Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Apr 1889, p. 4

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TO BGNTO Ft6UR STORE rt -5-: -nluulis I -Ill. The late Dr. J. U. Holland, the eminent writer and physician, wrote and published in Scr1'lmer's Magazine: It. is I feet that many of the best proprietary medicines of the day sre more successful than msny physicians. and many of them no rst dis- covered and used in sctual medical prnotioe. When, however. any shrewd person know- ing theirvirtue, foreseeing their populurity, secures And ndvertiues them, then, in the opinion of the bi oted, sll virtue went out of them. The ate Dr. Dio Lewis, in speaking of Wsrner`s Sula Cure, uyn: If I found myself the victim of A serious kid- ney trouble, I would use your preparation." DI`. A. Gunn_ M, D,_ nnthnr mf l1nnn'- ursn IITIVII were. The insurance rate: on grain have been xed at Chicago to Lake Superior, Erie, and Georgian Bay by marine underwriter: at 50 centu, Lake Ontario 15 cents, Ogdonm burgh 80 cents, Montreal 31. Lake: Michi- gun and Huron, Sarnin and Detroit 40 cents. Wlll I(l8[](l. The steam barge lxhartoum reached 1 ort.amouth this morning with 700 bushels of barley from Simcoe lalaud. she was the first Arrival there. Th. :...........,... -...-- -.. __.:_ L W I cu uuuunouore 01 me yacht club there. ` Cobourg will hold a regatta this year under the rules of the lake yacht rncin na- nociation. All the beat. yachts on thenko will nttend. 'l`k.. -s......_ L,..,-, I I . I ` Pnrngrnphu Picked Up About the Whnrvoll ` -Not9n of General Interest. The Annandale whs the first vessel to load can] at Oswego. J. B. Mchlurrich. Oswego, has been elec, ed commodore of the yacht ciub there. C0b0ll!'|'I will hold A rnunttn this vnnr HARDY : `Our Favbrite lines all to hami at 500, 750 and $1 : V _ -that most popular glove, ll HID Upll-IIUIIIH Illll PFBIEIIF ' I'nl'lI1l~ In speaking of the performhnoe and comnnnv the Globe nvl the [mum in l MARINE INTELLIGENCE- Inna lo Ouulnn. A FINE nuul U!` 75 ACRES. E-at Part of Lot No. 15. int Concession Townahi of Kingston. beautifully situated on the are Shore, one mile from the Penitentiary. Good Iu-ye home. outbuildings. orchard. &o.. lulu- bie for I farmer or nu-donor. Annlv on um SILK r-i:3;7E`S, A High Tribute Pnld L- I\_ I 1: II II 1 KID One Price Store. 88 Princess Street. Josephine-Rouillion. VEvery pair guaranteed. I .IIOSIER'Z_`, ooBs:Ts, / Full,ooVmplete range to hand. All new shades. wnmrs Vnw mu mum smut, \ ll PRINOISI BTRIIT. Iu-so house. outbulldl Bmmlneoto JUHN 0 anti. {-'.}".'.' "'m '`"`".`.'`"`.'-..E.` E.` 3." u up. um am. e. v e Iowan. plan In the city. You on go : FINEST TEAS In Black Japan-nil [Intact hull pt-loo M. Thfthw orhlthlcul for one on I 0 hcplaoo /'/A/VG//V6 % MMPSI At S. Weaver's. Fancy Goods, V .18 HICK- ' The letter, of which the Above in I pertiel ' copy. has been forwsrded to the new cannul- ` generel at London, And I sincerely hope my be of nee in opening up more friendly relntionl with A country which certainly he had the laugh on us ever eince Lord Seckville-Went was made to contribute him- i I sell to our cempeign fund. I `I (n om .-A Pictures Framed. GUARANTEED AND THE BEST QUAL- ITY MADE AT ALMOST HALF PRICE at A Fine Display. Prevost bu I ne display in his window of Scotch tweed: for auitingn. um! I large variety of pattern: for pontilgn. 3130 I line of worsted for overcoating. nnging from 810. Made to order. A t guaruntoed. Seodu, menu. 01! Cake. Choose. Frullo. e. Annoy for the Koewatin Flourin Mills and tho Pioneer Oatmeal Milli. Man wbn. the insult mum In Canada. J03. FISAER. Fmnmlnnlnn Ilnn-h.un AF`ACJrs* fjwohf KN0wINE Pnettiest Baby, Carriages, SILVERWARE, uuu are you no In to reign. The colone ie a cool man at a trying time, and though preferring generally to endure a great wrong rather than to flu one, he would not hesitate, in case of a difference between rivalpowere of hot words over the relative values of crowned heads to climb over the table and make you ahow your hand or go home with an italicized nose upon you. I any all thin for your sake. Mr. Guelph, for you don't know what morning you may be called euddenly by the ret assistant onetodian of the reigning tool: and told to jerk the eoeptre over I great nation. Keep friendly with the American peo le and do the oquare thing by the preee. - \'hen you are called u n to auume the throne I honestly thinrit would. do you no harm to run I double-column ad. in the leading paper: for a year or two. until you feel eecure a king; then you could gradually order out these ada. and call attention to your reign by meane of announoemente on the fencee. " 1-5.- l-ea-_ -: _u+ -- YOU CAN GET THE FINEST umwu omtea. no request: the prince to show the colonel about town and introduce him to his mother. After giving informa- tion as to who Col. New in, William con- tinuea: Do not otfend Col. New. for he can injure you very much if he ahould take a notion, especially in Indiana. Some (lay you are liable to be a king inatead of a red- head nine-spot that you are at this time. When that day comes. Bert. you don't want the Indianapolis Journa. down on you. A: hint of Great Britain and mortgagee of Ireland you should have the press on your side ere you be in to reign. in a cool man .. . o--I-- IBIII N10 Introduce: the New Cumul- (ionerul lo the `lair Apparent. Willilm Nye. Esq. hu written from Kokomua, Indians. to A. E. Guelph. roun 18, Marlborough House, iutroducin Col. John C. New, the consul-genenl o the United States. He the_ alm... n.- ....|...__I _L~ - v Ku M/EAvER's. A CORDIAL LETTER TO WALES. S. Weaver's. RED SPORE, FOOT of Princess-st.. Kingston. WWIOLEBALE AND RETAI L. Grain. Hay. Flour. Oatmeal. Bran. Shorts. seodu, 00. I-`lourimz Mill: and You on 30!. the but ulna In Tho ohupout In the any at YO1' CAN GE!` YOUR - at Iowa! prlouhlt You an [at the Lzalsoafnllmnge of - ..-.-v- -- wcv--uv, on-ucvv--Iw Ulljlt All klntlnt I oIl.dnIl and nkhod. I II and V0 ?or.:lo the Mn Pushy: I P. V . k~ :.':...x~;_._.je.: :2:-..:c-... ems-0.-s'av. In returning thanks for past favors. I hope. with Increased facilities for doing business '.o morltcoomlnuusce of the patronage that I n mm In u c. M " W J. mscocx. __..____..__ And f5mv;i2-zixi$;'aIs'o- agnd Domestic Fruits. etc. -_-_.:.-.jj - :-_11- I WOULD lll42SPECTFULLY INTIMATH TO MY FRIENDS and the public generally that on the 15th instant I will In--non up the store lurlnorlv occupied by Chan. Grlgor. HM l'rInn1-Iotroot. l`he store has been en- lnrgod and remodelled. It is my intention to keep 11 full line of rnnnu nun l\'I'll\I 1- I\l\I\Aonn-A White and Grey Oottons, :5 /Ieez`/ngs, 7/'0/iings, 00tz`0n1a es and 8/21 ; tings 811531001! '8 MUS/0 STORAE. Iiwluwunuva nv.nrnu 01, g, . c - c w - vuv Iuriivj 3&3? looud-and lonnlunclt III uoldhyA nnntunna Prhomu-no.0 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. A FINE FARM 0!` 75 ACRES. Eut Part. If 15. Concession Tnwnnhin of P 39.9l!9_F5ANGE .._ _..-__--..- -1-u-you A LECTURE will be delivered in the CITY HALL BY Plll!\'(`ll`Al. (}l{AN'l`. under the mlspivos of the Kingston and Fmnlcnnc Branch of the lmague. on l`L'E)AY EVEN- ING. l6lh April lnstant. Subject : secessimn or (`ilizc-nship--whlch l" The public are invited. The ehalr will be I skvn M 8u'clock- .__..1.:j.___j.._._.:: New Prints Ginghams; A SPECIAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Kingston Street Rm. way Company will he held on MONDAY, the 22nd day of April. 1889, M 5o'cIock p.m.. `at the oice of Messrs. Walkemk Wnlkeux. solicitors. in the (`i1yol' Kingsuwn. for the purpose of electing dil'('I`H)l`.` furl 1c ensuing year. and of authorising Ihc di- rectors to ruin or` borrow. for the purpmms of the vompuny. and: sum of money an Inn` be . necessary to meet the resentobligations n he said comnan_v.and to p we the lam thcruofin good and otfoctive condition. an for other pur- poses of sui 1 company by the issue of bonds. of {he said company, in accordance with the terms uf the net of Incorporation there-vf. F. R. SARGEN'I`_ uyu nun u may W6 srms GHOQEl_i|ES CHEAPEST PLACE IMPERIAL FEn1mhoN_ `LEAGUE. REMOVAL- BEGCND - HAND BOOK8 I`.-1 Il._A 1... L_.__L- ._g _.u; L, . KINGSTON STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. -......o.... This Powder never varies. A~1nA;-vol of pu- ` my. strength and wholesomeneu. More econ- omicnl than ordinary kinds. and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low tout. ahorl_ weight. alum of Rhos hate Powders. 501 n ONLY IN ems. RUY L AKING l uW- DER (I().. 1% Wall Stront, New York. TIMELY NNo;"LINcnjn@NTs.T_ ll. mum In Canada. FISAER. Commlulon Merchant. D8 O0 Jl mouth. McMahon's. Dress Goods, Rie eo_w_n.n ibiwlitely Pqro: A RRI VING DAILY.` DYING WORKS, PRINCB8 S'l'Rll'l' 0 All bl-Jnalngqm- ..I_._..| A__A _._; 4_n_g_; ulldlnun. &'o.. . A Lh ` :" aEX"iu`X'ic'. p." .'..".'n`n. on lnereur. F. R. SARGENT. Soc. -'l`reas. A tory paper heads the report of the die :3 cueeion in the houee of commone on the loan r`; of i888 Snowed Under Again." The re- l '3 mark in eupposed to apply to Sir Richard Cartwright and the amendment which he oifered to going into committee of supply on Wedneedny. Of that motion Sir Richard had given due notice, and it wae felt to be timely, not only as in means of setting forth the fact: about the loan, but in A means of exposing the great looeeneee with which the nances of the country were managed. The gist of it was that for the loan the usual joining fund was not provided, but it was provided that the eume annually required for the reduction of the national debt shall be applied in the purchaee of the new stock; that the elfect of euch an arrangement will be to make the government convert the loan from one having nominally fty yearn to run to one having a little over ve yearn to run ; that.the natural tendency of the existence of the obligation to apply a einking fund of thin magnitude to the puruhaee of a. loan of u.000,000 will raiee the price of the etock abnormally and perhape create lose to the country ; that in any one the coat of the oolnminelun. brokerage and other chargee in- curred in negotiating the eaid loan spread over a period of about ve yeare, will add greatly to the rate of intereet payable on . re-purchaeed at an average of par it will in- volve the payment of a rate in exoeee of the price obtained, which will make the annual charge for the loan equal to a rate of intereet of about ve per cent. per an-V cum, and `will at beet make the trans- action unduly onerone to thie country. Sir Richard had aounded Hon. Mr. Foeter on thin matter prevlouely. and knew that iopnrsi .I;I;.a;'a1`.r.`; i3n`i negctiitin could he oered. Mr. Footer had, indeed, on the occaeion on which Sir Richard intro- duced hie inquiry an to the cohditione on which the loan were oated. ehowngig. mentabie ignorance of the whole matter. He did not know `how the lean wan to be- provided for. end aeked for a poetponement cl the debate until he could eee Sir Chariee `Dapper. Even then he wee ernbarraeeed, and tried to make the honee believe that the government wae not bound by the terma oi the preepectue iaeued by the London banhere before the lean wae made. He had -.- ....... ..... uvuuu uunuuuusu. These suggestions appear generally to be founded on common sense, and with them the thoughtful reader is inclined to agree oil` had. The aim of Ill who have studied the question is to reform all those who can be reformed, to adapt the punishment to suit the crime, to make men`: prison life accord with their conduct, to treat lightly first offenders end to put nwey permanently those who Are not inuenced by elevating motives, and from whom it is useless to ex- pect any good. The indeterminate system of sentencing is rmly endorsed, end will eventually be put in operation. The in- dustrial reformntories for juveniles ere emong the necessities of the ego. The establishment of one in Kingston was advo- cated some years ago, and the failure of the scheme was owing to the inability of the trustees of the Lnncasteriun school to apply its funds as it was desired they should be spplied. IMILICU, IFFCBPECEIVB OK me HIDE I'( (]llIl'8(1. 6. A special court. should be organized to i deal with the juveniles And females. Young persons should never be tried in the ordi- nary police courts or forced to associate with old and hardened criminals. an . 5. Industrial schools and reformatories should not be considered as places of punish- ment, but should be utilized wholly for the reformation of character. The young per- sons sent to these instit.|It.inns should not be committed for any definite period, but they should be detained until reformation is at.- tsined, irrespective of the time required. special should be nrunnin-l m luuuillllille HCIJCQDCGS. 4. Incorrigibles should be sentenced to penetentiariea for life. They should be con- sidered as having forfeited all right to re V gain their liberty unless reformation takes place. i .1 lmlnnrrial sulllnnln nml -..hu-m..n...:.... ILMLIUUB. 3. Tramps and habitual drunknrds should be sent to an institution where they can be , provided with productive industrial em- ployment, and where they can be brought under refnrni'at0rv inuences : and they should be detained in said institution under indeterminate sentences. A l.._......:..:Li.... ..i.....|,1 unuulu ue 38116 :0 In Industrial school. `2. Boys from fourteen to ai|xteen, having a natural tendency toward crime, or bcing convicted of a second offence, should be sent either to a refornmtory direct. or to an in- dustrial school on trial, according to circum- stances. 9 'l`........... .... J L..l,:;..,I ,)_._,,| ,, I n I u av nun uuuuu u ...-_, -...... 1. Boys under fourteen years of age not previously vicious. Should be restored to their parents upon thoir giving a guarantee of future good conduct. Failing this, they should be eut to an industrial school. 0 nun frnrn fnnu-tn-n n -:.-o...... |..... 0ho|ooIv.GnduoPut.ryn.ndl`AmllyFlbnr nlvuunlnnd; G:-shun l'lou-.Rollod0au. lid Wit. (tucked Wht. UCIIIWICI, m.un`@$l:1nIlnn-nxn, What to do with the prisoners in the ` county gaols has been the theme of serious consideration to the Prisoners` Aid associa- tion of Canada, and it has come to certain conclusions and submitted them to all who are interested in prison reform for their opinions. The various recommendations may thus be summed up : I `II\CI- .....,.l-_ l...._.--._ .._.___ aolumna. is published every Thursday morn! at lalfear. Rositively in advance. otherw 81. w lbs c urged. EDW. J. B. PENSE. Proprietor. work : eight Improved printing presses. All elm as for ladvertiaing. subscription and ob zngutiu are auable in adoancc; this be dish` 11/ I6 stood. `rho WEEKLY Bafsa wnm. apagoa so aolumna. is published Thursday morning 81 I year. nositively advance. otherwise 5`1\'0WlD UNDER AGAIN. on at twenty cents per line for each Insertion. Olcers of unincorporated Associations or Bocieues will be held personally responsible for All orders they Rive _ Attachan to the nanar in one of the best Job ttachon to the paper in one of the in Canada; rapid, stylish and cheap I an order: they Rive work : einht lmnrovod nrlntlmz Dresses. THE DAILY WHIE. 0fn'/er per Orbem Dioor." ` Twelvo lines to the inch. Notices of Birth, Marriage: and Deaths 500. each. unless when ' booked.` when 01 iaohnrgod. Special notice: in reading oolumns are charl- od at line to each insertion. unincorporated cameo in Canada; rapid, stylish and t eight Improved printing charges for advertising. uubscri` . ADVERTISEM mrrs. , " A 2 : For four lines, one or two insertiona......I) 5 For four lines. ouch nu uent. insertion. : 26 Over four llneu,lraI. [user on...... 100 pen-lino Each an uentoonaeoutivelns. . 5o Once a w Iubsoizuent lna.. ` Twines wee . subsequent Ina. . Three A week. suboequent lnn....... 60 ` Twelvolines the inch. ` Nnlican of Bil-thn, Mnrrlnznn and Denthnoa. ----. \~`u-IUIl vvuxug Il WIIXI, bununnlounnoslzluduhunnn. W. 1. Mollnla. -, BROOK STE!!!` ; run-vuv\'eIvv-`---.u-..-g Ina. M83 King Stree Kingston, Onmri at six nou./ms mm YEAR. : Tux Barnum Wmals ublished every oven- Whig : Telephone. Number 22`. ......--Ia--G'Dx4,a'.l "ANNOUNCEMENT. PRISON REFORIII. Ilshod Thursday morning mitgely u-2 . THE BRITISH waui. FRIDA:xAPRIL12.`- luv pononl DOOOIIII xumu um nu ll. health Iron: dlsuuq of the blood. llur. kid- nap and Ihmldli when romdpt no 9! Bar- dock Blood Bitten. tho` rlfylng and ngulntln tonic, woul qnic ly regulsu lolnlryh lly function and rotate to periods I . could not Iloop and In an going llllo con- unm tlon. I tried av thing I could boon of w thoul rollel. but 11 on I got Bngyardk Pootornl Balnm I noon got one. It In Ibo but mqdlulno I out tried. Luis Rn- muuun Il'-lLl.I. n.o mquwuau A IVII Kl curn, Fnlkirk, Ont. ~ A ;:.u~o:no.- - lug. gut. Ruollffo. writing from Fnl- ; kirk, Ont, nyo: "I had Inch a cough I could not sleep and Wu {not going Into nnmntlnn_ I trlntl nnnnhlnn hour .._---vwu v vnvvvv Vlvlll-1 HEINTZMAW8 PI |NO8-'l'ho nal Cuna- ' %:m`m`-W Tho huigioventiudly the cheapest. C New Into 1 I dd! . om :ro'u':uy Iledl.n ax oufszmi " Como and In. `Ripe Itnwborrioo, new butter bum, new rhubnrb. new cucumber. wntor cross, 0 not pint, ripe tolnntoel. Iwut potuogo, relh spinach. {rub his. new Bormudn onions, oi-hp lcmloo. groan parsley, trash mint, oto., etc. You on buy one or all of that to- morrow n tho chap grocery houn. Hen- dononh, Brock Itrool. |JllIl.|g|!I, U!" lrUU IIDETII UIVC, IIIUIIIU DO CHECK- ed at once, or eerioue coneequenoee miy eneue. When nnyone nd: hie ldeee leee clear than ueuinly hie eyesight dim, hie heed diuv, eucompenied by e dieinciinetion for eli exertion, ph eioei or menul, he Iney be quite enre that e le in immediate need of eome elteretive medicine. Let him at once eend for e box of Hollo\uy e pllle. e mild oourie of which will remove the eymptome, end epeedlly renew hie ueunl healthful leel- ing. I! the boweie be irritable HoIloIuy e ointment ehould he diligently rubbed over . tha._nnmnh.nd,lixu tum And morning. Holloway`: Plllu and Olntuiont. Bilious aocriom, with all their concomi- tant Annoyances produced by ntmonpheric changes, or too liberal diet, should be check- out` At. nnnn nv Ann-inn: nnnnonnnnnnn unxv u-wagu, n. 1.; w. mcnnrul, mczwnm, Mun; W. T. Cumming. Montreal; '1`. Cooper, Toronto; W. N. Hoyt, New York; A. J. (Jurzou. Toronto; W. Lsnumuir. Guelph: E. W. Chnrlton, A. King. Mon- treal; R. Luell, Mn. Luke, Miu Brown, Torontn. nun uvovl nlllvulun B. H. Brown, Montreal; T. Mills, Kin ~ Iton; R. H. M. Rawlinlon, Ctlgnry ; R. . Deacon ; Montreal : E. Peplow, Port Hope; J. Richsrdlon. '1`. Uonnrell, R. Tnnuor, Montreal ; W. G. Smith, buaincn mnnnger T. W. Keene & ()0. ; W. H. Breckell, Brockvillo; U. E. E an, Montreal; Dr. Pratt. Hamilton; W. . Rodger, Toronto; J. A. UIIIWGH, Ranfrew; G. B. Powelle, Oswago, N. Y.; W. Bichsrdn. McAdnm, MIA: 5 `V T lhunrvina Klunh-nnl - 1` A looblo lhllu-0. Many pononu boooun fooblo nd M! In. mulch {mm dlnun of blood. llnr. I Lavuaulv as; AIIII vvsunuauo R. T. Walkem, Q.C., gave a talk on Some Causes of Indelity" at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian association last evening. Dr. Anglin took the chair, and there was a good attendance of young men. The lecture was closely followed and well appreciated. The lecturer thought the chief causes in producing atheism were a want of reel belief producing a consistent (Ihriatiau life on the part of those of professed Chris- tianity, the attitude of hostilit of the early Christian church down to the .'VI. century to all scientic progress. and the applying to the supernatural the same tests used in natural matters. A discussion iollowed the lecture, and a vote of thanks to Mr. Wal- ltem ws.s moved by U. M. Maodonnell, se- I oondsd by U. 1-,. Hague. Much comment ha; been occasioned by the reported opposition of Mr. Glulebone to home rule for Scotland. Some people wou- der why he ehould favour it for Ireland and not for Scotland, and in melting I dintinc~ lion don : think he in just. They hed bet- ter not judge lleltily. They Ihould welt until they know exactly whet he did say. The ceblegrame sometime: etrengely din tort to the meaning of A man. To the ques- tion, "Whet.`a the mutter with the old men 3" it can be safely answered. Oh, he's all I right." D The government In. iloing in best to jockey Mr. H. H. Cook ; motion on home rule out of the way. A tory paper say: there in nothing in it, and that the Irish Are doing well. Yes`! Is the situation much different from what it was when Mr. Uul ran tired of!` his resolution? No. Then why obfeot to a renewal appeal on behalf of home rule? The government couldn't stand I Jesuit vote and 3 home rule vote in the one session : or rather the Urnngemen couldn t land it. Ah, that's it ! The English press is demanding `s new song for use at pnlrllc meetings in place of He s a Jolly Good Fellow," which, it is in- sisted, is inappropriate to Gladstone, Sslis-| bury, and almost everybody else in whose honour it is LOW sung. The old chestnut could be well dispensed with. We have heard it so frequently and persistently sung at banquets that its repetition now add: terror to the fessua and robs them of mois than half their pleasures. Let us hesr more of Old Grimes 3" I w-v- `-2331! 6-7310 OEOIOI FAKILY U BAKERS` FLOUR BIRD GRAIN, PBIIBSID HAY. GLO- Vnn Ann 'nun-nnr nmnn The senate of the Uinited Sthtes would not pass a motion regretting the death of John Bright. though he had been "the lirmest, most faithful and most fearless friend of the republic," because he opposed home rule for Ireland. The New York Times is disgusted. It expresses its contempt for such selsh cowards, i.e., the senators. L. The Hamilton Tim.e.s pays the effect of Hon. Mr. Hnggarfs new postal order. an- thorining the postmaster: to register the letters they suspect of enclosing valuables, `will to set the ollicinln prying into the contents of letters." The people will plo- bably be satised if nothing more Iorioun than that happens. OI guy; 1 unna-.4 ;v\/I up. Certein American cheese manufacturers mark their cheese as Callldilny Ind nd thet there ie money in the deception. The fraud ehould be stopped. end vet the exig. tence of it is 3 compliment to Cunediem. ` It ehowe that they make the but cheese. I. the bad grnce to mail Sir Richnrd `Cart- wright : gbimy 3,. .; iinnncient snd appealed 1 to the ministerial side of the house to` sus- tsin him and vote down the unondment. ` The loan was gharpiy criticised by the oppo-' siiion leaders, but outside of Mr. Fostrthe minillry was silent. Then the division was culled, the` pomlerons government ma- chinelgotto work. and, as the tory paper nnnounced, the motion Wu "snowed under. Tint it won't stay under. It will bd "hoard sboutby-and by. `\- Lecture by Mr. Wnlkom. ' lI'._ll..._. A\f` ___, _ The Hotel An-Ivan. .. m 1:. E'D1T0l:IAL Nos. , .L_-_. j_j..-...`.__.--_ I! John 8. Vin Loan In In the on An old friend would like to not him. W. . Hoyt, British Amorlmn hon]. Irllllll WOIIIII IIIO I0 1 I British American hotel. II now quite the run. but Dyer`: Jolly ol Cucumber and Ron: bu no equal for link the hnndalo and white. Drug lino n It W. A. Diet L (`.41. Mon CITY FLOUR STORE. nnnlnn -AlnvI 9 L -n.---.... ... ___ ` I ;';.'.-."'::.::"..."'::t '2'.` s';':.':"a.~.. `:2: nu ruuuwnuu tnguurnr. >1-nuns` 1v. Keene, nod a strong oornpnny no booked to perform "Richelieu next Friday evening in the 0 rs house. The Isle of sun will open on ondny. Those who no Mr. Kano and hi: oompnn in "J nllun Cu-ur" Int uuon were dollg tod. Don't be deceived and led uti-ny by the ` qnwk odvertilemente oi eom qnock cloth- ing men. I! you went the a value for your money in boys` clothing, we on the {people that can enpriy you how luiteu ow to 90e. Boyl on lot euitnrimmed with braid. only 82. The beet veiue ever oered and told only `by the Grand Union Clothing company. Ilnllng R-`Id tor the TI-lp. The 14:11 betbellon will to Nlngen thie- eununer. The volunteer: eve elreody oom~ menoed drlll In order that they me) be well qnelled to Appear before etrengere. Mejor Gellowey bee opened oorreepondeace with the pro rleeore of Iteemboeu with A View of eecel-Le nlng the retee they would want for treneportlng the eoldiere. HIE. III UPCIIIIIK U] I"! PUTIUTIIIDIII-E Illll oi the compnn the Globe any: the troupe in one with whic little innit can be found. There in no voice: in it without merit, and the dialogue in q: ially good. The cage letting: Are adm rnblo, sad the costume: worn are rich and elegmt. "lirmlnlu" II coming. ()1: Wednesday Mr. Amman`: comic opera compnny, of the Casino, New Yock. will Ip- penr in the oeuhcuae and present "Ermi- nia_" In nnenlina nf tha narfnrmknm and The New Wnter Tower. Yesterday. members of the wnter worh committee, Aldl. McUnmmon_ Gilderlloeve. Hnrty, C. Robinson end Engineer Bolger visited tha wnter worlu tank. Mr. l\lnddi~ nu, under whose Inperviaion the tnnk was uilt, ndvined the committee thnt if the tank will emptied and left without water for two dnyl it would bezxome ti ht and would not leak my more. This vice who accepted md the water bu been let out. On Monday it is likely the tank will be portly tilled and the preuure Allowed on the pipes. nrocuvme unm me quarter session in June. In December last the prisoner was tried but thejury disagreed, and he wss sen\ back to gsol for the eprin sesizee. B. M. Britton conducted his de ence st the trial in De~ camber, and to the able and forcible address which he msde to the jury their inability to Agree upon a verdict wsa accredited. At this sssize Mr. Britton is crown prosecutor, which, had Lsppan been tried, would hsve compelled him to conduct the prosecution of a prisoner whom he strenuously defended 0 few months ago. I The Cue Postponed. The cue of the Queen vs. Michael Lup- Bnn, for rubbery, ha been postponed ntl rockville until the quarter session in J une. In llnnnmhnr Innt oh- n-I-nu`: um. 0-..l I`... I u-:_y uruuuic, 1 vvuuiu use your prepunnon. R. A. Gunn, M. D., author 1)! Gunn'I New Improved Hnndbooh of Hygiem and Domeetic Medicine, `says: I Am willing to acknowled e and commend thus fnnkly the value of Warner : Safe Cure. The celebruted Dr. Thompson, of the University of the city of New York, uye: "More Adults are carried off by chronic kidney dis- eue than by any other one nuledy except conenmption." ounu unnuv. runaalu rust. UM)- vpn Am sun. 0 I3; FRANKLIN luau! Bouul

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