1,,-W -' ::..': :12-:'.*:'.-."~.=: "-.:- INTI! 0 0 III!` ` Ax:tn wnnudjl. no`-henna . muting the aunt Ion IDII 'l|I(I- urn; gm. hop It. W. A. Dyor &. Co. Mon Ind. lfvriluo Iv] wu--I----v-u Artluu, Inoohcnlcu sud lnborlngr won an liable toluddcn nonidonlu and lnjuricl. an well an ul ootdn, nil joints and .l-menus. omllpthu umhlod wc would rpoomlnoad std`: Yellow OK]. the handy and to 0 puln can for outpcd or 1ntorad`III'. " ' - ""T ` unvu nun -u-1.3-. nuns`. .. . Why Iuipr us Ilnglo momnnt when you can pg Immediate rello! from gll Internal or extorul palm by "tho in of Poboni Ner- vlliuo. the great. pull cure. Norvlllno bu, uevor been known to full In 5 Ilnglo one. It cannot full. {or Iv. II I comblnulou of tho um: povmful pain Iubdulng roluodion tho: in known. Try I In con: ample bottle ol Nervlline. You will nd Norvllino 5 auto cure for nounlnh. toothooho. `headache. Buy sud try large bottlub cuts. by all druggllll. A well-known Engllnh matron ll 0 I'm-mun u unuhuturer ol folio {nth ll pluourdod 1' (mm with picture! represent- my hot "bofnro and aftot" tailing u on of Mn famous tooth. The "before" pomslt in tho one which lulu her nary. In n cue st luv in Illinois the other dny it man shown that I womun whipped her boy to that he was In bed for three wash, hecnuue he could not commit (my bible vane: to memory in one week. With Increased Knowledge Of the laws governing health anal the treatment ofdisease,reaort. to the phvaiciana in leu often made than formerly. Successful treatment can be made in such minor ail- menu aa headache, billou.;nesa.conetipatinn. fluttering at the heart when sympathetic, foul breath, etc., all the variona disorder: 1 resulting from deranged action of the liver and stomach. by the use of Hamilton`: Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. These pills being entirely compoeed of vegetable .-xtracta, they form an admirable Iullatltute `or the numeroua tonic bitter: in the mar- ket. Hamilton`: Pilla an mild in action, certain in reaulu, aafe in all kinda of weather, and form the beet family medicine extant. Sold by all dealure in mediclne, and by N. C. Polaou & Co., Kiuglton. \`eat-You have I practising ph_ys`ci a next door. I hear. Crimwnbeak (hearing the sound of: iano--We hue I physician next door, but think thst is his dnnglttr doing the prnctiaing. CJUB. .Ir-`~- Ayer'e Hair Vigor in 3 most excellent preparation for the hair. I speak of it from L-xperieuce. It use promote: the growth of new hair, and makes in glossy and soft. '1'fIa"Vigor in n"luro cure for dandru""- .l. W.Bowen, Editor Enqurer, McArthur, Ohio. I....... ..l ........ .. ..........oI.. -..-.-Sm! An Iowa cler yman recently married three couples an conducted two funeral: in one lay, And to do it drove 50 miles; tufnl receipts, 85. _ In nun-hsuinu mndicinnn. dun`: trv ex- I umu re-celpu, pa. In purchuing medicines. don`: try ex- periments; the tirat. and only consideration should be enuinenesa. Ayn`: Sunpurilla ' has stood I e test of forty years. and to-day l iv. in in greater demand than ever--n trium- l phnnt proof of popular Ipprontl. I Saw-.rnl nralzeln and meets of Limlmnrer 3'.`.'ifs'3'.:'.;'.".i. 1.'.u'li. outer Rad hum OPPOSITE P08 ruuu Wlllullll lb IH (mid call up lleutlquu T OFFICE. i prmnl prom OI [`0p|llIl' Ippruuu. Several pretzels sud piece of Limhurger cheese were umong vnther article: placed in } the corner stone of I Germ-an theatre at 1 Portland, Oregon, last week. when baby was sick. we gave her Cutoriu. when she wnsn child. she cried for Culor-la. When she became Mi:-s. she clung to (`ulori-1. When the had chlldremaho gave them Ciworin. APRIL 13. LC8L|UI.Ia l Those unhappy persons who u.llu' H.-xn 3 , nervousness and dyspepsia shoulal u..: 'u- ` t:r'n Little Nerve Pills, Wllicll nru:'n-wk: 1 4-xpresslv for sleepless. nmvuua, (13:-`peptic wtferers. Price `)5 cents. . 1` lit, ..._... ......l L .. .. .. HIKE I5 HUI. VVOTIU nuvmg. lfyou are tired taking the old-fashioned giiping pills. try Carter`: Little Liver Pillu and take some comfort. A man can't. stand everything. One pill A dose. Try them. The Southingtou, Conn., primary school children are to model in clay and weuve m f, inmddition to their regular work. ulf vnu nnna trv Cnrlarha Litlla Liver nuts, uruuunuou to men` regumr worn. -If you once try Carter`: Little Liver Pills forsick headache, biliouaneis or con- ntipatiun. you will never be without thun. They are purely vegetable; small and easy Lutnke. Don : forget this. Than winnnrn nf Iha rnt and thirdi U) muse. uou r. xorgec mun. The winneri of the rs: and third prilt at the recent beauty show in Nice presented the money to u ch'1ri!_v u"g.ni- zatiun. 'I`L.,.-- .....|.......... ............... ..l... .. I7. .- v. .m Are youl made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh`: Vitulizer is B posi rlive curo. W. J. Wilson, druggist. An Uhin mini hu taken me nmall-nox LIVE l.'|.|l'U. VV. 1]. V` IIEUII. urugguu. Au Uhio um bu taken me small pox from a pig. V lust an Ohio man will not take is not wort having. lfvnn Am tirml mkina llm nlnllnnhinnml {1l`.IIi`.'reV3. IVTICU II CUIILH. California u-ow has I ren-.ukub`n sh eper. Hui: ll Swiss, and has hveu area]: [or `.23 I-ya, food been given him r.nruu,`__vlx -.5 Lxlm ...... THE SCllC.\'()E OF` LIFE. ihe age. on Manhood. Ncrv. nun and Physical Di-bility. Premature Decline. Errors of Youth. and the untold miseries cunsequunt thereon v 9!!) pages 8 vo., 125 prescriptions fu all diseases. Cloth, full gilt. only Cl. by mail. sealed. Illin- irnzive sample free to all young and middle mad men. Send now. The Gold and Jowellod Modal awarded to the nu her by the National Medical Association. Address 2 . 0 Box 1895, Boston, Mn.sa.. or DR. W. H. l ARKi-lit. grad~ unto of ihrv.-u-d M1-dimii (`nili-go. `Z5 yours practice in Bnutun, who may be consulted con rlontiniiy. Specmiiy: l)iscm-scs of Man. Of- fice. .\'o. I Bul.'lnch Si. .:vr ll tube. u.\- unu lll spoken or. Why will you} cough when Shiloh : Cure will give immediate relief. Price l0`cls.. 50 cts., and 8i: W. J. Wilson. druggist. Hun. George Slu-ne llutf, who hlgsjuat. lit-l ill. llourncmouth, had several note_;_hld pl.-uulmities, one being his rufuul In \H:|I` cluth mu.uufncturc1l uutsidu 0f Sc0tl.u1 .\'l\ilnh's Cure will ilinnieclintclv I`:-livw Vrnup, Wliouping Cuughrdml Brollulllti. W. J. Wils.n, clruggist. ` It is hum-r t.n nut. lmmeat lirimul witlxmt n. u. H msnn, urugglat. , It isbem-r to eat. honest bread without butter than cake for which you man ml 1-.v- ' -A . <.'~.m.-xl inipntnr from with each holtle nf lllllllill. Fur Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint you imvc a painted quzsranfee ou lvery t>ut'He of I .~11xiloh`s Vitalizer. `It. never fails to. tfurc. W. J. Wilson, dnuggist. In one sumll I.-Jtliutv of Japan L178 horses were slaughtcreu hat year for use as fnod. ' A-.. ......` .._..,!.. -..3....-..Ll.. I... Y.../l:..--c:.... l`UX Ill? \\ {MIC H \'lI`lIg'3U)Tf3. `He who fear: to underhke is {ready (0' feated. _ Shiloh'a Catarrh Rumedy-a positive cure " Tnr'()Me\rrl1, l)iphth:ria. and Cuuker~.\l0uth. W. J. Wilson. druggist. A house tilled with guests is eaten up and ill spoken of. \Vhv will um`: nmmh ivhon Shilnh n (Turn lll:\ 1:54:31. Hau1aun"u magic coru Illve cures `coma and I--miuns with three applications. 150. per lwx at \\'u.c1e u 1 ' He who fnurn tn umhu-I: lli in p-'1-andv (I3- -A N'as:Ll injector free with each bottle of \'hiluh'a (Iutarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. W. J. Wilson, druggist. ` Ethel (rige is the successor of Mrs. Snow us the fuvouxite mly wlnist.ler" uf I.nmlnn The ullr -nun of the.l uporn (`anther-ml For . tho lnlx Readern. He. that stumbles and falls nut, llI+i)\`S his pacga. ` ` "':II'Illll'IIl Iflllflfi l`|\l`Il -`IVE l`III`III hnrnn und llgvo You Thought About In _I_ _I- _...-__-_s ._L-. lunponut to Vonklnunou. l--..- -...|..n.C4-- LII!` inhalin- Or the Liquor Habit Pnsilin-ly (`ured bx Ad- ministering Dr. Fiainos' Uoiuio,-,n Speci c. It can be given in I! cup of coffee or tea with out the kn >wIcd 0 of the person taking it; is absolutely harm ens nnd will otfcvt A porma- ` nent and s o--dy cure. whether the patient is A ; mndemte ( ninkut or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given to thousnnds of canoe nui in every instance an perfect cure has followed. It netwr fat'l.v. The system once imprognntt-d with tho Specic il but-mnos an utter impossibility for Iheiiquornrpulito to exist. For circular and full pnrticu um address GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. 185 Race St... C'mcinna.t.L O. THE TEA '-TABLE. ' CENTRAL suogsroan, "'1': Z'oon'"3i':E.-I7no' "f ' .`l'|h:donuhuJU. re A. v Inna noun AND SIJPPEIRS, Iorlpflncudonnnu at the Our lam uookln nowoom and we would invite 0 public to cum 0 oh `node and no our plies before lmrehuiuoloow arc. Wodofy oanpotltlon la prion. I: -_g_.._.-. . ---- --. --gunn- Ihowtn lh In-nutnd ` c In 1:13;. clay. 8:0: `Rooms out I am . glcr \ A:-mh, Ahnrnnhr haul] dhdnnuu Lhh Ann. we are moving the In-nu not oholnnt Clock In the city. Show HAIDIIIIOYOI the non. Mr ; . Inll uldm:Il.l.hhnnn. A gr-$l\l-\A 3 A na1soo-7io7nsTi17mm omm 3 A 2l\3LI.I I Tm-: vERYTA?EsT_STYLES TiiiiNi{s AND VALISES full pnrliculuru address UUIAJBSN :1 CO. St... We take the lead in Quality and Variety. You can get Almost any shape and style. Our Home-Mada Breed is the latest. Made only at T T%'C?T'I)(` ' `arr!/VI REI8 BROS. Ilumhoturlnx Ooufocllonon. 3` Q and. cunsnllancaaio Hot-Ma, Valencia and Moanhm Oranges, Lemons. Cranberries Cocoauun and all kinds -4 A_.,. , unsung lmm us out lualruunmuy 'I Mr`: ma: .' \'.\l.LE IN THE. ARKKT. I8 vmil u t.`.u:- ouuhly Adapted to the vrnnfa uflhe ki!ci.a-n. hm! excited envious lmllam-us 0! its name And tw- ` mannnoa. Beware of such. i'=e.'I" "b``i E3.' II`!!! UTIIIT DAKIPDV excited envious lnmauunu 0! us and vnoannoo. of such. No addition yo or vanauon from the ample name: COOK'S FRIEND IS GI-`..\'UINI:`.. JOHN & 00., A 444:: \1a.a;.- u..u..aAI.a.L A A1`: ".`?1`_'3.... fW! _-W!!`?.,.?9W.'?.`3 ....-an .-.-`ya ----.,. It contains neither Alum. Lima. nor nmnmnm md may be unud by the moat dunrmo ('on.~"IIu mom; with perfbcl Mfuly. ha ms Rllx'x`."'I luatriuaiml y 1`! 'r'.` M.:';` xrxsing (mm its bei AHKLT.n\l \ ;\l.LlI.` The Inusl ocononlitlmi (`:)ccn in lhu nmrkut "ry it. AA-nun In --\-I-I- A an EASTER CARDS. I IIfU'IlV'lUI '- U"UIlyf N, Fcmru llomlm-as lsummu.-z. Fl`('8IC I.0b.~`fm's and 0g.s'lm-.1. Inn in lIAv\IVl.f1lIVII! Ann is I . Highly Nuitritious, Absolutely Pure, Extra Strength, Free om Oil, Easily Digested. MOTTMREAKFAST cocun. x F A LARGE srocx. . BOTTOM PRICES, DESIRE TO PLEASE, III"! EN! A'I'VI'VDAI"I" A"I'I\lILl'I"Il'\K' PRINCESS SIBLLT. ABOVE smmzui-sr From Riverside. IAN ngleloe. Tuslin and Sun ' 13.: iv . I"lora'du lirgwgo-.~, M Jllc-.s-aina m-angrs. l'nImwo':! '. rvmgrs, I-`unru Ilannlun-nu liunnuux. w. H:cgggggggggg,;g1a'mneasm: AIEIKAIEI Dulll Il$lIILMXl- an-nun G. 6T=FoRD, Jsn, dUST- RECEIVED -- LJLVJEI IDLVIJ ; \IAIAJ.'JLI -- In Pints. Quin-ts and Small Regs. which Judson pronounce the uncut In the oil). T I I [L A 3 T L Q `I I f6PERA HOUSE mun ..~o ovsm MARKET r-4 0aHF0F%~M% 0BA5'GSL CAN .\1.uu~: nwru n:.\'n.~x mm m` TAR. 1 mu ms nu. xx ms MOUTH. ___ ,_ _ _-_ ,, .,,g E, H0 w tlom k_`3_0TH_t;:1(l_).S_f Mr VI BIVMVIIBU . UH] l\lllDiU sun I l7lllUlVhl"- \\'}l().l.l-DRAM`) AND |lEl`AlL FULI. 5'l't)(.?lsi.*5 01-` H.-Il'l(. 0.-\'l`Ml-3\l.. Mill l-`rod. |*`u:d Hrnim Soul hmili and Grass rim-is. :4!` CASII I \ II) for Burk\\'lu-nt."()n1a. ;\'lIcuK. Marrowful I'm-us. l'pmloca and Raw `um. ` 'l`lCLICl'll()\H\`. NO, mp: THE PEOPLE'S Up-Town rocery. we mz`%gafg;E";aJfmoun. ,,,- _-.,. . .__-...__..__...--. Uur tale '3 Lruu. and if you ha-ed vilt will, n- rlch you. Bo economic-al nn_d undo` with JAMES REDDEN, nmgH:N%A m syp_:3;,;_ .. ndnsncun nun. A-.. `FLOUR, FEED AND SEED .smm3,% deliuitc digcsliun. ` None genuine without the name IZDAHL stamped on each cupsufu. V\'hoh:sl|o by A n_,_ n n- ll_..J...-...l Boots and Shoes, PRINCESS STREET. FERGUSL"N`S rBLOCK. Trude Muk on ovary pwkh 'l`l:lLE|'H().\'l'; 2|. Branch store on Market Square after ll.-tr I. 71}u'1E}}' "OYSTERS man 1:-v1;n_Y nu l"\Irs. 'l`EI.V.}'ll0.\'E .\'().1 127 Princess Street. ANY DOG? Warehouse : 0ld Kingston and Pembroke. \\'|ll\l wen 1.` jvn nvnun ammpeu on (`nun capsule. /v nun.-u no u, Lyman Sons & 00., Montreal. 'l`wn (`ur loads. of the nnmrlo Brewing umd Mallinu Uo`a muenor -'VCh ""IDa.'. I3.` `:13: I`... Orpomt lixunwu Auzmmn HJHL. WTD7%\X?;% no 5'1` AmnAct1:'-rE:i-r7x&.' onoomlns. LrQUo1s$. ,_._..7___. 'l'wn Cur loans. or me nmaruo urowma gnd M unu any:-nor aw AL; ND PORTER n Dino- linlnnn -...pI Row... 1| II...-as u-Link I-uh BREAD,BREAD. r_ L- -- LL- I-_J X_ I\.._I_` THE MA/v/70.9/1 funnplollounhr (Jana-dd` abulilnnlnsbbhtovl. 0NlDOLlAlPII_DAY. 0--*C LT L KING STREET BAKERY. DRUNKENNESS THE CELEBRATED in nnvnuvn nut-11-tn "IF '1-'1inAiAIri. I'_I__.-)_. _...I ll. 50.110 RIARKICI` SQIJAIEII. THE Lgfgpnjii. HALIFAX. N. S. .1 43325` Ilnnnfnnnrlnn T0 suo\_\9_ YOU \\`-. ,1 . BAKER. (`ullllllii ion Morclmnl. Png-1sor. EXHAUSTED VITA_I:ITY, ta:-gnu -v v--jw ----.-...._ ___.__._. I . I I (&tunod.d rad gghhd. a V0 " kn`. m':L- gsanntd to be t.h9_ Jx_:.1`ll;Io_|_q:_r-5` \ ) U `K7 -`314 V \:J THE GREAT STAN!) UH) REMEDY for all weaknesses and I`iscn.=mmf the Lungs. Impair- ed Nu?rllinn. etc. This oil in pure. (nah. nearly luau-less, and there ore most an iluble _for delimtc digcsliun. None Rcuuine I 4 NORWEGIAN eon IZDAHL `T0 WEAK MEN 993? P__M,9? :3: jfdebilimod. `Add:-sa PROP . 1*. c. mxvuck. MOODUS Conn. j-- I I I jl - IQ nj Ache llmy wnulsl ho nlluoa Lprlcol;-sn to those who Juli.-r {ram tlun-listrenningcumplnim; buH o1`tu- nately ltmlrg-mclnmas duo-s lmteml l1cre,znu11.l1m".o whonm-o try them will {lml Ul`d0 lmle plllu valu- nlvlo In .-0 many wnyu @hu.L they will u. rt bus wil- llug to do without them. rllut utter ull nick hand an gunilll --hjjnj lathe hrme of an mnny Hvon that hero 1: whore we make ullr gnaut bout. Um` pills euro 11. while otberndun-1!. ' Carter`: Limo Llvnr Plllu no very munll and Vary any to tak. one or two pills mnku I: dun. Th:-y Are llrlclly vegetable Ind do nut gripa or purgn. but by air gentle l(`U'\l| please all who uuthom. In lnlnnt 2504-nu; motor 3!. Bold by drugglau e rywhera. or aunt. by mail. CARTER MEDICINE C0., New York. A uyggq wonxs, Pamcmss srmrr. _ _. __.;_ .u.._..u .1_.; _...n n..a-\. LIVER OIL- T In 1 _ Elck Ilcndnohe sud rclioye all the trouble: mot- _ dam to Aluilimu ummu! tho sysmu.nuch as Dinlueu, Nnunms, Dl'I)l iinu5I, 1*is!r!~.r.~s after eutlng. l'Iiu in the HI In-, kc. \VhHu Ihcirmost rcnurhble nun-can has [well shown 1n curing " L 1 1. 1- 1 & Ho|.dIcbo.. 3'0! (`;Ir`.e` equally vulurnlrlo |n Cg 'Y\~ul.iug tbilmumfinp (-orro(.'tnlll1nuI`l\-r.4u! u\'t~I` All " cured CORNER BOOKSTORE. g`_cArm:a s] rL`n'('t all rHxuI'-1-~x`.4..1 l.'J-' fr!` and u-gulatu tlm hm mad a nu -Ina u.- nun 1'!` ._~r|v.\'n A l)l\ Dl.`\ll.`H\'1 USE ONLY THE BRAND OF_PURE [$2313-l\.J.L1n\Z'.I.u \.l-n_a.n..u- an-r , `Jae Ooncnl Btioglaotnto Agnhut an u would o one 0 an Inn. cglootlnz r'::'utn. buying: and all Pull um h ' "`'`.K ` .9. otnlulifhbgnggr ou onld lll::t'IllI?1uL|: - an hr Rm! Ihtatn @,:;gs. l\J \'.|luuu|. Luunu. 'L)u| DIKLI nu`: on AG!-IE _ -1 .... .........1luA- Ohm} Iunrn I - tr - no...-;ot (`;2r`.c-r'| Llulo I.lvu;r mm are mluralvloin ';I:IH;-LI:-`Ix.vu:-myxu.-lpro- l!Jisannn'_\ing(-1-mlr!ai.:l,x\h;l~llwgulao 1rHSu`I'vln'I'.4`-VH1-l`-l.H- '\,.t.zn:m!*\to1ho In-gnlatu Um lmmlu. I-in-n1t'L|n-youly HEAD % 1.: 1.,` -I...m.: ....|n..I..n. on Hun-A mhn N: am (`CHI Jmu vvrll run an an V ltlln I l...... I` .s..nv.V.md..m I ?I" no gum esrmoggn, x... :;s..-1;..} nLJ.I.=`.:'~' K Na l&I.--`Burial Birth: (3) IPICO. man. by 'l'|nnmou,ptnmil. (c) Olnnct. dnw. (I1) Harpy. maruu. (2) Mavis, hawk. u) Swal- Inu_ uni, ' -. No. 385.-A Tangle of Wise Words: Who undertakes many thing: At once ualdom don anything well. ` Nu 3l\.-.[lln Nnmarlcnl Enlnrmn: nnyuung wan. Nu. 886.~Illum-ated Numerical Enigma: The lghty purpose nover In o`ertook, unluu tho dead go with it. ' Kn !`.H7 _ A Mnnn Rnnnrnv PRANG S EASTER CARDS, POISON'S EASTER CARDS. HAGLLBURG'S EASTER CARDS, A Dolltlon. A little girl dened tho dlermoe between I mm and a brute as follows: Ahrute In an lmpetfect bou&;.nAn.h.u::tmLhnI.." -.... -~..v......,.,.-.- .._- ...- , The averago dealt-r`s ice is not always what ` it is cracked up to be. Isn`t it paradoxical that 1:20 o'clock in put 1, while 1:3!) o'clock in only hull past! `wgues dun`: gun to church often, but we I have seen nan-s there. ` It is hard to bclim e that Bl would. in , eober earnest, walk on a ``tight'` rope. l -- . . _ _. _L_V_ _ _>__ A__A< mzuuu \u........., .._... V- .. .._. . I ,. If you Wish to see nothing. shut your (`_\`(`w and you will M.-v it. Everything that is up in arms is not a war- rior-a baby, fur instance. . u u ,- I ,_ ,.,-u . .... .. ....-,. ........ ~. Though often visited by his nephews, still tho pawnbroker in a loatrsum mun ` n 1 .L,_ _|_..._.-|..... 4|...` ... .....-. |..'.. ...An.l.- I -nu yiuvv nu. yo... .. - .-._.. ..._ It is the shoemaker that gives his goods : Away who Is A bonn Ode free-booter. N` ,, ,, , I ,_\,__v_ I,.,. L. ....A ..I......... _.I...o It I. 1.1 The stars are lot!-`I`~'. aurl tho gurvc m-`n The ulplxabc-tit` gznh that are between; Detwixt that A and II, that. L` anal E, Twu hurrinl In-~n~tvrs v.1-r_\' hugv tlu-re ho. Reader, `Iis mine In hirlo. `tis thine to Iiu-I. So set about it with um m-tlve umnl. I ur:1uu:_1u.: II`! n Jlvlnuu `. l ful luim-rs haw wurl;e~d in W ;'a';a`o1-Pa: Roblnlm O1-Inna. No. $1.--0dd Nu. 393.-Sln;;le Aorustlc. 1. Ohnof tlioflreut .-`mtillc-.:. `J. Oneof the Shetland islzuids. 3. Thu ltlI'g(.!SD island in the world. 4. .-\,v;ruupot' islundsin tlm In- tlinn ('H`\ :lll. 5. Au islund gruup in tho Suulli Atlantic m`o:ui. 6. Tim island prison -5 1: great gem.-ral. 7. 'I`h~.~ sight uf tlm tlnh won- der of the world. Arctic or.-mi which are s('pai'alud by u very narrow strait. ll. Um: of the Briwab We-st Indies. 10. A large island in the Atlantic ocean. II. A British West Indian island. 153. 01100!` the Auklaud islnmls. and on the east. coast of Africa. 8. Two islands in the ` i 13. An i.~zl- ; The initial letters of each of the islands de- . scribed will well the nzunu of an island Wlll(`h is supposed to be the scene of it very famous amt) . I .G-1E.'O2RG-IE.` 01:33::-:3- `rho (Iona:-Al B1911 mama Azont. noy on and Pnnlor. No. 886.-Dectplhtiom: 0hn-hn--an- 7Xu.I "II `VIII! II. No. W.-A Marine Square: IL .l....Jl--AI -3.. 1.. A.lWIyl ' rutuug up -nun cutvu. A short. Itory-Decllned with thanks. A play thing-'I'he phno. Modern Gronawlgrd. Caught on the y-'I`rout. A loan leHow-The pawubrolnr. Alwlys uoslng `round--PigI. The burning quea-xtiou-8moko. Stationary prosur&-Psper weight. For hard sleepers-The tron bedstead. "In the Ioup"-The ladle. Alwayu cutting up"-Th: csrver. A nhnrt ntnrv-DnnJlnnd rith thnnh. Pnrtxdor. No. 395.--A R(`ve}~slo_n. If a time of day you will turn around The time will just remain the same. N0. 1`. 7. -A "Charade. My rst of un_\'thin;.: is half, My Svculhl is mun;-lute; And so rumuins uuLil once more My rat and sccnud meet. An-1 yvt `lm lruv I nutnnu; \\'--|;_;u. Wham-`u-r liar Ill-DY!) Ls 1'l1*:1I`nlIf'lhri;:ht., Myfnrml\\'1-rsldu wnmlrnm hvigllt; But when lhv lhl|h'l` hour is nigh, I\Inx`t' lIl'1Yll(Illll!|b|lI7l'[ uml thick am I. If lwforu yuli I Dmcn-ml, And it you wish to take the lead, Then turn and so an opposite way,` Or wait till 11 (liffercnt limu of lay. nu. Irv -. --..._. I`ve hnmls and r.-.-: and feu.tures`ne. To you I (iftuu tall the time; I'm smm~tiim-A wen upon the nuipon, The cattle seek Inc off. at noon. Around catch house I creep at night, From um the guilty lxascos his ight; I I heluto prove the earth is round; iJ._swiftly liinw uithnut a sound. I walk with ynu uawh pl:-asuiit day; 1 L-im.~w H11` C-hii-in-n wlwu in play- Tin-_v cauinnt cinch me if tiwy try, Yet tin-y ur.- as Iii-i-1.0! llmt us 1. ' ~ Imn Hi! light. I`u1 nurv .\'n`-nil say. Aml unf `li~Ll!'Hl'llInYi1illL \\'v .1 U. ours I . u...........-......,. The first I will tell you Is u kind of waterfowl. 'I`ram~11ose now, I'm 8 story That will often raise a bowl. Again, now, I'm behind time, Like many a belated train. A foreign coin you now will get, If I am transposed again. At NISBET S, No. 39~l.-Transpmltlons. , n,,,. I __..`II 4..II ...... 2!N~:.--Two ll iddeu Animals. - 1 1 _.\'o. 39-z.-1ua.ne. mls Il(`Ill('8 Ltle 3.-A Pictorial Proverb. l`nradox|n|I. `-II :1pp~:u`~'. Hm I . u~.u-L'1-J in \'o1in Punlnna. ram: mm rsu WI --s `I - . 9 I -v-- v-- -_-- _--v-- Wlsnson, A til 12.` -.- The Canadian` Pooio Railr Comwy put. 100 euro 4 nnmuwopt on In hdIor.:nd.n! 1]: II... _-.o-...I-.. manning and nl-n I-I-an Int-nan llgl noun In Iluiulppl. JACKSON, Min, Aptll ll.-Jochon, slut lulu dr* nearly If yours, in sin 3 '00 town. he luv. uloon opon yuudcy opnod under the local option low, to he lollowod by MI! I dolon more. Tho olty oounoil nd the lloonlo at CNN. ` "`I.OII III VVIIGIQ|"IIll~Il I: llno yulerdny mornln sud nluo large Iorccl to work All Along the l 0. The slip dock ol tho com ny will run to the ed 0 of thy channel. urthor thou the nllpo o oltlurol the present oomptnlcl. NEW CELLULOID EASTER CARDS, NEW, BEAUTIFUL UNIQUE unlit` Inn -1- Buvnw. April I2.--Dcnlo| O'Connell, 50 you: of up, heading on Curell-nrcot, got into: tight Woduodfy night 3% tin corner of Seventh and Muuchuplbntnoh Ho wn torribl brulud up And when the ght In over 'Connoll wu found lying on the sidewalk In an unconscious audition. Ho wu taken to the Emergency Hospital, thence bein romovod yutorduy mornln to, the Sinner!` oupitnl, what: he diod M I U yeourdny afternoon} gr Inrdercd at 0 Ion fut]. |Iv_ _ I|_ .._-_- Il:-L A__I| II) j Inn:-with II V v-v- - ---g- WIs1'BI.AscH, Mich. April l2.~At an ovenitw but party :3 the ruidonoe of Std- , on sign: in Eduardo Towulhi Fruit `_ __hJmnn syn struck on thew vlthn heavy nick of ntovowood by Suva Karla. Buhhnu died shout [our hmu-I alt rwurdl. Stan Ksrtu and hi: brother Pour, who in: also fighting with Buhlnum, have been Irnlud. and Coroner Coohruo in holding an Inquest. Grout excitement. prevail: ovot the nutter. ,,__.- , lo 'Il`uk'es` n Ilnqlrnl View.` of qtnllers won` __'-nu. `rInIOI'lII .||mln._ LOND(i\. April ll.-It ll inIpos.sil)ie not to gdnre st.n1ey'_.. pluck and endurance, ' but I venture to qu:-stion the use of marches like his into the in__t_erior of Africn. The lee was that Emin ' xvisheld to be relieved. Ele does not yum to be relieved. He is only desirous to be left alone. What benet is it, than to the cw.-ie of civilization that 1 white man should hire a. vast number of~- -onzyriers and` c uudertskn an expedition in which half of them die of is- tigue And some are hanged for Irish- ing to desert in order to force, his way through tribes by burning their villsges and ghootinu them? The net result seems to be that it has been discovered that one lake is not 80 deep as it wee` 100 years ago, that ` another lukelien to the uuth of the first, that there is 3 \-my dense forest, mainly in- huhited by Lwarfs, on the road to these lakes, and that s..mc-where it; the vicinity of this forest tlmv is I high mountain hitherto uHlK l|OT\`Ii, the top of which is covered with snow. All this is, no doubt, < Interesting. l;ui is it worth impressing cnrriers who die oi fatigue or are hanged. F. and is it worth shooting dwarfs and destroy- ing villages? ' I should mm on hear the csrrier or the ` A Vlllnge Wlpetl out by Flaulee. GRAND R.H'llI\', Mich, April l`3.-The . village of Cmmmburg, 16 miles northeut ' of this city wee almost swept out of exle- ` I tence by re yesterday. The re started _ in John |Thnxn.ts' Hotel. Men, women and I children cernt-dw.1ter or did what they 1 N could to remove property from the reach of l i the ames. Feather bedl, l-lankete end ` u carpets soaked with water were hung from ` the caves and on the roofs of threatened l house: and by heroic etforte the tire wu : nally subdued. Thoma Hotel was en- ' tirely deetro od, lose 88%), the rocery store, owne by George Hnrtwel, wu burned, loss 83000; genernl Itore of drugl, groceries, etc., owned b Dr. J. C. Benbov wee deetro ed end his em and dwellln also burne , loss 83000. Many other but - ingu includln I rlnt mill and Joyce's Hotel were eighty demqed. Meet of the denroyed property we: pertlelly in- mud. ` IIIIIO. It Inc] to 'I`aIu- Loon Bllwer or Selhllj. PHIl.Al)El.|`lll.\, April l`.. .-A prominent citizen of Salem said to-day: "The refusal of the City National llank of Salem 'to ac- cept certain terms of exchan e offered by the \Voodstown National Ben haainvolved these iuntltutions in a war which has aa- aumed a comical aspect. As the Salem bank receives on deposit daily a large num- ber of the Woodetown Bank checks, a meaeenger is dispatched to the latter place twice a week, to receive the money for the In order to punish the .\'alem people Cashier Flitr-raft, of the Wooduown Bank imported f. om l hi adelphin thomands of dol- lnrsiu silver coin,counted out in hage,to meet thoee checks. Meeeenger Powell, whom the Salem llank sent down last week, ro- teeted against being paid with silver. 'ee- terday, when Powell appeared-with 84300 in claeckl Flitr-raft wheeled out the mono in a wheelbarrow to the middle of the ban and dumped it loose on the lloor, compell- ing Powell tocount out the entire amount. When bags were asked for in which to can tlm money to Salem, Cashier Flitcra t politely responded that banlra were not in the habit ol furnishing their patrons with purses." The war continues and in the topic of C0u\'erIatluu of the citizen: of the two counties." I I I I I I tne week uxer Ascot. . The Rou Feuwick ii I colls ible or crush bonnet. It was invented y Miss Rose Fenwicx, the daughter of an admiral. end is being now taken up by the Peri: Inilliners. Pley-goers who frequent the pit will hive reason to bless the inventor if it proves to be the coming bounet. It shuts up like A crush hat and when in its oolhpsed state looks like A fan or fun shep- ed reticulc-.. It can be made to serve no such hooked on to I girdle. When open it is like any other bonnet of the Fanchon form. but prettier. One of its virtues is that it does not require a big band box. Indeed, one might thrust it into a glove box. For t matinee durcea it would be ideal. { Hsxnv LA IKOUCHIRI. ` Austrian army. The.l)ucl1eu of Cambridge was the lust survivor of the tieorge IV. generation of the royal family, and she wu ccidedly the moat estimable and most talented of them. She will bi-. much lamented by the Queen, who will feel nhet she has lost one of the few remaining persons who had been about her all her life who really cared for her, and upon whose ellectlon and Iympethy she could always rely. The accanchcnmnt of Princess Beetrloe will take piece gt Windsor. the event being anticipated in shout three weeks. A rnlinlmln nnrr.-.-annnrlnnt A9. St Peters- nnuonpueu In Ihoul. uu-ee ween. A reliable corn-spondent at St. Peters- burg informs methat the betrothulof the. Curewitch to Prmeese Anastasia of Mon- tenergo, the third dnughter of Prince Nicholas, will be announced At Easter, and my friend adds that the marriage ivill be very popular in Ruuin. The mnrrinon of the Duke of Portland to awarx (in the qui-slum. Princ0AlexumIc1' of Bat.tenbI1'g having` furnished a sutisfnvtory r-xplsnatinn to the Emperor of Austria on the subject of his marriage. which is it perfectly legsl one, he has received permission to take up his resi- dence at (:ratz_ an-1 in the course of A few months will recoi\'0 3 high command in tho Austrian Tho lhmhan nl (`ambridae only decay wnall weakness. Inns of man h00( , em. I will sun a valuable Lrxmtlse (scal- ed) oonmlnlng full particulars for home cure. FREE of change. A splendid medical work . should he ran by every man who is nervous and debllllutod. Address PROF . r. n. rmvmck. MOODUS popular mnuun. The mnrriage of the Duke of Min Dallu Yorke will take place in town the week After Ascot. TL- 1)..-- I.~.......:..I. I. . ~.ll..-...H. nu- "lg V ||IIIgU3 .' Ishoulnl like to hen dwarf the qux-stiun. Prince AlaXnLmIcl' The C`. P. L`: Dunn ineulou. on in. bx AL IIIIOI II I fight. ..\ ,.. LABBY S $088113. hear sxThnnAv: Edwud (who but taken his girl to Dol'I Ind givan her 3 &'lJdlunor)--Woll. darling, wine do you think ol Dolmoulooh? Girl- I think that Punch rum` hu the Iovolm I sync! our aw. I X-UlWCI'C It now um the run. but Dyorh Jolly of Uucum and Roots in no equll for masking the hand: loft and white. Dtng ulna Inn It. W. A. Dvnr I. On. Suerina from the etfoots of youthful errorr, decay wnatl wonkneun. Inns of . em.