gqnml. luon an Inn cruuon or In world. tho loll ol man. thmdnlugo. and othcn loo Iuuoroun moo mention, conr||:3 h All n can at 45,700 uquam loot. Bah ghohlgh dbl la n Inoood nlhr with four nplnl alums ol Ilnhnnugnld toluvo to the Iomplo ol Solomon. and Auboluoltbulhrl-nnono add to be the on at when John the llnnllnt a bounded. Oppollto 8|. Ar- L rlnu the holnud Cnmpnnllo, A Iowa: 0! 8!! foot: high from which n lo VIC! of the city. {tho Lnqnon, up Old tho AIR In the GIG Mr` 63. `Tab `hi Im II` Icnnnl II the mngu|- an pulses 0` I50 Donn. nl. thol-noknl wllhl H in chin! prinon. oonucucl by n Roche. or the uI:'llcnnnl`nn;l known `.3 ML... sigh, ngtot 0 net that It ouulnnnnd to death obtained lhcif vbw 1:! Ch haven when punluu over ibrldlo. In tho Inrgu square lncin g. x`: hundull at pigeon me led dd M !p.n.,nd tndluon ha I: that u: I: or Iollnlnct that during the days M C in II the MRI unitary the Vonotbn oonnnldot roonlvod vnlunbln lnlormntlon CAN THEY BE CON JICTED? MARINE INTELLIGENCE- The Late In G. C. Patterson. BALL-AT THE BARRACKS. PERSONAL Msnou. IN MEMORIAM. Iootlor Pnlobmtlou. Madonna to huh. cut and with whdn. dandy or partly cloudy. with Ion] Ilwvon n-Ihnndnonhonghl-Lnrhnnnnnknan 1.4; mm` 'i.L"u'.u"o.`n. inons. an`. Adunolost. Colo KARL}. Z'I'--.L ICV lih no `to Urdu What Imiul. Qnouuun Iona. I`. `V Ill. 1'. f. -INDY. IT; in -1 nuulloonz J. N. lllnluon. Srina- Iuodg \ . H. h J K Th III] `In: . . 0' . Hm-than. K \I/illlnlmnllrcncnlvlllnx J_(lAnIL IOIV QCTVIIIII IIIII IIIH XQCIZL -mm.r T*"` Windsor n6:{1'mJe,PnnuT { suoz, IfI.-LLI AID IITAII. Into!-Cd Bull for Libel. I.u.v1>ox, Mny l6.-Patrick O'Brien, .\I.P. for North Monnghnn. has brought actions for libel ugninu the London Timu, Liver pnol (Joun'r, md Thomu Wnllnm Ruuell, l'uioniat, M.P. The defendants weaned the plnintitf of refusing relief but Proteuunl ` tonunt II Fulcnrngh. He Sew the Elephant. Yuterdey Afternoon I farmer from Star rington, while very drunk. vnedered down Montrenl Itreet to the lower G.T. R. depot. At Shelton : hill he elip between the boardwnlk end e stone we I end could not get out. His face was badly cut and blood run freely from hie woundl. A man who noticed the farmer`: predicament reported the use to the police. Ln! evening Oicer Cuig went to see the fnrlner, but leerned that he had been driven uny by friends. Rooeter VI. Hawk. An interesting bird quarrel took plnce in IL yard near Wellington street, the other slay. A roouter And A hawk met And fought deepernely for A thou time. The hAwk In: the victor. Mr. Avery, of ShArbott Leke. huring About the fight, eAid- than A hawk wu 9. {Ar hArdier bird thAn A rooster. One dAy he AAw A hAwk cArry 06' A chicken. A rooster uw the hulk leAvin the Ard with in prize. And followed it, ying A m. 20 feet in the Air. It In: unnble to over- take the hurt. Q-WNu .a'. .- LIVIIPOOI. 00`l"I 0l IAIIIT. mus: un II In an can The city aqlicitor, mayor. Dr. Fee. and M r. Gordon left the court room today much disappointed over the reault of the cue relerence U) UCIUIl(IBl.Il. The mu.yor--"Your honour, allow me to 53% A few words T" `he mugistrate Oh no, Mr. .\layor. The ma)or addressed the court atatin that the remarks which the magistrate had just made, that the law was not enforced, was not correct. Dr. Fee performed his duty faithfully and did everything in his power to e'n_{orce the law with regard to sanitary affairs. Dr. Fee--Hear, hear." The magistrate still maintained thnt the law was not strictly carried out. That or~ tions of the statute rnluiring theme: ical health oflit-vr to placard houses containing persons atllicteal with srnall-put, .-h. hm or whooping comzli, was not rim-nor-I. llr. F:-e lldlll the board of health ha-l to deal with that matter. He ulixl nu thin li it would be vii.-c tn curry lhlu fuI'L'o: that see [l"H. The , .\|;mistrate-'l'hal's You don't. enforce the law i If ynu carry it out in one; must do it in al|'cuen " "IL_ ..:L.. ....I .. ..`.uA- I A. as not. noulnua A. a. nun nonu- an: A. Lough . amt-m.; 34:. ad Mn. 3. Randi. uhno; W. Bpunmlth. W. ll. Rios. C. . Toronto: J. Mc- ` [')ou`|ll. Mound; C. I`. Nolchu. Bulb: l`.n`Inhtnn Tnuuuntnc D I ll...- lonu-cu Tu 5 U0. Rich. I Ohm; wan 01 (`hr Pnnonzu-RR ..... .. Montreal Gas Co ....... .. Canaan Pncic RR ...... .. CAnAdn()otlon(`ompuu.. Dndu ouou Uo. . . . . . . .. Hnoholusoo N.`W.IAnd():.".l.`. ...... .. Huohol (bull N. Mo.3hllIll' Hank .. .. uebeo Bunk Mon unk . . . . . . . .. Bunk ol0ommemo . lmperhl Bank . . . . .. Ilonu-ad Talunnh l t`I'IpoI1NA.lll_::Ilxl . .. us?-_':.', 1 n..l'5.`?".._ G Mollllfl Haul . . . . . . . . . . .. Bun ot Toronto . . . . . . . . .. E` :22: """ nuns` tact. The magistrate then said : I know that. the health not has not been properly on- forced, mull recummend that, it be more carefully looked after in future. In View of this lcannot take any definite action with reference to defendant. " l`l... ....u-no HV.u..- Ln.....u.- nllnuy run tr. IIIK. Mr. (iordon proved to the magistrate by a record that what. he hpd said was not a` fact. vm... ...-..:..o...s.. .|..... ...:A . ul `znniv Hun cam: 01 upnolu I|:V'I.`l` Ill l.vrcuI.y-mun nuuus. Mr. Agnew pointed out that it was the duty 01 defendant to report the nature of the disease as soon as it_developed auicient for him to do so. 'I I... .I.....A.l....o nn:1` `In Iuiimnnf nnrn nnf lor mm to no The dcfealaut said he vu`i"uot sure until aeverul days after the patient got sick [hit the disease was typhoid fever. He claimed that the worry and anxiety of the case mule him forget to report it sooner than he did. He had, however. been faithful in reporting all the cases ofeontagioua diseases that had come under his nctice. `- ll- A.............l-!......J `Inc n.n.l...lJ `Actor l IEI lg -|lIlI'j3 L. I . NCCXIQ IKIIIIK J. . Creighton, Toronto: R. I Sllnr. ` Baotou: W. A. llcAnby. Olvuo. N.Y,; J. II}. W In. J. I7`. Miller. Hound; J. N. --lIn4.-. I U IIl._l--..- HunInn_ Dr. Fee stated that the defennlunnt was the first otfemler in two years. ` Thu nmuidh-urn said that he hfl heard nrsn (manner in two years. ` The Inuuitrate said that he htd heard that another physician had violnt-ad the law not long lgu and had not been brought to task. II- 1-..-,!.\.. .........-.l o.. ok. m..n.:.o-gr. Iw Hull HKU UUIHC uuiutr [IX IILIICU. " Mr. Agnew explnined that typhoid fever was mentioned in "the set an acontagioul disease and ahouild be reported as soon as known. n.. In..- .........I .1.-. J... A-C'.....l....o -.~.. elm CHARGEDWITH r-vuuuc TO RE PORT A conmcsnous CASE. `rue Mum.-`um "sum up mo__ lille arra- rlonl omega-alto Saul nu Law nixuz Fully Iinforood And the (ulnar: sun ll: l|-'l`|m Raul Faun. A prominant phydciuh wunummoned be- fore the police magistrate this morning to ana`wer 8 charge preferred against him by Dr. Fee, medical health oicer, fur_negleat- ins: on or about April 23rd, to report a case `of typhoid fever, causing the do-nth nf`the person attended. The defendant contended that ho hum reported the cue referred to on May 5th. He argued that it was utterly ` impossible for It physician to determine `a of typhoid fever in twcxnty-fem hours. Mr Agnew nninted PRODUCE COMMISSION DEALER. :EXCITED QUARTETTR. IOITIIAI. PIODOCI IAIIII`. lolrl-nu. In no. 1___ n_..a_.- unnL|. h-|_. mn..-|.. -.~'95*PH_.F.R4NK.N IONTRIAL STOCK IAICKITS Ioxnnx. May l8.-l! noon. n-max; urn. onn It ie Ito-organised With a (hood Stan` of 0IcOro-Ihld.V to W`ol'k- Laet evenin a meeting was held in St. George's hall OI the purpoee of re organiz- ing the Kin ton humane eociety for the prevention cruelty to children and aoi< mail. Rev. B. B. Smith acted as chairman. He stated the object of the meeting. He thought the society ought to re-organise. The work two years ago was not altogether a lailup. Mine Machar said that she had received a communication from the euro- tary oi the Tomato society. The Toronto society would do all they could to help the society in Kingston. A motion wee carried that the society he re-organised. The snnsnhenhin he nae thud at Min. LIYIIPOOL OIIIII IAIIIT. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. I what I say. in its entirely. a particulur you r 10-6 33. `Ila local Arrivals. Anmu u tho Mu-u Am. 1!ouI-. F`. W. Wobtoc, W. H. 30 . Lynn. Mun: R. D. Sonya. B. I . Wicker, (homo L. Inllur. Montreal: A. J. Nd Toron- hu I An-I-H Ronni villa: I 154' III`! `III KEICI IR T`-DYIIIIIIGI The melnherehip lee wen xed st 500. The election 0! otoen reeulted ee follove: Preeident-Henr Fol I . Vloe Pree|denl.- in echer. I|'eeeurer-W. B. Waterbury. Seoreterv--Henry Redmond. Uomtnluee-Mn. Burn, .\lre. Knight end Mien Cowenl. The meeting adjourned until May 28th. resent cntrge. At Iho clooo of the rector}; address. dur- ing which there were few dry eye: in the large nudicnce. 3 motion wu mule by J. Men-Iullen. and seconded by Judge Rey nolda, expreuing the deep regret of the con- gregntion at putting from their beloved roc- tur. which Wis unlnimonslv carried. lteslgua Ills Br-ockrllle Church to go to Church of Aeceuslou. Hamilton. A large number of the congregation of Trinity church, lirocltville. assembled Iuee day evening to close up its Easter veetry business, and also to hear a statement from the rector, who had accepted a call from the Church of Ascension in Hamilton. Mr. Crawford said he had three reasons for leav- ing a church which he l`|d founded and a beloved congregation to whom he had min- istered for fourteen years In the first place he saw plainly from the nancial condition of the church that its members could not atford to pay him the increased salary they had so generously and so freel voted him for the past year ; in the eecon place. even if the congregation were perfectly able to meet their engagements in this direction his salary would still be insutiicient for his sup- port, having now no private income of his own, as formerly was the case, to supple- ment it ; and in the third place he believed it to be his duty, under the providence of (lod, to accept the unsolicited call which had come to him from a new and larger field of ministerial labor. He would remain con- nected with frinity church until the middle ofdune. By that time the bishop of the dioceee would have returned from England, and into his hands he would surrender his present charge. Ar aha r-hue nf the rector"; addrena_ dur- nu cousxrucuon. Before leaving Florence we visited the house in which Dante mu born, some of the parks and boulevards, and the Pitti palace, said to be the moat impoaing the world has ever noun " e-1; not very interesting". . "Florence. entitled "la belle," is situated on both banks of the Arno, in a charming valley,-enclosed by part"oi the Appeuines. and surrounded by handsome drives and parks. A certain writer in referring to l"lo rsnce said, `Who can describe the `enchant- ing view.of this art city of` Tuscany and the world`! Like a water lily rising on the mirror of the lake, so rests on this lovely ground the still more lovely Florence, with its everlasting works and its inexhaustible riches.` It was in Florence Dante lived and wrote his `Divine Comedy, it was here , ed their studies. and on all sides one,.ca1r,s the works of these great men. The city's un"ds`in places of interest, among which the following are a few we visited : 'l`ne,Palazzo Vecchio. a cattle like building with huge projecting battlements, formerly the seat of `the government of the republic and now used as a town hall. At the right corner of this building is the (Great Fountain with Neptunew and Tritons. a splendid piece of art erected on the site . where three monks were burned to death` in `May l~l9S. At the other side of the square is the Leggia dei Lanzi, an open vaulted ball, of the stvleformerly built so that the inmates might participate in public demonstrations without being obliged to descend tothestreet, and at the same time enjoy the air, contain- ing numerous groups of marble statuary. Near this square is the Uallc-rim deggli Uf- za. containing numerous paintings by Ra- phael, Titian and other celebrated painters. Among the churches the cathedral is one of the tinest. it is built in what is known as Italian (lothlc style of dillerent colored carved marble I855 yards long by ll4 yards wide, with a dome 300 feet in height. l-`ac ing the cathedral is the Battistero, origin- ally the cathedral of Florence, an octagonal structure with three ver celebrated bronze doors, representing diierent scenes from scripture. Michael Angelo pronounced the third one of these doors as worthy of fortn- ing the entrance to paradise. The church Raphael and Leonardo, it`. of St. Croce is another handsome editice. It . contains the tombof M. Angelo and a monu- ment to Dante, both very tine. At the side of the church is the cloisters where the tri bunal of the inquisition once held three sit- tings. In Piazza della Madonna is situated the New 5`-acresty, built by .\l. Angelo for P Clement. It is a uadrangular editice an contains two tombs iy this great sculp tor. -Joining -this is the Chapel of the Princes, octagonal in form andgorgeously decorated with marble and valuable mosaics in stone, over t"0(),()0tT' being expended is its construction. .u)..t..._- I..._...'._ . L`|............ ..... ..:.:o...l oh- another but ll oown mu way. "On ot an able nnncdono ol Venice eouluu In In bd_n dlonnt from any other city In tho worl . lnthn you never hear the clutter ol hot-no or strings: nd an IOVOI bothorod with dust. It In: tho a wry line For square Iurroundod by handsome nlldln such an St. Marco. bull! In Ilsa form A Groek orou with (in lanes. udomcd uurmlly ud lnhrully wlthwoolnmu ol Iurblo.~ the vaulting bin; covered with mosaic: roproonllng dllcuut noun fun the old and new annual. lunch on tho creation of the __.I.I bk; Call an, HEAR ling rlnln-A LIA`. by mean: of carrier pigeon": which greatly fwilihted its conquest... He then daap|_t.oh- ' od tho-bird: to Venice with the now: of his uudceu. since which timexhey hub bun . carefully tended and highly revered \by_the citizenn. ` - u'l`|.Z. o.:.. 63...... \7....:.\. on I3`ln-nnnn ma. CIHZGIII. Thin trip frtim Venice to Florence we A made during the` night so that we had not the opportunity of Ieeing `the country whichbin very mountninoug. ind, is vu: were. iuluruI- `mi: not interesting". "F`lnr-mma. entitle}! "IA ben." in uiluned THE HUMANE souerv. REV. M R. CRAWFORD. %'IiHE . BRITISH wm. THURSDAY, I don`! pgy lorlour pa Tho coon | Inn! ol the div col ' 8 (I to ..`' .'`.. have IIO count chin. uoop II a pan, nmclu In only I-In '- ohnll and lot than Ind M00! 00% 5' duo ! in you on camp the p|I0I.lhI3 3 nu... thohtthor ad. ol"|lIfl|`|7 I! M I do':`h'nP:-yum J mvuml the Ildr runny uy uu uuoen 1 llnlluly. "RhounuuuI In cuuod by an add ll 350 maod: Ibordon. nu-rad trostuwn nordn no ponnuont rollol. To ollnlloh I0 `oboe and sale I thuoflh euro cl $50 I..- .l..n an Aunt : .. _-AI.l.... -I__ l_ __ worn In I botuo. The Nnuou. Tu.. 1U-Int uuuth : "You an Inn the Inn In 6 all I03 oi lilacs to an. M" '50 nloop In guard, Inbncllo the ho! hid 0` nu-Illa And In an an. and moon on. but not. Iunuu (to her little ho .) ' NOW. Oll- uh. it on'llbogood ud go today.` Ilumnn I give you one ol Dr. Ayn`: nice ] HID CIOIIIX III CDC l'lVCl'. Venice lies two and a half miles from the nninlaud in what we call the Lagoon, a shallow part of the Adriatic. `he city is built on three large and one hundred and Iourtten small islands formed by 2.30 canals and connected by 378 bridges. On our ar- rival there instead of taking cab as in other eitiee we took a gondola snd sailed down the Grand canal to our ension. In fact there are no cabs there Illtf some of the in- hnbitants of Venice have never even eeen a horse. The canals are the` main highways but one cannot properly see the city without biting prolonged walks through the narrow and crowded streets. ' eee streets are not any wider than our side alks and the ma. prity of them are so narrow that by stretch- hlg out your arms you can touch the houses on either side. Une evening during our fnit here we. in company with two young Ffnglishmen. engaged n gondola for an even- ing's sail upon the (lrsnd caxul. The palace: end hotels were all illuminated nnd as we Ioated up and down in company with dozens of other ondolas. listening to the singing of the di erent eerenading parties, the scene was both very pleasant and novel and gave one a slight idea of the beauties of Venice during the height of it! prosperity when the canals were crowded with gor- geously decorated barges tilled with hand somcl ' dressed women. The Gondola in somet ing the shape 0! a large canoe with both ends decked over and acnnnp or small uhin in the centre. 1' he dol er stands at the stern and propels the oat by one oar placed against a bent arm that is xed at sue side oi the boat. It is surprising with what dexterity the can ids these boats in and out the smaii can u.` Wliendciorning to a turn th give a n rcry an et any other nondalsr thatpoiiiny be apaohlng iron the opposite direction sow another host is can that way. otthe _chie__ _attract_ions Venice Inc. It `urn nogooa um . . in you one! Aynn uugsuaonon (`athsrtic Plllo nut duo yo! need modlclqo." _ Bunk. Ilnilllg I100"? dn o! to deep :1 ouoo. 3' hh-Dunn uni: nl nnnnlnl lhn nllu" an on to wrap at " " hlrtoon In sol popping tboqldilol eongow In pure and at the boolltof '0! the null was 0! can oats` and yo! I0 '3! can but tliugood old vuyolnuouutmilll. two night coking Haul ll I501! ht randy by the Queen`: Nnhdny. 1Rhnn|nAI.In-I In nnnnggl Inc An add ll -v r-----v-- -vuvu. -v v-------~~ sob-nundnnkenthuouh ounollllf huu.notII|uo|uo|ooo dcIIIlAy0I'I u-as rlllc. Bivc II I trial. Print 3'- Wort Ibnbottlo. TL. II--....o- 'r.. !\.u.) pnnnuvinz I|lll|0l'IIy I0 IIIIIO HIGH IIIIIIIII. A young son of I). Hath. Wllilsmnvillo. wu bitten ocunlay by I dog owned by 1 neighbor. 0 dog draw 3 [up piece of ooh from the call 0! tho boy's log. Th! grief 0! police but ordond that the dog ha of, CHICK that screen no I u:. The Globe pun Principal Grant`: doclurr lion touching ('Inm|a'l Into an "unstable equilibrium" in whnt it call: I true meaning. as "in I rickety state." The l'mpo'r in wild over the rolcronco. `rs- --|:.__-_ .__... A` ....--- sL-8- -|.lo. over me roleronco. The Iicolron Inn! to wear their white holmdoin fuel it in timo for them to thtow o' their winter clothes. They are wnlting until the police mmmiulonerl give thom authority to shake their launch. A Innnn non n` II [Igor-In \"All|lIiG. r. Ii Reid, :.n....,qu.. has found in his gnrdon I S ninh pi-turoen dated I723, and 1 copper ac lling dated I771. thoihl l0 b0 of Danish coinage. The ulna of the pin- uraan in IT.- UIIIOII, IDG IIOIDD Inlfpll, U10 Cnulplu In the an '. Remember you can buy hemp carpet or five cents per yard at R. Mc- l"nul'I. r u D,:,.I n__.,, ,..- L-_ t...._/1:- Li. gruunu, on monunv urornoou nus. Pnruoln, Ion hnndled, pnruoln, short handled. porno | checked, lnin shot, utin. milk, Llpacn, in then every ind of I puru- sol, at M. the vary lowest pricu, II R. .\lc Fnu|'s. A silk umbrelh wu garricd from I Prin- cou atroet Itore uu Tun.-odny Afternoon in mistake for an ohl one. The owner would like to have the 5.5010 returned to thin of five. 1* _____ _.. I-_.._.,|- ..-I_-. ..;I- ......\l IHIHK acre! 01 vlueynrus auu Ul'Ul|llf(ll. Along our route from Vienna we noticed that the favorite site for churches seemed to he on the summit of some high hill and the thought naturally suggested itself to our minds that if the churches of America "were built on the same plan What a splendid ex- cuse it would be for a large number of ehurch members to spend the Sunday at homo.---or visiting friends. The same situn. tion also seems to have been a favorite site for old castles with which Austria. abounds. One in particula 1' that we noticed was built on what looked ke A large splinter of rock standing out from the mountain, the walls of the castle looking as if they were a con tinuation of the sides of the rock. A large number of the country houses are one-storv buildings with the plastered walls either whitewashed or colored a light blso or pink, having rich-looking thatched roofs extend- ing two or three test over the edges of the `walls and looking very picturesque indeed. lu Italy the women instead of earryiug water to the house for washing, take the clothes to the river, and when passing a stream near anv town one can see crowds of women on either bank engaged in washing the clothes in the river. u\'._:... I:.. L..- --4`I - L-IK ...:I... 5...`... nee. Tnpeatr, Brunch, velvet pile, woo_|. union. an hemp -upon. the chupou In lhn uh: Rnmnnulur vnn (`All huv hem!) oerl a u usn. nu rnnoeu IKTDCI. Beings, switches, wigl, Cumiti comet, beat. make. Apprentices to dress-making. New York system, uuuht free of chnrge, over Walnh & Stoacfu, 106 Princess utreet. It in not good to take to: in the mid ile oi the day. Our authority for this unto ment in from the mgp who tried to nine some from A store |nd- in taken instead. 'I'l... L_--|._n _.-...|. I_-......... .|.. Amun-. [mm score |n wu uueu muuu. The huebnll match between the doctor: And lawyers. for the benet of the hoepiul, will occur on the Park Nine roundu, John atou Itroet innleul of I. e Regiopolil grounds, Mondnv afternoon next. pal-Ann]: Inna hnnailntl nArAlnll, I}|Ol I. IO I00` OIIK [Ur I III) WIIU IIUIU Illl IIUIIII and bu y hut month A Bel evillo girl "ocked on cignn, and her lover objected to striped utockingn. And to all luve letters were returned And thc much declared I draw. n..-.. _- |.-._..-_. n...o L--- 9:..- on 9.1.. mncn declared unw. Buy an buvon, but have time to nuke orden. (Bonds right. style: right. price: right. fit right. everything right with Lum- ber! & Wulah. ll0 Prinoeu street. um... ....-:...n... ..:..-. I`.m.icI nnrnnf hon per pounu. James Feuton. Bullo. .\'.Y., hu cent I circular to the chief of police notifyin him to look out for a man who stole his one -_.I L..__-_ I.._a. ._.._L mer. Flour. cornmeal. omnenl, shorts, bun, oats and hny at 12 Unrket Square. Prices to correspond with the times at the Mnnituba ntnrn, IIOTO. There were sold at the Wntermwn board of trade last year .')3,3.'H boxes of cheese for 8`. 9.').347. or nearly an Average of 9} cents per pound. Janna: Pnnlnn, Rn'Jn_ N.Y_. hll men! what you want. In me rue: line It uwlr ynru. Avery & Tholllpoon own some excellent phosphate property near Shurbot Lake. They will likely commence mining this sum- DIR!` Lmnwmnu. loot 01 Queen screen. The ladies will l)'.\\'8ll rest t the Jack Festival. The entire cnteruiumcnr. will be run by gentlemen. Be sure and come. A now ni.-a fnr rlu Rnthlmn -nlnnanv. II IUDUTIEIIIII I . "We left l{'ienna for Venice of an after- noon and after a run of some forty-live miles through a hilly. but: uninteresting country, where the land looked more suit- able for gravel pits than farming, we arriv- ed at the town of Gloggnity the commence- ment of the Semmering line of railway. 0lIsidrI`d(l.0na of the most interesting lines in Europe. The line runs down the north side of the valley, crosses to the other side by a laige bridge viaduct 300 yards long and than-,otnmences the ascent up the south side I-y"afta`rrow road or ledge now running along lln: face of the mountain, then passing through some dark tunnel until it reaches Klamm with its half ruined, moss'covercd castle standing on an abrupt rocky pinnacle, while far below one obtains a glitnpse"o'f`a small will age situated in a narrow gor'e with hardlv room for its one street which runs alom: llmcltl e,the housesbeing built against the tall vntls on either side. After a short stop or, this station we continue our upward eoutse, every now and again. as we darted in and out of short tunnels obtaining a hurried View of the grand scenery hundreds of feet in the valleys below until we reached Sent mering, more 2,884 feet above the levep of the "st-a. From here we commenceda grat ual descent through a picturesque pine-clad val ley and then on through another uninterest- ing section of countrv uutil towards evening, when for three miles we followed the River Nlur through a deep and narrow gorge twisting in and out with scarcely room for the train to pass along while away below llowed the river ever ready to, give a cold reception to those unfortunate enough to be on the train when the slightest accident should happen. As we approached early in the morning the north shore of the Adriatic Sea the country looked tnore and more un- suitable for farming, in fact for miles it was nothing but one mass of limestone with not enough earth on it to raise a good hill of po tstoes. In a short time we obtained our rst View of the sea, with a bird`s eye view of the city of Trieste on the opposite shore. Passing on a little further towards Italy we got out of the quarries and into `a low lying section of the country where the soil was more fertile and from here on down to Venice we passed through rich valleys con- taining acres of vineyards and orchards. -Xlnnu nnr rants: frnm Vinnnna Ill. nntinml mg. -mxm tees. and um awrleu m ncugu-.. Hreck & Booth have the best slabs, hard N vnmd sud dry blocks. You can get just what want in the fuel line ll their yard. A vnru .8 Thnunnnnn nwn Annie on nllent m nrnpnor some ume Ago. Ladies" balhriggun hose. '2 pairs. for 25cts.: silk gloves. half gloves, silk mitts. &c., I at lowest prices, It R. .\lcFaul'l. For drv nah. and nnfl. mAnIa_ mft wood TI!) 0)` geunelueu. [)0 sun: uuu uulur. A new oice for the Rathbun company, Deserunto, will be a handsome brick build` ing. -l9x.\'.") feet. and two stories in height. Hron|I X Hunnlh huvn the bent slabs. uox an W was arug store. You are looking for The Gram Union Clothing Co's. store. if you Lre 1 ing for the cheapest place in town. .\`_ \\'artaln|n.'_ Innmlmnt. Perth. hu ll- Ule CDCCPQSI PIBCQ IH l0'll. S. Wartelaky, merchant. Perth, has aisznod. He lost henvily while in business in Aruprior time Ago. Indian" hnlhriucmn Imam. '2 mirn. for 25cls.: xoweu pncea, Ar. xx. .ucrau| n. For dry oak and soft maple, soft And hard wood at lowest prices, go no Crawford's. foot of Queen street. Th.. 1...... .~;n 3.,`-.. rn-at t uh. Jack rnuceaq street. It was the woman who saw the first snnke, I t since then the men have attended to at son at thing. John McBride, of the townshi of Glou- center, insane for sometime, hag on sent [0 the asylum, Kingston. "nnnnI) n magi:-. nnrn ulvn cum: cnrna And the asylum, lungswn. Hanson : magic corn salve cures corus And bunions with three npplicntions. 150. per box at Wade : drug store. Vnn Am Innkina fnr The Grand Union .\lUIl|Zl'eM CODICTCHCC .\3elU|0 CHUTU Ill IOUU. ' If none but bakers played th game. ol buselmll one might rguily account for the mufn'. 11.- l...l:.... -L....I) ...II `.5 oh- (1.. nnrh. murnn . _ Ihe ladies should call `at. the Gas com- pmy a nllice and see the gas cooking stove: in operation. .\`mu-.inl Imn nf twn-u for suits At 813 J0[fRNEYING IN EUROPE, mseuui mawn. - Come and hear Mr. Bland at the Jack Festival. See gnlvertiselneut. Men`: re ttn. shirts. with three collnra and aepnmte culls, `Jllc. at Hardy`s. Maud to Cape Vincent on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Home earl). Fare, 25 centa.] Ottawa Methodists will ask to have the .\l-ntrenl conference a.~semble there in 1890. It _...... L... |...|.- ..I.......| om.` uvnnnn nl manner aquure. . For genuine Scranton No. 4 coAl_ go to the Gas Works yard.` o-..._....|.,... .1... ..|. ... ..c .u.....' ..:'I.....m I nu V: one yaru. ` Remember the ch.uu;e of place of benet baseball Imnch. DA.........I\.u- 6|.` ..l..... ... nf nlnnn n` hnnnt Ill Ul.N:'l`I.I.lUlI. Special lme Inuiq to Order Princess street. I. .......' AI... The Spice of ` Every Day Lu'o--Whn {ho Public are Talking Ab-mt-NothInI EI- enpisn tho Attention ul* l`houo Who in jilxlnl Notou. The custom house is undergoing repairs. Silk mint: and gloveu, cheapcamst Hardy 9. That Manitoba bnm n W. F. Banker I. Go: stoves from 3'. upwards at the gas works. In... -5 .............. _...! LIA nlnlynn no nuruy 3. Manitoba seed oap, ne as silk, 3t 12 Market "square. For oqnninn .\'-rmnnn No. 4 conl [I0 to D3800!" IINAICII. Remember the change nf place of benot bsaebsll match. ' P ...... ..J 5...... u_ |1l.....l .9 n...,1.n|. PAR'AGRAPHS_lPIcKED up av oun ~ ausvx neponnans. (}he;\peut c')rseLs and kid gloves at Hurdy's. Mnnitnha amid mu. nn LI silk. 31' 1'2 FiHE ' DAY. A `THE BEAUTIFUL crrv . or venues. -- of tweeds for suits $13 by Lambert & Walsh, Ill) ooh; In India. The Baptht lordp nub cock! 0! Ontario and Quinn In I. Ind `Lt. Juan: A. K. Wnlht 5 ml to the Tohgn. hdls. The `Man! In hon noooptorl. and Mt. W on do: 0! the pllhnh um rah church lac CI! In VII Khulna about tho loch Junta mm Ihoclldou and churches on hulls! ulutou pdor to his huh; In lull: In mnbov. ooll on any lam. Tboothor day tho otooum Rldoou Bollo Inodo tho trip bolwooo Smith`: Polio ood Woolport. I) an-. In two homo and Mn- vo nloutoo. Iooklng lhroo thuoo. `Phil is ho hum tlmo thh triphoo ovor boon modo In 3 otoomor. wuoor mm 1 or rlurulu -run. An-lulu : Sch. Ella Bennett. Chuiotu, I89 Iona cool; oohr. Auk Fdoour. Char- Iol 8'6 tom cool. ' 1:`. -1.... I...-aha: and link At. Al... lotto. ', The noun lollohu and hook at Mun- drklh nnbolng repaired and 8 nulv hr tuna. Tbouuncr Inland will IIIU la-IO Zri \l- 1;. I -eevnuun. Thin morning .\lrI. Petlereon. wife of Rev. (E. C. Peuereon, M.A., and daughter 0' J. M. Sherlock. er , died at her father`: ruldenoe. After en illneee of eeverel month. She returned with her husband to Kinglton. lrom Brltieh Columble, about six monthe , her health huiug leiled. The death of e loved brother was e eource ol much grief end tended to eect her health more eerlouely. Other elictlene followed. cul rnlnellng in her deeth. She was mulled to her hereeved huehend About nlno yeere ego. Three chlldrenere Idt, one an Infent of three ueehe. Iluch eympethy will be ex tended Uo Mr. Putereon en well en to Mr. Sherlock and family who have been eedly bereaved wlthln the pen lew Inonthe. Pnngnphn Hold Up About the Wldrvoo -Hutu 0! OOIOIII launch The nohr. Wowuooh cloud to day for Wludnor with 3 of nllnul Iron. ;...:..-|- . uni... "1: Hannah. nhgnlhn. on They Aulet In the nun by Watch- ' lug It 0nI1-A Case In Point. In addreeaing the magietrale yeeterday on behalf of the young men charged with Aiding and unieting in rock lighting, Mr. Mcln tyre, Q. (,`., claimed that the mere presence of his client: at the light was not nutiicient to make theln guilty of having aided mrl assisted the quarrel. He cited I one of a prize light, between men in England. The spectators at the fight were convicted of or unit. The decision of the judge was ap- pealed, usual the matter was sent to a court of judges, the majority of whom agreed that the fact of the epecteton being preeent at a prize tight lid not make them guilty of any- thinq. The conviction was quashed. Mr. lhitum ndmltted that there wen a good deal of force in Mr. .\!clntyre'e remarks, but the law in regurd to cock ghtin waa very atrict. The upeaker contended t at the pre aeuce of the young men at the tight was luf- cient to Dmve that they had auiltod or en- couraged ithe aair. me room. AI hell put twelve supper we: announced. end the fact we: gt. once mule manifest Ihnt Terpeichore is capable of inspiring other eenutione than the. tender pension," but if excuse be neceeury for keeuueu of appetite the excellence of the supper afford: the! ex- cuee. indeed it required no ghost from the tomb" to tell nu why All ew II. it like: priest. 3 shark, nu alderman or pike." In truth wl-mt. in hafnrn nnuprlnd in uni PTICUI. I IIIITI` II] IIIIUTHIDII ur PIKE. In truth whet. we before naerted we now reiterate, nunelv. that we never Attended`: more whole eouled or hearty entertainment. Clluxmug the Mountains Between Vlimn ouul Vanlcacsznlllnx In Gondola: and \'.-nun; the Muiniccut Pinon of the Finn llurnugh. .. . rl)rn. K. "9. Anglin" and VV. H. Downing lava had a most enjoyable time trnvelliug on the continent. A {spent letter from Rome in lubcreutiuq : H\\'.-. l..Cs 'i..-.-.. 6.... Vgninn -5` .... ts..- I|.| IIIU |IlI|l Ul Ill? ' lll"llIllllI HE. In the "Lancers" sevens! modern gures were introduced. In the unutten-able distruo tion of the neophyte. One young gem-c-~ Imn. we observed. lost his partner umlat the intricuiea of the dance, and when we Iut uw him he wu performing I sort of little "Lsnceru" I (L himself in I corner of the room. A - L_Il ..__s s._-I..- -.._...-_ .--- An-`Anna;/l IUCII III UH" IIl|`I -[HIE III Ell 1l"Y"II`IIl` V` VILII attention was !]H'L'llll_V vi:-m-vr.I I-v the --x- l cellent manner in `xhi--In the iliglalnml Schnltische" was perfurumul, an hut \ "select few were capable ul taking part in it all crush mu avoidoll, anal as we watched the dancer: with their \\`hirliIu( limbo we could almost have imagined 0I.l`st3|\'es once more in the llnd of the "muuntnin dew." Y- ml. . III -_........`| ...... ..I .....,I.... 63...... LIIC KIUWIIIS IIIIUIU III M |1|'XZIH"I K I` even to inspire the toes M .1 ('ur1h'. such an on hzc-l put in an ap;wsu--an:-c nnnnlinn \rnu ill nllv :.Hr..-Va.` In A Most Enjoyable 'llrne at the Entertain- IneIl--Graclounly Kooelvod. Last night the colonel And officer: of A" battery entertained their friends at the Tate du Punt barracks. The ball opened at uiue o`clock, the guests being graciously recei\'e by Mrs. (fonnn. N:-v-ur have we seen the element 0! ~_.uuinc ~'n,y--yunent enter more fully into llh: spllll ul an rnterlainjnent ilmn on this occzuiuu, fur llw ` xi ing ll.-ex" `used the gl0Wlllg hours in u tn-\::In~I '\'w'I-lalctl Avon tn innnirp llun Inc: in ;| linrllmlicn if IUCILE HI l\IUKIIIUu. Yelterdny the following Kings ninna left for Montreal to take the SS. P iaim for the old lnnd : Miss Orr. for England; M rs. Adair, to visit Miss Lnvery at Newt.own- urds, and Miss McCormuck, going to Bel , fut. : PTBBUIII IIIIUHIJUU. Rev. Mr. Harding. the esteemed curate of Trinity church. expects to leave Brock- ville in II few weeks providing the bishop on his return sanctions his removal. He will locate in Kingston. \'lItl`l`l\} tin: fniinulinn Kinnnfnninnn `off noun Ill ma ary goons esumunnmenn. ` I. S. Rowat, of Caledonia. formerly of ; Kingston, has been appointed head msstzr i of Simone public school at $750 per year, ` being $.">0more than he in getting in his present. uituotion. Rev, \lr, Hnrdino. than aatnnnmd nnrnte AV] I33 \|IfI 14. IIGDKQ, OX l'0r`IIll(l, RIO. It waa~.)ohn Scally. nmster of L.().L . No. 48. l ort.nmouth, who made aeveml addresses at the su per given by James Marshall at Hunter": otel. -I `|......I..- D lVl......l.....l L....:..--.. ........-...... .J' HUIIICTB IIOSOI. `Charles E. Cleveluud, business msmger of the Cleveland miniszrela, won in the city to- day making urnngelnenta for .the Appear- ancc of that ngnregalinii here. ' l .l.`l Andaman. Kinminn- fnrmnrlv with \ EIICC7 UK [Hill aggregation DQTU. ' I J. H. Anderson, Kingston, formerly with P. D. Doran, hm: returned to Peterboro to the position formerly held, by him with Mr. I):-run in his dry goods establishment. I H, Rnwnt. nf Unlnulnliin, inrnlerlv of x - Anobuplu. Provnuhushod y lnlhvlulo olsooonhwoodohtnlhp. u-Julep nrhtynlpturu lot ptnungu. ah I lino ol woman {or mu-um. W IIO. uioloodct. Alguru Iflllula Mina Maud Richardson leaves for Au: burn. N. Y., on Saturduy, on I visit vto friends. Li... .....I \l-- l:..A___ `D.._-..ll -...I:.....I ` U'Il5l.|Ul. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsav Russell, urfived from Montreal. They will reside permanent- ` ly in the city. (I. Mamllmrx nf than rm nf Ilannhnr y !lI INC UIIY. ` ` G. Meagher, at the rm of Mengher ` Bron, Montroal. wine and liquor merchants. in iujhe city. - . T A Min-ha Nnrl|\-\"nut nxnnntml II iuulc Clby. '- T. A. Mitchell, North-West muunted police, of Sukatoou, is in 4 the city. He will mnko mahort visit. 'l`L_n.l...... D..5A....L}..l I ..l nL.. D-...- \IY..o.... IHIIU I-HIIUTI Vllt. Theodore Buttereld, of the Rome, Water- town & Ogdenahurg railroad, was married to M in Claim 1.. Deako, of Portland. Me. [I >|l.'-.,.`l\|'\h \`.-nlln nunntgr n` I (I I. \In 1.V'.uIun nere. - . ` Dr. ralick, of New York, is vieitihg his 1 parents on Gordon street. ` Mn. R, Elmer am] Sun I4`. lfnnhrnna 1 pnrcllw on uoruou street. Mrs. R. Elmer and Min E. Cochruvo leltfor Wutertown, where they will visit friends. \ll-- ll.....I I)2,.L-.__I-__. 1 . _ . . .. I... `in LVIW IOTK. 7 .\lr. Woods, Hqmiltou, lane of this pity, in ` `v_iuitin%`here.- ` ` n. ....|:..|. .: M... \'_..|_ 2- .:-:.:';... |.:. I .l ou|I|o' Whndo Mnvunonu. saying. and Dulncu Annual 'Atu-ntnun. 1 Ald. Harty returnedgghis aerhoon from New York. ' ` \I.- \\'...-L. l.l-...:l._._ I-.- _l'LL:.. lI:.IV I- MAY 16. 1 nun; J. ls. Inovlqnlu. DIIIIIIII; n. In. Hurhou. ll. Wllllunl. Broolvlllos J.(}nl Mound: -I. (J. Mnclnrlno. F. . Quboc: IL Downy. Uuwep. N. Y4 J. Hnotln. Toronto; H. C. Ilodgklu. \\'uortov_rn NY.- D`. Baker. Jobutovn. Km; :1. 1!?` stath-T1'waiur1r.*nIuw: Mound; N. I` Purhr. Toronto: 1!. l`. Porky. Unuu; E. L War, New, Yuri: C. J-. sum. Montreal: J . H. Rothocilld. New York: I). I-1. 0 8Il|Ina. Mutual: u. w. Dunning. r. A. mmuu, Toronto; 1`. D. lrhh. Huston. ?__.