Tolophono oomlnnnloulon. Jnlv I `I paving l`nion bquam. uunwn. A large excursion party comes tn I{in;;- abon tu-marrow from Ruufn,-\v. Muny will picnic at. Channel (imvu. \'i.nLnrdnv Mm. S. J. ljinlwull. l{och<-s- ona. `rickets .`5oc.; Lea `.'..;c. Pickled pigs feet ready for n.~`.`e. Fresh butter and eggs. sugar cured [mum and breakfast. bacon. James Crawford. Tim I)...l, Nina and Pnrr. Hmm hm-tn Grove on the civic holiday.` . ; The Gospel Army nave rentned Mnsanon Hall. Princess unrest, and will hold meetings there shortly. 'I` Mmnmml urunim blocks meetmgs more auoruy. Twenty-ve thousand grunim from I)en.dmn.u`s Bay will bu n`-ml in paving l'uion Square. Ottawa. A lnrun nxnnrsiou nnrtv I{iu-,:- on the drums. One thousand rounds ol Snider cartridges were abipped to Halifax to- dav- mg. _ Mnnnmmnn Th-ma. have sold Llmrv dv. y_.,;`,, Moammon Bros. have Livery Boy" to a Gauanoquo gentlemen for 0150.. Dnn1nvn}\arH|n Rnnu of England ox- I150. Remember the Sons of 1-England cursiou on Friday. a. most; utt.rm:t.ive Tickets 35c.; tea `. ..3c. n:,.1.1...1 ..;... mm. mm! lnr n.u.`n. `r :-nah ma non puuumam. on wnlon, nowover, than in little probability. the o inion of o unbluod Ill Unnu_n would be: trsg mom's t pity. Fare I125. Thirty-ve laborers are now doing oitv work. Twenty of these am working, the drains. (`nu oh;-mnnml rnnnnh-1 nl Snider um. ~. lam going. ain't you, to \\'atc-rtown on civic holiday. with tho A.0.U.W.? Fara 01.25. l`hn-ku.Hvn lnlmrnru urn DOW IIOIDQ L'as'iie`s"i;l'eusant Hours. Leslie's Budget. wur numnms or 1-ma rom- puma mace on luouuuy. uwzruu. The Brockvillo Lodge. A. (). U. W. have an excursion to Kingston on Mon- day next. F. (lnxworthv enacts an aexinl railway \ any man. F. Coxworthy enacts railway 9n the market uqnnre on Saturday oven- IIIIV. ~ American uonmus. - The Lowville bnu brand will proba- bly visit Kingston on Friday. Creigbt.on's ramble to Jones Hills gakea nlnoe on Monday. t.he)t.h. l`hn HI-nnIn7iI|n Lndnn. 0. The inlet of Current l7.venu-II You Wnnt to Know Anything About Ilnulnun You Cu Mun II lore-Nolhlng lvlncapcn Ilne Icpu-let : Eu-I. ` ,-. o u 2, -__.._1_1 _:n. -uyv-um u ----u Cbarleston Luke is crowded with I American tonrilts. "N... I .._nn'll- human In-and will nrnhn. 'i EHY{7 PABAGBAPH8 PICKED UP IN ALL PARTS OF T311. LIMESTONE CITY. ; ,me am m.~;L. Byrnos' grout. 5310 J nnnmafnruiuhlnun. .'\CCOr(|IL{ to the \\ nnernown I mu-.v um present season at. Aloxnndrizs Bnv wit- noamw nmny improvements. The new hotel in the village and the In to club house on Edgowood Park. uunv. add much to the appearance 0! the Irlnce. The ldnlguwood hotel is A neat and cosy Hl!`(1Ctnl'0 thrae stories in height. and W111 nccmumonlute n hundred or more guests. The park promises to he one of the pur- nmnnnr Institutions of the river. Thu Urousumn Home has a large number of 1-IIOHLB, and many more have engaged rooms for August. One 01 the promi- nent.` candinlateu for a United Staten Rl )llIlL0l'Bhlp,Jnlu8S W. Hunted. w1I.h his fnnnly. is expected at the Cronnnmn House the lirst. week in August. Speaker Hosted as a shrewd angler. Tho Thou~ sand Island Home in running under the unmu management as last. veal`. The hotel is owned by the Thousand Island Hotel 00.. Mr. Sontlngnte having sold an interest to Mr. Cohnorin. a former purl.- ncr. and others. The management are wvll plemod with the season's bnsinesu. Aruolou ol Ilorlt. The August Mu:/uzirm Amrru-an ll:.~1ur_v/ iaanapiritml midsummer number. The topics are agreeably diversied. and of general interest. The nmcles are well written. and of national ulgui. cnuco. The first. lmudeomoly illus-,isa graphic description of an historic Maine Home. The eminent scholar. Isnol Ward Andrews. writes on n- I`I... Mn-H..\Nna. 'l"nrril.nrv," Tn the W. H. Carnovsky CIPRIIA IICIIIII-`. IILOITIK, Llmt ol previous yeiirn. 'I`liur-.lmru1ini.', scenery by day and the brilliant. illumination at night. make the 'l`houan.nil Islands an enchanting that visitors nlniosit. feel they could live among them forever. "I come here every year." remarked a lady to n jour- uiiliut, and have no desire to visit other rusorta. I have tried all the wiiterinu places of note. and not one compare with tho islands in my estimation." 5 A ....,...i.n.. tn um \\'nr.m-t.own 'Iinu~.v the scholar. lsrnol W um Anurewa, wrnuuu uu "'l`l1o Northwest Territory." To the War Studies are three important. contri- butions 2 General Leo's "Cedar Moun- o..:n -" I-Kin":-n Hlnvon " hv l`nI nhnrlml humans 2 Ueuetal 1:603 "ueuur moun- t.ain;" Negro Slaves," by Col. Charles Jones. Georgia liiatorinn ; and I stirring battle sketch. by Charles A. Patch. Tlieu follows "A Canadian View of Annexation." by J. L. Payne; "Louis XVI. and Mnrio Antoinette." by Mrs. Lamh,t.lie editor: "President Lincoln's b`tory-telling." by Hon. George W. Julian. \\'lJOHpCll their H1110 on bus nvur uur mg the sultry days. Business has been uoodatull the hotels, while the num- but of passengers the steamers have Crl.I'li8(l has been grmtly in excess of of previous Thu r-.luLrmiuL' acenerv bv dav .*.._j__ llelehu not . In nrnlng. `Tried in the belenoe end found wenlr ing." in the general verdict rendered against moat of the eoonllod cure: for lung troubles. duch ndecinion bu never been given ninat Dr. R. V. Pieroda "Golden Median Discovery." On the oontrnry. it is conceded by thouunde who hnvo tried it. to be the only remedy for oonsuxnption aerofuls of the lungs) end Icrofuloue menses izonerellv. ll will not sure when far has realized about Iu.'J.uUu. (irand l at.rimch Walsh, 1.0.0. F. l`Incn.mpmont Degree. witueasad the initiation of H candidate in the order Il(`l`e1*|`.|t0VL`lliL)|.(.!lu(i uiberwurda exem- plied nccrut. work. Supper was served in the Brunswick restaurant and enjoyed. Happy speeches and lively songs: were givuu. This forouoon the (fraud Pu- triarch wan shown about the city by brethren. llu left this afternoon for Bolleville. The hot. weather is driving the poo 1:10 by scores out of the city. Nearly uveryxluy excursion boats leave port. wil.h dnnlm crowded with persons. every (lay excursion Donne mun: pun; with decks crowded persons. Yuaterduy the steamer Maud carried IL large party to the Thousand Inland Park uml Alexandria Bay. The visitors found both places quite lively. A dozen steamers null 11 large otilla of small erult were met, all well laden with tourists seeking coolness and comfort. Picnics in shady dells. and fishing 1:: sequestered spots, are all the rage. The hotels nnd cottages have then usual number of guents. and everything he tokena pleasure and enjoyment to those who spend their time on the river dur- imv the nnltrv dove. norol'ul|' 0! the lungs) sud Icrorulouu Iaenpou gononlly. both lungs no moot gone. but if Mien when the distal in in the tint angel 1| nave! fails. It in also a Ipocio for web nrofnlouu nffooslom u fIVOI_mf, white awnings. hip-joint discus, Ind 3|-on nun; uloon, and for blood Mints gononlly, from what ever came Mining. Bold by In druggiull. F. Bronson and wife, Ottawa; A. F. White, L W. Maybee. Montreal; ]. W. PIOTCC. S racule, N.Y.; 5. M. Chesbro and wife, R Creek, N.Y. : Chas. Brown. Mo- hawk ; Mrs.mdMiss Cam bell, Walertown; O. F. Hancock. Miss M. ooker. Oswego ; W 9. Miller and wife. I. Falkner and New MA(:_AZ|NES El A Large rnny Attend Iho ulnn on the Hlomnor O. F. Hancock. Ills: M. Hooker. Uswego; W, S. Miller wife, Falkner and daughter. Syracuse H. ]. V .1nTa_vl, Toron- to ;)ames Mitchell, ontreal ; R. L. Pow!-3 and wife, MukwiIgo.Wis. ; W. L. 13:: `. Colborno; ]. H. Conrad, vnfe and moms. ll. Minot. wife and fnmily. Chicago. Ill. ; . Wighttnan. llanford.CL ; H. G. Beckwiui. 1.. Percival. Toronto ; W. D. Gillian. Boston : H. P. Chestnut. St. Iohns. N.B.; 1. Welsh. Blratford : S. H. Hurt. Decrovt: his absence. Sarah Bernhardt. the French actress. is playing in Buonos Ayrea. The tic ket. receipts amount. to 011,000 per night. For twenty plays the sale of tickets so far has realized about 885,000. ll.-and Duh-inrnll .'nlQlI, I. Hoslon H. l - Uneslnul. bl. johns. u.u.; ' ]. Welsh. ; H. Hart, (2. Preston llld wife. Belleville ; R. Brown and wife. Piclon; Mn. lloorehead 1nd child. Miss Mourehaad, Nnhington; Geo. De- Cushie. Colnnd, N.Y. ; R. A. Panrou. R A. Penrooe.jr:. 8. Purooe. Phihdefphia-. A. S. Mnler. L!un'brid&e. Ins. ; G. A. Fort. Norwich, N, Y.; . Hmchkilu. Mljor Davies; A. Gilpin. Toronto: A. oxrison. London ' II. C. Deymond. Prescott, 1 tutu. Mpeara. Kin horn, Thompson and W, Robinson are cm: can shing at. Shun bot Lake. S. Obemdorffer was royally entertained yesterday bv the trio. Mr. Hnnrv Wade is Diloting n. gunning parbxes. Lord Lansdowue sails for England on or about the 55b of August. and General Lord Russell.oommnuder of H.M. forces us Halnfax. will be rulminisbrator during his absence. \.`......l. un.-.\ Hun WI-nnr-h n.M.rnn.u. ' time during the month or August. M. Ex.-Comp. Thomas Sargunt. Grand 7.. R0 al Arch Masons. has appointed Col. airtlough. Grand Master 0! Veils. Linnt. w. Niml. nnn of David Nicol. onbortamed yeanernay uv mu unu. Mr. Henry Wade piloting gunning and shooting expedition down the Ri- denu Canal. lie is regarded as mums- cut. and is in great demand by plennum Lm-d Lunsdowne on 5 VIEIU. A. Brown. Phillipsville. is visiting a brother in Idnho. whom he bud not seen for twenty yenra previously. Mr. Jame: Lime. rm. baseman of the previously. Mr. Jame: Little. Park Nine club, has been asked to play left eld for the Toronto club. ua. n:..I.....l nu-omriolut will sneak at PINE Hams? ms 1) left eld for the Toronto cum. Sir Richard Cartwright will speak at Dresden. Uhatham and Windsor. some during the month of August. M R. Jlnmn, 'nmmnn snr-smut. Col. Fairtlough. U1-and Manner ox vans. Lieut. W. Nicol. son of Caharaqui. has been appointed science master of the Guelph Collegiate Insti- tlilm, bridge club. ' `b _ M. J. Neville. accountant for the IL & P. R. oomyany. has gone to New York visit. _ , _ _ A Rrnmn Dhillhmvinn. In Vliltalllll land. James Little has gone to Lindsay to plea in n. bass ball contest with the Ux- bri go club. M. J. Neville. nccodntant to recover. Captain Hayes. late of the Saved Anny, Knwahun, is now residing in Eng- land. Army` land. 1." Federation. Mrs. W. R. Tout. Wetertown, is the guest of A. J. Lee. Princess street. Mus M Doyle has returned home after a. ten eye visit in Bloomfield. n n Rnlrnn, mm-chant. Belleville. dtys visit in moomnem. R. O. Solmes. merchant, Belleville. laid aside by paralysis. is not oxp'ected nnnoain numa lntn nf the Saved People Whou lovomonu. BIYIBII IN` Dolnxn Antoni Allontlou. the Tories. I.nv-(` Rn COCOA ESSENCE AND COCOA NIBS, Lord Salisbury endorses Colonial Federation. in... w n 'I'nnl'., wuzm-town. nth tho nslauus ID esuuuumu. .'\CCOI'IlIL{ to the \\'ubert.own ..........p unnunil uf ,\Invnnr'lri)L Bnv Wit- Cardinal Tnaohareau in visiting Otto ` vs. _ ' Mr. Gowhen will not oonluce wnth] I. Tn-inn THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. JULY 28. __j_4o l'i.EN']'\ OF` EXCUBBIONB. `PERSONAL KE?TIO$. LLII3 vvuuu _vuu uuu vva\Iu u. aunt vanish- Now, sir. let me cxamineyourdefence of the government order. You are re- ported to have said that the order treats both Hld. alike." Surely you must have forgotten that the Roman Uatholics have held no procession in Kingston for several years. and that the Orsngeuien have always celebrated the 12th of July. To treat both sides alike would be to lot both sides celebrate the days they honour. This would be grant` ins true liberty to the subject. This order is no hardship to the llonian Catho- lic,bocaus- he does not want to celebrate any day. It is a hardship to the Uranigernan who loves to celebrate the 12th. You next refer to tho warden having said. "that iiconvictslearned that keepers were society men of any kind (lflll).!,(}l`0ll8 interests might be brought to hear." The word society leaves the meaning a littloamniyuoiis: biitis there anything in the past history of the poni- tentisry to show that any society man ever failed to do his duty l)(JCl\ll'~|6ll8 was a society man. or more particularly because he was an Uranuernan? You then asked the audience if tlioy would support Blake? llasit never occurred to you that tho Uranizomeii in Canada might suport some other loader. inde- pendent of either Blake or Sir John Mac- donald. or adopts policy similar to that supported by the brethren in Ulster, where we lately found Urangemen (Con- servatives and Reformors) and Protest` ants of all crowds voting for the men who would stand by them? [simply ask you what was SirJolin Maodonald's support of the Orange Bills in 1888 and 1358-1 ? What is his position now in con- duction with this objectionable Order? You should have recolleoted that facts show thatl am not lllake's friend. In 188-} l was an active agettin connection with Mr. J. A. Allen's reply. denouncing Blake's action against therange Bill. You knew that L.0.L. No. 31!! was called the "Allen Lodge." in acknowledgment of this service rendered to Orangemen by a man who is not an Oran eman. and who. moreover. has been a. li e-lonu Re- former ; thatl had. only a` few days previously. presented a banner to the lodge bearing Mr. Allen's portrait, and surrounded by his never-to-be-fomotten motto. Protestantism rst. Politics after." You know all these things. and yet you attempted to mislead the Uraugemen by insinuating that I was a friend of Mr. Elskc. Youtuvo frequent- ly heard me explain my views on the political situation. as interesting to Orangemen. and I willdoso again before I close this letter. van than nnlzml "\\'Anl:I mhnv fthn 1 close this letter. You then asked, "Would they (the Orungemenl condemn Sir John Mnodon- ald on the first 12th July after the death 0! Riel ?" After consideration you should not wish to place the Orange Order in the false position of having thirsted for Riel's blood. nor letit be uuppoeedlhul Mr John Illzuulnnald mu nulrummhil in cuuuny Riel to be Inmate! In plmu (hr Urangnm-n. I! you :io-u:d your state- ment bears that interpretation-tlien you uimply support the position ununied by the Quebec papers, "that Riel wen hanged to please the Orangiten." 1 do not lPpl'0VO of many of Sir John's ncte.but cannot think of him as being "blood-guilty." I prefer to think that the law of the land found the criminal "guilty," And that justice was only antis- lled by his execution. _ While on the Riel question there is one thing you did not speak about, and which interests Orangemon even more. and that is the question of Kiel`: escape from justice in 1871 alter the murder of llro. Scott. Bend the "Techs" letter and tell on whet you think 0! it. I will only refer to one other item-your surprise" at my bringing lorward the resolution. I may say [was more surprised at your opposition to it. for! bad nlwaysgiven you credit lonbeing an Orangemau rst and `a politician dterwanls. It nppeap I that hitherto I have been mistaken. but 45 l..nla in not -no kn-ninngn In In!` sums : Therefore be it resolved that we, the (Z)rangcmen,of the vanous cities and counties assembled have today yledge ourselves that, If the objectionable order be not re- sc1nded,to oppose at the next Dominion election the supporters of a government` which refuses to grant to Orangenen the . privnleges of cnlizenship." / Donn mm: mm; of the resolution I`\' Grey, White, Scarlet & Navy, PH`/llCg8S OI CIUZCHSDIP. (' Does thus part of tho rosolution y uuythimz about supporting Blake '2` D 3 it uot simply formulate the policy, up- hold in every assembly of Orangerneu hold during the past three years, "to vote for those who support us '2" Nay, more. ',does it not coubam the inference. that tho action of the Uruugerueu will d8DO|J\I upon tho action of the govern- ment. in having the order rescxudoxl. Toll me what you nd wrong in this thing. MA... his I;-.0 Mn nvnr-\1v\1x|1luIr Jnlnn-o 1 employed. You will observe that the wording of this part. of the resolution leaves it an open (letion as to the source of the order. It. may have emanated from any link of the chain. from the Promiur to the Warden. but the oovernment must be responsible for the notion of any of its component parts. You are responsi- ble (998 report.) [or the abatement. that the order came from Ottawa. But that in immuberinl to me. The resolution than states | l`lmr-nfnrn ha it rmznluml Hint unx H10 ' III DIIDLTIO I IJIVO D200 ILIIIEIKEII. 006 it in not my bnnineu to and hull with your choice. You _ can ox- phin your pouiuon to the Orange Order. I vim to oxplqin mine. It _4 uro. J. Macxcnzie. or mien wage. no. 3 "That the Urangemen assembled in King- ston to-day have heard with surprise and indignation that the brethren employed in the Kingston Penitentiary have been pre- vented from taking part in the celebration of the present anniversary of the battle of the Buyiie, by an urder from the department of Hm mvnrnnient under which lhev are me Mayne, Dy uruenrom me ueparnmem of the government under they are employed." I You will obaerve I.lmH.l1a wording of r nvvv Dear Sir and Bro.,-My attention was directed to-day to the report (in the Daily Nmxv ol the 13th July) of the speeches in the park on the 12th July. in which you are reported to have said of my resolution, "'I'here`. is something behind this thing." I did not hear you make this remark. but Ipresume the report is correct, otherwise you would have contradicted a statement that seri- ously reflects on me` If I had heard you make this remark I would not have at- tended the enhnrtuinmant at your house on the evening of the 12th. and I must nu xu-an-u, ;.n:\1., now ask you for an explanation. ln the first place let me direct your attention to the wording of the resolution. lt was prepared only a lew minutes before the muster in the market square on the 12th. and u_/I/r I had as/ml you if any unmer Iuul bran rrm'it'el_/':'oni Ultuwu (0 your Icic- gmm, in regard to the penitentiary Orangemen being allowed to take part in the procession. There is nothing in the resolution that I would now desire to alter. MIVIVLXA` In: {".nnnh: M-rater nnninl II rn alter. Moved by Bro. County Master Daniel Wood, of Central Frontenac, seconded by Bro. J. Mackcnzle. of Allen Lodge. No. 316, Uranzemen King- have wutea patiently {or his promlneu reply. but In it has not been received I think in justice to myself that I should no longer remain silent. Mr. Gaskin's remarks have been published in seven] newspapers. and it is only fair that my reply should have equal publicity. Orengemen and the public in general can then form their own opinions on the subject under discussion. Will you. therefore. oblige me by finding space in your `paper [or this commumontion. Apologizina for its length, 1 am yours, etc., J. MACKENZIE. u Ilr. Iulmule Defends Ills Pumol. Ind Cull: llpon In In: who bald `their was Bonetillg Behind the loulutlol Alan! the Pcnltcnllury Gnarls III II In Not Yet I}: Ilnnd. Iimgstou, July 28.-(To the Ednbon-)- The following letter was Ienli to Mr. John Gankin on Manda. . 19th July. 1 have wnitaed patiently or his promised rnnlv. but An in has not been T0 JOHN GAIKIN. GREETING-SPEECHES MADE ON THE 121`! OF` JULY. MEm1m_nn:ux%:| "To John dnakin. Esq.. I'\...... Q:_....A I)... ll _.._.__...T._ ..?__... .__ MACKENZIE/S LETTER HOD COIIECIOH El? Ell. The nchr. Edward Blake. (Captain Mcldvoy) light. struck Bar Point, Detroit River, lighthouse aeveraldays ago dur- ing a fog. A hole was knocked in her sidu. Shn was headed for Amherstburg. but before she reached the place sho sank. She was insured. and was owned by Mr. Chisholm, Sh. Guthstinen. She has nince been towed to Detroit for re- n.. n-u net 0511,7088 Il'0IIl UUBDOYRIHJ. I{.CnLwford, coal dealer, has com- plated his contract for the delivery cf l,4UUt of coalnn the penitentiary. The nchr. J nliu. arrived yoabenlny with the lash:1rg_:o. [`lm nnhr, \V, I! Tnvlnr. (Cunt. Jnmnn IIUU lII:(3'iT[.{U. The achr. W. 11. Taylor, (Capt. James Dix). wont. tocheboygan. loaded timber and returned to Garden Island in twenty-six dnys. The distance cov- vrod was 700 mules. I`X n on-...n..n An... nu {`..nn;Hnn ununnlu emu mu nmen. l`Lo tonnage dues on Cunadmn vessels entering American ports no three cents per registered ton. In 1883 the tax was thirty cents per ton, in 1884 it was nine cents, and last year the dues were not collected at all. 'n... ....n... :.~,1........: m..1,.. m....;.... unis: nu puma. A rri PHITH. Arrivals: Sobr.U. Gearing. Onvvego. 151 tons coal: mm. B. W. Folger, Oswego, 210 tons oanl; schr. Julia. Chur- Ione. 233 tons coal; barge Moravian, Macdonaldb Uovc, wood. , {`lnn-n:I- Hnhr RI--m uihn I`.-ha Dr. (;.W. Collins, Tlpcon, lnd.. Iayl: " used it in nervous debility brought on I overwork in warm wcrnher, with good re- sult: " IN DIBILITY FROM OVEIWOIK. \ Y uvmy a pan. 01 n... Capt. Miller. of the schr. Cameron, had to retire because of 1l|~hoalth. He urrived in the city today. Tlm nmnln vncln: Annie Lnnria. nwnnd NEW Iuuxf, '- ROLLED BACON, AND SIDE BAC()\I Fina Roasted and Ground Gusas. IITIVEXI ll.| (UH Ullly [IU-lly. The steam yacht Annie Lnnrie,ownod by S. B. Hanna, now makes daily trips boliwoeu Alexandria Bay and Kiugsbon. Tlnrma hundred nu 1-ma nf t.imlmr wnrn UUUWUUU 4`\lUXBU(lI'|I llny IILILI l\|3DU|.l- Three hundred pucua 0! timber wqra nlluchurgnal from the nchr. W. R. Taylor yesterday. at Garden Island. in live hODl`8. l"I... ........|......... In In 1`..|..:.. nnll Ur!!- Tho Htmin burgu I). 1). Calvin and schru. Bavaria and Prussia arrived at (linden lulnuzl to-nlay. They have tim- her cargoes from Ubeboygan. I{.(3riLwfnrd. coal dealer. has MICKIODIIG 8 UOVQJ W000. Cloned: Sobr. Clara While. Cape Vincent. 1,&)0 sues; Col. By and barman. Ottawa, light. .?._..__j.. Come and see the stock at W Il.SON'B PHARMACY. A spe- cially good line for cabmen Ont! liverymen, strong and du- rable, that will not tear unless great force is used. They will outlast, ve to ten of the usual kind, and are sold at but a. slight advance on cost, only at 0| BUUBU W0l'IiUy DFGEIITGD. gu_cau consider this communication as being in the form of an open letter, and prepare vour answer accordingly. Wbateverit may be I hope it may be conceived in E. spirits of loyalty to the UrangeOnlar. lam. yours. ot.c.. J. MAcu:N1u;. Paragraph: 0! Interest to'l'Imne who Labor on the Ilolllnu Daop. V The I-chr. in ordinary. Thu nchr. ID Ollilllfy. Tho sclu`. Riveraideffroln Chicago to Kingston with corn. is in the Welland Canal. Tlln vnnil lmxnb unnbn-.i..n rnzu--dun -an SPONGESI Iowlnx llnve Arrived : Family Herald. Every Month. Boys Own Paper. Girls Own Paper. Sunday At Home. Leisure Hour. Chambers J ournnl. Sunday Mngazine. Cassel a Family Magazine. London Journal. Christiali Herald. Good Bath Sponges, Carriage Sponges, Boa! Sponges. DUB p!'00888l0l],VVOD|'A F0 Eel WIDLI `no "Invincible Armnda.;" and from the brother from Prescott who knows all about "heua. Did he know anything about the report. of the Frenchmen in British uniform at St. John. P.Q.. who are anivl to hive executed the new mili- tary manoeuvre of presenting um: in a kneeling position`? That question should interest him. as he is reported to have approved of men praying as they voted" and voting as they prayed." I suppose even in the gutter. But enough ' of those worthy brethren. You mm crmnidnr thin nnmmnniantinn The mail bunt. yest.erda.y morning ran into tho what! at Brockvillo and tore away a pizrt of it. Cunt. Miller. nf Llm unhr. Cnmarnn. !Wi|so$n. Pharmacy.| Hllbllllll 11133 01 [U8 l)l'Bl1gB Uraet. In conclusion let me explnm that Bro. George Purdy, of Portland, who rode one of my horses on the 12th. had some` affairs to attend to before [going to his home by the l{.& P. R., and I was obliged to accompany him to my house loouer thnul cxpeckd. I regret missing the ow cfoloquenoe that burst forth after my departure from the clerical gentleman of Ottawa, who (to borrow his own expression) enunciated Iome queer doctrines; from that well known Q.C. alderman, John Mclntyre, who. after navigating on the sldewslk during the proceaaiomwent to sea. with the "lnvinmhln Armada-" am`! from the | \ ' RIIIVIB all: an Imus style: of . Ln-an Oonluu lot 150.: llno Ibo I sum Whm sum in tho 0:! for 500. .__,_A _ . ..__ A BVOUND A1` LAB'l`K-A randy Inns! uduooun lm-cl ndnolt Oonn.Bun- aum. In hoxu. gun. st wad Drug l I appears I differ from you in being an Orangenian first and a Oonlervatfvo afterwards. I declined to follow a party whowcumervatiuu, an rqiruenud by Sir John Mm.-donald r gogtertment. man: aub- urvimcg to 14 Franck Ultrambritam party and the culuiduing of Romaii Oath olic Quebec at the cunt Q/' Prolutmu Unlarm. In connection with this stem? point I ask you to think over the history of the Orange Incorporation Hills. the political jugglery over Riel'a rebellions, the O'Donohoe letter. etc., etc. Ask yourself if the leader may not be false to his cause and yet a follower be true to it. Uoinpare small things with great and consider the noble con- duct of John Bright in refusing to follow Gladstone when he thought Uladatone wrong. You know more about my poli- tical;/poailion than any other Orangeman You know that I required nothing directly. nothing indirectly from any man or party. a d that I do not seek the sltilport of Oran elnen for any place or o e. You hes d me. on the 12th of Jul fo the liberty of a law before agr-eat many lkren. and yet you not only opposed in ut inainuated at I had some sinister design in 'ew. Perhaps it did not strike you that the case of the penitentiary guards involved a. grand pi-inciple-the question of the y. stand u helpless Oran in independent Oran , hour, the independence and the welfare of the Orange Urder. You did not see the "thin edge of the wedge." and that before the next 12th of July an order may be issued prohibiting all Dominion government officials. including even the Provincial Grand Master of Ontario East, from taking partin the celebration of a victory that established Protestant freedom in Great Britain and her colo- niee. Sir. your opposition was imr. really against me. It was against the dignity of the Order of which I still prefer to think you a true and worthy brother. Give the matter your mature considera- t'cn. Ask the opinion of any Orangeman y I: meet (I know now the views of hun- reda on this question) and I am sure on will come forward like a man and say, Bro. Mackenzie was right: his position is impregnahle." I will then have occasion to think of you. as I have always thought of you, as differing from the "political Urangeman" in being the faithful friend of the Orange Order. In conclusion let me axnlam that Iii-n. BIINI. Stun. Tlvnt will not tear. Lower Than Last Year] T` Ilculnolu. o!o., they glvo nnlvlrul utlnhcllon. They IYO Bu can-oollod. Onolnn loco. In human, 953.. II ` Taylor is lying here Light Colored Leather Shoes and Laced Boots for Gem tlemcn and Boys. Neat, N obby, Stylish and Dumhle. The most popular thing for-summer wear in all largo cities. Just the thing for the seaside or islands. ENGLISH LAWN TENNIS, BICYCLE AND BOATING _ SHOES. ` Bummer Silks only 260. Black and Uolorod Groa Grain, Black and Colored Bntin Mervellleux, Batin `Priootiue, Satin Pekin. Pongee Silk. Ottoman Sllll, Silk of the Olden Time. Broonded Silk, Fnnoy Corded Bulk. For Silks in Great Variety at Reduced Prices go to __T j. :j _v -..v `' ..--n:--:_n-- Have msde still further roduolmun In all Bummer Goods for this Month's Bale. Th:-v mean to make I clean nwee of overything. See their Drama G00 3 at 50, 10c and l5o per yard. " See their Drsan Munlins at Be, 7:: And 100 per yard. Ree their Wool Tweed: at -100. 500 1nd 600. ~ Beetheir New Millmory Gouda, to be cleared out an Mont. a fourth their value. 41.... ___u., ._ _ Through Line. Kingston to Montreal. No Transfer of Premln or Pnuellzeru. &Iu" |I`Il XIII? VII HLIJIIIJLV Freight Passengers. W Luna Birth : Whul our Friday so 3 .In. for Oscar: And lnbrlnodlato porn, Arriving In Ottawa. on Buurdny atoning. ma 0 Montroul mini ovcnlnn. Inna Montreal 10! Ottuu ind King Ito: on Tuudny nvantnu. Passengers by tho] IA hnvo all uundny at the Capital. with In): and nulorooml. IIIIQPDOHZI. W. GARRETT. I"..- on si3'iii~fk3if'.9}"c1cUMLEY's, June 7. STEAMEAR ?FiDA* HARDY &. MIJRRAYI The only Glove you can use `with satisfaction for Boating and Driving purposes. ' Big Assortment at ALL SORTS OF SILKS REDUCEES __13y__ JAMES 31:-IMOND 8: co. FOR JULY. BARG;{j_` FOR JULY IJ.LA|DLAW& SON ARMSTRONGS l_In White and Unbleached, in all Widths, Special Prices. . ,b~,u . ,1/1;. I g;zfr{(f1 Hun]: .. ; (F/II: lffll l r//I[I[//I[I/ iffy)`/if/I 'Ii;i/i/i/ '_I'/iii/I lINsllAlIliS-AII lh-lived. BOAT mu slIAWl.sA `Large Assortment In all slmdeu. CASTOR GLOVES. Table Damasks, Damask Cloths, Table Napkins, Round. Oval and Square Doylies NEW FLANNELS Our 0uRBA _l` IILANK I$`I` SALE unow going on. You will BIVO from 50 ounh to 01 on I Pair If you buy your Blanket! now. rn n: -._ u . . ,_, _,-_ .....__.v _. 50 Piano: Heavy Jamton Flannelvl only 7o. per ynrd. 75 piece: Henvy All Wool Oanndinn Grey Flannel, only 193. Ben Canadian Woollen Yarn only 36:). per lb. 25 Different Makes. 15 Different Pricu to choose from, and all at IIO'I"I'0NI PIIICI-Ill. Plain - Braided - and - Vest - Fronts I Bovv'Es aa`__q3:_csg_N'I'TE Corsets I Corsets 3 Ilvv -uuu n cw Cull enrly Ill _`Y)L`\Tl'!`I.` 0. I1 July 2). GREAT RUSH BLANKET,S. July 20. EXTRA VALUE!l L JJL` \/.l June 7. J an 15. July 23. July `P6. July 26. Blnck mud (`olored Humha at 10 per cent. BELOW COS,'I . SPECIAL D {IVli:S"LVT.`.I`Eg[S; CORSETS. I-I.A.IJ.\TElS & LOCKETT- Hy: THE BEST ROOFING IN THE WORLD. Waltar s* Patent Metallic r/,I/:,///// / ilrrrg/in , SHINGLES. SPENCE as c5R_tI:M:LEY I/Iuclmtod London News, SOIETIIIIIII new at nmuis & Locmrs. B. DORAN 6'6 COS. ----J'2ElJ`:t.S:El'YS.---- JUST RECEIVED ~---I-IE'EK`S I-- The Best in the World for all Sor`ts of Wear. J. RICHMOND 85 CO. Braided Jerseys, All Wool, from $1.25. D. F. .A.IRJ&dZS'I`ZR')O].\TC3-- LONDON ORAPIIIO We Now Have a. Full Range of on 1 woods M we. we ma U00. v We have been 8010 M Agents for Kingston and Vi- cinity. , ' . ,. VV'- B- an 8- ANGEIN ZR. nIici'7AUI.. 0I`I'08I'I`[i WINDSOII lI0'l`ll.. The Big mllllncry Iloom. TIEEIIISI Captam and Proprietor. 132 & 1:54 Princess 5-: ~*!!.|!.!! "!913`!._?.0~ NEW CLOTIH PLUSH Es; All Leamng shades! YUIUPIIIIIIU WI July 17. NEW ggym Tl10I11usnn s.} ornlu noun: m.o'cvuV, 1 |--L.._- ..._._...n.. .1... I76 PRINCESS STREET. l'IlII`.B IO I`.II`I`I BACII. Summer N umbers of Dress Goods, PRICE 8 .l rlodllc II UIIIIIIICI IIFOVF. About sixty persons participated in ue picnic at Channel Grove. yesterday nfternoon, tendered to Messrs. Gill and Patterson 0! New York. The dnv was delightlnlnnd lull of enjoyment. Dur- ing the afternoon the hours were spent in boating, sbingmwinmng and playing bue ball. Supper. served in rue style by the ladies. won announced at six o'clock. The steamer Princess Louise brought the tired but In py crowd back to the city It 8:80 o'oloc . `I no new llluluuunmu rurlullll. At. Wilson's Pharmacy. onl place in Canada to obtain tluenrigina and gon- nine "White llellotrope." Come and trv it. A few drops on a handkerchief diueee the elegant and peculiar per- fume 0! white heliotropo owers. All other lines in standard perfumes at. Wil- -nn'n .\ I'fB||0lIl ll) IIII lhlllplllyulh Last evening the Wmu employees authored in the composing room and pre- uentod William Ricard with It hnndnome not of rarlonr iurniture, in view of his entering this evening into a happy con- tract with I young lady of this city. An address was read and a brief reply made by the rocipiont. who was overwhelmed with hearty good wishes. inolra onuo STORE. nnn wrung. nnnnu nmn luuuuu Iul Iul uuuunuv. This afternoon the yachts Gracie, Unr- eld nml Laura lelt tor Balleville. where thov take part in the regatta on Friday. The Laura will have Capt. Blake. of Sackutha llurlmur. an nailing muster; Capt. Curtis will lmmlle the tiller on the (larllolul. and Capt. McCarty will control the yacht. Gracie. Commodore Cnrrntliorn will ho in atlemlnncv. Another Du] Flgliuug cgno. Four young men, 11. O'Connell 11. Armstrong. '1`. (Vllnon and I`. Rooney. were charged at the police court this morning with encouraging dogs to kipglit. The men pleaded not guilty. The evi- dence. In for as heard. we: to the effect that a fight between hull dogs occurred on Friday night on Sydeuhnm Street. bdt no proof was forthcoming other than that tho ght wen caused by the no- cidentnl meeting of the canines. The one wiJl be continued to-morrow. Owing to me late mm or we (lepa1'- turn of trains from the Cape the Muud's Saturday trips to that point have to be abandoned. and inntond there will be given a. trip down the river through channels taken only by the Mnn'l, unli- ing at the park and bay. ~4--o A Com promllo llouchml. The coal beavers at Swift.`s.wbo an nck {or 20c. per hour. compromised at. 17o. The trimmers. who also asked an ad- vance. are still out. Yesterday c he 3 did the work usually performed b -656 trimmers. Important Annolneomont. An excursion to Montreal undo: the auspice: of the Y.M.C.A.. rm Grand Trunk Railway. on Wednesday. Aug. uh. the civic holiday. Tnino leave hinglton at 1:25 am. and 1:40 p.:n.. ar- riving at Montreal at 8:30 am. a'hd 8230 .m. respectively. Anangembnta are in made for a aide trip by Lachino Rapidslor 260. extra. also for special hotel rates. Tiokoto good to return by any of the regular train: up to the morning at Ang.7tb. 08.50. nun: l.Il.IIIll Illl "um nu-gnu. /.. Prevent in oaring a suit. made to order, for 010.50, of real English all wool cornea. tho sumo class of goods as ho had in previous years, and which gave such salxslaolion. It _IluI Hun lleen Very lhd. M the meeting of the cbooee board youardny sotnoon. I nonunion arose u to the rice ot cheer sixteen earn age. W: ism Dull said he had nod it for 14. per lb. He admitted that the cheese Ihouuh sold st this figure was hardly M for use. If he mumhotured the some gnde now he would not be nble to give it III]. You: ego the (militia {or cheese nnhnuwon very . Ht. Dn nddhe how {notary- I:::whohnd|obnrvu$.lnhle cheese Buying Boll roller Hour. It makes wbitonlightor and bet` bread than any other our in this market. James Crawford. agent. I nighb. Llll. I poor. If. uuu Iuu - I man who had to bury n.IIICul`:N0` ncnhouowq sad it would hudly my down oven than. FRESH Flsn, VI-1(:E'I`AIH.l~2S, Fok- mun AND DOMES'l`IC 1*`numz, CANNED Goons, E'I`(:. out oz 01 oumauu was wrong: we entnnoo enmiuuonn in Novburu. the following vote. Iuooallnl : Anuuuh Seaman. Nunneo H1111: Hnnnnh E. Bu-amulalp Conncny. SAILING horn Now fork over ouuruny. Auhorlnod Ascent. I4`. A. F011 ER, Ferry Dock loo: 0! Brock HI... Klnutou. _____._____.:.__ To ours Prolmhllltlun. I Moderate winds. fair and very warm. with local showers or thunder storms at ..:..m. nun: no. name npnu. nuns: aun- mcundon; L an H. Goidon. C. h. 8. 1!. hr. Odom; Mamie fhlnarnn. hnrlnn A, Manon, Ell: rouomng wan. uuoounuu : uuunu Bconten. Nupuneo lulu; Hsnnnh Lovdou. Ruin Clone. Judo Donono. Knhnl Fa; Addh nial Elnlnh Hhnn. M07051` IKLIIQ DIOX, JKIC IIOUOVII. lube! Foo. Addie Rpid. Eaton Blun- un-. Pgnulnne Lvungn ll, m`rdnn_ (`.. ulna-on. ununu A. noon. nun Holman. Nowburg ; Victoria Aoa- vndb; Richmond; Ind Hills. Kanna- Lnn, Dal nl B Qndhhi -Ilna AI vnno; Iuonlnonn; -nun nun. nunno~ boo. Out ol 105 audidnu writing at l loIoII.on|y29 Iuooouful. Thou from Plctonuo: and Irwin. A. Row- Innrl. ll. gnran. J. E- Lnnhr. Hnhnn l>'hll.oomar of Princess and n (OVOI Hundry B Tlnomplouhs.) '1`}H REGULAR MEETINGS at the BL Luv- nnoo Council. Boyd Amnnum, are hold on the um um! third Monday: In every month II 8 p.m., in the Osurnqul Oat! Follow a Bull. Prin- ces: Bu-ooh. Dec. 12. Following ilnvc Arrived : Young Ladies` Journal. V N ow York Fashion Bazar. Delineator. Season . YOIII` _I'I ICIPIIIIHI AIMMJII 1{1BE READING ROOM. Corner 01 Prlnooll Ind Montrenl Streets. open dull] from 10 no 10 pan. Pn er Meeting every Saturday night nu oolock. 1 young men undo wcloomo. I Hf Pllli I Illl ll'W`lll. A. 110'- lsnd. B. Bu-gran. J. E. Lulu. Hahn Bluoho CHIN. 3&0 Bod- nau-tl, I . ll, Ennlndnn and Rlu-unh- Ull OI HIIIIIIIII. ICIIBTIB LODGE, No. 83, 01 the Bonn ol l!:nulnn;} !J'ono v13long Boom will maul In their new Lodge Boom. corner ontrnl And Prlnuu . ovcr an-son-n : udvnro Storm. the End :1 an Tucsdsy ol ovary mouth. I. II. I"0I'I'$Ill'Ic I VOUBT F`R01NTENAO." No. 60. lndo ndonl Order or I-`oronoru, moon on the not sud Ihlrd "hundny in own month In Oddtallowl of Prlnoou and loutrosl st:-Mu, (over Hundry 'l`hommou`a.) Doc. 21. '1 Ioynl Arfllllll. `H10 bqlg on; Ancient St John`: Lodge. No. 3. an unau- da , Aug. Mb. at no pm. bl.o0d!O.N0. B3. on londny,Au;. Ind. II no p.m. 0: nl Lodge. No.9I. on Wodnudsy. Ana. lltb, II :l) pm. The Rocnlu lloetlnsn of tho Ancient and A3- eaptod Iloomuh mu ol Freeman Iulnld lnthdr Holhoorner of Brook And clggon Blrootl. Klnglton Lodge 0! Poootlon. in! Thursday. mud lion of shu-on. Bov. Chap. Bone 01-01:. am Wodnoulu in non month. GENERAL TICKET AGEN Y :1- g.?:*,$3TJ:am: mil :::.-.:2:'::! V r .A. FOLG-ER Gononl Tlokot Agent, _ ` - Z: L \I II `J -1 cu Agent Ferry Wharf, - - Foot of B :-oex sum. KINGSTON. ONT. Owing $110 late hum of the depar- nrn nl trninn from the Cane [I u---w j Out of 01 ondidnkl who wrote the nntp--nu nunnlinnlnnn in Na-Ln:-1 ling WADHS IAIDRAKE LIVER PILLS! Ilnunlc ICIIIII unsung- John`: Lodge. No. 3. or: 5 05!. Ann. 1:81 __ _ _ WI. Nl!4VVI.A1VlIB,nIn., KIECHITECT, Ford ! mock, Brock street. :0- oond oor. loan; lei : (`II-lnllun Auoclntlnn. nmrn munmn nnnu. Oornor Prim c1'1VYXD V1'c1N1'1`Y.` DII-III UCKII. OT 5&- L. H. Egghoton and Blnoho : Ilnunlc lelllll .""" .5 In .`lnhl|`l Lndun. No. I. 1, low on KlN.GS l0N. . [mg or canvas. .1 runes umwmru. An extra. freight. train h&Fll)0(`.l]l)1IlCU(l on the K. J. P. R. It is engage-I in curry- ing logs lrom the `\Iadu.wnHku uuil Clyilo I'lV8l`8 to the Minsisnippi. Thu C4)lMllCY.()F in D. J. Young, and tho r:ii;;i1u-ur J. (`ul- ling. 1 ..... nu. ..m...i....-M ,.r Hui Sf. nus. Lust evening tlw lueuwru .I' mm M. Lrwrence and Ontario base hull oluhq met in Ald. l'Inlnock'H Oman and an unmi- gnmalion occurred, Lhn new nr;;:uzim- tiou taking the name of the J{nu;~'.t.uu Bane Bull Club." (,)'|cor4 WI lm 1`l('(`L"I' next. week. 0. H. Bnulbury, Uttuwu, i4 sllutlnj (L F. Jackaon. Miunuapohs, n forum-r lung atoninua. to hold him to ncoutmct In the conveyance to him of 3::-um worth olrenlesmho in I\Iinuoapnln4,3I)0 uvrva of land in Polk county, and nblu-r pro- Achenrful house in n im: fun-vrr. uureou. Hams and roll} bacon ks-pt in our celebrated cooling room. Um only plncn in this city when) you ca`u;1ut.IuunH nml rolls kept. from ies wiclmuc pn_\`in,( for bug J runes Crawford. ,\n 5-uh-A frniuht. train has been nlucud OPERA nous: FISH AND FRUIT MARKET. pel'|`.y. A cheerful jov Make homo happy I-y using (1) the host broad made from Hell Hollrr l`nt.eut Process flour, and (2; choicu nuw honey in comb or ntminod. James Crawford. Tina N-mtg Imlnnninu On (Ya no. Ur-l Hvnn In comn mzrmuou. -Jame?! Lrnwluru. Two coatmbelonging to Cum. Mculynn and mute Clark of the nchr. Mary. now at. Swm.`s wharf, whom Mt,o|(=n Lhw morning by 8. Frouchnmn hirml Ln luv-um coal. In the captain's cont. worn the bills of lading. The thief cannot. be found. 'r..I... .. 0.... nix Hm n..L...n nn nlml Iounu. Take a trip up the Rouu on the {ant smliug bummer Iiidoau In-llu. Every comfort. and convenience desired can be secured on board. Hum] timing at Sand. Indian and Mud Lakes : uhn no Newborn. Weamport and I`ort.lnud. The boat leaves Swift's what! every Tunn- dny. Thursduy and Szuunlny at It) r..m. vnnlnl-ulllu I "nouns: nn J Rnutnw cars Will be we execunouer. The Education Department will pm- bably make some allowance for the mm. culty of the algebra paper set. for second class teachers at the recent oxnmum- tiou. Van!-,nu-Run l|l'Il\ nf Hln Ilu(`lrl(`. 1H'"i|HA non. Yesterday 0:10 of the Llectric lcnnpn. which n workman was cleaning. was broken by a street car currving away :1 wire and letting the lamp tall upon the street. Hnrunnml rnlll Inn-nu hunt in nnr [Ont Ina I UIII PUUDUI UIICH. The quoit match, in connection with the remexfa picnic. has been concluded. J. Hall secured rst prize. '1`. McCor- mnck second prize. and U. Dodd chinl prize. Last. night the wiupora secured their prises It thetire hall. AM. Dunn. chairmnu of the tire. water and gas com `mittee. was at tbe.pipuu-. The annual nin.nm In nnnxmcnnn with erecuon. one sun. A number of Kingstouixuus mm :ust.i- I eating at Channel Grove. wlnlu at half dozen families are Inmmoring on Wolfe Island opposite the grove. ' The Philharmonic Club are arranging 0. first clues pmgrnmmu tor Lln-ir garden pzuty at Mr. l[ugo's 1' on Tuesdav evening. the Sn] iu.<:t.. Rnmamhnr W. J. Rvrmm` Lvrcub to be sold an DU per cent. nexuw case. A detachnienh of the Amgpm n Salva- tion Army. ' zcor is Major Moore. will. is is said. make nu attack upon Kingston in a few \\'e(~1m. Lnnia Curran. Thomas Ward uml W11- Kingston In low \\'e(~m4. Louis Cl]l'I`0IJ. liam TutIield.d1-unks. were ned 8-2 and coats each at the police court this morn- imz. Jnlm Mnlnnmv Inn: :1 viniun.-1 dou. The mg. Jolm Malouev has 11 viciun.-a dog. police magistrate has siuuml u writ or- dering its death. One of the pnlim oili- will be the executioner. TI... 1.`nlmu-.Hnn hnnurtmnnf. will nrn. NO MERCURY I any. Luursuly anu ozullrurny an In r..m. Yesterday W. Reeves and .1. Hastnw caught. about 100 sh at Loughlmro Luke. Messrs. J. Henderseu_ J. 1-). Hnbchoaon sud W. Lendhoaber, shing in the same lake since Monday, caught. abarrel of bus weighing from two to tour Ind 3 bill pound: ouch. The nnnih match. in cnnnnctinu with lueauav ovemug. one am m.~.1.. Remember W. J. of damaged cloth and gents furuiuhmgn. Wlllcommenoe to-morrow. All 3.1001: to be sold at 50 cent. heluw cost. A alnlmr-hrnnnf. nf Hun Amerjatn IIHUFGQ. WI! III DUO plC|]l(`. The annual picnic in connection with St. James` Church Sundny school will be given on Flidny afternoon nl:Clnannel (iron. with upon: and games. Tickets lor ndnlta. 16c. Thus the Inland vs. Cnpocnunpionahip much in to be held same (117 Al the grove was not known lor mmy dnys before the picnic was nrnnged for. caught :1,; 1;; HM. The members of I)ol1n;l1exty'x-a Nmo" have an oyster supper this evtminu, ; r.)- vidod bv Mr. `I)ougherby, Iuvmcnn of tho club. (`anlnt Knllv. Sulvaciun Annv. Picton. mg. The trustees of School Suctim) No. 5. Elgin. Leeds. are about Lo rn-cc 2:. now school house, and call for tumlurn I'm` the erection. See ndvt. A .\.....I1m- nl Tfinuul-nniunu urn nlnti. Tho Von Conplllnontnrv lhmnrha mun byln lldopcldonl Novnpnpa r. Montreal Herald. \IY|.-A .1--- Al... nnnno-.v .5 I-..-an IOIIITOII H OYIIU - Whsl does tho country at large think on the subject of Sir liiohsril Cert.- wrighfs resence in parliament `. H0 is the Is lest nlncier in the House: with the exception 0! Peterson, of Buns. sud White. oi Csrdwell. there is not even any one in the non with liimzlie is 5 men whose public and private rs- puhtion is nnnuihhlo; liu has few sqnels in debate; his speeches are in: vuriebly those of a gentlemen and I sobolsr: sndln every psrticnlar that sensible men desire in choosing a par- liunemsry reprpeeulstive he Ill haul and shoulder! shove the msjority 0! those who vote egsinsl him. We take it the! If numbers were not easoueisl to him Sir John would gladly exchange. not one. but I douu men. {or Sir Eiohnd Outwrighl. end we fool sum thetil Six Richard we:'ehsbsont [mm the next perliemenl. of nob. however. than in hula Drolhililv. the onininn of will picnic at. Unannc-L umvu. Yusturduy Mrs. llochx-5 tel`, aummunug at Rouuzi Inlnud lurk caught pickorel weighing 1; ; Nu. 'I`hn mnmhnrn nf I)o11n.'l1exL\"x-a I\'n.o' cum. Cadet Kelly, Snlvacion Anny. Pxcton. has Arrived. He takes part in the '_'Poker and Tonga" meeting this even- Thn trustees of breakfast. nacou. James uruwwru. The Park Nine and Porn Hope hm-we ball club will play a In `tab at Channel the civic holi ay.` Tm. Oosmel Armv IIIGUST NIHVIIBIII 0|-` 'I`IIl:`.