F H , Iifgotllu all lblllu ollcw Iork ur. ' Icarus man a drunk! Pon-lo nu Ilvlu Io I-pu-all and ropulu an the Puclllu -Woddln[ the Ipln-It or the -__; IiII*oInno_n_ wnxon .03 M01- lnl uni 'l'Il_l 1.: AD. IIOID-IIVIID. Wllllpllyl "NCO UNI." pnhln ndulnhln rapport. Bin I: u: |b|ou|nu.hucnoonnudolhor- ..n_ ma ..:n.aL...n....n..u....... The nanny weether did not much el- hot the attendance ml the 0 home or prevent Ir. Joeeph Mu yend hie heupe mm giving e lnl-clue enter- hinnut. Few ltrlt eudienoee hue beeneeeuineheeunepleoe. Fortbe birth the "Run Gov" wee pneum- ed. Ir. Innuhv look the role at Kerry Gov." the lrleh bleohnlth. end u Ieul won the eeeliol cl lb lletenue by hie clever end Innoenuoeieg. Iin BOIIOIIIVIIIO. wbopleyed "Non Drew." nhln nlnlnhh nnumt. Sh. In An I i e uel e u-unu . . en rueun e nu en Berlin. April 7.-Murder will out." Eighteen months men women nemed Mu.-unge. living es Cherlottenburg. celled et the police olllce in greet exite- tion. end ennounoed the dieeppeerenee of her hnebeud. en honest meeon. Search wee mede without reeult. The metter eeemed iorgotten when circum- i eteneee led the police toexemino the widow'e oeller. where. buried beneeth the oor. in e eeck. they discovered the mntileted remeine of the missing men. It wee then remembered thet Mernn e bed long been on bed terme with his emily. One eon hed robbed him end enother bed been turned out of doom for eeveqely eeeeultinu hie tether. Evidence pointed to the guilt ol the wile end none. Albert end Hermenn. One night Albert stole Into hie lether'e bedroom with e heevv mellet end hid himeell. He lit hie pipe end dreeeed himeelf in the meeon'e sun- dey olothee. Preeently hie tether return- ed end got into bed. Ielore the victim wee eeleep the perrioide crept in with hie mother end deehed hie breine out. Jrhe younger child. heerinn the noiee. celled out. "Mother. motherl Whet'e tether doing ?" Fether'e not the ore p." re plied the women. who wee t tying her hnebend up in e eeek. child. pine through. new hie brothe Albert. at owing to hie clothee rnietooh him !or hie tether. The murderere threw the body out o! the window. dreued it to the oeller end buried it. The eeme night Albert lerlnge dleported himeell et e bell. whll hie eeoompliee eteved et heme to ewey the blood eteine en the eheete. eoqultted Her- The {new menu Iernnge. 'he other prieonere zlveieh lonnd guilty end condemned to X . I I shaken by the Rooimontr gnpinga. Mad- 7 uesa seemed to seize upon all oluaa. and the new revelations rmaivod the nnnrnnnnnnl nf Ih In-mutant nnlitinnl BBC 5110 HOW IGVEIIIIDDI IIOOIVUU Ill! cndoteemenl of the metut neliticnl 5 economic! of his time. Robdh,-DIII Owen. elolninent .I tdtht gl J u E!- mnndn; and event 0 glint e o . Keno. after eecllla the perils at t Arctic ecu.uw vlclone end held com- municetlone with unseen sp`rite, and at lut died in the urns of um propheteae of the new p-evolution. 'l'here was a greet convocation of the leithlul. bleak U end white. red upmu Ind grey." here were timoniee and revolution: moat elton ng which could not be rejected in en court of justice nnleel on im he the witnens or re acted in: an cum. 1 new on old gent eman who had an interview with his wife in New Hnmpehire, alter she had been 20 earn under the sod. She looked so inder good that the old chep thought he'd like to met: her it min. and she told him she wo meet in: in Terre Hnnte. Indiana. in three weeks. He went to Tern Heute. and there, just as cure as preaching. he saw his spirit wife sin. She told him uhe would marry him, but she would want I bridal dress. Judge Oi-moron Addressed lrom New York for life Talk In Klngston. Chief Justice Cameron spoiie on the relations of labour and capital at the opening of the Asaias Court in this city on March 22nd. and his remarks were published in the New York Herald. A few days ago the jnige was surprised to receive a letter from a New Yorker, who begged to be excused for "writing in answer to his (his lordship`:-1) con- temptible speech." Then the writer proceeded : "I am a Montreal boy. born and brought up in the city. My parents are English and Scotch. I got acommon school education and that I had to pay for. My father was a mecLauic, as I am now. Sir, when"! was a boy. I was so proud when the 24th May came around. . like the rest of the fools, often threw up my hat for Victoria. (The writer here used some offensive language with re- gard to Her Majesty which his lordship would not utter). But when Igrew up to manhood and crossed to Uncle Sam`s doniinions, I found out the difference between the despotic government you live under and republican institutions. By the way you talk a mechanic is no more than a dog. but under this free government mechanic lays on the top of the heap. if you undertook to make remarks like that here you would be shot down as a dog `that you are. I am a mechanic, and I consider myself far above Scotch Carneronian thick-headed -- (Then the writer makes offensive allusions to the Prince of Wales). [am proud I was born in America and I am proud of American institutions. where you can get free education equal to your highest schools where the nabohs go. and also I am proud to live under a go- vernment that whipped England twice, and can whip her again. As hr you, you are what I call a -- such. and if you was on this side of the line they would do as General Dick said in the civil war: `An man who attempts to pull dawn the merioau flag. shoot him on the spot.` " The writer of the letter sends his address. Judge Cameron. in commenting upon it at Brockville. thought the writer was not a working- man but a discontented agitator. :-:.o:.___ em. no new nun une womu many hxm, and the old men ponied up 0270. One hundred and may people were invited. and in their resenoe the old men was re-mu-ried to is wife 20 earn after he had laid her nwey In the p see where the violet: blow. Immodietely after the ' ceremony she mapped into the cabinet and depn-ted for the spirit lend, taking along the bridal troneeeeu end the bal- ance of the old men's 0276. la Luna I-loan lth:-nnnhln nlnnllon I-xv J. R. RATTEN BU RY'S. enee or we om mans run. We have been thoroughly shaken by the labor strikes out West, lot while the lreight trains msy be stopped and St. Louis be oonvulaed with riot the index linger points to Wall street. every pulse- tion of which is felt in all the nancial . ; -~. . ,= : 4t-.- y_. kb? 6. ... 4."1~l ti`*. u :.t1`s``u`N.-K W.'7?i`l `r` "ing woiIiiaiiE'ia n'q `ti'ie" ii'ne oi" i.':`1"s`Ei i%. r-" ~ souriPsoillo sre worth millions to the little juggler who controls the grant arteries of travel. Rumours of riots and strike: along all the Gould roeds-dowu goes Missouri Pacic from 110 to 100. Father Jsy doesn't buy now. he is out of the mullet. but son George is handy, he buys l(II.0(X) shares. Next day there is an interview with Mr. Powderly and everythin in settled, the market booms -up goes issouri Pacific to 106'; ; the 100,000 shares sre sold, $600,000 in bag- ged. then the little joker bobs n again. sud down she goes. for Mr. Gou d mie- understood Mr. Powderly or Mr. Powder- ly misunderstood Mr. Gould. and Mr. u....m _:n 1.--- .... ...i..-.mI...o..mdina mill I} misunderstood Mr. uoum. and mr. Gould will keep on misunderstanding till he has s ueezed the market. When will nhese b ind giants now struggling for their rights. lighting for their lives and the lives of their families. see that they ere merely used as puppets and pawns to add to this man's millions? It is safe to say that. this labor disturbance will be worth twenty millions to Jay Gould. He always thrives when min is abroad. When no more osn be squeezed out of it the strike will be ended.- Bnosnsruu. THE I).-\lLV\' liHl'l'lSH WHJU, APRIL 7. the "Kerry 00"` Performance. L. -in---n 2.-Aims. tlld --I -....-| RECEIVES A VIOLENT LETTER. 'I I'IUZ$lDCI. Nodhout to nottlnnst winds pr dmlly cloning higher ulnuntnn. ooncldcnhlymilm at rlnanvw. ' ILI.-Cal. on: In: had with no sddreu llld huh . \ rather. Ihtiouryot Prof. Doronwond. o! Toronto. willbo M the British American Hotel {or 8170 tiny: only. A `I um um! um. Lndiol. uochingno ousllnohud-dnnl Go to tho Brilkh Auction Hold. 33:; 0 lathud mb. ud pmcnn to; sun Inc in suit of hair goodnfroin Pml. Dannrnndn. For tin (Inn onlv. O13!` I00 III IIIIO 0| IIIII QOOOIIIOIII Plot. Douavnndor. For two days only. I _ an savanna In-An ---Anny. Berlin. Ont. April 7.-The Gnn Trunk expreu from Chicago. for Mon- treal. wee deruled here lent night owing to e ewitoh being left open. Font out. the engine end tender were elmneu oompletely wrecked; end Engineer George Brown ud Expteulnen G. W. Hickey were slightly lnjnred. Duneue to rolling etonk oonddenble. ' ifuiutign-Iilifiiu x'oomI.'lg rdvldod with hard and non wuor. drlvl Ih And sublu. bot. bu one son of mm, In a noun trail trons. Rent. modonu. Eqlggggjglg :9 In! N 0- F01 IOIOIIIO. Apru 'a.-nnnn.n reoelvou u teloanm yesterday from R. K. Fox. offering to hook him for MOJXX) ngslnu Toomer and stating Tamer`: willing noun mentor n repttn to be held Ill Augult. Hnlnn guy: he will outer either. or both. noon it they no xed before July 16th. when he will lane for England. ANXIETY NEMILY 0VER.i nu-gexv siguea. paying mu one uo.uw. sppropristed by the local legislstnre for immigration purposes. should besxpend~ ed in eqni ping snd trsnslsrring our own impoveria ed clue to iron grunt lsnds ot the Northwest. thereby snsbling them to establish themselves in homes. TO-IOBRQW II. GELDIIONI WIIAL UN "DID III 355 BOIIII. |4:oo 0 CLOOK EDITION. nu-nun: vuuu-um rnun---n. Toronto. A ril 7.--The results of the rimu and nnl examinations at Trin- ity Col age for the degree of |l.l).. UJL. have been undo known. John MoLnrg in the university gold medallist. and J. H. Hamilton the silver modnlliat. T$on:.o.Ap:i1 7.-A petition in being largely signed. paying thnt the 01831). nnnrom-inad in ma load lenuhtnre uumiio l'0N nu) -rn orroemou. London. April 7.-It. is expected that all the heterogenona force against. Glad- stone will be manhnllea under the joint leadership of Lordartingbon and Chem- borlnin. Greet eoi-ts Are being made to induce Hutington to abstain from IOIIVO opposition. The Tories profeee themselves ready to follow Libernl leaders. The Tory plea of oempeign will be I close oo-opention with the Anti- Houia Rule Libenln. London. April 7.-As the fateful Thurs- day approaches public opinion owe more onions. and Mr. Gladstone s op- ponents more bitter. Mr. Ohildors is now regarded as wavering and msy re- sign. Nothing whatever authoritative is learned about the scheme. but the following outline will he found not far from the scheme submitted to the cabi- net ye terdsy afternoon. siuruu or us sssliinu. Mr. Gladstone pro to establish at Dublin a statutory h notional par- lisment. of a single chamber. elected largely by the some franchise as the existing representation. Special gnar- nntees will be taken to secure the re- sence of an adequate proportion of ro- testsnt members. Mr. Parnellsgrees to an Arrangement by which st least 75 out of ahouse of 800 members shall he ni- lotted to the Protestants. To this psr- . lisment will be handed over the whole administration of Ireland, together with `the exclusive right to legislate on Irish nairs. The Irish ministry will control the magistrates and police. undertake the enforcement of the law. snd have supreme I thority over all Irish asirs, except th military forces of the Crown. which will remain under the exclusive control of the Viceroy. The Viceroy will be sp ointed by the Crown, and will pi-obs ly be non-political. like the Viceroy of India, and will not have 9-. {_ 1"ise.i's.` ii.9*:.ii<$`iii ;'is`i'i'r`i i~i ?::-iiiiiiiiet n"oi-go inor, ouici'1iiii`ce`Wi"r'ii`a `uiiii'li`6 6:` pni`t`y at Westminster. II. IOILLIEI NOW DIHCONTKNTED. London. April 7.-The reports of Mr. Morley'a discontent with the Premier : laud purchase noheme.and his threaten- ed withdrawal from the Cabinet. have been revived. Nothing has been learned to show that the rumors are well found- ed. or that they have any foundation at all. The situation is virtuaHgun- changed. II II the Chap! Plus for thou goodn. no nnur win! when mu um. I DO WHAT I ADVlRT}B|'El OLD STAND. I00 Prince 81., April 0 Ilu\|n'| Block. lnllnltlilli Ul" THE VITO FUWEII. A veto upon all acts of the Irish legis- lature is to be vested in the crown and exercised by the advice of the imperial ministry. If the House of Commons wishes to challenge the exercise of this veto. or censure a minister for not ad- vising its exercise. the Irish members will be admitted before the debate takes place. There is no truth in the report that the statutory parliament will have power to substitute dollars and cents for pounds. shillings. and pence as the our- rency of Ireland. The arrangement for buying out the landlords has receded into the background, but will be pressed otherwise. Lord Spencer will resign. The capital sum involved will not ex- ceed .t'l2.000,000. its ad vanoe to be spread over a term of years. This out- line will he submitted for nal revision this afternoon. but will probably not be much changed. I. HnIlLI'|`.' NOW BIIHAHTRNTID Lnuuanunuca. cinsei: or ran popica. The existing constabnlary. so far as an armed, drilled military force will be under the direct orders of the Viceroy. as well as other imperial troops gar- risnned in Ireland. Provisions will be made for the gradual conversion of the oanstabnlsry into a civilian or munici- pal force. The statutory parliament will impose, remit and oolleotall taxes levied in Ireland and defray from the same the cost of the administration. The whole of the Customs excise will be in the hands at the Irish Parliament. The only limitation imposed upon the scal powers of the new body forbids the imposition 0! a protective tari which would close the Irish markets to English goods. The customs, excise and other taxes to be levied by the Irish parliament. will be collected by Irish olllcials, but an imperial receiver will be appointed,who will be empower- ed to receive the proceeds of the cus- toms excise to satisfy various preferen- tial charges in the shape of the payment of imperial tribute and interest on guar- anteed loans. nnanni nnnn Inn-II uuuu .-unn CHARGE UPON IRISH REVENUE. The tribute sud interest will he s rst charge upon the Irish revenue, the tribute to be xed in advance. and be collected by is receiver. It will be fixed before the statutory parliament is estab- lished, and will govern the number of members to the Imperial psrliument. The number of Irish members will not much exceed a score. They will only sit in the House of Commons when ques tions involving Imperial considerations are under discussion. When the busi- ness before the house is exclusively English or Scotch no Irish members will be admitted. The House '01 Commons will not be allowed to pass nuy laws for Ireland. or interfere in any way with Irish sifairs. except when the Irish dele- gation is present. ICXKIICIIIE OF` THE VITO POWER. I UUU Ul UIJJUB W Westmmster. nnnnn EANLLN AND TIIIIL Toronto, April 7.-H|u|n.n received I nlnnI'AIn wanna:-dnv from R. K. Fox. Iunu Inn A-ruvnluuunu Ionuusuauan To mo. April u-malv niunnrl. nnvinn thnt the Il8.HX). cornnpcluu lots to Ian [annulled ` II. and Inlulnwhu Pu-ponnlo Inn lynopull of u-um. lope of the (inn! 5.... nn-_o- n_-...- IHU UIIUUIG XXIII- Montreal, April 6.--'l'he public cable is at 52:. but as private advices have quoted really one good: at 533 some days ago this bu produced little stir. There is some de- mand here: but it is not meeting with a very nrlnnnatn snnnlv. No business is reooned. on In-tot. (Davis: 0 Wright 00.) New York. April 7. -Opening. 7:}; highest 7:}; lowest, 7:} : closi|[.7a|. tho Vlmo H.;':`..i:r.;f?7` I43! Nlglufa and `lo-dqrn loin OOIIJOIIICG Down not our j leaders. I _____. mind here| Du! II is no! meeuug mm a very adequate auprly. business reported, Colored is sel lug locally at nc. and can be guoted at 9|c to xoc. White is held at mm ac to IOC. lIlI0Oy euumpy. During I|roh I.(II)FroIoh Culldlllll leit Montreal for the United Salon. U:u'dl of l5.(XI).lXD of White-ll! will nlnnhnl in `Lnlrn Fa-in thin gnu-inn. ll! vuu. l1'IlIT.llw You. 1 A O rowan nnool. IOIBIITII. china Corr-upon-s;n.;-loOormook. lon- notl h KINGSTON 0F!'IOl-Olunoo shoot. Brit- lnh American Block. B. J. IILIEJI. Inner. mo uuunnl nnoe yes . Durinu In-ah! nun nuvu-noun nus Ill U Iurdl 1a.o3o.o35';t"wun-mu will plsntod in Luke Erin this spring. The and hunt hu baen antiralv I00 years. The strike on the railroads is liable to extend. The news train the south- westinless encouraging owing to the possibility of the engineers joining the strikers. but no doubt the longer the strikers hold out the weaker their osnse becomes. New men are filling their pieces and us they become ini~ tinted it will enoonnge otLer new men tooome on. The milisin are on hand to prevent riot or inoendinrism ; there- fore the bnclrbene of the strike may be seid to be lnirly broken. DOBAN C WRIGHT. BROKERS AND COXIISSION AGENTS, Member! 0! the Now York Produce Exoh was The Oonnolldnod Stock. Petroleum And In lng luhsnao. mad `he Ohluzo Bond of Trude. ma non nuns nu neon ennrely Inc giuful. Between 70.tD0 and 100.000 we been captured La Patric in handle: to be published by I company of which Mayor Benn- grnnd. Montreal. is I member. Thu lw.lnv_ fnr thn rnmnnl nf lm gnnu. mounrou. ll 5 member. The by-law. for the removal 0! the Toronto came mukot, Ins defeated by nearly twelve hundred msjority. Over 7(1) immidnnla hsva mused very comfort: 0 : wood Ihodl, ocllun and III- um: ; luau ud. luntlow to ru habit I :- mmu. App y to R. In. GPABKB, rlnoul 8:... or to John uurny. Ohu-In Bu-cot. W0 BTONI COITAGEII on Ohu-In II. oun- mnlna In And unn room rupooifvol . In good ropslr ; olntenu. oollnrl Ind good y n. Immediate pououlou. lion: low to no Inblo fnnnllu. Apply to UEO. 0;-718]`. _ u_!l`I`t_,t__o wean since we opening ox we neuon. Beth Bnmberry. an Iudim. Vtried at Bnntford for the murder of George Hill in 1878. wt: found guilty 0! mnnolouglr hm-. I . '1'heby~lewlor the issue 0! 051,000 debentures for a new cattle market. was at Toronto was defeated by a majority o'f 1.182. "Flux n.-nsinl -nlnnrnp on on-lnln thn or 1.1uz. The nancial reheme. to enable the Nova Seotin. auger renery to renew operations. hil Iellen through for want. of support. The papal oonsiebory has been poet- oned until May. The Archbishop: of ultimate and Quebec are expected to Attend. A lnvnndnr I-lnrnmnll nhnlnar-nnhnr IIUIRI ll y`I. rom 9c to we. nanny iwmva uuuurou lL'|)onI.y. Over immignnta hue placed through Uttun on IOIIIO for the North- Weat Iinoe the opening of the `season . Hath Rnmhnrrv. An Yndinn. trim] AI Alexender Hunmell. Photographer. Peterboro, in on trial for counterfeiting bnk bills. His time: given damning evidence against im. Thn anal: nf Mr. Pater Bunnou. Mon- evidence against. mm. The seat of Mr. Peter Bunaou. Mon- treal Stock Exchange. was told for 03,900 to the onshier of a local bank. l:rTl'N-.ll\e85.al&f$5!a"=`Ci9l::a~*4s2r:f~< aw... 5;; __-:Jf4-'-`---V-:g\ ..LI.\ T` H mt take in Almonte, Brookvillo. Kingston, Cobonra. Pete:-boro and Toronto. Rip I -Innrv Pm-Imn. Nnw lilnnth Wnlnn. on a tour Ernn ililanlgill Yvlvelek; iifrl ' Lunuvvls Mayor Howland. Toronto. conrms his reputation for fearless energy. He points out that the water works com- mittee exceeded its functions by con- doning acontractor`s breach of s eci- oations. The council oriere the contract to be carried out as originally intended. In another matter he warns the nblio that he intends to enforce the aw respecting the removal of gut- bage after the 1st of May. The city itself has been the chief offender in past V ll`! . FINANCE-CUMMERCE. uonourg. renernoro uuu wrouw. Sir Henry Parkeu. New South Wales, hue given notice of 9. vote of censure upon the home government for its policy regarding the New Hebrides. Emu telearnnha that some of the LARGE HBKUK li0U8l- Uonmnlng 11 rooml: one door above WllIon'| Llnry. Also No. ma. Quoeu street at III ooou Ind bi Mn. Ntmmo. Apply to . U. WLb&).V. L verv Omoo. STUNE lioumoornor ol Pnnoou sad mu. olon I-mun. mjolulnu Vaughn Tmooo. wltn am in an-nun room. and socommodntom lo: lab: I!` am. Pououlon May In. Apply :1 co. __ pouoy regaruxug me new neunueu. Egan telegraphs that the yarns telegraphed from America, in reference to Irish affairs. can only emmxme from an enemy eltbe League and a traitor to Ireland. n :., ...m...on4 Mun um R.-inh (mum. and amino: no ueiana. It in reported that the British Cham- ber of Commerce have decided to oer 9. prize 01 one hundred guineaa for the best essay on Imperial Federation. and that Prof. J. A. Froude, Prof. Seeley and Sir A. T. Gelt are judges. The water needed from Tumlin 511- A. '1'. uau Judges. The water receded from Tumlin mound eld. Georgie, and left uncov~ eted acres of skulls and bones. If the whole frame is in proportion to two tbxgh bones found their owner must have stood fourteen feet high. {`.nnnnI-vnkivn nnnntnrn (`null-in.I tn gran worn. Sir Charles Dilke says that insiatanoo upon Mr. Gladstone! project, relative to the purchase "of land in Ireland. jeopardizes the success of his home rule measure. which in all other re- Apects was aoaeptsblo. It would be impossible ever to revert to the old system of Irish government. Mr. Cm-run. M.P..\:.nnnired of the system OI ll'l8D ROVBIDEIGDD. Mr. Cprnn. M.P.. enquired of the Minister of Marine ii i _ was the inten- tion of the government to continue the onnal toils at the reduced rates xed last season. Hon. Mr. Foster said: The government ban received some information with reference to these tails. and they are now considering the matter. DIV6 37.000 XDDYIRBII IBBW Dlll. Conservntive senators. desiring to repress Mr. Alexander. bad a meeting to discuss the adoption of rule to that effect. Mr. Alexander warns chem that he will brook no attempt to deprive him of liberty of speech. Tim Mimntnr nf Finance nmbed the Bllu [DEE Uy ECU VBl'y Dllfly. Mr. Parnell telegraphed to Mr. Wil- liam O'Brien, M P.. expressing himself as rejoiced that the Irish electors of Barrow-in-1* urness are op osed to the election of Mr. Canine. who Ea: doubtless joined the Chamberlain-Dilke oonspimny to mar or frustrate Mr. Uladahone-I great work." Sir (lhru-lea Dilka rmvn than innintnnco OI llD6l'Ey OK IDOGOD. The Minister of Finance embed the gran public debt. on Apnl 1st. 1880, was 0280.!-387.812. I sum 0496.000 less bhaba. month ago. and the net debt. $205,000,000. I sum less by O2-1.060.000 than 1 month ago. Thu nnnnln nf Rnmn, NAY urn vnrv man 1 mounn ago. The people of Rome. N.Y., are very much excited because the jury brought. in II verdict oi murder in the second degree in the case of Fong Ah Yu. the Chinese murderenwhich permitted only of I sentence of imprisonment. for life. Thn nnnnirv intn Hm Prince; Albert Ol I BBIJDBIICB OI llIIpl'|80lI1BlII'o 10!` M10. The enqulryinto the Prince Albert Colonization scheme scandal made Mr. White so mad that he shook his at at. Mr. Edgar. and Hon. Mr. Bowell tried to bark proceedings by ruining points of order. I`o be innocent man it must. be said that they not. very peculiarly. Mr. Parnell telmn-a.nhed to I11 wo non: IIOUBII on Ohulu Bins: con- taining six and uyog r_oomn_nopoo vgll. . ,,,; GRAIN Ann PROVISION IAIIII1`. (Dov-an J VH9! Co.) Onomo. In... And! 7.-nu; In! J!!!) Jun} The Munich Sun undo in appur- mce veulardnv. nu no punuu III uuro tuna mu spring. but bu been entirely I00 :eu1ul. Bowman 70.[[)() And 100.000 01` DEHSID '1'IhIGhAI8- Iiad ag_q Lea`i n. lll3lI1lllISl|I'8 lBl_Ylll um won: New York sud lotion Mylo: at aux. All this of Inn-lun goods. Oplcodld undo labo- dhl pnuutnnl! HIV at nu. lhonl III! 0004: In tho Do-luau. At my Auction Room. Muket Bqnnro, we Propel-1 known in LOTS 22. as and N. North of art Street, and LOTS 22. 28 nut! 04. Son! of Durhun Strut. bdonging to Frmuil nnro. con- taining Ono Acre And 3 But. men or Ian; I Good Frame Honu. containing Piu- Rooms. Kitchen Ind Ooilu-. And 3 Good Storehouse I Bplendid Yo Orohu-J. Fruit noon, and Two Good db. Mind -in. Dmm-in on uh. naming. On of tin Fruit And Two uoou WOII, nun with Pumgh. on the pianist. Ono of the volllil in the htahon. with 60 hot 01 home attached to use m one of re. But at H o'clock noon. Term: undo known us time of ale. WM. MURRAY. April `ma. Auctioneer. 11 in DD Dulu U] nulluuu vu Tnunsmv. APRIL |a,| AA .._.. A- Dan-n `T WALSH &"ff3K<:T{?" SILK DEPARTMENT. l HOUSII UIIIIIQ 3 DOI- mum; Iowa I-oomnnrOIDOoadVO"!. oomtonnblo ' mu?!` 1.: m. 1.;-g.,u_1. - -. u n...uuu 4..--.. no Ladies who anticipate getting anything in this Line should see our `Steele and note our Prices before pu:-ciiz.s- ing elsewhere if_they _ would save money. Inn. Itlontod RR. Northern Pacino ... Oncon RR. luv. 00 DIED. In Townnhip of Kingston. on A til 60:, Phoebo.w1le of the Inc Bnmno Apple- ton. sued 86 an. The funeral wi Make plnoo from her Ion- In-luv'n renidonoe, G. Kemp, Perth Bond, on Thurnduy nt 2 o'ulook. Postponed Salim Property I] In GEN'1`LE'liE`N'B B001`! AND SHOES we have M {inc 6 line of Bprmg Style: 3: one could winh to see. We buy nll Ilul and grade, made on the latest And most -ullnlu Inntn 2,73. 1...... [WALSH &-STEACY Wo bnvejht nollvll O `hpmwt from Maura. Hnlluway. Boule st Harrington. Bosmn, Mun. Gull nndmnpoot our nook. W '.*`s-.;.7rx-.'~. M `W -.'E'ib`E`'3.".i*;* Montreal. April 7. Flour-ReceiptI. qoo bbiu: also report- ed. 500. Market quiet f prices nominally unchanged. Quotations : Pntents. 4.2-: to 4.5: : superior extra. 4.00 L` Cumin Southern on Tran-.... Cunds Pacino" Tun Psolnom, oollnrl Ina goon yum. CLIFF. Ilium Anus. (Jluuuo an-con. or to B. 3. 5951513. UDCUKDSCU. VIUIIUUIII L Patents. 4.25 4.55 ; Ill enor utn. 4.00 to 4.05 ;exlra superne. 3 5 to 3.90; Ipn'ng extra. 3.65 to 3.70 ; nu rne,3.3o to 3.40: strong bakers. 4.15 to4. 5 ; fine. 3 15 to 3.15; middlings_ 3,00 to 3.10 ; Pollards. 2. 5 to 1.85 ; Ontario bags, 1.50 to 1.90; Oiky age. 1 go to 2.45 for strong bakers. Whea!-nom'l : red winter 88 to 00 2 whim Psolnom... Jersey Cantu] Phlln. a Hamlin . Del.&Hudaon nrlo . . . . . . . .. Choloa fat 01 Euly Bone Potato tar ulo. men. 0enInl.... Union Pacino Consul Puoln Mluourl Pacino N.Y.,Cem.nl. 1 wanarn Union . Western Unlon.... Southern... Oregon 'l`ru.m.._,._ lo tor urong bakers. ; 90 ; 86 to 88 ; spring 88 to 90. (Jom- 59 20 60c. Peas - 66 to 68c. Oa(s-32 to 34c. I3arley-5o to 60. Rye-6 to 67. Oatmea -4.10 to 4.50. Uornmeal-z go to 3.00. Pork-1_;.no to 14.00. Lard-- 8; to go. Baron--to to no llendqunrtan for CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED. SEED GRAIN. CQOICE FA- MILY FLOUR, PBESBED HAY. srocxs. lank of Montreal....... Ontario B|nk...... Bank du Peuple.......u Molsons Bank...... ...` Bank of Toronto . . . . . . .` Ban ue Jacques Cartier.. Merc ants Bank........ Quebec...... Union Bank............ Bank of Commerce. . .. .. Im eri1l........... .. r:.z,.mI nanlt 1m erm................ F eral Bank Can. Pac. R.R.......... Montreal Telegraph Co.. Ricb. & Ont. Nav. Co. . .. City Passenger R.R.... Montreal Gas Co. .... Canada Cotton Co...... Dundas Cotton 00.... .. Ontario Investment. . . . .. x: w I .,..,t m. unlano xnvestmen N. W. Land Co.. St. Paul M. & M.` uu-vu---w ,-.. App1y'?B"6ia:E>; nun Aunt. to SPARKS. Prlnoou xurool. Inch VI. _ What Does it Hun ? Cl pttlinrili ITVV W nun. IIIOII }'.`f': !'.."n.'r`."iI`;.:'>' '3-`n.m..:'"`w... I - nvncuunnlu non Hun- WINDSOR HOTEL BLOCK. PRINCESS ST U8L`O`-lO [O Han>~1- n to me. Cheese -7 to 10} as to quality. Buuer-To.\'nships 14 to 22 ; Mnrrisburg , :2 to 21 ; Western ID to 14. ` Eggs--rm; :3 to x3go. {or fresh. FRANKLIN BROS.\9{I>C()., 4.. nrnvnn Ann mrunwwav April 5. Will be Sold by Auction on .:-IAINES an L9S??-!'F"P'- % hlblll IIUUQ llll nnl} (Dov-an 0 Wright Go.) Riv Your. April 1.- 215 pm. rvrn. -l(I"I` In :-r Inn`! YC)'U'Ii'_(} JIIIIJSU`. Ihllla Iluvn -rlnnu.n. Montreal. April 7.-l p.m. Alrln nu-' 106 and 108 PRINCESS STREET. . 110 115} . 50 x 24% 1;`. 53: 11` I14! mol- 7'5} .23 ; ._.:__-_:___.________. IPWO BRICK Huuums on Woilln n Strut. Pououlon In thy. J MJOB BA 8. Biduu Much I8. 93 Ina w. a~AN K `(II --QLLQII, [mam E. llijo. Win} `hm H ".2: 9 New T-In-tr! 0-rpob. I6. 37;. 40.50.6170. New Unun moo Curtain. 3, 8} ma 4 vnrrln Inna, ___:____-..__.-- EOUIIII IN WADWB LANE. Union lI., eon- tunlnto roomn. For In-char puruonlm pply ca Ah INT PIPER. on the pnmlnu. _,,..g _..n_ -1 Aviw vnuunu a.-uvv v|uIIu.`I, -1, D. um I yard u long. Now Whilo Loon Ourtniu. 3. 3} and 4 yard: lung. dmyrm Bap. Loplnnd Bug: arc] Kath. R_.4_yvALpRoN. New Brunula Cupotu, Intent donignn. THE BIRHT PLACE _po3,._. -FURNISHINGS: hand. 10 And mgsugo, Io an Inch. bunch. weight. H M 9 lbs. prloo 012 to Old. Brooch bonding. Bldo Snap. Twin Huron, good loch. Ill 0 on bond. But ulunqvor cloud. Prloo from 015. CW. Ill und O91. Donhlo Bu-rel, To Snap, Englllh mnko, nln hunk ohokn orod. extonuion rib. ro- boundlu loch Inn hauled nluonu. patent iciu-'o3T1."3)a6I53'u'vTn'u'o Eo'c't'.`pi's'o':'n'u'a. 'SnT:'o'a' noulmnn, and on rnvod. Bnlintsctlon nr unud. Price! 1.! .W7J50.I35upto|7. lo Brooch houlnn we Remington. mm umnd chum cum Groonbuht. Prion out 06 on on. Powder. Ihol. com. wads. nnmr sud bun pspcr Ihclll. Ind [no Implement: of ovary downdr- Iluullo tithing walls. The lnrgul nook n ourlfrs. In muons: srnan. Amvll I. LEPANOHIAUX AC NON DOUBLE BAN-BIL BRIEOE h0ADIR. TM: 1: cloud, in no rm and at strong 5: I man a feeder. Bolool WI-lull. nook obgauend. `god loch. pwont I) lnolmbnnoln. go Bond. on- bound largo pluogorl. potent lonnd. oloo walnut Iboclz. pinol grin, bluod noummn. nelv annrnvod. Bninlncuon unnr DUNLOP, A"b}dnuuoouud-1. bottom U donhnm. Pououlon Mu m. LYUNB. [SEE wm Ilelabrated Naw York Hats. Hulnalncroduoodsnd told a Inge numbn- of thin oulebrnod HM. wdupoot tho unnounoo Inontolu will ulr up some of the all-styled Loading Button" to procure. It poulblemn lmltnuon 0! our popular but. However, than who wun the ooruot hln|-'l`EI bu or the uuon-wIu get It dlroot from Leading Hatters do Fuxers `OUR NEW LIFLIAT "IIKADO ! BOSTON HIT STORE, TB! Lntut Btyleuln American and Eualluh _ 8:11! And 80!! Hula ulvnn on hand. I , , {Hats From 50c. Upwards. Madra E. Hiji. IT TAKES T HECAKE. DQHIQQII I1`. UUIILI] Iuu v. wvn-nu ..., . TIIUIIIDAY IEVEWU. Al I4.-ltl. April 1. April 1. n. `)4. -r. annnwoon mum. on-nuub n_II.-cysts and jbo WV ' T` ZCVTLI I.l0~l.ll9I.AVD- [Inll $00!. nurlhcoot. .na.....n-n-an-u-. \ J. B. PAGE & 00., Vvellington St- "it nat ui` TA7ewe=+ nun om :9-Hm 1 sum: '-1--A-as-I-un---L -,,v, -.. ..-, _ , STONE BOUBII. mama on south side 0! Ordnunoo nun-I. Clergy um 36- . Apgllktgn ._ What Does it Mean ? rv -99: Street, onrollto Clty Hotel. KNOX AND YOU MANS . TONI: HOUSE on Brook Benet. tram lsy in. HM ll roouu. huh room. noble. etc. Applv to DB. vowum. u the ndjolnlng lwuu. :---1:.--j If-'33:: i.;'T::J. i.T';.ia... ran-ac. -1 Any Inna. Avg]! Io Ina.n1m1'0N. in In! It. I `O-RENT from the In of my nuts. tho and- Iomo Dwclun . 151 Eur! lines. on present ooouflod I-y G. 8. onwlok. lhq. Apply lo 16. O J. O LUXNEIS. Dwcll ooou lad J. G LUXNEIS. CITY HALL. ;l-l;i_;_1vl;Y:'lPlll- Ml- .-_.....a|.4.\ _g.._._j_j. ITUATION n a companion or uuru. 01- to be nnnon Iv useful, or to do plnln sowing. by a re poouulo Indy. 3 widow. Apply through thin om. clan of Oulounl-I, run will be mums. Home-mode Buul,( lot uhibluon snd ul `Undo: an nu oxmuurozu wool, No.9l.A. . ..w1|lbehoIdtuI.ho ' rams noun: on PHIDAY BVBEIIII NEXT, `HIE ELIIIIS1`. __. _.u| .-um.- lhv ldr--- -...__ , IQIPA-!u--uold Bnoolov. Ind--Souon Ticket. Ird--Pnlr at Uclobnud Orookor sum. Bsoo will sun 3: MI. - Gnnd lurch It 9 on. -n.--. INDUSTRIAL" EXHIBITION undo: the semis? hIxl. IODIII' III- M which the lndlnz locsl ulonl will l.ppOll._ Admlnmnn -an ha hr Iloht on Invitation 0 Lin`/Es /1427']!/LE /m:. n-.A n....m irlaknh . . .. 1I___Aj___J I1 n--_mn|\: locu ulonl vuu lpyv-I._ Admluxon will In In 1 may In-vthor onhu Lodqo. And! 0. NICE HOME, with slim room: and two none of good lsnd ; fru Ilrou. burn shoal. good oollu and well. I good summer :1 dance. or unit on any turns. Apply 1: WIN) omoo. KICIIUFII U0 A DHI D. iIZ.`.:; ` "} IPWOGIIN PLEIIEN wlahlnu for Private Board nun be nooounnodnod by upplylng MI! Quun Huoez, IDOVO Barrie. - ._.____:.:.._.__. 5LLER RINK I _______________ IHIRABLE RESIDENCE ON COLLEGE HTBIIT tormorly ooonglod by Mr. John Fnur. Oonln an ion rooms, I rovldod wuo_r._ drjvlxggrnlgr m;n_`a_`g_|,_l2. 70 lnoclt nluiir. April 2. Good Mario M: ntcndnnoe. Uunuxuuox loo. Inn: loof April 7. W. J. EIBON, Ihnnqor. %"' " ' ..--_r- A GRAND OOIOI . nun:-In-nun I nnnlll, 7 Irrvum A9711 0. AIL BTRII l`-BBl0I EOUII I mod by Nov. Ir. Eouion. my use. BMNTO IIAN to an In omoo And npruonl I unn- Kf uuomror ; Oolpor Ink: mull on Its! re- .` ma. Adm-nu. w an -nmn. Isa: 70. out Ao- `W0 Wollln _ JMJOB I `ma! M1 3 IAN rod. Addrnu. w lump. Lon, Una. III:-v v--..----- - - Bgungn 11'. Could] sad 0. Coxwonhy. ---..-..-s . u l'xIIll-OAl A III. II DON'T YOU 00 /gown warn. =11-76E=,_ FOR SALE. TO LET. nu any we hnnyuoljlcd. W0 an In Ihovlu a lull! lot oi New PM-. nu: Illl ILA: gnu -n TO ORDER NCHORH. CHAINS. CABLES! am. at All nine; also HTIAII WKNOHIS. [RUN Alu. 43.. to: 5-10 1.21 lhuun a Bonwuuu, 0ounl0ommlu1o| oroh mu. Qnobu. A nu|| A, Tihtsl wouuooguoo, unuuunu on mnmuny wouldonno. ulndhbor would ho Ihalldnnonbou Jupponlagnchothd. Thuvcouldho ndthc strike not lockout. dncobothpunulad tolbidobyl` Ionhooninq dncidon disputed point; Klovlnlhl h tholut nun utnnnn. would no gunou. 1n cnpuoyct um um- plond would dmnmnoouly than their proqnrity otudvuity with not other. The ualoonounttlod tho foollngof umgoohn vrould be gone. and u fouling ol mutuality would onus. Cnniulnd how opcntiouol tho unblldncnt. nines the dounononho ubltnton Ihnll bamndoto uh aoat from the duo of nfonnco. ll lhn-Q magnum: -or: ulna!-rl ho -n an. 4. -Nointorruption our to occur to the ` an emu Iron me can on menace. lhhuo Inountu won ndoptcd bynn G- ubluhmcnt unnl imponun advantages would be pinned. The uaployut and nlond nimumnoouly lowing : I "I had some condential communication with s member of the governmert when in Ottswe oi greet importance to us. end I went to pro tby it - ' Under all the cir- cumstencel I em in the position to advise I united eort in co-opention with the govern- - ment to carry tgthing successfully. To do l .. ~:7..t;i` `.2: .' ', ; - 1 -.-113""-1, mm nu'm. , therefore`, wfi1ei'u'nuy`rii?s`t"" I ought to be supplied with 050.000 at once, and mother I5o.ooo when the seseion opens, and I think that will do it. 1 will ve an account for the whole oi it. and I t ink I can guernntee I satisfactory charter." T is seine letter oonoludee : "Of course this is not to be whispered this side oflhe line and on your side only as far as necessary to obtain II. It would play havoc with u: if it were known that any moneywae in hand connected with it. lsee now the best use to mslte of it : how A BAIRD&Q0., m gmgngmt Hausa. 'l'II Iv.` LAIJOH (J(!ES7`I(I.V. It is a hopeful sign of the times- hopelai of peace. as permanent as it is promising-when Andrew Carnegie, one oi America's millioname miners and manufacturers. interests himself in the solution of the greatest oi all problems. that aeoting the relations of capital and labour. Mr. Carnegie has been greatly misunderstood. Possessed oi wealth. and secure in a position above the petty turmoils othese times, it was not supposed that be worried over the issues that concern the working classes. But he has been an earnest student of political economy, and the results oi his thought and experience enable him to make suggestions oi a most important character. `av ~.- . nu u a . Al the pncu rocunu Ior proanct. 1. A proper orgtnintion of the men 0! every work: to be made. by which the num- rd Indus. the but man. will eventually come to the Iron! and confer freely with the Amnlnvntx WIICI IDI OWIIIII IEO IO llllll OOIIIMHIGI cannot themselves adjust in friendly confor- anon. 1 vv,vvv nu vvvuy v-Ilwu nu- It is e terrible reeotion upon the elec- tor: of my constituency thet they should be represented by Inch unworthy men in parliament. and it is 3 still greater reeccion thet oenooa the moat abominable shunld seem to be condoned by e renewal in them of the public con- dence. Oenndlenu must rise in their indignation against these acnndlle. or they will be accused. quite properly no. 0! perfect indierenoe in regard to the purity of the political etmoephere. u?-._-:_j._ nu-u-vvvn Writing to The Forum he notes the changes that hove been wrought in he- hnll oi the labourer within this century. Tune wee when the labourer on much at his labour belonged to the employer, and thnt some lnbourar had no rights which the chief. or mechanical master. was bound to respect. But now the poorest labourer in America. or in Eng- lcnd, or indeed throughout the civililei world. who can handle 3 pick or n shovel. stand: upon equel terms with the pur- chuer of hi: labour. Notwlthntundina this complete revolution, however. it in ; evident thntlehour end capitol hove not : yet evolved their permneut relntionl l to each other. Further revolution must come before there on be induu- ` trinl peace. I A utrlln or lock-out in. to Mr. Cnr- I Ina: peace. a A Ittilta or in. Car- 3 nogI'o'l mind. a ridiculous affair. The gage of battlo. or the duel. in not more aenneleu an a mean: ol oatabliahing what in just or fair than an industrial atriho or lock-out. Some further modi- oatlonn must be made between capital and labour. but what mun they be? Diuniuiny oo-o tion at not being within moalnra odistanoo-dlEoronooa In bnainoat abllltv will alwa I make co-operation lmpoanblo--Mr. ogio bellovoa that the nut atopa are: 1 That comnanaatlon be naid the men Donavon Inn Inc non Ilopo us: 1. Thu compenntion pnid men based upon I nliding scale in proportion to the prion roctivod for product. I. proper ornnintion IO U10 "On! IIIO COIIIOI IYCIY Wll IIIO om flmfuluhitnuon tobun nllcuu resorted to fat the mtlotnont of dictcnca which the Ind the mill oomlnmao rnnnm Ihmnnolnnn Adina! in friamtllv rnnfnr. W1 -I'UIlU III CL-ITIIIICW Iliiljil eyen among themselves. and they won not to brush about in in Canada else it would play havoc with un," whoever they might be. Mr. Betty knew. and he only, whn was to be done wihh the 0100.000 he coolly culled for. In I- - L_....XLIA _4--LX__ ---..n AL-n Alan, Au ulu unun UA anuuuuut. Now the people have a very grave in- tereat in the operations of Mr. Booty. M.P. Who is be supposed to lens at Ottawa '2 The people or blmeeltf That Mr. Beety he: been doing wrong be ad- mit: in that Eamon: eplutle whnob he wrote to the American oormptionllte. They were to be no little talkative aa poeetble about his extraordinary demand A-pan lrvennn Oknnen-"n- and than wan: min Pououlon so time. For tum: npply to 0. OHAVILLI. nut. door. Fnou In In`, non shut handsome 8 non: saw: u unmnu nousn. corner 0! J ohnon and Barrio mruul. M preun ooouplod M 1'-Ohln 1"0|`d- IQ ouu In nnroluc concl- lIon-uI modem oonvanionoou. lent. vor mo- nlornu no dollublo tenant. A ply to A. 0 AW- rum), Dlvulon amen. or 1!. ILWFOID foot. of queen Harem. Huron m Tho? Ottun Fm Prm bu been no- earthing on old sounds! nnd yet one of nuwodlntuuhbyrunodih oint- lority to that tooontly developed in tho nilwov oonunitloo room sod its identi- cation with one ol the puma lniud up in it. Our contemporary Itstu: ~` In I'11 Mr, Rntv In hlnnn An up III Ito \l|ll vvuvcu-yvs-I uuuvuu o In 1871 Mr. Busy use than an ecve intent! in the proposed Oemdlln Pacic nllwny. and in wriiingto Sh- Fnncie Hinckn. then I mouths of the Cenndien government, on July 17, 1871. aid. on bebslt of certain American oepitslme: "Thoee who have already done anything in the way ol Iormnuon on a company. or with that object in view, we would be on daily glad to deal with. We have dthor ty to a certain extent to distribute some three aany gun to can mm. we nave uunomy to some in the concern. which, if they would not be of any prot, would net be of any lose to the holderl. and no mom 7: required. On Jnnnnrv Br . 1872. Mr. Beth`: IIOIGOTI. 716 NW? I! required. On Jnnuny Br . 1872, Mr. Betty` wrote another letter. Ind this one to on American onpltnliulz who run inhereatad In the then ropoied Onnodlnn Pnolo company. '1` ntlotter included the fol- lnwinn : in mud connected vmn I2. mnke it: sad when rump! action il neoeuary ; a letter 0! cr it to Pnteruon and Bony. bur- rieten. Toronto. on Bank of Manual or Bank of British North America. I prefer the Bank of Brililh North America for var- ioul I'ttI1.`IllI.iHl unpoliticnl, etc.. Ind the name notice would not be taken of it there as in the Bank of Montreal." 11 .1 1 n ___,A .__.__ l_ olplnlml : already anything in the of formation of or with obiect view. espe- ' A POI/ITIOAL BINNERL can I Whl 4 Mhnm" I `BE OOMMODIOUB and beautifully Inunod lhnldcnoo on Emily am. It pruuv. oo- ouplod by Uol. Hunt. [be home bu boon ro- oouuy onlnnd And Improved. sad the dnlnuig rfootod. For moulnu apply to KIRK PA [OK 0 R00]! 6, Bollcuorl. ate. ~ 1!! AT LARGE AND GOMMODXOUB HOUSE Ind punmu on Cantu Street. (About 8 setup. now occupied by LI.-001. Wonle : 4 menu down stun I 1 bodronnu; uoolonl mun 1 and one hulldm n. Tmo umhoto Apply to KIKIWATRIO & nounmu, Bolie - Oorl. Kingston. -v auuywv-auu vwvnvn asv vvvuuva uuuuv--.- is an aristocrat. Jack Demsoxlentlrely res table. and Blanche. t n srine, is loosed upon with respect and even at- faetion by the elite of Boston society. It has a pleasant nancial aide withsl. Within the past year Mr. Jack Demp- sey. oi Brooklyn, has bagged the nest snm ol forty thousand dollars by pound- 3 in bi! felowman. Of course he ot - some pounding himself. but then a el- low could stand considerable punish- ment for 040.000. Few lawyers hnve earned so much. It is almost equal to the salary of the President of the United utes. and is snicient to pay one-hell of your Supreme Court judges. Mr. Dempsey, alter his recent battle with the Marine, ap sred in the streets of - his native city. rooklyn. He wss on his 1 way to the tailorls to order a new unit of clothes. The crowd commenced anther- ` inn and cheering him. and eventually ' the street became obstructed. Cars were stopped. carts, carriages and Wheel- barrows were tumbled together in one 3 confused mane. At last the police were - telegraphed tor. the captain called out ' the reserves. and alter a desperate D struggle the street was cleared. Mr. . `Dempsey shook hands with his reser- Ivers and was escorted home wy the Bolice. Ha y Dempsey! orthv empseyl ealthv Doings? I I have lived here many earn an ways paid mv taxes when had them. hnt the _ I I B I llllllylllll HOW IOIIOIIDIIII :ouIb. Ax-ail. pooh. punun. coal Ion. wt-{tan on can oonsoinblo not Joel. Ind womou hduhll o! that when nun no um nova en the puhl|oorthcpnnI.In|obo toundin .UE:`lNIO`tbI Sol-min. Tlilrollno nu uuutlplnlinn, nn nmnblnn -4. Illl vu uonley wno npneenuau Inc 50- el hot on e an ol -minded. short-lnlred woman. full of sons of create and mm. would not be good enough for I door met to thoeo women mlp lhelg" shun on. It in entirely to eey 6 us as on ordxuery' meeting of the Soxoolo you wlll eoe mom Int- ulen Ielell. beu beau mueio end better opening in one hour thou you on hou- oreeoeeouyothet New Yoriolobine month. Ankh. nook. Ininlu-1. unln. IIIOOIUI Illy IUIIOW 005. Women`: Olnbe. with e eingle excep- tlon.heve not been eeuooeee in New York. end thet exception in the Soroeie. It wee fortnnete et the etert in heving in its direction women of commending telent end eminent ehllity. There wee e die ition et ret with the unweehed end ierepntehle Bohemiene who ewerm in New York to belittle their memhere end deride their meetinge. simply be- nuee the lediee. meeting lot quiet. eooiei enjoyment. religionei _kept reportere from their preeenoe. at they kept on in their own quiet, ledylihe. dignied my till et ieet they compelled the ree- eo eherily given et ret. The peel etnrid donkey who repreeented the So- , I ll re! ee 1 net of etronmmindul. H700 llOl'8 IIIIIIY BIITI nnu IIWIYII pI|(l my taxes when had them. but the police never euoorted me home. No. they would hue pulled me In if they bud only hull: ohnnoo. but then I never knocked my fellow out. Women`: Olnhn. with A nmnla axmn. qUl50 up 50 IIIB IV8l'|lB OK UICIUH Ill SUI]- eral; nor on its piety. for proiessing Christians bold but a imited portion of its membershi s. But it travels on its muscle and rawn. and on that it throws down the gauntlet to all the clubs in the city. The ablest momber ol tbeathletic might not be able to argue dialectics with Dr. Mcucsh. poli ties with Judge Pierpont. political economy with Henry Carey. or the abstrnse sciences with Tyndall. but I'll wager a big apple that he could knock any one of them out in one minute by the tick of the watch. `the member- ship is large and embraces a wholesome amount of the element known as fast. The man who can run or walk a last mile. swing around a horizontal bar. perform graeetully end rapidly on the rings. use the broadsword and small sword. and in addition to all these accomplishments put on the gloves- tbe harder the better-and in two or three rounds knock his opponent into several cocked hats. that L! the men on whom the club showers its honors, the individual whom she considers most worthy of distinction and elevation. In its inception it was a school 0! relaxa- tion and physical instruction for those engaged in sedentary occupations. like doctors. lawyers and merchants; gra- dually fast men from the stock board, and fellows about town with plenty of money and nothing to do. get in ; and it has at last become little better than an incipient school for plugyuglies and prise ghters. where knocking out is the principal business ol the day. There is something inspiring and en- nobling about a first class athletic exhibition: it shows the grand results of proper physical training. and brings the human form back to ideal per- fection. But the great exhibitions of the Athletic Club for the past three years have been boxing matches with all the noncomitants of the prize ring. On several occasions of late the contests have not been coniincd to members or amateurs. Prolessional prise lighters have been engaged to entertain these excellent gentlemen. The ght was to a nish. and the elegant assemblage had the satisfaction of seeing each of the contestants covered with his gore and eventually one of them carried off in- sensible. or. in the choice classics oi the prise ring. knocked out. With such a respectable backer no wonder Sullivan Dempse entirely raamintahln, and RllnnhR_ t. in an-inn. IR I I30.U|OWh!(. ew York. A ril li.-'l here are clubs` of all sorts in en York. rich and r, high and iompessimietlc a d o tim stio, literary and geographical. Ii ous and socialistio. artistic and no iai.iinan- eial and mechanical. vale ud rian and athletic. Whole streets lined with chili-houses. large. costly buildings. Iplpndidk iurnished, and opt up by I corpse! veried servants like the retain- ers of some great king or nobleman. The Union Club easily heads the list as the wealthiest and most aristocratic club in the city. All of its apartments are magnicent, and its ositione of such -value that it secures without trying the bait service that the market aords. The admissions to membership are care- fully guarded and are only acquired after a long and ntient probation. Introduc- tions nre al owed members under certain restrictions. and occasionally they bring the introducers to grief. Not long ago a distinguished ioreignor was detected cheating at cards, and a scion of noiility got gloriously fuddled at dinner. and to the great disgust of some 0! the staid old members, stretched himself out in the parlor, snoring like a steamer. They stood it just once, but when the gentle- man tried `it a second time he was re- spectfully requested to step down and .n:;txv' '~ 9;f'.*`*".'.. ' Mgsot . {A I ' ' 4 L9 _, .<~_' _ .; :4.-, olnb-house again. It was this 1 men's treatment that caused the bleak- bulling 01 three Am:-rlcun qenulemen at one of the swell London club: only a couple of weeks ago. Butif you went to use life [:0 to the Athletic Club. It does not travel on its wealth, though It has of luore 3 hit share; not on its intellect. though it is quite up to the average of clubs in gen- enl: niebv. nrolelnimz BiADBBIM S LETTERS. To any cum plsoo for your IATEI und ulN'l"8 FUBNIIHINGB but to