Homo Rule. The Nrmulunl says: It. is impossible for lnvtlnug to happen in the rural dia- tricts to convgrt mu Gladstone disaster into n auoo l_....l H. inhnrv hnn nnnta-ihutml tn into 3. Lord Sn isbury has contributed to the Qua:-Ii-rly h`rm-u- an article as hiu nal mnnifeuto. Ho does not state the Irish policy of the Conservatives. Thu Cnlmssrvntivcs mined Port.smor.t.h Ill PIIDIUTI A TIMI 0!` GREAT 'I'ROUBl.I- .......-........ -..- ....., ..... ....-. -- b 3 Itriol nllineo with tho Irish. tho'l`ouobttin\honppu'hnnd ud uhupOIt:>`$I.nsCocroionAot\ho Rsdionlnnd ' nhonld ghtonnntil than nun nnmnndnd. This `in In-inn wn-UTWVIZO uumn.aun.--run... nymp-uquuuu THE OPINION O1" IABOUOHEIIE. jv|`nv-wU$ I'Uwu--- X3?-JTOAII -44. ._h_Q ,,j1....J- ol the % 1: mm .-ic{ i{a.. bun y ptovod this the u! oondon won manta of Oonurutive workinumolfi club. A: `the 12th ct Jnlv nnnrtxllol IVMIIDGC N6 onriorluly won-kingmen s clan. -as we run or July ap roaches are curiously enough u lever of the capability 0! Irish- man to maintain sell-restraint while 1 laboring under great excitement. without good cause for the same. Neverln the history of Ireland. not even during the wildest period of Daniel 0'Uonnell'a - repeal agitation. were there greater reasons [or the expectation of disorder; yet one cannot point to a year since that great agitation when. as uly 12th drew near. there were lower squabhles, result- ing in bloodshed. than at the present time. but more will he heard oi them now than ever before. {or the reason that every `petty row will be reported and uaagni ed. Everybody in London eon- cluees that the question. whether there shall be Home Rule or not. has been decided in the negative. There is no room to doubt about the indintlous. They are decided! against Gladstoue's scheme. The lea ers of the Irish party. while not altogether disheartened, are angry because of the side issues which have caused or helped to cause deicat. ` such as John Bright's desertiou and annoying attitude. Joseph Chamber- lain's artiulreticence, and the Marquis ol llartmgto'.i's uncommonly active canvass, conducted with an ulterior purpose. But all give credit to the men who have foughtthe light on Gladstone's side. The listuessness oi the voters and ublic oi London has disappeared. ieet street. at midnight. was as lively .. ias Broadway at 5 o'clock in the after- n noon. At the Daily Ielrgraph oice the it returns were displayed under an electric ii i light. after the theatres and ptihlie houses had been closed. and wild shouts ;, went up from the throng there assem- a bled as the reports el successive Tory ;, victories." azipeezod. ' . .`:..-......_.. - IIIII llruubu B|OI I-')UII.Oor. Gordon sud Brook III. ulnnnlon Ilnhon And bath rooms. Apply to I. I`. AUIITIN. or to W. MOOUTOHIBON. The celebration of the Queen : Ascension Remembered by I Detroltor. Detroit, Mich,(Jnly 4.-To the Editor) -There are always times when I enjoy the perusal of a newspaper, issued from laces where I at lormer times have ived or have acquaintances. l gener- ally nd something in them to awaken interest or bring out thought. but seldom more interested than when, a few days ago, an old friend (a subscriber of yours) handed me a copy of the Wnxg of June mu. Trsclng the head lines my eyes lellnpon the following: "A Great Day fnr Kinantnn." Although fbv vears leu upon me iouowing: "A ureat uay lor Kingston." Although fty years ago. and I at that time only in boy ol eight summers, I remembered partici- pating in that Kingston festival. All` the scenes had been well stored up on the tablets of my memory. and on read- ing the article you published they were again brought to the surface. and carried me back to childhood days. and I lived those inspiring scenes over again. The description given agrees in the main with my recollection of events. The mammoth ox was roasted on a revolving spit. the gravy dri ping into the immense pan. The brain. -craakers, em. with other things, were readily served by willing hands and eaten by the multi- tude. All went to make up the great dnv. any. There are several man named that I remember, mmoug them John Counter. His large open face and cberyV counten- nnm am never to be forgotten. lle YOXII IOI.|rQ to bonunlod Ili smut: by the no-' vulmnuudwmho tithe odollhhtnoulh. Olthohthnnsig Icuwillhudly ho nllowodhlllihuty. um urge open xuco uuu cueryV cuuuwu~ anca are never to be forgotten. was 3 Grand Old |Mnn. ever a friend of the deserving. and he always had an encouraging word for the boys. He seemed to remember he was once a boy himself. In this some paper I see the death notice of two old residents whom I remember. Mnonab nnd Schroeder. showing that the death cull goes on in Kinmihnn ml alnnwimm. I.uav be ul- snowing was me uentn caii izoeii on in Kingston as elsewhere. I.nay be lewed to say that there are places about Kingston and events that took place there subsequent to the above event the recollection of which is still very pleasing to me. For instance I remem- ber tlie Great Western Fire Ulllllplllly, made up of young fellows from sixteen to twenty years old, of whom l was one. They were red shirts. black liiita and belts. and at the tirst tsp of the bell made quite a formidable uppeuriincii. On parade or at time we would work ourselves iind the machine, (the old tiih) for all both were worth. and heciinie quite a factor in the make up of Kings- tou life. Some rnmemhrances of its members are still green in my memory. (leo. ()lIord and Sandy Duncan curried trumpets. und made themselves iind the company very conspicuous where- ever we went or they had occasion to take us. 1 have since learned that Offord became a wholesale shocdeiiler. and Duncan an attachee of the Wine. Among places pleasantly recalled are the old Scotch church corner, as a run (lEV.V0l18l0l' boys after supper, and tIie_ nld Baptist Chnrcli or chapel. wherein I received my Sabbath School training. The memory of many of its teachers and scholars is stillcloar to me. This church when built was quite an elabor- ate edice, but a mere pigmy, when the churches of the present day are coni- pared witliit.I presume it has gone to de- cay or been replaced by an ediilco more grand. In that case may its memory to those new attending be as sacred as the old one has been to me. And now in parting allow me to excuse mysell for thus writing you. First. because of the pleasure I received in reading the article alluded to; srccnd. because I know there are theses ill living in and about Kingston who will remember me [or myself. Others will remember me asthe brother of 1`. James Claxton. who was in the dry goods trade in the dominion. what Stewart was to the same trade in New York. and in philan- throphy as liberal as Howard of the United States.-Respectfully years.- WI. Cl.Ax|'ON, 192 Henry street. Do- troit. Michigan. TI: rt--u-_I n-n:poI. Ohm; Jul 1.-All the half-bmodn nowinslnnv contain Iontlumlot participating in the moon! ion. no In In Innhd an Anna: in than no.` ll vulnu no Uur A-I . It came to our our 3 few days Ago thn some merchant: had made the nata- ment to their customers that our cuned salmon. it l2}o per tin. Ins not of :5 [mod I qnulit; u the nlmon they sold it 150 nd 1 0 per tin. We WI gnu- uztoe our nlmon to be the boot put. up. And superior to what other stores no selling for 150 md 170. June: Cnw 'nrJ_ uuunnn IIBIOEVRBUBE on Johnson In. non Gordon. 8 moan. and and soft water II u; is Apply o! no. cun. I10 JIM. IIOM uni. Oluonno Burnt. __ The puk oommmoo met to-day sud Engineer Irving hid baton it the pyg- poolivo use of the park by the 0n`ngo- mon on the ,12th July. The ground hnimr I rnblio M3`. tho nm at in nu WIIVB UK OI we FYI Dy `DO UTIIIRO` he` ub o 3\tho use I`: ..'.'L'a3a.'7buru$'a.hs.son w..'m33 ul Obit the Oruugo end the should this ptouutioun Iguinnl injury totho keel und shrubs. ` Tho) have To-Inorrow. Mr. W. Nickle. his wile and fnmily. Mrs. B. W. Folgor. and Miss Nettie. her daughter. leave to-morrow for Old r- ohtrd Beach. The go us In u Mont I on the air. Algarinn. Mrs. Kirkpatrick. wife of the Speaker oi the` Home of Commons. lloo lone-4 to-marrow {or Quebec. to meet Hon. llr. Kirkpatrick. row; on his return no Cnnndn from Eng- lll . IIEMINIBCENUE OF 50 YEARS AGO. ...---._.T Tlnrrhunqu lnnslod. _... Inlu -I ._AII n.-. s.-n Alt:-nunu. - L-n L... g-__ _____ `XFFAIBS or WORLD.` I '-+*-?- T5. Tlhilu Tn. ILHTTI IOU. OVA!!! EFL! GIVIN. 1lo.l.mlo nun nu Alba cunt]:-o- rlulp Ihnllrope III what they ru- Ie|d-A lune of lvcrnllu lull: loud and lac-e-bend. Ellen Terry is ill. Quebec provinpinl election: Aug. 17th. _ Hunt. ll driving I grout mnny dogs mud in Toronto. Tho nnlnninl nvlhitinn. I.nl1d0ll. ii 30 -uuuuq. ..___:__-_:_..___. ` IIIDIATILY-A Good Aollvo Do to Ir ` IIIII Ind orumlu. Apply {a MRI. ` . I0UV I. 310 II. - -_-.__.._-.. -5...-.5 ll` ma us Ioronw. The colonial exhibition. London. is to be perpetuated. ` ~ Pnnall t.o,Coatig|n-Thnnln for very sunll lnvours. nailuin A: {`.n hum ham: nhinninll slum Invours. _ Ugilvie dz Co., have been shipping flour to the Pucin oout. Duvnn" in nnlxn Du-nnhvtnrinn hnt an , uour to me rucnm oouu. l Parnell is noun Presbyterian but an Episoopnlinu. (Joke nrodnoen are in {nor 0! higher Iu'pmoopa.mu. Coke producers are higher prices utter July 18. Liberal onndidatee now in the eld pnoea user July 15. number upwards of twenty in Manitobn. constituencies. I563.-I-.n um hninh mmln tn ouannrn It connmuencnes. Efforts are being madoto secure a `constituency in Mnuitoba for Mr. Gold- win Smith. 421...... Slnttnn (lnnlnh. nn'nrina Wm umnu. Uhnn-lea Suzhou. Guelph. suering Irom an incurable disease, committed suicide. ., . Hnnnhnr in nlnllinn n nnnnntinn in l.nn- .` aunome. Beecher is making a. sensation in Lou- ` don. His humour in the pulpit is quite unprecedented. Stanton. 3 Pennsvlvnnisn town. is unproceaenwu. Shocton, Pennsylvanian town, surely sinking. It hss been undermined by coal operators. Two nenhews of Judxze Armour. Uo- I by coal operaoors. Two nephew: Judge A1-monlr. bourg. are missing. and it is suppoued that they have been drowned. Thu Innnnhnrnmnll in IJIA nmnlnvmnnt A -'-.2'.-.-- IO Oon Ito. Isoaoon. Inn. Box M10. '|vnvIIv-- --_...- 7-. III to work (or no so that own hmu. O1 to M0 DI! not out be qnmly undo. No pclnun no annual . For full - at ouoo MA 00.. iii} Amorluu Anna; Wnuuou I`. 90 I wont: to Iain M FIB -OLA Bl- Ll I ambllorounu-cl onuvorl. aqua no I 03.00 not not. can Ihll out bad In 3 III ,0!!- ., _.._ ... .3- n..n..l tun may nave been arowneu. Thelongshoremeu in the employment of the Ogdbneburg coal company, at Montreal, demand 250. an hour. Jnhn Millnr 11 (`.nvrn1:1n P,-honrnr. Of Montreal, demand zoo. nour. John Miller. '3. Carmen labourer, Pouuhkeepsio. because deserted by his wife, suicided by taking no poison. In-_ W. J. Undnrhill. one of Cincinnati's wue, smciuea by mixing ran poluuu. Dr. W. J. Underhill. one of Cincinnati`: lending phyqiciana, has gone mad through using `cocaine us a. stimulant. Tlm nnnl dnnlern n! London have xed a'.';'.':.'.'w:..."'"'.....:..':3, throngb mung oocsxue a. snnnumnu. The coal dealers ol London the price of coal at 36 per ton for grace and egg. and 86.20 per ton for stove and chestnut. I I`/\nnlAI Mnnnitv tn-nin rlnxlnr, Tn- ' chestnut. Donald Mcqnaig. grain dealer, lo- ronto. has disappeared, leaving behind him a wile. three children and several creditors. Tl... nnI}`AIv\nnE I\' Hm Ditknknrly lahnr I credwors. The eebtlemenb of the Pibtaburg le_bor diiculhiea has been followed by up 1_m- provemoub in the demand for buxldmg material. crude iron. merchant bar. Mid steel. '1`- nnrsi-mrunv ..: .I.o oi... nmnnn. nlnntnd steel. To-morrow night. the oicers elected at 21 previous meeting of the St. Law- rence Diviaion Sons of Tempegance will be installed by P.D.(].W.P. Tracey. Tnhn `.varnnr nn nlahu-in mun NAN l`O%IOm$IIIXC uolowctllnlinnotdll-Q UIEIIIITOWS RIIILE Lain on tha Mountain and Piutnn, Rome, July 7.-'l`ho cholera return: I II Irindhhhowod 11 new ouuud 7 :8 Fnlpuvillo. and At Fonhnn than won 82 outs ad 85 dentin. a Latino 68 custom 96 doth; Ono John Warner. an elderly man. New You-k,shot and killad his 14 year old son. and men killed himself. The man hired apartments two months ago. Detroit has sent another 810.000 to D0 lnfmlled Dy l .U.U.W.l`. 1l'BC8Y. l apnrunenns uwo monms ago. Detroit has sens another 010,000 the trustees of the Irish nrliamentary fund. This makes 0100. remitted by Man Annnrinnn I.nnnnn IIn'O.)n tnn drum. H100. 1 D18 Illa-K68 DILKJJLAJ IBIDIDDBU Dy the American League within ten days. Vinnr fhannrnl Vinnnnt. hnn rmaianad we American League wxmm [.61] (Myst. Vicar General Vincent) has resigned the Superiorship of St. Michael's Col- lege. and will be succecded by Rpv. Fr. Gusben. of L'Assumption College. Saud- wioh. T|....... Mun ....L ..,m.. .. |nnnl\ mmn. WIOD. There has not men so much excite- ment in years as now in Vicksburg, Mm-1., over the local option elections, which take place on July 17th. Women and children are an octave element for the prohibitiouists. and are leading and directing the men. A Grand Trunk nnncial freight. collid- directing me A Grand Trunk special freight. collid- ed wlth a. cow in Otnemeo. The engine and eight oaralefb the track. Brakes- mun W. Powell. of Millhtook. was kill- ed. and reman Daniel Beard so badly scnlded nlmh he will die. Ab Mn... u.......... .'n Mm-n.+'ml.l run. n.x.; ur. uoouwm, john Mann. Eden Grove. scaluea wan ne will me. An Mouuh Harman, in Nortbtield. Maw. Dwight L. Moody Will opens summer 8C_ll00l lot the study of the Bible. It. will he Intended by'2.25 col- logestudenta,dru.wn from the Young Men`: Clxriutmu Associations of the lumhng colleges in the United States anal (Jnmmln. | -~-:--.,.___. lulu Ull ulu "nun. The cutting off of tho hydrants at the corner of West and hung streets and Bertie and Union streets will leave eer- tsin streets unwsterexl. The contractor retested thnt ho would not cover the erritory as formerly, and {or the pre- sent the dust will fly in some quarters. The chairman of streets has referred the matter to the mayor. and as we have already stated his worship has directed the water works company to re-oimneet the isolated hydrants. Lemar Pninf,~'I`lm mnvm-'1: lnttnr wan . IT ' `I'M Itounnr "AAUD" will 1.2;.-.; r!'eL;m2! Wllutllnrp M 10 LI and mum u 9 pan. nnl-ao Cum. III] 6. I119 IEOIBUBQ DYUTIHFI. I Later I oint-~The ma or's letter was read at a meeting of t 0 water works) board yesterday. and the {act having- been emphasized that the claim ol the i company, if legal. would hold from May 1st. it was ordered that the two hydrants ` disconnected should be put into service I again. : _.j.....j- l`sw `think of the wonderful processes constantly being conducted within the human body. and all are prone to forget that new blood must be supplied to replace the effete and disintegratin atoms. which, if allowed to remain wthin the body. do so at the peril of health if not of life itself. Nature sometimes fails to elimin- ate as rapidly as neeesuary the waste material of the organism, and it is then that Hamilton`: Pills of Mandrake and Butternut prove of the greatest value. They epeedily harmonise every ir- regularity of action and restore.a.s it by magic, the wanted meaeure of health and strength. Hamilton's Pills are entirely vegetable in composition. and are sale to employ under the circumstances. Sold by N. 0. Poison. ` ll ? IVIII II IIIU IIIIIIII Jllvrlxl. Misses Thompson, Trenton: lohn Carney, Deseronto; J. De W. Wilde, F. T. Linquear. New York; H. E. Cook. ohn Aclift. Napa- nee; Geo. B. Buaett. nortown; Arthur Poule, Henry E. Lyons. W. Anderson, Toronto: D. Kern . Hamilton; N. I. New- ton. Albany; A. 1* . Dowker, john B. Rosa. V. dc Dowlrer, F. Ridgednla, Oride St. Marie, E. Dunruq. R. Filer. A. ]. Kent. 0. ]. Mackenzie. Montreal: R. Blumn and wife. St. lohnn; Dr. Chis. Farmsworth and wift. Mrs: L. A. lirick. East Cambridge. Man; Kiss M. K. Kllnon. North Brighton. Mun; W. Macphorson. Glasgow. Bootlnnd: Robt. Smith. Chicago. III.; P. L. MncNee Pitta: lmue Crucnr nnd wile. Seneca Falls. N.Y.; Dr. Goodwin, Luke Winnipeg: lnhn Mann. Eden Gmva. Bane Ball Yeotordly. At. [Inca -Uticas 8, Stars 7. At BufIaIo-BufI.1los 7, Hamillonsh. Al Kansas Cily-Kz1nsas City: to, Wash- xngmns 4. Al DelruiI-I)etrons -;, New Yorks 15. At Chicagm-l!oslo11s 8. Chicagos 6. A! St l.nI1i'~`. -.l hilmh=.lnhi:;s H. Sl.Lou1s I. ( UnlC:lg()~J)0sl0n5 o. pmcagos u. I St. l.ouis -I hiladelphias 8, Sl.Lou1s T Cmuuulouulnp Ilouoru I - mun. NYATIIIIIAI. I I1`. AHU cholon II luu. u nu nuL_ -L_|- --------- Iutlolol 0IouI-lIoXOI (III-II` rung-ulnugnuug-. in (mun. Thooloolionol con fe- ...Io..I .. o..n.._.- R-, A. Rnnnnor. III UIKWI. IIIOIII Inltod I-I lollowu: IIE-u-Ann l--Ingl mn Ion. Ulenml mercury. us-uoowu; Mr. . V. Rogers. Kin ton. Lny Seare- tnty. re-elected; B. . Wdkem, Q.0.. Kinglton. Treuurer. to-elected; Judge Raynoldn.Brookvillo; Dr. Smvthe. King- ston; Rev. Mr. Austin, Gsnsuoque, Au- dit Committee. llinhnn I...-in, In his Annnd nddreu . II arm . I . . I,"- " "Ea" T" 'li"ia"""i' "i to Mon ml. 41 vv 1 l . H11 I . mlegguhto I Qnofn snot dii Uommlnee. Bishop Lewis. nu his lllllllll nddreu stated that he bud made 2.778 conrms- tions during the you. 812 0! those eon` rmed being converts from other bodies. During the 24 yenre 0! hi: charge the ennunl increase had averaged two new parishes. si`x""new churches and 1,000 conrmed members. 11... w R Hnrnv. Kingston. nave no- connrmea memneru. Rev. W. B. Carey, Kingston. gave tion of a resolution , in terms similar to the one Ldopted by the Toronto Synod. in reference to the Home Rule question. 1:... Ammhm-.nn Jonas. of Nnnunoe. tolerance to me name nuns qnennuu. Rev. Archdeacon Jones, of Nnpauee. also had prepared 1 resolution on the same subject. which he read. It. was couched in much stronger terms than the one oerod by Mr. Uuey, and was received with mingled cries of opproval and dissent. I Indnn Mnnl`nn|{` iil nnt. think II`. will and dissent. Judge,Mucdona.|d did nob think it in order to give notice of resolutions of this character. The matter should be referred to a committee. '1'... hinhnn rnmnrkad Lint he was not referred to committee. The bishop remarked that at all clear as to the propriety of the synod olcionsly intermeddling in such a matter as that referred to in the reso- lution. He was as loyal a Church ul England man as any in the synod. but was not prepared to introduce politics into the deliberations. lie was afraid that to refer the resolutions to a com- mittee would be equal to admitting that the subject was a proper one for deci- sion by the synod. He entertained strong views on that point. and trusted that the synod would consider the matter care- fullv. yll fully | fully. Archdeacon Jones sand that in deter- ence to the views of His Lordship he would withdraw his resolutions. n.:....o.:,m uvnn nlmn that thin could would withdraw Ina resommons. Objection was taken that this could not be doua. because it was only: notice Al` nun` L... J of nJ0'.h)u. Dr. Henderson. Chancellor of the Diocese. said that it would be as weli to have the renolutions printed in order on the paper when they could be drop . and that would be taken In an in ice.- tion that the movers had ohm ed their mmds. This suggestion was a opted. F1NANcE-coMME1{cE. nan y--. -- V- rlAvn IWANTID. c on 1.1.. Brouuord. A Time of Eneltunenl. Chicago, july 7.--The bull" movement in wheat was continued yesterday. The sudden change to a season of intense acti- vity. from one of settled dullness, caused e hundred of the members to regret the rash- ness that caused them to seek summer respite from the afternoon session. Not a few express regret that some power was not vested in the president at once to re-estab- hsb the afternoon session. There is on every hand the utmost condence that the Bull" movement has come to stay and that the tendency will rapidly be upward. It is reported thet the bucket shops are 16, 500,000 bushels short to their customers. '*` Liverpool Iuukot. . Liverpool, July 7.-Wheat rm; demand fair ; holders oer sparingly` Wheat, Cal. No.1, (Hand 6 @ 6 and 9; spring, 2 to 1, 6 and 4 Q1) 6 and 7 ; winter. 6 and 6 Q) 6 and 8; corn. steady ; demand improving. oll-3:1:-Int. . New York, July 7.-Opening. 05,5; . high- est. 66; lowest, 05; closing,65. mun I umu-nu u |I\Jnav\a- -.--.__-. Montreal. July 7. I-`1our-Receipts, 430 bbls; sales report- ed none. Market quiet. but a turn rmer. Quotations : Patents. 4.15 to 1.25 ; superior cxtra, 3.80 `JOIIOII I IPKBE. Liverpool. jnly 7.-Cqtton rm; Ups.` 5} ; Orleans 5 540. Quotations Patents, 4.15 5.15 supenor to 3.90 ;extra superne, 3 00 to 3.75; spring extra, 3.25 to 3.30; supen'xne.3.oo to 3.10: strong bakers. 3.50l04.0o ; tine. 2 80 to 2.85 ; middlings. 2.05 to 2.75; Pollards. 2.50 to 2.00; Ontario bags, 1.45 to 1.75; City bags, 2 25 to 2,25 for strong bakers. Wheat-tirm ; red wmter 83 to S4 ; whtta lor strong bakers. Wheat-rm 83 to 82 m 83 ; spring 8310 8... Cum-55 to 57c. Pcas- ()7 to (Mac. 0:us-2q to 50. l.1rIey-45 to 50c. Ry.&5r) to 00C. 0atmea|-4.cod to 4.50. Uornmeal--2.9o to 3.00. l`ork-I3.5o to 14.50. Lard-8 10 9c. Bacon-m to nc Hams-n to 12: (Iheese-5 to 7.} as to qualuy. Butter-'1`ou-nships 14 to 16 ; Mnrrisburg x3 10:5 ; Western 12 (one. Eggs--rn\ ; 12} to 13:2. for fresh. --B1 IAONU ununsu ruuun A nrnlunu 1.- Choice In ol Euly Bone Pontoon for nlo. wnmnmz nrvm I. 111 nmrl DR lNl".1'. R: Q0103 13! Ol nuny nun rullwui 10: Inc. U v_vm_n,son11oTEI.B1.oc1:}PRmgEss st snocxs. Bank of Montreal....... Ontario Bank...... Bank du Peuple........ "Maison: Bank...... Bank of Toronto........ ; Banque jac ues Cartier `Merchants ank........ Quebec...... \Union Bank............ Bank of Commerce...... Im ri1l......... fwxrgl Raul: , {Im rm................ IF era] Bank Can. Pac. R.R.......... Montreal Telegraph Co.. Rich. &0nt. Nav.Co....` City Passenger R.R..... Montre||Gu Canndn Cotton Co..... Dundas Cotton Ontario Investment. . . . . . N I Land Cn_... . OUWIGO IAIIIT. " Oswego. July 7, 1 p.m. Wheat--unchanged ; white state. 86 ; red mm 89. Corn-unchar.ged : Mixed western 47}. 0:13 --lower; white state 41. Barley-quiet. rm ; No. 2 Canada 74c No. 1 Extra Canada 79 ; No. 3 Canada to Rye-held 56 in bond UIIIIYIO IDVCSIITICIH-c N. W. Land St. Pnul M. & M..... Hendqunrtors for CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED, SEED GRAIN. CEOIOII FA- FRANKLIN BROS. & 00., `Till snob 0: om-um. nu-uvu ..-1...... ,_._T#?, W , r uorwnmu. noun -Auxrr. "' Montreal. July 7.--1 p.m. s1nrIc<, ASKED OFF` (Damn -9 Wright 06.] HIV Yonl. Jni 1.- N5 pm. - noon. mo bo'vr cm on .... .. ........ ..... .. `HLY FLOUR. PBEBBED HAY. m nnun nnnnlu vmnnn A Ilvllnlnl. V ,;i: II wuu yw. ____._...____________ AOINTLI In oh my In th Unload IIIMOI NI mm to uni II o co and gun: us mm. that will y you k wukll-'to:`Il{ mall on ml ro- L nsnhn run_j' inanimat- 8%; I6 I96! 93: Uunuan-U \ -- .- -.,____- nous WI}:/:roii?}I M1")? boewsukb RAIL am, ST`LAWHWFH.`.!YF*l.,?l`!!!.!!F!T.,.9;:. .i!*i`">- Making 5 Direct Connection with the New or! Central 4: West Hhoro Ruilwnya, The Grant Trunk Linen. int and West. ` gHgn1mT. um. l}MFOB.'l'ABLE m sm: unurr: Jlul-I-I nag.-u.~v-, g`-q....- ---__..-_...__. _. V `o U'l`ICA,dAl.lANY, Bos'mN, NEW Youx, l lllL.\DELl lllA, BAL- TIMUIIE, VVAsmM:'roN, and for U.~swF.u0, SYRACUSE, R0- ` UlIES 1`Ell, Bun-'.u,o, CLEVELAND, DETROIT, CHICAGO. T .; ._. 1:4`-zugi-0--it-in OI%-r`-I't`II'%I'I-I I AN]? I ____.._. Three Fast Through Tnina Duly from Cape Vincent. Through Bleeping Ind Di-swing Room CI-fl. No Dolnyn. No transfers. Baggage checked thtough to dock nation. STEA MER MAUD leaves Folgefn Whsrl for Cape Vincent at 7:80 ll.llI.. II:30 n.Iu. and II p.m.. connecting with Pnlnce Stenmer ST. LAWRENCE for Alexandria Bay aud'l`hounnnd Inland Point:-r STB. PRINCESS LOUISE leaves I01` Clayton, (Aansncque nud 1,000 Island Park in II p.u|,. oouucotiug M. Clnyton and LL00 lslsnd Park with Steamer St. Lawrence for Alonndria Bu)`. ls"l'ickot.n for ovorywhoro by Ocean. River or Rail. Ge-neral Ticket Agent: F aIger's Wharf; - - Foot of I Jnlv 5. I nnuvuu. -aw-..-.v._ ..-_ -.,_,,_ A or without bond. Would In Illllllvll for 5 My sud geullunun. Tum: I-ouonblu. Alto. It soon II the nudouu ban their not- Ilon. will be prorated Io roooln a tow [unlo- Illon. Inquire n 3 Princess llu-out ('12-r\ Q7313` "I"-Ira]:-ca er`:-ri , `Mi/\)`ALs1-I & STEACY S `FIFTH ANNIMI: GLEAE!!!E%%x~A!;; E31243 0N. GLov:E:s1 GLOVESII Children's 'l`zLfl'etta and Pure Silk Gloves. Children s Lisle Tlll`Cl(l Gloves. White, Cream and Opera Shzules in Gloves. Women sI ure Silk Gloves, in Tunis, ]<`:1wns, Dark Shades, Cream White and Opera Shades. `.Vomcn"s 'l`a1il`ettz1 Gloves. VVOmen s Lace and Lace Trinimcd Gloves. W0men s Lisle Tlircad Gloves 13, 15, 17, 20, `.250. lungnnwanx HAILWAY.l * IO DAYS EXCURSION I ` __';o__ Through Line. Kingston to Montrepl. No 'l`rnnsl'u-.r of Fr;-null! or Pudselluers. IlI-vvu nuanuu -Anus-; -uv -.--cu.- K. 0. BOTEWILL. Hutu`. I \ Loans Channel Grove calling at Spoor`: whnri Wolfe Ialmd. not Hominy. Tnondny. Thun dn nnd Bnuniny n 723) 3.111., 1 .m.. und 1 p.m Bo nrnlng. Iuvu Furry whsr . Kingston. :6 11:30 un. sad 3 p.m. Sunday, lolvol Obonnol Gran st 9:45 |..m. And 5 p m. Returning. lonvu Klnglton II 1:81 pm. I'uI:--20 coma. good to return um dny. Wodnosdnyl and Fridnyu will be open for shorter. ` Pic-uio Ind shing plrtiu I Ipociully. Fol-Iurther inloruncion Apply on bond. Time ubic linble to nlungo without notice. Jnlv h. IWALSH & STEACY llll OOIIODIUUI Illa ncluuluuy uuuwu lkdekuoe on nmllyruu-ac. u pr-cunt oo- onplodb uol. Hum. in hours In: been no- nutlr` a mum loud. dun dl-ulnar . nl no on to KIRK! - Ilcl c moan?-I. e':`$`u.nm.{.. IIOUQI. with I! moron or land nub not O9 10500.0 ponlu Oodu Inland. on PI ubnrg . wuh who mm union sud onthomu. TM progrr-y an Inn oocnplod to: Italy II b in undu-tuned. Torvuu lluusl. Ann Jul SOON WAY. I00 Wlllmn 8|. SllEt:Is_I.A}IlJP}1Iil>lY, Str. xammiu n an-nnuynf I . nan-- .L.I.I.l. \lu.El..I. .IA.I..|.I.UI A5115 wuvu yv an.-uvnnun 1.4;".- of Frcuxln (`nan-angers. Leaves Swift's Whnt every Friday at 3am. for Ottawa and lntermodlnto ports, (trrlving in OI-tan! on Saturday evening, and In Montreal and: eveninu. Luvel Montreal {or Utlnwn and King- aton on Tu:-=day evening. Pnsuungms by tho I )A have ull uunday at the Uupltal. with Ineall nu] atateroouzu. IIBIOTOOIIII. EW. GARRETT, In...` 0'. ll .1 nususu. g On Mny 3rd. 1886,in St. Mary : Cuthedrul. ! by Rev. Father Mo(}rnt.h. John D. Fitz- g1bbon,of Portsmouth. to Mnry. third duughter of the late John Mickey. of . Kumnmn. | WllEAT~ (hcning.. I Ighest. . Luwcsl... Closing... C0lN-0 ning.. 1 ighest. . Lowcst.. . ubl July 751:. Juuo 2H. ungnesn. Lowest... Closing, 0na-0pening.. Highesl.. Lowest... Closing.. Ponz-O nmg.. ighesh. Lowest... Closing, LA|l[)-O ning.. ighest.. Lowest... Closing.. IINI onmm non. In In A hon mo lonl. mm oulrlq 3 Price PI!-OIIC 0000!- h u u nod uonud Ounp Grounds. rs for two Itll. od 3 1! mm u 35. Apply through this omen. the ||` O1 08 J (III:-IIN AND I'I(UVI.`lIUN LIAIIKIC. Uhmln (P Wright Co.) CHICAGO. lm... July 7.--l p.m. Arm Rnvr On` Glllgllif ( Kmgnon. July 5. /?EOUS'E0 PRICES ON ALL SUMMER 60008! June 25. THE BEST ROOFING IN THE WORLD. ..----...- ------- ----------- ---, `-- Connbctmg at CAPE VINCENT and CLAYTON with the __--_.___--...- --._ Ag;-s.ng-:-nu- nu AT THE NEW JEWELRY STORE. Z{.i-".33 Vr"-f \_7VESV'I' 1 .._-__.-_?:-- ...____.___.____ `LORI BOABDIBI on In uooouunod ted n 1 Queen am. In tho house luoy oo- Otlplld 1 |`. O. Wlbon. ._..-____.-_ -p _. A , .. _,_,_ u 34 6 51 6 52 6 51 I79 ` Welllngaon Slrecl. (N4-,m' l rlnc'css street.) We lmvebecn appoints-1| Sole -"w";* Agtmts for lxmgston and Vi- cinity. W. B 85 s."Av~IG1-_.IN. LXI] ()(1 I'\ NEW SUITINGS 33,3 355 Ma -ANI)~ 40 Q TROUSERINGS JUST ARRIVED. J. P. ultninsugvs, A Ilnmlll nu. mill! a mad 1: ulnlnlulh mg `n non-'s'n'1'ook. um: -to as may to Iupply with HOT TEA AND COFFEE And Lunchnlol 511 hour. Juno Q. ALLAN s'musmP- _1.m. oluoo. .,_, ,, or u IN-00`. uou I-dWu Eu I||h`I):\. oolulnln until cn.uI ' oxoollou order : Inn-drain nu I 5:. Apply llll. IIOILII. on the pnmlou. __..._ u.-._....... A cttmm nzsrnbiu /vi .I Walter}: Patent Me_tallic . S H I N G L ES. l{.f|'. C_`3_reenwood . . , u-_g-_.v_ I-\._.. an-.. New Green Pen. New Ggeen Cabbage, Fresh Tomntoou. Cucumbers. Benwbomomho. --TEA AND COFFEE LUNCHES.--- Ioe Crenm. Soda Water, ac..wiI.h pure {run uyrups. Brim noon: nu: s'rn.Isn. ! nu: ruurns um LOW. g AND nu: rrr CERTAIN 1 CENTRAL FRUIT STORE. [A. BAIRD & 00.. AQKNOWLIDGMENE. MALL AND .955 mean ml OOTTAOII. wuuunmuo. Klnnton. A homo oonlunnu at In roam; hud nnd IMO!` mood ousbulld nu ; I sent ol sud. All In Int olun oondmon. up 1 to ill`!!! BROS M: King Iu-cu. llugnon. --* A LA .AL.|I- .n.. July 8. July 3 June 2l Ca.pta.1n and Proprietor. 7.9 Brock Slreel. LEFJ-LEI Brock Street. Non to Hobart : Dru Bun. V A0331`. I`; count In: IN! 9`: Drug Itors. ad lo the cone ol noun sud WIu.mI InII1'I.Ivo Moon was 01 Put Onoo. hlophomo oommuntouuon. Wn.uui'I1'uI1'n. Ivo bloou Ooo. communication. '- ~~-- - ,,._.. AL-l_ SIDIIB vulbo uoolvodb In udon - uIpIoIsup.u..II0HDA .1 ll! .. auto nova-duulu uqntnd In and shtluldnllllc hououuordon luau. Plsuudupodlosuounuhonunlny .%|oIaIoruyIudornonooaIu|ly M~ `E; rvuuu vuuvuu In-Ilnul. vi 5. lab hands: to mil to AI calculus not Zj S- illan Siaamahip man] J. P. OILDIRILIIVI. kn `_ AGE"?- nnucnvuuu. .. ..._ ,.,~ __. .___._..___._____ A huge 0 an Inn; :_|00t_I o_u\bulId n s__:nI`_nF_n)o. nsu mo rnun I 36! r. oounnou I OI. I and g`. frotnho 0l|y. l.o13-ind hum I Nnool Ann Maul` unllm one lxohuuo. LI and Bonding eons! ol Brool um emu =-;-.J-.%t unm- MONDAY. JULY IOIII. IICO. _ - \|l OOIIODIOUS Ind beautifully ulmmod man an-ac. nnlod b] _Hu_m. by gougg pg `bun __n_-.. 53oK'scHuncHExcunsI6i M nun rm & Ahlmlllllll. IRIDAY, JULY 9m. IIIBA ______` l0UIIIA!D.nIonon. Apply to In. Up- \. p|l'.IIll| Buoou. iv-:.v.-.1 . .. . Wm ___.__...___ >8 OPHOI IAFI woll nod "also I COPY- mo mum. know so . on-o wu- co. in u. "`*_ , .. ,,__ A ' nu Ill um- no vnu v ..-, _...-- _.. ._..._.______________ I Appnnlloo to the Dru lnutnon. shout ll nun qt go. O_qo__w_\_\h_o you("I_'e:porlanoo ..___j, W, ,, ` %0lIII'l` IIIAW hu nuovod NI alien to Inn and Brock Blnoll. in W Dru I'M with (1:03. . 7-, , . ?..._..._._ IOATIAIIBI no Iloorfl. 50 Brook ltnoi: I y work tor 11 month: : commence I II T0 CONTRACTORS. I Um no tcoolvod MY! nation on up to an ;\.I.. IIOHDA . ml IN . Ibo om-.I|%.!M-_ronusd _I_- ___u_o_o_c_ ~1.I P.|(., going down an 0 ----- '.|'lu"I1AUD"louu Fcgpn W581: M n n- III and Iqsurnlng by the Auction. 'l.'IO l'8-86o. July I. ` ` \l ITXRDOI. noaroom and mun; noon. mm my nelnlumun, '>l`u_m|7rA!n_g nblo. I About 16 0! mac um: 0 you : uporhnoo Mud. M x.v.z., Wlxo Oman. u.--._ and: lo: Obulublo lnnmntlonn.` Man: at use p.m.ubu-p. Homo I has-lac. -.--__.__----.g-:_ WAIT FOR THE _._.______,, ll mguan on Eu! limo. now own led V I. uthorhnd. Esq. Apply to '1' 03. I10 TUBBIONS; ;;'I'I`I I73;-iyirililo will I 15 wuklytonl mud run (cautionar- Ikbgox mo. Emma Olly. Ila. Rin1i[`6VALs. __.?_--__._.._._ FOR SALl_1._ THIN`), ANNUAL {EXCURSION .._n 4 :1...- WANTED. ` TO LET. BOARD. tomcat of the no! at luau I mum. to blo lnlmntlonl. nmbsrp. only. 3. E. BUBNI. Body. I Ill THAI JILOEBRAIO PAPER. A sweet den! of indignation in being spent throughout the province upon the nlgelmio pope: not iounndldetee at one oi the examination: of J nne. It in pro- bably the Inoet objeotioneble ever given In n long line oi peonlinr oxnminetlon papers, `and n united protest will likely he mnde by teachers and pupil: ngelnst it. The Ednontion Department may ex- olnlm with Itrict propriety, "Sue on from onr--exnmlnon." They certainly help lnrgely to mnlie the popnlnrlty oi thet but-een diioult and nncertnin. (JANAUIAN IlIh"1'UllY. Not long since the public schools of Kingston. end oi the whole province prc- bebly, bed ceeeed to tesch Oensdisn his- tory heceuse no book wee of such rec nt dste or so neerly perfect or impert as to be worthy of being enthorised by the Ednoetion Depertnient es e text book_ A country without e history ie poor in- deed; but s country like Csnsds, thst he s history at esrly settlement. greet ploneerm enterprise, ohenging fortunes. end numerous bsttle iielde-it.rnsv be smell yet heroic-is to be pliied if that histor is not engrsited into ite children " inf. grown up to be one of their nan. sentiments. In Osneds pride of rsce ie s neglected qnsiity; with the progressive ustlon to the south of no it 1! s never dying principle. In one hundred yesre by cultivating netionei feeling, the Uni- ted Ststes become the proudeet people on the globe, end out oi this pride pro- oeede s lsrge ehere of ite progressive- nees end schievement. A ropubliosn school gives the highest prominence to Amerios end its history; whet must heve been thought of Osnsdien schools without I domeetic history! rs-u_x_ .n_-..u. ..s ....H-...l litnretnrn WIIIIUUU I uvusussvw lllivval - This dearth of national literature makes hii-itorical investigation and writ- ing a pursuit greatly encouraged. No Canadian books. quality considered. are met with as many subscribers. and there might be for every thorough and impar- tial history a permanent and popular place. But unfortunately history has not been impartial. Men have given bias to their recitals according to their politi- cal and personal leanings. and thus have depreciated value. influence and circula- tion. And this unfortunately is true of the latest work. "The Story of the Up- per Canada Rebellion." by J. 0. Dent. who deservedly stands high in Cauadi an estimation as a writer and investigator_ His Last Forty Years" was so highly acceptable that the announcement of his rebellion history was gratefully re- ceived on all sides. But it is open to severe criticism: this is made very evi- dent by a pampLlet lately issued. "The Other Side of the Story." This latter is mainly taken up by an open letter from Mr. John King. of Berlin. a relative of she late Wm. Lyon Mackenzie. who has possession of the deceased stateman`s voluminous papers and records. and. as a duty. presents ample proofs that Mr- Dent has persistently depreciated Mac - lrenisie throughout the work, quoting what was said disparagingly of him while withholding praises. and eieval. ing Dr. Ralph by a treatment the very reverse. The injustice done is all the more patent because quotations are given from Mr. Dent'a previous works the very opposite in sentiment of those now enunciated. As a criticism alone Mr. King`: hook is well worth seeking. Nothingin it is more pleasing to the late leaier's admirers than the evidence` given of Mackenr.ie'u repeatedrefusala of government position. because they would lead to the discontinuance of agitation for reform; and of his declin- ing generous subscriptions from friends because tliev would mar his indepen- deuce. -- - -~ ~. al ,- r :_ a,,,-ia Dun an IN: me: Ill Mr. Dent is manifestly unjust in build- ing liletory upon oontomporery opinion And oritioiun. (M ooureo tho vileet things were neiil ol Menlienuie. lor po- litice lied pernonel bitternoee in those deyu not now Approeohed. And yet the leeding omens. Men! And ulalw, of 1836. Ae nnlllee to the liietory ol politloiene of to~dAy. or even the Article: of Asia ' litteretenre like Weteon Grlmn. would not be tolereted lor A moment. Fancy their hotitione weight il teken np fty yoere from thin when the present geno- retion hen peeled Awey And lew oonld judge ol their bittorneee l Whet of tho notorionely pereonel Artiolee ol A yeer oreoelnoe in the Toronto Nun? W0 fenoy Mr. Bloke. under their oolore. miaht Itend out An rowdy. Sir Cherloe Topper AA A eoonndrel. And "our own Sir John"Ae A verltehle end inoArnAte- Two Inoet reuzretlnl thing: Appeer through thin oontroveny. the oherge thet Mr. Dent. notwithetending A high repntetioe. wee one of theenthoreol the ertiolee we here quoted of the Toronto Noun: And the nngentlelnenly ohereoter 0! the letter And enheeqnent reply 0! A eon oi the lete Dr. Rolphfe, ohuginge oertein oritioieni upon Mr. Cherlee Lind- --- II|L-_.1_ -_|_ -__ -_-__- A... L]. say. Thank only one noun to: his conduct. that It. Deal`: lmpolitlo clo- ..u... -0 n. n..|..L. .a nu --...-.. -0 I _r'- .-.. u--.-- -.__ vuv-vu-vn nu. avunyu uuuuv vqrvu-vva ounnhiu uougmtonhunozuaoodoz oviduct of his doublo doooptlon. col. lnhncund nnnlinhilily that lit Inc. may bu inland. Pmvionnly ho uood I.`-ltgln l.l-L4- hp --`All Ian. nun-- ""u.: .IL' ':.'s".I.'.'}.`-".:.as'"'.'. c.. .."I'..$ thing: had bun loll qniuoul sud un- nninlg .a--I-UV. cu-I U-no JICIIII uurv-no-u u-v u ;ulouol Dr. Ralph nun upouool ..n.... 5. . L.......m 0.... ....s. - 4....) -0 2`WI`i`_`!;'*_9_ AIIII N1! In Ila. vnnlndnv. Raw. 1. um um rm & Ainxnnnuan 40! I. -TUBDAY. JULY IIIII. an umwr amnion.-3 aou nvu Ionian mu. uunmm. `earn U;_MI` _1w_rf_rA swmi? no I-dnamu Up a nun mun mum. but Ito Inn Vote In rovoepulole In the laugh coumuncIu-`l`|o user. Ill Iluppolntel In the In-lcnllunl -4-.- _ ` shire. Theng was cut into London. Jul 0. (midnight).-Up to this hour 258 nionists. U9 Glsdstonisns and 48 Psrnellites have been elected. The standing of the portion now is : Total number of sesls........ . . . . . . ..67o Number oi elections held.. . . . . . . . . . . . .395 Tobsheld .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......z75 Conservatives e1ected...... . . . . . . ..2ro UnioniIts`........ . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Giadstonians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 99 l arnelliles.......... 43 Conservative and Umonisi majority. . r u son: or ms: nrruns. London, July ().--A mob of Unionists to-dsy tore down A green Home Rule ting which wss hanging iron: the window of s nriest's house it Bring, Lincoln- ndreds of pieces which were strewn out the streets. The priest subsequently dis- played fresh banners and hired a. guard to protect them. Lnnrlnn. Jnlw 6.-(). E. Lewis. Conser- l 1 i I to protect them. v London. July 6.-U. Lewis. < yauve, has been re-elected in London- ` deny over Justin McCarthy, Parnellite, by a vote of 1.781 to 1.778. Right Hon. ~ George J. Gosehen, one of Gladstone`s bltterest Unionist opponents. has been defeated in the east division of Edin- i burg by Mr. Wallace. the Gladstenian can idate. by s msjoritv of 1.880 in a total poll of 5.087. J .Wilsen. Unionist. has been defeated in the central division of Edinbnrg. T. Sutherland. Unionist. bss. been re-elected from Greeneck by diminished majority. 11. U. Uhilders. home secretary. has been elected by a vote of 3.778 s. sinst 2.191, for the south division of E inbnrg. John Morley. chief secretary for Ireland. has been re elected from Newcastle-upon-Tyne by n. vote of 10.061. an increase of 552 in his vote. James Craig has been elected as a Gladstonian to succeed Joseph Cowan. who has retired from public life for Newesstle-npon-Tyne. by a vote of 10,- 172. which is 817 less than the vote given Cowen in the last election. uscrxou or ranusnnnns. The following additional Parnell ites have been elected: J. Stocb, north division of Kerr ; J. Jordon. west di- vision. Clare ; ames Leahy. south Kil- dare ; E. J. Gray. Citizens Green di- vision. Dublin ; John Dillon. east divi- sion. Ma 0; E. M. Marion. north divi- sion, Kil enny; D. Sheehey. south divi- sion. Galvvay;'1`homas Mayne. middle division. Tipperary; Colonel Nolan. north division. Galws ; P. J. Foley. Oonneware division. alway. and J. D. Pyne. west division, Waterford. Capt. James McCulmont. Conservative. is elected for Antrim. "l`hn 'l"nr-v nnmiirinfm fnr Dudlev. Wor- elected to: Antrun. The Tar onndidnte (or Dudley, oestshire. rooke Robinson. carried the district by 2.000. In the last campaign the Liberals carried the district by 1.166. the greatest politics! change on xocord in England. unnln 'l'nI2V IIAINH RECORDED. was `A1. Messrs. Barry and 0'Lloa.. Parnellitoa. hue been returned in Wexford and Donoual. In Nowrv J. H. McCarthy. Parnellite. received 1,183 and his op- ponent. 710. Aahrnoad Bartlett and Howard Vincent. Conservatives, and A. J. Mnndella. Glndetonmu. retain their menu [or Sheield. and Illingwood und Shaw-Lelevre. Gludstoninus. for Brad- ford. ll. Chamberlain. Unionist, brother of J. Chamberlain. retains his seat for Islington by 1.200 majority. All four Heat: in lulinnton. hitherto STE, --II- `sin:-`A-0-D-7: nun: Aunl uAAna nuuununu. The Tories continue to gain. Their victories include Obest.or.Eaat Bradford, Claphnm. Mile End. Ease Islingcon, South Ialington. snd Roy and Bromiey. The not Conservative gain at midnight 21. lion-rn `Rn:-rv nnnl ()'Hnn.. Pin-nallihnn. lsnngton by 1.zuu mnjomy. All four seats in lulingcon. Radical. have returned Unionists. ln Tower Hamlets ve Unionists and two Gladltoniana have been roturnud. Tn... I.o...t. onnl... nl mnmhnrn nlnnmd maioribv. ' he [Wu-u says: It would absurd to ignore the fact that in the boroughs the government has lost fairly. The elec- tors require time in which to diuest Homo Rule. Th- .\':.....I...-.I nnun - H. in imnmznihln ltlah policy 0' the Uonsorvauvou. Tho Colmervativcs gained and Monmouth. the Uladsbouiuns Wod- neaburg. A R101` 0('I.`lHl:'l. llcnuulg. A 1uo1` Dublin. Julv 6.-A riut followed the that announcement. of the result of the content between Lewis and Justin Mc~ Oartby no Londonderry to-day. '1 be cause of the disturbance wu the discov- ..... ..u.... M... nlnniinn hml Imnn rhu-.ln|-ml 0! tllo disturbance Wu we unmov- ry. alter the election had been declared u {ever of LBWII. of 3 ballot box. the contents of which bed not been counted. A recount followed. which ulnmnt made the election I tie. but giving it to Lewis by a majority of three. The olice lu- terlered end nttncked the ovnlista. who had ueembled In front ol the hotel where Lewis was staying. end were melting e demonstration in celebntipn of his victory. A large number 01 persons were Injured. There was much excite- ment in the city over the nlhir. nanny:-u.a -nu nu-nu Irv: .- New York. July 7.-Tho ll.-rah! bus Ibo Iollowiug 1|-om London: "Mr. Ln- bouohuo. in this morning`: '1 ruth, lays the counties have yet to speak. Will they pnllnubrongh? Idoubsit. The ngriouliunl lsbon-or known and one: little shout Irelmd. and he is told that had it not been [or the [rub bill be. by this time. would have had 3 our sad that unto! land. The Lnnd bill in: Ann` nu ; -Qnl nmnnnh nl harm, Th: three enreeoz Anna. me ulna mu nu done he 3 net emonnt ol hum. The very poeeibllity of the Irish lendlorde benetting et theefpense of texpeyena hen elleneted y from Gladstone. A: thin: etend w it look: us though the new perlielne twill much Inc the old one. Th Liberele ill not have I jot-ity. not the Camera- tivee. with the enpport ol the Lib- enl end Redieel Uniomete. who heve me oeuee with them. Vihet w ppen 2 en poee ord Bellehory will he inetelled ya omoe end he supported by Lord liertlngton. end friend: end member: Ior Binninnhun. Whet then will be the duty ol the Redi- oele 7 To render it impoeeible lot my one elee then Gledetone to oerry on the government. Thin they on eeeily do hvnltrtnlllliuten Iilh thelrieh. Uladltomaua have been remrneu. The latest. totals of members elected are: ConaervatIveu.`.3l0; Unionists. 43; Gladatoniaua. U9; Parnellites. 415. The Liberals are alarmed lent. the Conserva- tives obtain an independent working maioribv. 'I Inn .\'.-um nuvn ' ll. Wnlllnl nlmnrd to