, because the latter are unwilling to vote that the Jesuit Society of Canada. which has had a great institution of learning in Montreal ever since IS54, ought to be proscribed. So woefully has Col. O'Brien bungled the business, out of which he om- ciously crowded Mr. Barron, that it will not be possible to hold any member who votes against the resolution responsible for opposing disallowance. Sc woefully has the colonel bungled the business that any mem- ber who opposes him without stating why may give upon the stump very good reasons why he cannot be ssid to hove been against disallowance at ell. It is too that a great movement for disellowanoe, which had united men and journals usually much op~ posed, a movement which had gained the support of one brave Roman Catholic, and which certainly had the sympathy of many more, should have been balked of showing its full strength in the house 9! commons by the Stupidity or the oontrivsnceot one msn." ` mm... s. _- :_..L. .L_. .n.- ;x_x_x,_ 2,, .L _ felt to have heeniunsatisfactorily disposed of. The issue was not a direct one. The Jesuit estates bill was not the only thing ~ treated of in the resolution. It declared the Societv of Jesus to be an alien secret and politico religious body, the expulsion of which from every Christian community wherein it has had a footing has been ren- dered neceesarv hy its intolerant and mis- chievous intermeddliug with the functions of civil government, and which is fraught with danger to the civil and religious liber- ties of the people." And it went further and said that because the Jesuit estates hill "endows from political funds a religious or- gauisation, thenby violating the undoubted constitutional principle of the complete se paration of church and state, and of the absolute equality of all denominations before the law," therefore it should he disallowed. Before the vote was taken the Globe pointed out the error Col. O'Brien committed in couplina with the matter under discussion other points to deal with and vote upon which meant the defeat of the cause he ; espoused. cl A -l..._a -a_-:..Lo .....a:..- -..ao2.... t..-aL aL_n -.-._.-_. .. _, .. .--- -_-.._...._, _._ . to 13. It was felt that the motion would be negatived, lmt no one outside of the house, and no `one inside of it-perhaps, `Je- side tho. party whips, expected that the um- jority against it would be no Inge. liven now, however. thehdisallowance question is l ..lL 5,, |....... L...... ........g2..l__.L--:|.. J2_..__..l `The house of commons ant until this morn- ing and reached a vote upon Col. U'Brien a resolution. and defeated it by a vote of ISH -, In I. _,,, 1- I. AL A -L, , ,.`,,, _,, ,1) Cheaper Any other House tn the Olty. .B0.'\'US N U! S.-I NU lb. The Toronto Norm` gets at the root of the matter in speaking of the oonnslng of manu- facturing staiblishrnenw by money, free sites or exeunptlgns, when it says: "A com- pany with condenqe in its business does not loolt for a bonus, and is prepared to meet its obligations as far as taxes are con- cerned, but the experimental enterprises which may or may n I: live are ever ready to avail themselves {municipal or other support whether able to offer any return on not . It is praisoworthy to encourage and foster trade by every legitimate means, but pri\'ate enterprise, unless it be something of national importance. should never be assisted from the public funds. \\'here\`er it has been tried it has been a failu re." ICRCIJIII lDll ulIVOIM.... Onconw nu uonl inn... .. Twice: Wat. Iubooquenl .. Throonw Jubaoquantl '$: ':`t"x3'u$ha:'rrhs._;u' :1 Damn soc. at an enohmnlou wnouhooked. wnonu hemmed- Special notice: In reading oolumgu IN Ohm?` ed at twent cents per line to-' each insertion. Oloon unicornomted Aasoclatigxjm _or All `, III A ' The WEEKLY BRITISH TRIO, & pages. 56 Dolumnn. In publlshod every Thursday morning `L 1 alien. gosluvoly in n.dvanoe.olherwino [ 1. be c amzod Imw. J. u . Pm\'s1c. Pronrletor. -"I `I\r`\II.q.lI\av-nlviu-cw u u Tun uurr. `Vi'i6Tn' nullied e'I'er'\\"_!_l; lng.a.t3-16 `mgr stroe Kingston. Onmrie. , at an n`oI.LAks rut nun. Anvnn-E53-:Micxn. For four lines. one or two uueruone......O0 N For four lines. each lnlnequout innertlom. 8 ` Ovarian: lincnlnt lnuruon...... Oopa-lln_.o 1 |n.chnulnaaunntaonnmutIvolna.... 5o '3 ed twang to` each Inner-non. oon unicorpornted Association: or Societies wlll be held niersonally responsible for all ordan they zlva \ Attnclmn :41 um ulnar In one of the best Job n u rd Lh 2! A'{cu.?n".o &'u.o"LaperInono 0 ; onions in Cumin: rn1`|l_ii. tglih Md ""V ` . ed n n` pl`$. \ "rIkl%urvad1l:)erlisfn0. .-W5-"`P`,i!' cab for actverusma are values`: In bcdiati (ya, er-stood. THE 1.'51L1iY WHIG; M NMMOTH SHOE STORE, 1 __j Wh|['| 'l`e`lephono. Number 229. " Opifar per Orbcm .ANN()l.LNt_CEM5EN_1'` _ __ _,.....-u----2- " .4 GREA T DIv.'l~`EA 7'. noutlvolnm. nnl lnn,,.__ Iver-rising gnoscrtpl avable inildcdnoe ,- I IEBAIDAIQMABCH % J. Fisher w 4u Eqvc been triad at terdq. for tolling beer in nSoott net dutrict. fhe trhl wu Adjourn- od until Monday. Rovivnloorviou no being hold nightly Iii `ma Wiliito/"lll!Ihdht ' church, and any convert: are be rude. Over 20 children prolaued oon'von Int oun- ihg. \ On dlt that Mr. C. C. Colby, whounpporb ed tho government on the Jesuit qurnlion, will need Hon. J. A. Chaplann necro- tnry `re, Mr. Chnplonnhooolning minin- ta` 0! nag. H 0&1; s. ovnn. ol Klnglton town: , Ina olunooholpromhunlrtodolcnd st 0 unluo. Eln Juno Pugh ii phlntil. Goorgo ndunita q proponnl. but claim: In land got Into the wrong pow. III I vi? III [III plug nl I'll WOT! II VI). ` Ir. Brock an I that in I83) tion ` hognnon More 6th. No to Capo Vincent vi: the Wolfe Isl)! cnnnl on I otoolnor. ~ , Inc auult not In me count. , T. lnlcalllinter wu much ndniud la ! evening in his Irinh oaatumo. rho st p of n pipe in hit plug Int wan vary at vo. Ir. Knack nun u: in INK) tinn spams suImeTsTAi sbhom PRICES. J. TWEDDELL, I\\YH' I'\l`Il\D IITI l\I ` camp. The one of B. White. charged with tall` ing liquor within prohibixod hourl. wu ud- journod until -April |6!h. The ornluromnn nl lhtnng will nrnnnina A ]0lIlIIUll ulnu -npru wen. _ The orungemeu of Ottawa will or In I nntiond defence fund to test the \' ' the Jesuit Act. in the courts. 7 n..nu..- _ _ _ . . . ...L .a..:..l 1.4 IIICIH Tho people of Peterboro. Cobourg. and Bovuluwillo, unlocking {or the milituy camp. The mm of R \\'|.in 1-lug:-and with tall` Nun} Paragraph; Picked Up by (luv Ile- parlors In Their Rnuublon. Mrs. Walker, who lived on Division street, died [hill murning. The receipts ll tho (`nrninl of Nation: In! night were about 8.300. The '4-id of Cnpl. Cullier. non-payment of. Inca, vu oulurgoul fat I week. The work of building the new St. An- drew`: church In: resumed yesterday. The Itreet cnmminha inland to imm-ova ` unit 3 onurcu Wu ruumca yesterday. The street commitue intend to improve Johnston utreet to the city limit: this sum- mer. Who that has carefully read French poli- tics will not recognize the correctneu of 'l'ener`a pictures. All in Fnnce is. indeed, chnoe, out of which order cannot be broil ! by Bouluager. He is only I man of the hour n picturesque gure with which to rouse the envhueium of the people. He in not 3 states- men, however. and cannot rule ; indeed the able news of the past week prophecies an only dissolution of his perty. There in no coheeiveneu in the element: by which he in supp-vrted. He is need A: I mean to an end, and when that end is ruched he will be ucriticed. He will perieh by the hand: ` that made him. The pith of Mr. Tent-r`s article is in the tail of it. Here he depicts the present position eand future prospects of the general. Of his position it is said : Boulanger is not blood- thirsty, that is he does not long for revenge; instead he will do his utmost to preserve peace if he comes to power, but if he does come to power he will be opposed as bitter- ly as he now opposes the men in power. One is always stronger in France when one be longs to the opposition. When the popular leader of the opposition is obliged to assume the government he soon loses all popularity and falls. Gambetta tell as soon as he was compelled to form a cabinet, and all leaders have likewise failed. Henri Rnchafort ex plained thus his resignation from the French parliament : `I am master in my journal, and can oppose everybody, but I cannot con- trol the chamber of deputies, and 1 shall be outtalked by Gamhstta while I shall out- writs him in every paper. The opposition is the lot of every sensible man who wants .to retain his popularity. He must oppose always, despite everything. even what he thinks timely and just, grand menu, or he will fall.` What are Bonlangel-'s prospects? He may overthrow the present cabinet and he may even be elected president, if at the next general elections no party secures a working majority. They may then combine for electing him, but only to wear him out just as Gambetta and innumerable others have been worn out, and their usefulness impaired. Bculsnger came from a horse and a song, and will nish in a song. as. according to Beranaer, everything in France commences and ends by a song." II'L_ aL_a L.- _,..,l..II. __, I l`_-__L _.,I! a A writer in the Fgrum, Guillaume Chris. tian Tenet, in brierand coricise form tells how Gen. Boulanuer attained his present povirer in French politics. ` His machinations began and were carried on at Clermont, and the government did not know what to do with him. M. de I-`reycinet, whose fore- sight is remarkable, suggested the sending of Boulanger to command in Algiers, where he would be out of the way and be soon for` gotten, but the idea was not acted upon. __The government instead appointed a com- mission of lieutenant generals to inquire in- to his conduct," and when the report was `made, to the elfect that Boulanger had en- deavored to make use of the army for party purposes, he was immediately retired on half pay. This was practically playing into the hands of Boulanger ; itenabled him to becomes candidate for parliament, which . he could not before, and he chose the first opportuiiity. He worked with the Monarchists and imperialists. and uniting these with the Boulanqista scored one tri umph after anothci. Roulanger, says Tener, represents the dissatisfaction t at is general among the people. The rep blic, as at present constituted, is, after nineteen years of existence, pronounced a decided failure, and the chamber of deputies, elected in a moment of surprise by an extraordinary pressure of the republican oiliciala-bound by all means to save the day against the Royalists who, on the first day of the elec- tion, carried upwards of one hundred dis- tricts while their opponents carried scarceell ly forty--ie acknowledged to be composed` mostly of irrepressible and incapable mem- bers. >[theJ\`govornrnont | action. And thehoding by _- Sir John Thompson of llelullid tohlve been uupplied by the Mercier government, do not indicate that the Jesuit case in the reaultof 9 grit con;$inc)'. It ilvcertninly not hobo supposed that the miniataor of jus- tice MI become an ally of the mou,polizicd- I33, whoin he has foughtju recnt csnnaigns und in the house souncompromiuingly. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. 1 ya I Islsunnl I ralI._ A FINE STOCK "F FELT HATS. NECK- TIICS. SHIRTS. 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