ll OOIIOIDIIIIMI Ollfllll OI VVIKI UIIIYTL I101`- Lound. Ilooompnno and other valuable |uro~ alum. It. In plouuo. ho:-nu. mild und hum- lou. Don Iunll. lool mm. In bolllu B Ind H0 cent: at WADFRS DRUG STORE. ~I_E3AL IMPROVEMENTS. _A;:_: The Queen Street Methodist Church congregation worshipped in St. Andrew'u llall yesterday. The attendance was good on both OOOIEIODB. No inconveni- ence wan felt by two congregations wor- shipping no close together. Queen St. oliolr occupied the platform behind the minister and sang from improviaed ahoetii of mania. Nearly every one in the congregation held IL new hymn hook. llev. ll. F. Bland preached lioin [le- brevii xii. L2. and ioinlod out how one ahould run the Jlirhitiau race in order to bo aucociialnl. At the clone he read ii. large list of aunounoenientii. Major King. he said. had placed ll couilortablu room in liia residence at the dispoiml ol the church ieople.and class and bible meetings con il be held. Dnriuu the early part of the week a sense of the calamity grow upon him and he would have anered acutely but for the loyal. devoted and sell-Iacrioinu support of bill people. and the sympathy of the community. At an early date the church would rise lruin its milieu. Sell-denial was ii. feature that had prominently aliown itself since the Ire. One woman offered to the building fund the money she had saved (or a dress; another had handed over a the dollar gold iecu, laid by for a pair of boots ; a gent einan had decided to lorego a now watch lllld gave hiii money to the tlniitees. The children had also taken an interest in the re-erection ol the nnilding. and when the children were hopelnl the older ones ehould not he deapondent. one little four year old had handed over 82. given her at Christmas. and another little girl had on Saturday presented her savings. amounting to 02.76. Mr. Tronaman. of Point Laaier. iientavory iiyuipatlietic letter and aeked to have his subscription inoieaaed by 050. The la- diea themselves have raised oveivtllou. 'l`|... U. I.I\-H\ u..i.m.I -nail the lhIa.ania HIGH IIIOUJIGIVBI IIIIVB l'I|I8(I UVCIIVVUUU. The Ssbbath School met Lu aha Queen street public wheel. but the plums was not as anmble M could be dolirad and 3 change may oocur. Next Sabbath the children moon in a mass mootim; iu Sy- duuham nhruot cu'uroh to hear mission- urv uddruaen. II..- I -1)..- Ilnnbnr |`na\l;..nI\O nf Hus ATV lMl(ll'.l88I. Rev. Leltoy Hooker. President of the Montreal oonlerenoe. addressed the cou- grenntina in the evening end spoke lrom Jndgeavui, 2. detailing the viotoriee ol (lideon and l in bond of lollowere over the Midientuu. In concluding he and he presumed the congregation had re- ceived mi much Iympethy and ndvico during the week on they required, but while considering the euhjeot he hed thought muohol them. He wondered it they would be another Gideon`: hand. lle knew thet in their minister they had nnother Gideon, e lenrleee. Uod serving meme iunn ol iuooinperr hi-i energy. lt they rnlliod around him they would moat eeeuredly be Another Gideon : bend. The dilonltlee and burden: to be borne were not euioient rueeone lor leilure. if they remembered that with one on God`: aide they hed 5 majority egoinet the whole world. He urged the people to etend rm together. to suffer nothing todivide them. end the day ol victory wee not for dietentavhen they would egnin worship in their own IIDOMIIII]. At both eervieee epeeiel preyere were oered lor the putter. el- dere end cougregetion olst. Andrew`! church. who lied eo kindly opened their doore to the orphened oongregetiou. -- o~ ~ oo~ School Irnotoo l.lotIon. The school trustee election. which occurred in Rldoun Wtrd to-day. was lnvoly one. The unpporton of the can- didnou. Moun.Ony and Horn. workod vigorously for thou` luoriul. The soon Aottnunulty In the ward wu nluo uhn sud ugotlv ounnuod mus lor A. llorn. The noon II 1 o`clock unnnuu. no wuncn no uenongu. 'l`houmaA. Edison. the arena Unna- dmu olvcmomu. has none to Florida. wlu-ru he has purchased some land. He recently had a house built. in Maine, and about a week ago he had the whole structure pub on I aob0oner,nu'l It is now on its way to Florida. He has also ruruhsaed the most aleuantly furnished IOIIBG In Orange. N. J..whioh cost. 5460.- 000. Near the house in ()rnuuo he will build a laboratory nlmilar to the one ab Menlo Park. mmsn American notu. Rev. Mr. Hewitt. who has been 1sbor- ing in the North-Wost as u. missionary. preached In the Sydenhun streetchnroh youterdsy morning. Missionary services wnllbe held next Sunday in the same chnroh.to be sddressed by Rev. Mr. How` in and Rev. Mr. Eby. Thn Rev. James Awde suvell u {roe III and new. MI`. may. The Rev. James Awde given public lecture in Montreal on Tuesday, the subject being that aggressive form of aocinliun which in now agitating America as well an the Old World. Mr. Awde. nave the |ViIna5.v, is already ro- 00l1lZ6(l as one of our most able and thoughtful public speakers, and II a. ris- lngman in the Methodist Church of Canada. to which he belongs. 'l`lmn.un A !`.:li-nn Hm atrnnh (Inna. II mnde. Parker Lonoh, Hlghgnte. Ohio; W. Elvin. Hunill:ou;J. H. Wnddoll. Key- weat. Florida; George Bollard. Charles Hoidniaok. Londou.l are at. phe British American Hotolf `I'D-uy Mm Ha:-EM uhn Inn: hnnn lnhnr. \ loyal In-volotl and Halt-snorlllolnz Con. gropvlon -70 Int Ihoy urn lining. VOCAE sc PIANO scom;.....,....... LIBREITO.................... ICC`; VIII CXIIII. A muting oi tho Inunhon ol the Kmpton lnotouo Olnb ml hold lul . wank. Inn-3. J. Bonn ud Cunning- hlln won uppoinud to nail the books ohhool band I new mo- nonl 80.! jj nznamh and Logic In moum umveruny. Henry R. Smith has been unnamed lieutenant-colonel of the 14th Bath. P.W.0. Ries. vice John Kerr, permmed to retire retaining rank. The rnmnr in revived tlnh the Hon. to retire remlnlng rank. The rumor is revived that Georve A. Kirkpatrick in to be appoint- ed Lnenhenanh-Governor of Ontu-io. The ugpolnhmenb will be popular it it 8. in ma Montreal. The County Orange Dodge meets h to tomorrow afternoon. It is prob: le that Rev.. .Gnlluber. of Pmlburg. will beeleo county mater. Paul '1`. Lnenr. masher ofEnl1liuh in be elected oounhy manner. _ Paul T. Lsenr. of Enghuh the Collegiate Institute. Ottawa, bu been appointed uulamnh proleuor of English and Logic in MoGill Universiby. Haunt. R mmh hln hnan uusahtod new noodn. Burnett H ouu. . _ Mr. HM`! O'Brien. now of the Brmnh Amerionn otol, will have charge of the ouhlefa desk in the Bnlmonl Hotel. Montreal. 1'1... r`......o.. n....m.. nmlm. mash ham troll). bu umved In we may. J. M. Ron. Hunilton ;F. W. Mucheln. Syracuse; G. 0. Shepherd. Cobonr ; D. J. Kearney. New York City. In nt 0. Burnout H oiau. Mn [Ind-u n'Rnnn nnu nf Mn! Rntinh hotel to purchase! Mr. Milan Moulrl. who in doing 3 prouperoul tinlmlthinu business in De- troit. bu umved in the city. .1 M m... nunmnn : F. W. Mncham. m:.y;l.`honnn Wilson. of the Burnett Houu. bu ln lowoton to look up 1 VALENTINESI Id. , Rev. Dnid Mleoholl.Bol|avlllo, pinch- Qd bin farewell normal: in Bollovlo yea- hrdny. Mr. Tlmnn Wilson. Burnett` tho Pooplo Whom lonnonu, Ilulnn um Dolnu Attract Pnulnu Azunllon. d Bishop Oleuy In no pruena 1n Ila- on. Dr. Fowler goes to Belloville to-mop row to amend n meeting 0! the medical hnnrrl, u-u-`nut; - - . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . V` Tho return: it 1:80 o'clock wore: Horn ............................ .. ill (81: III `mm in Rudy O lulu`: onhnzon `chat. Ban Islno 0'0!` IINII. All n: Horn Uny.. THE DAILY BRITISH wage, FEB. 1' . Hujotlty.. nbnnnn at `I xliity . FEBRUARY THE 14111 is drawing nigh. Seem-e_u Pnrrnr VALKNTINBT \ while the stock \ iutilluh. lacuna an losing. ._A.` __ -1 AL- _.__L... PERSORAL UOLUIR. Many times since Perry had asked her to llVc' with him. but she relueeil. The girl il.l not know Walker until I few years ago. They were not nnrried. though rumours to that eoct were Iterted some time aiuce. Perry three- tened the girl in in letter that he would hnve her sent to the penitentirry for marrying a. second time. but after she read the letter ahe_ mid. "He'll never get the chance to aenil me to the peni- tentiary." No opposition will he made to the divorce proceedings. The girl willonly be too happ to be freed from an engagement that lies been gelling to her all elou . She has had several of- {era of munugo in the pest ve yearn. but has had to reject them owing to re- letionato Perry. She in now 21 years of ego. quite prettpin {Ace and graceful in gure. She is withn sister in Toronto. but returns here in n few weelra. The mother and fnther were unions to heve their daughter (reed train a union thet wee diuteutelul. but the wished the uh- anrd statements in tho {Mtnlt de|p\tch omplmticully denied. .-_....._..{__ "urn nu un-p-nu uuuuwu.-. Missionary services were held in the Anglican oliurohos yeeterdey. Rev. Mr. Olin, nl Wetertown. N.Y..helng the rinoipel upeeker. llis eddrenses were interesting end his style of delivery pleesinq. He spoke at St. Paul`: Church Inst nvenin upon Christ`: oom- mieaion to l is disciples. and held that tlin mission worlr ol ti-day was of vuster imivortonne then that of 1600 one ago. Thu work must be done. em et whet cost it niey. The orders issued by Christ. to oerry the gospel to ell nations. must be complied with. All should contribute to the mission work. however smell the Amount. He explained the situation by telling about an old women who rushed into a battle with I broom. The inople Inked her whet she would be e le to do. She replied that she would let them know what side ehe was on. Everybody we: called to enlist in the misslonery erniy. It wss tlirongh people thet the lluht of the gospel must shine. They were the ob- ieotive points of the true light. If they proved themselves I proper medium they would lie indeed true soldiers ol Christ. Ms; ll, \'. Ilnnnnl. in an ldilroll lull`: lI\hl\ vvssss sun Ilvsnsluo Mrs. Davey was found at her home on Sydenham street. She laughed as the reporter read to her the report of the thrilling episode (the marriage). but she looked very solemn when it was iusinuated that her daughter had two husbands. She positively denied that her daughter was married to Walker. and said. further. that the "marriage epi- sede" was mythical. Perry met Miss Davey when she was about 15 or 10 years of age and became infatuated with her. He attended many danoessnd assemblies where she was. followed her around. bestowed presents upon her. and tlnally suggested a wedding. She was very young. yielded to Perry's persnssions. and on Halloween. 1880. they were married in her house. Georgina alter- wsrds deulared that she (lll not love Perry, and for the low short weeks they lived together life was not very happy. They stayed with Mrs. Davey at week or more. then removed to Bond Head street. Two weeks later the wife cleared for Garden Island. remained with an uncle. was taken home by her mother, and therealter relused to recognise Perry as her husband. She declared she never liked him and would not live with him. .un.- wnu`-r uavr.` snrnnv Uhrlec. lhr. ll. \'. llogora. in en eddroee lest av inn. oellod ettention to the greet n cl (or nnoreeeed help. I0 {bet the Church ol Euglend people 0! Onterio oonlsl heve ineuuotlou. The mieeion of Glen. in Onterlo diooeee. 140 nnlee lung. hed only seven or eight Imeeioue. The mleeiou llelde of Heeling: end Fron- teneo were eleo needv. The work eould non be eeotlvely prosecuted. beoeuee made were not lorlhoonnn . Kmgeton Anulloene leel veer ueve 760 to me- eione. eml 0618 of thle went to Iorelan mieeione. The proportion wee ebonl lorry oonte per heed. with ninety-lonr mleelonetobeprovlded tor. The ex se le UNIX). end of this the people 0 the dloeeee aeve 07.000. The belenoe comes from the Bnetenteuon Fund end from lnteruh on note. The boer.l in in debt 01.40). wo-Ihirde ol the money epenl le need In the Inleelone In From teeeo. Rev. Mr. Olle delivered en eddreee to ebont elny ledlee on the work ol the 'WoInen`e Anxlliery ol the Unlled etetee. llwee orgenlned Mteen an ego. end . e year. now hee e revenue of 0 Ilnd Innirlon. nver um. Will! 0' I IIOW III. IUVOIIIIO OI UINIIIJJI yII|'n Ind besides. over 0811.010 worth nlnlhinn 5.. ..n.A on ah. hnninln and min. nnu oeamen. over uuu.uw wow: 01 ololbiu in tons to tho bound: and min- uiou u du. R. II. On. intimated um: I.. sud ........i -m. pg RI-Aunt. ............\.. ..... .. .... ........... ...- ...-, um In Ind mugoj with to. Brown. wilool tho Bishop oi Kuhn. toviult tho dioono nnd nddnn the women`: HENDM It THUMPSUN S. wllibl WI xmnopu ollll. lovuu the diooao and uddnul Ibo nnxiliulu In nrionl pluooo. ex Q Inoionl munn Olddjtd? u:Lci|lly nnvzlrod (:0, opnpon M In 0 I II Aobnoo and II Invondpo 1-`; lists! I: hung tho o'd " banda- ' blo"Md"IlPudro." l ' Uht. preu : Detroit. Mich.. Feb. l.-Charlea Draper Perry. a machinist. has begun a suit for divorce against Georgina Davey Perry. alleging simple deaertion. The story he tells. however, is somewhat more sensational. On October 81st. 1890. he married Georgina Davey at Kin ston. Some yesrs before Miss avey had been engaged to a man named Ro- bert Walker. who went to California to seek his fortune. Suddenly his letters to his betrothed stopped. and soon after- ward the news of his death reached her. She mourned for him three years. and at length bestowed her hand upon Perry. Soareely was the wedding ring soed npon.her finger and the congretn atious showered upon her when a friend whispered in her ear, "Robert Walker is alive end on his way home." The bride. who but a moment before was the picture of hepginees. fell in a faint. and only recovere to tear theorange blos- soms f}om her head and flee from the house. From that moment she refused to see Perry. and when Walker arrived at Kingston she reoolved him with open arms. Perry at length csme to Detroit end is now a. prosperous mechanic. . Last August Mrs. Perry and Walker were married, and now live together in To- ronto." - D..l.....r \.U_ll...... mun fnnml in Hun l-M, Ionno." Ii-Jburt Walkmr we found in bhe Ht. Niohoiu restaurant, and inughed when the reporter reed the extract to him. He hed never been in Ueliiornie And never had been married to the young woman. who we: e daughter of George Davey. carpenter. Svdenhem Street. He knew the girl previous to her merringe. but not mmuetely. He met her after she hud lulu Perry. She only lived with Perry about two monthl. Mr. Walker was uneommunicetive regarding the marriage. He was not there and knew nothing about is. u... .. I-9-Ive: noun: unm-an launch! to -I lay in a sum uuuublo I on road Wihrn advonbnon. null loudollhitd page. A ll oulvioo nunollnu nood.-"'l`ho Phumnov." will OI IIIIIII pun. A. uulo Inna I ICDONIIIII [ood.`--"Tho Plnrmtoy. The tnllovnng entertaining pnnalrtnh ounetohnnd to~dny by the nuoc Bod Dr." Z In In In In Ilpol Aloller (`III-I0 `lllnll Ilo `lull of Divorce Yer! VIII! chlrley Wu Alwun I Manly Plellow -Per|-3 in Oil larlou About It. A YOUNG WOMAN W80 DIDNT THINK " B10 EIAP" OF Elli MARRIAGE. -H~l-3.VvVAN-'1`S A DIVORCE- Julm Hantlarsuna m. MIESIONAIIY ENTERPRISES. The people through nhe section where the Brookvillo and Wauhpolt railway is supposed to run are excited our rho mnlter. None want it to go through their farm. sud others pro in doubt whether thev will have a railway us all. Thu Hnnnnnnnn Ilumrlnr nnnnnnnnn WIIOFIIBI` IIIOV Will DIVE I IRIIWIY I5 Ill. 'Ihe Onnnuoque Iirpurlrr nnnnnnoel um. On Bumlny mornmg the Svdonhun street Methodish Church wu hurnod." The Uupu Vincent I-Jaglr. before It. went up in smoke. said. "the Queen Street Ryan Methoiat Church" hm! {Allen 3 pr? to the devouring element. he salvation service: In the Bnntinh pl'8 I0 NIB (lGVOUl'lll OIOIDBDV. he salvation services in the Baptist Church are proving anoceuiul under Rev. Dr. Hooper and Cnpbain Emma Clarke. Lush evening the Attendance was large. cud ulna meeting interesting. Enrnent tuatimonioa were given. M the enquiry meeting eiyht pornons mumm- ed 1 desire Ior salvation. The prolpootl are enoournuing. Meehngl occur every night this week. . L____. Tho Solurdny morning train for Cape Vincent. on tho 1%.. W. & 0. RR . ion the truck nour Woods Foils. nbounwo mile: from Wntortown. Au rho train sled the switch the upright rod roko. throwing tho switch out of piano and unending tho bnngnqo our nnd pouenqer coach on tho truck. Tho homage our won thrown over on its nulo. olonr 06 tho track. and the forward truck of the pouenpzer coach was thrown from its place. Express meuongor She hard. who runs between Wntortown on King- ston. was injured Ind hon been hid up uinoo tho nocidenb. Another meouongor came :0 the city to-dov. The some morning twornuinen collided, I-honoring boshpilota und knocking in hole in one of the boilers. 1`he yordrmn. who won responsible for the accident. woo dil- charged ma unguu mu mun. In M oz to thin. horse Moon will be held on t. 0 ice here on Feb. `J8:-d sud 24th. A truck will. however. be laid ouh immediately. Purses. aggregating not loan than 0600. will he oilarod. Hornet which have competed in the races in this vioiniuv. will cut: the Kingston rnnas. ` THVE3 PHARMACY OOUGH BALSAM I IUFVBH OI] auuuay. A uletnohmeub of~t.he Nth P.W.0. Ries, from Fort Henry, pandod mi- moruing and woroinspaototl by Mnjor King and Col. Villiera. The bsrrnolt room was found clean. neat and in good x order. The companion were also look- ing brighb and man. In In nxnnntm Hunt Imrnn I-Ana: will ha Ill OUEUTBBK OI IIJUIIIII Ill] l|DlUc On Feb. 19th a ball will be held in PlauuL'a llnll. Renfrow. The committee of management. is composed of hlensra. D. Crockett. J. A. MoFaydon. W. Derenu. J. Mcldweu. E. Wilson. J. P. French nnd T. R. Brownie. In Q5 u--..'- 1V..oI....4....l ....-s.....l.-. 1. IX. UTOWDIB. In St. Mary's Cathedral yeaterdav morning A beautiful sermon was };`reachod by the Rev. Father Twomer. be women`: brunch of the Holy Funl y will meet on Fridn evening. The Feutdvnl ol' the Puri cation will be ob- aorvaul on Sunday. A nlntnnhmnnn nf-thn Nth P.W.0. Dairy:_B_utter. EH88 THAT ARE FRESH Jun try in. You will and it the but And most rolublo Cough Iixturp in tho mn- ht. Only sold 5| |vm.sou's I-Imuuov| II II no Elm: 0! `Fur. Wild Ohorry. Elo- ouhpcno. Oolu Foot. oolqnod with uri- onu Onmn sud Bahama. tho vholo huh; I _I--_._ul- I---A4` Ilnnhl AI g Aluguru Dal DIII UIIIIII Ill DI!-IIIIII. SI VIIUII luau. I plonunly nond liquid _ot I ohury red color. Ono done will gunnlly tollovl Bronohml And A|\h In: It not. Jun try It for n cold. Only told at WUTIU. jlli IITIVOU. ID " 1H8 l'LlIX'I.lll|0y- A regular meeting of the Freight; Agents Anlooinuon of Uanudn will be held in Toronoo on the second WedneI- day in March. Mr. F. Conway will re- preneuc the K. .9: I . R. at this meeting. The nnmmmian of the 14th Bath. in K003 l'B(llI0ld0D. About BO0pernona enjoyed bbemselvol at the skating rink on Saburdny night. Capt. Dix bu nut the rink in good nhape for to-night. The ice in better thou ever. 'J|.nn luau nnnnnoldnn man: in hunk. Hill] BVCT. Wilaon hnn something! new in tooth- bruuheu: something very nice and re- oherobo Three groan from mum Du- pont. the lending brush makers of the world. just arrived. at. "The Pharmacy." A raanlnr mnntina nf the Frnlahh; preneuv me n. at r. n. in, una meemng. The companies of the 14th Butt. in the fort. are anxious to be part of the ying column 011.200 men which. next spring. gooato the North-West to mike an outbreak 0! Indiana impossible. ()n Feb. link a ball will be held in `iuf unit; In uninm 'oi: diu`l.l':" 1" I'II`V|IO con`:-O tomorrow. Some 0 them hue but the bird: since Cbrimnn. Aluuut. Hm lrmnm runmlu 'nI- nnhl lnnh una we mrul unoe uumumu. About the bout remedy for cold lest extant in Norman`: Electric Insoles. They also won] great relief to chil- blainu. non. oornu. bunlonc. cm. In I\UA`.- on mnb- -nnvn hm ..n- lIAl\I`I KND A CHOICE LOT 01' SMALL SUGAR-CURED HAMS JUST IIEOl'll\ ED AT mum. non. oornl. uumono. ow. In order to make room for new goodl, now striving for the spring. Menu Luidluw .2 Son will to mon-ow offer their stock 0! clouds and lucinntoru an grout reduction. A hmlt. WI) nm-nnnn nninvmi tlmmnnlval W_iI_on s Pharmacy.i an. nun uuurou. I04. c. Some time ngo Mr. Henry Roillyqsged 91, contracted a cold. which in A short time developed into oonuumpbion. Un Snturdny evening he died. Mr. J. Jnrrhn. lnfnlv A I-nnidnnh of auuruly 0VODlI DB 0100. Mr. J. Jordan. lately I resident of Toronto. bu removed to Kingston. snd Mr. 0. Lyon. jr.. who has been employ- ed in New York {or some montbl. in whiting hi: friends here. Tlm umrvhnut: whn hui nu-hridnol numner or ormena. Parlor concerts. to be held. weekly. have been oomprenced b the Willing Workers Association of t 0 Third Me- thodist. Church. 'I'hn nnllnnnnn lnr mu :-innnri nnr. HIQCIISI? UUIJTOH. The collections for miuionuy pur- poses in the Anglicsn churches yester- duy`wero : St. George`: Cathedral. I224 ; SI. Paul`: Chuxoh. 064. Hanna Hymn nun Mn I-(Anni: nnillv Ann!` H10 xun IIDOUIII UIIIIIIOIL stock taking is cyan`. Twenty-two plolnaes of nei iprfn]; goods opened up st Hndy J: Mnrhvh. Th: fnmanl nl Mn. Humnh (tn-non. ID nuuy U IIIIITIV I- Tbo tunenl ol Mu. numb Cannon. was of Charles Canon. took place you- terduy. It was attended by I large number of citizens. D...Inp nnnnnulm on I... Ind.` --nblu $"WE HOPE TO SELL THE LOT BE- FORE THE no MARCH AND IN-` VITE YOUR EARLY INSPEC HON.` uucu. ' V Big deal in table linen: no Hlrdy & Muruy'|. Fara come first sound. Oomo. ` 'I`Im_ -Annn nnnn AI Munro 0- l".nI-I-[nun Uome. _ The wsau one of Moore vs. Con-lgnn has been settled. The defendant. pay: tb full amount claimed. I-Han]: tnlnn In nvnr 'l`IInnl.v.I.wn In-aunt unown. vine is In sun rnnowm. Arrangement: have been mnda for a lecture by Henry George In Kingston in March. in Haul in (skin Hnnlm :0. Hnrdi h A ciu-`load of potltoel arrived vi: the K. a P. R. to duty from '1oronto. In In Mr. J. 6. Chain. mu of Mr. IX. G 1 . 1%. {:0 GI] [FOE LOIOIIIO. In in Mr. J. G. Cbown. non of Mr. Arthur Ohowu. who is in San Fnnolpco. An-Annamantn IIIVII bl!!!) lnld (OI ll` UDBIP OIOIIIII F0-IDOITOVV II IJIIQIIW I- ' Zero wu touched at 11 o'clock to-day. hT3'u fee In "tho hubor II 18 Inches` t ic .' - ' ' I A 151- `And Al nntgonnn ---haul win th- ..-_,..-_..... Lllllo Thlngn Ihnl lingo tho People : I!- umIon-.Notou In our tonal 0-!!!)-- Vllllll IHI IHGIIGI IlOI'O- Tho merchant: who bud partridge: as ...n`'.. in alum. --..uuaimv`-nmnnt` Muhr Chomp 010nll`IVt0L!IN7Jl`l'0W It Luidlsfn. Zero wu Innnhpd an 11 o'clock In-dnv. ;a6x}3 KZTaw_/; u..q %%.u.. sad to one hard sad ooh In .. nnllannng A; n.-an On: All VVOOI. Uumuluuru nu; ouu, regular value 400. A11 Wool Cashmere for 35c, regular value 500. All Wool Cashmere for 40, regular value 650 A11 Wool Cashmere for 45c. regular value 60c. AU Wool Cashmere for 500, regular value 70c All Wool Cashmere for 550. regular value 75c. Beat Cashmeres 600. worth 860 ' Best Cashmeres at "/50, worth $1.10. 1 INTLIIIN Ta and o! Ondorvou | I all u:W. RIIVII3 whom you .. Aha Lu-uni. Ohms! um Dan A: INC! l)EN'l`S Or` THE DH. Night calls prmitly attended to by Robert or Jos. Reid, Garrett Street, near corner Division and Princess Streets, or at office, TIIEY WILL ISTOIISII YOII. SEE TIIEI. 254 Princess Street, Kingston. 2 CASES NE W E IIBROIDE RIE 8 at SPENCE & CRUNLE? '8 Bfrering for thisweek's Tsale. .1` ` T 1 H C Ladies and Misses Mantles, Dieters and Blanket Suits. Dress Goods. Millinery, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear. Remnants in every uepartment at Half Price. The Best 45 cent Corset in the city. The Best 7'5 cont Corset in the city. The Best 500. Spoon Brush Cor.~1nt:in the city. Try us for the Stoun Molded Lilly" Corset. We will sell it cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. in. Iol-'lII|., monmsaunnl You will require :1 New One after tgo fire. We have it full stock (in hand of all kinds is- sued. Juhnanuersnnm. Beautiful Embroideries-at 5, 10 and l2c. per yard. 600- PAIRS - JUST` - ARRIVED - AT - R. - McFAUL'S. r`l`IoIo Goods IIIII be cleared to -also room for In-In. noel now on order. come at once and metro some or the In-gollo. SPENOE at ORUMLEY F')EfE5s1NEAU "GREAT REQUCTIONS ,ALL - GLASSES - or - DRY - GOODS. During this month we will oer the balance of our Stock \ at. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. rx._ --n _:n -_._...-._-- _-.. ;L-. AL- ._I-..- A`... `D........:... :- WJERSEYS ate Price will astonish you for the/ value iven. Call and se eral New Shapes we are now 0 ering in these Goods. J. LAIDLAWEL SON l With Umipproucliablc Bargains for the multitudes. He has this time secured over 2,000 Yards of Flouncings, in all widths, in White. Cream, Uliocolnto and Coffer Colors, which will be sold at 50c. on the dollar. HAnnv&MunnAY.} To see our Plushos at $1.50 per yard, as they are 8 inches wider and better quality than those sold elsewhere at $1.60 nI\4` Q1 71'` | .l}i?1"s1'.`5. ` |I(- KIKIIBRII. I A 1 I311 U \Jl`;IJ I .I.UllJloUa `One call will convince you that the place for Bargains in Dress Goods ls T.D.M|NNES&Oo s.l H Ladies`, (T}h-iTl7dren s and Men's Wool Hosiep; '. in 0. great variety of makes` Please exanm Lt_hqr_Anb9fore..p11rchas_ing elsewhere, ` . BULLAHS, UIIFPS, PHILLINGS, RIBBDNS, HOSIhHY. --AN D GLOVES,-- av" . I `III. (III I I ed at Vxary Low Pncg_:s. 1 mm SATURDAY; JA N1I}<;nY 3T`I1 IIEIPSIBE. QBT; lhoolvod to-dsy 1 one 0! 800 plea on Euoomo llmbroldorlu and Iunortlonu (mm in ' is 500 pg: yud. 2 cans. l0J plan; Whlto Check Muslim. 5: per ynrd. worth 80 30 plan: New amped Bkmingl only Inc, ul-o New Shootings. Pillow Canons. Linens And Tiollngn. all from 8 to Bo per ynd ohnpor than lul your nun. All Wool Cashmere fbr 300, 1nnr111]n1'| vnlnn dn Jan. 90. ORIAT IAORIFIOI BALI NOW GOING O` I ;;,;NzW 3PRINE Gobbsi; Fob. 1. Jun. 27. Jan. 25. Jun. 20. J REID, E6 {RwS E'T LS%!%J CURSETS ----'l`EI.EPI[0NE COMMUNICATION.-- NOTE THE PRIEES !! 9on.1=nn~tomss AND Inedgr smmm I)()N"'.I' FORGET STILL LEADS THE PROOISBION ( the Leading Undertaker and Bmbnlm er.) Bowms an 13 IBONETTE |9l PRINCESS STREET. IN A GREAT VARIETY. U lllDVU Juh IUUUIVUU Ll unis all the Lcadixng Makes, and l)l`il\nu We have just received a Large Assortment v -in and will be offer- l)._:.._ , III Q III Prlnono Ittoct. Jun. 97th. opposito Vllndm illum- I80 PIIINIIESS ST. Our big purchase of All-Wool Black Cnshmeres at about 30 per cent less than the regular rates now bpeneld and ready for inspection. 1.\1113v'7" :BooK:. nah. I-luau. lhpuu. Tja .' LATEST BASKET! Fnb.1. I76 PIIINCI-I8! STREET. A oonoonh-Mod ulnot of Wlld Ohorry. Hon- g\lonu._ pIo_gun_I.`hou1ln. mud gnd hung- nun, ll clncallen. Lient. Henrn. of the Small Arms Ammunition Factory at Quebec. in now st Woolwioh, where he is undergoing a special course of instruction. A Kingston Woo-President. Mr. A. (iream. of this oitv. who is employed in St. Paul. Minn.. in the dry goods huunora, in rice-president of the Hiawatha Tohogmm Club. recently or- ganized iu thnt place. The Governor of the State is-honoruy president 0! the club. The tobomznns to be had in St. Paul In very or. and Mr. Groun or- dnrod two of tram to be sent to him from this city. They cost 02.75 npioco here. but belore they ranch St. Paul. on nooonnt of the duty rnto. they will con 07.50 ench. Mr. Hop lull. oumule mnunger 0| we Rnhbnn ompany. loll. to-by on I K. .t P. RR. train. He will Ipond 1 week in visiting dnerent nations bo- tween here and lknlrow with the vlew of purchasing all the stringers. lieu. noun and lumber to be hurl ulonn the In-Uudslu In Englnnu. The Lomlun Uuuuc announces, u re- uurdn the lingo): Regiment. that the up- pointmout to I lieutennuoy nl Uentlm mnn cadet W. 0. Warner. from the Royal Militnr College. hingnton. Cun- nda, in clonal ed. l.i.mo. Hnnrn, n! thn Smnll Armn A uom pony lnourporntod. The Ontu-in Government has incor- poroted J. 0. Clmpbell. Perth ; J. M. Campbell, Kingnon: T. B. Unldwoll. Lnnnrk; Williun Caldwell. Lnnnrk ; Willinm Moliouio Ind Allon Mnkonie. l\'ingm.on.nndor tho name of tho King- non Elnotric Luna Cornpnn . The Io- tnl oupiulntook in 03.00). ivlded Into shares of 026 each. nnd the objoctol the company in to obtain power to furnish Ii ht And motivo powor lor the running ofnnohinory in tho city of Kingston Lnd elrowhero in tho county of Fronunno. , Cnndlonnn Day II llnnd. To-morrow (February 2nd) will he Onndlomnn Dny. or the Fnnivnl ot tho Purification ol the Vurain Mn . On this dny the coromomol in the nun Cnthollo chm-oh urn nnnannlly impru- olvo. Unndloa are blessed by the bishop nnd presented to the ole nnd pooplo. Thin onuom lo I vary on out one in the church. nod wu momma no on only period for the pnrpooo of ohlmrnina Iolno Pngnn cnnonn and hrlnnlna tho pooplo to the ohoornnoo of Christian nnnllonn. Tn. oornmhv will bu nor- (menu: on the It. at I`. llll. Conductor Wooliver has been aced in charge of the night. trains. ID oon~ doctor Funnell in chu-go of Non. 1 and 2 ning. David Collins. engineer, Inn been trunnion-rod from A dev train to at night. trein. and W. Clerk will nuooeed him on me jay tnin. lloldlng 3 Good llononl. Mr. G. S. Oidriovo takes his bnntnmu to llowmpnviilo giwaultry fair. which open: on Wednomay. At. Ottawa he displayed ten birds. and secured nine prizes. seven thus. one second and one special. I In. n... ur.. Ia... `F .I|n `up: Want ran Mr. F. A. Folgol-`a stallion. Mem- hrano Mit.ch0ll." will be shipped vim G.T.l(. from Snrnia to Kinqnton to-mob row morning. The father of this stallion was the that burns to do 5 mile iu 2:20 in America. Iu uny - I l'Ilu-Inl-uvl. Moderate winds. generally I that. with light snow falls i plncea; not much change in I cure. pooplo to me oooornnoo or unmmn rnouou. Tho oomnhv will be por- ormod In 85. Ilu'y'I Ouhodnl non Bundny pnviom to High Ina. Putnam: II:-J. URL. I)... I R u_u__x_._ .1 51A METHODIST HYMN Bl]KS! YXCCCIIC IUC)U0 The Rev. J. K. lollodno. at `at. Juan Ohunh. painted on mindon Army any ung nu mu unlined. Ilwuoondnoud by Capt. Bnhuhln. `tho 0 about which thou bu boon to Inch an Inn dhlnlnhd anon; tho -unhnn at "I" Onnmnv. Pmunonnh. III Kg W IlC-'IX-(I IZOD. ID. noalnu at "I" Oonpuy. Phtlhwih. 00- y. An ojjootolntcrnotlouh ua \dVIl`\|l- ng Iullh h-nod hi In-FA, ulnar ununu. pnuuou muuou Ill 80. John's Omani my morning. The dooonuou ho Onnp Hall. at up for the recent noold. bun not nmond. The meeting held by tho Salvation Anny luv crush; nu vnlluloudud. I. 0. I`orrrnI1-I1. Coum --rmoM*mmo." No. 59, [min onaons Order of Foronon, mdun on tho nu! Ind lhlrd '1`hundAy In nob month In Oddhllowf Enu.oornor of Prhxoua And lontrnl Bil-nu. (over Hcndry a Thompnonm.) Doo.2l. _. , ,-.,___._ _ *,-_-2-euj J. M. .l()LLlFFl, M-D-. C||.M-, lR.C.I`-E-, L-ll ltdlnburzh. Mambo: ol the College of Phvclnhni A lul- noom. Ouurio. |loy_n_l A tannin. l`lil REGULAR IIIIBTINUB of the ll. Inw- ronoo Oatmeal. nyul Aromum, no hold on t I` ond y: In avor tho um and y month an 0 p.m., In Ihocolultlul Und Fallon Bull. Prin- I ougjv-rune. _ Don. ll. HEIDI. Uuuno. I287 QUEEN N l`.. 3-u?'-j--@ UIIIPCI `ICIIIIIIIID lllllpulyu SAILING from New York oven-5 Snturduy. Authorised Axons, I`. A. F01. ER, Fury Dock. too: of Hm I at... Elnnton. 0.m~4 cw/1!_4vv9r~ L) Geo 0': Hall. Wolllt Tuoldny 0 "try month. II 7: mm. on on Loan. No.68. oy Wodnudny. Fab win. at M 9.11:. The Roculu loennm ol the Anohnl nnd Aa- ooptod Booms}: km or Prumuo nu hold lulhcir HIILOOPIOI of Brook Ind all: non u. lunnton 0 at Portoouon. '1` 1rd hnndu. Anal ltouo lhu-o|,Bov.Ohnp.3oIo Orou. nl Wodnudny In sum month. volzm -MI. No. 5 lxpnuluven Kin own A no ma. non- nootln with U.P.ll.. Nlgm apron tnln ll him`- bot Duh (or all point: an nnd won. J. n.'rnx.on, EOONWM. B. W. FOLGIIII. Am. Sun ; Au. oer-. run. Art. Bnp'I. Hindu. LI 7:!) Onnnqul " Manual 10:00 pm. " llonh-ow 0 20 Pnungorn Iuvlnw l,\hh crnln will rush Winning In 00 noun. No. I Mlxul lanai Klnulon 1:8) mm. u-I-Ina vnnmpog in w noun. No. I Mlleavol Klnnuo 1:30 n.m.. ntliharbot In |0.60 A.m., nd Nonfnw 3:15 p.m.: oonnootmg wm: 0.P.I(. ihprou lor . r on: o p. . - veg)`-I5 ;.x.;'>.oulo ton In con mount mum .xnI-I III!-I I IIIII uuln it In: I -uvu - -u Botwoen Klnguon. Paton-bum. Toronto. Ottawa` Monuul, Quboo. Ind all` point: at sud won No. 8 Ex nnuluvu Kingston II 1:80 pm. Arvin: oronto 9:10 pan. ' (mum 6:96 .In. 10: mm. MONDAY. Rlonum Mnrrmo of Mludan boduo M Hmn. Pncr. H man It llnruotc Homo. Mursrmu ol the Mock Parliament 3: 8 pm. THIIDAV, rooun. at H um. ANNUAL nla of pnporr. o:o., at me Moolnnlor Immune I E p.m. III will unrnur uni nun:-nu. Mr. Hop iua. outside nmnnger ol the lnthhnn omnanv. to-in FOR COUGHS dc COLDS I " -"" ._.- BEI1` llld CHI`) 5 'hI'I" IIOIJTB n_.._--.. In.....n.n Dninphnvn. `Pnonnln nlmun. :.`lp_... &.'..a`. _p.9_;_a2 nan:-oun.' . .....-.1... .nnnvlI-nu! nI1lnIrIL!l| w-U:-uux - -.v'.__ ___?_ -_,, mcw, nxnnbw. 'n`o`n-1' '1'. amour. Ohupou Aniul E ulpp sll lull Bonk to Hnnltobo on the N 11' Wool. TUIIII-VII. HnmIu.v`u MINBTIIILI It the Open Home. IIIHIIIIIAY. WIDIEIDAY. Mammal: 1:10 of properly by Murrny, st Ma rooun. V _ _ GENERAL TICKET KGEFY -.'-_ ;;;lg..'.:.':.s.:::.;-".;*..:.'...:r.t:',:-;. :1: 52:.-.. -.1: r . A. I` OI-GER? annual Ticket. Agent, Ferry ` -IIOIIO `lull I HCOIIIIE Almonl In John'o bodu. No.a. on Thun- an I` I). 4th at 1:80 .111. `Ind; bola. No. 614. on Monday, Fob. Int. 1:!) mm. 'I If DUI! 0| I!-IIIIIIIII 3EM1`.VOLlNT B00lE'l'Y,No. 3'), men In B5. . Hall, Wellington 8%., Ind sud ma uoldu Mary a-:- l(I.\I:|I`0N G9 PBMBBDKE nnn__. The New Bookstore, PIIINQIOD : ITRIIT. mav. E. P. noes W. roman. UICDIHIDK IIH IIJO stringers. MOI. and )0 along CITY AND VlUlNl'l`Y. (`Innrd qlenmnhlp Oonpnny. LING from oven But Iuonle Ieulnr leetllll. In In John : bodnn. No. I. on The non of England nlwr unmm-v Nn an In ` T K I nu-r. - - Foot. of In ;OID:I 1`Io'loI~I\-30:; -- -` r voozonfmx am. `KINGSTON. on. --.-----g.:-?.--:-_ K In mzton g--"T5 -tair wel- iu a few 1 hampers- "I`olephone orders receive our but 5: Motion. years tnereaiter. The by-law contains measures for con- tracting and paying the coat and other necessary detail work. TIIK L`I I'Y'B I'IlIlT 0|" TIIE EXPIINSIC. It is provided that if the contemplated improvement in the construction of a common sewer having a sectional area of more than four feet. one-third of the cost willlie provided by the city council. In connection with all sewers thecost cl culverts and other works. necessary for street service or drainage. will be provid- ed by the city council. The cost of that part of every__~work which is incurred st, and is oh rgeable in respect of, street intersections. and the proper proportion of that part done or made oppomte real property which is exempt lrom special or local assessments. shall be provided by the city council. In the case oi lands unlit. in the opinion of the city council. for building purposes. and the council deem it inequitable to assess it for l0Ci\' improvement at as high a rate as the other building lots fronting on tho street. lime or alley where the improvement is to he made. the council shall determine in whiit proportion the cost of any such improvement shall be borne by the lands on each of said street. lane or alley, re spectivelv. In the case of corner lots. tiiangular or irregular shaped pieces oi lend. situated at the intersections or 'uuctinns cl streets. becoming liable to e assessed lor the improvement. in res- pect of more than one frontage of the same. the city engineer. with the city assessor.will in an equitable manner. and having due regard to the situation. value any supercial area of such lots and |il630I of land assessable. atid the allowance made on the land shall he as- sumed by the council as a ortiou oi the municipality's share of the mprovcment. Nothing contained in the section will alter or aect the mode oljssessing or levyin the sewer rent under the conse- lida by-laws. - --- oo ----- IIII UUULVUIIA an alumnus vnuauaxv The matter is then sent to the council. the committee reporting as to the length of time the real property to be churned with the coat ol the improvement. and be exempt from gcueriil rates for the like purpose, except in cases of nrbltrn- tion when the arbitrators will ii: the period. As soon as the council adopt the scheme the petition goes to the assessor. and that otcial proceeds to iii: the rule and summon a Court of Revision to con- llrm the same. The owners will have the right to appeal. In case the council decide to carry on a work whicl has been asked lor, but by an iusuicient number of ratepayers. the city council will pro- coed to cause a notice of the intention of the council to undertake such work and to make it special assessment. to be given in newspapers published in this city for two weeks. and the notice will state the nature of the improvement. the cost. the property immediately bene- litteri,an1 the amount to be charged as a s ecisl assessment. Unless it petition aga net the improvement and` the spe- oial ansessment. signed by a majority oi the owners 01 real property represent- ing at least one-hall that proposed to be i assessed is presented within one month from the lust publication of the notice, the improvement will be undertaken by the council. In the event ol a proper petition being presented nuainst any pro posed work it will not he proceeded with, and no new notice {or the improvement can he given by the council within two i thereslter. Tim hv-law contains III. Ion; DlI`O||| and Mano up ol the non Tnlonu-d Mm: AVII Inblv. Toronto mebe. Heverlurn minetrele.lorl.y in number. I mev bece ed the big gun: of tho pro- teeemn. The hm. pen coneuetetl ol the nenel concert. lnlereperccd with new. ee well en en rere. jolee end wmv eeylnge. The munlo wee up to the merk, while the cloning wee excellent. eech eolo he- lng loudly encored. The chorneee by the entire cornpeny drew forth nproer- Ione epplenee. The are! pert concluded with ewell erreuged ferce. which con- vnleexl the endlenco with lennhter. Then followed mililery menmnvree. belnge reepreeenteslon of the lemon "lllece Weloh Regiment" in the henlee ol the Hondeu. Sixteen men. `lleined ee noerly to rfeollon en ible. took pereln the en. They endled their rilee end xed heyonete with reami- ehle dexterity end eklll. The tehleen In connection with {Me eoene wee very eeriking end '.w The Oorlnene. in Ihelrdenoee. were loud]! cheered. The nnnng no '"'uw I no uorlnlna. In their duaou. loudly Quiet oily qnutotto in tboir Imlnuonl ol the Gonna bud. the onhopo. sud tboohuroh can abound Ihqmulm to In of Iingnlu hlontun tho llll ml Hun. Tho chin! hnlnn ol Ihl M o .....3..:"""u.." `w'2'.`,':'.?.' 3: {E2 onhnninlnont was the porformnnoo ol lbocnga lunil . Tholnorobnlofelu ran ..m.no. Non: bolero in the Gram runny. `taut uoroouru run won munllonn. _ Toronto hno Illh wonderful fun ban ntonpud. Font: which almost any potion would cluu to ho Impouihlo no porfonnod with Oil! and grace. The porfornuoo wu oouclndod with a laugh I able oouody. "Poliuonl Appointmntv." This piece In full 0! fun. from the mo oi Ihn nnrhha un ll: hll. menr. U. The cost of the work at the inher- secnionn of the streets. public plncee. and aqunrea. Tho any engineer must {lie all measurements in the city clerk`: oloe, with the particulars of she proper- tltn referred to. lllll DICOO II IIII III [III the oldn till III lull. proposed. 8. An animate of the probnblo colt. uompeusubiou for damages. (it any). And the unount. which will be assessed ngninut the property to be immediately bonetted. A Thu uumnnrminn In nhinlu Hm tunmul ffnle Mfxnnu :"| uonn m rem prupeny. 5. The proparlion of the nuuameut falling on property oxampb from assess- NOIJC. ll 'I`|m nnnr. nl Hun wnrk at u: inhnr. nenenuea. 4. The proportion in which tbu sues: menu in to be made on the various pom- tiona of real property. ('1, Thu nrmnrminn of the nnnnnmeut` , Doc ! to Inna. Snoltu will hula that: own inland b mun upon huh; the "Cubic" of -- I brush 0! cigars. which huh ood lot|qnruro{neunuz.ud, not allow pad} and nnucnpubu Alan no punudo this In an olhu hand: which 1 than a Inna prom. the manner In In: 1: 1:,-nr thmhy ` ` ['8 Of` UPON H13 IOIIOWHIK IOIBUFK . . What ronl pro etc will be imme- diately benelmed Ky t e propoaed_ im- provement. and the (rename ol the IIIIIB. B. propouod. B. an The local in rovement by-law. which Aid. 0. F. Gil ersl ve hae placed be- fore the city conncl for adoption. cons taint many admirable features. In the flret place it requires thatall petitions for local im roveineuts mnstbe signed by two-thir s of those owning property. and re resentin at least one-lislf of that to e benet . and which wiil be liable to a special assessment for the i work to be performed. The city clerk l~ will go over the petition. examine the names. and ascertain if the document is oornot; if it in the streete committee will have its oleerr examine into the 1 subject matter of the tetition and report to the committee. wit as little delay es possible. upon the neceasity for. or the advisability of. undertaking the work, I and the reasons therefor. and. particu- _larly whether in thlrase of sewer: or ` drain: they are deeirable`or neoeiisary for sanitary or drainage purfiaseii. The 1 pet t committee will refer ions insuf- ficiently signed to the council. After I the work has been reported favorably I the city engineer will be required to t regort upon the following features: . What mal nronertv will be Ir` .|`_`..__4____._ Till! ;'lATUIl}I Q!` A KIAIUII NOW Bl- I'0l!l 'l"Il CITY OOUNCID. Dull: And Mm: Worl In rod In An Iaullly by co-plylu WI arms In- qnlre-uu -- Iboelnl Aueulen llule mule I`:-opioru Ieuluod. BAVIRLIITB IIINITRKLV COM PANY. tame. 2. The probable lifetime of the work nmnouad . THE URIBINAL BELLE," 35 OENTS.