Ia|dorsinLovPrioos, LIIUIU UI 5* WI. Huum . In rnlltoul ouobm thor tnln dispatcher frequently order: It up. . In place 0! the yellow butwn which ununllyunrmonntu the top nl-the on of B mandarin or high rank. the China In ulm-r ut Wuhlngton we-MB a mugnioont opal u largo u 0 pallet : egg. surrounded by a circle of twd cunt dinnondq. In rnllplull nnnhrn Olin. Ornln :13.-no.-`I... I u-v lI-II 1.! III lvlIUIIIllU- The Dcuronto l`r:'Imne in noting the uv~ rout of the oountprfeitor Page. com to th- penitontlnty for two on-I. say: he In: a mnrrlod man and Inc! on working In tho- rem cots; ..-ml. sz!n.mlml..vmh m um _xy-- I813." "T6r some moqtho he was unnnad :- mnklng 5 machine but would not allow h-- I rpm-tion telling fnlh lint he run making no lock at his own Invention which he inteninl to pstont. It us I pressure scravlu u rigging out. I .-....p-- vuuw upon-we on neneu ole deputation which recently , eltod upon the Government in reference to t e nutter. ' Stetietioe were preeented ehowln that the buelueu done at the port of V oodetock kin exoeee of the: of en} other town where bnlldinge hue been recently erected. Woonsrocx, April 5. -At the regular quarterly meetinlof the Boerd ofTr|de|l0n. letter Wu received from Rev.vJ. C. Fnrthing presenting the needs of I hoepitel in our town end county. A large obmmittee wee appointed to not in connection with the lnlnletere of the town, and it in ;ikely some- thing denite will be done immediately. The mutter of new public building: for the town wu tho dleonued, President John Whih rlnorhd nn helm" nlg (`grunt-IIA- wwn we: use uuonuea, rrosment John White reported on behalf oi e deputation recently waited noon the Gavarnlmmh II ox we Lnneua umperance Act. otice in given that the eighth ennuul meetin of the Canadian Puscic Railway shareho den will be held at Montreal on May 8, and that the meetin will be mude Ipeolel for the pnrpole of `in; Inch Ite II will mske evnileble Ln; legislation of t e preeent session of Parliament respecting the lane of consolidated debenture nook. ox (awning or Killing nun. May 9 is proclaimed u the date for taking I vote in the County of Middleaex on the to A1 of the Canada Temperance Act. niwn that tho eiahth mnuu wylwn Ill rrluloe nnu uermnny. A Droclamntion in iuuod prohibiting the V uuof snares of any kind for the purpose` of catching or killing sh. MAY in nrnclnimnrl no u: Inn: for onla-inn IIIUU D El] 6 C35 Mr. Lupine, M. P. for Montreal Eut, bu ukod the Government on behalf of the Montreal Knight: of Labor to send labor representatives to the Paris Exhibition to Study the relations between labor And capital in France and Germany. nroclamntinn in innnnd nmhihioinn oh. Ladies Cotton Hose, 2 pairs for 256. Ladies Cotton Hose, 2 pair for 250.] nuulnum lHllI3ll(.ll'llDllH!. A meeting of the Freud: on Fu.rmeru' Committee was hold to day. when a com- mittee was appointed to prepme A report, with the aeeintnnce of the Minister of Jun- tiua, and suggest Incl: legislation on will meet the cue. II. I.....'_. \ln L. It _. I n . I mvoruuie conslaerluon in me Iuture. The Government intend taking hold of (`lurk Wallace's (`ombines Bill. Sir John Thompson has given notice that on Monday he will move for the removul of the bill from Public Order! in Government notice. In this case the bill will likely undergo con- } nidornble amendments. lIQA.I'nnr` 5|... L`__....I.. ,- v,_,,,,,_v null uwrnoun In me rullwly uonnrxtteo room of the House of Commons. They asked that the Government grant as gun.rnn- tee of 4 per cent. on $3,000,000 bond: for 25yeerI or I bonun of &2,000,(X)0 for the construction of the bridge. Sir John Mac- domld said that it was not likely the Gov- ernment could afford the desired aid at Freeent, but lint it would bematter for avorable consideration in the future. Tin. llnum-um... :..o-...I 4..I.:.._ L..lJ -t IKJIIlll.IIr,I A lerge delegetion, numbering About seventy pereone, arrived here to-day from Quebec to interview the Government with I View of getting a eubnidy to bridge the St. Lawrence About five miles above Quebec. The Quebec Government have elreedy devoted I Inn: for preparing pl ans and wrveye, end hnve promised togive neeietence towerdl the construction of the bridge if the Dominion Government would comment node the nine. It is understood that the undertaking will coet ebout85,000,- 000. The delegntiou met the Government thin Afternoon in the Railwny Connrittee [OOH] of the Hnllln nf nnmmnnu I`luuv A II; Ir-Mn In-lcgntlon I-`roan Quebee-`l`Io Combine: mu. OTTAWA, April 5. --Hon. Oliver Mowat, who is here attending the Supreme Court, hnd an interview with Sir John Thompson to-dug on matters. Affecting the normhern boun sry. A hr-on rlnlnannn numharina nknnf menu new I la Icy In not correct. Hon. Mr. ope : wealth hns been much over-estimated and it has decreased rather than increased oflnte years. be having it in Mid 1031. 5200.000 since 1578. IV. D. .lVGI- The report that Sir John Mlcdonald had been left a legacy not correct. Hnn. nnn n Irnnlfh has honn nun-M I to the .__..._. The llslate Vnlucd nl 3lo0.000-So Ilequenllnecl to Mr John. O1'rAwA, April 5.-The late John Henry Pope left on estate of $400,000, ubont half in cash. The investments are lnrgely in stock of the Paton Manufacturing Com- pany of Sherbrouke and of the Enetern Townships Bend. _ endowment fund of Ht. Peter : Church, Cdokuhire: 5000 to the High School at Cookshire and $2000 to the Hos- pitalntsherbrooke. Several oid residents are remembered in the will. The bulk of the property goes to hiu widow, his son, Mr. Rufus Pope and his daughter, Mrs. N. B. Ives. 'l`L.. _._-... AL..A 0:. Legacy 1-1- Il'-,I _ IJL.J He irequeltheti $40()0`, ` \Jl'IXlgG 0I'(16l'. On the vote for the goolo ical survey Hon. Mr.I) ewdney detailed tie destina- tions of nicers for the coming season. A new br anuh of work, he said. will be under- taken luy Mr. McConnell, who will prospect i the oil fields of the Peace River terri- tbry. mid Mr. Tyrell will carry on similar work in Lhe,mountnins of Manitoln. TI... 11...... ..A.'........_.: _. u -)n.:I| u,...A.... uwnrueu Inst. nu. Mr (`lmrlton inquired whether it in the intention of the ministry luring the present session to introduce a bill to incorporate the Urnnge order. _ Hnihn vnfn 4'... n... ...,,.1.\..:....1.......... `Ladies Balbriggan Hose, 20c, 25c, 35s __.I An, IIIUHIICUCU. Mr. McMuHon'gn:ve notice of n. srien of N inquiries respecting the contract for the bread supply for C School, Toronto, awnnled last fall. kl r`|.....1..... :......:.__ 1 ...L-u.-._ ."A. :_ n._ AUWUSL wnuerer. Mr John re lletl HIM. I711` goud reason: it had not.` l`h6 contract price was $.3l.5,000. Mr. Lister said he had had a. letter from Messrs Neelon & Mucnub, renponsible umltmctnrn, who had tendered 5% a. lower gure, and uomphnincd tint they were passed over without' reason. Sir John Mid the paper: would be submitted. M- u-u..n-_ --... ...+=.. J A --'-=~-- J Woodstock loving for n llupllnl. Iv - uxwru am: New umagow muiwnyn. > The bridge "over the Narrows` in Car Breton, for which the contract was recent y , uwnrdoi to Messrs. Reid & Isbester, was the subject of inquiry by Mr. List-er, who asked if the contract. hail been given to the lowest tenderer. Sir John replied UuYt"fm- not. CIIIIIOH |_O0nl Up. The House next. went into pomxnittoc of ` eupply in consideration of the estimates for the Intercolouiel, -the Cape Brawn and the Oxford arid New Glasgow Railways. The bridlm 'nvnr Hm Nnrrnun` nt. (`Ann not In mo Iugnsqn uogroo or my me. Sir John funds another plea for the bill, painting out that the srnngemont mention- 5el had no connoeon with the bill. It was At thin tiuxp that Mr. Laurie!` cdllod atten- tion to the fact thnt the time for private bill: had lapsed. We must stand u_ n our rfghtlff he said, glad the_ bi[Lthore on stood dvor. ' KM... ck- ........:A..... ..... ......Iu:- 1.: A_-....l- I500 UV: I Now the corridors are proiic `of dpqculm tion as to what We new arrangement is. and mother long (`-anadiau Pwic, Railway dis- cuuion looms up. The Hausa next want into r\nInn\iM.nn nf 1- -.u.:no.- ~ nan. I`KAIn...'v'."1l'.I Inlrdona upon the country for ontarprbul not in the Ilightqnt degree at my nu. fnndo nlen for the bill. runs Ill u)e,mount.mns OI M.'tnlL0lJI. The House adjourned at 1.301.111 Monday. Page And u: Muohmo. . _._,__A, II! Ladies` Wool Hose from 50 per pair. CAPITAL GOSSIP. MR- POPE`S WILL. A Norrlmwn'wo; *l:a t I mp: or the - I 5:"..' .W'IlIIOI Vang; "elllngoflt moth O nlloforn new stock." and than Ibo iv o procure bornlnt If V ` Heaps of trcublt--ulI' [_f_'_';; Iljoleonu of HIIIOO IIIIOIOI. I - _ } Nuv Your, April 5.-Th grand jury to- day found _wo additional lullctnonn oguinll Iva. Bhyur Illd Wood!!! for an over inane of 7100 dual! :1 thtltpok ol the ('., H. t I). R.R. while cndavclhglogon rououiou of the road. :. r ' 1..., I`. C. II. l'V.l\. VIII rouculou natural in at Irunnondvlllo. Nuouu Fun, Ont. April 6.-A Itock coupon wu formed Int fall,undoi' tho mute the Ninpn Full: Natural Gal `Com y and o,o:-otions were commenced king I Ihsh on the {unit 0! Leonard cluhon in the village of Drum- Inondvlllo. The work llu wood- od slowly but surely. The r ox- pcohtlou won rallied by uulklng uow of go hunddy qnnlng and In: ovonlngsfurtlnr um ywufound with I re of IN po 1: , Iuno l0 loot. Tho compury l|u`krhI:u.lou and will lay ponothotownol hpn hllnnnd borl vlll frhol 1! Id - .';.':-.... ..'::.... " "*' '" IIUIIIIINDTIIII VIIIIF I0! I` In` the coming nnnmo luly Does not lourl ling John. Ron, Anril 5.--In tho Chamber of Deputies to-- my Signor Crhfl, tho Prime Minintor, Itatnd that O o oath of King John of Abyuinin wool onnblo Ibly m oxtond her ponuaion In Slant country. The Government, however, did not intend to be drawn on b the antic? proapeol of .n only oponl. on, and no cl not take notion nnlou it You mg to ho to inhaling u}vnn- e to on Argo t 0 non oooup uly it:`Abyuinin. The Austrian Army IIII Alolicd. Pzsm, April 5.-Tho Upper Home of the Hungnrinn Diet to -day adopted the Army Bill. llalu-elm A lens` Woolen llll Secreted- 20,000 rounds of Wool (`can-ed. Ihuwrronn. April 5.-At 8 o'clock this morning re broke out in Malcolm & Sons` woolen mill in Colborne-street. The fire started in the icker room on the second oor and quick y spread to the third story. The looms and machinery on the second and third floor: are completely destro ed. There was about 20,000 pounds of woo in the store room destroyed also. The ds and machinery on the first oor are ly damaged by water. Malcolm it Sons were insured in the Phu-mx for S6(XX), Royal Canadian (6000, Hartford 82000. The loss will be heavy. Moore's printing oee next door on the first our was damaged by water, loel 350. George H. Wilhe own: one of the store: and I-`.. H. Webling the other. The loss on building is ahout$l50U. Mr. Wilkes is insured in the London and Laneashire for Q`. .500, Mr. Webling 82000 in the Hartford. ladies Cashmere Hose, 25c. 30c, 40c -_j tn- 1-- sun. nnu ur. lirllell ul mmoot--ulrevt luv u frw inchesof Inud be-tween their Idjmn- inc propcrtin. Thu unit nttructrd 8 real dul 1-falcanliun nml pan-and thrnugh all, M noariy all, the courts .1 the Provim.-e. (`aru-r'a 'I'COf` II `l'or-onto. TORONTO, Avril 6.-Alfred E. Carter crime to this city about ll-`~93. He was organ- iat at the Church of the Red-rmer for about two yearn, when lit! lccrliled n almilar posi- tion in St. Juuaa Cailmdral, in which church ho waa married to the daughter of aumu named Playter. who kept a rostaurant In Church-street. Carter said he Iran a Widowi-r previous to thin nmrrixuu. By his second marriage he had twu children, one of whom died of diphtheria, and our the loan of whom he showed considerable grief. He held thu pua'itiuu of organist at St. Janna for two years. durinu which timo ha performed hiw dutic--i III a wry autxafuctury manner. being on ecient player and attentive to hia charge. Ho was novor conaiderod to be immoral, hut waa always hard up and frequently in dobt. Ho always loomed very kind to hia tau-uh . Hia laatplace of roaideucoin town ran No. 11 Hayden-azroot. About five year: am a gentleman of the I-' n.- uatue, Carter, but prexed by John. 3: than nrizaniat at St. Janina. and some por- I0. may get them mixod although it in not K-zolu thus they were related in any was`. M`. John Cart:-r is best known by hia fammn l-- auit. nth Dr. (lraaett of Simoot--atrews not; `A 5-... in:-L... "I l....A `uafaal-an alxnin atlinun. I l{llIl'IrOI' IIIIT, lull III DOUII `IVEII IIUHCI: that hi: present ong omen: would cease at the and of the year ( uly, next), but it. was left 0 n to make Another on agement if he and t 0 church mnnagero oou d agree. uw ner nuumnu Inn cnua depart. MiIs_Gralnun told her mother that the had to go out that inorning to fit a dress and weht to the G.'1`.R. station and took puuge by that road. A: the did not re- turn thnt night uneuinels was felt, but the fact of her flight with the organist was not discovered until the next night. It is sup- Rosed that they have gone to the States. Ira. Carteris left entirely without money, but her greet grief in the loci of her child. Her father lives at or near (ollingwnod, And she ha: I brother residing in Toronto. Saturduy night lut Mr. Carter received his querter salary and had been given notice that hi: nmnnnt nmnunumnnf. would cause at .uIcuI. Lu`: C0 18 um IIUL Leuvr town together. r. Carter took the earl C. RR. trnin for Toronto nd Miss Or am took the G.T. R. expresatn he some lace. The urganint took hillittle girl with im on the pretence of Allowing her to visit u frieudl, and Mrs. Carter nooompanied them to the station and entirely uusulpiciounly IIW her husband Intl child depart. Miss Graham told her mother Thqre seem to have been no auspi- cious that there wu any intimacy "more than the ordintry between the couple until their absence aroused them. The" con la did not leave Carter mu-Iv (`LPR train fnr Tnrnntn ind Ilium uuru an uxuumea reputation. Min Graham is I seamstress, `about 19 or 20 ears of age, was of {quiet disposition. an though pleasant and somewhat pleasing in appearance would not be cc-nuidered in beauty. She being it member of the choir of course met the. org -uist frequently. She also received musical lesson: from Carter at his house, and occaeinnlly he accompanied Misl Graham and other members of the choir who lived moron the river home from practices. But it Appeared only a uatuml act on his part and nothing was thought of it. llfred IL (`aria-r. formerly of II. Jenn` (`ails-lrnl, `ruronlo. and Inn Guiluml Fly lo the Irulml aisles. . Pirrunuoiw, April 5.---Quite I sensation has been unused in wwn by the alleged ebpemen: ofAlfr9d E. Clrter, or mist of St. Andrew : Church, one of te most fashionable in town, with Miss Annie Um- liam, in leading lady singer; of St, .-\mli-ew's choir. The elopement, which took place on Monday morning last, we: by the carefully- laid plank of the principel kept quiet until yesterday, when suspicions having been aroused inquiries were made and the truth clme Ont. Carter came to Peterboro from Toronto last July to take charge of the orgui in St. Andrew's. In the Queen City has had been organist of SL, Eunice` Ca_the- drul. He ' was a married man and hes one child, We girl 5 years of age, and was 5 mm of gentlemenly` eppcamnm, elwnys fashionubll uttired, and bore an luuullied reputation. Graham) in A seamstress. `alumni: I9 or A PETEm3oRo wanauan eou wm-4 THE DANDY or THEQHOIR. `CON l{\\1l'I'l{ TH E ORGAN [ST White Ckeck Muslins, A BRAN Tl7-'(r.')RD BLAZE. MURRAY & TAYLOR S. 4 AMURRAAY&TAYLORl 300 down It Ion than half price. Your choice 50. per ytrd st . In all the newest colors. Silk Gauze Veilinglol-10c. per yard. Spot Net Veil- ingl l`2c. md 150. At MURRAY & TAYLOR'S. mun nlunonl, nun Dl'0W| for 25, worth 400. Fun Ribb n. 5, 8 And loo. For mask and newest colon try 90. .10, 50 and 8c. Murray & Taylor, HOSIERY. Saturday A/ig/7.2` BARGAINS "s'1'}~3?ih'i?.'s'." RIBBONS. T0-NIGHT? Sash Ribbons, ntin bi-oobaed. 9 in. `wide. nr 9.'u~ -nrth In Fgnnv an Qurin FACE VEILINGS. Ladies Collars, M U RRAY 8: TAYLOR S. TauaW4bET For all Makes of Gloves try "176 PRINCESS ST. m mm FOLLOWING Goons; LAC ES. 5.&inhdllh. 8 for We. 176 Street. u, :1 Lu. wuw. Edge Satin bbona in all loi} 'I'i3I"IE}'o't'.'nTa We" 'm.n"' ':"'o;"aL weather and, remarkable to re to, oonnlatn nl nnlv nun van-In 2 WIIIIIT IIII, IUIIIITIIUIC W TUIDIC. WI of only one nno : Th 1: an dung In the An; I: tlo:n.l'o'tho nuMrd'd'::'. ad: any-o cu-u v---cw. we}: -"inst the Eta: Life illllllnol co}:- pany o Hartfmd, Quin. for IIOJKID, was decided In the United State: In retne court. 'N.J., In favour of the plalnti. re. Ward`: (int lnuhand was Mr. Davy. While at the Thoueand Islands. In Angnet. 1881, he was taken suddenly ill and died. There wan an innuranoe upon hle lilo of IIOJXXJ In the Etna company. which the latter refused to pay. alleging that he died from exceedve nee of liquor. The oaeahu been pending in the nennelnr Illhkxnarn. Llmjury uuom lteen mlnutee when they returned with a verdict In favour or the plainlil for the amount 0' the lneuranoe and lntefeet, which amounts to about Il5.000. 7 -I MURRAY & TAYLOI-TS {.I.}7'BL'EJuEl17iE3ZF; a} of Europo and America. medicinal plants of the hi ha: virtue. Mr. Warner is I man 0 sfdn. ofwonlth. culture. And the highelt Ihndlng in his own city and throuuhongt the Silk. Ell churne- tor in the but nuinteo of the md excellence of h I rnnninnd r$uI|:n_ which t;:in"t`l:o'l').;;t--1'1-;|"i'n't.-e; 3! W-EH excellence of h I rcnownod ho. which mm: ha fnnnnI'in AI;Al" l.nInA: (`Ilia nrnrn [ excom-nee or nu rgnownea rimcuu. wmcu ` may be t'ound in every Int-clan dnig new of Ru Inn: and Amnritn puuplci. ' He has now lnborntorien and warehouse: In the United States not only, but in Cana- da, Englnnd, Germany, Anltril. Australia, And Burmnh. Hi! p rstloul moot the re- quirement: and etfoct u cute ol 3 vnriety of dilcnu. And are 311 compounded from the hoot Mr. IVA:-nnr in A mnn n AH-In, nl -null}: LIIU IOIIU. Sickneu is one of the legeciee of life, and yet every ill that Ieeh in hair to has en emi- dote in the laboratory of nature. Hon. H. H. Werner, of Rocheeter, N. Y.. resident of the Chamber of Commerce of t Al city, was I few yurl ego stricken with kidney dieeeee. which the physician declared in- curable. In this extremity I friend recom- mended to him A veqeteble preperetion now known throu hunt the world an Wen ner'e Safe Cure. e tried it end we: quick- lv reetored to perfect health. The incident led him to begin the manufacture of the wonderful preparation, end to make its merits known in All tongues end emonsl all poo lee. A hAI nnw lnlunrnfnr-inn nnrl I-en-ohnnnnn `lit llul cone. Tho I may editor bu method the {old n-Inn $1` [0 nnlg: On CL. -.-...-b n-... ILICB. True, the doctor in often I necessary though expensive visitant of the fnmily cir- cle; nevertheless pure end well-tented re- modiee-like Werner`: Safe Cure-kept. on bond for use when required will be found n ` paying investment for every household in the land. Qlnl.-.--- 2- A.` AG AL. I-___2_- _I lit. -_ I IIIUIITCIIX ICU` `-'-'CO Tho unit of M. Ads Dov` Wand. of Oi- ngo, opium: unnnoo emu- II.-ol.-4I I`...-n `nu Clllllli .....- 4-nuv-nu uvvuvvnu IIIIIII Munynltruggling family has I it can. do to keep the wolf from the door, without. being called upon to pny frequent and exor- bitnnt bills for medical advice and attend- nnrun See our Special Line at 76c. Ask for our Guarantee Glove at 4- g- l P`` , wane u upruu ouler uiuuu. C. T. Ritchie, President of the Local Government Board. announced that the Government. usenlod to the appointment of the commission, believing that An inquiry would dippel the doubts L: to the valun of unm-.in;I.inn, floylv-perlnl Cover:-out Io Appoint I fonlllulou at Inquiry. Lmvoox. A til 5. -In the Home of Com- mon: today 1-. Picton (Lib.) moved the appointmen: of A commission to inquire into vaccination. He contended that vuccunm tion wu an uncertain roventive of mull- pox, while it spread ot. er diuuu. C. T. Ritchie, Prnnivhmi. nf thn Lm-nl Annual Il'|IorI--8aII-nlnnclory I'roe|u-cu for the turret! Yelr. Losno.\'. April 5.-The Grand Trunk report was issued tonight. The di- rectors report that the unsnt sfactory result of the put half - yenr`s working wee due to the causes describe.l by Sir Henry Tyler at the general meeting hut October. They especially point to the fact that the average fare per senger and rate per ton were lower in 828 then ever before in the history of the company, except 1885. Many of these causes have now ceased, wholly or partially. to operate, and the compeny'e receipts are showing each week [a satisfactory increase, with fair prospect of improvement in the res- eults u regards I profit for the current vent. N -. --- v-.-- - Tho bad: no Iwdllm And In the M10 tho Tho` the [I10 ru ll. In-ncllmn I In Illlll mi`. AMI ll llc nut tho 0 ll. breathes u no ulna TCIIISUIU H8 3. After the regular primaries were broken up they were continued in the midst of groups of the opposing factions. Two l).:nmcrati.- city ticke(s,.and two Democratic uzuulidatea in est-Ii ward will be the result. The condition of the policennn who was struck with the lead pipe cannot be1eti- nitely ascertaiiied. IIILII. Small ghts were of consunt nucurrmnce. A dozen men are reported seriously if not fatally disalnled. The fuctionnl feeling run: IO high and the disturbance in so great than it is almost impossible to secure full and reliable news. An. A.` .__._..|,_ ___:__._.2,- ,,_,, , I, I, fatal. LHC puucellhm. While this wu trnnspiring, in another ward es pu'.lr'em,&n emlczwored to make hi; way inm the polling place through :4. slloml next dunr. He was choked by the propri- etor until hllck in the face, thrown over the bar and kicked into the street. In nnothvr w.-n'nl a. policeman hntnered a nun ovcr the heiul, inflicting injurieu which are reported L`_.__Il 13-] A. ,,, _._ ,l , . 1 `Irate! rar`lleiiI.1-`lull Between Glevelnnd and "III" lacllom nl lfuhoes. Atnsw, April 5.---Cohoes has bean in the. hlnda of a Democratic mob ell day,'.a_nd to- night the cnnditionof affairs is unhenged with drunken hruwlers and excited adherents of the two Democratic. fictions still excitedly discussing the situation. 'l`be,Democrnl.ie primnries to nominste supervisors, Aldermen end a city ticket were held today. On the one side was the (`levelaml following direct- ed hy D. Cudy Herrick from Albany with Postmaster Lurkin and ex-(`ounty Clerk Ls:-kin in iunnmliatecoxllmand. On the other side was the Hill following iii:-ectexl by Edwsrd Murphy, jr.,from Troy with Mayor Gtreide in immetliate commend. The riot- ing was conned to three of the wards In the other two the Lerltin regulars `had things their own way, and nominated their men by msjorities of 4 and 7. In the other three wards violence was the rule. The `Llrkin men hurl the inspectors. the (iarsiale Ineu had the police. ~S0i8 llmn A n nun n` Hip nnli:-tn mini. meu mm me pouco. I -Some time I 0 one of the police cum- missioners was "induced" to turn the force over to the control of the mayor, who turn- ed out the old force and formed on enircly new one. The police were preueut It. the polls, in force. Civilians sworn in as specials were left in control of the station house. In one of the wards After the regu- lars had admitted the watcher of the otl|..-`r side to the polling place one of the .pnlice endeavored to force his way in. He was warned to desist, but persisted, and with a sledge lunnner batte-real down the door. He was struck on tlxc head with a lead ipe. A hole was cut through his chee in stuggiwiiig back covered with blood he fel outside the polL Then the riot begun, pistols. l(ni\`rs and clubs were used. The ballot ho). \\`aLs smashed and both sides claimed the victm'_\'. No one was fatally injured except, possihly, the policeuun. \'\'l|ile this was 9.:-nniniu-u'nn in unntlmv 4 Button Kid Gloves at 60c, 7_c luonranoo -III IIIIIU. .,n\n._ A1. I\,.__ II__J VACClNAT|0N'S VALUE. A non: Doctors` BIIII. no 1 -I u HELD BYA Howuna MOB. ._:-- THE GRAND TRUNK. |' IlllIOI' [IX IICIIV` Itnfu-no $110 I ramnrinhln In an a II` II CK [F010, 0 Mn! dun. ru blow. me o the spring. THE BRITISH WHIG. sA1u_R1)AY Armm. ; I lllll L .....1 wnuvu . IIIIIIWII III! and been UWIII tout vhid would Impose fughpr KID GLOVES. -uvouru Va c;rnunuwI'oIlt;l `limit! ll lugthoa on po 0pr.IIlll\ thorwith the blrohfom tho Home at when Nhlnvu tint had been ton` ilnld fughor ,,,.,,._ . Sir John rupllod briey glut. the Gonn- mnnru coming down with the whole 37..'.`:;'.'n'.'.i'e"u'..$"s`s' .1'.7:",'.2`.".`1 "....,m ""' 1.72 Mr. Hill: Inn took up the enquiry, and hwlnt 81' John Iubu neatly nylod I Iootnro on mmtltntlmn? luv Innkn n -wnu cu" om: Iuulo nontly luv oath in it 1 m. ..:... .53.. :.:":.* unv uuuv Ullv ul cunu ulu uppouuon KIM] Cid _"`i" `FL 9.5% Jud new Ila. Eluffosf mi whst t. 0 new url |ngo- meat with the Csnsdhn Psoio Rollvny mum. A Iflllllll In Sir John replied quietly that the Govern- ment had come to an arrangement with the Canedinn Peoic Rlilwnyu | rogult og which jhe Government would use that the ro"od'froIn Huvey to Salisbury would be completed _ Mr. Joneq: When? Sir John Meodonnld: "Oh, juet Al early u oonvenionti Tomorrow perhupe." Mr. Jonee lookin duhione, Sir. John .dd.`d that it would "nut early day." The bill wee about to be adopted by the committee, Mr. Jone: beina eeeminglyggm. lied to withdrew hie obection. but durin e the limo bit of cluuf t oppumon h nriched nn their nu e bit. uni nnm M. u I V will vuncn sue opts 01 nova booun had `av ed to bo rendy I condition between the Government And the Cunndinn Puic Company. This mining link, it. maybe ex- lninod. in deligned for the benefit of HAH- nx and by the building of I20 mile: of rod thnt city will be made 14 miles closer to tho outern pl-ovlnoeu. Mr. Jonel Announced that he would pron bl: Amendment unlou there was a promlu that the road would be built either by the oonxpsny or the Gov- ommont. oz- t..u._ ___u-,a ,...:..u.. .L_. .., II uuu muunuuury, wnwu us cuumod Ind been romiud b the Government, and the build- E30! Whit.` the oplo of Nova Sootln had 'oved to ` 4].. l'\.....__.__.._; -._J `L- n,, :- votes or (W0-l.I|u`Cl`l OI we shareholders. Hon. A. G. Jones then spoke in raferenoo to the amendment of which he hsd [inn notice. mmin it It` condition of pusin the bil that 5 nuoient nmtinb of t on bonds to be iuued' under it: uuthofit should be not I art for the conltruction o 8 line betwneq nrvey and `Salisbury, which he claimed had been \ nromiud bv tha Gnvarnrnnnt Arul oh. h..:IA, WUIIL IIIIU UOIIIKHIKJCUA Mr. Kirkpatrick, the promoter of the bill, oorud ul amendment, which pnued without oppouition, to the effect that the bonds m' ht. bo iuued on the authority of two-thir I of the votes of the Ihnreholdera, not an the bi|l lay: on the authorit of the votes of two-third`: of the aharehol era. "nu A (1 Jnnnn 6|`-.. .....l.. :_ IIIBICEIU Ul ITUHJ IJIUIWI. The Canadian Pm-iti `Railwny Bill, lev- erel times reached on order paper and us often put otl to it more convenient sea non. came before the Hmise this evening gt the opening (If the hour allotted for ri- vnte bills. After IQ hours talk .Ir. ` Laurie: called time and the bill had to stand over. The first objectionto it was rqiud by Mr. Edger. who chimed shut it leuened the security of the Government furita nu-entee of the interest on the $l5.000,&D loan. Sir John Macdonald answered him with the It-atemcnt that the Government had ample security in the land: end earnings, and then the House went into committee. ll- I4'l-L--L_..I- AL- _,_, A D -I Fancy Handkerchiefs, y nuuwu were ouucurreu IIL ` The Home then went. into committee `of supply, taking up the` rnilwn npproprim tions. With reupect to the {:1 Railway it was held 14' some member: on both sides that it woul be in the interests of tfuet road to br._n1sn|ged from Moncton instead of from Ottawa. l`I...1`........|.'--. l)..'. `. D_:.___,,, nan _ tercoloninl ` UUHCCI. ' The bill to amend the Fisheries Act was read a second time and considered in com- mittee on motion of Hon. C. H. Tupper. - The bill prohibits the use of seinesfor catch- ing salmon in nrertnin streams which the tish n-cend in large numbers on their way to the apownin grounds. Objection was taken by Mr. Kir, Mr. Ellis and others that this legislation was in . the interest of the rich man--the y sherman-` sud agninst the interest of the man who shed for I living. This kind of legislation , said Mr. Ellis, is what makes socinlism throughout the country, And he proposed to divide the House upon the bill on the third remling. Tho Hang! l ..u.Imnnfu on 04.4 hill -4.. Ull LIIC uuru TCIIIHIIK. The Senate m;..~ud:nent.a to the bill re- specting rules of court. in relation to criminal matters were concurred in 'I`|.- Um... ck-.. ....... :.. 4.. -__..__IAA_- `-2 HIIKCIHFIIL WOIHU U? H51. He proposed at the earliest, opportunity after today to put. upon record his opinion :5 to the risk we have run in connection with the Ionn And the probable conse- quencel. ' Thu iii In Arnonri Hm Fiche:-inn An! wnu IIIG YGlIglIC|Ill'lII: Ullllfl f`*| Ill|U Hy l'lll' [)lUI!l{'L" ins W42! unlimited unul stipnlutell a. sinking fund of IO per cunt. per nnnnm. As to the nrgumcnt that the sunk lnml actually lueen bought luck at a lo price, it was A well- known fuot that nfacr u large loan such IS this \vu.~1 placed there was always A large qunntiiy of it lying loose upon the nmrkcts for the first six or eighteen months, and it would not be until the rtock came into the hands of permanent iuvdtnri, wno realized we position in which the (iovcnnnent. hacl placed thcnxselves. the: the elle t. of the ar- rangement would be fe.t. Hp nrnmuml at tkn muwlinnt. nnnnrtunilu Ha` Ill lIUk'CIHUUl'- ` As tothe oxhzuutxun of the Inanbeforo its nominal tern.-inuti `I: that p:m_.ihilily up- plicd to mast Ulllvl` nf our stock: as weH. In his opium there was nugrunml for u.la1'm or for `pn i'nle (-n|1leInn.n`.im1. He did not think this --uuld pmsilyly prm'c I uu unre1mInex'u'tI\1-, mm, bu; l:clie\`c(l that it could nil! be clninu,-1 to be the best yet made. u:.. h:_L...) zx_.,,, ~,l,. :__ ...,,I,, 1 1 u .- maue. Sir Richard (`artwrint in reply held that the unqagcnu-nt enter:-I imo Ly I-i:1'[)rInpo.`c W4.-I unlimited .~m.l slilml:.tm1.L sinking VIU CID IIUL (`IF lgkfll HI lllly 3I.UL'I\ \\ HICH w;u'unreuao1mln'_\' nppm-`iaic-1. `It was iI|disp:1t;1h.y :llI:1:l\'u.X1f.'lgI,'trI buy frnm our awn stuck 1-~-'..u.~'e llmru was nu iucnme tax to lw 1}.-nil upon it, an lhbre was upon other stock Ia.-`ll in England. Hf the stock issued for the l\\\' loan the Cmvcru . ment lnul been bu_\'in; ~ill\'C July I last, and far from having found II to In: unduly up- prccinted they hzul ':41'l';]!2 at u lnwr price than Vrns re eh-ed fur it. Hue purclnsse price has ruuged from U4 5-16 in August to 922 in Decenxbcr. An tn Hm nvh-.n.h..u nf II. In... \uJ..yn uur 1 per (`H1 as high as H45. Th-- [In loan uuly c'urru.-Ll out In \"Lou:-I years, Hlullggh p-~:-5 I little mot: t`,\'pCII. nu. ..~...... ..... ..V . .1 o my-_ Jain llaodonnlcl Annumi-en Tlml Ila Give!-nmrnc llnn nude in No-w Arrungr 1 nun Will: the 1`. I'.~l 40r1".w'.o, April 5.--~In the Honaq` thin afternoon Hon. 0. E. Foster, Minister of Finance, made the 1-.\pl:um.tion promised Sir Richard Curtwrighl reaper-tin_,' the: ra- cent loan. The z-ritiu-mun mode by Sir Rich- ard hnd, he said, mgr-zhcr with the pars- gmph in the pros )0:-'.n.~, been carefully con- sidered by llimleliziui the oicem of his departmeiifftiiml the-_v hzui found no cause `for Alarm. 'l`hcluans-preceding this hzui sinking f1I11d|,attu<-rnul, and to nlTseL these loans $2,000,()U >pcx-your had to bi: set OpIl"i,illlLi investo-I. The (.`m'crnn1cnt were pi-eciudmlf:-.nu l\1.\`i:-.3 the stock of companies because of 1. c risk n.Lta.ched, unel, municipal dehenturvx and Government shtick: have often tmm be refused. The cnndit onsufcm.g..l,l wcle such that the (Government could uwl buy them. Fm` 3 long period then-i<)m nc haui in\'c;-Lori in mn- nwn stocks.` The pin :}.o-:t'."..ics of other loam czslle-ml for the |.x:'ch.'i.se (-f stocks held above par ului last year we bought out, of tun: aiiI'v(ill,:' fund nnr 4 nm- m-ni. ufnnlr h..l.l Children's Ribbed Cashmere Hose. For all kinds of Hosiery at lowest prices Mn. FOSTER AND SIR R1CHARD-DJS- CUSS [TS TERMS \ TALKIN G ABOUT Tll Ii pncu. I-up Hy pigml to buy 3 AnluI'm:i;Lh-.1 LIIDHUHIKWCUII. h.y an mlvu.x1mgr,- to 1; ml -`:I C.nvc1'u~. in; mi to uualuIyqp- luv! -112. at :1 lnun-r nrn-A n ;tlmL l). l|.\)i[y w!` |.`.. ..,... 1-... , "U": Bl-UK. IIVIWI Il`4N;7C.".l1S()f the 1533 no unnlitinxxzanf pra- :-.`mp.x the pledge vrn "uh by "this ciiumo U) `HIV Mn:-L" \l"|il'lI UIXIS L'AlllI'1U stock which ELQAN II` U ht-M _ Iuuu MURRAY & TAYLOR'S. `