JuuI1mlnsnsuI&nu.,{ On Saturn}-Ay evening I lodge of the 53111 of l~Lu,:Iaul Benevolent Society vma duly ihsmutod sud dedicntoi by W. (Brand President Bro. R. C. Hulmo. ssaiated by Pam Preaident Bro. London und Bro. Nnnn.of Oxford Inigo. Belle, rIu,_ z_n-__:_.. .n....... _..... glu-9,. YIIIINIHIU Anal uvuv-n While the was eingiiig a anldier brought on a handaolno banner and hold it over her hand. Presenting the aide on which wasgpaintod the scene on Calrary-n taoty picture. representing a nionntnimon top or which. resting diagonally, were three crvosaoo. Acroee the bottom of the honor were the wonlu. June Died for You and Me." On the oppouito sido was a painting of an open bible. with the mottors: "We are Wslking in the Light. the Boautilul Light 0! (}od,"anl With the Bihle lor our Unide." Capt.`Hnuhes' singing was so effective thnt many were moved to teara. Ahblv Liok the colon and said that she felt unworthy I) present the humor to the Fifth Canarlian corps. but considered it a high honour to do no. While she had born in the army as a captain she lirl ha-l lonr lisnm-rs pre- aeuted tn llPl .\llll every time the colours were given she was stimulated to ght on. When any one iuentzorej Kimlhtun or the futli Canadian corpe. "they touch oil," alie mid. "ngroat big place in my heart." She referred to (ion. Booth`: n-it niuremeute in the Salvation Army. and to the rapid advance; it hail iumlu aince. It hail .-prra-l over lluglauil. the` lhitnl Settles nml Canmla. She could aee no good re-Mon why the pouplvl Lrmeul had ideas of the armv. They 1 1 u . 4 . I i,..__. 1...; i. .I.. Iuulvu uyu nuuua vl Luv -uuy. ....., dd not come, tu do harm. but to I03 gnod. They bud only one 0bjP(`?. ml. _ ._ AI... vilk-um .2 President -8. Thornton. W, Vice Proaident-C. F. Smith. Secresu'y-A. Loicheux. Treasmer-H. Hiwhena. Phyaicinn-Dr. C. Irwin. Trnsuao-Dr. E. H. Smythe. Committne-Bros. Tayloi-.0. Moore, J. Green. I-`.Ben-y. S. Rowcrolt, J. Sulzer. I.G.-S. Smith. U.G.-J. Wootwu. This lodge being opened under {nor- nble circumstances, having for its obv joct the nninng of Englishmen in A closer bond of union. we give it onr homrtieat yvishea for in Vulture. Illllblllll Ill IIIII Zuni" - vvuuu Iomo dnyulhooouldnotloo. butnho shunted God um aha Ins well spun. Ana: the opening exercises Capt. Hughes was cnllod In tho (rant. and inpnuivelv nag. "Dark Cnlury." - .-nu ABC A Landau. tum. A oonvonuiono will be held in so. George`: Hnllon Monday` evening. the 16511 int. st 8 o'clock, for tho bunch of the Girls Friendly Society. und the India: who luvs the nnogotinonts on bond will ao neither nine. or trouble -_ .__|...... :5- ..uuu-n- -and nu thn 'I"--- """-v1 tied. Oust nnhnu followed sud oouunod nail do cum from "node cont." when OIIIC in nlhud. Tho Anny Inudnd In and Abbie III gnohri by the Ioldien. who triumphantly vod Iboirhudlonhioll nndung. "'l`horo c 5 Welcome Home." Thepotito Idd-mun Ihnl took charge. um!" oxplunod that in caning Io Knnpson the bud boon impru- dun. She had not worn enough um clothing and had ought n cold. For _-.___ J--- -|._ -....IA .5; ... L": .l.- lll Inn llppxu uuuuuu: -gnu. In Ulvuvlw in nnkmg it I success. `and as the liokah nro pinned at: low gure. no as tobb iithin the reach of all, it II to be Iwpudthnt it will In well pct:-onixod_ Tiohutobohndholn monlionbf` tho obllllool ol `SI. Goprgaj Uothodn! sad at I}. ling`; drug nan. __._aooj `II vuunoucodduilqlhovul `&I0npt.AhIlo`l'houpouIoIld|no puuout thosuluuonnny burnt: Olllhylhuuoonnrl pnllli Oolll `tolhooorpqnndinoonnnqunutho oidnooloakdtoihobnploln dlonl. Anhoulnlotolholhooluuvloouut oonldnotlnpneuutl. llundndawon ounbnuoduulintlndnlundshoot thodoon. Whilolhbnoldiuuiouou IlIonuoh0npt.Ahbiou-rivodudou- Ouddthonu. 'l'hodnotoMlunIo- nonlninqsju-thohoodlholittlo captain. hunting with smiles, in: no- n...` __.I_.... l-II..-.1! gum! A..J Ufllll BCOT'l"S WORKS. in 13 volumes, worth $1525. lot 3131. .._.;.p._ j ` Icnonbqt the` Inn `oating nuke cny, ovcioug. A ILIOII If IAIIII ("VII AWAY II IIAPIAII Ajl. I ~- the ` lU. AVuull.u| unnunu 1.4:.-u, um.-. ml`-he louauiagromcors were abet- A New Orgnnllnllon. um mmar nnrrxsn Wl_ll.'j,FEBRUAl{Y 9. yu.-.u n uvnlavn-u--vxu. The handsome fur coat. cup and gnuntlets being worn bv Run! Dun Bogart iu the city. are not an ondance of Inxclropolitan miumterml Wcllth. but. are gilun prcscnlol an be was _JL-nving homo on I uussuouzsry tour. lh8liD,'_ hivh esteem for him. - .v,.___....- _.. Ola Duo! BULWER LY'l'TUN'8 WORKS in 13' vol!" yorth $19.60. for 813.00. I u-ru Vnltvwnna ... ....... Ayuung man from (iannuoque |p~ phedto Inductor to cnt|cal|y oxnmma hum us he {cured he had heart. Incense. He was greatly relic-wad. however. when it mu discovered that the creaking Iound he heard when he 1 breathed heuvalv wu caused by I lil.l.k- pulley on his pclnnt. suspenders. D.....'.._l .....-nu. I.-rp Imnn nnrrirul nn cunrgu A nurse belonging, to Mr. (inllighcr. cf Piusburg. run nwny from Urdnnncu ntrecl yosterdny an-I was captured by Mr. J. E. Jones heal the ponnentiuy tum. The sleigh to which the horse In ctuched when xt started wu com- pletoly dcmohuhed. Tl... |._n.h.mnn fur (`t\lf_, (`AD and III. MUM Isuayuuuvnu. Revivnl RQIVICCB IIIVI been carried on in the Third an-I Fourth Methodist. Churches for the past. three weeks wnth Iybi HlCC(`l-9. This week the con- gegatmr mtenu jmmng together in tho I'h|r Methodist. Church and continue the work. Next. week the name WI" be Iona in the Fourth .\lut.hoxhsI. Church. Numbers are being sued. umcouruu uuu an-u Luv ........ ..__ bunnly sung by the cbunr. inferences were mmle to tho war in neveml of the A I .... .... |...I......;n.. In \lr d'.nl|:nvhcr.| lahnlou made to Iho Igypllnn Quonlnn and the DynunIurdu_ rllev. Mr. (Juicy preschrd hut. c-voumg from St. John v1-9 : ..1~..--_ x.- 1.; u.... um.-h huh an bulev [mm at. auuu In-;1 . "Then K: I Ind here. which huh nvo hula] loans. an-I two rugll nuoa. but win: as may among no mnny P` u.-- .I.....II:.... .9. Immu. nn thn text. ' vuusuu. nu; . u... ......._.. The urvzcen m the Fun. Congregr tnonnl Church Int evemug were of: pntxiouc cblrntlnr. After 3 pleumg 'd1Icouruu (Howl Sum thr Queen" Ins .... u.v............. (Jul! II. luau-nun. Hen Prof. llotchlnnl springln--as nu and nupporler. ndvenascd In another culuum. do mud nee lmn at the Royal Hotel. Feb. 27th. `.'BI.h. anal March In. `nd. : n| Ind -uh. ' Wllsou'u pharmncy Hi the place for pure cod lave: ml. lliu emulsnou no wary plasma: to Lake. Iual is combined WIN] l hypopho-aplntuu and plnaplmtes. W. J. l Wilson. I.h-"l u:u'muc_\`." ` "*- .l , L`._... 1'/\.........-. 9" Alter dwelling st length on the text. from a gospel point of mind. and showing what could be accomplished by little thingy. he referred to tho trouble. in which linglund was involved in Egypt. Many uked, What does the small Eng- liuh Army, sent to Egypt signify, to no may rebels ? And there were those who quealionod the utility of Englnnil riiiking lile upon the` bu`rh`il)`g sands of Egypt. There was something great, however. to come out ol theimovemont, which conlul uotbe seen at d glance. They should pray for the uuccens ol the British troops in the dark land. pny thut tho shiohl 0! battle might. be thrown over thomi"MPorhn.pI the few men en- , ,,.v 1,. .|._ ._....l`...... -unnlil ha tho nnu uuyu. U-vlu. .....,,....... I-Zdwurd Riley. 01 Cnunqun. loll. I I nlunble boron on Snturdny. It broke Its leg nt. Glouvslo. He lost. n nnimul in | uimnlu wnv about I you ngo. - - V -- 7. L_.__.. _-- 1.... .... \`nn.hw Orulocot IAGAULAYB HISTORY of ENGLAU D, in 5 vols, worth 85.00. for 83.50. I Ilmlur wlv uuvuu - pa. -5 A muomc broccluvu lost. on Sunday morning between Sytlcuhnm 5:. Church nudl-orduu street The nder Inll be revunled by calling at um. oice. --- ,4,,,_,.n ., .....|.. .............on )... lcwuluuu I11 nan... -. ..... - , , Tho cnmvnl tonight. promises to ban n wry alnaoosa-Ill Isir` The cucu- duacu promise: to be very large, jmlgnn; {mm the number 0! tickets Jmpoabed of. | " A --~l.,. ..I..L L`: '5`-All] IKUIII IUU Illlllllllvl UI II`:-VD" The Kingston cmlmg club has bu-u admitted to llmmlwrsbnp In In curling ur- gamutxon tunnel of clul-.1 m cant!-rn Unurm. The next annual bOun|=('ll oc curs nl. Roufrow. .. . u:,.,. 011166. "UII|IIlUll IL- Block & Co.. of Brockvillo. ue buicl ing shun yacht. bonlon for John Rynn. Brockville. Capt. Dunn. Unmnoque. and Capt. Duns. Kmguon. u.~,...__a un-- nl IIALAI-`nun. loll. no Do Improving. Bonnet Snlhnn lnl taken Dr. ll. W. Gtrntt into partnership with him. Dr. (hrnlt. bowevor. will be lonnd in his old Wellington st. . n, ,au_..-l.-:ll- ..- hniul ("II n uuucu. The Sand Anny bunch VII crowd- ed Int evening. Capt. Hnyou nude ex- cellent nddtesua. The Atundnuce noon: to be imptovmg. 51-..`..- unlh-an Dunn Lnknn Dr. [L dn;v'n Cinmh. _.| A_ OVOI Illoln. ruruupa vuu -uw nun .... gagod in the warfare. would be the meana used in bringing the nations to a knowludge of God. Ho uruol hie hoar- en to pray for a more noble etate of at- Jain in England. For years the people in that country, and this had been in the nudat of lawleasnens. and anarchy. The land waa infoetod with dynamitere and others who were disloyal to the Queen and country. Pray then." he said. that God may delend our Queen and country. that the word `dynamite. may not be known on earth. and that the time may apeedily come when the award ahall hetnrned into the plough-V ahare. andlthat the country and Queen may be aaved Iron: thoao who ruthlepaly no about destroying the peace." The congregation. by request. heartily roe-_ pended by singing "God sin eh. Queen," .. nu. A meeting of India. nnlonobd In tho Soon Act movementmill be held In I!- (_l. I-:mou'.. No. 55. um moot. this KACAOI.-Y`B EHSAYS. in?! volumes. ` worth !3.00.!o1 02.00. ` evomng. l The Truman lunily ol Kinpton will give 3 concert in Trenton on loudly. Fob. ma, undu the supine: of St. An- , nL___I. urn!- Ir. Snowden sold two brick boiuq Iiuntod on Gordon nnol. talcum Juno: Ilcbood and T. Mills on Sun!- owning. `FL. 1`- A meeting of St. Juno!` Church Von- lryhu been called lot Monday. the 16%|). to vats the new incumbent`: Iti- anon we run Culinary- Athieffron Nqnnoo Itch 10""! to... swggm, of Bollovillo. and in nnotwurln poled :0 Cotonm n..4 _: n._ ._-_. .a....|. -high in hninl VII IIICTWINII @088] II vvi-VI--Iv Part of the not (lock. which in being built for Ruhbun t Co I` W` 0 n A, u_L.._4I-- ninhl onus lot uunoun uo.. u u... ......- Inmwill be sunk by Saturday Iii! I- UT} "W ' not hugnln union ma .:`..2.;;' [Union uvinl union will ho had in Ibo Thml Ioilollht ohllroh thin wool. connu Bmhon. Aloundrh BI!- Iro building an udditlon to (hit deal 01 tiny-loci last. A womunwulucd M0 udoo-In lo!` hoping liquor in hot homo mom!!! '9' lo on the 110: olJIl||l"!'- A AL:_pA___ \l._.-g4 -QAIA in-III! `rte cny paid: that every -an shall do III Ilny. ouiuu i Gl0BGH,EIaIJO'I"3 WORKS. in 8 1012., ICU! Ill. for `CM. Ioj X jofbilwil` L-jv&l2IX?v 'l`lll-`. Bltlrlhll '1"Ii()lJBLl-I34. IIOIDHIB OI `I'll DAY. IKELLI wueu sucu uncuq -.- ..v. ...._ . 7 ed by those who seek to profit. by than livery lcgitunlt-3 grievnucc` of Her) I part of the oznpnrc Inll he ruin.-uae.|. large Iuonsures of Home Rule nhonhl in` given tu'eIch section III the Iuturusts of the whole. but fmth must be kept vnth lovnl men everywhere uutl II. All buz- nrdi. Secondly, all In-.|n.s no new full lou anal of the p(:l I|3 that lhnckcu urouu-I those bnvo hours-a who hum gone on the royage of relief and who am now on the -lrseit. more than u th(.uK:I.u-l tulle?! "away from grand (Intro. I It scams hard that just when uklnvermco mu At bind. the cry should he. " l`oo late." lsnoema -Lu: -.. .......|. I.`.\4ul .n.l nncll hloxxl. as they think of the late 1.! gnlluut Uur ago thv nuc-rings:-I (ineld nuul tut- aympnthy evoked on thoother side of the ruler lrl the nu work. they will help to bring on that grant foderntirm of tho luture. which one ul our own citizens hu in strong and dignied lnngnnue re puteully urged us to cultarnbo. ls not : such n prospect one to inspura nut In It not I thing to pny I0! 1' In I`. not I thing worth nanng purchuel with blood `.' Un tho nther hund, 1 Je- terminntion on the part of nll sections of the Hngllnh npcnking people and of all sections of English politicunu. that it i-1 aimplv out of the question to hand ova-r the Ioynl minority of In.-hunl to the tou- drx mercies ol 3 tnnjonty whmw ngenta are cnpnhle of such .-utmic Inckeducu. We have 1 right to speak of them as ngeLts when their du-dsurv notdnsavow. . . , .1, ,_- _|.- -..1~ on m-nth lm th. In the xlmuul nc-. " Iuu uw. -. ........`. `mid so much lI)<.) an-l mclu nhouhl apparently lmvo been who-I xu vuu. But. [nu it. been in vnuu 1 Nu? Tlmt. bl )o was needed to awaken Hug- unllul J hrr 3 VI lml. 0| )0! Wu! uuulu-u vn nun .. ...,,, I Iunl out of 5 -lronm thnt Home of her peoplu were dreaming. Men were '| rKCl' u ung the simple scriptural pnucnplos that rigmo.-ousness onltoth a union. a uni that riglntcousucu IS iucompalllnln with unmply uelmug our uwn mater.-:1 Inter I can Ind selshly __..... -.... nun--uh:-ra nl HTIIIIII. vIII\nu.uup..u. ..... ........_.. Men in England. like men Ill Canmln l end Amerlcl. hncl been changing the old l gnunl won! into "Wealth exnltcth I nation." end were [or gntheriug all this I weelbh that could possibly be qccurnu- l laud round thelneelvea link they might. spend it. luxurioun y on tliemm-Ives. I Could men think than this was procai- cable in 1 world governed by God 1 For merly Mnmmon wen dreaded. nay. doe ` pieed on a devil. He won the "leash ` erected spirit which {call from heaven." but now men were beginning to think Shut they should honor Memlnon as Goa. l Wealth does not make ncountry grant. also Asaxrin and Persia in ancient. and Ilexico and Peru. in modern times. would have been great. Populntion does 9 not make a nation strong, else China ` I 1 I woulcl be strong. Fertility in not the eonrco of greatness. else-Egypt would nlwnys have been greet. I-Intent of do- minion does not nuke n country grant. also the cruel Spain ol Churlel V. would have been greet.` Righteonnneee nukes 3 country great. and the pee: hinory ol Britain should prove the: plninly enough even to the blind. "' - -_ L__ -A I.-- Innnn with Brita; and I um henna: oi the l unod aux. -7.he u-Jbh-~L In My of turn on tins nulv :-! tbr ocean. 'I'hns- utu-nuces and {Du- euactuzouu they zprofuce WI lulp to weld t-gather the lit) gran. Huglnh spealnng peoples. Just In 1 Ion: y-an -hvl -mun will -- -|, PLEKKAITB WORKS. in 8 volumes, Ioh Il4.00. for $10.00. " UCWVT We I-- -- --. thooghtthotdvoo poooootoll tinooto prophet and pullllilt. When the notion which roprooootol 0od'o ooooo on oath in oldoo doyo woo throotoooil. hy coo- mieo oo iioinerono on-`I pewoi-lo] that they roooiiihlod the wovoo oi the ooo. thio woo theory. To tlioworld gooe- olly the word woo. "Johovoh roiano. lot the eorth rojoioo." To liio owopooplo it woo "Jehovoh roigoo. lot the people tremble." 1'o~doy the otoao in [or not or. the iiiterooto inolo oeaipliooted. the ootoroiiinitoly inoro ooiiierooo thoiiiii thooo tiinoo. hot tho pnnoiploo on which tho eorth io goverhod no the some. lnlteod of losing oiiroolveo in tho owirl of ovoiitu wo ohould ooli ounolveo. In there not o lioy by which we con unlock them 9" '1` here io. Iii God : word we mid tho fundomentol princi- ploii ot llio government. llu lit the llio porpooeo on order. lure ond groce. He will bring to nought the wrath and crolt of men. Hui work on oath will he dono by liiiinon ogooto end He will ovorriilu oven moire oiiio to His glory. Keeping thoso priiiciploo in mind we con we I mooning even in the terrible events which hove occupied oll men -i miodo within the put ten doyo. |"inI. we heonl that the hiotoric lioll. which is the centre of tho: empire which is the lieort of clirittomliui. hnil been wrecked by miiicreiint-o. WDOIIOCHI` olty. brutality and ooworihco nuk them win: friends. Huuiuiity wow shocked. Mon exclaimed. How an oocii.-ty he kept Lugetlier when it liorhuro cmoiuieo who Coll plot owl oxocuto iiucl. dc.-viltryi ii women. I chili! Wlioiii arr We to ..o..-i \\'.n A wnrtliluasi lieiug. iiiov fire the mine WUKIII II I lllr. :1 1|!` pm. a- ...._.V V II: this cost. of ulnch lhev have been bought. Iin Hm nun hand the n~~Ilu~ uoustf Lhr Home of lleproocuulxvm ul ullcd suns I -I , ..._l_. nu-y u... . . . . . . . . _- trust .` \\'bM II In come of whnz has come of II. nlu-adv no! nos twu result: Lhn are Ynuuhy Oououlhu Hall III wall lled. Principal Gnu was the truths. And his was um mm mm Pu]-ou:|u.. xovn . ad 1013.: 'l\IlaIlIoInnh" u,I.L....n. .3..." Thus in Ibo to we uunu. Well, no how It bun beon_with Britdii nod Egypt, including the Sondon. Eng- lnnd nooded the Suez Canal for her mn- torinl interacts qul thought the could ntihzo it, and. fomiom. examine the right of sovereignty without curing how it might be with the mates of the peo- -I_ am. v.u.:...... nnuhl. anivar under it Illllll be with we mlueu In tuu .-....- pie. The Felhbeon mmhs qnivor under Ihe com-bub. and the negroeu ,0! she Sandal; be thomictimu of the glue ind: - -~- ..--.. 0.... .....u.t'I.an um. I 30001! no Iua,vmuu.uu un Iuv ....... ..__- ' us they have been for connt'lesI oeu- turioa, Well. In have been taught that Incl; II impossible. How anxious. too. tho of the `empire Inn boon to oironnootiho the ., ` ___-..__.._....__ VIEWING THE SITUATION nun qu-Inn quunuu. lg -my wanna mwuunmmdam ~. \r.---. .. BLHUEL BIIIAIT WORKS. in 4 vols. wont MN. lot 03.00. * mm Inn-olcoaliod. --v -.v-.... ... .- ` ) 0111. Well, undcrnuucl n I given, lllI_\' u~l c1-pt. it. Which 1 Efyllpcls-. lhsmnrck 13 12min nll. u Ins been onk-red lo lento Berlin for 1 test. Re.-V. IL. I . Llnmmund no cstryiug on guccvulul rentals .n Liven-ool. Eng. .~ n ,,..,.,.u l\'..\n :.-1.;, 5...)... Illctrxxsun Icvnouu nu ...-`- A. C. Campbell. of the III.-J` `elected \'u-0-l`ro:-ai-I-.nl 0! the let)". (nuwa. . ...,. .......a om. um um! M. J. Ii--emnn. M.l' . n! H least. In. been gun-t.!.-xl eurgeou"of the 47th Butt. vibe J.-um-u .\lc(.`nmmou. Il.l).. 1|:-ceued_ Ii W. Uurrcx. _\I I). Klugatan. bu Inca been Ippunulml ussnsunt. |\'-nnoth Cumnron. son of Hector Cum:-run. Turonlo. has obtained bin cou;m.\<:.,aniu the .`.r;;yll anal Suther- lnu-I lligbluuucr.-. through the Raynl .\hm.ur_v Cullcgzti IL KIDL'sI0l.I. llun. Mr. Bowel]. nccouxpaniecl by 'l`ho1uu1 v\"uIw and Mr. (ieorxo Tntlor. M.l"s. viuitul Uanano-Ina on Satutdny and mspecu-I lweut_V1.lIrev hclqries in opentiou there. In the evening I meet iug at Cunsvrvntives was held. _ , .9 _ |ug.~ I Iflnytrr vrun nu .. -.. From the ubovo oxlnct ll `Ill be seen that the committee 1;-pouch--I to look out Ami racmumeuul I punt loll the ucuuvy m >1. Auulrew a Church made: man and goo-I M-1:-cuan. And the congre- unlmu may cuusuler them-elven fortu- uu-. m-In-1 ll Mr. Jufdlll. to whom we unumuoun call In: been uvl H to be In: duty lo Ic- , 1 , .L_ ._--- An can in mm but _ouo~` ........~..,_. Rev. J. (5. erynipels.-. n _ Itev. Mr. (`mmbu-. of Scotland; (nest of l>r.l`-rnn\'n.prenched in St. Andrew`: ` Church mornwg and awning yesterday. Mr. Hmtlo-. Clucfrf Palace, 61 Tran- ton. ape-II. Saturday nnxl Sunday in the city. He appurs to be onrislnngm I AIDQIICID uuwa. tho` In-cl IIIUCI u .u-r....,,. St. Andrew's Church. Halifax. L. H. Joni-n. B.D.. putot. hold their usual nesting on the l`J|.h uls. 1!. Cu 3 icy oboorlul meeting. the hat S5. Andrew`: has bad lot many 3 long year. Pruquh ... lnunnnrl and uni:-iLng]_ coating; to |l.III1 Ibo People Whoa I-no-can. saying; a r Dung: Au:-not Passing Alloullun. lery. Irtllwn. Chu, Cluu-. the not--I truuz nun. but nnwo-I and can lm follnxl at the Britnh ' Amt-ncnn Hulol. - .. .~_A._.L... ..l gnnolaml n anon}. homo: whose dearest vain hue Intu- od the desert. bu boon shod in van. u dun um: nu: ma nuv--. ---, rubbing. it may he vitlnlm blood. British Iovnndocdonund Inn-hdul jauioo shall In ad-`uhaudnll along lbouoioot Nib coin nouns. Light will pounds the dark continent. The .. .4 ma .n..|n..1n||1hd. We um um. Ffsnv um ms nu Y.| Ital VAIIIETIS. `Ill pouuruo IIJI I-IIII cu-an-uo. -.... purpoou 0! God than he lallllod. hnoonlylnuootoinhnwouoonlho rightuldgndu wane Hi: pllpoou noting nlovlyurl gnndlyou In their __-;__.:-.,n ._.I .1 ......I -ill in man has but lot long year. a may..- nly. telnponl and spirited, I Ix l.\`ClI.\`T cnu-.-..u.. seems to possess remedical powers of grut eicncy, It both: the xrriuxnon of thathrout and lungs. Into: pure Mood and builds up and fonzes the syntem agnnlt further :-snn-(`I hv ni-nun "-i."""d" ".["l I `V, n,_;-- L-_ A.L-. ' lull Iuuuwu hut: . inroads by aineaao -u- sr"' 1-. _--.,-, sud will give nnumbor ol Bnusinnin some D '1ma."-t1'1md"1mn~ht- bale-teal in ~ ----._ ._.... {Mar Ijn m Ilol IRE] In luiuvvvu---.-.._` Ihtlnqhinsvoyudut-pIhn.I.II|IIII thylnulauudthuhvcunot. Nan tlnuhonnulhlulollhn huh: bconnhed Bdhhvill nottlloinly niahky to within`: (main no`! 1.... -..I |...1 than v ` 5; -E_CHTACL_D'_I`:AR_Tl.'~I_I_7_" Fresh Cm-pelts ind Iluus otnlatot _-....nw :1: ,,_..n __A nL._ _._|J IL: ` A Large; Nmber of Remnants --- -mo .nzI lnv inmnd .. _... O-.. __, that we wish to clear om. nnd fully intend to do no if prices hulnnything to do with n. I `It you need svscnnnss or no lihly to need them. Gama Ind use those: porlupu one o! than will unit you. 1, -_ -_- ......|-. 1;... nf l.;xnron' and Im- one ol them Inll nun you. I In our regulnr line 0! [Anton u` Hot tin Goodnwollnvo nlngo sud new |-)rt men: just to land. J.WILsoN 1 -:1 ln 1.21 Al" OUND AT LAST-4 remedy up-rut edtoouro hudundno 0ornI.Bnn- noun, Callounen. ac. Human`: Into Con Saul. ln human. 15 ch. 13 With`! Drug lnrn uncut um! Tic [u In W. REEVES` mm. 1.103 '1`!!! BEST WHITE .1.lRTB.| hon luvs I lap uuomnonl lo 3 1: about mu. 0 THE PU3Ll0-I. J. LEI hallo only FIRST-C 88 BABBBB 8801 anun -I1. Both nquulngl. Ego 1 ml] nnsrx:uss`unn:a auur intho uty. Rooms Hot was Inns: and mint. Goal vult- ..._I.h udnnduuon nu-unud. Epo- Senator Sullivan left (or I We hue uaood our lvoyiuuu-u-u;. H. & J. CROTHERS Inmuxarox Brill! ,___.. .o- 4 mcv. nu. J0llM!l`8 snucl.` " _ o O * - ((`1-fig ]\||'|,s|0 III` PIJR8 cod I.|1-at on wm. uyporl-0-vh|3t ... ..~nn.vp\-1- r \tIl'Il'1 l(|l Jun 1`J. numerous asset. Vin . thus Announcing 1 Induction so qwuzpung in tin! vein." 1 -->-o- | EK.\0.\Ah CULI` I .\. ouu rm-rt-Mm . I. :1. Hrocxvnllo :3 III with II so can nu; --..., -- __ _- hope may he the cue. TI]! TEE m1BBET. BAKERY. lu v t: 3-uv-. nu... Lhe III: fr. has been L Press Gd- r Ulnwn this, 1 V$l.500.00 Worth of mm llllorcldiilg I To be sold at almost '11:: cl-IEAPSIDE. (In- |J_QHN LAlDLA_W____z_ __(_)_N isowzs 8: BISONETTE I)I.`{`I'I\'I3`r\ "PAW I Su Cue: Handsome Scotch Giughrns. Rich Design: III` New Colui. We will run the show.-Good: 3| me. They are really worth 150. LLdIes please csll and see the thou: n pg-1: __. Steamboat Ilgggrs. Illl In In all Ililousllm ,,_.g L... -5 Black Cashmere Jerseys, (Ladies), BRAIDED, FULL BACKS AND WELL MADE. I | Ladies Drawers from 30c. Ladies Chemises from 30c. i Ladxes` White Skirts from 40c. Superior Quali- ' ties as Cheap in Proportion. Conic:-Iloucry. l>`loI-Ida ornngcs. sweet Figs and Grapes. Choice Cakes PASTRY THAT x `. NT BE BEAT -``l \rnu ' LARDINE, for general lubricating purposes. is unex- celled. and our CYLINDER and other Oils have no equal. Highest Awards and Medals wherever exhibited. WVALSH 8; STEACY F.x.c<>Us1N1:AU&C0. u5_:i:9LL BROS. 8.60., Toronto. \7\d A L911 & STEACY Lo OK HERE 2 : mm: All! UIHLEABHED. TWILLBD um rum. THE `GREAT oosT PRICE SALE 4-OINCH. . :5 42 INCH. [PILLOW COTTONS! "M, 8-4, 9-4, I04 SHEE'l`lNGS, New imporhhcna 01 Tons. Sugar: And Colon. and othcr articles in the nude. A ViIi`- lqollllly solicited. compo: .* G comm (or sun 1: yuan "envy 1w-nu Sheath: for um no nmln Bonn Chlclld shining for um Iylnil 5 do II mom- iyudusarlot flannel mum I-`halal lot CLO. bl: Wldn Quilt for !l.N. rowel: In OLD. 000 `I. I Halt-PIIOO. -T111 Ei3i`E_`:E""& { cnuunzsn .. ,_-.- n:._ um- II. and Ill In-I-nun: land. IIN[1?OB.T.A.ElT TO Hotel Keepers & House Annawolinthnanbnhd0u.,0;InIhDouIHI&|dD|lI1%I&. Ono cu. Pluintndcolorod ao.a1-.u.x.i.-.-upo_-u.u.Imtmn. wnonxsnn nuoss. comnupuaupu. - 500. on the Dollar. lclark Zuliinnqea P05. 1. lifiif Ir.PrinaIs-&BIant8trnds - inns: where srou ca-in set .._.|_ n..._ I THEY ARE A BARGAIN. JAHE8 BEDDEN. McCo11';;-C"e`1';151?`ateE1 Oils. ': T T? T ` Opposite City B0011. In. as. . \ .\NKl{L'P1` STOCK NEW GOUDST T>N`EW*GA(')0 S ! I" l'IlllI'r l`.-IIsIo- 1 .. II-Illhn. Gl.\"I LlIl.\',-[ hnvo used I U'I`TNl5`R'S EIULSION OF COD-LlVER OIL. ha . for A number of years. and Inn! found it a remedy of great use in nanny (onus of disease. ecpoonlly in Pulmonary l`0-pIIIIIl. Scvoluln, Ana-In. mud in (net in nnv state of the system showing I nlruun OOIDITIOI or mu moon, with ucl or 10.13 and deterioration of vihl forces. I have sllo nsid it. with very much lntinfution. in Wasting Diseases cl Children. nnd uomo otbar ooIn~ plain: incidental to ohildhcod. R. A. DAKIII. Fvewnn. Nov. 1381:. 1834. ' LI I IlIm-r Emulsion (`o.. llnulhx, In --- . I L--- ..--.a Dl1'I"I"\EI-`ll Have Just Opened Out a Lot of DR. DAKIN, of Pugwash, N.S.,` says: BE SURE AND ATTEND Orusotol -__--_., -,-, , Will save money by using RECEIVED T0-DAY 1' - - Opposite Into Windnor Hotd. ::-j-j IOI PIIINCIIIO ITIIBT. 71-: III BIC III] Princess 89.. 44 INCH. SEE THEM. Do, V,` g. pughuon an o! ......-nccnn mnnwn :1: 1: Ornlot ol Banned 6'ooa_s 2a Specialty. U011 WA: in puu.u--- I1w- -. I DICKENS` WORKS, in 15 volumes,` worth 022.50. for 015.00. , amimid Provisions Onlolol z1u:nY&:uI_:11_A_y s.[ BLEIIIIIG SALE I otsld ol NEW ! NEW I IILARGI VII Ianvoyulruduumxy. run 1' 11- I fjt VALIIIIIIII CIAII. III A-A--nnlnl Hardy & Murray's. Iitinclusz now 1: Yonauuhabuynutol i THAUKEBATS WORKA. in 10 volnm. worth 015.00. for 810.00. Table Linens ! A? 1 Chill Ulloll All) I0 hablobvlhouu Hardy & Murray's. HI} ; St-. Immg A -_:.._..._ ._ fiiijiulne new. Pobrur; 4. THE I'llt:8'f l88l|B'l'I}:l1' Hardy & Mun'ay's.1 mm t:oImus.l Grey Cottons Youenndono at I'll PUHUI I5!!! UTISPT. Ehan Bread (but has no 94111:]. l:lI1$_; snug-n-up`. -__. than Glnghuu and run (loch uholhn M EDUCATIONAL . Henderson 8:. 00's. o CHINA TEA HOUSE. svumus. In no mm .1625. II THE CITY. LADY who in hoon eudnny uunod in the low nthod of oduening the voice, vuld hcglnd to gun a low pupiu to mount: intho us at nanny. Andy lo NR8. W. B. l'0lDoult.1uyu'r's mic Elm-e. Prlncesn street. \ILI\I J. Luna Inuxno: Dunn. ei. In-rs lnprdvuneltn I The improvements committee of St. V May : church met yeeterdny eftanoon. I It was stated diet the tenders for the proposed improvements called for an expenditure of 990111). New tenders. will be asked {or end disposed of next. September. The nddition to the spring I will not be us great as was at lint; contemplated. ` whlpkey lumlng I Young Ilnn. \\`. Bcanchunp. was charged at the Police Court this morning with having , carried may from Mr. S. Cox .-i i-stab lishment a purse containing 36. He pleaded guilty and said he committed the then whileintoxicetod. The magi I tnte reserved his decision in order to` ' l ,n._. `L- ....-5 Al - ..l.--.4-hm hldlng Collection: g The United-Staten Consul has been I notied that the collection of tonnage `duty of three cents per ton has been aunpeuded on I vessels arriving at my port in the United sum from any port in the Dominion of Cunndn. This ac- tion ha been brought Ibout by the Irithdnwnl of tonnnge dues from Ameri- can vessels st Cuudinn ports. The movemmt is therefore reciprocal. III: luavlvvu una u.,v.n.-... ... v.....- enquire About the sort 0! I chnncher I the prisoner ha been loading of lute. _".:*.__ 1 -av-uu --.... __., - The. eervioe in St. Bury`: Cetbedrnl ` yceterdny were very impressive. Pre- vionsto High Men the candles were bloeeed end the customer] procession in connection with Cendlemu Day took pleco eronnd the aisles of the cethelrel. The Rev. Fether Kelly oizxeta I. Father Twohey eddreued the coJregn- tion. Vespers were celebrated in the `evening. There were e Luge number ol oounnmnioente in the morning. lujuvd by 3 Full. Samuel Shut. an aged maidens of Brook street. went outside this morning to empty Inter into A drain. He slip- ped on some ice. tell forward, struck hi: i bend Ind Ina rendered inseusihli-. A cut on his iorniienal was stitcliui np by ' Dr. Dlpnin. Mr. Shnw was improving ' this afternoon. i .1110 In lhocoqntty. U Fire occurred :5 the promises of P. & `W. E. Ward. Front Road. yutetdny , L_.__-_ 4.: .... -...l I.-.n- Thu W. h. Wu. l'l'UIlI nauuvu. ,u--muu, morning hotwetu three. _nnd four. T119 houm And wooduhed were burnt to the ground. Wm. Moore and 1-ldwud Young were thlnocouponts. Hqoro loot ooulidenble property. Young got his oectu out. The re cnught in Moore's bomb and is supposed to bus begun in I chimney. The tenant : furniture In | not inaurod. The building: yore worth Dill). won insure}! for 85(X)r I ` all-I-3 us nu-w no-... On : Sntutdny night the polite raided ,8 dinoraerly homo on -Wellington street. and found the occupant! In I hilmonl oonition. Throonpldiors and two wo. men were arrested. Ono soldier nim- `ugodtooI=npo._~0n the oor sblnck 1! H8 In sun I All uvuuuu u. v`. glllon. W. J. Wihou. skntlnfnt Gnnnloqu-. tinnnnoquel amusements are .-kntmg carnivals. On Friday evening there van 3 racing contest. Alex. Pelow mule 3'0 lnpa nnd won n nlver wntch; S. Mnc~ kenxie second 75 laps and carried 0!! O3. Eighty laps were equal to three and two lth mileu. Boot. Iron and who Is I good stimulating `.omc nu! bod It is olten prescribed by our phyucmns, and Inn. we believe. nhrnys given (0011 results. The prepantiou made Al. the Pbumncv" is thoroughly rclisble. and is sol I in bottles at 50c.. 91. And bv the _.II.... I I Yrilann ~,'",.] ;:'...=.' 9;. On bottle and 3 tumbler were found, chai- ing an came oi the tevlry. Atjhe police court this naming Mn. 0'Rielly .... nnmni with humans norderlv `PO 5: lllrum ol the llnptou Inaoaln Hones; An- nuuso on u in Iluonlr um at 1:!) p m. ; The lnleze-In cl Kingston Ire largrly at slnlsc. l.eI Ihr vole ol every clllzen say so at the -rc-nug lo-night. at- Pam XUKD lllll ivnuauu aI-I-- V l"`V wu dnrgodvmh keeping a tlnorderlv home, In. En. McCotuI|ck as ,An in- nub, ud lean. Gordon. Murphy and I n___. -.` :........p... 1')... Ilnaii-gnu j DB8. IIIILLIVAII C u |IlBt."lI'. I`Ij`blrhI~o. Surgeons. rte. ll. hu.uvAs, 11.0., I.W.GAI-l.l1`l'.I.D- 2 Inn; St. n.uL 1-)) Wellington 5:. Pub Q I Ihh Lobulc 1 on noun. nu Inu nlispu. ."IqIh cl 15-Augu- : cord thdrlnll. and all: tum. [gs ot Pu-baton. fhxhy. gallant (id! IIC'i"lIBQII. Henderson & {Ids} I`II IIOUIAI IIITIDOI of tho Olly hill Jaltolahnlo. :50: Thu 7-.._;;':.e-"".'::--"..,".:-.=.-.=..:..-`-3 CAUIIX I C, I011! Inn-alc.unuuIcnunnu-.un-- II ll)-. lac Inuunlnluvvn.-.. urlnnu '-"-"'-*'-`-".-=-.:..', nnuluhn. 7 Cnxnvu. at [In Iona Rink Pl'Il.lI! Inn-no In the City Hall u 3 sun I1:-on. ughgnnoluallauu. oulsumdayniuht ti-epoliwi .- , _._J-_l_ I-111!-A nn -Wnllnnntnn I UIIBIIUI ; WILLIAH BLACKS WORKS. in 15 vole, worth Ql6.00. for 012.). j CITY AND VICINITY. L `on Ionuv. an an uai.v an e\1aw vs "I wonl-l not think of sllowin;_' sol- diers." she ui-l. "to march behind me carrying hsnm-rs ancl boating drums if their ul|JM,`f. inn not to unlvenca (lol's cause." Thouigli they did not know uiuvh avs ..-. l 1`:.)i Ils" ivmlr things to confound the ` mighty. When she saw the srmy on l the market square us she penned her miud wan-lered bsclr to the time when she first came to Kingston. Then the people were slraid of her. Now they crowded the equere and the barracks. Pathetically she reviewed her allegiance to the Salvetion Army. end suit! the: al- though she lied \'I:f_\' little strength to continue the fight she was determiuml to die uu.iei the army colours. She hopel the soldiers would renew their vows and be more active than ever in tliclr OIL 1' they wanted a lively army they wanted live soldiers and offi- cerw. She remembered that one time the Kingston papers said the only fshlt they lied to nd with her was that she laughed ton rum-h . salvation Army sol- liers ha] in much joy that Lliey could not help latigliing. ln concluding she saiil, "1'-ul bless you." If she never met them ngsin on earth she hoped to I meet llH'I1l in heaven. She hoped every step tliu !s()lvll'I'1 took. and every note they sang. would he done to the honour and glory of God. She bended over the colour: to Capt. Holuiam, who said that she had promised to fight in the Selve- tion Army till she died, Ill although she was over ELOIXJ mile: from home ah blzsseal God she was in soldier in the Salvation Army. When she left Kings- ton she would urge the eoldiers to ght on and try and bring the city to the loot ol the cross. nu _.I.I:___ AL-.. .._.... ill .-lg. eh. OI EH6 CIUBII. The soldiers then sang. "l'nder the Army Flag and the customary testi- monies followed . UIIIIII on _ ` KAOAULATB COMPLETE W0iiKS. in 6 volt, worth 09.00, for MIX).