Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Apr 1889, p. 4

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Huotblnck ()ra.Lor, will duliw.-r his (.'L`lt'bl1[I.`d lucture on `(iuuazh in Humnr and Eloquonro." Adxnissiun 25:`. ; Restarh.-xi scum an 3.')c- Rm-mrv. -1 seatsnmy ye secured at McAuley's Book~ store. `II\Iw'vv-w can You Dlroot lo To Dyan! 1 ya: I tube of jolly of Cuonmbor and Bean. Ishthobut pn- ......I... undo In out-In chapped Imam. Cuonmborundlluu. nuuou-up than made Ia curing chapped hm; V. A. Dyot 8 00.. Ionlnsl. -u-- __- | Boron-on the spring Aullu-Branch of Promlu Case. .- . m|__ ___.`_.. --.I-nu nnnn. mo GLOVES AT PER1:l:I: V illkl 35:-nvlna INFO?- ,4 1-.. I-.. AL- III:-ntnl ll!` d One Price Store, 88 Princess Street. HALFPRIGESALE. UIUUU V Ell I u only Genuine Sync: ofllo-cy 'l`|-duh`. In: Books Lou-led In on reading. MIDI wundorllg enrol. child and adult neatly bouelned. Glut lndnouncntn to Oonupoaduuoolnuou. Dmnnninn. with 0plnl_m1I ol_D_fA.`\V`E.j\.['|... A Craly `\Voman Who TI-It-(I to Inuence the Judgment of CI-Him. Ntw Yonx, April I. -1: has come to light that Sarah Cecil. a Nauar graduate and the danhter of a Kentnckian. in II the bottom of t 0 up ition to Mary Anderson. It. appoara t at aha is `mentally unbalanced. her mania taking the form ui an undying haired to Miss Anderann, of whnm the in name joaloua when her dramatic instructor went with Miss Anderuon'a company. She had begun to love the inatruclor, and she ahowed her spite by sending loner: denounc~ `lug her to leading dramati critic: in this mnntrv. accompanied by chocka for varying Wag leading drennuc crmcu |u uuu oountry. accompanied by unounte. Her luvggn got track oi her |c- jion end the critic: lent. the letters and checks heck when they lonnd out where tn lend them. ltiu considered pouiblo thnv. tome of them found their way to the Rt." Loull critic: who ettncked Min And:-reon. lltlu nu-nu an v.....-.... 7., W, ` 30c. St. Cuthbert s Tower, by Florence Warden. GA- ` row 'l'lIllII 0! the wonderful pros.-uses constantly be- ing conducted within tho human bod , and all are prone to forget. thnt new bl must bonuppllod to replace the eoto nnd dislo- kgnllnguntnmukshicg, if nlIowhod' Halte- .mg|n`!yt gto ,oIontto riot hosllh nolhof !tIU|f.* Nikita. n..... ml. on dlmlnno A: rank!!! n noon- QMF -- balm If not ol mo nun. nlnnv .....r Mum falls to ollmlnuo npidly ury the van Iuurlnl of than or iIm.snd it in than that Hamilton`: Pills o Ihodnko ind Butternut pron of the (Inuit ulna. fhoy npeodll hurlnonlna ovorv lrrogulu-'lw of Action I roltoro. II It by magic. the _-_o.A unnmn of health and strength. nudn and u by maps. ula wound Inouuu of health strength. Hamilton : Pill: an unduly v 0 In oomuuluon. ad in Ink to on under .:i'.. ..d. t`uo droulnnuaou. Spltl by dru `A-Inna In Illdlhl. t oirclllnluluuu. : dulon In modlolno. MEEEBY :`SWEET MARY-" :ARvELoi? _j11L-` DISCOVERY. _..n-- nun-n of Mean! `PI IT u --- -~--- w `I: T" u1'i': oromn Inn.-tian 0 0 . its`-J` n-'..'..::`....:':.-:3 3% 331 FIRE Ave N. Y. Uh Vuuuuun-u uvn-.., -J -_.-, 30_c. Guilderoy. by Ouida. 250. Dothy, by Justin McCarthy. 250. Jack Dudley's Wife 250. Canada. for Canadians. by John Hague. 100. The Phnntom City, by Wm. Westall. 25c. Hr. Fortescuo, by Wm. Wosuall. 25c. `'0! Think 7 ho! r1.'.`".:.*:..-.. the anti`. At NISBET S, H58`/IA L5 A/0 Lb{NOE/f NEHU VFHJ BU u IIJIIMV la 1 Liana.-ac. huts. W. mmc. DRESBMAKER. HAS mc. MUVEI) TU QUEEN Bl`!-WET. lhreo doors below the Quuon street School. Rhe wlll be pleased In most her old c-tluonlera and as many new ones as may favour her with A \call at her new plnc mt bualuo 5. Work entrusted to h-r #2150 done promptly and oatlntoctlon guaran- Llon Block, Kingston. Cottonmee cn np. Shirtin 3 cheap. Tab 0 Linens cheap. Table Napkins cheap. . Towels and Towellingu cheap. Exumiue the value we give. - I n I _ n I A I lI'\|l nuovm) toQUEEN srnmirr. `una ur mom nIucssMAKlR.HAB l\I I-II-rv-~v - ----_-. A II. o( mm nowupnperu divided lnlo 'n'rIa n 8.31.1-Ioxtl will be sent on nppu lot- `I :5 ho Hhelrndcrtbinm-. we gang`; no'::I.ter IIIIINIVIII for `I31: and olhotlvr work than the various sermon: of an! E3113 IAJQI LII`. XII. OI!!!` Ill) Iluuau ` I our Boloct Loos! , am. P. } Nurnmnor A4 This Powder never varies. Amnrvel of pu~ rily. strength and '0!` lesmnenouu. More econ- on.lcal than ordinary lnds. and cannot be sold in competltlon with the multitude of low teal. ahnrt weight. alum of has hate Powders. somom.vm(:.ms. HUY L AKINU POW- DER 110.. Ill} Wall Street. New _York. $5.` lnnlvn unv lliilusvnv` AND IBIDIKOI. 3 %rom Brock. r BTIIIT. kw? door: _1_3_oq_Ks AND` MA7"G;xzii~I"1*;s'T _ -- RbEIi:2eI'PTu?L TO ADVERTISERS. . .... ,,___,_-.. .n..m..I lnln R-I-A-I mmme U16 vtuuu Wu 5n 1:. A. J. MCMAHON. CORNER BOOKSTORE. _____.._.__...;____. NEW BOOKS. NJ.i=z.` CLARKE. City Hall, Tuesday, A_p_ril 9th,.at 8 o'clock, --_ rs l'\I Al'\IIlE _.---------<----'*'-""` . MARION uvmusross. . .un n-nnnnnnl: In Rm T. J AMIEBON. 42 Johnson .-street. N 0 '1` H I NO 15 GAINED HY DE- LAY. In hantln vnnr dwnlllnc wlt LA Y. In hunting our dwolllnu Ht Water (.'ircul.n- uonor Steam. upo- cia prices will be guolcd at J. JAM~ |80N H STIGAM H E A T I N 6 AND PLUMBING ES- 'I`AHLl:|H M E N 1`. Rrau and Pun . Goods of all dew!-ilr tlonnm. roaaonub e L prices. Don't. forget the 42 Johnson Street. Hot Water I!oil~ era. V\ slur Closets. Batha.Pumpn Slna Rrau and hm nndn of All d|.'l(Vl'iD' prices. forget n`Aoa. rs-..-v-. V x - 7 ` ` Tn: Bm-nan Wruoiu ubliaiaed every even- ing. ANS King Sine Kingston. Ontario. - at an nonuna FIR nun. ADV P r tour lln r3: tour 1113:`. gob Iuhoeqnent Eur-5-nnuxrs. eor two 1nuert.1onI......I|60 insertion Over four lines. Int Insertion .... .. looperllno Each In uentoonseoutlveinm... 60 " '0ncen w subsequent inn......'. 100 Q` Twice I week, subsequent Ina .... .. 8o ' Threenweeheubsequent 60 " Twelve lines to the inch. and Dustin 500. Spec ed at twenty cents per unlncorpo om? hilzh un wor ; t, All can ea D and ob nlin man be dist! ` 1 st 81 n s1.5o w1f}'o rm Canada for adoertiaina. ' to? each Insertion: line rated Annotations or nalble for . v rowed prlntln uable in ad rstood. are u u :33 ed. W. J. B. PENSE. Pronrlowr. _ _.._ RE'|'0L7`INO SCENE. That was a desperntepgh/t_u'hicli ecolour` ed man had at Danville, Va., and on the scaffold. He had talked for 5 long time and said he wautetl to pray, "and the nhevitf refusing to let him delay the execution he fought like a tiger, had to be dropped twice through the trap, and even then pushed oti" to give the desired drop, so tightly d'd he cling to the oor." Revolting scene E} And some people will demand public exec `tions for the good of society, for their terrorizing etfecte on evil doors ! IKI \J\II`IIIrw\r-v---. 'l`ENl)ER.S will be ruceivcd b' the under- signed up to6 p.m. of l`HUR~`llA 4th April. for the seveml trades` works requ red in (he erection and completion H a terrace on Barrio Street. Plans and specications may be seen at our olue. The lowest tender not necr-ssnrily accented. 1`UWi1;l{ h .~`0N. Architects. The Joumml of Curnnmwu has been enquir- ing into the butter question. attempting to give its solution of the same. It recalls the time when the former was the most inde- pendent being in the land. when he and his wife and daugliter were content to drive to market. or to cliurdh, in n bright-painted lumber waggon, to wear as home-spun dress and ncslico sun bonnet, to milk the cows and gather and churn the cream, to visit the store with bnsskets of delicious butter, which helped to keep down the charges for ten and sugar. and to sing to the sccompaniment of accordeon or hsrmonium. But this is all post. The farmer anal his wife and son and daughter must now have s ne covered spring buggy or carriage to go out for an Airing. while the horses are taken from the plow for the purpose, and the hired man or boy milks the cows and goes to town with the grain or potatoes; the farmer and son must have tnilorinuie clothes, the wiftsnd daughter mnhtdress in black silk; the piano must have a place in the psrlor, snd the daughters afraid to spoil her hsnds in any rough domestic or farmyard occupation. Is this is truthful picture? Some will ssy so. The old simplicity is psssing away. The age in which we live is one of imitation as well ss progression. W hst one has another desires. snd the spirit of envy is A hard one to conquer. The home life of the farmer is not whstit was. The girls are not giving their sttention to butter making, at least not the attention which it demsnds, And the `tendencies of the time do not justify the hope for sn improvement at s very esrly date. _ THE DAILY VVHEAG. FORCIN 0 RES UL TS. ` A high school teacher hu commenced 3 movement. which will force results so far as the making uniform of the mstriculution ex~ sminutious are concerned. He has issued A circular in which he says : .-- . .. , ____ n..-......,.|. nr Hm `'In new OI uie near upyuum... VI ..... (Toronto) university elections, in View of the fact that the university will issue its curriculum next year, and in view of the very important question raised by Principal Grant concerning matriculation examina- tion. would it not be wise for us to consider if the rs-.tice followed in the past. of elect ing on y principals of collegiate institutes as our representatives, is in the best interests of secondary education 2 " - -- LA -.I..\- that ILA nlwinnl nf P8 OI IOC0lJ(lIl'y Ulluual-sun . He goes on to show that the object of re presentation is to enable the senate to get at the needs and requirements of the various institutions whose interests are'a`ected by university enactments. High schools and collegiate institutes have each two represen- tatives in the senate, and the question he says arises, Can two men, selected from our collegiateinstitutes, represent the two clas~es of schools with separate interests better than two men selected, one from each class 3 If U. (J. college, Albert college and W oodstoclt college. all doing work similar to that of our collegiate institutes. have such peculiar in terests that each requires and is granted in- dividual representation. does it not seem reasonable that these 89 high schools proper should he represented by one of their own teachers 2 And` he adds : -~- A--- |.I_A- -6` -Ann|\:`nl'\l } teacher: I lulu nu nun: a Since there Are two kinds of secondary schools, "end since these are iven two re preaentatives, would it not a who er- mngemont to have 3 Melt understanding. that of the two representative: one elmuld be selected from the oolleghte inltltuhu and the other from the high schools? I! I0 would not the present he I ttin time to introduce the chln P Let thoee w 0 think Iouignyh 4oOeor'~`~--- -. ML- --_--I ....n -an In In vain. ,1: I; 3 introduce the cum .' mu mun wuu mu... eoeignifyittr ~vveec"~~~ The eppenlmey not be in vein. It in e elgnioenteign when the teechere of the province. thoee m t elfecmd by the preeent friction in the metriculetion dork, begin e tr-ovement euch ea thet which we heve in. diceteri. It ehowe thet thoee who ere the Inoet concerned ehout ruenlte, who under- etend beet the eect oi us went ol under- etendixij heggeen the unlvereltleefere con- ioione oi whet they cnn dot`. boui e uhenge. The whole diionlty. oi oouree. ee Dr. Grunt ehowed in the eble eddreu which he made in Qneen'e not long ego. liee with Toronto univereity. All the other inetitntlone ere ready for ectlon `excepting II. and It wllloort-inly we 11 theeenete. nt the next election, heve lnfneed into it eeonghpf new blood to force Inetterl. The good eeed he been eown. end in the time In -III Ingnn '1-II. ....... ..... ---_ It will but (cult. Whig : 1 THE BU7'TE'R PROBLEJI. CHEAEIQHEAPI " Opi/or oar Orbom Dioor." ___j_____________:_ XVI;-a'oi:rzed. V EDW. PENSE. , ` ` #3??? Telephone. Number 229. .____.?_.__j._____.. II LC BD B . the near approach of the ....:m .Im-cinm, in THE BRITISH wa1..~.T - `DI TUKIJI 14 1' V I nu- An Ottun oprrespbndent Announce: the Sir {John Mucdonnld will go to Englsnd during the ensuing su-muer. And that he will not tnke his wife with him. Whe}e's the joke 3 4- Jun fsucy Mr. \\'u:llme, M.P.. decluriug that the country wms counood of the ines- pwity ofle minigzer of militia. 'hI|t hu` Sir Adolphe done that one of his own party should give him this cnck Y ' Rev. Mr. Low, of Almonte, arguing for the unity of the churches. writes that We may very soon hue to change the edegeu "Competition in the life of trade." to Com- Vbinetion in the life uf rude." In buuineu the motto of the cmuhine in blood." In church enterprise what would it be 2 Senator Road has la;-fore the senate a bill .which forbids the carrying 01 pistuls and Airguns without. permission. The only way to check the i-ivtt"-touleucies of the Age is to. psss a law prohibiting the prqmiscuous sale . of firearms. _'1`hsy are open to puruhsse by everyone. and they will be carried by all who are disposed to \lo so despite my law thst the senate msy pass. V "hm ELY ANNoU1~f(mM'E`NTs.; _4 TE>"6bN`fRAcTORS. m L.. _......x.....I hv olmnnrhnr. The Otlnwi l"r~ "i're:u thinks that the Kirkpatrick bill was letentod in the wane by donire of the government. The" govern ment supporter: gem-rally follow the leader. and he was Againut the manure. The idea in that the commons wu allowed to pass the bill because it could not be burked, and he- -- . l] I _ )-._.__,.|_,] ,__` ,A ,3" ` DIII Ducuunu u. uuuun Inna Irv ..........., .... ..- cause the senate could be depended on to do the goverumemfe bi.lding. In that it `? Montreal nerum. We do not look for decency from .\lr. T Rykert. . N Hamilton `runes. No married women are hereafter to be I Appointed school tcwrhera in New York city except by I unanimx-us consent of the board of education. The board evidently fears than the wives who have to work tor their husband: will be thinking more of their babies than of their pupils. A C|Obl`||'iO`l| Suecinllst. Dr. Washington, theoelebrated ind suc- cessful specialist for diseases of the head, throat and lungs. hss adopted `he most scientic and nntural method of treatment. known At the prssent time for the Ib0V0 diseases. In order to be, fully sbreut of at... oimnn sh. dnnlnr vi-its th IRPLIO ANIO- Montreal Herald. II` I- ._.. I.. liutfnlo Tunes. nu , ,_ lg in New York. Rucheoter. Celilornin. etc., etc. He hes eecnred n medicnl gentlemen of the highest stnndin in the rofeesion. A member of the Roy college of surgeons of England, who thoroughly undersunds nll the detnils of this special treatment to Assist him. Dr. Wsshington hes now open ed A permnnent otlioe st 82 McCain! street, Toronto. where either himself or his cpl league may be found during oice hours, vi:.,9Iollnm. Ito-tend? to 8 p. m. The doctor will visit Kingston personnlly. nu he is fully sensible to the feet that not even hiadintinguished colleque. Dr. San- derson, can till a position eetietnctorily no long held by him in the condence of the ople of Kingston sud vicinity, therefore Ber. W. will visit Kingston April 3rd end 4th, and thereafter monthly on in the past. He has perlore at the British American hotel. n- u'..i.:....o.... 1... ha-an hnndnomolv re- IHIIHHU llIlIL`!l. There are liars an-I liars, but the (`ana- diun liar can give all the others paints and beat. them out. Hnmton Times. `V ,,__g __ White and Grey Cotton cheap. Bleached Shootings cheap. Unbleached Shootings cheap. Pillow Cottona chomp. Tickingrs cheap. Cottonndeo ch Shirt inure chean. dieeuee. In order (0 be run] Iulcnu. u. the timel the doctor visits the large rican cities, as New York, Boeton. and Philadelphie, every few months. for the urpoee of gaining a-knowledge of the ateet and very best improvements known in the treatment of throat and lung dieeeaea and auch aa pursued by the hiilieat special- ieta in the United States and `urope. Dr. Waahington in well known as a moot auc- ceeelnl apeolaliet all over Ontario and the eaeterdprovlncee, and in eeveral cltiee in the United States, from which he` has in hia poeeeeaion hundreds of letter: of grate- ful acknowledgement for the benefits de- rived from hie treatment. He has petienta California. ...- u- I... ..m.ml a medial gentleman Dr. Wuhingtun bu been handsomely warded for his indomitable Ind iudefnti nble -----............ .. Hm fnllnwimz enncta mm wanted tor nll lnuormuuue luu u.uv.... ....... teeverance. an the following ettere received from patients in New York and Rocheeter clearly indicate : Mr. (3. H. Cannon, `232 West One Hundred and Fourth etreet. New York, who was not only cured by Dr. Washington`: new method,hut writes the doctor as follows : "I would have writ- ten you eooner but was waiting for a de- (.|l8t anawer from my friend. Mr. Dawson, in reference to trying your treatment for his daughter for her catarrh troubles. I finally got hia oonaent. by telling him I would he- come ree naihle for his money if she was not cure . Inow encloee you a cheque for the full amount," etc. M in Daweon. after one month`: treatment, is heard from. .\lr. Dawson, of Sawduat & Manon, huildere, 236 East Thirty fth atreel. New York, writ;-s after one month`: treatment aa follows : I would aay there in little or no smell-from the head. `l`hia lead: me to think that the diaeaeed aee are healing up. Friend Cannon haa.confidence that you will cure her. and I now think you will make a com lete cure." Mn. Jamee Keillvin. of 63 hlarket etreet, Rochester. N. Y., writea aa followa: "I do not cough any more and the tire ping hae almoet eeaeed. I am very much p eaaed with your treatment and hope- fully look for a apeedy cure. The above t ent haa taken treatment eix weeka. `hen to eugport theee noted caaee in the olhtree of ac entitle advancement in the ease of Mr. W. J. Storey, glove manufacturer. of Acton. Ont.. and alao preeident of the manu- facturing aeeociation or the dominion, cured of catarrh after vieiting Europe without any `benecial reeulte. l`o-dc June: Mme. I Kopnlnr nuuuuu In or. of: for Flprlngol . Ohio, to pit) Ll . A dinner wu given him Int 1: Mb sdlnlrlng friend: in the Wlndnor nu . There were sboutb guuu pruent. R. J. Eilbouk In chninmn. The prcunution of I gold ring sud locket wn mndo to Mr. Little, who made I var nuiuhlo ropl . Spooohu was much by turn. Parent. J. Eilbook. M. Miller. J. Tvoddoll, J. Mp- Uunmoo. U Mohuuhlh, And .I.`El|hn.. u._.. up... nlvnn In Mum-._ Donohug_ U uouuuuu. um a.M-nuns Soup were given by Mum. Dollohuo. Ptront. J. Elmer. 0 Brlen. P. Dovlln. C. uukln. M. Miller, and Robhnon. Solu- tions were given by the Kinntonumndon. ..-__ COMMENTS OF THE PRESS. A Hard Illt. nu: Io-dn Jnmu Little. I Xopnlnr buobsll , off 9 I 61 0hio,:oplIy '3 " A .u:m:: w.'L'.'..I Mm Int ninht bv tDITORI.4L NOTES- -...I..u.I nnnnnn :(5lV\JE N I GHT ONLY. an`: auwnyu on n,.-... ::*....9*'::':.-.::.":r.*.:..*r*-'*~ nanunnlsoohunhoqhgn A (III! to Julian Lllllo. ,- l1..I_ - _-._._I_.. Ila": Alpnn on lipid. but about a womqua`a_ tphcn. 1:. TUESDAY- `APRIL 2. _ Has just returned fromt the west, where i he has purchased wholesale lots of SILKS, TWEEDS, LACE CURTAINS, ATOWELLINGS and BOYS CLOTHING VB0ught at from 50 to 606.011 the dollar. As these enormous purchases are coming in our Great Spring V Sale will begin on In order to get stock in proper shape and mark off the Job Lots we will Close Our Store on Friday, April 5th, and Open on Saturday Morning at 9 o clock. DRESS GOODS, We hope for larger premises some day, and to be ready must get stock down, and if necessary we will go out of business for a few months until the premises are ready. - - A -1 - W._,. 1_._..-.__ ._-. We have laid out on the Bargain Coun- ter alarge lot of good serviceable Dress Goods, which we will offer at Half Price for one week. It will pay you to call and seethem. MINNES & BURN5.__ HARDY Saturday, April L Remembe} the Biggest Bargain Sale of this year begins on SATURDAY MORN NG. HARDY S, } Im1'n, April l.-'l`he spring using open- ed Thursdny nftornoon before Mr. Justice McMahon. The civil business was taken up. there being I list of fourteen cues. Hunlnn VI. Cuuck was an action for alan- dor. The Ilnnder compldned of consisted in the defondnnt. hu-ing accused the plain- tiff of atenlin from him I sum of money of about $30. '1 he defence was that the charge --- run. than dnfondnnt. muting thlt he The delence was man. um cu... wn true, the defendant nustin utill believed that the plninlitfh Itolen hll money. Severn! witnesses were culled by the defence to rove the charge. The jury. however, {mm A verdict. for theLplnimitf for N00. 1-... n (Ion! wn tn ection for brelch Lane ve. Goad of promise of marriage. The detail: of the evident-e were of acharacter ecaroely lit for publication. The laintiif in the mother of three ille itimatec ildren by the defendant. During e proureee of the trial hie Iord~ ehip euggeeted that It wae scarcely a proper oaae for litigation no the bitter end. there being a moral. If not a legal, obligation upon the defendant to make eome reasonable eettlement. (`he partiee. however, were unable to agree. .__._____.___ ` Toronto; W. Hill, The lieu! AI-I-Ivule. Arrlvele ut the British Amelrioul Hotel- E. McKenty, Ruth; M. Ryan, Camden I-Int : J. P. Northa. H. PEn;;:uon, ontres : . erton nd wife. Nupenee: G. Ede, Mohlrenl; J. B. Llcuurrick. Oewe, . Y. ; J. D. Kennedy. Brockville: J. Scobell, Cape Vincent. N. Y.; R. S. langeley. Rome, N._ Y.; H. T. oplxine. B. Glhbe. Cape Vincent. N. Y.; O. F. Cleveluld. Dene- ville: 0, w Huber. Liverpool. En .: J. } 8. Each. J. H. \\ hitehead, Mont: : F. Drewy. 0. N. White. Toronto; W. B, Foe` ter. Montreal; J. B. Weuon. Torenao: W. In rm. u...nm.: Mn. Munro. E. J. Holmes]; J. 1!. Watson. luniuvua w. Cnlo. muum; Mu. J. 1 laourd. PI-tcrboroughg U. |loDousld,\ C9`:-nwsll. _____________ W ` "`"""' "`='""~I~ : inn-u~ -.,_ lllgiton 0:-nvlnn Doom Thchndorl for the Klnpton d dock Inow bob; onminod by the 0 eon of the pnbo works dopnrunont. Otnwn. but tho unit at the Iowa: tondoror but not you been dlioloud. The work will con About A-an Mm Mary; the Queen of the House of David, a Companion _Vo1urne to Ben Hur. $1. A Bad Man's Sweetheart by R E. Sheppard.

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