Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Apr 1889, p. 7

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35 In JUIULVLIYT V7 ZIVLI-L ` 8`! I138 W. l. BMI1` . Wolllnctun sum om ouwu Hot n am. New llnftvvod Much of Culling. Ithont not of pa 'orn uuiht In one tiny. Druumnkuu. etc. Al wot wu-nulod. _ IU WOOII. Chen. Rurwuh. of Picton. skin disease affected forehead. ecelp and can ; got in dried up onge, but broke out spin. 4 months` trebtthent at home failed to remove | IL. May 1887 he vlnlud Detroit. and took 0 treltlnent home with him. It laud three month: and completely cured him. Now '89 and no din of it re: peering. Spent over 8510 try In; to cure t. We cured it for one-lth that. It will never coet I cent for our treatment it it return: epln. Hundred: of the man wondeful cm-an are vmursuwu wnen I young man. Min Eva M1.-Hugh, of Brockville. Ont... had an eruptive dinue on eyelids, treated for nearly I year I! Brnckvillo And Kinn- nmn, wan Gully cured by Dr. Kergnu in I0 weeks. I`)... D.._.__-L -1 n,-,-,, ,Io I Mn. Wm. '[`.. Nnpnnoo. Ont. Cue No. 9,374, of 1883. Cured of cancer of the breast. without use of knife or pluter. H. S. H Of Kinatnom nurml nf an sf. uncut. wunoun use 01 [mm pluter. H., of Kingtnon, cured of an af- , faction of the skin, the results of disease ` contacted when I young McHuuh. nf Rrnnlnvilln nr ..r...._ uI-\r .~ nu Inlnallll-I THE WORST (IASIC coming under our cure, and one that received the wont treet- ment It the heads of "Family Doctors." I Mr. Geo. Heine, olCli'ord, Mich.. H. we: treated for Consumption end then Kidney Disease. Finelly, despairing be applied to us, end, wonderful to any. alter rem slning at our institution one month. returned home neerly well. Dylpepuie and it: wont oom~ plicetiona ceueed All the trouble. Mr. H. continued treatment About three months and wet completely cured. v uunrluwi ll uaver returns. 8. P. Orr, of So. Duduwell, P. Q.. re- cently wrote u: ``I feel I thousand times better thnn '1 did four weeks :10." Mr. 0. will receive I derfect cure for Dypepcin And ` Hnbitunl Conztipnion, accompanied lay a whole train of band symptoms. Hundre I of cpeu like his in Kingston. TUL` \l`nDu`I` I`LL`I.` ___,2_,, , 1 y wuuouu uencnn. , Jno. 0 Briun, A well-known renidont of Bank St... Ottuu. I dreadful Infferor from I Chronic Dyspepsia, cured in three months. Dyspeplia cured to stay cured by Ill ; will ozunrnnteo it never return. H D n.. at u.. n...I-.....II o n _- y uuu. urlponu. OI LVIODIIBII, employed by a the L'ltendarl, midu at No. 190 Gay street, cured in three month; Cause of srouble-Ulcention of Stomnch and Bowola. Before I plying to u trgnted for Dypepnis without gnnot. I-.. nvn_:__ - .....n |_____ _.u._. -1 rewrnnurg. n:uon., muzemu, contracted Lung Disease during the wet time. then 1 young man. but returned homo broken down, declined into connurnption in '79, had severe! bleedina Ipelle, given up to die, but saved by Dr. Kerg|n-Now '89 end in ex- cellent health. penuucou pnyucunn. J. H. Bukerville. of Orillia, cured in less than three month: of comumption. After six of the bent doctors in thnt vicinity pve I him up as "Incurable." I. D. Rnnrdmnn A nrnminnnt nnw-nnnnr Private Brands for the Jobbing Trade a specialty. ` Pntnl-nhnra in}: Illl up K "incurable. I. D. Bourdmun, 1 prominent nowlpcper mam of Miohi III (now Em riewr and oditor .1 .o.`..\ .u...o.....o-.l uresa ll 04 Uflll mver am, uetrolc. John Goforth, of Mnrukton, Ont., cured in two month: of conlumption. After being pronounced Incurnble" by honest but inex- perienced physicians. ` J. H Rania!-villa nf nu-illin ours`! in I..- _. -. ..-............, - ...... ..-.... .......,...,~. (nowr ro Peeeruburg. ioh., rd din), contnctod Lump Dianna rlnrina that wgr rim. than . I .-.u A4l.I|4LV\/IZKJ. Hnrvoy McKennu. the champion billinrd- int 0! the world, wall-known in Canada, was cured during the summer of '88 of consump- N tion by Dr. Kergnn. after being sent home N from Wuhingoon, D. (3., by Dr. Hnmiltnn. to rlie-now enjoying good health and fol` lowing his profession. His rnunent ud- dresa is 57 Grand River St., etroit. lnhn flnfnrth, nl Mu-nhrnn nr mu-ul Joe. Drepeeu. of Montreel, employed by he L'llendarl. reside: At No. 199 Gay -"REFERENCES. REFERENCES. WHOLESALE CIGAR MAN UFAGTURER 1 145 to 151 St. Maurice Street, _ -_--_' wvu I have tested its curative power. in my family, many times during the pun thirty years. and have never known it to fail. It will relieve the most. serious affections of the throat and lungs, whether in children or adults." - Mrs. E. G. Edgerly, Council Illus, Iowa. Twenty years ago I was troulylod . r,.wiLlin'1l`isense of the lungs. D0('l(lI`N aordeul me no relief and. comiderml my case linpelesn. I then be an to use Ayer n (.`hrry Peotnral. an . before I had nislu-d one bnitle, found relief. I continued to take this medicine until :1 cure was effected. I believe that Aye:-`.4 Cherry Pctoral saved my life."-- Siun1ielGi-iggs, Waukegan, Ill. um I-vnnv-n nrvn T ...~...o......c...l .. .........,. MONTREAL. v C I PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell. Mass. Sold by I Drugglsle. Price-81; nix boulu,Qb. -uuuuu.,_ V. Ibo, u uunpguu, nu. Six vears ago I contracted aaevers cold, Wlll("| settled on my lungs and soon davulupml all the alarming symf. toms of Consumption. I had a coug I, night. sweats. bh-edin" of the lungs, pains in chest, and sides, and was so Erustrau-. as to be conned to my ed most. of the time. After trying various pre.~u-riptions, without benet. my plnyslciml nnllv deterininud to gix nu ma A_\'er`sv(`lnerry P(`(`l()r&l. I took iv, and the ell`:-vt. was magical. I seexnoul lu rally from the first dose of this nnedicine, and, after using only thrma bottles. am as well and sound as ever." - Rodney Johnson, Springeld, Ill. Ayers gqgfgheihial, Oustoms Injuries. nnnrlhnd Inn n Hntnnl lnnanun n...n. EEAID-'Inu.-ma-s'rnPs N ndonlt undue toooln Btaullpl . Stencil: at to Order. N KING B"'.. WEST. TORONTO. ONT. ` ABINTI WANTID. J. M. FORTIER. Av LIUIIIIU. Lac- I consider Ayer's Cherry Pgctoral n " most important remedy ```&-I have -un7e'hm [or years from a bronchial trouble `that. whenever I take cold or Mr; exposed to inclement weath- or, shows ltaell. by 8 very nnnoylug ckllu `sensation In the throat am by dilllcn ty in brenthin ` I hnve tried I great many remedies, ut mne does so well as Ayers Cherry Pectorll `which alwavn gives prompt re-lief ln returns of my old comrlnlnt - Ernest A. Hepler, Ins ctor 0 Public Roads. Pariah Eer- rn nnnn, Ln. Cough meahrinen, A3-`ar'sb Cherry Peo- ` tum! lu_in grczncr demand than ever. - .\'u preparation for Throat and Lung Trouble: is so prnmptin its effects. 30 agreeable to the taste, and so widely known. as this. It in the tunily medi- cine in thounngh\ol households. F6: _l_-Alomie Use_. Best of /-W THIS YEAR'S A!33fssTC<*_s9'PLEf II: II - AVIIICII IAIIIIIUII IJUIIIIII '81 Ebb Holhorn. London. W.(`. n: I com]-`er the hrhtla tooth hrual -sEE- I have no holllmlon In Iaylng that |'uy one who uses It for one week will never go back to the old bristle bnuh with In Avlandun whorls: of hgone mm... and constantly won ed guns.- I- dthfslly yourl. am:-uv Eur:-In. Dental surgeon. For Info by All dr_uu-[inn Al wh0IoInlo by Ls nu, Knox & Co. A Mon- uunl. Manufactured y the Honey Ilunuhw tulnn 00.. mm. N.Y. luulutnmn '- (PROVINCIAL. )ox&suma: '-I all kind: of J You brought [it back! In acclaimed. You bxought it hock! he cxclnimod; ` "you!" For 3 few mintel `the wounded lieu- ` tenant looked down at the slight form of thnwomnnwhowoodbdonhimlntho lllllilnht I in MI n1-In Innn Inland- UIICK ll(.'l'Ef' " brou ht it back " she replied, Inw- ering her cad under his persistent gaze. jg ` uuun nu. ulc nurses run ll\\'8. .' "The horses rxm away!".he sand, staring wonderinfgly for the first time at the prett , w lite face that was raised to his. \\'-E, but-why--how did the stage get back here? not l..........l.A u L...I. ..|... ._._u-_1 |-_ niwr u. M-('ul1u uose OI wnnstiy nnu Walt`! ho commenced to improve ra vidly. She bound another cloth around his head. The f(`llII\V with the rifle did tliat. he said. Tlmt is what l:nn('k(`d me otf the bux. It`s only :1 graze,-hut it was a mirht_\'('l0sc call." Then he struggled to his feet nnd looking around saw the stage. They didn't get the box, did thov?" he cried eagerly. "1 don`t know,'sho said. takimz up trunl. Mnuntnol ured by til-Ina 00.. Uncut. umv?" he cried eagerly. : know, ' she taking 11 her baby and bushing its crios. I don t think so. The horses ran away." I'I`lm l.m....... .....-. .........v9 I... ......a ....-:..... gruun. Her fear was dispelled by the sound of his voice. She found the spring, and. lling his hat. let him drink. and bathed ~ his face and head. He revived at. this treatment.and. again sitting up. took out his knife. and naked hortocut his sleeve off. lam lusing blood terribly from my arm." he explained. She hrzwelv but trembling] did as she was told. `When she lm cut away the h4Illk("(l cloth and bared the nmssivennn, ho hol we-d her to im rovise n. tourniquet with liis liazidkvrcliiuf and 11 piece of stick, and the bleedin was sto Ipvd. After 11 x~`A*(`()ll(l dose of Vigllslij` and `alter ho (`mnnwnmnd tn imnrnrra rnnitllv Sim lll'l l.l.ll ll HUM`. DIM.` Ill mu IHH ll('l|.(l HHU wurod the raw whisky genonxusly down Iis throat. He responded with u groan and a gasp that frighn.-nod hcr anew, and than struggled to a sitting posture. "Water!" he cried, for (Bods sake. wutrr! Then, as 5110 lwsitatt-<.l. he c0n- ` tinuod faintly. my hat. Tlu-re`:-4 a spring an-r thvrv," and lay down with nnntlwr IVI`l|i'II\ wwumunwno Iwosl ncxonmmmtno Ioonllght. Veiled In her own Ian black air. hon, us he realized what a a had mn lln hunk n hi: ha} and l`l`l\V\I\1I4I it ` .her perch. and, starting at (-very sound, llltllll. IIUISEU l-U\\'}1fU IHU Cilll U11. The moon had lit up the Vicinity of the scrub oaks by the time the stage moved slowly hack on the scene. All was silent and deserted. Suddenly the horses snorted and shied at a mass of blue cloth lying in the road. The woman turned the team to one side and drove it against some trees. Then taking her baby in her arms she crept down from stole her way to the prostrate form. It was the driver's face which she uncov- ered. as [zlinstly white as her own, and smirc-lied with blood and dust. Then she slipped her hand under his coat and laid it 0\`er his in-mt. It was still heat- ing. Hurriedlv she srarclied his pockets forthe ask that he had used in her service but a {ow hours lvofnre; it was her turn now. She lifted his head and n.unnn.l rhn I-our u~l.iul.vu "nun-..u.olu An...-. ur. Juvu, I18 I10 teuuueu want we nna no. he took 91! his hat and dmppgd it ` (Hit! in no Izuvn IIHU l.u:ll n\\ llll lX`:l;;(`(l)'. `rho lll()|`.L`_'lll. with n sliudtler of what might be there. (lead or living. in the moonlit road or in the blackness of the bu: In-s. She wondered what had become of the driver. Was it his body that she had H't'll fall from the stage? He must: be tlll`.(`l' dead or wounded; perhaps he w'.`..~i onlv wounded. She would send l):l('li help instantly from Pack City. But when she decided on the direction she still hesitated. The recollection of that tall. hroad shouldered voting driver, who l::1d been so kind and courteous to her, persisted in obtrnding itself on her mind. Perhaps if he was only wounded he might be dying now for want of a little hel . He had helped her in her need, helliad helped her baby. In com- mon humunity ought she not to go back to his assistance? Was it not cowardly to take the stage and desert him? Long- ing to go the other way and weeping h_\'sterieall_\'. she nally turned the re- luctant. horses toward the canlyon. up iiemltv the HCHL Illill, HIM) VVUS HUI; lgU()ru11[ (?[ (lrIV- i12;;. hhu Ixclxlllw lines ti dwhip like thv amateur drivers of th New York (`out-lxiu_-: clubs-. 'Ihe> horses had been 11-.sl\ c during those prolonged prepara- liuxzs, uml tlu-V bturted'otf 1'11-el_\' at her lin1umu:; wu1'Cl. And now the distraction of driving ::I1(lIl1<':4t11st' of motion diminished her tirst ,v:l::1-ally horror nml 1'0 laced it with mr\uu.~av.;vit,-umut. She md no (lilti- vullv in (Ending the road. the horses took lu1`\.;u-I: In it. \\'l.u-1) (~ll(`- renclled it, ll0\T('\'(`l`. she .~1upp<*d tn lunk urouml and `dvtv|'xuim- \\ hich \\':~._v lvd to Pack (`ity. IL uuuld Iv l'ri,-;l1t1'ul to mulw n mistixkc and driw lrnvk into that zxwful tx`u;,;uly. 11l()l`.'_'hL with n Shn(Mm' of u-lmt mu uramc. .m:r utuc IUCL mu not rencn me ulaslx bu.-ml, but rested on some sacks of, l~::rl.-_\' that filled tlu-fu1'w:11'(l hoot. In lhi:; tax It'_\' she made a nest for the baby. Wlwu :;h.: was ready to start. it was evi- dent llmt xslxc was not ignorant of driv- i1w_ Hm Iwhl llw lilwsl snlnl \\'lIin liL-n Ihirlil vh'atT was am? She - tore `her veil from her head, and with it came her hat. Great masses of blac hair fell- down her shoulders, and a w `to. oung face` shone out in the moonlight, lovely even in its terror. The noise was but the iping of an insect, bntit: sounded like a distant shriek. Then the wind stirred the dry buffalo grass, and it seemed to the panic stricken woman as though it was the voices of men pursuing. Her ` hair arose, and all the blood in her body rallied in her heart. She would have ' fainted had it not been for the wailin of tlitfdependent baby in her arms. W at should she do? Her tirst impulse was to run from what might he belnnd her. But her feeble limbs failed at the sight of the wide plains and obstructinp: sage brush." If shecould but get upon the stage and drive. She went to the horses nnd `spoke to them. One of them whinnied in reply, and that encouraged her. She crept be- tween them. talking to them all the time in trtmbling, |,t-seecliing tones, and got the lines out from beneath their hoofs. Then holding the reins and the baby in one mm, she scrambled on to the wheel, and f rem there to the driver`s seat. Evcrytltiiig wnsso big, the lines, the seat, the brake. her little feet did not reach the .....I.. ..l' .1....|. |...e I`I)&'AA1` . ' '1 HUI Holhorn. London. W-C. Gentleman: connI"er thohriltlo tooth brush in Louuworin nu Hula measure for we re- walng gums around the neck: of the I. am no mnavnntly hronlht to our nouoo. After uno- roughly leqllng tho 4.4-4 The Johnwn Stage. By nonmrgowa rjnnronnn. - moi nnmsn wmn. s \'I_"l_I_IDAY.` APRIL 6. unu 191:} wruu name ul mo aurrupa. The English rule for country riding and the park alike uh-es a gentleman to ull up and u may. it alone. at: wu k. whether 9 be on toocot-on hono- lnnk_--Hnrnnmnnnlnln fm Wnmnn I/U HIUS IJIU IP15- It looks well to see a lady cantering bvsidesgentluman who is trottin . but tho reverse never 8L`L`l!18( ui_u_~ mm to groom ` "I thfiiiiiffy` f6p'h6o for are by no means do riguour. and under many circumstances would savor more ufiyrcvtense than of real gentility. `ho groom should never cancer. but should trot in a business like way. rlslrig in his stirrups, or, if neco.-xsary. shoal gallop. sitting straight. with hands low and ec-2 thrust home in the stirrups. The lannlish min count:-v rldlnn 1 ; wuss, wxwmerane In on xooioron ll back.--Horaeuxnnlhlp for Women. U1 IIIU HUTK) On In rising to with the left I` Jmoo close aga vent the 103 f1 tho -sumo llml towards the lof` It I.-.4-`I.-.. .....lI wwurus UIU I01`. 84 bvside a gentleman V set` "' 73:` I'fx`.`: ::`I`.""_i 2:`: nan-quwupv Iu uuv auuluv. The empress of Austria. sits nlternately on either side of her homo, ` and has saddles made in both wavs. This plan is adopted by several of the noble ladies of England who hunt re,'.,'ulurly. Tho advantages of riding on one hand or the other of the escort are equally ba- lanced. When riding on the right side the lady in protected from passing vehicles; on the left. her escort. in on- nbled more ( ulckly and safely to take, her homo by llho head. The seat should be in the mid le 0! the saddle, not on either ride. '1` ' ' A htald bend inward so :: -. to permlt n llttlo play of the wrist joint at each tug of tho lloro on the reim.-. ' In ..:.:.... 0.. I....... _..A-_-_JI_ Kin: U I |l'ill'lllH .lllL' IHJUHE K1115 uuu g0 baek ome with him. they tell me that he set up the drinks fer the whole durned town. But ye didn't-year how it was that the lad ever come out into this count to teac I siwashes, did ve? No! VVel , then, the way of it was this. She bucked ngin the old man in gittin` married. She 'lowed her jedgment laid over his. but it didn't pan out worth 3 durn. 7 Her hus- band was no good. and when he found her father wasn't ing to chi) in to hel `em along. en went lvne on her. t she didn't 0 nos- ing `round the old man to be tu back. That wurn't her style. She just got an uppintment as school teacher out yere, which was `bout as fur nwny as she could git. But she hadn`t no more`n gone when her lmsband passed in his checks in a railroad smash up. Well. the old man didn't know `where she were, till one day he came nenxss n newspaper tellin' `bout the stage bein;: jumped out yr-re. Then he got on to her trail, and followed her up and tul: her home. l"r-ups ye ree`l(x`t that about two months afterward the lieutenant went back to the states. Nufrully. Will. I'm a sluice robber of him and she ain't got married! Yes, sir, vereit is in the pa- ger. They say the old m:m`.~a richer than lue Glll(`ll,IlI](l giro `em a couple of hundred thousand to start on. And wot`s more. among the wmldin` presents they got was a solid silver tea set with a 'seri tion on it, as hov.` it w:~.:s presented to Lieut. and Mrs. G('(>r[f(` W. Ualverly by Wt-`"8. l"arl.'0 & (`o.'.~4 express. `in ateful rrnembranee of their gallant efc-nae of the John:.town stage. THE END. In Bronze on Each Plug and Package. ______.__,_ Pnclo mounn- l`wo lot out. CU IIU purpurse. Of course ye knowed it," replied Nate. calmly. Didn`t he pork u his head like a grass fed cayuse and ta 1 ya so when he brought her down the line agin nbout two weeks zpftorward? Of course ye know:-d it. Didrft he tell eve mother's son all along the line that It was his daughter? Why, when he went out to the Sahutlin n envy and got her to give u tea<'hin`.the 'njuns' kids nndgo bavk Omn with him. lht-v tnll man that VVKIS IHT Izuner. "I knowed thnt,"said Fmnlnin a tone that rvsonted having his interest excited to no purpose. Of (`mime vn lrnnwpd it." mnlind l..l.li.|l| Ul ll`\\' V\UI'll5. "Yo r-(hr-t how many quoctnons he asked about that little rum us? Specially `bout the lady with the Li , who showed such 21 hoap o` sand? That old gen'l'nmn was her father." .-I l...,\......l oL..A "....:.l L`.n-.I- 2- .. 5...... Ono _ve:u` has passed. .\;:z|in the silent l`it_v of l-locks has lost its sharp outlines in the shimmering heat of a July after- ` noon. ()u the bench outsidv of the stage house (lom' Nate. the station keeper. is sitting. reading (1 monthold newspaper. On the v of,tho water trough oppo- site him Fmnk, the helper, is mending a horse collzuz Present! Nate threw down the paper and sail : "Well. I'll be durned! I-`rank looked upinquiringly. Nate. rolling II cigarette {mm 11 piece of brown wrapping paper. continued: Ye rec`lect the old gen`l`m:m from the states wot wmt up the line nlhut two months after Lieut. (`alverly laid out Whistling l.)lt`l{ and that smarty of :1 Jim Gatesby?" L`~pnnl- -..-..l.l.-uI I\:a Iuuul lln nvna n lJ'h illlll [HILL 5l.llH.l`l_\' Ul Ll Ill. Frank nodded his head. man of few words. u\'n . l'.U\~ll Ill I`lUH_\' (.'I'('( h- IJUL IIU `VHS ;r_:`.1u(-, and pluyul that 121111 01' his T01` all it was worth before we took him in. You never would ha 0 gl1(*st;(*d. now, that it \\'as Jim (lam iv lxhnsclf. the (`ol11p:lI1)".s`l1("\v dri\'m'. 1}11ttlx:1t`s\\'l1o it was. for a fact. I`\-- heard since that the up1'u:~x4 f-[ks kind of su.a`]vit'inned him of atunding in on tl1atlasLrubbery. ` if '1' if I I K` I` IIIIHK `HEB perhaps I. U U ]__Uu [y llfe." Tho Johnstown stage Was; later that) over that ni ht when it drew up in front I of Abe Gol stein's storv. in Puck" Cit '. Simultaneousl with itsarrivalthedt - ing and gam ling saloons and other places of public resort suddenly became desertetl. It was said that a woman had driven the stage in. and that a man with his howl bandaged and his arm in ttsling was sitting alon side of her, olding a hub . While We ls-Farg0`s.bo and the mat sacks were being taken out. for Goldstcin`s store was also the express and postomce, the story was briefly given` to the crowd. Then ucheering, pistol tiring procession uccompunietl the stage down the street to the howl. Here n. dozen strong arms fulrl lifted the woman from the 'b0k,`Wlli0' the baby was only X`t',SC1lC(l from its mob of volun- tccr boarded nurses by the rnc-rgetic in- t(-rvuntion of the muscular landlady. Tho lieutenant l1imselI',ui ter being-em tlmsiustit-ally asked to drink in the ag- gregate liquor enough to have stocked n 4\\'l1olct~'ulu wliiskv store; was put. to bed ztnd :1 Ill( SS01]g`t`i;dlsI.)u.t('llL`(.l for the sur- geon at the fort. Meantime it little party of horsemen swiftly and silently I`U(lt' out of the town in the (lll'(`Ctl0Il whence (hostage had como. The next dav the lieutenant was ` inforxnotl that \Vltistlint5l)i."l: had been found (lt`(1(l in the road at the head of Stony (`reek Wade. A false gray beard llllll been uicvd up near ll - body, und \\'1l:J tliottgattfttlly otll-rul to tho lit-uton- out 1124 u memento. "We struck the uLl)(`l` it-llow`s trail, Sllltl his informant, "in that clump of scrubouk. He was \\'Ull1ltlL'(l. mnl thoro \\';:.~'11`t any trouble in folloV.'in_': it. We linully ('()I'I'illlL'll him ll(J\'-"ll in Htonv crook. I-But ho was .m..... .....I ..1....'..I n.... nun ..r I.:.. r,... nn in the rcutl.l1:1\`i'xzi.: LU` _Uv u\`-.ii:::b1e arm. and u:1'crc(l hvr _hI:_i lI_und. `She placed hers frankly wnllun It, and he misml the little gauntlet respectfully to his lips. You are very brave," he_ said with considerable feeling: I am to, e." think that perhaps I owe you my 'l`hn Jnh'm-zfnwn ntmrt` later thnh V... V-. cu-v .-. Hi` the (rut. v ft. heel, whic se against tho 3 from swa` no (mo he can cl... `1\" our AND PLUG SMOKING :-: TOBACCO FINER THAN EVER. J nuq-um In the saciuuo. ......_..._ -0 A..,.o-:.. ..u_ -1`, U U11 U18 l'l.'Illh. thclrnt: hear outwardly 3ft. winch will keelp the nminrf. Hun umhlln nu: I`\iI4\_ vuucu will K99 saddle nm 1 swaying about. a careful not to u uaw5u_vr He was a loin. ,` Bdonnou and Toutlmollhh from moan and woman and of diuuu 'poonllu- to their ax, or of dhouu 0! more Into ntutg. will bu shown At the hold to 01 candid lusti- pton, or prlnud ooplu I l ho Inullod with special truth: lrom heudqustton. Addrou DR. J. D. KEROAN. or the 1. M1). Anocistlon, Detroit. Illoh. .... ....a...- -- ----v----- v---_' -- v-v vulnu-cu vu Iuvuuulnnl Ill IIIVIIIIII lllllllli young women and`-biri ht pronldnu you mu. TO ALL #()UN(3 PERSON Dr. Korgnn extends I friend! had and I warm heart. In hlm they will nd I kind and nlal parent. 0 trusty. Had ndvhor, and a friend worth of their condence and M: M to their lntonuu. If throqi lgnonnoo you hug fnllou adult to dloono or (I don. visit him. In will heal you and rotor. on Io ` u.. mommhua lnppincl. nausea an [8 nuts only from April ch to the Mb. 94...... -_J -lI...n_-_a.|- 1.... .__-_ ._x ._,_A_ -__.J 7- In -- ii ._pe:nn.neetnrn: -nhxeieienduenlnr me. Canld Illy GOIIIIIIIIOIII 0|" PCTIDHIUII DUN ! 0| UKIII DIM DISEASES l l(IULIAR T0 W0)iEN- l`o epeek eeperetely end fully oi the inci` dent to girlhood, womenhood. motherhood would require more epeoe then out here be el- Iotted, ooneeqnently it`: better to eey nothing then to any but little. Every mother in ewere oi triele end experiencee thron h which their deughtere muet peel, end ehonld be ever mindful of their hyeioel ee we I ee mo:-el_ weliere. Right here we ere brought to the non; eideretiou of e In jeet often overlooked et home end entirely evoided teeohere (both echool end church) It in the indulgence in nnmentioneble hebite genere y ettributed to the mele eex. Perente, wetch uloeely. You muet remember girle ee well el ho e ere hu- men ; one wicked oompenion will epoll e dozen good pl rnetee. Don't be eirei to teeoh the oung iolh,`orii you cennot. will not or don't know ow todo lo properly, heve e broken-heel-ted molllereeee e i oneende of lettere we heve received irom young end mid- d|g..ged men end women, hemoening their ignorence, their fete, end their perente ne leot. end reeliee the eerneetneee of their eppeele to ue ior edvioe end eeeietenoe. won not wonder et the oeuee of their eorrow end grief. Fheee ere e few elm e ieote t oennot be leughed et or ridlonled only et the elpenee oi thoneende of thong flue, ienooent young end brieht Tl. Plckillhi. I K-mean Art;-1`: Q '5'--tlln L--J -_.I - ..__.. _ was nor our sruuuuul II II ronlrlll Again. wonddul cure: are being youly obvud in than diuuu. Call and no thn evidence of our-superior itv. Our hllntn no roongnlud author- ity on bl and thin dinouu. AN INNOCENF LOOKING LITTLE SURE oftimol develops: lntoa powerful and ` dgngqrnlll cnnnw..... |kLAdx1mnnl Izhlle Dr. Karpn II In Kimpjon If ymrnbr vm guy oontinuoun or poriodlonl Blood or Skin Discus. ; unuguruul canny. ..A.|lllu!l.|I.mlI wnue l'r. new any periodical Skin Dionne. DISEASES PlC()U[.lAR T0 Wn\llf.N_ I`n .... \:ll.UI.lU' \I} "\9TUUIlII"' or IHFO ulill CHI, 1 (2) cuunitutional or acquired `causes; (3) local or Lccldentnl cauua. They have re- ceived from an I largo thus 0! Attention. and have become one 0! the moat import- ant department: of our prnctice. We true, with unurying met.-en. I clause: of Ikin dineueo. mnlignnt or benign, from the simple pimple to the worn form of loprn. lupus. or kelold growth. Thg vat rtngo of our experioneo in then discuss make: our opinion and ndvlw vnlunhle to all nuf- I fours. ` -.."... -vv- Dooorllnd by 3 Noted London Doatlnt I I'l-L Z`IL..-_ I 4-)... III II SKIN DISEASES APO divided into three great clneeee (I). dieeuee on the skin: (2) dineaeee in the thin ; (3) disease: under the akin. They I depend on eomo great cause: which are also divided into three di- xfimone, (I) hereditery or ante nah! cnueee (`Ii 1-nnnlitnlinnnl nr nnnnirud 'l\Annnn- I'll . -_ -__..r..---.J -_. -uu RHEUMATISM, if you got it you will know it. If you want to get cured of it forever you will consult Dr. Kergnu And his I. M. C. specialist: on Constitutional and Bluotl Dilouu. I-1'Never yet failed to perfectly cure or qrutly benet even the wont cuel. Ml/I\ r\luI.1nmI.V.\ I9 :1 u - . .. I .. ... _. -- IUCIILIU III UKJIIIXJII. I uiurulu [cu DI uOII.l1. or an indescribable feeling of dupondency and utter disgust with life, pain in forehead and temples. drowaineu. subject to bad dreams, etc. Bad diapooition nnuslly gets the blues," And very minenble all around, Don't invite Dvlpupciu by irregular hlblll. etc. You cannot be cheerful and agreeable if you arc I Dyspeptic. 4 ! DYS PE PSIA. The popular American dileue cured. Amerioenu end Cenulinne nerully gener- nlly eat too much and too at, their qver- worked Itomucln rebel. and they anlfer: some but little. some greatly. Some would die if they could. You will know Dylpepein l-y the bed unite in the month, heartburn. I dry hot feeling from the mouth to stomach. ea cielly alter eating, pain. tenderness. or fu lneu of stomach, belching of mind. raising of tour and bitter Inter. end in other onset of tnteleu Inter. with frtg~ I menu of food or an oily substance, burning feeling in stomach. 3 morbid fear of deeth. nr an inalpnr-rihnhln fnnlina nf rlnunnndnvmv IIIU. UKU- Do not no lact the troublesome cough, the tired {eel g or cold u t in the buck. usually under shoulder bl on. Come to us prepared to learn the truth regarding your the case. When physician and patient fully understand une Another, aucceu in uurer. The symptoms of this universal and much dreaded disease are too well known to need any comment at this moment. The great trouble is that persons siicted with con- sumption are unwilling to believe it. until they sre so far gone as to be incursble, or if curable to any deree, thq are slwnys liable to a sudden return of the most unfavorable symptoms. OUR. SUCCESS in the treat- ment of Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis And all Lung Diseues is due lsrgely to the use of the Pulmonoplenenn instrument of Dr. Kergsn's invention. We on gnsrnnteo suc- cess where the regular prsctitionor would shake his hesd sud say Incnnble, "Too late." etc. lln nnf nnalnnt. (ha ts-nulxln-nsnn nnnnh Accompanying the Doctor w_v' L e the most skilled and experienced members of hxs Iuternat n Medxcal 00110011, thus _1nsur1ng those who suffer from any QdRON 10 or supposed mourn- ble d1ue_a.se, pecullgr to the1;- eex or-_ot_'.herwiae, an 011390; tuna? _to obtam the cntxcal o mxon and candx vzce, FREE OF CHARG , of the most experjgncegi a._nd e3.1ccessf'u_l M ed1ca.l _pecxa.l1sts 1n Amenoa. Tuesday5 MSPHEE April 9th, TUESDAY N|GHT, Apri| |6t%h. The a,nnonnooln0l1t' thuti DR. K_ERGA`N IN PER ON" ' to is't Klnstdn, having ousted wide-unread interest d 'Vb11-`ouch: 1 IIIKIIV letters of innnirv tn Finndnnnv-1} .1 ma Anni:-n T0 our:rRi1`pfs,LPAIINIs, -APPRENTIGE8 WANTED D2 IIIDLIIIY ll DIIIVFIJ lI?_IIl__.a.._ nA_- vv IIZ" vnnuu II DR. J- I)- IKIEIRG-.A.J_\'l', WILL VISITKINGSTON IN PERSON, % DL`\lAI\?I ` A1` "l`LlLV ne qnnennoemenp that! DR. KRG-AN ON ' i: dented. `and mm? letters of mquroy to tgegdquarfbrs, we desire say a -. TI? T T .<-nnxv C()NSUMl I`ION CURED. -AND THE- PEOPLE ur KINGSTON AND vmmm IN GENERAL BnnTIsH""iih`i`i$|E.&ii" HOTEL, A * W '_FRpM ' :i$a'AiN'1u` {mu J I! Names of pqftients not mentidn- ed except by pen IDISSIOIJ $500 forfeit- ed If we cannot prove every statement. . if you see your trouble portrayed u_1 any you should do as they (the pa- -etyenta) d1d and cons It Dr. Ke_r9'an and hm I. M._ C. A. Sta . You W111 notbe disappomted. - Below are given a few sam lee of the letters (and extracts from otters) bexng received datl by `Dr. Kerggn and ms Interna.t1ona.l ed1c_al Councll. The Dqctor will have with h1m hundreds of orxginal letters.re:e1ved from gra.tef`u.l patlents. Call at th hotel and see them 11 you are intereete . STUDY THSE PEN PICTURES. MYRTLE]

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