Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Apr 1889, p. 1

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Cl? C III RA` 3 DJ 0 &OU2 'FOR"Bl1Z1)K'1tT `.""1IhI3t'II` mu county : dunno In the Villa of llarrovnmluh. Itmllu hum Kingston. on I o lino at who K. I ' P. RR. and AIIOIIIII` line 0! I-Mlnnd cnml Intotho village. this nummer. tllun Inklmz one at the Enact buslnon In the county Apply to . GRIPFIT Sydonhun. ' ....w..-.. - -..... -,..u.... Plfmnrlm. l-`A . April 2.-The will of John Scott, president of the Allegheny Val- ley railway compeuy. who filed yeeterdnye The sum ol8150,(l)0 in divided among ten children. three sons receiving one cent each The will utnten than u the widow, (Min R. Scott, ha been amply provided for ll)O in not to pnrticipnre in the final division. Mr. and Mn. Scott separated nevenl year: :30. They Ind fourzc an children, 5nd I mnjorit. sided with the fuher. The three Uh di not were cut oil` with I penny. KIVU IIIIII I II\UrIUIU HEITIIIK. Lo.\'1m.\', April '2 -I`he Parnell cummin- eiun resumed ite sitting to-day. Sir Charles R-Ieeell opened the cue for the Parnellitee. His remarks thus far have been charncter- ized with aiuoular moderation. He declared that the teatimonv of the 3+0 witnesses, produced by Attorney General Webster, the leading counsel for the Tinm, was irre- levant. He admitted thnt crime prevailed in [relax d to agreater or less degree And said the collapse of the Times cue, in the matter of the alleged Parnell letters. abol- ished the pith and marrow of the inquiry. 'l he court was asked hy the Times to in- dict a whole nation, a proceedin which Burke had declared to be impoeeib e. Ju dicinl rules were invalid where a whole ple moved. He declared that thought- liflomindl were convinced that the Times had come to try the experiment of home rule in Ireland. In ucuvary. Mr. Pnnell, who he given Sir Charles 3 couuidenble help in prepu-in the speech, will be the tint witneu cell for the do- fenu. He will tell frankly hi: effort: to unite ell Iriahmeu, irrespective of put of tilintione, in hit constitutional etfort, the Feninn end the Orengemm being equnlly welcome. langlaml is now in I mood to give him I fnvornlvle hearing. I1|\'hn\', Anril `I _l`h. Pnrnnll 1-nwnmin. llelnlero on HI: Defence Ildure the Com mIuIou-Slr Charles` speech. [.o.\`Im.\', April 2. -Sir Charles Russell's speech for the defence is now ready. It in amid to be I muterly presentation, not Alone of hio clients` one, but of Ireland`: claim to home rule. The commission will re open on Tuesday, and the speech will take five day: in delivery. Mr Pnrnnll whn HA. nivnn \'ir (`ha-In. lll\'Il HIUII HUI! l`Cl8 UH [liege .' The ho se has discussed the civil service estimates, and the growing irre\'er'enue to ward the crown was manifested, and em- phasised by the fiendship glee with which the radicals. headed by Labouchere .aud vigorously seconded by hradlsugh. attacked the vote tor royal palaces and pleasure -grounds. Labouchere was so disloyal and ungallsut as'to suggest that if the queen- wauted to retain possession of the half-dozen or so palaces in which she never resides she ought to pay for repairs, and not ask parlia- Inent to give her $l7U.000 for the purpose. Unkind objections were also raised to the payment or the Prince of Wales` water rate-, an I to the payment of the nstion' of A little bill lor altering his stables. One honorable gentleman announced that most of the pro` posed expenditure would simply benet the princely German visitors and aristocratic s} as-ophsuts_ and on being rebuked by the horried deputy speaker, flopped into his seat-. remarking [hat his feelings were too deep for purliameivmv utterance. The government could -in nothing but quule precedents, and, us puvnlriits are sacred to the tory mind, the \'n!u.x` were passed with the assistance of a llltlclliklllcll majority. x)lslllllI" Illulllo. LVU UUIPTUS cuug VV ll" man or woman can long, en me the mute reproach of afull belly can. and the im- perative necessity of unloading promptly; has disastrous individual consequences. Men and women with abnormal abdominal development are now a conunon adjunct to a Welsh landscape, and the boom in the jelly can industry may account for the improvement in the tin plate trade. Who` says parlipnent is useless when it unearths am-h mon ntous facts as these .' "`|\.. K... .. L-.. .1: ..... ..../I ml... ,.1..2I _ . _ . .3`, ul IIIIIUI-IIIUUH UII |3UllUy' IIIUII Iuu women are in the habit of wearing n can made of tin underneath their clothing in the border diatricta. The hibu- ` loua one cross the frontier and load up to the full the four qunrt capacity of their belly cane. Others get in` their quote on` Saturday night. No self-res ctiug Welsh man or wnmnn mu) Inna an Inn the mntn `rho Tonporanoo lovauont In England- `Iha Expondltnua For Royals). Los uox, April 2.~-'l he most important event in parliament last week sun the second reading of the bill which proposes to pro- hibit the` aale of intoxicating liquor: on Sun- day: The prohibitioniatu victory was due to the connivanco of the government. and their supporters among koopora of .|aloodi,_ and public houses are already vowing V't1'ii"-"' geance. It was learned in the course of de- bate that in Wales, where kunday cloning ha: been in force two years, and has admit- tedly failed to reduce, much less to abolish, drunkenness on Sunday, men and women arc: in thn habit. nf wmu-imr I MR. PARNELUS TURN NOW. Received 5 Con! Aplc-co. .-.... ll. A_..I ll `FL- A I-`INK PARK 0!` 75 ACRER K13! PM-I of Lot .\'o. 15. Isl Concomion Townshl ol Kimmlun. hoaulifully siunuod on the ko Shore. one mile from the Penilonlinrv. Good GOSSIP or LONDON. "aolnf in min mu 3 IOIIOIII` at I fndoutolwluorluduunydhza Illll. John 1.. no It Again. l |umnuIcn. gpdlks-Jail L Slllinl ol Boa . t ' m lcry run A no hnnbnn I NT. rITIIDIIlCi. IIPTII U.` - -hvoboou llnhinn rnnnrtn of tin I van- UI Innuru VII Ill ulll. WCIWC [VII umamf. umua phi m. M: bun "doing" tho town with I ollovhg it nndoutolhvl-xorhndnnrnv hand. "-1- Incl` mlnulluul 0| UIIIIIH IK (Anon. IIIO polio: but d nnd II Important clno to the II edao-Yuan: calm. uhocnr. In cu:-`in t onngh y darned. . IIWIFFITXKT "DE lllhin rcportl 0! tin Innry ol the thick mum tom of bomb 3! Zurich. The Indian ILADA (I on-ground] an I-nvunnt--Q -I-. 5. un uuulu VIIIIDIO l|ll'I. III rd!!! '8 an the Indiana demolished the whale bout. in which the uilon and uhon. and then lillod the ve. Suhuqnoatly Captain Norton went uhoro And buriod the hodiu. which won fearful!` Inntllntcd, And accrued uomp provision. `ill: the Aid cl I nilor ho uviguod tho uohonnct to nnu-L -ucu -iuvuutstu w In-av Iluuruu VIII] IIII I-omen of I a tribe. This was themed by the Indium wt warned the h':ru-on to return to thoi; vane]. They and and Iulnoquntly attempted to rob. the Indium d -omn v|InAhIn fun. Th: Insult cg. limp Ilcnuy IIIGIIIPIOG In no. mo llltlln I 31"... vnlunblo fun. The unit wulhn rh. Indian: .I......I:.|...a .L- -L-|- L... 3- Klmrslun. hoauluully suuruod the Shore. Penilenliury. larxv housv, outbuildings. orvhnrd. km, ble for a farmer or .nlvner. Ap ly 1 BI`-Ienniseo to JUHN G AHAI. 1'15). ad r! snmul h. uuuuuuvn uuuung Iuwoncr, |uIp(ll.II -0! - tou.) wen cruising between Grshun and Mmeaby Islands. and e ntopnedeet the lane: for food and Inter. Five eeevnea. two American. and three Kenech went above, uking trinket: for better with the Indian. \\'itbouI the knowledge of Captain Morton the American took with them A considerable amount of . its With this they nude the natives drum and than nummtnl on him lihgnig. -in. eh. vv nu ma may VIIIGC mo Ilulvcl arnnl And then Anon: ted In Rio libortiu with the its LL. lmli.-. -.L.. an...) L. A..._...._. .. The Cundnct ol sollol-I Among l;uIln;o- `tiny Won lbarlnlly Iuulnud. Nit Drauius, W.'l'.. April 2.-l'Ihc Kod -k trod` -boom , (Captain Ioudotu cruli-gut |..m:... Illnllnln 1:; mu.v:n_y com. um: Inuurru IIIOOK unaer me necent. The ascent by elevntors will be ac compliehed in five minutes, while tn wnlk up then irnl auircue required forty min- utes. \ `ill; the elecu-io light on the lum- mit it is expected that I person can read I newspaper seven miles vii. The light will be visible for torty milen. There in e ree- uurunt on the first landing, at the height of the tower: or Nutre Dame The tower in very grncelul, and is visible from all peril of lkrin. The wind whistles in the iron 'rderu u it whistles in the rigging of e ship, he exposition in still in 2 unrendinea. Greet canon from the nited Staten IR lying ready for unpacking. but no exhibits are in site. After Fnnce. Englnnd will be the chief exhibitor. The building! are of un- precedenmed solidity end extent. The Champ do Inn is connected with the In- nlide Eeplnnude by on extensive annex. The lnllof machine: is 6 magnicent ex- ` pane of glue. lave to loop lilacs 81'. PI-nunum. April 1-11.. nu-in -cnnnnrn-hnnshnmannhhnd {on-1-in A PI-ollmlnnry Journoy ['39 to than One Thousand Feet lurk. Losbox. April `. .-T_he Eifel tower in l -iris. L178 feet high. was completed yuter- dny. I win up the l.0lX) feet meek lnlt ednesdny. Mill Muse, nyglrl of nuteou, was the tirst lady to reach thnt ultitude. At 1,000 feet the winding ntnin stop I crawled Across the pink qver the yes on my hands nnd knees. On ' ing to my foot I stumbled out, but fortu nteayl regunod my lulnnce And did not fall I e exposed platform, but the moment Wu Iomeihnt ghastly. Then M. (Ilemencetu and l begin the ascent of the ladders, about thirty feet high. The wind was blowing hard, Illd there was a slight shower of hnil. It In bitterly cold. The ladders shook under the ` IIDFIIL Thu Aaron! In: nlcuutnru will Ln An CIIUW HUI" ll) UVO In OCTVIL The rougher: And catcher: employed in the vu-ions iron mills, Pituburg. P1,, in- tend no uh for An Ldvnnoo of wages. If they do not get whnt they claim they will` inun- gurute I ntrike that will extend to every mill in this vicinity. I"Il IICT WFUHY. M. Vusiliexitch, I member of the council of state, Bclgnde. says that if ex Queen Natalie rominen to relnin from politics during 3. 9 king`: minority the regent: will allow her to live in Serving TL- `A.-`km -...l -_p..L.._. .__l.....) :_ I-IIC L'll(fl'll|: 'lIIII! YCPIITIIIK I Uylllln. President Harrison has intimated that the republican senators, who vowed again: Murat llalstead. will be remembered and their recommendations to (tce looked upon rather coolly. M. vnnnilinzih-la, A mpmhnr nf thn nnnnnil HUI? `Vent I II`. II ` negro- The debts of .\l. Vunderuelen, Brunch, . who recontlv committed suicide, amounted to 8920.000 : as-tetal, $240,000. Other rm- up un the Verge sf bankruptcy. Harrv L Hmrua. xnlnnriniilellt of thin We hope by careful Intention business. kc ung as muck complete in all its hrunohcn. and by entering to the wuns of our cuuomon. lo nletil n lu-no shame! public patronage. ."lln\l'\! 5 \ll'I`r`llII,l I III` un ulc \crgc Jl II|llIl'I.IPu.'1. Hurry L Hague. suporinuiilent of the 1 electric light plant. Fostorio, Onio, Wu i killed last lAi5hl by cunning in course: with the current while repairing I dyntmo. Pruairlant "an-ium hnn intimnu-ui ux! than urrluuny Cu urell nrlllln. Joneph Douglas. Relleville, for bignmy. he been sent to the penitentiary for two yearn. He says he left his first wife becmlo she went to live with I negro. The dehts nf \l Vnndprrualon Rrnnu-,ln, Ulllill lll uluelnnlly I3 PCIU. (`aunt Herbert Bismarck declares that `his interviews with Lord Salisbury have re- ` nulted in I complete uutkraundlng between ` Germany and Great Britain. Jnnnnh nnnulnnn lbllnvilln fnr hinnnuu IIIU Ulllllllg C11`: 1U,ll]l. l`lm Sultan uf Ilorocco is to pay a potion- nl indemnity to Great Britain` Mr the .lub_v nlhir. The British eet will remain ; until the indemnity is puid. ' ('nunt Herbert Rinman-It rim-IA:-an Hut ||lL'l Ill ll IIUIIH )ICIlL ` A new our ical hospital for women. under the control 0% the Anglican sisterhood of St. John the Divine, Toronto, has been opened. The building cost $40,000. rha Snllnn uf Mun-my-n in tn nnv A not-nan. KILLED FOR IMPROPRIETIES uugueq nur urlu cu uuy. Lieutenantliovernor Schultz propose: next summer inventigating the rourcu of ` .\'orzhern Munitolm and the Koewntin din ` trict in B steam yacht. A noaw nurainnl hnnnirnl fur wnmbn nndnr l CIIEIUIJI lUI_' DU`. Senna; Nuquet, Deputies Llqnerro, Lui- nnlz sud Tuuquet and Pam Delhulode. the leulgra of the lengue_of atrion, were I!`- i resigned for trial to day. l_inntnnnnt.l1nI.-nrnnr Rnhnltu nrnnnnnn amru, Que. Orders have been given by the nivy de- partment ggwnhington to work axtn hours in prepairiug the Adams, Iroquoia, and Pensacol for sea. Senut. Nunuet. Denutien Llonerro. UIIIIQU urauu IJJORC OI BOW DOIIIII VV IIOI. Hundreds of citizen: uud leginlntorl ai- tc-nded the funenl this afternoon of Hon. J. H. Pope. Bo wi__1l `Ibo buried at Cook- ahire. Que. lh-darn I-nnvn Bonn nivon kw tho n`-uv AA. IIUUSK with oi ht moms and extension kit- chen hard and so 1 wuwr with good oubling ; convenient to Queen's College : lmmedinto nou- l1l".lUIUl were II on was lllllli It ll) Francisco. Cal., by r Jackson and Putty Cardiff for a glove contest on April 26th. 'l`m-. Prinna nf \VAIAn Inn nnnnnfoll Mn L urulll Illr I glove UODWBI on April ZOIII. The Prince of Wales hue accepted the position 0f `the Grand Patron of the new Lvnilnd l3rAntI [Adan nf Now Qnnbh \\7nInn plllllluu "I ll! llflllll I"IIl'0n OI I-[I0 DEW r United Grand Lodge of New South Wales. Hundred: nf 1-iliuann uml Inainlntnn gt . lllll ll UUVIDKEII 5(|CnWrI[)'. William Phippoon Beale. I barrister, will content the out in the house of common: for the central division of Birminghun. Articles were ninnnd hut niuht n Sun uleu nu meuroue. `A. I ., I0-(lly. 'l he invome of the Maadnic grand lod of . Pinufnnd in o\'er `. 6.000 per umun. thin; in dawned (.01.-Iusrity. William Phinnnnn Rnnln I Lnruiator -ill `rho Ll_ttlo Thing: tint Allbot CIOIIlIO- Fluhu From Europe uud What Tho) Pol-tend-A Little of lcvbrythlng lull: Road sud Remembered. . Imny Birgh. the Iivell`-known minuttel. died at Melroae, N.Y., to-dny. of Mznmvir-. vrnnd Indus nf reuscnams rnouw mtsanru`-s `roun ouarnens ouveu. . AFFAIRS at` THE WORLD. ne ccuurll lllVlIlUll 0! mrmmgunm. Articles were ai ed last night at Sun |`nm:inco_ Cal. hv [r Jushmn And Pntnv THE EIFEL TOWER- and soft Queen`: College session. Anply rm the prom: IQ]. or at . 0. Lu Union Strxsol. bclweeu Go on and Alfred -13. NO. 75; t Nous:-S llll`K T0 Rl.\'T-WHOI.|SAl.F. STORI-Z-(`orner nf (`larenccumd Umurio Streets. Apply to W. H. Srnuvu. Sane tor. Clarence street. or J. U. Ml'Rl`H\'. Telephone No. I70. Q .._.,.___.j. A BRICK D\VELl.I.`o`G A.\'[) A SPORE I)\\'I-2l.l.l.\'(i. with or without furnaces and All In xlvrn improvements. Both arc new the cor nor of K: and Want Itroou. Apply to MAC- l)U.\'.V|-Il. K IIUDIII`. l)l1`.\'0.\'>`Hll{l-I TERllA('E No. '2 Sydenholm Sires-I. Iilxlvnsinn kilrhrll. `Valor and taxes ilIvlm`lt'd. Silver munlh. I-Znquim M (`. LIV- |.'\G.~`TUN & BRO` z~. Poesesaiou Isl May. I-`ROM 151' MAY. that good. Iuhnmnlinl house on Ontario Street. near Union. at pm sent occupied Mrs. Deacon. Apply to Is`. 1` SFEACY. Wain astency. cnox nuxu a BAKERS` noon sun mum, Pnnaslm nu. cuc- vnn ;um-mm-uv man J n-\ T39 A CT? Ti? . 4 __ THIC SHOP _A.\'l) l)Wls`.Ll.l.\'(3 on King street. occupied bu John Honderson as an \\`h0l(*C.||e huuor wore. Apply to JUHS REEVES. Brock suoot. AT [)E:\lRABl.l\`. BRICK D\\ Is`.Ll.lNG. 1!) Earl Slhscl. :1 present occupied by W. H. :\ o.rv;|dwith. Possession .\lay Isl. or sooner if our . .\u.'w l5I{ll`I`llUl.'-`SE. mum srluu-.'I`. In I-lnrl Terrace. nanr linrric Street apply to H. H.\R.\'EY. 89 Prinoeu Street. or at 1; ! Earl Hr.-ct. ' " THE DRUG Hl`Sl.\'l\'.S3 heretofore carried, an hr nun Al Ii! |'rim\mu SIN-I, -i" in future GENTRAL nIsP:nsTm'nnr1uE.T N0. 4 (`ULBOIINIC STREE1`. Hot and void ` otter b-ulna; six rooms; extension kilchou. ` Puxaeesion [st May. Apuly to J. B. IICIVER. OI-`I-`ICE. large. central, well tted. Terms reasonable. Possession ixnmodintaly. Apply 'Box. Wmo. A SHOP ON KING STREE F. with dwelllnz above. near Market Square. Apply at 43 Earl n-cox. Nrtljticx v1Ui?N 1'-Icimfi-1. imm- siun May lsx. Apply at wmu OF]-`ICE. shnzn hand And an I wanna -ilh nnnd nlnhlinn : GIT; FLOUR STORE. .____-b... ...--.. .. ; .-..--...-. AU ENTS A.\'D C.\.\' \` ASSERS can make 11 money introducing uur spociazuoa. gll muntu We have an article thu nulls at sight. to every sumlu-r for 500 rinlluilaa IQ` return mail lit: NR` goal thing over offend. ` . Ioney refunded if not sum ishunury. Sole Kerri on may 'erms and big commission. Someth on now out eve I5 divs. l'.\`lUN llANl.'FACTl'RlNG M~ rI`t`ln was .| 'orlsmmn In ujglnma II` I III] V1 oonvuu A. P. CHO\\ N. I II`. C. MITCHELL. mg cnmnnssmn. some! Inna out ev days. l'NlU.\' IIANUFACTFIIING PANY. 210 St. James Street. Montreal. A s.\nu.L Ifuusn on Conlro Suool. vs. uri.-| \\'.|nI Run! inrludinx: hiln airlv dnL ;E"J:ITI;I.\'l'G-S, A IM .\l"l4.'l)lATI\`.l_.Y. A GOOD `OOK. Apfly I 2IIts.CAM1cR0N. Corner of King and ' i0 _lr.-L-la. A NICE. QUIET Pl. \(`|'I \VHERl*2 TWO <-un.muz.\'. beiwcon no and 12. on get bond (0: the aumme monIhs.- Apply 10 MRS. BARNS, I13 William Sxrcol. A (`-UUK, Apply`! 13 King urea won. 4_..___. ' A.\f'0F!T`i;`E BOY. he mnei Jen. App y no 1). A. ulvncxs Burl-later. ` L__ c: \ :`5."iFE$.'.3."i\"r'1E'i".I1~r [nun Boonn A GOOD HOFSE iuagood locality. suitable for a physicinn. Apply at this olctr `A C` 3&3) V7 JR` `WI TO TAKE A FEMALE IABY (at month old) home to nurse. Address. stating '10:-ma. to Mary B.. Gononl Hospital. Kingston. xa:vva|ucK nous:-:. Iialus snu-:1-:7. i I-Zn!-I 'l`nrr.u-0 nnnr Marl-in Slrmxl nnnlr lnl UL IEIIIO (immox RODWAY--At. St. Jumoo Church, on March Nth. by tho Rev. Mr. McMa- riue, Thoma Gordon to Edith. youiipoot , daughter of Hgnry Rodvny, of this city. B;.ur.+Bmu:1.L+In Kiugaton. April In, by the Rev. Dr. Jai-kuun. At the reside-`n.-e of his brother, Philip Bsjuu, Alfred Bujuu [0 Annie. `daughter of Samuel Bromell. both of Kingston. ,2: 7F_C)}%_.:&LE OR TO REl`{!._ HOTEL AN D STORE !QIQf'fIIKI"`thit4 `A T(`.0oK_. TppT to1.Ab\_r C}|\VI:fGii'F. I3 Kim: Itroos . Tlljlio Puunl at B com um Drill Shed. Auxvu. meeting of 3." come`: society gt 3 ` D. III. VOL. LVIlI.,/ MALL IIUUSIE Uunlro SIIOOI. \'i1`~ \'m!. Rem. invludimt Lu--u. sixly dol- r unnum. Alan 5 Smnll House on West . .~`_\'d-nlmlll \\'z\nl..n|IpmiH- the A01. 9 in good order. Apply [0 A. MCL R- Priuwes-; 8! tech I llA\'lt PL|tA8l'Rls`. In nolifyln In ma lriendzmnd cudnlnen that I will R0 VI `% THE STORE POILVIICRLY 0l`(`L'PllD BY MIEEXSRR ll. H. \'ALS I (`0 me door west of Ilchney & 00 i Bwkutomilu uncut. on let AprlL la thunkinl my friend: (or that pntronngo no generously extended lo no la- owr thirtyyouu. I beg to unto that I will be In a poduoa In . SHOWTHE LARGEST AIIDBEST RANGE A NURSE} WANTEI D. TAKE A lI`lC}`Al.lC -IHV In Innnlh & TI-IE mm wme. ugv auulvul puuuu 5-nu uungu. CH()\\'.`l ck MlT(`HKl.L llrucg-bu. I20 PI-in vs Saul. n\l \Y I IL` I` lll`l`l`llll.I. -_____. __- __.-:. unnonlmt TAILOR. @`;ET- .V &`LjLLV \p 15' on the` i`. . address. my lake . '. p'llilA- ' the 'nion S pring Overcoativn 3 and Fine Diagona 3 ALL A1` vxwsu:u.u' uow pmnm THOMAS _MOORB. Ill NIH. In her old home in Oewego. N.\'.. one glue Dr.`\Vulker. in posting lily : ho! on , e on-not tho wu moodlly oqn rtlng It th I `glnleu. hone. cold oomething to the hay which he could not brook. So he turned looeoe Dr. Walker hylneoneol theh-nee until oh vol I It to hehold. Looking like tke.plooeer w eol I vuerahlo polyp. Jinan the Inyhone thmIgh.the.1-up in. so old endowment the made her way to the neuron the pence and secured the ornet o the . Great crowd: of peo- ple pthereul of the trial. People knocked: each other down In their elforu to get into theoourtroom. Attheeudolthe trhltlne boy wu found guilty. He Ira ned 86 and trimmings. which unount wu pid`.l3' the him V jury. after which the crowd preeeu with 5 gold heeded cone. ' Pollen Hugbtnle 3lcl(in. to to the county tuunry 8250 for Jan. I npvou uy uw uuorjnou I . e, On I muddy day the my be soon "fro- qnently standing on one foot, nod with the other ratio on I dry goods box, clloorily rolling up {e lag of in!` tronnon no u to look like A -chnppio. ' She is n (nod playti- cian. but on indilleront nnrgoon. I nm told. She hates to out people`: oil, but union n spociality ol dueuon o! and chil- dnn. l do not know tllio. I just gin it no I rumour. She would none 3 n portfolio if it were thrust upon her. ut nln would rather die than at for it. --If the con]! be appointed rnlniotar to some place. and the nlmont cum in n toy that she could not honour-ably nfune it. the would accept it. She could turn her patient over to non one-alto. or knock him in the bond and go at uni limo.` `W152. llnry Walker may be soon frequently At the various departments in Wulnnglon. modestly outing to bq_ I intod to nome- thin . or Inter oneouping mm the door of tho opu-tuent hurriedly, in response to an upped by the door-hopor. w:,_ mnddv div may HIKE` Her practice prevents her in uzreet degree from mixing up in society, even if it were not for her Ihrinking nature. When ehe does go out, however, the matter of decollete dreee does not worry her. She never n-ore A low cut dreee in her life, and yet people rnnv be found everywhere who will tell you that the he: done very little for the good of society. She ween I ewellow-tail coat on dreee occuierne, end in winter. to prevent uking cold`, weere the vest of her bueinees suit next to her in order to protect the cheek. She an-pe blithely along the etreet, trying to be e perfect gentlemen, but meet- ing with insurmountable oheteclee at every step. Dr, Merv 'nIhnI- may he mean In-nnnnntlu PIIIIH, PIUIIX 0|" IYUIIICT3. Dr. Mu-y Walker is 1 self-made mam. weighing in health I little over eighty three pounds. She wean I Derby hat, "Lord Chumley" overcoat, and trousers of elo~ pliant`: inn-nth Cheviot held in plnce by mean: of broad knit blue yarn suspenders with red morocco Uldl. Formerly she were I more frnil but more Attractive snap:-nder. but experience has taught Doc ttm we nhould not Allow our love for the bountiful to overcome our reverence for the imperiuh nble, ll-.. -.-- ..A:,... _._..._g_ I.-- :_ - ___-. J- -_, , noun IIO IIIUIO I0!` EU I WIIUC. Dr. Mnry Wei er dnuee plainly etkll tines. end at eventide irons out her own tronnere no that the crane down the leg or limb is the envy And edmirntion of I the other men in Wnhingtou. She aye, how- ever, that in case you are not where you can obtain I hot tint iron you may fold the tron sen straight down from the first enepeuder button in front, bring these two buttons to- gether, and with 1 fold down the centre of the heck you have them in good aha to Again told clirectlv games the knee. en by putting them under the mnttreu you will nd in the morning a very desirable cruse dowu the front of each leg or limb of the pants. panties or trousers. Hr HA:-v \\'A|Inu- in n nnliannuin -Inn II|.lT)lI0lH|CII PHUHOIIICDI. In direct contrast with the rm and eel!- mlinnt Cook let me briey mention the name of the shy And reticent Dr. Mary \Vall!.-r. of Wuhingwn, D.C. Shrinking at all times fmm the gnze of the wnrld. lifting gt tiinee her sunny little head like A levy dnlfo lil with n pen-wipe!` overwnt, and then again ehuttin up like I jncktnife. the is eoeu no more or nite A while. ` II. II.-. I\' ._ A-..... _I-:_l.. lllllg Wlllllivul llllll. When-he-io`~OolicI_V and fretful it is not (hit. he cares I cont about it pemonnlly. but because he in nll the time afraid to die And leave the univerde in the hand! of the Crew tor He has been accustomed for so long to go Around with u long nooed oil cun numb ing for I hot journal in the solar system than he actually believe: himself to be large- ly responsible for ntnioephoric conditions and Astronomical phenomens. In slim:-.t onnu-nut Iritll than rm and self. CW`, IIIBIJ IIIU UTIIIYI uuu BUS KS- He dreads to die. not so much on hi: own nccouuv, but becnune he Inna to be npnrcd to thou who nro so poorly prepared to get along without him. u'..... 1...a.....|:..L.. ...A c..M`..I 1: :. nnr NOTICE OF REMOVAL. englgeu In CHIIIIIIIS uwuguus Ill IIIU IIIIIU, of which he is the theme. He occasionally takes I day off, during which he curses the newspapers in in earnest wny end then he goes back to hover over his porcelain nest of thought. oseph Cook might hsve A good deal of fun if he would just. oversee the universe davtimes and let some one else do it at ni ht, but the slightest irregularity in the hniits oi s plsnet will bring Joe out of bed in an instnnt. He worries all the time for fear that I new lnid planet will wander away into the brush and get lost. He nlramh rn ulia, nnt In much on his nu-n IE IIOIIU luu CUIIIIIIIIIIU WI! IIIIHSUII. Strolling About over the union. in I have for the past fourlnontha. I have had the pleasure of seeing and communing with a number of men. all prominent in some line, ' And thinking that their personal appear- ance as it struck me (night be of interest to :he reader. 1 have reluctantly consented to write some impressions of a few under the` Eleneral title 0! Eminent Men Whom I ave Saw." Joaeph Cook, an the greatest man we have on the face of the earth to-day, accord- ing to calculations made by himself, would naturally come tint. He in a grand man. engaged in thinking thoughts all the time, nf which ha in the theme. He ocuaninnallv 3 mu mg 3591:; wmo. About son}. Prominent [Perenn|[eI. Bill Nye in New York |Vorld. ' The life of I bnrnetormer is lled with change in one sense. He in conetnntly meeting with dilferent people. Almost. all of them are thet way. fhey are ditfei-en: from each othr r. Thin in I wine provieion of nature, by means of which we ere enabled to dietin iah individunln one from the other. e bernstaormer moving about the country, therefore, has an opportunity for the study of human neture which in really wonderful. He sees Inge number: of peo- ple everywhere. excepting in hil Audience, of courue. This in really the only place when he can be by himeeIf-where he cen be alone end commune with himself. ..- Y I..-.... u....-I|:.... -Iu...p Au... 9}... .....l.... CUNABD BTIAIBIIP OOIPAXY. ~ Spuna mun New `Yon-kavuystutlhy. Au ummod Atom. I`. Axrobur. Fury Dock. toot , 01' Brook BL. Klnnwn. . ` Julius luzm. - THE LEADING UNDIRTAKIR. Pnlxci ` 5`l`llll.'l'. "'1-: MnNNT 'M"E"N n HKVEmSAW."_ T(TNE'1`.0L.`.-E3XNAD,x_,i`%UBs*t)AY EV )NI1}m. APRVILM. 2, 1339; ol numlnl lunoorly. nno uncun on I3`. Rapid, 0! 1.4!) ton and mountln twtlve guugbunlhdfor Isunoo. Ono uulnd uuuultvcntyoocnud mcnbclouglng so the German wt:-Ihipu. Hooked at nes, IIIVI hi` DI IYDIIIA tn lla-unnnr wwuuuurnunwlnurpu. IHQIIIQIII Inn urivod Inn on nut to Gunny. '1'. .-nu: as-Iuuu, Arcxu.\'n. Am 2.--l'ho government 0! New Zuulud Pllood the staunch! -Hinomooi. I val of M2 tom at-tiodln oi Admin! Klnhorly. The rm. crulnr. Rllll. 0' L4!) Ni and llltmllfhla I-alum _`"- _. EN&I;I.s.MRx14cu and cmnun A um, Lend-mle. Plnurm. PL. April 2.-A big lead- elide occurred on Second eveoue thin morn- ieg. covering the Beltinore end Ohio ueoke end Seoondevenee. Neerly hell ol Biol street dipped evrey, end it wee thought eowe of the pmpnhelwg the! thomugb fere is in deoger. < telegreph urine were bmken eed trevel It stopped. hr hell en hour eer the elide occurred rock: continu- ed wtdfdove thtimiunr leoI5iaivili'3; bed theteledeeger bl enother elide. No one wee Injured. mu: won I D U303!- l.;:gUI)'yu'trouf?r`:yr:uuonIor fa Armatroq. These can were laden with Inorchondho from Canada. and qbjoction wu undo to the filing of separate our Innnlfcuh on the ground that the manifest filed by the nu- tor ol the steam: covered the satin cu-gb, inclndinglhnonnnntnonnnn. A . They u! Pnv Duty. \\'uunn~o.w. April 2.--'fhe U. S. tron. nary department In: nirmed the union of the otylootor of customs n Ogduubur` gg. gain ; I fee of twenty live mum on nah ol twenty-lonr out of the Rome, Wulortown unl mlnnnhnra rdlnnul llrmnnhl an ngn... lI`llll y-ID!!!` an OI mu name. wuorwwn and cluburg rdlroul brou I to on- burgobsydtho ferry ntaulnor \\. Arugyonn. (`uptnlu General salamanra on a Still Hunt-(`union Fraud: Announced. HAVANA, April '. ..-'l'he new Ceptnin General Salamanca, since his arrival. ha been looking into the atfeirs of this island, particularly the lack of pr:-tection, both for life and property. which for a long time has prevailed. Captnme of pertidoc. jun- ticee of the peace and government oiciall hnve been ordered to use their utmost en dcnvorl to II! pun anon. rrurder and rob- bery, and wil be held pereonally - eible for any unlawful act commit in their jurildiction. Gen. Selemanoa in also investigating the elfeira at the custom house. and it in rumoured some Itnrtling fraud: have been diecovered. It in upon- ed that parties defrauding the government of duties will be com lled to pay no timce the amount eta . IIIII HIUII7 'I`J,lR'. I Six veara ago the gxeat robbery of the American Ex rees comp.my`a oice at Sue- quehannatoo place. ('lutch's" inventive brain conceived the job. He tirst secured wax impreuiona of the key of the vault, and after makin a false key entered the ntiice, unlocking ighe vault without difficult . Inside he found but 810,000, and he quietly retired without taking away a cent. Two weeks later he paid a aecond viait. and thin time the money totalled 1 , to 825,(XX), but an it was moatly in gold coin he 'n re- tired, considering the money too brim and heavy to carry with safety. Six _weelu later he made his third call. and this time his patience waa rewarded. securiu 850,(X)') in cash. On his return to (nnmia t e Coll- pany was an well assured that Clutch" had the money, and had started his hotel at Fort Erie with it, that they brought civil suit againat him to recoverthe amount, but although there were three different trial: he beat them every time. and they timlly cave up the E ht. In l-`ehruar . I882. he made the miata e of his life. l e met Bill Hampton. and with him proceeded upon a campaign of rohhery. They went to Quebec and robbed Goldetein Bros. store of SEN) worth of pipes and fancy gtmds, which they sold to a Torontnnian I HllIlt Il Reynard for 3400. Hampton getting SIM and (`lutch" the balance. Hampton in-trayed hia pal. Donohue was nally arrested. and at his trial in Wellan, ltitl, iilll Hampton was the principal witneas f0filI`l`l"')I'. (?|utch" was convicted, and SelIl'nCt`fl to aeven vean` imprisonment in the penitentiary at Kingston. and Role 3 l00,000. CIIIIIUUIA PlIC'IUllIUuN- Some of ()lutch" In-uohue's adventures read an if taken from it go of romxnce. Un the 2nd Fehr-mry. I 7|, A man, now supposed to have been Donohue, entered the South Kensington Xmtionnl hank. Phil: dolphins, and inform:-d the cashier that he hnd received A hint that the institution was to be robbed. The nunogor detailed two watchmen to guard tu-- premises. While these men were in the building two police- men in uniform rappr-I It the door, and were admitted up:-n rx;-`mining that the nu- perintendent of poliw ltltl become appro- hensive thnt the bank u .u~' to be robbed t.h_'It night, and that he ha-l sent them to help keep watch. About 10 o'clock one of the wnatsl-let expressed llir opinion that it was dry work. su gestimz tmt whiskey would not go hand. ( ne of thc untchmen went for it. While he Wu away the two uuilormed men fell upon the remuiuin watchmen, and after binding and gagging im. lucked him up. \\'hen the second wltchman returned he was treated in a Bllnlllr nuunner. Then the bogtfs policemen ope ned the door for their pals who, with nuntllod sledge hammer wedges and jimmies, lorced open the vault \`i- am... ..`.~. 9|... ......o ....|.|...-.. ..t .L. _8oIno Incidents In ihe Le nf Clnteh" Donohne Who Died Last Week I Foss _ Dnys Ann: Ills Releue From Pennan- " Kilns-y-V 119 Win sn Alnirmuperntoi-. Tnn.n:~"m, April 2. - The death of Clutch" Ibonohuist Kimmbu luuught cos termina Lion the career of one of the most success- ful and clever thieves in America. His real um; ig id 1... have in-1'11 Julm 0'l)onnhue, but `he sometimes calla-l himself Thomas Burns. was known to mmy of his friends as Cmnbo John." and emned for himself the nickname Clutch In-muse of his success in clutchin banknmm-\'. Donahue was s stoutly built, ne-looking man, and as shrewd us lawyer. In-mg well posted in thgpcrimiynnl lnwg of lbolll Csnada Ind the United States. He was rslso well educated, suds prime favorite among the class with whom be associated, being respected for his success in the bank-an:-king line, and ad- miredbecsuse of his great nerve. such a thing as fear being an unk_r_|oun quality to him. Although a thief from his `boot-heels up Clutch Donohue had many good traits, snd hlllldiodl of those whom he has repeat edly helped will sincerely nmnrn his death. He was liberal to pruvdigality, kind `hearted as a mother to childrml. and worshipped his home and family. ll:-I career was s most eventful one. sud his luvk in escaping the otiicers, who nally hunted him down, was almost phenomenal. Sunni nf (TInIr~l\" ll..nnl\n u Asi\'r-nhlran HE IS CAPTURED BY THE TREACHr. ERY or: A PAL. A" SUCCESSFUL CROOK. Tull; I)l{Lf(i Mt Sl.\'l\}S8 neremrore carried on by me. At I2! Princess Street. will in future he cundm-ted under the [inn name! (`HOWN a .\|l1`(`MI-ZI.l,. at the old stand. Thanking the puhhr hr the kind tmmfe extended to Inc I ! the 1-ml. nnd soicnin or the new rm a continuance u! the amt`. would like an early u-ttluunent of all out~stnndinu~t~ount.s. an I am dc-shuns of closing my books to date. A. P. (`Il0\\'.\'. Dnnmhl. HE Is iukirueno. Iowa Fl-oh Qantas. ..._ I___1ItI I`I.- ,,_ Wnlolnuiot on Touyonuoo. l IIunu.I-nu, April 2. -- Pontmutor Uounl Wsumahr undo his at public untrue: today `on the question ol H II Ilouu and prohibition. Ho doolnru favour ol the oonutudoul amendment. Itnndvdunho. Hot-vu.IlIltill|l{ ptogrcu and good work In bola; done. ' All Badly Alllclod. Pnlunxu-nu, April 2.-Tho ship 8:. Dalid ruched thin port yesterday ftom Ham with the steward in Iron. I hopduu lunatic, the Gut mote down with bunch!- tln. the mound mate I victim ol rheumatic favor mud n nunnn also Inori from A at V . 1'1 T th ...::s..*...s:- . l~Imrhn_ of Ennlunl Inn hum lnckul :::,. H-.9: =". Hughes. 0! England, has been loclod In iron. Ho in cut; upon the subject of nligiou. WI D UNIT. II II I Fl" DIIIK Wllll cock welded together in the up of I hoop. It Ill nooouory to hove this mode in Pro- Vldlllut; R`. `l.`,`Q`:IO-Q0 in Phodolphh would undertake the job. A rlvoto exhi- bition of the motor in prom lnoldo ol 5 wook 0|` two. lioolylznrgotpr Is Going to low. Pmunl u. Much .`lI.--Mr. Keely`- counlel Announced yesterday that Mr. Keely ha in his poueuhn the "main link" which run headed to nnkotho vi Gory ruooatnr And ethereal (Quentin "upon- tor" a nnoouu. It in 5 par who with __J. _.-lJ.4l A._AI.-.. I- LL- - __. Al - L--- IIHVCI. WVIIIII IUIIII IIIUr-IIIB IIIIFIUI [0 `II. nt gntifying development of German Industry. In his 0 inion 3 gnu-ustoo of peace VA: to ho fonn not only in the man urchin! Institution: of the country. but also, and in an upocisl degree. in the monnrohinl sentiment; oi the German pnplo. Nothing Ilelllgorenl Now. Bxnun. April `2.-Prinoe Binmnrck. in replying fo the birthdny congratulation: of- fered him by the Centre] munufncturen ea- sociuion, aid he looked forward toe oon~ tinned maintenance of peace. This. he be`- liovod, would lend increulngimpecne to the urgent an-nklfvinu davnlonmnnl. of Hal-mnn Klnptou. Inch 1:.

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