H vs III vunv. R0052-Il.\'IIll lulu: D-`ox Manna- 'Br=nI-.. No.11 loucrul an-cu. Next to Dr. lln . oihor two IIIDIIOCI IILIIIO hurt. The eldut vs: 10 nun old. The yoummn coma, and 0. III nill ulna when the horrible discount in noun uncut... nrnployud u uvmuun the mill of Wglu Auto]! A: Blue Bun, Pu, Wu found dud tin Inominl Vvolvoon O Ind o'clock. huing ha Iumn-ll in`: bndroojn 0! tho nlmnty loo ooenp . In 3 bed in tho same room lly tho bodies of Mo (our children, two with their throats on the ` other Ihbhod imho hurt. The edut nvgn In nngpn ALI IA vnunmun nlulhl ..-pol A l0_var- old. Tho yvuvlafmi child, aged 1 :.:'..::':!.'.".`;:.'f.:.: :.*::..'.'""*'- di-'-v '4 It-hurled to ball. Wnmmrron. Apnl m-Grm Smtllvood, I umll, vuouuod oolqrnd wumso, nu to-dgy Ionkneod to be hangcfd 00$ 11. sh! murdor od hot illogltilnntc child It 1:: birth by tying I ` oboe string Around in-neck. Hot mcnlnl com I dition in opon todonbt. In puoing wanna ; the court said it bud nuon to believe ouar : the clam would uuorlu-re to pnunl CI! ` oxooutluu. in in tho Gm "tune oinoo Mn.8nt- . nu : trial mu a woman ha: been unlined to death in the Dillricl of Cnlumtin. Anecurjrluwn rII'I! Gl:oml:1'o\\'N, April %.-Shortly before )2 o'clock Iaat nlgbta fire broke out in the dwelling houae of W. R. Brown, w on- maker and im lementa nt. . The re ad attained cone derable eadway before it was discovered. The member: of the famil were aonndly aleepin . and when ax-on barely ucaped wit their line. ' Mr. Brown : loss is heavy. It include! hie dwelling. wagon ehop and eontenu, in le- menta and a new we n and two 0 er dwelling houeee owne by Min and occu- ied by F}. Black, Geo. Errington and K. I wton, the content: of which were par- tially aaved. Inaurance about SKID. in the Glasgow and London and the Walling- ton Mutual. ' I l The Illnnlng llnl. OTTAWA, April 21.-Sir Juhn Mu.-dondd hu Riven notice of I recolutmn Alrming tho upedlonc ol the building by the Gunm- Inont ol t 0 proposed lino ol railway between Harvey and Salisbury and making Ill npproprintiun this you of $500,000 tovurdu tlut object. Tha line to bo bulll ll About 120 mile: Iona And punt lhrouzh A country rich In unworkod oonl beds. The Cumdion Pacic Railway Cumpnny have long been pressed to build this link a put of Iheir nhort. lune but have do~ clinod. It will make Halifax About 15 mild nenrer to the Uppnr Provinces. A IIIIIVI Iirnulu Iifl-O. 4 Auauou,JL...Ay-ALE-~3o.uu nnnlovud Human In of Wnlhh nmo VII uumnx mm us new xurk. The evening diucumnon In mninly devoted to I diocuuion of that rolntivo ndvnntagen of St. John and Hnlifu u the wince-r termind port. A few minutes be-tore midnight Ibo reuolution Ivu adopted by the commlluo and tho House adjourned. nuvu I. ` Mr. nu.-rann of Bran! held thnt the poo II of thn Upper Provinc-s It-re bound to use ow York as n more expeditious purl. thm Hulifu or St. John. but Pruf. Weldun nnd Mr. Shun- ly showed that with n r!.'uonnbIy hm mnil train to meet the incnmma bout: the puuuo from E: land to Toronto would aka Ion Limo vi: hlifnx than vi: New Yurk. Th- unmninn ..nnnnIAn nu. m.I..l- .l-.-s.4I CHI. ` After recon the dvhtoon the ruolution re:-po-ctinz tho propaoed nuhsidy for cho:At- lnnuc utumuhip service wu resumed in com mince of the whole. Some 0 position wu om-red by Ontario membernvout evround thn Ihr improved nxvico ould nos be of Iuicienl nrlunt e to el the incrouod ox- ponu. Colour] 0 Brian Hill the ooutry lhuuld nut. my 3500,01! to grutify St. John or ` Halifax. X a wanted I class of vessel! the would mu fnruners cheaper and faster lroiuhl service. Six-dny ooonn utnmahipa web as pronoaed were of Adam eonly to the rich, to the clue who mod lhnnu can on the ruilwu ll. -o-.-..- Al D--..n l.-I,l pL-A pl..- .._.._I- I I I CUTDUT III FTIIICZ Ill IJUIVIUII I|.l'V|1u!, lxIll`I' ton. No more durable or well-toned instrument In Canada than the G. M. WEBER UPRIGH1`. _nna we um |(ll`Pl\'l Lu. The bill amending the Copyright Act nu agreed to me: some dlscuslion on the powers of Parlinmem to enact such logiahtion, and on SI!` Ju|In'n nnu-mam that it would not ` come in force unul It had uoeivod Imperial 1 At.-- ....... .5- a..|...s..... n.- ....,.u...x.._ I III!!! C. Iulmu: division, and the um Adopted. \\ hen the bill to amend the Gem-ral Inspec- tion Act was before the committee Mr. Du-in moved to incroue the number of Inspector: of unit: Itnndurdn lwm.9 to ll, so an to gin tho Northwest representation on the board. The nmondnu-nt wu accepted by Mr Cuatignn ` Vlnd the bill |(ll'PP\'l tu. I The bill um:-ndinn tho (`.nnn-hrln Am in Inn wav 01 the measure. Sir John Mucdonald than pointed out tbal both Enulnnd and Cllllll were anxious to enlarge thv Hut 0! exthatlitabla oencea, and that wlnatc-H-r daluy had taken place in this direction was dun to the nctinn M the American aulhoritie-9. l`-V plasma the bill we would inlorm England nml the Umletl Staten that. Canada Ill IHXIOIII [0 hap the extradition tr:-aty enlarged, and ulna would have a bone- cial A-eet. The muzion than palm-ll. When Hun. Jdhn Cu:-ziizan'a bill to lurthor amend the lnland Rcwnuo Act. waabv-fore tho Committee uf the Whole Mr. Davin moved an amendment, pa-rmittina brewers in the Northwest to manufacture 4 per cant hear. that Itronatli being now imported for Illl by apt-cial permit. The motion was lost Iillmut division, and the bill adopted. \Vln-n that hill in amend llm Cam-ral lnunnn. IIOXI union. _ N Sir John Mncdonnld slid there wn nrut morn] impntiunoe on the part. of the pooplo of Cmndn to put an end to the inow of rascal- izy lmm the Unined Stltea. Cynics might say we had enough rucality of our own, but it wu well to tell the world that we don : want either than people or their ill-gotten zuinr. He thought the bill so unohjoctionahla in principle thus it would meet with but little oppouition, but If` its dotnila were likely to lead to protracted de- bate it would then ro-nmn for the Houle to nwhnt dis sition should be made of it. on.4Ia. . gums: ilmugrm the Imperial Aiiigrities wou not nlluw the pl opowed not to cam.-in forca. Hr know it would meet grotto Ddli-tion.in the House. Mr, Jiii-`lmn nnrlnriwd the Prnmlu-'1 Ann~ . unuons. Hon. Dnvid Mills ob)eclM:_| n:`d nid there vs: I big heap of connmutnonm qumltionl in than of the Qir Jnhu lL.nA.\....l.l ohnn nn;nDn:' nus mhgs -v vvulw nu xv-uv. -us nu`... av vvvu-u uuvvv nun -&iun.in Mr. IIiir`|ton endorsed the Prom|0r'I eon- tontions. 11.... n....;a Mm. .-.|...m.A ...a ...'.l n.... nm on lrtllslerred to uuu-rumenu orders. _ . Hon. Mr. Lauriur said the details of the , bill would occaaion I very long discusalpn And 3 it miehcbo well thgrolore to_!u\'o it. over to next 3;. In... M....a......m ..i. oh... ~_.. .....A Prof: In-.|cIo,un'n lllll l'rIlIllTel'l'ed`l'o ` Govern- men onIm-nm Iupu-1al`nn mm " J'II.1'Iroli founllllee. ' UITAWA. April 20.--Tho House had I Satur- dn .IlHlIl to-day, tho rs! of thy seuion._ Tho uneasiness of the cdoy Of Unit.od_Sntu boodleru in Canada will not be It all . ullsyc.-d` by the notion taken with rgference to the bill of K -rpfessor Weldon of Llburt to ext.o=nd the` lust of oxtraditablo crimes. Sir John Thompson movcgd thnu tho l bill be trnnsferred to Gu\'arIunenn~ orders. "till `yr L.-nurlnr ld Lll rlnlnllu nf fhla "ts %16 m:s1N (LQNAADAA `JHIAVE. MORE Hi-zjkson THAN. gven T ' es UNEASY. . . ALL N08 0!` BANK and Olloo Rubber Bum Soda. Eta. suppllod by BRIN- nux ucwuv. mgnufnoturen. Bacon 8t., Klnanton. On llploolol 0!: on 10:!-. fl An-IC|_l'\nn nl o.-I- A 'IlIII'I Terrible crlno. .._ UV A...I|_ lr._-_|_ u A Georgrlowl Fire. nnnvu A....:l fX\ CL... Wiltvu I -UUlUII UIIIIZW The ant nnd fourth your scholarships will not be unrdod this your on nooout of no enndldsu coda; Ip to the nqnlnd uncl- ud. vb uuniy-In pot out. ol the um-h. n ulna of IIIO hand you oalolanhlp B lb Ilosllln. oi Maxwell, and ti in third you Ioholnnlllp In. Wnlhr. cl Pithhrry. I no.) or men were mun xqrvrwnruuur ' irom new meteriel booth: with the money ' which wen received from eebeorirution lose, I end the proceeded en oxcureion August. ' But they ere in eddition reetiy indebted to , the following lediee for undiee of out-o' 1 clothing : lleedemee G. Seen. J. McMahon. o iioutiey. Falconer, Sine.` Young, end Mien Roee. Seveni gentlemen eleo greatly eided this good wotk. Mr. Wileon, of the cotton mill, gave e hole of cotton ; Mr. Dnnhem gm izrreiulicege. end Mr. Upper e neu- V . `H. .1." m IQ 9n... lollonlnn oinen were elected : Ky 0! ii. INC ll'lI' UNIT UUllIl'lIII'T* I 08. The lollowlng ooon were olooud : Mn. opplnu, praldont ; III-I. Whiting. at vmmdont ; Mlu letdown. ucond vice p out ; Iln. Stu. Iocronry ;ln. 1 Coupon to olootod trounnr. I IIIV lav:-Jun Ivvvuviqu The snnusl muting oi the Dorou social? 5 was held at the rooms, 'l`hut-Iriny. Ap I lsth, when nporh from the uorcury and trounror won nd giving I \`Of{ utilise- tory Account oi tho working of I 0 Iooioty for tho put you. Filly iamiiiu had been visited and 407 dionnt u-tioiu of clothing `ding-ibutod amon them. The `Motor por- 'i|'6'.a3iEBou `1Iiidf`u|r|IriiIrhdin- [mm nun mghrhl hunch: -ill: (In IIIDIIIV < pen us. I T e belt locnl talent with .\lr. Rnmnge, I ' comic voculint. Toronto, bu been secured I fur thn Uddfellowf concert on April 26th. I The pntronnge Ihould be lurge. Tim fnllmnina Am-tnrn Ann rnahtnrn At } An ltnterptl-hug Dnlmque lien Getting ! men smppmg ronum co Dakota, , l)l'm'ql':, lows, April 22 -Two cur loud: : of cute have been shipped to Dekote by en ` enterpriling epecuietor. and soothe; oer loud in being secured for ehi meut. They are in demand to kill mice wn ch "warm the 6 corn and when bin: doing greet demege. In thin market the feiinee brim: from 50 9 cents to 81, while the epeculnor reoeivee 83 eech for them in Dekote. When shipped they ere pieced in eepereu bone to prevent . hoetile enoounteu. end the make enough 3 noiee to nukes the seven eepen. I I Nun: Pan-ngrnphn Plokod U p by Our lio- ` ' porters In lholr Rumbles. f | w. 0. Pollock. Clevelmd. bu Arrived in the city. The Harbour Lighn" compnny will up- penr here on May 6. . The school children, Portsmouth. are an- , joying A holiday to-dny. Arrivgln mt. pnrt.nmnnH1__Q .\` Alannnnin GICT YOUR `WINTER GLOVES at W. REEVES`, King Street. I!) Sample pain to be sold at wholesale Drlcea: I 1 no puronnge Inounu no urge. ' The following doctors are togllured Al ' the British American hotel : Drl. F. L. M. lirasaezt, G. Acheoon. R. A. Pyne, Toronto; A. McKAy, Ingorloll; J. A. Grant, jr., 0!.- tawn, and D. Munro, Perth. They con- I ducml the medical examination: concluded I today. ::{APRIL 22, 18-89. I!(lllUl. , A public meeting in Napanee decided in . favor of the council granting 812,000 for I , new high school without appealing to the < lo. I T In hon. lnonl lmlant. with \Ir R.AlnL0l!, A NICIHOUIII CDIITCH, l'0l'|'Iu'|0V-ICU. \'-xi Sunday Afternoon the member: of the Roynl Templar-I. Porumouth. will be I ml-lfeaaed in St. John : church by Rev. Mr. V hnlvbl. A _..LI:.. _....:.2_... 3.. \Y........_.. ,l....:.I-.l 2.. ()\ BTHIUIUU Illu PIIIUPUQ. : Some ucoundrel dnubed Mr. Rees` top , buggy with paint while in the shed at the Methodist church, Pormnouth. [ \'..vO Qnntlnu -(tn:-nnnn who nunvnhsr-n nf | LUICUO, I IJXKI UUIUCII OI CUTII. | Some of the timber: in Cstnrnqui bridge n were injured by the wind but evening. I The an-ant. 1-urn will he rnnv fnr IDl'\Ii(`A WCTC ID] ureu Dy ["5 Wlnu In` CV1 I The street. car: will be rt-Indy next. week. They no being : overhnuled and painted. Hnmn Illdrl Alllh MI ` joylug I nouuuy I0'UIy. Arrivnln at Port|mouth-S.S. Algonquin. Tuledo, "H.500 bushels of corn. ` 4.....- A` A... :...|.... an 11....-......' I..;.l... \ ' \V rlgu le- Second Year Hebrew-Chnrles A. Camp- bell. Hugh Roan. Edwnrd G. Walker, I. J. Wright. | Snminl I-[nhrnw_.f`.hA|-Inn J , (`.Amnrnn_ | -l. 11. .\lCl}UHHIU' (I. L\lCl\el]7.I8. 1. I). k`CUII`o Church history-.|. U. Bryan. C. A. Campbell, C. J. Cam--run, \\'. H. Cornetr, 'l'. A. Cnsgrove, I). F wnin, J. A. .\lcDon- uld, P ~\ M<-.[.-od..\' (`. .\lcKsy, A. Me ` Kenzie, J. McKlnm~n, J (P. Potter. J. Rat- uaav, H. R033. '1`. B. Scott. R. J. Sturgeon, E (1. Walker, R. Whiteman, J. J. Wright. Junior Hebrew--Juhn D. Boyd, G. S. Eldrld ,J. (3. Fnlconer, Alfred l"it.zpatrick, ` John ner, Neil McI herQn, Rannie M. Phelan, Daniel Strachau. QIInI\`nvv\A1nO.:ru-v Inn}... I-"Ink-nmi T I NTHA-T nnaiiuianiz RiEi1)E.vcni. {{u.uo& on Earl street. known as ` The Mnnse." Apply I0 0. W. MAXWELL. sooroutry Truuroee. I IICNIU, UBIIIUI OUTICHBU. Supplementary Junior Hebrew-J. J. Wright. Rat-and Vnnr "nhrnw_{`.hAr|n- A, Unmn. D. (1. Passed the Sesaional Exuniugtio'ns, Theol- 05zy-0rr Bennett, C. J. Cameron. 1). Flem- ing, N. T. (I. .\Ic-Kay, J. !\lcKinnon. J. U. Putter, R. Whitemnn, J. J. Wright, (I. A. (`mnpl)ell, W. H. ('oruett, F. A. (Tosgrove, R. Rattray, R. J. Sturgeon, E. (L Wnlker, J. A. McDonald, A. McKenzie. T. B. Scott. (`hurt-h `H-lnv-VA I ll I-In-unn P A uugu nuns. _, New Testaxnept I;`xeqeais--C. J. Uouneron, D. Flemming, J. A. .\lcDonald. A. McKen- zie, J. .\lcKinuun, J. (I. Potter. G. B. Scott, E. G. Walker, A. Whiteman, J. J. Wright. Tetrnnurs in '1'heulogy-()rr B<-nnett, J. .\L`Kiun<\n, J. H. Potter, R. Whiteman, n u A ` l`4. `I. `VIIIKUF, A. V` ll||,UllIIlI' -I. H.A. [).___l AL- L`...-!..._..I L`.._._.2_-L2 \V ['1 H`:- l A;g>ologetics-3). A. Cavnpbell, W. H. Cor- putt, T. (Joagrove, D. Fleming, N. T. .\Ic- Kay. J. Rattray, R. J. Sturgeon. E. U. Walker. J. A. McDorald, P. A. .\IcLeod, Hugh Ross. Nun! 'rnuIsnnnnf Vvnn9nil_(` J Ifurnurnn lllillll. Third Hebrew And Cha.ldee-0 r Bennett, Juhn Mcliiunon, Richard \VhiteImn. H111 Tnnhxnnnnf l<`vnunnh:_J"hurInn (`.nn\. IJUIHI .VlUI\llll]0l], IVICHBTU \V llllelll. Old Testament Exegeais-Chzulea Unm- eron, Charles A. Campbell, \V,illi:xm H. CoY'- , nctt. Thomas A. Cosgrove. `John A. Mc- Dunald, Arch. McKenzie, John McKinnon, James G. Potter. James Rattrny, Edward I`. \\.'AlIuu'_ Rinhnrd \\'hir.nmnn Jnhn .I [K]. .\Vll , \\ right. Annlnrx 1). IL, I UFI4 HUTU; IIUKII l'\nBl.||ll] U0!` (`P010- gelivka), P. A. L cLood, `B. A., Dundas. RE. Island. N I`L2..1 Ll_|___,__ __.'l I`L_I_l-- t\..._ l ).___AL Mlgy`-'\/HIE. U. burlleron, R1. .g nluguun. Scholarship in Theology-!s`penco, James Ruttruy. B. A.. Scotland; Robert Ander~ son (for third year divinity), J. J. Wright, B. A., Peterlmro; Robert. Anderson (for hecoud ymx divinity). W. H. Uornett, v B A.. Gan`unoqn_ and E. G. Walker, M. A.. Montreal : Rzahor -Tulndouon (for first year divinity), A. McKenzie, B A., Tiverton, and U. B, Scott, B. A., Belleville. Toronto No. 1., (for second vear Hebrew), Chas. A. Cninphell. Smith : Falls. Toronto ,No. 2, (for third year Hebrew an'd Chaldee). John McKinnnn, B. A.. 1 . E.-Island ; Hugh Mc~ Lennnu (for church history). U. A. Cosgrove, B. A., Port Hope; Hugh Rankin (for Apolo- Llelitiiai. P. A. Mr:Lnml. `H. A.. I)undm:_ P, I41, HOUSE AND LOT. 310 Enrl Street. bet ween Gordon and Alfred streets : 6 lease room: and back kitchen; lame cistern an pump- good well um Outside sheds: house vurnnled to be wnrnx, ` I rl rlgnr Specinl Hebrew--Charles J. Cameron. versuy, GT8 UHMIB PUUIIC. llllld I - Bu.-hulorg of Divinity-R.ev. Jacob Steele, ` IL A., Seymour; John M:Kinnon, B. A., Belfuuf, `P. E. I x:_.....a :.. nu.r:....:.:....,.,1.....:n.. .....1 n.....', nemuu, r. n. 1 . . . Passed in Bib|'icn.l' introduction and theo- logy--Chu. J. Cameron, M. A., Kingston. Hnlmlnrnhin in 'l"hnnlnav--Hnnnnn. Jams-u The non-.-.m Mlaa Public To-uay-1jh. \V|um:ru of Vnrloun sclnuluruhfpo. Avt mmn to-day the results of the enm- imuions in the theological lull, Queen : uni- ' versity, were made public. thus : Hm-hulnrn nf l)i\.'initv-Rev. Jimnh Qtnnln, SPECULATION IN CATS- Venn`: loans! lion. `4A ._.Il___4I. __ ,_|_-I- H185 U. l'Ul[l'. JIHIQS H:&U(l'Iy, ILUWKTH Walker, Richard Whitemnn, John J. riuhf. |NC|DENT$ OF TH DAY. TH E T |:|EOLCGlCAL'D1ALL. `tho Dorou Iooloty. , ,-|_ _ -1 AL. I\._. FOR SALE CHEAP. THE STEAM YACHT ` VEGA. Cu: be seen At Shun-man`: Boat Yard. Apply to PROI. l)Ul`UlS. Al. Queen`: college. veumg. ' for service thoroughly nu-nun IOOUDIII Dououlntlvo. :"~..::m.,.,...- ` :3.-.-{::. .-:2:- t r I I (`attach onnurlyill Ihollntllntho out? lylnghklch Al hit II the pollen an- un to paint tin can 3) pnpcny IXTWCKCCZIT ll IPIII I phlho form In wholly hndoquu. Ill (IO IIUIIX, IDUIU XIII I0 ITII II III. vicinity. Thin wu known in tho neighbor- hood. tiovcrsl IXOI and club and two largo bowie hives. oil utoiood with blood. won Ionnd in tho min. The trunk. in-okon open and ried, in found 5 than diohnoo away. Enough bouoovsro runovod from tho 1;: tupwvvwirlr oodohiuodvolpou the iunll ind boon murdered uni than burned w ii: the bulldln . WI: Ihh db- eovory wu mode Wood aloud. horn on an In! nnnlunnln ung-nntrntnrn nl u 9070?, VII IIIIGI W01 IIIIIIIO. 10'?` yet noolucllo thoporpou-non of :: m-Imp, I , `II XIX] `WI, ITOIII IIOWIC OI HDINIIY hand that his home had boon bufnod sad that hh wile, three sou Ind two dbughton had boommurdorod. Ho had and up a few hundred dolluu which he hp! In a trunk In the bonus, than being no huhli the vinlnhv TM. nan Hnnnn In Mun nnlnlnhnr. `rho Awfnlvlntollluonoo a Farmer Incoh- od on lhtlnlnx to In llama. Cuuwrnz. N.C., April 22. -- W. P. Wood. an indultrloun turner ol Macon conn- ty. wu onllod nu; h-on home on Monday 1II1mI 'Ihl|r'!lrlItnrnd*1In -*Prldn-r hr I10 WI ODIDI IIIC IIIMIID IIITIIT-' Sir Jn in wall return lund for his wits and fcmlly nut. Septom r. B0 has four beautiful dnughton. Sir Jnllul bu all-null: ngcnl-ad A homo In Wnnlllnnam l0lll' DOIHIIIIII IIIIIIIIIUII. DI? JIIIE` All-udy nocnrod A homo In Wuhlngtpn. WIIIC 1 HINDI. Speaking of Mr. Gluduone the new mini- ster uld : "He in still I meet mdeletlgible worker. his voice in A: powerful u it we: twenty year: ago, end It be plruure to listen to hit clear and vlgoroul uturnnool. He will laebl dlo in-the lurneu." Slr Jn_ ln_n w_ll return_tJ`Iu(lud [gr _hiI ('t..\"|`. Apnly In I). . over Exlrea Umoe. "HIGH VIII` Ill" wane I think." Q-...l.X..... -6` ll (HO UIIIWG 513. I Illlll XIII HUI" HICKW hnppil Iitunted. ` Sir ulinn was naked how the home rule question Wu getting on in England. He um; `I here does not sum to be no change. I honhe Rochester election was 11'; b the oonoouvntlvu, but than in un- othei-% unt one to occur st Birmingham won. 0 quldon bu boon no out so much that intorclt by the pubic in on the warm I think." Ho Chat: with Reporters and San no Is Planned With American Ooirtony. Nzw Yunx, April 2`. .-Sir Julim Panace- fote. the new British ministar is here. He uld yuterdny thnt his appointment was something of a surprise :0 everyone, but to no one more no thnn himulf. But now that I Am here," he nddod, I can any that I am glnd to come to America. for if my nont- ment by my America: fellow voyager: is any criwrlon my reception in this country will have nothing to be desired. I Ihnll to do my duty nnd more I cumot :11. like the oponhenrtod honpitnlitv manila- ed by the Amoricun p 0, sad I feel an- aurod thnt, Although i in In In first visit to the United sum. Iuholl n myself moat hnnnilv nitnnbd 7 I06 DH`. (]OpIl'l'lI`ClIIy WII CIIICU 005. A year ago (yeorge Lucas, Dubuque, Is.. while drunk. put. 3 bullet into his head. He recovered sufciently to attend to business. Thursday he felt the bell. It wss extncted from the brain where it bed penetrshed over sn inch. Lucu will recover completely. IIIDOIIIIK l./Ilfy. ' A forest fire broke out in South Hadley yesterday end. Aided by the high winde, spread npidly, oovering hundred: of notes and doing much damage. Another re in Eut Hempton became so threatening that the (ire depnrtment wee celled out. ` A wnnr nan (.1-nr-an Luann, nnhurnuu. Il,_ unry ma me nut 10 pny a uno ox aouu. Brown, I murderer at Moorehood, Mlnl.. Admit: kill George Fulljunu in A prlu tight st Gran Forlu, Dakota. He also uhot and killed one George Cuey It Hillsboro. The confusion clear: O`Hnr1 in 3:01 for shootiuq Cuey. A fnrn-0 n-A In-nlrn nut in Hnnth "Alum: IBHUUU [I3 WUUIU U6 KIIIUCL In September. l890, two centuries will hnve used since the first paper mill was erecte in America. in Roxboro, Philn. It in proposed that the bicentennial Anniver- nixbe ttingl oelebruted. nrlnn Ar an and Thoma nnnnluv LIP. I51" UU UFIIIIKI UUIUUTIIUU. l{anden Dar on and Thoma Danaby, Lit- tle Rock, Ark. convicted of violating the election laws lat November, hue been Ion- taeuoed the first to ve yours in the nlten- tinry and the last` to ply I fine of Brown. A murderer nt Mnnrnhnml Minn. unnu H` I051. Dr. Pierce, who has arrivad at Zanzibnr, report: that the people of the Somali porn refuaed to give the steam:/yr on which he tra- velled any car 0 and notied him that if he landed he won d be killed. 1.. u....a......l..... Iunn 4...- ...._L....:_- _.:Il (U DIUXICO IOU uurleu W'IIn nlgn HOIIOUTI. Mrl. A. H. Lucas, Carthage. Mo., accom- panied by her two daughters and hired man attempting to ford I swollen creek in A wag 5011, were carried down the stream and rowued. Mrs. Marin St. John Sheffield, New Ha- ven, (,'onn., died hut. night. Mrs. Sheield and her children were left a fortune, estimm ted At 85,000,000, by the decoise of her hul- bnnd in l88`2. PI- l):....-.. ...I... L-.. .._-:...A -5 'l..._..!L-.. .\'l` I-`IVI-Z AND A~Il.-\ALr` AND SIX PER (`b;.\"l`. Apnly lo 1). A. ulVE.\'8.Bxook Stream, hlxlren IIIJII TUUUCU ll OI QJJIK Dr. Jenkins, ex-M. P., says thnt Prince Edward Island would be one great pntaw garden if there was free trade between Cun- ada. and the United States. Iinn Q..L..-oi.... l.....l.. .1- l`:...l.. .... .......-: Illll llllll LIIU Ullllu DIKCQU. Don Sebastian Lerdo de Tjsdn, ex-preai- dent of Mexico, died in New York yester- day afternoon. The remains will be taken to Mexico sud buried with high honours. Mr: A, H. Ln:-an ffnrthnan Mn Annnm. uuu [UK'l'|loUl'lUI. James Kelso, a guest at the Indiana house, Cincinnati, was assaulted in his room by I stranger who beat him into unconscinulneu and robbed him of $3,000. H.-' 1nu|r:na nv II D Qlv yl.-t D-inn.` [H03 H13! pzyarby Ul LTUIDCTI Urougnl. Ou`, The Union Pacic RR. holds I control- ling interest in fty-eight corporations or- ganized for arious purposes in several states and territo iea. 1-...-- `I. I..- .. ....-.L -1. AL. I . )2...__ |_-..__ UIIIIHUIL \./IIUIU Ul ILIU UUCU ]UIIUU5y~ Sir Charles Tupper in making Hunge- ments for the settlement in Mauitobn for the last. pgrty of Cruftern brought out, Tha Union Pacific RR. hnldn I nnntrnl. I10 Wlll ICIVB [UT Derun OI} [H3 2/!"- Simeon Heouts, Attica. InJ., Saturday night, shot his wife dead and then1 killed himself. Cause of the deed jealous . Sir Charles Tnnner in mnkimr u-I-Anon. llllllll. ` '1he steamship Missouri. bringing I por- tion of the Denmark ! passengers, bu ar-` rived at-Delaware. ` 'l`I.... Q|...|. ..c D......:..'...:n ....._:..- :.. cu TIVBU HE" IJU|IWlrC. The Shah of Pei-aid will arrive in St. Ptltersburg on a. visit to the czar May 23rd. He will leave for Berlin on the 27th. Q:r-nntun IJ'......a-. A96}... 7.! Q..o....A.... IUW H33 BCCGPIGG [H0 Vlcarnysnlp 0! IICICDG. Thewi of the late William J. Lyma, of New York, leaves $350,000 to Roosevelt hospital. 'lhn nfnnmnhin Nnnnnri l\l:;nn;nn A nnr. uru III , III! DEVIL LTIUVICTTBQ U) XVI GXICO. T 9 Irish Times slum that Lord Brown- low has accepted the vicornyship of Ireland. Tha.wiH of the lam 'illinm J, Lvmn, nf MU.\'E\' TU LEN!) AT In`: AND A-HALF AN!) six l'P`.N.l`lC.\T. N. W =HANNO:\'. Bdl'l'i8(8l`. om:-e. next door to King`: drug store. Kmu Sum: . ningmlon. The Llto Things that Allbct Cnnudllnl- " Fluke: From Europe and What Tho) Portond-A Little of Everything lull: Head and Iiamombered. ' The Bijou tlneatre, Me-lbourne, has been destroyed by re. . F The whmu nrnn nf Ohn \VnAfarn Imtnn in (lClIal'UyU(l Hy UTE. The wheat crop of the Western States in in excellent ct-nditinn. ("nuns An Q l.`...., L`.........|. .._:..:.`.a..._ g- III QXCUIICIID U'|I.1(l|lll)]], l Count de St: Folx. French minister to 1 Uiu uuy, has been tnmferred to Mexico. 1` A Irish I'n'mnz ntAtna that Inn! Rn-nwn. AFFAIRS OF THE WORLD. TELEGRAMS` Fnon ms EARTH'S FOUR ounrnsns GIVEN. MURDERED AND BURNED. s.;5a.7.mTa;JEs % N0. __A THE MAIN PART ut the Stone Housu on King Street. fornu-r _\` occupied by Lhulnte Mrh. Macaulay. H.-.m830lln y and taxes. The house Isl cxc--II--nv order Yr th all mod- eru -uurunien--u . >l:|N'I*~i attached until fur- thvr umicc. Apply In |{i.ky.uILriuk 3. Rogers. UTIAIIII Ahlx \NDRlA will commence her u-I this moon by leaving HON EAL on rnnndu. mm: lunar. 51 Noon. nlu-ivtug In Klluuonun Friday In ht, and I-$7.165 Iv Tro ton and W: on 8A'l`U A M0`NlNOIt5o' . Returning willlouve fur.\1ontrul and wow Pom xv in! non. luv Nltn` nt 1:!) o'clock. nu) lunher no- season 1;`:_. 'l`0 RENT for one ear. or tonn of years. poo- sesslou lay lat. I 81 ICK HOUSE on Centre Slmel. near l`nion Street might rooms and ex- u-nr Iva kitchen, we! and cistern. drive house and stable. also gnu on and fruit trees. For further nnrtk-ulars an plpto MRS. JOHN W. ASHIJCY, on tho pvcmlees. IIOUSIC with 01 L rooms Ind extension kit- chen hard and no water with good stabllnz : convenient. to Queen`: Collimnxwlata - Ietoion. Anply on the prom 128}, or at - o. :44 Union u-out. botwoou cordon nu Alfred - ts. NI L Stu. FROM In MAY. that good. substantial house on Ontario Street near Union. cg pro- eenr occupied h _ Mrs. oon. Apply to E. T 5l`E.\C\'. Wnhasteacy. . .. ` A SFONI DWELLING. with or without furnaces and all modern lm mvements. It is mmr [ha em-nor nf Kim! and `nut an-mus. An. TI III`Z IIVVIYIQJIJIJ. VVIKII Ill` 'VIl[IU|ll V near the corner of King and `eat an-oats. Au~ ply L0 lACDU.\`NElJ.. an MUDIE. 1-.'nr| Terrace. near mu-no an-eet Am: BARNEY. 39 Princess Street. or at : Street. THE SHOP AND DWELLING on King Siren, occupi-`d by John Henderson no It wholesale liquor store. Apply to JUHN REEVES, Brock street. 282 PRINCESS STREET. ~ I BIG 1'0 Axxggxcx that I I: n PIN- E!) A nw PAP AND PA! 6 OP at thotbov plaomwhai I V ll be planned toro- celvo on from my old customer: and Also fmnmnynow end. I 3| 0 I on handacnolcl STOCK I WA PA! RI! 0 at the lowest poulhlo rats. A call onucnod. KILLY. NEW BRICK HOUSE. tutu. s`l`I(ma"l'. In Earl Terrace, Barrie Street .-xpprlf to B. BARNEY. Street. or 4 Earl TIBUSE [N v.xueu.\77rn:RRAcrc. Posses- sion May lat. Apply at WHLG OFFICE. 0l"FlCE. lame, oentml. well tted. TOl'I';lI raasonabla. Pquuuion immediately. Apply 'Box." Wnlo. A sum` UN Kl.\'US'l`lU'.'l|`. wnn aweuum above. near Market Square. Apply at 48 Earl Qtroet. l.\lMEI)lA'l`l'2l.Y on mvxluralo terms. No. 'I`Ill{l4:E (3; H.u.1c' co1"r.am:. Apply at 43 Princess Street 'l'll l1'.l`.'I'.' (3! HAL A BRICK HOUSE ON QUEEN Sl`l{ljE'l'. between Bagot and We.-llingon SL1-eels. from May Int. J. B. (`ARRL`='l`R `RS. .\`c.\7I3\`-"ru LEM ! . .I\' IIIR l`Il`\1` M \\` S.\L.ESME.'-~Wc wish a fuw men to sell our goods binannlple to the wpulesulu and retail trade. meet nuumfuclur--rain ourllne. En- close 2-cont sunnu. W'mu's $3 per day. Petun- nent position. No pualnl.-J nnswerbd. Mons-y nd\'\nced for wagon. mlvorllsiniz. etc. CEN- TENNIAL MAN'lI"u Co. (`inuinnnti. Ohio. COOK WANTED. No vunhlng. A` my in `the evening 10 MRS. B Johnston bflroei. 0W.\Fll D. 247 nolmncouco ma. man u wuu m Moutrul wu Peru '3V"lhv n3i :)A_Y NIGI11` at. 1:! o`q|oot. and! lumber " 1. cum! I: m. Aunt; A 0001) coox. b May inn. in 3 small mm. " ly. Enquire at 22 imcoe Street during the morz.inn. 1T.t6 1;l{IM.h'iICR- wan l;!d.h_;r nfe .\|;lli;tsr:' Dcpalncnl by RICHMUNI), UR It & U0. Ill-]TWlClvIN the Post (mice and l`url.~mm\|th. A l A.~H li(K.)K. m un value to anyone but the owner. A ruward willbo aid upon ivs return 10 J. I-`ISIER. Porhsmoul .. x CENTRAL DISPRNSARY. III Princes: Street. NEW BRICK HOUSE. EARL STREET. in Far-I 'l`nr-Imnn nnnr Rnrrin Rtroal .`\ nnlv NIH t'.uum4'. of~"A" Comp-\n{ M Drill Shed. SALE of M19. .Le1ke's urnimre. 231 Brock Street-. at 10'!) a.m. ,` (`u.vv0vn'loN at Queen's University at zsUu.I: of Dwelling ouw.;by Murray. beLwcgn_ 12 and I p.m. . ` _ 35! 7 _%"_`_`3".E_ F_3- _ JJLLI A Lang: Rum \'.~'u.w-April 21st,} the-wife of W. J. ' Robinson, 3.33 Divilinn street, of I son. A SHOP ON KLVUSTREEI`. with dwelfina thnvn. nnnr Mtu-km Hnumra, Annlv an M1 Earl 1 A BRICK HOUSE ON QUEEN STREET`. Lrelweon Hunt Wellington Streets. `NEW PAPER AND PAmTsHo$," l`lIIY- .co.m.~: I`l0N or `student : at 8 p.m. Il'Il\AV I l IFIII`n Puum'. ol'~"A"Comp`\n Zn Drill Shed. ,L:\ke's inrnimre. I`. v0L.-LV111. SPEQIAL MEN'1}m~{.4 .M0N'EY: -72-` -.ww- UTIAIIR ALIX \ND!|lA will nnmmnmn bar II-Inn thin 39.3 9593- ._ .-. ..-... &.___.. nmmmnmns. ` u uuuu .- ' WANT-`ED... " --.u,.- on u | --v- v-u -... OHOWN 8:. MT`roHELL's :;1.osm; BIRTHS. ?I;O.L5A.N._ THE DAILY WHIG; ll onllcllod. womn con 8. Bu t, 8.31;. [incident of the tchlgu :15: nuo.-lut.::'n, goes to Emnd unsure no.ooo.ooo by nuns of ` willltho nlnodyintuulhihlu oo'I|tr v. tho 15:: ml: and-an A in I"'.'a'.."".&.i an prioduot Uni Stun willhooouuopod. . BIl'l-' I- 7 I.--In Vn.v.u. April 29.-Tho mforlty of the osrrnn II the city In on Itrl 0. The ID- ohllnh Ilde with them. The rioting you- urdny occurred in the suburbs. The mill- hry and lb chsrgod the oronda with swords. av down roolived bloody wounds, sad about 100 wore u-routed. The mob replied by throwhgluonu. LWII I!!! II [BIO IIIIIIJTIII` ll'0III (I19 IIVOT. Inch 31:: 5 boy bolonglnq 90 sh crow died I bonuuml olllct. Cheap and only to nu. 0nIraon-Now In the time to out Iwny your Fun In pmoorvo them from motlu. etc. We hop a`! the dloruttlndu. l'IU'-I VI CIIHUI C-II IIUCUUT-0 PICTON. Apr 20.-'I`ho district innpoctor of vol ht: tad mnnnru Iolud 70 barrel: of ulnod by the Blytll alt work! to the Rnthhnn nnmnnnm Thu hnrraln Inn nhmm am now uy an ulna nus worn so me Rothbnn com ny. The harsh won shun fromzloto 5.p0llndl. Mr. Jolmnon also ch . before Pollen Mnginrwe Curfv. Arch bdd Hoover. lot Iuingh short And unjust mounro. Be Inc found guilty and lined I10 and coup. Yellow Font Raging. B/u.-mtou. April 22.--'l`M British num- Ihif Hm Bunch, lrom Rio Juoiro. nporh yel our {over an lug terribly at Snulon and Bio Jmuiro. be number 1! death: It the latter porl ruchu one hundred 5 duy. Chic! Engineer Thoma, o! the Pine Branch. wan left at Rio Iuuring from the favor. Arch Rlnt A hnv hnlnnalna in tin mun din! In IIIU PTCIUIIIIIIUII DI PQIIKIOIII T `"0 80V` ornor-gononl It the bill ; taking utopa ; to tout the logo! ty of the not in the court: ; and holding I provincial convention hero on June 12th. ` 'I`oxo.v'w, April 22.--I`he citizens` com- mittee on the Jesuit ngltntion has issued an sddreu to the "Poople of Onurio" uniting reapoot {or the Cntholio roll on. but de- nouncing the Janina` estate: ill :5 unjust, unoonutimtionnl and dinloynl. and advocat- ing the preunntidn of petitions to the gov- ernor-annanl npnimt the hill 2 mkina nan: NEW Yului. April 20.--He was a railway switchman in greasy overalls. There was nothing remarkable about him at he stood at his post in the Pennsylvania depot, in Jersey City, an ordinary. grimy workman. the bread winner of a wife and seven child ren. A ten-years-old child stood on the track. \\ ithin a few feet of him was a mov- ing train Death was certain unless some hand snatched the child away. Without a moment s hesitation, Patrick McAlamney leaed forward and pushed the little one out ofdanqer. Then the train rolled on, . and the headless oorpae of the brave switch` man was`{ound. LUNlNI.\', April 2'2.-.\lajor Le('aron. the witness in the Parnell-7'inic.' case, says he we: never known to the Canadian govern`. ment. by the name ot Le(,`aron, but he did communicate with the government as Thames Beach. He was instructed from London to enter into communication with the then governor-aeueral of (Janudn, and by his direction he corresponded with Judge McMiclren, the chief commissioner of police, when the matters connected with the contemplated invuicn became acute. LeCnron uye he hue in his poeeeuion many letter of the moat complimentary character, thanking him for his auiatunce at thnt period. Charles Swift, Late of Trenton. Ont... Al- molt Doospltntos I Mun. ` MIs.~'ol'L.\. Mont, A ril 22. -Charloa Swift. from Trenton, nt., committed a murderous Assault upon John Delmore, a borkoepcr, nearly decapitating him. Swift ordered Delmore to set up champagne for who crowd. This Delmore refused to do,md Swift drew O knife saying : I will cut vour throat." Two of the wounds are serious. Swift is foreman of I lsrue logging rm, and B bully. He is now in goal. Del- more is weak from loss of blood. His friends hove no hope of his recovery. The Admlnlstratlon May lmphae Duties on Canadian Rolling Stock. \V.A.s'ii1.vu1-mt, A ril 2`2.--[t is not im- probable that UIDM iah freight cars. coming into the United States, and running over United States railroads, will have topay the regular rate of duty at points of entry. The treasury department has had the mat- ter under consideration for some time, in fact, ever since the sheries trouble. But at that time it was considered as a possible retaliatory measure. If now adopted..it would simply be in accordance with the protective tariff ideas of the administration and to protect United States carhuilders. In preparation for this move on the part of the treasury department an account has been kept at some points of entry, notably at Detroit, of the dutiable freight cars belonging to Canadian roads which come in. It is estimated that an average of three hundred such cars come in daily at Detroit. Port Huron and Niagara Falls, and that fully three thousand dutiable Canadian cars are in constant use on roads in the United States not one of them having paid a cent for du_t . There are three classications under which these cars may come and there does not appear to be any precedents to show which it will be. On manufactures of wood,they would pay 35 per cent. ad Va lorem; on manufacture of iron, 45 per cent, and on carriages, 35 per cent. "Rmembbr to pay y_c7>_\_1;'7 account and save discount. - IURNITIIRI CRlAIl-Ponluvoly the but and oh preparation {or Ranonung Fur- nltun. vorlna Boratohu and making Old Furniture Like Now. 3; clam; an no In ' ....'J% #}&"%'..... m M `I in Bun Potion that will eradicate than nu-an nun:-v rim; `JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. Pnmcnss ` STH DUCT. CUNARD s'rnsAmsu`u* comumz SAILING from New York every Saturday. A thorized Agent. F. A, Folgcr. Ferry Dock to of Brook BL. Klnanwn. THOSE ELEGANT nouspza were spesci:;lX bum for the owner, and no expense was a nr - tn.lr.ll1eiz~c_))nstrr-iucti(>1n.h Tiiue rooms llaomg urge we vonu one .nn av ng a. son! xx- suwllrg tirlflil my! ohoer{) 1:1. 'I`he)}`:1-1:: l?:xnal,l- tom y 101. mv ngnmnr e mam ". I pmaallers. hut mud cold water balh(s,:!af1m?:;3' plpmbing. cto. Drainage ?ert`ect. In rear of oa_ch dwelling is erlpvegly ilwn and garden. . wuh spacious oulbuxldnugs. Fur terms apply to ROBERT G A RDI!\'F..R. 15] Earl Street. Tm-grwo HANDSOHE STONE I):`WELEINGS,. 149 AND 151 Elm. STREET. 1 lllagul Wolghu and llouunu. .._.... _.rlnn 11. 424.2,. n-,- FORSALE_0RTORE-NT, Who Ho Communlcatad With. . -u (5.1 In - r EMU ;-t-DROl;S ASSUTULT. An Anti-Juull Clrculnr. __, . -| an --m ., "` '8`lII 1I"'VTi'i'i'iL" A_._n an BID DUN FIIIZII HKI. vuu UTIILIOIIU I-lit! pent: ovary um. _ uunowo In-rn loo Dtu-No` trouble. beautiful obct. Cheap And to 0nnnnn-Now In the time to out um! your 1.269` YMIIVW `aafssagsga A Bnve Swlwhmnn. . u (`A nu I :1w;sTm<. `CANADA, MONLDAY. r.\=',;'~;N1}vc: 51. (AVE. AFWIIJ.-lllfllt HID IIICI I lug. numb: at and any Inn I :::..' z:.+'.."-:.."1'.:..A:':>1.,`_"'.'*.'-mi nninllnhhaonh 0! ma can 3: Ilplouou on an Inn 10:3. LIIA 0.. April IL-0!!! of tho largo lug aahdnn-sundae-Io-ry alto:-nnn and nnntlu-ad dl In nmrv tIunnI.I1- nouul wlullo puma; the Ireland: to nab`? :`E'.'.'.3'...3`.`2"i.;$.a"?. "' " ""- umnuuncu-Q--nun-ry mmladuth * Iltorlol gold Ioltlofod oil in every dnnolia. The uni oonbimd (OM!) barrels ol diulllod oil. Thai! nu down and lled uh: dilohn doll Ibo Clmabao And Atlantic rqgd, which made it mount; to bulk the arena! loco- !'.`l`.'.'! "..':.`.."'....."""."...'._""-.C`. ."':$"L.. .I.'.'.`.' I III IIIOI CO I 81. MIL.-1pril.- uinq the shaman 2.."..'. "'.`:.""...:s....."' "" `.:"?."`.'22'3 PIANO REPAIRS otall kind: on Upright; and squu-ee executed at the Weber Fecwry, corner at Prlnceee and Gotdon streets. Kinse- more In (`Auntie [hAnthn_ M. WEBER UPRIGHT.