IN cums. -1 - um! um: And the best Driving Ilorses II the City. iwholzanle undketnil. j-rm-: HIST IN THE IIALKET. ma non: ulna new lnnnnu uu pcniudoinBminu|inCcnub. annex E` BOOTH. rnuu-`IN(`.l\`.lu-I. Vane] Azania sud WI `VOL. LIV. unnvn.-n 1-aux; unu: II9. J. I. OIJVIBI. I NSITIIAICB C01 . Wood and Coal. Insurance. R Pun. llunnu no--Nuhol an una- Ilhu II Illili .A.- P- cHoWNe! nnggm. l24Princess St. | .q _- ..;...x.:... D... H... H,-u-:1 ` C ( ompauy urunnnce asore Lurpu. lulnnt.ry-l-It Bntulnou Roysl C0l.~.C 1+: Battalion Hoval [nah regiment: ls! Butulneu \0rl(slure regiment: '..'n Bat ulnon. I-Luz Surrey ; `. .nd llatulnon, Duke of Cornwall Lngln lnlautry: lot Buuliou Royal Sussex rogiment: in Baculiou South Suanlolxim regiment: In Bul- ullon lilnck Wntzlx or Royal lhglnl3nd- era; 2ml Batulaon. Essex rogiuwut; lat Battalion llerkslnro 'renimonl.; Isl. list- ul|on_ lhyd West Kent: 3nl llntuliun. King ! royal ne cups; lat Bnlulnon Gordon lllgl-lunxlers; lat Bnltalwn Cameron llxghlauulers. y T... mm. \\ -.t.~l. uml Snflortlslxnre \-uluuu ..................,. The Mn.-`n \\'.'\!,ch :1 rr;:iu1(:u'.v-n|r-- ml`: Eu llhn I . -\'n'. lr|~|A and S uitl. liunrnl Bullet. Iulnaz c.;1.~._.~L:-I 0| ni I I Wt": l|u-~1r_-'. Uxreet rzuml rap. xu I" I `...__._....-.. I A! ....-inn- OBI! BWIIIIU. Aida-do-Clap-I Wudlo_ In- jor Bmngll. Lwut. Chm. Lion . dye. and Capt. hold 6. BII'0n10l'd- m.`u.l of SnI--Ilnior uuaonl Buller. and Capt. hon! u. nuuuom. Chic! of Sal--Hnjor Uononl Aido-do-Cnmp-Lord F: 4!. (ion- enl Bullor in prohnbly at Uubut by this time. luv-iug Martel from (hkdul on Friday has \. nth the Royal Irish and Susan regiments. am... minunn. and uunnermuwors Icy. (`nulry--l`JIh Huuuu. Arnllory-B Brigade. ti Buttery. '. .ud Bngnde, I Battery. (nth and 6th Scottish lnusnona: lat. Butery. Soutlrcm Divi- slou; Ssh. llth. 17th and `IIBLII Com- panies. Royal I-lnglneen. Douchmous of Telegraph Battery and halal Pnrls: int: and llth ('ompn.nien Commuurut; I C Company Urdnnnce Store Corps. Inlnnt.r\'-l-It Royal llxgnlauulers. I*ln: n unnl Stullorclslxlra Earle`: column. and th liwnl Sussex regiments (iumnl The force at (iulm: ninety men of the Mt : three tlxvmons ol the r up. nbout l,(l)l rut-n lcotnposel of various regiments, nnul unw lifun .laclu.-ts. 450 mounted In funtry. n Ruyal artillery battery of 44! nu-n. 31) ll )_vnl engineers. 50 men cf the naval l-rxgtslo. the Royal Suwvx regi- ment, 3:`! stmn-,1. 3) men of the liaccx regununt, SH men 0! the transport corps. nnl as many of the medical staff corps. Tlnoue were nrnawhtxt reduced by the ghting: nt (laknlnl. sad the leta:hrnenl. l-:lt ther-. but have also been strength- ruul luv tlw arrival of 1 camel corps. some Royal Aetilluy und part of the IL. nnl na 1 l is u lollownz Gononl Uoar Commanding in Ohio! -Lord Woluloy. It pan! on Kati. uihnn saontu-v--Lioutonsnt-0ol- -Lord Woluloy. II puns II noun. Iilnhry Soorotu'y--LioItoIunt-0ol- one] Swsino. I ' Aide o-OIInp- udlo jormngh. I A II l.._4l . I __J (I, Tho fans at 0 under tho oou- I and of W nuuhon about 8.!!!) Inn. And is divided intothuo diviuon. one under command ol Col. Wilson. Ml!) non ; one about the tuna ouang with Oomlulo. Iowontho nuchh Bo:-her. sud iholhird with Gen. Volu- loy II Korti. oton thn way thither. Bo- nidu than than an anchor douch- mants II Gohdul walls. when Stowut had his Ins ght: It Aha Klan. whom Burnaby wu hlllod and whom than no 1 lug: number 0! wounded non, sad I {ores under Gen. Bullet. lat reported on the In] In-om this Int point to On- hcl. The ooinl Ihlomont ol the force is lollown: n.......| `hm... n..m..ulin- in chin! Byvmzroi-BAD!` _ -51'.-...-. .-. annex regiments. Acting Adjutant. and Quuiermuwm --Uenenl-Colonel Fun and Col. W. F. Butler. Col. Butler in with Gen. I-Lula`: column on roule round the bend 0! the Nnln lot Berber. l\......o- 1-9:...` Aminhnt. gnu! nnnrl.:~.r- Nun [of newer. Deputy-Acting Adjutant so-I quarter- mutor genonl-l.xeut-Col Allyue. mindier uanenl--Inior (ioucnl \\'. elIIl'Il-laIeIl|.-bol iuiyue. Brigadier Uenernl-lnjot 0. Lennon. Ai lo-de~Cunp-CnpL B. llolineii. Brigade MnjJr-l.ient.-Col. IL W. Gordon. Brigndior Uotienl - .\I|]0l' Honors] Dnviu. Aiilede-L'nniu- Ll.(uI. C. Dauglu. lirignde Major - I.iou1.-Col. 'l`. B. Hitchcock. Brigadier (hncnl - 51:30: 1-eneml Freinuitle. Aida-ile~L`iimp-l`.npL T. Wtophnl. Bngule Major LientCol W. I-Z. Kol- lav Tl.c tuilitiry critic 0' the London 'I'uu.: wriluil as follows, on Jul). 26: The tn-ll l.(-fore Ueucrnl I-lnrlc must u.u.t m.L l<~un~lcrrnu.-I. It i-I in fact, i~ouiL:.lnn;_: if an (-xperinient in warfare. uutl uuc \\lnL`li dues not by any means uun'.-ranlly recommend iL-tell. To the succo.-.~.s ul the lied River expedition the highly special character 0! the present operations Isl largely due: but it is as mil to remember that the reletively ernull force which reached Fort Garry found It deserted. that them went not the shadow of resistance anywhere dur~ lug the advance. end that tho clinnte was practically that ol England. Uuu. Eerie has luur British infantry bette- lious. n squldron oi hunters. Ind some 25 engineers. about 2.211) men. all of whom will light like Stewart`: gallant troops and with the sdnntlae 01 being organiz- ...I an an nhl naQ.Ahlilh,Ad rnaimnntnl and with the advantage 0! Doing organiz- ed on an old establlslied regimental hanis. The Egyptian camel corpe and battery hardly constitute a lighting factor. though the former may possibly be of some value in reoonnoieance work. The lludir of Donola e irregulars would probably, in case of doubt. go over to the enemy. There is certainly no place for them in the ranlia of a Brit ish square. I`l`e special disabilities un- der which a otilla would lie in advanc- ing through a hostile country have been frequently pointed out. These diaabili- tiee will be aggravated by the very small land force accompanying the ex- pedition. It is afurther drawback that unlike Sir H. Stewart. the General in command has had no nrevioue experi- eucc in ghting Arabs. In view of the unexpected numbers and organi- zation of the Mahdi`: levies as recently evidenced. it may fairly be doubted whether Lord Wolaeley has force enough for this divided advance. If. however. it has been decided toreinforce the otilla by two battalions Irom Kor- oeko end to threaten Berber by an ad- vauoe lrom Suakim. the intention to pueh on and disregard the Monassir Arabe ie amplv juetied. ` Army Not What It Should be--The \'olIn- [ leer Syelen Dlecreod. Greet enthusiasm is menifceted emongrr the volunteer regiments over the proe- `I peck that they may soon see some not-- 5 vice, etlour. In home Iznude. Scores ` of regiments have fennelly requested to f be employed in any why tbeithe present `. exigenciee me nuke |dvieeh]o,.n.nd it ` has been d ' :1 to cell onf e reserve (one of 10.!!!) men from `the _nnke of the volunteers. Theee well be mad for - prrieon duty in Englend, to teke, the plane of regular: sent to Egypt end to evoid the nocenity ol weekening the ' Irish gemeon. It in nun:-nod thnl. thn Indian trnons 'GEN.0I:SiLF:Y 8FOBCE8 The front 3! Present I:-. the Dada,` ud Wino 8unIcd-'l'bo olelu sum. mun . II is expected tint the Iltiinn troops_ to be not to uinfotco Gouenl Wolneloy will ho lady to enhuln to-dny. Thov -an mmnrinh Hindon uni Hnhninma In! In many to Gllllltlr _v. Lucy will oolppriob inqoo and Iohunne duh soldier: in equal number. ' It In: been nnunshrl that Lon] ESTABLISHED Lu IOIIIIOII un eqau nnmnor. ' It has been` sogpohtl that Load OIITIOIIING WOIJILII. _.::..- __....j- ,,_._.,_.__.._.. ,,___T_:_%?, xlusrbx. dANADA,717I-1B-iisT)7r. Fauuunzv 12. 1335. uonua oluau. wououy. inc. -1 In- jnhnl-gooonl 0! the Inny. has had 31:.- wutioood oanuol out .u detail: a! ouliunonl and Tho coo- diiionolshontinh ulny at today in oonpnud tolbu ol the 1-inch Iona just below the I-`mono-Prnuin war. when I uplomlid umy ended on papr only. Hiuunru given ol crooks-I decl- iug In the comumnnry Ind quarter-mu tar Joputmentu. and clmrgoa uooponly Imnlu of incompolcucy. luoritinm. nod wilful blinduoa-o in luglu-r quarters. Tin Story 01 Gordon`: Ilu|on-Il|n Lon` Journey and Important-on. -__._-,, _.._ _ ,,-_ H, , The story 01 4 `-onenl Iionloul mnosion to Khartoum In briey u lollowu. In Ihy. 18%|. Huhonnol Achuusk, o! Dungo ls. announced human]! as the .\luhh, the "Directed ol God," whose -lnriue nmmou In L: rolorn: lshm. esublmu umvanul equality. luv. ralnglon and community 0! goods. Hen n member 0! n religlcuu Iruorunlv which has its houlqtnnen II Bsgdod mud rnmncuuui Llzruuglnout :11 lxlam. Ix"-mlotnu nuAl thu western Soulnu fbcke-I L) nu nuulgrl nu Iigypluu furrr uualw the I`.ugh.-uh Colu- unnnler Hicks Pouhn Wm utusrly num- |..I-:...I ....l H... \In|nh wuh hm twin I Lroops were In-sworn nuutuum um: Assonun. 6,10) nn htmrtuum an-I `.'9.tlJU to the south of that I-wn The quen- tlon winch mnlr-ml.-ad the British nml Egyptian tiavermuents was . Are these men to be nbanduued to the hm Inch befcll Hicks Pub: sunny 7` us Lgvp` txan Government was helpless. an! we Bntmh demrml 1; euttroly nbundm the Soodnn. butnaw no cunnment way (or nlmng the threatened gurtlanus. Wham nuru hm! reacbol [hm confu- use tlznanbenou gurnonus. When nurs niou uni uugle. Ueuenl l`-onion lfl`lVcN' in London. January 7. I-'1~|. nnxl 1- I newnpopcr nuuann-w xlechnod um zu- pohcy ul 0.-Vd.cunLIuu menu; as xuassncre. Colonel Cools;-un a nil thuuuud (nth- lul man an Klmrtoxuu would be cut. In places '1 they nusmpzul 1.: escape by i the Red Sea route. The Lnglmn pt pars Imvnedmlc-ly began Lu-lcmnnd mun. clunc-so (ionluu .-haul-I has ucut I.-J L n,__.._.... .....n.1..H .,......., o..n-...n unh IIJU uaou run nun.-,. ..... ....,.,...... r. iuni. cliinv-se Khartoum Willi lull `K)Wtl1t\) Ln-at with the Mahdi uuxl avert the damn.-1. Hun loud ulomnud but its nisuit. unil (wr- ilul win csllexl lo the uni uf the Initial: ('vovei'nmem.. Uu Juuu.-iry I`. 1554. he lull London fur I-Lgypi. with < -m.- I-nu. in La lulu: Wbll iumu-un- he saw lit. lur this retinsmcul. uf the troops and the rash; ration of the D.`|lIV8 tiuvrruluvlll. n.. i.... I ..-...m i . I-`nun: he \\`l`nlF WI IJUL. an hr :1: FINE hunting. lieu. Uorllon IITIVC-l iii (`aim on Janu- Arv `.`l. and lll)llll`dlllOl)' lt'lL'){I Iplll:Il lo Khsrt iuin , "You Are uien. hul. wuuicn. lle not slinid. I am coming. ll. urns! his belief that he could organize uni Army at Khnrtoiiiii sud he said. "lf I sin `, scntl will go sluuc." ['he iu-iiructious `V be l UC('IV0ll from Sir livelvu lssriug wi:re."\'o1i will hour in lulll-l lhsi. the uisin end is the evacuation of the Sun dun.` Before lusving CIHU he stated l that his plisn was to restore the sun of the late Sultan of Uiirfur. to gnu lsn to the Mulidi. null lesvv Fnsho ls sud Bnhr Liszello to their l.lllliVu rulers. lle lounil that the first purl. of his pl.iu, w.'i.l iniprncticiihlo licczuiso the young Sultan of Diirfur was sdinuksnl. (ionlons route virus up i..e Nile vslloy by train ta .\s.~iiut. by steamer tu Wu ly llslfii, and thence: to Koroxko. A luur days` ride on nilroniednry would then carry him to Ahiillnmsr. . On arriving at Berber he telegraphed . I Do not liolhcr at all about us. I hopu the Souilim will soon be in good order." All along the Nile. on his iuurliey, (Sur- don invited the chiefs to go to Khsrtouni to sn nssoiiihly of Notshlus. wherv the independence of the Sou-lnii was to be discussed. On Feb. Hth he telegrsphr.-d from Berber: Just leaving for Khar- toum. (liio yourself no further anxiety shout this part of Soudnn. The people. great and small. sre heartily glul to be freed from sunion which has only caused them sorrow." Four days later (Feb- rnsry 18. 1884). he srrived st Khsrtoum and was enthusiastically received by the people, who rejoiced over his procluns~ tion remitting half their taxes. promis~ my, not to interfere with the slave trade. and recognizing the Mahdi as Sultsn ol Kordnfnn. The books in which the re- cords of back taxes were kept were publiclv burned. He thmw open the doors of dismal dungeons sud made free nisuy wretchad prisoners. A council of notables wss orgsnixed llld Gordon was recognised as the ssviour ol the people. But in March uneasiness began to he felt in Csiro. There were rumors that El Mahdi, with 3(1)!!!) men. would sweep over the desert sud drive the in- del Iml Tlxrk from Egypt. Gordon himself. on March 7. said : "There is o man. The scoop um loot Iowa :1 undo: Goa. Wolndoy conprlul the chain 01 the Army. and the slim- ming process will booompletod by tho dun: nbuutto ho undo. lacy rqt Incnu romuning at homo tn nlrculy nduood In skeleton huualionu. ad ox- portl doc-Inc that it in now ilnpouiblo to plncointhollold re thonund Inca tloucuvournco. Inybiuu china uonud stun. Wolaoloy. who. :1 ul- Inhnlhnnnnrnl nlthn IIIIII. hll II- r.g_\'punu IUll`I' uu-Iv: nu: -.u;;-nun \\.nu lnlnu-J. nu-l Lhv Mnlnh mun his Mac rioul troop-I lhrv.-nu-no-1 Khurluum. The Hgnvtuuu gnrn-nu I`):-re aul other gnrnsou.-s along Ibr route I) the linl So: were beleaguered. Enghl tbuusnwl Stoops between Kluuluum and .u...m..n. sun 2- M11) I a ruining nines between um um: newer. When Gcrdon accepted hie mission he bhoped` that the road between Berber errand Sulkim would be kept open. It ` still remained closed. Even otter Gen. r; Graham captured Tulnr and chutieod Oemnn Dignn. nothing we: done in thnt direction. Gordon emd: "ll Her In- . jean : Government doee not not prompt. . ly General H`:-sham`: victory will geior \ ' naught. end with the-useless expendi- tom 0! blood the effect of it will evapor- ` etc." He. advised the appointment o_l Zebehr Peehe etovlrnoc of Sondnm lh. Ilgonl. IX (lg.-Ann pith ll fl!` lnnn tutu nu-(nun uuno nuunrv jeans]: and clubs npouluho mantel ulooanu the troop lot the new South.- itinn. The uoopolrsluott-otho A nmlu an. Walnnlov mnu CHICUIIIIUU. IL It-bother the .\uh;m~4 nae: um um: n-om ngypl. uoruou himself. 7, nothing further to be hoped for in the way of qllieting the people than hm gl- rondy been accomplished, sad there in ' 3 certainty thst an lime ndvnnoea the | emissuios of the Mahdi will unooeed in ruining tribes between this and Barber. I Wlmn l}rrdnn nnnnrnul him mission he I-Erryw Hayden tenant rum Il'UOVIl nol' ol annual.- on Inch 15 Gotdon with 8,111) men Attacked the robe]: nhlglulveh, und in: , I detector] through the `ttouoheryrol two Pnhu whom he Ilhuvudu Ihot. R:-.4-A K._ Ill...-J.-. I... Isggn hnlnn. rnpu whom no uvauvuua IBOI. 3Il|(o Isy.| Gordon bu been bales- llleld by the Mahdi : koopn. `He has mudofroquont Inccoulul sthokxfupon I'll. sndlnq bun able to and occu- gioml nannies lbolll hip condition. uu his \..I_V'll|:Q! L ; `The Mahdi unghl. lu ....l-a.. .. If -|.. UH IUUUIII IL'L'U|'I LII I vnllcarry out. 11.. um: um .Vull:lu~4 ( I u would accuyl lhc ull rnrrv nut. Hm Lvpl. nc nruu: lell out oi lvln-. be opuolul the rt-~Lul t.-d llgvoluuuu nnooluno that prophesied an open vnnn~r.-uu r ncvax. .I ml the inclc-Iuency v! the 1 Q WEIHIPI tho ununl .\l~'.bo-Inst ruIsuon- ` nry meeting was not very lsrgely AL | l.eode.l.-Tbc week|_v mot.-hugs ol the Ludu-<` Aid Sncnely. nu \\'|lmur. hrm 0 ngacml |umcI.Iou tor the young people of this phce.-Ua 'l`l.ur.--hy en-mug Int 3 party of \`ulln|l_ pooplr (rum um vrllzqm lvrocm-ch-I to tho Ire!-lento of .\Ir. Weir. whens t.hrou_:h mo a-xrrnous ol the host and hostess. n r.-rs` oupyuhic ' tuur wan pp:-nl. --.\lcn:huutn here rn ' pun hm-uuens to be very dull. Bu: Um Mncksunlha and holclke-3|-era arr dmng as rushing boniuus-u.-.-\ r-xucc-rs In I about to be belul undx-r the nuqucc.-so .1 g thy sydeuhnm B. R. .-L B.--Max:201-1. A --r-~~v. -~--- - ` 3 Rev J. E. Lulatone reached-m Sun day evening from u xu xxm.. 5 Mn N lml-Iim: revnvnl nernces M. the hem! of mo lake nppuinuuwut. .\lm- Konll. ' {mm Wolfe lulnn-l. inn guest at J. L. I |`opo'n.-b'. Knight. Is qum: Ill. Hm pe-uu_v runmngn were well am-ndol last week. ~~r()ur school In mnlnng: muk eul progress under the nl~le Innnuganwnl of our energetic teacher. Mr. l-L-lumnls - Tlne lxachelnn me going: to lune A lug: ,\.. |:.a.I.. nnuhl. Wlm. next? A ` The bachelors gmuu so nun-r n m-,; gu" on I-`Iidnv mam. What next? number from here went. over to Glennie V court-rt. ou I-`mlav night and omoyod I ' hterury and mumcgl trout. - Chis No- Ll.` ,........II .II In n-run-nnu.--I Sunun I la`: um. Among mow [Wu- uoul was W. Austin. of Bodfonl. Invol- lor. [or Smith I 0).. Sunburv nu-rubs uu u-xv- -. .\eI oiccrn of mg Reform Avusomn non at Cherry Valk-v , l`m-udc-ut. H. F. Blah.-ly; Vice |`res-1.-lent. I`). Ketrhuu L Hal: ; lixeculuve com Iluiinynn \'n I Rn}Dl'1. l.0'(`\'. lrou.. L run. . l mnlwcs, lhvisxon .\'u. 1, (`Alma S[lnurd. Lawns \'n :' Sunnv hlcnlon. BCWVCI Ill- PIIX. (1 VI? III-U-J ; ol tliphlhel-iI.-A mum hull nlontot I in going In-toned: uddoingn good! business.-The run norm on Monday! night hurt the Ihighiug -'l`hc parties expected from (Honvnle did not make ` than appearance at the hull II the Town Hall. Steven] ponons ten an I appoints-l.-A Inga nnmhtn from 5y dcuhun Illcllddd the Snlvahun Anny meuung on Wednesdny nighL They nppeuod to be greatly uuptuul ml the manner m which the meeting vu con V ducuui. They were ecpocinlly delighted with Polly. .\ very lug-e puny wu` given In! Fnnlu evoumg bv I4-win Smith ul la : lhll. Among those pre- ..__| -.a II` lnnrin n' Rndlnrxl l!`\'Pl- lnterury lnu l.uuIu;:I uuun."\.un-u .-u- - No. qunteull In winter. Is recunr|uu.-- I Thu regular monthly meeting ul llm B|uu Ribbon Army WI be Incl-I onl '||:ur.~u1a_v. l`Jl.h. hr the election ul um i curt All are Iuviwd I.- come. Any ' thing in the literary or musncal hue will ` be gratefully mounted. The peopuo here I nn-. staunch supporters 0! the Scull.` Ao:.---A B C. I , ....-- .,-._..- -__.._. _-. The weather continues very cold.-- Suuuol Knight. has been seriously ill; in he is a popular young man. his ro- con-ry is anxiously looked lnrl~lu.-vi (Irnnston bu l.cen improving: his real deuce hy I new vemndnh. The penny remlings of last Friday night. were [I grand uucceu. The progrnmmo con- sisted of rendingn. mcilacions. music Ind dialogues. The duel by Mr. and Mrs. Johnston deserves spocinl mention. ui... l.A\IInr, nl Svdanhnm. has been Mrs. Johnston deserves spocuu menuou. ;`.\Iiso Lcwlor. of Sydenhnm. has wanting relatives hero.~-(}. Homing aml J. Guess bu-o gone to the ahnnho-I to spend the vi teI;.-T. \V. Sands has re- ceived on or or from Nwhnrgh for 500 axe hslvee Ind 1(1) bnskets.--We are sorry to lose one of our old residents. John Mcillinn. who has removed to Sydonhnvn. Ho bu lived here over 70 years.- An oyster supper Inll be given by the young people in the house vu- coted by tho rtmovnl ol 1'}. F. Gneu. Dancing will be the chief amusement ol the ovoning.-A series of revival meet.- ingu being held here. no well nttondo]. Mr. Bhley conducted the services on last Sunday evening --lsx Sl.l!l0IR1` IR 1110 W 11$ ' choir. or Kinpton. will hum. ":31: I Add:-can by Ron. Inlay I-lonhr and Salsa Blu-l: Indian by In-an. J. V. Annlin and Inna Wand. A link you 0! Willnd Bantu. fur-1` ucly cl Ihi place. did very suddenly !' nl alinhmhex-in.-A mum n , nuuuu - uv.-. -__ ..-. .-.. Lame quantities of wood sud number an being piled along the K. & P. RR . at Mclsholfu Crossing. Hartington. and other points. A vnnndmnn of Bodlord anent Snn- I other pomie. I A younginen of spent dey evening at Verona. end on arriving ' home unexpeciedly land a lock ol |edy'e heir.on his shoulder. He Inn hang it in his eico. I A row took nlece in e Smith`-u I-`nlln - it in his ojlice. v A row took loco hotel on Sun nv between the p(_'oprio- ! tor and acdlu. The hasten came lor- . Inrd with I stove poker nml knocked : the caller down. Then the llouintntwu j court. sud she pmd O5 and eons. ` an... em. trninn lmm Toronto hue UT? `III `ICU WI _ V A music! all uhrtunnut ' will In gin: in t. lnwtouo (mini. 3 I IMlbI|l'|. on Thursday evening. 705-! mu. 1-. guns... sum: Chard)! And she pmd I6 um onus. Since the trains Iron; I been running business at Ouloton Place but improved. 1 Rn-ll`: Pornun. ainhl mile! hum OMA- but improved. Bell`: Conan, eight wn. now oonhun twq godonl notes. > shoe. outings md blacksmith chops. V The xenon! lpfl an: Bauineu dull II Fnnklown and good st Othws: 3 good dad` ol sickness It Brockville. Tbueuuch-no between Bell's. Cornet : and Qthw}. and -shay give fonh hnoohciona over tho, Soon Act 5.:-_5.-I.rl auuununu: manna AnIinuullnaoWood. A nh.IhumuwUuFr- fond ndurnolub inn Ounn Wis: uo"B:-lush Viki" (`unsun- deuu Inc talk: as 3 Var my on uutoo. **'_'"1;:"i*.`?PF'E3%i mom THE` VICINITY. Llgiuburg Roch!-Ir. Iubuj Ida. l'. xecunve cum . Ruben lmvu-y. ms I-'.. (hrn-on ; _ D I) I Z .-p--nu Lxluu Sun 1.. 3 Hal [U10 lust .-.Il| The law requires that. every person who takes in a stray animal slinli notify the township clrrk of his municipality - lo!` the fact. in addition to advertising. I giving as minute a description of tho I animal as possible. The clerk is re- B qnimd to keep a list of all such s.nLnsls. ` Persona failing to comply lay themselves I : s bject to s heavy penalty. and collect - I otponses lor hoping. &c. r I l l ""'`*' . _. 1 ' W. A. Cliown informs ns that his son 5 J.`[.L Ohown, is In San Francisco. Cal.. on l)l.`.l1llG!8. and is connected with the , Y.M.U`A. of that city which is in a very 3 plosperous condition. They have thy `- host association buildings than on the . continent. and hsvqjust. hold that Bind anniversary a lull report 0! which A, ichown has. Anyons wishing to look as in can do so by calling on him. | nnuuon. Inn nun` onnu nun: :- highly pained. upon tho evident ol the writer! and at gentleman who qnot , wvonl weeks at the home. The good i"cwchoa"uo computed with the low _ ; ban and the an low nnhnm I taught as Alex:-drn Boy. hula Ha nlnnnus for hnnrd Anal hnnhnnll. Fuck `aligns u Auxnnunn any. IInaaI_' nu [unease for board and bonunon. luck , Hifnm ll spoken oi as A boat land ol n j joac. n jolly wqt, with I burly infec- I uouu lsugh. Ono letter concludes: "To ` um sportsman in quest (II n ninl home. with um ned. Inter priviego in the world. good shing, nailing, good living II xnonlenta cost. (most important) there in no place 5: vuuly reached nl. unnll exp:-use u l|iLcbco:li'u hot:-l. II In: plenty ul bouts. nlwnyu good shing. plenty Ll kllld fur pic-uics. bonll men-rul times I day to the amp ground .nn Alaxnndzin Bnv." Since this III wnuau Ilium bu mhlu I sixteen room: to Inn hotel. and hI1llH:M`I' guest! will this he still more plouly. Acadouzv Uf I uup|~rrs~x n..|. .-1 WELLS BROS . Ll VF. I! Y, .._,_ __ n_-...._.... u .-..r.- wauiuu in um wiuu uuu nuppu luulul-.1 it I! nulliuu-at tn call Attention to the inlnuizeq in plain sight upon the oor. En-ry privuto luox had its prim'.~ his` ; Lory, in well as its public expose. The curnilun item as moving proceslxiuu nf n:v-llenn. nnil tlzcutnirwnys were lilocli~ eil continuously by mail maquermlers. ! But the that W3-I l|Jdl`(*J a moving pic- !ture. \\' tlmt vast congregation of i i-xritv.-cl inc-xi Illtl uuu-xed imuien would have lune hail it not her.-n for the re- lntrvuzinusx laid up-an them by the com- mittee and enforce-l by the police cap` lain`: stern cnmmnnd it would be folly [to nttempt to depict. As it was it is within b0lll.lLl'l to any that while there In: no yoga bn-Icli of the public pence. no absolute rnisdenielnor. there is no- thing tlint coulil lie done by reckless. carol:-us, raputatiolile.-1| men nnd women in in public place that wnn not done by those people in the public lmll. 'T|Iem Into present, during night and morning. twelve thouxanil people." -#-o-o Sir.--l desire to lny before your rend- era a far: L-I-l to a low of then). perhaps. I but. new to nearly all. The Premier of Britain. Mr. (llndsbone. has given upiritunl phenomeno a careful exsmium tion. the mulinm. ,(Eglinqton\ submit- ting to critical tests Ind-mumfeatntiona under conditions which be ainned for- hude deception. He wrote nlterrnrde : -"1 know of no rule which forbids 3 Uhrintian to exuniue into the professed signs ol prvonatnnl agency in the system called spiritualism, but it. seems to be his duty. I speak as one deeply con- vinced the: God has yes many A fair plant. to rear in this portion of his gu~deu."-Yourix. ; February 7I.h. [2-LANDRIZ. - ~-..-__ ,- ~ I s|'llillI.7Al.l!l HONOR!-ll). 7hr bahfur. (mu.-. uvw. ` Din ` - .. no; ilno ch.-gun sllgbuuonhobunI.lnoundbyu`- mAllu`h Lung llnhnm. Q00 Him. mu: rnnon menu; can |-In u 5 golcouununautand Chrulhmlllo - ,ing`u|ohoI'ooo-I Anywhere. in {mm tho balcony of Ihobotol. loolinv over Ibo placid moon ol Ontuio tovud Khnton. The um oho audit: in hithlv nu-nipd. nnnn Lhn avid} J Oou>-ln o:;llwt for ning pa . '1`co\h.but TIA-IIIIY" mount: the y. ml:-knltliomwhito. nninakcl pooplolov-I - v - I 'lIIlI- IIIICIIGQ. 1 W0"! IIIIKI. Clicks 5 ndcoru from the Uuibdl Shins. I enjoyed I unt: than Int unmet. The vrihn spunk d the ouellul dilncu oookol in good old- hl:-rl numb-w nhIn_ nrnldnl [.1 than uounuauncu oonuauguuu nou- hdlllndonntry lo.p-uldulhtln .|'.: "P" ` " "'. ` Y"".".'! .g-_ LI::1GHs.' C_._VV. Robinson. h-I. I.'l.-A Ilunherol Engines And Boiler-1 on ltuul. tow And neonndtntrd. n... u WIXIWIT Kw. IIX.` l1AlUvclvctvubundin nun .hid.iqphu. Noun hnchintolho` u -nnnntln-tnnnhlvforlluplndnr, . " . ,4! '\\uhuut o.-us--rung :1`. a mic the .vrl_vI|nrepul.'\hIa c vulucl. oi Lucll ind mou1u Hm Inna and supper rooms. I! uxiz-u-nt In Pl alt:-nhnn to than uzu. \ J}. gnu u. Iv|l\:vu \.nn unglprug-rmlc-1\' nlyie-I `t _ Important Io Ennueru. uzu Au nu-n. \.-uy. town but at the fumed , an-I calla hr police 1'lU`lL` no sufficient $II0llI|OlICOl(vl on Wolfe Inland. . 'nnl- lhn lYnihnd Ilia:-an. -\r --- ---_ ,.,>, llnidlulhtuul eomI'I4nndry Work done. Spodu unngunnt nudnuh uzudenn. --u.I. wonx DONE PROIIPTLY-- Icncnhc II! place :- 98! I330! 83.. between Prln ouolnd Icock Sn. A-A Nlpcnee` Campbell House. Feb ILI5 and 2|). Ringltou, Ro_vn| Hotel. Feb` 27. 23 am! March I, 1 3 And I. i Kingston Roller Skating Rink, Newly 1-um .0: lbs pnrpooe. Irhh :1] modern inxpruvemenu ma ooovanicneu. Ample hint in: Ron u ; sun lo: 1.10 voople . most nppmr ed Iknlu kept an lnnd. pen ovary any item Hunclnyu I0 to I- L.m.; $1!) to $0` p.'n., And Tn!) to man 5 In. Gem-nl Admtmon. Isvonuun ............. .. Ibo. " Homing: R After-noouu. lop. |spmg1m Trussd suppnrturs. nd them uupcnc be bu! :1 T I PICTURE FRAIE FAGTUBY, llomy s llmlvaro Shrml PR1 N(`l-SSS STREET. |-?I*3!..**:`!.*.`..,`E. ae.x9B5.m| Axrn e1 3! lust. ASHLEY 8c CO`S xmunamumasmuuaq cu in DLAHIYO GIT YOUI `OBI D033. {NI-:w 439003. WITERICAN BOTTLING co. ER. Barry & Son, |No. 12 Links tquure. mu Inland R0 venue Oioe. Thovsdeerticen Are prepar-.d to execute I. order: In the above bnnchoo. .1 n 'n__-__,- _ ____:-I4_ Fanry Jnpnnnrd l`on| Srnllles. fol Tongs. sens Fire Irons. spark Guards. lnpjlund-(I Bird Cage. l second-Bud Phncs hon muan dollar! and u Iudu. Ban Instruments. skeet lime and Initial Iorohnndho 0! Ivory daocription can ho had an lheolden Lion Block Music Store. Wulllngton lit, near Pun Ones. J. nlxxn w. can A` son Feb. 4. ` ' |fmJi.nrBJP1Rlnr*Asw11`ra{vi1Li:| ` 11 vi ` lvod. 11 nd 1 mo hud.lao:`s:1.=s|.cn mwkmm gneour pm. stock ol CAKES : ND GOHIEc'l`l0NRIY which will be sold as Invent Ponlblo Run. 0 o 0 1 rnuudlivomd t nllpub ltluolt u Thanh! myeunnnion for lhdxlihunl pl-; ronnpln opanlbopqhyldonnthn 0 humans. In merit 3 than In the tnlun. Oct. IL .. Julll VIALI. Rnhinsnn'sT}aEageWu'ks ROI G W HUTYZZ{l\'_ of Albion, ')r|esns Po _ N Y . unll urn: visit on 'nlInu: ~ I.`lu Ul nnunwu vcnuu uvvaauur . Srecinl imlruclionl to India and children Inorninn und nflornoonu. by oomrotanl skaters may will II uh time: be nncuv mnlutunod c... an I i..u: E5"l`mAZN 1 Bl)S l`b sT6(iK| I :9 : PIASOS. INCLITDING '1\'lEl.\\\'A\'." I YORK WIERIIR." .\'K\\'(T0lBE" AND OTHER IAKIRS, Lulu: In the ltlhiril lnvulnout Cap: litolhlltlly lulIl'V&IP`Y1Ijl*- hllllldbllia Invtiljil. nu, EL - \ I f` `U. ` Ir..- _ `.IVm"$u`unop.un-vs:-Is.I.``~. .._ '. . mun:-ax '11: ~ -has-U. 3 Honor to land at Lowest lII'|-l0BIRT 1 -moans! n.-_...g-A_..A I |u uruuru Iu huu nuuwu uncut."- N.B.-BnxIu 3 npeoinlty. n,_ no RUPTURES ! [ELAN LINE. B.P.Ilall &Co..h'uhIn.N.ll. soubynunnghu Bucxw II-`I Brock pun-cl. Kingston. HINDS BROS.. 'In1nIIll4`lIIl`nIPn nl In Io lnrgu lhnl the} II, lllll Inn-$1 Iunlnln unuu u vI-n--- Stun: um 13:: Nut-nu, Plumbing. lo. NEW OPENING OF L I` I1 \) Ll II \J Vlnnnlurlnn-ru ol I C IIIIIIIIV I l Rl.\`(`I-ISS E inw. nun-at toil. sawtou i71Lxvupoo1, I?!` autumn) " i'uoI PIBI no. lo. I.I... NEW YOIIK nnn.`......... was-Isy.1u. nu. onus ........ ..wd.-any. Feb ma. XIII ...... ..WuII1uh_v_ Fol; it LXAIlA........'ch-hy.Iuuh4ua 3&1 .... ....'khy.I. llll . ..WIh||I).l&. nu: . . Ioludnv. Ia-. sun ..wan-ulny. Apl. 1.: `N-Si-iAM'S DYE Ju In-I lnptruntpi 1 1-. ulk-men`: -n. I11 and nqsu Inn -in- i'wx`|&&I- ..unnh-hnhgjs wen-\|DIZIlj ...b-hullaxlq .. :.. nnubb 'r"!'lf`_VI`h`. ._.-oounbuu . xbtsaaulnihi .4 ,. ....u.-`Ila. nl zmnd in Hon lresr ney could not r other Only t0 `nil You will T`l'Ol|`I 0 VP-I-our Moro, 81 Brock Street. M u. u. L1-.\nn, -.u., u.v.a., n..v.u.. lI:)\'TlT Gruduun ()1 Nov Yarl 0)"; o! Dz-nunuy. 0ieo-WcllixKou Band. l-o` uroou Priumsa and Brock bznsu. Pnnienlnr out-um: void 1!) me vrworrvuuon ol the nun honor bun with n nsn pliant. Kingston. Om. ruuos lovu) With one, on the shortcut noun Tuning n sporislly (LE PEDLIIZK. Organ Ind Plano lhclory, L'umn buns. nut 0uIuu' uomo. G. E nd Plan Aumuuw I-unnuu.u'u. nu: muvn Vul- luwtunsronun. It(1'IllZl1IAI'BI.II|A) acu.nvouPnn-rnnomcnnnlint. Dj-nnlxuua-rnu. . 0 . I . |'l'u1-vunxnchg-Ionuvmcu-mtg: IOBEIT sun! I)ARRlSTKI:, Anornc-y~AI-LaI, Folicltol. Ac. 0mco- Prince: Sun I an: Dr. skinner ll-uliuo. loan to Ian on Rad I -`Jain. U 1.. CURTIS. M..D., new to Druiu-vu 1'11 icinmsnrtoon Oee Ron lungs near}? opporite xhel`otcuVWullingt I Strrel. Cl is m the thy or country pmmguy uundo-A lo 'I`Hl6 Hold but men lines] a In nt clue itylo. The propru-tor will be p caused to meet :1] his old lrienda and u nun] new one: u will ns-.l A Rf. lIcFAl`l.. rm- `nlos. IELLI. ACL`0UTAN'r. Audilor. Re. S324.-ml stun lion swan lo the adjustment ol pu-tnuthlp uteolmtl. II--wnaI. - . - . - . v . -'lIvu.|.1:.nutuI-n.'l'crunI1'Iu DI-jnunntnm-wncrunouun vununvocsxr-nan.-unnat-:11:-11 vntu-unn.rnmv:u.. 0 . I . `Ir nuaus l unxnt.?x.A1'I'LlIrr.1I-Ian Al.LrI.AIlVl'Cl?lItI.Al`lI.A.IlI:.IIV-'IAI' nnovtutorovuru. ln1I.nlLmnulh.;p- I (`Ailln 3309.. IVER! STAFLK KEPLPEKS` $0.3 Princau Bnrot. nu (`nv Hotel Building. Put hone; nnd toad run mu betox and IIlf`lleY!f do.-aims! II-In Iolvnullu HIE undersigned wish to Inform the Inna lbnl ha hu ltod u and o ned A Ll `KR! IN UONNF.CTl0N W TH E . l.AW'REN(`l IUII IIIICIIU UUlIlIlO' KD1\\,) .1 mar an LL.D.. u..- on (`nun 1 AIlIPAIflln.A.lA.IA!l'IK1l mnuoola-I. 0 0 .0 9 ' .!I'IL jI.YIAlII8f-Ttjjii III!` WITH 81`. LAWRENCE HOT!-21.. on lung Sunni. I l-`lllS'l`(`hAS8 R108 will plvu lo on hnmlon the uhonool noun. I-ZLDK BH08. Prnnrialon. 192 [Maria \}'e}L".'7 Tvimgstn, on itnv. n .l ~11:-run LL.D.. .:P:l:a.I;5fo:;'t -n_1-'n" g DWABD H. IIQBIIAI. Piano Tuner. Alba : Sumk`neu- Ignion an _ I Dxduoxl joooctdoro orwuopnn untied to? P` , All 9. Ordering Cabinet Work or any Hid. such :1 Lnznriu. Bootouu. Bd- mom son. sldnboudl. Iiundn. unr Isu- KOII and all kinds ol Ornnmonul Wood I`. Work. would do In to all on `inn-"E IIIKIHI" V A 5 rvnerrnnnoolrounr _N.B -Detkn| drum to cwnqnnn with any kind of onbinet wozli Jul. I -_-__ - Fur a Stylish Nucktin or lhllu :00 'I`(`--- J . R. `I-t"AV1:r-InIuIIv, ,~_n-___ .n __._. rj ` ` gplallil oou.n.otrn. nuns ! n-nonn'e:u-tr: nun trnnhlnl ; . W `B. 'Ef'"'6.{r{14:biskY. llllsrl-uuuu-'. vuu--n. uuu-u-- 1 owns. sous Annpnnllwln I Flange! Shim made to old: r. my a_ PIIIBESS 1 mm. (A: 1. Ian Wllulldo DIL. u.1u-; II uu.u\`x.u. D..~ uses 01 woman nu-1 - Lildrm n spocinlty. nn. n1-1 A\'Il uIcmnIz\'('Ic um n|...m. - --__ .__, , III tho "THU" Skntching Box, the had! 31!: Smythe as Smith. s0Ll(fl'|0I8. to-, .1. .. . - an n t- a ll nu: I Arrllvl. COOUNTAN1`. AUDITOR. ac. Oco (`:4 an B131. 12;: In` K AOI. IICILTECT. 0! !'!Cl ~- lounu Sane: lijon. WI. NIIWLANDS. JL, KIIJIITICT. nu`: monk. Bret-`not I and now. L. CLIIDITI. INTIHT. duocuy oppodh Ibo Pod Oe xvi!-nslo9~1:.unx`.. Sanhll-bod In Kit: I I ' Dido: is Gout`: C. ny`.- Con. Pllxau ARI` Gonnol STIL `Business PARTIES Mlscclaneou 3. mrmsmmuuy Hm At The Central Dispensary ! Yb: I1" and the LARGEST A.\D l'l.\F.sT| LN: M` I lllii I wlqsnu H 1. WIITNII-t _Cards. He'll?! cdns-_u-uy vuu --u._. . CH2 Plduy Boiler: and Fittings on Land, -QULIalTY CPBICB CARROT Bl BEAT-1 Bnehulquhrntn. Cfobsloho eomnunicnti-J 'rl_:xuIrurch-nuaaxosu bye 2; .-_-j:_:__.._ mQ`j :wr - Second to None. _QA`l`EI o;`_l-AIuuI: : 2131-! $0. stunting to noon W`:IVu'y|oIn|u.8toono :4... [JvumoInndQunn_Itv Tobolbnnd in Cantu: Canaan. ---INSPEl.2'l'lOF l1\\ 1'] } I -- Ili-I Irv:-nu u-v-cl -----___. Bi}!-A0370 ~--- --~ '71.}. ll 1 N '5-J_:'h:':.5a n1'I:.'..."12 x5u"`Lx".`33.. .`En..' I-nun. """"" WI I-an-na.1-aunt "'* Gilly. sums. and Nor HEADQUA RTERS FOR a P001` or rnmczss 8 must. GI, . flaw. TIIOS. IIAILIIY. An-g l'oomllnoeIEl,Kingnon nnhnacnnolun Tullrllly. -I:-. - |aVItInyuu `l'hnndAy.Foh I! T|In.lAy.l7oh.I Thursday. let, 6 -- Iagangmhggg ITIILAGI, AI : ...&tuIdA_v_ Jan. .`I ,. thnnhy. Jun. 3| HEIIIINIIJ. -cu. on Thundnyu _'l'|uu-lav. Jun. 8 'l'nunnn. Jun. .&hnda_v. J1 .. aunnhy. . Feb; 7 Saturday luudny. lab. u 1869 win: nus --- guy ----i.. .._r_. kl lbad Cnp1:A.|...,......................fID,I.KI) `Pots! lnvuto-I Fundlupvlld uL.,tLlull) `I`o(Allneomc...*.`._.......... ..l slli foul Luau. Juana-y ln."i'.`*-9. . s,9um`u Lou` pad in O ammo n. IcEIEN I: sou Inn n-gin and Mar Wm 5 Brunch 0Ice- Cornet Ki nnd I opposite Bnliah America: oul. PIDIFI R snnarnrrnnv n_I:1.nji:nt uvnmammlammrmlm} -an-`-n a dam l`l\'I' mvastod Fund: . . . . . . . . .. . . . .Il9.(l.Gl) lnvutmantl in Cundn ...... .. OWJE |E:*1i':,?!:..2r""*"""'P*" , ,,,...__.Jll).lIll oven cu-nun run an.` eldnn emu! mnmn alumna we the noun at London It W. VANDIWNIIR Agni hr Kinuton.On uric litnol` inn 1 H10. tnllsmm uonuum nu-lford,l:ann Yard No. I-Ontario Flu-cl. ~- "- 9-(`.lnrence 8|. 5| hurl. * ~` 3-31. Lawrence `Thar! Z1 eeeeeee -n nnnnnnnnnnnnnn u. SMQL JAS- SVVIFT. I woop AND COAL M. M_Ag4g:N s :':T.;.. llillwbthunaunn Innioouo 3!" `t. GUI: d an In. Bauxa Pbvnunru. Ito Yul. Ila uihuy kinds. and oumm be I cooaoucu with the Inlthudool |ow run: a uuuut. . lx(oIuuu1 I-:1- .-1 llc-ad oce ~'I'oronIo. R. S'I'lliLI.\(}, Dec Ii Aent.hingiI<||. Engine: and Boilan. 'orn In-poIos.| ltltolwhone-powelanndfu ygnnr` _.jAn----- Cheap as the Cheapest. n..:..-.m.l u Anv nun n! ma town. \IIA\J|-tr u-.; u..v -__- Dln-cred at any pan of tho Sept. 4. `M. W000 E11 lllil IIJII non Luruwuuu Ul mu unllty on hlld. Inspection Iouciu.-fl nud guns uou gunntuod. YABD-Caruar Onurio and won Streets. 30]-`PIC!-I -CInrcIIcc sin-en. In-`Idol A-0:-lean llolel Block. Kingston. ~ 3 oxnznsnm um. Eton: at Mr. Ju`. Bedden. Pr-Incas 3%.. sud Ilaun. Mcxolvey n xpz-mun. annun up DVVAJJ. KARI-`IKGEILS. Veuel Agonu Whale I-19 and Retail Cod Ind Wood Donors Coul ol the vtry but description. under cover well turned and prom xiv delivered. Buncl. wood and Hum And ` ft Cordwood of mu Maiden. lcalve Onmh. Brock villboumnptly mlod. Tslophono ommunicnuon. L. W. ,BBE_C_L | WI bqlouvo to lnfotln our customer: gono- rnllydnd the crude in iculu, Ihn the Ienmudhto ll: 1!. loocrl too. In: bundling tho product of the Above mills has been tcruinuod. In forum All blnlnou will be Innuendo! tho Ill]. Order! nun promptly at Wholoula Bus. .___ Bdonhuying you Iooouim. Rubbers 0: ` uufw in wu-?bouIohu.l:.oon, give In 3 hop very t in nude in this chunky. .. 9 Coll um uunino mg Gniur looouin, dutic lids. You will no no bother with long coat tied uonnd you: sullen, sud tboyui uellouputllooommop mooouin. Du`! forglt the plan: 250 - Prlnous - Strut. STEPHEN GRAVES. 10.3; :1 0! the Den aeccnpuon. under and mnlltv Inlrneclion Ioucite nus ."08DEB8Iuh Ju`. I 8113):. &'&t.IiII bo|l'ump1ly `Quad; Km IUD- AVRRUI. DI- 8'1`. LAW mas nn1.1.nnn_n.L`." oimmo sc.. Kingslon. |nET1u: ruj1gPiIBT.1I:r| sxn mun AID unwruuu. In this deputmonl tho mill iuivlng Inivarul uuunctiou. and we mviu,l"umors who bun not (inn uaqnolla Flour I trim] to do no. No dob nmu M '.In um. Auordon bundled g special tuilitla tor cncking groin _ IIBULIOIICAN ___,_ E V.-UDLAHIZU VI I-u JIIVIII: us no--uvn -'t:nnod hnltnlndcouhsluncy um I `HERIGAN FRUIT DEPOT. -QI, I, Z- lII.IWIQ_ ah; Ianamna P0: In an I-nc='. An!-I. 0-uu='-nm"'oc -17 lhnaa manuals or An. mum xx nmon hl|IlIbdCotlgI%C! A -nu-nu-rrn A as vxnvv-rah hvnhrvli unuulo the his ll DOWIS1` carnal Duns Age .Ch.-onao must. Iunwoulud an 3. Obutinout `II Annual ncxnmm Roceuvu 1-. Sand: and the Canon Surat us lurxur mu has olsuy olhu Compnny, mud 1: Dan an '1! . blemished mean! on: \n'riI.I$. J EB `WI!-`T Ag:-nl Dvdhnj Eon.-ensnd Fnrm Pmguny lnaund ulhl!-ovIorsulna|ovru8agu|n_v_I_| o__[ee ind Soft guns acuonnnnntned. V __ 3 Fund: lnvaal Lncundn .. womo lmuunaunlloub nusaeptod at um 9 digit emu! wmmn WESTERN ASEUHINUE BUY. C`-OAL AND WOOD Tho Iaduxg I-`tn lnunrngca Company on the Continent II Rocel|vlfx'. : J . G. GA.H'PBEIJ. &SON. IA.-II. uhul. 8l&- Bock Drills and Mining Iepnlrs cons-gully on land. nL.... '-1-Cari Rails-nu nnd Fittings