Jolm HlNlrSll&{`... I110!) In ROI WOIIILI DO PIOIOIL "3. Promoting I Joint. Stock Com- pun waking therein I majority of the taboo (under lee. 401. sub mo. 24. Man!- cipnl Act) and getting I Ipocnl Ann of inoorponuion for Inch oornpsny. This plan presents dimoultioo. use the pri- vnleaen ol the pnuonl hompn And who want at pawer than uimniolpo lty would hue. "Tl nub plan ll. it looms to me. tho but. Ithough M mu involve the pur- chnu ol the present compnnyb works at A ulnnlon. However. an nrbm-nlon rnn\p kg Iunzl In u thin " uunuy. Napoleon Louis Joseph Jnrume Boner pane. the youngorb son of Plan Plon, hwentv-two years old. in now in India at Mr. Sanderson`: camp in the Gum Hills, where a hunting establishment of 1,000 men and 150 trained elephant: exhta. He in going from India to China and Jspnu. Ind thence to Sun Francisco and New York. (Inn-an An.-Lu-u.-um Llunl. Hnnto \\7 I3 U0.` 1' ll] IIIIIDDET. I./DlCI0. unu |JUU|"I5 H. Murry, agent. of the Devil's Auction 00.. are at the British Amt.-rxcnu Howl. (all!) IOU! (IIVH HKUEIDK. Mayor Benngrnud. proprietor cf La Pulrir. Montreal. in being sued {or libel by Mr. J. P. Oarrean. advocate. of St. John`!-. Que. Mr. Carreau was nccmied of selling government patronage for money and other valuable c0ll|dOl'A- moms. l`|m lnllnnnnu Inn-n nntm-nrl Hm llnmi, MODI- Tbn f0llOWlng have entered the Domi- nion Bnliners College within the hub few dnys: Hurry Cormack. Kinunton; Edward Flaming. Elam; Jennie Baal, Kingston; E. II. MoBnde. Belleville; n F. pnthur T\.fnnnnw- HnuI|(} T.vt.l.ln HIIIKGFOIJ ', Pa. 1|. .LODI'l(l(3g DGIIBVIHB; O. E. Power. Moscow; Hugh 0. Lyme. Amherst. Inland; J. A. Mucdomld. Col- Iiunby. Nnnnlm-an Lnniu lnnnnh Inulnvnn Ilnnn I VIlllulB|0l'l- I10 WGVCIH I may be. bid to II: um." Mr. Anni in his nnh mny on nun no In Illll." Mr. Agnow in his opinion. quolos the luv volumlnoully tor the =propoait.iom arrived at. .w, v vy, , In-ml In Wnalln Pouhom. Tm Moilonl Baud hand the follow- ing nddmounl one: It Bellovlllo : Pto. Andonon. of G. 00., bout diuun. 5 very nu-ion out ; Ooohono ol Fr0nch`n 1 I 1 4 nnouu. shot In the lots Inn on tho lint ` duo! the Iahsbod wound : Arohlbclq Henna. D. Go .MIl|bmook.Ion!o rheuma- Ham. ailing from tho moouuyhrood much 0! Col; Willluu from Sum Cur- ran to the Bnlcglohnwnn Landing Ind. lying with M: been fn water all niuhu It rlllo pitI;P|. Wan. ol 0. 00.. w 0 fall In the nah nu Winnipeg from {Mi vl Iloulinjylo llcyoaighl from oxpann dong mo upon-Io: and on u [IAIIICS PILW. 012608. A. Co.. Bollovlllo. non:-Y: Sum. W. '1`. mm. E. Co. Bolloa 0. rhonmnm zsurgt. 0. win... oo.. "noon to nooks. thuppl mgjomwnodlnllowod. gun; Lt. R. J. Bell. 3. 00.. Bella. ~ Uommnnuou. : Mr. N. Raymond will rnuqu his situa- tion in T. I). Minues dc Cola stoic (11 Saturday. He has accepted an agency from I Rochester tlrm. in the npring hointonds going to Jamaica, where he will start bmlinens. W. E. Smalleld. of the Runfrew Mm - vury. is in tho city at rnulr to ill! homo from the meeting of the Dominion Alli- ance It Toronto. The notion of Mr. Mow- nt in promising to not that the Scott Act will be enforced ln highly oommendcd. Herut..`Mninr Hnmnla. lam nf tlm Rut. HENURY & TEIJMPSUW S. WIl| U0 UIJIOTDOH l Hlllly COIDUJUIIUCKI. SenLt. Sproule, late of the Bat- talion, was presented with A gold ring by Ottawa friends. The ring is of ban d- some design. bearing the word "Hi- toche" in ruined Gothic luttern. whnlnt on the inside are engraved the dates of- tho four dnva' ubtlug. Mnvnr llnnnm-And. nrnnrintnr f [.11 Illa ll [:0 DB lVOIl BV6I'y IWO yearn. Rev. Thoma: Lowry. Presbyterian Minister. Toronto. is the olden olergv- mnn 0! than denomination. He has been 58 years in the ministry. Rev. Mr. Bax- ter, of Truro, N.b`., who died I levq dot ' 5 :50. was longer in the cause than r. Lnwrv. U owry. The mother '1! Hon. Edward and Mr. S. H. Blnke died at London on Wednes- day. She was 88 years of and her death wan acoeleraqed bv a {all anJ {nature of the log. which she sustained some time I o. Min Nnwmnn. n! Dav : Innornntinnnl ago. Minn Newman. 0! Day : Innernationnl Dramatic Company. arrived in Kingston genterdav from Porn Hope. and lots to. any. The ob can of her visit; was to nee I lady Men , :1 member of the Miln Combination. M- N 1)..-n-nnn.I mill -nun" LI. gin... ulv evening. Mme.Julea Fnvre, widow o! the ore- .tor. has founded a. pnze It the French academy. to baoompesed for by women of letters. It emanate to 01.000 francs. nnd it to be given every two yearn. Raw. Thnmnn Ln-rv. Prmlhvtm-inn :no line non. Jonn mmpson. Sir Richard Cartwright and Mr. J. J. Q.O.. visited the Young Men : Reforgn Club. of Montrenl. on Wednes- dnv evening. Mma.Jnlen Fnvre. widow of the nomlneuon tor Uenu-o wemnfuon. Professor Huxley hn ne] decided to none 0 she 01,500 pension o ered him by the tibial: Government. (2. W. Hnnnina. of the Mail. Toronto. oy one numn uovornmom. U. W. Bnnsi. of the Mail, Toronto. want: to be III on Ionnor In place of the late Hon. John Simpson. Hir Rinhunl Hnrtwriul. and Mr. J. J. yuonn 101' me coming season. Dr. Wsllnoa. after oneful considers- tion. has declined to nooopl the Liboul nominntion for Centre Wellln ton. I-'nU`An Inn. nal I Rnnirint` new E. A P. ROE'S| in. v It inroportod shut Sir John Mnodozr dd will uhortlyvlnt Toronto sud confer with Mr. Meredith. My Nah l'1AAt._Il\ (ha Qnnnu nntnr mm In. meremm. Mr. Nun Good win, the funny actor. contemplnes building or buying a ne yacht: for the coming season. Dr. Wnllnca. sitar nneful considers- menu. Mr. N. O. Polaon in Minding: moot- ina of the Pharmacy Auaolulon In To!- onto. Thu trultou of Ohnlum-1' Church have appontod Kl. Adan Manchu an-ouum-. In in vnnzu-tn/I chm}. Rlr John MnmInn- Brookvtuo yulomny. Mr. Reilly, the n Ihyor of Cnlguy, bu boon Iulnmon `for nlllng liquor. Btu-goon-Major Bargin bu count! to rooolvo pay Iron: the Mimi: Deput- Illlll. mu. .1. a. nanny 0| Brookvillo yutardny. M'r.ReilIv. the may I I I IIIC POGIIO V nnlndn A Rev. J. E. Ihnty of thin city. visited- Bmakvllla vuhrdnv. rm: DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FEB. 5. *` mmsonlu. ounvixi. , laying: and I nu-(Inn. 'l`HE DRIHIIAL BEIW 36 CENTS. l.UHI'|llll) all An ununnssiiu. which is not ll mere aggregate of parts. but :1 living unity As we cannot transfer an eye. or a heart. or a brain from one living being to another. because each living being is an inseparable unity. so we cannot sepa- rate Individual men from society without logically deetro ing them. Apart from the functions which lie discharges the indivi- dual man is nothing. although no doubt every man i s capacities which are not ex- hausted in t e functions which he fulls. Hence the sup osed"state of nature" in which men exist fore society is an absur- dity. (b The state, thorefore,is not the "articia " product of a contract. it is not made but grows, and like other organisms it grows out of (hit which is already organic. 0 man or body of men can say, Thus and thus nhali the State be;" it deties all efforts to change its fundamental character. and develms in its own way. (3) The State is more i an an organism ; it is self-conscious. Each member may be conscious not on! of his own activity, but of the activity 0 all other members. It is this {act that distin uishes human society from gregarioueness. wet animals have social instincts, but the cannot separate themselves from them. an being unable to invent new forms of as- sociation, they do not pro rese as man does. That State is most per ect in which the largest number of citisens have learned to comprehend the whole meaning of the com pies functions of the society of which they are organs. Hence the necessity of educa- tion by polilical life. which in Hobbes theory of the State as a despotism ovsa THI INDIVIDUAL ll iurossilcs. always displayed IOOIII tenaanciaa. inc truth is that man has no original "natara in the tense of definite tendencies. but merely nnrealiaed capacities. which in their fruition became selsh or unselsh. accord- ing to the direction they take. `The ideal ol induct devalopes ;u the p edevelo . and. as_ `i rule. that ldealopla an `ex! tn the laws and customs of the Selshnus in the individual consists a deviation from this standnrd. unselsh- ness in conftsrmlty to it. But selsh- ness in possible only to a being who is capable ol anselshncsa, because only each n being has an ideal. We do not call a dog aellll er unsdsh bocaule it does not frame ideals. L5) The natntsl dnaires mentioned by Ho has are not purely aalsh. The love of life is only ulsh when it leads I man to batter his higher conscience for bread. The love of wealth is not in itself selsh. for waaltb is the aynbol Of` ileum- dustrial activity without which the highs activities couldbot I: enrolled: It - comes selsh when it is made An and n it- self. end a man forgets that hit wealth is --n u. an -I-new--I unn AIPIIIII to one another in an attitude or pure antag- onism. The "state of nature" is a fiction. No doubt savage races have no settled gov- ernmcrtor code of laws, but they have chiefiiulioee authority is at least partially recognized and customs which they follow only too slavlehly. ln the earliest form of society perhaps even the iainlly did not ex- ist, but at no time could men have lived without some connecting social bonds, As Plato sa `s. There must be honour even amongt. loves." A number of men, not united in any way, would have becomea prey to the lower animals or to hostile groups of war. In fact the further we go ack the less individuality thore is. although at the same time the less soctality. (b.) As man never existed out oi society. plainly societ cannot be the product of contract` {tot only is there no historical evidence for it. but aoon tract surh as Hobbes describes could not have been made. The intelli ence and eeli'~ control presuppoeed could on ybe developed by that very social organilatiom which the contract is an vposed mat to constitute. (1.) There is nop iloeophical basie ior Hobbes` doctrine. The notion of the State as a mere aggregate oflndividuals is essentially false. (a) Hobbes speaks oi "that great `Leviathan called a commonwealth" as an "automatori or artificial man." This conception is quiteinndequate. At the very least the state muatbe i-nunanin 11': Are nHANlIl\l. ) Mun II not byn|turo"abIo|uloly selsh. He alwa I exlnod in society. and lhorofon nlwnyn luplnyod oocinl Iendcnclu. The original sucossrnn sir THI srsucau against rhe srbitrary rule of Charles the First. Man, he holds. is in it state oi nature absolutei selsh. The primary desires are love of li e. love of gain. and love or glory, which give rise to is "war of every man against every man." To put an end to mu- tual distrust, and secure oi1e's own good, which can never be attained so long its un- restrained selshness prevails, men enter into it contrim to abstain from mutual ag- gression. In the state of nature there are no rights: the rule is, I "That he should use who has the power And he should seep who am." _ Right snd wrong are the creation oi the state. All the social virtues are but different ways of securing pence. Reason teaches men to give u their individual wills to one man, or assem ly of men. so that the vari- ous conflicting wills may be reconciled in a single will. From the very nature of the contract the surrender is absolute. Hence the sovereign power is unlimited. ln s monarchy the king can do no wrong. and he , isthe head at once of church and state. While Hobbes admits the right oithe people to establish other forms of government he inclines himself to an absolute monarchy, on the ground that the selhshness on single ruler will be less disastrous than that ofis large body. DOCTRINE`. or l)lDiVlDUALlBM. III-D IN IIVII IVHIIIIII-I as well u hmmll. The love of `alum in. mt Mush when it who the form 0L tho noble lifa of the true umumln. thl tho- lu, or tho ntonur. (6) Sock!) II` no! I mum of ncurlu, one`: own ullh p mu. 1:: gm: mnuuu :5 `into In w hi! ombodmllu h ` I "C of life mnlnod at I lvn um: In mm: In chain In on much. hm Iochly in `ma non! of tubby mg I mum. and at it an Iron the at love of pllullrt I` coins on lIIllI'l conduct an In It ulvliauo `twin! ouy. As we have not even yet 0! nd of the doctrine of indxviduahsm, or 0 the supposi- (ion ofa "state of nature," which reappear: m Mr. Herbert S oer : rocempumphlet. "The Man vernal e Stete," it may be pro- ,n,u_., Mr. Herbert H can rocem plmpluu, Mnnvcrnul it mu mbla to examine the doctrine orobben with some care. (1.` The theory in utterly unhismncal. (.1) '1` are never was: time when men existed out of society. and stood another in umudo of mug- nniuln '[`hn"nmla of adds that to secure his own goons man must. seek the common good. Like all pleasure selsh pleasure can be obtained (ml by not being directly sought. In H bes there are two opposite principles (ii) pure individualism (ti) absolute uni- versalism. The changed spirit of Hobbes as compared with Epiouriis was due to Christianity. Recognition, tacit or express, of _the common weal. as the condition of individual satislaction, is a mark of all modern theories of conduct. Such su r- ficially contradictory sayings as, hat shall itprot a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul," and "He that gaineth his life shall lose it." are recon- ciled in the command, "Be e perfect. eyen as our Father in heaven I rfeot." But whi e modern ethics cannot ii itself of` the principle of universal brotherhood. systems dier very much in the rmness with which they yasp and apply the prin- cipie. Hobbes was very far lrom having I clear consciousness of it, and hence he says `aloud that social rests on nose, while the e ect of his doctrine was to overthrow the "right divine of kings to govern wrong." and to make the oommon good the basis of the state. It has been said that Hobbes was led to maintain the absolute authority of the sovereign power from observing the anarchy which prevailed during the civil war. This is hardly correct, but his theory of the state was no doubt SUGOIITBD srsuconz V non ol pnuurz. .Ul.`OOI!'l! :20 man: ma" 'na...'.:5 uubnma 1.32 m' 3:. itbononuhlndulywolnol hymn I meunuo Irlnnotmjhcn. but we In NY VOCAL scams... .. PIANO scom-: .... .. LIBRETTO .......... .. `...."'"`..... .;'.`2.1'.'.i.7,,n;1.'.T'{'..".'..`.".`. .'s`."s.? bluntly up ummnnis always nna unre- deemably neluh. But Hobbes immediately adds that his good I mum null: oh. rnmmnn unnrl Lilm all xuuy conscious ot the assenusuy semsn character of his theory. The Englishman bluntly that msnis always sud dure- deemablv immediately l'0|ll'IlI LOOIIII 0! ll]! UOIHIO. I Lut evening. in Queen's College. Dr. Watlon delivered the fourth lecture of his llpocinl course. Symmnrmd it was u lol- om: Although liebbee wrote more than IQOQ an after. Eplcurul Me theory none at It night to be but the Epicurean doctrine made expucit. The Greek thinker was not fully conscious of the euentinlly eeleh character of hi: theorv. The Enlllhmln lonnh Lootnn at Ibo Cantu. Inna -.n._X-.- In n-nun`: on. WATSON`! xvllmo '1'.u.Kl non 'r'u= coon or on omznu. UN[VEBSIT1LI:E(J`TUTiES-W. 9-I0bb' `I _ -.-L.-n I IOIIGII llwr I . The la; u. `the uonn xlll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. It uuumy JOCIDD . . . . . . . . . . . ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...Ilr. (Junior or1uno...... . .....Mr \Vllllllnl Frnnoole . . . . . .. . Mr. Mownde nguut Mr. Nocuvood locrotuy .... .. ule llulon do harm ..liII Ield Julio do Ilonlmnr ................... ..Mlu Pnyno Thin in Mr. Milo : that nppennnoo hero. and we cannot, therefore, judge of the rnpldity with which he is rising u an actor. One who has neon him twice within two years writes of him: "H0 in ion expansive and more lntaneolou Ihentrionl and mum artistic. The on- dance! with which llll reading was so strongly marked hnvu almost entirely tllnpponreil. and his olooution in now most admirable in its intelligence. ul- prension and intonation. A doapnnd mnnioul voioo adds greatly to its aoa- tivenea-I and this home learned to men- me with rare skill. In ahort. it in no evident trnth.thnt Mr. Miln in abun- dnntly fullling the promises made by his debut upon the drnmntio stage and there In little risk in the prediction thnt he must noon noinmnnd recognition in one 0! the foremost players ol the do ." 'r.. niulit tlm comnnnv will nlnv " ho D3iry__utter. BEES THAT ARE FRESH Ibo .\wnr Ila; all Oouu-nou. J. Power has nun-dad the contnolol lnr rt-Mung two stores. tho proper!/{of Fclix Slmw. on Wellington nu-ooh. ho oontnohorn are: Muonry. A. McOIrt- nay; carpeting. E. Clmlterton: paine- ing. Robinson roe: tin work, Nugonb t Tlylol`. The cons of rebuilding will be About 08,300. New ironll will bo put in nod uddltloun undo Go the tour. Nuuenl & Taylor have mun om of the mun. mm. The tendon for the addition to the lmmlng mlll have been accepted as fol- low|:`Muonry. W. McOuluoy.jr; our nary. A. Dulduon; pninuuu. Ro- lnlon llroi; tiulnllhlng. '13. Lemmon. The nddltlon will be 06:40 loot. lacing on Kln street and boln Ihroo storlon huh. ho lower list 1: ll be mod lur clone and pnoklng room. W. Nowlnnda ll smbluot. T 0! the Ioromou players cl me u: . To night the company play "I, o Fool's Revenge," and II: in to be hoped that they will have a much larger home than that of has evening. The public patronage lnbomllypntranizod in desired. ?_:.o-._._: mnrrlyu. The Grand J unohon Hotel, Tranton. was destroyed by re Int ninho. The temporary omoo ol Donn an Wrlahl. in shame of Capt. Eccleu. was nlno dentrow o L The new oloo will be ready for ca: cupation in a law days. A Hlmsll llouu Hut n Flue l'erlnrmenee_. Blnlnu Ilnphlly In Fume. Mr. George 0. Miin and company pin ed Buiwer Lytton'u "Riclneiieu" II the Opera House last evening to a very emnii house. Mr. Mi|n'a Impersonation of the crafty cardinal was very fine, and tho- roughly appreciated. Throughout the pen-tormence he evinced I refined and acholnriy conception 0! hi: part. in which respect he is distinguished (mm the ihimy imitntors who hnve attempted to plny "Richelieu" uuri provon utter {eli- Jren. Mr. Main is nnppolted by on ex- cellent company. who euebied him to present the work to the entire uninfec- tion of inn auditors. The following Wu the out : Oehlinel Nichellou i. Illn idllen do Muiprnl . . , . .. ......Mr. Ben- Oouut nu--du.. Do Bmnalhen lmnn Xll .. Prof. Dorenwond. ol the Paris Halt Worh. Toronto. will be at the British Amo- rbcnn Hotel (side entrance) for two days onl ,Wodnudny and Tbundny tolh nd :11 Feb. with I lug: Ilncl of MI noiod bangs. wnvemetc. He will huvo with him I supply of Dr. (2. Dortmund`: hnlr nqlc tor tutoring gray and faded halt, mnovlqg dnndru. pnvontinu Ind falling nnd muddy- inn bnldnou. etc. DOIIOD, Ill HXUUHOIIF pll0lIOIlvl0lJ- About the beat ramedv for cold loot extant in Norman`: Electric Insoles. They also afford great: relief to chil- blnins. son coma. bunions. etc. W. J. Wilson. dmggiat. I Marl: thin dnwn. Thn hnnh vnlnn ln WIIIDD, Ululi. Mark this down. The ban vtlueln embroidoriea Ind insertions we have over shown. now open. at Hardy & Mur- ny'n. We have 3 law nnmmul nlnmen lath. ny n. We have A few pumps: plumes lath. Should you desire my. coma prom $11 and choose them as they will :11 Ii sly be sold in a few days. only at Wilton ; Phn-mono . Mr. Rn mrhnnn In making a lame blui- l'Il'DJI|O Mr. Roluarhuon In making a large bugl- ntss in Kingston for Campbell st Gra- ham, uurservmen, of Rochester. N.Y. Then nook ls true to name and deliver- ed in n thrifty and healthy oondltlan. Eiumeeu members: of the Snow Shoe KND A CHOICE LOT 01' SMALL SUGAR-CURED HAMS JUST l{ECE[\ `ID AT ea nu bunny uealuny oonamau. Eighteen memben 0! the Show Olnb took a tramp around Cedar Inlnnd last night. When they got back they took "nuthing" warm. The ntoe le- chuo taco ocouru next Saturday woo . Oventocklngs, hosiery and wove oods alldown in price. at liudv & nrr `I. annunm. prev: in baldnou. e `II. -OII|'I Ill-III Upon the wnthmn nooopml by some n othm it In dlnputod. Tho noon nut mu:h_ corn: from the loader.` noting Ipol. Putnam`: Pulnlan Oora Bnnccor` mnovnlhc moat painful corn: In min dun. Thh grout nmody mn|m"`no taro doom ! goboltng around 1 run`: fool. but I hand: at noon, and ouc noun. `t bclmpond u by Inbou- halunndlmluuuu Oct" tnm`I." and no other. GIII BIHIIOD. '- -In consequence of the flood at Bella will-a,Donm and Wright's office. of which Ald. Eilbeok In the manager. any bus to be removed. ` Dunk-rnnn L an -Iuinnntl fnrw nul- no no rcmuvea. Richardson 9; Son, phi ped forty our lands of barley to the Un ted Stltol this flash. Thirty our loads left Tweodmnd ten lefc Kin nbon. Thar: -3] ha 1 hlnln nl Hnhll Ah u: ten now am awn. There wil be u. bluo ol light at the Roynlakatiug rink. no the on-niul, on Mond: uighc. Severalnddit.ionuleloo- trio lig to will be added. Mmunnl nnnnln. And mmaninllv nrann. [T10 lllol Wlll DU M1030. Musical people. and ospeoislly omin- lsts, should subscribe for the monthly Muaiml llvrulcl, of Franklin Sqnsre, Boston, on axosllsns publication. Ahnnh thn hunt rzmmlv lnr nnld has a U0`: wnoleaue nwro. ununno mreou. Corsets. corsets. KM uloveu. RM gloves. reliable and chespent-, M Hndy J1 Murray's. A tnhnunnniuu nnrtv. unmberinn about a Murray's. A tobougsniuu party. numbering about thiray petsoul. will leave the city for the {ore bill thin evening. Mr Datum 'I`hnmnnnn. nf Wutnrmun_ ton um um evomug. Mr. Peter Thompson. nl Wutertown. bu arrived to amend the funeral of his father, who died entordav. Lin 'I`nn-pa n' 11' nf nhlnnun, CH:-I FEBRUARY THE 1471: is duwing nigh. Secure a` `I.-Damr-Mr Vntvumvuu Il_I nnuvuu vv -uvuuu uuw nuuunnn vs un- Mr. Terry 0' ml. of Chicago. who onmo homo to attend the burial 0! his (saber. Ion for the welt to-dny. Rev. Mr. Ehv will nddmn tha'Mahh- xnuer. new to: we won so-any. Rev. Mr. Eby will oddreu the'eth- odinb miulon church on Moudny after- noon at 4 o'clock in the Third Metho- dint olmroh. IV ~-In nnn......n..nnn 1.5 MI: maul no Th-.lln You {BI II III! N IIIII! MINI I =~'-3.1::-.2.-:.:*::..-....%-:-.m Int): um him any. xormaa note on non. um um run. A telephone has buenphocd in Brown & Uo'n wholesale store. Ontario Street. n..._...o- nnraufu RLI nlnunn hlda Lmlo Things that lggngo lho I'oopIo'n II tontInn-lotu bv our Loan! Onrm. The Human And streets committee: met no-day. Than; an 170 noldinrn in thn Salvation meu 50-05]. There an 170 uoldion in the Snlvumon Anny : rnnkn. Thu "Dnvll`n Anntinn will has not- Army's Ilnltl. The "Dev|l`l Auction will be per- formed hero (in Feb. 11m and 12th. A Qnl-nhnnn luau Egan n1nnmI hi RI-n-n lune amrn on mu nonler meal. me which mu than be nminod cannot without perversity be culled plouuro" 0|` "nlnh. In seeking nn ideal cod nllothel things urn added. but up his at not the lqnr loqd in (ha true end. I I am-uurncuon ll not Io oelounu ny ulna]. howoyorlndlroctl ,nt one`: own I`. hut in ninth An 9 rulintion of t n In- I01 I01! nunfutln the wriuan and unwrit- tenlawu olooclaty and, where then fall short oftheuenl. in Iaakln to row After tltnzdpauorn of: still nob er I cal. The I which mnv lhnn ha nluinad cannot $'WE HOPE TO SELL THE LOT BE- FORE THE 1!O:MAROH AND IN- VITE YOUREABLYINBPEC HON. .....-,_.-..-... - .--.-.--av-5.`. iciouu ol the monlityof the nun who? . nu neootu the evoty day chnriuu of husband. ` {nut in km commdrclnl transactions. son and brother ; or who is not Icrutonlounly wear and mlvhn Mn nmknlnn nl IDIIIIIIHIV. um tn mu commercial tnnucuoon. nowour and all be his prolculon of mnllly. Sell-uti action in not to befound y gluing. howovarindlncllv. n mm`! own nknun. Yonoua in 0! thin: Hui) 8 |lnnu'n nl-has an chin And `uni col- MR. MILN IN RIOIIELXEU. INOIDINTI OI Till DAY. I WIIIW II I no not ...Mr. Hun r. Drlahnln ...Mr. Amory It Qumby _.Ilr. Rooalvod to-duy 1 one or 300 pleoon 0! Ihndoomo Embroldzrloa And lnurtlonu from ta (00 per ynrd. I canon. 100 places, Whlto Ohook Muallnn. (So per ysrd. worth Ba. 80 plan: New Htrlpod lm-tlugl only lo, nlno NOW Bhootlngn. Pillow Couonu. Linen: and Tlollngn. all from 0 to (in per yard ohnpor tlun lul you It the onmslnz. - - oppum Wlmmr ml. Feb. 1. 600- PAIRS -JUST - ARRIVED - AT - R. ~ McFAUL'S. All W001 U8.B111J.lu1'u 1UJ.' ouu, regular value 40c. All Wool Cashmere for 350, negularrvalue 500. All Wool Cashmere for 400. regular value 55c. All Wool Cashmere for 45. re gu1_a..r galue 6(__)c. All Wool Cashmere for 500, regular value '70c All Wool Cashmere for 550. regular value 75c. Best Cashmeres 60c. worth 85c ' Best. Cashmeres at '75c, worth $1.10. The Best 45 cent Corset in the city. The Best 75 cent Corset in the city. The Best 50c. Spoon Brush Uoraoqin the ciy. Try us for the Ste un Melded "Lilly Corset. We will sell it cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. ` II. AIQFAIIL, Beautixl Embroideries at 5, 10 and 1250. per ysrd. Special Oering for this week's sale. Ladies` and Misses Mnntles, Ulaters and Blanket Suits. Dress Goods. Millinery, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear. Remnantain every department at Half Price. \;\ iuEvFwI1L" mama You. see MEI. B.M. Satin Mervellleux. Colored Satin Merveilleux. B.M. Satin Tricotine, New Prints. New Corsets, Brown Linen Terry Towelling. Dress Goods Sale still going on, 204 sts Nswmno/am/Es qt sggucz gcnuautrs White Ooupm commencing [tom 60. per yard. White Cotton. one ynrd wide. reduced to 60. White Oottomoue ynrd wide. extra bony, reduced to `lo. Our 100. White Cotton is equel to my llo. (Iowan nude. N`iir * }C+'o7"c>d{{ 211-:71}i:iE T 15.1134 :~;:;;NEw SPRING Gonfi Monmsaune} :1:-nnvrvr cwwvuu ----u-- . - A oonoontnlad outset of Wild Cherry. Boro- honnd. llnonmpnno And other nlnnblo Ingro- (llenu. It in plu.uo0.hulln;.mllr1 and hum- lou. Don omau. lou mm. In bonlu El Ind I) can u WADFYS DRUG STORE. Nigh 0;... pmTpK,~Tuended to by Rbm on-,'.Ioc. Reid ` Garrett. Street, near comer Division and Princess Btraetl. or at office, 254 Princess Strot, 3 Kingston. ---TELEPHONE conntmlcmjl 0lgg- ` Jul. 8.). - Having acquired a reputation for the cheapest White and Grey Cottons in the city, we mean to keep it. An inspection is respectfully solicited before purchasing elsewhere. Fine American Gonna. 36inohes. 40 inches for Pillow Casings. yJ. LAIDLAW & SON . me uoounau In once to nukoroon ' I:`:.I-`ck on order. conic III on 0 Id noun who of 0 E3_P_ID1\TO2B2 an BLEACHED Pl}.LOW OOTTONS. 40 inches. 7-4 Shoetings. Unblonohod Cotton. one ynrd wide, reduced to `lo. par yard. Unbluohod Cotton. ouo yard wide, oxtn heavy, redwood to 10. per ynd. Unblouhod Oolton, one yard wide, the but undo, worth l0.~.. reduced to so. 200 Pairs of brom-pt;)n s Genuine Corsets sold in one week. Price only 75c. A. Duraawond Paris zir Works? HAnnv&.MunnA.) ]PR|GESLOWER TTHAN`THE*[0WES"T I F. X. COUSINEAU Jon.l8. lo! and [05 tonne um-m. `I'0I`0lIIO. Fab. 4. JAMES RICHMOND 88 OO- Jun. l7. FINE w1~1m2 COTTONS, =; L L L Jun. 15. Feb. 8. All Wool Cashmere for 360. vu:d11]n,1\ Va] 11 A 400. `how o M ed note non II once` noun nj-Q-0-s11jAj Q_ jjjj {Z 7 1?vEI.D~ n.._ O_A.-4_L-.. __ -_.L..n--.. CORSETS I CORSETS ! FTNELWHITE COTTONSTEH AT J. RICHMOND 66 CO inch 42 inch 44 inch 40 inch 'VV'II.-":E.IfI`E S. GEE}? __QDTTONS I NEVVEQTTONS- {n.`.?. .T.Ea`..T.... :.:;`....:..' N{l'l`E THE PRICES . ..-.. .. i V` ooMEAtj1DlIg--.OME I I Pnhmr Ilmmndk Bmtefd Style; of Hair Ends I ...._...-. .A.....-.. . .. .-....--. ECDVVES la BISONETTE THE GREAT BARGAIN KING. :hes. xhes. I l9| PRINCESS STREET. ., , 5 no Wlll bl It u Blill LMINIOAN HOTEL. Wellouluy and 'I'IuII-udny. Feb. lblhh Illbo LAIGIII. PAII [Al I I0 PADOQII BAIOI. WATII I III. IWITCIII mas ; A oo on man. Tovllll. :1-6.. In A! rln-In. Im I And me. nor. DORIINWIRD come: from tho Pu-In um Wot -` `l'onuIt?'. an Inn and bun-gum-od uublhhuzel-I. m tho Dumln on. Don 170 Judtccd qnluu wnrlnu HM: Ooodl. but It you uorl. I: at ntonhl hm. tslloo Mm unlu mow r: omonnhq M on `FM 1-mon :1: you IN :4 nhow none-mry >hoy am 0- yo I penan- Il _IvI ounce `lino Pro]. vu`. also mm with him Imrply ol two will-blown [to- `nrmunn. luau u. Doronwn `I Oovllul rm Dc-troyor I'o - rannovmu all Inurnlou Iulthhll-om pulu, Old DIV. I . l)uIIIlWIlD'l Ihumnd II; n Mum the grmuol. In! - hturullvoja I o vmli. llrootullifli EPA: to In nunui color and prev: uh I I III mt: mauve: dmulru and romodldl bddlll It ?! In -III I.. n... I.-. .1 ....|.. _A-n u A. on, 10!!) & 11th Feb. nin 1 nu Prlloiui-II:o7oI:7 cu. - uuvvuu u-uuruu Iuu Ivlliiulw IKIIICI I71`! II will In the In`. no only via Illl ; |u.wn. so do not mm nu opportunity. I Iumnnnh-r -_ BRITISH IMERIOLN HOTEL INC Flnlllhoo for Indian. fur um um Om big purchase of All-Wool Black Cnshmeres at about 30 per cent less tl1a11.4thn[.:gular` rates now opened and ready for inspection. muuuu Auumuunn uurzu I Flntnnoo for India to: two `B: only Wlnunnni Tumu- I0: lllh Fob. Tao names: :1. Shootings. 8-4 Shootings. 9-4 Shootings. 10-4 Shootings. NEW BOOK. ' OUR LATEST RACKET! I70 PIIINCEDI STREET. O03. Illa J BBOOK BTI. "3512 . z1Ie'".Wk'" 1 mun fresh. You will require aplew One after the re. We have 9. full stock on hand of all kinds is- sued. .luImHentlersu11& 60.. ....8l.00 ..... ...75c ..25c! 1| It-llllll -nuuur-nu-unuunn The great event in pro! ch as Invoraty in the gift. concert; on Pridn eyeninu. Maxcb1`2th. Every ticket older will receive a neat present from the pro- moters of the concert. the L5diea' Aid Society of the Mstbodnnt Church. The concert willbogiven by the ladies solely. Mrs. Dr. MoGillivny will preside. Ill!-I \ HIJIII nun "urn. '1bin morning the men employed at outside job: attempted to work bntcould not. in conaoquenaa of the cold. Thor- momezers dnered II to its mtemity. Al: the nu house the temperature at four o'clock wu 22 below zero ; cotton m1Il.24 ; Roval Military College. 80; Qnoenh -Jolloge. 20 . The Walther lnodonted ntmid-day. IIIIIIUVII II) nruun HII III- J. D. F1-oihnd. the jaweller. has re- moved from Wellington to Brook street. one doonbovo Wsldron'n. He has been over fourteen years In the old nnnd, and thirty-three yours inluguton altogether, of which twunty-two have been devoted to his own bnsinou. A good citwen nnd faithful lrtllt sud workman At all nimu. me people of Kinanon with him eon- tinuod prosperity in his now quarters. `I nrough Niagara iinylda. Wallace Roan Ind Fred. Pisisted. onu- memwiil be in Kingston Iinortly. and will give an exhibition. Those iwn men In making ursugemouu to utnrclo the woxld about August. next. by ncbomptin the perilous [eat of nailing Niagara whit - pool rapids in about. "Unpcain Webb rnoiically accnmpllshed the dead {on Enow." said Rosa. "bat the poor iei ow wns killod.I on. by an accident. We cunnnd will 0 ii. llld ovoryiinng will be rendyior the line by non August. The boat is being nude in the States. It Will have no bottom." 1-pending: l'loauul l'lun. Last night an evening Party was held at the residence of Mr. . Pu no. Inc I member of the Midlnnd Batbshon. About twenty couples were present. and they had 5 ha py time of it. Messrs. C. Sodas. C. en en.and L. Crank. mem- bers of the K. P.R. quudrille hand. at- tended. U-l|lIIIl I-. HICKO--. Tbe Glugow a London lnuul-wool Company hue handed 8. ll. Brmon. . 0. 3 cheque for OM11), Ibo unount mat um com y on the Queen street utuodjnt 0 arch. Henry Skinner & Co. will receive shout 013.0(1). oubot 124,500 which they hold on their pnmiu-9. and which were du- sroyod h the on ma mormn ol Jun. 2`Ind. no amount: to in d by the nvnnl oamnnniu nro : Fin Innnnnm TJINI. Int) IIIIIOIIUII [0 DO puu Dy Ievanl campnuiu are Fin Iumnnoo Auoointion, MAXI); London Auunnoo Oorponlion. 08.450; Roynl Uuudinn Oompsny. 01.476: Lunuohnro Insurance I .|7I:(I)`On.lodonl|n lo- Elrclrlo LIIIIII Illll Icnpn --nu-. There are Iiuy miles of telephone wire in the citv. Mr. Freomm I8-YB ohe telephone service is am-obed in sll cities in which the electric light in used. The when of the electric light company do not touch the telephone pole: at any point. __ G METHODIST HYMN BUUKS! n uvlluuu wan W uuvu Iunnuu 1" ul the analog : prnoocdin . but It Ed not no plus. 1 In flu rum ml In- hndnud it ilioh n manna. dual `I`od;-y'| I f0hIbIIII|6I. Light to modente winds, generally fair weather. slightly higher tempera- ture. Higher temperature on Saturday. uuuurnny - : wuuuu u. Feb. 7.-Priuoi I Grant. Feb. l4.--Rev. . T. Herridge, B. D.. Oshawa. Feb. `3l.-Rev. D. MoTuviab. D. 80., Lindsay. Feb. 28.-D. McNiah. Comwnll. mo ngunu mooung or we rnuomr Ihun Boole! us well Attended on Thnuauv IK 5 Inn. The ncoung wu qfuood by the pronoun oluursl India. he nmnbon no Alvin plotted to hue `them Mtnnd. L u p|ognmmg' con. listing of reading. radiation: tad solos. pulultod Oh hilrnon ILA. {shut `Ir. wu'pruon tad hvuultndvoclay wllholo at an nonnlu mull; *1 Order of Forouen, menu on who mm! and I ltd Tburldny in nah month In Oddlallowl` Hnll.con1er 0! Prince nnd lontrul Rcroouv. (over H-eudn a'l`hompoon'n.) Doo.Il. J. u. .lE)'i.7l.AIAI`l?`|c,V nib cn.u., >LTn.i:.|>.1c., Lu Edlnburzh. Member 0! IIIO College of Phvnlnhnl C lim- noonn. Omnrto. um uvuuutiuviwi-sly wllnolo (I III poxulu uonl. debut nntohunloruod not nooedin Id `Iain llllllh`. IIUE Illlllhnl In. clfw. ll ICIIII III a I c no Illd oonlnxhl by the :6 Ohm In tho 01!)!!! It 99017 muting. flu: nu AI umlhnt annnnnnih for unh- u- ' Id nod Ipnl An.-LII-. '1" HM RIGULIR ||ll l`INUH ot the St. LIV- ronoo Ooulall, R.-yd Arlnnum, an hold on the am And third Ilondnyl In ovary month 3| I a pan. lnlhoocnnqul Uud Fellow . am. pm.- oou Bvna-0 _ A Dec. Ii; D Georftl mu, Wnlll: Tueudny 0 Ivory month. __ D_/AM0_NAD_ .Tl7i(`/GHREMEDD . -. -nu; pu____ n--- IIOOIII. llu Innu- I 237 UUMGN H'l`.1 I95,-,-!'.-_`i contributors no undonln ol tbs D. .0. Tholnudldon wu nnd In! `B O on _ `I of ..*"...':.;."a,':L*.3'. F' I`HIA*I1&nnn\a-(Lb Ix tha win. II 1:80 pan. Tho lhgulu looungu of tho Auction! and A3- aoplad Inolunh am of Fnomuon us hold In their Enll,oornu' of Hz-ooh Ind ellxutxvs Brion. King body 0! Porfooulon. '1' Thundny, snd not ahnron1sov.Ohnp.Bo- 0:-uli, has 'vVi=1'IijI15v3B'y'1il man memh. l`Illl'Il lleanlllp co-puny. SAILING from New York ovor& Unturdny. Authorized Agent, 14'. A. FOL Ell, Forty Doollocw of Bro I at... Klnnlon. lluollc lf[IllI leeulgu. Ancient it John : Loduo. No. I, on Thun- da arch mm, II 1:!!! p.m ` ilngn hodu, lo. B8. on Monday, lurch In. an 1:!) pm. / nlnodao. lIo.I. on Wodnudny, Fob loan. :2 mun. mu. n.....1.~ u..u...- at nm Annual and A3- point: out. No.5 Ixprnu Iowan Kin non I so p.n.. eon- noottn with O.P.l. Mun: wrou tutu :3 Shut- bol In 0 for all polntn out n ad wut. J. ll. TAYLOR. ROONWAY, B. W. FOLGEB, Inn. San`; Au. Gun. Pun. Art. np'I. Winnipeg In Ill noun. No. I - Ind lone: Klnntolf mo |.m.. trrlnn nlhu-bot huh 10.50 um. and Konlrow 3:15 ' p.m.; connecting with O.P.u. lupxou {or I No. 5 Kingston _p.rn.._3on- IIBIT and Cllli UPI-.I'l' IIOIJTI Bureau Kingston, Pom-boro. Toronto, omn Mom 1. Queboomnd III point: out and wall No. Rx reu Iuvu {human 5% 1:3.) p.m. Anivu ' omnI0_0519p.In. " Ouuvu mo 15 m. " MOIIIIIII HMO pull. `~ Ronlrow om 9 In. Psuonaoru lonlnu by lhli lulu will null Winnipeg in G) hours. Na. 1 Ind ln4uu Klnlatolf 7:3) I. In.. Q'Telophone orders receive our but so tontion Jun 27th` niuunon as Pamnaonw. __`[p.... Ounulq P,l.oie.Ral1rouIl. saw. nmi.'h'r,' a'i'on"-rnsvr, mousr. I cannon ma Bu! I_qu_|pp_a_d ._._n __u_1_nouu I: U. I Cl'l"'IlI'l'I 0ouu1~-nnonwmmo," No. 09, Ind: guy Ih_o_ VIIIIIAI. Onsncnn turn an Roller Rlnlv. BALI of mud: {or Tue: M. court noun u 11 mm. mm. Txnnlna rooulved b Clty Enulnoor nu noon. Mun at the Opera ouu. GENERAL TICKET AGEIVY --I-- "..`i."..;"`.':3 .3n-us -u': BE-`&"-'5`-% r."_ A. rozann ~v - Ooucnl `runs agent. 1 Ferry Wharf, - - Foot. of Block sum. KINGSTON. ONT. --.:.- III. OIIIIW II VVIXIIIEIIDJI. um I: _ ' ':.::.:.*.:.*.`.'.:..'c:`.':`:...'.`a '.' ::'.`:;` I annhllxnnn All nlndnnh nl thn| lulnnn I cm]: In is. The ngulu meeting or the Phdoaw bul Beulah mm id] ntnudnd on Dmt.'b'r,' anommr, moan-r, Chnpou all All noun to lunch: and Inn Ruth Wool. TIC IOII OI ISIJIIII ENEVOLEN1` HOOIE l`Y,No. 33. meat in 8!. Gear a : Wnlllnuton Sm, ind nnd an ueudny FOR COUGHS dc COLDS FOLGEII. Bun`I. Sup !- _.,_ . ` ,._._______ Electric LIIIII IIIII Icloph-mun. - -_- _:..s.. .....I... ..l Amhml 'u1'fY gm VIUINITY. (`Illnl Ileanlllp Co-puny. rmun from Maw Ym-In nvarv tutu lluonle lf[IIlI Ieellnlt In In John : Loan. No. I. lonnng the lunnncu Ill-..--- L I ..-.l.... I.. Unite:-ally I :-nnchnn. n_: ..l fl..--.L 'l'Io Ion 0! Bug II \I.D.N'l` I-Inll?! l`V Nn. R1 K immon Revs. L4-Roy Hooker and J. In`. Mavety have returned from the joint conference of Methodist and Preshvteriaus in Utte- wa. relative to mission W0l'l(. "We have secured." said Mr. Hooker. "a scheme which. I think, will commend itself to both of supreme bodies." To obviate the unnecessary duplication of missions in places where the relative needs of the people could be equally well supplied by ewer organizations. and in which from the sparsity of the population or other causes there is no prospect of all of them becoming sell-sustaining within a reasonable time it was agreed that the governing bodies of the two churches should provide for the appointment of a commission to confer together as I joint commission. regarding such places as may beknown to them or referred to them for their consideration. and en- dosvor to come to an understanding as to which. if any, should. in fairness. re- tire from the field, due regard heing had to the following points. V|Pl.. Number of members and adherents, amounts raised for all church purposes. value and posi- tion of church property. priority of occu- pancy and on special features of the work being own. as for example the language spoken by the people on the mission. The New Bookstore, PIINOEID : OTRIIT. wu nuureu. Tho Misses Meek oerod an excellent. instrumental duet; Miss Annie F1-alien Inna acceptably When the Ubildron are Aaleep;" Mr. Sherlock nlvl Mrs. Rockwell gave a vocal duct and were encorod. and Mrs. Crooks supplemented her contributions by nnonlior selection. The concert closed below 10 unlock with a. chorus from the choir. The event was very successful, and will net. 0200 31' 0250. .__...o-.__ IDIIIIDD. The joint commission was naked to communicate the conclusion arrived at to the proper courts of boL.`i churches. but that no reocmmendetlon be mnde unleee it receive the majority of votes in both section: of the joint commiuion in cue enoh aepnrnte vote be asked for bv any member of the joint commnuiou. It win Agreed that It is undesirable that either oi the chnrohen should seek toentnblieh new missions in places ul- reedy occupied, end. belore permanently entnblinhln emiulon. the one should be re rte to the joint commission {or conei oration end IdVl00. For the bet~ ter Attainment of the ob not in View the churchee entering into t e nrrenuement oordielly welcome the co-operation of I other Evangeline] chnrcheu. A I :-oponlllon by which Money onn baFnv_ on nml no Itlulrlu lrouoroxl. I C. Venn n| uhargod with Ball] Ono ol tho I :-rnmunnIn-l no Dlnmhud. On Wednesday nvening nrow occurred n the door of the burnoln. It appears that tho meeting 0! mm evening wu not: public on. Two men. one of whom wu U Fanning, (the other in not know lied to force their wny into tho but Tho unnger much the d r. while tho incur was ex- pl why he could n I pa: in. -They " the banning. ha wonptonmlv put all The door-kopor mod to pull Ihn duo ! so mad boll II. but wu manna ll pIl'[. Before intermission: 13. M. Britton ran over the w- rk of the Queen Street Me- thodist Church. The pushing and ener- getic congregation had worked up a ne cruise and were on the highway to great prosperity, when. before sunrise on Sun- day, Jan. 24th, the labor: of 25 years went up-ln smoke. He mentioned the disheartened feeling entertained by the older m< -`.ibCl'l. but said that. snimiited by the vigor and promise ol the young people. they had rallied lull were bound to have It home again. The llnuucisl outlook was referred to. The insurance! secured would wipe out all put indebt- edniss, and. with the old walls stand- ing. the had to stiirt afresh. A new church uld coat 014,500. 0! this amount 02,500 bud been promised. [I 00.000 could be raised by subscription the balance could be easily cured {or by the conauegution. He felt that the pub- lic were on their side, and he had only to announce thst the csnvass for help would at once he proceeded with. Us looiied for the aid and bciirty good will of nil classes. In conclusion he landed the efforts of the ladies and young peo- ple. With such help as theirs success was secured. Thu Miauan lfm.-ilz i\"4rn.l uh nvnnllunt. I put ollp llll uour-mops: mlu II pun 4 the door so II. no on edbyutho pmomr oilldo. no he nu not! bbo the In hoojouhd. The van summon In the sun. 1 two `Fanning wu brought into tbcr ` tabla. Tho mu who nu with him dr . puhd. .Whon the line u-rind thvy , Vllld noluwll Fe ning. but look In ` 1 I 1 This nor lug ho was t. mngll his and elmgol` In tutbtd the lasting on Wod- nogdu ning. Ho plndodlot guilty. ` "l`._H.IIOulro|ppouodin hi: behalf. 1 n 1`. L. hook sand for tbs 3|-my. ` Eiovldegonohl J. Broth. Sh! Oopmn . 0. up I oor- upon-' were given. ` II wuduudby one o! the vmnunu J am running ulna In bun mm so \ hoothobsrrsohvooonubound in` uuulon I tiolu which he thought Id Inn to tho prlvuo noocluu. T.":."'""`.. ...`. .'..`.`....`..""'.. "' """'U..: to on unv ' thoalndon an F |n!nturo,' . W- and Mrs! go at up out. ` `-7 Ill. "VVOOCIIIDQ l3A0UO8U.' VBTY 8II$0(alV8- I . The echoes were well imihubod. though the audience smiled oncu when they worked in A double portion." Missal L. Allen and OHIO!` took the solos. The Milne-s Frslnok up and in "Far Away," and were so well eoeivcd than an encore was demanded. Mrs. Crooks.who possesses a sweet. voice. sang a. populsr bsllsd and was recalled. Misses L. Allen and S. Lsvell, sud Messrs. Urswford. Sherlock And Green- wood, took pub in u quintebte. Hear us. 0 Saviour." The voices blended very harmoniously. Mr. Sherlock took tha leading prrt. Hnfnrn iuhnrmininn I! M Rrihtnn ran OODUGIW. WIIOII Dl II 0310 OOIOOK. Rev. H. F. Blend took the platform and announced 3 hymn. "Hold the Fort." Prnyer followed. and then Dr. Lnvell ` mu culled to the ohsir. On behalf of the church he expressed gratitude for the llborsl patronage given to the ladies. every class oi oitizene being represented. The eympsthy extended to the Queen St. ohuroh eople proved that the prin- ciple oi div no generosity had not been swept awz`.'y' by the full of man. The programme was short, but exceptionally good. '1 he choir senu an opening chor- us. "Woodland Echoes." very etIect.ive- Iv. Tim nnhnan warn wall irni| .utmi. "were end looked very heudeouae. For several hours lent evening four h long tables in Ontario Hell were con- Mm. tluuelly eurrouuded by dlneu. at two deliciously cooked. were i of these tables. while st the other two meets. caller Ind fruits were diepeneed. The choice of teblee wu dleoretionery. All were populerly Eetronized. They were ornamented wit silver and vign- he lediel had arranged them during the dey. The event wen u beuellt concert and tee in aid of the Queen UtreemMetho- diet. church. the first ocouion since the burning ol the edice thet the public bed an opportunity of teullyinq their Iympethr for the couurexetion. generous y ecuorded. U wards of one thoueeud tickets were no d and about eeven hundred person: dined with the church folk. At 7:80 o'clock the people led into the City Hell and united the ooneertfwhich began at 8:15 o'clock. Raw. H. F. Blend tnnlr the nlntfnrm 1 It wee V 4 I 'lIo ladle: of In lieu: ltnol cum: Io- na non id:-An Ivm Wllel mm. nllhn Inn lnnnlnl I-Inn:-I gills can. `VALFEINES A UHUBOI WIOII PIOPLI RAVI BIAIOI `I0 TAII PIIII OOUIAGI. THAT ROW AT TII BAIIRACKB If 'I`IlIf DUI]-II IVUII WIIII Illlll onto Von loncnl linen onto con- -IIlu-Wlu (Io Tnluu lope to do. 7'13` WILL RISE AGAINI Mr. James Agnew, solicitor lor the city. gave an opinion on April 27tl1.l388, touching water worln matters. The pre- sent company was incorporated in 1340, under an Act which wan to remain in force lot 60 years. It was not very olaiw whether the Act intended to give the company ll monopoly lor 50 years from 1840, us It aoctlon of it gave tl.e Legio- lsturo the privilege ol altering. modify- ing orw r ouling. the powers. privilegu and nut critics granted to the company. The limitation of the duration of the Act to 50 year: is in itself lnvournble to the mcnopoly View of the quentlon. Mr. Agnew continued to say : "The Lema- luturo could sanction the lorumtion ol .. ....... .........n- nu] mu-.|.l ..n .Im.).m an H0 I01 FOIIODRDIB cuune, Hut! 1 IIHDK ll ` in one course for any new company to lnkc. I doubt. whether in new company could organize without special legislative lane! on. The law prevents the city corporation lrom constructing wnwr work: until tho axistinq compnny'a works have been purchased. There are three courses open to the city corporation with relurenne to the construction of new WI- ter work: : III Du-aha-{run u: I-uinnnnt nnmnnnu`n lumro counu unnomon we zorumuon on u new company And would no doubt do for reasonable cnuae, um! I think this n. nhn nnuu--n 'nr nnu nnuv nnrnnnnu On I Cl` WOI KI I "1. Purchasing the proton company`: work: And oousuuoumz work: more modern snd oloiono an 3 munionpnl cor- ponmon. In this cnso the expenditure on be levied from the whole tunable property. nnd I charge can be undo bo- aidea to mole who use the water. no A.l.i.... .. .....:.:..I Am moinu uimi. HOW IOTK. George Anderson. Hugh Scott, W. F. Grundv. J. Henderson. J. Briggs, U. 0. JonkiIs.'1`orout.o; Herman Levy. (leo. Tuckelt, Huunltou; M. Davis. Bow- manvnlle; (L W. Tiokell. Bellovllle; 0. W. Loomis. Wntortown; I". C. Hollv. New York; W. E. Smulleld, Renfrow; W.R Aylaworth. Donoroubo; The Milu 00.. 18 :11 number. Chicago. and George N Kin:-my nunnk :1 Nu: hnviI'n Ahnnn amen no mole wno me waver. '2. Asking as special Act, giving simi- lar power: but oxcnuing the my cot- porntton from nrohuing the existing wntor works. t In not V0013 hkoly that such An Act would be pun . "3. Promollnu John. ms M||(All0!"|