Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1889, p. 8

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mu ouployoa V `,k,_,,, ,` . ..,!2L#"IqXL `-1 that tin` nnhunn -TICK HUU ltnne Si-ter Mclnnoa, of the house of provi deuce, died on Saturday from the rupture of s blood vessel. She was loved and esteemed by all who knew her for her many good qualities. Her remains were interred yes` terdny. She mm from Liverpool, Eng. ()n dit that Mr. Skinner. of London, I-`.na , WIIU Ill UIIAIWI. John Forin. Belleville. has been awarded ` the contract for `building `the Asylum At Orillin, the cost of which will be from 8160,- 000 to $l70,F00. The building will take two years to erect. The material will be brick and stone. L`.-s-_ IIA'____ -I AL- L_.__- -1 _.,,,,,! PIC`. Hugh M. Mathewson, of the Mail, we: made the recipient at Ottawa of a handsome case of dessert knives and fork: on the occa- sion of hie approaching marriage He, in the fourth Toronto newspaper man to nd a wife in Ottawa. Y..I.... L`....:... IJ..II....!I|- I.-- L--- _.__,_..I,.I International 1 .m.L.A. convention. I". W. H. Chambers, formerly A judge and now u atirriu lawyer of Detroit. hall: 1 from near Broclrvil :3. He Ipenda the num- mer thereubouu every year. He has junt concluded l thrilling work on Fun and Fun." l.l'....L ll \I_AL-._..._ -2 `L- II_.'I ___- |lIU|ulUU- ' ` Secretary Williams, of the Y. M. C. A.. will leave tomorrow for Orange. N.J.. to attend I secretaries` conference. He will go from there to Philadelphia to Attend the international Y.M.C.A. convention. I-` m u l`|\....k..... 4-.........-n.. . :..,a..- um, n - 1 . Drs. A. Robinson and W. Johnston left thin afternoon for New York. After spend- ing a few weeks there they will proceed to" British Columbia. where they intend to practice. Snnrntarv \\'iliimmn nf an \' M (` A l4U"(II)|l. Rev . J._ inter at (2.: Rev. 5. J. J . ._ , cuiiuineu In a lC[[(3" puunsneu In mu (n/-A . Rose Elizabeth Cleveland is going in liurope this summer, and it is rumoured thn: she will lecture on American litera- ture in a young ladies lnoxnling school in ` London. D Y I) l\..__I.,_,, A I \I I` with which to purchase sur lice, etc. .\Ir. J. F. McLaughlin, oronto, has en- tered an action against Mr. Kavnnuuh, of Kanmmgli & Ellis, for $5,000, fur u Iii.-1 contained in A letter pulnlishrul in tin: (.`/.,~ Rana Vlivnhnth l`I..uv_~.lnn.l :u ..A: W1 VIE]! Her next mourn. " R. C. Hulme, Bellevill, has received the ` Appointment in connectinn with the Manu- facturers` tire end life assurance company of provincial manager for Quebec uellliwrn nf [ha (`(\In1r`uu`n!inn nf .\'r Harv mull us xnovn as Lumherluml red sand- stone. It in A Iimilnr none to the Ridelll ` material of which the Nupnnee punt otlice-in built. and loch very ne. Amherst il than hnnnn nf Qlr (`having 1'...` prunuunu manager I0!` Quebec Members of the congregation of Sc. Mary .\lugIIu.Iene'a church, l`u.-tuu. presented Hm . N .\Ir. Loucks with a purse of 820 at Easter with which 31!`. J. F. !\1u[.a|u7hIin, nrnnfn hm: an. unuuuuu now . an, IBJJ. H. B. Slaven. ew York, contractor on a portion of the Panama canal. is worth 35,- 000,000. His mother resides in Picton. He will visit her next month. D I` lI..I..... D..II-..:n'L L . _ _ , , _:.__ 1 .L_ Lana dllVlL'(.`B Maw man no [E In Ialr neaim. Rev. Dr. Macleod, of Sydenhmn, (7 B., is now longer in the ministry than any other Presbyterian miuinter in (fanada. He was ordained Nov. 7th, 1833. H R \'I...,.... N.-. v,..|. ,.,...i........... .. .. uiuue 01 me nosmn dl)(1 nmuny mm. The rumour that J. Smith, of Chicago, once a resident here was dead. is untrue. Late advices state that he is in fair health D." Ii. M....I.....I ..:.u... ...n.n.._ 1-1) :. UlllIl'l.`l|, \IIC'B, UH \`un(Hiy next. . P. J. Lally, Perth, has left for Boston to accept a responsible position in the head otlice of the Boston and Albany RR. The rumour that .1, Smith, nf ('hh-nan JUIUII II pU[llUU In H. large Uri". The Bishop of Kingston will preach at the laying of the corner stone of St. Bridgefa church. Ottawa, on Sunday next. P. .1. l..lV_ Perth, has-I Infr. for Rnnrnn fn mun xreemg n. xrom neon. , B. Dunlop, of Muckleston & Cu'u., leave: this week for Minnesota. where he has se- cured a position in a large firm. Thu Rinhnn nf Kinantnn u.-HI nrmu-In at Hu- WIIAII IIIU PUUPICL . 1`. '1`. Barnum has given $11,000; to the University church of Bridgeport, (}oIn., thus freeing it from debt. R Hnnlnn nf hill:-lllunfnn I l`.u'n lanvnn puruu U] 010. Rev. 5 r. Greuen. Anflican clowyman at 1 `Metcnlfe, has resigned in charge and will go to the states. Cant, lfrviuhtnn, n that Salvation A":-nu! EU LU DIIC llllu Capt. Creighton, of the Salvation Ermy, llelleville, is daily becoming more popular with hia people. I . T. Barnum ham uivan skll fn Hm um mu m we Iuture to the detriment of the place, is htviu - so much ex-mptul ro- perty on one side 0 the main street. first -tome! the Presbyterian church, then the post aice, next the custom! house. then then in I public square at the rear of which is the English cmuch. and ncxt the Bo tist .-launch. These are I adjoining and urea th- principsl business to the other side of -the umec. It will have I tendency tn nuke the mini is long plmc. the citizens of which will likely pull end against 1-ml. The Pros ipyturinn church. government buildings null some of the businens Hock: Are built of min! is known Cumberland red sand- china I: I. . .:...:I.- -....._. A- .L_ n; x Ire vlalung Irlepua In me city. I H. J. Mills, late of thin city, is doing well in Seattle. Wuhington Territory. James. Kerr. Perth. on I nnrae for navarnl Iururuy. ` Jules Simeon, an American gegro, in onej of Boulanges closest adherents and acts as hil valet. I D-.. L`.AL__ Il,I.\_.,,, I,,.,,,_ I,...: L HII VIIUL. ` Rev. Father Mcldvoy, before leaving Peterboro, was presented with B Iubetantiul pu rue of old. Rnv N r (Era-nnn Annlhuun (IInr(vlln\nn nf Iu nuuuue. W ulllngwn Lerrwory. Kerr, Perth. on I spree for several weeks, has been arrested in Hamih.o_u for larceny. Jnlnn Rinmnn In Amm-inn. nnnrn in nnn III H`!l'llU()II. ` ' Mrs. Upham removgs t0v.\lontrea.l in. few days. Dr. J . B. Guthrie. Guelph, in vigiting friends here. ` ll... 0 1 I17. .1. _..__.:__.:_I _ _ _ . _ ,2- ...' ll'IUl.|UI "ETC. ` Mr. S. J. Wade, provincial organizer, ()..().O.F.. .\I U.. is in the city. J. 1 . Thompson and wife, of Belleville, ""ii"i3"V'?ting friends in the city. Mills. me of mi. nirv. i. doing {"11 `Pou|;_Io i_loVi|`ll|O`i|tl. puydlug-. `am? lIu1u|n' Attract Anoucqm. , Rev. M. w.` Bliciea, Bellevilla. in ill. J. Porrkous left yesterdny for New York. Rev. Dr. Ross left fon-Montreal yuaberdny afternoon. `~ In... n..n._... _-_ -..-4 A- \I---~~-I =- - ` 'I;ou;`$_Io u...a _. ,_,_. MANE INTELLIGENCE- L_l_ . Dxmhml, tormcrly .\I E min- .i.uIaunq".I-.-, is nowat Bream-.r. NY. Grew.-1m'eld, formerly nu thu Lum- Lcuit, in appointed to Fort (loving- wruw wlm green nnmlu. From Suck ville to Amhorit the line pus- oea over I murshy an-ction with the Buy of Fundy now and again in view. Amherst is -one of the brighmnt looking, sown. iu Nova 9s`cotiA. It in well built And uh. um-.. .... PERSONAL MENTION. wm I'IwIIIO Wuttonorlhwlldi. nootlyooolvnstlur `nthuhowondrallonlutlnoomo loudl- H Hudqguuxv-av dour. Timothy. l"'|-old '"3hc?Im" suing an l`! on In. on` on n specialty. JOSEPH FRANKLIN, lhoklou Rumor: in tho c , but the (Emmi Unim keeps on selling st ow price: And in happy. Competition bu collapsed and we I70 "I35 learn of the uituntion. For ne clothing av. nw prion cull on The Grsnd Union, 122 Princou nu-cot. Wufll ITU Ullly U0!!! U IIHIIICU U|I'\IllIU, Ullll the locomotive work: here not sufficient on dere to keep their employees together. Nor e few have hed to be discharged. The M. T. Compeny. building A berge. will no`. need much help After it in completed. The out- look in not so bright u could be wished. The knitting and cotton mill: seem to heu- good Itei and there Are orders for months ehend st 3 leading broom fectory. . nu awuuv um I I nut- Tho mechanics are not getting A! much work, A: win: exfected, thin: ring. The cur work: are only oing I limit bu-xincu, an-I the lnnnmntism wnv-in luvn nnf nn-i..i-nt m crmnmvlle ; J. H. nrlgnr, no-cnnrl t:lIu'l0m-I : J. McGregor and R. Bennett. horns: \\ Carey, E Ila: clerionet; \\. Shea. tron. bone; A. Fiudley,.beu; N. Greenwood, 4-ornet; A. Dan, tenor; S. Donohuo, tenor: R. English, cornet; C. ML-Neil, bus drum: (lsllaher and Deelu. snare drummen. The battalion will spend Dominion Day at Ni In Full: this uummer. They will likely tnnsported by boat. The final nrrnngemente have not yet been agreed upon. VV IHIR7. The line limsa lIJ.`l-l -`E the b.i:t.;iiou under the lead:-rsliip nf the veteran liundmaater Carey wax; in uttemlnince ull'l In its usual ex cellent style dismnrseal martial airs. The band has greatly impnuvud since lat year. Of course this is iluu Lu the numerom Prac- tices that have been held Inning [LP winter months. They are now ul:lt*' ti: p'ay music of the moat dillicult kiu-l. There hlr thirty eight performers. They were not all 3... Ieut. last evening. The fnllr-mug Mlu H..- nomes of the lmudsmcu : W. Carey, sin, instructor : l). Gilchrist, first B crsrmet ; J. Foden. euphonium; J. Lnwlor, hon; :1. Lake, trombone; C. Beale. bun; ll. Urw.-. E flat clarionet ; C. Jones, picalo ; \V. .\.n dill, I". list clnriouat: H. B Tel manu, Ham-; A. Abernathy, cornet; J. Stodc nrd. earphon- ium ; (S. Grange, soloclarionet: W. J. 310 Neil. slide trombone ; J. Shes. baritone; J. Robinson, B flat clarionet; E. C. Dean. solo E 6:: clnrionet ; J. M. MoGAll. mu, bone ; R. Taylor, necond cornet. ; I. J... k doll, second cornet ; C. Jnchon, win B tl I . comet : J. bnitler. comet : J. Hansen, trombone : J. W. Edgnr, second clarion:-v .l. Mnrnanr Ami R Ronnnn hm-n. - \\ Canada Pacic ...... .. maul: Ootton puny. . lrundu Gonna Do. ...... .. -um: ul we ungnwu 1oonng_.Iuwuu |u Nova well built and the Iturel up- puat as though their owners were alive. The cnly drawback, which. in our opinion. will (ml in the future to the detriment of tho nlmm in hnuimu ... ..... J. ..-.-......, J ._- `uvlnl-onl. A Conan. quiet; American mlddllnn. Iouvuxtvilla UIlQ3UI- lilinla c...w....~.:.r"~c.....r- :o..".""" rrootl. Bunk of Monu'oAl.. Onurlo Ru Rnnk du Pnnnln, hlliula. AIHIHITUIIK. l*I r~mnpnny~(`npt. Shaun H. Gill-min-ve-, and Licut. Ne Jammica nulnu. He has been the Nth battalion luring his city. F 1-nnnnnnv ._ (`urn \I...-. UCII. ]he ntliuersuf the corps this year are; Lieut. Col. Smith: .\l.jor Power; Adjt. Gullnwny; Quorn-nnu.~Lr-1' Sprig-Ola; Dru. Hen-Iv-rann and I -x,-Ha, surgeons. "A" L-nrnpsmy-Capt. Skinm-r; Lirut. R. J. Mn-Kelvcy. V "H" s:mnpesny--(.'apt. Farrell: (Color-Ser~ gaunt. Baker in oohnnmmi); Lieut. Marshall. L," company - Capt. Hinds; Lieut. Strange (in cnmlnnnul). "l)"cnrnpany-Lieut. Hons(in command); Lieut. Armstrong. H" (`mnnnnv-(`nnr Rlunnnn . I hm Ullvyu F" company Capt. .\lurru_v; Licut. \\'hit.4~.. ` 'I`|. _.A:___I,,.,I 1 .-.u n W-UI4iIIa- `NU K-TIIII 7ER_QDU_0E _()0IfM1_SSl0N_ADEALE._ UUIVIJE Ul KIULITIU. A new drill book ha been issued by the Imperial Horse Guards and in it many changes in militnrv tactics are recorded. A great deal of .tho old infantry drill has been dispensed with. When a compuny in order- ed to form fours the soldiers art on the mic coummnd and the word deep. is omitted. The ruins for right and left formation of companies the right about and left about formation of companies, wheeling in com- pany fronts and wheeling in battalion are done away with. Battalions will still wheel in quarter column on the m mrh rest. The soldiers being u.-xoul to the old aty e of drill ing found it dilli-:ult to learn the new or- ders. 'IL, ,n: ,_ A-.1 .-- ea upon to (lo s . "_`____ Amljutunu (Jul (way was prescnhand Inuk- ued pleased at the work the companies were doing. He thinks thnt the composition of the battalion this year is better than it ever was. and he is confident it wjlllibe `the crack corps of Untsrin. A nnw .1.-in lmnl: 1... 1.....- : .... ..,u L.. .L , uY,l!!I?00L oonox IAIIIT. {.tviii4ii|i_ Aill ! vie ssusnwtioli or snaking hands with John l'. llawke. editor and proprietor of the I`:--1.-en-:'a',I, who was imprisoned for over two months for a principle be held dear. St-vcn miles from .\lonetou is l`aiusic juzwtion. where the traveller leaves the :1, ain road for Shcdiac, of oyster fame and mite-l as it local summer resort. A little be- _v.-n-I is Point du `Che no, where best is take 7-I l'iiuce lC lslnnul. ' t'lt)|Il Moucton to Sackville the railway passes through a much better looking sec- tion than hitherto beheld on the trip. Thicltly settled and prosperous looking Set tious are passed. As around .\louu ton, so on the way for some miles below, the soil is of a reddish colored clay loam. `What must be beautiful pastoral scenes in summer are passed. .C-illege llrialge is one of the stations at which is seen a large structure known as St. Joseph's convent. Meniramcook and Rot-khunl follow and then comes Dorchestcr. The fatter is the shire- nown of the parish, lying on the slope of a bill. It is not a large place. The provin- cial penitentiary is here situated. The sta- tion is a nice brick structure. Close to the town is the Bay of l*`un.l_\ . \`sck\'ille is one of the noted places of Nova Scotis. made so by the_MotlI0dist institutions in the laccw .\l t. Allison university and two need) Altogether thexe are over two hundred students in the place. I-`roui .\'at-kville to tispe Tormentine there is a branch railway. At the latter place boats are taken for Cape Traverse, across the Straits of Northumber land. Sackville claims to have a po nlation of 2,000, but upon arriving at the p see one looks in vain for what, in western Canada, is a town. With the exception of a few stores, etc.. at the road corners, it ls nothing mom than a thickly settled farm section. There are a few tine stone buildings, but vnust. ot the structures are frame, painted white with hlimls. Fl-nm Ra.-krill In Ami... ah- I: . . _ . -- enzies. , f A The Indlentlon-0 An; `That the Youths. Will Show Up In Exebllenut Form an Well"iu In Ilulfurun--The Unicorn In Olllllllllnd-Cllinlgcl in the Mode of Drilling. The interest taken in the citizen soldiery was manifested Int evening by the large audience congregated at the hill shed to see the Princess of Wales Own Rifle! pnrede for the rst time this lesson. Ln.the' gallery were noticed many Kingston Indies who seemed delighted with the movements and appearance of the youthful volurm-ere. The spaces at the sides of the shed, were crowd- ed with men, women and children. In fact the ifudience was so large that the soldiers haul very little room to display thuir capa- bilities. llhwen.-r, they did well, consider- ing that rnuuy_of Lhem had never Lind on H uniform before this year. The companies wheeled and m'u'clwd well before the drill- ing was concluded. The men Ire generally young, some only in their-teene,but. they are smile and strong, and quite able to stand the fatigue of a. soldier : life. were they call- ed upon to do 3?. Luna Ailinlnnv (11.1 up nu. .\.........4. ___l I I IONTBIAL BT00` Ill III ITS IONTIIAL. April !).-l! noon. urn. on: LIVERPOOL OIIIIII IAICIIT. A__lI -g THE VOLUNTEERS PUTTING THEIR ANNUALDRLL 7 KIN'(.`ST0l N S`C%R.ACK G()RPS. * COMMEREEAL` iilifrnf Weather ransom... WIOL-ALI AID IITAID IIAP llllllll RP The state 0! Tl-undo. . u Kn '-(`apt. Shannon; Lieut. Neish, of the Mmuhul to An .|.\-Q... Li. -L- nupusi, l'r('8l)VI.l`lllll'*- and Molllmllat -rhurchea, post olliue, hanks of Montreal nnl .\'m'a Si,-otia gnd (lI`lVlll park. One of ma spa.-ial 'attrrictinnn of the place is what is called the "bore," or tiilal wave, washing up the l etitco It rises sometimes live :1-v.-r. high.vand in said to he in .sig`ht worth we-in'g. The tide comes in quite rapiilly, hut Izslla alt-wly. The nnin streets of the town are likely to be paved in the near `future, and water works intruduccul. A :u numcnt in that direction huviug ulremly lmcu mule. Here `. our currusfoudcut luul rho sutisfgwtiou of a uking ham 3 with John llnwke. eililnr nml llrnnrinhir nf Hm nu`. . Ari] $ C`: IUIIEKI ll) in the um, um. (ms is necmmug Hess every year. a This being" the case the attention or the .;i`i.'una is ulirected tn I-the.-r channel: and muuufactoriou pro dprinuing up. '1 here are a. number of line rv.-ui-lenucu nud public building. The places of interest are the sugar n:lin0ry, cotton mills, ppem h()ll.e=' ,:11arkel hull. Roman Catholic, English, `Baptist, l reahvterixm'5 and Methodist --hurt-In-n no-r ninn lunln. at \l....o......I I `ton one in ntruck by the -~v uuuvilult. nun |Ill"V IIIIKU Ill HIITIV '-V '-nnlu-rut. the Hume of Sir (`innin- Tulppor. In an Trim l"ncu-Gu~cruuu~un V `lousy lined tu `.\d'\_nnta[e. HALIFAX, April 25.--Agproau-hing .\luuc- uule around ll.u station and the size of the ynrd. ()1: cu quiry it is learned thin the, place I! tin- lieiulqlmrbtra of the lhtrcploniul railway sysxeui. Aqrosa from the" depot. is l lurgu I,-rick huilcling which Mlrncla special M.!eu~ _tiuu by tho visitor. This comprises" llh: ' railway oilicos. Mouuton is quite as gn-uheul tmnn of'7,000 inhabitanga. Its sneets are wile and well laid out, Lila the stores. -ippenr .:row_cled with guml stocks. It in l`)L'uted\on a heiui on the l'ctitC--uliac river. .| navigable stream. At one time couaidcr .ih!e ship building was carried on in. .\lonc- -`nil, but this is becoming less hciniz ntteminn ul uh.-. 'Thn won Laid Out `Nuvn ol MunMMI-- 90-arching [pr nu-.\'IlIaxo ut Hm lav no '-nnlunun uh- |.I..-.... ..t gt- 1-.....-._ - Tgu.me or THE. mas PLACES IN; NEW BRUNSWICK. auup rnuwiy. '* Sprllgllill wu vhltod nnlght, the lights from the vsrloqn can Ininu nmlndln one that In In new In the uhinguctfonol panned. when In situated the dominion pv- -crlmcn nodal (mu. Spdnghill in B nin- -hg bun. n and Ilnplo. It In A Ina u! about 4. lnhobluuu. undo up ch sly ol In the uou cod ulna uul It itlnlrfun Itlnnotonthouulnllnol thn lnhnnntnlnnlgl Inna In -...L.4I L. - II_- .1 A_3\)I0;\`CfI`1IE13LLfENOSIiS. ; an I'D!-III ~nUl!llOII- Willhm Mluhull. who nofloag ago had umhfortunll tho looouolln vothlnthh oiIy.vutho violin linen pnlnhl ood- douIsI| o|no_nInnworn. Tomato. I low dqylnp. Inuono nhovu wuy In got ii:-|.dIbundcnnodhtvunt.v.c:lpl'o.:o'n`-oil ` uoottwolnguu, mam nwuuhduundlllol. no will nothoubhtovottlotnllcultllnowooh. I CC Uuwvvl at tl Arrluh at tho British Amorlnn Houl--' K Rhnhln. la`. (`main Nnnhugl J wn..... an vnrwwywg 1111-.' "HICUII7 I."NIVlllIIl'."`1l . " R. Shohnn. 8. Coca. Manual ;J. Wilson, NI IIOI : W. H. Omit, J. R Eamon. T. I. 1.. win. J. E. Knox, R Foo-gin, R. W. Bnyloyg-J. 0. Flupnld, Tomotogu. Bu- ooch. Bros.-lvillo :J. Knapp. lhrrionld - J. W. H. Wnu mun : A. R rm... in. cock. lhvclvillo Knapp. H. Watu. Ottawa : A. R. Fisher. hu- milton ;C. 1!. Rich. New Yotk ; N. Stick- noy. Wain : F`. 8. William, Ihryuillc; Dr. Cannon. Amnrlor : J. Ii`. nInnlnnnn_ %u.ouu-h.u.apu.- , 1 ; . a. H Illllllll, I IVIIII; Ff Cc'I;'t'ou.rAmprior : J. F. I, Mon. 8 ckIhlq:J. P. Thom`-onndw Bollo- V IN : W. Comhblo. \ cg w-Jd-.!.-~ ~- II I '\lIlI DIV! (III `VIIGOII. RI IIICTVIII u n; the pulonnunco nlnulnnum are non! up to the royal box. All till 3! we upenoo of the-Inuupmoat. u-vs-v vvun cw tut ZDCCQIZUDIQ When II? Plginco of Wdu and wife with to no to I 0 t can the manager prororn hiu lurgont box for the royal party. an an aide mother box Io: the suite. Half I dozen procnmmu an prinhd on oolorod satin. I lot of bouquoto no pumhusd for the ladies. and an iunnouoo Amount of non: Int 1-Int}. In nnnal In .I......ol.... AL- Lannng II Iuulau, ulu tn IIIIIIIIIIIO llllolllll 0! lot cloth in and In docontlna the home. The ruining of the curtain In delayed umil the royal puty In and and tho orolIours In a "God Save the Queen." At lnurnla u porlotumhcc --..A ..- A- `L- _..._I L _ All ALA- _. - An Adjourned Vestry Meeting at St. l`aIul'a (`hun-h l.aet Night. An adjourned veatry meeting of St. Paul`: church took place last evening. Mr. Ruttan and Mr. .\larehiill were appointed auditors. .\lajor Diwideon pn-aented the re nrt of the committee on salaries. The lia ilitiea of the church were given an M76 90. The asu.-ta amounted to 8100.70; balance due. 8376 20. The committee recommended in their report that the aaleriu be reduced to what they were two year: ago ; and that a apecial collection be taken to clear o' the debt. The members of the congregation will aleo he asked to increase their auhecrip tium. The report wan received and adopt- ed. A committee wan formed to oanvau the congregation. uuuvl uw Iupuriuwuucucu ul JIIIIOIJ. J0nD~ nun. Count-con. The rnult thou`: the Ac- counts to be short $3,900. Thin sum in in- dependent of the $3.400 which the tleuurer Wu recetztly discovered to have rained on the credit of the township and Applied to his own purposea. When that transaction wu brought to light he gun: I second lnurt` Age on M: form, alre-only unulor I plaster of $2,001). The township counciliorl from re-~ ourches have mncluded thnt the treasurer`: securities are not good. The treuuror. when the rcuult of the Audit wu mudo known to him, merely said he did not think he was no fur behind. I `The special Audit of the books 0! John Young, troanurer of the towunhip of Hillier. has been completed. The Audit wu nude unJer the nuperiutandence of June: J. lohn~ Inn, |'nnnm~nn Thn ro-nlt -Inn. ml... .,.. The Treasurer ol llnller Inn Ilonvv Debtor to lhfrownohlp. Pin-Inn T'vnn I"it'!0II 1'.` In 'I`L_ N, ,2 I u. u. Lulluvll-illl .`lu|ll'I lIIlIIIlI". At lngleaiuh.-," the residence of Mr. J. A. Ht-utlry. this morning. the marriage of Mine . men, only lauglitor of .\Ir. Hentlry. to llr. 5 L`. (knuell, of this city. was solemn izexl in the presence uf a number of guests. c-.-mprieed of relatives and the more intimate frieuuls of the fmnily. The ceremony was Berformed by the Rev. llr. Jackson. The ride, who tuugivuu away by her father. were white fuille silk with diamond orni- treute. and carried 1 bouquet of woes and cttrlmtiuns. The britleemnide were lliqs \\`pt5ilL`I`f'. Miss Lulu Britten and the Misses l\.`lua ltigelow. Toronto ; Mamie (Lalvin and Ethel llenury. They were tastefully attir- etl in white and pink, with penrl ornaments, and varrietl a bouquet of pink roeee. Each also were u handsome gold pin. set with pearls, the gift of the groom. The groome- men were Mr. J. l-2. Mc(`unig and Dr. Em erv, of Lanstluwno. After the ceremony every hnppineee and all the blessings of life were been when for the bride and groom. After partaking of the breakfast Dr. and Mrs. Connell left, covered with rice and followed by slippers, for the noon train for the out. where they will visit chief inte of interest. returning by way of New 'ork. Dr. and Mrs. Count-ll have mmy friends whose bent eiahee and hearty congratula- tion: willfnllow them in their future life. The bride was the recipient of many beau tiful and costly presents. muuu mu-u ueen ueuur on nan may remzun- ed in Ontario. no country needs men pus- aeasing means to conmmnce farming. and those who WI" undergo moderate privation. as early settlers must Inecesaarily do in any new munlry. can secure good homes. J. F. Austin & (_.`o., jewellers of lbroutn. have assigned. Edward trluolly. Lula of Wolf Inland. In the Grain llnnlneu lhero. l`Id\rnnl 0`Rill ', writing from Nepnwei, Man., states that c has been it that plm-e for six month: in the grain trade. It is A small town of 1.000 inlmhmmtn, sixt) miit-9 northwest of Portage l..:sprnirie on the \l. \t N. W. railway. The word .\'ep.-um" tm-ans tl\e'lmnl of plenty." The district well do- aurvea its name. for many settlers who went. to it with i\baolnto;ly nothing are now Wl'll tixe 1. [he soil consists of black loam with It-om six inches to three feet of clay unhanil. Settlers raise from 1,200 to 2, ihuslucls ufo win-it from fty acres. '1 hi: wove--still thummnals ofncrua of hunl uncultivated for sale, and the price: asked for it range from $8 ti-$10 per acre. The Riding mountains tn the north nlfurd much shelter. nml the t-liumfe is consequently lllllcl. \\'mul, hay mnl good miter are lentziful. In Nepams the-rt-4's at large achoo with first-class te.~sch~ or, as well as Presbyterian. Methodist ma-I lfpiacopasl chuichea. The .\`ulvuti'on unfy is alas) present with cornet, cymbals and drums. The land is settled almost exclusively by Emgliuli speaking pehplo. Manitoba has hml n large emigration this spring, but many of the visitors. farm hands lookin vgfor vmrk,. would hnve been better oil` had I] y remain- in Ontario. Flw mmntrv nmallu m.-n nun- valleys and nu'mnhIn:` are W, hit`: now uul ognin bountiful -lit_tl,q _IIPOImI of inter. Sn]! springs. River Ph1i;-4W" L-. cheater and Luudondefry are among he pines: touched by the r`uil'way, Ilno Oxford junction. when I branch rum 0!? to 1 place called 0xfurd..uid tuhet 'I_ituuli\!ely mund- fuwturing villugo. `All I rough this locliun there am: coal minel. md at Lonlfondeu-riy tho iron works of Non Scotia are uituntm . Tauro is the junction of the `mod to Mu!` grm-egnud Hullfux . The run to the Inner city being made at ni ht there in -lo night~ Iceiing on the down I p. ` - NAPANIIAN. Grout Out to tho Iunnnont. 3|.-- `L- |L.z_-- -1 nv.|,_ __1 _n _ . J. C. Cunnell-Minn Aguou llemlry. r tIl....l--:.l.. nl... l ...... ._ ,.I II. I umr uuuu. ll Innocon the mun lino ol thol|totoo|o|||l.l:HnronolmIbynllnool nllvaybombythooodoo . Onllnvnyfnnlnnb anon nlnnnnnnnnllnnhlnnu-ml LIII. al.1- A CHURCH IN DEBT. j--:---_--:--- A Pain!!! Jooldool. .. l_-L._II __L. _,-'l MiJCO;lvl;1\AREARS. L:-.T?Ea_ FROM nemwgn `Ito lloul Arrivals. -- -L, n,n.| 1 A I AT HvMeN-'s ALFAR. THE BRITISH` Tl ESDAY. `APRI. ah. ..._._._.-__j. NAPANIIAN. TUIIZX n-rua "III QUIT IIIII II vullhulyuduadnhplpo at the mar- huqunwuhmclyunnp. , ,-'.`f.t.".t':`.1 11.31!` I `I2! . Workman, engaged on uosudonu. din- oovorod on old thud plpo on the corner 0! Klugud Brock cinch yubrduy. It was about that hot under uurheo and In hugood uuuol dob. Whoa I: vupluodthon or what! we used lot noonuoomoto know. Illluno oonocdon with 5 a....`..!.l'.`.'.'i.I'.";.'.3.I..`.'.'C.'.'..'.."'..." `.".`. IIIIAII III lipllllj V10". IIIO Ill! VIII- wgyhtoho nan on Iothournhuuolthc alnlp railway. `[ at night, light: a hut! pill of plot: than his own In t e Soilon` hotol.0nuriootnot, and tpproprtn them. xaxonrod before the mqinruu to-dny Old pl od bu-d for llbq-Iy Ho told he look tho to in mistake. Ho won unlfon-~ in; Iron iqnor, And could not tell Hum : to item No own. He wsntod to go to tron. It was his Gut olonoo. He had never boon In a llco court bolero. `Illa mnglotnto not h m to pol-for two month. The A no: Oloora. Capt. Mar lieu. who recently took com- mand of the ` lvntion am; here, bolongu to Poterborough, England. bho has worked In tho lnnrcntu of the army for ten yuan. noun of which the has been an oioor. She ar- rived at Toronto in Fobrua Int and was at once gent to Bellovillo. rsnring her ton yuan work in En land the was very mo- cuafnl. She would ooonor work here than In England. While In England the heard that Lanadlanl wore not 0! a very rnliaioul nature. but the nd; they are better than aha upooted. Rho no I good Ilngor. and I no to do good work In 1: ton. JIIII. Mnrlhn Fnlrlmnll `I II nmhlnnt no W an 30011 work In Illn toll. lent. Hnrtlu Culdwnll in or unlltnnt. Sho also cdmn from England. `Both have boon working together for over four your-I. The A. B. Clevelnnd compeny,(|imited.) of New York, much ulked of by reason of the mysterious diaup erenoe of it: presi- dent. A. B. Clevelnn , has given I mortqege of $425,000 on all its property in New York city, Cnpe Vincent, Picton, ()nt.. New Jereey, um Wells Island. in the St. Lew- renoe river. The mortgage wan mnde to Horace K. Thurber, Conrad N. Jordnn, and Peter W. (louldnudet. New York. who hold 425 bonds, of H.000 each, made payable n the company`: oice, on May In, I892, the intereet on Ield bond: being peynble the first of every month until the entire principal in paid. This mortqnge in mode contemporaneous with e mortgnge up- on the reel eelnte. owned by the company At Picton, both being given to secure the bonde. The mortgagee cover nearly, if not ell, the compnny`e reel eetele end pereonnl property. ureu.. Great dissatisfaction exist: over the way the liquor licenses have been awarded. It is contended that the persons who were re {used license: merited them because of their at good conduct in connection with the iquor law. The Ontario (Imno compan , Peterboro'. are building (I canoe (or the l`I"oronto canoe club. The dimensioua are 30 feet long by 5'2 inches beam. \\'hen under paddle the crew all two abreast, eight on each aide. The cratt will be taken to the Sugar Island canoe camp in the St. Lawrence. UUIIIL Among the supplementary oatilnatu pau- ed in the houoe of common: in 8l2,5U0 for the e-rection of I house for the commandant of the Rnycl military college, Kingston. This in for the Horsey msnsion on King ulreet. l`_.._s J1----3.3- .nL_ ....:..A- An-.. ch- _.-_ IICII IPPGTFIIDIIIK (U III9 CDIIIIIIIIIIDIICTI. A spun of bone: tolonging no the Bishop of Kingston ran Away tn-day on Johnson Itreet. They run the length of I block before they were stopped. M) dnmago Wu N done. 1 A......_.. 5|... .........l..._-..A.._.. --.:...-4-- ....-- `V III C -3[ICy I, IUD YFIIICESI IITBCIC. A motion will be submitted to the council this evening requesting the license inspector to present to.it an extensive report of busi- ness appertaining to the commissioners. A nun of horses lolonuina to tho Hishnn -'-- Ur l'Ill' Iva uuusuu. E|nul1,unur..nluLun. l Bill` bush than his nun in tin CClllU I IXIILIU `C \\uw1C I urug ULUIU. .\l. H. Flanagan has 3 choice lot of 31:- dioln bulbs. daliu, and double holly-hock: for sale. Order: left at King &. Co'n. drug store will receive inmediate attention. 1).... -...:.._|.-_ _.._.. 1`.....:` ____ -..L I.-. awn uupwyuu will In IIIOIIIIOCI Al "IO Qt .,9. .NnI. .Ju;unm1.L, carry a vouch. but It in append that tho`no.l\?u.no will pron ndnnhpou u `C `dry-dock. the nddonh of Amherst hope the ochomo will In uccouhl. for If so. It will gin omplo nut to quite a munbor ol huuln In In; vault. The nine: nil- Unv h to & run nut In lln my-nl-mu A, uh. `(UTE WWII TEUUIVU IIHIIUUHIIH IIIULIIIUII. Bangs, switches, wigs, Canniifcarrset. best make. Apprentice: to dress-making. New Yark system, taught free of charge, over Walsh & Stencyh, 106 Princess street. A motion will ha nlnhmitted tn than nounnil I'HI DC A.` Unit Illltl I`. B. l'\L`('8. ' .. For coughs and colds take me Dimnnon-ul ` Cough Remedy, composed of e]eC&mpauu, wild cherry And hurehound. `:3 sad 50 cents I bottle at \\'uJc'a drug store. \| I-`. F`lnnAuAn has A nhnivn Int nf nln. unroe years. The nnnunl meeting of the grand lodge of the Royal Arcuuum will be held in Peter- boro on May 5m. '12.: tlclvgalca from here will be A.` Shaw and F. S Re.-Os. In`.__ ..._..,.I.- .....I ...II.. A,.|.. H... l \:......\...l u'I'UWIUI'U U. IUUC U: l\`lll3l] IKTUCC. ' We can suit you mrh a suit of clotheo from suitable-. goods at as price to suit you. Lambert -& Walsh, l lll Princess street. The :lifl urem-c l.` ' ween n plow And an Proms)` l~ L nr bill. In only lhn mm I:I'.< the soil And Inc mlm-1 rmls the u1L Brock & Booth lune the best slabs, hard woud and dry ||l(|\"l\-M You cun get just what vuu want in the fuel line at their vurd. At the Wuodatuck maize: Aaron M. Furna- wunh pleldml guilty wt indecent assault, and wu uenteucul tn mu penitentiary for three years. 1 ha Annual mnntinu J ux urnml lmlma nf R161] 3 L Hfllllull l\3()L'|| For dry oak and swt nnd hard wood as In s.7ruwford a. foot. of t` \\'.. t\.\l\ ...:o IVI\II . VVIIBII, IIU l'I'Il|',`r(`S 5H'l3\`l-- You are looking fur The Grand Union Clothing Uu`s. S[nl`(~._ ii you ' are looking for the cheapest plncu in town. Fourteen irnpnsitiuua for membelahip were'receivml uluriuu April by the Young Men's (`hi-int,inn nmu|wl.|llnl'I, W618 FECBI VQPU llllrlll LI Men's Christian ussnci. P... .l.-.. ....l. ...._l . . uulng wan Lu I uulcl men. The people are sag ing HIM WY 86 300d aufiafmlionn in dealing with Lambert & Walsh, H0 l rin-,-ens sU`t!(`Y4. 1 1 \'nn urn lnnhina f'.r 1.]:-a llrnnnl I'n3nn ` Ill (IPt.'l`lllIUu. See Murray .1 . Tu\'Ior'3 announcement in another column lf Luv curtains and house furnishing goods. .Q..lr. nnlnl In: lIi..lnma\.`nr D (Tn , (Ylinfnn, UQECIIIIB (H BHQTI WUI)_{|l[. ` Hanson`: nmgic cm In salve cums coma and ` buniuua with three npplications. 15c. per box at. Wade's drug .~luI`6. A vnnnu man Ilruu lixmJ 5;") and (mat: fur -mu, nnu Iooll very une. Amherst in the home of Sir Charles Tup- rper. which no doubt acoounu lor the haml- aome public building: it coutltinl. The citi- zens are 3 pushing people. They hue just voted for incorporation as I town and some of the more wealthy one: have petitioned parliament for power to build And operve A street rsilvny. These neceIs|r1'ee" to modern advancement, added to water wnrlu and electric li ht, will place Amherst in the trout rank ofNovn sooth`: towne. Two ynrungo it had not u brick building: now it boute of quite a number. There ere some uehing mnnulscturere in the place. one the rinclpcl industries being I cuket and coin Acton. lhnnt Dunn mil`. 0-4.... A...L-_.A _.L-. :_ i lllrlllllllll g001lS. 30 "I; 30 by Higlmneghar & Co.. Clinton, ` ` hos men seized on. [Mu-xieltl and I -`ecerborq because of shqrt Wuigllt. Hnmmn'u nmuin n: . .. nnlvn mlrnn tam-ma and ury u cameunu umnnrruw uncut. A purse found In the city can be reclaim- ed at James Reid`: mi-inst Wnremoma. There will be a hnlinesa convention in the Salvation nrmy lmrruvks on Friday night. Fruutumu: auuu-n.|.h- K. of 1.... will hold A muvauou army lmrruvks on r rluay nlgnu. Fruutunac asst.-.u.ll_v, K. of 1.1., will hold A picnic at Simeon lamul on the Queen's` l birthday. ` '1 L1. I ,II ..II -5 pk- (1.... ....... ` Ulrllllll". ` - 'lhe lmlios ahouhl call at the Gas com- pany'a ntce and see tho gms cooking stoves - in operation. ' Qua \Inrr\u & 'l`uul.n-'3 nnnnum-nmnnt in U. ` . Fof uenuine Rcran'mu`No. 4 coal go to the On `fork: yard. " A Eighteen tramps found ahelte1j_ in the police station` on Sunlny evening; May devotional services commence in St. Mary : cathedral tn-nmrrow night. A rm:-ma fnnml I.. ah. 1-in: r-an In rnr-him. The Spice M I-`..v`._.r_y Day l.|fu-Whnn. tho Publlc nrg T.`kI'||` :\bulIC-N0thIlI` Ign- oupog the Anammn 0! Those \VIno org TIKIIIK Noun. ` Gas ntovea from $2 upwards at the gas works L`-.. . ..~xv.. 4 ..,...I .. ._ IL- PARAGRAPHS PlC>KED up av O39 ausv neponrans. ` .,, . txoxnnms or THE VWDAYQ .-__.__j.j-T Iolt Up For `Ive Iontlu. (me! man mu oooneuu an nydnuuo ship tilt. Ipocidl dad to nice loodod than cm with Qty. 3 is stated that two loco unotlnn will haul the Input vouol at the nu ol ten miles an hour our the Hun with porloot safety. The bonded oupllnl ol my company in 85,(X)0.(lI) and the smvermnanl nuhnlrlw. mmnm \\'...|. I. A III; Iortgnge. \ tVI .'|\|(lUL|. suit. maple, soft. wood luv/eat prices, go to Queen street. mh n 1 who D. I) who; 1I,mJvI1IIlwII"u|'uUrI. "HI! mmorw Ill` would and osrgo omounbd to 8417. . I Tho Itr. Ponlu orrlvod this morning from ` St. Cothnrlnoo on her But trip to Mootrool. Sho has bod, during tho winner, a thorough ovorhoulln . A new oyollndor bu boon oddod whlo will gt-only looroooo hot opood and can looo consumption of fuol. Hot IIAIOIOOIIII hon boon ortlotlonlly pointed Md prooonu I plonln and oomlothblo ap- ps:-luoo. sho lolt loroaooa tor lon- mu woo: ny mo Algonquin, and oomprlud '71.`ON' bl'I'W I'0fWf.' `Th! tail! osrgo 11.. .9. IL-1. ...n....| an. _._..n.. 1--.. III VIII `0 III! EHO Il'Ili|I'IlulIII[IC THOU- It in reported that J. &. J. '1'. Matthew", vocal ownon. Toronto, have purchuod from C. H. Lone. Buffalo, the otonmbnr o D. M. Wilson sod conuoru Cheater Jones and the hlsnltowoo. TL. I---.-A _-.l_ ..-__ AL_L . . . . _ _ . . -_.l JOIICI IIICI `H. DIIn0'00- Tho largest gnln cargo thut ever puud through tho Wcllnnd canal in: taken down In: weak by the Algonquin, and oompriud 71:0 ink! in A u1IIuI3vItrv`nw`crInvII `wuirvui built ntonmor Rooednlo will have her amid- Ihl Ioctlon pluced ln~ pouitlon nut winter am will go Into the Irma-stlcntlc urvloo. It In rnnnrmd Hut J h. J, T, Mgnlm-n --| can onmpnny II ia,l.IJlJ,I.l.N Ind N10 zvernmcnl Iubtldy. C|';'0,n. Work In in; pulled forward all along the utrotch of country to be tnvonod. and the number at man onployod will be lnonuod u the nu- nnnndrnnnnn uni An`: In It A -o.-.I I.- II KIIOTOIIKIIII TCHUVIKOG. The utr. St. Lawrence is re ring for hor rogulnr trip. The oloctr o I ghu to be placed on her this week Ioul an thousand candle power. v Thu ntnnmnr Nmnnmnn hul A nllaht uml. canola power. ~ The Itumor Nouemun had I slight Accl- dent with her holler, which provontcd her from making her ulunl nip on Saturday. She was in urvioo no-dny. ""* dm-n--hdu DIIO WOI III ICKVIOI D0-"ly- -- xctnuI3!nd'v1'er . thnthrlytltri hull: nhnmnr Rcnulnln will hnvn hnr nmirl. l'lIOIlI|l|I IIKIT III. The en. Princeee Louiee began her tripe to Ueneeoque thie efternoon. `She he been thoroughly repelred. Arrlvele : Sohr. Sleigh. Cepe Vincent, enerel oergo; echr. M. A. Hair. Chloego, ` 2,85] buehele of corn. l`L- -5-` D:.l--.. D..Il- |-l`s ALI- ._.___I_,_ 'l3.Ua')l DIIIIIOII OK COTII. The Itr: Riduu Belle left this mania for Portland. She has been newly painting sud thoroughly renovated. Th: uh` Rt, [Awrnnnn In nrangu-Ina hu- IKIIIIK (XXI II UIWISO [Of In `On. The ur. Plorrepont will Ii sly make 5 trip to the Island at eight o'clock in the morning: Altar thin. Th: nu. Printing : 'AnII'lA hnagn lu-r Orin- IWIIIIUIIII I WHO" wr UII'ESO- The nchn. C. (luring and White Us]: Are loading cool at Oawogo for Kin ton. Thu nu . Plnnnnnnr will Ii All mglm . UHIIF DIPCTU, lI|OIlly Ill EH6 HUIDCIII "U0. l Phil Armour, the grant Chicago milllon~ ` sire, he been Attempting to buy 3 plot of around next to llll Chicago rnidenco, sud hn offered $5,000 A {not for the lsnd. The property belong: to Rolooon. 3 broker, who dooo not like Mr. Armour. He ll erecting a nublo on the ground: which will entirely dutrov the View from the window: of Mr. Armour : houu. \ PA_ .leId l'p About tho Winn-on -. own to! Oononl Interest. Tho Itr. Armenia In loading lumber at Rnhbuni whorl for Uurego. The nnhn. (.'. (Iranian and Writ; this Ar- lffly. one '38 ITUTH LIVGTPOOI, bug. on dit that Mr. Skinner, of London, I-Ing.. has been oered the editorial management of the Empire. `He is a member of the (`rafter commission. and proprietor of the Canadian Guam, of Lnduu, and several other papers, moatly in the nancial lino. Phil AI-mnnr Hm an-oat ffhlnaan millunn_ uuu uoluu ucwrv. About two miles from Amhon hat in inown u the Chignocto chip nll my, crou- eu the lntorcoloninl. It it expected thn thin undorulxlng will Add materially to tho town. The scheme it the construction of 5 large strong road over which can cu-rylng ships on pan. The line wlll run from the Bay ul Fundy ucrou Iovonuon miles In t urslght llne to Northumborlnml smm At inch and of tho llno thou will be I dock when vocal: will bo rooolnd In quiet cuter rovlouu to tnnoporutlon. In ouch dock t. on will booroctod hydnullc ship Ills. woclcllv dulnnod nhn Iondnl sham

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