DID}! Brd. Brd. Bismarck is agmu prostrated by 3 se- vere attack of neuralgia. He in oompel- led to mnintnin a recumbent. position wlule at work. 1;..- n.- WilIinmI. annnrnl am)enn- in Lindsay. Mr. Poor. conducwr of the art school. returned to the city to-da. . utter a. plea- san holiday In Boston p// be art school re-opens on Monday- T. (Yaguu. of the Pembroke High nocizmon nexi ween. V Mr. Joseph Do re. Q. `.. Mont-real, has sufficiently rfgtv` red leave wicb his wife for Char aton. S`.b., where he WI ram for the wiutar. A. D `L u-umml llmtnwni T. E.Finh- Monday- T. ()'Ha.guu, Scboohvnlldeliver an address on Bong- fellow" before the Catholic Literary As- sociation next week. =3 M. ,I....mh Dnntra. 0.0.. Mont-real. cA'wiAQU1. ~El'l'lRTAIlllIh_l_'1` mx can Hotel. / 3 George W. B1.-1hop.pf llrockville, was married on Wednesdniv evening to Mina Carr" Blanohu-J. dauszhter of J. B. Bin hard. of Nnpume. The happy cou- nln hnvn In. fnr Florida. Blauclmru. 0! nlpuuua. 1 pie have left [or F101-i\du. Dr. Mclntonb left this lelt [or Nor uu. Dr. his afternoon for Chnmpnign. Illinois. having acceptad the professorship of veterinary science in the rioultural Department of the St a University. llshegius his lectures o the 6th mat. Malcolm Olspp. s. cadet of the Roysl ilitary College. wears a handsome sil- er medal for the athletic championship of the college for 1885. It was `present.- sd to him by Lady M" dleton. Evan Mnnll. the rd of Loch Fovno. nnnmsy cznms ad to mm by LEG) M unewu. Evan M00011. the Foyno, and member ot,th Royal Society. has ptesenbod the M anics Inahituce his copies of the "Trunslatiqp of the Royal Society" and we geological survey re- port.-: of Canada for 1883-84. 1 1.. [an Moment: on 1385 run Anny with nI..n.o.nn- nu Tholr Kuoen. ,\ the line 0 vu. .-u--..- .. . Tho watch-night service. held at th; `j Salvation Army barracks on Thursday j night last, was largely attended by the i soldiers of the corps and their friends. . The meetirg was conducted by sum. . Cap `adie. A.D.C.. and Mrs. Eadie, assi d by Us t. Owen. Lieut. Langtry and adet If or. Capt. Eadie made a wsrfnl a dress. showing how the new year should be entered upon. espe- cial by the solil'ers of the cross. in orde to enjoy a all salvation and gain eternal rest; sndjnat as the old year was passing out` the service was so aecting that nearly all present were moved to tears. while he penitent forms were ll- ed seeking greater holiness of` h e meeting was kept up till 1 o'clo: ldnight and closed in testimon-x res o eat hitudnaasnd joy. and songs . apt.E i3 is [noted for his ` profonrlfoasonibg and [Serspiouity on holidess nd llviug free from sin. Last night: m ting at the Salva- tion Armv barracks was lead by Sts.- ' Captaglllrsil Eatgia. The barracks` was crow . er sync mer- estlng. abonndi `in grand metaphor and allegory and see ly surpassing any of her other lpet The attendance at profomk soni - holidt nightc 5:-.. A -mu hu-IE` of her rorner The attendance Hilpthodiat watch night eetviecwu good. representing the the Methodist churches. All the pos- toro. except Rev. Mr. Myers. 0! William- , villa` who we; unwell. were preeen. end ciptted in_ the service. The Sydn- In in choir uaiated by men of the 0 er choir: rendered exec G music. hehymnl selected. expressing can-nhIn_ thnnknalwindnnaliilanm. nnver mum. Lnenymuu aenecwu. lslyrcmuug wanhlp. tbuklglvlngagsliitenoo. pnyar trust. were l y tho congrega- o,' n -ith nnnnnnl fervor. lnltaad oil trust. sung by Ina oongrqp - G I: with unulunl fervor. Instead o! 0 or two sddrouou there were seven]. marked by the poinudneu Illd solemn- izv no m-one! to the occasion. At 12:10 | yanked by the ponneaneu no Iolellllh . my no proper the pure: ofthe church, I! o conducted the union. withod the I ha." and Inn! Ij dluminnd Chln ` O l :::'e5iotio:'.u WATCHING THE YEAR OUT. M. H.WALSH & co_{ THE DAILY B1u'r1suwu1G, JA N_. Q. ` )1` or me cntuon, W o conunuwu co. [Ala .-Ind dismissed than with Inn * s, Snylnxl and lrlnnllnn Dr. '1`. M. Fenwick. The body was our- ried into Simpson :-1 hall and covered wxth a. sheet. mm. nun: nhnnf. 70 wears of M10 and King was shout 70 years age reduced in circumstances, and unmar- ried, nnde his home with Simpson. His bedroom was in the attic. the win- dow overlooking Ridesu street. King; Ins in the hnblt of cnnntsntly watching people on the street and shout the cor- ner. His heart was in the locality for be had done business about it for lunty ygsru. Tlmradw nightmbout 10 o'clock. h retired. He must have heard some- thing early in the morning. for he arose. dressed, and voing to the window raised it and looked out. It is bglieved that be oyerbnlsnced and slid out`, telling about twenty feet, headlorsmost. N otliinpz on the window sill was disturbed. m... _.. 0.-.unl and nhere were incli- tbe window III! lllaulruuu. King was fretfnl and there wera ostions. doctors an. of soltening of the brain. He was an Irishman. known to nearly every oitizen., For many years ha occupied the building on the corner of Ridean and Barrack streets, conduct- ing sgrooory and liquor store. In this building his mother, brother and sister died. He was generous and lost consi- dsrsble in oonse name. About two years ago he wont: the business up Ind went to Dakota. Agsin last summer he went back to his brother's. and return- ed two rnontbs ago. He said to a friend, at ..,...i.1..'r. mm in die nut there." mt- ed months 119 um no u. muuu, "I wouldn't hko to die oub there. lerly he?` became quite childish. Hc grieved over past days. sud tlxouuhu much 01 the time when he was in good circumstances. ` u. 3...: L...-m.h.:r. in l).1:nr.sn_-2-Ivracuse once interred. King was a conscientious Uatholio. and for many years a member of St. Mary : choir. 110 was striotlv sober and deteated sweaters. Coroner Saunders examined into the cause leading up to death and decidid that `in inquest was [lBll6C8S8Il'y. nn Thnrldav fternoan about`! o'clock 59 N0 BAD IATALITIEI TO RIOOBD AT THI IVENTFUL CHBIBTMAHTIDE. _ ` WlNT)MHi00DS Q on-cumsuances. He had brotbern in Dukobgusyracuse and Erie, Pa. These will I76 notied 0! his death. though the remains will be at trim. Inna n 1-`.nn:~innt.inma (hatholio. J:-n Klnjllnlln OH: or I Window, Irulu Ill lock and In Plckol lip DeId--A I-Id. the Sole Iupporl of a Widowed Iotler, lllled Neat Bnrrleleld. - " On Thursday diternoan an accident, which has resulted fatally. occurred at Bsrrieeld. B. Mecloskey, a young man about 1-5 years of nun, who was in the employ of Mr. Leenp, the proprietor of an oil and nine factory. situated a short distance from the_vi|-. Iago of Barriciielni. was in charge of a Windlass. With its assistance material was shipped to near (1 run on u. tram~ way to and from the (my. Mccloskey was letting down to the factory is car. laden'with bullonks' feet. when a bar. with which tho windlass was turned. slipped out of his hand and whirled rapidly around. The oar rushed to the bottom of the grade, and the boy shout- ed, "Look out below." Before. however. he could get clear oi the windlass, he was etruc the bar a terric blo.v on the right t Is. He loll unconscious. Some of the workmen at the factory carried him to Mr. LeHeu;)`a house. Dr. Fee was summoned and found that the skull was fractured. there boing a large indentation in it: The young man snered a great deal luring: Thursday night. About 5 o'clock on Friday morn- ing compression of the brain set in. Drs. Fee and Garret were summoned. but when they arrived at Barrieeld the young man was dead. Dr. Fee is of the opinion that his death was accelerated by the rupture of a blood vessel. The mother oi the dead boy. Mrs. MoCioskey. who lives at Green Bay, is "a widow. He washer only means of/pupport. . V I u l A 50!`!!! Last evening the little white cliurc}i at the depot was well lled with spec- tators. ll large number of whom were lroru the city. The occasion was s. sociiil given by the "Willing VVorliers,"i1 society connected with the church. After I) varied and choice tea was per- tsken ol the programme was epene.l by the chairman. Mr. Allison. who uiziilo ll lew well chosen remarks. lie was fol- lowed by (L chorus, giyen by the men)- bers of the Willing Workers" band. A solo iinil recitation were rendered by Miss Allison and Mr. U. Pound with good effect. A qnsrtette, "A Crown for Me," by Misses Hubbard and Allison, and Messrs. T. Tlioinpson and W. Robin- son. was very nicely sung. Miss Jessie Msckie gave ll rccitntiomwhicli was very entertaining. A selection on vio linii. from Messrs. T. Mills and J. 1!. Thompson. accompanied by Miss Thompson on the crash. was heartily encored. The Bsnhlal Man." ii. read- ing by Mr; Miller closed the that part of the programme. Alter 5, short inter- mission it was opened again by a duet ` from Misses Allison pod" K. Msckie which was greatly I.p`!'B0lIt0d. A reci- totion. in concert. " be Firemen." by Misses J. Stewsrt. E. Hunter and J. Muskie, which required unity ol action and speech. was performed very clever- ly. A solo by Miss Hubbard. reading ll)! Miss Msckie. qusrteite by Misses . Msclxie. Allison and Messrs. Miickie and _Thompson, recitation by E. Harmer. instrumental selections by Messrs. T. Mills and J. M. Thompson lollowed by the chorus. "Good Night." closed the evening s entertainment. During the evening" Mr. Trensmsn. the former G.T.R. srent of that neighborhood. who is saw v" iting here. was called upon sud made ii Iew remarks. Snice it to say the first eort of the "Willing Workers" was is decided Iuccessin every respect_ rrugrnuuur. held at the fell nos 0! nu`. Drown. Ir. \ Alter emplejnstf bed been done tothe ` \bivelvea Hr. J.`W. Brown, jr.. in en- I swering a toss . Our Em layers?` ex- plsined how the rm h succeeded since it commenced bunmess fteen gene ego. Then it employed only one or two men; now there were sixteen. The llrm owned problbly the Ingest can-hue melting establishment in On- terio. He hoped that the emplovees would work Ieithlnlly during the com- ing you-.end, by doing their work well. edvsnee their own and the inn`! interests Several other tout: wire pro sed s{nd _ responded to. end then "G Save he 1 Queen" wssgung. From the dining room the me retired to the sitting ......... um . nt g lnnmv time for-A Drown I Company unvu heir llmployou an _ Uni-r Supper on New You : In. On Thursday J. `W. Brown & Son, carnage mnkaza. gave thair employees. 16 in number, `movnter an per. lo wan held at the I'eI.l fEce of 1-. Brown. Ir. ` A u... .-.-.1- hunt a had hnnn nnn tn thn -A.L____.-.j_: __._._.___-- A REAPING or DEATH. V the me` rented to we umng room d .353: I hcppy time for: conpie ours. 4. '-O0 ----I ` / R lcl OIL Your cnnulunlo. Th L b t Manta nsl III 'l`r:: y"'uO':c-.whut In lg`: llofw gu fl. nod ? _ ., . . .. _..; -____ ;_ Lu_n Povnpolny clulmu II. with srronno bllu Vmhoul tho condition ot ban or 6! ml , Whuo modesty Gnu Imhanl clclmlng mo man. `lol av Iuppociu null who win. Qmxtlnlolty only the crov;n-an obmn. M85 in: can hold from obllvlonfl wnue. REDUOTIQNS] ~ Now you calling In his Idling oil! - fashion. _ . _?.--o_.?._. THEY ARE GINEBOUE EMPLOYEES. -----9-1 "\VlLLING WORKER'S CONCERT.` Iiromzeu. Capt. Abbie is now stmoned an Glen Falls, N.Y. Sho W111 came to Kingston next. month. D-.. li`.nm-(1'f\nnn.u- nf purfh lmn next. monuu. Rev. Father 0'CVouuor. of Perth. bu purchased land on which a convent will be erected nexu summer. u.....I...,u. ....:mm.( khn nu-nl_l.nr. `hut. be erected nexu Hundreds enjoyed the excellent. clut- mg on Cntarnqui Bay and in the htnbor. The ice in in patient oondiuou. Electors. look out for roorbwkl OI. nome. , ' Mr. A. J. McMahon. of Rnchmondt Co.,is spending}; holiday in Worcester, A. ..u.-...|.I.. ..... |...l.| in nu. hnn-mlm Mass. An assembly was held in the bunch on Thursday evening. II was well pa- tronized. {Tank Ahhin ha nnw nfA1.Innml ml. (Hun there war. mzereus you. If you are against exemption, high taxman and monopoly Mr. Whiting should pet your vote on Monday. Afmr Mnndnv the ntoamer for Cove ahoula you vow on Luonuny. Afber Monday the Cope Vincent will leave at 11:30 o'clock dai- ly. returning to the city for the night. Dr. Dnnnis states that he has discov- smx Tm; ly. returning no we Guy 101` we mgua. Dr. Dupuis states ered that, oxygen gas in the best. restau- tive to be used In the one of gas poison my. Hn mm.mt.h nf Dmember Mr. C. Iusev. iny. On the-80th of December Iusey, of Union street, picked a bouquet of pan- nien in his garden and presented them to lug wile. ll.` |mn.uo.innn Knnwlnriun in nninr. For 1011 term I15. Kingston has nothing to make good Itrootl in the outlying wards. yes in non the ratepayers $243.50 to pay for "an error of the mayor's head." Rdinhnra mum-pr: r.nnts.in lenathv I0- 01 the mayor's nenu. ' Edinbnrg paper: contain lengthy tioes of the lane D. Kennedy. jr.. 1! Pietermnritzburg, Africa. The death of one no promising is grossly lamented. ' (lrm nu makinrl extiennive immova- lam on the evening or 1'90. am. Ah the chicken qunrre! on Thursday evening only one bird vun killed. Winn : the {are from Rome to Cape evenxng only mm was uuwu. Whnts the {are {you Cape Vinoqnt `I Ask Uhulfe or Ben nbont In. The sailors It Sackefs Harbor wnnt 1 lighthouse at the entrance to the bay. Mr. Henry Folgor says that bgainul fr: 1886 pgomiuc Ieiettor bhsu for many yam. .. 6 I Mr.A. Irqnbnt. who has been at Battleford for some time. has returned hbme. Mr A J MnMnlunn nf Rnnhmnndh `: no we as In peneon conumou. Electors, logk out czunpzugu lies.` They will ll the air on Sunday nnd Monday. Rand (Imwfm-d'a new` wood advertise- sunaay nna Monday. ` Read Crawford's new wooda_dveIse- menu in this paper. There is something there that mterests you. If wnn nrn naniunt. nxemnhion. high Io ms wue. Do beca.nv.ious. Knowledge inpowor. The evening classes of the Dominion Business College open Monday at 7 p.m. For (all term 83. III-sn-nu. luau nnthinn in mnkn annd For the M ultitudes in Endless Variety. 30 promuuug I5 gruguny Auumuwu. Urrp us making extensive improve- ments. The old cover is to be dilcntdod. nnd the journal will comprise 12 pages. and be printed on heavy toned paper. J. P. Wenterwell. London : Dr. A. W. Ml.!!lDODLl. R e at: me buruew uaune. For chap d hands, sore llp, eto.. "glycerina" is the best lotion used. Sold only at Wilson`e Pharmacy. In beauti- eu the skin and makes it smooth and White. On Thursday eveninv a ball occurred at Mr. Murphy's house. Joycenlle. There were seventy couples present, and Prof. Riellyha band supplied the mnnin. mugaton Izwiou. The Misses Shurmuu. not Shannon, who sang no sweetly at the Sabbath school ieatival in the Queen Street Me- thodist Church. are daughters of Jacob Shnximun of this city. Ndthimv hnmm nmszenca of a friend in Qimkv Ttyshbnt snow. ,. ' Am! in ho held ntookv/ood Any- lnm the eienlng of Feb. 861:. At. ch. nhinlnm mum! on Thnndav and be pnnnea ueavy uonea paper. J. P. Westerwell. ; Bnxber.Qneboc; S. A. (Jonklil. (hiborne; A. (Jnmerson,Ben.cbburg; W. Lntimer. Manitoba. saint the Burnett. House. I4`n.- nlunn I` hand: nnrr. lxnn, atnu` music. The new Englxsh Church at South Lake will be opened on Jan. 17th. The services will be conducted by Rut Dean Carey and the pastor, Rev.` J. H Nimmo. . ' "15 was an error of the bead an `of the heart," said Mayor Srnyt o, speaking of his ndtiou as 3 police com- missioner, and yet ih cost. the toilets of Kingston 024350. ' Tim Misses Slmrmuu. Shannon. Shun-mun or this city. Nftbiug but the presenca sit Cape Vincent the other day unevent- ed a. distinguished member of the Metho dist Church from gambling with three card monte men. A mnotinn nun Imlrl rm the iinth nlt... Yea was the second New Yegr. an ion washout A 1..n an 5.`. rum .0 Rnniulnnd An. card monbe A mee 'ng was held on the 30th ult.. iu the`-s ool house at the village of Arden, ntjhich W. B. Mills was elect- ed truatee of school section No. 2. Ken uebec, vice Samuel Barker. An n.um-nklu halt] in Man rnwn HA". Oar. Ptlnoeu ind Ilontronl amen. Nov IL uebec, vice Samuel barker. Au alsembly, held in the fown Hull, Sunbury, last eveniug,.waa attended by About thirty-ve couplos; Professors O'ReIlly,s orchestra supplied the music. Mr. Urow acted an prolnptex`. ` ('.nnr., wnnn in not in verv Hood Llulo lhlnp an bgngu t-In Pooplfn Al- tonuon-Noun In our Local corn. Mr. brow ucriuu prompter. Capt. Owens is not in very good health and has been given 3. furlough of four weeks. She will remain in the city during, that time. Capt. Philips. of Belleville, will take charge of the meet- in s. grwn drunks were dismissed bv the mga. Two drunks by police magistrate this morning, while nhtbo vagmuts. who had been in goal on remand, for begging and frightening wo- men. were given half a day in which to leave the cizy. Tim mmnina of Mrs. Kellv. who died I the clay. The remains of Kelly. in Toronto a few days ago. will arrive in Kingston tulny. The funeral will take place to-xnorrow. Deceased` was a (laughter of Mr. Francis Macdouzld, of Montreal street. A mnmm-;nl smrvina tnnnhiua the | Montreal street. A memorial service. touching the death of Staff-Captain Madden. who diodon Thursday, will be held In the Salvation Army barracks Lo-marrow evening. Sr.nCapt.Aiu and Mrs. Eadie will conduct. the service. ."l.iI:lu-an -hnn Innlina nr m-vim: It will conduct the service. Children. when teething or crying at night or during the day. may he reliev- ed And cured by putting: Norman`: teething neclllnco about their little necks. Onetrinljvill convince the moat skeptical that they are much better than soothing syrup. W.J. Wilaon,Kinga- ton Agent. Ynrm-Jnv nson of Josenh Gordon. Agent. Ycsterday nson of Joseph Gordon, near Sunbury, aged 17 years, was lead- inga borne tron water. when the ani- mal, in play. jumped upon the lad Ind injured him. Dr. T. M. Fenwick fhd his shoulder to be dillocatod. Chloro- form was adxnliniatered and t.bed1alooa- tion reduced. z Tim hndv nf A vnnnn woman. who died tlon reduced. The body of a young woman, who in the city Ioouple of weeks ago of son'- let fever, bu been taken from the vault of the cemetery an Snnd Hill, township of Storrington. It was thought to be in one 0! the medical colleges. but search tailed to gen tnce of it. The vault was supposed to be unusually strong. Its iron bars were pried o`. Far wmlm the mourners of the city iron bars pried on. For weeks the reporners city pspera made mention tbs]; the many tires in ihe city during October sud November were incendisry. yet Msyor Smythe dedlued that. "on his part he was loath to believe. in conjunction with so nanny others. that the cause of them. was due to idcendiuism." This losthness to believe cost the citizens 0248.50. Handsomely Bound Books; in Electricity ll Llfe. Norman's electric belts will cure rheu- matism, lame buck. debility. etc. Numerous testimonials can be produced as to their eioisuay. Full description and mode of working furnished :1: `The Pharmacy by W. Wilson. sole agent for Kinantnn. rllurlnncy Kingston. OUND AT LA8T-A remedy Intru- _ sad to can land and loft Coma. Bu ion. Onllouus. to. 1439011`! Mum Oct: Sun. In boxen.15 ah. II Wade`: move. , _ `,1 ., ENTLEKEN in need of Underwear all n w. nmavss-, when my bus the Lugout, Chnpnn Ind Boot LI onmcnt toohoon from | 0; .PIA.N0 VTUNER. RESIDENCE. - - Crnuom. a-:_ All men mus 13.0. palm : pg... will In promptly maid to. _ ` , G Bounluon knrgnlgod. Doc. 1. LA8T-A remedy INTI!- .A On nun hard Ind Ioh Conn. The Most Em"plratic_l32irg;IZ,1'insZa1'e now oered. Come and get - t_henj. Come` and get them. For the next two months we will offer the whole of our Immense Stock of DRY GOODS at Cloth and Morocco. Photograph Albums. Autograph A|bums.h Plush Dressingases. Seize this on ortsunitg to lay in a. supply of Table Linenl, Sheetin s. W ite an Grey Cottons, P111/ow Cottons. Towels, ickings, &;c. rrn..- .....~..-:...l.-.-nu .-.4` run-Inn D`nv|1rACn nnrl (`A-rv\f'nv+n'I\a of `Ann IORASHING REDUCTION" IN PRICES IJNO. IIAIDLAW & SON At VERY LOW PRICES. An A prod of the value oered. our sales of KNITTED GOODS are over 60 per cent. Inger than they were lutyeu-. Also begs to ihmnace that be -intends` i3REA1ux'G THE N -' FIRST ICE in e New Year, by a N NOTE THE I`0LLIDWlNG :- u... Knitted Jackets, with a7fd without sleeves, Overstockings, Gaiters, Wool Cuffs, Wgol Mufflers, Gents Cardigan Jack- ets, Fascinators, Wool Squares, Wool Shawls, Wool Tuques, Wool Sashes. and a large lot of Very Cheap Clouds; also Mantle Cloths, Tweeds, Blankets, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, &c., &c. F. X. COUSINEAU . .. V . - , Herewitb sends the' season's greetings to his many triends / and customers, wishing ghcnx a. lJ.LA|DLAW& SON We have the finest and best. assortment of Holiday Goods in the city, gt theyery loyest Tiukings, Sl1eet1ngs,! 'l-B`-C) 7& aBISON.:lTTE Are olfering Wool Clouds, Squares, Wool J ersoys, Wool Vests, Ladies Jackets and Ulsters'at a Great Reduction in Prices this week. /1 1 (1-tn (1-1- :_ 4.11] 11.4/\:`Q'-A1` n.. 'lI.-...J.....A.. Al` I./TIUUS l/lllb WUUA. Our Grand Gift Sale is still going on. Hundreds of "Gifts to be given away this week at the Happy & Prosperous ew Year. GIIEIPSIIJE. `Dan. 2R. ' new vnrrs aIrrsT iE"iv YEAR'S ems! - - ___,__ Will o"er all this week the balance of their Stock of Dress Goods, all at goat price. Mantle and Ulster Cloths, all at cost price. Mantles and Ulsters, all at cost pricc. Fine Cashmere Jerseys, all at cost price. Fancy Knitted Shawls, all at cost prim-. Underwear, all at cost price. Tie-Down Quilts, allat cost )I`lC0. Fur Capes and Trimmings, al at cost price. Prints, all at cost prices. " " Hundreds of Remnants, about half pricc. ,s1=>:NoE _~ a MFOEEMLEY isPEN C 13 & 403 _[_Jn1\(_1_ _I:}jI_)_{_ _S JAMES n;g_jgoND 3: o. Jami nannusmm 80.. imvrnn Rugs. H b 82 inches. Bmyrnu. Bugs. 18 by 32 inches. Gm run Rugs. 1! by 114 inches. Sm ms age, 22 by 46 inohcl. Smyrnn Bugs, 22 b 64 Inc on. Smyrna Rugs, 2'] by 6! Inc on. Bmvrnn Rugs. 30 by 60 inches. Smyrna ugl. be by 79 lnohol. A100 I few pnirl Turin Curtains 2 Also some very ne Austrian Rug: ; also Pink, P310 Blue, Oronm Ind Old Gold Plush. Msntle Sale still going on. -- :-'-.-4g-I--I--1 Ar r%1'l"1'\ I-. I*qf\ 1 `LIA-.. JA8;'i!EID 8. -\ nn auuuuruu .--__'-.V_ ORA FORD noobrdn his henty thank: to his numerous lriondu and Yutronl In! that goncroun sup tt during the pun uuon, sud extends to _ onmlndsl ihdr bd wuhdo for s KER. Y CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR. Win. 113 viaw alloontributina lath: enjoying of the Holiday 390%: bags Io Una vv 1; vs-y -vv..- __ ____ _ '" "" 'P:::a::.'::'T*.`;1..":';.*af:sar;"E.:;`a'.: '"*" W ton mm W'thth aw `cant 'bu|i mu n auto! th Holld Be umomlnoe tht he dell EIOIEE WE.E.K 3 LY. O _ Ben Pembroke my Ilnl-I Wood. 4 Ice! long, [roe non logs nnd hubs. at 1.00 per cord. "I'hin in all body wood, split nun III well uuonod. And ll undanbdlyo 1 woodin the any. Try guard of II. 'Youvdll bonus to boplnuod. ` Ont Wood. Soft Wood And Klndllng 5| Orally Rodnood Prion : ob vary i qmmlu of Hard and Soft Oopl. . .v . \ .R. CRAWFORD -. -- - -;-ps....-_.'.. aoungah. Who|esa|e)Priqes for Dry Goods I Jan. 2. WHOLESALE PRICES I D001 i9. I76 PRINCESS STIII-I I-}'l`. GREAT REDUCTION lNs.wPR|GE OF WOOD. _ -_.| _-4_._- I SEASONABLE GOODS ---GREA'l` BARGAINS IN MILI;INERY AT--- %c1-JI:A1>1?T1 1:F1ANLEVEr? French 5 O'clock Tea Tables. Fancy Sewipg Table. Fancy Rattan Rockers. Centre Table and Sofa, at bile Ilul going on. RICHMOND as CO. Am uaw offering a splendid nnortmant of the following - LA.'I`IE}S'I'\- IDIESIG-JSTSIII NOVV 18 YOU'R `DIME- PR ESENTS THE WONDERFULLIMAN. All throughvhis entire stock. .AND _4.,.- 51 {:56 Princess 81. I89 C lad Ptlnceu street. - 0PP- WINDSOR. HOTEL- mus nooxfrong, 854 KING I PBBBT. TABLE LINENS, AMI NOW AT` THE ON ALL I. II. lllrnwlcluu COURT l`Il0h'l`E.NAO," No. II], Inde ndant Order cl Foronon. must on eh: no and third '1`hursdu.y in each month lnoddtellamf Bnlhcorner of Princess and Monttenl amen. (over Hendry & Thompson's.) Doc. 21. -L"C3;7'(7;:wSTf- ID (.'B_V'I l'l'0lIIuIuuuI. Easterly winds, cloudy: 1 amber. followed by some sleet. or min. b ming colder to-morrow. llolnomln-ux lino" "clergyman. Among the clerqymeu and priests remembered at this sonnou were Rev. ILJ. Craig, 0! Deaerouho.wbo received I purse 0| 050; Rev. Mr. Mctloll, of Middleville, who got a handsome cook- ing rlnge and 3 china ten pet; and Rev. Fr. Mcbonough, of Napance. who was given 3 benntitul cutter and 1! pair of buffalo robes. on 1:30 mm-. Irvine and Ronlrew 3:15 J N0- -lined 10416!`-IIIIII Express: {or In B hm-bot Luke 10.80 s.m.. p.m.; oonnoeclng with 0.P.R- pointl -um. '- No. 5 Express leaves KID`?-'30lI 8 N! p.m.. eon- nootln with C.P.R. Night qarua train :1 BhII`~ bot In: A point: out and lean. J. H. `RAY OB. FJJONWAY. B. W. FOLGIIR, Alli. an`; Ass. Ger. Pun. Art. Bup't. Auuunuvu. a.n...-....... .., _ Iuonlc Insult! Ieeupu. Annual 80 John : Loduo. Nod. on Thun- dcy. Jun. 7:11, 1: 1:1!) .111. . linden. Loan. No. gs. on Monday. Jun. 4th, _ At 1:80 pm. ` Ont: niLod|(o. No.09, on Wodnudny. Jun. mm. It :11) pm. Tho lcqnlu Meshing: oi Ibo Anqlonl and As- mptod Scottish Rite of Froemulo no held In their Rolhoornor of Brook and elhgton Btroon. Kin Lodge olPor1ocMon. Rird [I one Thursday. ma on of Shawn, Sov. Oh: . (lroix. n! Wodnudsy In oumlnonm. ' Cunard Ileaullln, unnpuny. SAILING from Nv York ever Saturday. Authorized Axons. F. A. FOL EB, Ferry Dggk. fool of Bronx BL. Kiuauon. The son ozianana . I ENEVOLB '1` 8 lETY,No.83, meet In St. Geo 9'0 311, _Mon 8!... Slud and an vrnmuiu n averv mouth. j |J.H.J0LL1l3`FE, II.D.. Ch-M-, L-R.C`P.F., LII Edlnburzln. Member of the College 0! Phvulnlsua 5: But- lhonl. Ontario. RWITII I'l"IlIII I'\0DUl'lluII I u-I-qua - The General Hospital Treasurer re- ceived ncheque today {or 01,950 from the executors of the late George Robert- son. Nearly 85.600 have already been roaeivad by thoinstitution from the exe- cutors. Ilcuuuuuu nu n--u--. Beginning with this evening tlio ad- mission to the roller rink will be as lol- Iows: Afternoon 10:. including skates; Tuesday. Tburadsy and Saturday eve ings 100.. sknbes.6c.;ot.l1er ovoum 3` 100. including skates. Carnival on We nesdsy evening,J-An. Dbl]. admission 1 c. , NEW rou UIIIUU. The government have opened a post; oico at Flower Station. K. &. P. R., with G. W. White as postmaster. The station agent, R. E. Lyon. has for a long t.ime'ao11ght this privilege, with the lid 01 his brother. Judge Lyon. of Oh- tawa. The developing of country by the K. &. P, R. has led to the opening of n An-on nmnnn `I he Compromlu Not. Accepted. The Bath farmers have not secured their money for barley sold to A.C. Macaulay, of Trenton. They would not scoop me compromise offered by him some days ago. Macaulay alleges than helosh money on the cargo, since the gain was not up to sample. The mat.- ter in in the hands of a lawyer. renco Council. Boyd Aronnum, III held on the than and third Mondays in every month at I 8 p.m., in the Oatsnqul Uud Fellols Hall. Prin- Doc. ISL ceaa vreeu. _ _ I VIVHE REGULAR IBETINGB 01 the St. LIV- D Georfei Hull, wimp Tuesdnyo every ` UDIAIIO. 237 QUEEN uh. -*-1 l\. LI. 1'. n. um dozen olces. Bl5U'l' Iljtl Ullmlf no f -uvv - .. Between Klnzuuin. Poterboro. Toronto. Ottun Montreal. Quebec. No. 3 Exprou)oI_v_e_I Klpgucon M1230 p.m. at an points can And weal Anlvu Totonlao 9:10 pan. " Ottawa W25 Emu. " Montreal 10: '0 pm. `- Bonirew am 9 m. Puungon lowing by this trsln will 1 Winnipeg In 60 hourp, 1 Mixed leave! Ilultux I! _5.m_;. Rontrow n 7: n_.... ..-. byll Arcalnn. VIVHE Luv- renco Arqnnum, :13 _-u_ _. {I91-mlnntlmu at Bynonhnm. The following are the successful can- didaces. in order of merit. who appeared at e enhance examinations for the Syueuham High School: Mary Cliffe, William McKniglit.Cnrolino3 Fluke. Rus- Iel Topli',' Minnie Gnmmer, W. W. Sllldl, Maud Sean. Arcbibnld Forsytb, Annie Besth. Susan A. Price. Alice M. Madden. Victorin McConnell, Ella. 0'- plan ' Inromnuon penauun. w .... ........., "r." A. r O'I.GE.R-I Ilollarll Tlokg A_gQ_gI, _L COMPRISING Rolled Oats, Rolled Oatmeal, White Wheat, White Maize, Yellow Maize, Crushed Bar- ley_ Hominy, Se1f-RisingBuck- wheat, Flour, Farina, India Cassava, Boston Brown Bread, &c , at HEHIIRY it TEUMPSUN S, n..- nun...-a and Ilnntnul Ill-nnln. "3|';'.`.p.`'.':i':1'x`a-s IF.'u1;i.i.a l mu Bouts to Knnnobsnndlho Ruth W056. and"? Ind cnlurmw notrnz n4-_.-.. m....u'... mm-bm. Toionto. . GENERAL TICKET AGE-1 IIIILIUUI Brien. Some lnletolllng lplnodu. M. the concert. held in the peniten- . tiarv on Wednesday afternoon. there were eeveraliutereatnug episodes. When Misc Fralick wen announced to sing. I Am Content." smiles lit. up the convicts faces; the funny feeling, was increased when Miss Dobbn offered. The Green Hills Fer Awny;" but the climax was not reached until Mrs. Betta began to enquire, vooelly, "Where is Heeven ?" I . 3- I II II \I -aw.-nu ' non] Tloku Agent, Ferry Wharf, - - Foot. of Brock Strum T_ Kmusmu. om`- -_;.____.,___..._.___,_.._.,_._,_____ KINGHTUN J PEMBROKE .._.nm._. Allluulllinl nu uur lur. Skating WI! the prinoi ll amusement anemia}. The ice be ow the swing ridge visa literally crowed by skaters. who seemed to take out pleasure in the pulaime. No one rokein but sev- eral nu-row escapes are reported. Mr. Grentrix [had too near the bridge nnd dropped through. He was unique.) out lay some boys. In the morning Messrs. e nld and Gowdy also broke through and van roleuad hv friends. ueruq um uoway IIID own and win roleuod by KOHDAY. Ponmnu intbe vnriouu Wfdl 0 am It 9|.m. W33: ol Pnyer open: In Cooke 11 Church II. 8 .m. pllonwuu Mnwmu of Mlndou Lodge we p.m. Faun.-:,.ma'rn1s1.u in the City Hall 3: 8 pm. as -v..-.'- -.... Rose Ooghlnn. in "On: Joan,I`{ appears ` V in the Open House` here on the 7th inst. Her hue prmoden her. `The Itory of M10 play in the old one. always . strong. of awomnn reu-ed unong the common 0 In 1 out of her gtation. bqew, eltgram uyl : "Kin Coalilura not as breezy Ind delightful u ever. He: impononnion of the bominuol thin drums pououeu a vocalist chum. whioh pouibly` may Vmnko tho plnv populu with the sodi- l onool bolou whom Ibo will nppeu in thofonlu Iohr." ' 4_.___.....-__ Mounted. Quouomnq nu p Ex reulelvu King: ' otonho 622.5 p_.m. Secure Ba.rga.1ns1mmed1ate- ly trom umw, mmzc-r. tTEo'n'r1ea'r quxonwr, `menu Bouts Choapeu and Ben lquippocl s .L_ La shun:-n -go... o uooonuof. On Wodnendny 6 man. accompanied v by I girl. came to the cltv Ind took #1! In my Qnhg: t hotel. On 1 mam G Itouner 32...: 9' n..a,1o:cas. 1': bu um Llgud, to} 05$; Vinodt; If been lnrnod tint they were do an. Thu mu: leave`: a stile and two chi dren h. n... and Inn nu-nxninad hsmnrrv thn the leave: true no mo onnuren in Ono. and has promilod bunny the girl in the United States. The girl is n. mtivo o!S wI.Iitn|tosbn}tfonr miles Iron wuh. She bu hen working tarmac notch: up 3 ning- room givl `vii :3 hotel st Ronfrow. A nuns: onhoK.&P. Ruvhohuboon an-nnaninnd an Inn Invnr, in alnanlv 1!. Ij'0IIIIIIn.ll'.ll.gWIl0l|IIINUIl uborlovor. is dooply Al- byhotdnputiiro. llisnidthn shah uuwuo thuhoroompuntoniu married. "reel. I/Il\4 Ileaulhln, Company. 1-.mn mun Ra: every Batu UITY AND VICINITY. ma?! Mu lruvnauu-:.__ -_____, 'i'o-n7rsa'r um um Ben Is93I3v.'."_:1' ,*.'.L"` 'Q(;3bco.'su mu m Kingnon at [:30 ieotonw p.m. -AND-- l hnina Parinacanus Ponds, Kimrsmq HI` was peffecmy `TVA ; ;llIlU nag, wvv abort," we: the candid eutilum 01 I oman, dressed ill I IN CID, I NIIO and block striped drere. shoulder shawl. and it big white apron. She was one of the cone` ts in the Kingston Peniten- tisry and returning from the Protestant chnpel,in which. on. Wednc|dn.y`a.l_ter- ncon,lor the tint time in the hietcryof the institution, e concert was given- by cut- Iidere. The enterteim1`1ent,.wu gotten up by Warden Lqgll . with the. canist- nnce of the chaplains. In American in- stitutions suh concerts are quite fre- quent, the inaugural one in the great Uanedisn rieon vine pronounced most successlul The audience was, of course, large T ere were about 580 convicte in an since. The women occupied two long benches in lront, the men. in their yellow and brown suits, filling up` beucherin the roar. They had been re uested to do no stamping-it might raise the dnat--but they applauded by clapping their hands as freely as they liliei. The platform was set off with ags and banners. '1` he instrumentdists "and vocalists occupied in long bench ; the chairman, Dr. Levcll, the steps "along with the clergyman. Prnnanainmi onened With & 335 Of with the clergymen. Ifroeeedings opened wsltzes by the asylum orchestra, con- sisting of Dr. Clarke. W. Shes. Mr; Bsssam and Miss Walker. The music was greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Deacon thrill- ed her audience by singing Sing Again. Ha.ppy1Uh1ldren." and Mrs Rockwell gulvaammi and sung The Old Musician so his Harp." She did it grsndly. The silence was oppressive. The convicts bent; proved to catch every note. The scene was effecting. One old man on the front sun. caressed a. book on his huge and supported himself by a mu while tears coursed down his cheeks. Itwss s study to watch him as he tried to master his emotion. He billed to do it and nally he drew his handkerchief and pressed his eyes. Possibly old memor- ies were revived by the song. When Mrs. Rockwell concluded the touching bsllnd there was 21 great outburst of ap- plause. 'I`ho Misses Frsllck satised nhe audience with their rendition of the duett No Hope Beyond."-W. J. Bvrns gave as a. violin solo.aud in eniment style, --I'll remember` vou Love in my Prayers." Vlollu so1o.a.uu ll] euunuuu -uyw, "I'll remember you my Prayers." Misagmice Brmon sweetly sang an Irish song, and the warden innroduced Rev. Fatt:er_Twobev. to make a lime pleas- aut--I don't; know what; to call it." (Cheers). Iv.-, Twnlmv nuid ho had been Draper- (Cheers). Fr. Twoboy will proper- ly introduced. He did not know what his partin the affair could be called. But he spoke nicely and left a very happy imgession. He was applauded as he cetired and the warden remark- ed, "We are a truly Catholic audience." Yes." replied Father Twohey amid loud laughter, but you've broken into the Protestant chapel." "Oh 1 oh I " ex- claimed the warden. "but you've forgot- ten to see that behind the whole of it we've coaxed you into it." Tlll reparteo, prepared the audience for the solo by Mrs. Betta, Where is Heaven '1" effec- tively given. The asylum qunrettte ul- l feted another instrumental selection. the warden holding the music for Mr. Bas- eam. He looked tired when he got through and remarked. "You'll admit that I've furnished my qn ta to the pro- gramme." J. V. Anglin r%itod admir- ably, The Incomparable robot," and r. Neville sang "Good-bye, Sweetheart, ood-bye." Mra. Roclijrvrll nexteang, ` What I Live For," and o assemblage populated in an encore, -- `he warden did not llovv it. bgtsakf that he was clad thepiirecintell Mrs. Rockwell's effort. The: wasa lesson in the song for the wliolo of them. Miss Dobba olfered ..m... n..,..... um. Far Awnv_" followed whole of them. miss uouns onereu "The Green Hills Far Awa.y,_" followed bySweethearts" from Mr. Tomminy, botb nely executed. The warden rub- bed his side and said "I guess we'll take I. breathing spell now," and Rev. C. E. (Jnrtwnght made a. neat address. He was quite sure that the chapel would not be desecmted by the two hours of hnppiuoss they had in it. 'l`o enjoy themselves without em was compatible" with the Heavenly Father's will. Miss A. Fralick next sang, very sweetly. I Am Content," after which Wu-den Ln- vell pleutled with the deputy for an- other lmlf hour. It was granted, and the audience cheered again and again. HI .......... u1n`ll lmvn to impose on the the audience cneerecx amun uuu again. I guess we'll have to impose singers ugmu," Psi . the warden unt the company applauded while a. vo"ce was heard exclslmiug, Blessmgs on them." Mrs. Deacon and Mrs. Belts sang beauti- fully and were highly commended. Ilv thin timn nwllmht. blill advanced and highly commonueu. By this time twilight and two lamps woreplaced upon the platform. Mr. Toinminy presented "Scmo Day." and gave place to the warden who, before closing. said thatil theqday had been as bright as Tuesday they would have asked for another half hour. (Ch:-.ers.) He hoped. however, for another opportunity to entertain them before the snow had disappeared. (Cheers and hear, bean") The ladies have promised to come back twain," I said he. (Cheers) He felt that he \`_ Touching Teller Ipgu In the lam OI no Crl-Innlo--'I`vfu-u concert Ivor Gh- cl In the Penllentlu-y-'I`Ic Applcup _ Wei: lent]. ` It `have promised to come ouch uuaui, said he. (Cheers) could convey to the contributors the hearty thanks of the audience. Is that so?" he asked, and ins mighty shout ` the reply Jame back, Yes, sir." and .,"iiear,huar. He could promise them I no bettr r or more appreciative audience. I (Cheen) The public think we area , lot of iiard oases here. (laughter) but I 3 can tell them we have as soft places in our hearts as in our bd" (Cheers) He then asked Mrs. kwell to repeat, by request. her v ry pathetic song, What I live lor.' Her acquiescence was received with delight. and l er se- cond rendering ul it was mayui The light shone on her earnest face. the language of her song never see d to be more beautiful. Its. suggestive ss will long linger in the hearts of ma . The silence was intense for a time. a then the applause was loud and long continued. Everybody sang God Save the Queen," and aconcert of rare inter- est was terminated. There were two hearty listeners to the music. an asso- ciate ol D. L. Moody and an ex-Methm dist minister, who pumped the organ. The scooinpanists were Miss Shaw. _Mrs. Bites and Prof. DesRo:-hers. I: PRICES IN [ MILLINEZRY H nx'bnnLmn1 coucmrr amm `Ink mm a'rouPIn1rI:nuM-AsU0olu. ' ____._V_ C'AP'If1VATING CoNvIo'rs. --`\ tho $0 lninox for. Ann meeting, held in. the councii her. Mayor Smytho outed thus the co commiuioncrl had done nothing nd out the cause of the man incen- inry res. and `the chic! of po "co said but it won only on the M y morning durnrdn um Ipccinl 0 art: were made so leml out the llrohu . Mnyor Smytho. tho my`: roproccntntive on tho board of ooaunilnioncn. and on the hunting: on nominution day. in Ipuliing of tho chu-no of negligonocz "Ho bo- iioved (hut othot men might have taken only Incuuru. but he did sou noon on tho oligonoiocol tho ouo won rcqnircd. And. it he crud. into: an actor of the head Ind not of the bout." The Ico- ton can `Indus whether no one In: commit when they read the coat the special policeman annilq]. ukon iron The Omzenn Ilnvo io Phys uvy sum. Illd V tho city nance`: bookn: Spccuioomtnbloucveul d'vI 0 Ill 10 1 Devon, nun urviccs. 3 75 john Canon. our: services .. 3 75 S. llccnlkmghmxtrn uiwicu 57 50 W.`Ricnrd. extra . . 57 so -pi: chamber on the am Saturday In No.` l i nit perfeci III, .....w--.. the WHAT TIRE MAYOR`! E11303 U031`. Total ..'.. '. 34390 Dr..vli_emstead followed wit a spmneu reading from Lord Macon 's, "Lays of A ient Rome." Miss Morrison gave Janet's Choice." with true feeling, and concede}! to the applause by kindly repeating one or two 01 the most touch-` ing verses. M1-.Lauoa.ster then came lorward with The Sneezing Song," which he sang o `tally. really making one wonder how 0 could stand such repeated nasal eorts. Needless to say he was encored and cheered to toe echo." Dnringa short interval the Rev. A. Cook. of St. George's. Kingston, who was chairman. gavea h oroua recitation Item the Ingoldaly gends. entitled, "The Confession. The second art opened with a piano forte solp by his Morrison, shewin most brilliant execution and no less `enviable taste. Mr. Swavne gave a good rendering of "-Tno Power of Love." and "That's where you Make a Mistake." on being recalled. Mrs. Graham. for a second time. enchanted her audience, who again demanded her reappearance with Phmha lnral." Then Miss Morrison. ' ban. wu given In my nus. uuuuqm. or; .1eeveni.nan( Dec`; 80 , in connec- lion With the Christ Oh Oh Sunday School. The proarnmme commenced Mr. W. Mcliim, { ith npinnc solo `by :&}o\>inyed~ `ah the greatest ,feeling on eet, Good King Wonoeelu." fol- lowed 5 Christian urol. beautifully rendaulby Min Northmore. Mn.`-(_}rw hnm, Mrs. and Mr. Lnnouiier. emcient- ly accompanied by Miss Gertrude North- more on the piano. We must given high tribute of praise to the bountiful way in which Mrs. Graham then sang. "Thy Voice in Near." prodncin the most. hearty and rapturous app uuso. Dr.-vllnmsiteud followed wit spirited I-nnrilna frnm Lord Macon '8. "LIVE again uemnnueu ner reappearance winu "Phmbe Morel." who by special request put new life and touching pathos into The Last Rose of Summer." The evening closed with the stripping of the Christmas tree of its brilliant` fruits. much to the delight and amusement of the little ones, whose bright eyes and smiling faces showed the fullest appreciation of Mrs. Oliver's kindly gift of candies. The various presents were particularly handsome and appropriate. Much merriment was caused by small dolls. Jsclss in the box, and jumping jacks, which some how. of course. no one lsnsw how, got on to the tree with the names ol some of the leading spirits of either sex attsched to them. Our clergyman secured really 3 lisndsome present. a. plated dinner ring. The en ininent concluded with much cheering. followed by the national anthem, one of the plessentest evenings in this village within our memory. Special thanks are due to Miss North- more. our leading spirit, and lierooterie of teachers. -8 .._.., I. II. mu & em, uomxn A-unuu runmuu nuvu .... ... Dr. Hickeymf Aultsville, is stoppiu at the Umou Hotel. .'\h- \V I1.-an nf VVI\f.. !rI.nWl].i`i Vii- an hue L mou nown. Mr. W. Damn. of Wnternowu, is iug friends 1n the city. Right Hon. W. E. Forster has rallied somewhat from his rehpse of Tuesday. Mr and Mn. Trnnnnmn tun visiting wlule at work. Rev. Dr. Williamn, general superin. tendent of Methodist minions. is steadily regaining his strength. and hopes soon to be about again. q H [2 Hunt. N. Grant and D. MOKILV. be about again. q H. R. Grant, N. Grant. McKay, of Queen's Col1ege,lmvo been spending their hoiiduya with Rev. Dr. Mc'[`uvisb`, Lindsay. Mr, Pnnr. cnndllmor --------.._-.,_`_,, , ` ` _ --g-?- `It wu lnlnhl-Odin;-A Iuuul ol bun {A7 I0 FIG Ialllquuyo-. --__.-h.-- An excellent onter?nnment. Minding I Uhrmmu tree {or the ounger mem- bers. men-in tho h . Oatuluio \ on ihn nvnninad Dad.` 80ih. somewnnn Iruuj HIH nsmpuu un Luciana . Mr. and Mrs. I`reua.muu are visxtiug the city. um` receiving warm welcomes from old friendn. 0...; Ln- RLl|1nf.inn Armv.Nn.m1naa. from old menm. Cnpi. Low. Salvation Army. Namnee, nttuokod with bemorrbnge of the lungs. will have to discontinue work. I \Y....... Inna kunn rnnnivnll frnm NIH`. will to dnsconunuo work. ` News has been received from Melm bourue. Australia, that the wife of Mr. eorge Augustus Suld is dead. mm. Vmnnnnl . Wolaelev noes to Berlin Ueorge Augustus mug 18 new. don. Vnscount Wolaeley goes there to represent Queen Victoria at. Emperor William's jubilee on Januarv I Brd. uAnn?&MunnA,