Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Apr 1889, p. 8

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W1 U Iv-vuv Iv vvv - rv-.---.-- -- both sides were out bu:-tth running 3(- ur the Roman Catholic vote. and vloing with each other in laying strong and com- nlimgnhn thins: About the Jannltn. Ha any wanna u uny nnun M1 mun; the were unworthy non of noble it An .ElllotIpuHt In ngnnl to another mum. ucmdsu. album to cf action of nan-Iinlnnnl that All noor Rev. J. W. Sparling. proeident of the Montreal Methodist conference, read a note in S denhnln street church lat evening whic heyhad received from the \\'.C.'l.U., Catareqni. asking all property holder: in Frontenac and residing in Kingston, to re- cord their vote: on April 4th in favor of the Scott not. Mr. Sporling then remarked that on the Int Dominion day he had said that the:(- were three evil: he won afrnid of: l-..-I:-..AI .... .. .._m.. Iaaniin uni nnrtu men were wree IIVIII in: WI! uruu 01: be elized liquor tnlc. Jeeniu, end puny potice. In the light of recent even: his views had been remnkebly emphasized. In the tint. place Rev. Mr. Stilwell. of Syden- hnm. one of the Inildeet. And most kindly J;-no-nrl lI\AII in .lIIAt`A from I unnu- UOIIVGTULI I UIICOUFKQ Iounueu on UIICIH, VI. 6. 7. 8, on God's controvers with Israel in Balak s consultation with laam, how to obtain the favor of Israel's God. fhe sacri- ces, he said. had their value from their reference to Christ. They could not answer the demand of divine justice nor satisfy the wrnn done to the honor of God by sin. nor woul they serve at all in place of holiness of heart and reformation of the life. The good God required was not the paying of a price for the pardon 'of sin and aeceptance with God, but love to God and to do justly and to love mercy. and to walk humbly before thy God." The reverend gentleman in closing incidentally made reference to the late John Bright, who, he observed. was a striking illustration of the lesson. It was not his great intellect nor his peerless elo~ quence, nor his mighty inuence in the counsels of the empire alone-great ".3 Lima.-. undoubtedly were--bu`t his daring to be an a minority and his courage to bear l'9pI'0DIl'l| rather than act against his convictions; his keen sense of justice. his wrathful indigna- tion against wrong doing and hie deep sym~ pathy with the toiling classes which had evoked the unfeigned mourning fur he death and sincere admiration of his moral character by the people of all nations. lie reminded his hearers that it was not talents however brilliant, or wealth be it ever so great, or honor or station however exalted, but character and adherence to principle that constituted true greatness and elevation of life most pleasing to God and most es- teemed by the world. Of the late states- man it might be truly said he had done justl . loved mercy, and walked humbly be fore his God, and so gained the favor of God and the love of all mankind. ::..wr.*.'.:'.:.'*""=" puon, physiology. nutcrin ` modim, histology and Anatomy. S. G. Todd. anatomy. -' A. G. Vullenu, pbyuiology, mntorin modi- cn, hiutology. Innpomy. .- I , Mn. H. B _Wi|mr. nnntomy. muoris medics, hintol , jurisprudence. < E. wnu, p yniologv, matorin medics, hintolomf. unmmv. - ` . ` Q. U. IV lltllll, PIIIIIUIUQJ. IIIIIIUIID Iuuulvwg anatomy. . Min: J. M. Weir, phyliologi= ` First year chemistry-T. . Bdfe, A. Lockhnrt; And=A. J. Vallonu, equd; W. W. Gonna. Iv`. J 'l;mt., J, C, Snlnr. I`. E. IJDCIIIIIT, IIIIPA. J. VIIIGIII, Eqllll 3 7'. W. Genge. E. J. Lent. J. C. Snler. M. E. Henderson, '1'. C. Burns and E. Meonee. equnl;S. Green, E. B. Iblulon, A. Ger: miclnel, A. MoColl.`J. C. Gibeon ; E. Her rieon and R. J. Melville. equnlz W. A. Cool: and J. N. Pntterson ; E. H; Mobenn. .13`. Birmingham ; Lnnn B. Bennett and G. Heyunge; equal; Mine Jnmieeon. F. C. Lmn, F. sum, J. Neieh. Rnnnnd uni nluonninh-v_.\V \.V '0:-nan LJVUTI, I`. OIIFF. ll: XVUIIII. Second you` chemim-y--\V. W. 'Genge And A. Carmichael, equal: E. Mncnoe sud A. J. Vallonu. et unl : W. J. Scott: W. J. .ln'nnnnn K. T} can III!` `X: I Qh:-Art A. U. NIIICIU. C( II: `V. J. KWCOWF: W. J. ` Johnson. M. D. ym mud W. A. Stewurt, equal : J. C. Suter, S. Green, J. E. Spmkie, Vlrq, H. Scott. T. E. Mtckio And Jnnet; Murray, equal; W. T. HoIdcroh": J. F. Gibson {Misses Murgnret O'Hnra Ind M. E. Muoallum.-e usl; E. D. Horrinon, I. J. Foley and F. -Svrit7.or. equal; W. A. Empoy : T. B. Scott and G. P. Mouchnm, equal; 8. N. Davis: A. Stackhoune ; J. N. Patterson And John A. Belch. equal; W. A (`nah - Minn lair - J W Knnnndi, n. u gun, pnyuologv, muons meulca, histology, Anatomy. A. C. Wilson, phyufoloay. mntcrin medic nnnmmv. ' l'IWl0I'IOII Illa d0llII . DOICII. Bqll; A. Cook : Min Weir ; J. F. Kennedy. Flltlnx lloloronco to the Lute John Bright. | -Notou From Min: Places. Yuterdsy mornin Rev. S. N. Jnckson, sutor of the F irat ongregational church, elivered B dincourse founded on Micah, VI, R 7 Q nn llnA'n 1-Ant:-nun:-u with Inrnnl in THE WORK OF THE CHURCHES. Pu-ucnph Iron no cnuohu. . E. T lin. pI':y|iolo:y._ '. B. homnnnn. n nu Touching on Vorloun follln. W"; ' I3; man: cw-Ilitol. 14 WW hon :I'I.UtoI'I.8. hp-unoIl I In I0: 18 to m. IJVIIIOOL OIIIII ILIIII`. `I -nhnnnn Anvil I_J ILIII WT! rrvu-can-1 Ilodonu pun! clolpdy weather, ohtluuryor little high! ponn. ZIII:-$aa 5 xv--w- ---.--__- :14 FF. IN NEW YORKGITY. ly be euepenueu {rum me coungu. (hand: in being congrntulnted every- where on the excellence of her manufa- luree in the various branchee. Art stained glass is prominently in the front rent of her improvements. Thank: to McCeuelnnd & Son, of Toronto. who for (I) yeern have laboured, not only to nccumulem money. but to mete stained and ornnmentnl glues of ell kinds 1 credit to the dominion. : JOSEPH FRANKLIN, Windsor Hotel Block, Primes Street, WIOLEALI AND PRODUCE couMIssI5i"ifALa. .- u..A.....o..-An-tmivnp `ll-nnnnm Ilnld tract, we unaerauua. The Deserouto Tribune nyl : "The King- ntun city council is at the mercy of A die tutor, and is making itself An object. of ridi- cule to the whole country. Kingston in be- coming : one man city. l.ulinn' hnlf. whole And aulrmr Will. commg my. Lndiel hulf, whole sud querter wigs. bangs, switches, hair chain. rings, made to order. Dreu and mantle making? Cennif corset, best ever made, over Vslnh & Stewcy I. 105 Princess street. ton. The 1`n`).mm. Duo:-onto. is not 3 wave un- DCUHIY I. l\I} ffllllj Ibl vuln- Tbe Tribune, Deooronto, not way: relinbleu It speaks the truth when it any: : There is I good boom in rod acute in Kingston. The old city in Itrotching out sud mny yot become I grant centre of popu- lntion." 'I`L:- ......-.I.... ll: Ian... I ittln ulna halt` Innon." This evening Mr. James Little, who held down ne. bag for the Kingston bucbsll tum lut var, will be pruanud by his friendn with two hnndnome prelentu. He will leave in A low day: for Springeld. Uhio. A. `L- .......L ....4ln.l nvnrninntinnl A umo. At the recent medical enminntionl I medicnl student put in I pcper on Anatomy, the questions on which wera nmwered by another. The ucheme to but thg cnminon was discovered. and both student: will lika- ly he auupended from the collage. (fund. in hainu comrruulnted every- imuuuicuuon lot we. in ms. mcruun u. The Grand Trunk railway no delivering steel rails at Deaeronto Junztion in propan- tion, it is uid. for building tbs!" section of their double track. Kathbuna have the con- tract, underauud. 'l`|m Hang:-nnon 7ru1nn mum - Thu Kinn- berry, urawoerry Vroae, nue green, uw., In complete with the very best. ugring roller manufactured for 700. at R. Mo aul 0. 'n... lV........I "l`......I. ....:I....... nu .l.lhm.-inn .\ urndnnxe at the Royal College Delhi I:--od Work-lxpeI-lance, In s..m". ul `_ me 'l`eIuuent-~l.lqnor the Great lien -`I'ho church in Awakening _ ` Nzw Your, Ilnroh 29.--('l`o the Editor) : Broedbrinfe interesting letter: have uhetch e(i to our render: the prectienl side of New \ ork ife. HII vivid portnite hove given a for deeper inllght into the colnmerciel. socinl, end rnli one like of thin city than thousands who eve elvnyl lived within her border The bustle of church end society ife on Fifth IVGIIIIP, the cinmour in the stock exehenge on Well etreet, the public and ivnte career of the more prominent more ante end statesmen ere femilinr cir cumetnncee to every imeginntive render of these lewere. But every large city is com~ "of thro__e cleeeee. the very rich. the well to do, and the very poor. New York is not no exception to this rinlo. Hence it mightnleobeiutereeting to the Wluu to tnke an imaginary Itroll iuuong the homes of this Inst clnsI,'_nnd obtain 1 glimpee of ,how the uinenee who have ocked into this city from every nation, unnintein an existence. Ame- ` i-hue is . nnndiee to the European 1: he QUUU at nnpaur-cs. Beasutiful tweed: and woratedl, new, just the goodn that will Iuit. you. They make them up both stylish and neat. st Lambert & \\'ulsh'a, Princess street. 'I ha rnna whinh was tn hnvn nonnrl-rd ha- C \\ lllbll I, FTIDCEBI street. '1 he race which was to have occurred be- tween horse: owned by J. Canon and P. McLaughlin has been cancelled. To day Mr. Carson withdrew his depouit. Nan nhnulon in Art lnlindl. nrunhad rmw- bnrlun WIIJIOTCW [III (ICIXKIF. New ahuiea in art blinds, cruohed straw- berry, atrawberry rose, Nile green, &c., I" mmnlnta with [has verv hast. unrimz PARAGFSAPHS PICKED uppv oun ~ ausv nsponrens. The Spice oI~ [ivory nay !.l!o-Whbt tho Pnpllc an Talking AboIIt-Not.hln[ Io- upu the Attention of Thou Whopro Tnklnl Notch.` _ I The prettiest dress mutorigll At Hg"rdy'a. Lace curtains, tape bound. 430 per pair mt Hudy'I. A Far manning Scnntan No. 4 and no In nu xumyi. . For genuine Scranton No. 4 00:! go to the Cu Wurkl yard. Th. lmmhnmmt mnntln mnmrlnln it Hm-. y]. no me out Inning muuuuu. A meeting of the streets committee wil occur this evening at 7:30 o'clock. ` Ria uhnlunnhl Int "lure um-tninl. nlinhllv occur mu evenmg u (mu a clown. Big wholeulejot "Inca curtninu. slightly marked, aellin for hnlfprico at Hurdy 1. w.....1. fnr AI-u`: nrn-a list: of harming. lar. 2,000 yards tweed bought last week by K Hardy at 50c on the dollar. Come nntl get I bargain. Mr. "Awhnu lnnnvnle. ltbllill bargain. _ Mrs. Hawkey. Glennie, while ateppln from as waggon on Saturdny, aprniued one-o her ankles. ' It ...... .......n .. ....-:....s n..:.... ...:o nut in Ame- rice is a pnradiee European stood: upon his native aoil and gaze: wiet~ fully over the briny expanee, but when he` takes up his abode in some dark. cheerleee alley of New York, ydeetitnte of friends and ' money, he nds he is still of the earth and often decidedly earthly. `She poor of New York are crowded into ement houses. which range from two to six stories high. On each at are from two to four families. In each family from one to ten or twelve children. T heee houses are for the moat rt situated along the borders of the udeon and East rivers. I-`or Quin reason the buildings are often dam `, and it is quite common to see Aged peop e undergoing the moat excruciating torture from rheumatism. Their ::ircum'etsncee do not entice physician: to come often, and with but little help, and sometimes wine, they pass away after lying for weeks upon their--ill kept beds. In the moat destitute ports of the city. however. this need has been somewhat met by establishing medical xliepenaariea. Dr. J Amee Hall, who spent one year in the Royal college of physicians and surgeons, Kin ton, end who raduuted this spring in the llevue hospital medical college, is engaged at present in thin work. In connection with this work a grnnd oppor tunity in given to carry the glad tidinga of the gospel to many who have long heen de- prived of its soothing inuence. Rut ere we proceed further let us explore WHBI _V()ll Wllll In EHO {I161 III!!! II. uwlr _VIl'u. To day Fhomu Moore, tailor, removed from his old stand on Brock street, occu ied by him for 36 years, to 3 store on ing atrbet. 'l`|.-..- L . . . . .-L -....:.....l -4 I (`--.nl..II'u IBTUUL. There bu Jlllt 1 wood ynrd, Ontal of sawed or unsav of dry alnb wopd. A r-ionrattn `Al or ury unu wopa. A cigarette factory will be started At Belleville. capital 88,000. Of this Amount 8600 has been subscribed in Uananoque And 8300 at Nnpsm-e. lhmutifun twmula and wnratedl. new. iust the till V\1|l'lI yum. . b T he hundnomeot mnntlo material: at Hur- .dy'|. And the bent tting mantles. A mmtinn of the mean committee will marked. Ielllll I0!` nlll rlco an nuruy I. Watch for ` nrdy u price list of bargain, bought last week at 50;: to 60 on the dol- lar, IKIU8 lat. ner CIIKIBU. . If you want a rfect tting Iuit, cut tn the latest New Y9;-k style, go to Lumber: & Welsh, Princes: street. Fir alrw nnlr nn nnfk mgnln, Inft wand 1; H usn, rrlncees street. For dry oak sud soft maple. colt wood end hard wood at lowest pricpa, go to Grswford's. foot, of Queen street. ` \.\'n nu-A clad tn hnnr thnf. thnrn hgn hmsn UTIWIOTU I. 1005,01 HUGO IITGUD. We are glad to hear that there but been no case of measles at the Royal military college during the put twelve days. Hm um-v hnnrlnnmnnt. mnarinln fnr nnrimt couege (luring [FIB PIII QWIHVC (.IIyI. The very handsomut. materials for Ipring jackets bud dohnnn in entirely new m l terlalu and desi us at R. Ma.-Fuul`|. u......u. n. 11...... 1.....- .1... 1..-. .|.|.. 3...) THE HORRORS ot=~ TENEMENT LIFE '--wnana unsemr REIGNS-. . {NCIDENwTS or TIJE DAY. norm: mu oesl us an n. mcruul I. Brock & Boot have the best. slabs, hard ood sud dry Bloch. You can get jun what you want in the fuel line at their ysrd. Tn dun Flmmux Mnnrn, Lnilnr. removed In 75. 75 In 1!}. IAvlIrvIuo. lyru - oowzn.utudy:AmcIannuauna-.&u-in IIIVIIIIVL Vvlvnvuvvuvu v-nuuuu -:JMI|oO':.IDII1"0Il`. BuonBnkcn'l'|ou- Ilto ':.%.O:tJ'Il7Kol . by ............"' :.'..Ir_'.;;.. Chouo-Wlltc and Oolad & Ill. IAIV no 1rrn:u. sum: nuuxnn. Ioxfnnl. April 1.-l2 noon. ITOCKI. AIKD. OFF!) amxotuonmu ........ nha 2.33 ."xo5 ms ..m 15 ..ooo :1: N 94 AJuIIIau|IonolthQ looulcl. linmanox. Inch 33.- To Ibo Edit): 1.... 5.... I...-|.|.. an-`*' Inch rah. um , IOITIIAL PIODUOI IAIIIT. Iln-1-QIAI. Am-ll I. LIVERPOOL oorlol lnslnt. Ll:VlIl'0fll-. April I. |-;.._ 4.4)- - Annnnhunn nln: LII. "cdn7uiviER`c1AL MATTERS. INT! gun J; 3 arrived at J. Campbell's ` Untarin itreet, the but stool: = unsawed mnple, Also the beat wnnd D131. `.AnI-ll I. Duds. 0. 3. Bu-rvm.1.. Z"Z"'..'3 'quioc ' T - III, `Mndtolund ducnotln at the h eutnry tothvlll utlthn wbhut |.-... l'_a...I..nl- mun nnlnllnlv nnldl nul 011 ll, CIXHI II` IlIllOI' In IIIIIIIXT Illa snout than thoyhuoboonntcho cum ulna in put. A joking" Inf pdhvillog odntvoyIun'IhnIntho bathe all-Ll:-nrlnnnn`, |.uI.w|uuu puuuu in Sun! was un IDOIIIC of new uunruncu I-oodnd to dnto an lngolyinuounofthounohrm In an ya: (with one exception). and list the claim by death on smaller In number and nnnnnl than nvllnvnlxmnntthn ulna IN NQNN. awul oonnunoanplngooauupc. Thillnorulng thorowunoonklunlntho city for ale. and In couuqncuoo osulkon could not pmcoal with their work on us- ooln. Thoninplonty ofonknn otCspo Vin- out fat the Klnqliol dcslcn. but Illoy could not got their arms: until -the forty ohuncrwu u tounchtlnpo. the Money He [had In llln I neeeeeIon-lle l'lemled Not Guilty. A few lnye ao a paragraph appeared in the pnpem to t e ellect that a number of live and ten cent counterfeit coin: had been paused in Belleville. The person shoving them about was not ca tured. It we: also learned that counter eit money had been passed in Napauee. On Satnrdav afternoon Mm Dennis, who keep: a rocery etore on the corner of Culborne an Barrie streets. informed Oicer McCullough that a man had attempted to give her had money. The policeman shadowed the stranger for a ehort time. and captured him at the corner of Patrick and George etreete. He had been in eeverel etoree. end in eorne of them encceeded in getting rid of eome of his had money. When he arrived at the police etntion he had on hie pereon 81.17 in good money. and 83 35 bonus money, in ve and ten cent pieces. The counterfeit money in miserably made. The coins are dark and greuy. To detect their worth `nan eaey tank. At the police court thin morning the prisoner eaid his name In: Alfred Page. He told the policemen before court 0 ned that hie name we: F. Perrean. Ater hem ..:.--...A L- -Jggcl-I nun. aniline And -Inn nu VII I`. rarrulll. nlulr uuun cinu-god he plendod not guilty, and clue to be tried before I jury. He was remanded until to non-ow morning. It in nnthorintivr ly land tin In bu unod 3 term in III! nnnllnntinrv. Hlngnnnnnon ion not in- Iy IDIIGIICI III III 3'7!!! I (Uflll III III! inatinry. Hiltppirtllot 1| 8 situo mm. In hclover. ` no Ping!-spin Plated Up About the Win-no -8000: at Oouonl Into:-out. G. Tattle loft Io: Ilontrul today to hie` A -mnhlnz. an oh. mp lllvdn U. JIIIIII I! III -IlrII| run; In Inn: 1 `lion on the nu: Glydo. ho air. Piorreponl Iturtad for Cape Vin- cent this mo ' via tllc head of the inland The in`. Ids. Inith'I Falls. wu told by Iblic auction III! Salli . Clptlin A. octet tn: the robust as 70). Seven] nods no upoohd at ll.-nan chi. -mall, Amnnn u nnmhnr In aeveru Lllllllllll vcuou an upoouu as Olwqo thin not. Among the unmbor h the nu. Van Allen loaded with In-bu . I`.-. u a I..L_.a.. r`I-...... |... an prived or its soothing Innuence. But. ere proceed us explore the interior of a tenement house. Entering the front doonwhich is always 0 n, we find ourselves in a long,dsrk,t-hilly ha lway in the rear of which is a stair case. Ascending this we come into a territory of darkness. A long narrow hall stretches to the right and to the left, ending in gloom. Leading oil from these halls are four apartments.in each apartment three rooms, which constitute the homes of large families. The front room of each has a window. the remaining two are in almost perpetual darkness. Strange emotions creep over the person who gropes his way npvxar-l for the tirst time thlwlllll these dreary passages, he feels himself out otftrom the outside world, and in the nor of men and women whom poverty am des~ ppir have driven to occupy such places. ere the good and bad are sadly mixed. Misery, hardship, and sin to hand in hand. Like begets like. and as tilthiness predomi- nates nearly all are sooner or later careless of the appearance of themselves or their homes. The one great curse is beer and in toxieating drinks. Nearly every corner boasts of a saloon. Sunday afternoon, in sll directions, may be seen squalid children running too or from the gin shops with their one. two or three quart pails. and carrying into their homes. already poverty stricken. the souldestroying, home distract in beer or rum. The neighbors are often invited in and the feast of Bacchus begins. To refuse to rake part in these revelries, in many instances. is to be boycotted. To uke part means invariably utter degrada- tion and misery. As you passfrom one hall to another, groping your Irsy in the dark, fearing every moment that you will stumble over a child who in seeking a place of safety from its unnatural parents, you will hear the shouts of demons mingled with the pleadings of women and the din of struggling victims erased by the sccursed drink. One rerysad and painful feature of New York life in these quarters is the depravity of women caused by drunkenness. Abused by their husbands and disheartened by their surroundings they yield to the tempter`s \-nice, and step by step are drawn into the maelstrom. For a time the quivering craft circles in the eddies as if struggling to maintain its equilibrium, but sooner or later, unless rescued by an overhanging providence, it sinks Some ll),(X)0 are yearly lling drnnkard`s graves in America. As the visitor wanders thronlh the busi "IO III . VII AIICI IOIIIIII WIIII lI-T'. Q: t. H. S. Johutomclnytou. has the led d and the frame work up for an clo- uun than yacht. II will lncbout ulxty feet over all. with about nhdhot bum. dwill bohhod igooduup} Thh morning: u..r:l:.~:. nnmknmlnlllo The llllll M policy hlahi `I tl;oVCund- I Lifmwill plan! no how that the Annual 1:! Int Ann:-anon nnnnlvul In this mu umuuuy I0 o.,uuu. Ur. S. C. Hillier, Bowmsnvillo. who dent to London. England, two month! ago to consult Sir Mureil Mackenzie for A urioul ufoction of the root of his tongue, writes that that eminent authority is of opinion that the uouhle nu unisex! by licking post- Ago mumps. If the Bowmanville doctor was in the hnliil of licking one cent lumps there need be no uouder at his nrgnn of speech giving out. Tim: work would wear out the tongue of I rhinoceros. vocal ennmuauunn. Dr. A. M. Gibson died at Port Bellp, near Edinburgh. Seotluud. on 5th March. Do- ceued I1: a graduate of Queen`: university. Kingston. In Portobello he hsd secured I large practice lntterly, his income unounb inn annually to $7,000. Ur S, I? Hillier. Hnvmmnvillc. Ibo int "J8 up IDCIT SPIIIIK INK HI I`4\|3Hl'. Mica L Meek, who has been studying at the New England conlervnory of music, Boston, has been awarded the gold Iur, the lira: prize of the institution, on written And vocal exuniuatiuni. n. A u n:L...... .a:...a .9 D... n-n.. ..-.. QV. TI. I1. IIGITIU. Mrs. J. W. Florence does not intend to retina from the sage as reported. She merely goes to Eumpe for real and rocrer lion ufter a hard aeuon`~a travelling. Rnrn tfrmulmr uni Hnnmr ntnv In Petal"- `IUII IIICT mtru ICUKOII 3 ITIVIIIIIIE. Reva. Umasley and Hunter nay In Peter- borough until mh April, and than open in Woodstock tor A six weeks` cunpuign, uiah~ iug their spring work in Exeler. Mina L. Meek. who Inn studvimz \ urk Aml \\ asnlugtun. T. A. Mctiuirl. B. A., has been tddcd to the out! at Musgrovei National businou college shorthand department, Ottawa. The friend: nf _\lr, Willinmn. wood mer- couegu Bllorllllllll ucpurtllncut, uunwu. The friends of .\Ir. Williunl. wood chant, will be glnd to know than In in re- covering from his recent serious illness. Hn Mnrvh `)1-lth Arthur H. Harris. L.D.Sl. COVUYIIIK lr0ln [III recent ICTIUUI IIIIJXI. . Un Much 28th Arthur H. Harria, L.D.S., formerly of Kingston, Wu married to Mini 'l`n_\'|or, furonm. Mr. Harris in I son of Rev. H. H. Harris. \J _. I kl` [c`I..-gnnn ag; nut intnnnl On yeerly mung urunlnru I `FIVE ! Ill AIIIIEIICI. As the vieitor wendere through the neu portion of the city or peeeee up uni clown the long Avenue on the eleveted treine, he wooden where the elume of the city ere eitueud. Nor would it he impoe~ sihle to live within the city for I lifetime And never have the least conception of how or when the meeeee live. Even ehould one chance topeee through the very vicinity of theee houeee little would he think ee he gezee upon the meeeive brick building: thet their inmate: are otherwise than proeperoue. But street by etreet these people hove been moving down from more reepectnhle quer- ten to where the rent ie leee, until nelly loet to church end for-not enocietu they no buried lllVO. Thie ep between the church end the l\Ahn`IIl Jenn IA Amara l`.KulnOIAn meat. rerm. , Kev. M. W. .\luclean, Belleville, is an Advocate of ministers puying hues like other niulo-nu, cmzo.-na. James Ms.-Gill. auditor of the Rathbuu company, is enjoying a vacation in New York And Washington. 'I` A .\I.~(:nirL R. A.. hu been Ldded to their monl strength Lv o'onti;unlly resinin\g their appetites to drink. I! such is the will` ofthgod which Mr. Mudie And the liquor sellers worship I an turn that It i; no; the will of the God whom I. worship. The God whom I cud all Christians, wouhjp hll. taught us by lljs Son to prny to Him thus: Buing Ill not into Iempfatinn but deli? uu\fruln the evil." And by Hi: I ll: Pnul has said : . Let him that lhinko he Itlud _..n_ '._|._. 1.--; 1... L. 3.1:. -...I I... mid mu Vooplo \Vm-no llovomeuu. Sayln at-d Dolmn Au:--m Atuoutuon. E. Bickley, buker, hu removed to King- Iton lrom Bath. |..1.... w-:.. ..-:n I..u.. tn. P...-um. In non n-om nun. Juhn Weir will leave for Portage la Prairie on Thurnduy. Mia \\"Ales, Kingston, Hardy`: new drou- mnter. has relched Perth. Mist Phillips, of Kingston, continues as head milliner In Mrs. Wallace`: eaublialr meat, Perth. "nu M \\' \Iu-In-n R:-llpvilln, in An has naul "Let him till! mmlom no ltluu nth tnhe hood lent ho fnlh" uldhnl told III on abstain from all n ponnnoo of ovil,"nnd to walk honontly u the day, not in riot- ing and drnnkonnou." and no "not do evil that good mn oumc." nnd that \I none of up Iiveth to Iumoelf," and no mun dioth to himself." therefore it in good neither to ant. enh. or to drink wine, nor do anything whet thy brother atumbloth or in o'ond- ed or nde wank." . N... .....:.........I .!Ano.-inn nml iniunctionn ed lode weak." I`hese scriptural doctrines And injunction: need no comment. They show us plninly that we should resist evil with 'th3 greatest watchfulnesa; that we should surround our- selves with every barrier possible to keep us out of evil._\'ea even out of temptation. and that W6 should endeavor to do the same for others as we do for ourselves; and moreover, to even abstain from what we won]! delight in. if its enjoyment would be the menus of injuring others, or causing them to go astray. Annlv mmh xcrinture iuiunctions to the them to astray. Apply such scripture injunction: -licensing, selling. and drinking of intpki eating liquors, out! no Christian man or woman on stand for one moment in doubt on to his or her duty in the matter of vo- ting. (fhristion men And women make an ellort to save others. In our prayers we say. "Prevent. us, 0 Lord by thy grace. Let us try and prevent men and women from sin. remembering that it was Cain who asked, .-\`m 1 my brother : keeper`."~ A. I`UIl IIUI u \` I \I So. A COUN TERI-'Vlv`|'7Eh CA}"TURED urouly nqull, on: many uorw Iirll must also phat laden tho Innis own the victor`: how. The victory, however. dull |iooIaI'l'I.fot|InInthputnllthlng| undo!` hh foot. . G E "Auvw-In `run 4 J.- :c_ ..m Canada [uh Auunnoo Oonpoly. I1_ .._-__ _AIl._ L-Ij_.._ Al nk- IV--- MARINE INTELLIGENCE- PERSONAL MENTION. THE BRITISH WITIG. MONDAY. APRIL 1. U. II I-' Pll IIIlII". Iu-I-nun Iuuuun, f. ?ams. rt:-meg. mud: ....n... hiatologg and Anatomy. J. I. punkh. malaria India, histology. A, snnkhann; -nnhlon. I - hiltol W. nuwlou IIIu_ anawnly. J. E. IoCIIalg. yliology. `E. _J. Idvilla, phyIi0llY. malaria modi- 03: 3.0.8.` int. jurilprndouoo, anatomy. llama. nlwdnlonv. malaria madlng 3 .".4 ."6'.'i:".a`l,"'7,T. ,.a'".':'.'}',".......:. Inodl~ all t 0'Hu's, physio . J. . Patterson, play , llltfil molt!l.lo;.I;hto|;iy, anatomy. I, yolology. ll. .' pin!-iolom --In-I J. D. Raid. phydolon. medics. I. unjnn `.5 l`o WW. KICK? mullet. anatomy. ' II. D. Ryan. phyulology. Innhrlo median, hIntnInnv_ HIE -Igglu nncnuuur. IIIIIUIT, Iulclluu, iuri-.9-1- -.=-'21..-.-.-.!F.>=".!.: ` . ,._ . B. H. Ilorpn, lmtorin medics, Anatomy. (3 P. Nanchang. nlnmioloav. hinnloav. KINGSTON. llrcll .u.-- no In: nalwn: I have boon lockllgdvw " Inch froiu the udduuol Mr. Indie." I ounpuign that ptlslld BO cirnlnud by the all-Seam. uulndly I hvobul umhnd nth ridicll nlltlo cunnlrg::lonuonp|oy hm Jurupruuuucu. D. N Iuolonnnn, physiology. R. HI Inolnn, pbydolou. mute:-in modi- K Hanna, physiology. Imbrinhodicn h` toloquull In . `fl, ll Ilunx: J, gout`, ugy. muurln lnillltl. C. I. amt lasted: media. Ilia J. Iluuy, physiology. 0. J. Ndsh. nutorin medics, nniury ac. mop, ju deuce, anatomy. J A. n. his. nlnnlolorv. mntu-In mull. E. HA.-rison, physiology. himlogy. mo- terin medics, mummy. W. Herald, mnterin medics, histology, snatom . I). go:-nld, physiology mnerin medics. Anatomy. W .l, Jnhnnfnn, nhvninloav. mnhriu Ina- W. J. bohumn, physiology, mnhrit me- dict. l \ V -Il....I. _-s--n -as-(ling L:-Qnlgnd men. D. Kollock, muterin medics. hintology, anatomy. J.'l`. Kennedy, phyniology,mat.u-in medics, hioto osy und sunomy. II. Kidd nhvninlntv. llIlfQI'iA mulim. lnuol um suuomy. W. . Kidd. physiology, mntorin modicn. uatomy. G. D. Lockhnrt, untomy. T. B. hhckio, hhw Marv Nncullum. hntology. matnrh -nntlhu uh!-inln-U, tomy. I. J. Foley, phyniology,hiatologv, materin medics. at J. T. I-`owkes. mnterin medics, nmtomy. Miss Ptuer. hiuology, anituy science jurisprudence. Min Rouama Funnell. hintolouzv. and jurisprudence. Miss Rogette Funnell, hintology, jurisprudence. R. J. Gardiner, phyuiology sud anatomy. S. Groomphysiulogy. mntcria media. hin- tology, nuntomy. J. 1'`. Gibson. physiology. mntorin medics, hintol , anatomy. W. \ . Gauge. hyniology. hiamlogy. W. '1. Holdcm,B.A . phyuioloq, mute- rindicn, histology, mummy. I`. Hnunnnag nhvninlncnl. mniarin marlin. nnalcn, mnmmgy, nnnwmy. G. Hnyungn. physiology. muuriu modica, untomy. E ngrriunn nhvlinlndv. hintnlmrv. mg. hiltology and nnnomy. D. A. Coon, physiology. mnheria medics. hiatoioqy. uniury ucionoo md jIlI`ilpl`ll- dance. A. P. Chowu, physiology snd nnstomy. U. Cunninghnm, mnueriu medics. histolo- gy and anatomy. Q N Davin. nhvxinlonv. mlwrih medics. um mummy. S. N. Davin. physiology, medics, histology and mummy. Cl-Ara bemorest, nnmrin medics, hi5tolo~ gy, juris rudenca and mummy. J. \V. ixnn, physiology, materin madict. histology. [tummy and jurisprudence. W. M. Earl, physiology, muterin medics, lnntomy. \\` A I-`.mnnu', n]lvni0l0I7V.hiIt0l0IlV. Inl- Llnt ul Pnumon. After being nut].-used to written and on! enminntions the mllowing students passed: J. H. Bell, mazcrin medica. physiology md anatomy. Miss Bermingham. phyaiolovy. J. Brady, phyaiulngy. Miss Minnie Bxmvn, mnterin medics, hia- tology. jurisprudence And Anatomy. 1`. P. Cnmelcn. nmterin medica, nnntomy. W. A. Cameron. mnteria medics, histo- logy sud Anntomy. J. S. Campbell, physiology, mummy. A. Carmichnel, physiology, mntorin ne- dicu. histology and mummy. w A (`ML nhnainlonv. mnharin medics. dict. histology ma mummy. "W. A. Cook, physiology, mute:-in medics, hintology, and mummy. D A, (`nnn_ nhvniolonv. mlmril medics. nnclomy. W. A. Bmpey, physiology.hiItology, tomy. I, .l. Fulev. nhvni0lm'(v.hiItolo|lV. nun` Yl-LAB. Silver mednlliat ~ lauc Wood, B. A., King- nor. wno unto Eeeuwu an .._..,..~-..- Puemon 3.1- punwomen `In the Vul- one Bnhjootg . At ohe_o'olocy today the reenlte of the medical examination were poetqd on the bulletin board: of Queen`: nnlverelty. After hevingbeen ooneidered by theeeunte. The successful gnduetes end peeemen en en follows: ' Thooo Who llnvo won Honor! Illd TIIOIH Who llnvo Euuld 5""l'n" In.-_....__ __.n 2..-...-aunnn III KIAA Wurl- nun. YEAR. _ Gold medallist-9. B. Hnrkness, King- IDOIJI. . u;|..-- .......l_II:.. ,\ L` Pllintn Rnllnvnlln won. Silver mednlliat.-.-\. E. Elliott, Belleville. nous: sl'Rur,n,\ .~'-'l'HlRl) YEAR. Augustus Uandicr, Fort. Coulonge, Que. : W. A. Mtcpheraon, Prescott. ` In-:Mo.\`s'r|urm: or nu'rou\'. 1 J. Mclicnly, Kingston. }`lR\T \'I-IAIL `BRAVO 2 MEDICAL MEN. THE GRADUATES FROM THE Two. mzoucm. COLLEGES. l.`a. H. orjlll, IIIIITII nlculw, Illl G. P. Muchun, wyddoq; lniltolc W A, Ilnnnhnnnn. IAII Ai-v nu- rndlcqzygarl Min u;Kollu. unitary ncienot, n-hurl-nduun_ and unmmv. nruuur (\ BIIIOII. lnzuvvnu-2. uuvvn unvu John A._ Belch, Kingston. H. M. Ihchannn, Kemptville. R. C. Chanonbouae. B. A., Egnnvillo. Felix Cloutier, Cryaler. . W. C. David. Willetsholmo. P. Drummond, Almunte. John Dull`, Inverury. G. F. Emory, Gunanoque. A. Freeland. Quebec. S. H. Gardiner, B. A.. Kingston. Norman Grunt, 1%. A., Stellnrton, N. S H. C. W. Grahmn, Portsmouth. Willinm D. Han-ie, Gdt. Adam I`). Hilker. Port Elgin. J odoph uoldmft. Tweed. \I.' ll ,l.-.|u.-o...m Kinantnn lIIIIII-`.Vl- 11.. we :- F. B. llukuou, Kitlgiwnv 815 medd- Arthur R Elliott. Lellevillo. silver medal. In)... A Dglnl. Iiinnnfllll Jooepnxuolucron, Awucu. W. H. Johnatono. Kingtton. mm: L. knbom, n. A., Toledo. ll-..-u II I ...6'_...-n Nnwhnnrn ulnar 1.. mmoru, u. 11., uuuuu. Henry 0. Lnnfeure, Newburg. W. C. Little, Barrie. Alex. C. Mavety, Railton. Inbel McConvilh-, Kingston. Michael E. Mc (,-rath, Sunbnry. James: I`. McKi|lop, Buchburg. Harold S. Norulnuore. Cnunqui. Jzmu A. Patterson, Port Elgin. W. H. Rankin, (ullinaby. Andrew Robinson, Kingston. Ernest Sands, Sunbury. Eliu T. Snider, (Mean. Alexander Stewart, Renfnew. Henry G Tillman, Jnmnics, W`. I. Stanley R. Walk:-r, Wilton. Ehylil| III]! E!) Inuvccn uh cuI|n:u unu I-IIC I181. I psinfu| one to 0 Christina workct. To enter, on q bun ` nl Scbbuh morning. slums boouti!nl'chun:h, uitnud in most nttuctlvu pub. withnantingospm city ol L50). and nd from 75 to IM pn~ sent. it Indeed Ind. But udder still is the fact that in the immediate vicinity than no thousands of noulu dying with In and noonooluntothem thebrondol I o. This nlienuion of fro: the chun-ha h In: 5 gnu! lnunu. and .*` and thou:-in IIIVO ban I - may ted brid tho I: I I ......`.`. ...... P`. ...'1`.a'.`.- 3331`! .;'."..a .. ...'..5 Honors-Rayul College. FIlllIl-~- Dw " 1- :__.s.._ ....I.I lilllptljvvuuuuunnu v---w yuv-~-v- -_ _.. tho clunrcbcl "yum-day. and n nblic ha- "ponnoc muting will be hold on odnudny 0! IIQVIII. IIIII IIIIII ll runny nuuuuuugvu the cot slsln. an`: hpphcu and health uu-hklng who Iowan antinuc- Inu uennd by obodkooo to God`: will. The ultimate and ol Inn : GIQCIC,` that ho night lhnlfut Goth glral. van that striking anon `by Ina : child In oalunol In the dlvlu. mu: emu otner III laying umnp plilnon IBEX thing: About the Jesuits. Ill` Bo wu Imltfintod to find 188 out of N1 member: voting again it. All be for the bill. and on] I In Tbs ou st Sydsuhsun hss slsrmsd thspsopls Portsmouth A Isl-gs gospsl tuompsrsurs lusstiu. vss hsld in the orsngs hsll on Sunday sltsrnoou. Dr. Lsvsll wss chsinnn sud introduced tbs Rsv. J. A. K. Wslksr, of the Bspdst church. He Ins {ousted by lsssrs. Phslss, Gsudisr sud D. F`:-sssr. Tbs ohslrmsu slossd with us shls sddrsss ou tbs rssults of sins liquor tnmqsudurgsd sllvho hsdvotsstn asst thsm on Ihursdsy next on lbs sids ol right. Tsmpsrssos ssnnous wsrs ptsschsd in sll ysshrdsy. "nnl-nntn h '1. Odlldly evening. Rev. E. F. Hand, olhrth. reached in Quota strut lotbodlnt church cvonlna to nlu-go ndlonoo. Ho Ipoh from St. Matthew, H. I0: " 1 will H done In earth an It in in henna. urns And eloquent upodtlon ol tho lop-uity of man, what: nluul to oonlotn to the divine will Ind brought Inlury and albu- tor tothoworld. Hoholdtht It In In- tondod that oath Ihould be I oouutput of hunn, but man`: (I vity had changed um nnn-ntnl nln 3:`: W PITIINH llIXuI' wuu Irv Ilvuu uu vv w-----; nnm. one 0! me lllllueal. lnu mile Iluury dis (1 men in Cennda. hed from s sense i of uty entered into the campaign ageinst. i liquor. and had even met the advocates of license on the tform and answered them, and what Ives is reward 1 Dynsmite ! But what reason. some one sets, have you for connecting the outrage with the anti-Scott not people. Only from past experiences when the Methodist church st Kemptville was burned, because of the clergymen end people uncompromieingly opposing the li- quor slement. nnd also the dynamite out- rages et Sarnia and Orangeville. both conse- (uent on the sttitude of men in regard to I e enforcement of the Scott act. He hoped that the electors of Fronteusc would rise in their might end give their easier to such horrid conduct b solidly voting in favor o! the Scott act tempernnoe reform. Th. mmnn nl the: week At Dttaua rare lll O00 MEI Illa lcllqlurlllvu nlluuu. - The events of the week at Ottnwn were nlno I oolmnentnry on the other evils. Jeeuitieln end pony politics. He did not intend to OIIIAI` into the merit: of the one, but he won humilinted when he now Onnge- men, who were reluned incorporation line and again, willing to give the Jeuuite whet. they deoind. Who: we: enid of one party we: applicable to both. The politician of o! breath of- A-.. eI.- D.._.-- l`.eL..li. untn ant` vnninnrwl mm: C UIW, ICU KC IUIIIIIII oonliot with tho enemy. hi Inr bu drgd bqu,bIlI Etta Itl mint ll: uh`; IIIIII: ;0III

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