n-uu-ng lollbyulanv huh-I ` pd; nummt um lnlmunr-an in `run AIUBH 5 1 Id! ' I ` gs-agruunuur In:7:=:n-G`-s TMONTAMOWIII Ki C dn nights only. ` ` eturnin:.lon\'en Bollovillo. Iondny. Wod- ` neoday an rrlduu u 6 mm. : Deoomnlo at 7:!) mm. :| IoIon at 9 n.Iu.. Arriving At Km ` on at l:3\ p.m. On Tuesday. 1`hurIdu I Salurdu lune: Plcmn at 1:!) A II-. uvlu at Kingulon at II I m. 1 lvzunry comfort fur no-enters anurod. lL\'I|l`(`0m|'Dl 1 mt nzon -I-unu` Frets t handled c amply and carefully at lovwlt rues. run lufurlnullon Emu by the Ccrdn on bonnl or A. (JENNA (0.. (`. H. HAT(`ll And hvlahi. Agents. J. P. 0ll.0lR.l.lI2I9`.\'lC. Ticket Agents. \. II. IVIKBI-Illlv -CBID- ` WILL. l'.\'TlL FURTHER NOTICE. leave Kingston M 3:!) p.m. sharp. daily. uvilur Al. Pk-ton at 7:!) p.m.. coin: through (.0 Doscm -to and Belle-ville on Tuuodny. Thursdq and &tul~ ; 1&9. J W| BAY or omm srmnon ROUTE` Daily to Hcton and 'I_'n-weekly to Dosononto and Bellovillo. THE SPLENDID us? PRODUCE EXCHANGE, " 5N0o. 3-An Extra Qmmy, with3 Collus and soptnto Cuffs. for :1, with 1 .~ HARDYS, New Styles, Good Qualities, All Sizes, and away down in price. See No. 1-A good Shirt, with Zoollars and cuts attached, for 75. with $1 N23 2.4 Fine Quality Shirt, with 3 Collars and Sopmte cums, 90 worth 1- ' - O ""v""`::l Of Household Furniture, Etc_ l mu. sw :. n ma: nnsxvnxca on. n. vumu-zx. nu Clo sum. on nuxou. 22nd Instant. nll his .ou|ehold lfecu. one "Ncwmnubu" U;-rhhl Huh I mow! : one Hull Cm! move a II): oven -i_lwo flne Bedroom Sets, Mnllroue-.W'unl mud it 1-1 (`I tn.(.`-hairs. (`ouch And Ext:-mlou my Sula 1: l0:&) nun. Teruu cub. WM. MURRAY. Auctioneer. ll Eu-r users ply careful Vll PIIII. - wrung. W. Chas. Hnnley. Poslmnator. Sp!` Bay. N. 8.. says : I uubmil the fnllowing to t e nublic that an who may be ntllicted may be bonolib lod bf t a name remedy. Two homes of our Nana Balm has .restorod to perfect h [ht (our yeaunold child. uumng tram catu-rh. [hut who be nttlicted be benets lot and you can use this an testimony. tod b eaume Emilie Polotiar. Grenville. says: I can ac\r<`o'y nd word! to tell you how highly 1 rixc Nasal Iaulm. Ila I.-`bcI..n.in my case have n won at I . , A ___Bovmro of imitations. If your doaler has not NASA]. BALI in 4 . _ L . stock do not let. him ponumle you to Links An other remedy which he may say is Just as good. but good direct. to the undersigned and it will loot to you poounid on receipt of p' ico-.I) cunt: and `I A bottle. l`l'Ll 0RD & G) Brock ville. Ont. THERE is positive danger to health And life in nexleotln A one of cold In the head or 0Ot8I'|'h- Ind ll. this season. with its changeable weather. nnusua moisture And sudden ehancu. from but to cold. there is peculiar liability, to oold In t e hour. A neslecwl one of cold in I10 head rapidly develops into eatarrh. and usirlecterl eatarrh Just. as certainly devel into eon- -u-nmlon end leads to premature death. Medical mumw `grove: oouolu-Ital: an I0-an of (lllll the deaths occurrl from ooasumotiou ejr o. lulu in A e ected . Wlc , ygra ualst with which medic-also once is As yet unable to oooe suorsssfully. if you are subrin from co in the head. or from Any of the numerous symptoms of cAIArrh. such as bad breath. ull opera- sive headaches droppin from the head Into the throat. hawking: and A ltllug. copious db- eh es trom the nostl-IE. losing sense of smell. or taste-becomlu dull. hack n cough. or a tree- eral eelin of deblllty. husk voice. A wheeninx or cranking sou in your ches when breathinr. a feeling: o uiuincse. partieu arly when snooping. a feeling`: of tiredness and indie tion to or ertion. a feeling of uauseau in the mornin when Attempting to dislodge acouutu Atlonein the throat. Do not netrlect them These are ut A few of the many symptoms of eatarrh. I,IId "10! experience any. Bil: WAu.\ED IN TIME [)0 not permit them to mu under the mistaken ll- presnion that the disease will eventually wear away. It will not. but on oontrar will wear you away as it has thousands before. Promu-e At. once A bottle of `NASAI. BALM. t e only certah and speedy. cure ever offered for cold It the head and oatarrh. This is no idle Assertion. but A- unquestioned fact. which is verified by the thousands of testimonials in our possession belli of marvellous euros These testimonials we have received from all parts of the Dominion. I we append a_ few. selected at `random. as fair samples of the whole -. ALII. `BURNS. Sudbury but... an s: Gents: Alpha H. Dales. Varbert. Out. writes : Your developed me e .tarrh. and then into consumption. that readdlsease - and Imuy state that I have been A ted with Nasal Balm has madea new man ofme. [have qatarrh for seven or eight years. and It was attended by consequent symptoms such as foul breath. consta t dropping into the throat. hnwklngamls `ttinu. tial deafnesl-.rI I in the ears. an sicken nafzalns in the h d - rcctl over either eye. have used wders ouches. but all to no effect. the on y resut arising from the use of such was temporal` relief. followed by the usual sym ems in more aggravated form. The resu ts arising from the use of Nasal Balm ere : sweet breath. stovlllre of the droppin into the throat. (consequent) loss hawk and spittmirt. clcarness of enrin . and not oncesinee [began its use have I h pain In my head. In fact II in my opinion that a careful and persistent use of the Balm" will effect a cure in the worst case of caturrh. Mr..lnhn H. Adam: mar:-hunt, RI-nnlfnrd, never used a remedv so sutisfaot . Miss Maggie M. Martin. Terw . Pa.. sAI-A : 'l'tu-omrh a friend in (`-auada lbeeame aeqIA.Int- ed with your Nasal Balm. I have sullhred for ears with eatar-rh and it in the first remed m which I have ex eneed relief. And .feeleer'A that It will cure me. ' a Miss Minnie Mctlairu. Ilille Roohce. (ht. says: You bottle of Nasal Balm did me much . The in in my head disappeared before had used t e bottle And I and myeelf receiv- tes benefit. I am certain Nasal int` the Ba Ill WI I cureutyeaseof eatarrh if itsueis perserved In. James H. Mclleod. Hint River Road. N.S.. says : I have tri rd other remedies for eaten-h. but received litt or no from them. Your Nasal Balm is nly s best remedy I hAve tried. And All vou claim It. The fact that It prize ll. hlghlv. Henrietta Bmvkwell. Parker, Ont . an :- Your Nasal Balm is the best ruined)` I have yet used for catarrh. I can bronth more freely than before and my breath has regained its sweet- gnesg. I consider Nu 11 Balm a boon to the nut- unn _ W.8Ch|a. Hnnlav. Pnslmnnlar. Sn" R17. N. 0! cularrh. Mr. John H. Adams. merchant. Brnnlford. Ont . says :I have use-i Nasal Bnlmtor oausrrh. and found It to be an crruin cure. I. A. Davies Rnulnh Mun . wt-hm: - An A and found It be crruin W. 4. Doyle. Bquhh. Mun. writes: As A famll modicineto (-hook cnrarrhal aocllonc or col in the head {Nasal Balm has no oqunl.Wu prize hlzhlv. orcom in the he prize hlghlv. B`: "com m HEAD, GATARRH, 8HERLO0K'8 H0810 87005. .._--9:-nnnnna nrlnhltl Q- I_..A It-h Str. "33"i5T+" FISHER. 5 Illiilh I1 VIC Th00NTAIlOWlIIFI@lM 00.: Ha-nthwisuu Jlflj nch-nnl, wnouuu mo urrim. I_ II-.. X__- lLs-..-I B-- I REGATTA SHIRTS. cunndlnnontullbuuou. 2 1;:-j K4 j $51 PTIDIKND JA$0xFCR.Mon!NIl. AaIIL\.4~c.luvliu.u..xu-I N GENTLEMEN, Iunnoltchnl. Inn-Q N1: 1 -OIL; One Price Store. 88 Princess Street. I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED by MRS. KIRK. to sell st her Rssldenco..\'o l$Pr|necss Street. on WIlNlSDA\'. Aprlllh lnslsnl. sllof her Household eeots. consist! 0! one Squats Piano. air Caoth Psrlor Suit, W. Ex- tension Dining and Centre Tsbles. Brussnls Carpoxs. Oil (`Iulh Lace Curtains B W. side board. B W. Bosicase. BW. Bedroom Sets. Fcalher Bods Mattresses. Hat Rack. Dinner Set. Dufforin Range, Cook Stove. Hall and Par- lor .~`I~ros. Lsmns. Pictures and mun Olhtr nu..." g. undone hilly THIS IS FOR YOU. 50 DOZEN {Hero. STAG ES Itruetion ol tho {I ymvomonh. viz. : A Til- 9...... -- - Lonncuol no Lorponuon on too uuy _ V Kiugtton will, in nuauco of the pro- ` vision: of TM Mun `ml Act" in that be- on b and thorns! lhhm: In dlutod and thoSovotonChu|oI the Council Iuunloldar. In: that Ian Oh I. ILAIAOAI. I 'f~"(suu"' ) u. runuog. ` swat: Olen. II-no-. sous April. Valuable` vnoludv i\;mi:u;o: EL and D.....-l.. 0...- Il'TIQ`I'TI-wIgI-1Imw'l `K I-II, l`i:p.Iovidodbythooounollh nnohd to I u -n,,.;,,,- n-n,_~n,,,, an l'nI'lI"I9W-IKIIICOIIIX. III-III mnjarltyol the owuon olouch ronlpnopon tho. npnundug at but ootlull In ulna Ihohol. potillon the said Council again! not uuanuouiilbhcglnonthillor the Inn bliouiounhhiuuodomwhloh willho on out dug out Iqy. I3. 11.- .. n_-...| ...g .1 .|.- 92...- ._ n:_x .-...`.v -.v- -- V. -.- -1-... ._v.._-. All I Tile Savor in Chulu Strut. bo- tucon Pnu-ick Street and Ventral Street, inside not to be ll! aqua: iucllu. and for nntTl.:f Iov in` the out theme! on tho `213 inndiahly beutted 'Incr0|>y.n nbyIboupIirIofthoOitv Eluunwulkhhholloqudcntbo -nglnrlllnl Oh. n-nun nlnneh mnlnlnnnr. IDU CKI-IIWI TC IIU KW` 1 I00` `trulstroolhkudlhopan ol thiato In nmvinlnd In IL: annndl In and:-And In , -.-- .- -. --- `--.v .--..v-. Also a file on Mound Strut be than J um: Street ud Marklnnd Strut, inside nu to be % aqua inches. E Al-_ - 'I`3I- Q _____ -_ I-L_ QA-._A L- :.r"'-'--- ""- A Tile Savor on Diyinion Strut. between Victoria Street and Block Strut. inmdo ,u-ntobo loqnuoinchon. 1 n_- _ ml- e-_.- _... n-_...`| u....A L. u.-...- --nu uw .- --v .`---v ----.v- ` Alton Tile Sewer on John Slnol. bo- tweeu Pubic: Stan! and Montreal Street. inoido not to ho I13 oqnn inches. AI__, - 'l`:I- Q__-.. :_ (`.-_I._ 05..-; L. 3 l\llIIW0lI VIII, Ill IUUCIICU II `II 3 `pd half. pun Bylaws to Vida for the con- struction ol tho follow work: on load in- ........_--o. -X- . Eel. Uulrorln Iungo. Unok Slave. Hall and Par ` .~`I-won. humps. and mnny other III`! '4' (`:1 ` A`\\'llL'I'n IOl'Il`nl\DD' UIVIMAV IIIII Ill! Connciloftho Corpontion ol the City of Kimnlnn Di". in nnrungnnn of tin nrn. t h. r. A. Schlennw Toronto. says: For IlII-- bor of wean my 1: fe has been badly troubled with mum in. ma hm uronised to cum dorfnlly. and shots better and Iuonger than for years. Your remedy is the boat in the nu- hot and thls testimony. Grenville. nus : llu Inllll IU XIIQIIFJ V Iii: IVIIITI] I CCVC tried, and all on cum K5: The hot am in in plouanl. _ oonunlonttouoe adds goody to its wune bulila chief worth lies `n `:31 certain cure for that unplounnt d - on- tnrrh. ber of wire has been null! trounlol promised her. but after using his mmody for. six months she became won and woaknr than befaro. and I found that llmd spent lor mediml treat mom. that did no . {wife than begun to use our NAM] In and I8 improved won- der 113'. and she in honor and than years. remedy perserved In. man in nluunnt. oonvculont to use Add: neatly ceruun tnrrh. AVIIDII LVRIIII Illl-5 IINIIIUII IIUW llllll UI IlIU- I IIDVU autlahctor Pm. hr oxpaflnood before receiv- lmrfha nrmatan certain -w guuvn Tlnutiuntod motel tho Sour aoa- ..-.I Qo-..n I. XII __.I AL. -.-9 .3 ski. 5.. NUTICEIS HI-ZREBV GIVEN that the '...._..:I -0 5L; l`..-......s:.._ .1 oh. l`s.. -3 A minus 0! Household I-`uruuuro. one Piano. uoom ` In Hair Cloth Pu-lor set Brussels. Tapestry and Cawotl. one Duhrin Coal Cook Stove. one Bali stow ldoublo healer). Oil Cloth. Curtains. BI-an Curtain Polei. Pio~ lures. H lg Lump. KW. Extension Dining Tnble. (Woe cry. and many other Articles. Sale at 10.!) Ann. Tern: cub. II`. R. IARTIN. NOTICE- %CONSUMPIl0N , EATH ! xluvv-' Jlonto . Valuable Household Furniture. Piano and Brussels Carpets I H \\'E RECEIVIUESTRUCTIONS from Mrs. Lake to sell at her late renideuoexll Brook Street. near Cleft]. on 'l'Uls`.si)AY. April ni. uanlll of Household I-`urulturo. Plano, In. Hair Cloth Pnrlnr Set. Brussels. puewu ul an oulllpluly Dy uw ISSIIU` the sold cum y, In aoooninnce wi of the act. of oorponlion there f. I". R. SA! Kin mu. tor the purposv of electing directors for e ensuing year. and uf authorising the di- rectors to rain or b0l'ro\\. fur the purposes of tho conpomny. ouch sum of money no m be necessary to meet the pres--nl obligations the said comonny. and lo pin:-o lho: alum tho.-roolin good and etfuctivo condition. an for other pur- poses ofmij oornnnnv bv lhv issue of bonds. of good and elfuctivo condition. and fur other poses company by lh - bonds. nooordrlmce with the terms n! lhn nu-I, nf non!-nnlulinn the-ro f, IIII VII Dy :3 I-aw V13 Old Hnlvlnn ``. aw I`:-rck|aI.'l` .Plm .IothPnloIuu udd- arm ul ol the (`ompl.uIon. M. .':.::.':""'.'."""*'1m.?'zf:a.,'. 5'33 -. Vhnnn. Am! AI! 0. 0.. 11.8. KINGSTON STREET RAILWAY C0lPANY- 1 uradlnlcs. etc. Admission to Convncnlion on \\'edModay, 20th will be by ticket only.from 2 to 2:!) o'clock. lh-Iwfuctors of the l'ui\'ersily. Graduates and friends from It distant-e Mn obtain tickets from J. B. MCIVI-ZR. Clarence Street. GEURGE BELL. LL I1. Heuiuu-..r. A SPECIAI. Mls`.E'|`l\`G of the Stockholders of the Kin ton Stru-t Hui way Company will be held on . ONDAY. the 22nd day of April. 1829. m 5 o'clock p.tu-. "iv thg olce of Messrs. Walkum kwnlkom. wlivilors. in the Cityof Kin mu. for the of electing directors niulnt-n In rain. nr hnrrnn fnr [ha nnrnnun nf I.lIl}l\JI I175` Ulli lllJ|lI('D-3 U IIIU I llllI4l|KIlI ' `V 4 p.m.-Annual Mooung of the University Council. > ` 5 p.m.-Anmml Meeting of the Q. U. Endovr ment Association 8 p.lIn.--Conreruuione. Wdnosday. 24 2:1!) p.m.--(`.om'ocation lot Installation of the` Chancellor. Lnureglion of Gradunlcs. Adnlissinn (`onvncnlion \\'ednndnv. III IQIUIIUIT llillillllull . Tuesday. 23. 2:2!) p.m.~Gonvocnlion for Vale- dictorios. etc. Address by the Principal. I .. .u Ann...) \l-.0.-up nl nkn l'ninnu-any mm.) ..I lO:I!) o'clock am. Terms cvsh. It`. It MART] cc: unun u; now. A. nnuuuun A-1, Auvynv um. ._\londny. 2. 8 p.m.-ConveuI.Iou of Students, Mmionnry Auoclauon. 'l`....ml...- tr) 0-mun. ,-nnrusnnllnn Inns \'.:In. %"--""""-' ` " SUNDAY. A il 2] L. 3 m.- I In-cute Sermon by RleVl.)rA. h:wvM!. illc. I \I'.uuIn- 0! II n In _ (`nnrnvnlnn nf Qnulnnln This Powder never nries. `A- marvel of pm my, strength and wholosomoness. More econ- on.icnl than 0;-cnuty kinds. and cannot be sold in competition with the multjl do of low teat. short - wehn. alum of Xhosa) ate Powders. Sol 1) oxu IN cuts. ROY L AKINU PUW- DER 00.. [M Wall Street. New,York. ` QUEEN'S UNIVERSIT T". 5! '\]TlA\' A. nun Anna-Inn skin ot'.I.|:`:TlllV'Oly unnvou no carnag- E`-...'~::-ar:f'.`.2.*~.:'%T7'.2'.5'"i2",`.`o....'%"-" M. at. `noun. 0nt.. Bole Ann: for fr1n'aEL1? AN_NoIjNoEmg:N TS.` ,._,__._.., . _ _.-.;_ `L09? BEAUTY Ul'UI(Ull2 llihla. hh IL, _ Registrar. Queen`s University. Apnl lth. I889. AUCTION SALE, N. NE Rb>Ii{eI7Fo'. co~`v0Em6N%[LwEE K`: AUCTION .SAL.E. __AU_T'.<?'_ SALE gpqrlou sum. ` "A" COMPANY, 14th P. W. O. R. THE MICIBERS or "A" (`0NPAN\'. M111 I-`.W,0. IL. "lllPnndo at the III hhcdon TL` E8 1. Y EVENING ncxnnnd ova)` Mondq ovomug following till hmherolvlurz. Hy orders. ` J. PI-ZHCY. Oolorscgt. PD! (`AID- nc. R. uAn'rg.\'. AIICUOIIOOY. n. Terms cash. E. R. MARTIN" Auct ioneel on lherewr. SARGENT. San . -Trans jC C I11`? IZVCCII T KPH. -l . Iauhlhhnh linhoouuncppnsl btpounlulppooplo. Ash:-noblt .- --.-v- v--i..-_ . -- _ _ - v... r... tho which o grootoollqo, ouotdlnod by poblio lnoooy. ought to o0|P!u Md tho World h tho only popor in Toronto than will, by It dollvoronoo on tho oobjoot. wot rout th onolnptioo. Tlnoto lo nothing In- dguooto or injudlolooo In tho oouooood coo- loroooo oloollogoooooton iobohllol o nlfonn nut:-iculosloo. Tho Totoolo pooplo noy octoo tho odvlooollho Wovliolil hoot Qoooo'o with onhoupt but Bill! lot ooo hot Ioolulno-. not hot popolority, not borpovor. Horprlooipol on com- nood ohuthmoodllbocooooolncluoolho . _ _ _ A- -1 n;.-_g-__|___.u_. -_.I -_~ In, Now in all this there in no attempt made to deiend the miserable system of metricu lation against which all the college: in On- tario, save one, have reputedly cried out. That the late address of Dr. Grant, express. in; the disoourtesy oi the solute of Toronto university, end even of the education do- partment, is bearing fruit. we have now abundant evidence.. The hot has been conspicuously exhibited that the Provincial university is respoudbie for the present low standard of the Inatrieuietion that Queen`: and other institutions have had to come down so it in the interest of uniformity. end all, theehrte made to rsise it have so tar been in \-sin. `De World says is is common ssese" that the Toronto university should eoetrol in own eutrenes ensuin- atioue, which no one will dispute. But is it |"eoInIlIC' eune" that examinations should becouductedou a lover plane than the exalniuetions of colleges endoped by private hnds,thatit lags behind instead oiisads in higher-education? It is notihepoei al.. _I.l.L _ -..eP..II... gnga-`l_.J I... A TWO-STORY FIMII: DWELLINOJR xtinnd 12 I I0. corner Jollund Bury Slrol. Porulnonlh. on I-004`). Apt-ll llul. bo- Irnnn undl n.m. hrnuruouhn Innlylo IOHIIIIU IIIVEl`UIly III BIIU UUIIUCIIUII U0` nmenl in the mutter of holding matricu- otion examinations than may be I differ once of opinion. It seems only in Accord- onoo with common nenno. however. that the nnivonily should control her entrance oxuninntions. " cllplul Dy `KID TTUVIIICIH IIIIIVUTIIIY In IIIU education de rtment. The former are reepnnuible on y to their own` comparatively unall constituencies, the latter to the whole province. The public have the right to de- mand of our Provincial university and of the education department that the standard be held high; they have no right to call Queen : to account for any cause whatever. The Provincial univereity would be making aged mistake in extending to Queen`: the courtesy of an invitation to act with it in rovincial matters. ll Queen`: wiehee to Ee iud an a provincial inntitutiou, let her offer to hand over her endowment to the government. If it were accepted. she would be in a proper position to co operate with the preeent Provincial institution in improving public education. As between Tomato univenuity and the education de~ n-pennant in NI: ninor of hnhlinu matrirvn. --wan. the World uymguhizu win.` every eort, by whomnoover IdO. to ruin the utundsrd of education in the province. in mnnt. rnmind in rnndnrn Ilmt nrivntn uni. `H. '(`uu.l1l UI CIIICCIIUII III IIIG PI'UVIlII. it must remind it: radon that private uni- vorsitiol like Queen : ntnnd in u very ii! foront relation to the jublio-from thnt oc- cnpiod by the Provinci univenity md tho adumtion ulemrtment. The former Ara` NIW IDEA S. The Toronto World malt be audited with the sdvmcoment of entirely new idea on the Inotriculntion question. Itin Annoy- od at tho pretentious of Queen`: oollogo sud oburvu: ...... . .. llv '.only. and heat through what was thbught The dlsinissal of the Prieetman case at Toronto shows that the difculty ofdealing with the bucket shops is even greater than it was supposed to be. , The Abbott act was prepared with great care, and was. in the shape in which it passed in the commons and senate." believed to be etiicieut to meet any emergency. The opinion of the law- yers. outside of parliament,"waa to the effect that it could be evaded, and this fact has at last been established. Various efforts to ap- ply the law in Toronto failed. but in connec- tion with the Priestrnan case it was felt that a fair test of the liwrcould be made. A` police oiaer, in disguise, purchased on giua thousand bushels of wheat. and put up and `lost 010 in the transaction. l neetman' proteeeed to be an agent of Cnicaoo parties to be a formality in asking 'for~a_dvicee from Chicago in regard to the investment, but Judge Rose held that there was no evidence to show that Priestman did [not act as a broker. and hence did not make a contract within the meaning of the act. With re- gard to the setting forth that "when` ever it is established that any on has made or signed any such contract r agree` ment of sale or purchase, or has acted, aided or abetted in the making or signing of the same. the burden of proof of the bone _/Ede intention to acquire or to sell such shares, goods, wares, or merchandise or to deliver or to receive delivery of the same, as the case may he, shall rest upon "the person charged with an offence under this set, his honour held that if he were to read it in that `way then `such contract would refer to any contract, oral or written. purporting to be for the sale or purchase of any shares of stock, goods, wares or merchandise The far-reaching eliect of such a conclusion would be so injurious to mercantile transactions and so widening the scope of the act that he felt he would be legielating rather than in terpreting if he put any such construction on the section." He ruled : "The keeping of a common gaming house is not an offence within this statute. that no punishment is provided for it and a conviction under it would be futile. because I could not intlict any punishment. There is no evidence of an oente at common law. I think there is no case to go to the jury. The effect of such a judgment will be to give new life to the bucket shop business` for mother year. for the act cannot be amended at the pre- sent session of parliament, and fortunes can be won and lost in a year. It is doubtful if any act can be Inadegto meet the point to which Judge Rose has referred. It is the one thing against which parliament felt the embarrassment of legislating from the begin- ning. It'e a pity, since there is no business so demoralizing as that of the bucket shops. T1-u.:iLDA1LY WHIG. l Ihkno. fIn;Ior ~1_1upo1?rum' DECISION.` Porulnonlh. Intuit). Apt-u Ina. oo- ur ltuadl p.m. Forpnruculan I plyto Hrs. oh|(`oInon.Uwn.ortoWm. urny. Auoouoor. % THE `Bnntsa wa1.n.sATURDAY- _.:---1- T Ounwmlounul. ' In 'l:lnnHbh:uIn;.mhhr`nthn.l':Idl\bn 000. II go` or: good oIaI|IhhoI Anvmml IIICIIKIT 0I|DIl'C- A . chow bubs: won`: an own. --- lv-lUC`C IIIIIX II Wlnnlnon Ell. Elolhluououtu-ylnopohn 1:! by the Chicago Journal to "Hon. W. H. J. Jun." It II qllb oviduct tho Solklrk uylup but an ornament than thpnlouu naval. I I'I-- IlI.'IC'n Pnvnt lulu he din y In his window olsootch wood: for on tint. and I largo vu-in olpothrnnf tlugmnho ll of Izihd for ovum. running. In: VII'-I, cl FICTIII lo!` `onion on `I0. Mule to order. your money in boys` clothing, we on tho plo that con mp y you how` unit: an E: on No. Boys` lot suit: trimmed with braid. only 8 The but nine out oond and told only by the Grand Union (Joihina I'IlX'. I-IJIIIUII l Don'Hn doooivednnd lod many by the quack Idvorthementa ol IODI quack glow. in: non. I! you Want the but nluo lot B000! in bows` noonlo aunnh Ion hows min .. VUUI` Zn!!! '1 U nuluait llvuvvnannavu Tll OFFICE 0!` THE 8l(`Rl.'l'AR\' IS NOW IN WILKINSON? uwc-K. Ilonu-cal Street. and Icoonl to tho Quince at thy Bchoolliou albums. R. IIIK. ratio 3 U. TWKXDCI, Dm`VI".; 5- I5. Mull- oon. C. A. Human. Cobour : M. Huly. ` G. Ste hon. Sault Ste. Mute: S. J. Lu- belle, nnton: I". Corm. M.D.. Angora; W. Bunker, Ouwcgo; Dr. Elliot, 'I`oronw: Dr. Burk. Pnriu: ('. Kelly. Duadu: N. Sticknoy.,_DicHmnn`n Luudi ; ls`. Ponold. Onvego; I`. W. Newmsn. A. Hovroll. Montnni ; C. 0'Ri-lly, H.D.. Toronto; I. Joluph sod wilt-.Hont.rul :0. W. Wllllunn. Novburgln ; I`. Cashing. Neutral. Tho Iloul Anlvuln. Arrival: at the Britinh American Hotol-- T. Rice. New Glasgow; E. Davin. Brock ` ville : Col. I . Cubitt. D. R. Sim II. Bow- mnnvilln ; J. Winhnrt, London; . A. Pine. Toronto; 8. S Vnnugo and non. Potm -in : R. B. Shaver, St. .\lsrie ; C. Ahrond. Balti- more; T. Keene uni wife. 0. Cannot. Mr. And .\lr|. Elliot. I-I. core. A. J. Juchon, Mu. Baker. W. D. Androwu, Min Shonder, Min Ellison, Keene oprrn compcn ; M. Ul| lI*')'. Ihori Smlt St. Mario; `H S. Ahhntt R Hnlin n II |m|...a... la` Ulla nuluuu, nuvuu uprru Illllplllai M. V V \ . . . Camry, Abbott. B. Hulip. D. H. Klllrodg. I". Skinnoc. M. Tinke. (iunnooue; R. Ritchie. nuuuu. n. nlallp. U. II. All Gunnooue; 1 Perth ; U. Hancock, Brockville ; .1 nnn If A Mnnnnn l`nLo.no-nu ` \V(0l'y Wlll IIIVB Ill ulIIInIIl$.I IIIIIIIOII [UT 1. Mny Godspeed it on 1 mission of ight and l'O8t`lle all round the world, and after the ulthor who wrote it. And the prinmn who not it up, nnd the publishers who marked it on its bountiful way nhull have cloned the work of their Iifotimo, any `Tho Beautiful Story` continue I benediction to the human race." It iloold only by nnhocriptiun. A Ind will present in claim: in Kingston and rontonnc. `I'll : \JIII'lII IP50?` ru-WI` JTVUI It'll, nding of Moeee, Jepthe'e reeh vow. eecent of Elijeh. Deniel in the lion` den. Jeeue wellfng on the VIII`, Getheemene, Eden in the morning of creezien. 0! gr-eve where ie thy victory? It hee meuy other eutec- tione. It in the cheepeel. end beet il|uetret- ed book ever sold in thie country. Rev. T. Dewitt Telmege an e of it: `'1 hell the publicetion. Its bin ing ie eumptnoue, in typc luxurious. in picturee eo nneny reve- lelione. end its style of though end ex~ reeeion ceptiveting. `The Beeutiful . tory will heve en unlimited rnieeion for anon Mev Haul nnaanl it nn A mieninn nf Inl.IIUl uouutl Illll I'll IVIIIKC Tho utiful Story" II 544 and in illuuntod with 250 ougnvinal. ldu ton Allogoricd colored In . coutin over C5.(XX): Chriat baton to. Jscolfl nun, nding: (J `In-an Janthn'n I-null Int nnnnnt Indeed a Benul Story. "The Besutiful Story,` sud Golden Gems oi Roli ious Thought. written and edited by J. \ .lluett, sssisted by Rev. 1`. De- Witt Tslmsge, is s compsnicn book to the Bible. and is so besutiful and interesting thst its chsrms sttrsct sll ; said by brin ing out in clearer end stronger light the hi den `besuties of the Inspired Word, leads them to reed snd love the Bible. Beginning with the creation of the world. and combining in picturesque nsrrstives ell the Bible's history,'stories end commentsries-preserv- ing the sequence 02 incident from Genesis to Reveletion-"The Beautiful Stor pre sents s conservstivesml hsrmoniousc ronicle of most sublime events. The story of the creation. the ood, of Abrshsm, of destruc- tion of Sodom. of Joseph, of Ssmson, of Devid. of Solomon, of the Jewish Kings, of were end holy rusnifsststions, end of the sngels; of Esther. Jonah sud `Job: of Jesus snd His sectitice. of the Apostles end their miracles, and of the prosecu- tion of the Christians, with descriptions of the Holy Lend. explsnstiens of sunny dith- cult pssssges of Scripture. relieve per- Inenentl doubts end all `wings. The uzifnl Stnrv" an 511 naming and escape melr nonce umn mo law. There is no safer or surer wey'by which health can be preserved and dieeue averted than the occuionnl use of Warner`: Sufe Cure, which will benefit the engines of life"-the kidneys, even if they no in I normnlly healllly-ante: while the good that will result in cue disease is threatened, or in Already present, cannot be over~eIt.i~ meted. ` ma onmmows" mnlfnksm. ; GRAND -Boncenr, OKERA HOUSE, APRIL 26th. ---A_ 4-..-.-) g- ..n_ .L-.h&.. nun, urnln 0!` l)er\'nuI uluuruuru Ira unp- posed u. exist. and in consequence of such belief many fatal misukea hue been com- mitted by our best physician: in trutipg such disorders, which Are but the symptom: of the diuue. whilst they have allowed the real diseue-diseue of the kiineyn. to their notice until too into. Tlmrn in no nfnr nr aurer wnv'b\' which ueuy In ma treatment Ul Iluuuy uiuuuwn. Physicians Admit that they cannot. con trol advanced disease in those orgunl, and it is doubtful whether they cnn control it in any stage without the uwistnnce of War- ner'a `ship (Jun, which is entubliahed u the only known means which will reliably pre- vent and cure this Clan! of diaeue. I!....;.I.-.. :5 I... 1...... Jul-`nnitnlu A-nnrtninnd vent and ml: cum ox (uneue. Besides, it has been denite! ucertninod that kidney dineue is the res came of ill- health in most cases where consumption, hurt, Bruin or uervnun disorders are llIp- ` nnnntl n. nv:nf an.` {H avnnnnnnnnoa nf lllh ` unu or cure. " < There in Q grant ded of wisdom in what the World remarks. Indfvidunla. as A rule, .10 not give their phyiicnl welfare attention, and it in only when \III m8d by the presence oi discus itself--the consciousness of failing Itr9ngth--that attention in given to such mAt fjl`I. mnmru. Much bu been said nnd written in regplh yenrn concerning the extreme and often times fatal danger which roaulu from delny in the treatment of kidney diseases. Mnmininnsu Admit that thaw mnnnl con whloh the following U0. 3 "W 'l"5" 3 phyuloinnl gnd unprofuuionol men of [gun qr 311.; if people} would Elke A little of the pains to prevent linens ullt they do to have it curod {hat Ill! Cililed world would be much log me 3 not hospital than it in now. " ' ' But tho idea of n regu. hr and noted physical exlmjuntioo, oven of person: who no gpplrently well, is an ex- cellent one. The nppoachol of ulmonnry complaints, 'kidney D0510! `III INDY of the other illl (hut egh in heir to are do in- Iidiouo on not to be apparent to their victim. "' ' ` In nothinu in it truer than in (ii!!- nmoul not to no Ipplrauu. my man` uuuln. -`-' In nothing is oue that `in ounce ofprevention is worth 9. pound of " There in I nvrent den! _ Tho ogggg ol Provontlon. _ Undor the Above luidil tho New York World pf Feb. [055 contain! An` editorial of which tho following '9' l"'3?| 3 Pllvnlninnn And unnrofuuionnl am g.%'ndio of thnt inhtitution `mg, n`. hudnm, `gdowmont, `til 5 "equ- mmgoh ngygg gg b0 f0I0hOd. .1! il I only Ida. "cation of Qen`I `:13 5mh 'b"b. d` `H Tomata unlversilhh "_`i bm.`"i"3 `hn Wu-an Uonoohlul lag. jlnlll-Inn` 3- -vvr1 II:-. rwu --u- Proceed: devoted to on dual-luau. 'r-ouuuo. and So. `u out Home April 12nd. nu cue... Gained n. D I-A A Illa Display. .- - n_- .n-_.I_.. 1.. ; Is. mwnla, ;A. E. Mun- .\l. 2 R, .I, LA. kI|Il'UU. I` u ; Ritchie. A II`. nu. lldopulnluludhnunn. ._:;;_.::n:m~:.:. masts.-: Iu-can-Ilmlnthnuln. II\FBlj FI$llF3 JAXIOIXNII Hound. w..|.u-u.gg-m.~c.IioI'Iru.u..xu-I llonkds nuns-ronI.nor_Lr:_a'-u--t.xi-anus ODDFELLOWS` RELIEF ASSOCIATION ul-an nu-n-Inlr nl 'l`I1I` nrnnl!'rAn\' IQ