WHITE WINGS CITY AND VIGINITY. %___ -'-- (`usual sunluolllp l`oInpIII- [.I\l unm Nam Vnrlt avm-v Flat Dluuo Ila-gulnr M('l`IIIII. uh in Jnh: - Lnrhu. No. 3. on TM son: 0! England nnuvr 5lnr1lF11`YNn. m. ` Chomp I`:-unn. n.. am. - ...m.r. . l I'I'I but A I A.-'"".* . ....-..r..-...e. M. `KINGSTON. om. H. . I this train wll roach l,,[nde n: n the nut Kinnraton everyuouy. If vour reporter had investigated those Lliings (Y) before putting in print he would have found out that we are not in the hul-it. of mrning out poor and help- less people without ascertaining all about; them. it, Irving part. of my duty as stowiml, when pun ier patients am dis- cliurgal by tho uieliical clcer. to hohl them here until arrangements can be made for their disposal. 1 remain. dear sir, yours truly. A 11 \\'.......u um...-....] mum & THOMPSN S,[ The above letter calls for some at- tontiun. Win.-n Mr. Watson olmrgos that this Winn reportcrdial not investigate the circumstances no is straying from those s0li.l mots" ho givcs so gratui- tounly to the public. The reporter suw tho visiting physician (Dr. Dupuisl. the house surgeon (Mr. Dixon) and the steward, all the executive olllcors. and gum their statomgpts. It the state- ments sre at variance with the facts thoso gentlemen are accessible to the criticism ol Mr. Watson. The only comment made by the Wino was that the poor unlortnnntes would line to starve or go to goal. l'pon this point let us investignte. Mir-hnnl (lnnnnn. far from being an U81"!!- /Duriug the past two uioutlis the hos- pital has been kept vurylull with people who ought to he provided for in the poorrliouso or some such place. and if any case of accident had been sent in on Szminlny Cl` Sunday. be'.oro some of these people want. away, there would have been Considerable didicalty in mulling room for it. The responsibility of tho liaclmnvn of all natients mama rusuung roomxor n.. we we om-nmuw of the discharge of M1 patients route with tho attondin medical officer. whose duty it. is no fiuay admin and dxschargo everybody. If vnnr rmmrtnr had invmqtimxtnd new us Invesmguu. Michael Cannon, far from being tn iudopeudonm land owner. in hobbling nbont the city. a wretched spectacle. "and for two nights amco his diuohnrge has made Iodgmg in the police station. He does not own land in Hnuingu. ll Ann Ln nnnn hn I-nfnrnnnn On tho :9. nf ue does not unu an unaungu. u can be seen by reteronoe to the list. of land owner: of nut county In our office. The nhmmant of Mr. Wuhan. ra- HUD Wlll D6 580! DECK E0 DBUBVHIG. Sarah Ann Kearv, aged 65. has friends in Storrington. who. she says, will keeg her, and hm: 3 relnivo in Kingston wit. whom she can any if she feeis disposed to do so. M... n,.:...:,_. .....,a m: r..... .. ...n.,. no uo 80. Mrs. Uolodon. aged 05. has a son who holds a prominent position in the North- \\'eat. and who nlefrays all her cxpeux-scn ham. IIIIU DWI -IBKI OI HJIU Clllllllly HI DUI" 011100- The statement of Mr. Wnteoo. re- garding Mary Costello. wen rend to one of the Iiaters of L'Hotel Dneu. who utnted that she had been lundly cared for by the mm: for three or four years; she never lid H00 into the institu- tion. but I 0 was given in smell Amounts for her oumonly u very small remnnorm tion. (or you`: of keeping and not for life CIIB. . LIIBYIL Mar Costello, aged 70, says she came from gelleville, some time ago, and paid into the Hotel Dieu the sum of 0100, thinking that for that amount they would keep her tor the balance of her life. On being discharged irom them in October last she came here, and has remained ever since, and will continue to do so until the authorities of the Ho- tel Dieu can be induced to make some provision [or her. In case they reluso she will be sent back to Belleville. Gan-ah Ann [Inn-u nnnrl RR |...nC.-I.`-..ln cue. In due time the feet: will come out in regurd $0 mo others. It in not pounble to had theee people in the few houn st our dinpoul. The one of R. Pen] in not relerrod to 1) Mn. Watson, vety Iingnlu to say. `(all mun cum to us on Mondey for ueiehnoe. Io week that he "could muco- ly move Mound. end having. in addition to n vnillan nnned for benevolence {tom v-v-on White Wings they never pow wouy. Thoyuny mo ohoorlly our the nu; N teomcmlhuqtormydum. `ll Ilpnul out my White Wins! Ind all homo to shoe. UIIU. Robert Bain. aged 60, and his wife. Mrs. Bnin, aged 58. have a house to go to at Storriugton, and Mrs. Bnin, who is yet: here, inlorms me that when at homo they certainly will not starve. Theoouple have been in the habit {or some time 01 closing up their house and spending their winters in this institu- tion. Minlunnl nnnnnn ..n.-.41 r: mhn nnivunn IIULI. Michaolcnnnon. :1 ed 75, wbopomes from Tweod. informe me that he owns 50 acres 0! land in the count!) ; Ind on my oering to send him buck to Tweed he said that he would not go there ugniu 1! he could help it. James Marshall. aged 74. comes: from H [18 CUUIG uelp II. James Marshall. aged 74. comes from Clan-k'a Mills. He is 3 hale old man. quite able to work. and has gone back there. M...-.1 lVn..A..|l.. .......l'1n ..-.... ..I... ......... I] move u-ouna. Ina mung. Ill woman gr: written upped benevolence [tom ._Du ms. this letter from I prominons hot in omen]: II think in nnnlal ha wall far vnn tn D0. IFII OIIIIOIIIZ think it would be well for you to and 3 to not up to the hospital at noon tog: u some infotmstion myoca- ing the muons why son `toot omtnroa were diaobuged {tom 9 hospital :6 once on Batu:-day. This mm may tell you something." ll. Ilglgnn in nnlnumui 6:. III; nmmnl \ llllllg OI H16 KIDU. Now lab as review these poor decrepid creatures. claimed to have been turned out to face the cold charities of this world. Dnknul Ilnln 4......` HA ..-.2 M... .21.. mereox may no praoucame." Dr. Dupnis certainly did ask what was to Income of them, but Mr. Du did not give the answer attributed to himin your paragraph, nor did I hear him use any words that implied any- ` thing of the kind. Nnw Inf. ul rnvinw Hanan nnnr Jan-Ania` yuu Ivwueunug. Mr. Weteon ie referred to the oicnl I who wrote thin ee well u to the une- mente elreedy given in the Wino. be- eenee between these ooiele liee the once of the whinmoel diecherge oi el- moet helpleee people in en inclement eeeezn. end ee en er which excite: the pitv or en pereon eving the Ilighteee Ieinl ct hnnunity in hie veins. For yurs the holpitnl hu herhored pnieute Jo! this clue, Whet we: the occeeion for wet. e endden revolnuon u thee Inhnun hw l.hA"ilmm|| Qludnnnlg mo. . WHIUIJ TBILIB I3 IOll0WllZ Section 85. No patient laboring un- der insanity. except for a few dngvs. or under any disease which is incnra lo or incapable of palliation, shall he ad_n1it;_ _ - ihio "ill-'16` :..,ps:vui;"nu'z-` `s`na'ii` any iiiin T be admitted whose case and circum- stances do not positively require it`, nor shall any patient be retained in the hos- pital when his disease shall be cured or alleviated so far as from the nature thereof may be practicable." Dr. Dnnnin cnrtninlv did ask what DUE H|4!Il'V|Ll:lUl.| or H18 8501. Now. air, this is not so. Mr. Duff simply said to Dr. Dupuis. in reference to an old woman aged 8! years. admitted to the institution bv him, disease. old age, that she was not a tit subject for hospital treatment. and ought not to have been admitted. she having, been sent do.vu by the priest at Brewer's Mills lcr admission to the House of Pro- vidence. Dr. Dupuis then said that there were several inmates at present in the hospital who were incurable and ought not to be there, and Governor Dull then added that ll such were the case why did he not carry out the rule. which reads as follows: Ill-`nntinn HF. `\ln nntinnt lnluu-Inn urn Suitable Trimmings, Liningn, Cunvu, Beliefs. Buttons, Twists, &o., for All Tweodu. lot won as nuugen nvomuon me! | shown bg the Vihnoet wholeeele dit- oherge ? r. Wuhan up an he never mine people edrm without "eueeneinln ell eboln then" and "holding them mm nrnngenente on be rude for Iheh-dim ponl." Did he hen ebont Cannon and hie lend neer Tweed. . which n Ienn pouu; mu no -urn mom cannon Ill! his near Tweed. .Wh'|Oh 3 Inner onld hug disclosed? Did he onquifo . rlv Lavvuwnll , a_lvIv|vvw vv nu . Dear Six-.-In your issue of the 8th inst. there appeared a paragraph headed. "Discharged from Hospital." "A Sensa- tion," eto., with reference to which I would like to mention a. few solid facts. You an that on Saturday last Gov: 1-nor l)ulI visited the hospital and ordv.-red the attending medical otcer to expel eight old and decrepid persons, who had no alternative in the oaso of discharge but starvation or the gaol. Now. air. this is not so. Mr. '1Iuv Edi(oI', llriliall lVl'Im/. I\...... (II. Y- .._..._ .` M arch tub. The Wll" Pol-(belly lfnldld In In (`cine -lI Wu Ankcd to lake II Investigation and listed II-ply Win It Wu l aI1l- ('l'IIICIlIl[ Cu: be Bncldul and luck Many Pollll. T E19 HOSPITAL ITIWABD AND THE STATE- MIINT HE IINDI TO THE PRESS. EH1: GENERAL HOSPITAL; .,. A. U. V\'.\r!snN, Steward. ""`' 5 .l"o|wai-ls .... H11`. `i`{.!.',`i.' H.Johuuou Himllaun J L mvme The hull was rubber and Hat on tho sides. The uiicks were similar to tliosu unediu polo. The game was started. and before the ball had been moving many minute:-.1 it was quite clear to many that hockey was only It funny name for ul.iiuuy." After playing an hour, during which some of the )l&y8l`B received some terrible (Ills, euuox Irving, of Queen's, who is an expert. skater. poked the rubber through the cmiet~4';.;a1l. lluuln McMahon. ().U.. be crown prosecutor at llllf, 38812108 Nov. Dyson llugno. of Brockvillo, wired l)r. Augliu this alturuoon that ho would he at the Y.M.C.A. this ovoning. Ho is an interesting speaker. Rev. D. Longley. cl Uttnwa, who uroachca unnivoraary sermons in Wil- iamnville on Sunday. goes to Toronto in June. hlvinu been csllod to the Queen Street Methodist Church there. In. A 1: mm. .1... ......o..n~....a.o..m. DITUCW UIUKIUWHUIA UIIUTUII lUBI'U- Mr. A. K. Mills. the ventrilaqniat with tho "Barber's Scrape" com am . is well known, having up enred eforo an a leading member of IYICG. Barton & Mills` minstreln. H0 in one 01 the most. popu- Inr theatrical man on the road at. pre- plant. `I l Muntnn A NIn3nnin I) Q noun. W. V. Mouton. A. Mcinnie. D. S. Robertson. llrockviiio; Wm. Ross. '1`. B. Kirirhouee. R. Caldwell. W. Burning. Ju. Phyminlor. Montreal; W. A. Home. Uuelph ; N. F. Gumiry. J. Ellendorf, Toronto . W. H. MIugeye.Wionipog;Dr. Phelnn. Kingston ; I). Steiner. New York; Major Vince. B.E.. Woodstock. N.B. ; Co a. Bowers. (Gard Ben.) M. John. N. . ; W. 1.0. Godby (15th Bets.) Bollevilie : L. B. Donkln. (98rd Hm.) Non Scotin : W. E. Russell. (7115 But.) Fredericton, N.B.. ere registered n`Pthe British American Hotel. DU HWIIFUUU DUO lllllln LHU l'L'| Tl'L'U VVH-U Mr W. A. Logno: tho umpires. for the cadets. Mr. McCall ; for Queen's college students. \\'.U. lhiu. Those composing the teams were: The People \\'luu|e Mnvomenlnnylngl and Ih\II Anrnnt Pnulnr Allonllnn, linoortnnl Noueo to the Trade. We have instituted legal proceedings against parties who have mnnufuotured and sold, and those now selling cigu-I with nar- row bnndn of different colors similar to those registered and med by us. and re- spectfully request the trade to treat manu- facturers and dealer: who employ such die- reputable means to {out their goods upon the public in the runner the deserve. Those who encourage than by in; their imlutionl. we will prosecute to the iulleet unit of the in. end we rely upon our friend: end the respectable dealer: to mint us in putting down this obnoxious class who are a di race to the trade. The nundard of our ebrated brnnde. ."Ceble." "El Pa- dre." Ind "Queen`e Own" and others, will |'vIays be maintained. the statement of others to the contrary notwitl:standing.-S. DAVIS A SONS. no nu era were moiuou, nun uney sum in e. and certainly did not dinpel the prevailing doubts. Finally a cadet. who oi\rried.the rules upon a shoot of pupcr. and the game was very interesting. It was particularly popular in Lower Car nada. Short! after 3 o'clock the play- ers were OM8( together and tolil that the match would last an hour, and in. the end of the first half hour in rest would be called. The team taking the most. number of wlulu in the hour would be awarded the palm. The referee was Mr \V. A, l.mvm' tlm nmnirnn. fnr tlm II In "Jhluny" In DlsguIso-l_|uoon'n Bmdenls Intent the Cadets in I Male". Vesterdny afternoon -s hooke match wu.s played on the Royal skating rink. between teams selected from the Royal Military College and Queen's Univer- sity. The attendance of spectators was large. the ladies predominating. At in- tervals, before the game. people were heard to ask. What is booke '2 Few assayed an answer. Severn. of the yin ers were tackled, but they said the n.-numillnn Jnnhoa |4`innlln :1 "min! l'I"|I\ o-:.- Ounplllnontoto tho Oolonol. Woieun. any: the Port Hope Tnmxv. tint Major Hen: Smith. who wu ion- der 0! the idinndeta otter Col. Wiillonrl death. Is now Colonel of the Nth "Princeun 0! an Own Rien," Kingston. Col. Smit in junior major in the 47th Fronten c boltnlion. but on tho ntinmont ol-- r Kan. be ill nn- nnimonniy cboson by tho olceru of the Nth to be their commnndor. ()0! Smith hon oven himui! 1 good ncor. them- ion in Iuooou in the nth in no good u unnrod. Though still 5 youn mun. Colsmlth ha been Innjor in 0 47th Battalion lines 1872. I period of fourteen IQIPI. Bun huno to lose sud nun. Whuo Inuio. my darling. in than by nv dds. llollll 0| Ill EOIIUIQI. Lhst evening the asylum minstrel_ troupe entertained the patients and em- ployees of this institution in ne style. As the curtain rose the asylum orchestra. kindly and ably assisted by Prol. Byrnes. of the city. and his stall. struck up a lively air. to which the colored gents came marching on in good form. The oldfamiliar ondmen. Messrs Shea, Me- Cammon, Batesou and Forsythe. brought hearty cheers from the audience. While there is always a lingering regard for those of the past the patients, like otters, enjoy aehauge. and were delight- ed to see new blood in Dr. Simpson as interlooutcr. The overture was well received. The Jokes were principally .;;f'f*.-":.-_:.~:-_5" j'~'_~'`:`;$*; =-*"*.-. ~`_v;'r'-::i::-,-.52-i~_rle..1$.~.'" ` ' -~ cadets in the hall the naughty endmsn had to give thema benet. "Mr. Bones. suppose the cadets were on the vast rsiries and were suddenly to meet oundmaker and his noble red men, what plant would they most likely re- semble ?" Give it up. "Why, scarlet- runners." The songs of Messrs. Bate- son. Shea and Mcuainmon were good. The second partwss much enjoyed. as- peciallv in the claracter songs of Mr. Shea. and again in his representation of Grecian statuary. Lrought out with good eect by the aid 01 the lime lights. The nroaramme ended with the fares. eueon by me am or we ume name. The programme ended fame, "A Slippery Day." I kept every one in tits at luugbnur. It certainly was I slippery day. It. would uot. surprise me il this morning the vxclima to the treacherous dcclivihv on which they had ma.nv adownfull. had not their legs bandaged and their arms carefully sup- ported in slings. I MnnruH.\\'al .~mn. llurhrich. Samnshu ' p0l'L6(l ll] Ellll. Menus. Watson, llurbrich. Sum shu and several of the patients gave are its- ble assistance throughout the evening. Mnnh nrninn in dmn In Hm nrnhnntrn me aaaxumnoe nurougnoun mu uvu-mug. Much praise is due to the orchestra for its choice selections. YGIII. . ' It L'Ho|el Dleu whether Mery 0oetellu'e Ilioty Wu correct ? Dld he meke er- rengemente lot the dilpoeel of Paul. who ` went about own at once begging. 0! 01 Cannon. who bed to seek refuge in the pollen station `I Severe! more quontione e Of thin ahenotor will suggest thomeolvee u when we learn 0! the other um. `N... .o.........o. aivnn in the Wnlu of A, cnblegnm from Rome nnnounoeu the elonuon of Archbishop Tucherun to` Cnrdinllalo. Iho lcntertnlmnant WA: in (iron: Succul- ulnnnn at It. Ira-tun-an when learn or one ntner am. The ntntement given in the Monday by Dr. Dnpnle he he re-ulrm- ed both yeeterdey and to-day. and the testimony of four other wltneuee is` to the effect that the nncheriteble engu- siona were eniorced upon him by r. Dn. in his capacity of governor in charge for March; that he could not secs 9 the duty, though protesting to Mr. off at the came time against the cruelty. Mr. Watson will now have some diiculty in recognizing his solid iecte" and discovering any Wum vnrn " some yaru." Bull 0TnyO...H`: on Ind gold trans. The fund of in my own lmlo bridc ; `A'.3`:';`.`..`:.; :`.".. .'?.'?. $'.`.;...'I:'.'u .. I21: and nil In line. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MARCH 11. . Toronto. will the Bullovillo us. l ....,..-rn, I l\\'U\V WH.\'I is A ? I DUI). "I s .iv him exeicising himself. llllll at times whcnl was not visible to him. Ila walked rmly. engaged most of the time in meditating and reading his prayer hook. ` He showed great mental emotion touching the execution, and when spoken to about his state exclaim- ed, `How can you blame me ifl feel so strontilv about it 1" " The doctor related a circumstance calculated to show Riel`s shrewdncss. On the Monday before the respite was announced he was soon. and the first thing he did was to ask the doctor's name. lie told him it made no difference. "Well then," said liiel. ``I suppose I miii-it lmow you as the gen tloman without a name." Then lliel spoke ahcut a commission being ap- pointed to examine him as to his condi- tion. lle closely scrutinized Dr. Iiavs-ll's face. "Well." he added. I'in iiotiusano. but people can lisvo their own opinion. Then he looked sharply around and added. "Perhaps I sin insane. Better men than I am have been called insane when they have had great objects to perform." Yos." replied Dr. Lovell. "people do say you are crazy." "So I hear."replisd Riel.hiit I don't feel like acrazy man. I am not iudiflerent to all those things going on. To It CI`ll7._V man death is iie trouble. It don't trou- ble me, I am prepared ferit. hut I suffer because I do not want mv family to think] aiu a criminal. rather than a patrint. I don t want it said to my children that their father was lianged for murder." He looked and acted like a man who detested the thought. After his last respite Riel was grateful. llo said pathetically to Dr. liavell. You don't know how glad I am. Thounh I would like to have the matter over I am thankful for more time to prepare." He folded his hands and seemed incvsd by an intense emotion. ()n leaving Riel for the last time the prisoner bid him goodbye and added that he was delight- ed to have ha1 such pleasant conver- sations with him. and for the s mpathy he expressed. He urged the actor to disclose himself. so that he could let his children know who lie was. Riel was oi the opinion that Dr. Lavell was a gentleman of the press who had ARRIVED To saic IIIH IXICUTION. '-Hg was a man of great intelligence." said Dr. Lavell. "cunning. selfish. one who. as s iopular speaker, could control , the Metis y the sway of his hand and an expression of his face. He was a man who could control an excited people. a man who could have led to (feeds of daring that would astonish the world. His foolish and peculiar views as to re- ligion and general government were su- perstitlous notions as to his mission and ability to prophecy. He hold these ' views, undoubtedly. to show his power and inuence over the people by making them believe he was possessed of super- natural t . Riel was ambitious and selfish. era the res ite he was af- fected with the approaching end. After the respite the tension was taken off. and he seemed calm and collected. Everything pointed to his sanity." There won numerous incidents which Everything pointed to me eenuy. There were nmnerone wjgich proved more ehrewdneu end oremueu end well balanced breln thet we must hold for another occeeiou. However. spanking of the egitetiod in ueboc. Riel id to Dr. Lovell : "M rioudn are /rot who: ldon`t like it: t will only not won: o\..|.o. (J I-aHninn' I Am A Human F . . `%`.-=t-_~'- piiluix. This morning a Wine reporter called i upon Dr. Lavell, one of the medical com- mission empowered to examine into Louis Riel's mental condition prior to his execution at Regina. N .W.T. .l`he doctor said the report of his opinion, as publish- ed. was correct. He reached Rs ins on the 6th of Nov. and registered on er his proper name at the hotel. There he met . X. Valsde, of Ottawa, the other com- missioner, and before seeing Riel at all they consulted and marked out a line of procedure. Dr. Lavell suggested that both should secure all possible informa- tion apart from ltiel himself. This in- formation was secured from those who had had intercourse with the prisoner. including Dr. Jukes, Adjutant Dean, Col. Irvine, and olcers, non-commissioned oicers and men of the mounted police; composing the guards who watched ltiel'e cell. 'l`ho last person consulted was ltev.I ere Andre. He said he had known Riel for many years, and he saw nothing diercntn his manner and ap- pearance lrom what they were twelve or llftoen years before. Pore Andre said that Riel was highly intelligent. lie had been "a little off" in religious mat-' ` ters, but he had given away on certain points and fallen into line with the ohurch s requirements. lie was penitent. and the good priest was satisllcd that he the impiirt of his awful position. Rev. Pero Andre was satised when critically jueltioned that ltiel was an acconntablc being. After tLe commissioners had learned all they possibly could of the habits. manners. elc., of Riel it was sug~ gested that they see him separately and then together. Each spent several hours with the prisoner. Dr. Lsvoll says : "In my conversation with Riel l l-`JUND [HI MENTALLY BOUND on every point in regard to his history.llis memory was retentive, even to details. He was animated at times in his con- versation. but most of the time he was calm, cool and collected. particularly so on the Monday alter he had been re- spited." He engaged Riel in conversa- tion peculiarly, pretending to be a man tilled with curiosit , and disposed to jump from one su jcct to another in order that he might ascertain the weak points in the man's character. liiel did not appear to he simulatingjnsanity. He had as clear an estimate of his ac- countability and conviction of duty as any man the interviewer had ever con- versed with. The doctor found his mind excellently balanced. In details he would go to anv length. He was at times animated ,.rathor' than excited in his conversation. He had no hope of life and felt the necessity of repcntenco. He was prepared for death and anticl- pated it. "In all my conversations." said Dr. Lavell, "there was not the slightest wavering of intelligence and memory. lie was crafty and cunning, possessed a clear eye. a good address, could speak a nice English with a French He had not the vacillating e o of a man who was mentally derange lie told me he was well treated, that he had a good appetite. and that the only thing he did not like was the constant watching. 'l'hni was a matter which all sensitive inon disliked. llicl, however, said. I don't lilaino tho men, that's their duty, and .. u-ni-Us " . unl nn.n`u l|liI\` =-`M ;ra=.;-: `Ih"!3j'i'iCAiil:'; !iii]j.fiL11i-iiixliidii 1. 4 I 4 ld to Dr. ueveu "llf lnouun are 0% like twill ape ll ht oi religion; I em e Roman Cetnoho end elweye yes one-" No." said Dr. Lovell. "you"re not; you ebnu- doned Lliem." Oh. Riel replied. "I bed en object in view." Then. reverting to the rs! topic. he send. my friends melie emistelm. I'm sorry. eorry for the eelre ofmy peo le." Then, he eeld. the View 0 case by many others in the Nor on. "H the eastern people would leave an alone we couli work one our owh destiny." Some mey qneetion Dr. Levell`e oom- getencv an thehzdue o! e men'e lnnecy. at it III to he emembered the: {or 100 you: he hee llld to do with the crimi- nele of the penitentiary end with those conned in it end elicted with lnneoy. He bee eertelnly heal e very long experi- The Nth band via be at the Royal shun; this thin evening. The Inn Wu II Areollllhlo lcIn|- III Intelligence III Innler of lyre-1-I and ActIo|- ncldelu Till are 0! Ilveclnl I I'LIn `I`lnpn DB. LAVILL TELLS HOW HE CAME To RIAOFI AN OPINION UPON l'l'. MUBRISBUBGI -s[rf17Y OF LOUIS 1>.1i2L. llllll Ill) ll(`l'lP|l'UH hllll 3lL'l.llIlllI"0 I1 l0l'E(.'l'_V. Thu Hilllltfllrlo llll():\llFll1l`nC0 Society. of New \ crk, wrote ovur 9U('a,()()0.()00 oi uow l)ll!~l(`l~l`\ lust your. that is 8:13.000.- 000 more than Wan writtuu by any other Comp-my in the world. Before assuring oxuunuu tho superior advantage and liiglier value of the Equitable`: tontine and nouvlorloitiuq. or aomi-tuntine poli- cies. ll. Stirling. agent, of the citv of Kingston and County of l*`rontei1i3."\.r IUUUHI4l"'. LLIU DLIIIUIKJK Will DU `IU X I525 ft`... two stories in lmiglnb, and have an attic. Twelve romus mm bu had in the building ifnoodoLl)l1t only triulnt will he tted up on tho aturt. 'l`he Brill tnlnnlmnn rmmmnv in Hrnnlh IIDIUII up [)1] (U0 HUITD. The Bell telephone company in Brock- villo buvu !`0dll(`,(! on telephone: to $2.0 per you!` for private houses. where the lessee also has an instrument in his. ninn an-.nn'.ln.`l Hm. nuuknnuiknr WIIUFU (H8 M58808 EH80 HHS HI] IIIHITUIHBHU in his omco. provided the subscriber uigznn IL throo your.-4' lease. When will Kingston ho givuu this oouahlorntion 1 Kid glovoa very vheap at l.nidlnw'u. Post (mice lnxx-cctor Barker mm been in St. l`homas trying to discover the party who took u r-gisturtul letter can minim: 05!) out of tho lvtwt`, office there mldrcssoxl Lu J. Cracker 8; Son. The name of Heome IIeydou,Kook~1u-e or for t.|)otlrm.1uupeurs on the post ulco ookn. lmt ho dot-lnron tho aiL'l]l|lllI`0 n forgery. Thu lvhmitnhln I.i!n ,\n.Imrnnnn Hnnintv. DUIIUDIIHI IIOWUTH HOW Ill IHOOIIJ. We cu.u show you written coatixuouials amlmmiymtopmmbinomowumw who can testify to the money of Nor- man's Electric Delta for tho cum 0! rheumatism. killl1UyM`0llb]B!`s.dyl])0mill, and nervous prostration. W. J. Wi son. agent. Thn (`M11 nnninnn! in Jrnmimr n nlnn gun!/. The city enniuvor is lmwiug II. plan oi the proposed wing to the House of Industry. The building will be 40 x `.32 ft... twn ntnrim: in lu.iuhl*., nml lmvn nu "EIVADIRI-I B IlI(l0! VVhat__p_oe it. Mean 1 u mu new JUFBUYS now mung nuown. Wilson iajunuing "ivory soap." This sonpis absolutely puro-\vill ilonta on wnter-nnd in iuvuluulilo for washing infants. healing cuts. etc. W. J. Wilson, "Tho l bnnnxLcy." Call and ace the bonut.il'ul lioworu now in bloom. In .... n nlunny Ivnn .....:n...\ o.....o:.......:..L. The Tilinghast Tailoring sum] HARl]Y&MUBRAY S.) IIULIK l|ll(| LIHHMHI l'RClIlC. An old uypsv HILYH 1-ldiuuu will ustouinh Lhu world with iuvout.mu.~a no im ormut. that all provxoun triumfhu wil look ])l](`)'iI0. Thu prophecy is based on the fact that |')diuon's wife is the seventh child. I nLllnum nun |.....l.... .. ....,...I..... ...... \V . ILOUIIIIIDIJ BUCUCGUB Hlll]. Special colonist. trains wnll be doa- patchod to Minnesota. Dakota, Manito- ba and Brmuh Columbia on March 10th. 28rd um ! 30th. und April 6 by the Grand Trunk uud Cumnln Pacic. .\ n nl.l nu-mu .....-.. l.`.l ... mill ....l....{. I. L'lH].WFl are having a. regular run of the new jerseys now being shown. \Vilnnn in rnnmnu "lvm-v nnnn." Thin lUI' IUUl.lUYu Read the advortinmont about the Y.M.C.A. meoting. Mr. J. E. l(.St.udd. the famous crickobor rind college evange- list. has promised to address the meet- ing in the Ontario Hall Hill evening. Mr. '1'. J. "_`li0u.nsm11. nl tlmrm of mg In we uunano mm um: evening. Mr. '1`. J. Thompson. of the [Inn of Hendry at Thompson, has resigned the oxce of superintendent of the Metho- dist. Sunday School at the U.T.R. Mr. W. ltobinaon succeeds him. Hnnninl nnlnniao 0-air... null lm 1'1\u REEVES nun The Lu-M Style of . Lman Gollnn for N50. ; Also the Ben White Shirt in the any (or 600. `For uoughv. colon unlT)tho|vP>u-I>maVs|: :*ry_ Aootlonn fonrouhlol at tho Ildnon. not but I us back an: us turn 0! no?:::1.gI: zntoa-.lo_os_Il_::I rp_:u:mt_?:::n. 99`. iii.-k oi pcln In the sud the vuuiu forms neurmlnz tor Ioosllud rhonmutum. nnd. hand.` |l.!`f:m.|:l.u&I.:r.nIl|`|nonI for which I In In! 0700 Z~'..?.'..'i nun pvo but rnulu. ' no: no -'-24:.-' ""':*.:":::.:."....."'" ::"::.7 u n o - 3" n Ionoo 5mu!K:'n'o bongo hm: no- dlo nu! ma onnun propompg found In no AUU Cf KIIIIUU. 0&8. I/I'lIWlUI'un T iny-ve designs of beautiful men morial cards at the Bxunau Wum olco. Finest stock in the city. and most varied shock of fancy cards. not only in King- ston but In Ontario. 'l"|.n m..h.u- in l.y..... .... .....A.l ....s at Ll... HBO DUE Ill KIDLIIYIU. The water is lxuiuu pumpbd out of the iron ore mines along the line of the King- ston & Pembroke RR. Capt. Kicto says by the lat of next month they will be in operation. Cnnnidv is. it in miiil. nuxinnn to uni. nn OPBHIIEIOII. Cassidy is, it is said. anxious to get. on another five mile race with Campiou. Stakes 9100 a side. The lntteris wnlling to race for the championship. but. not formouev. Dunn` AI... ..l......H...........A ..L....L AI... EEEAMERYJ n uoillonoo 6! that uclo bandit other; (land unum wonhlon imnulonu with III: nunu. Inch u "cnplleln" or "Cupol- cnm" pluu-rs. _ I10 IUIHUU III: lllllllllg. There willbo a. ten meeting in the Methodist. Church, 5 denlmm. Thun- dny. March lblth. A eoture will be de- livered by Rev. Lelloy Hooker. Finn rnll hunter. `Inn ` nlmnnn, Inn mar CU. -.l&n. bl ILWKUIU. ,3 at 9.y...-and-,.`} .-=--M 2!-%_r,~~ M awnyrr-r,` wure 'i`t aoiraoi `17h'iE'1i:cnJh:;.: fur W ~da.`,.'. ouch. ll. Bates was dismissed on pro- mising to go to Ottawa. Vinnnnnt I)nnnlir.. lmir nf Hm l`.nrl nf p uvareu my .ll8.V. uenoy nooxer. Fme roll butter. 2:10 ;oheese. 100 per lb. ; buckwheat, flour, 500 atone ; new maple syrup B0c}wr quart; sweet. cider, 250 Ker gal 0 . . as. Crawlord. "I" irlv-vn rlnniunn nf lmnntifnl mn- preueun. The Montreal Nmrsays "Dr Lavell's report clmrlv ulrms his opinion that R101 was fully runponsible for his ao~ - tions." `I7.-\ Ln..- ......... ...._.. l......l..,\._... L....`I...A.. HUDH We have some very handsome baskets of mixed tux, black nml Japan. Our 40c mixture is the best value cvtr offer Cd. Ja..". C1 mvfwd. I ,n ..n..., ,4 ..1 ._.u, .A.p .-pp ax..a-n:.-.. uo..cuuu ILIIHILIQ DU [(0 H) \lI4|oHW|l. Viscount Dupplin. heir of the Earl of liiunwell. died at Monte Carlo. Ru- mourtbut he committod suicide owing toloases at gambling. Them will Im n ma mnntinu in tha lll HJBDCIMI 0| "IOLIUIIY UV(`DiJ`_,', A Salvation Army jubilee will occur In Portsmouth on Tuesday evening The band of. the curps will ho proicut. I pl... l`....X..lo ..... ..a.. .. UAIKOIB. There was 3 run of! on tho U.T.R. lino near Oolliusbv yesterday. 'I`uedum~ age was not serious. An nnf.nrhlinn1nnf. Ixill hn Imld in Hm Ext` WHH I105 BBHOUD. An entertainment will be held in the Gladstone club rooms on 'l`uemluy ovcu lug instead of Monday 0V(Di.1,_,', A Halvutinn Armv inlnlrn will ncnnr 1 Tnoycnrryuoonou-Ilyovct mun; R Inoonuoml lorry loch. `ll go my in lap and nil in than. JWIN HENDERSON & 00.. -1.... u.` only -.~ ulm nu. |I\' `:--n..u... A nleetingof the freight. ugut.s ns- sociation too plucn at Montreal today. Mr. F. Onnwnv. of tlm K. J: P. IL. wan soclauon won pmcn no .uonuroeu many. Mr. F. Conway. of the K. &`P. IL. was present. Thn Mnrutrnnl Nlurnnvn nr [.nvnIl'.u A. BA|RD&CO.. ouo moum an uonuursou us. Mr. R. R. \\'nga.r,|l arlmm. loavenjwith his wife and family in a few days for Dakota. 'l`l.n-A Inna .. nn... H nil thn I1 'I ` I) pounponeu mu mouuay auu Lueuuny. The work on l icnrl street. will bu} completed at. the cud of nnothcr week. Cnhinnr. nlmtnu dnwn In 9:! mlrmnn lnr COLIJPIUIVCU II : I9 UUU OI I)ODHCI' WGQK. Cubmet photon down to 91$ udoxeu (or one month at llendursou M.. n n w........m...|...... I.....,...-...;n. I LIUIUHIVV H. ' A. Fields has received uparrot. valued at 840. It in a. good talker. . The fnlfn lulnml rnnna have Iuu-n ll0l"l!I.` A bunch of keys ofunu-1 um M thin otoe Awaits an owner. Nruu nnv-inn tlrnnn nnn In 1-lnnnnnnf. at an Mu. 19 II a. uoou mixer. The Wolfe Inland racoa have been postponed till Monday and 'l`ueulay. Thu work nn l innrxl atrant. will lm`. 70 Inuujn a'rmm'r. Much ll. locate n -9.; at once. so tilt` long II bound to Decoys very popular. l.IlIlo -rlunnniun lngngo lhn I'oupla'I u . In ntInn_.Nuuu. luv llur Lmunl (Juno-. ` Dress szoodst.oisI1it.Vn|l#nt. LliH|w'u. I Mr. J. Elder goes to lirockville to buy horses, ' A Iuunnl. .J l.....- l_......1 ...... no ILL. omoe nwmu New spring drum gnola. c-lmapest at Laidlawha. A l.`:..l.`l.. 1.... .......:....a .. ...__..p .._.|.....: INN IJENTS Ur `I'll E [H Y We IIIO oor New SPRING SUITS at low- er prloon thnn ever known In_ Kingnton be? {ore for Flut- Olnl $3.50 PANTS Ordered Work ! T0 UHDBR. ll you hnw-. new-r Irlccl In lorn Flue I-Iv Inn lime or I ood sensible l7rom-In (fair or Conluvnn WlIIkII[$00I. no In and In-. wlml we lmwr II will cost you noIIIln|;. mnl you may dllcover that you cnluu-I nu uood n Imol. no well mmlo, more ulylllh. and cc-rl.-lnly mm-In clncnmsr than by II`l|VIII[ your measure. New Bull Trimming: Ind Pompom to much Dress Goods. 8. a O`: 10 nod lo. Gingham: And Bnttoena no unequalled. All Oren und Flounolngu. In Wool, Luce Ind Embroidar we show the largest unortmonb. Bl EOlAL.-_A lot of Boys . Girls` nnd Mines` Heavy Wool H I-`or Il.5o you can buy an All Wool Corlucrew Conllny, Double I-`old. Ill W00], DIOG Ind EIDDFOIGOI W0 IIIOW H10 IIIROID IIIOINDODL BPE0lAL.-A Boylpr GIl|I' Bola. woh from 80 to 500.. 1.0 be cleared nu Ibo. per pnir. SPRING; {{"A`s'IiIE IIJ EfF(iii*EI swims". Spence & Crum|ey s Dress Goods ARE RAID Tn RF`. 'l`l1Ii'. wnwmm` wnnnrlanw` A van nnnunmnm Scone: & Grumloy. nroh 4 n. Mg;.;%g1u%L; Drum Luoo Curtains, Ihd;u Carmina. Turoomnn Ourldua. Ourisin Material: In late Amorlnu And English muloa. Odrhlu Poles. All Ilndl and lengths. Lowest Price.~4 in Collars, Cuffs, Ties, -Handkerchiefs Whit; and Colored Shirts, Braces, &c. x. c{>1is`riiiiA{r?I HARD TO ]ilCA'J` Y -17 (h-nts Ties for One Dollar. [F COUSINEAU White Whip Ibo; wary. They carry mentally out the not ; Ruin council. 1 loan for my mum. IBARGAINS OFFERED AT R. MoFAUL S. To-(lay we offer 1,200 Pieces Prints, Ginghnms and Sa- teens in light and dark slmdcs. Come early and secure In chow ' "0 piece. WALSH & STEACY March H. l RFMPEU swrr n. Our Culorml and Black Satin Nllarveilleux are selling rapidly. Only a few dresses of the low line remaining. Black Caslnncrcs. #9 French All-Wow Dress Goods. `1*`a.ncy Plaids, Stripes and Checks. Prices are from 15 to 25 per cent. lower than last Full. [PRINTS uvuuuuu vn unuu vy- A\I'lInII- Good Hemp Uupota loo. worth 150. Union Dutch Cnrpetm 20, 26, B00` Tapestry Carpool. new colors and doalgnb, $40., worth 500. sum Uu-pets. Stair Oil Cloths. and English And Amorionn Floor Oil Cloths. the chapel: in the city. from own Ix Blsonoo, Mob. 9. SILKS AN1f5iEss GOODS. Vary Fina Huilingu. 29 pnhternn. :11 Wool And good weight. 600. ~_.,,.,.. `*`iEc% *"*i`h**i6 ;Z a 75o. `l$5\L"IAi5f"`;l"_s5'E`i'cc7`}'z_a'," vary no. FINE TWEEDS in Bsnnookl, Twink. Mixtures, Uurls Ind Checks. l lJ.LA|DLAW& SON NEW QAR91_:TS. `NjEwJGARPETs;:% [FINE DRESS GOODS I Mrch 5. March 5 [NEW l RlN'l`S, NEW SATEENS, NEW GINGIIAMS. Mlroh 9. I SPMNQ DRESS Gopns. F. X. COUSINEAU S. All Wool and splendid pnterna, 40 and 450; Hnndlomo Strong Twist Tweeds, 20 pat- term. 500. March 8. I I I Much (I. J'- BIOEZIIOND 88 CO. Now Wool Uupou. Tuputry Cu-pots. Bmnuln Oupou. Volvul (upon. Bynnuno mm. Swim Bmbroldorlu 8, I. 7. 0. 10. life. Bilu lnunlonl I. 7, B, 10.12}, 15. > Book lulu: Embroldorlol. Low Pnon. , , . Book Kuhn Inurtloul. Low Prion. Romm Embtoldorhl at Rodnood Pnou. I00 Plot-on White Oonon all M Paduood-Ptlou. Lonodnlovoamxno. Indln uwnn. Llnon Lawn. all otlaow Pram]. V A 1 . ` Feb 93. L3; WAN" INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. New Sarge Dress Goods at 10c. New Spot and F i ured Dress Goods at 12c. New Lace Dress oods at 120. New All Wool Nun's Veilings at 160. New Gray De Beige Goods at 15c. The New Canvas Cloth, all colors. A Joly Lot of Scarf Pins at 1Iulf1 ricc. The Finest Assortment of Gents Ties can he seen at F. '1/\ .vmr\v1u A vvnn John Haiifsnn x. 80.. _ J _ ARE SAID TO BE THE NEWEST, NOBBIEST AND CHEAPEST. 3HAIN:s 3: LOCKETT. At Pricesthat will Astonish you. :9: PRINCESS STREET. % vv.A.:I:.n:B{o:lt. 30 LALES OPENED OUTI.` T0-DAY. .A_ an. ..._._u. up- 'I.JOU8E FURNIBHING GOODS. T CURTAINS- HA3 ARlH\'l`ID AT BOYS TWEEDS. IM and I34 Prlloou Smol- Opp. Windsor Hotel. av.- I80 PIIIIIIESS 81'. J. lllflllg C CO. SAT EENS. %CU`RTAlNS. DDS. TWRBDS ALL DUWN IN PBIGB. BETTER VALUE AND LARGER VA- riety than ever oered before. -1. Hardy & Murray s.} 3,000 Yar0-s`00w 'l'weeds,} 0/mom) Ebiinsuenr. Fob. 10th. ENOUGH ALL WOOL TWEED TO _-L- - -uni n WADPYS DRUG STORE. DAIRY BUTTER In Rolls 4! Firkinn. E'Bnve money Ind buy Twoeds at Much 9. BUTTER IN SMALL PACKAGES. _...I V60 um um run $2.5o Uor. Princess nud Montreal Streets. lunch I. Prints 83., A oonoontnlcd extnol of Wild Cherry. Eon I Lound. Elocunpnno and olhvr vnlunblo Ingra- dlenu. It In plenum. harlinmmlld and harm Ion. Don Inmll. Eeoc sure. In homes 95 none tounoo. Yo! ho. how we 0. Oh. how the win blow. CHEAP EDITION. !o!ho.howwo Oh ha-u-In :uo,i'o;';'o', ' .havtluwm blow. BY BANKS WIN1`lIl. The New Ionlutoro. The;New -Bookstore, COR. KING I BROOK BT8. Received this morning Lb SECOND VERSE. `run smm n1~rnann.| Ioulmyv Molhu. nun vv vv-.a .. mnke In um 30 uunnu. and I nrpnuu nu ..r-u. Fwsln cod fish. Ga por lb. ; frcsln lumi- dock. Dc pm` lb.:l.alce Ontario fresh white ab, 10 per lb. ; fresh salt. water herringn. Isa pol` doz. ; Labrador salt hurringu. me do /.. ; salt wlum nah, 50 per lb. znnuu Iuuldics. 10 per lb. Jae. Crawlonl. Eu`: Cflllll Balm lot Ontarrh at. the Plmrmacy. All who have used this state that it is the boat. article ever need for the relief and cure of oaurrh and cold in the head. We have import- ed 1 ion of this balm direct from the manufacturer in Oawego. N.Y.. and no em vouch [or its being genuine. W. J. Wilson. *- \" llmtery hlovennnnlu. A Bamury left; lhxttlufur-I wlth ve oiuem. eighty-three men. a (intliuunml eighteen horses on the Hth for Swift. Curnnt. They arrive on the lz't.h. l`ho ying column in expected on tho 25th. l`lvoryt.lninu is in readiness. uy-cur alipyur nu um mu-uu --um. About twenty brcvureu oi Cammqni Lpdpo. A F. & i\.M.. had an oyster i-xup~ per at tho |'niou llotol last evening. Mr. J. C. Clmrles prosnioii. and the lodge remained in session until Vllitlliihta. Touts. songs and spcuzhcs were tho order ol the evening. lllllll Ulnoaru I-or I.IllI' uullrlrl. Tho lollowiug olcers lmve arrived at the Royal Military College for long courses: Major D. Mcb. Vince, Brighton Engineers; Capt. G. U. Bowen, 53rd Butt; Lieut. L. B. Donkin. 931-d Hm. : Lieut. W. E. Russell. 71st. Butt. ; Liont. W. J. C. Chidsby. 15th Bath. I unu nuunuvu mu --up;-7-. - u. . Tho 'I`oront.oPolo Club will play the Kingston on tho 2lt.hund `. . nthiust.. and next month the latter will go to Toronto. A match between the Kingston and tho (ntnfvvzxs is being arranged. Unclp lflllll. Lemons. 200 don. ; sweet oranges. 200 ; Malugu grapes. 150 per lb. ; 8 lbs. choice dates. 250; 1 box table gs, 100:8 lb. can pie peaches, 15 ;13 lb. can pumpkin. we ;cranbcrriea, 10c quart. Jun. Crew- 10 rd . .:.a,__. PIIOE. OILY Ill BEITS! .:.3,__. Sp ndluu II Plenum Tlma. Yesterday alberuoon ladies and gentle- u:en,t.o the number 01 thirty. spent some time on the fort tohoggan slide. Subse- quently tbey visited the ot1icers' quarters at the tort. and received roval treac- quenuy may vmneu we ouwers quurwns at the fort royal ment. Attending a Lodge Mooclng. About fteen Oran omen visited L 0.L. No. 495. Wolfe In and. In: evening. 8 echo: were delivered by Bros. ` T orntonl J. Bzowu.J. Adams, W. Mo` ` I`--nmnn nn] Hnidnr nl thnnihv Am` T'hornton.v Brown. J. Gammon u:t1J. Snider. of the city, and by Bros. D. Donnelly, W.M.. J. Don nelly, D.M.. 8. Monte: snd W. Hender- son. of Wolle Islnod. 1'0 CllV'l rrounullluuu. Moderate and fresh south-we.-It aw] south. ne milder weather. IIIU nunul III a IJIIIIIIII There Inc I lune uttondsuc t the funeral of the lute Mr. W. H. L: deryou this afternoon. The 'Pr.nmo Boys were out in force. The pull-bouou were Messrs. P. Ilunter. H. Hunter. J. Lem- mon. J. Pigoon. F. Evnrd and Duid Busha . The decened luven I yonnq wife w on he married but ten months ago. Sincere sympathy is extended to the banned widow. rrvuu-III; rl'IIII II Dllluilllo Dr. K. N. Fonwiok at the clone ol the Ionionol onminntionn In .t.ho Royal Col- logo in obototnon sud gynecology pro- nentod two rizu. hgndoome Ioroopl. to lulu. D. .. Iuudoll and E. W. Wright. Ho oomplimontod tho members ol the clue upon thoir emoioucy. situation and ooureuy. Tho Itudonu. In nun. - ed I motion which thunkod Dr. on- wloh (at his ublo course of lootunn and (or hit kindness und Attention to the uudonu. j WED. ll lzll pm. The Rogulu looting: of tho Ancient And A3- nepzod Soonllh Bile ol Eroounnnuul are held In their !lLll,ournor of Brook had 0111:: ton streets. Kingston Lodz: of Perfection, T7 v E i.-':.';_'g.&.u.- ".s'::.`h'-':a'r :;;`: r.w;; .*.a.v.-.;ee Croll. ns Wodnudny In non mouth. OUHT "FRON'l`ENAO." No. 50. ,[nde ndonl Order of Foreuen, mean on Lnd third Thurldny In ench month |n0ddfolluwa` Hnlhcorner of Prlnoou and Mantras! Btroatl. 3.) Duo. 21. (over llondry B I`homp|on' zoom. uuunu. 237 UUEE. h"l'.. -j-TTP Bail hno, an In-sight :1 sn snow. My yuht Ihooh slong on the cult of the In, Sui! bout. to Hunt Inuit Du-row, In her don hula home she in uniting for I.) Gear 0`: Ball, Weill: Tuenday o every month. In `In I'l|I'l'TlIl'I'lI ,I I month In J-. ufnbnnirrs. 51.0.. cn.M., 1..ri.:.v.m., I Edinbnrzh. Mamba: 01 me Coiioge oi Physicians a I neonl. Ontario. l Ioynl Arrapnm. I Hr: REGULAR MEETINGS of the at. Law- ronoe Council. Royal Arosnum, no held on the nu! And third Mondnya In very month II 8 p.m., In the Osunqul Uad Fallon Hull. Prin- colu Bunch. A Doc. 1%. 00 and P00 "Dolly lion. "Dolly Stone." the rollor pining hone, will Appear n the rink to-Inortow anal . rho nuilnnl gnu II oxhlbitlon in B do on the Oil: int. and the Ex- preu an at tho pa-lonmuoe: "DolIyJ and around the rink two or lhrool -hung, nnnunhnnlu -iuuun -nu\ A-4.-.I.lu (`imam suuluanlp lounpuny. SAILING from New York ave:-Z` Saturday. Authorized Agent, 1'. A. FOL ER, Ferry Dock, tool of Bro k at... Klunton. Anoxouu nu uuuuu uuugu. nu. u. u. ...-.-- any. April let, 5: E30 p.m. Hindu. Lodoo. No. M8. on Monday. April am. II 1:30 p.|n. Onnnqui Lodge. No.98}. on WIdnIJdIy.M|rch au7{33'p.i:T ' onus ul 10th. It z vrh. I-lnanlnv alumnus of am Annlom unuu uwna an nu we or nine sinus. y without our iron): The animal potionnn may oh sticks. nob ulollovingih Inlnorhu - wads. qnlkill 3 pink only In in in width. Ilnading on her band. picking on! dilouni oolnnnd hnndkorohiofn. which make up In interesting exhibi- tion well worth seeing." ._ ,_.g 14A_ \ ' olutu I-wt. No. 5 lhprou lolven Klngon A as p.m.. con- ueunu with U.P.1t. Nlgnthwresa train :1. Shar- bot Ln e for all 1 oluu out and west. J. I]. TAYLOR, I*`.0ONWA7. B. W. FOLGER. Asst. Suxrr. Ann. Gav. l`BBl. Art. Eup`(. TE LE PHONE. Mllllllf IKO`[lIllll' NI('l`llIl[l. Ancient 81. John : Lodge. No. 3, on Thurs- 7:30 wlnmpeg mm nourn. No. 1 Mixed lone: Klnu-non 'I:30s.m..arrlvu at Shnrhot Lake 10.50 3.111.. Ind Boufmw 3:15 p.m.; connecting with O.P.l(. Express {or points | lxprou_lo_nea |iln_g~:on _l vIll--n9n- Arrives Tomnto 9210 p.111. ` (ntnwt 0:25 P In. " Mnmronl I0: 0 pm ` liomrow (J 20 D In. Pnnenaora Inning by I Winnipeg Sum hours. Na. 1 mun huvna mm-_ BEST nmICll-l-1-1_l l.l'I` R0lJ'l`B u...A........ In...._.mn Dnixurlinrn. Tnrnnln Ottnwn TASK IIIIIIIAIIISAII Ills: -01:11:`: Between I(In:u'.ou, Petorboro. Toronto, Otcnwn Montreal. Quobecmnd l.ll pomll out and went No. 3 Ex rosaloaven Klugzazon In I130 [:.m. ' omnw 6:251 srsongu-n-nu - -v--- ____.__ _ ,,,, m=.\v, mmwr. FI1_o'1-z7r1cs'1`. QUlOKl.'b'I`, (Jhmpen and Best Equipped All Bull Route to Manitoba And the North West. IA'l'U||IlA\'. Tswana received by Power & Hon ml noon. .,.___{:j.:_4:___-% I . .1. L \I and \u u Gonoral `Hahn! Agent, Ferry Wharf, - Footo! Bro KINGSTON. --um-- Canada Pa1_x_i_1g Railroads. _-.._. -......-....m ruivllilflxgl ronmuon penuumg W In -Auuwu, up- A. r OLGER an-rnl 'l'llII.OI Axonl. 1110' Hi I: up `hum elm : thoy no cnmy. hon`: whore the girl of my hurl Unit: for mo. 30 hi ho. I long [or on Mquie. 1' out my bit: Wing: sud all 0 to tho. Val Inn how u: on ll.`lL'l|`UAI. Mu : ncu In Onlmlo Hall at 8 [um rnuuv. ] GENERAL TIEET AGEN Y } EVJR Clll'.APl3'l' TICKIIB to I um and my automation pertaining to I um , ap- TIHUAX. "Donn" It the Roller Rink. nurnnuuv, Oyntor Supper at line Unlnn Hotel. AI.....; t......\o.. `.v-xv`. -nu nl l'nOnv-an TIC Dill! 0K Illllllil SENEVOLENT BO0lF1'l`Y.N0. 33, meal in St.` Bull, Wolllnnton 85., Ind And an wnday KINGSTON &. PEMBROKE ..n~.___ Illllsln Ollcen For Long Cunnu. `L- 1-! _:.... l\ml\lIQZ L--u. no-h:Ivn1 F. CONWAY. W. FOLGEK, Sum. Puccini: Prluo to Itlldolllo . I! U I.'-__:-|. -A AL- -1--- -1 FOR COUGHS 8c COLDS