UJIBB. 1 U6 CIEDI [.0 DB DOBYQ IN! 1 sugar vs. Guun-An action touching the construction of n will. Daroche (1 Madden and R. T. Wnlkom. Q.O.. for plainti. and Monica & Williams. No- paneo. for defendant. Hnnnr In Flninr at al_An nntinn tn IEDBO. I0!` u8I8ll(lI|'l5- Upper vl. Flower at al-An Action to set nide the sole of ruhuy bonds. A: the bonds have been withdrawn the suit will decide the qneuion of oolta. Kirk- petrik & Rogers for phiutifl. Brib- ton it Whiting for defendant. Mnnnhnll II. Fa:-aIInnn__ln nnlinn I01] (I VVDIHIIIK I01 uBI8I1(lII1'- Marshall vs. Forguson--Ln wtion brought nation the charm` for dnmnges for [also returns. The diapnto In re- gnrdxng the vslldity of a chattel mort- gnge. T. L. Snook for plninti: J. Mc- Inare. Q.C.. lordefendnnt. nMnllnn vl. Pnllnv_An nntinn tn IDI T9. |.U., l0l'(lBIBD(lIDI- 1&cM len VI.P0l10y-Al1 nation to not slide 3 mormsgo for 0033(1). for whioh phinti never received the money. the amount beina luodin the band: of J. A. Mo.\hhon. w ddonlted. Wnlkom & Wdkom for plninli ; Britten E Whiting for dell. Mnynllnn vs, H-an-_A ni-nil. an-n, 1 vv mung I0! non. Molullen vs. 0wen|-A similar one. The umountinvolvod 01.860. Wulkom & Wnlkem for plnintiz J. M. Maohur for dolondnnt. \ l.inm_|u......a .. u....I:..... A. .n_A.. X0! (IOIODGIIIE Ligmbound vs. (incline: at |l-An notion involving the uiiditv of cousin noriqnpu on tho biscuit notary on the corn: 0! Eu] and Division Itreotl. Sn that Smith for phinliif ; Wdkun & allow. 1`. L. Sxok and Kuodonnall l Media for dolondnnla. Kivklntblnk I 'I'-n-__An Anchs IL. A I MUCH! lOl' (lUIOIllIIIIC- Kixkpnriok v. Tncy--An motion to- unding the ymout of n nocoum. liukpatrlck &gl.Enru for plalnti; Campbell 1. ouo-A Pinion cue. Allison I HaNoa for nlninll: F. Roan UIIIIPDCII V. l.n0I%-A flol OIIO. I Allison l(oNoe for phinti ; Regan I {or Jofonduau. I II U-IIf III`-HUI" IIITIZ "On the list." The nou prepu-nlion known for ronovuin the lunimro. cover! up crush. so am 3 bounti- lnl polio . Sold only at the annoy. W. J. Wnon. ornauouu ] nsu AND FRUIT mm! I Ill-If I -I'0 XIIK1 H. B. Etthblil. guuruto. bu boon |%'........."""....`:' !:1:..'.'.`:. B I l I .lI'O II In` IDIIIII ZIVOLIIU IJIPIFIIIICIII - No Insurances Olrrlscl by Owners. The inland revenue department's oioes were damaged considerably by re and water this morning. It was 7:80 o'clock when the alarm sounded and shortly aiterwards the re brigade were on hand pouring water into the various eiees. The smoke was dense for a time. but through the windows. burst in on the market square and Clarence Street side, the firemen turned on the water supply. Beiore halian hour the ames were subdued and the build- ing t to be entered. The re was `conned to tie inland revenue de- partment of the building. Last night when the olcers left the testing room. on the second list. lac- ing the niarliet, is little re remained in the open hearth. Evidently ii spark iell upon the door and smonldered all night (or right in [rent ol the bricked space a large place has been burnt out of the floor. The tire ran along under this oor and burned a very large space over Collector R:iwland's private oloe. The damage altogether in considerable. The collector's oice is lled with plas- ter and water. His vouchers and let- ters were generally destroyed, but his books were saved. I`he lodgers. stamps, blank forms. etc., in the main olce are soiled by water. but not so badly dam- aged that as records they will be use- less. The ceiling in both rooms has fallen down and the joists are found to be burnt and charred. The weights and measures department and the gas in- spector's oleea are both damaged by water. Valnablc instruments will bi s.(l'eeted. It was only a short time ago that Gas Inspector Burrowslost Valu- ablelnstruments in the Napanee res. llis private papers and public boolis are. soaked by water. Many olil re- cords iii a room above Collector Row- laii.i's oleo are cliii.rred. There was no damage be ond that caused by smoke on the t iird at. The building was owned by 1'. ll. Henderson, and the damage will be in the neighborhood of 82.000. He held no insurance. 'l`he uoveruuieut property. also uninsured, will suiler to the extent of H.500 or I l .00). - ~-oo - 1 lllll ruqueswu B0 RUE Bl ITBBIUTBF. On Tuesday evening a nblio meeting. called bi] the mayor. wil be held in the city he I. It will discuss celebration events. The collecting committees will then submit their reports. Over M00 have already been qnsrnntaeed towurds expenses. busibis expected that 01,000 more will be forthcoming. lipp0ll.lIo6|l. Oollilllllil 0| IIIBBIXU. 1.!)- Wilson. Joseph Hlaoook, 0. Murray. L. M. Wood. Sam. Cox and P. Mo- Lnughliu. Ald Thompson was nppomlr ed secretary for the day. and F. U. Ire- land requested to not as treasurer. On Tnesdnv aw-minu n nnhlin mnatinu. V. n a.ranIIu\-IA" . A collecting committee was then appointed. consisting of Mason. T.C. Lnnnlulin. A LI "l`|...-nounn .-nu -n-nun}. ' lb. was moved by Mr. '1`. C. Wilson. ' seconded by Mr. J. Moammon, that him. I041!-(A."!.i7.|p;..\il,iC9 A-uv-nlvad._-.kg_.` :7.-.K::.'=v.'.-'31!1I`-Dlf-".`i`-, . ....!v.I In thing up the celebration: Maura. J. arson, F. A. Folger. Waddell. Hisoook. Murray. Briokwook, T.C. Wilson. M. Conway, - R. J. Eilbeck. J. D. Thompson. Carra- nberu Bros.. MoCammon Broa.. J. Upper. W. Wilson. W. J. Wilson. T. Mills. J. Redden. R. Reid. T. Minneu. W. Reid. J. Metoalfe. O. Livingaton. J. McMahon. L.M. Wood. D1-.Hiokey. J. l<).JoneI. W. C. Martin. G. McGowan. J. ntley, T. Robinson, W. D. McRao. Hm: I) Bros.. J. Smith. F. A. Bibby. Well: Broa.. J. Powell. I. Simpson. J. McKay, T. McK. Robertson, and otcers , of "A Battery. 1 A .u.ll....H.... .....-.......;u.... ...... AL-.. . _ llllllily IO! II WII IHDIOIIDOG. I In me uannqunarmng pun. 'Ibe ohairmun thought is wns {ally to talk sboub a. programme before the money for it was mbaoribed. Ih was moved In Mr. '1`. C. Wilson. enu-e would no ever saw. Aid. Garcon aid the object of the meeting was to appoint a committee to canvaaa the citizens. He auggeated that the programme for Dominion Day oonsiat of horse races. bi le races. athletic sports, lscrosee on baseball metchee. and e remen : competition. In the evening e phynio display could be given. He wee in avor of half of the programme being carried out in the park or cricket tlelj in the morning. and the other half of the day's amusement in the Ontaraqnidrlving park. The chairman thoncbt it was {ollv to ; unonaonur wuguncuu Io puuuo. um Ir. lhoonloyuoood u ucrohnpro mu. The ohdmnn sud the license viotunllon bud been oonvunod for _lllb- Ioriptiona. nod Ind responded hund- oomely. But he would not um whnt amount of money bud been oollootod uncilheheu-d how much money had been subscribed by the citizens. He would gnunntoe that the viotnller share would be 8900. All`. nnrnnn -Aid Chm nhinnh n! In lunnno. W. male. 1'. louuunu IJ. Brown and S. Ohendoret. nhnsntinhnr 1&1! In IE1! B.A.Z .A..A.IR- F_3ES T3RQs., Inn. an out mung man. J. unonvooa. J. u. `xnomplon, a. Mounmon, J. Snidu. 0. Run . B. Conloy, Ald. J. Osnon. 8. Cox. . C. Wil|on.J. liinoock. F. A. Folgor 0 mm. w. Limo. P. uouugnunf 122 J. Rm-n and S. Ohnndnrnl. Kr. K IIT||lBUlllUlIl'IllIlKI-i Ivvlll 3'3 owindlor now In! mung and talked out the but my 0! golll up I oolobnuan onDomtnion Du . Among thn-n -nun.-uh -nInA ll-nun, . Hnnm. 115% UVX MIG IT! WI, VI PUIIIIH II`: I D wy those I were Mann. .MoCun- . Briokwood. J. D. Thompuon. J. nln(hmmnn_ J. Bnidar. C. Ilunv. B. A number 0! enhlllhno dlull In lot sooupleolhoun in tho lilting I-`eon . nl sh. Windnnr Haul Int nine and .____._ A Large Avtonduoo and u Adnno INC -110 Iona law collated. UBANUEBY COURT BITTIN `:8. iuiuou my cmnnrxon. -:--oj-- lllno OI ll`. IDIIUII. B-ALL-_ I'\ 5- L THE DAILY_BBITI8H WHIG, MAY 29, rnesu sitloll > Dopnrtlnom I Owners. 1| Durlng Inc uuua. To-marrow Ohnrlen E. Blend. young- est son of Rev. H. F. Blend of this city. will he ordnined in Quebec. Mr. And Mrs. Bhnd will be present to witness the ceremony. The youthful Blend to- present: the third gem-ntion of preach- ers. HI: father begun procching when he wu fifteen you-e of age and the non when he was uontody eighteen. Rev. Belem (J. Blend will also witnrsa the ceremony. The candidate for ordlnntlou Eoueuu many of the nre qnnlltiou of is father. ueuvcrea an eloqnem anuconrae. Rm. W. Rxlnnco. having com lebod his tlnnl you-. and Rev. W. Wei :1 his second year on the Pibtuburg circuit. the olcinl baud amrmod their blah regard and up; rcecintuon 0! their fnitlzfnl service as pntoru of the circuit. olpooially tbnnking Mr. Rilsnco for his pninatukinq snowy m the liquidntiou of tho purson-' can debt. 1`n.n1nrI'nII1hnI-IA: 31`. land vnnnn. Plrlqrlphl of [mortal no `I nod who Labor on tho Bolling` Dcop. Tho uteumbuaa Winter Lily, coming from Ottawa with ullroul lieu. lnrnko benuhnls. Tnlnn nhnt-b.nrn_QnhIIn Dnlnnhi Din- DGl.IIllr. ` Tolodo oh|ttoru-Schrn. Pulaski. Riv- ` guide and Charger. com to Kingston l` 8 o. ' `The nhnmnr Pnnnorl will nrrim from u go. n The Ihuner Punport will arrive from Iontrnl on Wodnondny next. (0 won. mud return to tho city on Frldnv. Thn Gnnumnnn Jnunml hnlhwu an sun |'6l'rlll'll I0 I00 OIIY OI I.` HOLY- Tho Gnnnnoqne Journal believe: tin yacht Lnun will make It hot [or any uoond-olul yacht on tho like before tho close at sh: anon. AniulI-R. Morwood. Uhiooao. 10.- 89% bush. when ; ur. Fnonuon ud hm-nan. mu... Hahn - uh. Whu- nu. givllllll. l.'i;:$ ihrtlu 15. W. 0 Ul. Illhfi uh. '.n.nmu. '.l`oldo.' o: lohr. Ollm umuou. om-go. llgh . . \ / `O IN I`-WIHVDII IIHHI active mlumrv III I Church. l"|m I):-nu,\II.nrIr nl W. H. Camovsky III Prlnoou Inna. Uuurou. The Presbytery ofllnron wxll upldy for leave to license Mr. J. Youru. MA ., a graduate of Queen's University. recent- ly ll'l`iV0d from Scotland. km. Prof. Rana. of Queen's (full.-ma. , ll'l'IV(`(l IFOYU DCOEIIIIU. Rev. Prof. Rona. Qnoeu'a Coll.-ue. and his lumily are spending a fuw clay! in Montreal on their way to their num- mer ronidemo on Cnnhing lulnud. Pun.- land. 19...... l:'..oI....-a n'n.\.m.... n..n....:n.. mnu. Reva. Fathers O'Gormon. Bolloville, Mnckey. Meryeville. McDonough. Nap- u1eo.|nd Twohev. K|nge|on.wcre pre- aentn the blotting of: Ilntuo of the Blessed Vnraiu in St. Charles Church, Road. recently. Rev. Father Twohey delivered an eloquent discourse. Rnv. W. llxlnncn. hnvina mm nlntnd aw mun. wnou ; nu. noonuon um bunt. Ouugo. light; Iohr. White Oak. Soda: Point. 884 ton cod. om: Vlnnn|_ 1.1.10 .1..,w.2 _ nl.`u\\vrT LIWUU DUUIIU. Mr. C.J.Cnu:crun nud Pml. Nicholson conduct the services in tho 'l`hird Mothe- dint. Uhnroh to-marrow. IL." I n|':\II II. I... ..`III . . . . A . . . . .. AI .. IIIPIII uuuruu iU`l.l]Ul'I'l)Wa lluv. Loltoy llooknr will uvcupy Llw pulpit uf Hyeu-nlmn Srroet. l\lnL!m!im- Chmch urnmrruw Iuurl1iu|, uwhevg-nnnu. Rnv. Dr. Run in umkinu l|mrlI(`II.!lu!I Ln lm I'.1nVhll hum Mm wmlc ..I Hm IIIOITOW. Rev. Principal Uruub recently proach ed reopening snrmonq in Knox (fhnroh. Owen Sound. Mr I` I (`.n...,n..n -".3 JULIO IVIH. Rev. Dr. Mownt oocu in the pulpit of Queen Shoot. Mcthon in Church to- I'YIlIfI'f|C. '0.ULK}. Rev. Dr. MoTnviah. of Lindsay. lay: the corner stone of his new church on June 7th. D..- h. Manta` .........\:..- `I... ....\..u \ n lntorrnlnx 0rd|nI0|oI-Hloulng uutue -`l`luIkuu Pucon. Rev. Father O'Connor`: church at Perth is to be repaired to the extent. of 08.000. 1211- l\- MnTnm:-|n -1 l :...l...... l..._ an noon uong my users." Th two hours passed unnoticed. At the close the grateful audience gave the tn spontaneous and repeated out on. The Collegiate Institute is to be congratulated upon its entertainment. In iurnishing the citv with entertain- ments such as that of yesterday even- ing.it is performing IL public service. The little fellows in their eiforts to ac- commodste the audience last evening deserve much praise. It is proposed to have Mr. Carleton {or another evening shortly. when is irogrsmmo of readings from his most smous ballads will be given. To hear "Betsy and I are Out" from the author's own lips wqnld be an entertainment in itself. - I III gin father. IIWDGI rlll 01 Biflllle lyll] [U o Over the Hills to the lggor House." the poor old mother : story was mode hesru-ending. There wes downright crying and biubbei-ins: over it. Then came the happy relief of the private resin-roction"sndits jovlulaonsoquences. The inuence for good of that single recitation was of e subtle and lDOB.lOll- ishie kind. It will bu kept in the memories of those who hand it as an angel visit of good` emotions. The con- cluding pieces were of en entirely hu- mourous character. "How to keep A girl from s bed match." the girl whose "close-clinging teudriie turn the wrong way ;" then the irresistibly comic velocipedeioiiow." Lhst"wheei scsinp;" the rink scene. where the whirling crowd seemed to the honest former "sixteen weddin's joined into ono,"or to the aimless conlusion of "A million river bugs;" then his fruitless efforts to skate; "I'm youngegeiu.. Dy goeli I'll skate main or die." when all st once the wheels departed suddenly above, an` took Along my heels." Thu two hours nsnnml nnnntinml. At. DUCK"! "I1" I10 UOIIOBTIIIIIE HIE IUID. The su ience wept and laughed over the story of "Poor Plo-nlc Sam." At the plume It seemed to lum that "Life to-dny was one good Iquue success." When the little snubbed ragnmulllu become at last the "poor. deed, drenched hero," and then a "society success," the nudi- ence thrilled in sympathy. The eloquent silences with whloh the poet interspers- ed this notation were most effective. The audience passed through them in a sweet pain of strained sym thy. Over the Hills to the 001' House." r- .-/9` -... - ,..;:;2.::\;s... .1: :; strung his jewels. "How to keep oys at home." The men born "withsn ar- gument in each hand. who married s sweet womn and killed her, in victim to ugumenta ro sud eon." who"si-gued himself out 0 church and argued him- self into court." Mu-tying. however, a positive Virago. he himself ended hope- lessly, "I drifted, s lopieal wreck," and passed to the haven of souls to probably there "argue concerning his seat." Tim nn innma want and lmmliml nvnr menu or we cnuaren wen u nappy elgnr. Mr. Carleton`: poetry loom: to 3 poll to inetinotnhau ere universal. I once it belongs to no clue. Wherever the home inetinct is there his poetry ude welcome and eympenhy. The poet gave a reality to the scenes ho de~ scribed such ulew readers can ima- gine who have simply read his poem: or heerd them reed by others. The dru- mntic action was simple yet complete. There was no extrevcgenz eore, yet hgeee has gained tome II. ogne Z1. _ _;`_;y;<._`5L._ nuuv vupmg mo IOIII swny. Ina Ineu atulng the hnen into their mouths to ane the laughter. The comlete enjoy- meat of the children 3 nppy night. Carleton`: noun-v mam: no nnnenl nunuwuox name." Inc I unueuou his sndience henoelorth nveree. How to mnke home happy was his theme. With I few 0! those homely sayings that go right to the original heart he gained the sympathy ol the audience and kept complete and easy control of it down to his poetical lax-ewell. Old men Ind chil- dren. ell egos, were nwnyed hem longh- ter to tend Ind lrom teen to lnnghter. ct the poet`: will. Old citizens could be seen, with hnndkerehlef ln hnnd. alter- nntelv wiping the teen May. And then -0.1-la oh- I......|.L..... nu... ..-......l-A.. ....{.;.. mg Wllll an audience of K ton : Doll. uhyor Whiting was in than Air. India 5 low ulecl word: he inlroduood the pool to his Int Kin non audience. After having nnnonnoocg bnay his sub- jeot u I poem lecture enmloa The Buimooot Home." the I sddreuod Audience hnnoalarth nvarne. lulu; Ion cl III Ge-I at Poetry ~An Lull- uoa II laughter all 'l`oIII- Plum: UDOI in Indian of III Iuren-Pro bible luun onheroec. Thu City Hall was well lled last even- ! ith d' I K' to ' boll. 245.3. w'.'2.?.'. . E313 ....l".`.'tf.;.'T 1...... Good Bath Sponges, _ Carriage Sponges, Boat Spbnges. AN AUDIIUOI oonrurnur ouwrunn -4! Doug on Phlnunl. nna-uaun- wmr Lu . nV1nooat. 1.73 cumin. B. . ll 1 096 labor: o'.I.Bu-n. .l`nIuIn.' mm`: .1... of1EEToNza LEO1`UBE.7 runnnunn1"n uImn'rs -GO TO- A, BAIRD & 00., in max smter. I om nurvey m we uoclnea man your. John (L Ihlbert. Hoary P. Hun-is. Louv1ou.F.ug.: D. V. Jardino. Slmrbot. Luke; Rluw Mary Connor. Hullevnllo: Henry Ymupeo. \V. II. Gilbort. New York; W. S. tliermnn. Josh. Lieuer. M. Lie!-mu`. Thou. E. Burnett. Alexander Poulcu, Monzunl; Boyd Smith. Wnnh- inuton. D. 0.; S. H. Hninou. Capo Vin- oent; John H. Hnqu-ty. 8. Granule. W. B. Cumpboll. L. A. Mormon. Toronto; Wm. Donn. North Buy. -5 nun-r-. u-`mny an I uompsou. , 31:. J. wnm, A graduate ofme [loyal Muhmrv llolluge. bu Ic-lo Ottnwn with M r. (M: v,e'n nurvvypurly. Mu uoon In tum u twenty of v|~mubnm. `Hm mmmrr WI lm apmt in Llm miuinu district in the uurlhorn prubof tho county of Hunt inuu. Mr. White was on the tup.)gro\plni- cal uurvoy in the Rockies Ina: John (L Hmlhnrh. Hnnrv P. Hun-in, 1 oruiu D7077. Mr.Janm Nnltou. of Nowboro. who purclmwi n Holstein from Mr. Folier. bun In on nffcrul :1 large advance on his buying prxuu. Wm. llnwl, 1| Lzr.-Iuhml.-s ml the D.)luiu :.\.. I1... .. -V..II | -Au-7---V-I '=- 0!] Jllly. '1`. l).UaHiuuu. M.D.. I graduate of Quoen'I l.'nivotait.y. will locate at Dn- nrn. OTC`. W. M. 0'Bau-no; Into proprietor of the N npnnee I'.'rq>re'.u, takes a position on the Tornntu World. M.-1...... N/sllnuu I \!.\...|....... -.L.,. SPONGESI Ullylll l`l'lUL`. T:Iu]ll'llu1l:f inn Illnmlnm Unllugv. hl reoowml hi! thplumn. He has taken a position with Mu-I-r-. llvndly .31. Thompson. Wmtm. urndvnnto oflhallnvnl I` were soon! wuurunoemen. The Equitable Life Auurnuoe Society of the United States in undoubtedly the most po uler lileiuauunoo company in the wor d. It did of new business lost your OB8.0(X).()00 more then any other company. and during the tint quutor of this year have done in new business 023,500,000. which is O8,b00,0(l) more than was done In the same period lent ear. R. Stirling. agent for city of iiuguton and county 0! Frontonoo. The June Illugaxinv of Auurimn Ilia- tury is in strong and intonnelyintereoting number. Six article: ' ol Anti urine and historic prominence prooods three ofourrent mu: literature. The "Sketch of San Antonio." can-lea book to the be- ginnings of America with wonder. Dr. Bender's argumentative Kinper on Unuodn isn striking feature. r. Bnnorofrn forcible essay on "Self-Government." General Lee elucidate: Stonewall Joell` son's geuernlnhi uud Fremont`: detect at "Port Repuh io and Lewiston." One of the party describes the `.'RetI'olt of Davis and the Confederate government from Richmond." accompanied by 3. steal a ngruing of the fallen President. Paopio Wlmue ovomonll-. Buylnxo sud liulnln Attract Aonllon. Mr. A. Keys leaves for Fort McLeod on Monday. '1` l).(inlliunu. M.I).. A aruinntn of Tho'l'illin|1ut mlmngnma. IHIU "Aguus 110]." On Wednesday afternoon the funonl of tholnte James Lowery took phoo to Catnrncini Cemetery. under the direc- tion of 1.0.L. No. 201, of which decen- nd win in member. In Mu nnr-nu. Mum. won on u.u.u. no. 2:11.01 wmcn ascen- ed was :1 member. In the oorbeyo there were about 20QOmn0emen. Thn Funitnhln Lila An-nu-mu Q.-ml-An mus nnu uommq more. Mr. Egan. of Hamilton. dnrina Ibo funeral service held over the rnnninl 0! Min Lilly Kelly, in So. In `I Calho- dralyeaterday, Ianv in non lent voice in the "0 Snlntaris," Tho Olfactory," and Agnus Dei." (hi Wndnnnnl-n nn--nun. OI... In-.-..l WUUI. At Qu'AppaHe the Queen`: birthdny was celobmted. "B" Battery red I rovsl anlue nndfru drjoia. Horse racing and other sports were indulged In. Crowds from the surrounding oonnury were preaenb. Mr. Hnmmnnd wan nniz irlnnlzin were preaenn. Mr. Hummnnd was not identied with the oamlul prosonion on Thu!- dny afternoon. Coming from Cat 111 he simply passed the turn out: on 1 that and nothing Emu. of Hlmillmn. during um uenn usving xxnury rendered in. The service: in connection with the jubilee will commence in St. Mu) : Cathedral tomorrow morning. Emi- nent Dominican riostl will be the preachers. Theju iloe will but lots weak. A9, n..vA...`..n.. u... (\....-_I_ L:_A|..I-_ T 'l'ELEPHO March 10. uameron cunnou be round. The Pembroke railway simian will bo formally opened about the middle of June by 5 oburoh_!est.ivnl-otnwbol-tie: and cream, on know-the superinten- deub having indly tendered it. The carving: in nnnnnnlzimi um. um moon an.-11. mum z ('0. It is alleged that A man named Cune- ron criminally and brutnll ananulted 3 little girl named Brown at uterus: and let: the child insenaible in we wooda. Cameron omnol: be found. Thu Pnmln-ALA rail:-an .h-uh... _IIl able p by Hm Tilllnghut Sailoring House. 70 Brook St..-A. Baird & ('0. H. in nllnnn that A rnnn numml (`A-can new sneer. no cnnngea to tango luau. New and second-hmd pinnon. organ and melodeons of various makers. for sale or hire. J. Rayner, Golden Lion Block. DIIKW. Fine cheese 100 per lb.. shoulders 90. and nhnine `Q 9.!` ' Jll nu-n rnln-7] '~" , ILIOUIQBIU V0. Ind (EH01! J Lu G)r.'_'.Iv.!4>!`J{" I,"-?: r A L; um`. -I nun nuuuulu lrluuvuuc, uxl Invercr. from dubetes. F. A. ibby has purchased A Von handsome team of black ponies. They are considered the uent. in the city. We would suuaosb that as Bmzot shoal uru ouuulueroa we mess in me city. suggest Bagel . street extension is my open the nuns of Bond Head street be changed to Bsgob Iroot. and u3cond.hmd ninnnn. nraun vvnuwuu. uluu nu vuu puuluuulunry IITUIII tyllioid lover. bawn London do in pints in he order. Old bundle: for medicinal pul- posea. Jan. Crawlord. Charla: Mnnrn, -nn nl llnninl Mnnm Iny 29. au. unwlom. Charles Moore. son of Daniel Moore. died at his hiker : residence, near I4` A ts kin: Inna nnrnhnnmi - unu- IIUII llillllu A prisoner named Highland. from Cornwall. died in the penitentiary from ty hoid hlH .'lI Lnmlnn A14: in mint: in an WEEK. W. Pure. 14 yen: of age, lost two of his lingers in the nncbincry of the cot- ton mill. ' A v..:a........ ...........'l ll:._I.|_..j 1--.. m .f!;vo moonliumoxounionl (nu Gno- noquo to Clnyton will take phoo next week. W 1)...- IA ....-... -1 _.._ I--A A__ _n uu ulu an we rum-m:cy-w. J. wmon. Trinity Church. Brookville. rum an I excursion to Kingston on Domlmonl DIV. occur M: uaunuoquo on Tuesday. For good tting um us 08. M and I5. call on A. Bni & 00.. 70 Brook St. Tlmleading variation 01 perfumery to be had at the Phnrm:cy-W. J. Wilson. Trinltv Church. Bmakvilla. rllnl an. uuecl an we llnlll n-um. ' Mr. A. Plum bu umod bl: connec- Moll! with the rolls: rink. A (`nnnnrwnlzivn (Inuunn-O.-Hun u-III nuns wlln we must nun. _ A Counerutive demonntnllon WI `occur at Gaunuoquo Tuesday. ood ning man 1: II}. M Ind .___.j-. The {root 0! the i few Mll killed all the mull rulh. Mr. A. Plum nu urhm M: Annam- um. 1-mun um ups: the both ! ' IoulInn-HolOI In our I.ocnI0tI'r-N THEg,qgyE& Tllnlnusulraj I Mating at the U in favorable to the Colobntion oi Dominion Du y. M the Oounoil Ohnmbur on TUESDAY NEXT, the Fins dsy of June proxlmo. It 8 o'olouk p.m.. lo! the pa so of inking Arrange- Inontilor Inch cc obnllon. 2 9 uynunwun Tan union on KINgiA1`0N'nquItn nic1uuu'vuor'rnn mi. TO ORDER $3.50 Pants{ . sugar ourod !1!.n.!!1 .o.nr.A The bnoiuou tn (mun will batsman on by W. J. BYRNE8. who will uh Inn on hunt! a Large and Well-Ielocced Ilock ol fnslltonnblo for GOIIIQ-oI`o OIIIIII ,|n1I hope: to retain I" hi: on Futon. not at many now can u my two! him I: null. . tv--.n- ....AlIL_ -L-..._ ....nn|. ..n-.....____ JAIIB l`!I0ulP80N, Kl as I d W. PIPE. PM mm , . nu, TO!|;lub[b`Ilu:op:Io:sd m1ll0lIn;|'IoT:.'I`f1:':1ut :11:|hrmut::t:'l`IeIh`o:o?yns'gyFuI=2n1 hog: . I An mm on. reoommon ad ) h to lo I n . IalophonuolhoBroI:ruy.\Aolllngg9nBtraot. H n I I u D. mum ) ' I" FIBAIIIB l'\,, u . -TZE-%I S TEE E515- WE OFFER A`l` DPISCIAI. REDUCED PIIICEII LACE OURTAINB wry chap. ORITONNEB ohoraor thnn over. wmnow nonmkns. all wldoha. 8HEETINGS.PILLOW OUTTONH. TICKINGH. WHITE ti GREY COQQONC at Mall Prices. TABLE LINENH AND COUNTEBPANEB, ohonpon in the nude. cl `Il`T\Y\T'I .`Q D. `I'I1'TT)\TO| I`-.. 11.. _____ _, IL `I ! . ,, ,_ n_, . Mri~$11':"1s"lv'`i`f1`iz':" COCOA ESSENCE AND COCOA NIBS, BAJUS: :.9j7.T:IED :.L/1953.- JAIFII mnnunnn -um.` no... _... - F5T"'i"}x"u"(:'." TI-IE PtiRiaJ.#'fE'::i\TD BEST. Alnonl LAD! Er!` MERI NO v A I\IIIrI| r IJ. I_AIDfA\Tv & SON [BROWN SHADES I NAV_Y%%SM1TIADES! LAWN TENNIS, LACROSSE AND BASE BALL SHOES just arr.ved,English and American makes. BLACK DRESS MATERIALS PINE BHBHKPAST ms 11 "DRESS G0ODSi cuupsms, May 7. Call and get one of our Umbrellas--tho cheapest ever of- feted. SUM GAMES! spE:6"'ls;5ii}iC{i'La}7.'" Kay D0. _ V FUW1jTYTZ|lK$IUl W1 Indnhoublnnhudnmo ddgn. 3:081`:-uno Bruuohonpouhv patluu. ILWJJH 01.05. 'l`horuIonwoIoIHhcnOarpohforM.WhvohnonobncdctIoms|Ih0hu l'|uIO|l- ndAnor|nn.0hoq.. :.___1-1:.j j_ T; 4 Nine Lnoo Curtnni ut.;0`o.V.. 754:. `ml 81 p;r ;;.~\i|-. P:-on Imoo Ouruinl II 91.86. 81.50 and 01.76 pen-pair. Hnudnomo Luca Curtain: M 99.00. `$.86 And 01.75 per pair. Lovely Laos Uurhmu at 93.00. 08.50 sud I410 per pair. 1 PARABOLB, PARABOLS. PARASOLB. CHEAP. CHEAP. CHEAP. `ii MILLINERY. |MILL1NERY, MILLINHRY. The Larges! Stock in the city to oolnm. (mm M (V`I\I1\Yl`I`l1 1| rwuwxov--w ----.A. `, _,_.. .-.. .. .~ -..........~-c..p i?.i AJ3;.4SD`I : xseswvv r A 5 `._ ....._.. ..-unna--V" and RUBBER CIRC ULARS. Nu Or-an I-mcnruln-. 01.00. Iuo. 91.00. 03.25. .00. lav lnlnlouhlnn. booutnl onion. -..- ling`. (1-`AI-n Kn-1.....- 3.4:- NEW HAM-s, _" ROLLED BACON, AND SIDE BACON. Fina Hossted and Hruund Iiutfaaa LADIES ? UWERWEAR v .. _.v. v_-_. -_i .-.v. ...._ ...... ..._.. ood: wlllbe shown will plenum; llny IO. GREAT CLEARING SALE OF LACE CURTAINS ___A'[`.-_ 'SPENCI} g3gy:LEY's. Nottingham Lace__Curtains! B- DORAN 62: CO -`.3. THE BIB IILLINBHY HIIUM, - 126 PHINGM Sfdf. A May 97. gj swBI=s[ALLPPus1TIuH am or sum: ,otm _$2.5o -_1'3;uMz:n EAT. Waltliam and.Swiss7V_1;;ches, and I wolleusolti Stock 0` Jewelry and Silver-Plated Ware kept on hand. ` lnyl . MEAT mg mm :1 May 27. H. A. man, 5 pgggp wgrmmn. _.,_._. XI 97. L Full Ylnngn of Gentlemen`: Umlorwnr. NEW YORK DESIGNS nt- May 28. aI7EI.A.INlElS 86 LOGKETT. HARIlY&.MlJRRAY.l We are now offering Special Inducements in A Large Variety, including many Novelties. I19 Wellington ltreel. nv v 14:44 u. LADIES CAAIIMEIUG VESTB. I AI'\II}VnII'1AI" I`-IIln`.AI'. OIIIIEAI . CIIEAP. A1` R. :m:ora.U':I:.'s. In All Wool from 150. up.` In all the Newest Tints. spacial Bargain Lots 1 W . J . BYRNES. _i."X1-)`11=.s- nAE.nnu.-am vnsrs. mums` owza: vssrs. ulorwnr. uau, uuv-run! Iu um u-uv. an Con. Pnmcnss & Baum` Sm. 2:. (Near Prlnoen Iinai) Opp. Windsor Hotel. 132 & 134 Princess St. Proprietor. Ilnu 1|. .111; May 28. CRSETS] GLOVES, 1 HOSE, smwnnnnlas. cuunsnsll E` ` J.- .liii`iia'I That will not tom`. COLLARS.` nu uuvu. J. L. WRITING. MIIAI unu, Muyor. 7s'.t+_)s.r1< nlulurvll u lllIlIrIIIl7Io M. we Montreal Conference the fol lowing ooere of the Theological Union woreeleoted: Proeident. Rev. James Henderson; `Secretory. Rev. James Awde;Leet.urer. Rev. J. B. Senndere. A letter of standing wee preeented to Rev. J. H. George on is wee uwerteined that be in leaving for the United Stetel. The reeianulon of Rev. W. W. Medge wee reluctantly end condnionelly ec- oepsed. The following ministers luv log completed their required term of probation end course of udy were recommended to be r ed in lull connection end ordained : C. E. Blend. M.A.,Audrew Henderson. John Elliott. B.A., Semuel Quinn. Thoe. A. Dorion end B. A. Young. to be ordained for upeoinl purpoeee. I'UI III ulq vuIUrI' LIII. Tongan--Willinm Tbomgon. Lu: - ley Bird. James Bolger. imolhy Lane, Thoma Wu-d. Charles Brown. Baptiste Turoouo. Michael Goodmnn, John Pttbrnon; John Ennis. Clark Purvin. Thoma Robinson. Robert Til-' son. Michael Cum bell. Henry Tyson. Junu Dlohon. W: ism Mann. June: omn. noun J. Oolomul. [ I nnnInn-. W. Hnhnrl. W nnnlla The nnblimity of transportation and customs charges was reached to day. Mr. Ulty Engineer Irving received Ihrea boua of Orange! (tom Oalilornis. the charges upon which were 08.40 or lonr anda hall cents upon each orange. This did not include transportation to St. Paul. which was prepaid. nor the original coat. of the lrnih. The market. {or California orange: in not in the out unless people prefer to pay 01 a dozen instead of 26 or 40. Bonecent uril WIIIIU -|llOf. JIIIIK HIHOP, James Oord. David J. Rcbb. John Sullivan. John Drlnooll. (Inn;-'. nnn_\I7HIn-an GLAD-.. D..A 800.4 WA TE R & ICE CREAM II USE LI LU!!! LU. NICO VIII 3 I onlobnlloo cl an hol1oounnIIitII:u-I non by Rev. Hoary Anuon. hunnbnl o! Ounnoqpo. AI 8 gun. the Inca will man [or buduu. unou. noun a. Uolomul. lnooIno-S. W. Hobart. W. Decks, Wlllhuv Killer. Juno! Miller. Jame: nlhml, DAIM J Nnhh Jnluu 1ilnl|;u.... JOIIII IJHCWII. Owner : non--Wi1liun Shelton. Pat rick J. Gntun. R`-npum|_Il'.'lI..-. I1 'l`..-...._.I n7 (II J. UYIUIID. RoIotvod-Willum H. Townsend. W. 1!. Shannon. Juno: Gillupio ' Not Illowod-W. E. Rioud. W. W. SW, Oord. jr. V oonrh ournod until Thursday. Juho bid. at I o'oIobk. Annual oating ol Ilynol. / The Nancy-Darth nation at the out cl tho Dioouo ol Onhrlo will In in Kingston on Tuouda . Juno llth. with morning pnyot in St. `I onthodnl nt Bun. M l0: un. will he nnlnhfnlhll of Mn hnli mmnnulo-n I j 0! ISIKIIOQQNL III moot lot budnau. '05: fast` `lulu;-I HI Wu KN.-It-u on the Non. "That oriffer fell down an} then he kicked me on the note." said Miohuel Hogsn this morning with 3:: Irish no- cent. Whnbdid you do then '2" "I push- ed him down and hel ed him up." om- oer Burnett found Iognn and Robert Bkldell lighting near the shunhleo. The oolmrymnn wu beneath and the oltllan was kicking him. Both were collared uni put in the cooler. Fined I5 and coats each. '3. II If` '. :II"I"`-I- 1": some of the cndota of the R.M.C. have kindly consented to give an entertain- ment in Bnrrieeld aohool house. Wed neudny evoninp next. in aid of St. Murk'a Uhuroh Improvement Fund. It is to be I mimtrel enfknainmont. similar in ohanoter to the one n nnnuslly at the college. though 0 0 true on 1. much Imnllel angle. The Three Little Kids" of the R.M.0. will be among the true- tionl. Doors open at 7:80. Admission 10 oh. vnuvi ELI oQuo1' ouuu-Anal, I 0p0l'I':8l' OLIJJO Up Ml`. 10y6 l'8lI|ll'K- ."I have just paid 015.20 duty on than thingn." "Do they grow in Can- ada ?"-enquired the reporter. "No. and they never will. and the duty of course must be paid by those who eat the nuts." ~ --~--. '-----~-. Fivoslckn of peanuts stood on the aidewnlk in from of Mr. R. H. To a`: oonleotionary establishment. and w on eporter came up Mr. Toye remark- . "1 [mm inst naid I15.2O dutv on IIOUGGD I ['61]! in hm prices. -c._ `Inna I:-no Doubt About It Thnt {or I tip top suit. made from genu- ine goods, out stylishly, made in 9. work- munlike rnnunr. u.d at pces within the mm of ever worklngman. the most reliable place I8 Ltmberc & Walsh. 1715 Prinoeas street. All who want good nine to: then: may shoulvl make A bee line straight E231-e. II In IIII nulk Every deliceoy in session {or breek~ feet. lunch or dinner at Redden's Chine Tea House. Princess atreet. House- keepere can depend not only on the best of general groceries and oenned and bottled goods. but on (rub deity Inp- lies daily from the nurronndlngoonnties. den`: reliable grocery yields to none in hirnricm. Con of the station. Superintendent Folger states that when the K. ct P.R. station building in nished. it will be the than and bean railway station in America. and will have cost l.Le neat mm of 912,000-- mi mnobremukod Ben. "as 6 church would cost." ._...:____._ . :; fj: A .r`:`f) lvu-ions Wuds. This amount doe: not cove:-_wggea, or the genenl streets ap- ropnataon. 00,000 more. There wul no to be I butting down, gentlemen. OI I118 IDIIIKI IOVOIIIIO Illllul. lhllltl from Clnreneofmeao. I r - Awr ~._-.--at '-:- es-/J. .-a ... _....4-_...-... -. .,..a- `q.r.*:`1rP">. Iillllju In vsnov. For the present the business oftbo inland revenue oloer will be transacted in rooms torzuoy occupied by the sheries dapcrtmeulz. on the third story of the inland revenue huilding. Enu-snoe from (ilnsnnaafsimnh. Come and see the stock at Wu.soN s PHARMACY. A spe- cially good line for cabmen and liverymen, strong and du- rable, that will not tear unless great force is used. They will outlast ve to ten of the usual kind, and are sold at but 0. slight advance`-on cost, only at fall A moi; -IIIoomnInrl. John Dunn, Ihoomnku,` Iliad old oonrsdos yeuberdty. H4 nolunv Hm linnor he consumed uld u noliot oonnaoa yeanerauy. nm In nanny the liquor he oonsnn-.e.l sud slhond him in. sent on I I to Ann nan `lo 0:) : lfrohnblllon. Fresh to utrog loath and west winds. lair wnthor with 5 low shown: in northern Ontario. higher tomponmre. rronh nulhr Awny Down. Cboioa roll butter 15 per 11).. apioe toll bum 10o by the roll. eggs 12o per dam. ohoioo onnbemes 10 per qnut. James Cnwford. lrunrd lwanollp In-pg. Shy` G from New York 0 lnturdny. odlod A I. P. A. FOL II, Fan) ` Dogphytot Bros it-Eldon. ?1aP`' GENERAL TICKET Aam ..?..`.`..`5.'."p`'r`%'1'.':.::il 53'.` `-'3-' M1. ronazn (In-AI-nl Ilnknt Inll`. . wmiptculroafuudnyu looting -n-.|-'..n. ....a.. .5 n.. `uw AND vronumv. Wi|son s Pharmacy. Chnlgo ol Omoo. ..-........a. L- 5...}. ., . , mums, ` s~,};= mi .+:.~,~ it doe: nnl: nun veeu plnnbeu; nu ox nun numuer repluood the trees destroyed bigoilon. gun gnsel from E. Riloy'v brick I u 1 0 owarinu Ihruhn And nlnnta have lmen `WEED EBOIIIODI l IDU L1, enu I DIIIIIDCT of old pine roote grabbed out. Five heevy cut etone lntching-poete have been erected for the eccommodetion of visitors. A etetne of Ceree" bee been erected et the south-weet engle oi nec- tion 0. end the surrounding ground rei end beentined. Willow pond. in A. hee been extended. end the hell of Hemlock pond. ecotion N. formed. The elluviel eoil teken there- from wee need on the ornementel plote. ' A number 0! lote in the different nec- tione were lend cut end improved. It in gratifying to be eble to etete thet the enggeetiene offered in lent yeer`e report concerning lencee end reillnge heve evi- dentl been epproved cl. ee only two heve n erected during the eer. while eeverel beve been removed. heintereet telren by lot owner: in the wen! im- provement of the cemetery he been merlred by e decided increeee. The greeteet obeteele to the keeping oi the cemetery ground: in good order in the Ierge number cl re` end leneee etill remeining. Yonren ntendeette. ho - ever. encenreged in the hope thet lot ownere genereily now eee thet they not only dotrect much from the heeuty of the piece. but thet they ere entirely nnneoeeeery. The emoontet time eon- enmed in mowing eronnd atone end iron poete end grinding ecythee mede blunt Worm might otherwiee go e long any It keeping the cemetery Ieet end tid . leny monnmenb ol beentiinl cbeete deeign heve been erected. while e number of the common eleb beedetonee end other obiectioneble erec- tiene beve been tehen ewey. end elto- gethere better teete in reaerdtoeech tbinge in being menifeeted." *1"ZCj-jump nun: nuclun IOIII rot Iii`. I Z. Provost hn remind this anon u oadlduodomaqlinhurnnlnt - girwou. Thunnn in ma... :1 uuluiwlllllluglwvllllldt Ilor shun Drum no lmlo May an pug. tibia. In our Ital: in limited. any. ``I have to roport that from April 80th, 1885. to May 1st. 1886. there have been 259 inlcrments. 85 more than In the previous year. All the grounds were mowed three times. and u ooualdarable part 0! menu {our times. All lots which are kept in wrist were mowed ve limos. The main told! nnd gravel wnllu were edgel and drused three times, Ind 27 loads of broken Itono put on the mnin road: where most needed. Uomldenblo repair! were made on the boundary knees. Two hundred ornnmontll trees have been planted; 112 of nhnt. number ronlnnnd than Iran: dantmvml hv nninnn. UI lel II'0l1a PA. 11110) U DTICK KIID {IOU owering shrubs and plsnts have been planted in the ornnmeutal plot near the entrance. A substantial rustic bx-idgo hnn hnan arnnlnd nnrnnn Hm uh-m ha. DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION I."3Z"'...." '."'.'y..:I..`" :'..""'...:..' 73.13 010.50 par unit. In 0 to order. He gunning 3 am can is BIJITIIICD. A I|llDlWIllIll| TUIIIC DIIHRO has been erected earns: the glen be- tween sections 1 end L, and a number nl (s`t. -`inn -mu. nnhkl` I\I'I` Iii-A The Work Aoconpllnlmcl lmrlngn Year I ' lm Ill.I|)l`0VIIIlln|I| Nolluml. Superintendent Nlcol,o1 the Cntaraqni Cemetery. made the following report. to the board 0! directors which met. to- day. I hnvn tn rnnnrt that [rnm Anril BOIJI. Wlla IUD Uliy L`Hll.|(5(. I' L0 (IOIH WISH. After it was decided to refer the peti- tiou of John Wright. asking for an in- crease of salary, to the nwco commit.- we. the cotnmmeo adjourned. WI! gllfllly DBO Gllrlll IDS WIIIIGI`. Aid. Gildersleeve said it proved detri- mental to the trade of the merchants of the city when the road in question was blockaded by snow, that brsio was rendered impossible. He thought the proper nutliorities should be requested to look alter the Ontonqni toad dlnnu future winters. Tho mstbr was left WILD the city engineer to deal with. After it. was decided in refnr the mall. PHI! WILL IAKI Al lNlFIUTlUNu As the Phillipsville Road is said to be in a had state` it was agreed that the chairman of the committee and the city engineer inspect it and report results. Aid. Gilderaleeve suggested that the city request the council of the Township of Kingston to take some action to keep the road between Williomsville and Catara- qni in s better condition next winter than it was lost winter. If wire fences instead of wood ones were put up on each side or the road the snow would not bank and cause blockades. Ald. Robin- son said that if the clty were to complain about the state of the country roads the farmers would ask why the city did not keep the boardwalks between the city and Williamsville in a better shape. These walks were disgraceful. Ald. Gil- dersleevo remarked to Aid. Robinson that the country people would not ask any such questions if they were not told to do so. The chairman said the road between Williamsvillo and Cataraqui was generally had during the winter. Alil. (lilderaleeve said it iirnvad dntri. i I I J 1 i llli. . If a walk were built some of the members suggested that a better one than that op osite the city park be laid. Aid. Gliders eave said it was really too bad that the park walk was not as good as it was expected to be. It the council had taken his advice and spent about M00 more on it the walk would have given the greatest sntisfsction. It would be an excellent walk it the surface coat- ing were thicker. After a short discus- sion it was decided to recommend the council to provide 0225 for a 12-foot board walk. to belnid in frontot the new Kingston dz Pembroke RR. station, and if the company wish an asphalt orcement walk the money granted for the plank- Wllk will be applied n on the building of it, the work to be one under the supervision of the city engineer. PIIIY WILI. IAKI Al IKIPICTIDN. "..".'.* .:_`!3l-1 J'~`f.7 .-"lTx5' ' ~ -9 `3 -3iIfI'l`k"'i!\ ninil-'onI'ot the K. & P. R. stntion with Mr. 1-`olgor. That gentleman had lntl~ meted that the company was willing to pay the extra cost of lt. and over and. above what a. twelve loot boardwalk would cost. provided the cit , in denling with the matter. considers the life of the former WEIK as compared with that ole plankwnlk. and besides allowed in addition to the original coat of the latter, the amount it would take to keep it in repair during the years an uphelt would eat. I! n Ii1n|`r --....n luclh nnmn .J 5|... lulu. unnnel aoun ana uoinorne etreela. were referred to the city engineer. to be reported on It the next meeting of the committee. The pay roll for two weeks. amounting to 0688.13. and a number of email eooonnta. were pound and aigned. onzuuaunnon ex 1311: K. t 2. n. co. Aid. Gnldereleeve dated that the K. 0: P. R. Co. intended to ornement the market battery grounds. on which they had erected in new station, by laying out gravel walks and planting ower: in the plate they enclosed. The company do- Iired the city to neeiat them in the work` ` of ornamentation by building an aepbelt ` walk on Ontario etreet. between Brook and Clarence streets. opposite to the company's grounds. The city intended to lay a plank walk in front 0! the ete- tion. but the oompeny referred I. more costly walk, and would willing to pay the extra cost of an aaphalt or cement zalk-shove the eoet ol I plenbwalk. The One, ' ,.m;LrL1I.hJl0 hed diieueeed t ., .1, ` r,_:{u?;':~=`.. w----w-- --c-u--, uzwow unn, Dry. wnm: unlruen. nun. wnu Inc Dan nnuou non: seven: unions. was heartily welcomed back to the bond. Petition: from Gbules Smea- ton. R. E. Spukl. (Janie, Boyd and W. McNunoe. uking for drain: on Mark- hnd. Ohu-lea John and Oolborne streell. warn rafm-rad in than nitv nnainaar. tn ha l and Intel eel Iillnlll-TN Ilncdel and fennel: Inllwu lu- Ilen and III OrIIneIIa_t_loI. The member: 0! the In-oetl commit- tee In M out yutudty afternoon in the brand new arm chain whmh nuke up put of the fnrnltun the city on- nineere 011100. and Ilnlr mead civic ` locIIll_e_I' the uncle Cennmeo-`rut all meet I 01110.. IEO VIII,` GEE} 01710 matters. The ohnirmnn. Ald. Thomp- lon. Ibo Ill bifnainlod from navanl IIIIIBBFI. LDC Olllllllllll. A10. 'l.'D0lIlp' son. Ind Ibdiniuod from seven! uudmn 1-an hnnrcilu -ulna-AA `until: 0... uuu urlnu uuw Irul uullrl wuwu mun gineer`: oioo. sud Vllnlr uuod civic mnttm-I. Thu nhnirmnn. AM. 'I"hmnn. --c-..---.- Iunl lulu) loll! In luq. . (`raven hn and-ul nu- ...- ALB. JAE. D. TEOKPSON IIBOIII L`! A IIIBII 0! `THE CITY COUNCIL. `A MYSTERY NO LONGER. IIIN Eln %|, Iilllhlndlv h-nIJ cl. rlri ol nrli IVPIII. Cfmncullcr Boyd will open the Rpr nu ohnucory court on Mondny. At this sittings various non-jury cues. nauslly heard at Maine combs. will be consider- ed as a recent change in the law per- mits. The cases to be board are : u...m- -. (1.n.n_An nnolnn om..\I.i.... Only an choloou quum pivoauaa In nu alumnus alums In nhlppod by um homo.