w---oi vv up- D"`' "II": V `I \your stock: at reduced rains, xrom summon, nun ll boner. Snnford Fleming, K. O. 0.. Chancellor of Queen's University, bu arrived in the city. He delivers an uddreal in Con- vocation Hall on` Tuesday afternoon. Mr. R. J. Rnumn rntnu-nu! hm... M-.. Bi |'6nlDl'OKB. I8 V8l'y HI. Owing to the illness of Rev. Mr. Bons- eld there will be no service in All Saints` Church co-morrow. M. A h DA.-.L no om- ..::._ _-_; .._ BIJB BEN] 1811. Edward Pinion, formerly I captain in the Saved Army, lately attending school at Pembroke. is very ill. Owing to the illnmzn nf Hnv, Mr, Rnnn. no sum very In. Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin Smith have left Toronto for England and will roturn in the early fall. Exlwnrd Piuinn fnrmnu-Iv n nnnhain in DIGDIBG FJUOUBIIIU. On Friday morning the ceremonies commenced at 8 o'clock. Rev. Fr. Mo- Cartby. of Brockville. oloicned. Reva. Fra. Mcurnlh and Mcee acted an den- con and nubdeacon, and Rev. Fr. I`wo- hoy as master of ceremonies. The Pu- eion was chanted by Rev. Fra. McDonald, Murray and Hogan. Lust evening the Bunions oi the Cross were read at 7:50 o'clock. followed by an eloquent sermon on the Pension by the Rev. Father Two- may. This morning the ceremonies in connection with Holy Saturday were carried out. 'l`ho Pool-Io Wlmno Ilovomilml. Buying: and Innings nu-not Pnulng Atbonuon. Sir Alenude: Campbell is reported to bo attll very ill. Mr III!` Mr: llnhiurin Q-ni. Im-yn Infl- aprenn, (wolre menu); uprann. uoreao); McR-me, McCarthy. Kelly. Mcrsth. Du!- fus. Hogan, Twomey. (Centrcville). end I). Twomev. After the coneecraeion ol the holy oils the blessed sacrament was carried in procession to the alter of re- pose. In the evening Rev. Fr. Kelly preached an eloquent sermon on the Blessed Eucharist. (In I4`-hlqn vmnhnnnn bl. nnunIu\An:n- IO BXIEBDD E neiping H8110. On Holy Thursday in St. Mary`: Ca.~ thedrsl the first mass was oelebrsted at 7 o'clock by Rev. Fr. Mseterson and holy communion was administered to 5 large number of the faithful. At 7:80 o'clock a solemn pontiflosl mass was celebrated by his lordship the Bishop of Kingston. Mgr. Fsrrelly was the assist- ant priest; Frs. Murray and Mocsrthy. desoons ol otce; Frs. Masterson and O'Connor. deaoons of honour; and Rev. Fr. Twohsy, master of ceremonies. There were present in the ohoir Rev. Frs. Monkey. Mouarthy, (Read); Cica- lsri. McDonald. McDenell. MoDons.ld. (Gsnsn ue) ; Walsh. (Trenton) ; Walsh. (llolntos `s Mills); O'Brien. Donahue. Mcbonogh. Davis, Brennan. Fitz trick. Sprstt, (Wolfe Island) ; Spratt. ( oledo); MnRIm. Mnarthv. Knllv. Mnrnth. Dul- non rsiseu s-4,240 ror cnurcn purposes. Rev. D. J. Mscdonuell. oi Toronto, ~ will eendnet the services in Qnnrocstion .. E12 -`.;'za;.>:~',~'.m_ .-"?&\.4 Ml ,-: :"1!!.!.1!1!el),!Ll. .mss1on:ui1Lbe.;;iir~>.43_ `-`154'i-`~=A-_~ -, 4. Association in connection with the cot ` legs. As the funds of the society no not in the most ourishing condition at present the public should show their appreciation of the efforts of the stud- ents by s hbersloontribntions. The work of the society. in sending men to places wherever destitute of the presch- mg of the gospel. surely deserves an coursgement. This year (our of its members 30 to Msnitobs,sud 0240 is required to send them. To distant parts of the presbyter 's wide eld young men are sent. T ese men have tobe gsid bvjthe society. and to sid it in so cing the society asks the people of this to extent 9. helping hand. On Hnlv Tlmrndnv in St. Mn.rv's Ca. puree to meet me expense or me mp. Rev. David Wishnrt. Medoc. Kingston Presbytery. has celebrated the twenty- ninth enniverury of his induction. During thst time he has Admitted be- tween 600 and 700 commnnioents. His that church was of wood and psitlv nished, now be has n briv lr edice worth 920.000. Last year t1. unregu- tion raised $2,246 for church purposes. Rnv I) .T Mnntlnnnnll. nf Tnrnnbn. iibiinnuo ITORI. OOI. KIIIOC IIOOI I'll ARIN` :.--o&-_ F188 BPBABINU A1` WBQTPORT. qneooo on one awn. Rev.J. Cormloll. B. A.. son of Mr. J. Cormack. he been gnnted lane of absence by his church at Luohine. Ind he has left for Fororus Monroe` for the benet of his health. The oongreultion genoroualy hnnded him 3 well lled to meet the of the trip. Raw. David Winhnrlz. Mndon. Kinnston :1: tomorrow M u 0'0l00l. v. Mama. Carey and Oookl. who sooom led the remains of Mn. Spen- cer to emptville. will return for Enter urvioes to-morrow. Tho annual tnh-ink mankind nf than uruoes so-morrow. The Annual district meeting of gahe Mothodinb Church. Kingston Diatnot. WI be held in Sydenhnm St. Church 9:: May 18th. The conference open: 1:: Quebec the 29th. Rnv,J, nnvmnnll, R, A.. Inn nf Mr. J. Rev. Dr. Hooper pronoun no mo vau- fellovn tomorrow morning in the Bap- tist Church. Rev. P1-lnoipnl Grunt preaches tho bnconlnurube umon in Queen`: Univer- nitz tomorrow at 8 o'clock. nu llamas: (Yawn-and nnnin whn Bov. F. E.'Art.hurI in the new Metho- ` dials Epinoopd clergyman 30 Cape Vin- ODIN. Rev. Dr. Hooper pronoun to the Odd- fallmn to-marrow morninll BID- I In lorvlou In It: I'll : nIhlnl~l.ond- In] hunts for '1' -non-ow. -__:--- uuun IIW -OI'C lllll ROI! It Lnko `lllun II lulu LII: llolon. ,.. Iqlu mm. [nd IllL._Ia-4;; WORK IN Till`. CRURCBH. ROOM `THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, -nun nuenaea so ronnn open. an would. therefore. defer eny further relnerlm on the rnbjeol enul eome lunre then. Some dieoueeietne to wheeherll would be pronteble to hue e meeting ln the fell took plnoe. end it In decided y nnenlnaonrly to heve It. A roeo ullon. tnnderln n vote of thnnke to In. Rock- vell. ee Ieenrn. Ornnley. Poor end Mlddlnton. for the enelelnnoe they had given In Wedneedey mnlnre 3:0 gremne. wen nnenlmonely penned. Int which the Ineedngedjonrned. :. .93? 'u..""`..'.?.":l $11-... ._ c'J-'a'5oT.' 3875. b 5u'IEE'3Te'e ' 0. Oelebogln hotel-keeper-e hevn lore the Innalnhnee. but no one wee ned. One men not beer end vineger 2 ton. drunk the bee: hlrnenll end geve the vin to e women. An- other deeler neon hlne jnloe. eereepe- rllln end lemon eyrnp hon: Ktngllon. from Kluge Thnte II n elendln lnvlletlon from ' Lenahnrtn Welehee oenh hnyeee to ' In Ithelretooltolgoode. Bight :`.: ....s."`=" r-""- p='o.` ."'.'i.'-`'"% wmnehp. right eqnere deelln. _l_I.e -.--4-_-ngAl._ Al ;....I. _l_LA nbe-. vv --an -v an -uluugugg. It $30303 dry. goods to the not by Bowen t Bin. Ion-e Very Excellent Papers on Practlca lubJseu-A Fall Meeting. At Thursday afternoon's session of the Teachers Association Mr. R. l(. Rowe, Principal of the Model School. gave a hlnhly instructive talk on "Parker's Methods." Ho briey outlined how some of the subjects oi the public school course should be taught, and comment- ed on the methods by which these sub- jects are generally taught. He sa.id that arithmetic. as too frequently teught. is merely drudgery. and tends to mslio pupils hate to` learn. He had come to the conclusion thst the correction of false syntax was of little value in teaching composition. History is taught too ire- nentlv in such a way in to defeat what I onld be the ob cot or history. In this connection be sa d that we have not a suitable text-book on history for our public schools. In geography. the most interesting lesson he had ever seen on the products of a country was one in whic the pupils were asked to brlnn a small rticn of some important product. as gr us or fruit. and were asked. each in turn, to place that product on aper- tion of the country where it grew most abundantly. Mr. Rowe throughout was listened to with at interest and mark- ed attention. r. J. E. Bur-Tea. M.A., wss called upon to discuss I e snb sot . ul Grammar." Ha and that Ir. -1. ' ox "unuunu." lo |sI:adun; Er. fu- me:-`I n " o 1 :1" bid oopvz gum]: or tbaunryoznd 3:1: In no net memory now. Mr. Sponoer and his family will have the people : condolence in their bereave- ment. and none need consolation more. Their`: in 5 great. loss. `CAI. HIBIIIDTBDCB. _ Intelleotually Mrs. Spencer was high- ly endowed. She had rsra .nentsl gifts. and these she cultivated to A high de- gree. She was :1 welllmown writer and pooteas. She had no love for contro- versy. for the literary quarrels in which so many indulge in order to exhibit their style. She wrote is great deal for the Wine. but did so only to instruct or direct uhlic thought into higher chan- nels t an it was wont to run. Herer- ticlee and poems_wore high-minded.cleer and graceful. and all were admired though few knew whence they came. Her poetioulexprossion of grftitnde to the council. for what they had decided to do for the remen at the beginning of the your. will be remembered. It was pithy and powerful. It was written while she suffered as no one can ime- gine. It was e remarkable production. and if the firemen could not pay tribute to its author in life they can pny hcmege to her memory Ml'.SDQn0Al`l\nAI Ilia fnvnilv will hunt: men popor on "Iuo away 01 h`.ngmu" bad sound much or tho ground am he Ind inhodod to with upon. Bo would. thnnsforo. dahr Anv fnnhmv nrnulu An wean. VVDIKBOOVOX` her hand round to do-wha.tevox appealed to her generosi- ty, her sympathy. her aecliou--that. she did with oheorfulneu. Her`: was a noble disposition . and while health per- mitted she sdughn to do good. and hun- dreds will hold her name in sweet to- membranes. I.-.o..ll...u.....ll... ll-.. u__._-_.. ._-_ LL! n/(E cm: `.9 PEW'$" | uaneu. . The incident is recalled that avonr ago Mrs. Spencer spent Good Friday in St. George's Hull providing home comfort: for the soldiers then called out. and About to be despatched for service in the North- West. Whataoever her hand lound to dn-whnf.nvnr nnvmnlml Qn Imp (Inno-uni uuuuio. A anon: service was neia. and in it several clerqymen participated. Mostoi the ministers of the city were present. and all the congregations were represented. The public pulse beat sympathetically with the bereaved hus- band. Everyone, who lmew his wife. and had opportunity of appreciating her virtues. lamented her death. The re- mains were left in the church until an early hour this morning. when they were conveyed to the Grand Trunk train, and. accompanied by Mr. Spencer and his eldest son, Rev. Mr. Carey and Rev. Mr. Cooke`. taken to Keinptvlllo. They will be interred alongside of the remains of two children. and under the very shadow of the Archdeacon Patton me- morial chnrcli. This edice was began during the pastorate of Mr. Spencer, and in its erection and beautification and welfare Mrs.Spenccr was intensely inter- ested. I Tl. h...:.J....L:.. ..-....u|_.4n._r_..,,,,, Ull! plllll I10 POD OBLI CV6!` 08801108. Mrs. Sponoer's remains were yester- day afternoon. at 4:80 o'clock. conveyed from her late residence on Queen street to St. Paul's church, with which she hnd for six years been identified. The pall- bearers were Dr. Henderson. Messrs. R. T. Wslkern. J. Shannon, R. V. Rogers, A. Lelliahieux, and E. H. Bmytho. pro- minontly connected with the Synod of Ontario. A short service was held. and In it nnunr-I nlnl-nurvnan n-vl>in.-mtg ! wnn nun Dom n 0 or me new Hire the rlt de 0 dnth II 1100. The em dark ay of nothlngncu, The last 0! danger and distress, Before Dooev '1 euaolnlnsors ue swept the lines w on beauty lingers." The deceased. Emma Jane Cross, was born 46 years ago at Canandiagua. and while attending college at East Bloom~ eld, N.Y.. Mr. Spencer met her. In 1865 they were married, and. removing to Newboro, resided there three years. Then Mr. Spencer was appointed to the parish of Kemptville, and laboured in it for thirteen years. In 1880 he was elected clerical secretary of the Synod of Ontario, and since that date he and his family have lived here. 0! Mr. and Mrs. Spencer's children five are living and two areldead. One bright and pro mising son was drowned while skating near the Tate du Pont barracks. and the anguish which that accident brought to his parents no pen can ever describe. Mrs. Snuncm-`a remain: wnrn vmztnr. We deeply lament the removal of one who though desd yet speeketh and `v her works do follow her. We refer to the late Hrs. Spencer. wife of the much- esteemed and much-beresved Clerical Secretory of the Diocese of Ontario. She departed this life on Thurednv night nt 10 o'clock. She hsd for 5 long time suffered rently from cancer. From August til December of last your she was sn inmate of the cancer institute at Rome. N.Y.. receiving treatment the most slrilfnl and still must ineeotnnl. ' She returned to her home at Christmas, ' and did not sfterwuds leave her room. | enduring all the time greet torture but J with n singular patience and ohristisn ' courage. As time psssed she grew 1 ` gradually worse. end the end she oon- ` templuted oelmlv. manifesting no anx- iety es to her own case. but u strong and 1 motherl anxiety in re srd to her chll- I dron. he, of courue. elt that to her husband-.eo- devoted. and tender. and . ' U 9,-5*-2;: 5-5;.`-.el2a.~,. .m-mld ., flgy. leave L2 ' L ' _`c``K`-.`:s."'`..`h \.':.`!(:ml I35; I fore them those models of life most cul- culnted to hi hi] develop their youthful characters. r. Spencer has had afflic- tiou laid heavily u on him, but the do- mine of his wife. is loving help-meet for over 20 years. is the greatest and herdeet of all. Many can understand the feeling of one "Who hnth bent h o'er the deed` nut dog I oluoa upo Gru:unu." I-`n nnngr an I u'~----u -u -~u-'uv-.--.. Died. in thin cit . at her residence. 186 ueen street, on nundny Thursday. zznd net.. Emma jgne, beloved wife of Rev. A. Spencer. Clerical Secretary of the Synod of the Diocese of Ontario, in the 46th year of her age. lie Intern Ian; Ind Pullnlly, In: With I Ian CoIno-Ier Iunl all CIHIIIII Graces. lave of Innlly. and love of null l$uIu- I'll] at Kc-uvllle.` I-\:_.n n .-2 ,sI,___ .n. -._j%o------- TEII TEACHERS` ASSOCIATION. SAD DEATH 0]` IRS. BPINOIIL A I03 ! KIND AND CHRISTIAN WOMAN. accompanied by an woo tad nk oh no. no - Ohio to tho odor of the &m|ntI!onu.gf Publrc Work: or Ontuio. for tho Inn of lhno thou- nnd do mu. which wm ho tortcmd it uh: pmy Madonna decline: 0: ml. to enter Into I oon~ tnol hand upon Inch under when onllod upon to do W no tho puny`: tondar I: not Mr _ _. to 0 mu bcguluynod. CALLED UP HIGHER. I . J. 1'1. HUT . -.-, Ho llld that Ir. :1- |TI|A Andi Al W,nnHnh" *:..,........"-*" - ...'":.':.' '::::.'." .z::::. "2...":.*.", thin nprounuuon of goods. In nvnl-vnnn And I-lnhl nun-U mn.-. COEDOII Wllll IDI D$I IIIII CH1 I. in bo- , llnod. mu: [oi MCI vinegar- Kingston. tbo d In II I - gilhrnnglnnon nvnnmhmn. 1 K.].I'nn."I:|'.,. lII\1l' Io ouup. mu lprmg olrpul no Wing low prion. In twain. E E . Scotch '0! Oullhn. 0 will: compote with she beat mud chat nnIAh(|aKA hnlnl-Itnnnnrn hang in lug. u s muuve oncu ntuoonro. I Alennder Ron. 0! the old nllublo store. in nhowiag checked ginghun dun noodl. nae Illd vory oh from 100. to Ho. per ud. Embroi and not hot! . Hi In :::.'.....':.::P..,. :..':..*.:-'P"....-"J Mu.uuu. Aland] Iu.UUu have paid. And the banana of the dub! will no mt once wiped om. The bnlidlna bu seating capacity for 2.500 pononu. in unulve buck Immature. Llgugnnr Rn-n nl oh; AIR -Il.I\I- II` lf. DIBWOE T `Wilton : gudon needs. only It the bunny. A new Ind important linoolnovolthl In nude: nod: (mm the man in: I growers in this country And uropo. Our Erlurlotulb ower in extremal 90 r can. of n wlng-W.J.wlloo|;. P. u ha Hnlvnninn Tnmnln .5 'l'mmnhu' ' wIna-vv. J. wueon. I , he Solution Temple u Toronto. opened `to-dev by Manuel Booth. ode! 040.000. Alma, m.ooo heve been` mid. And the hnlnnm n! the club: will M1 Al I IDOW OI lllOl`OllDDl`8(l DOIIGI III] In cattle and farming implomonta In Nnpnnee on Thurlduy Ald. Osman : Palm: took that prize an the bout dnnght nnlllon on exhibition. that tho abow Palmer was phooognphed by Mr. Blewet. 'I"-. .Hl-,.n'- eggs)... -...I. .....l.. -5 .'iodoqu win b'ruIund' ' . ' ho Dgutmontvlll nolbo bound to accept no law or :3`! under. . I`. FBI I8, Oommluloner. Department of Publxo W in, 0nt.. } Totonlo. Am: 1701:. IDIL morning. Good strong I wool Iwoedl, 350. and 400 , sh Hardy & Murn 'I. At A nhnu nf Hm:-nnn hi-ml human and DOII. ' Mnny person: Attended tho funornl ol the late H. Lncroix yesterday after- noon. The bod wu conveyed wBe|le- ville and burie near hi: vnle. One of decanted`: sons. Herbert L|Croix. of Alabama. reached the city yutordcy morning. Good In-om: All wool hnajn. Mn. nnd out also oorore nu: menus reaonoa mm. It is and that the passenger: for the islands will he landed at Clsyton Instant! of C: e Vincent. The nilroadon will (shun esp themulvel tho hrs for the sixteen miles from Cnpe Vinoanh to Clayton rather than give it to I noun- bont. ll--nu I-svnnnn .bL..n.I...I LLA Inn--.I Al and nuns. an naray oz Murray}. Sbover Clnrke. of Ki non. became insane at. Dresden. bnn iahlng n knits und throwing money sround prominen- onnla. He wu looked n and cared for. but ied before his men 3 reached him. It i. unit` Hm; H... ................. 0.... 51.- BIIBOGU. UIIH Illa I00 ICE- Conaidcrnble intcreco is ovincod in Masonic circles in Belleville. Brocknlle. and Kingston over the proposed redia- tribution of the Mnaonlc districts of the province. Rnn Mm nnw Rnntnh twuuh hr hnlnnh l'0VlDOE- Sea the now Scotch woods for jackets and suits. at Hardy & Murray's. Shaver Clarke. of Kim-nman. bannua UIICIIEW I GOD'S. From this da until the In of M" O. `VII. Weber 0: 0. will sell piano: und organs at I very pron reduction on the usual price. All instruments fully gun- anteed. Call and see them. Pnnnh-`Au-akin int--n-h In g-n`-u-`A in 1V npuuee 13 nguuug mm so mu me mu. Dry oak oordwood 08 per cord. dxy tamnrac oordwood 08 per cord. but and cheapest wood in the city. Also dry kindling wood as Crswfordi. foot of Queen atreet. Thu ntn-mar Mannl hr-{nan 0.11: Now queen meet. The abonmer Maud brings the New York morning mail to the city each evening. The post oloe inspector Ihouid arrange for its distribution on srrival. will, ..I........ ...`,I I.....:...... A- _X..|.L _A IITIVRI . Silk gloves and hosinrv to-night It Laidlaw 8 Son's. phnn Ohhu Jam nnI:l AI-A 1.5 .5 I]... I1 ;7a.- -. .----- -v--- .- .----- -- -. T" AIYLUX FOB I'.)l01`B.0IlL1.IA. luun luuIn_ Inpu-Mun to! two counts. ndbouot bonus. rnutlu. II up ly. and ulna mu. occult: up an: and [I I an Inn 3: I mom. 1:51 to be his Depart I In-In ol condo: on be procured. Tho Dona Ilgnnul of two parties. who be In to booolm mutton. to be at- to nab dot. dung; `tho oonuo aid unkilgn must be uoonpon ynn n o uu,po In u1onu.gfPnbl{o [or Onlsno. Luunuay auernoou or Lueaaay. The amendments to the Napaneo. Tamworth & Quaboo lill. charter will be considered next. Friday at Ottawa. Napauee is ghting hard to kill the bill. Drv nak nnrdwnml an nnr nnr, dn: ITIDOCSU Ella DBXTIO 558- The names of the graduate: and the successful passmen of Queen`: Uni- versity will not be made ubllo until Monday afternoon or Tues .15 . The amendments: to thn Nnnnnnm. auu uninrauco uompany. Buy your baby carriages an Kirkpat- nck'a. Every one guaranteed to run straight. Carriages repaired. Corner Princess and Barrio Sta. Th. nnvnnn A H... .......1....o... ....a ti... unuswu. lH6|IO met won Dy nul I up. I The Bnnkimf` and Commerce Com- mittee have passed 5 bill to incorporate the Kingston 8: Pembroke Mutnll Aid and Insurance Company. Bnv vnur hnhv mu-rimmu nu Kirkmt. mngavou Wlll 08 OD EDP GITOUIIL On Thursday avenlng a mile moo took place at the roller rink between F. Uaaaady, of this city. and Gilchrist. of Uctawu. The|fo-mer won by hull I lap. rnitfnn lunvn ngnnn - hill Ian {nun-nnu-on 885 9000! H] I 119 Olliy. Fine tweods. cheaper thin ever below, at Hardy & Murray 9. Fnnr millinnunf mluin H-I1 warn Rn:-run. Bli IIIIGV Y Jll1I'l'BY'B. Four millions of white sh were dump- ed into Lake Ontario on Wednesday st Chnumont and Snakews Harbour. T|\nrn in nnnrn In-A-.|\nI.HMn AI n un- UHIUIDODI7 IDG BI3H9II' HIXDOUT. I There is every probability 0! I Cum 1 dian Trotting Association being fox-med. Kingabon vnll be on the circuit. I On Thnrndnv nvnnlna A rniln rum UIIUIBLIU UGDIIII NEH - Uentlemen. do not go by Spence & Crumlev's for your summer underwou. They have the beat vulow and cheap- eals voodu in the city. Fine tweoda. nhagner tbnn aver balm-n. .033? H313} 1"x"u'r'.' `'.T""'`' M" "" M I. show of thorong bred home: And uh nnltln and lm-mina imnlnmnntn In vv-1 . 1 wt Aptuu. mu-;0|..lbun UFBWIOTG. Mr. Joseph Mandeville bu construct- ed I handsome aki with wilnut trim- mings. Ho intends exhibiting it an the Midland Central ran-. llnnflnmnn Rn nab no; I. Guam-.. L IIIIUUH III IJBITUIL Oranges, 25 cjoz. ; lemons. 250 doz.; lbox gs. 10o ; potatoes, 800 but ; tur- nips. 600 bag ; blackberries. 150 lb. JII. Crawford. Mn `ln......|. ll-../l....:ll.. B.-- -......A-....A vvmu 011100. I After all the talk Mr. W. R. Membrey will not assume charge of the Burnett House. He has secured an interest In a saloon in Detroit. lh-nnnnn `)Kn (Inn - `nvnnnn On Jan - BIWII UH AIIIY UH]. An exam supply of the issues contain: in the opening chapters of the aerial. "My Lady's Money," will be loud It the Wmo otou. Alon. 11" AI... a..ll. M- W D II.....'....... ` evening. Llbstts London ale, pure. honlhhy `I &`Bi}1 iHI`b}6,'i n9 3ad--ayr.r$+a#.- Jay 4912;.-m=3','._ *4-n,_~ m.......;,.....m:._~_. n. vv. a u. mu. and we uuos a nnox River RR. One hundred patterns new tweedl. 850. to 750.. at Hardy & Mm-ny'n. 1 Manv nl than urndnnlu n And frinndn of x no wo..nu naruy oz murnyw. Many of the graduate 3 and friends of Queen's University, in Onuu, will It- tend con vocation. coming hereon special excursion rues. F. J. Cassidy and Fred. Ooxworhhg. Kingston. and James Williams. Broo - ville. compete in a five mile race It 0!.- tnwa on May 5th. An nut.-n nnnnlu nf u: inane: nnntnin; " "`t'IfU""'l0UFt!DIr`*"5ilb$y'~7 V" College. leave tonight for Ottnwn. l`hey allay the Obtawn College teun on Enter onaay. The oouoert. xed for next week b the pupils of the Ottawa Lndiof Co - logo. in the city hall, has been indenite- ly postponed. A Kingston rm has made unnnidanble y pounpouau. Kingston rm has mule considerable money out of the nmnlgumation 0! the R. W. & 0. RR. and the Utios & Blnok luau DD K./Illlnlyl. ` A concert and fruit festinl. Kingston Lodge. I.0.U.F.. will be held on Monday evening. Lnhnttn Lnndnn nla, nnrn, Imnlhlnv IV UUIUUiU. UIHDZIIIILEII mil` Iodd Tvndm cddnoud to Ihc nndonunod oldollod "'l`ondIrI1or Wotl." will bo noelvod um 1100! ON TUIIDAY tho (II: My of In: nu. ht Ibo following not 1:- AIILDI IOI TIE IIIAII. HAMILTON. nu rnoexvea us wuuuu. You can buy |Idl8l' and children`: Halo gloves at 50. par pain, at Eponoe & Cru:nley`u. concert and fruit festivnl. Kinmtan puue IODOOII. The No.6 Canton of Put:-Inch: Mili- I taut, vith G. H. Lauder u commcndnnt, .` bu raoelved its warrant. 1 Van nan hnu lmhn-' an/I nkilj-ani- uonany. Bpencedz Crumloy nreselling pingbunl st 80. per yard; aold in other stores at. 100. and 12o. Kinaltnn nhnndn Innrth nn Hm lint fnr 1lK3- Illa IZQO. Kinglton abnnda fourth on the lint to: avenge attendance of pupils In the u- psrsto schools. Tbs Na. 0 (`umtnn nf Put:-hmhn Mili. Figs axle of D. Cunningham : turni- Inre. by J. E. Hntohooou. takes place on Mondny. Bnancmt Grnmlnv A1-nnallinu oinulmml uuooa pnoes an nenum-|on'|. Droumakinu done by Miss Hegadorn. at 42 Obulea street. hlnvnn nrlhnrnntu nf CO Donal . ing--1. IIIVB (I160 Wlll IO "II I0l'IIlIl|Ia Plenty of drivingyeatoldny. It In: indeed a Good Friday for tho livery men. APRIL & an an uuuwa ureeu. Seven adherents of St. Paul : Church hue died winhu: the put fortnight. Plantv of drivinavantnldnv. It in I-I LAIIOIIW I DOIYI. The School Board vull bring down I their budget Its an only date. Onbinnt and and nhnmn still All m. KIIlU- IUD TIE IHIIII. EIIIIMULV. Ounce to: patient: sud slum hutluq opp run. uootdln: to plum and I omen on: to ho soon II III! Doputllnant III at tho nbovo II:|5IIhn. what: form: of nude: on be pro ou . melt Duagen In an only one. Cabinet sud cud hotel Itill at to- duoed prices at Ben uon'|. Droumnkimz (long In Min Hnnndnrn. Silk glovu. new shades. at Lnidluru. Cowl Itill gran in Vmtorio Park. "Mother. buy my new unit so Hmly a Murray's." 0hilJren'I hmiery at vety low price: st Laidluv st son's. Thu nnlunld n.....A -.Il Ln}... 2...... um. `thing: u! hymn the PC0910 ! U` I unuon_xom by Our Loollooro I maumafsw W " ~~ `"'` '*i......,vA`'!-Aw':%[` Iollmm. leave tonight for Otmwn. l`bav lilClDIN'l'8 1).!` 'l'ErDAY- PIYIIOIANI AND sunulons. --III KING l`l'IsEB'l' WEI !!- 'n-lophon oonunulonlon duy sud mam. I. ll. nuwwl. l.b. J. A. a1'm.uo. ID. l.I.0.|.. In!- Apl. ll BIOYOLES i In sad second hand. loud scan) for on n-..- w" SPENCE & CRUMLEY'S, - All Dry Goods ohu r nun over before. Gnu rush on Dan Goods. Bandit! Wu an tho only were showing an N01 Bull All Wool Good- to 16. . 16 And Boo. Dru: Tnmmingall colon. in Wool, Wood, Blll sud Jul. ---PARASOL8, PARABOLB. PLRAIULI.-- our Inn lulu in than in mnonl Im not toll: oonelulnly um Intro showing the Right Gooh M the Right rioo. Gull And In oonvinod st 132 a 194 Princeia se. Bu `manna 1.1. but one. IoN0..90. PBXNUI88 BTREIT. nou Hondonourn Bani Hung, Lnpll DI nuuunua | Book Boon. ?.jv- T0 BIJILIEKS. STRLIPITTPR8. &c. 1.4.: ll-Ann nvnnnnd an Hm nndnrnlnmd. Jm.mamr.I 321$ -- wtjjnf C ` ocu- noun. Anll. An:-nunron1~n_p.m.n.g \J-Ill\I&'\J-I-H EILJL-L` L . enernl Real Bums Agent. HOUBII To HINT. - TINANTI POUND. Building bots. Farms. 00.. bought sad I cold on ocmmlnlou. |lnlIhI' wotk nqulrud In the creation 0! I nal: Got: 0 on Union am. can and mention: man be non II my onto. Ford : 8 ooh. Brook ll. Tho Bowen or may `reader not. nooo-uily oo- , mod. Tho bow! INDIBI wlll boronolvod by the nndonlgnod up to I Ell. BATUIIDAY. tho lth lnnun run Onrpontorr and Joiners`. intone nod P1llhI'OI'|'. Painters` sud 0hllsl'l' and Tm- Imam Conan Ill-ICYIIHIVIID TOV DAY: minsa LOBSTERS, ovsnms. mm. ` m;'r,.ooD. HADDOOK. wmm men. Early Vogbtnblos sud Fruit of all kinda. OPIRAHOUSE FISH AND FRUIT MARKET. W. H. grnovskyl JAS. RICHMOND 81.00. 3'8EE WINDOW. April 14. A` greater lush iu the On-pet Depart- mont thin in any pant. souou. `(Ho but nine 1: well no the boat patterns favour- nble in the Dominion. Remember that Oupets are lower in price than over known. Olen :6 lines. lulu`. oppodlo Poll Ola. _ Fab. 9. . Are planned to ud the public nppreointlug their tutu in the selection of CAR-- PET8 AND CURTAINS. us. rmuck m stun}; AND SURUIONB. I1` IIIXII -8-A `$1131! (.1, Richmond & Go. 4 EE`6E4IN%aARPETS. I Lntnt 8leu In American an.) EngH.h __ SIM Ind Ha I Hutu IIVIDYI on lund. Hats From 50c. & Upwards. Ualabrated New York Hats. J. B. PAGE & 00., Leading Hatters dc Furriers Cull sud no the stock of DUNLOP, lpl no. The Timnghast Tmrmvg g},u3'3, meaoar In mlncl um wlll In tho GREATEST A no mu-cu swnulm BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY for all tuturo ilmo. pn . [SEE oua wmnow] - TU CONITRAOTORS. o oloek. ` "" ` By order. WILLIAM MILLS. U3 charts of Ordnance nd Adminlly Lnnlr. 1 A u ununhnn .., u-um . A. M. BURGASF. Daputy of tho Ilnmer 0! the lnhrlcr. Do rtmont at nu Inoorlon} Stain, EON) Apxll, 18610.` _f`-.A."*T`?f.9L.9- Haniy & rnnnory Proporty" :93 L01: lamb of Prluouu Btnol. and the noun! lots. 186 In number. ul- tuuo north of Prinoou Suut Ind Iormlnq sure of whn In known so the "Hon-v.~hmnr |"Irm." The latter will In olfurod on bloc. Haul ol the noun} propprtlu can be noon at the Auction Noomr. than Uni of tho lots on be obtalnod. '!`ox-mu of nymcut :-ouo-tmb ol the puruhuo mono to paid down ll mm of ulo. and tho um nan In four equal nnnunl h.Inlmor.u. with tutu-out on ma unpaid balance 0! tho pnrahlu money It the run of Ilx par cont. per nnnum. lunhuconamounwlll be undo known :3 the time of sale. this to comment no 19 o'clock. Bv 71! April 2. Epril 20. By Ir. J. n. IIUTOHEBON at his Auction Booms. Brook Street. Kinuuop. the following rop0I1leI.Vl|I---Perl of the Artillery Pnrk for he extension of Reno! Street :pui of the Arm- iery Perk. lot school Pu one; Lot No. L0, dtneie beuvesnllidenu and uzdnlen Sheet: - South mu olbol no and Lot. 1: end iii, south oi Union u-not : lb Lone. being Iubdivieione of the fnnnery Lou Queen. and lhgveoent number. Panama sorxom 1. uuiby um: um mm Inh bo c '.~md for nlo on [xmasrnu says}: mums I __ GEORGE CLIFF. IIIVIB all: the but Style of h Ljlcnoolhnforllc; Also use in nun innhn uh In mm; Ilnursday, 29th ln;f.`_ W. NIWLANDB. Jn., Arohltooh ' 30 Cents. AR I'lUI FORTE. Ponh OIII. cn:-t KNOX AND YOUMANS ll 'l April 29. ll any lave yet oorod. We no not Ihowlnx I lanu lot of Now Put- ternu. BETTER than nnw _- Pants TO ORDER & CRUMLEY S, T `_'?'fT'f' CORSET! EIF. X. COUSIN commences. NEXT WEEKTJZM Great Sale of PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS, at a reduction of from 15 to 20 per cent.. DRESS GOC5l.'5S ANDP7\_KSOLS. jM1NNJ;~:s & BURNS, OUR JERSEY SALE this week has been so sugcessful that we have decided to continue it for ONE WEEK LONGER. Do not miss thiq chance of saving 20 per cem_ on your Jerseys. ONE MORELCHANCEI BOVVES an BISC>N'_E'.I."'I'IED Will obr Special Bargains in HOSIERY. GLOVES, PARASOLS, COLLARS, LACES, FRILLINGS, LINEN and SILK HANDKERCIIIEFS. Bargains for the Ladies. I -\u`' [10 w ]J,_LA|DLAW & SON c111mftF.N`s uosmzv, LADIES` IIOSIERY, 11031;. A Good,,8ty_lish and Well Made KID GLOVES. FINE: 8ILK~ New and Stylish Dress Fabrics. April 10. We have done a large trmlo during the past month in our Dress Materials. and are constantly rvceiving New Goml.~x Kindly inspect what we are now offering in Hnmss GOODS AT POPULAR April 29. Buutlfnl lulu Pu-uolntlm. Iormu pt-In 01.50. Twill Bill Unlmllu 01.00. lunar prion 01.06. twill Bill Umbrella 01.15. tonne: prloo OMB. Twill Sllivmhnllu Ol.b0. femur print ".00. Twill aux Unhnllu 01.16. tumor who 0150. New Oolond Elli Umbnllu 01.50. prion non. For full pmticulars revul carefully our Special Circul which will be distributed t.ln'ougl1tl1e city next week. I April 24. ,j-::` cmm ms or mmsozsj Ar mi 30c. READ REMEMBER the store will be closed on 'l`UESl).\Y_ 27th, ..._ I lI7I'.`1`\\YIVnv\ I \r .. The Entlro Nook. obvorlnx gvor 845.000 WORTH. will In subjected to an In oonnooiion wiih iho ohm lmporioni Evoni, was unavoidably posiponod, bill will now posiiivoly open and begin on V [FINAL RETIRINGFROM BUSINESS SALE - EASTER sATU{RE5AY`& NIGHT 7 RETIRING FROM HIS KINGSTON BUSINESS AND GOING ' T0 TORONTO. April SH. L.-2-,-- 'F. X. COUSINEAU INDISCRIMINATE SLAUGHTER ! I I70 PRINCESS "l`lIBE'I`. , __..._ ..... I\.r\/ ...uuuu uu L UL)\Jll. \1 and WEDNESDAY, 28th, to mark down prices, 1 ofnnlr nn.` ux...-xn.-...,. 1`... AL,` - I` ` ,, __._.., ...v .-nu an uuvv stock and prepare for this Great Sula. Insult vulllg I-I unu [snow I am Umbrollu "Trio. E. T i hr Ohth nlllnn MLQL Comer Princess and Bagot. Streets. 78 AND 80 PRINCESS STREE our Stock Complete- 'I`IEI.d'J GRAN D 313 S; --\-r- /xii- Y, MEN'S v n-'ll.llg(' `W0 lmvo`1tlll`,oom6 . AT FROM couiih? dealers, mg, denlt with. Itow will be ; PAPERH MW- TH1s.v1 .'."a.';'..':'.:'.-.-...,"'"-:.~,..-- nub ' rm .0. um-u-`M (E. "1'l"!'..'.' Inpmulnunuu I mashing Ionhowukovorinvn . Athoxongh Into! tho nlnhhnln dulnd. and I guhorhgol fa-non hoxpooted. It Ihowotbol In men. ud onbo nuludlolhorunnhg gurohnou-dt Iuy hnnwuuzon. , m. 11.3. wunnmu. 0! Mount Vernon. Dnkoh. In in the nix. Ho gndunod two you: In Iron: a R0 :1 College. He nyn tholho ha been oug. but It in and that he will take back with him one who will unkolih hnpp nod time y quickly. Two ot Dr. llliunr clou- untu no In Dnkotn. Dr. W. J. Webster II 5| White Lake. nod Dr. D. 0. Rune! no Ouuowood. All have good puouoo. 5 Putting llonnv. An F. X. Oouninonuintondn bin grnnd nd ronna from business sale. which opcun on Thundny next. 2951: mm. 0 to I yuan; bond! for his hon of hue- hnou and triondn. he has taken an un- usually lugs sdvcing upset {or to- day Ind Monday to announce it. dair- iun Ihnnll nhoul be dnl inlormod. KOQ thin lion in your mi nnd your om `Korea until the opontng ._-I-----: Five cams Par nou.| IIIC IDDI I -ll --I0". Yesterday I football match occurred inhuman tcunl selected from the Royal Military College and Queen's. The on data. having had more praobica than their opponento. came out victorious. They won the much by taking one goal Ind scouring n touch-down. The Queen`: boy: did not. score. The game was not nished owing to the collapse of the ball. ...--v _..-.- uu \tIl|lIl-\II'I . The nnnoe committee of the uohool board wrestled over the eooounts on Thursday night. They lound some bills for work can should have been tendered for. and oomplelnt followed. It wu decided to pass I resolution cell- iug for tender: for all work calculated to coat over 010. The member mey not be udvortined. but the oonenoson will beoommnnioshd with. I` IV IAIII II KID IJIII BUIIIII. W. Moore. at the old tailoring enviab- llthmenl, on Brock street. is nding the benet oi the note improvements. pur- chase of large lifting stock and judicious advertising. is '80 boom in 8 large one. and the public nd his prices fully as cheap In his stock ll ne. He shows good: And given sample and prices with pleasure. Boiler lluung Tournnmonv. On May 5th a roller skating tourna- menb will occur at Ottawa. A ve-mile nee. for the championship 0! Canada, I! on the programme. Messrs. (J. Campion, of Kingston; Brunei and Atkinson, ol Ottawa; Bonnets and Thom son. of To- ront. Willinnu. of Broolnil 0; Ross, of Cornwall, and other: will enter the race. .- uuuu u. n~v.u--. As D. F. Armstrong. ol the busy boot`: and shoe trade. is doing for too good a business to ohsngs his advertisement often, wslhsve it. dropped to-day owing to the prnssnro of space. but just remind our readers can his stock was never so good. and his courtesy to customers is at its well known height. Well I`;-opnrul. For the mines and children Hninel lh Lookett are bobtm prepared than usual. Tlfoy arelrynng to make children's shoes I apeclnlty, and Bake extra one to buy boots that will til the loot. something too often overlooked in wear for small children. A complete stock of spring vheel boobs always on hand. _j_:-_-- ----`At:-- >1InU|lQIolu. It mud on mmiqthmha Fol- umn ch'ori:r tarp-I . 1 $23.. .. ..Y"u 2'2: The Icvont o! tun Benson Will be the annual Easter assembly or the I.0.B.U. Branch, No 488. which will be held in their hall (St. Patrick's) on Easter Monday evening. Prof. Byrnes` quadrille band will furnish music. Dancing begins at 8 p.m. Tickets 600. Don't fall to attend. us. now u are. 1W0 ouapners ox y Lady e oney" are also given. Ies.aoo.ooo. The new business written by blie Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United Stews for the am quarter of this ear is 023,600,000. Terms the moat iberal.'Abaolute security; certainty of rompt psymens. R. Suirliug. agent. at 'ingehou. 4_ And wish to,_this Spring, dis- poae of the bola nce of our Stock, have therefore marked it away down below its regu- lar values Enlarged Pagan. Four columns extra are to-day de- manded for our Easter issue. owing to pressure of matter. Broadbnm's letter, crowded out on Wednesday and Thurs- dng. now I: am. Two chapters of " vLndv ' nnev" are also rnvau. BIII DI nun unuvi. On Thursdny afternoon the yearly sale of we toll gates on the Bath road took place M. Mr. Fallon`: Hotel. Wil- linmlvxlle. No. 1 gate was purchased by Mr. Porter for 0815. and Mr. Pledge: you No. 2 gene. Oouinsby. (or 0865. They wm Llvo nappy. Theneaaro they who buy their hams and breakfast bacon ; fresh butter for 20o 1b.; eggs, 1`Mo don. ; and cm: of thosolarge onus of tomatoes for 160, at Jun. Crawford's. order. Ill-ll, I l'l'llllIlIlllIIEI. Modento to fresh winds shifting to the northwud, decidedly cooler weather proooeded by local rains and thunder storms. um; English-the luau. They range ' order. - me-9! 'J\;.},h,9.a,v5.u .*.-.51-ay`e_~+- '" CKITIUIIVC VIIIUIIIWI ~ Ptssesisha-s mm; wiudanj, na..di1-., F;-in---:1 .&4_V?0h . Amf Ennli-h--t.ha Intact. Tlmv nmza J A In Deluge. Look out for the manner `ads of do- muged dry goods by Bowen .9; Bisonette I next week. .:: Indra llluo Olga:-I. (Sines) ierfectou, 15c.; Pin, xoc. S. D: via & San`: new brand. They upenk for themulvu. , India E'I!v,|o Olgnn. Try them. I! ceptionnlly ne. Superior to any imported cigsr in the market. 6 [ms of sum Panarnsl `. P. I II an \I an on Conan] Tlolol Aunt. ` ferry Whnrf, - - foot. of Brock Btrooo ` ' KIN OHON. ONT- GENERAL TICKET AGEW ;;'1g.:m*;::*.::.. .:.u::.-ma 1 11,4. 1' OLGI-JR mnrll Alillh I Tlnnnn noelnd by W.2.1Iwhndu, ul 6 pm. laun DIAKATIO 00. at. the Open ouu. The Doctor: In Duholn. '. H.S. William. of Mount Vernon. ah. I: in nu nllv. H. unrlnnul Tv AND VICINITY. To-0.) ! Probnbllmu. `tn tn (I-n-h -ilIl`l ah 1' W01 1, - oo KINGSTON. ONT. lllnmula. Somoyunngo one Puoook susten- Iooood to man I loan in tho Octnl Prison. Hooooapod. having an months of his term to put In. but wu not lo ilbort when no oommmod o oooo kdonoo orprgloh he 1?: anal to tho inguou hnuuy o: n you-I. Rh. until: that inoutoslou oxpiud on Thursday. Ho wunoulthowouple loading to tbojpti-on. two mud: be longing to NIOUOIIIII who lIIlI|0' dhbly honed Mn and took him to To- ronto. no will llnhh hi: can (In noltbi) In that Innitntlonunloooh ul- nlninnnl Um: 1: nm I-DI-an n.n....m.. noun mu ausmssl `Mn And In gnarl |mn.. -c on. tonic. no will III!!! III! Inn (I'D noltlmlnihu |nnitntIoIunIooohnd- alnioul II the ptllon amm- xnv lnm:.nn.:n Mn. N - UN. TDO WOTI Ill 07!! IO WUPIII IEO!!!"- od to 1.322 Itttiom. 8.016 omocn. coo.- OO0 soldien. English War Cry circula- tion 300.000. with lIXJ.0(D readers. It. Booth odd tht the log, of the Solution Army wtvod in this-tooo countries. and that the ooon wearing blue and rod upon thirteen dioront luagmgoo. Ill IIIXIIIWI IEO IIBGIICOG D '},\.lU; or Cry circulation 82.000; Lymu 801- dial, a children : paper eenbliehe four months. cirouluion 11.0%. no work in the United Staten wu doeolibed. One hundred nd eixly-In eluiom and thirty ontpoete hnd been organised with- in Ito vmn. nd the nunhn nl nnlllnn IIIIIIY Ulplil DID DOOII Oflllll III!!- In two youl. nd the number of oolilen mtlvoly ouppd wu ommutod no 10.- ooo. The work nll over the world uncul- .A Q- 1 non -ugh`-u. IINIA AM III ), lug : `W0 Ina you an] Tin ung Bun] _ l`vun.' " Converts Are lzninin In London and Aunnlin for In ox itlon to China. and oioera And soldiers. In Irina Span- lnh, German. Danish. Groe . French and other lnngunaoa no willing and uniting to be IGIII totholr own countrioc with tho manage of mercy. In Cumin the dark '1: nhannmnnnl. 'I'lmrn An 16`! we manage or mercy. m uuum me 181% wt: honomenul. There no 165 3 tionl. outposts, 500 omoen (450 of whom Ire native born) with accommo- dation for 70.000 "person. The morn- in muting: are amended l;y 20.000; arru nimnlnnnn RQIYYI2 Jul; Rnl. um Ana seven or engnn unnue uonuneu. "I: would make wan sum from your eyes." nid the musbd. "were you to but thin little bnncl ol Ohinunon ling- inc: z.5:52 criminals uau been men no me ates of the colonial risous and cared or by the risou brine es. 0! this num- her all h secured employment through the IROIIOY of the sting. Thirt per cent. were doing extreor innry we 1, and 70 per cent. were remaining firm. The female rescue brigades bed walked through the streets during the devil's noondny rescuing Mien women from dens of vice. One thousand three hun- dred poor creutures had been cared for or returned to their pnrents. The drunk- nrds' brigades had rescued 4,000 men, 600 of whom werqoonrmed sud chronic drinkers. A oorps has been formed in New South Wnlee with e Chineee cap tein end seven or eight Chinese soldiers. --Ir. vnnld mnlm l.nlPI alert from vnnr nu ing A nu To A nF.PoB'rEn.. The marshal has just returned from Australia. He has visited man places in the United States during t e past month and entered Canada at Montreal. He comes here as the representative of 817 oioers in the colonies. 105.000 people. and a newspa r with 3 circula- tion ot 882,000. He 3 so represents 117 stations and 199 outposts. Hi: work in the colonies had been endorsed by nll the governors, premiers and most of tho ohielsecretaries. To show the nature of the work the army was performing in Australia Mr. Booth told a reporter that 2.532 criminals had been met at the ....L.... ..l Al... nnlau-.l..l -uni-nun -nu` na-an I r V I NOBLE INVADIRI or CANADA- Ho urged the soldiers to work on. to endure the coldness and prejudice of the outside world.for God was bound to bless them. They should work away, etooping to pick up the fallen, to be moral scavengers. shermen o uls. as it were. Ileretho bell ranglor be train to start. sud many soldiers thought the time the brlelest twenty minutes over enjoyed. The Marshal. continuing, said he was filled with delight at what he had seen and heard ol the work in Can- ada. He bed alreedy seen many men who had been made honest. pure. and true by the arm . "Go on." he exclaim- ed, "God will b ess you." As the tram moved o be exclaimed. "You're a pro- per lot. and I'll come back and see you." The army shouted, the baud broke loose again. and the departing visitors uttered their bandanas until lost to view. The army forces-prinet pallv composed of English persons- 1 marched hack in an exultant mood to 1 "Abbie Temple." A TALK TO A REPORTER. I; one vluiwr was suauuiug INVELOPED IN A are OVBBCOAT, underneath which was a pretty dark blue coat with silver braid and the ar- my's coat-of-arms on the collar. He was all smiles. and any one who has seen the V father. or a picture of him, has seen the I son. He waved his hand. the army chirroped a volley, and the Marshal. in a voice full of English accent, said. "Hi ham glad to seeyou, comrades. Move haround so that hi can see your blessed faces." Then a woman. with accente- nanca full of brightness. exclaimed. My. but don't he talk like his father?" ' The soldiers crowded u and Commis- sioner Coombs introduce Mr. Booth by saying that he had been telling him (Mr. Booth) of the glorious work of the army here. and of the bravery of the soldiers who rst bombarded tLe city. and what they had. under God. done here. `"1 am endeavoring to make arrange- ments." said the commissioner. "to have the marshal spend aday with son (cheers). when I antioi ate that King- ston will hsve the gran set and greatest demonstration ever known." Marshall Booth lifted up his voice from the steps of the our platform and ex ressei plea- sure in looking into the rash. bright faces before him. He felt that he was at home. (volley) that among the soldiers he was not a stranger. It was grand to see their bright faces alter the o posi- tion of the world. in its darkest orms, continually encountered hizn. He re- ferred to the spreading of the organi- sation, and was proud to stand before the unnlu suvsnlnll nl nnuana, -ie.`:`r&-r:2:23&:1`2a!.~w.'{`'*:::. .t;=nin.,\:n.a*v,~.d., in. end . e " t?fYifii`d`1`fT"'W63'if6ET`T opinion 0! Mann boom. one ion 01 we famous general nnd founder of the mi 11-` ey h-mes, sweeping-an 4. "um .heAn fnl. in a moment the chattering umbonrinee monstntion to the bend. Commissioner Coombs jumped o the train and moved the army back to the Pullnnn out where the vieitor was standing I|lvI'l.nDIl'n w A nm nvmmorr. 3 | no Ialvnuen uokoun lcrelds In co-in Ind I30 III! Whoops [I lJp- l'|e Invuu mum "a_ never Inc. an Ie'll cone sun and lee ne----s led-ribbon on For the corn. The blood-washed warriors of the Salvation Army... the ocers wasting red jerseys. dark blue caps. and boots covered with dust. and score: of women in dark dresses Ind shaker bonnet` crowded the platform st the G. T. R. station yesterda afternoon. Theysang. rattled tembonr nes. snd spanked their handsaetbey stood in line. waiting to receive the grand marshal of the com- bined ioroes. Emblems of the srmy -blne and red than with yellow centres -nttered in the breeze. The banner of the 6th Oanedlsn corpe towered slolt snd oered shade to n dosen women. Capt. Wstson. ssessed 01 an honest iresh English ace, end well trimmed blonde sldeboards and moustache. ran bio bow over his viplin and sltrnok up many is bs py batt 19 song. he great company hgd just finished Bolli the Chariot Along" when the Salvion cok- nut heralded the advance of the train and in n. moment the bandsmen blew air into their trum to and (airly spilt their lernyxes in" their eorts to gain the good opinion of Mai-shsl Booth. t e son of the famous general and founder of minb-` ]5 V . , _, __ __ nnonmon or aunn. noomrn son A!` an a. _T. n. In`: ION nsnnnn. ---._-...:-j. Io .WIn that In: `turn. ;.:::'.::'.':'`._..`a".'.::.::."'......':.:.':LL hoywuu lulu: |hOl'III- dnb. Thonudlootoltbo wulglr oddahtpollldn. Allouuloonooltbo lllllil .; As heretofore announced, we are going out of the On Wednoedey evening of` lean week week Aid. Dunn end Meme. 1:. Man- ley. A. Irqnherl end W. Brooke ecoom- penied e low friends on eepcering ex- pedition. They vieited e creek fcnr milee dietenu iron: Weetport. The etreem entcre ineo North Bedlord Leke. end ie ebont ionr` feel deep. In the epl-in; leh cone in in thoneende. meet- )! fold nne end pi e. The queer-are hed ei vely experience from 7 o'clock up to midnight. During thcee hours they were he hney etriklng the ash. Bev- lng ill] their ekie they hen to pitch the ileh on the benh._ Aid. Dunn an he never eew eo many ileh in hie life et one time ' ee be new in the! muddy esteem neer weapon. The petty hed e not male with e Inge pike weiuhin Si} ihe. The eldcnnen new it he! en I nennnul the menu in align... .l eh. mg ml. {no uaonnua II um Ind omonodtbo puny in oburgo of the shift not to no upon Ibo log. The III: A rnllv looknd likn nan. hnl than Mr. Inn! not so no um log. `L110 III: null looked liko on. but when Mr. B uonktho rlntolubookll bonnie vuy li y Ind pulled the luau-nu: Into the Inter. Auoon u be got Itoodhd. ho. with grout dioult honlodlho blue the but. Thugs in Ibo hall was brought to Wuuporl, but than on the but: were left nun Th rnlng. ammo II. Dr. Washington. the eminent throat and long unrneon. of Toronto and Hell- fex.iIto revleit the city on Mondev next. (Roth). and relnein three deyu. Hie two prevlone vieite (ninoe Jenuery) heve enoonreged thin early return. xungswu Inn be. remembered DY mnuy. sir John Maodonlld will. alter the Home is prorogned. take I mp to Brit- ish Oolmnbh. Hon. Thomn White. Sir Adolphe Carol: and Sir F. Middleton will also villa the Pwio at-ovlnoe. Mr, MnRinmm -r.-- - 11.`-.- .1: wm use VIIW we reomo rovlnoe. Mr. McKinnon. nu; r. Given. di- vinlty; Mr. A. E. Mnveby and Miss Oli- vet, medicine. will deliver vnledlobory addresses for the various clean: :0 Queen`: University on Tueadny after- DOOII. lBl'. Dr. T. Bertram, 01 Dundas, I. gr: du- ate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgoonmsails for England on the 28th Inst. Mn l1..,.-.-A `h lJ-_I-_ II hrs a ,, vounmon nan on` 1 nesany nlcernoon. Mr. R. J. Bowen returned from Mon- treal this morning after three days` at- tendance an the great auction sales of dnmeged dry goods. caused by the lute oods. Fetbor Abram J. Rynn, "the poet.- rient ol the South." died at Louisville, y.. on Thursday night. after I brief illness. from bnin lever. Ilia lecture in Kingston will be. remembered by John Mnodonnld will. .1... ch. anmus uuurcn no-morrow. Mr. A. D. Root. of this city. went to Thousand Island ark on Thursday and will remain there during aha sum- llil`. `5511 H185. Mr. George D. Hawley, M.P.P.. has been seriously ill. but in recovering. Mr. D. W. Allison has also been sneriug from solution, but in lmtter. Rnnfnni Flaminn I: n n n|.........n__ We have a full line of the above perfumes in bottles, all sizes, or on draught in any quantity at