==-:a.a;e..i...._ . .,,,..W,;im`-4.M.em-.m2.-:s.. I __..A._~ ; ._.ur.g,~=,~..,, UAl.LIA..~.... . . . . ..Snnrdny, April ltd UHBMA ....i. . K . .nu1rday,,Ap1-g-.l0|b- AU ih\BlAr. . . . . ....i-lnturduy, April l7uh ETRURI . . . . . . . . . Saturday, April Nth SEVlA.. . .. . .. .. . Bsturday. Mny 1-0 UIBRIL. ........BM.urd|y, May 8th AU BANIA. . . . .. Snnrday. Mny 16th Feb. 17. Nov. 97. WILL,Ol man man, 2m, an son, 1).... nn. nuns .. ._-.. . nu 1;IvlII.`II! Much I 1. n . - (gut Block of ARTISTS MATERIALS Val-v LA:-an, |_?O\V}D_ER `tbs also nodo:malnUI ZbsoIuteIy"P_uFe'. E x `King ".'FN.3P L91`. .v--. ----y -v--,--r-_-._ . -.._., . ..... .. For lnltobo and North Won Territorial VII mud Trunk And Oundlun Paella. with Fm Oolonmn Iloopon. wm lone lluutan 0|: Wod nanny morning. In-oh mu. Nth and mu. Tho oonoulou In_I40 by_ um Rgmg onnplo I11 BAG OI` ITII BET. U U ` ncmun to-nu A!` an SECURED TO-DAY AT `P31110333 BTBIIT. VIIIVI 3|. TO THE- I `?I I PIIINCEQI 'I`. @ itilg "aunt; K." Tuna beau wan trotind.. Ihoduhtnupnnnud lb: luinuq ol (banal. ndbdnrotho bout nppoiIhdoI_ Fridny tolnhhhohouwuv dnwn lacy Coll. won two both. "Barney R."oIIo tut. ' III-I In an ill!!! IIGCIIIBI by MC- urpdan` Foplo I weapon. docadod noun.` hfolawing vu'o`I':.winni : bones: Gnu nee. W. H. liaison`: "N - lick county raee.T. Quinn`I"Ilou Coltz" 1 ninnto nee. ll. RlG'l "Barney K." {no- -all. T. K. Scovl I`: "Nculntop."-On\ Thursday lut nmtchd trotting not for I tookplacnoq Ibo iao banana Thou. inborn. "Holy Colt." And I. Rap : " R." Thus boats trolttll. vbcnduhcuonvunud nu In-inhhu .1 can liOUOl:: FISH AND OYSTER MARKET. Ilerch i5th.-Feelings of deep regret ere ex resaed by all denominations on account olgether Stanton`: removal to Smith`: Fells. By his energy and persevennce church building: have been erected and improve- ments made which will be a lestin monu- ment to his executive ability. By in lund ' Ind eniel mnnner he has endured himself to elf Protestants and Catholic: Alike. The .n ` neeein his new held at lnbor.- Whislln hriunch-_ frrgggg f`..v.--ma..- u_u-u a Will! it expreeeed that he may enj hn `lit. fl`? . unvo- ttted the stock of tin whiltlee. Jews` hu-pe. and other teinkets. which they brought here lut winter to sell by auction. the ehildren here hevin been well xupplied with that` clue of I the previonn year by the aid 1 brigade--Williem Bruh. who ernved here\; cum ol goods the pronoun by the 1` amvod hen Inn {All fall from British Columbia. intends : leaving for Cnlifonm in a few dnya By his kind and nibble nunner he has made many wan-n Honda. especially Among the fair nu. -Tbe engineering party of the B. W` & S. S. C I. RR. left here on Saturday. mu hav- ing eolgplalod Qbc Iwuing of the mud in llm naghborbood.--Tho winiet nesting ol . the trotting club tool lane on tho ice III. ' -on Iloodavnd T sad. so is . Innlin nu nnnan nn nkun hm IHQ1. uvun uuuuvuuiuluilit 3;!" Twain Inc. `unnlip all mums u nken hymn- i$.W. Folger has purchased [times McCal- luni's farm of use acres for Ib.ioo. He-.ln- tends stocking it with thoroughbred cattle and horses and has engaged Joseph Morton as foreman.-]ames McC:illum is going to move to his farm in Glcnburnie, and is not going to sell his stocL.--Samuel McAdoois vary ill.--A cheese f.-ictory is in contein la- tion, to beerected on the {arm of Mr. c- Adoo. It would be very convenient for our neighborhood.-Arch McCallum is improv- in; his farm very much Illh stock; he has over fiftv head of cattle and horses. and one of the best stock {arms in Eastern Ontario. There are three never falling running springs- Services are held in the school house every Sunday evening. held by di- vinity students from Queen's College and are very snccessful.-J. M. Fair hasa num- ber nfteams hauling sand to ll his con- tract: ~-]. Hogan is going to run his lactory again , as he gave good satisfaction last year he will likely have a large supply of mill: this year.-ELiz/t. March i5lh.-C)n Sziturtlziy evening while . Redden. jr., was returning lrom the city is horscs became frightened above Ports- mouth and ran away. They got loose from the sleigh, and one of them ran all way home and cut himself badly in the legs.- Last Wednesday evening a party liom King- ston. iiicliidin some Business College stu- dents. rcpaireg to the residence of P. W. Day. where an ciijoyable time was spent.- The toboggan slide at Weetbroolie is still the popular resort for the young ?eople of the snrroundingcountry. A loa o 5' ixteen was there one night last week from our road, snd report the slide excellent. Two or three loadsnre going over this week -Mr. A. Baker has gone west again after spending a short time with ns.-Mlss Bessie Day is home trom Odessa, where she was visiting for I monih.-A sale will talie place at the Everett farm. March 25th. ol stock and larming implement.s.-~Miss Venton, of Kingston. is the guest of Mrs. R. Dawson. luyou. ine ienuer, anu U. 3. wariman, ine treasurer. The club will make it: first ub- lio ap earance at the concert in the Latimer schoo house on the 26th. A good pro- gramme of readings, recitiitioiis_ dialogues, vocal and instrumental music is being re- pared. Edward Crumley La: consente to occupy the chair.-]ames Lattimore. of Lon- don. formerly a resident of this lace. is visiting his friends. He occupied t e pulpit on Sunday.-A petition iii being circulated among the ratepayers of this and the adjoin- in neighbourhood praying that the council wil undertake to compel the Perth Road Company to fulll the conditions of its charter. especially in regard to the tollgates. This is a step in the right direction. nan` . .... ..... March Ilh. - On Saturday night the goung people of this neighbourhood auem` led an the residence of our postmaster and organized a glee club. Miss Elizabeth Spooncr was elected the organist; H. T. Lyon. the leader. and B. S. Warlmnn, the , trnnsurer. This club will mnkn in rn nuh. March 16th.-The much advertised gift concert came all lust evening. It was a success The singing >9 Miss Edith Cald- nud Miss .\l.1u.l Waggoner. anal the recita- tions of Mrs. Gibson, were the features of the evening After .1 very lengthy pro- gramme the gifts were tlistributecl.--We regret lhcillnesti of h1I Alice and Eliza Ferguson. daughter of Mr. [amen Ferguson. --Miss Sarah Ritchie. of Cincinnati. is visitin her brother, Mr A. Ritchie.--Our bcauti ul organ in the Methodist Church still keeps silent. and so many ynung ladies able to play it. Its musr; would make the services much more intere-.4ting.-~The far- mersot this place have secured a site for a 4-ton platform scales with which to weigh their produce.-Mi. A Ritchie has goneto Guelph to secure a thoroughbred Durham hull. .March Iglh.--Thnmas Mills an] George Kenny have taken their departure for Wa- tertown. ~ Our tinsmilh. Mr. Haaslip. has 8 violin which wn made in the year 1755. It has been in` the family {or over 1 hundred _yea`rs.--Clint Strulhers paid a villa e a`[ ii3mi"'v1si':`1' uI':\`1`yT`>-SW if .:s?1 . am` T MITCH roLn.-ueorge recx s youngest son is recovering from his sickness.-Franr:is Duie has purchased W. Green's farm for I2.4oo The people here are getting out their summer wpod.-Messrs. W. Franklin and Ward have resumed hay pressing.- Mrs. and Miss Bryant, of Gananoque, aid 3 ying visit to friends here last week.-- be alone breakers. Messrs. Blake, Weldon, Clarke and Leehy, nished their contract and drew lhell pay on lhe ugh, . The next day they made the town ring. - The new Fast office is doing A rushing business Over orly letters were mailed last week.~\Ve are making preparations {or the erection of a new hnclr school in the spring. Tne old one Is being rapidly removed. Tolophonc Co-nnnlcauol. `KT. LC. DRENNAN \ nnnlinnlh nnuxnn. llhrung-n *':;,:f:"c:r..;:: ".'.'.';; .`;,;:;.';..;;n:;: 'xi"y`I"`vTi I"i1 mu` " In milk meeting in Chapman's hull Int um-uvnrulnnn-1. March 16th.--Last Sabbath Rev. W. Peck preached ths annual missionary ser- mon in the Methodist Church iron: the words. He that believoth and is ba tiled Ihlii be saved, and he that believol not shallbs damned."-The annual missionary meeting will be held on Thursday. the 18th inst. The (peakers will be Revs. Messrs. Stillwell and Mavcty, 0! Kingston.---]. Har- loer, assessor, paid us a visit last wee|t.-0ur teacher. Miss Rogers, is ill. ` 'Iiy`Ili VT!"`[ai31 p`|iu\TEy'.5"-AK. L'ii1'l.Ii'|i' BKll'Giu ' :1 Tlmrsdnv dmaing, which was largely ai- Ionded Tbeofcers for tho ensuing vear are R. Tait and A. Gilbert, committee, and Mr. Gardiner. salesmm Miss Henderson, nf llnrlnu hnu hncn 5nJal1a-4` an rh:-nun. NIT. IIIYOIHCT. salesmln WHS5 J of Morton, has been engaged maker.-'l`hcro was no service I Melhodist Church last Sunday.- haa been putting up ice for the c son. unannoun- npresaed by on naxmm Win in "British Whig`: "uoruupo-donu llovo Io lnyon nVnrIMy ol Iulqloov. THE VIUINH` Y RIWS. GLIIBIIBNII. '4L v ._. o-LL_. xv unnnnuur. -George Peck's from his sirkn -..,,....... ...... ..,.. `/mu. :1 b _ arnyvod ""'; ., ,_ v 3-wan: vu 1II- - ' mi 'mwIc an 4 301.3 LL.l.4.A._.sg L4`; 4..s.__..__ . KINGSTON, OANAISA. WEDNESDA;Y lEVENING.MA1{CH 17. i386. " k's youngest son kness. - Francis e mm: m me .-Mr. O'Neil 2 coming sea- I neuaerson, l as cheese- : held in the _Mr n~M.n ninco-uundinit u u nlub I'IIInIlvio1hI orod_uluulchildI'IIlnrnd- . .qeouuu..-- ._.__~.-.j... unwucsuuwmuppqnuluunwlutvo " ` ltbobviouIntt.hhIodAInotorhdu- tinudtobocolnolmmnnoly popular. Aayet wohnvunothnluqaportunltytocollapnn Ihctwiththnlottho elnctrlcnntontho onlyolhonfenliblanbdihblorlho . Indncuttnllnmhonozbuthwill huun Alodnlohr. AndWIJdAmd(l',WMCh pa-farnlnlltho tuncuomolnn ordlnnrylocotnodnghln opanuonon 8tnh|tnot..Chla(o. ltdou notnqulronnyl-0.hnohlun,dounot anltnny offanin mnlhhn nooxhnn llbckntlunmwhhtloeofrlghtmham, |InAkumllyugoodumouIhnold- .ItumdIunmy. huhnonlyI.hIrIuauIn|n- `nuuwchu-pltmndlcwmmnununnoaly wforllxhounllurlthloodod. 'l'boBoduI `|ndAlbcnyRn|lmulmmpnnyhAlnobulld- lngnfortykniodnfonnhlnwhunlhll-Illa `throuhB Eli(I$C|lU)Il'l'II""IjITI vhnnbyllnlnodvofm-voolocmvvyuneu lnnvnholndnwnnmmfor thn nlnmlamnl (counts and unable lnfonmuon In regard to and Roma! llvon. pnroounlly or by mu . II the Bllll ll]! PASSENGER 8TA'l'llll. Cbrulohuun 1 onlnuo In. `Y,NIlfl]II|-lEC@llI Ill!!! 00 (ETC untncttanwlllmpply nlllhcnnwltltwo Kelolhnowwlnlmlnhlng 89!` (`Ill IDOVB, WOHIE lllly [X IXUKI out with such astonishing one that it is n woudar how the old system was put up withno long. Again, 1 large pwportlon of deal mute: no also nhort uigheod. Tbutnin on thnir eye: of wntching the ngunlk in painful. By cnlllnglnhouch withthoud of electricity, u ubove, mother some is brought to but oi. their edumtlon. Two den! Inutn could than convene in the duh by not: dotr any um nnlm nf tho m.hm-`- loft hunt! with oo\uaumnconvenemI.neuu-x ny ucnaotr ting thepulm of the other`: loft hnndvith the finger: ofhisown right. Gmotapeedmnboottalned. F`nr1hcr,den.t mute: can thus tnlegnph ouch odnr over win: and mnvm-an. Bv thin nmmd mo It . H1113 LIIIII uuegnpn @011 07-001` 0 wins, nndoouvone. By thll lnothod too Imam: quite likely um dad mum might mmo skilled ualegnph ope:-atom. At rltathlunewmetboduenn to ht In All -nnnfn u. III-unvtvunniuult an 0.. nbl .n.I -u wires or A puno Ana mueu we nounu when A key is touched. The matter up At the duh touches A key or button Electric wire: run from the teechers dank undernenththe iloor up to eAch desk to the untrix in which the pupil`: hand lies. The wires, however, do not Actunlly touch the pupil`! hand` They are connected with and move the tiny hAm- mera thet Areciaoe to theholeu in the matrix. The button: At the teAcher'n dank Are lettered AlphAheti(-Ally. Suppose the teecher winha to lpell out the word And in the pupil`: hAnd. He iouchea suocanively button: A, n, d; And point: A. n. d y up and strike lightly the pupil`: left hAnd. The AtIvAniu(m of this new mnthnrl Ara The auvnnmgeu or am new method an numerous It does away wiuhdntlruotnu anger practice; It. can. indeed, be Iubntltmtaod for thnt Altogether. By touching with 3 u- gur of the right hand the alphabet point: In the left, lightly, on fut u the foren- onr can move. wnrdn mnv ho mnllnd a manner. The way we pupm are mugm Dy the electrical touch is as follows; The left hand of each is put into a mold the shape of the haml In thin mold or matrix, there are holes to oonupond to the point: upon the hand whenathe letters are located. Under ggnb. hnln In - nnlnt nr xln. "Plug none is n poms or am. we notion of these is much llke that ol the little hammer: which suite the uni... nl . nl-an and "min. tho Illnul Huppooenclnnwnonmng grouped soon: teacher. The the pupils taught by the nlu-trim! much in an follows: The left W. H. Carnovsky Much lh. are common I: urudy. Tho cu-I-`Ix In ttactun b, so far at vn paw, the best In yglght slut. bu bean in- arnurairm; It In A land Innrrnothnanthm. ptowyulumngmwmnunmmuumm I- I mecmcny nu Just. oeen appueu [0 mo in- Itruction oi the deaf and dumb in a very in- genious and intemstlng manner. Instead at making the letters, by the nger: in the ordi- nnrynlow and painful manner, the put: of the palm and inside of the nger: of the left hand are divided and named after the letter! of the alphabet in the manner dealxnnwd in the illustration Imall engine in mule directly from the con rods, without connecting rods. (hank pin: nude in vertical slot: in the platen. This boiler is fed continuously by A pump. Tin drivarnlsoacmns reman, from tlxnotaotimo applying the stimulus to hurry up hi: Imam trotter. Boa)! Ibo Roller Rink (Ma waning. 11 fQ.Il-.C.B-IEQ-- \JA.-I-CU` Tholllultzutlon Ihowutwo gentlemen fAk~ Inga:-ids. Theyareutonoe puaengur and engineer. 'l'hec:.rrlnga lsI:wowhoelod,wl| wheel|4}{ foetacrou. Amnll wheel in placed dovrnln front. of the boiler forwar- lug. The boiler is heated with coko,nnd ll very mull, wulghlng only 175 pound; It holds 1 low pint: of water. Steam cap bu not 111) Van! rnnldlv. Still. if nnvbodv wnnml noun row pm]: 01 waver. mean on got up very rapidly, Still, If anybody wanted the doctor In I hurry, probably he could go to him Iooner by mounting a bone. Thecnrringegoeauixtonevenmelln hour. The nllton awoke In thmo lnchu III II Ion Wu: to Get Ollnllury a lone In Ian4Ia|~ldueauo| out: In! and In-hiya Incl IeIIol- \ I. Catch on Io Ibo Iowa! `Ills; Out. ; VH1I!l.I.` ` 'Ti`W "i axemim-;~ap'= 1 oxpodon; [it A road Ionamothoongine, `wiiinnonniagoiou-twopa-nounctuzhod. Thu can-hm weld: Lhlrtv-alum noundn. and `wnnnncnnuaoxotwoparnnaswuznoa. Thecarrhgowdgbthlrty-thlupotzndlmnd hultmlwhodqkouhicych - .- E8 pupul IGITI IIIIICI. The Advnnhgel of this method nnmnroux It dlli lwnv with ntlrmmrn w. M. uIENuAN's llllflll DBPAHTIHIT It Never Closed. AITIAI OAIBMGI I351` II IAIDLIDN IAIILY AID 00!! VIII PAH`. _S6IENOE AND PROGRESS,` IIAIJIIIIVE I`l'IAIl IVAIIIIIAIIE NIW DIAT IUTI ALPHABIT SuppmeLclAnhot)oI1ttlnggroup;3d about | rancher. wav nnnlln muzht bv IILI. IIILD I`! WAITID ITITIII. n. n I: g___ -n,_g_-g.___ Eloctrloal Alphabet for Don! Iluul. Electricity has just been applied to the In- Itrucnn the deaf and a van In- nnnnauuuuuwumr unpunnng. Lil-aha:-no;buHGw11I human (I n -rv-nnxm -n-an Augahnn-A tndo. brands. "cub." "El man," `I On." and out: will nlnyubo ad. the mica! 0! echo in the contrary notwiluundingps. DAVIS 0 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY) I. Ilr. Robillud contended shut IIIOII who could not belong to Inch upma- tiou would have none nrotocsion |lord- od. and aid nlongu nun wens: lib- uty tc orguniu thohw would yollbo taken ulvulngo ol. Tho notion `van IE3 ltilll IIOIIIO II IDI IYDI We hue institntad legal procooidinpt against in who have manufactured nnd sold. than not! calling. with lIll`- ' mu buds of dilctentoolomnmihr to than tqishred and and by III. ind nqactfnll request tho tnde to ttut nuufnctuun dealers who employ Inch dilroputnhle man to but their goods upon the public, in tholnnnor tho] dunno. Thoaewho galvanic: Ghana In: xlllnn Ihnir in-nioni.-.. ` an In llllllcf may learn. 13: wnoj cncounp thclnby Idlin their imitation: ` fu .`Z'.'I'.')";`!'f`..`.` ......` "" .. ........'`'`"I.;'.{ E so you me nmgnu ox ueoor. Ir. own eeid Iuch orgnniulionn eeened neoeeeuy. md that the con- lened greet edventegoe on the le ring men. though they bed inoidenul evile. The hot this etrikoe were euooeulnl sometimes proved in Iboeo enee that the non bed jun gnevencee. No ede- quete remedj had been yon devieed. eed nothing mole eimple or elective hed been devieed than the not under notxoe. ' Mason and wortnun were not enough ehve to the beueme to he obtained iron the meumenow on the name boon. u no bond had been lonned under the `AC no poueowa. Ir. Ennnunger supported the motion. sad in tolerance to the hbor trouble: oi uh": county and the United States. said that the public sympathy was with than who bolievod laboring men had 1 right so join tho Knights of Labor. Ir, Main] mid Inch nrnnnismiinnn DKSCUUIXON 0!` `I'll LABOR QUIITIOBI IN TBI LI0lILA'l'UII--IOTION WITHDRAWN. Torohtmumh l6.--Iu the Leginlm Inre Mr. O'Connor naked {or returns mowing the number of boards ol ubi- trnton [armed under the not creutmg aid bonldmlnd urged. in View of the diculmo so lroqnenuv occurring be- tween employer: sud employees. that legislation to umoay the trouble should be poxlootod. u. l',un.u...m- -ulnnnrnd um mnoinn The select committee ol the city conu- oil, on the water works queataon. wer tohnve hell a meeting yesterday. Al . Thompson. the chairman. was on hand. fortied by the report of the chief engi- neer of the are ale-purtment. Mr. Youl den eai-I he tested the hydrnntii on Feb. 12th and 10th. The enuine was placed st the corner of Clergy and Queen Sui. and with 415. Bin. of water in the reser- voir and the pumps oi the company stopped, 3 atrenm of water was thrown Iron: a fin. nonie I distenoe of l9ft.. and two atreeine. with Jin. and I in. nouln. e. diatnnce of 10 ft. each. The hone in all cases wae 50. long. The engines 0! the ennipan were then etert- ed. and through 2 ft. of hole and lin. noule the stream reached a die- tnnoe of 9(Ht. (180 girls. per minute.) The ateud pipe at the reeervoir win then put on. when the etream reached 110 ft. (157 gels. per minute.) Two stream: were next thrown. through { in. nonli-e. a distance of 0015.. horiloutally. The Iecond tee! took place in the evening at 5 o'clock. Ind with 8. 0 in. water in the reeervoir. The engine at the aame hy- drant. through one I noule, threw a atrenm 68 It. (08 gale. per minute); through two ncnies. Q in.. 44 ft.; thiough land 1 in. noulee. `)7 It. end 87 ft. in- apeetively. hut reducing to Hit. and 22 ft. Length of home some in all cases. The engineer ndde that the iitreama were measured to the extreme disteuee reach. ed by the apray. The deputment would requue {or good are duty at leaat two good lllelllll. the acme na thnt one throwin 110 It.. which would be about two~thi I the capacity of the engine. and this could not be ncooinpliahed with- outeitheriiicreeainq the head of water in the reaervoir. or keeping the compu- ny'a engine: going continually and im- proving the liydnntu and pipes. Not a aumcient number of members ol the committee were present to form I quo rnm IDIOIII Illfl [DUKE I0! HM! IHOIQ. J. A. Hateld : was on hand with In no bn colt.-tho only :ntry-whioh In: the cause at the others lnhiujz u back seat. sad the consequmt. wir.Imruw- ul of the cult. not-. much to the chugriu ot the spectators. Tomwould hue him: that money. The rucou Ior to- morrow ne : A tuwuahip ucc-. um um from-for-nll. and n awerp nukes for "Ndlio Gray," "Lottie B." and Euler Bioolgreen nmre. ___ _* -._j In. prllea W010 '15. IV IIFI ID. Guava "Nellie Guy" did well nndl would certainly have taken I plsce bud ` she been in good condition fur the not-. 1 The tlma lo: the that man mm 2257. but ` this was oounidenbly lowered subse- qnomly. The taken were on deck. but l were unable to you hearing. The unnll boy wna astound. The wlnal L-I lortunn llllll opened up. but to the hm. and: lucky pair we.-ro disposed of he was obliged to convert his nppuntua into a shield and make for the mom. `I A l-l..|hul.I'- was run hand with ||`l mommy cmngeu nunuu nu can uenoeu In Ive lourth and last but H. uolxoy I : tool charge of "Black Dick" And puI| hi down to good work, winning tbei ` I b . nnd. therefore. the race. with "Red '2 " nnnnnd and "J R Pan-Iran" third l sencm. l}lll.lli_l_T nxcunswns IDG. NJOTBIOTB. IDS TICO. Wll "IWQ second and "J. B. Parka" third Th prizes were 018. 09 um! 08. Grunt : "Nnllin llrnv did -all nml lull` LIX! VII FIIO IIITI IDIUIIIIIK. II. "Blgck Dick" und "Red Rose" werei nu bglurdlor ntplwo. "Rod non"; III: 1 passed the stand with about I. let: in to pure our ' Black Dick." with I "J. . Pukeu" ouood I.hir-J. Ext-Ibement was now increasing. Ind people thought "Rn! lhma" would win the not-. Am] - 73. HOW HICIUIIIDK. Illa "Red Rose" would win money changed bundl i h Mb ..I......_. of --RI.nl. (holes. A large Vlnnll. wen preeeul. The day we: the the such good. T cola` nee wen hue come on x-II. to he wit run for wuntol entries, notwith- Ihu it was previously under- Ihnt several would enter. About ' o'clock. however. the three minute trot was called. Six entered and c m- and till the Iluinb. Theo-e war: crimes "Black D ck." Vuu|.ladue'| Red Rose." Conroy's J. B. Parke-3," Omit`: Nellie Grey." Miller`: Annie Ll 'e." and Latina`: "Lottie B." The {ad were Mean. W. Wilson. 0. Sb- eymuul -. Ludlqw. The am but ch: . The neoon ham wu hotter. "R.e- Rea" dong better work. "Blue! Duel" hain nuumll All J H, Pal-Inna" thin-J, Th: TITIVIIII IIII IICHIOOII I0 WIIIIIII ' Imnher Iron: the oityuad Vicinity. end some from Cupe " ivn`iI`u"i i``ii' 'by` n1ief`*`thviI`ii", "**m'sii* "R Rum" socem} amdu"-l..oMivs- B.`- - Ilul. "Red Ron" a done I 1 I I I A l '1 I I 1 ( I .3! I T. I ll 1 1 111." DON] III, "ltll Iii I (FDIC d. LII "J. 3:. Parke!" third. Tho` thi heat won the mat exciting. ll. "lnnk Tlinll" nntl "Rad Rana" nnrui loudly. Inch 16. -- About Me` hullnd ppophltoodon tho iooin front I Tlilhllc In-ttvw-uvnvu orowa-' ` Iauoounlloiut. I ` .2-.-oo-:. I"-purunu Noun 3- use Irnd . L... ...oh.nuI Ina.` no.-um. ncis AT WOIJI IBLLlD;_ people IIIO the noe, n n-n.-nun. ._-.u_ MINNEBOTA. DAKOTA. MANITOBA AND BIHTISI COLUMBIA. Ipll0Ill`U I no, And nnnmnn, l Inn ioufbougl bout II`! Wh Ia: ting] moment when can gag i=uod'iAlo nlaief from :1) inhmJ: um-ulpwnbytln uoof Points : Nani. linqthc gun pain `can. cnilino bu uluvuluunhovntohilinn inch cm; ugthil, fotitlun combination at the not pouwful pain nbdning Nadia hoqu. `I !-`no out nnpln bottle of Narnia. ouwjllndu-vii : n are caring noI|`!lI"l`loo(7helIo. beugu. can - let not: nus. Buy and try. urn bottles, cools. by all 0h.l.hoyIencvu'thobddh'in } lnllnnyorsla-InywuIhI'; Uplnaomounhlngmdownbyoli. In townor-counlrytwonldnlwnylln i Prlnoennlhunrl . " =YaiIi'iGanIunh; line, Wm: B blg. big burl: and I nonowful whlno; Andholeu-nedw knowrlghtfmmwronc. And Prince would in by the baby Purl, Rocking hot whlle she slept, Gently. lightly, to and fro, Andthoinotlwr wurnaotooolnoorgo. mm. 9.4-... . ...... .....o..o. In-no I P":.-P!".:-.:~::t!"`:`.-:-b.|'_-',', K Andwdbunr trombobyhnnda ."."9'!'-.-9'9". -"'**"=. Ananeunnr n-umnooyn-nu: Wlthnmnr-omu nswlnco: Andhtmhhbukwnncunfmmhrm. F`l'ho`dcu1'yhu-ndblynllovur momm- Du-lln(.nnyo|dPrincnI And what. Pcnrlwuattollnvllhpochool, Amoalnonnwn . Pr1nmcnrrhtlhnrlnznuAdprIInu'.too, |AndwoIIdrun0oh0chha-whunchool wan And in one cndle the babies slept, All through tho mldwintpr weather; Ono on her pillow, dlmplt-d and sweet, And one curled up at the darling`: foot- Pce _And Pearl together. But Prince grow fut, as dogging will, Till hesoonwu large nndltrong. With Icon] bhrk coat. that was curly and I'I'Il'|CO Illll I OIl'l. In the very same year, on the very same day. Two llttlo bablm were hom; One was A doggy, and one was A girl; One was nzmmd Prince, and one was named n...u Cabin ............uo. I70. Ill). lncorulullnlu . om. nuance ...... .. If on as sending lordonr mend: you can obs: in Pnpnld Putnam aim 3! Iowa! ntel nnhln omoennllnblo tram llnqlnnd. 1 land. Scotland. Prnuoo. Germany. Sudan an Nor- nu: W8 (`oum R00 le IIJILIS plungu mu) HOW um then was the ocean. The wall of ice thn! separated unfrom the main ax to be but A ft-w fmt thick` and I think It had onlv separated us rrom um nous appearou w on but. A few feet thick, only been there a short tlmo. Very likely It formed after the seals were there, {or it Is not probable that they would have come upln nu-h nnmheni from hnlnw and voluntnrilv probable mm. may wnulu nave up ll) such numbers from below and voluntarily nuke a place like that their homo. They no doubt. gaunt-md there from dim-rent pans 01 A lame oo. and had been oating arou ml for `Q01 BKAIE ll` Al` l\ol-lllnlh Without exaggeration," said the captain. there were between 200 and $100 seals there. The berg was evidently hollow, and the water could soothe souls plunge into now and than wnn the nonnn The wall nf inn thni AII IOCI'IOI" HIIII I'll DUIII1 Here is A story of the sea, told by the esp- min of a Norwegian hark, who mune Acro- an iceberg full of seals. The weathnr hld bean very foggy and the vowel was moving along with short canvu, when suddenly I mountain of ice loomed up and the bark drlltod toward in TI... l...-n man In: nhxnr nu nu-natal -rlih u- aruwa wwnm IL The berg was as clear as crysml, with the exception 0! a great dark mass in the cantor, whllo fronfa cleft in tho side a small column of vapor arose. When the vowel np ed to within a reasonable dlsmnce of berg, it was discovered that the black mass In thc n....o...- nnnnlgouul Al Hum nnhv 1: mseovoren man me our center consisted of live seals. 4\ | never how many or me great. nauona until but her. Then with the consent of the nntlves the British ag Wu hoisted I over the inlanci Now New Guinea, [in Aus- tralia, belong: to England Before long we shall have it A civiliwd and prosperous coun- Lrv. carrvinz on commerce with all the Ihlll have it civiliwd and try, cu in; world. ut. up to this time (aw while men have ever visited it except. the missionaries. Yet. ncn man Is, no mum nan ever been opened with It to amount to Anything. md It bole to any of the great nation: until but hm` Than with the consent II was luau nu - g World : `Plan! Annual. Uarnor Johnnon and On- In-io IIUOOII. Nov. M @i_iIzig. Pspun,nnd the people an cdlod Papuun They an the least knownofunyrnoenpon thogloba 'I`heyunnngtoaI,butneronn|t leuttwol-weIoftbue-c.l!ghtnnd adnrk.` 'l'hoyhnvontnooeu.AndvheirhnlrhMnId outuoundnlrhouklnngnotlrulh. Tho wannouttbelrhnironhon. nmuhuntmdnnhwmhthewwnndo lunveutworkstnchumhingoolu ' ... tr. T- ummrvery euuy `rue nausea are uuunnu places of mtety time of War or against robbers. But if the enemy should net the to -the trae than down would come tumbling hounes,peopleu1da.ll. Those tint weronot . burned would be strangled wl: Imoka New Game: or Pnpun ll 5 very terlo country. All the rich (rum and luxurlnnt vegetables of troplval Lountrlcs, such as ho- nanas, oranges, lemons, bread frult and cocoanum grow in the greatest. abundance. The country is belleved to be very rich ln mlnnmln. mo, IN`-`III. Atthoclouuolthnkxtmltngdny. CIIICIIWDKVKIII. " ' ' 1' Unacur-Ious-t'nahon rocsmys-a::5el:s.n~.=- lthntofbulldlngnll-houII.,1lA,b!I. & rarohutltounloglnnpportul Diana: 'I'hat.hlcknzmnkeemnllrdnout. vnt ' IIINWWTQZ Iipprml n;1:un-. 'l'heth|ckgraakeepenlIn1nout. yget into these queer houses by menu of ladders. E Once up there, nobody can molest or attack i thenvvery easily. The houses are bulltu I nlnnm of mfetv in uminst , __.j_ A Ind Place, Iovnver. ll Can 0! In or] I IobNry--A-on; Ibolahnnd loohrll | -1 mu-on Which I: Above lngrn nun, noun I! seen. Vet-1 run. I mu All men IIIOUGII To on us ulna All um nu ll In nnl n . All on a New Year's mom. Iuluwa. nag? up:_aua~`r-rv Llvot tool Londouderry. Qua low o nul- fut I0|Hl|lfll or Pol-Ilnnri .uT:"I|w.;'-'. true! :1 Iowan nu qnotod h nu, other llnu. For Tlolou, um. ADD 1 IHOUSES IN NEW GUINEA-T rnrunnu Ill Innnn Inna nut.-.5. Yet rich man is, no trade has been wmnnzl urlfh It On nmnunf in nnvl.hIna- and It An Iceberg Full of 30:11. la n -tn:-v nl than can tnlrl hv fl topa-. -= Yeah`: Catsh; |--mu A137-Inc: x"| `I7. IV CII|I7|l(7'|I Don l|r.-l tool treatment In larch Inn to; Bronchitis sud sore throat. I nu! boon nut thu dootoetntorojx oruvon vacuum! wu (nun much worse III the time. In we not: Alla I begun your treatment I In qnlto toll. `(out nvpootfnlly, |`FOR MAlMlE'S SAKE,"- -25 | In lune quentlulee ol -nneer 1: mo eiery ev- ueolee ydeeth-finer nun our ptnlorend pun-nounhu nquolnu. be- to recover very be In much eo that durum 4. land winter man I I heve nelned from I) to :5 lbe.. and Inn Able to welt out en lueer lundey. My etrenem Ie duly Inoreunng. end I ehell be eble soon to be es work. To you I owe e deep eeneo ol (remade, end em e.ulone for other: who ere eulenn ee I sue to usual! you. You can nele III! an of am loner you see ammo meaning you for whuleonelder e noel wonderful lreeuneet. I renew. .\oIIrI truly. CAPT. WI. IALTIB. In-enamel (Jen-e-enpu on cured. Broolvllle, Om. l. Dr. Waehinaton: UMTRAL SHOE ydanhem St. . off 1 Elmer of Trotters em Feuoy Shoes. Hunting Pluee elweye on hand. Feb. 29. (3. W. Wuhington: n... um. _l and THI SHUNT HEA RUU'I`- AVFJRAOE PA`- HAGE 8 DAYS. `GRANT ALLEN'S` NEW STORY, vv-cu nuucn, nnq. VIOIOQIO liquor In- ohuns. nt strut Boilovillo. Om. an : DI. WAllll010N,-l hug bun nhioud with Cntonh I0! 16 yoga, and sitar Iryinl awry avnllubla romody Iitnonl oilool took the 3 mr motor, which, with tho modicino nod. unruly cured no. WIBLIY IULLIN. AN nun nunuianu nsnuon. I o nnpvlol Cured in nu I418 lune. On a William Bullet. No. 37 Gnnviuo It ll x.N.F. Q. Wu ngcon. u.D., Tbroncnd Lung Ipo- amino. '1` ' Door Bir,- V on visited no II use into: nun oi Jnnnuy 0 _ll nor. I ind boon given ug to die oi couuumpcion b n oonuituion oi P yuicisna. who could um my new war singly imro-ibis. 1 had no hopo Innol . nor in my unily. Who: yc u 01 3 hope oi my noovory it In: nuind I an doubt. Oonnnod to my bad. Vcrr low. u, wuud. night sweats very bad. uoubiuomo cough. nit qusnliuioa our] :1 goannuooi I o yduth Aha ,2!!! ..a_A... -...I ..a.._...-..- 4 ._.An-:_.. F. 1usB.I':T s, 00! IR BOOK 8103!. GEO. MXE3BNALD's What's lino : Nine,-200. vu--nun nu-uuun-uu uurxu. AI INOLIBI CHURCH CLIIOIIAN IPIAI5. Rectory, Cornwall. Om. Dr. Wasmngtmu : Din B1l,-I om ltd to be life to Inform you lhll my dsu Inc: I quite well again. A: this In the second Inn Iho hu bun onrod ot an n bronchial troubles under your tnnmont, when the nun! nmodlu hllod, I unit: to exp:-on my gratitude. Pleuo uoyopt my sincere Ihonhl. onn 5'11 . 'rl:'m-I1-. (iruwth llunovod from the Non. South Bunch Boy! Enzlnurl. mniu. .a.. ooo. mm, mm Dr. Wuhlnalou.` ;1'hx-on sud Imn.. Burnon. Intemsllonu Ev Dun 8m.-X vnlzo you with tooling: of the (nuns: plounn tor your oxlnmo ltmneol to um. um u I am now about to luv: mum for another nation. up:-on my most. bonny (utm- onlon at tho Income which hu ouandod our treatment. In romovln so many [rowan run: my note. wh`oh had or mun yeul proud 5 unlblo nnnoynnoo to no u well u urlonly lmpclrlng my health. For your oxooodlng Mn - no. nu You ollll in tracing mo from whu ozhnr phyn chm hnd lnllod so sooompllah, u- oopl nay wumou thann. Yours truly. v-u.-.u vuux----u must: win: Weds Bullon, Esq. vlolocolo I mtroot BJlovlllI.0nI. uh! UT: VVGCIITWHNI . I un hnppy to say your treatment. bu mun- ly outta me. My own was considered heroic. and laid not on ct Io noonr. Eula: an uvonl nnsokl o blcodlna no the lugs, night swoon. ooulb. rnlulnu lugs qunn moi of nnr tn-. to up all hope: of our mu wall, but I uln tnklnl to on boyond in ex roulon ol word: for your 1; mo]! treatment. w Id: and Ur. Wuuungwn : On: 813,-! um perfool-J] nu-nod mu than in no treatment equal totho kph-omen: And the medicine! and by your lnnmnto for Auhms. 10 but not only In-n mo Immodluo rollol, bnl Inn now own 1 In 0 {tom the (mono. Y t I . ' 0"" "ts. ETITUP. Dr. Waahiqton I am hnnnv In I In-. |ll 110900 or mu wall, our treatment my lilo. I who no Lhlll nlloto should npply boloro It in too Iva. _ VV - it LIKE!-IV JV LIV Italian 0 IIIAl.lIIu lllhhuu Juli my Road the Iutlmonisln of the most wonderful Ild nnlnonlom onru our recorded. CONSULTATION FREE. Yu Dr. Wash mate nu`: Run _l -1-: lino the Dr's only vldtu to Ilnuton In in bowl In New York and Boston Cuuuuanuvrt IoInu,and In. lmpmvod on the old lnlunnoull sud modlotncu lonnuly not by Dr. Bonvelllo 0` 01; Thu nbon cm I-opus-on u Iuplrnor. u on: and during an duping momull, thus nvl imponanl umhln Err: nn (Inn. DI- noueu ironed. \ ls: liaturh of lln End and Throat, sthrnl Duh-as. Bhmic Bronchitis, Asthma, Bon- sunption, Loss of Voice. llamoving lhwth {rum tlu losq also Enlarged Tunsnls. IIADOIFI-`lUl.-ForIho lower Provinces, W6 gunk Btroot. HI x.N.s.,; Oullfib, 9.5 Ind IIIV DO %lIllllEd OI CITY HOTEL 0n llarclv I7, /8, I9 and 20. 11_.lA.,J-,_ z115r 3oN,| mnv ha nnnnn ma AI EMINENT 'I`HROA'1' LUNG SURGEON. of `Flnlifnv and Tnrnnln ulrn ullrul-I5 10th IIIIIII . III liquor \ oh_un.N BJlovulI.0nI.. an: N Royal Mail}! eamships I fAiM.~wa-aazaiiix,i;a,m.s1r.;1 III) 0l"FlUl.-F0|' Ibo I Ionh Hshfu. Yong: Street. Toronto. By 0001"? 'l'OLB`l`0l. Ill. iiiiiuiii i.' ':ic'..J.>- .llJLV\J' UlV\J'lL)1V. 0 Halifax and Toronto, -WlI.u VIll1`- - RDILEVAL ' _--:-jj And any In connulad at f'l'I%1' -I`-l'*r\l-I-I1 fonlunpizn eurod. Oonnnll. Ont, Am 11 Ind. Layton Authnu Onroo. Ynnnonlb, N.B., Juno mm. 1834. vton r Llvlu walk nu ALBERT mslunnnn. lowest I ten. l'hruu..vh mm of Lednug given 10: Bel `um. Glasgow, Hevte, Answer and other . mute on the Continent. : end for Modilera ram:-nu ports. For froiahl sud pun. 0, up ly em Oom nu\y'n ().`1loe. No, I. Bow inu roan. New \..-|. Your: trolv. IE8. (IE0. ARMBTRONO. :I:'I mil . BIRGLART QUABNO. In the lad But A uorlod Stock ol RAID AID BOUT 0"D. LUMBER I UH INGLII ovu ulod In Klnoton Mulet. SRLNOLIB I OOIIION l.`Il.Dl!(`| II \Tl|l.lAl. anon! 30 my ohuror ; Lo uni mum in tho nuke-I must be upwudr. j -Q-H Lnbnvu WA-H nlinlmln l..-. - nu-Inwu EIIIDI vv uywuur. 3 ha) futon Work Illglmy lower. 'I`ll8 BATIIBUN (`OH PA III -_ LLB WORK OUAPANTIID. |2ao pnmoess smear -AI Il .4 ulrpuu aw. Int u mmm umuunn. Il.-_L n u!-n- jn lnrnitnn re; mule to color this In hi Vork VERNON H. BH.0wN a no. or m J. I , mule:-.Ic eve. Ann! 1 `J L'llll'l'llCe sin-et. Am-II 1- .1. for tho Non Tune Wash the bclonco of WIN- TER UNDIBWEAB, GLOVIS. ll'l'1'I. to . will be soid M 000% I Undar. splendid stock of New flat and mm Jul [.N|V.d- .1. R. RATTENBURY, am an Iunlrnn mnnnmr HIST UAIATY CWO NU JIWI BUDQIID IA IL? FLOUR. CHEAP PO C out. llrnu, short-. and Pool OI all lundn QJHII hcduco lulu: ll } nll ` n n I I n _ ,_ Cannon! and I gmucunonl noon cmunoqnl I ALI ; WORK OUAPANTRID. gag l\ll|IAIl'\F'l\& l\1'l\PE` z,r|l'II rlccuto nun In I Hll ` Harry Haydolg luchlltln W. JONES:-(_3ontrac1or --r.n-- mm id ORIAEEIITH PUSTIIII ;E5cs;;_a....a~1a ima mus. Toronto F_lo r-elioro, 61 Brock Street. PICTURE FRAME FA 0 701?) , .: An oxpulonod an than on Ibo Pnn In eleven dnyu more you'll bean Than broom and dun mu cheery Illl rlnr, when from hidden ccrncn the dun! Lboy ing. TI 0 nnrnatnlho fnrnlturn. tour PICTIIIIII ton vvnuu IJULU unuuon uuruul Inu uull Mil! IIIQ. - oupemlho furniture. your PICTURE! too In obey the cleaning 1! mid] or Bno. Ivory lhlnn than vmnumr In my lino you'll Ind. Remnmlmr l`m nu hnn l And Iuvar Inlund DIIIIIIIJDIY I III 0!] DID I nna DEVI! MIMIC, To furnish the Fmen Fnmn um novorbo Wow known in n Kingston Picture Blots. Pictures. Mouldings, Fumes, 410.. who]:- ule or retail at the Thll 011 in Pure, Fresh. Non-Iv Tuloleu, and tun-efon In-M aulcnblo for dcllouo mguuonu None onulno without the num IZDABL stain on ouch cnpwle. .. \Vnl.IIAl.I I1.- |1?_o1~1LKE. The Great Bnndmd Rumody for I" Iulnul sad Manuel of the lung". unpaired nutrition, 0 . LYIAN. SONS & 00. Inch 19. Einmc : s:=am1i In VVo;1._1nd1ou- All lunch! Oahqnloh their I gs l,IIonuI'Ih!I, How York to Jul BUY ()]iI`.i{"1"I{E I 2 D .3. H In llll nin nl vl1|I qqD_L1}r1:n 011.. HE SPEHDIFATANI) MOBTCIRTLIN HE- dlomn In the world. All hmillon nu II. Weak unck. Eula:-am Joinm. Pu-nlpll. Imu- mntlum Neumlaln, Dinhlheril. Bolmlcn, Plo- In an Ulorul. Foumlo cannon. The b-nund on y oennln nmady to relieve pain of NI llndl. no Initial of he \\' long numdlng. lnltlhl IOIIII Qusrunteexl (`rIp|Ih:a Swollen Jolnll. Vu-icon aim, mm at lnascln or Blot Headache. No on or gr.-no In dean and sweet ' will no! loll. lnnmmnlon of the Kulm-ya. Hrlghvn lllnnn. Dlnbetm-. 11.0-J1|`ll|!`.l|'I\ ul I rlna. In the only Linlmcm. In tho wuvhl [mu e-nlng nltontln powers. cm be taken mu-rmlly; cum Onnpo and Colic. Dlurlm-n and Dunentury. I'M all drugs]-II. Trlnl bottl-. 1'60. Write Ur. nu. `ll bottl-, lb! box 3.482. N. Y. :*.0., who wlllglvo ndncaonnli dluuu (res of cluruo. Beware o! nnnorupulonl dealer: Iud comm rt--hu. 1 he gzonumo has the name blown in the slut and Inc-Iimilo ol tho dlloovnrern munu 071-)` omh cork. Fully Inppiy n.l. (I. KINWN. Immvl-v` Klnl H. ltewnrc-. ol Colnuerlclu. 811.33 LIHIMEN1 Illllllll AIIUIIA. wt VIZ?! l\II`\ nhna arsw,` [KIN T08, - 0111'. Sept. M , Trotto: and Rondntou. Hunting Bhou Ind ltd!` .'ln.ou nlwnu on hnnd. Consumption ant;a'T':l_;s!ingM Iimm, 1hAnAA .1 _ r- -v -'-"""l `Ihamo -1 ILHCNII CA(Il.A Tl!) IMIWIUIJU COD LIVER 011 I.` _ , -_--. , -....,.._..- r- )~'lAlhl,\(l no 0) mi. You l`mlmIIy Ark Vhy I lfeeomnrud `Ilene Rnnodlcul It 1| becum: I Imow tho In In be ).ll..ull.I Il- nn. or do-.u-ah I-Ming phyuolnn ! the Dominion. var I ha com o! nnmrno nu- 1-('%1$.~5:x`!"`v,.xB"!`~'1.!*\.: " 4 iron wow 10599-~ mu.uyn..mn~g~-~ pur:uur1.o lnuwvlu .1 u-but he in taking. .1 can vuun A `!r_ *.."`Q.."',77sJ...,"_ ~- ` ?boonJaa..mrg..!,.-.v. the Au!` ;i-|t`IlJ'l.:B;}- KINGSTON AC`-ADEM Y, MI .AI...'T'OPI2 PSY N Sydanhnm Prinoul Shoot. Upholountnl Uohum lulu. V.--..:.u-. mu uucv I Ilynrolf o! colon Gonpolll N0 0) nu`: . lyurclluwr I0 Inuw in what no in .1. GEO. KING, l)hn(`.nlc'r ' GILLILIE OFF I For'Ta~ M r lnlmunud Hung I 'v'.<-uhfu. the men I I IVUI IIIIIIODC ll`? Dysingagslla ! Iydigeathn In uur-u:vu-:uu- mu PRINCESS ITBI IT. I. uppodto Wlndnot Ind. And kirdrod dxuuemrll 0 undo! sleerngo at vary low rum. leengo `fmietn to and (tom Liverpool nnd Quoonl sown ml all other pans of Europe at Iowan 1'n.......m mm M Luimu nivan lo: Ba]. HIIIND or rull NOR WEGIAN ll-S llrocli an-en. I would reoanmopd Iv: uausmaniwns mum: ram mmnm I... Ju llluu. ROIlIlIl0K. chi N0.64 For lroxnnl nun \or|q Vic`. RN? ] IIITIR TOURS 0.. Q90... 9.. _n.._ '7r5'.'E1Li: Inch 10. I ACIIN Much Nth. Nzw Yonx AND LIVERPOOL u.rn-:5 oi`I'AusAan : Cabin -M10, 980 and 0100. nocnrdmn to ooomunluuiuu Intermediate passage- as Frui lot of that OILIBRLTID OIS- OOIS. and consignment 01 FREE LOB- Ball which In an ulllng st MI I . Fru Iloirng Oars wtaerage $80.00. '.lUAInnnI Lnnnndarrv Hlnnnnlnin nI- Hal Iiimard Lino! iwmn man. so. no. .11.. ww mm: wm run `isnvnoa. ARRIVED TO-DAY. -.n2_ as - Mill) STEIISIN ODIN" --.---w-v-- _ --roan. I70 IIOOI ITIIIT, ID Lllll IDEA] A LA T VOL. Lv. (CAl..l.Hl0 In con lAlll'0I) - --v~-V --- Chi - vuww-cu Ijlk --:.-.-m.-.....-- . ------.----vq-vtgui A. MICHIG- '1. uue"s:'3;.'-HI? fJ:17ri'1aapn, uI_nA|naInlu Itn nun In An " '-`-I ""'*'v "" ""' `-*-'[ I mu lI!I|l.0l. umnun Old all Point: In I; rlhonn an on, via G.'l'.l., 'l'.l.l. and l.Y.0. Is) I. , GIG" IDDIY `I'll IDS. IIANLEY. . ...-... n.._-- l..\. TBUUIAJD ISLAND 8001']: B! min 0 Duo: an: In. an All, `LA. V._I_ Il;I_l.Llx Traveumg. 1'. naufaon. rum Aft. Ooquloh ;IlowYorkIoJn::- `caulk; can :1- u oonoulono mode b Rum onnblo was to not their loos on In the slaying noun! home In adnnco o! my other male loom: the 011:. `Don u Tic on to all mm of the world n Ipoolully. rot New York. Albany. Tny, Phllndclpbln. Wuhlnnon. Ulla`! noun. Nu cl-um And .1: `Inn on Nov Yor ntnl. was shown. Uuoa lint Inn! Railways. uh mo ALL BAIL. ICOUTIC. two commotion: dnly. Inc uh! :- Iny other noun. Anemia Inn B. H. CARNOVSKY & CO. cabinet and OI-an-canal Wood Ca-in-n. |-B AzA-51:?--* l The handsomest. and cheap- est. lot of Cages ever offered in Kingston just opened outi at , l _AIII Q "AMI:--Ann Oh-A I | -Ir-`UV. U IICIUWCIU `In . .|..|.V J1! JAKJJ. | Iflufida Pina Annlas Inn-.IDh Dunn- A- .4- but pound orhzllul vwnpu. I hue use on bum 1 choice nnorlmont other kinds of Block sud J: `run. A oholoo ulorltnonb o! mnllnl. Caro 3|: also liruklul. And Rolled Bsoon. 1-soc our mnon-ru.-on Una: (or punung In oil: without uny propondon ; I180 the new lino of Bnu Plooquu. (var hund- Iomo) Ops]. Olga. Pltoquol tn mnny olhor nonlliu. to be had only :0 4; aga`;;;Ns D. III Pl-Inoeu lumen ITO Bird Fandiers om lI|Y_A_llII ulinf _._ REES BR08., LL ll |L__L.a__-. n._A_.4n.__. ` Give us 3 all And look over our stock. 3 No Trouble to Show our Goodn. `Q PUIIB BUBHA BRAND UBYLUNTEA. ._._ `rm: nqulru no blondlnu. no.1: put up lhsn * For Fine Bru-h und Comb Batu. Odour. Druun; Ind Jun] Canon. In his the 354.`! u unuol, thawing the that line in` the Iv. , _,_K...__ W... .. .... --_. -..----. wool in (Jenn-nl Ontario, and we invite in- epeotion by those who eontelnplete deoor- eung their homee. We are condent we can please everybody. nu: - cum - TEI -uous.| Bmnkhnt A olll oollolvod by James\ Redden, |cHu= AND suor/n/L.| um moon or Alu`lu`1`u' n1A'1'h:luAL.l:5 in Very In . 89: L non-Fund Curd: lot puzzling unv nnncndon : she the rm. sign; a Illll. I w.hon uoomploood. villh Ihebelt Ieaootrl 5F1R3T%.I!1PUBTAT10N I f Robinson's Wall Paper Depot. I I Our importsuona of Paper Hnugungn for Spring no oonatnntly arriving. Our stock, lnlondha uulou doolroun 0! securing ao- nommod.-ulon on than tnlru should nond M. was to tbl undonianod tall puuculu-I u to number of pnuonqun. (adult: and olxlldronldw Icluctlon quantity of clock. number 0! live nook OM` dun ol tnln roq-nlrod. Wen HAm:mcs.l tmu Ilnruh. l`woed-:3) mm. on 17th` am: and slot lurch. Bimbo! l.nIo- so am. on mm. mm and am. lamb. Porth-0:u0uu. on nm. um Ind am u-oh. 8Inll.h'l l nllo-0:`l0 mm. on Nth. Nth Ind 31!! lnuh. oufnvhnboul 10:!) I m. on 1111:, Cub And not Mu-oh 1-Dunn !\II\Nl1! nv nu-nuun n.n _... |J. 9. anmnstaeve, Tiuhal Ammt (`.nnnrl1'An pnnin Rdl`u v- v - -:1vI- rift Ticket Agent Cnundiun Pacic Rail`y, 49 Clarence Sl..- Kingston, om I Mnrnh ll `MIG IIIIUII -'|mIn. OOLONIBT BLIIEPINO OAR wlll Iooomphny each run. snoonn-anm xs Then (ulna In ll Inn :1 follow :- Tm-nnLn.lunnMnn__A U) in n. An In y r "* V-"'1 Run COLONIQ I` TRAN! t -r the curt n o 0! IN- TIcNDINu IIETTLEBF` and than B? ECTB AND STOCK. ] we uAuAnurg?_AI:_Ir1cnA1LwAI| IIIXU KTIIIII W|Il III . I. IONOWI I - ToronI.oJunotlon-0m pm. on mm. Bard and son: lhruh. 17th am: and um Ilnroh T. u. ouuuovsxv. Dupunlonn-. [ CANADIAN- W557/1. WEST. | This Powdor uuver vutu` A marvel o! yum; nun Lh sud wholuomcuonl. More econo- mlon mun the ordlnnr lmds, nnd \I-::'\I be void In compulzlon Im the muIIu-.'- now too: uhon wnluhl. nimu n1 Jmocphste powder: sum only in mm nonx. AIINO Povon1`o.. 1'! Wall 81.. New York` fc0l0NjIm[HAINSl Fit. 4. poolnl Trnins :HI Inn Kingston for Ibou :3 follow: :- 1 IudAy.Imh 18th. 231.30ti.lprilth. Inn Iluultnlu and North Wan Tnrrllorhl V|l