Ilrootlio. Fine 3 on larl. William. Bun-Io. Chadwick. SW Alloo. Alfred and ol cumin hot `hwu Mum `ad I: C lth `K FORSALEORTORENT, Death at Ir. cnlchton. I l`-IA-_ {\_-:_|.;-_ AL- _, IN6IoEN?s"oF `THE DAY: KINGSTON. CANADA`; SATURDAY EVENING. APRIL 13,1339. JAIIIIB REID, mun nunn-nvr . In ROBERT GARDINER. l5I Earl Rtrnat ' UAKUINISH. 15! Earl Street. -..v ...__-. win! u-vu um. nu-I IIIU uuvv ` been I| hind. The in dooluu that It reooiv the cold than dor. and the ma mcntohbou-my. itlnnltl, hubenon the north Itdo ol friendly. Aldormu Inlllgu $111. K I!!! ""m|l| raw aid to huo the coutrncl Tor te-J ouppooo 1 might any for the drinks. for I! they got :1: with twontyxwo thousand dollsrn wort of wine: It tho oonunnhl dinner. It it onto Iopny thut mun huudrodl who attend the (cut will n their huh uvonl than too null [or them non lll0|'II~ lug. The oommmoo In In an nvfnl Innddlo. The grand u-my men Incl shut uhoy hon The no II In lbiinwfhn nnhl -Inn: AA: ._A AL- 4...; {P*?9_`?l!9_E%E.X!LG5 return home. The memr nl Scrub Oek City, Dehote. writee t t he mey be ex- pected. eocompenied by the lmerd of elder- meu, if made cen be found in the city treeeurv to elford them treueportetion. The Hon. 8. P. Auguetue Overly, of Minnie- eippi, wrltee thet he re resented Nuxobe county in thelegieletnre " lo the weh," end ee hie lemily ie ex ted from Europe ebout the son: he woulrcbe obliged to Mr. Mc- Allieter if he would eee the! they were properly eered for end given A eeet negr. Preeident Herrieon where the could` eee the ehow to ed ventege. Then t e hoard ev eldherlnin got their beck up. Aldhermln Riell told Aldhermin Mdferthy thet Ald- her Lynch end 0'Fleherty wor gettln` ell the good thin for thimeelvee, end he ween t goln toet end it. Aldhernlln Pin- nigen end glohlenue denied thle, end eel] thet they hed nelly eelted on the hum-i-tee end In received eeeurenoe {mm hlc. hlmeel, thet the eldthernrin wnd he pun-lded fur. Then ell the reet ol the cit otliciele pitched in. end ell the meyorl oioiele ol every town end city lrorn Ieine to Texee, end from New York to Gelilornle. `-NIIlltIIIh.y,Jhnn.!'%1.!nIl.lhn.hee . ever been e etete eeeeemh ymen, or eerved ee e ooneteble or ee e member oloongreee. in eey etete in the union. expeote enter- tainment for three`deye end e lree.blow to everything. dinner included. In feet quite . number or theee eel!-Invited gueete here given Mr. Mcnllieter to underetend thet they would willi ly forego the milltery eedlfevel proeeeeionor e free blow et the din r. twenty-two thoueend dollere ie the eurn eetleieted lor wlne elone. cloth! Uomen it held In hlil thn r-nntr-nnl.'?n'|"rWQ'h:n valley. I thought with the assignment ol the thousand seats for the legislature and their lriende that the troublee of the centennial celebration committee were ended. but. bleee your heart, they were only juet be- un The dietrict attorney from Spotted %ail, Texae, hae notified the comrv-ittee that he may be expected with his family. and requeete to know what provision hae been made for hie entertainment while here. and if the committee will eecure raeeee lor hie ma `or u Scrub trim name. -..h.. e .9 l.. ...-.. I... .. use Iuuluplleu our sulciaes gravel. The shockin sccident to Dr. Edwarl Beecher which es cost him one of his limbs, has lled the breasts of tliousemls of his friends with sorrow. Attempting to get on to the core at fsrkville, where he hs.d been attending weekly meeting, he either slipped or was thrown under the train, his le was crushed so the: em nation was ren ered necessary, en operation the! he stood with hr-roic fortitude. Dr. Beecher is eightyve and the chances are very much sgeinst him. In the hour of his suffering and sorrow he has the sympethy of the entire community. Though Dr. Beecher is not so well known known to the outside world as his illustrious brother, he has neverihelms been I faithful serum of Christ. for over sixty years, and it is to Him thst he looks as his ste and his comfort if he is celled on to cross the dork valley. I fllnunhf --NH shn n-ai.m.......e -5 5L- A Ifltlllsl Tale of the fall of a anker-- Ihe Troubles over the centennial Ce- $3: lebratlon areonu lieeun.-lsmons|sle Id ' Political Evessts-\\'urIJlIl|neu Expos- ';`yl lnxlliaeh Other. ' `of (Special (`orrespondencml m New Yomt. April I2.-hast week I wrote about the wretched wrecks that strew" the shore of our New York life, but nothing more pitiful or romantic has occurred here for years than the death of Ellery C. Dani- els, who died a few (lays ago in St. Luke's hospital. During the se nd Grant cam- paign. at the request of ti national oom- mittso, I went into Mesa husetts, and at Dedham met Ellery U. Llsniels. At that time Mr. Daniels was cashier of the Web; , ster "iational bank at Boston. and wa s"re- garded in wealth and position as the fore- most man in Dedham. H elegant house was one of the handsomost that very aris- tocratic and exclusive :1 ter, and his horses were the finest and he best to be found between Dedham a Boston. Mr. Daniels was a free live and Dedham felt proud of him, and at old bankers, whose bank account rcquir seven gures. felt honored by tucking eir aristocratic legs under Mr. Daniels` el ant mahowny. He had risen from as oice y in the e ster bank, and after years of honorable service had achieved a posion exceeded by that of the president alone. But he had got in the habit of fast living and he could not give it up. He tried his luck on the race courseand the ool room. but the devil he had served so werl deserted him in the hour of his direst need ; then he stole the funds of the bank and at rim he thought he would re lace them. Days and weeks pass- ed on an be sank deeper end deeper in sin. till at last his thefts me so agrant, that he was detected and tenced to im- prisonment for five years. fter serving a year President Grant par-l ed him. and he started life anew. A great iano firm that knew his former life took pitv and gave him she position of salesman. in two years he robbed his friends of eight thousand dollars and ed. From that hour he became a pariah and an outcast, home- less, ragged and stsrvin . The fashionable society man. the swell c uhtnsn. the proud and aristocratic banker. who once occupied .1 magnicent mansion and was humbly waited on by retinues of scl'VIlJi`S, might be seen seeking his breakfast in the garbage cans by the wayside and found his lodgings in carts or in the cellars of vacant houses, and he esteemed himself fortunate when, by the bounty of some charitable pedestrian. he was enabled to seek the shelter of some ten cent lodging house in the slums. For over ten years he endured the horror of this miserable life. and at last, worn b disease. exposure and dissipation, he ear: in the street a starvin . homeless tramp. He was taken to St. Luei hospital. one of the no blest charities in the city, and after a brief struggle died. The endrnguf this miserable and disgraceful life is but another warning to our young men to keep in the straight and narrow path. This consuming desire to be rich and to live beyond our means is the curse of the present age; it is this which has he! d to fill our state prisons and which has mu tiplied our suicides` The shoclrinu amialnnt. tn hr I-`.4!-up-I THE WAY FAST LIVING Bnmas A MAN TO BONDAGE. BRoADM1's LETFEE HYDNIY, N.S.W.. April l3.-'l`ho ooptuln of the Gamma mun-of-wu Aullor. wracked in the bun-loan at Apia. Itll that In- hh at that tainted only the Americans. but afterward: uooorod the Conan. The United Shh: utuuur Nlpdo. although lost- od, h uulul. _. K Salado: army at Dug:-uh. , harnohll ha... bum uomor III! II nun mum: nu giljor I plltol. The momr hurting is: t 0 room and `raped woopol - Liar {lotion followed. and tho bullet odgod under `.I4ll-'- -..- LIIII-n Ll... Cnlmoo. Ill., April I8 -WI|Ilo overhaul- In I burun In his tuber : room la: n he die Gcllory. Igod I]. called out no in mother that In Ind loud his ulnar`: pistol. Thu mntlnr hnl-rind Inln I. a noun: Anal % '1\HE DAILY WHIG. A A 5` IIIIT. IIIU fffullllillllll VIII "0 IIIIIIO. Mr. Blolno non. for tho purpose of lmprov- ` log tho oorvloo by ooding out too loom:-l~ cot consuls and rohlolng only tho boot moo. This will ho done without much rogord {or politics. sud will run]! In tho rotonllon of 1 number of tho oppolotooo oi the lost od- mlnlotnlloo, who hon undo good tooordu. Onnothwlnod o good 1 rcpubllcon ooooulo. who hon d In no oopoclol tooonlortho oorvloo, w I In droppod, on will oloo Inch domoorot locumbooto on may ho In tho oomo cotogory." lotion lI:l'l:wod. Ind7|:'I:1lloI 1: did`: on, killing him. UIIC COIKIIIIT XTVIOU VIII 0031]] IIIC IIIWT part 0! non wook under the direction of So- croary Bldno and Autumn Socnnry Whuton. The roorgsnlndon will ho undo, Mr Rlnlnn uni; far dun nu:-nan: nl lmnmv. Tho Oonula In Canada Will Come Under Ilovlov Ion Hook. Nlw Yotx. Apnl l3.-'I'he Herald`: Wuhington uyn : "Tho roorgnnintiou of the oonnulnr norvioo will begin tholuuor nnrt nf nail Dani unnlhr Ihn din-notion nf HA. olemee lthend Gets the "Cet" It Pluton- Weakened II the triangle. l`I('n>s. A ril l3.-Jemee Rhend, for in- decent esseu t, received twent leshee in the corridor of the gen] yester ey. When the prisoner wee being led in he wee greatly egiteted. After beinv feetened to the tri- enule the executioner begen his teslt. The first blow wee considered too light. which ceused the sheritf to demend greeter sever ity. As the dernends were mede the effect eeemed to incroeee the egitetion of the prisoner end lessened the force of the blows. At the conclusion Rhend geve evi- dence of greet weekneee end when retirin seemed on the verge of leintin . The bec was reddened by the infliction o the punish- ment. but no blood merlu were visible end the physiciene se thet the pulse wee un disturbed, indieettn thet the egitetion of the risnner wee ergely essnmed. The punie Inent wee not considered exception elly severe. Rhend's sentence will expire on the 26th inet. ` IIIU ID IIIU TC.` ICTIIQ IBIIDIW (III lnlru IVGIIIQ rui road. sud innunersble other strikes end boycotts, every one of which has been A misersble and disastrous fsilure. re sulting in the ruin of the workingmsn. The local assembly 8.390 wsnted to run Mr. Stevenson's business and Mr. Stevenson re- fused to let them do it; then some men were hired who were ta get employment in his brewery. end when they got in they were to destroy or poison his beer; they failed to get in, then an assassin wss hired to blow up the building with dynsmite bombs placed in the engine room. The Assassin fsiled to get inside the brewery but he plsced the bomb under the north wall and blew it down. Then the villsins qusrrelled among themselves, snd this week one of them turn- ed st.ste's evidence. No mercy to such us they sre.-Truly yours, Runs nmnn IETIIICH Illll IIVOF The city was startled the other lny by` ` the Arrest of several member: ol District Assembly 49, of the knights oflnbor, for the attempted destruction of Stevenson ! Ale brewery on Ninth avenue. with dynamite bombs. Auembly 49 hue been at the bot- tom of every dieturbnnce here ever since the organiutiou of the knights of labor. When Mr. Powderly tried to conduct the unir-I of the knights of lnbor by means in keeping with decency and modern civilizntion, Il- eembly 49 stated in to destroy Ir. Powder ly. A fellow named Quinn. who got com- mend of the organization I fcw year: 330, "ordered the rent strike which resulted in the ruin of t ounndl of poor workin men. He led the rent strike Against the hird nvenne rni road. And innnnernhln nthnr 'guished citizens, Cornelius Van Cott. )1 r. uadly to conunue-to the end. This weekmisytmade memorable in political circles dis lacement of Postmaster Pearson and the e ovation to the Postman tership of one of New York's most distin- Peaon. who is the son;in-law of the post- master who preoeded him, Mr. James, has been connected with the poet otlice for the past sixteen eare. When General Gareld became pres dent he appointed Mr. James postmaster-general, and a few days after his assumption of that office his sonin-law. Mr. Pearson. wee appointed postmaster of New York. He held his position until Mr. Cleve- land was elected, when his mugwurp friends, IAITY Godkin. George W . Curtis and Carl Shullz, went personally to the prep sident and demanded as a reward for their services in the preceding campaign the ap- pointment of Mr. Pearson. The request was granted. to the disgust of Mr. Cleve- land`s political friends, who looked upon the poet office ae one of the richest political plume. Mr. Pearson is not a very suave man. Long possession of office had made him Is martinet and an autocrat, till his petty tyrannies made the lives of those be- neath him an intolerable burden and a curse. He caused it to be bruited abroad that there never was such a postmaster before. and if he were displaced it mi it be difficult to tind such another. But is head fell into the basket this week amid the general re- joicing of the hundreds of his subordinates. who held a grand jollification to celebrate his downfall. And he will step out of the great building where he had ruled like an antocret for so many years, unmourned by asiegle friend excepv 1| few of the favored eatellites who held thur places by his suf- ferance and favor. 'I`L.. ...-_ -.....I...l AI... -aL_._ .n_.. I_.' I600 IIOHIIDR 0! "I3. Twice thin week we have heard through perfectly reliable eourcee that Ward Mc- Alliuter heal reeigned, `the: Ward Mt.-Allister had washed hie hendl of the whole nlfnlr, but we now nd that that talented repre- eentntive of the elite four hundred in Itill on deck and likely to he a very lively, hon up to April 30th. He in not dead nor a oop- ina. His position is as trying one. but he is still meeter of the `eltuetion, end I0 be it likely to continue -to the end. Thin `much i. mm. ..........-.m. :. ....Im...I cil thnt uv the boord did not have foive tickets nich for the dinner, Ind `free dhrinh for himoelf end his friends. he d mute the hum-e~tee sup sorrow be spoonfuls." There are evidently not free tickets enough to go around to the dinner. I judge I0 from the fact that though President Hnrrison and Governor Hill hue received them, up to the present writing Brondbain hn ` seen nothing of his. Trice thin wash In hnvn hoard rhrnnah CHOWN 843/iiToHELL's CENTRAL DISP ENBARY, `I50 rluol Found 84010 Too. .-_ III A__lI In Il1Ln_ .__, TO BE ATTENDED TO. -_-.:_-s;j:: lung II the crown. I A_.4| u. an TrWiEN;Y LASHES. Bum nmuu. I luau lnluul IIIII lIVIUpl I\'II'yIl before Is. A `comer nunodutlortlon. 37. was conoalod In the blllhll nur King `Huh- or. wu can Min the qulckund yaltordny and drown ; and Mn tour: In swept down the rlvor. Two railroad omploycu won ro- rtod to Inn bun drownod at Guthrie. horn is now but db place that tho rlvor onn In fordod and than ll nut Ouchm. Thorn no no bridge: in Okhbons, and this strain Inunboorouud to reach the coun- Irv u swollen luvor Blah: It DIIIOIOII to In Furled by tho lvlotollq Wicuf. xx. Aprn Il.-A' new dtniii oonfronh tho boomers. The Ammo: river la rhlna I-gnllu --A n-ggnl-uu --.._.sI.l.a- 00lIll'0ll- Inc ooolnori. uxo nmnrron river [I ilnanldl and wool vrytln 545.1 E ; L............. .:"6.?.a'.... 51?. Q-n nanunnnlntl In Olin Ln.L.a ---u If]-.. .Dl_L Lord Dnnrsvsl Will Most Gsnernl Doha Anor ths Amen-Ios cup Itsoss. Boston, Msss., April 13 -About s month (in. Psino requostsd Bssvor Webb, of at York, to oommunicsts with Lord Dun- rsvsn. who wss than binilciing s nsw ysoht st Southsmpton, sud ssh him if he would be willing to mshs s mstch with his but yscht for s cup for seventy footers to be sub- scribsd for b individusls in this country. Bssvor Wsh eommnnicstod with Lord Dunrsysn sud reosivod s ropl inym ths British yschtsmsn thst he woul bs plesssd to ssil for such s cup ii ths rsosowould not lntsrisrs with his rscss for tho Americs cup. Gen. Psins hss sgrssd thst such s our shall bs iorthooming, sud thst ths noes wil be ssilsd sitsr ths Amsrios on tsoss st sous plsos to ho nutuslly upon. A Relnnrkable Scene at the Close ol Slr Chnrlee BnuelI'e speech. Nuw Yoiuc, April i.'i.-The Surfs London epecini uye: "While Sir Uheriee Rueeeil was making hie greet crouch yelterdny he had to brunh the teen rom hie eyee more then once, And when et. length he eenk into hie not the nervoue etrein of six deye oi elmoet continuone epeehing end the pent-up excitement end emotion of monthe found vent, end the etrong men eobhed like A child. There were meny other men, so well en women, who ehed teere end were not eehemed 0! it. Even Preeident Henoen ioet hie judi- ciel beience. end being too much moved to epeek trembiingly wrote on e eiip of pe r e warm expreeeion oi oongretuietion engced miretion end peeeed it down to Rneeeii. Then the whole court crowded eround the oretor, who, hell eehemed of the emotion he hed ehown. hurried sway with Li: wife end daughter, who had had the ieiioity of wit- neuina hie triumph." Wood I Wood I I IF YOU WANT WOOD. AND WHO DON'T ? OI XUTIIICT IQTVICC. Mr Stanley calls the natives "cunning rogues," and any: the": for purpose: of ex- tortion they nlwnys pretended tht the country wu suffering from a famine. The "friendlies." he nave. withheld information, but the natives who were cnptured by the expedition impnrte-1 all they knew. Mr. Stanley believes that the lake he discovered in 1876 belongs to the Congo. wcre ueiuy cnverea wun leaves. The skewer: pierced the feet of Stanley '3 men, inicting wounds that in many cases developed into Angrenoua sores. The men who were hsmegin this manner were seldom of further Iervice. `1.. k`A-_I,... .\_II_ AL, ' .,-.2._,- ;_ Stanley : Verdict on some African Tribe: e Eneountqed. Loxoox, A ril l3.-Henry M. Stmle '0 letter to the oyel geographical society e- clnreu at length the vnriuue devices by which the native: eudenvoured to prevent the ad- vance of the expedition. One of these Ill tn dig shnllow pits across the path of the column and fill them with skewers, which were deftly cnvered with leaves. Thn niuawnrn ninrno than (on! nl` \`o....l....`- PIUVU Hll 'Iy8. The same night they viuited I neizro named Jame: Crews who ha 3 white wife and who had been reviouely warned. They took him to e w neer by. tied him naked to A tree and edminietered forty lube: to his here back. He wee left tied to the tree where some of his friend: subsequently found him. The terrors of last year instituted by this gang of White Caps are breaking out nfreeh. The indignetion of law abiding citi- zens in greet end it in aid will result in the orgeniution of vigilance committees to sup- preu them. grunu Jury. The White Caps also appeared on Thurs- day night near Newburgh, Warrick county. about twelve miles from this city. A bond of ten visited the house of W. T. Musterlon, who it is alleged has failed to rovide for his family He was given ten ashes snd Zhleutened with forty more if he did not im- pmve his ways. The lama ninhf. thnv -hint! n n-nu-n They Werited to Run on Impounded Hogs ` But the Frsrrner Moule Five oi the White Caps Taste Cold Lend -The Other Atrocltles the lland Are Said to Have (.:u'u rInItM-d. E\'ANh`\`lLLl-2, Iod., April 13. -The White Ca unterrilierl by recent prosecutions and rat er emboldened by the release and se- quittsl of a number of the bands, have com- A rnenced fresh depredations in Wsrrick and" Dubois counties. John Lausford is I read supervisor in Madison township, Dubois ouunty, and one of his duties is to take up stray hogs. Recently he gathered in min way and impounded a large number of pork- ers, which he refused to release without the eust.onra'ry ne Last Monday he received a notice from the White Caps that the hogs were the property of poor people unable to y the ne, and if they were not prom tly released he would be visited and compo led .. surrender them. Thursday morning the White Caps appeared and Lansford was awakened by twenty maslred men who de- manded the hogs. He refused and they dis- mounted and proceeded to go through the premises He warned them to desist and when they disregarded him he opened re with a double-barrelled shotgun wounding two with the rst volley. The White Caps immediately returned the tire through the windows of the house, wounding a young son of Lansford s. The (H gentleman took down a brace of seven shooters after dis- charging his gun,snd continued tb pour loed after load into the ranks of his assailants. who, after dlsoharghg their weapons beat a hasty retreat bearing three of their wounded comrades out of the yard. One or them has since been identied by the wounds he re- ceived, and through him it is learned that live of the White Caps were wounded. Lens- ford's son only received a esh wound which is not serious. Mr. Lansford is satisfied that he knows severel of the White (laps and they will be at once summoned before the grand jury. ]`h \\/hifn .AI'\I nlln nnnnnrotl nn Thurs. A NATION OF CUNNING ROGUES. THE TIME THE wmre caps HAD m INDIANA snug. " THEY ME'"r WORTHY FOES, OTHER YACHT RACES. j i--v ` 3T.B;3UIJ'D `BRICK 'Kl`TU'ENUK "o"ii Kink Street : Ilx room: and ulannlnn klmhnns A NEW DANGER NOW. HE unsr INTO TEARS. rib. czumumn: AND UENICRAL Jubuixxd SHOP. with T0023 cmd stuck oonnplmu; also Dwelling. Satisfactory. n-manna given for quiuing buuineaa. Apply to It. A. MARRI- .~u).V'. lnvemry.0nt. COKE DOWN AND SEE OUR STOCK Of IID1` \lAI3I I` ma -- .........n ..-...1..I..... .....-I.I- JAM%'c>Xvvi'i5iELL, A'I' l"lVlC AND (`|~`..\'T. .-xpnly to H. ov N` Exprern (mice. FINEST ii PERFUMES WHOLESALE AND NET \ Ila. unun. ay. Flour. Oatmeal. Br n. Rhona. 81-odu. lcuwn. `Ill usku. l`hw:o. Fluke, '--. mmu-_r hr the Vonvntln Rom-Inn mm and mo Pmnror uoumml mun. Mullahs. um land.-nlnuhut. M().\'E\' T0 LENID on Uurvcnt Rules of In- ter--M. R. \\' SIIANNON. lhrriller. ()'Irc. m-It door In King's drug store, King Street. Ixinaston. THE MAIN PART of thv Stone House on King Stront. formerly occupied by Lhelnte Mrs yimznulay. H1-nt I3tI):\ your and taxes. The hou.~-. is i u oxen-.llcnL order with All mud` orn nnveniencea thur Iolicu. Apply 00 Kirkpnt rick 1 Rogers. Stables attached until fur- HOUSE with t. moms and extension kit- chen hard and no t water with good Iubllng ; oon Yemen: tglguutll 00]! e : iliggxodlntot - season. In on o emu: .otn .0. $44 Union Street. becwzn Gocdon and Altnd ta. A SMALL HOUSE on Centre Stroot. Vio- Ioria Ward. Rant. Including Lama. sixty dol- hm per anuum. Alno_a Small House on West Slreel. Sydenham Md, opposite the 1. Houses in good order. Apply to A. MC(gUR- MIUK Princess St :-eat. TOILET REQUISITES FOR SALE. (`HEAPEST HOUSE IN THE (.`lT\'. No. 1!) Earl street. between Bn t. and Sydenham streets; brick dwelling wit I0 rooms. Rent l2 per month. Apply to W. H WORM WITH. tcvenson dz (.!o.'s Piano Factory. 'l`() REN'l`-VVl{()LESAI.E STOR E-(`omer of Clarence and (Intnrlo Streets. Apply to W. H. SULLIVAN. Sulic tor. Clarence street. or J. ll. Ml'Rl'llY. Telephone No. 170. A BRICK DWELLING AND A SPONE DWELLING. with or without furnaces and all modern improvements. Both are near the cor- ner of King and West nu-ecu. Anply to MAC- DUNNELL & MUDIE. of King nu no srou. roar of Princess-at. Kingstoin AT l"lV'E AND `|<`.\"l'. Annlv In H. I-`ROM 151` MAY, that good, Iubsumthl house on Ontario Street, near Union. at pre- aont occupied h Mrs. Deacon. Apply to E. T SPEACY. VVKIB & Suaacy. HOUSE. IN WILLIAM STREET: eleven ro0ma:bMh;kilchon and main floor. Posses- sion May lat. Apply at N0. R7. or at 47 Clergy street. ` l.ublII'I. Atkinson's. Rh-koooker`u, Col- gate`; Gel o h*ero n. Lundborgfn. Hen- rie 5. Planet Luhiui. Baylo I, (`our- .dmy`o. Plvior'n and the than no Joan Marlo I-`nrinn Perfumes, In dibrono ages of funcy bonles. lnkmnke-,r'n. l.ubIn'|.Mnnn'LWu-rick l`1'0re'u.HosrIoo a steam: In bulk. The largest and but unorwd stock to salon: from. no `II [VI IITIIJ I` IITIIIII I'Ul I UIIIVB, III III IIUTUIIU ages bollles: _ lcksockerh. Lubln |.Mann I.Wanick l"rore'u.Hoarleo & Steam: In bulk. Thu In!-nnntnntl haul nnnnruad nlnok In opposite Bu-not om. Cnurlo strogt. 'A shop on KING STREE r. with dwelllm! above. uuu Market Squire. Apply at I! liar Btritjt. NEW BRICK HUUSE. EARL S'l`lUSE'l`. in Int! Terrace. near Barrie Street App] to B. EAICNEY. 39 Princess Street, or at 4 Earl . tree`. THE SHOP AND DWELLING on my Streul, occnpi~d by John Henderson u a who]:-sale liquor sloro. Apply (,0 JOHN ltl~2E\'lS. Brock street. HM` I'l0I|'0l` UOIllI|O\| I '-'-2: mm OFFICE. large. central, well tted. Terms 1' n b `_,Pummsiuu immediately. Apply n I ` X. ` r __ BIG. HOUSE IN VAUGHN TERRACE. .Poua- `aion May naz. Apply .1; wine OFFICE. A1` ().\'CE. A _UO0D MAN IN KINGSTON to look after collectors and collection: ; must be well known to the business men; must furnish 82.11!) bonds ; go-yd pen and uendy work to II hl mun ;ono with 0 me preferred. Apply to T {URS I`UN. TBURLEY & CU.,87 King Street East. l`m-unu). um. THU HSTUN. THUI East. Turonw. om. SA LESMEN--We wish a few men to sell our goodsb aumplq to am WUOIGNLII: um! retail trade. I-gent. manutuclur-rs lnourline. En- (zlm-10 I-centluunn. Wagoatapor dny. Perma- mant position. No postalayunawerud. Money adnnood for w ea. advenisnnc. etc. CIN-\ TINNIAL MAN'F'0 0. Cincinnati. Ohio. A UOQD HOUSE in agood loamy. `suitable Ior a Lfhyulcian. Ann M. um omce. NEW BRICK HOUSE. EARL STREET. in [MI Terrace. Anni! AIs1.\'uI;: 1su1; uA\'.T}; Qfxiii SE.;_1e:zi'r lop. Will besuld M E. K. Marlin`:-1 Auction ltuous,MurkoL Square. on Sat urday. An N 13 h. -jg -----uv-- ---uvwy----vu L031`, IN THE CITY. on" Tnuusuiv. A 1 ROLL UP` BANK BILLS. about $50ln amount. The ndnr will he lxbemll rewarded on re- turning; the name through Lgo w mu Umce. ._.-_ ._.--_ ...p.___J Tcod.u.~3 AND mum) by Married Couplv. A. IS. (`.. Wum Olcc. V; VI u: cheap. adorn uuldonou on Queen. Union. 0ordn:n.I.'lIohuon. (nova. Brook and other nice moon. VOL. LV_Il[. M98`??? T0 L9Ar5 '{uZFFoTfc. In. M` I. c. ILL. llarkot Squall. Street. IZIBERAL REWARD. % FQR s;.LE. `i-`< )n#'rn1c" uh. ~ Cunlullllon llorohant. -T--a_1 FOR" SALE { we-rnb;: D|\CI. nplonaldly mmnoa : llllo looatiouon Union ` I roam down and 4 upuuln auuusc ueiuu. chad: and aublo; mm w cheap. Ina modern Queen. Unlnn. LEfr;" A-HALF` AND SIX PE! A. UlV| Street 15! Princess Stroot. rt Ian uumuar. ._ upon nun who thoroughly undu- Itandn his bullets will always who in do- mnd; In nonr hood but an oompotmoa of boyn'ot'gh-II, ox umtoun. Young Ila-ism`: Vlun. Nlw You. April ll.-Albo|-I Bright made hh n: Ipuoch yuurdny. He In an- compronhtggllgggllg Ilglpo TIIJI; Refor- rlh t'6'K'io can Iffrly VHF: hoi 'r`Iili.' he told : I should Ii 0 to have In intelli- gont American on thin plndorm and at him what vnuld happen I! there wore thirty or fatty molnbon ol the Ate:-Ion congrats known to ho Iupporkd by English money In ordcr to Introduce inn undo Into the United Shun. uumu. wnnon nu: noon III") poworlul Ioporio in MI hand. u pa-uuua or uucmu mnnnn, um no no not noon {allowed to his room when he ox- cnned himself from the bronkfut noble. but wu found Ilhlcnn with the on tyfour-ounce battle. which had boon only full of the powerful nonoo In his hum]. nan wnn nun lmlrlaly. use tnoalou Id~ vi ,, 1., t inh- 5'05? hu`h!.oucri u mioni u ol Ilicidll mania, and to In In noon lnllnu-ml In his Imam, -Dun In An. ruouu mean, no ernveu mo eooompeny gr. Crel Mon to Guelph, when enrage- mente been meke for lllm to enter on lnetitutionend but. for Me doelre to e d one day more with hie wife en three children, would have left with him Thuredny. The medial ed- vinr. Dr. Hahn". In tho nu-Baht; lnnnhh. U1 .Ull7;FUI`J'l1` 'FR'lUK K Iii King street : 04: rooms and exlonslou kitchen: `run and tel In pu-lor. water. 01.0. Room to hllllllfd nnlo! l"lrl::`OO on lot. Fine home for A In . n. ' 3.760 '..'r1N: nomcnn nun: mm IIVDIC CI Ito IIITIIIIIO-. Mr. Wnlter Creighton. the l'lIBlIlOl' of the Queboa branch of the Bank ol Iolmul. died audenly yooterdny from an ovordooo of morphine. The deceased gontlolnm had been under medical treatment for some time III for melancholic llld inoomnh. Colonel Tnnnn oil A L.6o-- I(l....n-.. - ...-.._ l.0lul OI nunncea money or nngnru auoue. Prof. Wm. H. Tbompoon, of the univenlty of the city of New York, uylz "Moro adult: an curried o in thin country by chronic kidney disuse than by an other mnludy except consumption." The no Dr. Dio IAVHI In arching of Warner's Sofa ll Cure". said our own signature : If I fllhd III'I" I'll Vlfiln n`A nrinnn Lb`-nan uuru, um over nu own Imnuuro "ll 1 found In no]! the victim of: serious kidney troublo would no your propsntion." Extreme wnkofulnou, diltrauinu norvout nou. chronic rheumntic puinn. sciatica. neu- rolgin. an of the above dinordoru are nymp- tomn of nncod kidney Bright`: diloue. Prof. Wm. H. Thnnnnnnn, nl Hm uni--nlnn UIUT. In an interview the Rev. Willinm Gal buich, Toronto. formerly of Kingston, who has hid nine years experience of life in Quebec, details at length the chief griev. ancea 0! the Protoctnnls in thut. province, And expresses the opinion that if wise men- nurel are not Adapted to prevent the con tinuod encroachment of the French in On bur civil wnr will brenk out before many vou-I. Ill H L. rillmsster Hnnck, the instructor of the ` Crown Prince of Prussia, whom the emperor ordered to be arrested `A short time Ago for the commission of some petty olfence, has been tried by court. mnrtnl And sentenced to fteen months` imprisonment in I fortress and degrnded to the rank of 3 prints sol- dior. `-1 -.. :_1.___!._ AL. l'),.. II':I|:_, 1 I Fl IIUIL A committee appointed at Rochdale for i the purpose of devising A suitable memurunl of Mr. Jubn Bright have decided to erect a bronze statute of the famous eutenmnn. Severn} hundred pounds were subscribed at once at I meeting held at Rochdnle last night, PUIIIDUIIUIT". David Sheehy. MP. for South Gllvny, undergoing imprilonmont for offence: under the Urimu act, has been`conned in I cell and placed on 3 bread and Wu tordiet for re fusing to perform menial work about the prison. A nnmmittaa nnnninnul at RnnH:';ln hu- mu wr IIIIIIIICIIOIII Illa uuolnnu. holonel lotion, of "A" battery, Klnpton, a turn: rernonnl friend, bud Arrived to Ir. Clnhton Onolnh. Ihlll u-nmn. What In Tnklng Plan In 1 Inol` Way Ovor The World. A. C. J. Kaumnn, music doclonwho on Wednudn pleaded guilty to forgery, was nenteuoe to-day, II Brockvillo, by Judge Falconbridge to menu your: in the penitentinry. nnvid Qhnnhv M D Inn And: ("Lul-gu U, l\ll'I"lUlI IIIIU l'U-IUTVKU HIIWV BEST DRY sums in Taxi: oh": Best. sdeserter from A" battery. wss errestenl while psinting the steemer Quinte st Desermto. Ser t. Bouzillier brought him to the city. his is the third time of llesertion, and the second time he was ur- rested in Deseronto. He will be tried in I few deys by court martial. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC F'LASHE8- ruwr man In my uuroo monmn uelore. Rev. Dr. Albuu Copo, rml to eluplng cou le-It in impouible : I wil not marry any v in Leut ! Will Marigold. urgently -For goodness` uke. doctor, cun`t you do it just this time? We won`: trouble you ugciu ! Rant, Arlnnm-far from A" hghgrv ug- rvupuuulug Illullul ulun me roan wee opened, end for Jenuery, Februery end merch greater than in my three month: before. Rev Dr Alhn Pnna rmlv tn nlunlnn lU( IIIIE, III (H0 Clly Dill. The traffic on the Thousand Island rail way, in March, was greater thm in any cor- nlponding month since the road wu opened, and for Jnnnu-V. Fehrnnrw Ami mm-on l.'Illl- Seoeuion or citizenship, which`? This quoatlon will be dincnlud in A public lecture by Principnl Grunt on Tuesday evening next, l6th inst`... in the cily hall. The trnfo nn than Thnuxnnd lnlnml nil WOT) ZUC. I` 5. NICFIIII I. All this month we will all Inca curtain: at wholeulo prices. Come And see the im- menu bargains we are oring. R. Ic- Fnul. u_--_-:-_ -_, -:.:-__-L2_ ._L:,L'. vm - ":' half-soiled whim quilt: will be oored for half price. Crotonnel for 102., worth 20c. at R. McFnul'I. All ALI- ....-_sI. ...- ..:II --II I--- -___._L__ 5G0.0ll|' III IIICII PUTS IIDCII UIWIICK .5 230. lanes & Burns. ` Murray & Taylor will open u brsnclx atoms in Carleton Plnco next week. "r noun` -linnr Anal:-an In OLA A.:I.._I_.. Hf Llkrxtu. "3'i.75o"".. rm: n'(')ou:nN nun: atax- muscle. splendidly nhhod flue looatlonon Union meat: and 4 uunnln lq \lIl'ICl0n I'lICO IIBXI WOCI. ' For good uaro deulin in the tailoring lino try Lam rt at W ah. ll0 Prlnoou IIIXL In napuu Special b;rgnina in white quilt: at Minuet & Burns`. A llnnnn L..I.' -..I.....l _:lI L- |...:I. 2, C D l'KII . A 812.000 higli school will be built in 1 Napnnee At once. Han nnr 80 Inch nnrn Iim-n Annual: .0 OK- `Nun: Pang:-nplu Picked up by Our lu- portera In 'lholr Ramblou. Art blind: 75c. complete It Hnrdy'a. Beat tting mantle: made at Hardy's. Sea our 25c tweed: for boys` weu. Minna & Burns`. ll... A-I..l.... L':......-s . _ . _ . ..-- I N I G Dllflll . Mn. Ashley, Kingston, open: I lnundry in Napnueo. Sneninl hm-oninn In u-hits man. .9 Min-.. ununnu nu-nu, THE LEADING UNDERTA KER. Pincus Srnlrr. THOSE ELEGANT HOUSES were special built for the owner. and no expoue was 2 r in their construction. The rooms being IIFRI). well ventilated. and having a southern expo- sure. are bright and cheerful. They are hand` eomeli titted. lmving marble muutela. errata] mxasal era. hut and cold water baths ; nu iary plumbing. etc. Drainage rfect. In rear of each dwelling is A lovely awn and garden. with spacious outbuilding-s. For terms npply to THE TWO HANDSOIE sroxu: pwxnunesf " 149 AND 151 EARL srannr.` JIPIIJUB II 0009. Soo, our 60 Inch pure linen dnmuk At. 250. Minna: & nun-nn uj Illll Alruld of Nothing. ` lnnnlnr KIKI-I31 II\IVVl` LIV`, BEE UUK5 Elm./A `J IIST MAPLE. cut. or uncut. urrivlng weekly by Kingston and Pembroke Railway. ____________ _- .._._. ____ ..l__