REBEGTIONSI or aunuuy EEIVICCS. F. Powell. son of the Rm. 1%. Powell. Wilkinutou rectory. llurt-ford, Hm-laud. has been appointed luy us.-siatuut. under Rev. Mr. Bliss. Mnttawu. to succeed Rev. Mr. Taylor, rcooutly ordained and ap- pomtul to the Clarondon mission. '1hn Mechanics Institute executive p0lIll3(.ll 50 )8 UIIIIUUUOII HJIII-IUD. 'lhe Mechanics Institute executive committee. at a meeting last night. granted the Y. M. C. A. the use of their rooms for Sunday evening services. {or men only. and the kindneua ol the insti- tute is much Ipprecinted. The location is very central. Service M. 8:15 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Snmlnmnn-. lluntlav. was The tower of tho Cnllmlic church in Bellevillo will be razed. The now edi- ce will huvo a much larger seating oupnoit than the old one. It will be the finest. omnu Catholic church out of Toronto. Bishop Cleuy is nowln Pre- scott with Mr. Connolly. who has pre- pued the plnn for 3 new church for that `town. TL... I.`....-...l.'....l I-J.....,.|........ r\\nl;l'Il ` l'lCll VNIUIIF. WIWIJ. The I'.'vruIgeIicuI 1.'IauI`<'IuuuI| cmtlinu the [allowing pu-egrapbe : "Three times during the lat two years the Bishop hen been naked to visit Hillier end bold con- rmation nrvioee. end each time he be: ' refused. Severe! ol the oendidetee have joined other commnniona." "Amelmehnru in nnn n{ the nldet ]0Il10(1 OHIO!` OOIIJIIJIIIIIODI." "Amellubnru is ,one of the olden puinbea In the diocese, nnd ae1!~|upport- in; from endowments furnished by the people. The present. incumbent does not hold 1 service in the t.ownalni.p. In the Ibnving Ind beautiful villus of Con- uccon than _ stand: one of the oldest ohntcheu in the country. but in has been cloud I long time. The people have no choice but to no to t.he'Motbodists or Pronbyterinns." _-_:_. Ill` "--I-71- man u urn.-u.-. "Never has such an audience been crowded into Slufseuhnry Hall as gath- ered therolut evening to hour Roburt J. Burdouo, the llmcIs"_:/v mun, deliver nis lecture. bntmod. "Advioo to 3 `y'onng In|n."-Tlu Maul. Iv- -... ..|..a 5.. |.....,|..n M. nun]-Ah u marrow uuu xuonuuy. Lev. S. Houston proachosinBcllcvillo t.o-morrow.his pulpit here being lled by Ruv. David Mntchen. who has been called to Jersey city N. Y. l"|m Riulmnnf (lnturin has mmuiuled R010 .`\I'CLI(l(}B.COII JULIEH !'L Hll]U'l. Rev. J. F. Oakley, Port Perry. has 10- ceivctl an uunuimous invitation to as- sume the pastorate of the Pinion First. Methodi-at. church. and has accepted. Haw. N. R \Vnllnnuhhv_ farmer-Iv of n1ev.noam.cImrcn. and nus accepneu. Rev. N. R. Wlllougbhy, formerly of Kingston. lms lzoon iuvitol to the Port. Perrv Metlnudizat church. He will ac- ceptha-zrec-alulu tn the approval of contor- l`ll(`O. In|n."-1Iu Mull. ` _ 1 We are glad to bar that Mr. Bards: bu been secured to loctyro in Kmgnon only next month. AI soon In the Inh- tol bu been decided on tholectnro will n` it 1-0 I-ml . Rolled Oats, Rolled Oatmeal, White Wheat, White Maize, Yellow Maize, Crushed Bar- lny,]Iominy, Self-Rising Buck- wheat, Flour, I"'u`ina, India Cassava, Boston Brown Bread, &c , at called to J0l'96Y cuy AV. 1. The Bishop of ()ut,urir> has nppuiutcd Rev. B. S. Foruc-ri. rector of Adolphus- town. rural dean of Louuox, vico Vener- able Archdeacon Jones resigned. "an ,I I? Hnlrlar Part Pnrrv |murn- screen unurou. Rev. B. B. Smith. of St. Uco!';_;u's Gschedral. [um lelt. fur Picth. where he takes part in missiouarv services to- and Monday. Hpv, S. llnnntnn nmm-.hnninBcllt:\'iHo III. EIUIC III lIII_II I Ill lll |lIUVUl"Yl1~l IOU] Iundcr AppoInt.nd_.rruonvmInn. Rev. Father McDonough, of l)esrrou- to. is neriom~;l_v ill} the result ufcxpoemre. llav. Prof. Mowut. preaches anniver- slry Isermoul in Deserunto to-morrow. H4-V, I~`.u.hpr Manda. nil in Kinuuton for ID ueserunw L0-molruw. Rev. I*`at.her Meade, I in Kimzutou smug time. has been lmuufcmd to Mor- risburg where his friends roando. _ How .1, I-'.. Mmvntv sun: to (lnllinnhv ['l8I)UTL{ WHCYO IHH IIIUIZUH TUSIUU. Rev. J. 1-). hluvoty guen to Uollinsby to-marrow. uml his morning appoint- ment. will lye, filled by Rev. I". W. A. ' Meyer. I Rnv, H. }<`_ lllnndnnru Ln \Vil|uuusrill6 Meyer. Rev. B. F. Bland goes to Willuuusrilla Church tomorrow evening. and Rev. Mr. Meyer supplies his place in Queen Street Church. um, n n umm. nf up. llrr\rm.'n ' Ivy Feul ltxceadlugly Well. Oh one o'clock to-lay l). L` Paul and ' H. Hon-zoy ueemed no be spending a happy time of it in the police cells. They statwl to u policeman that: they were sorry they were incarcerated, bo- ciuiau tliev had uvmlo appointments with _yuun;4 lmiiv.-4 in: in lllflll, uu.l would he nimble to keep them. llorney contends that the hUSplCl()lJ, that he had uccom- plicua, is false`. Ho know that the police were on his trail. unll that Lhoy suspect ml llllll of lwilllz ullllb) I'll HL&l'lllJL{ [W0 Vlml lireu. ll(`lvnJ'lle4l hm iuforimuion from in conversation which lmoverhmlrd We alderman indulge in after they had met. on Princoss street. one night. Hor- sey ufwr this watched the police close- Iv. persons as me house. Young Horsey was a. resident of Tor- onto for some time. but last fall he re. turned to Kingston. and for a time was in the store of Thomas Mills, furrier. in fact until he got into diiculty with an- other employee. For In season bin com- rades tbou;,,l1t. he acted queerly. Monaay morning. The police lmva measured the foot prints leading: to Dr. Spnrk a house and these the rubbers worn by Horsey t exactly. It is said tbu there were two at the house. Yonnu Hornev was I AN ADJOUIINMENT unwrap. This morning the young man noted 118 though he thought the oeuco with which he was charged was of slight importance. He talked in n levered way in the cells, and walked about con- tinually. He says that ho was alone when the firing occurred. but the police are satised thst another person is implicated. During last night Horsey was about the city, acting stmnuely and erratically. He was drinking. At the court this morning he was placed in the , dock. but said` nothing. Mr. Robert Shaw, who appeared tor him. asked let- an adjournment, and it was granted until Monday morning. Tlm nnlinn lnn1'\ mmmnred the M.H.WALSH& 00.] Nov. 7.-Tho Burnett Home. Nov. l8.-'l`h(nnu James butcher stnbles. Dec. 2l.-Rob9r Spencer's ml_or I110!)- Dec. 28.-AI; C. L. Bus` ]BW8"l`7 store. A u AI'\I(\Ill.IN|ll`.Il'I` HRANTID. mnaampna FROM THE CHURCHEH;.` on all new 0 5 mlvr rtiml. T nun DAILY BRITISH wme, JAN. 23, 2:.__i_ `lino -';l:wIa-.10" an`: l.___I, ,,.u _,, is bounded. I The lane of the water-power at the . Kingston Mills expires on 1st May. an I Hon. Mr. Kirkpatrick. who has the cou- tml of the property. bu been made a bid for it for electric light purposui. He may get it. If he loos the wulur wheel as 3 motor Wlll be used -nn cngiuu b.~- ing kept us a auretv against ucciulunt to it--and [the cost of lighting l'u:ll1(`0*l. Princess atreut. King alroet. the pUl)ll0 buildings. railway stations and princi- pal stares Will be lit by electricity very soon. There is no renson to doubt it. - IIIEIIIIIIIIIOIII. III l'(ll'lIllII)|lllI VIIU truce llrluhlotl In all Keep In I, The Social of tho I ort.5rncul.l) Orange- men, In their hall last. evening. was 3 areas suooela. the room being lled to overtlowingand comprising representa- tive: from all parts of the county. Dr. McKenzie was chairman. and alter u~ plainiug the cause of the present. eort. and landing the loyalty of Ornngeumn in times olpeace and war, he success- fully introduced the programme. Re- freshments were served in abundance at 9 o'clock. The prognmmo was as follows :` A_,_:__ -|__-..- FL- - Cleclrlillby. tum Lllt: Luau \Vll.ll \vnu.'n It could in: umu.pulul.e(l. 'llu. puiutu (l :l\imum in-re luli_v cxpl-mini. -mil lliu .-mlu l..`ll\ull all Lliu lux ul u lump. nml its wounlerlul llJ(`ClllLLllSl.1l shown. Mr Ciuiplnll Miiil liu expected his uccuuil lyuuiiiu along in a lay or two. aim llU thought its liuluiug capacity Wlllllv be fully oecupiul. llo mil 1 the city would be likely to take some lights from him. and he certainly had made an oller to which objection could not be taken-tn put lamps in the City Hall, an} only charge for the lights so they were used. Coat_gboi~t hall that of gm. The city clock. it is purpoued. to illumi- nate by a. light to each dial, suspended outside. thus lighting up at the same. time the streets by which the (Bity Hall is bounded. '1`)... lnnnn nf tlm wnlm--nnwnr nt. Hm O nihg chorus-Cho.r. Cl::irInn's address-Dr. Mackenzie. PIIDO duel-Misses Gukin and Adams. Song-Mr. ]ohn Saunders. l(ec:mion-M:jor Hewlon. Song-Miss Scott. Rendin - Mr. W. Middleton. .. Duel-inner and Miss Thornton. H ` `Piano uo|o-Hise um: Mooee . ' Addressand Recim!ion-Rev. . allaghcr. Duel-Messrs. McLeod end (kins. Recitation -MIjor Hewton. Song-Maj6r .Gellovmy. Recimion- r. Eidrumley. Trio ~-Messrs. Galloway. Crumley and Middleton. Readimz-Cnpl. R. Crewford. Solo-Mr. W. Iiddleton. Frequently the singers end reciserl were greeted with much epplenee. end in 3 number of inutenou reeellu were (1 salad. The ohereoser ringing of t. little Thornton: crested enlhneium. , rouoo 0oIn-htIlIAy. Th9 one on atudon. yho u-uhd I dmurbnnda on the sums name time ago. Ill Idjonrned for 3 month. and T. Killoou. obdnnd with nunnoy. III given until londny to loo if he cauld- I work. MILLINLM If Lust. nvuniuu Mr. Un.1Jpbe,Di8lc'.1'ic light; reputation. met. a Wine reporter and suggested that he should step into his office um] mm a dynamo which had been loaned him by the locomotive works company. and with which he had been HJILKIUK some experiments. To the dyuiuno he had ubbuched the positive and u-=;;ut.ivu wires of in ``light" iu his ul.-v, uni the current being shut ff the hump and cuucelitrntud on the dylJlluiJluiU1uILti motion so rupi I Lhatit, fairly h1mnnu l'h0 c_\'|1mlcr ('l` nriuu~ tum 111113 ; lmvu heuu um|Hu;1 hI..'t.w(-OD 4,000 or 5.000 revulutiuus (A minute. I I M.. iV.......I...l 4.. .... |;\ .... ..1..-s.-.i.;..n__. Eon. A. D. Shaw. luo Auction Ocu- rnl Manchester. In Iootuina W30 II New York sum upon his "R03 00 A.Mnd._",_, _ _ A , __` cicy has gruillmtctl I0 80II]l1LlllUElll|{uBl'. 'I'lio Rinleulicunal," Mill Mr. Muckle- stou. "lmu long l)l:()ll worked at. 1 loss. and il: lJuH been rcpcutcnly suggested that it. be drained and allowed to ra- lapse into A state of nature. Tliousnnds of acres of rich farm lunls would then be an the disposml cf the government. A line of railway, to run Llirougli the preseub channel, would be a greater boon to Kingston, (mmwn, and intervening counties. than the water system can ever be." ---;#o 2%-- city. "The luu-Julolirn worksl. ll source of industry to the city. are exp cteu to re opcn in April. which wall ;,vivoen1~ plovmcnt to many willing hands. The works are. for Niel!` size, as complete on `any on this continent. Visitors uru struck by the improvement curf- whora In-mileat. The many wbolosn 6 houses. large and oommodious. modern glans {rants to the retail stores. elegant private residences. and a new town of m'eclmnica' houses on Gordon and Princess streets. are all worth see- in. Tim titln nf `Maid 0111 Kianhou. mg. The title of `staid old Kiugatou, oouf-arred years ago. is obsolete. The city has graduated to somuthnuq higher." "'l`|m Rnlmul nnnul " :1-ml Mr. Muckle- no to the mrmers. "The lust sclienm prunentod, nonmet- iug Kin,1,aton with the N 'l`. at It , ml. or about Ynrker. is n gnui nut,-. and will give Kingston nn opportunity of I-o.npot- lD;,' tor the liiiniricss of 'l`wt-oil. Stuco, Madoo, otrn, (:V::lli.ll&iiy ~ivinv,: n limct rail route tn tho Georgian Bay. in uthur words reviving the old Kingston nnd Mudoc scheme, with this nmivantnge however, that tho tom is ulnlcst nearly built. The completion of the two city passenger stations must bring, consider- able business, merchants being now lundodclose to the wholesale houses. When the Grand Frunk Railway builds udoubln truck u great eurt will be made to induce them to continue their present city line towards U0-K15-li)V.!lllli then bring all travellers tlirmgli tln city. "The !m: )r1mli\`n work". Mr. Jotin'S. Muokleston. president of the Board of Trade ssys : The prospect of business for the coming spring are better than at any date since 1882; The connection made by the Kingston and Pembroke RR. with the Ontario and Quebec RR. st Shsrbot Lake. and the extension of the former line to Renfrew. has given considerable impetus to the jabbing trsde. Some thirty villages in the county of Renlrew, and adjacent thereto, sre now doing more or less business with Kingston. A syndicate of American ca itslistsi has been formed to re open sud) work the iron mines con- tiguous to the lino of the K. and P. RR., and if the worlr is pushed us vigorously as promised a. large business will spring up. putting thousands of dollars in cir- culation. ll reciprocity on coal and cm could be arranged hctween tho Usnsdisn and American governments it would probably result in the erzction of smelt- ing furnaces and iron works near the city, industries that would probably greatly increase the population. Auozhc r business which has reached some magni- tude is the pressing and exporting of hay to the United States. The duty is 915 per ton. and if the L'uircd States government could be induced to admit it Her`. part 0! the $9. if "fit lly Wtllltl to the farmers. Thu Inn!-. nr-lmnm lII`|`.8hlA:('. c I %o Mll. CA\1l'BF.LL'S "E1.EC'l`llC ENERGY." I sq-lean Which. II Iuqceutilly (`an-led Out. Inn I4-all In Ie-cl: to Kingston -Drying Up the ca|nI--A. In For u- Wncr Power It llygllon lllln. NEVER WAS I611]: ENCGURAGING THAN ['1' IS AT THE I'l:8EN !` TIME. We call attontim to the above New Lines now open. ()ur Linens .un1h`l1cctingsm'e Iu:u'ke Sale Prices. "HIE OUTLOOK OF TRAN-. I` I an mluun vuumrn n unu. The will 0! Mr. A. lcNeill. Nnpanee. [ma been oxnminui. - His wife l`eCelV( H 915,000, absolute. and the fnmilv rosi- dence; Mr. John McNoil|. 82.000, and his wife a residence in Clnrksvllle; Mrs. Wilson. 02,000: Mum liitty McNeil]. 81,000; Miss Mccubo. 0500; Mr. Mxcbael Dnvern. Newhutg. 01,000; John D. Cn- meron, 0500; Mrs. Dwyre, 8500; Min Joey Davrru. 8200; llnbel Dieu and Home of Providence. Kingston. each 0200; memurinl window in St. Pan-iok's church. Napanee. S500; monument to his father, 0500; monument to himself. I500. The estate is estimated at from 059,000 to 060.000. The bequeltm amount m nlmur. l`25.0(D. 'I`hn bmlrmca. it in ID'J,UlrJ I0 l0U.UUu. I nu l)t:(]'l8IIol! umuuuv to about 025,000. The balance. it presumed, will be divided up equally among the heirs. -oo---~ - Huect Commmee Meullnz. The streets committee met yesterday elternoou. fliero were present the chairman, All . Thompson. aid Alds. Hisoock and Robinson. The pay list. amounting to 0182.6-l.avd small accounts were passed. The committee instructed the city engineer to employ on public works at present only married men. If nuiaient of these could not be secured. single men to be hired and to be resi- dent: of the city. It was then moved nu AM. knhinnon. seconded liv Ald. Pcenrry llfxonptl nnl Merit .l InV Well Put Upon the Board. The 'l`hu.ti'e Royal liamurket Con.i~ puny phiyu--l to u Mir house last. evening. "Dark In)-u." an origiuul drama. in ve acts. h_v J. Cnmyun Carr mud Hugh (Jou- way, was ll:tLlllH()l.llClV mounted. The play is n nirong one. and it was devel- opwl in u iuiuinur which made it very ll.l.l|.{ tn the audience. Mr. Felix Pitt, as Dr. Bnll North. lmd ll ilitiiculn rule, hut. he hnnilloil it I-lillllllly nnd HlltlhluCl,0l'lly. 'l'hu chnrncter of "Sir Mervyu l"erra.nil, Bur; ." wan nsaulued hy \\'ulb:r Sin.-nkmun. one of the best actors that has ever visited this cily. Miss Carbury. an Mina Ethel Brubourue, and Miss llnrriet Clifton. as Phillippa Ln Furgc-, did excellently well. The emotional acting of the latter was re- markably good. Mr. F. Terry (brother of Miss Ellen 'I`cn'y) as Hon. Percy Penthmd. created much amusement. and was a favourite with the gods. On the whole members of the troupe showed that they were vcrv capable. and wor- thy of illl praise. The scenery was very ue. and meriteil the iulmimtion of the nu 3...-mu den or Ina city. 16 was man, moveu bvv Md. Robinson, seconded by Ald. Hisoock. that the city engineer advertise [or tendcrs for the supplies to be mwd In -nllcn, nrmnimvn. el.n_. dnrlna Lha [or [$110933 ID! IDB supplies [0 DB I1!`u in wnlkn. crossings. etc, during the our. After this motion was carried Ill -Idycurnmens took pluoe. ..._._oo .,, lalllll--ll muu . Black an a bank of Rhowclouds, o'er a su Of ice low-lying in the moonbeami track, Cleaving the space in silent majesty 9- Black- The hope: whose faithlesa promise now I lack. Grand in their fall as in their rise to me.- The hope: whose Iamnen promue 1 Incl. nin Though I may never call these dead one: back! IL! I And so, it may be. shall my future be.- Shapeless sublimity. a barren wnck,- A dumb. dead shadow creeping up life`: nu.- Black ! L-In Vllh. I886. Cmmuzs ]. C/mnox. nnumsr ciaaLs Uhnica Parinanenus Funds, l __._u..._.._. Diptherit bu uthnokcd the Morolnnd lrnily It Snnbnry. Mn. Ilorolnnd and 3 dnnghtar no quite ill. A son. Paul Iorolud. died some day: Ago. ` BUB \V0l'l(l. "Mr. SJ). Dyde, a graduate ofQueen`s Uolloge, lx'ingeton,who is to lecture on Mental and Moral Philosophy in the Fretlenctnn College, writes a corres- pondent of the Montreal Uazrlle, "comes highly recommended by his let} in- atruccor. Professor Watson. who cha- racterizes him as a `strikingly original man,` and u `possessor of philosophical p,ouius."` __ W; -, ___. Dunn Arr uus1'-A many unn- hlltoonn huduadno 0ouqdI_:-u- icu. Oullouu. to. Human`: lute ` Sun. In boron. Is on. M Wan`: Dnu A New South Wales correspondent of the Nporramnn charges that had Hanlnn been more careful as to his living and the hours he kept. while in Australia he might; mil be the champion souller of the world. II\ll- Q l\ In-uh. n>.. nlllnnnr-`n us) pncuca um pruresswu veu.-to uun. .()n ch! Llmt Mr. Napoleon Bourunsa. the well lmown Canadian painter and liternteur. will shortly be married to Mrs. D. H. Seuecal, furmerly Miss Chor- rier. Mr. Bonrassn resides at Monte- Mann T191". hello. A N UVCUIUK. Mr. C. I . l)n\'1i:-mu. Q.(), has been retuiuodus couusvl in tho Inamma- A1141!/`llbtll case. um] steps will Immedi- ately be taken to lmvc the verdict set aside on legal grounds. Junun H ll|uinn'n nnw hnmm nf. lhlr HSUIU ULI lf.(Ul [a. .fUUlJU`l Juuwua U. l}Iniue`s new house at. Bar Harbor will he completed by June. aid is t.) be cullcd I\Ioaslc_v 119.11. The roof IH spoken of us 11 curiosity. "having won- ty-thmo vulluyn and fteen hips." Mr. Hrmzllxn V\'imnn. vmnmmr of the |oy'l4lIlUU Vl\|lUyH BHU LIILUCU HIPS. Mr. Erastus Wiumn, mauagar of the Metropolitan Base Bull Club. told a Kiuuatoniau the other day um. he pur~ posed having the latter mnlma tour 01 Canada duru.u.: the summer. Thn Iu.f.n Hm-uh, Hnfrnia, nf .\fnnl.rnnl_ Uuuuua durum the The late Scrub. I)ufrui~. of .\Ioul.1'enl, left 88.000 to Miss Baker. who waited upon him during his illnel-H. lie was one of the bout linguists in Canada. and often acted as court interpreter. E. P. Davin. n lnniqtnr nl Culunrv. Bandarsur. &jBu s New Book Store OIICD BUICII H8 COUTKI llNl'p!'UH3l'. E. P. Davis. a barrister or Calgary, has entered a suit to rec net 85,000 du- mages from Stipondiury bluggiatrste Tra- vis. because he refused to let him (Da- vis) pncuco his prulessiuu before bun. III Lint Mr. Nnnnlann Bourunsa. John B. Gough. ill for some time. is himself agaw, and in the lecture eld. He told what ho knew about peculiar people at. Wntcrtown on Wednesday evening. Mr, C, P ham lunn H (l lulu luzpn v;:.>,uuJ. Mr. and Mn. Ihlnx l .tL. I'Zu;,:,lu.ud; Mr. '1`;-ny. Bmc}n.'i!le: J. lluhms. Co- Lourg; E. G. llcsu, LE.-+t.owo.-1|; II. J. Belle-ville. are ut, the British American Hotel. 'lnI.n D l`..\u..I. ill I` A - n A . v\n I:nnA in nupzmeo wwu conncu. H. E Knickerbocker, 1-LLB city editor of the \\'.msrr.oWn la w}uI:l:'-inn. has pur chased W. J. Slmpnr 112.: rest in the Po.vr.a. wet-My ue\vsx>u,-ur of that city. Henry War I 13.-mclu-1'.4 am], :`(.llector Uenben, I|a5isbel in capturing 815,000 worth 0! opium at Al:).\1kuLhC other day. His sham ml the pluutle-r amounts to 8`.Z.').0O. ). r0.vI. u Wet-Kl} news Ben 1' worth A 825,000. `Hr and `Ira Y1`. LIEXD B(.TllJ. At. a b`ave.1 Army social in Purth the (.`01Iru`r says Rev. 8. 0 Bhmd "made one oflns neat, churacu-rinmc, lime speeches." J.P, I-lnnlnv Nnnmnw-, In-nthrr nf ecues J. P. Uauley. Nupaneo. brothtr of Tloman Hunhey, has bceu appniutej a ` member of the Board of Health by the Napaneo tnvn council. H 14.. Kninlznrhnrwlznr ]..ta 1-Hlvnnnlhnr rlanerles. , Mr. J. J. Behan lmn oero-I u pt-um to thq,mosL procient scholar in Irish Hus- tory at tho Brothels School during the next. term. A) n u.u..I A...nn ..-...?.I .'.. D, .0]. ml... u. _ M'Joukins. 3 St. John. N. B. bani: ter. has been appointed Secretary to Hon. Mr. Foster, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, M. `I 1 1i,.1..... u..... )"A\-l\.` _ .....- . ... LINIIUU. . General Sherman was asked to leo- tnre in aid of the Grant. monument. mud. aim: way. "I wouldn't do it for n Day Book. Journal,` Ledger. Club Book, Nlunno Book. llll look. Bonk ofurnl or llecelpu. or any ` luncl oi as Blank |an.l\6Ih.18B6. Roscoe Conkliug will. in is nil. be invited by Congress to deliver the an logy on General Grunt some time in March. llnunnnnl Ql............. ...... ....l....I An I-.. poluwu uyucxnn I01` um town 0: ncton. _l. H. rcck,1ormorly ol Peterboro. is editor and manager of the Essex Li- brrul. Dnnnnn will i I- ...:I I... mgr. David Thom Ion. M.P. for Baldi- " nd, is dangerous y ill. Ex-Preuldept Arthur : ill health in said to be the cause of great anxiey. Mr. T. Flemming, of Chicago. formu- ly of this city, is visiting lriends hora. Dr. Harry A. Evans has been up- ponnted byuicinn for the town of Pncton. I. H. rock- lmrmnrlv of Pete:-born. in Hun, Mr shut : I.ooIu~oo- -r. Urdu III mo luo-GI-am : II?o|y, Isu-. 1- 100!!!) Am` LAB !-A moody Ihdtonn Ounlnn DAR K DAYS "-A FINIQA Y. i KM) TBII-R D0l&G.'3. ll. Ilclll, ALI: WOOL FRENCH DRESS GOODS for 150. A HEAVY ALL WOOL TWEED for 35. BL/\Nl{lTS AND (7()MF()l{TERS at Less than Wholesale Prices. MERCHANTS ! THE - LATEST - DEs_ EGNs51 During this month we .will oer _thc balancc'of'our Stock at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. . ,-II _..'II -A_.--2.__- __,_- L ,4 I,__ I," `'\_._._.S___ 3.. ALL WOOIL IASIIMERE, Black for Cul0r('d, for 30. :1 I'l\I'l' MI. RIIWB. TIA-O0 GREAT RQDUCTIONS ALL - GLASSES 7ot=*:* n nv GOODS. u|' \1L|uI.'l[L1.I.l.l. J.Ul'JIJ\J Ll ' J. LULLIIJJLJ: . One call will convinc V n that the p]ace for Bargams In Dress Goods is . T.D.M I NNES& Co s. :':rl'l|eue Goods nun! be cleared lo make room for Spring `lurk now on on I1-r. (`an as at once nml F('(`.Ill'4! some 0| Ilm Bnrgnlnp CHEAP DRY GOODS Beautiful Ellll)I`0l(lCI`l(`S at 5, 10 and 12c, per yard. Special (Mlering for this week's sale. Ladies` and Mis.s'es l\l:1IlLlL*S, Ulsters and lllunket Suits. Dress Goods, Millinory, Ilosiery, Gloves and Umlr-lrwuar. Rclmmntsin m'm'_\' 1t'p:u't1ncnL ntllulf 1 ric<-. SPENCE CRUMLEY TABLE LINENS. SHEETINGS, PILLOW COTTUNS. TO WELLTNGS AND TO- 11'T1'.1 r (V THEY WILL ISTONISH YOU. SEE THEI. 2 04 SE 8 NE W E MB/?0/DE R/E 8 at SPE N012 & CHUMI. E I '8 [J.LAlDLAW& SON Some of the Cheapest Fine {_.:.- (SOMETHING - THANTW -?fm`01*s -You. A LARGE SHIPMENT OF White cations in Twill Remnants! Lower than buying from rvg11ln' Pieces, and are tlmrcfora worth your inspection. Pillow Cottons, Real Eider Down Comforters, $4 &$5, Worth $831 $10. .l..\.rvv.-4.-_...._....._ , WELS, EMBROIDERIES, PRINTS AN D SATEENS. HEN.DB.vL_.] TP_F`9P" 3 }AWERY GREAT BARGAIN! w4...,..-_v\/x/A`lJl.l. WILI$l7"F'ER GREAT BARGAINS IN Wool Hosiery. Gloves, Corsets, Wool Underwear, Clouds and VVOOL SQUARES- GIIEIPSIIIE. - - Opposite Windsor Hom- Jan '12 Jan. 2`). TRY R. M1=`A1J`E' BOEES & B [S(L) NMj1T51`E . f\[.7I'l7ITn`l l`1'I\1'.1AI'I'| -n.-.x,- GREAT SAORIFIGE SALE NOW GOING ON I Jgn. ll. CHEAPER THANE Jan. 93. HARIlY&M|JRRAY.] 1; vv \- yard. w ...,` French 5 O'clock Tea Tables. Fancy Sewing Table. Fancy Rattan `Flockers- Centre Table and Sofa, at 303. rnmomss um BAGOT smnmmms. 1-7 am no-a.\ua.-ulna` Iglllf. -' IF Y6ffWA1w r T6135 THEY 71,1.` THE |C':`rRETA'I' BARGAIN KING. 1EY ARE FROM 26. to 30. PER YARD l9l PRINCESS STREET. AND BESIDES, SE CURE Fine Twilled Sheeting. Henderson & Do : In Bun! Stun COME AND SEE OUR IF V`) U WANT -Grey Cottons ever shown here.` 2541: 256 Princess Of. I3`) & HM l ||nN's urea-c. Plain heeting, and I80 PRINCESS ST. at Telephone Oonnoouon I Elooldo Light I uzd ull othu nodornnprwonuu RIGHT `PRICE Ii .li1l1nHam1arsun&0.l All Down in Price If C )r. Pnnzoss rud Kontrul Btroan. Fov 20. Maw N}:W!j cmU).2, l"A:$L1NATORS, OVERSTOCKINGS. WOOL MITTS. LINED KID MITTS AN D I'\1' IWTTUTQ , 1_ll.A.V.|.'J.LJ .;;.n.;4 ..-..-...._ > GLOVES, 9 HOODS. WOOL vmsuzs, | KNITTED SQUARES and SHAVVLS, JANUARY, 1886 I HARDY Q mumm s,J WOOL Goojs) Q0011 suortmeut still remaining at Jun 15. -Lt `>VV'E} S T- diqual to 20 `per cent. off Re- gular Prices on all In. I. PRICES IN HIE NEH NOKSTORE, I16 Pllllllisi STREET. SOHll0L BUIIKS ' ONTARIO READERS, 3-$4 ICING H l`I{ll-'.'I`. I`l\Jkl\0l nun Uanlunv uv Iboka now on hand It You can do no It the D.) you wnnl to buy I Book ! -0 A now sucuu unuu. A society has been organized in Lliu city c.-Illexl tho Dmclecliz Club. Meet.- iugs are hell weekly. at which interest- ing lcccnroa are given bv members. This evening the club will meet. at. Prin- cipal (lrant/a residence. and Dr. Wat- son will deliver an mldruss. entitled, l lat.u`u Theorv ol-Cnlucullon." Nu (`all-u Iur Alrlll i The city CUU1'lliHl-ii.lll' mnl medical health oic-.1` called on the city dnctoru yesterday and nscenaiued how many ntients they had suffering from sunr- et. lever. Their reports nhow that. there are only about eight. cases of fever in the city. which Is an evidence that the disease is disappearing. Dr. Fcodoea not know what. posxuisos tho .\'m-.v to make contrary stntomentr. I .Ko.-`- lfflllllllulll. On Monday evening; Feb. let. the Catholic Literary Association will give nuineicnl and lite-nirv entertainment in the City Hall. A varied and attractive programme in promiiied to the public. be bent talent of the city has been engaged. and we may look loiwnrd to it very pleasant evening. Arrangements are being made to provide one special- ly interesting item. the details or which will he pnblinhcd next week. Adjourned Until Mondny. D. L. Punlwns brought before the mo ietnte this morning and charged wit obtaining goods from H. Brnme on Jen. 18th under lnlee pretenses. The prisoner elected to be tried by A jury and pleeded "not guilty." Owing to the absence of Mr. Britten, Q.C.. Count At- torney. the mesvlstrnte edjourn the one until Mondey morning. The other parties lroinwhom the prisoner obstin- ed goods hove onbmitted their claims to the Division Court. I Inning nguu-. Soul ruf llotchl(in's npriuulean truss 8D mlverLmen1ent.. Ho and see him at tho Burnett House, Jan. 29th. 80th, and 31st, and Feb. lab. `Jud. and 3rd. |`I:-at llomler. Purl I. loc. I"Il`Il Render. Part I. I5:-. Ieconl llender.'J.$c. Tlnrd Render. 3.51-.. Fourth Render. soc. yum.-. .. . Uu M0n:iu_v_. if Mr. A. \Vnllia be no- ce.+n'xble. we hope {.3 bring him men to tune with n gomlemnu or two 110 data not desire to seu. I ILul|y'n I I`nnu|u|uuuv. Fresh to strong westerly winds. fmr. very coll weather. with 9. {cw 2-mow ur- rl. nsugulon urvw I uyr. In the Innnnl bone H. toowur It Benn-ow on Feb. am an following dnyn, the Kingnon Curling Club but been drum n I bye. Tho clubs Innohed are u lollon: Pembroke vs. Perth: Anprior VI. Almonu: Renfrow vs. Smith : FIHI. Kignton club my be pmod naniun th_o Oulelon Place club nbonld il be ujmmod to plly this year. It not the Knnptonhnu will pl: of! with one of the winner: in the 3 on mtohu. J.All.(.;()I.LH`l<`l 51.0.. ('n`3n., 1,.ni<:`1'.1r.1; 1.31 Edlnburzh Momhorol the (`ollupzo 0! Phvair-Inna c`. flur- Iroonl. (mlurlo. . IIIUI IIIIII lxuuri III DIIIIA . On Sunday John Mitchell nnd Hurley. 1 n Mend. pnuod through the woods near Shuhot Lake. Their Attention wu Mllcd Goths loud barking of naomnnd. to the nwunp. discovered n an n; n the onnino from 1 hole III II onbnnhmcng. Ilitoholl aid `"3 to hop 3 watch on brain while 50 for his gun. The lndinn Iltpu upoodmavorlng three miles `U `C ha an hour, nnd. returning. 5"` WIN boom. vat! km. 71... :21 1 HrJl{E(iULAlIMEl1`.'I`lNU 0! the M. Luv- rvncu Cuuucll, XI. ynlArr:snu1u, are held on the urns and third Mondays In uvery mouth as 8p.m .lnlllB0lll'1U]l1l Uud I`eU0l 5` Hull. Prin- cenu I-vm-it Dec. 12!. R Iulyul IIITII-Illll. I Illlllru rslrulllluup I tuupuuy. `AILINU from New York every Saturday. n Aulhorlmed Agent. F. A. F()l.(H<:H, Ferry Duck. loci of Bra k M.. Kiunatun. . -r nunll nu mug. in I ENEVOLENT HOClE'X`Y,Nn.JJ, must. just. (Hour 0': Bull, \V|Hn:tun Hm, Sud and nu Tnvsdny 0 every mouth. 237 UIIMCN VI .. goonl. uuusnu. bI.n:r1n Kxugnlnu ammo ol lmrtuuuuu, Fhtru.` Thu: um). mud [cure of riluron, Sov. CHIP. Rona Uron. urn Weuluundny in ouch month. Secure Ba.x*9`,ainsi111media,tc- ly Irom 1 Shubtlv DOL LIIKO [02 Ill [.0|IU ll mu WEED. ` J. H. TAYLOR. F. CONWAI. H. W. FOBGEB. Ant. Burn. Ans. Gen. hue. Art. Enp'K. points nut. ) No. 5 Elpmna lawes hlnguton I H: p.m.. cou- neuungwlth 0.P.R. Mam Ivxpreu tum at Shu- bol. In o to: an polntu on. And west. J H. 'I`AYL()R, lo` r.n.\nvAu. n_w.1<`0nGEB. vnuunprg nu w nuurn. . No. 1 ~ lxed leaves Kinsman 7:30 n.m.. nrrinu M B horbot Luke 10.50 a..m.. and neutron ans p.m.: connecting with 0.P.H. Exprell for I Emma: hlnalton II `min `I u_.-1 - nnirunlw -11.: - Between liltuazon. Petorboro. '|'umnlo, Ottlwo. Munmsal, Quebec. nnd all poluna cut, and went No. 3 l'.Xpr6IJl!)AVeI Klmmon st. 1:301-.m. Arvlvau Tumnm 9`-I0 p.m. ' Unswl 6:25 p u). " Montreal 10:10 pm. ` Kenn-aw 6 20 p m. l'n.uunerI leaving by um train will reach Wlnulpcg lu6O hours. No. I hot! lnumn Wcnrntnn 7-rm n.m_. an-hm ---nw-- canufa Page Railroads. Mcxv, DIRECT, uaomaw. Quwxm-.'r, Cheapest And Bead Equlpped all lull Route `OB. MIEAPIIST TICKEIBM ll` Polnu and I automation pt-rtnlnlng to :1 lloutel, up- I* Y .A,roLGnn (Jane:-ul Tlckcl. .1 cent. . 2: L `I an In 4 agent, Ferry Wlmrl`, -` - Foolof Bro KJNGS ['0N. ONT. 4} !.l 4 A GENERAL TICKET AGEN Y , POCKET & OFFICE DIARIES. Fun CHEAPEST TICKEIBM cl Puma and unformatlon n v . NF. \V, QUIOKEh X`, all lull to Manitoba and the North Welt. n&ini}s7rTn .2 vF|'::Tc"cT|T-{T .un__ 7?YA`Nu > '\71`<:1`1~ii'i7i.- lhol lhvoo Bonn on Dunn, . n..-A.. 1.)... lliuamll ....I u- l'ImnrI| rile-nlnshlp fompnuy. LINN frmn Nnw Ynrk nvnrv HM. l`u4!ay`u l rnbubl|ll|on. lingual! Dnw I Bye. .. Qlinlul L....-...II an TIT. I'D OI WIND WU . Tho ouuol no now :0 __ _ . lone:-II r - ' - Foot. of Brook Bu-cc. jxmosrom. om. II. N. WALSH & 00., .xuNnA\'. l by VV. Newlanda. jr,Mll Kllnm-`ton l Wlnlo the tire was in progress at Skinner's John Horsey. psssingJ. .\lcK. l{obortson's glass warehouse. saw a ush ol light in the rear of the shop. He llBl.OH0ll down to Oloer Tuttlo and told him of the circumstance. and to- gotlier they run around to the gateway loading _from Montreal street. They saw in man hnrrving lown Montreal street. '`I would have followed him," said Ulfflcer Tuttle. but. in looking down the alley. I noticed another fellow crawling out of a window. Wu (J. Hor- sey and I) approached him [Hill] he said, `I'm onuyfit in the set; rm the guilty pnrty " Atrst it was not known who the young man was. but when pulled out upon the snow. and his face turned upward. John Horsey exclaimed. "My (lodl it's my brother." and hurried The olcer conducted Hurry llorsey to the police station and put him inside. The oioer says the young man was about half mt nioated, but his capture sobercd him completely. He had ignited the straw in Robertson's storo lying behind the 011100 and upon a trap door. It had been used as the packing for orockory in shogshoad. The straw was. fortunate] , wet and frosty and did not burn, an to this {act the salvnliun of the building is due. The young man is about 21 years of age and most reapeotablyconneoted. Evil asso- ciations have evidently wrought his min. For some months his cnndnnt lull l sway. cuucne ulvu onuenuy wrougnt. nus ruin. For some months his conduct has been very suspicious. Many thought he sncred from some mental weakness. He eppsrently reloi-med for some weeks. but egsin broke out," with the ruault stated. During October and November, while the incendiary tires were most numerous, the young men was strongly suspected. but beyond the whisper- ings ol the cltisens nothing was done. When the Burnett House episode oc- curroi-tho ring ol me home Iron: 3 eupbou-d-youua Horsey was susoccsed. He had been in the building but I few moments before. inquiring for the closet edjeceut to where the re mu started. when the are we: discovered over Miss McTeusrt`s he was crelitod with having put it out. ' I II nu: Ira! lllllhllllll pomtion. W.UUU: l`ll'6 insurance misu- cintion, 810,000. Total 924,500. There was an insurance of 83,000 `an the build- ing iu the London Assurance Corpora- ttou. The alieda in the rear. in which hcuvv oils uud drugs were kept. were not Llumaged, The work of the incen- ch-ny was palpable. A big box stove 2-stood near the counter, hut though there were papers near it um! 11. hogaliond cl straw IL few feet further uwuy. they were not burned. The tire was conned to the other end of the counter. The incendiary entered the building by puss- iug through the hallway from Princess street or by Queen street. Sl(inner& (Jr. will secure other premises and endeavor to resume biisiuei-m at the earliest penni- l)l0 luouieut. Among the Incendiary area within tho pull. three month: were an lollowingz Oct. 9.-.-John Carbon`: bardwna none. The cellar is full of vuu.L['I`, end the uh: um outing upon in. The b cling room 13 liM|llH},{0(| by smoke. wlii 0 lies- viur guodmin the tint. immei izuely above Lhu burned etombouvc, are hopelessly \vrv.ckcu. Ibo lire bud crept up the stairway nnri desl.royu needs, lumps, lamp ttings, herbs and grocenv sun- drieu. Millions of curka are strewn about the oor. The goods in the stationary dopnrtmenn are also irretrievably ruin- ed. The stock was valued at about 940,000. and was in perfect condition. I`ho rm was just beginning to 1111 spring orders. Two travellers were on the road. The insurance in as follows: Royal Cm admn, 921.000; Lancs.anire,83,000; (` - dnuum. 91.500; London Assurance .- ponmon. 97.000; Fire Insurance Asso- c-intinn. 91().(X}0. 924.500. I IIIXGG IIIODIDI WBTB IUD l0ll0WlllZ Oct. 9. -.-John hnrdwuo non. Oct.;`1:.-HT|;::lu Mi1Js.PhPrincoIl 3:... w o . anon otwnp din Shut ud A. M. Branch III cred. ' w$iII.:`8`..-0varEinsV ll=T|g|rt'I IICII. I Tho doorway leading to the store wan burned up and the fire and smoke blis- berud eve-r_\' hit of painted wood on the premises. '1 nu drugs were scorched up while dozens of bottles were burned by the intense hoot. The half of the liuied ceiling in the etoree fell, covering the oor with a mixture that. has touched the consistency of mud. From caller to gurret, the hue ncock oi the rm. ru- cuutiy re-urruugodmz in I state oi useless- IIPHH. UOI- X5.-KJVOIHI Wdlhgl ICICL Ool. QB.-I'indm Henderson & lids New Beek Store. woumgnou nun. Oot. 28.--Windmr Hotel ahbln. At which P. lalnugblln. I-'ra.ukIin Bron . Shun Bowing lacuna 00.. M. Doha. ~HrI. O'BlolIv And R. Bnannar min: I. anuu sowing lIoh.ue Uo.. M. Donn. Mn. O'Neil nnd R. Spencer snorol. Nov. 8.-- ind Reel` bukery. Nov. 8.-H. I W. J. Crotbctf Ihblu. Nov. 8.-R. I. Bonoy I.Itoro. 3 l4.T`1"1 !'I'H'}`."535fl h.'X'4`.'..`I, EH11 SUCH LVVU of water were playing upon the tire. The smoku was dense and the hentinzeuse. but. the remen bravely stood to their posts pnrl deluged the building with water. .::-M , Henry Skinner 4t Co. have occupied for many years n two-sto brick build- ingon Princess street.mi way between Bagot and Montreal streets. These premises run to Queen street`. It was in this building that is serious incendiary re occurred at 1 o'clock this morning. The damage was terrible. The store presents a wretched condition. The oors are covered with drugs, dirt and water to a considerable depth. The tire was started in the storehouse. im- mediately hehind the main building. Running between is door leading into the alleyway and the door entering the store stood to. long counter. behind it two windows, and between them shelves filled with tinctures. herbs. salves. etc., while under the counter were tinctures, 0! which alcohol is the princi al ingre- dient. The "rehug" entere the store" through one of the windows. and set the incendiary match under the counter. The ames spread rapidly. Rushing upward they caught the cross-beams supporting the oor. and soon the whole or the wooden ceiling was a mass of tire. Au nlariu was sounded. The en- gxnc was run out quickly and attached to thehydrant at the corner of Bagot !'}'!!`.`.".9.fl :.!r:`:"t,. rziid seen two A llul Flu Iluuul the Incendiary--A Wralcbod onlloolc at Skinner`: Drug Ilon - Thailand: at Dollnn Worth ol Gaul: lulled - An Aucllpl lo Burn Down Dr. lpnrIn' Inldcnce. , ti_ ` .Hl3NRY HORIEY DITIOTE D OBAW LING i OUT OF BOBIBTSOWB WINDOW. 7.51213 BUG CAPTURED. \VlJ1C1lHl|.I1|.10H "IL [(000 V1119. The bible readings and uuml meetings in the Young Wouu-u's Clirisbian \sso- cistion rooms on Sunday afternoons at. 4:15 o'clock are increasing in interest. They are now among the meat onjoyubla of Sunday services. is Pnmnll unn nf n... n 17 n imwnll I5 VUl'y Calllcflll. DUFVICH Ill UIH) 0 CIUUM. Rev. Mr. Scudnmoru, lluntlev. was lately waited upon by his parishioners and presents ! wxtln czghty bushels at out: for consumption by his horse. Then we read that tho compnu "sat down to is bountiful spread provk ed by Mrs. Scudamozo and did justxca to the rich vnuucla." 'n... m..... .4 n... a'..n.nI:.\ ..|...mI. in Rev. Mr. Amlcrson. of 'I`ycndim1ga. has hm] an Iudmn unmo conform! by the Mohawkn. Ho will mu-um-r be known in the band is Ku.-Wu.-lm~rivnuh. which mguius a good vino." The hihla mndinxu um] uuml mpnlinun FULL STOCKM ALL OTHER SCHOOL n...s. ...._ An Lawn] Al