soonnd- Boon hull nd sold In IIHIUN Prlnoen Stunt "want to vote! How mocking! omm Better mend our husband`: nooks. `Stead of mm In round the Inca Looklnn for n in Io:-box." `Sun! at lumping round the -Itroou Looking lot-box. Luwhod her alone in toning mood. , nlnn'1Jo.u&hn..uu..%8oo. IVIIIIJ DLIUK I. Y 1 doed.l ntt to." am. i`a.:....m2.'3..e ail? .Whl|o her maiden aunt. Aghnlt. _ sighed o'er womnni altnrod way. Want to Vote! How chooklna ! child. nu round the: -Itroatn "Sunday labour al.J..1d be .l~.opp.d ." say: a western paper, and the sentiment ehould be echoed all along the line. The opening of the Welland canal on the Qeventh day was never justified. The moral sense of the community is against it. and the moral peo- ple of the land should not tolerate it. Sun- day labour in not a sign of progreaeiveneee. It in the resort of an abandoned people. The Lourlou z:1dt`c:.I:'aer euggeitr-that if i the clergy must hove a hood in politics they should study the newspapers and politicians for 5 while first. This it earnestly counsels. The Wine advises the clergy to keep-out of politics. There is nothing attractive about them for the man who desires the peace that pneeeth understanding. The Wutertown Times in Iurely in error in saying that the Canadian: want. the sentences graded bemuae they have not condence in the ability of the judge: to adapt the punishment to suit the crime, The ngitation rfor indeterminate sentences: ' by no meme reecta upon {he wisdom of the judiciary. an.._ (or principle. Tiny ogunot do Io oonllItunt- ly. They will [imply have to change their tootece and ugitate for e luv which will be general in itI,e`ecta and give promiln of better things than may could ever be hoped for from the Scott ml. The deleut of prohibition inifteen countiee in one day in 5 inoet dieoouraging record. It mark: 5 epoch in politico-social events! toward: result: which were tending, and the outpume of which. though not now seen, may be for the public good. COMMENTS 7(7)} THE PRESS. Ir. Ioyor Sonic! 1!. I Bootbluck Ontor. will deliver his celebrated luclure on `(hm hm Humor and El uenoe." Admission 25. ; {eoerved mum at 3c. esorv. edseata may be secured at Monday : Book~ Il 0113. oat Kind 0! Regard. F... D...... Reason In Everything. '1`:-....... A Word In Souon. Walnut`: Rights. I'D] TORIA L N 0 TBS. ' gulnrltlea o the Ilyl : "poll or uppeuw. aptgtlo `symptoms. im- wou no some of the my mptuml of sdunood kkinoy dlnouo. Wu'~ nor : Sula Cure ours: that troublu. bo- ocuu It romovwtho nu, and. putting the kidney: In I lnolthy oondltlon, unable: them to expel the polnonou or Into mutter from tho Iyltom. I'M! In why" Wu-nor`: Bah Cinema so many symptoms shut an oullod dunno. OI IJIIIUOII. I`4lI`., loan of eyes! ht. d We leern thet it le not the intention ot the city engineer immedietely to utilise the water tower. It will he lled to overow- ing end dieoonneoted from the plpee. For e few do I more Inter will he dletlibnted under t e old Iyltln. So there need not be my immediate teere of the evil: reenltlng iron: over-itching. Froderick T. Roberta. Il.D . Phvnlcinn to the R0 :1 Collogo of Surgeons. University of Lon on. Eng, uyl` Lou of Appetite. Inn: nf nvnnlnht- dnnnntln nvmnlolm. Ino- Us 1. I)I-I'IU. Very dramatic in Itylo and versatile, 3 man of the people. nnd that mskel hlm po ulu with the poo lo.-LockporI Union. v. George W. C nndlor, A. M.. Lock .....o (19.3 Iv|1l`- him All nrgtnr And hlt Rev. ueorgo W. Lnnnalor, A. m.. uwn port.-Ubd made him MI orator sud vim God mnkoc in not 5 failure. n....v. ml in 1.... mm m tha citv hall. an on. on Mun. DA Y. the Mn any of April, A.D. 1889411 11 o'clock I|.Iu. All account: must be (glad with the Clerk of lhc Peace on or before hridag. the 5th day of akpril. or they cnnnot be considered at the nu- . R M mn'r'rmu God mnee I: not nuure. Don`: {nil to hear him at the city hall, Tuesday evening. 9th. Reserved sent: at McAuley n bookstore. I - nu -vvuu nun uvuuun Arrival: at the British Ameriour Hotel- F. W. Webster, Boston, Mass. : H. J. Ec clenton, R. J. Orr, Toronto; L. G. Black. ` J. T. Dwyer. .\io.renl; L. Mayer. New York ; I. .\Inckny, Bowmnnville: J. For- nvth, London; W. J. Culdwell. 'lornnt.o; F. A. Drummond. Winnipeg; A. E. .\lnllu, Boston ; 0. B. Bell. Detroit ; W. A. Wilkes, Toronto; J. Q. Willie. Detroit, .\lich.; J. R. Turner, (hmnnoque ; J. B. Reid. city; 0. E. Britton, Gonnnoquo; W. Vi nd, .\iontreLl- J. G. Stead, Toronto; F. Sharpe, .\icLnren. Montreul; W. J. Taylor. Toronto; J. R. Fluker, Pembroke; W. '1'. Books, Deaeronto: J. Douglas, To- ronto.' yr. u-n-uuuw -p-vuuvu u . -v. .. . Lust evening the oicorn of this diviainn . were installed by Bros. Schroder and Me` a Ronnie. The lint is follows: W.P.--Bro. R. Gnrtlnn. \V.A.-Bro. Gardiner. R S.-Bro. Hanna. A.R.S.-Bro. R. Lee. F.S.-Bro. J. George. Treunrer-Bro. E. (Ihown. Ch: lnln-Bro. R. )1. Honey. Con uctor--Bro. N. Smith. A C.--SlItor Donnlo. I.S.-Bro. J. W. Smith. 0 S.-Bro. J. A. B. Smith. P.W.l .-Bro. D. Frat-r. Orgnnint-Sister Elllutt. Mr. B. C. Taylor--nlra. E. Falrman. Wednesday afternoon Henry Clark I`ay- ` lor, (lananoque, was married to Mrs. E. Fairman, third (laughter of the late Capt. James W. Leslie, at the residence of the l bride's mother, Montreal. The wedding was a very quiet one, owing to a recent family bereavement, only the relatives of the con- tracting parties being present, among whom were George Taylor, S. Taylor and Robert Taylor and dau hter. The bride was given away by her el est brother, John Leslie, of the department of justice, Ottawa. After tour of the princi cities of the United States, including ew York, Philadelphia and Washington, at the conclusion of which they will return to Gananoque. where Mr. Taylor is engaged in mercantile pursuits. The weddin presents were numerous and costly, testiying to the esteem in which the contrscting parties are held by a wide circle of friends. Mrs. Taylor is well known in Kingston. the ceremony the bridal couple left for a ll Facts Are stubborn Thlncs. ll Kmosrox, April 4.--(To the Editor) - 1 am char ed by an sldermsn with uttering falsehno s in the letter you published lately when I said that if it was not working men to be benetted the Sixth street road would have been opened long ago. He also says . we are a little syndicate trying to make money out of the city. Now, it you will allow me, I can prove him wrong on both points. Two years ago when the North street drain went up York street I saved the city 8200 or $300 by letting them put it through my property. Otherwise they would have had to go up York street and turn into Chatham street, nearly all roclr. Through my place it was clay and not one- third the distance. besides making the drain straight. Had I wanted to make money out of the city I could have done so. A city otiicial asked me to tslte 3100 to let itgo through my place. I refused, but let them go through free. They went under the corner of my house, undermined it, and I had to vacate it. and I never mentioned it to any of them. Now mark this : Not two hundred yards from me they went through Ald. W. Robinson's lot. improvin the property 8400 or $500. Yet the counci gave him $112. as the pay sheet will show or the books in the trea.surer`s otoe. I think this is enough proof, if not let any of them come to me and I can give them a few more lacts, and facts are stubborn things. J. 0. Swan`. linemen Roberta. no". Phvulolan L- Danna] (`.n|'-gun nl Hnnagnnn nnlrnrnltv St. Lawrence Dlvlnlon No. 2. 8.0.1`. I .n n _ 1.1:, HARDY : BEGINS TO-MORROW Saturday V HAR D vi, BIG GLEARING SALE City Ha.ll.Tuesda.y, [E11 9m, at 3 o'clock, MR. J. R. CLARKE. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR- AT HYMEN'S ALTAR- `lie Water Works. . I. I, W,` AL, 1.. One Price Store. 88 Princess Street. J. 3;` Ola:-Io. I lot you now. II um um: way, Ivuu .- omporor In this rticulsr family !" and he `tomnmh admin and . unlnhmcnt. which llnpnuod Ital! on the III (I, And also on `tho bodv, ol the crown prince In I Imnnor highly uuututivo 9! the puulbllltlu of the nu union. . situation. PM oedenee Eetnlallehed. The other day the German emperor heerd e diuturbenoe in the nursery, end made his way to the scene. When he entered the crown prince end Prince Eitel drew them- Ielveeu end uluted their {ether in mili- tary also theiun'onL "Whu in all thin noile about? eeked the emperor. "A eliahu dlegute. lire. meld hie eldest eon. end I Ill 0 I to let. my brother know who In crown p ace in this eetehliehmeot." "Good," eeld his rnejeIt{. "I see when on meemendnowlthlek twillheu wel if I! know. In the lune way. who in nmnnmr In thin nerticuler lelnlly ancnor pnalna Inlppuu um um venue! began to drift. The captain then determined to leave thd reefs and ii poealble reach the open aea. Tllia he eventually aneooeded in doin . Inakln hla way out at the raheol half a notan our. The heavy aeaa broke over the veaael. doing much dam , but not a life waa lost. Thouanda o eople ocked to the waterllde to see the Cal and all united in praising the nlnckineaao ar captain. __ The laval Propaaalal Loxnon, April 4.-1n the Home of Com- Inona thia afternoon on the re rt a of . the naval propoaala. a motion y Mr. I ll- dera againat the financial rnethod- of the aohema was rejected by a vote of 158 to 125. Mr. (lladatone supported the motion. Inllahnrfa Candidate Idnteal. LONDON, April 4.--Tho Home of Lord: I)? a vote of 95 to 77 today elected the Earl o Morley (Lib.) chairman of oommltteea, rejecting the Marquis of Sal'ubury'a candl- date, Lord Balfour of Burleigh. Morning. A .Vl!1.'I`J'l'lNU UI" THE BOARD OI" AUDIT for the County of Fronlena will be held in the Judge}: Chambers. Court House. (lily of Kin - MUN DAY. the uh day of April, A. . 1889. at MONEY T0 Ll-IND on (`urrent Rates of In- urmr. R. W SIIANNON. Barrister. Olce. next door to King's drug store. King Street. Kingston. g Choices! Grade: of Pantry and Family Flour always on hand; Graham Flour. Rolled Oats, | mum Wheat. Cr-ncked Wheat. Germ Wheat, Onnmenland Cornmeal : Seeds in season. \ W. I. Mc'NmILL. - BROOK swans? The Calliope lath. SYDNEY, N.S.W., A ril 4.-The Britilh murof-war Celliosm, w ich escaped destruc- tion in Api: Buy 1 uring the cyclone there Much I5 and 16 by putting to see, he: no rived here And she reporu lenvi 3 Samoa Mnrch 21 and that the United State: men- of-wnr Nipeic had been oeted o' the beech, the netivee lending materiel ueietence. R:-fnrn the hnrrirnna bunt oval-V nrnnnn. Ill! nuuvea l0lluIll' Iutucrlnl ululunnuv. Before the hurricane bunt every precon- tion bud been tokon by the commander of the Calliope to render the vessel secure. Five IIICIIOII had been dropped, but when the storm Wu at its height. four of the anchor plninn Inappod and the vessel haann In drift. The Mntsin than TORONTO FLOUR STORE I HAVE PLEASURE in notlf lnz my man friends and customers that I will EMOVE T THE STORE FORMEHLY OCCUPIED BY MESSRR. M. H. WALSH E C0 one door well of Mcmuey & Co `I Bookswrmklna street. on latAp|-ll. In thanklmr my friend: for the patronage so generously extended to me for over thlrtyyeus, I beg to state that I will be in I posltion m ` SHOWTHE LARGEST AND BEST RANGE S pring Overcoatin s and Fine Diagona s ALL n vwsu.u.m= LOW pnmcs. THOMAS MOORE, MERC HANT TAILOR. I!X..-_.._ |A_._..|. un WIICE or REMOVAL mmusa, FREN-(7f1_wd CANADIAN SITI'I`I_J.\T Gs, _ I |'/I/EW WHITE GOODS. New Llnrn Lawns cheap. New Victoria lawns cheap. New Bishop's Lawn cheap. new India Lawn cheap. New Striped Mnslins cht-np. New Check Mus`Ins cheap. New Hambur Edginxs cheap. New Swiss 'n1broidery cheap. New Allover Hnmbunn cheap. New SWISS Allow.-rs cheap, New Swiss Flouncings cheap. New Hamburg Flouncings cheap. All above lines cheap. ` A. J. MCMAHON. Kingston. March 101. A Tues lay Evenin t. April 9-'l`he Hons n We Live In. or the History of a Drop of Blood. Wednesday Ahornoon. A ril l0-(l'or ladies only)-Wonan, Wnfe and other. We lneadny Evening-(li`oreonLlemen M3)- True Manhood, How Armin uni Retain . ON FARIO HALL} KINGSTON. MONDAY EVENING. A ril 8Mngneto llvprousm. The New Science. ental 'l`olegm- ` P Y. :uTT The following Series of Lectures will be deliv- ered by April 4th. 189. .-nu.-uuuxruw \rIIIr| nu u--uunuua. (`own FRONTRNAC. No. 59. Rn:(:L'LAn Murr- nm. Thursday eveni KA ril lam. J.S. It C('AN.\', Secretary. TIMELY A_NNOUNCEMEN rS.! ALLwboL me ovsacons, uuu-nu-nu urn nun 1: un I1ll4I!l'U- (`m'm' STANLEY. No. 199. C.().F.. meets the run-own um us? Tmcumv or non uux'rM in the `Prentice Boys'Hnll. King Street. 'I`. T. REN1'0.\'. Recording Secretary. nuns ul nauguouuo I.mcna'nm Lonaz. No. 33. of the Sons of Eng- land Benevolent Society. will nu-et in their new Lodge Room, cnrruvr MnnLrea$and Prmuesa Sm. over Slra.clmn'l Hardware Store. the 2nd and IL}: Tuesdays of each munnh. over Su'a.chan'l Hardware S: It}: Tuesdays month. A MEETING OF THE BOARD OI AUDIT the Cuuutv of Frnnlnnn will hn lwld in tho: -. III u, ms nu. v. Uxnnn Tn: Avsmclca 01-` THI GRAND Lona: or MANCll|CHTIR. Evan./nip. moot every other Friday in the Sons of England Room, Princess Street. Next meeting APRIL l`.*rn W. HUSHELL. Recording Secretary. sPnmcsmi1i.i:ai1a6iiou BBIGES. 4 J. TWEDDELL. ' f|ll- I'\l\l\II Q-I (`IE7 I` lllv IJIIIIIDI ` Uut qnl, ll 7:!) m. This Powder never varlea A marvel of pu- rity. strength and wholesnmenesa. More econ- on.ivni than ordinary kinds. and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test. nhorl weight, alum of Xhoslfhnto Powders. am in own IN ems. ROY L AKINU i UW- DER I70.. 103 Wall Slrevt. New York. ONE NIGHT ONLY. F/i EE LECTURES. ox':'ooo' ui iaf5w'cH~ Ffm. in;:nlo Dlootlngu. Mlnden. No. 253. on Monday. April lat. at 7:30 D.m. . ' p.m. Anchint St. John's. No 3. on Thursday, April ms. at. :3!) mm. -bun--I-I.-my-1r\a:va LT IDWII PUNCH THAN IVKR. Wellington Strut. 'Noted for Low Prices. DR. .1. LSIRERGAN JUBF KEUEI V19} 0. A rm: r tutu ans. nex- / 1' I8. sauna. lc1v.. u -I-I A XYlHT'!'I1?T,'5?`I"I%T7l\ Independent Order of Fm-esters. uvnm l`..n.n-uuu... \V.. 1n n....... ... ll Ba l .0_WD_E 3b:BIG{eI?PiFeT | PUBLIC NOTICE. F'Uh.NISHINGS. J US I` RECEIVED. nncr nu Iuh-II IIAIII up.` I- - 4` .- _---`.- A. --._.... -.- -. -- ------'~-a- --r-.. ` .nI]'o. 92. on Wednesday. April lqb. TENDERS )|1\I..`IIVn\l\ |._. __., 0! H1660 we W111 OIIBI 1'01` In TOW days longer at tom ting prion go buers, andanmo than In E1 to tor less than cost price a e BOSTON - HAT -`STORE, i_IIl_..A-_ En_.A Sons of England. Innnu KVn 0'1 A555... :*91E_ T:{E3-T B. M. BRITTON. Clerk of the Peace. Co. of F. -AT THE - A suigneo. , hint that the tempo;-gnoo roformon have The Scott act has been defeated in ftee countiea-tho hardaat and moat damanln boon given in many a year, What does this anrpriaing roverual in the order of thing: really mean 2 A modication of on- thnaiaam in the lntoroat of _a gnaat moral movement ? A manifaatation of declining interest in the prohibition question! No, but a declaration of tho opinion-and that. too, on the part of many pronounced tuhl abatainorl. of men whoa: loyalty to princi- pnn' --m-m in not what it ought to be. that it in inoomplate in many roapootu. that in in not impartially and oiclently enforced. that it has not aooom pllahod all that it was duignod to do. u A. - 5....-L -la-- ..--a-_.I__I- ._x_,_ L .- '.._..-- _. --.-V Iv v--- -av--`uvu IV In: " An I truth, alter yesterday ! on-inn in the history of the soon not mgvomcnt. altar onch an ovorwlnlming Qvornl 0! What In: formbrly unturned 5 most popular voto, op- tion 11' `umltho [Inn up by the .pI'oHN- tlonhu. They will not Abandon the ghs by the way. can survive the indignity out upon him by the sennte As editor 0! -he Cincinnnti Oomnierrial Gazette he in greater than if made 3 minister to any foreign court. The: men like Whitelnw Reid and Mr. Thorndyke Rice and M urnt Hnistend would accept appointment of any kind is indeed remarkable. In their respective spheres. u directors of some of the most imporunt publicuions in Americn. they ere very much wanted. And cnn only think of oiiice in de- ferenee to the wishes of the president end in acceptance of the oompliment his nonIinn~ tions oonvey to them. The republican senators who voted against Murat HalstA)ad s nomination lor the minis try of Germany excuse their action by say- ` ing that they could not, with self-respect, endorse his attacks on the house. They say that he was very offensive in his criticism of the Payne boodlinq case, and Mr. Hslstead does not deny it. He has always reserved to himself the right of calling things by their proper names, and he has no love for tergiversation, whether it be exemplied by the republican or democratic party. Of course it is within the province of certain oended ones to punish him for his camlour, ` but it is a question if they can say they do this as an act of self-respect. M r. Ilalstend, I___ AL- ..._.. __._ _.._... _ sL_ 2_.I:.._.a_. ---. ........v.. V. \I\a -uvvu . According to the recent estimates of the London Miller the United Kingdom will re- quire, during the balance of the current cereal year, 5 large quantity of wheat in ex- cess of what is expected from Russia and India and the Australian colonies. The con- tribution of America should be 40,000,000 bushels. but of the crop of l888 there is now only a visible surplus of l50.000,000 bushels, and at least 100,000,000 bushels will be needed for domestic consumption. What a change in the outlook ? Some two years ago the wise men of Americ; figured it out that India would, from that time forth, supply England with an increasing supply of wheat, that it was only a question of time until America would be raising more wheat than she could get rid of. The alarm was un- called for. The question of the day is where the wheat, necessary for the world's mer- kets, is to be obtained. The idea of under production is certainly most gratifying to the egriculturists of America. I left in Coats, J nokata. Robes, Col- lars Capes, Mu and Boas. All of these we will oer for few an. Innanr nf. Imunnfinn I'\IUiIIAQ On - .. ... __.-..--.. -.. sures. It is intolerable. says our centenn- porary, that the general prosperity should be affected by the greed of any men, and vacant land should be forced into the mar- ket by some system of taxation. Just what the Wmu has said repeatedly, and without any marked local effects. Our alderman should give some attention to the question of unearned increment," which it in that makes men hold property of higher value and upon which it is contended the highest assessment should. put. Kingston has a great many plots of land on which the taxa- tion should be raised. I The capitalists of Manitoba having cor nered" (in more senses than 0 e) the land in some of the rising towns the \ innipeg Frw ` Prrsa suggests the adoption of heroic mew ____ ._ Y. 2- 2-L_I___LI. __-._ _.... .._._L_.,. i The amendment to the franchise act, pro- , posed by Sir John Thompson and accepted by the house of commons,ie an Admission that it is not giving satisfaction. ,The fact is that when the opposition attacked the measure and pronounced it 3 failure and I fraud not an Outeri member on the ministerial benches roae in itedefenoe. Why`! 'l`heycouldn t hon- estly justify it. Three of the Quebec mem- bers voted with the opposition. The argu- ments for repeal were strong." `says the Mail o'correspoudent, "And no attempt. was made to answer them." It is only A ques- tion of time until the Act must go. All orders they give ` . Attwheu tn the paper In o of the beat Job olcea In Canada; rapid. yllah and. cheap work: eight improved print 3 presses. All claa as for advertising. uubscripttoty and {ob Mina are nauable in advance ; this The WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG. 3 pages, 56 ~ Jolumns, is published every Thursday morning `L g an ear. Koemvely In advance. otherwise ` 1. w Ibo o amzod. EDW. J. B. PENBE. Pronrlewr. CU V laII'l'lBllI ll-L` I Do For tan : lines, oneor t'wo4,in|embn'a.. .. .0) 50 For four lines, eachhu uent lnnortio\:. . 26 Overjour undo. Int. lnae ion..'.... looperune Eochou uentoonnoout.ive1nl.... Go " Once a ` Iuhooquont . . loo " Twiooa v subsequent Ins. " Three A veek.,|ubeequentlnn......: Go ". Twelve lines to the Inch. ' , Three voohluhuoquenl 1nn....... no . Notions of Births, Marriages snd Deaths 500. enobmnleu when ' book .' when 31 lnohnrded. Spoohl nouns in reading columns Are chara- od at twenty cent; per line for each Insertion. Qlqorn of unincorporated Aaoocintlona or Socieueo will be held personally responsible for they IHVO uocneueo mu no new no andob awn `for (1 !\ vance; I8 ' , III Mdhmvu stood. _ . Tn: B1u1i'l:n Who In bllahed every oven- lng. at 88 King St Kingston. Ontario.` Lb Bl! oouuu PIR nun. 1 . wear. '1'n_B GBSIEII ana m_nsn or our Dress 81:11! Hats a.r_e sunply L_1n- surpassable. and justly entnle _every hat to rank as a work of art m the eyes of all who see and wea_.r them. We have still a few choxcs FURS THE DA1L{r(W%HTiE; AN UNPo15i1L.4 1: MEASURE . REPEAL 18 0433110. EDI TORIA L DIGNITY. GREEIJ 01" CA P1 TA LIS TS. Whig : Telephone, Number 329. CHA NOE OF OUTLOOK. Opifer /nor Orbdrn ANNOIJNCEMENT. ecu , HI . [be cgenmzlt.-)1) In auvanoe oulerwl G` BIIIIV I5. EIVI. II: RA.i'7'r33NBUBY*s LI` Il\1Q- -HIl`_ TIIAU EVER I LDVERTllEM ENTS. _-_ -_- __ L .._alA_- THE` `BRITISH wam. FRIDAY. APRIL 5. lJla.I*lI|?.l:.:'o1|DlO-IIOIIO am not you DO II. M grad? ntlaoumoooh on an v-Ir In dor lotlgnsul pool mggddhu rhhdt off at dol- `run limo mad! 0! nine dhoy vu hoddhur 3901- - Ierlln News `V_- -`_--l--. Dvluu nuwn. V an Vol] dot. d pond ..:- 3429-0: ....:'.','... .... m A :...... Lilo Lhodaublo-honototma dot dot noon. FUI'lIUOIli DC. l'IuI U, CVCKIIII . Mond\y-Pu-hum, morn g; Shnrbot Luke. Alta.-rnoon. Tnoodny-UIo, morning. Wednoodny-0xford Mills, morning; St. George's. `Ottawa, evening. 'l`lIurIdny-8t. John`; Othvn. evening. Fridny- friniyy, Broclvillo, evening. Pacino sum. `.11.. 1...! _-_* l:h::ndny-St.. Jnmo=u', morning; St. John's, Afternoon; St. Paul's, ovonin \'nntI|v-pAI-hgrn mnrn nu! HEA-hnl! A lnrd Wu:-lung lllnlmp. To-morrow sfternoon the Bilhop of Nin- gurn will II'l'iV0 to enter upon o.conrm- . scion tour on behalf ol the Bishop 0! Un- tario. about in England. HI: pppointmonu IVIVIIVV n U: Au. For the present M r. McCarthy hu loot prestige nt Ottnwn, and it is possible that the way to rogvn it is to stick to the prin ciplu he bu taken up And vindicate them in Ontario. At. Ottawa he will be powerless for tome time. Qur new stock is now replete wxth the leaqmc styles of promi- nent mekersm the yanous fashion- able colors for sprm and summer weer. The design an nish of `DI-Ann Rti WA}: are nirnnlv nn- nu-uuuun - uuuu. A high tari in the devil : muterpiece in politics, but it wouldn't. do for the proaclmru to mention thin, as no mmy good Chrintionu are standing in with his majesty on this line. II 1 Toronto World. vunuw-n Klvv n nvco. Hon. J. H. Pope aignnliud his deep re- gnrd for Sir John Mncdomld by bo ing him I haudnome legucy in his wil . --v-o -u nu Ol lawn Fr eo Press. II , I II In nun --uu Hamilton Times. \..-..m-. In the late electionxin England the w`omen hnve been particularly active. They have wielded An immense inuence. They have Affected every election in which they have cenvueed like the men. Critics say they should keep out of the campaigns, that politice are demoralizing. Yes, no they are, but only when they are ueoeinted with prncticea thet nre as indecent us they are illegal. The women so far have gone into political life [to tight for principle. The men, in too many cases, go into it for plun- der. That : the did :-.rence between the sexes, And their relation with the election. Now it transpires that Emin Boy is quite comfortable and happy in Central Africa, And not at all disposed to abandon the peo- ple over whom he rules. He has nothing to commend him particularly to the natives except his good sense and suavity. These Gonenl Gordon had, and with a walking stick for his equipment he set out to regu- late affairs in Khartoum, and failed. The slaughter of Emin Bay is among the possi- bilities.but it is his choice. And so Stanley `I triumphs and trials count for nothing ! 9 I A number of persoiiu have been named as likely candithtes from which to select I sue censor to the late Hon, J. H. Pope in the department of railways. It in no import` nut that a new cabinet deal may hue to be made in order to assign it to one with some ministerial experience. Hon. J. A. Chop- leau is eager for it, but will not get it? As a. kicker" he in 8 success, but as such he has lost favor with Sir John and all chance of promotion. This fact must be very evi- dent to the moat obtuse. Senntor Hoar says, .t.he scholars in poli- tics form the most dangerous close of all." So they do. They will not do as they sre told; they demand the right to exercise their judgment as they see fit, and they don't always use it no the party's ad vantage. The happiest pcnplv are those that take their politics as they In their religion, in all simplicity and faith. disputing nothing, doubting nothing Isn`t it so 3 . . 1.9.1: had he; 31:0; in Bfnoolwo one I"ll`voto. 'Ili'nO. But. he'll out the vote to! Inc." gaaan aa:.alLU\J WILL BE REC]-ZIVEI) by me for the Stock of Wools and Fanov Goods and the Book Debts of MKS. JANE KIRK. of LheCI;y of Kingston. Insolvent. unul r`l{ll)A\'. 12th pril, M, 5 um. Amount of stock. 02.181137 book deblA.NQm.23. R. EASTUN BUR S. Anril uh. IND. Annhrnnn