GRlND DUGHE8:| CONKING RAN- GES. COUNTEAS dz ATHENIAN BABE BURNERB, and a lull ulortmont of other raz-class Stoves, 420., from the well known mnuuhotory of Gurney as 00. For sale Mi l!omy s)N IIIMIIII Sinus ` PR OESS STREET. 9... I '1 rnnonqru-quaouaxuuo ucuotaocrnuaguo-| -._.--;.___,, --,,. - . -- -3-:31: -Ab;lutely Pure. T Also the Celebnsted Toilet Waters. Nniv 1;g,sn's CAKES. Just lovely for Cbi1dren.\ Leave Ki 011.. Arrive Queb . TiE13]?f6T 7 \Ji. VVII. r. I24 Princess street 7. GALLIA..... AURANIA. . .. OREGON ..` BERVIA . GALLlA.. .... AURANIL. . . OREGON .... SERVES. . . .7`. INIIIIIANCE C01 . Dlllpl I DIIIUI Olililin 1':-..':.-2...-.:A.':..?'a:..'-"*...... IQOAIIOK thou. i `ms 7rmLm' ruwnms. TBOIAI BIIIGOI. I... I Ullin ) A meeting is called for Thursday evening at Link : Mills school house to consider the enlargement of the Lutheran burying ground.-The English congregation. in con nection with Beaver Hall, have opened a Sabbath School.-Dr. Booth sustained a severe loss last night. One of his valuable Durham cows. a member of the doctor : famous herd, in some way broke her neck in the stall.- ulia Crutchmore. Uriah Howley Johnston allrei and Parks were before Squire Davy for disturbing the army meet- ing. At the plaintiffs earnest solicitation the parties were hned only ioc. each and costs. I um: -iu nu- Our popular school teacher. H. l.Lyoii, intends holding a series of penny readings in the school house. commencing Feb. 4th. -A uaiterly meeting will be held in the churcfii on Sunday next, commencing at io:3o am. -We greatly regret losing as a neighbour Jame: Empey. who is moving to Napanee.-A cordial welcome in given to Mr. Sills and {ami1l(y.Iwho are moving into our midst.-M. B. raves is suffering from a severe cold, settled on his iungs.-Our usually quiet neighbourhood-was in great excitement during the past month, concern- ing the animal school meeting, which came off on Feb. ist. lohn Woolfe and James Curran were nominated for trustees. Cur- rain was elected hy seven of a man rity.- SCRIBBLEI. 'x__ -- CLIIBUBRII3. Theschoulshasa Iargejattendance during the winter months , Miss Rogerspf Portsmouth, is teacher.-Miss Purdy is much missed in Glenburnie, she having engaged as teacher near Ganano ue.--Reubcn Spooner's fam- ily, who have an ver ill with scarlet fever. have nearly reovererll.-Robert Purdy has made a road on the ice across Collins`, from his farm to that of his son-in-law, john Shepherd.--The Presbyterian concert was a success,--The Methodists intend to hold a tea meeting in the church The date is not yet f1xed.--]Acoa. W4I'P0B I`. The Westport Presbyterinns lnlend hold-` ing their annual tea-meeting in the church on Friday evening. Feb. 12. Mr. lames `Ross, B.D. of Perth, Rev. Messrs, Johnston Ind Emerson. of West rt, are ex led to give addresses. Miss wing, of iccadilly. well known as an effective reciter, will be present. Mr. Adams will have charge of music for the occasion. Readings will also be given by Mr. Bolton. whose reputation stands hlgh in that department. The quarterly meeting was held pt the head of the lake church last Sabbath.- The Thursday ni ht meetingts fairly attend~ ed. but we thin , if the people made an effort, we could have a larger congregation. -Miss jennie Knight paid a visit to her friends at Cataraqui.-A very successful con:ert was held in the at; l in behalf ofa family in the neighbo ood. The pro~ gramme was all that could be desired. The committee deserve great credit for its suc- cess. A'I`I`;B `Ill rnuunvmu Cabin-D60. 880 sud 0100. Iunordmg to tooommulation. Intermediate pus..- n: v unuuu .1. Another sad bereavement in the death of Elnsthan Asselstine. brother of Mrs. W. B. Grant,ot' this village. Deceased left these Karts only a few weeln ago for Saginaw. ichigan, and ver suddenly and awfully the news came a ew days 0 that he was numbered with the death Wgextend to the family our sincere sympathy -lt is thought that the worst of the scarlet fever is over, as the afflicted ones are getting better. The ublic school is closed for a shorttime.thus elping to prevent the spread of the disease. joseph Wells` talks of giving u business in this village and removing to Co ebrook. Mr. Wells is a good workman end will get plenty to do anywhere. A couple of young men were wrestling in fun A few days ago when by some mishap one of them gotrnther seriously hurt, and Dr. Claxton's services were called into requisition. Rev. Dr. ardina, Mr. Richards, of Lyn. | Illd David . Rou. M.A, are to hold mis- sionary meetings in Farmersvillr on Monday evening, Feb. 8; in Newboro on Tuesday afternoon following; in Westport on Tum- dny evening, and in Morton on Wednesdiy Iorenoon. I nnnwnnr HILLS Mr. Simeon Mnllen,oi' Storrington. was united in marriage with Miss Elia Murry. of thin place, at St. Barnaby : Uhurch, on Monday,Jnn. 18th. the Rev. Fr. Doshaunac J ocinting. A nnd neooption wu given at the residence 0 the bride : father, after the ceremony had been performed. by the lead- ing citizens of this place and some friends of tho oouuacuug parties from Kingston. I OUB RURAL O0B3IlP0lNT8 BIND U! A FULL BUDGET OI KIWI. `- T | A Round 0! III)! Ivenu-lnppIngu In In lhrywhoro-The leaner at Death II `III. and -In In:-vegan: H Cl%II-' RII`II3IIJ Zlllli. ' This eleighing is somewhat good in this lo- cality with no scarcity of pitch holes. it is not uncommon to see loads of wood and hay upeet.-Mr. Joseph Deane haei'eturn- | ed from en extensive tour up west. looking hale and heart.y.-lt is reported that the S. soldiers of Kingston beat the drum so loudly last Sunday that they disturbed some of our residents. One young man is think- ing ol hauling them over the coals if they disturb him again. The city people are to bepitiedif they had to listen to music last Sunday that was heard six miles away -A wedding is on the tapie.-H. Harrison has made a contract in the city to draw sand to Mr. Ronan.-Look out for a surprise before long in this vicinity.-The members of Zion Church, Pittsburg. purpose holding their annual tea meeting next Tuesday evening, 9th Feb. A good programme is expected. l1}0ur township clerk. `Ir. J. E. Brown, as; received the warrant to hold an election for reeve for the united township of Bastard end Burgess, the nomimtion to tnke place on Monday, Feb. the 8th.-Death has enter- ed our village and taken away one of our oldest residents. Mrs. Mary Robinson. at ' the ripe old Age of 96. Her lunenl took plnceon Sunday. the Iermon being reach- ed in the Methodist Church by ev, E. Olivant. of Seeley'e Bay. when her remains were conveyed to the Lensdowne cemete . When the grave was partially lled lrien e placed one dynamite cartridge It the head. and another at the foot. Students beware l -The reformers hold I cucue in the Methodist Church hell. Phillipeville. on Friday evening next to choose 1 reeve.-.- The young people of this place intend hold in; In usembly in the town hall on Tues-r y,9th inet. IOII Ill-I. I` Mr. and [in Clark hnve returned from Shdlinld. accompanied by Mini Barry. 0! ` that plans. - Who took I yonnilacly to tho Snlvllion Anny on Sunday a" I and came home alooo?-Iiu Kelly. 0 Kingnon, in the non of Min Graven. Fran rocd.-l. 1 none none r-um neuy. on l\IlI|,Il0Il, no on Grunt. roud.-). Glut led the pflylll mating in Wulny chuck on Sundnyuhoivning. Hg. male a vow. interesting run on t It chnpter of job.-We regret to bone! I the inhudod min of our gain! more hopur. R. No .-Thc people of Rat Hill Inn! to nd out who your ooneqaom dul|ll1-0wu ghnhaoouplotod hinncw btidrddueo qdqoecnpndon.-`l`ho macho mallet any III! 8 I til now | hnvllho-Ion hlyh ,th'p|ncu , Iwneuuvnhm lunqaitydtbonb ` .isn-colv:'iz-. a.* '.h."{" W/N~EWS OF in}; IQI_NITY- 35. Sceenge as very low neon. Sboersgo, fzokets to And from Liverpool sng1QuoonI town and all other put: of Europe It Inn.-Ant I AILNI. lily, III -ll -Irvnu-3 - triad: II on vmuu Tun. "F3-*-o. -, . . In l'IcOVI'in., KINGSTON, CANADA, WEDNEsDXfEvENmG. FEB. $1336. snuu... "ya- V vv -7 Miss Phi pen, of Bath, is teaching at Oonwsy.- we mails are brought here dai- ly, one from Bath and the other from Napa- nee.-.l. H. Roblin, Reeve of the township, has a Holstein bull. for which he lid 8430. -Miss Belle Allen is visiting her rother in Toront0.-The body of Gilbert Casey. who ' died a few weeks ago. is sup osed to have been resurrected last week mm the ceme- 'tery.~The new brick Methodist church, built about two years ago, and costing came nearly being burned on a late Sunday morning from the furnace pipes communicating iire.-Thomas Chalmers, a graduate of the Royal Military College. is spending the winter with his lather.-The ublic school in this village is taii lit by liomas Townsend. of Queen's Col ege.- The social, held in the basement of the Methodist church last Friday evening. was a success. having made 917.20 at ten cents ad- mission. A very admirable programme was provided of readings, music and recitations. --Miss Minnie Cadman passed the entrance examination at Napanee, and is attending the public school.-William Chalmers fa- mily is alicted with the scarlet fe'ver.-A shoemaker and a music teacher are wanted in this place.-What is the attraction at Newburg for Mr. Allen. jr. -'l'he hotel keeper intends closing his house on the Is! of May and go to larming.-Tlie good peo- ple of Napanee expect this month to give a concert in aitl ofthe English church, and to make it the best of the sezi5on.-The roads are in a wretched, almost impassable. state. on account of the pitchholcs.-Mrs. George Cameron, late of Kingston, is visiting friends here.-]uNius. zl Dtoo probcbl noel: :11 other towns in the nnlnbnt of ab tin nmndlng in var- ; ion Bunduy uchools. V lchoirs; addresses irom me pas:or,nev. IV. B. Tapping. of Maberly; Rev . . Hay- lock.o erona; Mr. Green.oi' ort ; Mr. Barker, of Westport. and others. -Boling- broke is somewhat romantic in its position. at the foot of Bob's Lake. just where 9%: River Tay commences. The scenery must very pleasant in the summer time. The lake and river afford splendid sport to lovers of the fishing rod and trolling line. as they abound in pickerel, bass and pike. How- ever. sportsmen have to take care as E h- ram Deacon, Inspector of Fisheries, watc es with an eagle eye. A loop line of the C.P.R. from Maberly tn Westport would very ma- terially help the village and soon bring it into more pnblicity.--'I`xAvi:LLnR, ' ' On Friday of last week your correspon- I gent was one of a party to enjoy a drive to olingbroke to tske part In a tea-meeting held in the Methodist Church. the proceeds being appiied towards urchasiug an organ. The church was well led. The programme being music by the Yarker and Bolingbroke choirs; addresses from the pastor, Rev. N. n Tnnninv. nf Maberlv: I. I. Hav- WILIUI II` ITION. Mr. T. Donaldson has completed the work of putting in a lumber saw, in addition to his new wing to the mill.-Ore mining has not been commenced, but men are busily umping out the it. To this end steam is g continuous y kept up, and the two girls: almost always working.--Mr. P. c Anus. formerly of Lanark. has moved here. and will open up a boarding house in the new and oommodioue buildinil owned by B. Caldwell .2 Sons.-A fire broke out in the root` of Mr. C. Canning : store and dwelling here this week. but fortunately it was quickly extinguished by some gentle- men who were present, before doing scarce- ly an damage.--A considerable quantity of law ogs are being hauled out on Caldwell Lake for the coming season`: cut.-The wea- ther is pleasant and sleighing all that is de sirable. Ear Aer Dlnner Speech at Hm F Banquet. [Bpoclnl (`nrrcnpondoncal Nu: Ynmr Fnh 3.--Sor0sls ht (`x-rrenponnonctml Nzw Yonx, Feb. 3.-Borosls held in seventeenth annual dinner, on the evening oi the 22:] ult., lu Delmonicos elegant parlors. To these yearly banquets the alleged "sterner sex are invited and treated with uttering consideration. They are even per- mitted to have their little my alter the din. nor is over. On thL9 occasion the assemblage was made up of partimlarly eminent. women and man. and the speeches were extraordi- Ioweat utes. Through Bills of Lading given for Bol- hm. Glugow, Envro, Antwa sud other pain tn on the Continent : sad or Magnet- mueau ports. For freight and passage. spply ti 09:11- made of partimlarly eminent. and men, and speeches nnrlly brilliant. Julia Ward Howe and Moucure D. Conway were unusually happy in their remarln, but the "hit" of the even- ing was made by Eliza Archard Connor, :1 New York journalist, originally from thz west-from that notable and president pro duclng stats, Ohio. A \Aa\`_ ILIZA AECIIARD U()NN()R. Whotngrlphed by Fnlk, New York] She turned the tables on the men, God blw 'em, and made them the klnd of speech they are in the habit of making to "the ladies, God bless 'em," urging them "not to lose thelr softness," and euloglxlng them for eettlng out the nllppers when the women come home from tolling and molllng In the rude warfnre of llfe. She touched upon the Buddhlnt theory of re-embodlmenls of souls, and fncetlously declared that when she was reincarnated as a men and they be- came women she would take revenge on them for the way they had broken her hnerh There would be only one drawback In being a New York man, and that van that H ehe followed the present custom she would be obllged to keep her seat lnthe street can while women stood. 'I"hg Ilaninnu humnr and nntlrn [If the while stood. The delicious humor and satire of ch: lpeeoh was received with uproarioua ap- plause Everybody was delighted with it. This lady, however, whose picture accom- panies thin, has other and more substantial ciailnato the admiring consideration of the public A9 a journaliat the humado an honored mark. For year: she was on the editorial nail of The Cincinnati Com- mercial. ln correapondenco Iheia particu- hrly happy. Her foreign loimera to The Commercial. our the initial! "E A., were copied far and wide. She has the courage 0: her opinions, teariaunena having madn her Jonrnalinzio llhllam lrucnnuxitv for comtlnii and oonnulontlmnhu-d_ work one pronnmy nu] but one oquol, and that I: Jamie Juno. She hogrtdnoto of Antioch collage in no but days. ' r Iympothy for women In all thotr onrnd nndaukingi in her dlsngnkhtng i troll l Sholnomol th few women who now. lnndootnnlholongur they live. Sh. hu 5` dnllonb, avor-Ilka hoe, colorless and nym- notrioll, pronuturoly gray hair, worn in con. loom ring: our an ndmtrnbly polnd had. not nsornblnnco to Ellcn `IV;-ry in nnrhd. Though uho Ipnh -only and la- guntlomnnnorg the fun nothing, and hu- ono at the undue bean: in on world, . ofll An:-uusniuhohthoodnorotdn achIIIudoporunutottlIoAmd`lun Pn- -Anododon, hvlng Iuylhodostmog hnhfornllpluu 0! Icloncn Her nowh- ppcbuuuunutgndmlnuohud . Gnnunu Gannon. ' xou-tonnes mung mum nor Jvllrluuu npuhtion. Icnpoclty I oonnulontlonl d_work Ibo probably ` hm. mu. -mm], and um. I A WUMAN JUURNALIST. '1'si. Uc..am1 U.N.W.1el.uO. Their business is managed on a com- mission basis, all Canadian orders being submitted to Montreal and from thence sent instantly to their agents in the Consolidated Stock and Oil Exchange. when for small lots, or on the regular New York Stock Exchange when for 100 shares and upwards, and all grains and provisions direct to their agents on the Chicago Board of Trade. They are the only rm who can execute an order on the instant. at spot prices, in their oices and branches. and yet do it in a regular and legitimate way. their wire connections with agents being so perlect that they can communicate with their New York or Chicago agents as if they were in the adjoining rooms. and they trust to this admirable electric exter- minator of space to enable them in all cases to duplicate every transaction after first executing on the spot for the customer. They sometimes pay an 3, or 1 l1]0l'?'. but as often make the gl or at by l]JIl`ket:4 being favorable, and trust to the immense volume of orders on which they secure 3, to 3-16 rebate to make their business pay. From this it may be inferred that matters are drawn pretty ne in this speculative dealing. butaveraging 10.000 shares a day at 5 makes accmmissior. for them of 01,500 for them on stocks alone. which is their specialty, and half as much more count- iiig oil and Chicago transactions, which goes to show that'ievery"mickle makes a makle. Every deal they make is on the spot-order plan. and their agents I'C0lV8 instructions to buy or sell as the case requires as quick as prices reach these limits, thus promoting themselves and their customers from responsibility from loss beyond the amounts they wish to venture. TI... ammnimi thin rm have nn the Beabllalcl rera- Ira Iellad at oarnlnollll Iulneas-Popularing lpeellauve and Investment llanllng In A-es-lean Values In Canada-Conducting Operations on the Ipol. This rm. who have recently opened a branch cce at 184 Ontario St., Kings- ton. is the pioneer rm in their line in Oanada and have now more agencies in ` Canada, and are more widelx known and popular than any other mi in the country. The extracts given below were written nearl two years ago, but now apply in a still greater degree to their business, which has progressed at an unprecedented rate of late;in fact they alone may justly claim to have popularized speculative and investment dealing in American values in Canada. and were the rst house to heed the sug- gestion of the manager of the Bank of Montreal. in his enuunlspoech in l884. when he recommended Canadian capita- lists to nd other footballs for specula- tive msnipulatian than bank stocks. Since that time the energetic founder of this firm set to work untiringly to preach against the hardships resulting to out- side pecple.such as widows and orphans. from the work of the bulls and bea`l`s in Canadian bank stock. and at the same time introduced American railway which the rm are owners`out- right of B largelct of every leading stock. Agencies were established in different towns throughout Eastern Ca- nada where the rm s clients were most numerous. and direct wires were leased from New York, and a chief office estab- lished there. from which all prices of stocks and oil market gossip is sent to Montreal. and from thence to branch oihcos and agencies of which the firm have now 85 between New York and Montreal, and Windsor. Out... and St. John's. and ny over 030.005) It year for their lease wires to the W.U. Tel. Co..end G.N.W. Tel. Co. ' rr\i...:.. i....:..m.. 4.. mnmmmi an at-nm. I nrm, only one um I nut yuan uurwu, v | Innncted more bnninou, uni pro- ' blbly mldo more money for Hair ` ' clients. than may other brains` rm ' ' In thiocity. Clicntn nuhqd in order: ` i `from all direction. ID that the rm ; than olhblishod 5 loading mnonoo in _ loonl Ipocnlnon oirolu which he! _;o . nnnruuooouc Thovwuruhual to " I ' 2.`;1`..'&.`?!. ':.'.3%;` `ii: .`. .'i`.; mtutod nmutunlp onlhobou dds. tnd oomungia h` 113 vy an I nooknhnt won than bold II loo - highgnru, whoa, Ibo slicing condition at Ihottldo In on- Royal Ma.iT-S_1ea.mships. GIIIAT BANKING AND COMMISSION HOUII --IISBBB. '1'. E. EANBAKAN O 00. i` 51706153, BONDS & GRAINS. to The agencies thiu ilrin have on the American side are very popular. and have secured the entire support of specu- lators at every point established. the great attraction giving them the prefer- ence over other offices being the fact of their conducting the entire operation on the spot, opening and closing every transaction at the instant pi-iceia received and than paying on the instant is deal is closed. No waits. no delays. no uncertainty. The dealer knows just whether a transaction is accepted the instant he submits his order, and we believe the firm are the onl one in Canada who have the proper wlre facili- ties and the class of agents whom they can trust with such responsibilities. Thev estimate that they could pay all liabilities any day. on demand, and yet show [500,000 available as net capital. _.;..._..4_ cmcmo cum I-Ronucx AND monotone- uzw You srocxa nan 0lL-A sauna munmo. niccusrm. rum-r. n. HAN- nuuu a co., alumna nu) nnonna. Tor onto ldrexlilor, May 17th, 1384. u.......- ....\.. nun kn:-n tn -nnnnll nthnrl Tor 01.1.0 Aarorulu. may uuu, Lane. Some men are born to success. others have success forced upon them. and others achieve success. 0! the letter clue is the now widely known rm 0! Megan. T. E. Hunrshsn dc Co.. whose consulting olce is in thet beautiful structure at 7 Place d'Armes squsre. Montreel, who oocup I spacious euite oloicee on the first oor of the Mont- reel Telegreph Co's. buildings. with main entnnce fronting on 86 St. Frau- cois Xavier Street. These emcee are equipped with every modern con- venience for the public who speculate. and nothing has been leit undone in their arrangements for this husineu to place it on a per with the lending olces in` New York or Chicago. Tlin hnninnu of this firm VIII Ht In'New ion: Umcegc. The business of this rm wee eetebllehed M7 Plece d'Armee, in 1878. 4 just before the Netionel Policy boom.` Mr. uenrehen, whose training in the speculative u-one deued beck ten your prior to the ebove dete. wee emonget the earliest of Ilontreel'e large open- tore to foresee the greet edveuce which multdollow in the rule of them greet "weve oi expenuon. in every breach 0! trede, end euerted e buyinq movement in Cenedien etoclle which of melt helped lergely to verify hll own predictions end gave condence to those who. eating on hieedviee. nought leruel of our beak end other eelcunllan both or lnveetmenc nu. IGYIOO. Dough: turns? 0: our olnl um other eecunuoe both end npeculetion on musing. '_l`he very Inge prom: the! reeulted to In, cu-hen ' cunomen vs: the means 01 their recom- mending otherl. no that by 18&). when nrinnu `Ara rhina rnnidlv Ill round. H) : mending: omen. sun Dy luau. wnon price: were rising npidl I round, thin rm, only and n. h I yuan llllted, 9.1-nnnchd mm-a hnninau. DI'0- I BYECULATION IN CANADIAN STOCKS. men one nousu. _ Such evidences as these. coming un- solicited. and coming from a clue of people so hard to please as are specula- tors, speak volumes for the methods of the rm and stand much to their credit in 3 business that is clsssed only Alter the legsl profession amongst the well- ebused and perhaps well-libelled pur- suits. The tlrm publish every fulles- sortment of pamphlets, circulars, tables. sud general statistical matter touching upon the stock speculation business. and will send them upon demand by mail or otherwise to any interested part . They spare no expense, either Ln te egrsphing or by correspondence. to acquaint their pstrons with the state of the markets. the latest rumorssnd re- ports. nd the likely chances for making money that are constantly offering so that it is but lsir t3 them to say that they are well in line with the age in all thst pertsins to their business. Aside from the croskinu of rivals, n lI|Y_AIlI lllllllt W. M. uRENNAN's UNDBRTAKINH DEPARTMENT Is Never Closed. H An oxpox-lenced:'nn llvnyl on the Prun lieu. Ivf nun. vs-'5 --w.. .. _---__ course of s shows how bireotli _the jndg the future. he business oi the firm slso consists in the purchese sndrsale of greins.$Io- duce end provisions, which they e ect st the suns rates of commission as the Ohicego Bond of Trede rms. and hue es eaente such inuential rms es Messrs. Irwin. Green Jr 00.. end Schwerts. Dupee &0o., through whose agents in New York they trsnssct busi- nees instantly end obtain all the letest Ohiosgo news by direct wire with them. They also correspond regnlsrly with several other well known Chicago specu- lstive euthorities. Another hunch is thet ofthe New York Stock Exchange through the time honored house cl Henry Ulewes and Company. who here held the pslm lor the lsst 8 yesrs se the most correct prophets of future events in Wall street velurs. This house has s record of over 25 yeers stending. end is without blemish. Their customers consist of operators in all the iendin -= towns from Halifax to Windsor. ens from New York to Montreal, and even in Prince Edward's Island sud Manitoba. end we ssw iron: their books that new accounts ere opened every day and had the pleasure of inspection numerous letters 01 recent dste couched in words expressive of the utmost eetisfection with the results of the writers deelings with the house. umu. 4-Mmmna an t.luann_r-.nmini1 un- tint pertains to their business. Aside from croekinq whom they have long since surpassed in enterprise and the mce of success, we nd them highly popular with ont- side speculators whom we have con- snltedin our journeyings through the different provinces, as well as with their neighbors with whom they have dail intercourse, and in taking leave we win them and their clients a continuance of that success which they well deserve. uidorod. Tnonr sauce: to ounuw In this ting. stall extant. show thn they wars am to recommend ulling at the top and going short of Itoclu. and the correctly? thov ind: A Bird Tlnt Boy: Mny Kill. What bird in that! Yousee his cinre here. He is found in almost every c ty and village in the United States. He drivel other birds away wherever he goes, and hi: family increases like a swarm of locultl He lsu rowdy and a ghmr. Hell dirty, noisy, impudeut and quurelsome. Ho ll I0 strong and active that he picks whole brloh out of walls, a little at n time, to make a place to shelter himself from cold weather. , Hols no beauty, and he cumot sing. Ha oateblishea himself in the place of bird: thnt are pretty and can sing. He is I foreigner, and, like some other thing: brought from foreign shores, the country is better 0 without him. _ W In In-Inf ha in thn nidorod. Their sdvicu to olionla It ma. aim. ah" nxlmnt. show that thaw INULIBII 5I'Axusuw. Wherever them are beautiful green vine! running over a city house he makes 3 regu- lar hen most of them, and destroys their beauty and sweetness year after year. He was brought to America in the hope that he would kill and eat the insects that destroy fruits and vegetables. America has more of those injurious insects than any other coun- trv ha; try hu But no! Mr. Spsrrow eats very few In- sects. He lives on grain and crumbs mostly, though A naturalist. Mr. Ernest. lngeruoll, tells us that his father and mother bring him up on worms and grub: and insects as long as be is in naming. But as soon as he is big enough to y out and take care of himself he takes to eating seeds, grains, fruit and the tender young leaf sham of trees 00- ceslonnlly full grown sparrows eat. beetles and Snsects, but they prefer the fruit and referable diet for n sbesd thing. When th e food gets ecnree. or the lrde Increase In such swarms that there don't seem enough things to eat. to 0 around. then the English sparrows gather u an army and attack the fnrmer`n whent. elds. Last summer many elds of wheat and grain were very greatly In urod by the hungr hosts Ike vounz one: w 0 eat too much are 1!- urod hungrz young much are al- ways in the way and leave no room for their bottom to speak or show themselves. the English sparrow is making himself an un- mm and nuisance. Ho is quits too numer- ous 11 America. There is only one an to which he can b3 put. He makes 0. very nice potpio when he in in md under, as good almost an A young pigeon. And broiled sparrow on toast in nearly as good as qunil on toast. "lell me, lweuu uyr.-3 un mu .v.....- -.. blue,- Tell me, rme1lps that are loving And true,- What. In your nnmei Can you may it to me! Something so pretty and nice It must ha." 1 Oh, the wee hand that is laid In my own! Fondant or friends in I moment. we've at-nth 870. Then the grave look, as the Answers, In doubt! `V orvk. VERNON I1. BROWN cl C0. or to]. P, ullnlenle eve. Ajenl 8') Clarence Street. Ann] M 3. When yo: u:-o out! Have you putty nunu wo One In enough for a wee Eh-I Ilka yon." `fhenl thg bright rlnglota no tuning in HI~- lnon LIIQ unguu nuuu- -Iv w-.... .. Klee.- Bhndod just like the gold belt of the ban! `'1! I get lost, when I go out to play. Kurlel,-thnt In the one I must say. "Tell me your other name, now, Dimple- Chin." Pm Mother`: Comfort, you know, when I'll: In I" -6001! Clix. Question Ind Answer. What an the two nah: button put upon the buck ot ovary murncoot tor! Answor-Thoy Are mere lurvlvnh d 3 I-lino long ngo when they win not cult. iheyonco supported and blttolull In (ht won`! bvlt. Ind. nu-noun. ' ' Poksoni Nervilinmthe new certain pain cure. is mad with satisfaction in vary in tunes. Thgteinnbundnntnnon for thin, for it perform: dlthnt is claimed for it. Not- vilina in 1 neverhilllg can for cnmpu, pain: in (beside or back, lambago. son thmat. chllblninl, toouuclu. Narvmno is in {net anmmmedylorlpdsqboth in. turns] and I1. Try I 10 pa! Xplo bottle. bottiu mlw cum. by Ill drnullu eouutrydu . What : Your Name? Tell me, sweet eyes of tho robin`: cg; hInA_. AIJCII Elle [rive nvun, an Iuv _.... doubt! Pm little Muriel, when I am out." rumour mm. In brief, he Is tho Iull "e'r"c>'.'.'i-:'T'c3}.' " W" A! Greatly Re./uc_ea' PI1088. Ilnplinn and_a..|lm7V_l_ssting Diseases, Th: :11 Al (CONTAINING no unum. You PI-obnbly Ask Why I Recommend These Remedies! It in heonnno I know them to be ununu Il- llnngendorud by loading phylloinnl untouch- onl the Dominion. for the cure of ancruo nu- IAlll,Im.l not claiming to - Ivun-auto. Also boouuo they IJIVI tho EXACT ronuuu rinkd on oath bottle label ihuwohy unhiin; 0 purohuor to know inn whn he in taking. I l'\Ef\ IIIRIIE 1 ;nny's York` FANCY GOODS. TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMES, XMAS CARDS, , ART|STS MATER|ALS, n---;\ ---pf` |'iiANpmjRuNK MI ALTOPE P SY TN --19`: u-an-=31: -`---v _p_m1oa1s'r. m1wn"on,` . om`. Rant 21. _4 rum rum FIIIEI G. s. HOBART] Having secured the World : Ticket Avrncy to resent all Line: of uwnmen plyln on the At lllllo and Pacific Ooonnl. Conn L nu for port: In who Southern Staten, Wen: Indies, Con- tra] Am rice : also Agent {or the UIIOI & Black River and N. Y. C. Rnllwnya. to Oucorlnnd Ind Lowvllle, Port hevden. Uzicu. Alblny. New York. Phllndolphin, Bulllmoro. M ,Ih|ugton. Pltteburg. and in clue: in Amer an. The u.'I'.B. will run C_0|l_)nl_l_t _Hloe_plng Cm-I u.'l`.B.wlll Colonist Hloeplng Cm-I FREE EVERY WEDNEbDAY for the accom- modntlon of pnuennen tn the North-.Wen, lirl Ilsh Oolnmbin. Culitomin and poinu on the Pacino Cont. Tour!-Ia Tlckebs I I lnllty. Accunto And rolls Ia lnlormnion alven re- in: Route: And Batu. either by mail or pcrlonnlly, It the W9BL_D_'S TICKETAGENCY. -unu WU|iLIl'S TIGK}4:T AHIINUY. I I`:II'.pIIIlIll.: \.uluIIlII ulmnsuvuuu VV. M. DRENNAN _.._--..-_- A II A I! Doha-n-n lFlR3T1M_P_UBTAT1"Nl TIIE - Gllllll - `IE! - HOUSE. _. op_. PHHE DUBHA BRAND UEYLUNTEA. This requires no blending, and to put up h||t pound orlnlnnl pcoknm-c. lhavo nlso on hand a choice nsonmenu I other kinds 0! Black and Jnnn Tour. A choice: uuorlmm: oi resktuat Cexcnla also Brenkrnt um uolled Bacon. A cull solicited by James Redden, Nnv 97 vnnnidtlzss QT. Sand tor pnmpblel "koummI. what It 1:. whnt does It scoompllah 1' Feb. I. _._------------ .__l- \,n_ DEBILITY, INDIGESTION, CONSUMPTION. _.. ....................-. .un umn nAl.n nv MANUFACTURED AND run sauna nl 0AKLAND S JERSEY DAIRY, llnmllton n_nd Toronto.` H CHOICE COIVFECTIONERI. lK'OU_MISS And nll kinda of Mixed Cake: un.nuhc- tured on the premises. ._.___ The Angel Oske msnufmtnrod by mo 1: the only one nt the kind made in King- Iln sown mm nu Th -nun h H] ::_. am TaKE__H1+: mu 1 Scotch Bani. Angel Cnlu-. Fran Cake. |%BU!z?.%"s,&g!9F1"8~| BEMQVAL- on. II. II. Hluolnson , ,_. A--_ .- n.- Bu nmovod his Ioddonoo sud Omoo to tho Corner o( WELLINGTON AND WILLIAI l'1`8., two blocks was of Post ou. _ -- _._._.-.-, In Bulk. Ollll ugd lhon. Also Iloulna Ind Hula: onnnu and Lomonn Buuuv, Onanlnn. Spin and Bpltunbnru. lslun Gnpu. Bnnnnu. Nut: 01 all kinda. A chalet Iolocdun of New York Oonf `tlonoty nlltobchsd I Mra- J . K. OLIWTERB Autumn nun nIlO1'. We no agents for Flalnohmsn & Co`: Com- surouad Yout, for btktngn of all kinds. reached my. Try it. 6o?ner AND Inn I. IX. -__. __, l OYSTERS. OYSTERS tr! A!` mid! AID OOIIODIUDI IIOUII` wnm nominal on 0:` about OV Oll . o ; mmunuE"v boa mnoxn` 1 e-_~r.-s.--..:-.~.:::'::,x-.'*?3.~:a:-:*:~::..'*E z. A Nlil I Sepc. 21. no puronuu I0 IIJOW luau wuu no ll u .. A . GEO. K|NG_.m_ T\D`I1f1fl {CT Nov. 27. . -...-um -.- Olyoml; wot colot_y"I3"onpou|I (OONTAINING no omum. Cor. Johnson J: (mun Io Sn. -1-. if A 1?? `T7 \J\lL\LJV .v..w MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY nun nnntn ll'hl'\l I'\III')\4 ALEX. ulcoorum, nn 4Ncn..f1~*r. II 1009. Ilnio V UUIIUUIIII I I I U U U x v - w -w I would recommend to: Dyspepsia, ! Indigestion nus uuny. mon 31.. [Ill esm Tl. For Toethlrgllnhutu And Nervous Tron up. an uu ot * DRINK QAKLAN D _S J And klndnd discuss, the use of SECU RED T0-D /\Y AT Ill-lo`: nun: :-w-- fresh every nnornobh at the - _ -1 A A 1 I Uosmi re-unvg AIIIICAI FIUIT DIPOT. . UJHUIKJLAI `Bl! RU 001) ll I'll! OIL I FOR SALE. v_lIAl)_l`l_SI-`illT_1`y|_l`S' nnuuum r luau fnoturlng Oonfootlonarl. _______.__.:__ Lana I IVVIUIVI I PIIINCI-J88 Prmcen street. Cnkv mzowin iiremi. IT WILL PLIAQI YOU. W II DOE! NOE` $311`. WRITE DIBIO1` ` DESERONTO, 0}l'l`. LIIC LLALIIIIIII1 U\l-| I` |OROW_N_._I_E_WEL ijjoun * K,YoUR G-ROGER it--on Till RAEHBIIN COMPANY ! QISINYTTIP TIEITTTIEIV T!!! l\f?'l'| yuan anuuml, u...! OLIOITOB. to. 0`.oo-Clue poclto the Pool Once. M0 at Iowan our-tact nun. -. u. vu-n-, -.u.. u.v.u., u.u.l.. D&NTl8T. Gndunto ol Nov York Oollnao at onimxy. (mao-WollIn 11 Iron. bo- twaon noon Ind Btooh B Pnntuulc notation and to tho rrrovotvninrof 0930 mm- nl heath. Student vnntod. IINTIBT. Oman and nuldanoo, Prlnoou BI. bemoan Montrosl Ind Bvdanhun-urootl mous Oxide (Laughing Gnu) ndmlnllhtod O0 painless extraction of tooth. DB. 1. YOUNG. I.D., EMBERofthn Boys] Colloueo! Surgeon: London. nnd Licentiate of the A th- o;{y'u ompanyv Lnndou. En ., Surgeon coo- ahonr. do. Oico Priuoeu S reonom-. rim. W. JON ES. Cont ractor u; uunuuu, lnu mcennnw or me A UI ".ompany, coo S reot.oor. lilvlu Street. Klnpzlzou. K Inpzunon. nun-unvvrn 1 nl . C L. UURTIS, M.`)., Iuoeeuor to DI Jnrvu . Pbynlolsn. Burgeo.., &o.. Omoo And BM dance pen! 0 poms the Post Omomwclllnnon Street. On la n the Icy or country ptolnplh ntoudod to non. um. Enwun H. lrtlll. LL.D. Nnw an nun. ` .WALllI & vuuxu. monnnv 8 H Ito & . Kl .s...*: am: ~ "M" uuunn wuxna. I .7083?! n wu.u.. HANDS IOVED WI: care. on the shortest nouco Tuning n malty` G.E PEDLER. 0 nu sud Halo Iggy, Union Street near Ow ma Roma. ma-momma mu [9] wnntc muuccugr I0 hllb un. MOUAKIOII.) nvalomn.` SURGEON, ac. 0moo- Ion- trul strut botwoon Prluoou and Bloc! ["20"- u-nnv I an-no nnum, BVINANOIAL AGENTS Olaronoo Btroot. K11]. non. lonoy to loan on rail anon Ind olhoruoourmoc. HONEY '10 LOAN. IN LAINIE OH SMALL SUNS, at low ntono lnterelt, on City and F -rm Property. Lonnn granted on City And l'oun'y Debenmrol. Ap- ly to THOMAH BlllG(lH, Munnor Frontenac can rsndalnveumem Society. UFllOI--0 - me the Pooh Omce. Jan. bl; WUIIK uuAr.AIITulu. 230 PRINCESS smear Hnvil. L. ULIIIIITI. DIN l`I'1`. directly oppocno the Pan 0 at We! ngoon sum. Ilhblluhod II III`- comm Is now sbowlng a lull M to 0! Lndlof Ind Gout : Furs. and notwlthvtnnding I that hu been nld About L&l',_,8 Stocks Ind Cheap Gouda. First Prize: and Large Display: at the Gontml Fair, wlsbel to remind the put-Ha that vho others have done the Lnlklllg about the number of their nines, ho hum |(a|tI1uie!,IDd bu. at nu name tlmn, rpnplvml mm-n vnnnni hm l'I.-no t_GALLOWAY name name, recelveu more money tor Fm: Prlnson Furs than nll_tha other exhlbltonput together. And now. kind fr! mdu. plouo cull And no The nna_ cbup stock of Fun. to be All said by ua1low.sy_ to heap you warm And protect your vnoolnnu.` Arm. ITII mm cusmms W. J. ROBINSON. unmv NEW YEAR, Importer of and Dealer in Paper Hangings, 91} 3.1001` STREET. Antiqua Mouldings and Frames. ls warm the trouble to see them. Prion no axoeodingly low. With plauure they wall bu Ihown 00 every one um WI osll At the WING Io the noun u I39. 1 . 0'BllLLY vnllhold I Oloul Solo from this data. ol sll but Ssookol my Goodn. lndici Ind Jhildroni Undomlotlh Inn. at. dump! by the (in. Print: I. Doolslfn Block. PICTURE FRMIEFADTORY. Undorwou-.' Cnnton llnnnol Night Gown Cysmoh Vat-. Gloves, um: and Houory at ` . -, 44 ___..__ .1. _ 1:. n;rmmNnun!'s 7-- _.... -.--_ --...-n -s-ad-I Clez. ring Sale ofWinter Goods | n 1--I-nQQdX`I'. i Direct Importation \J- J24..- -5.54-.,.----._- I|nwofI10u'I-n- - - FL!!! I OIIIIEY SIEIHII llnvinu miowoa than Igg- FLU: - VII-III IUIIV III- - :'.":.' ""'"".2`.3.`*'..`r`y ."`..i'a"`.: "'- xuob `nish on ahead utloo. Lpplyto no nun-I n..In-spun. Lu` ` - ~ .\.v; {P50}-ILKE3. wvnu; & r-urru. `10LlCITOBB.r.`TC . 192 Ontario Street. King 5 Iton,0ut. NEW Yonx AND LIVERPOOL ~ mu I'Al`rl!!I. 0c0UN'I.'ANT- CUDPIVH X 03 C15! cnoe am. nut Km; 83. % _:_:-----j-----------~.--..-e- WI. HIWLAND8. IL. kI`.0ln'l'lc'!`. Ford`: Block. Buck-and w and oor. '- ___j._ ._._ _...._ ___., ..____._...,.._ POWIB AND BON- RUHl'l'IC'l'8uulbndI B 0105. 0! l l|00.W0ll|l`|In-#Oo.n|D::C- _ __..._-.,- ~ -O II.-. ROH."l`ECT.- OPTIC --~ Kingston. amt. ah, n. -. urnnnn. u.u.B., l...lJ.l!.. )llNTIB r. A becyogn Jsnj 18. eolnlty. a. 3: vnnum. uufTu'u mlqgg, Upton Or anaf gorge, Of Mngniconf Gold and Bmnn auxw muuLn, u.A., l.D.. O.l. lsuocenbpr to Lalo Mocnntoll.) IYBIOIAN." SURGEON. an, mnn._1 `WE VVISE. Q I Inarjlilnomlnlng. ud Io { g I and 010 . "`A"I:?.'wo'I&'ooAr.As1'II5f-."am' | LID Alum.`-u-v:w--- ran rm: run 1-nan wnn A __ ,. BOBIHT SHAW ` ISTIR Attorney-urrnuv, sonolior, he Prlnoeu Bun Lover Dr. Bklbnof lonov to hour on Bu! Entuo. Bu suis Cards. Ila Brock street. osxnm-ans 3303.. AL AGIINTR (Au-Ann. H FIRST -T-v-T---- 3. u.n.. b.n.a.. 1.9.3.. Iduno ol lhw `Vm-In nan. I.4u.u. Can. FnoNnxAo Burn NO. 25. rm, sIg_n_g I nun. I $3` BEQIDENCE. Thelut tuln oonnoounau Hullfu with the Mall Stunner! Ieual avery Thundny at 1230 mm. Thou-c cmlu connecting st Pornlonl onus every Wednesday 111230 p.m. nuns or uaamu. m~=- ,T.....m. no. can mm and 'onnT1@71. msmnla NEAT Jfg_OHEAP ;i5:`:`3;~\ Young Mon's_0[ristin Mn. VV . Jun A-aw.-pang:--1` mvuvnln A nnuxn. you 11 Princess Jnlv emlnnslslmnumlni Sept. 17. Telephone Communication. err 11 `Inc -|:|-waver A `K1 can not `octave: w - --_ _, 003. Famous C GORDON l1'l.| II'0Mond Work a Bpeoulty. Icy III: Cabin ...... J00. ow. vuu. Inmrmodlne . O80. Bloongo...... ...... ...,.. It on an aeudlng for our h-Land: you onn obs u Pnpold Pnsugo oknu an Iowan niel 5!. this omce, IVIHLDIO from nalnnd, Ireland, Bootlnud, I -`nnca. Germany. Braden sud Nor- way: teerage $18.00. .......I I.nnr\:\nrInrrv nnumntnwn or DOI- TINIIVI PIER K0340. IJL. NEW Yllli Bedroom Sets, Pu-lot Bum. Euy Chain. Oonln Tntlu, Dining TIHOI. Eideboudu. Munch %WiIh Sumner Gates, ao.. ac. (3 (`V A D ATIWTTQWV 1" ~'l'_ a--`-' mill!!! 5 TEIISIHP GDIPIIV (I;IMX'l`I|D..` win rarianvlca. .09 I III Inna. `$1.. LV HATES 0-I-`_-I AIlAGB : sun can ....a lull an-nu-Jinn -- l V gun . . Paton` D I910 {I-$.r.v.o9=:'-`I-u3!|.t!-. ' N Iunloullldluuu than I II US. llnnvuu - g Wald`: Tiolet Agent, Uornor Johnson And On- tario Streets. Nov. 93. J ( u- uou nnnol.) UIIOA O IIIIIUI IIIVIII us. To lltins, Albuy. In York. If-Ahlnntan, nnmmm-4 --_d all Pnhm In Nonhm-n Tu lltim. Albny, low lurk. rlumlpm, Wuhmton.Bnl1,0mnru-_d all Pohm In Ilonbu-n New York, via G.'1'.B., !.l.n dad l,.Y.0. Mn. Wish Bumne: urns, 4145.. ac. H. CARNOVSKY, mu nnrunnnl A nnnnnu I'll: I . THOUSAND IBLAND ROUTE BI \ UIIOA 6 BIMOI IIVIB II. n.- In , ,4 .v._ I__I_ nL:|-.I.l_I.: '1'ra.veu1ng. , um. apply 'I`II AIS. IlANl.EYs - Inhnlnn And I A ._-_. n '1`. HARLEY. Gen. Ticket Ag't. Bnutaay. Mon. um: . .'.3uturdty; Mob; 3701! l .-1 . . . .So.t.urday,Fob. 6th ..Sntu1-dny, Fob, 13th . Bszurduy. Fob. $0111 .. Szztnrdny, Feb. 27th .. Euturdny. Mob. 61.1: Huurdav. Mall. 13!!) eki run THE minus I SALE OF IIIIIGII. IISTIIIIEITS. G-EC) PEDLER w.n nu... n. In: mnmrv. 1'18 Union 85.. .. Elluruny. MOI. om ..Buurda.y, . Saturday. Mob. Mill ' ilfllilf; Ch; I IBAIIIL ...uo, U10. E gufie I On-uuom I Ixuyuu A Dlslllllllls u Dvlulva But it much more impor- tant fact connected with the Ancient Capital is that the I--';'%e_&9!__L..-HE`! w- - . ---- --- --_- _. Ticket Agent K. a P. ILEIPOZ P. I N.B.-Bmr In mind time the C RR. run! on the north more or the ht. Luvnnoo. right into Quoboc. Ju1.IJ. nortl Quoboc. lParfumer1e IleleIIrez,[ PARIS. Fll`. 'l'01LB'1'S[lAPS, $".E.iLJ- ..L' .QJ.l_J.J_lL:.l..I. v Wnll oer Lt. Inn Fsotory. 85., his entire amok of Orgnna And Pianos, new And second hand. Terms any. ..n unnnu no nun ngqnu I Hueie Celeste and rvalhu Ueleste, | Very Fine and Relrenhmg Prapnntionn {or the Complexion and the Skin. Best nml Quicken! Home lo II from Kingston In Ivy KING- s'I`0N dz PEMBROKE; and CANADIAN & IQLII-`IC KY8. Lmn. Etsg eo.,| [c//EAP AND Eel?/FE For Fine Burl; and Comb Sen. Odour. Dressing and Jewel Canon, we take the loud as usual, showing the finest line in the city. Our Smck of ARTISTS` MATERIALS uur awe: ox is Very Large. See our Line: ID very Large. Linen-Faced Cull: for pnntina in oil: without nny prepnrntiou : sloo the new line of Bnsa Plncquen. (vo hund- nome) Opal. Ginsu. Plscquea an mmy other novelliea. to ba hud only st - -- pa.--v ;-Qu-9:`-rm- This Povd r nave: vu-ion. A muvnl of punq In-on th an wholawmenolu. More econo- mlos nun the ordlunr haul, and on";-.:oI bu sold in competition wit the muluu: .o not too! shun weight. slum otghoupholo powder!- Bold only in cam. Roux. Axum Pownu 00.. 103 WA St. New York Rot. WAN Yqrl iaueau For freight pause. a. up 1y Com- ;nny's Oloo, No. 4. Bow ing roan. New York. It is an historical fact that the City of Quebec derived its name from the Indian word Kepec ! signifying a. strait. Ru? (1 rnllnh lnnvvn Innnnv-_ uvllul uvvuuuun, nu ua uunu uu-_v an A.- P- CI-IOVV|N S I 0)/I I3:-In-on an hl root THE ROYAL SKATING RINK I: open every my 1nd evening. woothu mmlng. Sunday: excopwl. Slnnlo ndmlnlon ~ loo. Lady and sundown- llc. Children under 15 yeAn-bc. l`|nIAl.l Inr Illl at All Rnnk mm-an Anal Wndnn I-`00'I` 0|-` PRINCESS STREET `TILIPHUNII |.`OIUHl')l'l'lUN.'- l'Hulv.hy sport mud Pure Mmoaphore CAPT. J08. DIX. - - Pnormnon. Jun. 16. New and Beautiful bnuw Scanhsj IX. \zIlI.lUI'Ull |lIlll{Il' IU BII'I-DC. Tiolou !or out st Ill Book Store: and Wade: Drug Store. _'I"Il.IDnl\Iul r`nIlIanIun.|rlnn_.- Portraits In W/nlar Costume! On of the I an Insm-moo Oompunlu doinl budnuu Ill Onndu. In-ruatlsmnu lulow on onynlboloo. lnunvcl Glmnln on City sud l'u1nRod- donou.lor`l'hrou )Oll'l. us modorou promln-u. ho` nuly Inoomo.......... lo and sunny rand Gourd hum fund `foul Ilnotod fund: Olslun plld than 1-8 TIIOMAI Rllllll THE EHURT BEA BOUTE- AVERAOI PA8- ` BACK 8 DAYS. HENDERSON S.I I uvmmx. & mm: umnarina ml IMO their Bublal In Q0 pity`. Incl? who con. mu 1 mar meets. DA_:L._ II-`_ L-H45; Vlnaou g-`E-Q-`Io NOTICE.` Ioonulou IIOI. Apply for Tickets tg` Bole Wholesale Agyents for Cnnnds. Jan. 11. My. ARTISTS :1 V-I-I1 I.-run Bqc I2uw_n_n nlllhmlu. Z hcwreus c sags.--y -.- Liver I. Londonderry. Quteuutown fut to aln or Portland \nd always nlow uloweu rntoqnotodb nu, ulhullnu. For Tnokeu. um. app y -rn nu, II AII.I'-IV.