Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jan 1886, p. 3

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liILBEH`l' & Sl.LlVAN S| D035 OI LIIIDUXII IV. roady woll known`. _.4 hlli. Attlkln at uuiv An. Artnur L. Sullivan is the son of a pro- fessional musician. iiii-l was horn in London in 1844. In 18155 he becamea choir boy in the Chapel Royal. St. James`. Two years later he gained tho Mendelssohn scholarship at the Royal Academy of Music and studied under Goes and Bennett. llo aftcrwards con- tinued his studies at Leipsio, and. on re- turning to Emzland. entered upon that career in which he was to win such emi~ nence and distinction. His "Prodigal Son" and "The Light of the World" at once became popular, while his music to "Shakespeare's Tempest" obtiiinerl `I. great success. His songs and uacreil music placed him among the leading composers of the day. But "Pinalore." alter all. is the basis of his fame. No other piece. within a like poriod,has ever before been played so many times, or in so many different places. When rst brought out in England it failed to gain that extraor- dinary, though necessarily ephemeral. success it obtained when reproduced in America towards the end of 1878. At that time Mr. Sullivan and Mr. W. 8. Gilbert came to New York to superin- tend the production of `Plnafore" under their personal leadership. Cambridge University conferred upon Sullivan t e honorary degree of Doctor of Music in 1876. and be was English delegate to the Coniminibn din Audition: Muaicalu to the Paris Exposition in 1678, when he , was made a Uhevalier of the Legion oi Honor. Mr. Sullivan has. for a number of years. worked in conjunction with Mr. W. 8. Gilbert. who wrote the words of "Pinaiore." Pirates of Penaance." --D.i:-..... " utniuiahn " and now "The maxnlnnd. Hon. Mr. Pope. Minister of Railwa. I and Canals, is recovering, only slow y from his indiapoaibion. He is suioiently well to attend to his oinoial duties. W. Oslrander. Pioton; Sheriff Hope, J. Marsh. Hellevillez J. T. Tennanb. Col. Cole, Brockville: W. J. Ulnrk. Brandon, Mrrn.. are an the Burnett. House. n r:....|...... RnIr.u.r.: I1. Leeson. C. S. A Lm-an Ilou-o Io Great llu (1ompunv-- l he Munluul Author. amlnny. Dr. C.-Leggo. of Ottawa. lal law of Mr. A. U. Campbell. 1130 Globe, died yesterday. One (it resides in Gannnoque. Mr Knvnnnah is the first women In uananoquu. Mr. Knvanngh Roman Catholic warden of Hastings. Thomas Hogan 18 the first Roman Catholic war- den ol Frontenac. Qannmnr Hnwlnu and Mr. HBCIKBW. qen oz rronnenuc. Senator Howlnu and M.P., have iuberviewe-1 Hon. Mr: Foster with reference to the mail 86l'Vl06 be- tween Prince Edward Island and the um. Mr Dnnn Minintnr of liailwayu racing stable at auction on Feb. `HID. Mr. John lloK.innon. of the clue of '86. has been chosen nlediotorinn. He in I nntive of Prince Edvard Inlnnd. uon. Edward Blake is expected to wisit Montreal and address the electors there before the opening of Parliament. Rev. Fr. O'Brien, recently ordained by Bishop Cleerv, has been a inted curate to Rev. F ether Davis at adoo. Inhn Rnllv thn or-Ant. Tammany chief, Father DAVIS at Manon. John Kelly. the great Tammany has ha] a relapse, and the opinlon now is that he cannot llV8. that he is slowly sinking. Dr. (3. . Leaqo. lather-lm ol"1 lunlore." "Hinton ol ranuuca. "Patiouoo." Iol|uthe," Ind now "The Mikado." Before meeting Mr. Gilbert he bud written mluy onntatu. over- tureu. urntorioa sud bnllnda, exactly suited to the public taste. He is 3 gouinl. oompnulounble man. And in this country gained mnuv friends. ..___..4._j. Dairtautter. EGGS THAT ARE FRESH The lieeolutlon Peeeod at the county Coun- cil leeleeov llegu-ale; In The resolution posted h the county council. condemning any 0 one in tho oryetel pelece aronude. wee reed end ldeclerod to be oerrled without . word of ' comment. D. J. Welker. who wee pre- eident of the Mldlend Feir Aeeocletlou lest yeer. end who epperentl endoreod the new eoheme end it one of t o dopnte- Pion toottewe. oered no oh ectlon. After the council edjourned the Inc reporter eeked Mr. Tolend why the motion wee propoeed. Ho hed e unique reply. Ho eel it wee beoenee there wee no room , tor horeee in the city. "Why." eeld he. "there ere aenerell more horeee tied ehont the lance up t are then there ere lu the city. Another thing. it we were ` in the city there would he too meuy | drunks et the bin. No liquor le told on | the around: now. but if we were in the , cidty.tl:o roughe would not ell they went- ; n t.." .1 -to tours from the turf. sud w Mrs. P. Clark. Mndnme Paul has been oerod an engsgemonb in Bruil `st 06.000 I night. Hon. Charles R. Slnnner is cit editor of the Wntertown Times. bu ; on y tem- pon.ri1y- , P. Lorillurd, New York. has decided in roll his stable Feb. 27:11. Mr. John tho_olu|_9t MISS AIJIJIG 12 M-Rnn,n pk [M1-. llnlnnlon-4': Npw Idou-A nognltod DenIIn-llon. Ir. lllnkdl lpooohu. THE DAILY BRI'1`ISH\`WHIG,v JAN. 28.} Miss Annie Holey. Nspsnee. in visiting rn, P nlfk. OPERA or MYEIDO _'r'5- __-r nun! AND mama Domes? IIDLAND OINTRAL FA IR. TIIB BEST VALUE WE I-IVER Ill-ELI) WE NOW SIIOW III TICKINGI. ...;...n hm M the `the u....o:..m. Thomas awn. mIl1et-1u- .1. of the daughter ion. Mr. . :| .......u..n I'M). REPORT OF THE 0101. Iwuuxun. Dr. A. 8. Oliver. gaol surgeon, report- ed : During 1885 there was an unusual amount of slokuequ in the gaol, both among the prisoners and the oioiala' families. I paid 218 visits to the gaol. Moat ol the able-bodie.l prisoners are sent to the Central Prison and Mercer Refqrmntory. and consequently most ol these I'D-B0l**.`0-l:3<-A1-9"-""Vf"'9}3Jli!I.l or - hodil inliru1ity.ur the are old. lame, halt, lind or insane. hene classes re- quire a great deul of medical attendance. One death. that of an aged insane wo- man. occurred. There are twenty pri- aoncra in the anal. I would draw your attention to the desirability of having a telephone in the gaol.-Adopted. Iznvlclca IN run coum uouss. ezavxcna IN run uoum uouss. A depvtnbion of the trustees of the Queen St. Methodist Church waited upon the council and asked lor the use 0 the county court room for Sabbath services until their church was repair- nzl 'I"hn nnnnnil amntorl the rvnuent. services until nnelr cnurcll was repair- ed. The council granted the request. the remuneration to be decided by the oommitteu on county property. The deputation proml-sod that should it In) found necessary to have an extra insur- ance on the bullllng they would moot the cost of it... The committee on county property reported that the Cataraqul toll uate had been destroyed b re and rebuilt at a cost of 6210. T ey had given the contract for goal supplies to W. H. Reid. -Beport adopted. nm-nmurmu rm: noun. nu: noun. Moved by J. Williams, seconded by J. Mackenzie. " [`hut whereas several commas and cities in the province of Untario have granted large sums of money to support. the families of the voiunteen who sarved in the North- Wast. rnl .ou. pndxwhereas this conu- cil grunt xi the eumoH200 to the village of Portumoum for that purpose. this council authorize the move to hand over to those men that served 08 each, and an addition of 012.83 to the married men." -Carried. ....m.n nu rruu IrAIn nnnnul. WATER on riiic run GROUND. Moved by J. Tolnnd. seconded by Mr. Greavee. whereas it has appeared in the public prints that eifortsuro to be made [or the removal of the location of the Midland Central Fair from its present site to some place within the city limits, and Hint B deputation of the Frontenac Agricultural Association has been ap- pointed to proceed to Ottawa and inter- view the Dominion Government in that behalf; and \Vll(`l'Ell8 in the opinion of this council any interference with the present locality would not only be seri- ous detrimental to the interests ol the show. but the removal within the boun- darieoi of the city would deprive it ol its essential quality oi ll conntv show. it in tliercforo resolved that this council. as the representative body of the county, hereby ilemros to express its strong disapprovnlolany change in the loca Lion or holding uuch show. and that, should uny such chane take place. no grunt be made in its ai lot tbcluture.-- Curried. 'm.,. ..,.......;i ...i:n........r nf ii-sin ..-..i.mi, n nun----y .uu......- . uuuuuwu. The council resumed at 10:45 o'clock. Mr. Folnndnnd neveml other members objected to the mloption oi the goal nurgeonhu report. It lmd not been fully understood. Sumo uiombem lid not feel that a telephone was ordered. A `resolution was ()L`!`0 to except that clause in its ll. loptiou. There was a discum-lion no to poiutu ol order; nally the warden held that the minutes should he conllrmed. This was done by num- jmity of one. Mr. Calvin pointed out thin. the unol surgeon only recommended in telephone. The oouncil was not bound to put itin the goal. The county pro- petty committee had to consider the mutter. Other members held that the adoption of the sol surgeon's report involved the ordering ol the telephone; that the report should have been sent to a committee to consider. The you and non were called on the mutter, and it was declared lost by a majority of one. Id. Joy ner changed his vote. The min- utes were read and adopted. with the exoe tion of tho qaol surgeon's report. Jn n Aannw. M.l).. P.S.I.. withdrew Linen Bands }at Extra Low Pricss, I0 Ina connny. Dz. Agnew asked (or A reasonable unounh of money to pay his tuvelling expenses in accordance with an order from the Education Depuzunent. His expenses yearly amounted to 0500.- Beferrod to tho nance commiuae. Mr "`l'\'llIII` nnhl Hmo I.lu.\I`n It-an widn. uexerrod no mo nuance commluae. Mr. Toland said that there wuss wide- spread feeling in the county for n clmufe 17. in the inlpeobonte. Ho approved of and thought the oommunicttion should not be considered until A new man was appointed. REPORT nl?` THE GAOL SURGEON. After the council bud rammed at 2:80 o'clock n petition was read {rem many rntepeyen, making the: Mrs. Wnllsoe be refunded n note emounting to 0220. She formerly controlled a toll note. end loot e good deel of money because ct bad weather. She had ps/id the county I15.- OIX) or 010.000 for lenses of toll gates, and bud but two notes protested. One note was refunded some time ago, and she pleaded for the acme treatment for the other. A resolution was passed re- lieving Mrs. Wallace of her indebtedness to the county. Dr. Agnew nalmd (or A reasonable ulon 0! mo qaol surgeon B l0p0I'(. Jo n Agnew. M.l).. I .S.l.. withdrew his request for travelling expenses. Mr. '1 olnnd pointed out, that Dr. Agnew wee enmled by law to hi; expenses. Mr. Watkins thought he would not ask lor hia expenses. Mr. Joyner thought some arrangement should be made with the doctor under which he would waive his claim to expenses. The communication wu referred to the nnuoo com mihtee. 'l`I... I.-u-um. Al 91.. nrhanhlnu Hmh l'6IOI'l'O(l 50 ID! IIDIIIOG COIIIIIHICGI. The trulteeu of the Sydenhnm High School naked for 01,600. with which to meet the nooeonrv at man of the school for 1880.--Refer: to the nnnoe committee. 'I"hn. -nvuunlmnnf. nf ip Anrlifnrn, second Du : Proondlnp-"J.nhnny ll" nu lint lIono!- \ Largo Attculnnoa. Yeaterdny was the second day of the Batten-Ian noon. The truck win in much the same condition as on the day pro- viona. The sndlence was an large. In the "Iroo-(or-:11" (our Itu't.od-"Johnny B." owned by Mr. Bums: So|u|in," W. Usrson: `Nettlo&op." `P. Sooble. Portland; "Church Boy." M. Church. Gnnnnoque, The nee wu won by "Johann B." The: score stood than M commmee. The appointment of the Auditors. Messrs. Browne and Keenan. was con- rmed. and the remuneration xed at 080, with mileage. "Nottlatop".. .. .. 4 3 "Church B9y".......... 3 3 4 Owing to the truck being heavy hat time was notmule, the time in the hoe- for-sll being 8 mm. 3 secs. 2 mins. 58 uoa.. 8 union. 11 soon. The club no to be congratulated on the mecca of the meeting. A. Armntrmm In to hum entered hil meeting. A. Armstrong Inn to huo traitor. "Mlhdo." in the free-for-Ill. huh. uotwitbutnndinq thlt he left the any on Tnudny ovening to no to Bu- ulnu. ho did not touch it. . W. Carson drove Sohalln" hinnelt. Mr . F. Folgefs new unllion on do 3 I mile in 2:20. M. M u..ao.-..|... .......|......1 My .1 . it an uncle: of Ibo new In cu-god an county Council Gull Will (`oue- Flu About the `rekplolo-lo Incl lmxl D be Talented ADOII Ila Gaol. All the DOM nun mum xuguuu nu-.. Bleached Uottonn in Stock. Twill Conons. Shootings, Twill Ind Plnin. Bheetlnga. Bleuohed sud Unblenohed. Pillow Canons. 38 to 28 inohol wide. Hull Bleached Cotton. Liborlll 'Re:`mo1i'rons fur -Gottnnn. by unnnnoque, Johnny B.` the finish : "lnhnnv R" mm In 1:30. ' Ir. M. Swiuor hu putohuad Mr. J. Shiner`: ohntnnl mus. ` she in Ind so be Ibo tutu! pun`: In the county. Olnnon Bron. intend ante:-inn their Tnlm uonoxs Aaoux-"mi: mm NOT - Aannulnm to ram couun. so no mo rum: put: 1:: we oonmy. Olnxton Bros. intend tutoring hol`IO..iSWOOpl|OIO9." m the Baroq- unith neon. which occur oh Feb. and Jud llrd. r: -..-___ mm CITIZENS SATzU"i ON: ill!` The council adjourned at 8:30 o'clock. IO Illlllul " hnny I -- nouar "N.'A.t\I a mum: ' B"` ' holiu. .. fl-IE BATTEBBE A RACES. 1110 [ICC WI! WDII The uAnnv&.MunnAv.l were not OOIDPIEIIO I5 I00 GIOIIIIK OI ELIE books (or the year, and the othex depth only occurred on 27th December. tom` days before the close of thowserm. There were sulcionh funds to meet every deuh claim of Int year. together -Wm, gnu full amusement now aimoat 3..., .....4 hnlnncea paid in since closing A 0|] IWEIVB UCIULI ULIIUJIL Ul IIJU Ulllll 10., one draft. was Issued, but not pro- wngcd in time to ha taken moo account um, year. In two other cases the claims complete at the cloning of the ;.....1.. 1... the vent. delth full RRROERHJODIZ DOW 8.1111035 due. and balances paid closing which lanes about H.500 to abut the present your. in addition to the 02,000 on special deposit. In class B" 02.600 has been aid. A draft. {or one death clnun in tis clean wu issued. but was not presented for payment at. who time of cloning. and one death occurred upon 9.... `)'7f.h Deneu1l)er. Tbev bad funds and ueam occurreu upon the 27th December. They on hand, in bank and received since, lenving one whole call to the good. The assistance rendered by local agents dur- ing the year just past was reoollnized. (`I A<~ "A Re.-cipts. Admission fees Annual calls Assessments Interest tbe appointment 0! W. J. Llvlnguon; The present Lnembanhlp of onus "A" in 2.106. The increm-0 Wu 1578. The deaths were 10.1nd the wnhdrunln and forfeiture: of members 41. The mom- beralnp in each ol the gudea of class "A" is rm 884; second, 895; tlnru. 859; fourth. 77. The znembonhip 01 class "B" in 1.102. an inorouo of 267. The alums were 7. wimunuula 12. Mr. E_ 0. Ulmnt. agent. lmsbeeu om loyed during me your principally tn ostern Ontario. The benets id since the 1, meeting amount to 12.000 in clue A, twelve death claims. 0! mo oabgr a-... nnn draft. msued. me- u.-`m..u....... Salaries, rent, etc H .... .. Printing and advertising . . . . .4 Commission on assessmcms . Commission on appl1cntions.. General Agents` expenses . . .. Benets paid Surplus ........` The funds on hand an: invested in the Frontenac Loan and Investment Soctety. 84,052.60; Federal Bank, 02,190.08; ofce Iurnilure, 06:) on Total. 86,312.28. .. ._-._- Iln " Recciprta. A.-I.-niacin: um. tllluu Admission fees.. Assessments . Interest .... ... mmmsauns; `' JIVIJ 5/ I The investments are in Frontenac Loan and Investment Socict , $862.58; Federal Bank. 0%7.4r). Total, x.4Io.o7. The 0 cars elected are as follows: President-Fi{e Fowler, M.D. Vi:e-Presidant-/\. McAlister. Secrelary-W. hung. Treasurer-l)aniel Callaghan. Directors-Fi{e Fowler. M.D.. A. McAlia- ler. Simon Oberndorffer. W. M. Drennan, W. [. Livingston, R. Gage, W. H. Hender- son, W. Dunn. 1!. H. Cnrnovsky M,m.I2..aA.mo nan-mnru ._ W. Robson. W. Dunn. U. H. uarnovsky Non~Resident Directors W. Robson. Whitby; john Gibson, Strnlford; L. Fer guson, St. Thomas; 1.. Silvermnn, Mon- treal; [ohn Richards, Fredericton, NB.; Benjamin Bremner, Charlottetown. P. BI. ; J. I). ConkIin.Winnipcg. Man. ..__:+o__ ('ipo Vincent line It new railway soheum. The arrangements are oom- pletml, we learn. for laying a. track from the cunt and of the gmancngcr depot to llromlwny an {er in ldnelentyne street. down lenelstvne to Uruvello. up Gru- vello to lllerket. and Idowin tootho river as {er an A. ll. Clove an 5: o.`n nee establishment. With the exoe tion of three all the property owners 3 ong the route have signed a rape! giving their consent. and work wi l begin next A ril. and em long all of the used house ugly mentu will be loaded on the one et their warehouse. Nor ls thin ell, no it in the general opinion thst es the docks II the new looetion. with but triing expense. can be made better nnd,more convenient than those at the preeent depot. all pueuenner trains will be run u town. and the old place called the unotion Instoad ol Slilnglcville. ID Wll W yuu luuuvuug uuuuu We congratulate the member: on the coutnued prosperity, the lugs Iddllion to its membership in both oluses, the low use of morrmlxty and the law an- Innuente made during the year. We regret the death of 3 director. R. Car- novsky, who, for many years. took a lively interest in all the uurs of the usocintiou. The vmnncy wu lled by appointment of W. J. Livingebon." Tm; nrsnanli membnrlhin Erpanditure. Gala.-iga n-nl Allauur -u Hr` nus. Salaries, rents. ebc.. . . . . .. Printing and ndvernsing.. Commissions.... .. Benets paid.. . .. Surplus.. Hon ! be Dupoa. Smokers will further their own intern by insisting upon having the "Cable" 0 lil Padre" brands of cigars. which have stood the test for a quarter of a cenlur . and not allow greedy and unscrupulous ealerl to persuade them to take other brands which ay them a larger profit. the consumer bo- ng a loser thereby a llmolonl Beware of cnprs articially avored for the purpose of hiding the poor quality 0! lo bncco used in avored Cllfl, Inuit upon having the old reliable braudI-"Cable" and "El Padre." Ln! evening the ennui! meeting ol the Uddfellows Relief Auoohtion was held in cennqui Iocaontoom. There` was a good Attendance of delegates lrom vntlonn put: of the province. The Presidens. Dr. Fowler, occupied the chair. The directors` report no reed. It Wu to the tollowmg eect: uni- --....- .....I-n.. 5|... ....u-.I..v.n an the: THE PHiARITVI'AOYn"i COUGH BALSAM I VOCAL SCORE.. H 1| 3|: Elixir of Tu. Wild Cherry. Eld- ounpno. Colul`oot.. command with vul- ouu Gum: and Bnlnma. nu whole being 0 plunntly avored liquid of 3 cherry red oolor. Ono done will gononlly rollavo Bronchitis and Asthma at once. Just try it (or 5 cold. Only sold at .11-_:-.- An Annunl IOOlIll|lODIOI"I)'--I Itlhlllilll at tho Fununnu min. - Just try in. You will find it tho but And mon rohnble Cough Mixture In the mur- ht. Only sold at wluows I-uAIuuov| Wi|_on's Pharmacy; I | -~..~ -- . ._. .-. -.,--.--_-..__~ EITLEKEN In mod 0! Undorwou osll n W. REEVES`. whom you hue tho Lupu. Ghuput and Bad An I nrlmanl toahoou from I luv: Iho Iargau. unup onmonj Ioohoou from 1: todoonn nmunann uorlnnu Ions. Ocllmnu, ac. I'I Ian 00: `Ian. In bani. 16 oh. W500 Drug Minn UDl)r ILLLUWS All) AH` UClA'| ION- _ WOUND AT LA8 l`-A mnody wunl `namnn hudnndnuoornnlu PIANO SCORE .......... ..76c !0UND AT hAI|T-A nnoay todtoam hududoolt Oonnnu . ngllmnnn, Q, K1131`: Hun (h- THE Osl'll'H NEW VENTURE. I whl--I-1 Icxullau Iln Vnlloulu - lno Hunt nud Wont ln-Ir. 0 3.375 97 9 3.875 97 ..o...-.,. I mm 549 00 3-190 30 36 67 .O1.923oo . l,()l500 - U785 75 21919 ..8 x,o8z8o 209 10 80 016,842 94 rated LIRE1'ro............... ___:-- 16,842 94 V.) 33` 1,500 72l 24 oo 480 :5 2.000 oo t, CORDUVAN 1` Grey Conou, Grey Canons, Grey Uottonl. Grey Cotton. Guy Canons. Guy Oottoun. Guy Jouons, Guy Canons. Grey Canons. Grey Ootoons. Gray Uottonn, Guy Coltouu. Grey (Johtonn, Grey Cottous. |J. LA|DLAW& SON 600 - PAIRS - JUST - ARRIVED - AT - R. - McFAUL'S. IA VERY GREAT BARGAIN! The Best 45 cent Corset in the city. The Best 75 cont Corset in the city, The Best 500. Spoon Brush Corsct:in the city. Useful Grey Cotton: from so. Ysrd Wide Gray Cotton dgo Very Huvy Oottom. _ (0 Inch Grey Conons `Winn (gotten: from 60. Fine Ysrd Wide Undressed Cotton 8o. All the Best and Most Populsr Make: of -rn--..|.-,l I `nunnn in Rtnc " THE MIKADU I Try us for the Ste un Molded "Lilly" Corset. We will sell it cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. ll. IGFIIIL, Night calls proiiifitly attended to by Robert .705. Reid, Garrett Street, near corner Division and Princess Streets, 01' at office, viii `w.1?LT.m`....u You." Efiiueu OORDUVAN BOOT. We can rocommend it. H LARGE mr or IHE 0HEAPEST-- 254 Princess Street, Kingston. Beautiful Embroideries at 5, 10 and 1250. per yard. Special Oering for this week's mle. Ladies and Misses Niantles, Ulsters and Blanket Suits. Dress Goods, Millinery, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear. Remnants in every department at Half Price. "if YOU WANT TO BE 0 OMFORTED 1 Real Eider Down Comforters, at $4 &$5, Worth $8& $10. we'll nu: 11- in nu: rum. Lowmu u1-n.ns 2 CASES NEW EMBRO/DERIES at SPENC` & CRUML E Y '8 vulu IAIVIIIIA W [w5XTLY REDUCE5 "I"I`{I.(U )-E.`: ;." I\..- ._II ._.:II -_._..: _ . _ _ . .. 4.I._a. AL-- Golonnn wanting 5 Nut Bootmquultoortferod work. Ind will want eihnlly II . well. would noon: I `1 4 J j C"l'hue Good: IIIIII be cleared to make room for Il lurk now on order. Come In once and recurs some of Ila Iurgnllo. 'F. X. COUSINEAU | GREAT R_1;QUcT10Ns IALL - GLASSES - OF - DRY - GOODS. l'\JJ.\u.'u1J.J.a.I. ;uuuuuuu 1. Lva.\J1au. One call will convince you that the place for Bargains in Dress Goods is . .T.D.M|NNES&Oo s. SPENOE 63 ORUMLEY Jun. 27. ORIAT OAORIFIOI IALIANOW GOING ON I Secure a tiopy before they an all dnpoud of at During this month we will oer the balance of our Stock . bun A H11 :7 nnnrrnnn nnrnua Jun. 27. Jan. 25. Jun. '13. Jun. 15. no In. 8. And Best of the Above`Guods Shown this Season. CORSETS! coRsETT age: AINES 8: LQOKETT. ..` '5... 35.....- HENDERSON&U0 SI --TELEPIIONE (J()MMUNI()A'l`ION.-- ' 9on.1>1uNo1nss AND BAGOT srnmmms. SIE ZE}CI_A_L. THE (GREAT BARVGAIN KII~I?G.r AND BESIDES, SECURE The Leading Undertaker and Embnhnir. White Uoltouu, White Conona. White Canon.-, White Oottouu. White Ooitouu. White Oonom. White Canons, While Ootionu, White Cotionl. White Ootionu, White (iatteous. White cottons. Whiio Cottoua. White Cotton:-, COME AND SEE OUR IO! & I04 Prlncau street. Pillow Callous, Pillow Canons. Pillow Ootbonu. Plllov Ooltona, Plllow Cotronl. Pillow Coltonu, Pillow Cations. Plllow Calhoun. Inn-.. .1-.. __ _ AS I ulvvv vvluvuu, Pillow Ooiton-, Pillow Ooltous, Pillow Ooitona, Pillow Coitcns. Pillow Oolbonl. Pillow Oolionl. I80 PIIIHBESS 31'. .J L -L I my Boot. Starr; Shootings . lugginnu IIIIUIIIIIII Bhulinp. Bhoollnu. Shootings. Shootings, Shooting. Shauna! IL-4]-.- uuuuul-[ll Bhuglpqu, bhobtinp. Shootings, Ihnn-nu- wuUvII|I'lo r BhooIin`I_ Bhootingl. SHEETINGS. GOTTONS. TIGKINGS, LINENS. Is to he played in our city on Jan. I6. "u{2VXI7ii's DRUG STORE. nnn uuun - nnnnlr nmn In-3` .P'_-3535*.` NEW OPERA, B"I`olephone orders receive cur bent at caution Jan. 27th. I18 PRINCESS STREET. pk. .s EVER THE L0wEsr\ Prices for Quality will be found on our count- ers in 1111 House Furnishings. NED 800187005. . 31.00 the Bnehelurv Bill at. Verona. To-night. the bachelors of Verona hold a ball. A great. many invittmons have been issued. `and it II-I expected there will be a large attendance. A number of young persons from the city will be present. nun n. .n..-. nun. ,,-_-__. III no -lore Duty. The olicc will in future do two hours extra ( uty at night. That. is. some of them will have to be on their heats be- tween the hours of 5 and '7 am. Here- tolore the police did not have to do duty during these hours. The Arrlvnl ol l'JI|)lI1lIvIrII. To-day fty barrels of gasoline nt- rived per U.'I`.R. for the Royal Militarv College. and ve tons of dualin. whxch came over the Ii. 5: I`. R. and C.P.R.. reached hero. l`o~doy`| Probnbllltlol. Moderate to fresh winds. uistly northeast and north. cloudy to fair weather, stationary or higher tempers- ture. Bounul llyuolnnn IINI Winter [flower-I. Afew in bloom. One ower will ll the house with ics ewulsitae sweetness And beauty. Callst. sud see them. , . _. ,_, ., ..n__.o.... ilson's Pharmacy FOR COUGHS &: COLDS unnuux -nun yu ...... .... .. A number of Ottawa young men. mulled on the young ladies in the Mi- kado" company, chased after them to Brookville, and. it. is said. even to Kingston. l\|_I-- oh- M-unlu-ru Anna .-au~-... Dlnlng ghe Memberu. This evening Warden Hogan gives a dinner in the Waggoner House. A num- ber of prominent. people may be absent because of prior engagements for the Mil(ndn." lintorninlng lilnu Men. A pleasant time was spent at. Mr. W. Shnnuhuws. Mr. P. Bujus gave twent.v- nine of bin employees an oyster spread. Two hours were spent in discussing the good things. Messrs. Nicholson. Ward. Rvnu uud several others contributed Ill. nvug... liepnrale uohnol Board. The members of the Separate School Board will meet tomorrow night. to beer the Reverend Superintendents (Rev. 8. Kelly) annual report. and to organize tbelioard for 1886. A trustee will be Ippointed to all . at the Collegiate Inntitulao Board. ._._____ IIIIIIIIIII uvur I ulluvuv Beiieville omoers were in the city yea- terdey. They handed the binemiet. Shnver. over to the penitentiary authori- ties. On Tuesday the police mnuietrene demanded the prisoner to Appear beiore him to answer a second charge, laid by hi: Lindsey bride. but the sheriff reiueed to give the prisoner up. loih. It 72!) pan. The: lug-ulu eesings at the Ancient nndhA3a- Axsptod Boomnh mm at Frurmnonr on 01 In their Eal|,oo1-not of Brook and olhnm: Bu-con. Ktnuumn Lodga ol Perlocuon. 1` Thursday. sud Ron of Bhutan. Sov.OhAp. Orolx, one Wodnudny In econ month. Iloynl Arunum. 'l`Hl RE GULAB MEETINGS oi the St. Luv- renoo Oouuoll, Boyd Amnnum. no held on the Mn and mm Iondnyn In ovary month as I B p.m.,1n the Cnllnqul Uad Fallon Bull. Pun- cols Street 7 Doc. 19. I. 0. I"0l l'fllQl'I- OUIIT "FB01\TENAO," No. 50, Indegonduue Order of Forutnn. mum on the not Ind I 1rd Thundny in Itch mouth ln0ddl'llowI' E|Il.cornor of Princess and Montrul scram. tower Huudry B Thompson's`) Doc. 31. of Prlnoou and 3 (over J. H. Jomlrmc, n.n.. Ch.Il., Ln.v..r.E. W Ixllnlmv-oh. 0_lAM0`IvAD_!;ia:{-l_(?HREMDr. u; n .-__ nu..- Abvllu songs. ll uunuuu unwuuwnu . 0n Sundey morning. previous to the Queen etreet. ohm-oh re. Mr. D. J. On- bum states that some stronger must have been in hi: house. When his wife evoke in the morning the land her dren, which Ind been hengina up. at tun-eted with eon.l oil. She cannot eo- oonnl for the circumstance. D Geo 0': !hll,WollIc Tueldny 0 every month. lav. Andrew Gray and Ill: Brldo. Now You Bun. vim- D-.. And-._ I1-an A. Mill.-I NOW YGII Bllll. Tho Rev. Andrew Grey. of Millerton, N.Y., who. after hie morrisae with Miss Bechtel Nlnoleon in Brooklyn on Sutur- dny evening. wee irivon with his bride to the Pierrepont Hones. in etill there. He will not return to Millerton for 5 time end he has mode en-engemente with e Rev. John 6. Allen {.0 occupy hie pu pit during his ebeenee. .._- n__._ ._ _L, .__u__._ I Cunard Slealullp Company. SAILING from New York not Saturday. Authorized Axum, F. A. FOL EB. Fen-,1 Dock. loos of Bro H st. Klunton. The Soul of England BEIVEVOLENT 30CIETY,N0. 3!, much In St. Hull, Wellington 3%.. 11nd sud am Tuandu CVO! KOOIII. UDIITIU. 237 QUEEN H l`.. -l'I. ruin] II IDI lluyluw. Its. Eli oh Purdv. of Bydonhom. won hood In kwood Asylum yostordsy. ho was driven to the institution by hot hushsnd. Gootlomon from B donhsm so tlIotlr.Pnrdy took hlswio snd o I! logltloutfor odrivo. Al I stoto o holt VII undo in osdor that tho lsttor I might got out on o mosssgo. Ir. Put-dy thou whipped tho hot-oo ond drovo ro- PW! H with his wjlo. Tho outhori- ties {st t e Inn: took hot in. Mr. Purdy's popm nljn lull logs! form. __.4-_.<. Duh-I-oIlol-Innhlo sud onus, on Wodnosdsy ovsninq lbs Eolom A. Rsnkimonlydsu torolthoIntDo- puty Boovo at tho ovnuhip oi lug... too. In. Hugh-Ronhln, ond cm. F. Olsrko. of Ensstowu. woro norrlod at tho rssidonoo ol tho brlds's lothor. Onl- lhshy.hy tho Rev. Mr. Wnllon. `rho hrldssnold vos Xlss Domill. ol Bollo- n|lo.ond thspooumnso Ir. E. loom, dinptoo. nu brldo rooolvod nony hsuloonsudvsloohlopsssoobhonhot nnnumhl-an. Than won nutios C p.m.; connecting with U.r.u. llxprelu Iur point: out. No. 5 lilxpreu lonvea K Icon 5 65 pm. oon- numn with U.P.lL Nlgm apron train II Eh bot. In 0 tor u|l palm: out and won. J. H. TAYLOR, FJJONWAI. B. W. I-`0L0mB'. Ant. Baum Au. Ger. Pu._Ax't.. luv I. 1;;)daa. houvv. No. I525, ou uonuu. 1'W- I- nl : p.u.v. Onnn nl Lodun. No.7]. on Wonudnv. 90 91) mm. ltnanlnl lrlnainui ul Ihl Anolnul and K3` wt:-uncut: vwvw.- ..-.-- A oonoentntod outset of Wild Cherry. Boro- hound. lloounpuno and othor ulunblo inure- dlonu. It in plenum. healing. mud and hum- IIII Don mull. lool sure. In bottles 25 \nd F0 cent! as Winnipeg In 00 houns. No. 1 Mud leaves Klmmon 730 s.m.. Arrive: at Bhubow [Aka 10.50 1.111.. ml llurow 3:15 with 0.P.u. Exp:-en lo: 'I volnu A _ --A`-1):... Canada Pulijlo Railroads. NEW. DIRECT. BI0;7l'l8'l.`. QUIOKIMI`. Chapel! and Ben Equipped all lull Bank to Ilumobs Ind the Rom: Wool. nan` and cn'ET|>1.u- noun; Between mnsuton. Pehtboro. Toronto, Olldwn Momrul. Quebeomnd IN pdluu east. and won No. I Ex nu lunl Kingston II 1:80 gun. Anlvu orontao 9:10 p.m. "' Otnwn 0% pm. " Montreal 10:90 p.m. " Bonn-ow 6.20 pm. Pnuengen leaving by this train will touch 00 houno. No. 1 mixed lanai Klmmon srrlvgu nnnuvu mam. "run Inn panel from gab. lain`: sou-ling Ind a bountiful lawn guns. DQ051158 0| Mikado.' IDHIIIIOII ponumn; W In Uvuwu, ny- A. 1' 01.9123. aonernl Tlkoj Igo_n_v_. _ I . .3. A V as u as -u Tlokol Agent. lorry Wharf, - - Foot. of Brock Btree. KINGSTON. ONT. mil}. .1; GENERAL TIG.K.ET~AGEN `Y :-.- B`Y.Fa.`.% o.. '...T.`e`iEi.'.2`.1'.:$l 9.11? III] (0 Tlluununx . Mlludo at the Ogen House. Buow Bhoo Club nmp M. 8 [\.m. FRIDAY. IBIUIY. Pnor. Ho'roanN M Burnett House. Pnronnlo: no Roller Rink. ?*'**- J. n. -lUhhIl'l nu, n.u.. u......, .,.... .... ..,, ..,_ Mlnburth. Mamba: ol the College of Phvflnluu t Bu!- Koonl. Ontario. 7 By buying a copy of the Opera now and becoming fa- miliar with the plot, you will enjoy the entertainment to a greater extent. _ Dluonlc Iegulnr Ileellnxl. Anolom at John's Lodge. No.8. on Thu!!- au. Feb. mus mo p.m, _ _ _ _._______..______ I(INIi9l`0N Q PEMBROKE jAI'n:._ CITY AND VlGlNl l`Y. chums 1'10!-ll to Klnntou. ..l (ht.-um Innna In. Purl: In the Aulun. r.~m-:. n-..a.. ..a c...a-..L... llnntllng (Ivor I Convict ._:II- `n--. _...... 4.. H`. II 1' Huuesmu. .-, 'ou Ilondu. Fob. m, Kin grmon suns VVIIJII nus\r\aair rlnnl ...... .4. The people in the Prince Albert sec- tion will get their rights in time," said the speaker. for they can agitate with a pertinaeity that will wear out the patience oi an government." Aliistorv of the Daccta Indians, whose: reserve extends some distance lrom Prince Albert.wa.s given. The squaws are forced to do heavy work, while their husbands lounge about and spend their time in hunting. Like all Pagans these Indians havea plurality of wives and mistresses. The women tight and make lively times for the men. Once the squaws in White 0ap's hand sawed 8,tX)0 cords of wood in Prince Albert, for which they received 100. per cord. In referring to the government's attitude towards the Indians the speaker inti- mated that something will have to he done to keep them until they are able to make their own living. Their lands are gone, and they are dying out. The excessive mortality of their race is ascribed to the changes in their mode of living which they are forced to adont. The intentions of the government to- wards the Indians are good. but their discontent is due to the actions of gov- ernment agents. many of whom have not the love of God in their hearts. Pro- hibition was. to some extent, enforced in Prince Albert. Strong drink was not allowed to be sold there. except on the order eia medical man. He did not know oi one man, who was born in the place. that had acquired the habit of indulging in strong drinli. He closed his discourse with a. short account of Muskolra, and a zpealerl to the people to subscribe libera ly towards tLe huilding nf .. mimunnnal fwn nhnrnlmn. ialimit to AND A CHOICE LOT 01' SMALL SUGAR-PURED HAMS JUST RECEIVED AT HENDRY a _gHuuPsnu' s. BUDBCFIDG HDGHIIIV IOWHHIB um: IIUHUIIJK of at muuso and two churches, about be enctecl in that `section. He needed H.000. 8000 of which sum he had nlrewiy collected. The 1 cop` of Muskokn would I subscribe 82.000. THE BUILDING or A oiwiioii. A syndicate was formed. each member promising to PB-Y 0100. but when the time came ,[or the signing of the con- tract the men backed out and he had to sign the contract liimsell. A building was erected at ii cost of 08,000. It serves as s. lecture hall to II. church which will cost 015.000. Prince Albert has since grown, and it has now a. Presbyterian high school and two common schools. There are in this aection two Presby- terian clergyman. an Episcopal bishop. four cathedral clergymeu and II Methodist minister. It is the head- quarters ol the llml:-ion Bay Uonipuuy's council. who meet once s year to decide the price of goods. for sale at the dilIer- ent stations. The exorbitant charges which the company made for goods was alluded to. Rev. Mr. Johnson. the mie- sionury that had preceded Mr, Sieve- wright. had stated that he paid to the company once 61 for ii box of blaclming. Another time the ladies of Prince Albert arranged ii teirmeeting. and were forced to pay 60.: per lb. (or butter. 500 per dozen for eggs. 250 per ll. for sugar, and 100 per lb. for our. TIIEV wii.i. A(in'A'ric AND AOXTATE. Yesterday the county council did a thing that 'eomo think will require amending. Last June 0200 was donated to the Portamonth council, to aaaiet in keeping the families of those volunteers composing F" Company doing duty in the North~Weat. This money was ex- pended in the manner` intended. and when the married men were paid oil the sums paid for the aupport ol the families was deducted from their allowances. The Portsmouth council took its ahare and still had the 0200, loaned or given by the county council. The council agreed to divide it among the men but ii. hitch occurred '. the Reeve held that the money was the property ol the married men and ahouk be given to them if divided at all. The aingle men had been paid their allowances in lull and were not entitled to any of the money taken from the married men. The council then wanted the money tranalerred to the original donors. This was the posi- tion of affairs when the matter came be- fore the council yeaterday. The council- lora agreed to give 03 to each of the vol- unteers. and an addition of 012.88 to each 0! the married men. There were only aix of these. They. however. think they have not been fairly dealt with. t Rev. Mr. rneverignn. a rreanyrerian missionary in. the North- West Territory, , delivered an interesting lecture in St. Andrew`: Hall last evening to a large audience. He commenced his discourse by giving an account 0! his rst trip to Prince Albert. about ve yearfsgo. There was no railroad at that time, and he travelled much of the way in n lum- ber wsggon. At this time the North West was sparsely settled. Humboldt had two leg shanties. and there was one house at Batoche. occupied by Mr. Ba- toche. a merchant of considerable wealth acquired by trading with the Indians The epeaker was well acquainted with members of Riel's council. who were all Roman Catholics. He had many an earnest talk with Dumont. Hie (the speaker's) advice to these men. when they complained to him about the go- vernment not having acted fairly with them in regard to their lands. was to hold on to their claima and they would in time receive their patents. Dumont had held land [or eight years and had not received his deed. It was because of this state of affairs that Riel inspired. the recent rebellion. When the speaker wentto Prince Albert there were on] fourteen log houses in it. that place its population numbered 800. As soon as he not to Prince Albert he held services. For a while he had to do nearly everything himself except taking up the collection. which was done by a faithful p:)Hui;u.|au. a native of Nova Scotia. After a while he agitated for mine nllll.nlNn m-` A Glillnll. Whenhel t I i I `- he congregation ol Queen at. Church Not DI-plrlted--lrs Announcement. The Queen Street Methodist congregs- tion hsvs been oered Ontsno Hell. the County Court room and the 0 rs House lor their Sunday eervioee. out m)lO sre inclined to the Opers House. use of its centrsl location. It is now ssld thst it will not he necesesry to hsvs the drop curtsin rsised. thus cutting o no obgectxon to the slleaed drslts. The be no incressed their subscriptions to shout 0260. In n few dsys n genersl up I will bemsde to the citisecn for nl , sncl the lsdiee sre repnring for their oyster snppei. on _ hsll of the building fund, on Thnrsdty evening. Feb. 4th. Both the Untsrio srtd City Hells hsve been enusged lor the occs- ` sion. since the burning of the Queenl Street edlllce the committees do the vsrioun churches hsve been overhauling their lnrnsoes end telling preosutions sgninst line. L [.nm3.-Next 8nndn's services will be . Luoi~-NIxI 8nndn'I union ......... ..,... f held In Ut.Androw'I Hnllmnd the Sundny school In the Divisional court room in nu. an-A [Inn-4 Th. nnrn Hanna : Ieuool In an umnonu uoun room In Ibo Oonrl Homo. The 0 Homo : oxponul would be too mm: for the equ- inrogstion st pronoun. I M cum. nun. HcuPro!. oiohkilrn Iptinglul Imus udlnpporlu sdvortioomont. Go udi so bin at tho Bunion Home. Jun. mcauhgu. and amgud Fob.1n. 236.! III . The Cane of the Rebellion Attributed to lejloct of Government -`l'|o Goun- null null do lol `Ital the Indian Properly-Work of the Church. -_-:--:-- IHURSDH. JAN ? 28TH. PRINOI 14313 ! BIBIDIITB CAN TIBI Al! UOVIBIHINTI PAYIIICOI. Rev. Mr. bievengbt. | Presbyterian niummn-v in the Norh Welt Tarritotv. ,5 I INSISTING ON RIGHTS. I A BONE 01" CUNTENTION. BOUND TO GO AIIAI). are at the Brmsh. American nonen. Mr. Munroe. 0! me Guardian Am-nu rnnca Company of England, yesterday adjusted the lumen of Messrs. ltoutley and Mnbood by the late res. He arriv- ed in the afternoon and left. on the mic!- night. train. Dr Hmihh. {nrumrlv of St. Androw`s night. tram. Dr. Smith, formerly Church. Kingston. and lataerly of St. John. N.B., was last. week Wedded to 1:lIu Rankine. daughter of T. N. Ran- kine. of SD. John. Tho happy couple have gun to Dr. Sl!1llh'H new field of labour. in Wnuson. Wxacousiu. l L.u w R n......lm-A in detnrmlucd to labour. in Wnueon. Wisconsin. Rev. W. S. Ilainelord is determined make his New York church attractive. He believes in arresting the attention of the masses in any legitimate manner possible. so long as they are brought under the inuences of religion. With money. which he has been successful in obtaining from 8. rich member of St. George's. New York. Mr. Rainsford will at once build u. new parish building, which willcontnin Sunday School rooms for nziult and infant classes. :1. boys club-room, is girls` club~room. gymna- sium. billiard-rooms, and rooms tor the clergy. baths. etc. _oo _.___ 1). Graham. Belfast; 11. Lemon. Ellis. R. 0. Allan. Toronto; J. Water- man, London; C. Slwehy. '1`. F. Griin. Detroit; A. Mil-eld. Bradford. Eng,` Brmsb. American Hotel. M- Rlnnrnn 11' Hun Hmu-dinu In IIIIIJIII 1: ul nun. The plan of the Opera. House gives romine of a very large house to-nigm} bu ground oor has been fully eDgz|p.{ed, and the gallery would have been bought. up, too. If each had been permitted. Ap~ plicatiuns for twenty balcony menu: bad to be refused, The Montreal and (lb- tawa papers speak in the lniglmat terms of the performance. which is Inked as well. better in some respects. tlmu the best. 0: Gilbert. & Sullivan's operns ul- .-nmln Iwnll lznnnm, 31 inore extended list of Furnishing; will be issued vary uhortly. Meantime give up I (:11 Ind I06 win: we are doing.

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