ROOM PAPER DEPOT, MONTREAL STREET. unw mu N:w7rnTcx. nw nxsmna uixrrluo AN`b 15l6Olu'1'mbiN BBANOHIS. WIIILI: RETURNING THANKS for the Ironnzo acceded me for use an puI.l K2 ulouun In nnnonndm lu: UVAL To A Illa GVVGI an '4 STROUD"l'\"`C`)S . name has become a house- hold word in this great Dominion, and their A teas are noted for their PURITV. FRAGRANCE AND 8 TRENGTH. STROUD BROS. stro ly recommend the tea drinking pub- nah-undue I Are one of the few rms whohave builtup a trade sufcientto enable them to purchase from first hands, and the benefit of such buying enables them t__o pvethe medium through which the consu- rner of tea can purchase that article without pay- ing several profits. ` Q'rDf\IIr\ DOM nannn Kan I-innnnnn o |\t\n|QA_ In the ordinary course oftrade the consumer buys his tea from the retailer, the retailer from the jobber, the_job,ber from the importer, the impor- ter from the producer. This is commonly known known as the regular channel of trade. This is necessary in most cases as many merchants. both wholesale and retail, have not sufficient trade to purchase from place of growth. IIj TL T'RC5UD BROS. W_HERESHOULD THEWNSUMER BUY? Skirts, Corset Cevers, Drawers, Chemises, and Night Dresses LADIES3 WHITE UNDERCLOTHING Braid Trimmings, "Light Nile Shades, V Reed Greens. Rose Shades, Fawn Shades, Pearl Greys. Gold Trimmings, Steel Trimmings, Silver Trimmings. CALL ANP..%..$EE THEM I-MLL, P/lI.l.0UR,000K/IVG STOVES and RANGES, un . nnunnu In `k SPRING SHADES `V- Relinble sud Close-Priced Dry Good: Store. Corner of `Princess and Ba'got Streeu. BRAID TRIMMINGS, JOHN LAIDLAW & SON.` DRESS GOODS. WNN55 -&%.BU%RN$r IN NEW PATTERNS AND A'I"I.()\V PRICES. THE NEW STOCK OF WE ARE sumyrxu. Braid Trimmings. -c- .g .-....-\_- NOXI. door [0 W. M. IIPBIIIIAII. I`TIlI0$ HF nnmi` ' . Plumbing.Stum and Gas mung Bmnm all not Water llastlnn Inrlnoera. ARE -YOU ab/N0 roj BUILD 9 Buy your Hnrdwm. Boiled and Raw Oils, White Load, Ghss Putty and Pure Prepared Paints at $1.25 per gnllon at 3:33? 8; {IlRTUE S, STREET- I r1Il`lII1& Uiv - v-u -------- Spruce np--don.t be I olun -and don't in! an the treat spring rush in on. An Innnnullllnlll maunmnmu select (from. Always the but selected and most stylish stock In lcuteru Ont trio. Glvo us It cell and look over our stock. -\r\In'\vl\I\llI!I Iuvlvv I'\Al'\l'.In f\f.!l\"| |\ n3"it'6N' "13X13RwI3i5Po1` 27 7 Baqot Street. PAINW3 fL'"3': s'>'Kr3'ERnN __) .I-_I con. an ANDBIDIAU sruzn. THE VERY CHEAPEST PRICES JOHN L. JOYCE. wooo & COAL YARD! VVIIIIAE ll-IUl\lVl|V\I III-RED lur IIIU lronno N Iouu hnnuonn 0VAL'l`0A I0 GIN Ml. LOOA ION. on MON- TREAL STIR I` BETWEEN Plu\u`.ERs ANDSUIIN srkirrs. when 1 ml) in n) tn mmlva oma-I Mr lluunu rmmln-. neg; Hryi wood, Dry Block Wood, Dry Kindling Wood and the Best descriptions of Coal, CORNER OF BARRACK AND ONTARIO-STB. \II `II Iljflwlilj \JCIlI C `?RAM'.5_A3-- Scranton Coal. Best Quality Hard Wood, Mill Wood, Verona T 8-... (foil. AND wooo. `BARB {AND SOFT? WOOD. men want the D1-km. Cheapest and Best 8 Maple and Baum Cordwood. Oak. Birch Ash, or Bemlook Cordwood sawed or Un `(Yr ii`. on wont Klndling Wood. Lot Stov` Goal II! Coal. No. I Coal. Soft or Black- Inldfn Coal. go to B. CRAWFORD & 00.. - Foot of Oman 6!. N.B.--omen an At. the Grocery aim of Jan, Crawford. Princess Streak. will receive prompt sttontlon. ll"l`elonhono oommunlonuon ll. _ngu31im_ufs woon ANp_coAL YARD BEST IN THE MARKE I`. A Ya_\.Ki No. l-0nuu-io Street. ' 2-Claronue blreot Whnrt. " 3-Sr. Lawrence Wharf. B'Sccure deliver bx-fora broken weather nets in. Chief O ce-St. Lawrence Whnrf Branch (mice--(`orner Kin and Clarence ,SL. op its British American 1 or! mm and saunfnclory du ivery a specialty Coal all unier cover and well screened H"lielephone 0ommuniv.~m'on. JAMES SWIFT & CO. '-\;|lnu1| nun n I EFL!9TTBB9:- Next door W. M. Drennui. Princes: St Knnuqkinn DI....|\3-.. Qfnnvn null Ila: Bifn` A full slocklglways Sn hand. Cull and ex- " unlne. ` . W. 8. as. ANGLIN. Wellimnon street. .\'urth. r.u'Icu. ll'|fH||Cl(`}. v1-C. an now can -. wl-lc'\ mnnnl fall In p!uup. An Inlpoouon lo uouolud. My mono In: "Good work. Mr Bush and Blinds, Mouldings and other factory work. } - ' . ` . . -. .. . W 50;. `Wholesale, Ri;a"Ei} nmgm 1\v mum \l A I)l!' |.` n MERCHANTS I - HOUSEKEEPERS I I In thinlocxxlity for Gilmour & Co-'5 (Trenton: _-, _. :4.`-up Urrlclz-00!-. Bu-ruck and Ontario Sta. All Ilalo Ill mnmu"i:"nn: to own- 2e1 T Pm rfaqegs s'r. Antonia ' L W. BIIECK. wboa my con. nnnu. CIIIIIICI IIII IHJILE:-Ill! gum-ant . ' YARD-~Co'rueg;0ntu-lo and West Streets. C'()lco-Cln.ron-to and Ontnrio Structu- Iool of Clarence Street. 4 . I C'0RDltR8 left at tho notes of Mr. Juneo - Roddon.P-rlncuss Street. and Maura. MoKelvc] C Birch, Brook Street. will be promptly llllotl. folephone Communication. Antonia Black Diamond Lino. u. xv-u n 12`i`E`iG"`B"i2?"'E$' o0b{ wl-kt`! mnnol III! wt 3:"-'g`.g.a'1Ln-'`.?a.`* ' WED 11 II, V I WIIOIQIID Ium $1 and 533 7::-. com ot`c'n: V very best deacriptinnsunder cover. well scroon odqnd promptly delivered. Buncn wood and Hard and Bon. Ootdwood of nut qunlky on hand. touched and uuntnnuno nzunrnnl .:;3.|:1a..I.*.a\J.zz. cu .2\..J\.I.L4:. an `Wholeuleand '"b'?.`;:-..`.3"%5o`.`, Ion. of the Retail varv hm! dmcrintinn.-under nuvnr. well ncroon Bnzox an BOOTH Ilfhnu-nnuu Vnnl Lnnll an `nnnlnnnlnnnd gamma? BRAMm, : Undo:-ukornnd : humor. `E3 W'4 - ~:_S.?E'I- Lam PRINCESS s'rrm-:nr.- 3 Oor. Bydonhun Bu-cot. } . - Lin--- --.__.__n__.1-_ . IS ALWAYS STOCKED WITH THE V... _,.. Tdwhono oommunlguuon. me Kraut lprlnx ruun ll uu. AN ILEANT LINE OF HANGINGS SOLE -AG-E].\T'I`S AND UIIIN HTlIIE'l`Bo` when I bhll DO ` was In rooolvo onion fur rnuulnp. per Ilunglnt. lbw-runny. Mun Wu-u. In: on. In uoc- LINE 014' 1:00! nrmmcm. Fro. an dash: whlc mnnnl fun Muse. An lnnnanunn In F3. & s. ANGLIN, Send In your orders early for I1-Inna AAIl\ nnncl FURNITURE. &c. one Communication. Agents Diamond Llno._ BRh`.CK_ E. A. BOC"`H -CHlAPES'l` AT- . T j: ommunir-.~mon. JAM Eb` SWIFT & C0. mos. w. "mo. Quinn, up- nun).-nil`. u:u.nx.J:nn_nmum .. away. by Sun` Davis; I870. chestnut [my I-`Ion-nco B.. by Tom Bowling (died 1351) ; IQ), chestnut colt Joe 8., by King bur ldad); 1883, cbestnu lly Slabs, by Imp. leuglg Bu:-en In I57. 187?, 1878, l8'a`9|nd 1881; not bradin l8&l,bu'ron In 1854 and not brd since. Suucoho! In the dun ot Bylvh Springer, Hot Box, Music Box. 000. 8quoue`un is tbodnm of Day Stu`. winner of the Kentucky Derby, Sylpb. dual of [A H\`.lDhidI_ Knlnolnh Sylvia. I-tn, Riv Hunt: III we Iv.-utucly uu'Dy, uylp. llllll OI LA sylphida. Kalnohlgsylvia. etc. Sly Boots hthodnm of l.avollur,8ly Duscqoolld. rnnnc. etc. IF` YOU WANT TE]! cuupnu up new runurronn . Ofnlldouorlpdou. Cullnt | n I jj A Q jl III-IIUIIIIIIUI Bnnnnc, etc. ncruuuw uy our uuvul; loco, cnetituul nuy wan, bx-l\'nrJhnm'. 1824. > AI`nI7, in Star Dnvir IR`.`I\ nhmnmo, nu. uunm...nsxnnunn91...xuu;t`.I.-w= L. . . y: by imp. Glenn-oo,` bu` dun Imp T1)y lhlnduko, onto! Bohldllla, by Bobndil. etc, died from old ago annually. at Ashhnd Bun-k tnrm, Lexington. Ky. Her two for the Grant Pup! mks will long bonmombond by ` tun-(men. ~ Hero produce warez` I308, chest- nut ally Bnucebox by Bur Davis; 1869. chut- nul. Iuly Squoeufcm. by Inxlnxton; 1870. bay ` lly Slybouu, by Rlvoll. 1871, chestnut colt The Ghost, by Endoner; I872, ohcstnut lly Bcruublo by Bur Davin; I873. chestnut lly . Jd.h|h..hx,ll'nr.[hnm: 1374. buy volt Rlnrm. hv ilnn, Glam-on. ha` dun lmn. rtin ,`1\v _ iii The runurknbloru.-and broodnnroSke- . dnddb, ehatnut, fouled In 186), by imp. Yorhhin. out of III 1-lam 0! Ken- ` tunlrv llnninl Rnnnq ill-nv Vi:-hu-v -I.-\ 1 DLIU IIEIU. - Never before, however, in the history of the league have the taunt been so near each other in playing utnnglh as they will be when the bottle begin: April 9|. Henna paper cnlculntlomereworthy of more con- sidoretion than ever before. and although I expect no he criuclnad neverely for counting Chlctgosolightly I behave my conclusions tobobueulmngoodgrounda and expect the result to show that my Judgement was not al- wgethrr wrong. W. L Hams. uuua wunuu Inn] CIJIIIU ul llll! Ilrhln muluu U! the light. summed up, I should say tho chances of the (our clubs stand about this ` way Boston own to take the pennant; New * York. In to es against; Philadelphia, I0 m u 1 against; and Pittshurg, 10 to 5 against. This. I it must he understood, is merely guring on I the strength of the mums as they look on paper beforeaball has been thrown in the i championship contest. 01' coursn. any one oi l the four clubs is liable to have a luck | streak which will give them In lead I almost impossible to overcome. This "L9 par- - ticularly an of New York and Boston. Should tho Chlvagos be aisle to start. out with all their men in good shape I should say their chances an about equal to those of the Phil- adelphia team. A month of play, however, will he a test, and no doubt. these odds would be somewhat changed, as a team`: paper strength often vanishes when the men get on the eld. \!....._ L..l..._ L.._____ .1- `L- Lx,._h_ A aluu. nuw .|Ul la, Ill uuuluuu. CCU JUL Ill its. periunty in the box. Taken all In all, the four clubs are certainly pretty nu-ar to beingunnn equality, and It umysafely be said that with fair luvk--and both of them haw hervtuforo had so httle of it that It is safe tn look for improvement in that line this ` aeasou-l0th Pittsburg and Philadelphia will l hold their own with their stronger batting I rivals. Will. teams so evenly matched luck is agrc-at factnr and much depends on the start. A very bad start (or either Pittsburg or Philadelphia will put them out of the swim. A had start will not affect Boston or New York so much, for their great condence and heavy hitters may overcome the mixfoh tuna which may come in the first month of Oh: "oh! Nnninnand nn I -Mnnl nv u. JVI A week brings many changes. Last week I thought there were five clulis licensed to \_\'in tlw league vhampionship. Now I am inclined to vomit the Chicago team as being out ul"il. so tar as first place is concerned. 0! murw one must not forget that hilt` greuta-st of all 'l>l.~`vlmll vaptulns will bent thuho-hn for tlie("l1iv:ig>.<. and that all things am pus- silrle to :| mun \\'livro~ Anson is the lmuler, hut although he is the Napoleon of l|tL\(*lHlll the odds seem too great for him to win. With Daly and Tener out of condition and .Ed 'illianx.~mn on the sick list, and with 11 team nn stronger than he had last year,- opposed to {our such agglw-gationsas I`itt..~;|mrg,~Phila- uh-lphia, liosrun and New York run this year marslml. Anson will do well it he (`upturvs fourth place. If he lines bet- ter than that. without |`L`~t`llfUl`C`0lll<*lli.~` in the l>o.\' and lnchunl the hat, [)0 will achieve the greatest triumph of his {Jan-er. That he will start out with his usual bluff, We will win the pennant, sure." no one who knows Anson will doubt; but in their form the Chivagoe, unless \\'illi:unson`s injury shall prove less serious than it appears, and Daly`s arm re- gains its cunning. are out of it. If the unex- pected, which happens so frequently in base- ; ball, should knock out some of the main props of Boston. New York and Philadelphia, Spaldingfs pots might carry off the prize, but they have so many props that such an event as the disabling of enough of then: to affect the result is hardlyto be antivipated. A I ITTI I IVWIIDAIIIQIXV Ml L031 - Piif-%"SH6i5l VII. Harris` Latest Views as to Prospects. I cnh~,\_(ao ms 50% MUCH snow. llmuwer. Anson May Wreck \'lctory,froII| the J_a\rn of l. nlIkel.lhood--.\ General, View of the sltnntlpn It the Opening of the Smuun. . / ~BASEBALL%. THE Bamsu M u .. `1`l'ES~ "55 . PRIL 9. ' luuhtiul Plupoluy. Holden. the clothhr. am In making a nut. dul of money." I doubt It." .I uwhy '90 ' , "Ho trusted no for unit younhy.` wuw Lnu rustutln IIII llueu I r0[IaIl'.l(lI for n knowledgoot this bnncho! the tran- ury deptrumnt. air. I Ivuunur ` '""" - ' '~ I--` -Wu 1:kJt1tJc!tu.";#"ulntu-dt` h'1ha'unnpthmvn A of the motto Iubstltuu to tho Millnhli bill. and by thin and other work inconnocuoo with the customs has gained as reputation for I knowladurnnl this hnm-h of Oh: mus I IFIII IIIUF mu`: to fit him for tho podtjon. Mr. `fich- ouor entered the Union army (luring the civil war, and u1mmuaIld-ng6-- mun o! Iowa vols \ untorrs. llc wan appointed t o I h 0 government Qb in I8 -`Rand hubom there over then. It K- -._.I._JA.....l AL_A DIICIV EVVT IIIILV. II in undrrdmood that the nppolntmont coma simply from special tneul, for Ur. Tic-honor knot .1 ` (in .,;m* mime ' Ail All, QICI1 @- Anulnlum Sdcrotary ol tho Treasury. George Tivuenur. who has been numinutnd I0 bu amisuut secretary of tha troa.~1:ry. ha been a peciul agent of the treasury do-partr mom. for years, sud hu thus a~q'ulns-I I special kuowlod A In {H hint fur [hi UUIICI II LVIIIXIIIOUI DTICIRV. HI. YQHIEU." ed the Uumed States District AC to prooeoutc the Micluguu Cantu], Grand hulk and Want Shore road: for violution of the alien labor contract luv in employing Inhonarl who live in Canada. The railroad: cited will oontal tho mutter, claiming that conductor: who live in Cnnndu `nnd run in tho lhniud Hutu nmnld dun nnm. hnlign ah. I.- conductor: who Inc In Ulnldn `um in Inc United Sam would tho come `under tho law, ` Inn. hnvo nover been molested. he Inna nosoin the math! is born mud: :3 Detroit. lnhrdug the Allen (`omnel labor kw. BL'rnu.o. Apnl 6.-Onlloctor of Cutout J Cutler II Sumonlion Bridge-_ hu ygoommgg. ad the [Tunnel Run. mllrin: Allnonnn 5. 1 -`l`Io bully folllnlon. ` Tnmmn, Col., Apnl 6.-A 4 o'clock thin ` momma cw) puunlcr trmns, uoln drawn b two onmnv-It, collided on the Smtn F0 Rsi - '53- 10 unleu south 0! here. piled in 5 b And one ul the exorusu can In: ulegog An unknown man who In riding on the or ` Dreu car was killed and one of the unit: hands in miruu snd Iuppooed to be bu:-igd in :5. wreck. uulnoa-r Joe Hum had an out has 0! and his brunt crullmd. ;io Dakota Wlnduornu. ELxr0.\'. Duh, Apnl6.-'l`I.- mm: terrilc Windstorm knowrn tn this <-uunl.ry begun on Mondny nnd continued until vuterday. Tua- dav nlu-rm-on I perfect hurricane bogus causing sand to blow from plmurhod eld. ug drifting in Macon one and 1} (eat deep. About I) miles northeut of hero on Tuesday the ham 0! Ho-my Kurlh Illh three honu, wquuu. olc.. vu comunnod by ; 6:. caused by burning strut umnc in to I timothy meadow, ucr--on which the nmes ew at the npeod 0! n running home. In attempting no an M: horse: Kursh urn bully burned, dying uhor thirty hour: of horrible Iuorinz. 4 I A Paradise for Ike Onion (`labs (`A.~:.\.~ano'rA, N.Y.. April 6.-Thia section in me o! tlm neat. omon producing elds in tha world. If not tho [route-st, many (gym. er: raisin! nothing else. The yield In: you In: enormous and the omon nix-era were de- lightod. bevnnue the bulbs had always mat with A rm:d_\' sale at rennnnernnve prices. But the producuon Ivu luu large for the market And now the farmers weep. Thonuudn ol bush:-ll hnve boon sold vat one cent per bnnhol \ One largo produoer recoutlv cousianod I out 10nd of 6(1) bunho-ll to New \ in return I ch-ck for 31.55. The enorrnaul stock on hand cannot be dmpoood oi for enough to par trmlsporulmn charges. De- npile thin dineourncing It;n:- of nnirl tho union growers do not intend to reduce their ncreuo tho onmmu ueuon. Ink and received ` I I uun, l1llIl'll n pnncutnlu Inn CEHIIIIIZ cl! mo cnizenn In auisl Ill InmnlniniIIg' uldr-I`. No cu: were Iwmnut thin -\v-ulllll and it has been decided not to am-Inpl. to run an can tn-marrow. This Afternoon at. 5 o'c-fl-ck I collision occurred It the corner of Hudson- Itroot Ind North-avenue, some one Inning tampered with alwitch. An` up car nnd | clown cur approached the swiI.chninmluneolu- ly and the up cur jumped the track, coming Into collmon with the down car. Nichols: Luer of New York,n panomzer, saw the dancer and grace to stop the cur. AI ho ruched the door the ouch crime and Mr. Lnver was thrown violemlv through In no of nlul. Ho wu badly cut. nnd bruioa . The can were in chu-no of new drivers. No lunh- er trouble ll reported to-nuallt. .-_-,..._._..,-. -..- -unuliiliunn u an an-II. SAN FRANCISCO, C.-L. Agnil u.-cn.m. mail nl Mnrch 6, which arruwrl from llumv Kong today by stunner City of Sydney, had the fnllowinr cc-ucerning N-m ght. between the British-North Bur--on l`,m.|-anywand a band of rebel :hio-fa. On lhv 11!): the forces of the Brniah Nurth Bmnm (`nmpany captured Galaela Furl. after Ulrvr and a half hours of hard ghting, taking nmn Runs. The rubs] loan was gwenty killed, \\h.1-- tin Iiritinh foman Ion one killed In-I tn wnuwlcd. Export- III arms from this Clulullv Inn! L0:-|| nrohihitgd for six months on ltcnunl uf the chtmg. l \(K`HESTlll, pI`|l n.-1.-c-- um: Shen Hu.|;pmn. Ill ren;mm- in {mm the Street liuilwny (`wing-nur non, iuued n |ruclAmn`1uncullur I mu more will nut thin -\v-num unaun I uumuu5,uwuu Ouu unu A'nuu Steam an Hot Heating In noon. Agent for the Celebrated Splnl not Hot Air Furnnoo manufactured by ,M. H. J: oohs. Syracuse. N.Y. i ` The above Brand of Chemically Pure WH|TE LEAD is mixed and l ground to an impalpable neness by a new process which we have fecently `adopted. 1 he lead is Snow-white, works easyunder-the brush, and covers- a much greater surface than leads ground in the old way. :_____ Twenly lulu-n lullrd. while In One " - Izngllnluunu I! an slain. R 0' hlnrnh whirl: nrr|\oV`I from `lung `(nun \ The Ioclenlrr fur urn`: Slrllu-. Rocutsnn, Apnl 6.-I.-L-- this u!:a: "N-l`| Hlhillill, III FFHIOUIII!` In All A! FIGHTING IN ao'nNEo. onnun -ncnnnon. I313 I TIIICTI I.-L-- n!:ernonn mme an appeal for protec- lull cnllnm rm than UIFC` tho pouna 18 II Wonuar uusu uuuu vmuu uuu uu jsvuu Buying from rst hands and selling a e. smn prot is the secret of our success. . , KINGSTON Address, 109 Princess Street. Montreal, Ottawa. Toronto and Bolloville. " "z;'Zi'6E'nE`1' :E13`" ?;1'z En':'i`~"aIc soc. ASSAM Specially Recommended) at 30c. _;.is an ex raordinary tea for the money, also the 501:. nae , P The quality of the tea and the prizes given with each pound is a. wonder that such value can be given Rnvimr from an: hands and sallimr at 1:. mm mom is the I IV\J LIL! lJLU\JQ. I D " " n"26'n2`fi A OD A II IO..-` 3- H; QA_R!%{0_Y$KYl