rnunn as-vnu Jun :1! nunallunlo Leedvillo. Col.. Much l5.-A prim ght. lutiua one hour, was fought yea- terdey between Jack Cnnninghnm. ol Silverton. nnd Brynn Campbell. ol Lem. ville. They need nofl buckskin glovue. out o nt the second joint. Fmy-three round: were fought. In the nexto lent round Oempbell knocked down one of Unnninghenfl seconds. A tree ght oommenoed. but it we: stopped by the police. Order we: soon restored. The referee called the men to the uentch. Cunningham res nded. but his enta- gonint wee comp etel exhnnuted' The battle In: given to t e Silverton men. T IIXINII INOW fAI.Ll-`I'lI1 I178? WIOLI | \'III I IQ'lI IPII. In spite of all mlamkns and w~mm`ivlt.im of tho l,4m<~lmn4 of this luvtrlno, ln Rplto of MI llllpllllm-Inphy. Lhn truth remains um that in tho most. profoundly lmmrs-sting to you nnd In mo of nll truths that belong to thin human nphorn. you run rluo up out of your lower and rullnml nnluro into your spiritual, until you mum to n point of resurrection of tho soul yet in the body, and in that higher door tlvr you can come into personal rela- tions wltlx (`brim rruch an shall overcome the weaknesses and temptntlons 0! your lowur lllnnnd Hon vnu noun nd hlnnnrhmn marl `UKll(`E(`H llllll usnlpuiuums ()1 your IUWIJI losndglva you pecan and blaasudneu Mad mpornu joy. Oh. um: than Inhrht ha nnmn hnru ohm hm-I un, tum. men Inlgm. Do some new that Md I the ambition of this life; Iome maidens, some men, and with this sacred heroism. Oh. that the day might come, whn [jam gone- out I shall know what In going on---lhat than might company together grout multitudes of those who, llvlng In Jesus, lvt un-ir light an shim` that men 5l`(`!l`-',: it glnrify 15 I! Imt up pm)`. JIKT lUI' PIKITII HUI lill` ll lllNUIH|llll! hopo of nlmlnnlent to evvrv ('hrl.~a- ' Han mun, unpovlznlly tn tlmuu that begin c-urly, nml Ihnt nmku Lhu <-ultivutiun uf their r-yiritunl lifu the mm supremo 4-ml ul>ovuvvu~ry nthor. II. II pcx-n~ai|)lv, and to n dogma {hut would make rvliglnn transmu- dvntly joyful and o t-otuul. M` nu-nunly Ilium lniuln, lm fnululxeoklngit. 'I`l)eao am what I (`nil (}od's vloct. I run not so profound ll luollnvur in the old Culvinintiv d HUIIIO folk.-4 nn-; still I l>oli-\'1- in (`ll'(`Ih)ll, nnd I ax-nornlly think men elm-t them- nulvmulncl wh(x`\'nr rises through nplritlml culture to this high umlorln.-nullng of hinns-4-I! and of Jesus, and lives in tho ntnm.~plwrw of Christ, run lhnt the Ma he live-x ha liw-an by faith in Juxuu (`hI'lst, ho is Und`.-o uh-rt. _ I .. A n... AL, ..|..._..|. :. L. .,. .. In ...... sought for and not the Joy Imeu. It is a love upward toward all conceivable excellence, it adds certainty to our conscious- ness and indifferenceto Ill outwurd events. The will of the Lord be done. that in the rudder of life. Rejoice, when every harp is broken and every organ is destroyed, when all the mvtwtrrrl ;ll1'.~.-~i:\;> wasted. when revolu- ' "' "W `on ',:V_yV~jr\I'(`r\ in the -I` , . . 5 l . ' . \.:-4:r...J1a'-`W-..:> ..~..'$* ...:9;'.:'.... It film up to Inch ll. cbllhillhltiiass thedivino ntmolphare uni life andtreasurcg that it is hnypy under all circumstances. Buch it was when the mother, as her babe breathed its last, and with its last sigh and pulsation went away, lifwd up her head and said: "I give the joy, my darling." B0 in conditions of outward huuble. When all the natural and lower feelings are wrung. there ls an utmos- phereintonvhich the soul may rise and be utterly inditferentto the public opinion, in- diercnt to disgrace, as men call it, indif- ferent to everything but self and God. Men may have n twilight exper- ience of this ldnrl and yet not understand the philosophy of it Indoo don t think that anybody quite understands the philosophy of it. Ithink philosophy can- not really pronounce itself accurately unless it undemtands the nature and the torms of all the elements that go into the consideration; and we know so little of God, nml we know so much lem of the motion of the divine mind upon our own nature, that it cannot be properly soil that woman philooophize about it. We can only any this: These Are the phenomena, and such are the upuimcu; And these an I) numtr am and run throuzh no wide A scale that I uuuu III uunus \ ul mu, ur In uuu .1 run I. But tho churrh in too mm-h likn u vrwt room, with one candle in tho 1-u-mm-,nr 11!: most lwu What we want in vhurchos that hnvn so largo n company 1! those that live in this hlghor ntntn, us that their jnhwd light shall furn1.ns it wore, an illumination, and their jninwl hnpnlm of life lhall have n (`ur- rvut, hy wlvh others shnll Inn mkvn up and V (`nrriml nn young and love unplxou Ilptm mou- nerves, racket and struggle and rebound, echo and reecho, are not altogether disagreeable; butasmen get weary of the strife of life, a thought ariaea, still as the star of even, over the horizon, Peace and rest." Not lack ofactivity, but peace. This may come by lowering the tone of a man`: nerves, but there is a peace that oomes by qulckening the tone of a man's nerves. It is not the peace of somnolency. It is that perfect rest of the soul when it is tilled full of I that for which it hunger! and thirsta It is the rest of impletion. That is the tem- I mony of 10,000 saint: that have lived since the advent of Christ. Not only peace ordi- narily in the avocations of life, but in all the exlgencia that try men : Ima There never has been a dying saint on his pillow that had profouner rest and peace in God than men have had tied to the stake with tagota burning the body, so great is the power of God upon the inward life. It is also accompanied with great sympathy with all men. It is not a luxury which one hoards and enjoys by himself. It is not a selilsh _ satisfaction that the soul is made to play such I melodies and choir such harmonies. Emltted from God, it pa:-takes of the divine nature and is euaive, full of sympathy with all men in every direction; and it also has this for an experience, a settled joy-not as a thing sought aim`, but as a thing which comes with moral qualities when they are the things sought for and not the Joy itself. It In a love unward In ctpulmcu; Ana Inna numII- ous and run through can haw no doubt whatever in regard to them. in spite, however, of all mistak, there in an mperience in piety which puts to shame all lower fonns of enjoyment. Onm hwl nnd lost. it is night; onve gained, it in morning. It interprets to us something of the life that is in be. It redeem: the life that now is. Men may call it perfection, if that word suits them. It is a misleading word. I don't use it myself, I don't esteem it in others. I merely say, in this world nobody in perfect, nobody will be perfect; nevertheless there is this transcendently high soul exporiem-e which men choose to call per- foctneua. Thom is this ninth in which n man is at rout with the Lord Jeans and revolves u fruition of all the promises that nrv made by Christ to His disciples. M..." "mu 1: hnxm Hi In anmn nlnrn-nu vnq CIOCKBIY. clllu. GLAIIWAIIB. PLATED IAIIB. Ac. nm 3 ring IN on cl O0 URID OHAIB R GET .now J Ind IIIIDQ. Ihhh in onr Inn Lnnm. W nus ulnulpnsa. Now, may all have it? In anmo xlngroo, yes. It 15 nut tn he bought. It is not tn lm gained by tho wlllmervly, but a man may unfold hlsllfulmln by little until lin r1`m'hr-S that mm of mind in whlvh llu~~.-r- rosnilta will be [)l`0llll(`1`(l in him, hut. uz-mrd- mg to tho nu-n.-sun of mm cnpm-lty of tho nntum tlint lm lum gut. l`vnaons of ulundor emlnwnu-nt, ml (1 rolutivvly opuqlm lnmin, coarse lwrx-I, they am vmnn lntn minox- porienm, but. it will monsurn itself in them, nothy mo wny in 'lll(`ll it L! In a genius, npoot, n gn-uh soul lilm l<'4\nulon, or l`u.-1<-ul, nr Bour- dulnun_ or nny or um vmlnunt mun llkn \Vouloy, Wliltllvhl. l`l|wnrl:<. 'l"l1mo were men of genius, that is, lurgn bruins, {Inn in structure and nnturv`. with wmulvrful etlu(`utl mul u wnmlvrful l'Xp1`l`l(`ll(`(`, going nu setup by stop until it mum to tlu-an hirzlmr ronclma. N(`\'Hl`lll(`lt!`N. (Nlll('uB|UI| llllll N V\lllI\I!`l llll l'l\l!I`I IY.'lIl K`, to HIPSU higher Nu\'e~I`t|u-it-.~m, though :1 Hum (`nnnot wriin pnetry hu can road it, and enjoy it; though he may not. be viuqumit, ho is Nlls('t`|)tii)i1\ to ninquvncu when holnu1itpuur1~i out before him; nml thorn urn nwn thnt vmmot nriginutn tho Iiiglu-st visiumq and highmt (~xp(n'i1-nN~n, hut thvy vnn mrno no nonr tn thaln that they hm`:-, in their men.-nm~. norm-thing of the mine kin-I in lhl`l!lHl'lV1'2l. And 1 any this in an 0!)- juct fur NOl`(`|I uni fur a nmsunnhiu ol-.. ...uuu-inllu 6.. Chlxun Hun! -nib Christ In 00` Nobdy umor ' thopom-ulto! thaswhlchcnrlltlullnhlm. No earthly llmner could draw the towns of this soul that has been transfused witlitbo life of Christ. This, then, in the hlglur, ultimate Inge. Some of the chnrwurhcn of this emlnmt statenre,nt,gI-one pence md glut enn- nmmv. . In an. world. while men are vet state are, um, gr: qnlllty. . In his * vounxr and love THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MARCH 15. mpernu )0) . Oh, that than might be some hens mu had IQ ambition of thin Illa: mma lnnhlnnn -rwlm I AWFUL WIATHII IN IUBOPF. IVIIIIDI9. Fred imieraon. defaulting quhior oi the Dominion Tnnspon Company: bu united it Toronto. tron Chicago. An- donon"udmiu uiullnu 01.400 And want it 311 except I500. Iaolnn by Dr. Iollln. The Rev. Dr. Monwa lecture on "President Guold." on Tuesday oven- in, bus been poctpprod in oonuquenoo of the rooms in tho Mocbnnicf Institute. now undergoing repainting. not being lnnlablg. ` Ir--.) .._l.......n Itpmomlo In rmeba 1. I(` rattle dineno is playing havoc with the stock ln Pittabnrg townuhpie. Those who hue lost nettle no : John Cue. two cows : Robert Pnttenon, two cow: ; John Hudmg. three cow: ; -. Cllrk. one on nnd one cow. and John Bullock. one cow. The epidemic begins with running of matter st the eyes And non;-. the bodies Iwell.nnd. in great than the cattle die me: three or four days: lnesn. Some Animelnueotod with the disease. hnve recovered. _j,_. -. ._#_.. OUBII '[`U-l.bT. am Alfred Street. newly pa rod And pnnuod all Lhrou h ; sloo I Corner 0! vol ula-a. uplendld Inc or I start. Apply on the premium. g_.....__._ Il STORE ON WELLINGTON STREET, occupied by Nuguul 6: Taylor; a aoud bnnlnul Itnml. Poaaeulon mun on the In In :|lno I qusnmy of `lnunu.h Tools for I ale. nuui ll. ALLEN. line You thought About In Why sufler a single moment when ou can get immediate relief lrom all interna or external pains by the use of Poison : Nervi- line. the great pain cure. Nerviline ha: never been known to {nil in a single case : it cannot fail. for it in a combination of the most powerful pain subduing remedies lrnown Tr n to cent sample bottle of Nerviline. ou will find Nerviline I sure cure for neuralgia, toothache. headache. Buy and try. Large bottles 25 cents. by all druggistn. Suvlcu in 9'. IIIary'a Cnihrdnl. Iliszh mass was celebrated in St. Mary's Cattedral yesterday by Rev. Fr. McGrath, and Rev. Fr. Kelly read the balance of the Bishop's paatoral, ex- plaining the meaning of its various clauses. The Novena of St. Francis Xavier commenced on Saturday evening and will be continued during the week. On St Patrick's Day masses will be celebrated at 0 and 10:80 o`clncli. The Men's Branch of the Holy Family will partake of Holy Communion at the early mass. On Friday. the festival of St. Joseph. the Women's Branch will par- take of Holy Communion. The allies of the forty hours will begin in the chapel of L'Huttl Dion on Friday morning. being the anniversary of their order. WHIUU Klllly IUIHIII1 Ill llBD0l'Hl BITHIC`. The city of Granada. capitol of the province by the same name. Spain, was shaken yesterday by an earthquake. The shock was seven seconds iluralion. People. terried. ed in all directions. No Inca were lost. Tho employers: of plasterers in Mon troal will not. accedo to the demands the u1eu,whodid not. give three mom 3 notice for an increasn of wages. I Jch sides are determined to stand out. 'n.., m.;,...... n...|:....o.,.. .....u n..;...... IIILIUE HIE IIUDUTUIIUUU IIU BIIHIIU DUI. The Chicago. Burlington and Quincy Railway engineers have a grievance which may result. in ugenoral strike. Tim mtv nf Hrnnnrln nnnitnl nf Hun uunIIr7|JI\I nng n. Coliocu. Mnrcli l5.-ln the (our mills in operntiou tliu spinners will not msume work today. nnzl the will: will nish up the varn which has been spun. Ilv Wednesday them will bn no knitting mills running in this city. Thu Mammal flint. ulnnn wnrlmrn warn IXIHIIB ruumnu ll) DIME CIIY. Tho Moulmal int. glass workers were ordered to no on ntnlm by tho American union. bulounu exnnmmon. Lord Duarin. the Indian Viceroy, doeu not consider poaitmn ofuaira at Yumethvn. nu Burmnh. as seriously alarming. although it. had been reported that tho plnco was lwsiegod hv 9,000 IUDUIH. and G:-u. Iwnderguat had been sent with 300 British troops to roliuvo it.. Minn (Hnhnnnuv. cft. Mnntnnn Onn,. ueun wrnu uuu urmsu to rouuve rr.. Mrss Globouauy, < I St. Eustace. Que.. Whose marriage with Mr. Wilson was annulled by the Superior Court, Mont-' rtml, was married on Thursday alternoon 30 Mr.'J. A. Suuve. of St. Placide. Wil~ Hon ntill cluium Mush (Hobeusky as hm Wife. ----oo ;.ATFA11{s on` THE WORLD. . LABOR BRICK li0UBH- Containing ll ` ' I-ooml: answer nbove Wilson`: Livery No. In. Que Bites: 5!. recent occupied bi Mrs. Niuuuo. Apply to . U. WlLBO.\. L verv Oman. STONE HOUSE, corner of Priucnna and Divi- Iion Bueou. uujoiuing Vnughn Ton-nee. wihh um lo union room,|nli accommodation lor Itsln nu. etc. Poneuiou may lac. Apply u the Winn omoo. 1 W0 STONE IIOUBEB on Chnr1euBlreot.con- taining Ilx Ind uven roams relpccuvaly. very comfortable; wood sheds. eolinrn sud cin- torunlnruu nrd. Bontlow to re: acuble in minor. App y to H. II. SPARKS. `rinceu BL, or to John lurny. Charles Street. Ull on Union BL, non} Drill Shed` HOOD HO % containing all rooml. newly improved; lol inadooru benuuiuli onintod. grained nud olnmsu; Io`! 9m_i_h_-_g__ wmer pumya. Ihonl. THE TELEGRIII FROM `I'll! IABTEB l`0UI.QUAB`l'IB8 BIIIFLY GIVEN. 1 nfmaa run; In: Anon Canadians- lflulu than Iunpo and what they for- :end-A lmle otlvcrnllna lnuly land and Inn:-shawl. Apeernge has been oered to Sir Thomas Bruuey. A Inns: in hainn lfflll` hahwnan unnwa, an we amw-pox. A fire in Buenos Ayres destroyed property to the value of 05,000,000. There are MI ) mum: nf innannn at prupuny no we value 01 In.uuu,u.Iu. There are 300 cases of inuenn at. Canton. Ohio. No fatal cases yet. Chan. Richard. 3. Hebrew. was Lama- uauuon. umo. no mm you. Richard. Hebrew, was 88858- ainuted in Mobile, Ala... yesterday. The telegraph messenger bow: in name aluuceu In mooue, Ala... yesoeruny. telegraph messenger boys in some at alargor cities talk of overwork and am in. Haven Hnninlinhn in Mm F`:-nnnh `mm. amxlng. Seven Socialist: in the French `Sam- ber of deputies have formed A aeperuto party. The claims for dnmnanu during Hm Wllc ILIUTU III Ulllu The Imperial parliament will put a largo sum in the estimates for the im- provement 0! the navy. The Naw York nanannlnlvdpfnmd the IJEIKUF. I DUHYUOT. Chris Newman and his two sons. 0! Quincy, 111., have been arrested for mat- dering Hogan. a ruilroader. Th Rnninlintsx nl Madrid nrnnnun hnlu`. L u........ -... , _ , '0lI1d00I'I banuuluI|Y gunned; and hux purnsm. 1450 A BIALJ. HUUHH, In good on ur. oon~ utulna lour foullll glouuulou mveu hmnomale Iy. Apply to MES. .ORUMl.lcY, on tho pro- mlau. uunug uuguu. ll ruuroauer. The Socialists 01 Madrid propose hold- ing a banquet on the 18th, the a.nniver- ] any of the Paris commune. Thu Lntal cubot ineJu.K:suuaben-riwr V ::.,....o.;..:m.4.mI ah Annnnn an-.. 'm..-.... ...... ` wu,wu nous ox om we on uanu. ' Edward Ilanlu. the oarsman, is in Montreu). He promises to do some tall rowmg during the summer. ( A violent shock of earthquake dia- turlaerl Wiesbuden. n celebrated Ger- man watenug place an midnight last night. Jnlln H hmI.. nU llnnbmnnl l:1\n in gun. John S. Dyde. of Montreal. lies in such 9. critical condition that the other indictments again:-is him will not be tried till next term. Tm. annnwh .I..I;......,..I I... 1 ..-.x 111.... IJULIJU [TUB- Mr. Uollinga. Radical member for Ips- wick. will certainly be unseated for cor- rupt. practices. One of his agents. crowded too close, fell in a faint in the court room. Tum n, H... "l`-..,...A... ..:,\s.._.. ........\ u.:.. UUUYII TUDHJ. Two of the Toronto rioters were this morning sentenced ID the police court. Eugene Moru.n|wn ned would cents or 80 days in mo]. and Fred. (J. Klopp 026 Ind costs or 80 days in goal. F. W. Anderson. dn!n.nlI.mu mmhinr nf um um: noun or no auyu m gaol. Anderson. defaulting cashier of the Dominion Transportation Company. Toronto. pleaded guilty to embezzling 01.700. He was sentenced to six months` impriaomont in the Central Prison. /.'Iv.':'/ m'nn-nl of linnlmn nnun that n Iulpnnonluun In we uenmu rnsou. I,'I'.'L'(`m'n1rnr. of Quebec, says that 5 party 'ust arrived from tho North-West, and w 0 saw Riel m prxson at Regina. asserts that the rebel chief was wounded m the right. hand dnrmg the tight at Duck Lake. "l`|.M..l,.-.. a....n..... .4 I31--- o;-n:.._ UUUK .lJIhU- Theodore Southey. 0! Edgar Station. 0ut., jumped from a hay mow to the oor and in some way tripped and fell on the fork which he had in his hand. One of the tines pierced his heart. killing lllul instantly. AL IL mm`-.l.inu (if t.l.n \Vnnl-.nrn T).nirv- llllll lllllluully. An ll meeting of the Western Dairy- meu s Association ol Untm-io.at Toronto. a committee was appointed to take whatever steps are uccensarv to `.0Clll`() a proper exhibit of dairy productm M; the Colonial exhibition. l .m-R hnn`....;.. AI... I...r:-.. ..:.......... xuomu uraasey. A nos is being arranged between Hunlan and Teemer. A unnnn -nrnnn at Ilinnhnrn nnnr Flw Int. MA nan, llut. hnndwmaa nluroy BRICK DV n.Ll.lN(i HOUBE. 0 mar 01 Johuwu and Marne Busch. 5: pronouv. occupied by lobt. Ford` Ihq noun |n nru-vclau 1-ona|~ lion-All modern oonvanlsnceu. Ham very mo dlllio Io doulmblo Ionnnl Apply to A. (BMW- Ivlsl), Dlvmon uuuoo. or B. UAAWFOKD. (00! of Queen Street. mnrch H. : Illllllln IIIU IGOIIIIBL A young woman 1% Hintinbnrg, near Ottnwa, has the amnll-pox. fire in Bnenmu Avren deatroved The; claims for damages during the reuenh London riots amount to $400,000. with more in sight. Thn Imnnrinl Iunvlinmnnf. will nut. ll PTDVBIUCUII 0| BUB HIV . The New York assembly defeated the Women's Rights Bill by a. small majo- rity. Those horrid men. I Jnnanh Smith and his win. Hhinnnn KID) . LUUB8 UOITIU men. Joseph Smith and his wile. Uhicnpml have been arrested for murdering H. A. ~ Llaight. u boarder. I Uhrin Nnwmnn and his mum nnnn rd) `[160 `Ill next: warm. The spooah delivered by Lord Plun- kctt, the Protestant Archbishop of Dub- lin, was an intimation 0'! the undiminish- 2d hostility of l roteabant.s in Ireland to home rnle. M. 4-,.n.'...... D..,l.....I ._.._.L.... 1-.. v__ - -"m'!'~"v:z1z)':,*"41"~ ma- 15o,o0o tons of old ice mfnd. I-4`.:ImnwI llnnln. cl... ...._...... uw wuu cuum 11 `was '-irvzaz!-.t;ed.m~&";Q"-, ' 150.000 tnnn nf nlzl i IILULJIJE -Mi ABHHQUBO` i'I'V6>!*` ` We-*!.= TI1`~b.a.r.-Mae. E old ion on hand. _o 9 --__ 1h: Annlvaranry larvlou. In connection with the anuivernry services of the Fourth 1\lethodist;Churoh yesterday Rev. Mr. Uouu preached. in ~ the morning. a pncticul sermon on theai I words. "He that saith he abideth in Him ought himaell to walk even as He l` walketh." In the eyening Rev. hallo! Hooker preached I planning and mutua- tlve aannon on Josiah. `He touched on aaveral pointa. auoh early piety. early marriage. etc. CBIVEKI Wua gwuuuu u, nu. u. .-..n....,. ..... 1 think It In great injustice to some all the other mngers. There were three oucwroa. but thu cnoore ol the evening fall to Mr. Swain-. whom we never baud bel ` .1! you will publish this you will ob iuo the BABBIIHILD Bow. Robertson Bros., IIPOIITIII 0! nnupunu nvl uvvv nu. Dublin. Much 15.-Purnel| publicly urpea the membeu of tho Nohonnlnat. penny in Ul-star to refrain from oelelunh mg Sh. l ul.rick'u lay by demoustratiom such as parades. likely to anger tho: Otsngomen. In his circular to says:I "Do not irritate the Ornnuamen. how- ever misguided you mny deem them. This is ol vital importance now." --:->- I Illa rumor, uruun vv ruy. Den Sir.-I was utonhbod to rend in Fridn `s isnuo that the onlv encore rs. ceive\ was gained by Mr. W. Medley. u 0! n... ..n...- Iunanrn. There INIIIIIIYI I5 IIHKIII M. Etlilor, 'i:rm.h "7uq. I` _-- --L....X. nun nu uunn A1114 - Inn:-nxlun uuvuuvllo London. March l5.-Biahop Bagahawe. of the (hilioho diocese of Nottingham. has forbidden the Catholics in his dio~ oese tojoxn `the Primrose League on the _ ground that it in dangerous to expose! themselves to the inuences of heretics affecting religion and morality. The bishop has forbidden the clergy in his diocese to nbsolva any who ersiut in retaining connection with the eagno. ._..._...-_._: .uu u. Lalnlnnlunluunno (ntawu. March 15.--I`ho debate is certeun to continue the best part of next week, if not the entire week. Mr. Uhs - lesu and Sir Adolphe Caron evidentiiy ` reserving themselves for the big gnnsi on the other side. such as Mr. Luurier. l '1 he new Minister of Jvstice. whose in- troduction to dominion politics is warm enough at all events. will make his first big speech on this subject. He is con- | stunt in attendance. and his grave de- mesnor does not allow one to forget he recently descended from the bench. Second Edllon. I.l..L..I.__ M ' Inwunu ALGIIOII. Hobokel, N.-1.. Much 15.-'l`ho steam- Ilp Folds Irrived this morning with the pa.-iseiigers and crew of the Oregon- All of the Oregon's lint and second cabin and steersge passengers were on board. They looked sleepy and care- worn. Last night beds were provided for them on the oor in the msin saloon. I`he oleers kindly cered the state- rooms for the use of the Indies. Most of the then sat up or lonnged about whenever they found room. The Ore- gon's olcers and crew, who hastened on shore. declined to say anything concern- ing the dissster. One of the passeugcrs nid: "1 consider thus the sccideut wss due to gross neglilxenoe on tho pun. ul some of the crew o thepregon. 1 could see nothing of phi schooner which is said to have run into us. I have no doubt she sunk with all on board. A large hole was cut on our portiside through which the water poured line u. mill race, putting out the tires and in ii. short time ooding the hold. Two large European stesinships passed us, but paid no attention to our signals. when we sighted Fulds we were in u pitiuhle con- dition. eold and wet." Nan Vnv-it Mnrnh H : _Piinf. Hnuiu-ill IIOUUCG DUO L/ILDIDGIE H (IOCIHIOKI IO-llllll. London. March l5.-At ll mliinot meeting on Saturday Mr. 'l`rovnlim. Se- cretary for Scotland, formerly Chief Seoretiiry for Ireland. and llcnage, Uliaiicellor of the Duchy of Laiioaster. tendered their resignations. The roa- aon given for their actiiu was a disin- clination to i-inpporst the Irish policy out lined at the meeting by Gladstone its that which he had decided to piiriiue. E `London. March 1J.-The Pall Mull liiizrlte professes to have authority for saving that the iiiiui which Gliidstonef calculated necessary to buy out all the present landlord: of Ireland iii iiiuclii nearer .l.'l00,000,000 th-in .l..l00.0([l,(X)0. I Joseph Chamberlain declares tliiit the` reports that he intends to resign his seat in the cabinet are all inoonshino. `, umon. emu nun wen." New York, Much l6.-l ilob llussell, of the pilot boat. Edmund Blunt. reports having taken off from u. Plulsdelpliiu 1 wlialer pilot Joe Parker. chief oloer. and three men of the steamship Oregon. ;They lied been twenty-lonr hours in an open boat witli two barrels of crackers and water. They came up to blie city this morning. '1 he pilot. boat. Clluubolu passed Sandy Hook about 10 o'clock bnvig in tow the or six large boats pro- bably those belonging to the Oregon. New York. Maroli l5.-=0anb. Collier. ' fhti Orogondyi I ".lu|ta_nul:80 o'clock Danny Inose belonging to Due Ureguu. Yorlr. l5.-0spn. Collier, `v:.2~.~i-.~;'..'.}:.3r~:a:~;':`-.2:-:zi.=,gc-:.-~:e.!e2wsa:alni= denly loomed up showing no ligbu. but when she was loo close to clear she showed 8 white light. The Oregon was running under {all head 0! soeun. The vessel struck unidship and stove is big hole in the pornide. All water tight. compartments were closed an the time. The ()re;;on went down about 12:45. she llnted for about eight hours after. she mm struck and now lies in 22 linlioma of water, north hull west. from Watch Hill. The tops of her three masts are visible above the water and the vessel is upright. Soon alter the acoidennu. steamer passed as. The vuav as! that ran into us must have sunk un- medistely. She must. have gone down with all on board." M I l<`umn-can whn can nu Hun llrn. HI! I33 rooms, but: room. stable. etc. A to DB. FOWLIMG. at the adjoining house. _:_.__.-_.--_?.:_ WIIIII Ell 0l.l DUHTU. M. J. Emerson, who was on the Ure- gon, says um while the sailorn I-il:ell]!.`(1 to bu under good discipline. the utokers and remen did not behave us well. At. vs critical moment the latter made a rush for the boats before the ladies null children had been Cltleii tor. IFHCEH. Mr. (Joschcn hm-1 suugesbuxl to tho government. 2: commission to inquire into the position of the currency and vunous 1 plans for the oxtensive use of silver. Sir W. llnrcnurt in HXl)l`.Cf.8|l Ln nu- A u Ooor ol the Oregon spunk: About Ill AeoIen:- ionic OM t lnune._ ----&u2--j London, March l5.--The hnuiilaril I says it is supposed that Gludutuuds scheme for the government of Ireland proposes the establishment of the burgh chiimter parliament at Dublin, and embodies the prinoipalol minority re- presentation. Ireland will continue to send members to Westminster, not in proportion to her population but in pro ` portion to her contribution to the ILu- I perial revenue. Undei' .,_this scheme [ there would probably ho 80 Irish inom- ' born of [)lil`ll&ml1h. The police iire to be disarincd and are to be under the control of the government of Dublin. Provision IS made for the use of the lin- periiil forces when needed far the uccn- I rity of his and property. The govern- ment at Dublin will not have pavrvr to ' irnposo dutioai on llritish goods, to trciit , with fuioigii powers. to employ the revenues o` the country for the eiiil:iw- i ment of any religious body. or to puns Ii IIIORBUTGH impairing the validity of con- . tracts. ll... Ilnnnlinn In... ..n....nnln.l ii. H... [M5113 [Ur IIIHS UKDBLIBIVU UUU Ul HllVl.'l'. Sir W. llarcourb is expccte-I Lo au- uounce one Cabinet's dociuion to-night. Lnmlnn YUAN-In IT: _Af. u nrxhinnf. Much l5._ fA;{l_flVAL OF THE PASSENGERUj I Bnuuul-In. 1:` FRANKLIN BROS. a 00.. :|ln.4Innnrhl-I tor CLOVER AI'n TIHZQ I I0?! IDIOT IE - ]%a:a:;"aa."i. .... `sew O-RENT from the In ol buy next. thc Hond- Iolno Dwelling, 161 Earl street. av. prenout. ooauilad by 0. H. Fennwlck, Enq. Apply to R. a J. G LDINEH. HOUSE jklfrod smm. newly mpnrod nmjl pnmvaqd |_l'l_I.)}`|:t3uh; A- .. -.,.-.. "t I` l\lV D.-lJl..I.V uuvu. Ill UUu u...,...n.n for amvn um rntdm! M BIID nun cum OIOIOI uln- ni nutm. rnissnn an. 3. nova IAIIII IIQVI A I!lfnAL'lI . Ill ! `ll...--u...-u.-.- F eral Bank Can. Pac. R.R.... .. Montreal Telegraph 00.. Rich. & Om. Nav. Ci!_v Passenger R.R.... Montreal Gas Co.. . . .... Clhndn Cotton 01...... Dundns Cotton 00.. Ontario Investment. . N W I nut. (`nu uercnnnu nuns...` 8uabec...... nion I3ank....... Bunk of Commerce.. I n......a-.1 ununo Inveumen N. W. Land 00.. St. Paul M.,& Mo: s1-ocxs. `Bank of Montreal... Ontario Bank.. J... Uank du Peuple..`J. .. . Mohona Bank...... .. . Bank of j I`orouto. . . . . ... Ban ue ac ucs Cutler. . Marcqhlnll (bank . . . . . . . . rho ruin! serum on Iolurdny Inning- ounutoro Bugk so last. I guolauona . - Patents, 4.25 to 5.25 ; superior extra, 4_.oo jto 4.10 .cxtra supernne, 3 851o3.95;spnng 1 extra. 3.05 to 5.70; supcrne,3.3o to 3.40: strong bakers` 4.15 to 4.90 ; ne. 3 15 to 3.25; mnrllings, 3.00 to 3.10; Pollards. 2.75 to 2.85; Onmrh bags, 1. o to x 90; City bags,` 2 40 to 2.45 for strong akers. \ Whcat-nom'l : red winter 88 to no : wlntel 1:___`._ . " I On Saturday evening A burial Ienrioe occurred at the bunelu. The Onpleln eeye that the Army`: rules do not per- nm the use of liquor nnd tobecoo. It had been reported to him tlut certain soldiers were lmoking while profeuing to be non-smokers. and one had eonleee- l that he had fallen from since. C13: Watson adopted 5 in of bringing tobacco evil before t is people. and order- ml 41 numll nninin which an hm-w the y lo xor strong Dancers. \ Wheat-nom'l ; 90 ; white 86 to 83 ; spring 88 to 90. Uorn-59 to 60c. I Peas- 66 to 68. Oats-3z to 34c . `Bar|ey-5o to (be. Rye-(: to 67. Oatmea -4.10 to 4.50. Oornmeal-z.9o lo 3.00. Por|:-x3.25 to 14.25. Lard-9 to gc. Bncon-|o to uc 1 rr-uni uuauu unit: A IfIC1lAL'lI'u (lulu lot 0! Early Ron roman in uh. I`. J-.. II-l-I II._I. I._'_,____ ll--. IIIIJI1 an 0 v ......... . I-`B;l.ook out lo-r-the urnnd Polo Match with the ollawns, on Thursday and Friday. Much I5. unvuuyuu, .-..,... ._, Flour-Receipts, 300 bbls; sales report- ed I00. Market quiet at unchanged rates. Quotations ; Patents. 4.2: -1.2: ; sunenor 4.00 NDDWDCO EVII DBIOITU DIM! p80pl8. nnu 0l'(I9I. - ` ed a anmll ooloin which to bury the pipes and tobacco given up by the peni- tent members. He had his eye on Chur- ley Counter. who was professing, he hear-J. one thing. and practising another. Charley marched out with the Army mud spoke on the market square. do also mule prayer at the opening of the meet- ing and seemed to he in perle-ct accord with all on the pletlorm. lie was the third to he called on for a testimony. and at once he attacked the army. cili- iug it e "whitewashed hypocrisy," lull` protesting against the ruling of Unuu. diuus by some olement,unuo.med hut pro- sumebly English. and relusiug to deny himnelf the comfort of a smoke. He talked violently for a while. and thou the army sung him dowh. Ho departml at once; executing near the door I few stepii resembling those ol the "Boston dip. He has retired from the army, u.nd yesterday waved his pipe to the soldiers as they marched post the boarding house. 1nml Innntinnn -L cl... u..I..-s.'A.. A-m.. UII Iulrnei . (Dorm: :9 lVrI ght Ca.) ' New York. March x5.-()penin5. 73}: 1 highest 783; Iowest, 773; clos1ng,78,f. KUIIUII NI-I'KU|n Liverpool. March 15 -C0tlon, sd'y. Ups, 413-I6; Orleans. q. H ms- H10 12".. C:oae-6 to 9? as to quality. I Buuer-Tounsh:ps 14 to 12 ; Mnrrisburg 2110 2 I; Western no Io 14c. Eggs-wenk md lower ; fresh 16 to ooc. Good meetings at the Salvation Army barracks all day yesterday. the after- noon and evening gatherings overow- ing. At the afternoon service Capt. Watson read and spoke from the par- able in St. Luke, chap. x.. commencing at the 25th verse. The speaker cem- mentod ondivine love and man's spirit. nal nativity, enabling him love his ~ '=:13a$'...`.:-r!mxE- .,u,` ..'7=1a3'='-;*. ".:'l:.`3` !`.{*.`.`~ . At the evening nervice the captain read and spoke from St. Luke. chap. xv.. commencing at the llth verse. i.e., the return oi the prodigal son and the will- ingness of the lather to receive him. Thedav closed with eleven souls con- verted. who testified for salvation. ,. rhi- I.`-us lauull nu nus. Scbr. Jeanie Break, in which has been stored about 800 tom; 0! coal duziug the winter, was lightened to-dny. Raw Hr, nmmlm: nrnnnhnn in thn nexu auuunv evening. The county auditors. Messrs. Allre.l Browne and Thomas Keenan, commenc- ed the exammnoian ol the tre-1surer'e books this morning. Mr, F` A, Fnlanr Llnnnannh nf lm Cnn. IS IIHICICKIHY large I0 encourage 3] snnrp l'G~ ' actmn if any good news makes itself known during the day. SI.I .,0wing to the news of new securmen, and I.`s, ownng lo the re port that no dmdend will be declared after nH..1relhe weak spots 1111 the lnst,-I)oRAN & ` Wm< .n1`Co. Qt lnma !Un-pk uc_'l`lm\ YU I) Pnri H` 3 \V|ur.nr (.0. I St. Loms. March 15.-Thc\ M. 0. Paci IC I was firm as ever and will not give in. The ` strikers are deant and trouble IS expected. I 'X`hisinform.1lion is reliable. -v..... _ _ _:...___.__.----:.-:--- Hond- ooauplad hh VIII pay Lil Inlondlng purohuou to II and ouullt Mi? =c:.cz:. whit.`-2 embrace: aaarythlna dulnbls In the lino of Fun. mud n cu mum- hnnn unto! our own goods. wo an In 3 pllllllolh [In porlool ntlulnouon :1 round- gully. Vorhntmhlp and praoo. n-nwnn nn'ncAnr winner, was uguueueu nu-uuy. Rev. Dr. Douglas preaches in tho Sydenham Street Methodist. Church nan Sunday evening. The nonntv nudimrn. Mmmrs. Allrml UUUISH IIUIH lLlUl'IllLIK- Mr. F. A. l"olger,t.l1eagenl:oH.l10 Cun- ard line In this city. knows of no passen- gers from this section being on the air. Oregon. 'I`|m rnvivu] nprvinnn will hn I-.nnl.inn:-ll they only wished the holders or me tumor sucnrtties wtth the securities had been tied together with the stock. Such is. however, human ingratitttric. There is nothing new fromnthis source. Neither do we hear thnt ! the M. l`ac. strike ts ltkcly to be settled to- day. although .1 somewhat more hopeful feeltng seems to exist. and the short interest 1` is nultictently large to sharp re- nrtmn nnv nood uregou. The revival services will be continued during the week in the Portsmouth Methodist Church. Mr. Redmond. of Queeu s. preaches this evening. and Rev. Mr. Meyer tomorrow evening. nnt.lnmnn in nmad nf nnrinn ninthinu mr. l\l6yBl' no-mon-ow evamng. Gentlemen in need of spring clothing will do well to cnll upon Lambert. ll: Walsh, 175 Princess street. No matter wlmt Others may llLlH.`l'L'-bl} ur any we guarantee to sell goods as cheap or cheaper than any other house in the city. They would like to have a. chance any- how. on 4 Clerical matters In Klnxnluu. Several important. matters of interest. 'to city Prosbvterinns will. it if! said, come before the preabyterv. which meets Iin Cooke's Church this aiternoon. In I one cum 5. clnrgvman's retirement is ang- i geatod by 9. petition signed by 56 DC!` E sons. men. women and children. New York Telegraphic Block Latter. (Damn :0 Wright (`OJ New York. March 15.-The last mails on the Oregon contained rt good many securi- ties. one ot luring 10,000 shares nf lteadtng and Welt We understand. hnwcventhnt this will not influence the aynrlicate's plans for the reorganization of the road; in fact, we understand they were heard to say that they only WlSh8d the holders of the junior snrttrttins the securities I A Dlllouln Quontlon. ` Superintendent of Sabbath School- What I8 a petition `P No response. b'uperiut.endenc--Spenk out. children. Limo Boy-Wlmt. you make with boards to divide a room. (Soene.) i } FIN AN CE-CL 8AhV`A~S_&0N 'l`EIPLE. E5LLE5_ RINK! FOUR MILE RAGE. OPEN TO ALL. MONIRIAL zuuun nA| Montreal. Mch. 15.--t p.m. c-rnrrc AEIIn nau- 2 -CUMMERCE. Montreal. Mch. ` 1: n, , _,u-_ __ 151* I57 115. 1; 121' M188 HISDIIIION drain! 8 ) llllluhtlul oh: 1 rrspnod to live Iuwu u no runoforh hr urn: npply M roeldonoo. Ko El` :1 ltroot. ' lob. 1'1. . . .__.___g____..___>, ._.__.%._.__..._..___.___.._____._ ON MDEAU BTILEIJT. A ROUGEOAHT HOUSE : uublca and large yard ntnebrp roueulon m Mny` J. BAJU8. ladro E. I'll 0 ,.r~ ' m AL f In -` - "ml: ..::. Pea mm. or -uku`v:u`:c Inn uinu 33. '35:: 3e"x?.'i'ala'i.'.':?3n'z`.1! .v`n`5'..;'.`ia'!`o`.';`" """"` Knuth IA \a.a\JA-wt.-an \aa.a4a.'.u ' General lleul Estate Agent. HOUSE`! TO RENT. - TENANT8 POUND Bnudlnu Lou. l'u'mI. ac. lnugln and sold on communion. I __j r -:j - 3 -wa:nv as l()N BAGOT BTREET. No. 163. from Inch lath. Apply to MICHAEL DONOGHUI, on tho pnmlun. Inch 18. __j, Wain`-... Hnh TH ANNUAL MEETING of tho sharehold- er: of the M-antenna Loan and Invonlnnl Boololv will behold In nu loamy : nun .- | 01 mo nonwnw noun and lnvonmnt Boom. wmbonom In the loamy : oaoo on WED IBDAY. the 1781: any ol Iuoh lIIII..I.I the horn` of 8 o'clock p.m_._ _ _ A V _ WEDNIBDAY. :1! p.m1.`E unnil ur- SI!/RTS.`(.'M0"LnlU`.`AI?fo gag/rrs. Ii loamy`: _\__D lBp_AY_. _tho_ Wednesday livelrx, lllnrch I'HII. 3}.u,..\.!LEY _...._- ., _..__v...v wuvvu - V- Daulnr In Gents` Furnlghlnp. & '. -GENTS' UNDERWEAR TO ORDER- ` -Mn muaow s'r.. l(lNGS'l`0N. I ....... . Ti?WIu i PIANO INSTRUCTION. `I`olepnono communication. ......-.v.., --. uu Inuuu nun. HOUSE 'I O- RENTL' /xn nnnnnu nan--nu. .. \Vnbub...... North Wutern. Lake 8horo..,,. Mich. Conn-3| Union Pacino... Central Pacino Mhanurl Pnclo .. N. .Ucxn.m.L.,__ For lunbility and okguuce 0! Ilu-'nh than good: Ire uuoqunllod by nny othor. ` EITWB RAME; Itonooiub.-dull be held in their room-, oonur Prinoou sud Bsaot Bu-em, on TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, st 8 o'clock. All members of the Club and thou desirous of booomin Inch. with the Hindi oi the Club -genera. ly. are oordinliy invited to be rounmnnd to bring timr irly Mandi wgshtham. Intoreltinapc n on entrant topic: will be roui sud I orb addnuu mv.n.intonpou'od with tending: J and wood Ind instrumental music. A. OHADWIOK. The Leading Undertaker & Bmba.lmar,V `)5! PRINCESI STREET. Cor. ofsydenlmlu 81., Kingston. I Olloo M Thor. II III , oppouitg rose, 0.1.... _Fob. 0. j J3" '~'ure-an. E`.>:.x'!!:_ Oregon l`nm.._. Oannds l M3mc.. Tun l`ao!c.,,, Northern Pnolnu Oregon RR. Nu. Co ._ Rook Inland... .. llllnolu Cemru|.... Onmbn . . . . . . . . . . .` Loullvle & Nun .. North WeIt.ZProf.. Fresh lot. of those CELEBRA'I`ED U18- COES. and mnsugx1mencofl*`RI".S}I LOB- STEILS which we urn nolling at 10 cents each. W. H. Carnovsky March 12th. MU s E U M A Fine Lino cl the Colobrutod GENDHON PA- TENT STEEL WHEEL BABY PAllnl`AnI.`Q Madre E. 1_NGL:Ej_\T's LUMBB`-3, Wllggd BURL YARD. THI REV. 15. LUNG! EY M.A., w|ll deliver I uwrum: In the any fun on mouun Icvlsnum. nu um um. BUBJ EC'l`-"30BER'I` BURNS." lI 0lnlr to be taken at 8 o'clock by Prlnolpul Gnnl. tlml 0lI;;i;l; In Prlcos. [BABY CARRIAGES. pm. ' menus names. I Igor. Klngltonz Mu-oh 2nd. 188%. n ----'-`c-;-;:. :- _ :._._ BPORAL KELLI 5' -vnlpny 000.00 hr: hmlsod number 0: \ ..n-untoor Scrip or hand Arnnu-. AI-ply It Tobe do Poul Bunch. llunh I.'l Hard Wood $3.76 per Cord. Jolt Wood 01,50 per (foul. IVIIII Wood $9.00 per Cord. Planing Lumber $9 per NI. Sawing Lumber $3 per NI. All kinda of Lumbar. Bulldmg Timber. Lulu. Bhlnulou. an. The only macs In the cm lmvinn three Mn- OPERA HOUSE FISH AND OYSTER MARKET. whiit Does it Meaz;? Bhlnulou. an. only placs city having rhluou worked by scum for sowing (ordwoml. W. B. AND S. ANGLIN. fvj n-_ LIIV- __ -._ m- "A '$`ni(?.l1)"l"|i thin NUAL TEA-MEETING ON TUES- DAY EVNINU. the 16th instant. Oholu Ilunlo. Solaol Bulb`: QM Ihorl uzd Pithy Addrouu. will be form: ad. `nu unbu- nlnuunt will be plonlnbla and pronble to I". T served 5: 7 '30 o'clock. Tlohtu 25. Ohlldnons Tlokoll lac. u...l.m W.B.(}0Rl;ON.Eoo'y. `I :1. aunt -.w>-wvwr-....;w.-xx:rr:..a:n,-y.,N..q ,. GBIAIN AID PIOVIIIOI HARIIT. (Damn Wright 00.) low You-k. lob. )6, ll noon. .._._ .._. sh-.. u_- I_.I_ ._ Ono Rye... . .. Hurley . VOLUNTEER SCRIVIIV What Does it Mean ? GEORGE CLIFET njl Ilnul IPQIQIA A -4 AR RIVEIJ TO-DAY. JUST ARRIVEL) AT THE E; ]MlI`O`OIR J:'|3- F'OR_. SALE- ---n-1-- TEE Seoodct the uric: of Free Enter- Iulnmunu. to be Von b tho 01nd- Itonoolub.-Ill had in t on roomu, coma: Pzinnu nnd Buot op "FOR SALE. Olkuoo. Inn. Mon. 1 Ar-nu. M: VII `(of M4 `.54 -r- --na.w\4u.-a-a.u Car. Buy ck Wellington Hts. ' '*l W} '"Y- Aug 09 u! I'M 2.01 12! as} 0H TIIEIIIAY EVENING NEXT Tho BIV. DB. IIOPIAT. at was Winchester. wmdollur nlaootnro in the Bonus 0! the It- nln Ilumute. Subject-President Gu- Io! . or loijoung Ion lay mm by Boolu. Inliltutu, to." An interval {or Iuslo sud Blnulug. Chair to be Iuon II 8 o'clock. Q'MmluIon free. A. C. MOMAIION. u..-..A_.u nE ffi6u`JA%Imve%nsmi -019` 'I.`l.lI- I """ "'"~*`e.srnc=v.m.x J.`-.-.. ox uuuuunlu uunuumt BETH. new 18 war, which we am: for 3 Will ON Ysuho Low Prion of O8. PER BIT CASH. " Eudqurtcn for Phbd Wan. Ioqour Illver Plated cake lu- kiunt 8.50. Pickle luau QIJ . lunar molten H OIJ6. All run pllk. ihmpod and mm...a. FREE LEQ'|_'_L_JRE -~~~--, , `TONE HOUSE on Eu-I Burnt, now occupied by I. BuI.her1nnd,Es-1. Polwsnlon May m. 308. MOORE. 4' - --I A -,-_.u_..|-n _--.- Admlunon 150.; Sluts: 100. Race at 9 o'o}oo|l . Kingston, March W. NICE HOME. with 431 hr. room: and two IBIOI of good land :lru I noon. bun: Ihldl. 00111! and well. I good Iummor residence. r Isle on any lonul. Apply 1| Wnm ovnco. Fnh ll lnnvwc _ . _____..___:________. WTONM HOUSE on Brook Street, Iron: Mny Inn. I2 stable. Apply ill nu m)w|.um. adjoining uunsrnun BLIIB an-unlnu.` _ Much 13. 1886. L.}.`3..'3 ; noninrooia no s.. Ind: 8. II? Prlnchln ll OUSI NO. I. VAUUIN TF.lHlACl~2. now occupied by John A. Ilolhon. Apply at no omoo. lunch 16. ';75o111n;t:on Bto um THE LADIES -011` THI- DON'T -- 'l'lcxI1'| I-5 cmun. -- A. SHAW. Bocnuly. an Mgrnh 19. Y9" % r tho an: Inn ol the Mochnnlcr ullltnto, ~3`?5R`SX1CE.T li0UH-Cont.I1n|nu ll 2 one door l.Avqry_ l ` (AI my I! lhl BOSTON EAT h FUR STORE on Wolllnmon must. um um: tdouuanl olno Olnollfon Ihoulpor at. Icon. "m`6-i.1i+. TO LET. Ii LIJLJJ` -0F |nnnn_l I'I` TIIZC I II? Prluluo st. 1038' TIOIIII 100. W. B. GORDON, Eody. mmantsl mulls. I Boon-otuy. Hocrctuy. sup. nun wuowlng players wIIIcom- pooo the loot] mm: M. Flnnqun. god: 0. Walls. cover point; C. Cum- on. contra; D. H. lolho; lull-buck: .Coxworthy. ant ruah; E. J. Member. uoond nah. ' Totonto polo plnyon will be has on Wodnoodny sud Thnndo owning: ol nut week. l: the week ollowing tho I Klnptona WI" play in Oobou Toronto. ` nmmon. London. Broclrvllr and 05- on. wo. P. Minn. of Oluwmwho will play with tho` polo soon from that place. in 5 Int kn mule uhur. Ho putioapuod III um; hoot ind only lost one. ` several inches On - `Ibo ll--[non Polo club Going on 5 Tour. Ousidr, the roller nkuter. notices continua ly, skating. is in mi . on an nvonga 26 miles A day. He is deter. mined to boat Unmpion. tho ublmpioh of the city. in the next content if he can. A [our mule mllar rum. mum On all M You van rm con un cum for omm I Iodyorgonlloman. Uompu-0 our Price: wlth than at can hole and noon the dmeronoo. T -. .,u........._, KIILII nun] nu um stunt} m nner for work done at the elections? These and other questions Mr. Alexan- der thought the house shouhl consider. whether the commons (lltl so or not. The senate is largely occupied. as a gen- .orI\l thing. with the revision 0! legislr tioh coming from the lower chamber. but there in nothing to prevent it in- vestigating public grievances end ang- geeting. 1! not legislation. in regard to them. The {act that it oes not purifuo an independent course gi on ground for the contention that it is simply amn- obino for the registry of he note 0! the government whose wil the majority. Conservetivo. due not wut. ox suocluy. In we nexl conteel ll llenen. tour mule roller race. open to ell. on- onn et tho roller rink on Wodneedey evening. Two prize: will be given: 05 to the nut end 08 to the second. Seven eketeru heveylreedy entered for it. The Onun ualo olnh Illnnlei u.. IKIIOII nnvengrouay entered to! it. Ottuu polo olub wnlllplny the Kingston: on Thursday and Friday oven- ings. The following players will com- DQO team: M. Plnnnn-n '1'/ll-.` I 'Ia'N/'.'Ii .l If/.Iv.' .~'/v,'.V.Al 1Ic'. Senator Aloxsiider protested against the adjournmcntol tho sennto. so soon Jter this opening: of tho house. contend- ing that it wns tho duty of the upper chamber to proceed with tho discussion of public quustions irrusnectivo oltho ac- tion of the lluu-io of Cmninuns. Have we not. said he. other l)ninoss to trunn- nct beyond the httlu [ o.l|ingtuu legisla- tion ol an interpretation not or post olco uiuondincut set? Is it not our duty to endeavour to find what Ind 300 lmllbreed families last year to tuko up arms. occnsioning so much hlou-lshod and cruising an expenlit.urool upvvnrds of {our million dollars? is it not our duty to ascertain how those H,()4v0,()()() have been spent. and wlmt pOrl.l'.)D thereof bus been wasted among parti- san follower; of the guvurninciit 2 Is it notobligatory upon [H to inquire how the 0l.()00,0U(). voto-1 nunnully for the support of the luilinn tribes. is actually spent? Should wn not investigate what stops should ho taken rospocting the timber limits uivon away. without Advertising for tmdurs. to portions in tho territory which now. under the rul- ing ol the privv council is in port and portion of tho provinco of Ontario`) Should we not make the most searching inquiry rcspoctinu certain timber limits and coal lnnd losses which, it l~IClJ!I.X`[{0(l wire stoslthily given away iu the some \r\l\- I..- ....\.I. ,I...... ..n n _ ,1, .- .. ulauvnuauulyl nun LAIDVU nu..." ........ "Societies for the protection of women and children were a craze of the period, as if women and ohildreqbad any special need or particular right to be protected more than any other class of society." These sentiments. coming from one who is almost daily cognizant of the dangers to which the young and weak are expos- ed, are strange indeed I They would be incredible did thev not come from an authentic source. Women and children requiring no special attention? Look to London, New York. or even the larger cities of Canada. and note the number who have gone astray because of the lack of that care and counsel which the religiously inclined nre (l(`l1ll`0ll` of al- fordinp. Instead of discourayinz el- torts so laudable our judges should beluundsupportiug them and wishing them God speed. And by the bye. the judge to whom we have referred wishes be had presided over the court at which Mr. Stead was tried. He would have known what tndo. No doubt he would have sent the jourimlist to prison for a very `long peilul, uml he would have plunied himself that lie had done his duty. Stead's work wus not of the choicest ltharacter. it was even at- tended by most lamentable blunders, but it was guided hy u noble spirit and it has led to bun:-iiciul rmiilts. The judge uud the journalist stund out in boldest contrast. The one is the repre- sentative ol dignity, the other of duty. Whish will wear the best 2 -vaswa uuu yusu run any uuo anus-nu uuuuu -. service. The discovery was made by Mr. Bradlsugh. that bad man whom the Tories so long kept out of the House. and who they now fear as much as they hate. 0! course his chemo was met by a at denial. but he was equal to the emergency. and dared the opposition to aproint a committee oi enquiry. He said, "I challenge my opponents to met my request. Thoy dnio not give me what I ask because 1 mm plmluco the very cheques issued by loading members of the Tory party, and crossed by the principal organizer of the London 'I`cr_v party." This was more than the House expected. Assertion could be mailed at, but Lot proof ouch as Mr. Bradlaugh held. It is safe to say that the men who inspired the last riots will he more careful in future how they _do their work and especiallv how they circulate their funds. It w -4 convenient thing to point lo the fat. that the Carleton Ulub had been among the places raided. but this was according to arrangement I . -1,-,,....,.:>.. , A (.I('E'E'[t 0Pl1VI().V. A Montreal judge is reported to have expreued the opinion that women and children dud not require special protec- tion, sud. tlwrefore. tbut the societies formed in this connection are wholly unnecossarv. His exact war! were: IlIJ....:..A.'_- 1,- AI,- _.....__A:... ..l ............. A TOR Y ('()NSPla AOY. In is as so many oxpooood-I.be lube riots in London, England. were the result of ngihtion unmanned by the Tories and paid {or by the agents in their -nu-nun l`lu. Jmnnunuu uvnn Inllll Int SPARKS FROM TB; ROLLER RINK. quuuy. wurunnnu-up um OSTIIK IT STORE, `XTQ`I`l1 26, qyulnonhmnu: Inn on > nan:-Ihnln-llln-vnnn!,Imt.(`.hrlA real. as the soul`: experience. In goof nntnro wo must not an lhs lmpalpablo and in- nro phuatuln: I-ha! no nurolo mnmlon In morn` \ Pl lnmmmdtho [rum vmrnmll, wu nocomo mmuuvo In It. Blamed are the pure in heart. for they shall nuauotl. it is through the phrity oi the Ioul`n own experiouct-. I hml almost called it the nhmoapheric condition or the higher u`- uluu ol the soul. that God appears to non. Christ hooomos to them nun than rntllnnt; Hn hooomos mling. Thoy lnmr~ sph--re each other. Before thu vhild la born tho mother`: blood, circulating hrough tho little hotly, gives it both food and life, and it in the moth:-r nnxhlng through the vhllzl that In the u-hill`n life and hope, Home-thing like that. hy n Ilgure ilituutrutivn, it may he nlul Hunt. there rmnm n moo in which we aw in such rt-iltioml in God as that God in nur lmpulnlng. (lur thuughh and Hi: Rulings luv in (`Jr1'ulltinn. They an- our doulrvs mil nppou-nun; and the lit vn now llvn we llvo by lalth in tho Run of God This in the higher IUD in which Christ come! to In and nl-him with us. and wn know it; in am nothing mom than othorn. we think nothing man, but `wt: (ml and know Olrint in H1 That is what I all nnul build- ing. lt don't coma in 1 dny. but it comes, and in real. No mnrblo mnmlon is mow rad. or no real. mu tho maul`: nrrlvunm I. K/nrll-lll(`. I Am mm nt chow that boovu tlmt. the life principle of the universe in God. and that our knowlcdgo of God is not ox:-ogitnwd oxmpt in reforouvo in Meet. nnt an a porsomulty; that whm the soul hm: hooonw so like God. as it wow, that it in in that medium through whlvh his un- turo vihmwn, we become nonxitivo on it. : um._yI .m um ........ 1.. 1.... n... u..... ..s..n I1l\ H'!'4`[).`l LIN` l|(`ll\'(`ll. 4 'lU] [UH glam-I, but 1-nvluus vlnlnl.-4 or llhny vupora ob- struct uml ha vummt. lllul it. llut ho ncarrhm for it until thorn r-nnma some rlmr nlght, and he sums it, mnl rojnlm-n on-r it more than for trmnmrn (unml; lmt the non nlght H. is lIn'lxil1l:', mnl ll '9:-k gum In)-_ and he cannot {lnvl it again, but it omnu-u ngnln, mnl ho r\-jolcm, nnrl lu- tolls tho:-av lhnt nre ln rxylnxxnthy with him of this star that hlua dnwnm nnhlm. Now there nm pt-mans in tho(`lxrlxt.lm1llfn thnt nnv livlng {nithfully and humbly, worklngly, hnt now and then S them <-ommx to thorn, at xunw unoxpoctod hour of gr:-at In-nlth, of rmllnncy, pneuma- tlon 0! tnlth nlmgetlmr lnrgnr than they had over hounl ur thought of lmfum; nnnlo hour in whlch tho lnmglnntlnn plnyn, more (`mm-3 an oxultatlun of thought in n-gnrd to time and tho llle boyonrl multlnd and the saints in glory. It mny ho n llttlo chil4I`s hnnrl load: them up. thnt hnn gmw Ix-loro who tho pllnl uH.h0s(` that come nfwr. It may he that It is tho valve that comes through tho gr-nvo (rum hoynnd; no mnttmr what tho mum ls. 'I'hornlsmn1lng one stop htghor, a new hlrth, mom lllnatrlous than all the rest, though all the mat are honamhlo, and that In the wul`s Mrth lnw Christ-lift`. I .m nnn no lllnun lhnf. hnm... n..o n... Iu.. umu ll?! wuu Win Cally Au nun, nu uuv I Isun hands as well as be ponnituxl to ripen it fully. l dun`: Wish to lm-will the idea that you can't live as (`hrlntlan lifu unlms you join the church. You can, A man may gobo Cnllfurnin `L-rum Iota if ho has u mind to; and ll be guts there, he lms gut thuro, thntfs all. But that's not the uunlest. way, nor the most likely way to got him there. A man may (ulucmu himself. but it's betwr fur hlm tn go t_n aclmnl. It will fa-nium~ the mnttnr. And the munwutu mun (`oxuesinm church rvlntiuu lmnxpirm tnrmlnothinghigh:-r, 0!` ought tn, than lll(`l`1' mnrnlity and vlrtue,tu1d seeks tn lay lhn f<-umhuiom of .`4ll(`ll stun-s of ohnrncwr and suvh lllll'llIlIl,cS us wlll t him fornnutlwrlifu and n hlglwr 0110. So then, um-nu I: n m-mm hmlu-r than Hm nw-r- 1-vn ~y 1)lt~(_\'. n\\'_ In pc-rnnm in the hul-it of all the dlltio-N nf t'l|\|r`h We run! Qllristlnll life. lh0l`0 mum fr~q1wntly Kurprlning nuthurta of 0X[K`lrh?lI|`l`. 'l`hure cunm vxporiq-ncus that lead (ham tn my that (burn N u rm-ulity in what in rnllml Um hiuln,-1' lifu. \\'l-.4-n lhu nurifvlmz mam us my mar. mu: rnllwl Um hlgllu,-1' lift ntmgglc h11.\'I`ui5mll.In~ dmolls, H1cI`L- vmma int n llght from ulsovv. h('nr24 of tho discovery hn uxn-ops tho hon I...o .....-I...._- ..I..n.l.. DTGIIK UUWXI lx:<'uu~;u wuuu but`) nan: reverence and venerution, and now and thou rhnpsody, yet in their personal private life they are so full of faults that everybody has occasion to suspect that they are not very religious after all, and this sus- picion is generally veried. But the next tp highs than inn-nlity in lull-anltivndon. and thatis thu life of religion. It in one of self development, and there is a stop still higher, when men put themselves under church relations, and under institutions to increase their knowledge of duty and to help them perform it. Thenwi:-I no 1-lmrm attached to the church`, it simply has helpfulness in it. A man may live :1 Christian life outuidu of it. Bomanmay raise fruit at. the side of the -.~.n.l hue Hm laws will lnn vm-v ant tn 3IlIII Illa] IIIIBU Il|Il|I uh UIAU ruuu \ll lulu howl, but the buys wlll he very apt to steal it; xvhorous n uhcltnnad true he- hlnd 1.1? wall will carry its fruit to the right ponnituad ripen You my the huh pylon aoms city dulon no ulna; tor thalr lunwhon 0115 lb. IL H 4 make nnuxngeuxvn ('1-i\ f'. Mlt Lu gin-. llglnn in like u ml light. but H~Hm'L~) L Hwm. And mm ('4 ii. ' A'r`-i7i`;`"`i` IILI IR. [M-5 i. I .5 UL. 32129.:-`*:;ai~ -x,,..r ..-~:.-. wrist and highar love of God. a substitute for the highest form of religion, said Mr. Boot-her, boars very much the stunt rolntion that learning the alphabet does to writing poems and orutiona. A man can`! write them unlesa he knows how to spell, but a man may know them and ho a dunco. Religious people have unwittingly and nnwlsoly pro an inlpl`L'SHi)ll that morality is nothing. ,r_ i any that piety without morality is nothing. You might us well try to bring forth harvest without soil. And what is morality! It is living right to- waniourselvus and our fellow men. It is not only good for mon in this world, but it in the foundation on which piety is to be built. Many persons of piety bevuuso while they luwe break down ..... .......Hm. nml nnw Iuity u H MURALITY A3 A BU _ TITUTII FOII THE HIGHEST FDBI OF RELIGION. Bnooxmm. Marian l~l.-Mr. Beecher. am. stumbling over a badly written notice chin morning, promoted that ho was not getting old, but that the ink was bad. He beggd everybody who cont up a notice to be read ta -mm. In lat him-I: Ink. Thu time has mm everyoouy W110 soul. up I nuucv LU uc lvuu w write In jet black lnk. The gain 1-... U rm nrhlnrl imnmlv "wlmn nnmrtlnlitl B8 In J6! Ul-RCK un. ' luu uuuu una gun: by," he added jooosoly, "when npmtmlit} I for black imputes nbolmoubzm to any one, so don't bo afraid." M. n...J -.3. +.~..-4 1\Y.1;~ 1o`.!..-=.a!-n-.- U! n g. nun; [um Tonal Ourselves and n... nu.---n-l'ho Int nah Idl- I MR. BEECHEB S "SERMON. h l.IVlI| -III! Iuwutu vunuwl nun Our Fellow-naI-l'h0 Hugh cumnuu. and Thin ulna uh of le- II[lon-"'I'Ie old lollu are ms; in Hip." aulncnln mum]. in I : Ion usntt Bdt A%LIN.) Q`Ul"n[H HUI: HlCl'\`l_V IU TU` in-, Thu 1-_~L-mluul spirit of ro- mirror, (hut Lakes lxmwa of (`L9 thmn ull and dun`! uhaorb um vunu-, to tho higlwr l(-vol of mu, having rt-\"(`i\ l-ll bonota, )fw us well nu to lm fed. nun ,..,n...u ....n.n.. g...n....a )l`I' re u rm-umy Ill wmu. nu I1`. \\'h-`n lmrifylng u-s'nn1]iI`.l high,-r('(>u~ 11-mmtingly,nsltwero, '11:-n nu nstmlmrnnr xpuuny, nnu try to ` humun fumily. This iulvnm of great plot) . I nlntv, It in not. [hr- 1|~4 pu`l.li nn usuunornnr u-W <'-)1):-act.-llatdnll with his glam, nv vnn(u'n nir- unuv splrm nnul try fnmilv T IN IIUL [[113 ~ 11 part of ) I50 [N]. sptrlrpd. trv In vnuuaul ll UIK--lI- Berlin, lhrcb. l5.-ImInenee snow fell: ere reported in Sileele. Bovenl villeaee hen been completely buned. The lnheblhnte have been obliged to dig their say out. Five children I) 'beea(dlroien to deeth while going I Idh . K. K II; IMIOI am the oxptoprlktion act 1351!: lulnd will nqnin NT.- I|nn~:nn1'nLv-m i:i|5xmxuNcm> nio- DLIG-AGED WOMAN to uh cure of clum- nn zuloo IOIINIIHAL SERVANT. Apply Inr modluoly :1 13 aqo: Htroot.