Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Apr 1889, p. 5

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ll)!` MN OI "IO WIOl.`IIII IINOFI II Saunas to be Ilka to San I"ruok oo. Tho Huipoq_[| cnjitlod to mrrypply _0 pu- IJIUIIUVUIVII I %ZUIo Maw l.l. A I.-Pnl. S `f bu renal I ' qumm the [Jet Zlh` Indus tho dhovnry hm urvuhq o-rub` Prol. hand 0! I new comer. llh !nImnuInn..I.-....u.... Iulcldo H jig Bl!!! Hush II.-W. K. iph. 5 it-omlnout mu 3| cl Roobcurr. oom- lnmod Iuiddo Ian l-thy night or early ` Sunnis} morning: Canola Iona In MCI HI Ii I LA II: \ ;UIU ITWOE`-I El I|l'| u y morn I at out out rddcyby Hugh tho DUFF XXVI all-IIIC HIT Q?` peanut: In pdnhtq will ulrlko to- monow for ulna hours work at In hours` W. Then an about uoo cu-punts and painter: Involved. `ho Qho I.-O. wm lld. CIIICMIO, March aa-'nn lufclt rial nub dcslalthounon. lnnl 0.000,. GI), was contaminated In-day In lawf- Ooan coming into possession of the north- well oorlnr of Detrborn and Mullah- otrooh. The Inhr-Ocom will coat I new building which will ho one of the non ` pronlunt uranium in the city. `, Iov. Aln. can-I luutod to Winnipeg. Wnnelrm. March 31.---At a harmonious moods: of the Baptist Church Io-daylt vns dooid to invite Rev. Alex. (Inn! of To- ronto to- pouch to tho_I| fur three month: with I View ofoering him the c-bu-[0 r- uuncly. It in undpnwod Rev. yr. Grunt in denirouu of roulgni lab usupotinundont of Onlu-lo1(ouu Dion and oooopting I nulod clu-go. ill. Cul- Govlruor Schnltn and wife lenvo this wook for Harrison Springs. SIC IIIII Amhmhop Tncho arrived yeulcnhy {mm the cut. l"-...__-_ O-I....In- __J ...:I. I--..- A|.:_ Wlnllprg WIN Wllnhfn. \\'Ix.\|n;:. .\lnrch 3l.--.-\ mad dog ms Ihol. on the umou of Winnipeg yeotenhy. Tum Rrn\rn_ nrnnrietnr nf [ha Duncan : Inol on UIIQ INTI! 01 V` Inulpog Tom Brown, proprietor of tho Queen : Haul, died this morning of congestion of the Inn \_..LE::I..._. 'I`_..|.- -..-:..-.I _--A-__I-_ l._-__ urownen Dy we cs pslzmg.ol I Dollt. i The United Slates steamer Vandalia wai carried before the gale ri ht upon the reef. Sine struck with a terribe shock amlithe c ptuin was hurled against a Gatling gun and stunned. Before he could recover a great sea swept the deck and washed him away. The vessel sank ftyyards from the Nipeic. Several otcers and men were washed overboard and drowned. Otb rs perished while making desperate eur s to swim `to the shore. Some remained for hours clinging to the rigging, but heavy waves dashed unceasingly over them anul one by one they were swrpt away. By this time night had set in. Many natives and Europeans had gathered on the shore and all were anxious to render assistance to the \\'l`(`(`l{8d vessels and their unfortunate crews.butdarkness having fallen on thcscene they were wholly unable to be of aervive. hinnn nfnar llm \'nn.I..lin |m.l -nub Hm Ina! Iavr Ieparale Ianllbata. W.\ .\l rch 30.-The Treaaury Departnn-n: h:aa affirm:-I the action of the Collector of customs ut Ogdenaburg in ex- acting a fee of 2. : cents on each of 24 can of the Rome. Waterloo and Ugdcnebnrg Rail- road bmught tn 0gden.~bur__v by the ferry atearnur Arnistron . These care were laden with merchandise in-om ('itnad| and objec- tion was made to the filing of separate car menifoats on the ground that the manileet tiled by the Innate!` of the ateamer oeverecl the entire urgo including the care and con- tente. The collector has been informed that the department is ol opinion that each railroad car laden with marelundiae dee- tined to the United States from a contigu- ous territory is subject to the nirelnent of separate nuinilcet with {es to the manner of its arrival. Tu-ulna an Canals Out. , \VA.u||V.;'.`u.\', March 30. -Sinco March -I, ` I06 ) fourth-class: poatmuteru have been I - pointed by th l`ootumsl.ervGenonl; 4`. were appointed In succeed poollluntoru who had resigned and .').\`-I to take the places of other: umpendexl or removed. Kllllllu The Executive session of the Senete lested two hours this nlternoun. being devoted nlmoet exclusive] for the third time to the one of Murat lelstcul. nominated to be minister to Gerxmmy. Senstors Sherlsen, Hurley and Blair 8p~)k0 in favor of his con- firmation, the two last named being listened to with especially close attention. At the clnse of their remarks e vote was telten on the motion to reconsider the vote by which the nomination was rejected Thursday. The motion was lost hy n vote of 25 I019, - Messrs. Hrerts, Ingstle, Plumb end Teller ` voting with the lk-rnocr sts in then the and .\lessis. Blackburn end Cell vi the Repuhlieens in the ellirmetive. The Re- publicens nemed explained their votes on roll cell, saying thet they hed no persons] feeli in the Instr.-r, nosn ouisln sgninst Mr. eletesd:-but thought t ht to de- fend the Senste sgeinst such ettec s ss hed been mede upon its chnrscter by him in his lle Ind Snlul lame Naughty fling: Lion! the I`. K Sc-rule In In Paper. \\'uIIm;mx, March 30.-The Route hu cuntirml-.1 the following Among other` nominations: (ieo. B. Loring, Minister to Portugul : Robert T. Lincoln, Minister to Great Britain ; Allan Thorndike Rica, Minhter to Russia ; Thomu Ryan. Minister (ta? Mexico ; F. J. Patrick Egan. Mininter to .hili. TL- I.`..-....o L... ....1.... A Oh. Q-_-t- I-.o.A III LIIU Ulllllllllg LTIUCS. A Colllmissinn qf the Roichstag hu decil- ed to prosecute Herr llrilleudorger for offen- ` sive press comments concerning member: of tho Reichstng. 1' n Pnvuzinn plnv will nivan Al. nhnr. llIl' I\l"l1.`lI3lH`;. V '1' o Passion Play will be given at Ober- ammorgnn in the autumn of I890. The M1! and music have been received. ntriko outbreak in widespread in Hnmlurg\ The masons, plumbers and our- rentern are out l)(`L`'|llSC- the?! employen re- used to my them higher wages. At. Elber- fold and lhruren the mnnuhcuuring work: Ire closeul AL ('refeld the workmen will ` strike .\luml.-\y unless their demalidu are granted. At Nurcmbur the csrvorn and my makers are out. 0 Berlin muons hue dechlod to in.-mgunh ugonoral urine in the building lrndes. .-\ munnui.-\-inn nf Hun Rain-Iunfnn hut Anvil. "H CH1! FHH OHI- `oun! Herbert Bismarck returns from England Monday. He any: ho bu arrung d ` for grand nblic demnnnmlione on the occ:uion of lamperor William`: visit to Eng- len-l in July. The double as to English popular feeling twnrds the Emperor inspire the semi-oicinl declsntion that the Emper- `or'n supposed dislike of En land in I mis- take. After Germany he fave: England most. 'n... ....;i... ....ol.......|. :- _:.a...........a :_ lie Pnpeeel to lune the free: Agusti- . Ieed--Emperor WlIIIe.'e love for lieg- Ielul.--II-eetlelel Wee-Incl. Bums, March 30.--A ruiitere in the Government group erlelng from their die- ngreemont on the preee `el low In oertein uuleea`the bill in meter modied. The Netionnl Liherele declene egeinnt the bill. The semi-olliciel preee admit that under` the luv there cen henu freedom 0! diecueeion end my the Liberele ere justified in resist- ing it. _lt is reported thet e commiuion of ullk Bunclesreth hen greetly modied the bill. This it unlikely. The ehsnlute regu- letion of the rennin 5 pet project with the Emperor. 1 ie departure from the uauel etiquette to attend the pnrliamiantary dinner was due to A `desire to cum-iliate the de- \ puties. He was graciously femilixr with the Nationalist leaders. It is probable the! the Government iill rely on the Centre party. thus cunning en evolution in -my grouping. It is predicted that e Li rel coaslilinn will be formed strong enough to impel-ii the bill. ` l` u--|.....i n:___._..|. ..-..._.... r_-.... NATIONAL - ;Ll_BERQLS`_ DECLARE AGAINST me BILL. wvcrm uwer omcors wore azwea. In the mmntime the U_nito,dStM,esM.euner Nipsic haul been dragging her anchors nid drixting towards thaahoro. The captain.` however, managed to-keep control nnd ran her on a sand bank. Boat: were imm_editt.o- ly lowered and the whole mpsny uwexl ' with the exception of uix en who were drowned by the psizing_of boat. The United States stunner Vnnrhlin ugh HALSrTEAD FINALLY REJECTED. Iblhlho hr moo loan. Ann \l-...L on `FL. ..|. Dlooovorol a canal. 1}.4\ \*i'.% IHILCIIHI lull CIl`CCly ll 80lll `OI UIOIH IIICEPCLIV. '1 he Herman war ship Adler was the next to succumb. She was `lifted bodily bya gigantic wave and cast on her besm ends on the reef. A terrilxlestruggle ensued mmng the oilicers and sailors aboard. Man plunged into the raging surf and stnic out, some reaching the shore in safety. Others clung to the rigging until the nmsu full; of the latter two gained the shore safely. The captnin of the Adler and aeveml other officers ware saved. In flu: m-unnua Niall-.:6-.l 124.1-.. -L-.....__ `I -In 1.`:-rnmn mm Two l'n|It-cl Males llol-or ` \\`u`I'l `rum! n.....--HI-`Iru Anrrlc-nun and 9.; 1.`:-r;n:mu l'rn-II. I.n.\`nu.\', March 3|.,-~- Further particu- hrs of the diuutrouu storm at Apia have just been `received. The hurriuno hdrst Iuhmthelnrbor suddenly. The Ger- man mun-of~wur. Eh;-r was the tint. vessel to drug hcr anchor. She Became uiunsnugm able and was drivemhelplessly on the reel which run: round the harbor. She struck hrmulsi([e on at six o`clocx in the morning. The shock ca used her to lurch and tom: ner back and Ihe` sunk in A moment in eep water. Most of her men were under lmtchea and sctrcely a soul `of them escaped, shin Adler was thn nmrl [CURL UBO, H-Ill] 1|) llllfll VanduIia--'l`he captain, 4 ofceru sud 40 NF, c3~rmMn'a6~ 0'? THEREPORTED -msnxsran AT Am.- Cu-nun IIC It-u`u'u'n lone. IUIKX U. UIINIII XII. I04, 3 000' Irndloc the statement that ho wunonoctod with" 3 Neon: horn dual In which Mr. Greenwood. ol Wolfe Island. In Inhrutod. Alonnchnroh In the nun who should Ingrn hog: and-Ola-spa] Hm Tnnnunu ling`- AIIOIIT IJIUIVII '3 III XIII WIO IIIO Inn been nqnthued by Tommy non. u--u. ecu -eeuuurl -u-I-. Sn: Fmxclsoo. Merci: 30.-The Auck- lend agent. of the ()-ennlo Steelpehip Line. whose eleemehipe ply between here end Auetrelia hue cabled John D. Sprectleq {st-uidene of the company. the! Liens. Vlleon deeiree to secure Accommodation on the eteelnehip Meripoee. which tonellelet. Auckland on her return trip huh Sydney in the letter purl of April for M0 ol the wrecked eeilore Rmnn. h In e.I.-. M u... L`.._-.l.... -rs- y Inn put money only urmon. man up , pruchod halt an hour. The winner 0! the` nth: In 3 iron howh vaul ownor. The (It: at some non were fty-u minutes. buns D. Church called today In trndloi (ha mhnonl that ha Dll nnnnmnul QIOIIII I WEI Hull] I IIIIII IIOIIIE 5.30.!` and wul I:-ntonood to urn throo month: in .0 I 8 The clergyman. upon din length at when no-men. any -on pm up money. only uunhd IIAI 1: hair. u Dilnv of tho R. Batu Wu found (all: of having ` qtolon I out Iran A man Bu-hot and -An nonnnnntl On nnucn Hun. nnunhlm I- I 5.'i.a_o GIT! SUP`. Iif llll ITHCG I M 0 uploror In Edinburgh. The letter contain nothing new. l -auovvr trig-I 1;. Ile woe.-uuyo Loxnax. April l.-A letter (mm Henry M. Shale dated Sept. ilk. he reached friend nlt n nlnlnrnr In Ifdinhnrah Th. IIEII Ill OUXIUCFIUIOII I0 Illp XIUUIIOII 0! I uuitnblo Parson to npnunt thin vorn~ meat in chin. Ho nglrdo tho pan 5: one requlllng dlplolnnlo Iklll of the hlahut (1 or II . l.lIIIl-I-- run I uwuu II-n Nlw Yogi, April I.-The Herald`: Wulr ington any: the president in giving I gain! ` deal of consideration ,to thp oolootion of I nnhghlg n.-..- 0.. -.-.-...-o ALI. .....-... `BTIIWIUIIW WIII IE IIICI EU [XII I III Pl'U' vantingtho uport of natural Fa. Rui- denuu of Knox think they thou d have all we benet than in to be derived from gas wells. and tho: Detroit should not (up the benefit. `u Export of Natural (in. Wmosoa. April l.-'I'lIo dominion go -crnmont will be union! to put 3 bill pro- vantinalhn nxnort of natural nu. Ragl- . ..............,.... ...... .,............ S1`. Lnlu. Mo., April l.--A. Kellogg, general Agent of the Southern Pu.-ic rail- road. committed suicide hero on Sunday with Iqudunum. he left 3 note saying: The world in It losing game and I've had enough of it. A fool in an Ivcll o dead as \ alive." I:-petty from the Queen; \\`AnuI.\'n'ro.'4. M|re|I_8l.--Queen Victoria cehled through Lord Sellebury to the Hriliah legetion in thin city today directing that her eerneet sympathy he expressed to the President on the terrible nevel Inhaler- tune et Sumo: end the do Iorehfe loan of life. Mr. Edwerdce. the Brit charge. decom- penied by the Secretery of Stete, waited upon the Preeident this elteruoon end reed to him the Queen`e manage. The Preeident exp:-oaeml his warm up recietien end that of the whole people 0 the country 0! the Queen`e - oneidelete eynxpetlny A more forms] re ly to the meeeege would he nude, the Pmi out eeid. through the Depertueenl of Stele. HA.`lCOCK, Dak., April l.-0ld William Edvurde. an Indian, who had the mail con uact from Waahhurn no Coal Harbor, was murdered Saturdayvby hie aquaw. wife. The old man, who had a wife and family in Montana. bought the young Indian girl from her parents for 840. She tried to leave him several times with a younger man. but Edwards baled each attempt. Saturday morning. while he was lying in hed, the aquaw cut his throat from ear to ll`. Driving Perk Auoelatlon. A meeting of all interested in the Driving rk association. Deeeronto. wan held luv. `riday. The following gentlemen have been elected directors: W. C. B. Rathbun. H. Ayleewnrth. Geo. Stewart, John Berry, J. E. Richardson, W. W. Carter. Jae. I-ault, Wm. Jamieeon, and A. L. Chandler. Subsequently W. C. B. Rathbnn we: elected preaident : H. Ayleuwonh, vice president ; loo. Evens, secretary ; and T. H. Naemith, treasurer. Operations hue been already commenced, and 5 course will be laid out and graded immediately. Iolnn I non. Iran A man Bu-hn gm! Two Oklahoma Boomer: the Ian. AnIu.\'s.\s (`rn', Ku., March 3l.-'I`|Iru Oklahoma boomer: fought for the poueuion of I claim near Guthrie Thursday and two were futnfly shot. Pool IOOCI Ialdod. Loxu INLAND Crrv. March 30.-Tho lice assisted by ComItock'a men nidod l Eeurneyi pool room: At Blianillo this Afternoon. Over l00penom were urrutod. For-gar llnrdla In no lack. HALII-`AX, N. 5., March 30.-A docisiqn on the legality of the second arrest of the W. New York forger Hardin wu handed down by Judge Tmvnaend tn-day dismissing the tpplicllion for his release. ` sudden In-uh II London. LoNnn.\', Ont , Much 30.--'I`his morning I market gardener named G. H. \\'nrhurtun went to I residence in Dundan-street to de- liver 3 bag of potatoes. He Cl|_I"l'i(`tl the potatoes down in the cellar eudituyed no long that the nervant. went to see what was the matter with him. She found him lying dud in the bin, where he had fallen on top of the potatoes. A doctor was ciiled in and pronounced the cause of death npoplexy. Ilurdcn-I In Brother. NEW YORK. March 3l.--During an alter- cation tonight in the Chelsea ute Reuben Fun >1, is mulatto. 31 year: old, stabbed his hrot er George to the heart with ejncli- knife. He also cut ed his brother`: right hand. The murderer ucoped. -,-,,n`,_,;. -. A _ - Ilr. \Hmnn'n Portland !pe:ch. I\lN1`l..A.\'h_ Me.. March 31. -l~Imstus Wimnn speaking at R banquet given by the Board of Tracie last evening, stated tint` political union of (humia and the l'nilmi States, under miszing circumstances, inim- possible, and (?Ul|ft`:il`!`i.i()n by force of grins or as a result of rctnliatory and hostile iegisittion would he imprncticable. .\ A (iermau league formed on the pI`ilI1:lpi1'$ of the licrnmn zoiiverein would prove of inentinmlnie zuivantugc to both countries. The Deadly lxplonlvc-?u-cl by the Denver ` Innis luhlnqr. Di:_\'v:R, March 30.-W. H; Clark, ar~ route-.ul yesterday on Iuapicinn of being the man who r bbed the First, .\'ntion.\l Hunk of $`. l,00O nd subsequently released, was renrrestod on the charge of being an nccmn~ plice. He denies my connection with the ullhir. Detectives to-day found in the hall- way of A building in the vicinity of the bunk An "o V"l:6nt, in .the cketq of 'llll.`ll were a loaded revolver an I bottle appar- ently contaiining nitm-glycerine, which cvi` dently hail been thrown there by the robber us he escaped. The supposed deadly ex- plosive prove-l tobe simply cantor oil. All llamlo Ian Ext-cpl on lnllor. .\!unu.r:, Ala. March 30.-'I`ho From-hi bark Loecog, loaded with lumber, founder- ed .Saturd.Ly 30 miles of? Puscagoueln. "Ca min J. F.`(`rh|tel3rd, `his wife, I-hi|.l an: `All hands were lost except nne uilur, wholwss rescued after being four days ex- posed by the Norwegim bnrk Parmetta. iruul H10 Ioutnent." Lieutenant Edwu-d 3. Hayden. retired. in in charge of tho meteorological division of the Hydrogrephic Oioo, and in reglrded es ououthority on the oubject of marine storms. Ho eeys thet the cyclonic storm: on a feature of the South Pu-ic region. They now a motion exoctl the reverse of thooe occurring in the ion on: hqmiepheio. but otherwise line about tho memo choncteriotics. 'lbolr path in pore- bolic and they occur several time: o your in eome yeore. It sometimes lnpponl that two or three eeuone go by wit'.out e storm. An experienced oeunon can detect the opproeoh of ouch otormo in the West Indian, but the nine rule might not hold good in the Pacic wetere. Drownul luidlne I`ubIn. NIVI YORK, .\Ian.'h 30.--Incmning vessel: roport. unusually rough weatliur. Nearly over vessel arriving tn-day lmro_ evidence of nmnge by gale or collision. The schooner Lest; A. Lewis, from Lxlobile, oil` Nevesink Highlands, today was run into by the steamer City` of Szwmunli. Thu |chooner's stern was completely cm nil . She was flooded with water, and her cap- tain was drowned while [Sleep in the co!-in. longer. inc Eup.n~uue 4 of State ha been . requested by telogrnph togruht permisiion `fur the nt-onim-r to take the cam: poten- fem. T113 lieulnlhip Ahsmoda left. Auok- A` and three days ago and it iu'eu.imntod she ` touched at Saturn llrdxiy and it in thought the will bring a Large number of the ahip- . wrecked uilurn-to this port. wjthout waiting for the Mari on to receive orders. Tho Alunedria ue here April 13. AI lxpruoln fnblo-gran. WA'snI.\*:1-n.\', .\Ia.-on 31.-IL ia nid at the Navy Department. that A cable despntch connlnig the news cost between $700 and $900. " ` 4 _ A..__ , Ts. latter laugh I. I. lanky. -L.--. A.-_.II I A I_AA__ l_._ I Looking For 3 Good Ilnn. .\7.`__ A__.II I IVL- ll_.__l_l|_` Phllooophlgcd IIIII Snlclded. Y ..rvI_ ll- A_..I I A If. A Bquun ltovonga. -. u . -| . nu CASTOR OIL. THE BR1TI.SH_., .wmd. ~%'MhNDrA Y',,AP`RAlL I: vuuuunnu . . nu. u---~- us.` was . . . , ,....... when youou: bu will nrp honrhteu {or 75 oontr wool nrlottn for 65 cents; Harm cioth for 45 outs. Evorv new colouring nlnown for the nu End! in awe: not -mu-Inl And A! I warn hunt WIOIITIII. IIIUWI II III II` -'||C III ovary new notch! and at o wary lovou prloa M R. Halal`; An llnsafe Iarber. W \s'lli.\'(:'l'0N. March 3|.-~(`aptain Rich- ardW. Meade, the United States naval oiiit-er who commanded the Narragansett in S .moan waters in I872, and now Conmmntl- ant of the \ashin.:ton Navy Yard, said : The harbor of Apia in Opoiu isacornl reef harbor with an entrance about I500 yards wide and open to the north. It is not large and the anchorage ground is limited. During the yearly urricane season. which lasts through December, January, February, March and April, it is considered rather arisk to remain in Apia, while Page-Psgo, in the nei hboring island of Tutile, is perfectly e, being land-locked and otherwise she tered. Hurri- canes, however, are not very frequent at the Samoan Islands, though they occur lrequently at the Tonga group. They generally sweep up throu h the belt of ocean between Tonga an the Samoan groups. In April, I850, and in January, i870, the islands were visited by terric hurricanes, which destroyed the cocoanut, banana and hreati-fruit crops, reducing the natives to the verge of starvation for several weeks. These hurricanes are often accom- panied by earthquakes, and the conjunc- tion of the two works terrible injur . On March 20. I883. all vessels In Apia arbor except one small schooner were driven out to sea and lost. This was attributed at the time to a series of heav tidal waves caused by an earthquake. &nslderable damage was done on shore also. On the whole the climate of the Samoan Islands, though variable, is very pleasant, bad weather ocv curring only during the winter mouths. At this time thereare long and heavy rains, attended sometimes by high winds and uortherl gales. Ordinarily the winds are light an variable. with frequent and sud- den squalls. For the rest of the year the weather is very ne, and from May till November the trade wind blows steadily from the southeast." linntgna-us I`.I..-_.vI I !!-_)__ _-a:__,l Provost ha A Gun dluflny in his window ol Scotch twoodu {or an tings. Ind I largo variety of turn for pontingu. also I line of non for onroonln . ranging from 010. Md: to order. A t gnnrumod. v us-pa-; u Remember R. Mcl"suI'I II the only place you can 75 man: um] nrhttn for as man: -rt`. n\- Routing Perfume of a good hum henkll the claim that Putnam`: Pulnlou Corn Etvnctor in 5 sure. certain. Illd pdnlou remedy for Doll. Fifty imltstlom prove It to be the hut. Take no mid nnhotltuhu it druggluu. Ill IXCII 0} 38,932. 00. Much. I889? Imports. I7l.|3`l: exports, 312.007 : collections, $l9.I25.60; collections in guns: of nnrn-nnnntllna month I-I H-nu QIU,uIu ; OIIIIIIIIOII, olmliu-IIUS couoononl in oxccu of corresponding month Int you-. I1.9.`|`2.u. UUIIII1 III":-rp an: u-usulu Statement uhowin vnlue of import: and exports. with oollocuonn, It custom home. port ol Kingston, during the month of 1889: 371.137: Ill? : oollocllonn. Il9.I95.(K): colholinnl uv vvnunu -iv n-wuv Mr. J. Hsy, gums inspector, Gisnbnrnie, says thst he in: been told thst sovors! per- sons hsvo violated the game luv by shooting wild ducks within the close sesson. He has as list. oi ths supposed olfenclsrs, sad in tends pnbiishin them if he can sscuro swi- dsnos sgsinst s cm. A `lelearnplu-r lulled. MAl.l.uln"l`owx, Ont... Itch 30.--A ` young uum named .\`-.-zmmn. (ole vruph oper- nsr at Shlrbot Lake, julnpod rum 3 mov- ing train near here Int night and ulighted in from of another. which rut lyim topiouea. nlglll, wan unnllllnuumy uulsvn II Inc {arty stands:-d bearer at the x-oming eloclion or mombor ut the Local Imgislntun. lulu Slum: OII Amrrlrnl lard. R1`. Lm'I.~1. March 30. -Lulu advices from the (`ity of .\Ioxicn my the Board of Health of that cif_\` has pronounced Americgn lgrd An Mlulleratiun, unt for me and prohibited its sale. This action hurl |--1-n sustainbd by Minister Rulaio, sun! will be eective thmuqhoul the rvpulniir, and instruction! have been given `.0 H cu~tuIn huusu. .. /Till`:.N,\VAl.,C;`FASTR0l`HE Ihlllnn I-the nun mo summarily. PARIS, A\lIrl.'|I 3ll-- -Tlw (`hmnlver ul D1-pnliom by I vote u!`. 1i6lu`.'.':!l tn-(lay vntad `rgen-~_v for A bill pmvialing llmt. alanderou! and instilling press Attacks on public ot. rials shall he summarily dealt. with by 1 police tribunal. Raul Elgln Conurvulve rnuvoullon. A\`I..\n:u, March 30.--At the convention called by the Liberal-(`mxsorvativeu of East Hugin here today .\I r. H. '1'. Godwin, roevo of lhylmm and wlrdon of the (`ounty of Elgin, Wu munimously chmon an the nun-In nfnndnu-H hnnnur :2 MIA n-nrninn -Ignoinn Smldc-In llenlll nl 0~lmwl. 0\`ll\\\ A. .\lu`ch 3|.--F:.mcis Tnmnbly dim! suddenly at 6.220 yen:-r.lay morning (rum a strolu: of para.!y.~i|. He was in his muul gum! he.-x!lh up tn wnhin A couple of hours of his death. Mr. Tmnblyn was in his lh year and was much esteemed by 5 who knew him. He mu as native of England. ITIGIPS [HIS nllc ("|l`|ln[ :l'here.iI.how:-\'vr,inThe real sympathy, "The feel: any: that journal. for I the wise man of the Umm hns never died away. I`: can ever exviu-d mm mm l'nlIit-Ml` Il('FlIMl'l'u (`me I)('BLl.\'. March 3 .-~.-\ primn fncle vase htshecn fouml nguiiist Father Mclmldon for pnrtivipating in the` murder of Police lnspcutor Martin at (Sum-lore in February. Ho will lie tried ut the Iirst ussizes. Marlin with uilmrly of pnliooznen attem ted to arrest Mclindclen for oll'encea uml)ur the Crimes A at. Tue limu wlmson to make the arrest was immediately alter the priest. llltl t-elelrmteul Inns. l\le-ml-era of tliecongrm gallon `rescued 'Mcl"mlnl-n 'fi-om the police tml he lmd nesrly reach:-cl the (ioor of his house when Mnrlinu;-i/1-(l him. At thlt moment 3 sumo em tlim\\'n wluich struck ghe ins 0.-tor on the lxgeml, inflicting injuries of whic he died soon a.`'cI'. I uw nuueiu (llVl8l0l1 ox mnuuxesex resulted in the return of Captain ltiowlea, the Union- ist candidate, who received 5l`24 vote: nguinst 36!? cast for Mr. Fairbairn, the nominee of rho Gindstonium. At. the last election Lord Folkestonv. the (`.onser\'|l.ive candidate-, received .'{`_`.\'7 mien-"and Mr Edgcombo, the (H.-ndatoni-Jun, I067. The l'nIouIu famlldnle IoIIrnod--A I-mu. I-`Inc lira Junllnl Fuller Irfnldcn In ` llurdrr. - Lmznon-, Mu`:-h 30. --'l`he oh-ction to till i the vacancy in 1116 Home of .(.`ommonI for the Eueld division of Middlesex resulted in tho rntnrn nf Puntnin Knurlna oh- lY..:.... :13) A ms1)m:n MA.lOl{[TY. PARLIAMENTAERY ELE CT|0'N FOR jn-u.; ENFIELD DIVISION. '-A Cancun Iloliu. Klnguon. __-_. _L-__x_._ .__l.._ -3 :_.._- WICII. Nipaic -7 men. ` Adler-Altugethcr I5 beraonl. Mntcafa sent. as number of men. who ren- dcred splendid service in trying to oat the Olga. [10 Want: lvldonoo rv ,, n,,___,. A k vlho Dllplny. - _ _.- Jl-..I-.. I- CIT IIIFII FIX IIIIIIUTI W T. NIIIUIIC In to 2} anti. The lint down will 8 now Inhon. Tim on now I.N0.ll bulhrln ol coal I-only fonhipnnt. Iii -IZI IU n`. m.- Prnunvm. Pm.` Much w.--'l`|u ludi- outloun point to u gonna! this down at tho coal mines clan who ouongsholn Riva, April I. A mm: of operator: pu-Holly closed their work: to-dn . They any that b Manda nurl all 0 lulu: will be ooodnnt than 1-: upon toaroduocu ` In inl 2| oontl. Thu slut darn an llul Ill nor! Ill grvllml VII our :0!-. The loci utlnphd at o|oo.ooo. `$3333 `.7Z.L;':."2?Z".? 333; $3 % ohomlonl works, I`. Bulvol-'0 ll-ol'|'I ghoul and A. N. own lover pol wnnhu-n. I no Ixplouou of: Mean lull (`anon n I Inc an Inn; Inland u. Lona 1.-Iuun Cl. March 3!). -A than still at the Km in Oil Works exploded this afternoon. ' he ame: extended to the nhodl pm! the lumen cool bin and than wind to (In L Inland laundry. no brink Ilorkl. NOD York Iran Antl IKIFOH Ill.` Irllly [UT FIIFJUUIUK An address and I dinner service of silver. coating eeverel thoueend dollue, were pre- sented yesterday to Sir Hector Lengevin on the twenty-fth ennivereery of his entry into the Privy Council. An immense gathering, repreeentetive of all political opinions. ueemhled in the new departmental ` building in Wellin ton-etroet. The pre-` eenution was made by Mlyor Errett, and After Ieverel epeechu. includi e nply from the Minieter of Pubiic 'orke. the meet! diupoued with oheere for Sir Hee- wr en the Queen. DCIWYII, l . .VI.\J. , Bl [X I TIIUEIII, Illu RIF. `V II In the Supreme Court yesterday Thomson v. Quick was concluded and judg- ment was reserved. J ones V. Grand Trunk Ry. Co. was next argued. Thin in an action brought by a widow fur damac-~ for the death of her husband, who van t. ill by an angina at Point Ed ward. The mishap. It is claimed, wu t-auaed owing to proper facili- tiel for reaching the station not being pro- vided. The company claimed thatevery thin necessary for the aafety of passenger: had been dona and that the plaintiff was guilty of contributory negli once. Thin View was concurred in by the `ourt of A l, which reversed the judgment for plain! I airmod by the Divisional Court. J udgvnout was reaervod. R. M. Morodit-h for appellant, Dalton McCarthy for respondent. An address and a dinner nu-vice nf ailvoi-_ Inlerulnod at I|ruujlIIe-lI Action for Iuuugen Aztlan the Grand `lull 0'rr.u\'A. Much 3|. --Sir John Macdunald entertained the following gentlemonu. dinner if Enrnnclitfu lut. waning: Senator: do Boncberville, Dover, Di kc , Uluior. McMil- lan, Merncr and Sulherlnng. and Mean. Hnin of Soulangen. (hchrano, Dickinson, Fergunon of Leeds, (iuilldt, M. I .'I. Dr. Bourinot, Mr. (`ourmey, Dr. George Dnwnon. Mr. F. A. Dixon, Mr. A. D. Pntterson of_Toront.o, Mr. Patrick, (`.M.U., Mr. Sedgwick, Dr. Selwyn, (`. .\l.G., M r. Trudeau, and Mr. White In that .\'unrQn\n l`mn-I wonhu-da- HLIU IIIBII IUIII Hher--'l'he captain, all the other officers exccgt one, and 76 men VnndnIin--'l`he tuntnin, 4 nim-rn uni AI] IIXODII IIOWUQ Sir John Thompoon, Mr. Bowoll, Mr. Lnurier, Mr. Mills, Mr. Mncdougull and Col. Tildslo mwdo Ipeechea ; Mr. J. L. Payne of The Empire, Albert Horton of Hunnrd, Mr. Choquette. M. P.. Mr. T. P. Owens of Hsnsnrd and others sung sou . Mr. Robert Brewer, pAymutor" of 9 Home of Commons, presided at the piano. Than was Any amount of fun and follow- Ihip throughout the evening, And it was de- clorod to he one of the but dinner: that the gallery him ever had. -_j--: MICIJOIII OI LFIIIWI. The dinner won in every Iny 1 success. The Miniuor of Juutice and neorly all the other guests have been at some time or other connected with the pram Sir John Thompson wu not only a reporter in Bali- fu, hut served his limo at the cne" and rformed the functions of "printer's devil" In his early boyhood. His father, too. was I nevapg Joseph owe. Hip Jnlin Thnrnnnnn \`u- H. Rn-.l| 1` man in Halifax in the day: of ` UH? V|C"ClIllH'. The guentn present were: Sir John Thom on, Minister of Justice, Hon. W. urier, Hon. Mackenzie Bowel], Hon. 0. E. Foster, Hon. ' Wm. Mncdougull, David Mills, .\l.P., 'm. Mulock, M.P., Junea lnhea, M.P., P. -V A. Choquotte, M.P., Dr. Lnuderkin. M.P., Wm. Paterson. M.P., Col. Tiudale, M.P., John H. Beaty of Toronw, Robert Sod - wick. Deputy Minister of Justice, Al . Mncbeuu of (Maw: 51. ..I;..._.._ ...-- .'... __-.__ _-_. _ -__-,-__ Inn el run end Fellowship tor Ilie Preu Gallery at lie (`nun-ul. U1'l'A\\'A, March 30.-The annual _dinner of the pros: gallery took place &o night in the House of Common: rt-staurnnt. were 70 gentle-Inen present. James John- aton, eclimr of The Citizen, van in the chair und Hugh M. Mathewson of The Mail was in the vicechuir. 'I`|.- _..--._ ...._---. _--_ 13:- `.|__ There ` HUN; Ul kzlflllll lllll llilllll, nnu llllll IIIIIUII fersuadod to ht. the nutter out here. n fact Lawyer l was hired to do the luv business, and culled Lt Healquartsr: And asked for $132 of the boodle found on his chest, which was to have been used in Lee's defence. Sergeant Reburn politely V refused, stating that ll. was stolen money i and would not pass out of hir hands until claimed by the righttul owners. Ycsterdsy Detective Uaster ssw Lee in jail and suc- ceeded in persuading him to hold to his rs! resolution. ` 0| EH8 BERN). ; Detective D. S. Gunter, attached to Police Headquarters, New Orlune, Arrived in the city yesterday to take Boodlor` bee buck with him to that city for trial. Lee until Saturday nlmwed I disposition to go buck, but on Saturduv Roland Gideon Israel Bor- nott of Central Bank fame, had him almost n...-......l...l f\ Ruhr oh- vunltnn mu imp. Il'lII'l'lUu Ull'. DIIFCU or IOU!" Qlyl. The regulnr ferry sorvicu between` the city and the Inland opened on Saturday And I service will be kept up daily till the close of the season. l\.....t;.... T\ Q l\--A-- .so.,.L.J .. !)._I:_- 0| UOIJI IOCHIBIIFI. . Fred Pickles of 83 D'Arcy-Ilreet wee eeveroly kicked in the forehead by M hone whilelpeesing Grand`: etablea in Adelaide- Itreet about 5 o'c`ock Saturday gflernoon. He wu badly injured and he wee ineensible `when picked up. At latent re worn the men wee in A oritioel condition. ehed been 'merried bu . three or four days. The regular forrv service: between` lhn llll l|'U|H HIHI HUTSB In \I0IlU`E'I\'l?lIlNl. Constable Tholuu liloodworth also had": full yelterduy in Adelaide-street. Him right leg was a rpined at the ankle. Pack- ek snow in the one`: hoof: was the cause of both Accidents. r.`.....; u:..n,:-- -3 no nvA-...l ml -Ant -g- I`: am, rocovepng. l g " auutod Policeman William Elli: onu- uinod 5 novore sbruion of the boson of tho: loft Ankle yesterday nftarnoou, couud by I fall frbm his_ horse in (`allege-avenue. Cnnsml.I.- 'I`hnmsu: Rlnmhinrlh 11'!!! had`: LUII` ruulfy IHVUFIUIU PUUIHUII. The ollnwing is 3 record of the oicera and men lost: L`|..... I`I... ......L..l.. -II AL- -a.L-_ -L1l____ _ UII OI`. " A case 111 'poiuonlu;g um jm;Icapi . `fatal torminntion occurred on Frido . Alice, the 5yur-old daughter of Hnrod Winnifnth, 725 Ontarioatreet, onremruin home from school At noon. complained n being :ick- Her Inothor b minuko [cm 1 her I tqupoouful of our io Acid. The minuke was ditcovorod About ten minptel pftoswirda, and Dru. Atherton Ind Old- ht were summoned. They ndmininurod powerful emetics, und now the crbild in n idly rocovefing. ` auutad } ol`inamAn 'iIIinlI Ellil Inl- ._..__.. `A135; (`och Fight Ieporled--.| &;In|l'or cl ` ` Accidents. _ Tqnoxro, April I.-.-\ cock fight. of big ` proportion: in which many birds and many \ cutie men ware participant: it said to have taken plueo hut \Vodnetdny in the mouth- eutem part of the city. and in 1 p`lu-e when two or three ght: hqd been awppnl - before. can Inn on an Iowa. .--v-n II. __.L `(I 'l\I. A uoo,ooo euze. THEIR ANNUAL FEAST. CAPITAL NOTES. , TORONTO rropncs; HBO nu-nanny.-.0: `unau- lnr,MlInlIy'I. . lull! WUYU WIIUHY lI"HU|I to U6 0] er\`l(`e. Soon after the .Vaml.nliu had sunk tho Alnericnn warship Trenton broke from her anchorage and was driven upon the wre-k of the Vandulih, whence the clrlft d to the shore. The bottom of the Trenton Wt! completely stove And her hold was half full of water. As mornin broke the Ge-rmnn `man~ol'-war Olga, whic had hithertohrn\'e- l_v withstood the gala, although much lut- tered `)y the hocvyneas that constantly broke upon her, became unmanrgenble nnd was driven upon the beach, where she lny in 3 tolerubl favorable position. The nllnwina ii I rm-nrtl sf Hm n-loan

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