Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Mar 1886, p. 3

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Builnblo Trlmmlrlgl. Linings, Csnvu, Belloin. Buttom, Twins. &o., (or All Twoedn. "8sve money sud buy Tweed: It SUIOKIIHI, 1`Bouv.o I Mljol IVIIQUI7 vvumuunu-Iuncu un- uI1-Pnheblo Ind erlhe Innboe. At the meeting 0! the Ichool board Int evening a long diunuiou was pre- cipitated by the committee ol sch management. 'I`o this committee w referred the lmualiry into the alleged impropriety of . H. Godwin. aacher in Queen St. school. in bringing an immoral" show to the city. The report Iteted that bythe examination of several witnouius it was learned that Mr. (Jod- wiu had nothing more to do with the show than hiring the City Hall and as- ainliug to collect the proceeds for his brother. Enoch Godwin. Tho commit- tee. thorciore, considered. from -the rigid examination Mr. Godwin was subjected to. ho was not very much to blame. and they didn't hesitate to say that hewould not have anything more to do with tour- ing troupes ln luture. _ Annended to the remrt was a recom- RI all the members 01 mo COIHIIIIIIOO. r. Wilson said some of them had re- fused to sign their names. but he did not "km?! J14.-.~i.r mi-..-e'>1!f-,..!I,,~.i~re!iiI2r,;..:.:'i I:tr:.."` Godwin had always been a. faithful teacher, and we had never heard com- plaints against him. Mr. Savage said the committee ahonll have brought in a. report that would meet the views 0! the majority. Mr. Wiluon thought Mr. Sev- nge had no, right to speak no he did. The documert mbmitted wu only a report of when had been nsoerteined by the committee during an enminntion. He did not know what other method the committee could have adopted than to report on the evidence received. um" A rum. MEETING. NOT A FULL Iliciuinu. Mr. Dunlup said that there was nota full meeting of the committee when the matter was discussed. He understood that there would be another meeting before the board was called together. Mr. Poison said it was too bad that this matter should be discussed all over again. Dr. Fee said there was no report below the board. The report submitted was not properly signed and could not he read. 'l`he chairman ruled to this effect. l\lr. Savage moved. seconded by Mr. Brown. that th` report be referred back to the committee on school manage- ment. Mr. Wilson objected and said that the committee could not furnish another report. All that could be done had been accomplished. Mr. Shaw stated that Mr. Wilson should have brought in u reportembodying the views of others in the committee as well as his own. He thought the majority of the members of the committee could draft a report. and if Mr. Wilson did not wish to sign it he could submit it minority re- port. Mr. Wilson essaycd to speak again. but Mr. Shaw rose to a point of order. Dr. Fee thought there was nothing to prevent the committee sub- mitting another rcport. and no discus- aion should be permitted until it was submitted. SIIIPLY A winner or iivinsucit. Mr. J. Mcammon understood. by what Mr. Wilson had said, that his report was the result of the evidence taken by the committee in Mr. Uodwiu's case. Mr. Dunlop said that Mr. Brown had left the meeting of the committee before its business had been completed, and he deserved the censure of the board. Dr. Foo added. "I think the member of the board whom the .\'z-u-.-I has `pulled up.` should pay more attention to busiuc-am" (Loud applause `I ` l`lm nmtlon was uuhaiittod and lost on mg troupes Ill Iuuun! Appended report a. mendation tbatiu future McLeod and Mchean scholarships be valued at 915. mu I:(:'rlNn To THE BIPDBX`. OBJICTINO To run nu-our. Mr. Wilson, who was chairmen of the wheel management committee, had to submit the report. without. the signatures of a majority on it. When the document wu about so be read olfechions were raised. The chairman us ed Mr. Wil- son why the reporn had not been signed :7 all the members of the committee. .. lilann -niil smmn nf tluam luau] re. Tfjgrzns END BLONDESL Mu} olthejoud Inn for `non- ble-I-lO't!'m`Il IO Loon; or the `Inn- IQIIII cl lvilaue Wltloll I llued Io- --.` n.-n.n|. 1.4 lb In-In.` (baud applause` I The motion the following division: Yeas. Messrs. Brown. Dnulop. Savugo. Slmw. Ii. Nays. the chairman. Messrs. Allen. Conlov, lloru. McCa.m1uou, Polnon. Tracey. Williamson and Wilson. `J. I Inna ohm. nuwmi luv l\Tr, \Vilnnn. willmmaon uuu wuson. :1. It. wan then moved by Mr. Wilson. seconded by Mr. Conley. that the report. as anbmittmd. be called ll. tralmclip of the evidence taken by the committee, uud road. This: motion was carried. Mr. Duulop contended that tho stunn- moucof Mr.(iodwiu lacked truth. and that 6 performance similar to the one which Thu liloudea" had given in 'l`oront.o was uuly averted how by tho unaidt1it,_v of Mr. Ireland, the city tram. mu...- FOR COUQHS 8c COLDS __ 1-nv 'nIn._ IUINU `nib .\i.\:\` .wnii\,i~.. Mr. l`oison tiiougiit that in justice to Mr. (ioiiwin tiie report should be tabled. in iiincussinn the niiitter the board wen only drawing the attention of the public to tile .~\liow." uud cun.-+iiii' the children of tire `iCil()0lH to nliscui H it. 'i`lie report mull in ii the coniinittce linil piirposml to CLl...`illi0 .\ir. Godwin. but lie (l'clr-ion) luid leiunrul that this wiis not intended. 1 Or. Fee lid not think this mutter should be iiuaiieil up. if Mr. (iodwiii wiis guilty olsn impropriety he should ` bepnnished (expelled). snil Mr. Show was of the same mind. Dr. Fee ob- served, You tslk about the Scott Act. but i think the morality of the commu- nity is oi isr more importance end should he looked eiter more strictly." Mr. Poison moved. seconded by Mr. Metham- rnon. thstns since the committee huve found thet Mr. Godwin hed no direct connection with the troupe silnded to. end. es it is impossible to establish such connection unless it be lone under oath. which the committee line no power to '10. the evidence submitted be placed on fyle. Mr. Poison ssld tint if it had been cleerly proven thnt Mr. Godwin wes responsible for the iippesrsuce oi the show in the city. end thnt be derived uniery benet irom it. he ii`) would isve been in invor oi censoring him. but it weu not plsin that Mr. Godwin wee uilty of these things. sud. therefore. in Justioe to him run snnsii IIOULD ss nnori-so. lie wee very much opposed to high islutin morality." which some persons tellred ebout on oocesions oi this kind. Dr.-Fee sne ped. "There is no `high- iulntin mo ity' shout me. but if Mr. Godwin is guilty oi this cence he should be censured." After oonslderehle discussion Mr. Show moved in smend- ment. seconded by Mr. Seuge. thst the ' hoerd should express its opinion. con- cerning Mr. Godwin's ceee. thst the evi- dence showed on his pen ectlon high- ly censnrehle. end then the trsnscript oievidenoe be entered in the minutes. The amendment wee lost end the mo- tion eerried. The Godwin use is. there- iore. st less st rest. .._ __...-__._-._ llljli E II rvlIII-UI|u- Tho Po:-tunonth saloon-reopen an rojolood M the hot that tho Scott Act will not come into force on my -1. nI.unIicipuo mother your`: license. no time Ind men: were unl in nearing the victory, and grout diam- tion in oxpronod by tho tampon-unoo pooplo thus in loci in buying the not nned nhonl dcful their plum.- Tho conux in hold: 3 oonn ol up- pnl lot in casual diuuicl in tho town hull on Apro 0th.-Tbo English church Unndny oohool give 3 dnmnio exhibition. with nlmhmontl. on Mon- Ini Qalnal int 4` u-xummon. Inn :1 'dAy.8:Iodiut. I _i_... DIIT IITKII -_ 3 ZIDITI 0| the Pbnrnucn All who Innzoud Ihiuutuollnllul thobutmkbom and lot In rang! and can at cnunh and gold in nu bud. Wu Int: human. I0! IIII PQIIOI IIIII Olll. OI OIIIITIJ odd in tho hood. W0 Inn import- nlotol this hula dhootlton the n-nlnnlnnr In Onionn. N_Y.."nirl an an annex nnuuun anoltan we nnuhotunl In Oungo. N.Y.."tid no on vooohtor its bolnuzonainow `V. J. \\'iInnn. . H. GODWI `B OAIE AGAIN DIBOUBIID BY THE PUBLIC E5005 BOARD. OIII was _ Wilson. L-_._A ..._._._.. ID`! GIOOII 15 DI` mlfl .- BL--n-`-. All -L- L.-gr ___.oo----~- In Portsmouth. n...o.-mnth nnlnnnmnn A ounoumrnlml Mine! of Wild Cherry. Horo hound. lcloounpuna and other vnlmblo lnxm Mann. Ills pleuun. he:-ling. mud nnd harm- lu-I. Don unnll. ltoct nurr. In houlu U l i r l -.~ ...;....,a;mis.ti.a;:;-w ma-lritiette uud L}.-.*r,4_e:.l.`V`5,!!v,fg .. . included in a $21 fee. Dr. Smythe, (or the Board at the In- stltute, explained the dilculty in their wav. The amount in question was very light. 686 a year. but principles were in- volved. There could be no reduction in Institute fees without a great deal of dissatisfaction and loss. Scholars are new sent by citizens under that motive ` boyswmcu lii3'ti'il I i7i3tY"i'i1t4'i`ti.i}e"MrIl. :biu=` Lead; the would claim equal privilege. as might e parents of taxpayers in general. If the deilcieucy had to be made up by either board. it came out of the city's pocket and it was much better that it should be done by the Public School Board. as the will restricted the scholarships to pupils of their schools, while the Institute was supported by all classes of citizens, Protestant and Catholic. Hitherto no discrimination in feet had been tolerated. though one gentleman had sent five boys at one time. . BILLIE: l`he public school deputation pointed out that they could not rightly call for fees to pay for Institute tuition, and in that light hoped the Institute would give way. After an dsnlol consideration oi all these points. the Institute trustees showing by an example from another body the danger of discrimination, a compromise was affected, as proposed by Messrs. Horsey and Dunlap. and re- commended after a similar deadlock in 1881-the examination now to proceed as usual at midsummer, and the success- ful pupils to receive the certicsts as far as the bequest will allow and to pay the balance 01 the fees individually. The Institute Board will teke the risk of col- lecting the shortage. The conference ended very happily, the Ihnde of old time jealousy being no longer visible. Tho People Whole Movou:;:n.`l|yInu and many. Anna! Pnulnn Auonllon. Ind Ins tor mac. Mr. ilson. as chairman of the com- mittee u n school property. stated that the P.S. osrd did not leel satised with the Institute Board's recent reply; that discrimination as to price was possible on two grounds; that a scholarship be- quest. carried out by public competition. gave exco tional and honorable charac- ter. and t at reduced lees might, in that light. be granted; and that six 0 nt. on the principle of all trade. be t on in one order" at reduced rate. The lute Mrs. McLeod, when willing the scholarships. fully expected them to cover the fees of six pupils. and at the rate of interest current at that time would do so. as the rate then was 018, the charge for stationery. 03, being paid ` for us an extra by the pupil. not, as now, included in $21 fee. In n.....i.i... 1" mm Rmn-d at the tho any for several days. Priucipul (Brunt; has been proposed, as Moderator of the Presbyterian Gen- eral Assembly` by tho Poterboro I re.uby- ery. Mr. B. \\'. Folger. ueueral superinten- Mr. 15. n. rolgor. uuuurux 2 dent. of the K. L I`. It, has 2' the city from Lower Canada. In is mnorted that Mar. -..,.-_.-- A Ocnlnnnnhnhz `lion uouotod I0 . .. mu -AI I-zuhatnrllr. Dual Ana: than uo-uou-. ~... ms): and Inuuaotorny. Yesterday Afternoon the trustees of the Collegiate Institute and Ad utstion dthe Pnbllc School Based he s con- letance upon the scholarship question. one of null moment in snuncul sense. -nut n wnvg nnnntinn nf lta. Tbre rxerre hutulllru Au vury In In nu. nu- guatino. Fla. Sir John A. Mnodonald is so ill as so In oontlued to his house. . nuns A Mnlnna (harden Inland. has In oonnueu to ma uouse. Capt. A. Malone, Garden Island, has purchned several houses on Montreal street. Mr (lnnran Hnmrmn. I\`l.P.P.. Addinm WHITE WINGS street. Mr. George Demsou. M.P.P.. Addingp ton.is very ill at. the Walker House, Tomato. M. 'I` 5-} l`.nln tnuvnliinu nnnrntnrv nf the any from Lower Unnuun. It. is reported M 1-. D. Racine. Bishop of Ctnconhimi. wl I be called to Quebec to not an ooadjutor to the new ondinal. Arnhhinhnn 'l`m:nlmmnn. (Jnnhm. was smell in nnnucru uuu. yet 5 vexed question nf lute. were present. for the Institute Board. `Ir Qnllivnn l)l'. Rmvtha. B. W. Robert` presentifor Bond. 1):. Sullivan. Dr. Em the. non, Dr. Pbelsn. E. . B. Penna; for the P18. Bond. Means. T. C. Wilson. R. M. Honey. Dunlop. A. Horn, J. W. Brown. and Ins&ector Kidd. Mr Ilnnn an nhnirmnn Of `ha `reroute. Mr. '1`. S. Cole. travelling secretary of the provincial Y.M.().A.. will remain in the city for several days. Prinnlnul monosed.l oa.r(nnax. Archbishop 'l`aechereau. Quebec. was the recipient of many cong,vratulal.ious yesterday upon his elevation to the dig nity of curdnml. I... [1 Hriuwnhl nmmf. nf Hm l.'ninn mcy ox curunnu. Im. I`. Uri.-nvold, agent of the Union Pacla Railroad, Dotroxt. and 1`. W. Landon, ()t.bu.\\'n. are at the Burnett House '1"hnmun A Andnrnnn, nitnnl writnr House Thomul A. Anderson. editorial writer for tho Guelph . l1-rwur;/, died yesterday from consumption. Mr. Anderson was, during Inn career. connected with the ()tt.nw:L /"rrr l rr~'.v, //vm`.~nmI, Prescott. l'lumdmIn'. Cbathlm '1'riImnw and Tnr~ (nto Mail. Ho was 87 vears of age. n....;.,nn-ml no-. Hm llritinh Amnrinnn (nto Mml. no was DI veins 0! age. llouiaterod at the British American llotol: C. Hutcliiuaon. Paul lriu A. Cnuieron,Tl1os. S. Cole. A. Paula, To- rnuuo: Lxxinia Hing and lady. Capo Yin- uent: I. Reid. Connecticut; llonrv ll. Davis. Hamilt.ou; F. I`). l\'. Stuml. l".ng~ laud ; l). l\lcl-lwlin. Cornwall; 8. Percy Buchanan, I). (). Inglis. J. ll. Jones, jr., Thou. (lmlmm. J. Wilson, J. H. Logic, J. ll. Murm '. (l. A. Mclmron. 1`). Paolo an]. A. l".. 'xllinms. J. 1 . Black. Mon- treal. .__.__... ILOUNH ' BI$'I"l`l:}H VALUE AND LARGER V.\~ _:-... .1... nvnll narml hafnr. ` I no Eponkornj llnunnrkl lr=OInI|I'lI-n IJIUIIIIJII nucuuu. Agood many attended the meeting in the Ontario Hall last. evening. (sailed in the interest of the Y. M. O. A. The cbsir was occupied by Dr. Angllu. who stated the object of the meeting, snd utter the singing ol "All Hail the Pew- er," and ptsyor by Rev. Mr. Blsnd. in- troduoed the speakers of the evening. Rev. Dr. Hooper. Rev. Dyson Hsgne. of Bxookvillmsnd Mr. T. S.Cole. unvei- ling secretary of the Y.`.\I.C.A., snd Mr. Stndd. Cambridge College evangelist. All those men Insdo interesting address- .. mm g ummuin nf them will Annauu in All these men mean Inwrvlun I(llll'5l- on and 9. synovil of them will appear in Sntutdny'n \ am. Mr. Studd was en- recinlly pointed in whet he hld to say. i obeened thet the city had uloonn ; why '2 Because th hreople vented them. They lied not Y. .C.A. rooms; why `I Beouiue, npperentl .they did not want them. He hopedt ey would Alter cli'~ cnmetnncen. so that those conveying the inference drown by him would no longer exist. A word mote in ell tlintin ne- oeuui-y now. 'l'ho rooms over Wade : drn note will be at commend ol I Y.Nf.0.A. onl until Setnrdny even- ing. The cit lot]! will be under the ne- ceiiaity. therefore. of eating decisively and qniekly. The one in in their huide. With them rent: the responsibility cl disputing nfll. _..----.._.__ KIPPBD BY Till MOI!` OITII I003." Iho flu Ihlol which will loll IIO Open llonu an Iuuvdny llqbh The human: lung comedy. Shipped by the L I o! the Moon." Nth the oomodilnl red Lennon Ind Wnltor by IO L I 0! H10 MOOII." ll] ILIU - comediene Lennon Lennon. jr.. will he cntod et the Opere Home on next turdey evening. `flue piece is eeid to be the Inoet lengh- ehle comedy of its clue end he: he e wonderful encoeee in the Uni'od Staten. ' crowding the theetree to reection in every lerge cit in the country from Ooetonte Sen rencieco. The Boston lhrald eeye o! it: "The dieloaue lerrly bcbhlee with puns. be it eeid, e number oi then: ere reelly ce itel; the ection cl * the price It very repi . end in the second ect. where the two principele ere chased by e policemen ehont end through en o eter ehenty. on the beech oi Seretone. 1 t e hneineee end the execution ere , worthy the heet invention end execution , ol the Henlon Brother: in Le Voyeae . en Uuieee." It in in thin oonetent chenge , election. in this repidity `of movement. 3 in the ceeetent ebenge oi methode. that . the elnneernent ol the eldience ie neyer ellowetl to ceeee end eeldorn to u." llllllli -nu-uw nuuuuuu u---w........ Pierre Lorillnrd is very ill at St. Au- mgoinn In`!- Tl IGEIDD SCHOLARSHIPS- DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MARCH 12. MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION- TWBBDR ALL DDWN 1N PRIBB. . Folger. general superinten- Im K .1: I` Ii, lmn 2'1-Mlrnml tn Iupcnunuu- Muruetl to ..~.s~.a... .~.___..__. Dr. Lavell. in his interview with Riel at Regina. went over the subject 0! his employment from the time he left ior Montana until his return to the North- Weat. Riel gave a careful account of his history. Dr. Lovell broke into his narrative and asked him if it was true that he had been engined in am ling whiskey. He evaded the question. Dr. Lavell told him. as he talked cl his faniil . that his patriotism was ques- tione . that he would sell out {or 835.- 000. Rielleoked sharpl at Dr. Lavell and remarked. Well. tIie government told 1116 they would give me that and more than that for the services I ren- dered nt the time Lieut.-Governor Ar- chibald was in Winnipe ." "But you would take less." ssi Dr. Lavell. "What would you take ?" replied Riel. I would take all I could get.` He said that had he secured the money he would have provided for his family first. and then he would have done the best he could with the remainder in aid of the Metis. Dr. Lovell engaged Riel in con- versation about the rebellion. sud. speaking of it. said rmly, Riel, you left your people in the lurch." "Yes." he answered, "I saw it was all up. It came upon me too soon. sooner than I ex cted. I was not ready." He was evidently referringte the Duck Lake. ailray. iel said that although he had . >-r'.7.l-u.r!-..A.<:..I-:.~wv-'w~- and t e'tmns pert system `the troops came down too suddenly. He win only the civil head, Duinont the military chief. Riel was questioned about the murder of the priests. and Dr. Lsvell asked, "How could you have the heart to do that dastardly act '2" and Riel re- spcnieal, I was not responsible. ll` inv counsel had produced the papers they would have shown that I tried to prevent the murder of the priests." "But," added Dr. Lavell. on lrnew that if the Indians were exoite to bloodshed there ...... .... nnllinu rim rmmlt." Then Riel I ext . excited to niooasuen there was no telling the resuit." Then very coolly said, I had good control of them ; they knew me." "in PREPARING roa IT." Dr. Laveli said that when Riel was speaking of his family he exhibited much emotion and in re ard to his exe- cution would exclaini. am trying to prepare for it." He held that his object in abandoning his church. was to control his peop`e better. to let them see that he had a superior power at his back. "The people were so rstitions." he said. end I could hand e them best that way." "What do you think now. ask- ed the interviewer. "about your notions, then?" "Oh," answered Riel. I'm face to iace with death now, I'm trying to repent and Fiither Andre is so very qood." Riel was evidently trying to seek pardon. He declared that his thoughts were continually in regard to his condi- tion. Dr. Lavell, who was aware that a respite had been nrdtred. said. "Sup- posing you were respited what would be the result ?" "I don't know." the con- demned man replied. "I would try and do the best I could under these oonditionsier myself and tamilv." Riel was extremely sensitive about his family. Freqiieutly he exclaimed, The thou lite cl inv chil- dren trouble hie. lwoii I like to live lcr their enkoe. but if it's God's will all right." lie was elm l')lill ll his people and frequently tnllmd oi his mission. ilc. as n leader oi the Mntis. wanted the l\' Jrtii-West for his people. lie said : The governments have not trciitod us well. not this present one, but all 0! them." Ile held that the Indians were not troiited well and displayed consider- able lceonness oi` intellect when he Hil(l0(l that when the ooiintry was secured ireui the Hudson's lluy Company, the govern- ment sliculd have paid the Indians so much an acre for the land and invented the money for their benet. They had nothing new and the government had to provide for them. iii; \\'ANT|<'.l) A 8T|i:N()()lL\l llF.Il. Riel HUClI.i0(l to have iilikinu for Dr. Lovell us he 0X[)f88H(`.(l liiiusclf iis deep- lv grateful for his conversation and sympathy. and turning to (Jul. lrvine said: "1 am so ulail that you have per~ mitteil this gentlemen to talk so freely with me." Un Monday. before the re spite was given. Riel bid Dr. Lavell iarewell. with tears in his eyes. and said ..i .......i.i m mm-.h like to see voii euain. WARDEN LAVILL BEIATIB INCIDENTI ABOUT RIIL WHILE V[Bl'l'INO- Ie lvuel Seven! Qlullom Pal `boll Ill! run l.m-In Inc with Ila Noni-Wt-ll Dlicrelt lode cl C%I'lDfII Illlfl --(Belling OI I Pun. (erewell. witu tears in uiuuyuu. um. um. I would so much like to see you ngtin." Dr. Luvell saw him after the respite. ile llllll lIBl(0ll leave to speak to Uol. Irvine and was taken over to the orderly room. Ulevorneas and islirewdue-in were displayed in the rcquerit made for ii ateuogmplier. lie Llmukonl God tliiit he bin] is little longer to prepirre for death. but he wished for e Hl.Cl.l0f{l`llpll0l.` to whom he could dictiite his thoughts, as he hind rnuoh matter to l0M'0. "My mind is 5) diiiLrircteil," lI0 nuid, that I cannot `collect my tliouglita rind write them down. 1 would like to have someone to whom I could dictate us 1 walk up and down." Riel was particularly reticent nbout the Scott airir. He had talked to Capt. Young as he was lmiiig taken down the Saskatcliowuu. but when asked aliout the conversation iippenrod to suffer pain and. lieeitntingly. re lied: "I don't lrnow- Oh. never mind." Vlien asked about his nationality he re iliod that he wasa little of ever-ythiugz, ll ittle French.nlittle Indian and (rich. very little Iriah. "and on Tuesday next of A little (h)'Igherlnnd." Riel. in speaking of hia country. declared that the North- Weet should have in government 0! its own. the genius ol the people called for 5 different kind of government. the peculiar oharaoter of the people and the climate demanded a government adapt- ed to their conditions. It was a ne land, he WEE wrapped u in it. and he loved it. Then he exole med. "While I was in Montana 1 longed to get back to run nnnnha nanin," D0` to in Montana 1 longer! to gun Dims w my eoplo auxin." Riel did like dwo l on the killing ol the miasiannries. It was not his doings. Ono at tho Poor rooplo Inruod out 0!` III Ilolpllll and nut In I'll:-Ivan. "Well old man. aid 3 repol-Mar to 3 won: out specimen of Immunity on the Itrneh this morning. "where did you utopluu night ?" "In the pollen ata- tion."bo replied. The wreck wu Mi- ohul Cnnnon alum Tummon.dlnol1ug- ed in oonooqnonoo 0! Mr. John Duff`: ac- tion irotnlho gononl boopihl. "mm: In van nonmna ?" nid tho line you my pleoe to no to ?" No. but I'm trying to get into t Home of Providence. I've got the pro- "How olten, hue you stopped this week in tho police station ?" "Three tunei. Cannon mud his proper homo was Tnmmon. The Itovnrd u the hospital put it down no "Cannon" become the old men sold it made no dieronce. Stewnrd Wataolfalotter. uhllehed yea- Ierdny. oontelnod than `'3 id loot" : "Ween not in tho hehit of turning out poor and helpless people without uoertnlnlmg ell ebout them. it being pert of my duty on utowud. when pau- ner mtionh ere dischunod by the me- '()h. on the ettout prlnolpelly." BOYS TWEEDS. put ol duty Iuwua. wuen plu- r rctionta diachugcd by 'ou omoot. to hold them on until an-1-nlnnAlnAnll nun ha lllldn for H18`? dial hold them hero unln arrangement: on be made for dinpoul." n- 'r............`. M- an nnhlin IIIIV -_?_j___?_- -TALKING 1'0 DOCTORS `-` ` t.unu- good quuuy quanuoio bu}. blsolx and colon. 30o.. us Rudy a Mar- :51`- * uplpusu. By Tnmmonl an tho public nay judge how Ir. Wnhnn deal his duty ? o rhy`u. Ion tranche gcnonl uoupuu. "When no you noppnna -anal-Int. ,_._H.._.-- HOW UNI WAS OABID I-OR. lament-h. Y`, `W . K n meetings, Portsmouth. no to In thy afternoon instead of momma: as pre- viouslv. I`hn mu rial marvinnn in tha Portsmomh uuusuvv uwuuauvu, uuuuuyn ya... ..... .,. Utuvlord, foot of Queen street. is sell- linpnll wood at 91.50, 92. and 02.5. ) per 00 . unnmsaunsl auiy so-any. The city engineer is anxious to Meet- tain who dopositr. Mlms and rubbish on `King street west. M Q Div Hut. nmnnm-r of the tun boat at Uwen sound. _ A young lad named Burns was acci- deutly stabbed In the right hand by another In` yesterday. Al. Pnwvi In. N.Y.. Tbnrsduv. Johnnv another Do yesterday. AI.Powvi e. N.Y..Tbursduy..lohnnv B." won the 2240 class; "Giles B." so- ooud,nnd Lit.uel1thuu" third. M. M Mn(}rnt.h, nf.mlnnt.. an a result. ooud,nnd Lime muuu" mum. Mr, M. MoGratI1. student, as a result uymmshc exercises. sum.-rs to-slay from homorrlmgu of the left lung. I).-_ km in of the omiuiou that book- homorrlmgn of the let: lung. N Dr. Fee is of the opinion ` keeping should be tnught more t.bo- \ roughly in the public schools. The Kinuatou merchants are having` roughly In we nunuo scuoou. The Kingston having their weights and measures adjusted In. from 01.00 to 88 per trip. A hnntinmnl nnrnmnnv will occur if) from GLDU to 825 Lnp. A baptismal ceremony will the Baptist church on Sunday. Some half dozen persons WI be immersed. 'l'hn mum: of Messrs. McCammou and half dozen will no nnmeraeu. The canes of Cammou Ronnn, infraction of a re by-law. ' were up today and again adjourned for a month vxousw. The sptciul services in the Methodist. Church are attended with good success. They will be continued or two or three weeks yer. Corsets, corsets. 210 varieties. See our own an 4513.. 650. and 750.. beats the trade. Hardydz Murray. Tm. lumen: and most laahionsble limue. uaruya luurruy. The latest and most a ring styles for 1886, in American and mglish am! and son: hats just. reonived at J. I}. Page & Co., 188 Princess street. Maura I Rnhinann. nf this oitv. D. `run sum} or '1`HEl]AY.| at J. ii. Page & L'o., wu rnnoeua screen. Messrs. W. Robinson. of this city. J. Walker. of Inverary. and C. Rumnn, Sydenhnm, left yesterday for Pol-onto to attend a. meeting of dnvisxon court. clerks and bailiffs. M- n..mIn..-A .-m nnvnmnnnn work In. AAI\/|I'|4u - v V. . .... .... . Mule `lining: Ihut lhgngc Illa I'(Loplo'n 1 tanuan-Notoo by our I oral Dorm. many in clearing me gramum. Band on the Royal Skating Rink to- morrow afternoon, weather permitting. n u 1 A ,3 r\__,_ _A.._-A 2.....Il cord. Means. A. Kong and G. Mclrluhou. leueoa of Nos. 1 and 2 calls, commenced duty to-day. _ The uitv enuineol: unxwua `King street west. Mr. S. Dix, first engnueer of the tan Frnnois Smith, left to day to join the boat at Owen Sound. A unnnn lnrl nsunm` Hllrnl was clerks and bailing. Mr. Robiliinrd will commence work at. the granite uarry to-morrow. One of his orders cu in for 200 iecee of granite, to be converted into pil are for a govern- ment building at Ottawa. Thu ln.!Al' nanociation of the First building at Unnwa. The ladies` association Congregational church hold their usual monthly meeting yesterday. In the evening several members dined in the parlors of the church. Choice mania svrnn. 30c. perquart; parlors or we cnurcn. Ohoioo maple syrup. perquart; buckwheat our, 80. 'per stone; sell- rnising buckwheat our; choice family our. 92.25 por100lbs.; tomatoes. corn and apples. Jna. Crawford. The skating homo. "Dolly shone," [ferformn at the roller rink this evening. he animal is somewhat om wrestler. and will undertake to oor any youth not over 15 years of ago or 105 lbs. in weight. ` Wilnnn m ruuumu "lvorv noun." Tins lmnubiful lloworu now In bloom. See Hardy & Murm `s -1-button kid gloves. all sha.doI.U0c.. out value in kid ulovcn in the city. ()n 'l'nundIn'l:1aL Mrs. Smnllridue. of her brother Mr. Joun Maruu. Motlmls. utteumoul Why give the baby repeatod loser: of pnregorio or soonhiuu syrup when crying from the pain ouuseu by their lrttlo teeth. when Norman's Tculhiu 1`mcl.ure will one the pain and sun them Into I quiet, peaceful slumber? W. J. Wilson. only agent. Choice lhmsnh npplen, 200. per peck: ne cooking upplmi, 150. per peck sweet oranges, 20.-. per lemons. 200. per do7..: llgr. l()c. per box; I Blb. can pro peaches, 151`. Jun. Crawford. l.adiea`collurn, :3 {or me. ; collars 5c.. 00.. 7c.. Ho. um] 100' llest variety of collars in the crty at Hardy & Mnrray n. 'n.n rnlmnn nf Hvn vnnnn man. who Hardy & Murray's, 3,000 Yard000w mas,` Oonru 0! Revision on Monday. i Division Court on Tuesday. Two jmy enact. a Ten oorporstion mar were employed to-day in clearing the gratings. uid nn the Roval Skntinu weight. Wilson in ruumug lvory soup." This aoapin absolutely puro-will tloat on water--nud is iumluublu for washing infants. bealiugcutn. etc. W. J. Wilson. The Phnrmncy." Call and see the :..._..l:r..| u,.......... ..n... :n Llnnm mumus. Dcullugcuui. cw. n . u . I lmnubiful lloworu in bloom. Hm. Ilnrrln Kr THnrrnu'n -Lhlll in the city. On l'nusdavlnaL Smnllridge. Willixuunvilla. receoivd a. letter from ltluulnuul, notifying box` that a sister had. at her (loath. loll property, valued at. 500. to be divided between her and her brother Mr. John Martin. \u,.n....., ..cn.no..m.I Win: uivn the collars In the cwy M: uamy A? Murray in. The names of vo young men. neglected to pay their nttwnte labor tux, nppearul on thu police court paper to- day. The colluctnr said that afher be- ing mmmoncd they paid up. conse- quently the C.I1'.`.`l wow (HSmiH`8d with costs. I l.`m.mi.. I .nr\ ('.nnnnI1A0nnh nl the Chicago and Hock Islam] nun. nu oeeu nppointod commercial agent of the Ca- nada Pacic HR. at Chicago. He na- amnen his new oillco on April lab. `r. Leo is u capable and popular rsilw man.nu a. position in which I. will make his marlc. lie was formerly attached to the G.T.ll. nuiler superin- intoudcut V\'inuwriglnt. Mr. Chas. Mne- plmraou xuccooda Mr. Lee in the Chicago and Rock Island ngcncy. J. costs. J. Francis Let`. Uauadinn agent 0! the Chicago and Rock Island MIL. has been .nnninr.ml nnnnnarcial nxzam [name "2. Hiio.| A. BAIRD&CO.. The Tillinghast Tailoring Hausa. \\' REEVES um thehtat Style cl . Linen Collnnlor 15. ; tho tho Bu: Whno Shirt. in the my lot 500. OUND AT LAB'I`-A nlnody unn- tad to euro bud Ind ooh Oonl. Bun- ions. Cnllomu. co. HAll0l'I Mum Coll Su.vI. In hon-n.15 oh. I|WIdO' Drug "more. ENOUGH ALL WOOL TWEED TO nuke nluit II TELEPHONE. They nu tho only porn: plum II unno- that In rally t nntwonhy um nlunbla but non`: P): u n huhly and maul Iymr uougi, no can In a D0 ho!!! Itlmoun urn which no oi an Ian at! `incur. in n o bllo an nnntau _ usual plain! _,_._. ..9-.'r.:.'.";. 't`Ire|u. nu Elma: rlmuho umu"Pon!on`I." " Inn ole. I10 on tour ulnru. Benson`! Cnpolno Pluunucvlldy Inland. c 0 plum In ubunoo 1-1. :1: h I all luotwonh cl N '..3. 'n'uu: - In {ac tc'1_o_I_|?I;_|ym What Doesit Mean '1 Mnohll.' '|;I"Ki7"(`|ro|u." ml dun um: um um: "Pomon'I. ' INC! l\l'IN'l`\` Or` `I'll E DA V. 70 BROOK I'I`RI:`.l:`.'I`. nun no Your (hard. ~-....|... Dlu turn LII `M `rray. n In Amnrizmn and $3.50 PANTS PIIIBE. III III IIEITS! weuloonor New SPRING SUITS At low- or prion thsn our known in Kingnon bo- tore for Hunt. Clua Ordared 1'0 llllll. We Illo offer Um: RDRIKD Work I N-JTHUS FAR_ _Rg<:%u%-_1[\(_|g>I~1D &OQ- , Fifty Thofuslgand Yards of Carpets. :E>BIGEs TELL \J.LA|DLAW & SON AND JERSEYS PRICES NEVER EQUALLED HERE JOHN HENDERSON & 00.. mm . .<`$\u< -4?-w -.,.'\aF v.~ . .-~-nu -:-,I'-weer,-=xr).*.`.e.\s:tprI '~<`1t`.*.#`~`E-'.=-.._.~.x \ ix"`I.2 --~:-:,~--*..:e: " ]"3E)`11`t st1111Ll`in your own. light. Save money accept- ing low prices we are now offering for New'i1nd Good Goods. > `sign: i5:'d'r:,'..ls":t a [ SPRING GOODS very cheap. No two prioo|`l?ut uvorybhlug muhd down II low I-I any loadina line. For good solid good: no right price: sllthrough, togothot with perfect fit, go to - A`InT%'.-I`ITlTIO:'C"IT'A'1"(T'r"'I' v;u.auuu \.ll .4... V . - -., -v_.. Good Hemp Uarpeta 100., worth 150. Union Dutch Carpets 20. `)5, 300. Tapestry Carpets. new colors and dusigua. 840.. worth 500. Stair Unrpets. Stair Oilcloths, and English and American Flour Oil Olothl. the cheapest in the city. from DRESS GOODS ]PEOPLE TELL THEPRICES Bo_wos Blsonoe. HARD TO BEAT ?-IT Gents Ties for One Dollar. LAMBERT INIALSH. - MIROHANT TAILOII, 1'75 Princess Street.- Sail home. In Itnlaht as An IITOW. My yum uhooll slang on the and of the In. Bull homo. to not Iauh Dun-ow. In hut Out In th homo aha In waiting (or x. c1 14ii;X1`r?s . LB, McF .A_U'L S. i1I=_Vv OARPETS. NEWCARPETS. Lowest I l'iL`(`.s` in Collars, Cu's, Tics, Ilandkerthiels White and Colored Shirts, Braces, &c. A July Lot of Scarf Pins at Half I ric(~. The Finest Assortment of Gents` Ties can be seen at F. It you have never Irlccl us lorn l~`lne Evening 5| oe or n ood Senulble French Cnlfor Cordnvan Wnlklng Boot. elep I all nee what we lmve. It will cost you nothing. nml you may discover that you cnngol no noon in boot. in well made. more stylish. Ind cerlalnly much cheaper than byI`lIV1lI[ your measure. F. X. COUSINEAU .I..._.. ._ .._ , ,1 , ,,, , ARE SAID TO BE THE NEWEST. NOBBIEST AND CHEAPEST. New Bull Trimmings nnd Pompous to much Dreu Goods. 8. a 0`: wood Ina. Glngbnma And Summon: no unequalled. All Oven sud Flounoinga. In Wool. Luce sud Embroidery we show the largest ulomnoni. 8PmmAL,--.A lotol Ban`. Girls` sud Mines Hun Wool Hon. worth fro Spence & Crumley s,LDress Goods Ann RAID TO RR THE NEWEFVI`. NOBRIEHT AND CHEAPERT. In Wool. Luce sud Embromery show the largest ulomnoni. ' 8l_ ,B0lAL.--A lolol Boys`, Girls` sud Envy Hoot. from 80 to 500.. to bo olurod II 150` pa: pair. Slum I cI'lII||lIyy Arch 4. !n11incTrauisvi1TzanLAnn . a mans mnumnnms. : 2L:L}E9}LI1T's i LUMBBB, Wllglling Ckl. YARD. 1` Mu-oh 12. am! Iodgcljtu In Pr|cos.| March I2. llu-I Wood $8.75 per cord. uolt Wqod l.50 per Cord. IIIII Wbol 9.00 er Cord. Pinning LI-her `I per Ill. IRWIII Lumber II per ll. Allllndocl Imuhu. Building Timber. Lulhl. lhtnlnio. than that In the any In lino In- nhinuvonol in than tor towing wood. wiia-. _'ANb's.5 ANGLIN.| n_. --_ A n1.|u_4.- no- F. X. COUSINEAU'S. Inc; B I: up when elm: thoy Ln may. hon`: when the girl of my hurt walls {or Inn Ilclh 1 ho. on; for on Hugh. 1` 1:05.] out my bin Wing: and IN] mm to thou. Yo! ho. haw war. Oh. how Ibo win a blow. Curt-nins,a nn;!.( `musim uuge. Curtuu Polen. ml kind: sud loul"~ 03"-`"3 aim-, l7urhun Hint? -, Sui: Ruin, Art Blimll sud Blind Rollers. For Clrpbh and all aorta of Bonn Furnishing: no to Much 12. ~&;"` ll`. March 8. March 11. 2-@-1 HWIII Embroldenoo U. I, `I. u. IU. ago. Hula Inn:-tlonl 6. 7. 8. 10.12}. 150. Book Hullln Elnbroldorlu. Low Prices. Book Iunhn Inuronu, Low Prion. Roxnn Embroidoriou as Roduood Pnooo. 800 Pine: White Oononu. all M Reduced Prion. Innadtle Olmbno. India Lawns. Linen Luvnl. Ll) It Low PI-Ion SPBIIO. AS HEBEWFOIIE. SPBIII. Swlu Embroiderioo 8. I, 7. 9. 10. Inc. n-a.. I..."-us-.nn A. 7. 8. 10.121. 15. Fob. 93. CLO ING! w-vuvu. White Wing: Ihoy now: grow nary. They entry In churn} on: an on ; N hioomcml long Ionnydouk. 'n uprud out my Whine Whip ud all home lo the. FO. TEAINES 8: LOOKETT. FOR SIREET WE/IR, VERY CHEAP V LAMBERT &: WALSH. J. BIoHMdi>TD &: OO. R. 'W'.A.I-IJEIJKZ mt. my C Womunol an ".'r:a&\sm `-,<..-:~.9`I.x>'.'`o":L""'-'.44-A1\!Jve1'1!R!1.3%QK?`.!$tE?6!\T:!~'!'xe\zc4rir~:: 4`L"="~"~`"`- 4"" ' r] in vnnr nwn Iirht, Suva nmnm} hv smnnnl-_. :10 `ALEB OPENED OUT TODAY .1 up, Feb. 10th. gave: READY FOR sum H :35 ARRIVED AT -- ANI'-- l32 and I84_ Prlncou Shul- I H. B n A MB, 1| The Ludng ummku & rnwu. an Plum)!!! I'l'IBll'. Cor. orlydenlnn It. Ihntou. Qrolophom eomnunluuu. larch I. w. I G. ASHLEY,_f` - I LKVIAOTVIH I`- - |lV'lU'I'VIf X` s/I/m.v:_ou1nu cums % n--L.. A- n._o.- I`-unhhl-n h ~ ':'.."...:'.:.:...."- .'.'.'.;.r..:;: ' " --0EN'l`B` U NDIBWIAB '10 ORDER- Bu! homo to low And nuns. Whom link. my darling. in than by my db. " Sunhonquo cuudpld mun. Tho hunt of In my on link bride`. Boll homo. to pan from the: naval. Ill IAIIOT 8'l'.. KINOITOI. nl-_|. A Opp. Windsor Hotel. Much 1). Handsome unruug Lwlnu nwu... IV ,....V toms. 500. Very Fine Sultingl. 22 (uterus. :11 Wool and goad..wnlahn.60gL V(__ __~ b sea 6u'i"s " am-Io warm-aa.' i=*.=m,-,.*:7.;;e:,. very no. FINE TWEED8 in Bnnnooh, Twists. Mixtures. Uurlu sud Ohookl. I BUTTER IN SMALL PAOKAGEB. --.41 DAIRY BUTTER lu Rolls & Firkina. `M ```` ` V-` I :`=`s-::..-~=.=-:-==-"-:.z'-:-"".....- -- % `Bil spread on; nwhlu {up at launch: {hog locate a copy at one!` II IIII Ioui In `Usual to Deco-0 very popular. \VAl\E'S DRUG STORE. JnI1nI1ainI_lii`snn & 80. Uor. Pnnceun sud Montreal Street-. ll` ynupv yuu. .,.... ...., .._ Wool Corkscrew Coming, Double Fold. OHEAP EDITION. All Wool and sploudnd pAt.tornn,40 and 45:; Handsome Strong Twine 'l`woedo. 20 pal- ` lm-nu. 500. "Him V Ann 1:: nuu unuu ...` riety than ever oerod before. BY BANk!l WIN1`IiII. The New lonlutoro. Iupnu on my: COR. KING C llll0(`.K STE. Received Hun morning at -Tho|New Bookstore. SECOND VIRBI. and For OM30 you can buy an All .m. ..| n....l........u: l`.nn Ilnuv riirfxrj. B eo$3'od s3o'I't.1'ih_ Fiiiiluoum annoy: uuholr !1l|.oo|-nu of Brook and elllngtou Sheena 11: on Lady; of Pmfaonlon. 1' In! '!'hli'fM.AY.' I 'i3"`lVl)1niiSiit`3\=-iFfw?:~: r:-3c~l`!!5'l6r "i'i"J`I"t)I'.I"."'|i`x"ii W"o 'i'iSoau-5 i.s'-a'.ar.a er:&G'.`.&`.r r .. . I 'l`H|c REGULAR HIEETINUB oi the st. Lur- ronco Council. Rays! Amnnum, us hold on tho um um third Monday: in avoq month M 8 p.m., In the Oounqul Uud Fallon: Hull.Pr1n- ce: Btrooo. Dec. 19. _..._____.__,_______.__..___._. Ivy... --...-V- L) Order 0! Foronon. IIIOOII on who n: And third Thuudny In nob month In Oddtollowt Bnll.oorner of Pr-[noon sud lonzrul an-nu. (ovor Hcndry C 'l`homp|on |.) Doc. 21. -I. n. Jvlmlnn |., n.|.u-. \al.I'|ll-'11-In-no.-...~, .. _ Edlnbumh. Mambo: ortho College or Pbyulohua J: Eur- uoonn. Ontario. 237 ovum .~vr.. xmaton ' p.m.; conuocm:a__vuLy u.r.u. nnuu... .... polnu I-In. , \ No.Blhprou1 an anion I :6 pm. con- Inotlu with U.P.I?.vMg`*1) `pron train M. 'Blmr- bot Ln. 0 [or all pohm out and wan. J, ll. TAYLOR. FHOONWAY. l!.W.FOLGEB. Am. Bun`; An. Ger. Put. an. eup`I. llauumln lvgulnr lllu-unan. Anal:-no BI John : Lodge. No.8. on Thur`!-A dot. Lmdvo. No. Ian. on Mouduy, April Mb, at 7:30 pm. cum ui Lodge. Nomi. on Waduudny. April um. I! :80 sun. (4 urn. nmmu Manning: 0! the Anolonu |nd_ A93 dnnapnl ht, at 7:1!) u.m. lays! Arrulunn. 'l`H|c MEETINGS Lur- : bogg 03 D 0O0l"l'I Hall, Wolllr Tuesday 0 Ivory month. I. ll. lllrrrl OUR`! "FRONT|BNAO." I mu '1`huudAy_ In In 0/mono Ebiinsueor. IATUBDAY. Tnnnna rooolud by Power Sc sou nll noon. "[u'l'lD DY Tnl man`: or `Inn Moon" n the On 1 Bonus. to-day`: Probnblllllu. Bontheuh and southwest winde, e|ou~ dy mild weather with gloom and run. Three `llmu n won: by Kxprou. Clerk`: Oembridge sausages. ehielron. Hem end tongue uungee. We receive them three tunes uweek by express. and on can alwnys get them fresh. Jen - "Mord. The Itlectr-Io Hun I ruuuru. The electric light suspended in the centre 0! Princess street last night bril linntly illuminated the aurroundin s. The other lights op osito Crawlers`:-1 grocery store sud Win not Hulol will be lit to-night. or tomorrow. clon til chi ulnnu. . The Ladies Medical Culluuo and the Royal College closed their sessions to- day. The examination: begin on the ISM: inst. The professors any the Indira have done excellent clue work and will undoubtedly fllllli high. The l`|-ovluolnl Ifxhlhltlmu. lingaton naked for the honor of having the nrovincinl show lmlnl here this year. One ph gut. it. Mr. \\'iln:ol.t, l\l.l .l .. appeared bolero tho board to urge Ibo claims of Kingston. and wt. was decided that they should have the show ncxt. vear. Ill-i|.I'I' IIIIII lillulr um - --vv - .. liotwaon Klu-.;s:on. l u!.urboro. 'l`ommo. Ottawa. Montreal, Qmabnomncl ull pol out and want No. 3 Ex rcnlunv-I lgln n nu ma p.m. Arrival oronto 9110 p.113. ` (nmwn (M55 p m. " Montrenl l0Sl0 p.m. ' ltontrew 0 20 n m. Pauenuru leaving by um mu wll roach Winnipeg; In no houru. Mn. 1 Mlnul mung Klmmon 1:30 mm-. nrriyqg Inn. u Izuu van. Thu R in M II I A eomod wash wonahi 4 S9995; KSuq19u I..mI_gg_ l n_1 4. H. .IoLT.nnru:, 51.0..cu.u.,`xfn.:.1`.i-. L-I1 lhnlnnnrll. "M5-nIAnl |ii l`.'lll(l0 1" What Does it. Mean ! . --*- \ l'_Ilt. Wlnnlpeiq moo No. 1 Mixed lanes Klmzlton nrrivu M B ha:-hot huh |0.00 I.ln.. sud Bonlrow 8:1!) conuocung__ mug O.l'.R. lhpmu tor .._.. ..,, _ .r_ ..... ..,.,., Cunard Ilennlllp Company. SAILING from New York overs Bnurdily. Authorized Agent. 1'` A. F01. ER, Ferry Dook, loci of Bro- BL. Kfnnton. The son 0! England BEN EVOLIINT B00!E`l`Y,No. 3!. much in st. Geo 0': Hall, Wclllnnon 6a., Ind and am Tuesday HABl]Y&MllRBAY S.] An Again and HI: Uplnlon. Mr. .I. 5. (iuswold. travelling passen- U` um mi. of tho l'uion l`ncilic RIL. mm in the city to day. no thinks that. tho prem-Lt.lmugreonmnt existing between the ("men l'ucit\o MR. and the Santa Fee NIL. cminoil by rate culling. will lm settled at Cliicago in A few dnysx. dENERAL TICKET AGENT g.:::.=:as*.::a,. '- mu 5::-.':.-2.2 r. A. 1' 01.923] oononl Tlolut A3093, _ ` . in I \I ll \: -a;-u Agont Fury wmr, - - room B :-och Btreo. KINGSTON. ONT- _`p.._ Canada Pao_1_o Railroads. U ....,... nan mm:-II nnmrI:>.'1', Uanuua ruomu sun. mew, mmcor, Fii>7t7r1cs'1'. cl upon and Ben E nipped :11 I ` to Munltobl nntftna North V . 91' mm :||ETI* mu` .... III--.vn`nn v..I,nrhm-n.'l`or0: The army will hold n fnuoml norvico in the barruclm to marrow (Saturday) night. As thin in nmncnhing nmv wu cannot tell what. it. moans. but the cap- tain bu ordered the coma and he will renohme funonl sermon. Thorn wall 0 no mourners. Evorybocly lwttmr I....|. mm In. um In-nn mualnn. be Iuvutyl look out Io: the proc essiou. The lorvloc not nnuumu M . A. Perry. Inspector lor the Cann- dinnu Undo: writers Association. nds some oouunu ndnble feature: in connec- tion wluh Kingston : re npporuua. but he also seen dioienoion both iu the winter supply Ind in the the service. His report. quite voluminous. will be pro- nounced II the Underwriters Association meeting here At. the and 01 the month. n vvu-uw-nu u--.....__.. M:-.P eon. of the custom House. to- dey exh bited 5 most remuhblo en. the! 0! en 0l'dlI|Il' Bnhmn hen. It. Ill very large. 7:0 {aches in circumlen once. And was than! to be weighed whonlhe shell wen broken andndim cover mnde-IbnI where the yellow nhoul be wee mother on wish eholl much huder then um of the larger gun CREKMERY| .,._. new `boy Don on Want. The lecture ol Wlllnrloton. the pool. Wu ndvortiwd on the bill bond or an ion town with lhol nd: --wm Our- loton. October '25." tor. Will Omn- buclx. the Indian lecturer. was promised. but the bill perm hnd never hard 0! wm Cnrnbnck and thought that Will Culotou wu coming back; I0 he an- nonnood on Mr bill bond : "Wm Cur- luon Will Cnrnbcch Dooornbor 11." He in bdngnnogotinhd with to: n lootnro in Klnnlon nhonlv. `I. run NIIO VIII. A muting wu hold in tho Windsor Hntollul owning. for the pm-pooo of norgunni the Part Nuno bun-bull club. The ollowinl ooonwonolcor IIIIGI-II UVUIlII'| Iv: wow '11: r.'.'.2Tu.ii gab. The ollowinqooonwonoleor `57-'o'`..".'n.".'.?'.n`y'." l od : I Prclldant-W. Orothon. ~ Vice-Pn\idonl- . llcbonnld. socnlu'y-H. > nlkin. Ttounrct -j. Lontt. Capt|in- amen Lime. Umplre- . Nolnn. Tho nilonn will be groypuuahm 3 1:! cup. Ind E uoolllp. Imu Iron no Iuum\.' ' Bu. DI. Hold. 9! Want Winchcahr. lacuna in tho Inuktitut` nuunh zsguday owning! upon Oononl (Jun | I. "DOLLY" no tho llollar Rink. lA`l`l!nDA\'- _______________._.___..___ uluvrcm ac I-Imnnolu-: Aun__. I The Icohuia mum is king run- unmolo` 113.. from Ila hintin- Tho iuunoo nony noomd conn til ` i he d I ...%"...':`.'..:*.....':..':': ..... W ...:. I no nun nun; gunk 3'. I812: otdond Shoo thoboudbonold. _._..__.__________.._ Company. r.I\In (mm NA- York oven Ell ? CITY AND Vl(3lNl'I`Y. I. ll. rorrrlwrno No.60. lnde omen: r And uudu month 0qdgo_ll_o_v_v!' A Wonderful llou lay: ` AR EETINUB I`, room: :__.._:__---- nnd A3- In hold Irnnk and eH||'lK`0I , |thO IOKEBT, ll 1 Home n W . _ I` H0 UTE ..-..o.. nn-um HBNIIRY & 'rmmsnN's,|

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