Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jan 1886, p. 2

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an Advance your own interests by ordering your Cloth- ing at Gen. S0t.&)benson in crossing the desert win: 10 men to occupy Dongoln. A nn- nmu..-A in tn be erected in Tor- 10,000 Uongou. A new theatre is to be onto on the site of the burned Royal. A mm! nl Nihillntn recantlv broke in- the site or we nurnea noyau. A band 01 Nihilists recently to the posh oloe at Rostoif and stole ' 18.(X)0 roubles. `Nun Vm-lz ninnrlnukl lII\\ 0 lIk'l'8e(l to ' | `New York cigurmnkmn hruo agreed accept a reduction of wages and a strike has been averted. w....o.|....- :.. winnineu 38 below zero. averted. Weather in Winnipeg Cold east. of Kingston '8 " to 12 below unvn Isak niahh U010 east. 01 um znro last night. Lula week's G last night. Lust week's G.'I`.R. receipts show an improvement of 022,021 over the corres- ponding week last year. M. (Homenoeun is pleased with the week last Clemenceau the new French Ministry. snd has promised to give it 8 hearty support. 4 The Times, London. commenting upon the poaition of nairs in Bnrmah. says that the situation is critical. Haven onus: of small-pox are reported tha situation is critical. seven cases 0! small-pox reported at.Ba1lydu.back of Port Hope. The schools and churches will be closed. .~.....-.. Cnntnllnrinin nohurrv to am- achools and churches wm nu muse.-. Senor Ctstellnris in no `hurry am- tnte for 23 Spanish Republic. It would be useless to have a Republican form of nnugrnmnnt, wm pay L" intandlng purohuou to call And onmino our stock. which emhncel everything uh-ublc In the line 0! Fun. and u we monu- soluro lnnny of our own goods. we no in s on non n can prlu: nulstaollon IB round: usury, work manahlp and price. uluwuu In: nu government. Arrannemcl Arrangements are being mndexfor the establishment of steamship and tele- graph lines between Italy and Musso- ` wab. Tr... ;.-nn mnntm-n of Lnncaahire. Eng, ' wah. The iron masters of Lancashire, Eng, have notied their employees of a pro- posed reducbion in wages, and a strike is probable. P. E. Leblanc. M.P.P.. for Laval. has been presented with a handsome gold watch on the occasion of his approach- ing marriage with Miss Beaudry. unnrun Holfurd. a huckater of Pater- marriage WIN) Miss ueauary. George Holford, son. N.J.. shot and killed his wife and himself last evening. The pair did not live together, but. they were not divorc- ed. Bobh were found dead. Gabriel Baohter and his son Joseph, aged 15. were sutfocnted last night by gas {ram a coke above used in drying plaster in new hnimen at Newark. The British government will submit houses as Newaris. The government to the qneation oi the establishment of the british protectorate over the Bench- nas. extending to tbs upper Zambezi. Michael Davitt proposes to make an early visit to Wales for the purpose of aiding in the lormation of a Welch Land League. 0 rue W. Field says the trouble with the ew York Elevated Railroad engi- neers has been settled on a nine hour basis. It is said that C. S. ltodier. of Man- treal. an intimate and attached friend of the late Sir George Cartier, will he called to the Senate; u....a...,.. Lnlni-an lint week for the called to the Senna; Business failures last; week United States 816. fcr Canada 20. or 3 total of 386, the largest uggxegnto for any week since Jan. 1885. At St. Paul. Minn . some 50 men. un- der the direction of J. H. Hntolnnaon, of Montreal. are laying the lonndutions of the ice castle. The tnboggau slide is completed. .-<-- HILE ROYAL IIIUHNESH BUI-`FEIKINH HKJM BORE 'run`n'r* Ann F)<'.VER. lllll mi Arlu rr.vn.u. London. Jan. 7.--'I`he Princess of Wales in pros-trated with serious illness. The first symptoms were developed last. week and were attributed to pleurisy. The appropriate remedies were adminis- tered and the disease was checked. She is still aulfering from a severe sore throat. accompanied by fever. Sir Oscar Ulayiou. surgeon to the Prince of Wales, is in constant. attendance on thePrincesi-1 at. Sandringham Palace. A re occurred on the Onion Line tteamer Alaska. at Liverpool. It was extinquxshed alter damsgimg u few bales of cotton and some ttings of the steamer. rm... ;...m ;n Hmtr1n1nfHenl'V B. Good- The jury in the trial of Henry win. the electrician. at Salem, Mnss.. for the mnrderof Albert D. Swan, re- turned a. verdict of guilty of murder in the second degree. Lorenzo Snow, one 0! the twelve apostles of the Mormon church. has been convicted twice on separate indict- ments, charging him with unlawful eo- habitation. ml... .......m.-.. 1.! mm Sllmtnnket mills uum, Ion: muuuu-V --W "' IIO_T_0ll uni STORE. _q.__...|.;.uu 2+. The weavers of the Shebuoket at Norwich. Conn.. Icruok yesterday {or an advance of 10 per cent. in wages and the mills have shutdown. throwing 600 operatives out of employment. The Harvard Rugby have withdrawn operatives out of employment. The Harvard Rugby their prohibition against intorcolleginta foot-ball. on the report of thq committee on athletic: that the dame has been much improved. i<`i!v.nm7en acres of land on Bloor St. improved. Fily-seven acres opposite Huron 53.. Toronto. has just been purchased by 5 real estate rm for 0140.000. This is claimed as the lam alt nle in one block ever made in me nib- `tmxmxwzur 1 I-:m;h.u1s. &n -2... . city. The commission on war claims arising out of the Northwest. rebellion con- vened ln Ottawa yesterday, and will continue to sit; each day until all tho claims are dis osed of. The checks in {nor of the c simants are being issued. M... l'..m-mvin_ Binhnn of Rimonlkhl the clumants being issued. 1 Mgr. Lnngevin, Bishop of Rinjonlln. condemn: the Riel Agitation. and states tlnt certain demomtrationa which have lately been bold are calculated to bring Ibout I won at noes and of religion. and to street for a. long time the proaperlty of the county. A s.....in. 11 hi: m-availed Along the of the count . A hurrloa e his prevailed `long the north ooaat. of Great. Britain. A life boat was capaiaed at Wllitehaven and one dt-owlned. A chimney was blown down by the gala in Cumberland. wreck inaa house.` The occupants escaped wltboutlnjury. Several amall wrecks lfl rnnnrkad . are reported. An Irish banker bu aentlettera to the newapo or: denying the correctness of Atchbin op Corrinnnh estimate that [rich-American remittance amount to |8.0(X),000 nnnunlly. He says that gbe urn-I unnunt of dhlta mvabla dn O8.0(X),CI00nnnuu1y. no any: man gun grou unount of payable Amorionn ucoqunl It nll the bunks in t...I...A :. nhnnk P4m.f!X) vmu-iv. Irelend in about wU.Uuu yearly. During the letter pert of December ' the rebels deetro ed the Cetbolio mie- eion honeel et Ug mu. Annem. and kill- ed be French min: nery end 500 native Chrietiene. A column of French troops wu lent in pursuit or the rebels. It overtook end routed then; and eeptured their erme end unmnnmon. 1%.- .mun mnnlm-n nl Pithhnra. P12. bcoich Buns. Angel Cnke. Frlllt Cake. tlonlcl their um unmunmon. The now: mouldern of Pmuburg. Pm. and the Knight: of Labour uooonIir!r- ably oxciied (bout 1 olrcnlu; that has been luuoi by nae commmob oi the Na- tlonnl Auooiltlon of Stove Mnntafncsur on. ruling gm 80 per cent. of the foundries It nonsnuion, nnd advising employer: to boycott all union men in tha trade. ` | employer- the `M90 Amorlotn ucoounl II nu we on Iroltud il nboizt 400,000 yeqy. hmpinn um Igtunr nu-I nf Dam TH E PRINCESS OF` IVALES. 3. . I IIIIII u-dn,)'n hvvru Cuntlouud ` urn BELLEVILLE $ LAST FIRE ONE 03` Tll FLNIIT OBUBOEEB IN ON- TARIO GONE '10 OOKPIJTI RUIN. Destroyed by Iln Ouluuug Fran chi.- Pu-Inca-Great bu to the lotIodhIo-- The ldlloo II WIIII I01. I. I . Illldl I :-cached some Venn Ago. ! Shortly amt 4 o'clock on Wednesday eernoon I re, originating in the hen- ing apparatus. we: discovered in the Bridge Street Methodist Uhurcb. Belie- ville. of which Rev. E. F. Blend, of this oihy..wu tormerlyputor. Despite the utmost eorta of the remen who build- :.... ..... within nu hour.a menu otnme. CHO/CE CONFE07'IONERi. of me nreinen me Dunn- i was. itbin an hour.n 19% into ion: was completely guiatedp le viug only the bare walls ntanding. Bub little of the contents were saved. The toutl loss will be about 040,000. on which them is an insurance to the amount 0! 020,000. in various 6ompa- nieu. The church, one of the in: t. in AL- n .... ..:.... man that in whit! lLe church, or we iar the Dominion, was that in whic Union Conlereno was held. It was built of stone. :60 d 22 years ag Sunday School rooms were prob finest in Canada, and `tne~\o_r - the largest. A strong northerly wld was blowing, and the Opera House a d Daloo House were in great danger. lgnt they were saved without damage. At 3 o`cloclr the sexton replenished the tires. to have the basement heated lor the evening servicesol the Evangelical Alliance. Everything appeared secure and safe. About 4 o'clock Prof. Can- tield. the mnsiolldirector of the church, met a number of children and others to practice singing. l`bey had only been there a few minutes when smoke issued from the minister's vestry. Mr. Caneld could do nothing. and by the time the children got out the place was'llsd with smoke. The furniture saved was taken from the south rooms of the basement. Largely through the endeavors of Mr. W. Johnson, superintendent of the Sun- day Schoul. the school organ and ele- gant piano, recently purchased by the voung ladies of Mr\golton's bible class, were taken out. A portion of tho libra- ry and a number of chairs were saved. also a number of small articles. The grand pipe organ. which cost $4,000. was insured {or 03,000; the furniture, carpets. etc.. for,Ol.000. A year or two ago there was a total insurance of 623,~ 000. but it was reduced. The original cost of the church was 828.000. and since then 910,000 have been added in a new organ. new bell, etc. A debt of 01l.500still remained on the property. so that there will be onlvacompara- tively small sum to form the basis of a new building fund. The church. with its extensive galleries. hold on several occasions an audience of 2,000. The Opera House directors oer the congre- gation the use of their building for six months free of rent. oritles held that tnese cruue mugs vvcaw in reality the nished preparations in casks and that the St. Johns establish- ment was merely a bottling depot. The case was continurd at great length be- fore the department in Ottawa. and in November last the film was notied that decision had been given against them. By law un aid rluty can only be collect- ed for thrde years back and a line oflty per cent was added to this making a to- tal of3147.800. which the firm was re- quired to pay. Fmling tliis they were uotiol the1.v,oo.ls under seizure would be sold and a suit taken before the Ex- chequer Court for the balance. Nothing more has been done in the matter until a. few days ago. when the seized medi- cines, of which there were about 080,000 worth of hair invigorator. pills and aar- saparullu, were removed from th "bond- ed warehouse of Messrs. Kerr on & Co.. to the examining war 0 se, as a preparatory step to t e.I1 they go to auction it W|ll break the price of patent" medicines in Canada for a while. -, .__.Q*___. ._ `nu mm mm Tool mun rucns anon mnnnn-A-1'ms won won`! no. Chicago. Jun. 7.-The ntrike at Mu- well Bros box factory in alumina 0. urinnn napept. Whonrthe employees of the factory left Inst night some 0! thou: rigeivel severe beill). 'I;)hls morning t ey were Anne 2 y t e an-ikon. Wiliinm Morrison was lelled to the ground sud I push throoeizcbos long nude on the top of bit I) . He Wu otherwise bndly bruised. H. B. Owen met with 5 similar low. and was tumul- lg benbto: oln the (llnatd o.ndlf1no_e..l:. any I I ongno so an In no - od on the side olhia hem}: nnd his loco who pounded to I jelly. -------ct. \3$`|I30fId.) The tndo are rolpoottully roqnmted to land In thair order: without dalsy if they duire to bus them lled romplly. R. DAVIE & I50 8.} . Fsotoriu-Gate Hunt. Montreal ; Toronto brunch. at Church Street. `DoI'I 50 DIfOC- _ Smokers will further their own inlerest b insisting upon hnving tho "Cablo".or "El Padre" brands of cIg|rs.,wl1ich have Iloo:l the test for I quuter of I cenlur . and not allow greedy Ind unscrupulous salon to persuadejhem lo uh other brand: which ay them 1 larger prot. the consumer bo- ng I loner Ihereby. -.-:....:.:- New apnng print: M. Hm-Jy ct Mur- nv`n_ _ ` Iiall I|.| II Izht. sight wan nf an ll'IllIIllI AOIIIO BIITILLLI. T ._-_--oo---- "Quoon'n Own. n__;-._..x 1 The Angel Onke manufactured by me in 1 the only one of the kind made` in King- ` nmn IWOOLEN GOODS AT BIG REDUGT IONS OFF REGULAR PRICES. BREART BAREAINS inBLANKE'I'S, l}L[ll]l]S,Hll_8IEY, MANTLL MILSTER [ILUTHS m0n3Y. lviucifisl. IIEIOKI . The Editor. liriliali Whiq. Sir.-Now that the elections are over we should unite in agitating for much- needed reforms. lst. We have oicisls whose salaries should be curtailed these hard times. There are men `fully as competent willing to do the work (or less money. Let the button go round. 2nd. We want the obnoxious bylaw on street watering inodilleil. Surely the water monopoly will permit peo le. whose consumption varies [min 1 to 2.0 gal. per diam. and whose rate is M5 and Q18 (in advance) to use lhll exor- bitantly high priced water, in allsying the dn~t. 8rd. The poorer class of tax- pay: rs ask the council to see that the streets are iinpsrtisll repaired. Their assessment is easily one. having no in- comes. Their little property can be scanned st a glance. and just y valued. by an equitable mind. We ere sanguine ' that our couuoll 01 1880 will be lsthers indeed. Should they thus prove, their memories will he enshrined beyond the reach of old voracious Father Time.- Sincerely, `, A. E. UONLAN. Ilia Editor, uruiim rrliw. . 5ir,-Aniten:, appearing in the Neus of the 4th inst.. is calculated to mislead the foreigner and create a wrong im- pression as to the social disposition oi the inhabitants of our village. It reads thus: "The election has thus become a struggle between Orange and Roman Catholic interests, and both sides sre sanguine of success." Sir, any person conversant with` the relative voting strength (about 3 to 1) will at once see the absurdity of this statement. It is admitted by all parties who took any active part in the election that it was a complete surprise all round; many cal- culnting on success were disappointed, snd the fact of so many candidates in the contest, and no tickets in circula- tion. prevented the possibility of any (action. either Orange and green or blue and pink. Moreover. both nblic and separate schools held their e ection side bv side in the Town llall, on Vve<|noe~ day last, with the utmost izood will, and everything passed off quietlv.-Youis, he 7 A CATHOLIC. Pouruluu ru lsucorluu. The Editor, Brimh Wluq. A__:.._.... .xv\I\::nI':l"I|. in Hm WALSH STE AC/Y and names ox x ously for the s: 7th. 17. Editor, Hriush 1H.,.,. "-2, n4. ..\......1;I.- Am-in 1/1! cmuur, (Hilton. 17 ....,. Rigs ew about like during {air time. : the on-lockers were amused to see Old 5 and ladies of the W.C.'I`.U. working sue nuulw (nr ml-m dame c.:mdidale.-1)aiIy Nc non Sm,-In lest evening's issue of tho . 'em it is stated that members of the W.(}.I`.U. took to the tlclvl in favor of Mr. Brown. Your correspondent was in- formed to-dny that at a recent meeting of the union it was decided to take no part in the elections. so that the ladies referred to must have noted contrary to such decision. It is desirable that in fu- ture contests lady electors will not allow themselves to bo hO0(]Wlllk8(l by female politicians, who,while using temperance arguments. are actuated by other and sinister motivee.--Youre. AN }<`.ucc1'oi:. um. u 1 Is considered a very valuable remedy by many physicians. The oil. kept; at the "Pbarmacv." is nlwavs reliable, just now in particular. We have some extra ne oil.--W. J. Wilson. nu -nu-- y.....-. Universally ackuowfedged to be the hnesl xoc cigar manufactured. Don't be persuad- ed to take other brandl. No chemicals or articial avormg used. .__._..._.__ cars In the market. rum 1 ca a and articial avoringa. Kingston. Jan. 7, '86. Bllokorl 1 Beware of cigars articially avored for the purpose ofhnding the poor qu`ality of to. bacco used in avored cxgarn, Insist upon having the old reliable brands-"Cab1e" and "El Padres" um;-nu. .- ..,.---- ..- , , , , toy s. A brutal aet~to with gloves took lace ,in the Boxing Academy, Millstone une, Toronto. between Harry Gilmore and Poul Psttillo. Nine rounds were fought. when Gilmore wu declared the winner. There was not A Ipot of Pnttillo's face, ahcnlden and chest that was not cover- ed with blood. Gilmore had no mark on hi: (see. but was bleeding from the ear, end his shoulder blndea were 3150 cover- ed with blood. _. ,. - '=-rII'!l'!!7U!I' Jun. 8. .____:_:____:_.__ DORA!` & WRIGHT. BROKERS AND CX_!_IBS10N AGENTS. OFFICE-Oluonoo Strut. British Amado Block. I. J. IILBEOK. Hutu . improve end the coal Ioocke use consequent- ly very week. end us they number several ective stocks unong their number this feat does not hurt In exhilianting eect on the rest of the list. W.U. hu weakened: little. Thin is not Iulglsing, in view of the genenl weekneu of t list, but while it may ea; 0!!` it will be one of the n! to be placed on the oonuleecent lint. unleee our informa- tion. ueuelly trustworthy, be uttetly incor- rect. The cheaper ntocke heve still more attrectione for in than the high- `cod ones. however, end New EnlInd s .W.. H.V.. ....i 9 w. will all ehavumod returns with- The Tillinghasi Tailoring Hausa, New York lloel Intel. New York. ]an~ B.--Thereis very little in the market. the bulls won'tput it up far and the bearscatft put it ddtvn much. The gold shipment scare has again petered out. and Brown Bros. reduced rates to 490 yes-' 7 terdey. It is a question now of mnniputm tion on either side of the market, an bulle have been playing I good many nice little games` but they can never discount the bears. Condition of cod trade does not Itocke consequent- Iv vnrv nainber England u.w.. n.v.. and E.W. will :11 I_hO'1l.go0d returns in the noxew Inch. ` OIL IARKII Ne; York. jan. 8.-Oponin ~so: cs! 89!: lowest, 87!: clo|1'Ig.87[. _ Ll1a l"l`ERS TO THE EDITOR. navmg me (2 "El Padres" :o.. ' Portsmouth, Jan. 7th. Jan. 8.1886. "Cubic." The oldest and most reliable brand of :1 an: in the market. Free from all chemi- . anrl nrtirinl nvorincl. ._-jo Burning in braces at Hardy Gt Mur- @We have determined to clear off All Winter Good even if we have to lose :y, as we never carry over goods from one season to another. You Inna I Fur Collar and Gud for t ..u. .. nnnclnmnn Uompnro our Prio L \Dl IE3 ELECTION EILIIING. 1f W.C.'l`.U. working suunu- esame c:mdidale.-1)aiIy Nmrx, IA II I1)` I__ 0 l'\ona|:n L`-CU OFFER BALANCEOF THEIR STOCK OF `R _E. urn. AN [ll|8IalY.-- luull L`, and 1 Sam or...-... Where you can obtain the Best Value, the Best Work, and the Best Fit in the city. ; high- ,=aa=a=$ WINTER SALEM DRY 00003 H Wl|.DIION S. 59 E13063 A call is solicited from intending purchasers in MADE or ORDERED CLOTHING. I ` _ nmxm'n:.u. vnouuon numurr. Montreal, Jan 8. i I-`1our--Re<:eipts, 500 bbls ; sales report- d dull. The or! none. Market quiet an tendency in buyers favour. Quotations ; Patents, 4,25 to 5.50 ; superior extra. 4.20 to 4.25 ;extra superne, 4 05 to 4.10; spring extra, 3 B5 to 3.90; superne, 5.5m to 3.60: strong bakers. 4.15 to 5.00 ; fine. 3 30 to 3.40: I Pollarda. 2.90 to middlings, 3.10 to 320; 3.00; Ontariw" bags, 1.75 to 100; City bags, 2 40 to 2.45 for strong bakers. Wheat-nom'l ;-red winter 93 to 94 ; white 92 I0 93 ; spring 9310 94. Uorn--o0 `.0 (too. Peas - 70 to 71c. Oats~3o to 31c. llariey-50 to 00C. I{ye-65 to 07. Oatmeal-4.I5 to 4.40. (!ormnea1-z 90 to 3 oo. Pork-r2.5n to I_;.25. Ltrd-9 to ggc. |tnr'nn-l0 to no H:nn5- II U1 nu. (`.hee5e-6 to 9.} as to quality, Butter-Townships, 14 (0 18, burg, 13 to 17 ;Weslem, 10 to 14c. F.m1s-dllH; ordinary cases fresh I ` 10140. Eg;zs-dull; 1910 2. ; lined 17. A mltmna. Bank of Montreal . . . . . . . Ontario Bank. . . . .. Bank du Peuple... . . .. Molsons Bank...... .... Bank of Toronto . . . . . . . . Banque Jacques Cartier.. Merchants Bank . . . . . . .. Quebec . . . _ . . . . . . . . . Union Bank . . . . . Bank of Commerce. . . . . . Imaerial . . . . . . . . Fe eral Bank . . . . . . . . .. Can. Pac. R.R . . . . . . . . .. Montreal Telegraph Co.. Rich, & Ont. Nav. Co. . .. City Passenger R.R. . .. Montreal Gas Co . . . . . . . . Canada Cotton Co. . .. . . Dundas Cotton 00 . . . . .. Ontario Investment. . . . .` N` W. Land Co . . . . . . 94 St. Paul M. & ""L.\'v'1r(.mn. Pumssnu nu. ~_ 8130?) IAIIII FLOUR A IPICIALTY. n::_J_... Unlml mun} pnnum FRANKLIN BROS. & ()0. Headqunnerc for CLOVER AND TIMO HY man J, smm oaAm.oao1om mwu. av lmmn. Plmssnn an. n-- mnnva Vvellington St.- Doa.10. ._______.________ won ion: good an on `I Ohio mlnllt. Add OUIPANY, mud {or our work nu. w NH Vino 191.. ___%_______.... 'VTindsur Hotel Block. Prmzass Smut Inch B11om.... Kloh. Consul . Union Pscmo Contnl Puolllo . Mluonrl Pwmo .. N.Y,0onu't!...... Western Union. (`ands Bonlhu-n.. Oregon Tn.nn...... Csntd-,Pno,lo...... . All Winner Dry Goods It Reduced Prices. All J sckst and Mantle Cloths am Reduced Prices. All Clouds. Shawls Ind Jerseys st Reduced Prices. 20 Pieces New All Wool Ulster Cloths reduced to 40, Remnants Dress Goods reduced to Half Price. Remnants of Cloths sud Twsods st. Half Price. Remnants Towsllings. Tsble Linens sud Shootings. all Reduced. D.L. ct W.... .. North W M.arn.a BI. Pu1l...... . Cundn Psolom... Tenn Pnolno...... . nr|I...... 1D.l.nu.Iup v-...__-__ In Bnik. Onnl sud Shell. Also lnina sad Flottdn Orange: and Locus Bunur. Groonlncu. lvlu and B9 ltunburp. uglup Gripes. Bnnnu. Num 0! all Hug. A chain selection of New York Oont tlonay slllobohsd 3 `Mrs. J.x. or..rv::1a.'a . uunn-AI uni ! nnpan '05:. Paul. I. A I No Puma Wat) .. 0. B. O Loullvi In C North Wen not. at. Paul Pref Northern Puma. Prof. _ "M. run, w. n. noudu.....".' _______________ OYBTERS OYBTERSD n. Bn|k. J.m. 7. n_/mohwp bzibuesuzon u.: rs ........ Arm, Uacon-1u xu : u, Hams- 11 to 12 (`hnnI:n- tn OK Loin! Oloulu L 0 I .. W .r.::.':e. LOVVOIG... uloulng... Fi:Am{L`1:i%in;6s;`&% 000;,` Hn.rlnnArV.nrI TIM Lowon .` .. Ulonlnu . . 0|" -([):ening`.. aghast, howen Cloning... Pork-Urnlna... E than II 810 (hi! GlK\lN AND PROVISION MARKET. Onxmuo, 11.1`... In. B.-Clou u lp.m. III-n-'1 Muru Apgn ;. . BoudI.. 59 BROOK ST. :---j--C'T-- AMICIIIOAN STOCK IABKE I`. luv You. Jan. I.- Olen at 1 pan. __..... ma -r Low"r cuo`D Elrilvlvlvnv vvvvvu -.-.-._- . . A oonocntntod extnct of Wild (many. Haro- hound, Eloonmpnna sud other nlunble Ingre- dlonu. II. In plenum. healing. mild sud hum- Ion Don um-ll. Enact sure. In bottles 26 Successor to In J . 15- noun. v an AIIIICAI nut`: nnar. ` -6 qualxty, -Tnwn5hiDS. 14 I8 ' Wvv'A.u.1.Dn.o1v. 'I`I-IIEJ OLZD ST.A.l\TIID. ILL HTUUI IIANKE I , Montreal. Jan.8.-1 p.l ASKED c K101 140W '1` CM) u M193 WI 192 I09 109 .. N M .. E 8'1 87 . 75 `Id 7 75 FOR COUGHS ac 001.153 mnnu 203} I09; [23 I301 ,{a THOS. MOORE &. son, U3 STREET. in READY- . /`\rl11YI \TlV H-9} urn u 20:} 108; I'll :iiisT`%JA_3mv Eo. LARGEST. FINEST. Best and Cheapest Stock - n-(_uP-_ SMOKERS SETS AND TUBASBS JARS, Clair Ones from 254:. to Q8 nob. Olgnntbo Cues, 154.-. to $2 ouch. Amber. Olgu and Customs Holden. In one: iron: 01 to l nub. Mersclnum 0151: and Cigarette Holdnrn, our- val and plun. with Amber mouth pleool. in mud out of one: from 150. to its such. Morn-hnum Plpou tor 90. M.u5,|9.00,!3.00 nnd nu Iauu .-.... ...... -...--. ._._,,, _ onto! Pl I up to 075 and 01 each. Fancy sud Plnlu Imnulon Monobnum -, in nu] out of ones. from 100.. 25c., 50c. and up to 82.00 puoltk` " an .-_.._..A -..-|..|.m ant` of from 100., xac., nuc. Iuu up w each. `Amber Tip,Brlur, Silver Izlounted.IuI.|gM and bent; also :1 lar a amok of Plum and Cnrvod Amber l`|ppexl rm P1300, Horn Tip Brtul. lrom bc. l0c.. l6c., Me. in up to 750. ouch. Turkish Hoolmn and Water Plpol. A lot of 10 good (tlgnn 36c., and 1301 of 86 good Cinu lor 01.00. and 50 Cuun tor $1, 0!, 3. 01,65 Ind I6 a. Box. Cut. Tobcooou in conga: for 5o.,10c., l5c., 25. And up to $1 a pnc e. Flue and Chem P ug Tobncoou of every dog- orlption. (Jgnrectea of all the landing bunch, for bc.. 10c.. 150.. mm. aoa., 75. 31.59 3 package. Tobnooo Canon and Wslkm I-moi: : also I Int:-go suomnent of Guru. Ries Ind Revolver: n SUHllL&l}LLEl}EBUKS Full Supplies of the lewontarioegders 88 PRINCESS STREET. And Cor. Brock and Wellington .tI'ee`.: n... :1 T 3 ~ and xenon nequlshas 4.--. Freqh }Ialil>11t, Ilmldock, Horrings, 'l`n7I`\ n OUND AT LAB'1'--A nuudy warn- Id to an Inn] uni nah Oonl. In Ion. Osllou; uh. Banal`: Inn Coll Sun. In boom. 18 on. 5! Wu! mu; ung i -Connoisseurs should taste. `this Exquisite Champagne. 2_ nnunucot a an umnucu. . I oummu `B13131 "an N I IPAK! Id .. .'.'.;...`,'.::.'.#-a ,:.':::'-v=-'--- JonlA.dIIll.!l. ISIOPO. mrrunu ' and c u all nw. 'in"vna5. wmyfa Inn tho taunt. `Output: sad But AI an-haunt In about from Inn the insult. Tunoq ortlnonl to 0119000 F. N1SBET s, nnnnnnnnnnn nmnnnm iCORDON NEAT _&_OHEAP " CARD OF THANKS. "i}iu;. sai. oTi3iiE.I1"siii"` _.op _ Rudy-Isde lJ1ot._h'Eg; and Undervm. IJI I-Isl \laubn -U3 I-arc--- OOH. PBINGIII C GORDON ITS. C'0|-dared Work u Specialty. n.- ugh Jun!- ---- Bedroom Beta. Pu-lo: Bulls. Euy Ohuln. Oemro Tablas. Dlnin Tnblu. H llnkngru n_Wilh Bulnmu Grunt, ao.. as. B. H. oA11movsKY, OOH. PBINGIII C And other oilege Books J ' [_Wilh '5 _ cl ('1 A `D t\Tf\TTQ71 I78 Princes: Queen ROUGE. rnoonl I Jun 01 us. JOHN L. GIIFF.-.!hI,n. ._:?__._..j).: , and only to_ V*{.-.':'.;.<.>...r.'2.<.>V=5* , , IIIAVI rooolvoda In 9 stock of the nbovo and will loll hem In my Auction I .oommono1n on THURID AY NIGHT st 7'. ofcloohsnd every night all I no sold. .1. ll. HUTOHIION. A. BA1RD,Q_Q., of EDWIN UIOWN I nun. Thsnkiu my many Manda tor their llbonl npm for no any on. I on noun than of III ondoovon the now am to moo: their tum on non hvonblo Gonna. 6n"oo.Crnoonunuu.. nun... _ . nilouun In city or oounlry to an light work nrthnlr on u . illi but of (In on III. 0. ` IDWI __,.__._.j_ olothlu Indofotfl your or man, deal 3. `P808. MOORE, who bu ban in the u and Inn bnninou. Iothnnl his 01 Va oiliiolion to: their loll Minn . sod Iolbih I continuation of tho name tor Inn. W. IOOBI. who Iuocudn I: , ,, THUS. 0011!. ` Dan. 21!. ITAEGII uluox HOU8E-0ontn!nln n have Wilson : Livuy. 1 Nu. m. Queen Street It gaunt ooon I I1 to 0. W114 an Olnoo. '31:`: gl AIM`: IN. I'D?! BIB. C 3 C ' ....:.'....,.:.. ........"'u....:.:.."' Jan. A ` .`l'hol Id I}.-`ance 0.I. lila7. TA|.Mex. MoDONALD, Enron III , lVICIIIlIlVI'-,y WQIII In I.I 0'! '0. u A CHILD!!! M II. Kllllllon. u (N uuuu I "VvA1)h*s DRUG STORE, ....... n...n .. nonnn nmn IIOIII muuw--- -.. Alfred mm. neiuy HOUSE TOLET. 23 red and painted all un-on ; Also I Oorner Apply on the promlul. - .-.. ....mu unm:m.. containing 11 PI t for ulo-n upkndld me or 1 note. RAVI: T818 DAY admitted to part: um I my Ion. Goorn Y. Ohown. nndAlunAo:Io>n_ ilglhl. Jnn.0. Lluluuga, Tommy Cods, Steak Cod, Smelts. J amnion Sweet Oranges. Wllloo Inlorm my otmonsn Ilnl I have [Inn up human at In: Woods . Brook un. a. mu Llibnn. all ` ptrtnonbl my Goo sud bun D human will cu-rlod on $11!`! I tho mic ` EDWIN CEO I SON. -g._n.n_. _. _-..- o....n. OM nmlu llhnnl was --av-.--w-_-_ sn Pnmcnss s'nu:I:'r.` 79 BRUCIK ET I! I-2 |l'I`. %1z'5?;*nTa:i:gnxs* ._.._. L. Iulnln you: domino, _..._.m .121 kinds of Mixed Cnkel annulme- tured on the premises. Ill]! LY l lIlLJ\)v u,;;.V. COB. KING C BROCK STE. No3I_oIu. ----._.._`_2...__._ _,. Nogzgom. % I'M-. llculmvruy. lll nl Ittl Aln mu FOR SALE. E-(on pun. ' FOUND. Princess Street. Ucolch Bread. ` Hill. -vwm Tcaovzv-W mud: d pnrtncnbl `, in und mic r elther 5 1 :__:-- I WE DONT WANT THEM. ` Almost every day Oansdn in invaded by defnnltera, Iwindlorand bad men of every kind and colour. Such is the luv. our with which our country is viewed. -- AL. _......_A -3 nrI'nn:rvn`h H-mr. nnrtnin our Wlnu wuwu um uuuu-.-y In as the resort of criminals, that certain routes are said to have been chalked out and certain guarantees aorded of sale guidance by them. The story of the Ne? Yorkers. who were met at oonvenien points and piloted to retreats unsuspect- ed and past nding out-sheltered in some unknown spot until the danger of daection had blown by--is almost incre- dible. And yet anme of its features are within the probabilities. As things now stand a sort of premium is placed upon dishonesty. Men who can and will not : steal thousands of dollars more than gthey can earn in a lifetime. escape ~ to Canada. and, like Eno. enjoy luxu- , rious ease, are not so numerous as they might be. Those who have started for Canada laden with their ill~gotten gains ' and been overtaken. have been quite a few.but their failures will not materially affect theirlellows so In as the tempta- tion to rob remains as 53%:-as it now is. What Canada and the United States greatly need--the fact has been dwelt upon bel'ore-is anew extraditian trea- ;. ......min.ina Mm hmalmra of the law T 1: _ You pg; the high prices Iomo cl ty duleru no nklnu {or Ihelr Inn when: upon Del0I'e-Iu u uuw Ulklatuuluauu vaunt- ty. permitting the breakers of the in one country to be followed into the other, and. when caught. dragged back to where they can be punished in se- verity according to their misdeeds. The want of such a treaty has long been felt; that want was never more felt than it is today. One government has apparent- ly been awaiting the action of the other. The interests of honesty and justice demand a change in the course that has proven so very unsatisfactory. NUT A I ()LIT1UAL lS.SUl2'. The St. Lawrence Ward school elec- tion has been uiisrepresented by Mr. Adams` opponents. It was not a politi- oil ght, politics did not. divide the electors, and Mr. Brown does not owe his remtn to the support which he obtained from the members of his own party. We are reminded that certain prominent Liberals turned out and worked for Mr. Adams. 80 they did. but. for personal and not. politucsl res- _-.... n..,.m. m.nr nnnnrvntivns. in- UUIJ lUl yuluuuun -u sons. Prominent Conservatives. cluding our Local member, were as busy as bees throughout the day, and are suspected of using a little political in- uence in order to put the success of their candidate beyond a doubt. Mr. Brown did not canvass the Liberals as a politician. and he did not get the votes of a. large number of them as a poll- tieian. He win the first candidate in the held. and \\ as promised the surages A of many, who, unfortunately. take but little interest in school affairs and are perfectly indifferent as to who represents them on the board. We do not under- stand him to attribute his good fortune to a Conservative rally. If he does the fact will be remeinbcred, and the elec- toral campaign two years hence may not be so smooth, for a man who could endure defeat over and over again for a school trnsteeship is not likely to voluntarily sink into oblivion at the expiry of a single term. It is to be hoped. however, that politics will not interfere with the popular choice of men for 8. board charged with the responsibility of public education. The youth of our city soon enough c tell the infection of party pre- judice. They should be spared the induction as long as possible. and they cannot be so spared if the government of the schools be directed wholly and racial by political machinery. f n I V l I l i u gai1mn1i am -\`lIIl l!l/I I.IIl.\'(} IN 1885. 'l`lio Ni-4-Ilrala .fnu~rimn has reached the conclusion that with one or two ex- ceptions there was it great falling off lost your in shipbulding at All the yards in Britain. On the Clyde the decrease was upwards of 100,000 tons, on compar~ el with even tle previous very dull year. In 1684 t era was 328 vessels, rc- prcsenting n totul tonnage of 296,854, launched. and last year there were only 2-ll vessels launched. of an aggregate tonnage of 193,458, while in 1883 the tonnage of vessels launched amounted to 419,064. Elder Jr Co. Innnched 32,400 tons in 1884. last ye or they fell off to 0,026. Lust yenrJ. & (3. Thompson only launched 5,417 tons,nnd R. Napier it Sons 6,601 tons. while Denny}: Uo. launched 8.000 tonslesa than the pre- vious year. Russell 6: Co., Greenock and Port-Glasgow. have the honour ol heading the list for last year. They launched 40.866 tons of sailing ships, a decided increase on their output of the previous year. l4`..- an-my mu-In hium fin-ml nnv hatter PYBVIUUII yliulu Few other ports have fared anv better than the Clyde. At Leith the prodde- tion lello !rom12.000 tons in 1884 to 7.756 last year : and at Aberdeen from 5.8l0 to 2,186 tons ; while at Dundee. on the other hand. there was actually I alight increase (mm 8,755 tons to 8.082, but in 1888 there were launched there 12,548 tons. and in 1832 and 1881 about double even that amount. The produc- tion on the Mersey fell of! about one half last year. 28.122 tons, against 45,078 the previous year. There is also surest decrease in production on the Wier. and also on the Tyne. but on the Fees, as well as at the Hsrtlepools. there is a . slight increase. n-:. AL- -.-....-`ant. An M-nu Illvn nl Imuu Iuuruuau. Put the prospects. on the Clyde It least. for next. you me much more an- couraging, Elder & (Jo.--or rather their I ..... -..-..... -n.. nr.a.n.m m.a..s...am. ` GUEIFIKIIJI, ruuul uu vu.-vn nun-nu -uuu new oonoetn. The Fnlrlleld Shipbuild- lng end Engineering Uompenvehnve double the unonnt already on the Itooln tho they produced nltonther hot you-, while R. Nnpinra Sons and 3. 8 0. Thonnon ue lnirly nnpnlled with government oontncta, nnd Rnenell & Oo. hevengood nanny orders on bond ; indeed; it motto! the lane vsidnon the Clyde the tonmgo on hend is `much . larger now thnn it we: at this shoe lest you. Allen: 50.!!!) Iona of order: hen been plnoed in the hand: 0! Clyde ' Ihlphullden within thojul two monlhl, no that. tho Scottuh/Xmdioan thinks. there in every xenon to hope shot the dqleulon In this industry he: toohed lb lowest wnter-rnuk. end in ngnin .;-x-_ 3 minu- .IoI|. hand II I Thrust or In Opponent. lnuhu In Human and Win the Fight -AnueuenIn of Which the San Fran- - nu In-no-In-Iv Fold. by In. Nhm Livery Ben Frsnoluo Chronicle. The contest between Duncan 0. Ross. 1 on horseback and armed with e cavalry I sebre, and "Major" Jnrnee Ferguson. on loot and armed with musket and beyo- net. brought s. large crowd to Wood- ward : Garden. Ferguson wee protect- ed as to his body by n euirasa of gun metal, and wore on his head ssteel wire mask and helmet, guarded with trans- verse bands of steel. On his arms he were heavy lenther geunllete, and on his bends ordinary sword gloves. To avoid the possibility ol his. impeling Ross, his bayonet (which was held steady by be- ing inserted in the barrel of the musket inatend of sdjueted to the outside) ter- minated in a breed and heavy brnee button. rmly secured. Lt. Barber wu referee. There were to be twenty-nine nttecke, the winner of the majority to 1... a-..-.hul the contest. Ross was to the winner or the minority su - beawarded the 8 scoreapoiut by striking his adversary on any part or his body. but Ferguson's e bayonet thrusts would count only when 8 he succeeded in reaching somepart of V Ross armour. When the orderlor thel llrst attack was given. Ross rode to the centre of the eld mounted on a light `,1 sorrel horse. The bout lasted for seve- ii rel minutes. Ross` horse was young and unmanageable. and had to be blindloll- ed, as he seemed to he terried by the ` BTRANGE mush nouns orrroor i before him. Iueectual chops and thrusts rapidly succeeded each other (or some minutes. until nally Ferguson succeeded in landing a home thrust on Ross` bresstplate. scoring the first point. Russ rode to the second attack on a white charger. which. though blind- lolded.seemed almost as uncontrollable | as its predecessor. In the course of this ` attack Ross horse slipped on its haunches. but Ross recovered himself before Ferguson had time to take ad- vantage of the opportunity thus olhred. Ferguson made frequent attempts to get on the lelt side of Ross, so as to pre- want. the latter from striking, except SWORD AND BAYONET. the lelt 8108 or noes, so as uu pre- vent l with back-hand cuts. but in this he was 3 defeated by Ross wheeling round to meet him at every turn. At length Ferguson, in one of his upward thrusts, prodded Ross inside of the right thigh, where he was unprotected by armor. ripping his trousers and narrowly es- caping inflicting a serious injury. This roused Ross` temper. and at the next thrust be seized the end of Ferguson's bayonet with his left hand, while he chopped at him with his sword. '10 avoit being out down Ferguson released his hold of his musket, which dropped to the ground. Under the roles he was compelled to recover it without assist- ance. Ross charged at him savagely. with thee parent intention of chopping ' his head 0 , but his horse failed him at 9 the critical pointand Ferguson recovered _ his musket. Ross. however, kept press- !` ing him. and nally landed two rncsvv CUTE IN RAPID BL'CCEbSl0N I x nmom oounsr awrwznn nunojm 0. non: um nor. rnhouson. -A-Inelelln or wllol use In clnclnnn an Plrllcnlnrly of bone being chipped right out and mm on the outside ox the knuckle. This nished tleoonteut. Ferguson was. of course. unable to go on with the tight. and tho victory was awarded to Rose with a score at ve to four. Rosa says he cautioned Fergue0n.botli on aaturday and yesterday before the content. that he ought to provide himself with steel gloves. and told him where a pair were obtainable. but Ferguson was too con- dent of his ability to parry Rosa strokes, and therefore has only himsell to blame 4... nu. nnannltv which will probably has only lumsou to blame for the casualty which probably disable his left hand for some time to nnnvun NUTEINO SECRET ABOUT HIS 0Pl-IRATIONB-- CURE 0| HYDIIOPUOHIA. Paris. Jan. B.-M. Pasteur is much an- noyed at the reports that be has givan Dr. Billings authority to practice inocu- lation for rabies in Amenca. Pa_st.enr ....;4. .11 3..." nivnn nn nnhhorifav what.- rabies In America. ruswur said : -`I have given no authority soever to Dr. Billings or to any one else to practice the prophylactic treatment for the prevention of rabies, and have given no one sny authority to practice or perform operations in my name. There are no secrets in my method. The me- thod has been published by the Aca- demia Dee Sciences of Paris. and in re- rts which M. Wasuerzug drew up." auteur is receiving hundreds of letters lrom America. Many ol them are from dog fanciers, who say they have infalli- ble remedies of the cure of hydrophobic. An American called on the doctor es- terdnv and offered to start is great ra lee asylum in America on shares. and offer- ed him two-thirds of the prots. -20---:- Lnn buy st the BOBTON BAT a FUR STORE on Wellington Shook. the nuns Igenllcsl olun of good: for nbout. 25 per cent. Ion. ::4. rm: 500111 APPIIABANCE--GORUIOUB DE- COBATION or run OPERA House. New York. Jan. 8.-The Metropolitsn Opera House wss ablaze with light last night before Henry E. Dixey bed com- pleted the 5(l)th eriormnnce of Adonis at the Bijou. Every preparation hed been mnde to decorate the great build- ing with becoming taste for the Dixey ball, which was to begin at 11 o'clock. Festoons of colored streemers. in red. white and blue. hung pendant from the centre of the dome. and were caught at lntervsls around the great horse shoe of boxes. Immediately in front ol the grand entrance to the auditorium stood an elaborate oral reproduction 0! the Parisian Arc De Triouiphe. `Z8 leet high and 84 feet in apan end 8 feet in thick- ness. In front ol Gilni0ur's bud. which occupied the rear oi use stage, arose an outline sketch ol Direy in gas jets. standing upon a pedestal bearing "600 Dirnw Adonis." . {up 5 serial ol rung! meaning: In um city, sud bu `vnouglft boogie up to I high pitch of uoihomont. our main- boru of slunily hunod Allen hue bo- oomoinuno. Many omen are in dun- --- -4 |...a..a Limit mnnhl nowan. sunning upon Dixey Adonis." V: Al IXUII IIILI IODIICN llI`.VlVA|.lI'l'. an norm A1` `I'll noun, AND wuri-I To nun mun: ovu u:u.. Dmvillo. IIL. Jun. 7.--John Swiulier. miner nnd Mothodilt minister. is hold- nation of nvivgvlr meeting: thin (with. uni huwnounlft boonlo up oomeinene. many omen lre m cm an of losing their menhl powers. Bniehel in 5 ,men of meuive pbyeiqhe end vooel strength. He lrotlm at the mouth. jumps over the pulpit. walk: on Ihehont eeeu end an be will ebelxe the elnlen over an open hell no man they can Ipprscisto the olimnte in hee- _..:.o.-_. T Children : wool hoso 7c. and up It {Indy & Mnrny's. -_----o-}o-:--- HENRY E. DIXY A8 AUOIIIS, ---o-+___. LAND `ms mlcuum '. j.:__._ TELE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, JAN. 8. and (Jun: 101' cuux my or gonuemnn Uompnro Price: a those of mint honlol And unto the dmeront 'I"I'I'I

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