3- H; Q:R_f?{QY$KY I IIIIVIlVlII`\l\7' STEEL. TRIMMINGS. White Lead, Glut Putty snd Pure Prepared Paints at $1.25 per gallon at ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? Buy your Ihrdwtro, Boiled and Raw Oils, TURKISH AND OVICRSTUFFEIJ WORK A SPECIALTY. ESTIMAFES GIVEN FOR ICVERY DES- ` CRIPTION OF REPAIRING. CARPETS LAID. Opposite Po1son's Drmv Store. PRINCESS srmmr, Kingston B133? 8; {IlRTUE'S, KING STREET- uaun Vvunn. LOUNGES, EAQYTFANCY AND om) cums muussna spams BEDS, -sc. UPHOLSTERER. \ Designs and Estimates Furnished tor all Kinds of Work. I ..u-cu;-nu n.nn ununu nurn nnn nnnrnn Ioloot tram. Always the but selected and most stylish stock in Eastern Ont trio. Give III I call and look over our stock. ` r\r\'l\`,'ll(\I\IIYn h`! I I I n: n-nn nnnnm 1:-IIIIIIIIZ rwuu: - vii -...-- Spruoo np--don.t be a clam--and don't wsl an the [rent spring rush is on. All In nnnum 1T\II.1 mi! unmnmo nuuu Ill ,0!!!` UIIIUIB X: I] nu PAINTING - AND - PAPERING ,,.1 .1-.. UIVO ill I (III uuu IUUA uvul Inn 3 aonmsows WALL mm: "13'E'I>o'r 277 Baaot Street. 'TTntnnv1`` "` B `H!!! M "II h `uv-9 ",1, .r.Mu-.'a' rommnu A 1. I'd u 4.01! ntlsbw Aulalnvun Muuu dc-an Unuduu .4. .`s.AL-Au.h: mu Ln sun") "IO 6" F. C. _M:3HALL, nu. on I nu THE VVERY oQx;L;:'f-ii1cEs JOHN L. JOYCE. W IS ALWAYS STOCKEI) WITHVTHE Best Dry Hard Wood, ` Dry Block Wood, Dry Kindling Wood and the Best descriptions of Coal, CORNEII or BARRACK Ann 0.\'TA1uo.srs. WOOD & 'CO%AjL" YARD GOAL AND `woc Scranton Coal. Best Quality Hard Wood, Mill Wood. Verona Lima. 13- 3.3% S 353- N.B.-()rdera left at the Grocery more of Jaa. Crawford, Princess Street. will receive prompt attention. lJ'To1ephone oommunioauou M. MALLi3N`s WOOD AND 004 YARD VVITH THE Nut door no W. I. Dranmn. PI-lnoeu St `in-mhinap Dln-nkinp Mum and uh: Pittim '-DEIIIO-l'ltD I A I -' E`.-.!:'TT '3'i9.: ._ II) In r_-__ _ nrlbu AIIHI N`-nu IHUIUII on-I`-A. uhmuavu .,,g,, \.U.-uwh-.1 and uni) Jdulllll the clay hound by noun. LII-shy Iunrlna at All how! in! wow I-LLLLIJJ ILLAIJJ IJ\Id. -I. vv \I\Ia.Iu If u want the Dricst. Ch pest and Ben: HM Maple and Ban: 1 Cordw , 0111:, Birch Ash, Elm or Hemlock Uurdw Sawod or Un sawed. Or if ou wum Y(im`lir.g Wood. (Dr ). or Stov Coal . ut Coal. No. 4 Coal. Soft 0043 or Blue!- Imltffs Coal. no to ` II An ATTYIRADR 0 (In '.1--A -0 l\_..._.. ,.A luuul D I./URI. [U R. cxuwpoan 3 00., _---., .-~__-_._ .-'-.... ' ' ` I BEST IN THE MAIIKHIT. Yard No. l~-0nLnrio Street. ' I---Clarence Street Wharf. , 3--St. Lawrence Wharf. Gsccure dellve before broken weather acts in. Chief 0: -? Lawrence Wharf. Branch Oloe--(`m-nor Kirgnd Clarence ,~SE.. opsseite British Amerlcnn om! O mnr And nnnfnnlnrv (I--livnrv A nnnnlnltv Arull ntook always on hand. Call and ex amine.` v V W. B. dz 8. ANGLIN. Wellington Street. North. sash and Blitids, Mouldings Ami M other factory work. ` HARD {AND SOFT WOOD. MEHGEIAIUS I - HOUSEKEEPERS I I Coal, Wholesale, Retail, nun!!! nu" mun \1 I nu: -.~ IOIBDHOIIG UOITIIDIIDIOQLIOD. - " Diamond un .l..W.BR Eat? m`k' 'll.'A.BOC%H. In thinlocallty tor' Gllmour ck Co.'s (Trenton) cLm_LIuEss as NEXT T0 nn.;; . UVBDERS left at an stores of Mr. June: R.edden.Prlnoeas Street. and Mean. McKelve_/ & Birch. Brook Street. will be yromptly lllloo. telephone Communication. U!-`ncI:-Cor. Btu-rack and Unmrio Sta. I<%[L'|ii"b`IiE'o oizij ..::.x:uJ.~.|LJ.J.s.. on J:LJtJ1L'.u. Whunngen. Vane! an wnoleuluna Retail coal and W Dealers. Goals of the very best description. under cover. won screen End promptly delivered. Bunon wood and ` and Soft Cordwood of nm quality on hand. mlxpectlon solicitor! and utbhotloo zunran . YARD-Corner Uni;-in and West. eta.` nno And- Onmrln rum. Irumoo-0uu-omo and Gum-to Struts`- Afoot ol Clarence Street. ' * H 0BDER8 left 1.110 Itoreuolr. June: Redden.Prinoeaa St.reot..nnd Mann. McKalva1 : R Birch. Brook Street. Will telephone Anenta Blank DI; Wfhu-nmmu-1. vial Anmn an Ilfhnln-nlnnn .AdlA`QUO AJAInnna.. - : Undortakor sad 5 humor. : 5-I51 PRINCESS S`l'REE`I`,- 5 Oonydcnhun Street. I n _ - ,____A_n_,u-_ gamma? 3nAME, Lnndlnn Ifndnrlnknr And Immcn Umce--Uornur K1 gum Ularenoe ;St.. 3 its omlit and satisfactory delivery a specialty Cool: I under covuz-and wcli screened` $'Telephone Comm-1 niv.-mi inn. '` .1 A `.1 I`.,\` .\`VVIli`1` 3:. P0. I61 PI-lnouu Strut, oor. Sydonlum St:-;oz, 1 Klnnton. ' wvuow.-.j-i---- Tolophono oolnmgmlostl . |.l.|U Knuu, sprung ruuu In uu. AN ELEGANT LINE OF HANGING8 SOLE AGENTS I. B. 2:: s. ANGLIN, Send In your orders early for IT'ILIf\ ALI!` DADCI FURNITt JRE.`&c. Ill [0 W. I. Brennan. PHDOX HF . Plunbing,8taI.m And do Fitung 1 Hot Water eotlnn Ennoora. WOOD (`A/ND com. iomm-mlonr Ion. JA.`vlE.5` SWIFT & mmm ' 63 olnhtir Iiloonludnav umuu. IINDI or FURIIITUIII [ADI No 231 Pawgsss s`r.! Foot of Queen at `rt ""\" ULM L00- IJCH Illll IMIIHIII IIIVI Tl H !,`\|lllI'UI' Wu] be-oomo coluplotdy mungublo. and lo- comuunn will be Iwlnud. and a world ` of prucbiml knowledge thrown _ln upon the ` race. Whether we deprt in this vcntury, or whether we as the open gatm -:' In more wonderful mnmry. In will mo thm- thingl. It does nut make much dilfemnoo wlu-ru we Iund, but the higher um `standpoint tho gar the pmapo<~t.. We will we thom (rum nnif wodononaothom from earth. I ma at Fire Island, Long Island. and I what -up In the cupoh from which they ulogl-cpl: IJJTII UT! \JlIflIlv IIIIII LIKXI II IIIIIIIE -llll U I yours. I put the earthquake the: shook Pal- estine at the crucixion against All the down rocldngx of the centuries. This God on our nide, we may challenge all the oenturiee of Lime and all the cycles of eternity. ` mixes nut IA! (XJII To use. Those of us who ere in mid-lilo may well thank God that we have seen so many won- droul things: but there are people here today _nha_1zlu.~.99.t!!. T"""I . Th-12. : obecuro to us will be plain to you yet. The Twuxueth c'entury' will be ll hr ahead of the Nineteenth u the Nineteenth ie Ahead of the Eighteenth. and en you caricature the hebite end custom: and ignorance of the put. other: will ceriv.-azure this we. Some at you may live to use the ehimmting veil between the material and the spiritual worlcllilned. Map netlnm, a word with which we cover up one \ Ignorance. will yet be en explored realm. ` Electricity, the nary oouner at the sky. the: Bnninmln ,l~`nnnklin lnnnnd nml Mm-en uni And. Bell and Edison hunt 0000!)! hm-mun 1-nmnlntnlv mnngnunhln nnrl In. CJIHUW IIUI U ILIJUL. When Titan: play quuita they pitch moun- (Linn; but who owns these glgnntic furcel you have been reading About the last two months! Whose hand in on the throttle valve of the VOICXIIIOOSV Whose fool. suddenly planted an the fooutool mlkeu tho couunenu quiver! Uodl God! He lookoth upon the mountains and they tremble. Ho toucheth the hills and they ole. God! God. I must be It peace with him. Through the Lord Jean Christ this God In mine And he ls .... ... I ....a 4L. ....A|.....-I._ AL_n -L....|. D..I I.IUlll llll. Thvrc is it honm in London whu.-ro Peter the Great of Russia lived awhile when he was moving through the land incognito nnri in workm:ui`s dress, that he might learn the want: of the people. A stranger was visiting at that house recently, and saw in a dark at- tic nu old box, and he said to the owner of the house-, 'hat`a inthnt. box! The owner said, I don`f know; thnt box was there when I got the house and it was there when my father got it. We haven't had any curiosity toiook at it; Iguesn there`: nothing in it. We.-ll, amid the stranger. I'll give you two pounds for it" Well. done." The two pounds are paid, and recently the contents of that box were sold to the our of Russia for fifty thousand dollars. In it the lathing ma- chine of Peru tho Great, his private le_ --n and documents of value beyond all monetm. oonaidoralion. And here are the events thi... seem vc-ry insignicant and unimportant, but thoy int-use treasures of divine provi- dence and etornitiel of meaning which after" a while God will demonstrate before the ages as being of stupendous value: As near as! can toll from what I see, there must be a God Iomewhore about. `L'L.... T`Io-..- ..I..- ......{o- AL-.. ...:a..L _....._ Sal |IUIllIlll\llI. 0 you lead churches, wake up! Throw bavk tho rshnttors of still` (`C(`]t`.\'l'lSUI`i.\lll and lot the Eight of the spring nlornlng come in. Morning fur_t[1u land. Morning for the sea. Morning of emancipation. Morningoflight ` and love nncl peace. Morning 0!` n du_y_iu which there ,-.lnLll be no chains to break, no sorrows to uwuage. no despotism to shatter, no wow to (`Ull]pa8Si0l`lut. ()(`hrist, dusrondl Soa.rre temple, take the crown! Bruised lmml. Lake tho scepwl`! Woundgd foot, stop the throne! "Thine is the k'u1gdom." THE URAND CENTRAL DEPOT OI` THE MILLEN- ` NH'\l `be completed. Poor widow school and colioxo and thmltigini `aemillinry putt bar mite intntho Lord`: or prasiilent imprened ypon tha coin not no `conspicuous as the blood with which she treasury, the boo o unperor earned it. Millions of good men and women, ; but more women thui men, to whom Christ hrcverything. Christ rst and~L'hrist and Christ forevd. ' . `VI... thin pm.` In -46 -A n-I.._...._A...:-...l L- \1l'uvI.'a. gulgulq uuuul/llnuqlln. lvuguly (X)lI' ventions of Christina workers. Mighty gen- ernl asnampliea of the Presbyterian church. Might? 'onereneeI of tho Methodist church. Mighty aspoiatlonn of the Baptist church.- Migbty conventions of the Episcopal churh. I think before long the best investxnents will not be in railroad stock or Western` Union. but in truinputs and cymbals and festnl deco- rations, for we nm on the eve of \'i('tol`l09 widefannl world uplifting. There may be many years of hard work yet before the (`on- sumumtion, but the signs are to me soon- couraging that I would not be unhelieving if I saw the wing of the apocalyptic un I spread for its last triuniplinl [light in t is day`: sunset; or if to-morrow morning the ocean cables should thrill us with the news 4|....o rV|...:..L 4|... I .....I 5...: ..I2..LA.._I -.. Il._....A .o~- \ IF YOU WANT THE Oheapestc Bestfurniture 0! ALL Dl8GBlP'RON8.0ALL A-1` He *.3RA.'.".'5'$- UYUHII CIIIJIUS PIIXUUIU ldllflll UH VIHAU ILIU lIU'!' that Christ the Lord had alighled on Mount Olivut pr Mount Calvary to proclaim gnixtch-. sal domiuiun. ' I 11 ..... L.-.) ..L.._,.|._.. ..._.L_ .__.. nu,___._, UVIIB III UUU UIJIILIU` Ell EJIIIIII -II UIIU UTKHIIE in one dapuson. and gnther all the co rega- ` tiuns of Christeudonl In one Gloria in me!- 1 sis. Mighty camp meetings. Mi hty Ocennb ` Grown Mighty Chautauqua; lghty con- vent.im~..~4 uf (`brixtdnn wnrkarn, Mixrhrv mm- n u_y, uuu 153:: us now In uuurucwrmuu uy `_ hlvmtion and scientic explontion as in: ` by Gospel proclamation. You can get no idca of It. unlea you can :19; all the church bvlls in one chime, and 113: nll the organs in nnn rlinnmum, rind onthar all an nnnar-mm. Hlll LUIVIHU IUl'!SVXo Why, this age is not no churactariwd by nvrmtinn and noinntin ntnlnl-Alinn An itln 1 THE BRl"l`ISH wnm. i.~L~' quan 'l \'nn 9 ', Hour: of Death. Th}.-re hnyloug bum: popllllr belief that the groom , number uf death: occur between 4 and 6o'l wk In the morning. Dr. (`hubs Fore hm oxen tho trouble muhuum the death hour `of all patients dying in two PI- rlslnn hunp `)1: duhnu the hat tt.-n yearn. He found` that more Mr: I-other fewer deaths between 7 ll o'clock In the evening than at my o1l~ tune. but mm In: no spook! grepondon we at my hour.-New York clog:-om. - ` Nlll` Illl W Uh`! lllllrl IUI` IHIII. ' I Illllc II Ul nu onnsr uenm at all, Mr. Webster,` she mid. `hr '1 am mrryj to am you looking so \-.'urrl' Wnd tn-I: I hnpo nothing hugono wrung: really Imp!) imthing ha: h|ppId.' `You I 'r.|d think that something Ind inp- pem-l.' 3 replied, `ll you know what I have dun; 1 `two killed nuvenwun Roman procain- suln as u. 4 ll um:-ltu. Wary one of them.` "- _._4.nJn..{p;2A1x91\92-.....___T ._ IILIIVI lI`lIl|'l(llIl-I \ vuncllutxl |.u lvlr Illlu {Gnu it. Mr. _\_\'ohster spam A portion of the next. any In mvx'.il'yIng than inaugural. Mm. Benton runmrkcd tn Him when he came home rather hm that day that he looked (aligned and mu-rial. bl`! he replied that he was sorry that she lmxl w Hod dinner [or him. `That. In of .... ..._...... .......... n! n ll-. l\ -|...o...-V .-kg Klll ' : llnluun Procnnauln. TM1 story :1`. the slaughter of Gen. Har- rison`: pron.-ons: was published in Peter Harvey`: remlxu. 'l('us of Daniel Webster. Mr. lhrnyn nu. ' "no! thelncldeutis as follows: Mr. '01; ' lnld no that he Wall gnod dml annoyed bu mute the mt-nag wu, woordlng to his judgt` -2! and mm. so may prnprlato. lt 1-ntvred nrgoly lntk) Romnn lnistury. and had a goml : ml to my about the states of ur.tiquit_v and we Romua promu- suls. and varluua nnattvrsut that kind. In- lml, the wurdfprocuxmxl was repenuul in It a grout many limos. Mr. Webster Iuggeatmi tn (km. Harrison that he should lllle to change some thingi. Ind (fen. Hnrrlnon rather re-luvtantly run.-nuul to let. him take It \h- \"nhnfnr sum! A nnrllnn nl that unit. IHIIIIH I'IIII|l|I'g XIII XIII III IIIIII` Batu nu outing Ila noon. Agent for the Oolohnhod Spiral lwor ocMrl'u1-nnoo manuhomu-ad oy ,M. H. J: cob; Sn-mun. N.Y. {New York the l`.]v}l'~)8(`ll of vessels hours lveforu they come int-v port. There is on open- ing in the wall, and the operator puts his tel~ ` earopo through that. opening and looks out and sees veaaels far out at. set). While I was talking with him he wont up and looked out. He .~nil: We are t'x1n`!it1g' the Arizona to- night. I mid: is it i-ou~1ihle_\'on know all those vo-asrls! Do you know them as you know I ni.-in`s hive!" Ue saint: " \'cs,l ii-w,er makes uiistake: In-fore l~<-an see the huli;~',I often know them by the lll:l5f~: I know them all, I have watched them so Inttg." Oh. what II grand thing it is to liuvesliips telegraphed inn! heruldul long before they (`mile to port. that l'rimuls Illl|_\' come tlU\\'L` lo the wharf and in-l<~o:ne their long alts-nt 1--vedunes. So to:la_\' we take our st:1::l in the watch towel` and we look off anti tlirotigzli the glass of in.~piratiun or I ru\'idenee we look off and see it whole fleetuf sinpseuniiug in. That l..\lll(` ship of l'::i re, ag till one star of ll`ll`tl(ll!'lll floating nlmve the top gnllnnts. That in the ship of the vhureh. mark of salt. Wave high up nu the stnuke (~l1I(`l&, showing tilla` Inns lltul ruu;;h woutln-r. hut the (`apmlu oi salvat ion connnands her and all is well with her. The ship of llu:n'en, mightiest (`raft ever laum-in-I, lnllllullb of pas:-tigers waiting for millmm more, prnplu-ts an-l apostles and mart) rs in the cabin, mnquerors at the foot of the mast. while troxn the rigging hands uru waving llllo way as the)` knew us, uud We wave back again, for they are cum; they went out from our own households. _0urs! Hail! Hail! Put off the lnlavk nml put on the white. Stop tolling the funeral hell and ring the wedding anthem. Shut up the hearse and take the chariot. .\'ow.t.hu ship comes around the great hezuilmnl. Soon she will strike the wharf and we will go aboard her. Team for ships going out. Laughter for ships coming in. Now slit! touches the Wharf. _ vrow on the plzmks. Block not up that 5,` {way with exnbrncnig: long lost friends, fo. `'1 will have eternity of reunion. Stand hack '\tl give way until other millions come on. it `even to sin. Farewell toatrugglo. Farewm.-. to aickm-as. l~`arewell to death. All nlxm. fer heaven! MON I ).` M Y. APRIL 1. I LADIES KID BOUT 990. [LAD/8 /an 81/PPE/?, 65 cents. D. F. ARMSTRONG, 7/15 P/?l0 rms AND PEOPZE rm r/15 P/9/0E. LAI DLAVV S GENTS FINE SEWED BAL., $1.95. P01 /7z`ea or Medium Toe. HEADQUARTERS SHOE STORE, CHILDREN'S and LADIE ' .CASHMER STOCKINGS, Hot All rurnnoo man coho. Byncuno. N.Y. I r1llV'fVIll`\JC, GOLD TRIMMINGS. BRAID TRIMMINGS, t2I\l' f\ SEE OUR SPECIALTIES. Beautiful Embroideries, Serviceable Embroideries, Cheap Embroiiferies. 14| Princess Street. KID GLOVES. KID GLQVES, IIll'\ f\I I'\\ C5 HANDKEROHIEFS, LACES. RIBBONS. "1270 GLOVES.` maaao oouauaxess AND FEET. SILVER TRIMMINGS, QT!-`III HALL. P/I/.LOU.000l(/N0 ' STOVES and RANGES. AI-Inst! All!