L P0130 MATCH. Inocxvltft vs. masm AN` 'I`IlH_ street Ierrv nraucu. New York. March 2 -A despatch from Unnujohane says that the arbitra- tnon committee of the Knights 0! Labor yeeterdny eoctod 5 settlement 0! the great glove atnke in Fulton county. Lvmhhnru. \'n.. March 2.-A strike groan glove atnxe In rullon county. Ly1.chburu,\'a., has been inaugurated at the Dominion iron and nail works and the mills stopped. The arbitration committee of the Knights of Labor and atocliholdern era in nnnnirm nus ..,\...y_.;.;...su wmu, MARCH 2% Sb. Paul. March 2.-Dr. (lmle, who gured so prominently in a double bru- gedy at the Astoria Hotel on Saturday. wlilch resulted in the death of Rich and his wife, this morning received a letter signed by order of the Committee of Ten, stating that he must leave the city im~ mediawely or that he would be inbre- duced to I lump post. and presented with six feet. of hemp. The police are on the watch. They lnteld Yleltllg 1weed. Me} of Whiting end I deputetion from the Bond of Trade will nut Tweed In a few days. It in preenmod they will deliver eddroeeee in connection with the propoeed extension ol the N. T. & Q. 11.. end {or which Hnngerford in being eskod to give e boom of 016111). __.__..._.._ A DOCTOIL WHO is PLAINLY TOLD TO LEAVE- ", ,,_ H _u_ ______ g Application: us being recaivod lot the once of County Inspector of Ichooll. Wins : up? In I ncw mm to be ap- pointed ? The subject of this sketch is the eld- est son of the late W. Morris, who was a member of the Legislative Assembly and Uouncil of Upper Uanada. and oi the Legislative Council of Canada. continu- ously, from 1820 to lH5`.). llon. Alexan- der was born at Perth. lint, in 1820. an] educated at Mcill College, Montreal. and the Upiversity ol Glasgow. In 1851 he married the daughter of William Cline. of Cornwall. lie was called to the bar of Upper and Lower Canada the same year. and to that of Manitoba in 1872. He wrote several books and leo- tnren when a young man. anj interested himsulf in confederation. He sat for South Lansrk in the Uanada Assembly from 1861 to the union, and from the latter date to 1872 in the House of Com- mons lor the same seat. In Oct.. 1869, he became Minister of Inland Revenue and held it until July, 1882, when he was appointed Uniel Justine oi the Court oi Queen's Bench in Manitoba. lie was appointed Lieut Uovernor of Manitoba and the North-West Territories in the same year and held the former position until 1877. In 1873 he was made an In- dian Commissioner. and negotiated sev- eral ol the treaties now in force. Re- turning to Ontario he was elected to the legislature on the resignation of Hon. Mr. Cameron (now Judge). in 1878 and has since then been re elected twine. Jnat now he is not in good health. and hence is not as active in political life as he would like to be. Quebec. March 2.-The Qunhdun, of Levis. publishes the following account of is supposed murder : "We have been informed by letter that what may pro- bably turn out to be a moat strocicua murder has occurred in that parish. An old man. Jean Garaut. has been found hanging to a tree near the residence 0! his son. The body bore a horrible gap- ing wound in the belly as if inioted by an axe. Two acres sway a stem cov- ered with blood was also notice . and there were appearances that the snow had been pickel about to conceal these traces of the tragedy. The theory of suicide seems untenable. Since old Garant's tragic end very grave sun I- cions have been gathering around t 9 son. whose conduct was exceedingly strange when his iather's body was found. He mamtssted no regret what- ever ; on the contrary he indulged in is good meal and sat down on the side of the bed on which the corpse was laid tocbat plesantly with the neighbors. , mun r-noun" u0w.MIcN'1-. l 00l1Jl. waver W : I given tram March I can of mu V. Fob.27. In I Ohnngo (Julia-plntld 7 _u-__ -_-|__1_,____ _.In, ' AFFAIRS OF THE woam). 7' I THE TILIGRAII FROM THE IARTEB [0113 QUARTER! BEIIFLY GIVEN. The Lmlo `limp nu Alba Caulkin- lluhu tun llnpe and what they Por- Iand -A little of Ivarylhlu Iully land and lenenbered. Mr. R. White was returned for the West Ward. Montreal. yeatordny. Mun... nnnannd wan re-elected in Ward. Montreal, yeawnny. Mayor Beaugrnnd wu reelected Montreal yeaterdu hy 1.958 majority. hulm Lnron. Paterbom. Wu ned yeaterdu by 1.958 mnjomy. Ohulea LaGros. Peterboro. fined 02 and costs to: shaving customers on Sunday. Pnhnnra. Port Hone. Urillia And Lon- Sunday. Cobourg. Port Hope. don roller rinks have been burned within the put three days. Mr. Mushnne. M.P.P.. was elected the three days. Mr, Moshnne. M.P.P.. nldermnn for St. Anne : Ward. Mon- troul. yesterdny. - Alex. Mnndonnld. wife and child. were '1` 1 O v-'l'0NI: HOUSES on Chm-no I-ltreov, con- hlnlng ms Ind nuvou ro ma raououxively. vary omfortnblu ; wond uhodo. culllra nud cm torus: lug yard. Hon! low I0 gelgeutnble In .- __- LI: troul. yestemny. Alex. Mnodonald. child. drowned in BruD'or Luke. Uupo Brown. by the ice giving way.- Tba Grand Trunk have contrncted (or by the Ice mung wsy.- Tba 500,000 tons soft coal. It 02 per ton, from New iork plrtieu. Hnnrv Parker. Woodstock. has been from New Ion: plrueu. Henry Parker. Woodstock. appointed 8 conutv police magistrate of Oxlord to enforce the Scott Act. I 7nIOAr Tn.-nl un innnnn nnlnmd mun | Oxiord to enforce we acouu ADI. Walter Tyuel. an insane colored man living near St. Catharina. Lent his sister-xn~law to death last evening. A mgnminn nf ha".I'\rnndl Ill. Ht. LEI]?- sister-m~law to dawn Inst. evemng. A meeting of hall-breed: as St. Lama | em. on Saturday. pssaed resolutions similar to those pasaod by the meeting at Bntnohe. ` M... Qnnjn nmiwlln. innndar arrest. I. at Humane. Mrs. Suttie, a midwife. in under arrest I at Winnipeg on a. charge of murder In having caused the death of a Mrs. sage, bbrougb umtempted abortion. Jnnnh Hnnnnhv was found froreu ati through attempted nboruon. Jacob l-lenopby was found shit! lying on the road elghn miles from Mor- 'nhurg. Foul play in suspected. When ~- I-'f':'E"':`!" ~-'-Jazz? ...... nnonla nntmitluntandina rn. I "I" !-," ~"--aw-.-Js.L_ The government. nocwitbatandnng re- presentations. has desided not to recog nize the services of the mouu&ed- police and Home Guards in a manner aumlar to the volunteers. Tun nnnlinnfjnnl lnr divnrma W918 ED` to the volunteers. Two applications {or divorce were en- tered for hearing by the Dominion Sen- ate during the present sessions, but one was withdrawn. The other. in which Mrs. Birrell, of London. is the applicant. will be prosecuted. Hamel Fm-unaon. Gladstone. Mani- will be prosecuwa. Daniel Ferguson. (:`.ladat.one, toba. fell asleep in a. wsggon, en route to his home lrom Portage la Prairie. and died. He was formerly from Smith`: Falls. and a. heavy drinker. Thu Imdv of n mnn. build 23. named 'IVHE IF(':)ND BTOBIY F'|.A'l' or uh. Room: 0(`:'.u|I nd by lh Y. (`. Auoomuon Falls. and heavy (maker. The body of a man, aged 23. Jacob Hanophy, was found Baturdny morning frozen stiff lying on the rand, shout eight miles from Harrisburg. From the spponrnnce of the clothing foul play is suspected. Tan-nhla destination Drovails among foul play is auupooteu. Ten-nble deamntion prevails the people along the Newfoundland coast. A grant many families Are uv- lng. and thousands will have to be sun- nortod by povernmont nuisance until the shery season opens. Murv Jnnn ll/ln1lu \nv_ naml 1B.belonuim' the nnnery leueonopenu. Mary Jane Mu.l16uy.ageL1 18,belongin5v to Truro. N.S.. bus eloped to Boston with uman unwed Bennett. belonging to 8:. John. Bennett. has two wives living and served two years in the peni- Leutnary for biuamv. M a Mahony 15 8 good lookmg girl. 3] J. l.. Snmzuinet. bl uob`ec. a son 0! utock ol I'4U.UUU.UUU- The Thomu Bradford Co.. mgnuhoi turen of milling machinery. Cincinnati. ~ have uuinnod ; linbllitiu O85.(X)0. I-mu... I16.(XI).(IX) hnva bun Innin- have unnnou ; nnomuu voo.uuu. Bane I16.0w.(lX) hue been uppin- priuud by Col: run for tho buildnng of nun] Ihlpl n the improvonent of the `guy now exming. wx. Bodino Bron`. lumber Pd. Bitten In- land. has been burned ; re-on 076.000. For the Irish pnrliumonllg fund I70.- 000 bus been uubaaribed In ow York. obnrd K. Fox bu been pruontod_ I aolixl nilver plaque by The Drama lip Nun}. tic Nun. hnrina I tic New. During the grant pic of Saturday Ievenl accident: occurred at Boston Ind I luv fntnlities. A 00:00:: seed oil pool in about to be orgsnized at St. Louis. with I onpitul lntock ol 920,000,000. 1'... Thnmn Bradford (31).. mnnulnoi good lookmg yurl. f J. L. Snnguinet. bf/uobec. Snnquiuet. who went, 0 the gallows for participation in the rebellion of 18157, has published an open letter in which he condemn: Hon. Meqsra. Chapleuu. Lamzeviu and Um-on for the execution 0! R103]. A rnnn wan fnnml nn Hm rnilwnv trlnk um urioans princes xrom rruuco. Sir Cliurleu Dilku, disgraced, goes abroad until public opinion cools down. .b'tuud's iuterfcranco has not. helped him any. A fnnhinnniiin klnntnmnniim has been r. '_q.gnA3sH ALL. uy apnvabe seuroner. The Prince of Wales. Lord Salisbury and others. have advised the Queen to abandon her seclusion and mingle in olcinl and social nairv. l4`..uru-n Dnnrnnlinn lrnnnn lmvn hnnn VII. The Austrian government has de- manded of Prince Nicola. of Monte- negro. an explnnuion of his plus for the construction of A port It Anuuri. Prince Nioqln has been supplied WIN) fund: from we Ruanien trenury to ennble him to create 3 port under plane of the Rue- imn military engineers. The tool ob- ject. of the Bunion government in to en- hblinh I secret Ruulnn nnnl readou- vous in the Meditarrnnenn. Riel. A man was found on the railway track ngnr the Union ntntinn. Toronto. with both legs cut. o above the knee and otherwise injured. He had been run over by the train. He gave his nume as James Muctionaid. was taken to the hospital. and expired. \ '1` ha Indian` volunteer BUDlIlV commit.- A funbiolmlxle kloptomaniuc has been caught. The lace and other things she bud (obbed were found on her person by apnvabe searcher. The Princn or Wales. Saliuburv omcm and menu Mnur. Eastern Ronmelinn troops have been ordered to the Bulgarian frontier. and Prince Alexander will proceed to the Iruut immutiiately. Janna: Tnulnr, nI.nhnmninn nnuman I IIUIJU ltnlllullllilrlily. James Taylor. ex-champion oarsman of hiuglsnd, says he will go through the Niagara rapids in an ordinary scull boat for 01,000, and will ask for no mouev if he is not successful. 'r|.., n ...... -.. I ......... ...mm.....I nl he 15 nor. succossrur. The Primrose League. campoaed of ladies who wish to exert whatever Doll ticul Inuence they may poassoaa ID the furtherance of UUHBBIVALIVB principles. has reached the imposing strength of 820.000 members. 1 I; :.. ..-1.......I on... H... .-.....-m M Hm 1 uzu.uUU moinnern. It is alleged that the reason 0! the biasing at the mention of the Queen an ab public dinner the other night. win was she had on several occasions per- sonally alighted Mr. Gladstone. Tim Frnnnh innmnl Succrn ohnnzen sonauy sngnwa mt. uiauanoue. The French journal Sucmn charges the Uiual Bulletin wnthuxppressing the meta relating to the Panama Canal. It asserts that the laborers on the canal are dying at the rate ol 40 dsilz and 1.400 yearly. and that out of 80 `renohmen who alrivul at the works on Oct. 20th. 15 are dead. Servia objects to the Tnroo-Bulgarian draft of the treaty of peace because it speaks of tho Re-establishment of lnendlv relations between Servia and Blll|{&l`|&." Servia wuihes objectionable words eliminated. which shows the bit- terness of Anti Bulgarian feeling in Ser> hospital. and expired. The la.dicn' supply teu. Toronto, at. their nal mqeliug. pro- seated a report. which showed that the total nmouuu secured by subscriptions- u.ud expended in supplies and mine! was 04,078.74. Sou-ml volunteers, whose situations had been filled in their ab- sence. were yet. wnthout employment. Darya h u A n n u. git to Hl]BINSIlN'S BARRIAGE WORKS, l'rlucnna Street. King Luuiwng, the roytl bankrupt. is trying to mine an loan in Peru. lhvimt. fuvmzrn Um Gnmn nlau 01n- Imvlug man umuruns. Seventy Lib:-ml members u! the Com- uxous have signed a declaration against home rule. An attempt. was made last uigut. to assassinate Dr. Bluwitz. Paris corres- pondent. of the London 1'uncs. Thu Exlrume Left. In a vote 0140 to PODUCDD OI U18 LAODUOH I lIIl( .7. The Extreme Left, by vote 0. favored the immediate expulsion of the Orleans ptlnceli from France. rhr (Hmrlma Dllkn. mlimzruced. noes Lrynug no man In neru. mvm. favours the Gnfn plan liuviug lush dmtruns. Hnv:-nLv Lihprnl mnmharn ul the l`HAN6CONTlX\`ENTAL FEWB. AMERICAN IL AIEIB. I All New York is cbuttinu. 0V8!` 10 lengmzement of Miss Mu-ion Lnngdon to the Duke of Portland. He in the Walth- iest ol unmarried dnku. Rnv W W has-nu Rn-inn A-nnnltnll I68! or unmarried dukes. Rev. W. W. Downu. Boston. 0301*` and severely bundled I reporter Illmd Dillenback. He wanted the wnbe of being a tnitor to his oune. ` Aha Thnmnnnn nnavn nl {`.|\1l-Innlznlt. mung I urlliot IO llll Mlle. Abe Thompson. negro, 0! Cbulontot, S.C..wboont1-aged Mn. Lancaster. near Glencoe Sp:-mgs.lut Friclny. was lynch- ed. He oouleuod. Hnni nnnlinnnn on l.lI Imuyilu in Ilun eu. no oouxeuoa. , Snow continues to [all heavily iu the north 0! Enulund. und in Scotland the tame on many of the railways is ent.ire~ Ky blocked. Au nnlmnwn ntsumnr in lnhnl-inn n 5 3 \Jo AIn.s.-u-n---.__.._, Upholaterer and Unbluet. Maker. Furniture repaired and re-ntiiffad or nude to order. Carpets laid. .- . . ..........nnm nnnnnnn mnnlro ny uluoluu. An unknown steamer in luborinu o Holyhend. It is doubtful If she will nur- vive the gala. The storm is tlneheuvnent of who senson. Many trains are blocked. Mrs. U. S. Grant hn baeu lmid over Ol DUB BBIBOD. mlny IFIIIIB are DIOOKBU. Mrs. b`. Grunt has been paid O200.(X)0. her stars of the prom: ul- rendy derived from the ale of the hook written by the General before his death. Fina Mnrmnnl warn nuntnnced ll Slit wnuen ny we uenerni neiore ma ueuvu. Five Mormons were sentenced It Suit Lake City to six months` imprisonment for unlawful cohabitation. Seversl were convicted and will be sentenced It a mture time. In M.-..n. AI.I...-.- nAunln| Mm-mnn mnure ume. In North Alabama several Mormon elders have made many converts. Thu farmers in Clay county have notied them that they must leave and thronbsn to use laws. The elders refuse. hung. IAI NA-x VADII lug`: nnr. D0 UB8 IOKCB. 108 CIUBTI reluuu. D1! or Bro: . New York, have pur- ob five of Lorilluda nears for l'1(Y\n 'l`|.- -.-in... "-3.1 -.-n Dnnlinn ouueu I 070,000. 917.500; 018.000: mn It unythinn more were needed to con- clusively sume the fate of the Erie Canal Subsidy Bill, It has been ucaompliahad by hitchnng in up with the Hyennepin Canal job. The Hennepin scheme is doomed to certain deienb. mom: have aigued a declaration against. Home Rule. OSIVIOO IARIIT. Omega. lch. 1, I p.|n. Whut-nnch:nged ; while unto. OJ i red unto 95. Corn-steady; Old No 2 atom 50. 01!: -quiot ; whit: um co. Bar --unclun ; No.: Canada 19; Ma a uni an a II - Mn `I (hand: `IA. lH\|Il\l`4l\D [HUI UUIIIHDDIUH nunn Lo, Momb-rs of the New York Produce Exobume. 'l he (,`..nu;lldnod Block. Petroleum sud Min` lng V mace, and '|'l'e uhtcngo Board of Trude. For the Next Tnmn \Ve1k.H.hIJbI1|nL:a of WIN- rr-nn rwnmLwI-zut uL0\`E~&. MITTH, STOCKS. Bank of Montreal... .. . Ontario Bank...... Bank du Peuple.... Molsons Bnn|x...... Bank of Toronto. . . . . . .. Bun ue jaczbucn Cartier.` More ants nnk........ Buebec... .. nion Bank............ Bank of Commerce.. . .. . lm rial........ F ernl Bank Gan. Pac. R.R. . . Montreal Telrnph 00.. Rich. & Ont. av. Co. . .. City Passenger R.R.... Montreal Gas Co. . . . . .. . Canada Cotton Co.. .... Dundn otton Oo . . . . .. Ontario! veatment...... N.W. Land Co...... .. St.PsulM. &M........ ..--u.- nolum C wnmlrr. BRHKER8 AND COMMISSION AGENTS, M..m1.... nv thn Haw vmk Produce Exobtnua. nti&'d'6. ' ` KINGSTON OFF'ICE-Oluonoc Street. Brit- nu American Bloch. ll.J. llnllolo Roux. Thu Pounock llndergroud Tolagnph l`o l nu Inlet JIAQII 'l'ho only nndvomd system that en be `III to ties! In urohuorn neloro Ihrob lgch I noun I m not cent. dlvndnnd smut In stock of I company selling: at I!) per cent. of In par vnluo, or 1! null. M nblo Cu! 0! an snot nlrocdy In the Treasury o the conpnny. nnmuuwu :- 1-`lour-Receipta, xoo bbls; ed none. Market quiet and : changed pnces. Quotations. Patents. L25 to ma: ; suncrn cnzlngea Pl'lCB- VUUIHIIUXIB . Patents. 4.25 5.25 ; superior .xt.r.1,4.oo to 4.10 ;exlra5uperf1ne. 3 8510 3 95; spnng extra, 305 to 3.70 ; superne, 3.50 to 3.40: strong bakers. 4.x5 (04.85 ;fme` 3 1510 3.25; middlings. 3.00 to 3.10 ; Pollafds. 2. 5 to 2.80; Untarh bags, 1.50:.) L90; City (Mags, 1 40 Cu 1.45 for strong bakers. Wheat -nom'l ;rcdwinler 88 lo 00 . wlnla u to 20 ; Western [0 h uc. lggu-Steady; old stock 19 to 20; fresh I! to 24. 1` mxunuxu Duux). ua uu.. llocdquutarl lot CLOVER AND TIMOTHY REID SEED GRAIN CHOICE FAMI- L n.uUn..Pnnissmn nu. I1. ITIIONG BAKERS FLOUR A IPICIALTY. lvvv: J. RATTENBU RY, vrllruu uwun.` ' yuuuu --- -u-. Liverpool. Mch. 2.--L,`oHon, rm 411-x6;Orleans,4. Ior strong bakers. Wheat ;redwinter 90 86 I0 88; spring 8810 90. Uorn-oo to 60c. Pcas- 68 to 70. Oala---32 to 34. V. `\ Barley-5o to 00:. Ryc-(>5 1007c. Oatmeal -4.15 to 4.50. Uornmeal-z go to 3.00. Pork-13.z5 to 14.25 Lard-9 to ggc. Bacon-no to llc Hams- 11 to no. Choose ca to [O as hqualny` Bullcr-- on-nships 14 to 21 1 Mnrrisburg Western In Ir.m._!:muIv: nld stock In to 20: (JtIlms;u'n luohnngo Tolographlo lntior. (Damn if H right Co.) Chicago, March 2.-Whest, after being horribly sick and devoid of support. has swung around again to the other side and closes rm at top gures. The change in the market is due to reports of fresh exrort business at New York, together with some milling demand. The market is caught very heavily oversold, as the decline of the past few days has given the bears almost an in- surance to continue working this favorite side. Operations have been on a fairly liberal scale between some of the principal tr.iders. The crowd, however. were averse to selling wheat short, therefore, and kept snugly close to the long siilc. Think some good lines of shorts have been taken in, but as yet. nothing of consequence has been done on the long side. Corn. Weak but . slow. Hovisions. pork had one bad slump, but has recovered partly from it under fair but not clique buying. The impressi ' rather zi xed one that Armour has gone in to shake out tailors, and that today nished the jol).--HARRISON. r,g_ -uuuau n-nu-- Uuvvln .. -. -....... .. Ch aloe lot 0! Early noun Poutou for sale. Vliadm Hotalw_Bl_o';L Pnnca_xs Stmtm San Francisco, March 2.-The overland railroads yesterday made a cut on third class tickets to eastern points. The South- ern Pacific Company made the general rate ofbro per ton upon all freight to New York, regardless of class` It has also made two rates from New York to this point of Ir per cwt. on freight. It heretofore charged 93 or over per c\vt., and 75c. on freight previously carried for no less than 95. I`hiln:lAIr\hia Mnrrh 1. .-Tha enrninizs til Vlnlblo Supply 0! (lrntn. (`hic.1gu, March '1,--Chicagu's visible supplv of gram was. Wheat, 51,148,H59 bush.; corn, 11.404417 bush. . oaks, 2,- 248,101 bush. ; Rye, (190653 buah.; Hrlrley, 11449327 bush. carried !or lean (nan in. Philadelphia, March 2. -The earnings 1! Pennsylvania RR {nr 1885 were 092.- 994.000. The expenses O(n.(>9o,ooo. Ohio 0 Corronpondent.o-Mo0orm|oI. K!!!` t! t . n`I7Iun1.vIII\|1 nunvnn-_n\....m. nznn nm.` Fi i{1I11~i EEoS."&CoI.~ mmlaunuru TIHOTE _- .-__v-_ -_-..o-..__ 7. , 0!` NEW JIIVI'. L.ll l1`Al,Ul50.0%. - P1] VILUROI. nrmmonn from 1 and -illveramlths auction :1 gran ! v- on nnmucncu A. EINE. Olco. Donn C Wllahl O0. -.mmn-u Ail -_. PLITICULAII :- oom .'H, Komblo Building. N.Y. Feb. 10. Bu --uncun No.1 cum: 19; lo. a mi Ounxda : No. 3 Canada 74. Rye-held 6c in bond I0l`l"l.l|. sum: nAu5I1.'I`. Montreal, lfch. 2.-I p.m. .._........ Aavnn nun IIVO OI hDI'IllII'0B l'IUUl'I Ill! The price: paid were Pontiac. ; Dew Drop. 02.900; Wiunitrgd. ` ; Pontlco. 08,000; Damon. 02.- Illrmull Oulung ltnlel. .. . PI\I uuun ._ ...._.... Montreal. M ch. ` uunu \u.u. .. ; sales report- sleady at an ' I95 , J5 195 IIIGIILY A'r_1`1C\c'r1v1-: I. Auction Sale of English Goods -51 Ann- KINGSTON ROLLER RINK. .___.-.. x\_j 73 73~'9 I 24 I93 70 `7o 19* ESLLKS AND DRESS GOODS. &STEACY S .Our sales of Saturday Afternoon in tho Dress Depart- ment fairly 0 cued the CAMPAIGN FOR SPRING, 18-86. Today we ogr a Great Drive in 100 Pieces French All Wool Dress Goods, worth 200., for only 15c. &rA A-4- .- j j- - -}- \ - - - -- - - 2S ecial Lines of Sat'm"Mrveilleux, in culors, 10 dit- fercnt s ades. , ' V M Black Satin Merveilleux, in 7 pieces. All Silks and Dress Goods are 25 per cent. lmvor tlmp-. lnno l.`nIl (adnasday, Thursday & Friday} March 3rd, 4th, 5th, | last WALSH & STEACY ~.xv-~r-..- .......r.. WIIIn--O cning.. Ighcsl. . '9 Lowest . . . Closing.. . Cou--0 mng. . ighest. . Lowest.. . 0los'mg.. . Ona-- pening.. ighe-at. . mwesl . . CUIII KIIUVII in wn-vI wt u-u-- Kunpton Koran lxcnuuo. Liver and Bond- Ing Iublu. corner at Brook nnd lu-an ZAIVAKXIIC -IDl|u En: romovod their 1 Eon! 1nd to the Iallnnocn a mat STBEEIS. -9...- -.. I1--.` Dvnlun--, Ijunru And inaud- NOTICE. MoOAMlAOll Inga; I gvo lublu Item 0 Hn1nI'Ald to tho IF YOU WANT k Thu haapost and Best Put-nitura| Wi lFIoFi!I`%I_PTi9_$6r!P|vs Mich. Clllfll Union Pacino ...__ Oonlnl Plolo .. muonri Puomo . . N. Y. uont.nl...... western Unlon., Birthdy uni [lLher Presents. Y.uom.nl......... Western Unlon.... Cnnndn Southern Oregon Trnnum... Cnnmlu l :wmu Tenn Pnuino. Janey 0ontr.l...... Phllg. & wouuum. Del. alludnon mm . . . . . . . . . . _ . . ` ,_ WEDNESDAY. mo )7!!! 0| Ihu honr of 3 o olock p.u. TE E- B2R.A.ZMZIE] S. 95! PRINCESS L1`!!!-231'. Cor` ol uydunham IL. Kingston. 8Es7B89_%+I Wnbub . . . . . . . .. North W` Imru Lake Shore .. 0 l!.&Q. . . nook lllIl1d.,,... .. Imnola Cont.ra1.... Omnhn . . . . . . ` . . . . .4 Loulovlllo a Nuh.. North Wen Fret. I BE ANMJA1. lIl'}TlNu of the Bbu-ohold- _ on of ma rronhenlo Loan and lnvuunont Hocluty will be held In In: bocmyi omoo on nth any of lunch In, M. mu. u.1..a W linnnsh I`ox~I.... Donvara Rio (lranc Pnomo MM] ...... .. ll. t (J .. Y )'lp|yU1\hl(h[`l l0\! `J king [or their [fun when I rnumluc LUAN&INVE.STlBI1'8lM. Y LABATT _8 RAM 3; i S Tulupuoue uuunnuulcntuon. Ilondnr. Mu-ch Inc. had. Cunnlnuhrn. Spence a Donn are Ibo best. pl-user: on um lslsnd. We will uv. up Oomlty dollunp thu we cnu puns more ny Ill Ion-limo mu: any owe: Jf0' in this notion of the coun- try. We no propnml lo Iuud by this oor until July [ha 131.. t'nN.-amnuul. S:-nncn aDonAN. All urdera lofts: N O [`nlnon`s I).u1 Htoro will be promptly Al.I- I Id 10- II' Satisfaction gu.nntce'1. DM 1- om Rye .. Bu): y I The Leading Undertaker & Embslmar, `Lil PIllN(:l5`| s'I'Il|`l.'l`. (`mu ofsyduulnlnl bl , Kingston. m<;s1m-:r~?c1-2, --B .A.Z__._. AR.- on weumxmn n.r.m., .. In nun`) . m of good: for about.`.`.'> pur cont. Iona. PIANO IN STBUOTION. GRAIN AND PROVISION HABKIT. (Dov-an d W!-tam 00.) Omomo. Lu... Mou.1l.-Ip.m. n-W-`~~'--r~-~ v ""'* .7m=;9r.A~?.`:W.!:l=' . .-up _ .lgLab` ` v....m_nn.....'.... I 1| Hal `C '86 "' Kingston. Much 2nd. 1880. ranx-u emug . ighesL. Lowesh. . C|ssing.. . Lu-.n-0 ning.. sghesu. Loweot,. ` Closing . [III BIXIDIBION donut to human um $5.1: pnpuul. to 3110 lunou on tho no . , ,_ _ A _ A Much I. cloth. ' " run: upply at ruldonoo. Nloi HEOIIP I'M A ll) .-All-`KIN I`!-I. (Doran 3 Wright 00.) Chicago. Mob. Q.-1 p.m. Blczuu-I Bllrunrn DUO 10.451 l I AIIIIIQBAN ll`l|UI( IIAIIKIII {Dnrau at Wnuh! Co.) vuuu: vnu- M.-h U _ '11. : r FFNSF3 L91`. OI|r|Dl>s In um ll us 0! l'\]I'I. an: an we IurIuu- hoturo many of our own goods, wa are In I poamon la in pa has Jul-facnon ta round: qumy; wot-imnmhip and price. or` ALL DESC BI PTIOR 8. RECEIVED TO-DAY AT Til SILK Dl3??:RTM.E".`T- -PIAFC TUNER. m:N`c1-3. cm .__:_._ OHALLENOE: u-.. ___ _. __-.. _..--. IVNCAIIDION B309. Iunulnotnrlnj Ooufoouonen. 118. C R \Wl-`ouli. A(.H\:N'l`. Eaunon lo 42; 1042* x042} I042} 592& 5 `)1 591` 5 92} llll 0| - ZBUTII. lIlP_l.8 and olhorl requiring foolhpicho by an em or In Inn quommu on bonpuad at low Prices. .._-. ___ ""r'aoMAs names. Innuxor. 1- mix I 1000 I037! In 50 600 600 tn: BRIGGS. XI"! ' ALE. mule Ill 'l:30 and 7:30 gr III. 9 BL`! (3.233 IL 05 IO 05 IO AU 6 07) 6075 Go: 503 85:! K61 34 32:! 1; u w v -wv-vw vnnuuv -- -vwuwg Unbaootl un|h-lntInh. duhumtlov. Lnlln Inc -lowing. , .. _. Night lohool open: TUIIDAY Oct. ma. 1!. RYAN. Pnuclpul. at me on . (gm Stock of ARTISTS` MATERIALS is Vary but a. _ Boo our L non-Fund Onrdn fnr pointing in oil: wnthont my prcpnntion Also the new line of Bnu Pluqnu. (' . hund- uqxno) Ops], Glut. Plmquu an many othor novomuu. to ho hill only At A 1 (W11 f'\1* I'K'l`l 0;}! And be cohvlnood lbs: Ohio In the bolt It I Iochd and oholpq lot 01 good: over oand in IN! on). Qmnll. IIIPIILII mm olh-rn nnnm... e?__?.ee.~e%e(rv_:a7b! IIIIIUI uvvuulx. in Int u-In \nu_y -I A P. OI-10'VV l1\T S I04 PI-Inceu In-out Dan.1. HE REVIHING OFr`ICE1l. for the rjlozctonl Dmtriom for the (`ity oIKin- ston, in the ] r-wince of Ontario. sp- pmnted under "The Electoral Frauohiu Act." hereby uivon notice that he has oom- plated and pubhnhed. in the uunner di- rected by the acid Act. the first gonernl hat nlvotera for the and Eleolunl Diu- uiot ;Illd that he will hold \ sitting. pursuant to the and Act. for the prelimin- My roviuou 0! such list, at the Court. House, In the City of Kingat.on.1n tho nid Province. at two o'clock in the afternoon on WEDNESDAY, lhethirly-1\rnv. dny of Mnrhh, 1886. Am: nnnnn nhinnhnu Ln nuw name on lrmsw LIST or vums. For Fine lgrurh sud Comb Beta. Odour, Dunning nnd Jewel Ouon. we Och the loud ll usual. showing the noon line In the nth. Huron, ieuo. Any serson objecting to my mine the lei list may. at any time before the said (luv, and any person desiring tojedd sny nsme thereto or desiring other` wise_to smend the same. msy. on or before the twenty-third day 0' Msroh, 1881', de- liver to the uni ! Revisiu (;t1l'oer,or msil to him by rouictered latter "It his oioe 0.- leoe of address. A notice in writing ID the orm tor thst purpose contsined in the schedule to the mud Act, es uesilv ss msy be. setting iorth the mm e or nsmes ob~ ieolod to. and the ggrminnls of objection. or names proposed t he s-Med to the list. with the grounds tlierrfurc, end psrnoulsrs of the qusiiii vstio ) ant` residence of the persons whose usmes are prnpnsed to Le added, or the pzirtinuisrs of any other pro- gosed amendment. and the grounds there or. sud every such notice must be signed by the person -0 an-ing notice. and must set forth ma residence, occupation. and post otlce eddress In the event 0! the person so givinu notice objecting to the name of sn person slreudv on the list. the person so 0 jeetin must also deliver to. or msil to, the lest nown sddress of the person whose usme is objrcted to, by registered letter. and at the ssme time es the notice is given to the Revising; Oioer, I eopyo! the notice given. Dated this rut dsy of Msroh. 1880. WM. ll. WILKISON. Revising Oiiieor for the l'llcetors.l District of the City of Kingston. but pound orlnlnnl puluru. lhuo glue on hsnd I choice nuorllnunl other kind: of much and J: u Tul- A oholoo nuorlmonl 0! nulfat. Canto tho Brutus: and Bcflod anon. Aosu nolloiud by James Redden, Nov.27. PIIINCI `I O1`. Givn um I an)! and louk over our stock. 8' NoTrJublo to Shqw our ()o9da.vj`_&,l._, l______ - BEU U RED T0-DAY AT `I'll! - Olllll - TEQ - I!0|l8E. _or_ PURE SBA BEARD UEYLDRTBA. . Thin raqmru no blending. ml is put up hut lhnvo _on_ hgnd g photos nuorunonl ifw mrmms Our importntlouaof Paper Ilungmga for Spring no oonnlunlly nrrivluu. Our nook. when completed. will be the beat neleotol noon In Central ()uv.nrio. And we invite lu- apantlou by chow who contemplate decor- nting their homes. We are oonlldont we onn pleuo everybmly. CHEAP AND BEAUTIFUL. Robinson's Wall Paper Haunt, lF1RSTJ%I!1P0BTAT10N was HANGINGS. lParfu1ner1e llelettrez, ] Beeie Celeste end Urvelhe Celeste, Very Fine lud Ilufreo-hum Preparations Im the Complexion and the Skin. LYMIN. SONS & 00.. 1{iI~z-efJ7i5ABEnTiT no nnocn l'l`lIBIi'l`, El Inllllll HIP`! I lllli Addod to our nook of 03.50 PAN TH TO ORDER. making 5 selection of 25 DIF- .FEBEN'I` PKTFERNQ In lmporV.oJ Good. uad we can show from 60 so 100 DATTI`-G In fig-.-1l- final- Lnt -- 6o7no'r Lot lo: ule- -I Iplsndld I-no [or I nun. Apply on th promlun Ova of tho:-A nnnrmauz muck Hausa; nonto Cooke : Church, [hook ~u-cot, with all modern un mvemeum. 1-oueuiun In. 0! KEY. C ulVIN BI` N.Bn. PARIS. FINE T1LET SUAPS, IOTIGE IY IIEVISIIII OFFICER Nov. I7. Feb. 17. Solo Wholesale Aqentm for Cnnnda. 1.- :1 `Hun the (lulebrntml [mint Waters. 917 II H101` STREET. ma mm ruwnms. mt: g a`%*:4~%~~ I CF. I ` I uwruu. yum no u-u nuvw uunu an IV Avv PATTERNS in Cumin Goods. but we especially recommend o\.r Imported Goorla to give porfool gmmhozlon. I A *_\'BP & 00-. _o---.-u- A SPLENDII) ASSORMENT Ehhng boiore Ind alter the match. Game wll! mm 9 pm. slurp. Hell 1. W. J. /HERON, Manuel . -: *` bores I-f guotl laud : Irull uev s '\I|l'uI|. Huuu: `cod nellnr and well. 3 gum! auunn:-r r -nldence or sale on can mun: Auply at \\'mu 0 ' co. l`.b. In nostogcuour STORE, TX : v\ an-6-r-\v-\ 6 usm/1. `& fmcr. aoons -51- THE l_V|_l_J8EUM." Tnmn \vsum um nuuucu u| vv . TEE UNDIQRWI-JAR, Ml -FTH, ac , will be sold at cost J: Under. Hploudll Bt0v|( nl Nmv 'I'.e1! anl Hhirta jw rooelvod. ______._____..__.:._:.' ')N HIDEAU Halucn-/I`. A BUUGH-CAST HOUMI zuablea and largoynydggt ob (.111 buy an the li0:1[`n)N H.-\T & I-`UN. STOMFJ an w.Iun.ymn diruoai t. 19 nun-3 nloullcal chum ------4,------------ 1-: >Nr. H man 6n Brook amen. from my m. Eu I2 roouu. bub room sumo. etc. Applv to DH. FOWLERG, at the ndjoining homer. _ Inch 1 iousm 'ro.urr, m A11rod`sn3o7{, newly _ 9: rod and pmuu- all Lhrou II; also I tumor at ule--1. Iphndld am or 3 non. mlv nromlun 70 Bllllcll a'I`llII:`.'l`. Fob. `)0. vuvwvnwuu ..- TUESDAY, lVIAIIL`|I nd. N ROUGH-CAST HOUHE ncablea largoynrd unobvp mention in May. .1. BAJUB. Al the NI KIWI`. l!II0l`l HT. ROOMS TO- LET. SELLING OFF I ':et1-*T1y;JcTT>o:L=z.Ja3- II)C)]S|"`ZI'." . , 'l`0>l1IEN'I` from the m 0! Icy next. the Hund- Iolno Dwolllnx. lol Eu! unset. st prouuv, ooouglod Ivy 0. H. Fonwlck. lnq. Apply to H. at J. O LDINEH. ilk`: PHI NCES.`-1 HTIH-I ET. Ilnnnnlln \\'lmla< F OR SZAIE. TO LET. -AT TUI- mm! In feunvnd wnth I M -n rn. Lydon dz ('0 I18 Hhnllhahl, Evin-und, I Tlmre is s disposxtion. it is add, to rush business through during the present any a dissolution is as hand. that not later than August the people will be in the throes of 9. new election. :---_j.-:j--- session of the Commons. Why ? Some' The strongest journalistic indictment that has yet been made 0`! the Dominion government is that of Mr. Goldwin Smith. | published in The Week. It. runs was : | II`l'I\;_. Al` l\u Imun Innrnnd nrnttv wall ml EIUPIIHLICU In A no II 1.11:. All nuuu uuuu - "Most of us have learned pretty well to acquiesce in the fact that the Dominion government is a government of corrup- churches. organizations ol every kind. Vere bought in different ways. some more I tion. Men. places, provinces, interests. U coarsely. some more eubtlely. in order to form the basis of ii system which is ad- ministered. after its kind. with great ability, and is closely bound up with the ` personal ambition of its veteran chief. Corruption in not wholesome ; it does not become more wholesome as it becomes more inveterate, to say nothing of the debt which it is rolling up, it must de- prove the political character of the peo- ple, as, in fact, it is visibly doing. end in the end prove fatal to the epirit, if not _ to the form. ol representative institu- .3` . `I-'`.'-"/-f--i.v"~.fm.B,x.ilq1 s.......m.o knn Inf U noxuo uuonsnmu-uu.. Kay. :_ -~ Vim .v .. x v'y`F~ /r Mr.b'mitl1 that he is looking at things through the spectacles of 9. Grit. No one can be more impartial and searching in his criticism. Ha strikes Liberal and Tory cqually hard as the circumstunce merit. - , AV [V . ,. ._v{4g3'g 4 this arruigumeutmud itounnot be said of Sir John Macdonald is non the match of Mr. Blake in good-natured banter. He cannot inilulge in raillery. and when subject. to it. gets quite hntfy. It. was plain to be eecn that when he rose to make his first speech of the season he was very mail. In replying to the us. aurtion. than he had been wonderfully iuconai:-went`. in taking Hon. Mr. Thomp- son. his Minister ol Justice. of! the bench when Mr. Mowalfe alleged deeceu" htl been for years pronounced a blund- er. Sir John tried to be funny and told I slow. It. was 0! Fontenelle the noted French writer. Fronhenelle was fond of good liVl[l},{. He was once blamed lot this by a friend. who urged him to deny himself and set. an example of ab~ ........ ............. DA nah... ._......l.. I-hn Ivnrl ...u....... ...... uuv an L.......,.... V. ..., aLcm.unur.`.e-as to other people. "Do you think," um Fonteuelle. "H1?lb all the good things in this world were made [or fools 1'" This was expe-ct.o to be a "clmcher," and so in waa-to Tory argu- ment. In effect Mr. Blake was nckuow` ledged to have done a good thing when he uounnated Mr. Mowatlor his present otIice,uml the man who blackguaried hia: for yours were glad to out the leek. l<`out.cuel|e, were he alive, wovlqh not envy the good Sir John some 01 the "luxurieu" which political exigencies have of late forced upon him. Th (mo I'ecsud.t.ho editor of a French paper pllblllled in Essex county, wrote several urticles deprecutory of the action ol the fmleral powerin the execution of llicl. The Opposition` in the Local In-giulutiire llHC0l'l:`]lll(:`(l that. Pccsud had l>t:0u'psiil 5160 in 185.45 for work M n sessional writer an-l made or corn- hiucil attack on the government. Imliliug the members of it. rcsnousiblo for the .l`LlCl(.`.`~lHlUl'L`Hlil(l. Mr. Mowat., Mr. Pm`- (ICU, nuil ()LllCl"~l (liil not FCO wliut they hiul to In with the private st.-uliments of any scssiuuul writnr-thoy were not Picuuil's luwpe:r--l>ub thu ()pposit.iun storrucd and blustcreil and uoulit a satisfaction which they dirl not. got. ` Vcrily tliu.-in `Furies are u. sumllsouled loll "Such picayuuu political carpets." runs the Toronto .\'-us, urn not. the nmli-rial out. of which aigovurumeut ciuld ho umdo which WJUl(l command tho adherence ol ll majority ol the peo- ple nr their rnpruunnmlivurz, even should they uhmin u Luuipornry victory by any clmmu. ' ' ' When all tliut an op- pusiuou cm :10 L0 show clnt. it is still slivu is to miss such in. rumpus as it did ` on Thursilsy afternoon over the trivial matter or sppnimmonr. to the corps of |HUHHiUDul wriuu. it is uul. surprising if ' the public coucluilu than l ruuiier Mowat |..... ....l ......|. on I....... .. 1:1,. I........ ,.l .1... I I l The rebellion was an unfortunate ul- fsir, and. in the loss of life and pi'(ipcrt_v I which it involves Will be long and sadly. remembered. But it wolio up the gov- I ornuient to a sense of their duty.sn sc- ; cording to the Utuuvu curroipondent of the Montreal .\ /ur, usually a wull-in- formed paper. there is to be a. perfect revolution in things politics! in the North-West. ()ne of tnu requests 0! the h.ll of rights was that the government should open for settlement odd number- nd sections of land in the North-West. The government would not promise this. Sir John told the delegates from the territories. now in Ottawa. that in place of the government taking built in cash the 020000.000 loan to the Gene- disn Pucic Railway. which the rsilwsy is said to be prepared to pay. the gov- l ernment will probnhly tske bsclr land ` mstesd sud open that up {or settle- ment in progressive districts on the usunlhomestesd conditions. In addi- tion to this the North-West Council is to have the right to incorporsts compen- ies hsving purely territorielpurpoees. The yovernment is also to use its inu- ence with the C. P. H. to have freight retes reduced. psrticnlsrly the freight on timber from British Columhis. the settlers ore to get hsy sd wood from government luuds cheaper then sit pre- sent. the North-West is to hove the right of taboo: rorpun slter this session, the Torrens land system is to be intro- duced. sud residents of the territories no to hove the prelerence, whenever prsotlceblmior positions there. Food sud supplies for the mounted police sud government sre tobe purohssed in the North-West territories. In short. things ore to be quite hssvsnly for the North-West. llsd the govern- ment boen es cousi ente of the poo le end their grievsnoin little over sygsr | . sgo the wsr would not hsve been, sud . the grist snd min under whose burden i so msny._will suer {or s life time. ` uuu ruuu-4 \4vu\4|\n-Iv mu... - nu-um. nuvunu , has and ouglnl. to Imve EH10 louse of the I posxnion hu IXOHH. in prefurunco to let.- mug this array 0! iucompebcnts occupy , the treasmrv buuchon." 1 T1,, _ `$'i11lI_I`lriti5II Whig GOSSIP or` THE CAPITAL OPPOIITION BOUND T0 GIT A1` TEE BOT- TOM 0l' NORTH-WEB? TBOUBLEI. QWIQA Unllrlo gun nuuuu u nuv,-.~v. Ottawa. March 2.-Sir Charles Tup- per's London escsblishment cost 08.611 limit. your iuinddimon to his salary of Ol0.(X)0. and the interest. upon his 042.- l000 house. The High Commissioner was allowed 83.120 for contingencies. and also spent $250 in travelling ox- penses. which is charged to immigrstion and M87, which he charged to the Ant.- werp exhibition. T--ul expense to Can- ade. of nainmininga High Commissioner last year, 014,849. The government has at last appointed \B STORE ON ~ll..l4IN()'l`0N S[`lHc|B l` occupied by Nugonl: a Tnvlor; 1 go:-J bnninuu stand. Pouoooibn glvon on the 1: Km : IJIO squnnmy of l`|nIunl.h Tuoln for tale. 8 AHN.AhLICV. A Whole AI-nlhl of IIIIIII loud kr- 'l'|o Import Ilowlll Io-o Inn Inn- n;nou-'l`Ipper In I-noun: II-sell In I.oudoI-IAI the lxpeue-A New Otlawn. Mu-oh 1.-The report 0! the Minister of Public Works shown that for the aonl vent eudiuguly 1. 1885, the expenliture was 031186.655. O! the fatal Ontario not About 0700.000. ....-__ \l......|. n _u:.- (`.hm-Inn Tnn. last 914,549. The government a commission to take avid: nee upon the I rebellion losses of loyalists in the Terri` tories during the rebellion. The com- missiouers are Mr. Alphonse Ouimet, of Montreal; Mr. Henry -Mums, ol Drumbo, and Mr. Thomas McKay, ol Prince Al- bert. Mr. 080. M. Young. of Winnipeg. will be secraharv to the commission. M. M..I...|.m at-..m-.d Lo-dav that the 7 the uuinan hnlnily. In British lniiiii U0lloway ii remedies were. from the first, received with but little favor. The native population had great prejudice: to be overcome; but yet a fair trial of these midicanieutii I-iiled_ nut to procure for them, here as elsewhere, is permanent and prized adoption. Scoruiug thuae narrow liinita el etiquette which formerly had inilucud many 0! the crowned heads of Europe to take no notice of thi-He remedies in -public, while zrrivately depending on them, and them alone. for the cure of many ailments either in tliunneiven or lamihea. the Rajahsi and Native Princes 0! British India not ll valuable example to their subjects by the public ado]-tinn ` I n{ thilnn invulnnhln l`PRf.()l``i'lV(3P.-"["I'('(' me OOIIIIDIBBIOII. Mi-,,MoLelan stated to-day gross debt 0! the Dominion at this date was I28l.315.53`3, and int.imuI.ed that the assets were valued at seventy-two unl- ll0I1B. This would leave the net. debt. ,.p n... l\nmininn nhnnt. s2o9.000.000. I This would leave: me nor. ueuu .0! the Dominion about 0209.000.000, showing an increase 0! thirteen millioua since aha lot. of July last. In other ;.`..-4%.-3`.*`-.i`: 3-:,i~::'_`; 5 :1; increasing H.113 rate of 5 million and a ball a month. 'l"|.n.-A in unurv In mun to BXDBO` thuti hall month. There is every IBJBOU to expect the present session of parliament will be in short one. There are no important measures. and the government does not want to do anything, to provoke criticism so soon before 9. general elm ction. To- day it's reported that the nance minis- ter will be ready with his budget speech on Friday next. The date may not be certain. but the speech will come earlier in the session than qsusl. and no doubt the speculators who intend to take chances in evading the new and increas- ed duties will be hurrying to take goods out of bond. Look for a lively week's hnsiness at the customs and excise of ees. u..r.... nl mntinn nlrinu for inhrmr NONE! OI luouull Illlll Iv: .u.,...._ sion and papers covering every ooncoir able phase of the Norcli-West. rebellion and the execution of Riel were sent. up to the clerk's table by Opposition mom- ben. 11 all the returns nnd papers ask- ed for no uubmitwd to puliamenl. not 3 link in the ohsin ol avidance about this oulhrsnk could ho mining. Mr I .unv-Inr in nnn of hi: nnnicas. sans this oulnrsux oouiu no unsung. Mr. Luurier. in one of his notices. for copies otull papers found in the coun- cil room 0! the insurgents at Biitoche. especially the diary of Riel. the minute book and orders-in-council of the inaur gent council and the correspondence 0! Biol. also for copies of all petitions in fuvonr ol the commutation of tlio de~ith sentence on Riel. Thu runnnnr in nuuin l`ViV&d tiilllil seuneucu Uu Iuui. The rumour is again revived Hon.John Curling. Minister of Agricul- ture , will receive the Lieul'..<(iovernor- ship of Ontario. In in said than be will resign his portfolio at. t.lio`?:lot4e ol the nnuninn. DAIEAH I3. IIUIJIII '- LABOII mun HUUBIG-t=onsIIu1ng 11 rooms; one door .bove WHIOlI'I Llvary Also Nu. m. Queen street as I-aunt. oocuvlod bx Mn Nlmmo. Apply to U. WlLSO~. L very Omen ITUNE HOU%E ooruefof Prlnoau AlIl'>D!V`- L olon Bl.-eels, nrjolmng Vuuhu Terrace. wit 1 nmalu All mu roum nd nooou :;odu|ou~ '- -- --w - .: Lg. session. Mr. Burgess, Depubv Minister of the Interior. has gone to Guelph. where his brother-in-law, Mr. Anderson. of tho Guelph ."\I'rt'ur3/, is lying at the point of death. nnuua. Whuu the thundeibolt comes down it appears to ull-ia clear to all. and even alter it has vanished \V6 see. or thuik wu see. xi. trailing glory in the skies. In the moral rmumeut there are discov- eries which come before us with equal brdhuncv and suddenueaH,but whether they shall vanish. or become xed lights for all succeeding ages. dupe-ndn on their inherent truth. lhnn Ll.ur\\`xHIv nnnniiin-nil that ill lW() inherent truui. When Hullowuy announced that two simple apocici-i, 21 box of pillii and I1 pot. ox 0lDIlI18lJD.l]9 lmil dlHCOVCl`(.ll remedies for moan {onus of external and internal ailment:-i. the public received his earnest procei-itution with is laugl), anil deemed him one of those will`>o`-tlie-wisps who UCC!lHlODIllY appear above the horizon. only to he swallowed up in thin. disrkm M out of which their lolly induced them to emerge. lint. years passed on, and null the star of Holloway nmiutzuned mi pliAce-t.ho only xed l|l)(l immutable light auiiil bho driluiup, c.oudii. It lmii enlarged inn Rpliuh); in him climbed liighur towiirils the zouitli. and now his rank, as the planet. ol physical regenera- tion. is acknowledged by VL`-Iellllll of the human lulnlly. In Rrimnh lmiin llnllnwnv n rnnieilles xmn.-mom. we wm prosecute to me runes! extent of the law. and we rely upon our friehdl Ind the respectable dealers to gain Ill in putting down this obnoxious class who are I di ace to the trade. The ntendard of ource braced brands. "Cable." "Elin- 'dre." and "Qu'een'I Own" and others, will |'wny| be maintained. the statement of other: to the contrary notvmhnunding.-S. ' DAVIS R SONS. IIIIIIUYIIIII nlrlui Ill Inc Ifllul. We have instituted legal proceedings against garlic: who have manufnotured Ind sold. In those now selling cigars with nar- row hand! of dierent colors similar to thoce regittered Ind used by us. and re- Ipectlully request the trnde to treat menu- I lecturer: and dealers who employ Inch din- reputnble means to {out their goods upon the public in the menner they deserve. Those who encourage them by selling their imitationl. will prosecute to the tallest extent the law. end we relv noon nur London. Msrch 2.-iAl| hopijcn of saving the steamship Missouri. from Boston {or Liverpool, which strundedu Holyhesd, have been abandoned. The steamer has capsized sad lies broadside to the sea. end her destruction is believed to beonlv I question of time. The crew left her just before sbo went over. The cargo in wssbing out 0! the vessel. and boats ere rescuing whet they can of it. 295 head oi cattle were lost. pnquvn vvu.u unnvn unn Ill unu unl.u|- A BIRIII OF IUBDKBS. Cntlellabnrn. Ky.. March 2.-()n n tnrany night Uol. Bennett. midget end sleight-of-hand performer. WI! giving an entertainment at Mnrrowbono Creek. whom). N. Pickeihein-1: rode np. drunk. end domnnded ndmmion. Being refused be tired through we door. killing 0014 Bennett instantly. Robert Hamilton, aged 7. died in I luv hours from his woundl. and four other persons nre wounded. The murderer escaped. v no l.no_Ir subjects ny mo punnc I|u()]'muu of these Invaluable restomtiven. --l"r-r Thmkrr. ices. _ Notices 01 motion taking for info:-ngr ..... -...-I vnnrul nninrinu nvnrv mum)!- -----oo-:-- A ~- -I IN |I.II INDIAN SKY. ___4__:__._:._ R BIDENCE ON BROCK 8'1 uEE'I`-A double lmcl House. olvponlue Viotorln Pltk. Rent moderate. Apyly upon the provullu. Minillnr nl Agricul- , ,,,, _, The Chlcngu Labour urlmt Gwncrnlly n lr..m..A. .Wh;c In ll-nnnnud Chicago. March 2.-'l`he eight-hour movement is sssuming formidable pro- portions. It promises to be very genersl among wage-workers. The briokls ers. 4.000 of them. have decided to stun lot eight hours` work st eight hours` may on May 1st. The phuterers, numbering 1.500, hsve taken is like sotibn. as also have the letbcrs. carpenters and all building trades. The cigar makers un- ion bsve decided to ms e in stand tor eight lmurs. I`be typo raphiesl union. numbering 1.500 members. yesterday decided to fsll into line and work eight hours after May 1st. The other print- ers` unions in the United States have been invited to co-operate. The general feeling among the workers seems to be to scoept eight hours` pay for eight hours` work, and the manufacturers sud employers generally do not seem to strenuously object to this proceeding. Flvnrvthlna is booming at Milwaukee. etrenuoualy object to H!!! prooeeamg. Everything is booming The I`:-udee Assembly in wide awake. and pushing the city ordinance to make ewht hours a. day's work on all city work. The bod carriers have followed the mucus. end adopted eight hours. to take eeot Mey let. A big tobacco home started on Feb. let to work eight hours on ten hours pay. Rvnrv nnlliarv in the Pnttlville. Shen- name ten noun pay. Every oolliery in the Pottuville. Shen- andoah and Shamolun (Pm) districts hue now at strong branch 01 the Miners nnd Laborers` Association. Luet woek muss-meetings were held nt all the Important centres. and the minors have been urged to perfect their orgemzm tions preparatory to making a. united demand on May hat for the enforcement of the eight-hour system. M1l\In\n|(na.Mnrnh `)..-All but three ox hue emu:-uour system. M lwnukeo. March 2.--All but `-`swam!-.~,.|.f ' this city have signed we uuuon scene: ` Fm-0. Wnrl.h Tatum, Mnunh `.!.-Thteo this any have signed we coma. Fort. Worth. Texas. Much `2.-Thteo hundred Knights of Labour. in the em- ploy of the Tens Prmc RR, struck last Ivening. Rnltimnrn. March 2 --The amnlovees man cvenmg. Baltimore. March 2.--The employees of the eantern division oi` we Baltimore & Ohio RR., extending from Baltimore no the Ouio River. have been plnced on ten hours work per day. Chinnon. Mu-ch 2-'I`he Mooormick ben hours work day. Chicago, March 2 -The works opened :5 usual this morning. There were large orowds of idle men About the works. but the presence of police nrevensed any disturbance. New York. March 2.-A strike occur- DOIIOB DTBVGIIIBII Elly uusturuznuuu. New York, March red to-dav among the employees of the Dry Dock. East. Brondwey and Battery Rnilroui Co. All the out stopped run- ning. The emu eat: the Canal Av. Courtlend Street Rnlrosd, Avehne D and Avenue 13 lines. and the Gmnd street ferrv branch. N4... Vm-I: Mnrnll \)_A alnnnntt-.|| ro m ' -mg .c `:5 ` > th; A ~ ` gnzrla-at- `