ln QT; motion with tho Y.I.C.A. v:_.4-_ ' _II -_4In-cinn- , _oq I-no. Jlqna on-,~n-an an u--. Eihy [anon RV` promised tnhohr nap. no an new Basin: Collqo. Th. n..;n. lldl Ilium-nnm Inll -n|l- W `I. W Ililj \.IQI`W* Tho Smith Boll llilpuuo topultlll 4; Quebec CIIV every night thin wool. -um. n..;.:.|. 1....-an [local in win~ ,on__l."no.1Iqh.MuI,~ItI'u`d less." neouou 'Il.lI_ IDI l..n.u.n. , Kinqlaiwill nndnuhudly be vol otnkod with bociloucollqu. Trottiagneecwiubobddu 0cIII,_n__ L.-4 .......a..a ..b...|... nun- ill Queues: city Ivuy mguuuuu -cw... Tho British Aunricu Hotel in ulna goldsnopiniou from all audio! ` ...n-J. The solution Amy 3885'" ""1 clan nu A coupon (lanolin! 0' Woduoulny. ' -n........ a.. n.. uni... Conn llnn U Ulll IIIU gvu-5 ----~ - ----**r**'* -1 `N"'" . A young pooploi 1iIenI7 '`..V in. 5...; og-gunned In Piclon. much will gobydn nunool -P13-" u-... .1 gs. Ina. nhnmbanolthol lncncmuo and plunu. _ A uumhu oyonngnen In nffmndy l gun`; sh. young Indian in uucnpntlon I -1 1.... bani -.-mammal`. . .+. ___q wwuhu MINI: Cb \ I Ibo one 'ux\Iu-ha and . 0' ALIPIII I. ooxmlcnon IIIA FIR`! nownu. on B:-col luau. V C "RI? I MIG!) u-m ulilys In on had on In noun . ILDIII BIKE- wulgobylniunnnun -`"l""" lnoooo(thoI.u1pch|mbonol&ho- City Budding than willvho I icflle 01 and festivity on Wodna-day enunc- -n.-... R... . an-nnnnnl nrvieo with RIIII Ienumy on nuuuu-uu_y Vvquu-.. Thou Ha I covenant service vi the udministnuou oi the Sacrament in the Queen Street (`.31. Church lul ugn um. \ Tho Pnolon 'l`:-um bu uhnd upon in now you. We clot our countab- tiong upd trust um It will continue to "TOUIQQTISIN '-'V`l""."'_I"" ingnut :4` one pmgnmuo In In 11"` -an-anion pcnuon. : _ The Anglican Churchotuo nking lot I-lpiphny oarilgi. tho Into! ihostr ted nnuuul Appeal: for Inelpwto loleigu Ibo won I0! quuc uuv-qg-nu. .... than between Kingston sud Capo Vin- oul will to: the balance 01 the winter unko ngnlu uipe. young lad usual loom ha been `commend wcourt lot unlit: bonds from n In. ]'\\lgel'||d. The bonds 1 were on mun umo.-. Will out oonlunponry nth the oom- uion upon which Mr. tinny loot credit for the work ucconplishod by uyolher member 01 the Couhcil ? -M - -__.._| nL.-;-a_.. tuning] in cm. XI 0| I-IIU LVIAIUII . The llllllll Christan (usual in can- nocuon with St. Pulb Shidny School, will occur tomorrow evening. Tln children will. ol course. be uimlttod R06. About all ol the pllpill who lohly pound the Emu-non examination this morning put in on npoou-once oi the Collegian Institute and Tochnicsl Col- WI` The little patch 0! ghny icnsuho loocol Brock Street wu coveted yon- Korday somoon with ukusu. lssho Sabina: Reformation Soaoty nail! in __:_A-_.. O EMBR[lll]E11lES!] 'Il IQ IIIIIIIII Illuuull In um ...-._._.r 0! Einguon Ag!-icnltnnl Soeioty. M the Town Hull. Cahnqni. on Thursday evening at 1 dclock. vull be u inuetul.` Eng one. A good mununolul in his do) and neuontiou. bu dnod. Mr. P. Ilunou. u-Boon oi Wollo lolund. He in highly rupectoul and his domino in deep- Iy lunontod. A nu lnnoirfonbon Pith died 0.1 Sunnluy in thonvlnn when he had been oonlnod lot seven! yous. Hi: rennin wore onus to friends in Brut an (on! by expats. TL- |I.uu..Ii-L ion! by upnu` The Methodist liphoopal Church at netting as lnvonry on Tuesday over in. now. lean. Lelloy Hooker uni I'M Nurnuncu. puoonuuu u, um u..- nu in lsitwuptighdggnbnilding upon the ale 1:! $50 pnuantWlm 0500. a litany upot. avtdony. 3: John tad JIIIIOI Cnihtol and Wm. Inillio have llsojyeen in the line ol nonunion up -I. I . Wu-an -------.-. ~-- won than yesterday. The Smlnuun. pohlhtd by I.ho'(}oI- __- :_ nan. _.- -ma"-nd in A hnildinn 1's.x.u-.uL Vo'hoquvIM_IinIwu with: non ..ei.`--a-':-_~_u--'- llov.Ir.l'bIryiIAIunuhr. Ins. D. hlillnio hone upinholl Initial! ' on I visit. Mr. R. T.Vdhn `n noonrilq hon .-- -;A..|. -0 ..:.A.. Iona; lo [no-I II Ln on Inn-.-ll0BIllI' IllA\\`. hi Hunt. T. hunt I: nu Lomoul Iununnl Comply hall at Iecnmy for mnolon : pnymeull nu-|r~ ` tul Ill-Irnnrliou M In nnonmuu mun .&h. HI . I\. I- vv-n-uuu -.-.~...-.`., ..__ n uvunnuuokoluointios. llu.0.A.Ki:-tpuictudvihhuo rrint|honol!on'l`uub. tomhnnhnodlolhboouluin "lI"lu0uy. luv. W.PcindowunoniuuIlu tho Iunuhivot lhluhuo. hump- dnvtopotuilollr. Wil1huo`n-clot uonbyunlbuiu. hv.lLlolh_vpnu:hou'u|hol.E. -n-an-I-Q shinny] 11 ___L lQv.lI.-utlyytu-cucu---_.... ChuoIyu|udAynonh.nllbv.J. E. Indy. Pnddiq Ell: cub Kh- 0|oIDinoI.iIIhodvuiq. P. launch. the Inuit: king. in in thocity. Kanpur Bhutto wand: uolllul will now and the Inuit proupuholllhuooulvliodotl. linDulltiny.IhwnuouIoom- hl ulhhnndoccllindyuhool. iuuuovuluJuquI Iivu.Quhoo. cdhbdngueoaddbylnluunh. Ilu-I-ylloolloyaagi. l.lIuuIvy. urlvodbouon Sshvhy lronow Yet. 80 II l-Ah ill Iwovull. dllilg which i ilhh GIIM, ` dlvhbh hnnnucnhI'.Ivillhvo- :_A-_.n._4 _...A3-- trooper. The Battery Band will mntinno their jII?T-uuu---_ lanai Iithnnudluliu Into`: auo,unI.u..uvayo-5 lluhll f oolhuhooluuntopnlhgnun. ` vuaununnuuuu-1., no-m. uaIoulll@|@h. t. D. Ehviuh. I.A..||'nnIdh IL Auinuvtmuol. |.hy.ycIIu- y. !'IochIpInnnutnII&sIo~ `hvhh nub qpllulto ll. `lbhu qyoolhh: "&r~Iq nvihhvuqV c|qudnIcludvQh\|g|IlultllI `blphl pplunn. n 'nd cnmjl . >nlvmnluihIlyIhuIuuI|nt IIII In Ihjv." maunoo 1 _ _ The manual` until: 0! the TDVDNP . ..,-, _.-_ n_;...In..-_I Rm-inky. nl the IIERE1 AID THERE. Ins. iicoinnov quite mung-mhho |..A_.._ Iinnn-Inn an` (`ABC PKISIDIAI; IINTIOXI. Insertions to ma. I 15:. o.....` 9 1: cuhqdni In W`_{"' nyod in itr Christan IN` lpuumodn hnnduolpo View on MW ."...._:._ -5.; tin innnmlrnl QIEDOD 0' ' A u;u1_'11_mtnnu~r1os. ; 4.2.; wfli nun--u lhonizguhushol In.J.Vi.l'bkv1' H. J. `IE3, `B Ijvuvm uhndnnoo `nu goodtot Qhuuiz` BC"IiQ.llIIIVhIill&II3l3oII0$|OuII` autumn--lh_.hnpnnnAndb.i,r,,. ruldnn. hung puucinggygs. Ibis ndnhlyliyulgndganvigoroqnag iuqinil. llo could to. bud In may plol Ubedioc. He lot! in thour vice. unulod by the Dean 01 Oiinrio Md !r;~ll._Bnruu. lay rcndar.` The ban rad thqfiinouncomonu mud Ap- poms: niissauuh ht an olon *I of an pooplo to I-`onigu linionq. Va HIV . Hf. rury. "Nu" """""' "" unt`ho an agent no land ms The tmin1- of I-Iplphny v- N` .L-_- - .;...- .a.... ..-huh world The lentiver at 1-zpnpnuiy vs. III: thenie. n time when the whde world nnawith the pie, ,,lChrint. The leetinl oomuiemontod the`li-It event in the lueo! the intuit Jesus. the vial: ol thewiun:enintheenttotnehnm- ble abode 0! Joseph lld Mu-y. ll. Ill ui event by which Christ in: nude muaileet to the Gentiles. Prevloul to thii tune snlntlon Ins and to be only `(or the John. but with Christ's advent ulntiou wen shown to be for all peo- ple. The reverend gentlemen then pointed out the mnnnbt III which God mnnigeital hinieell to the Gentiles. It wu hy e an which uppeineil unto Ulem while they were pursuing their onlinuy duties. Thu: (iod helped those _.a.. hlthhllu um nlilinnntlw nnrhnnod onhnu-y uuuen. I nun uuu um.-cu Iuvuv who ldthhlly and di%uly porlomod \hdrdI&u.nol. In which they an Ip- pollhd. but to which they won called. I! unn lid the work required 0! him bul llv Lvluuuuunn nu. 'vr--v~- , chm. religion and bnsinesp were incomA putuble. Then he ponuwh out um. ac- eonlilg to the nu-nlive the its led the wise men to Jomuhm md men diap- , ; 1-,--. .L:- 1.- :...|--..I oh-A nu. Il Dslnlllluuz nun nucu u--r peuod. From this In inlernd tlut ex~ uuoldimrylzelpvjulzeldoutu low`! it is needed. After the vino men [ml been brought to Jerusalem God trustal tovlheir engncity and dilixeeco to uncer- s-`sn tho hirthpltce or the Lonl. nod uaisted those who diligently nnd hith- lully nuke use of the appointed ordin- uicos givnn to mankind. These were private. lunily sud public pnyer. parti- ciputiou in tho communion and public worship. Many imagine that no bene- fit is den!-ed from attending the house ' ol (Sod. tint here then in nothing but common plnce plotitudos head. that it ' in yhlenble to Indy theology not than ..i.... n.;o ..... nun who nnnrouched U'Ton'i{o .7.n'-Kc` Tn AP! run 30:: 1 _lndu Illl shun npan Al the \\'I|-aplu. IIFOICIDQO W liiuyinunupu nun an-r nclvu. But any one who approached God`: nnclnuy with a desire to learn ; and worship and prot thereby would ' not be non! empty urn. n-uuun rnnu uAvI`vu`llPI', RIADISO FIOI lA.\ls1|n'I. Rev. Mr. Potty in I Iomowhu rapid but eeelive npenkel. He attend: clona- |.. .. Ll. ----o-ink nlalmn lnnkinnnlr Dlll BREE! Ipunux. uu Itncuuuu \nuvI-r ly In hh nuuuipl. uldom looking up- Hi [hang while o the paper. an al- vory uoq-Iy Auk-cu. -1 Riva Juno: Hutie. 01 Cornwall. ha been deep!) ulnioaod. He was nanny nmorod from Linklny to Cornwall. Mn. Hulk. who wu in delicate lnnlth uni inating from u culal. stopped in Kintstoll Iuth 5 friend In! several dun. Inching Cornwnll the day bolero Christ- IIO. The mod Ion Itllia had In- , ,,; ____.~n n_... - ...|.I aL.| n.......L. ways upvud. mu. K8101 IonuIu:nI-a-arr oomoveryilllrolnncold nllloua .... lm.-nnnlnrv 'I')|QIIlIL)_. `II. OIIIO You III uwl I cum I-an -uqqu on hunnnnnlory 'rhonnu`uu. In. Hui:-homo ill. 3 pnnslln oonIn~ and hd*)hu`ihd lhouh in II: oeivul duty Attention from Innd friends And relatives dash cnlloul her sway on the 311:. We learn that unexpectedly n dinlty dovalopod in the action of the bout. than accounting for the and- donnuunl her denh. To Add to the tnipht ol the nliclion .\lr. Hustle re. otivod n ulegnm announcing the and. dnndonth 0! his only brother at Wyo~ hing. Out. The decent-I vonnv mu mash: shad cold that brought on in- halation ol the liq; In can then may be some dispute thou! the marking o! btllotn in m~dny`_| oloctiou it any ho intnnotinu to non lint Jmtioo Gull. ml Bothwoll) mind that the lollowing would be sdmiuod 2 "lhllou Inukod with two or three oroou: muted with 3 emu in the auxin above or boloyrv the Inukmg ol the oompu-unonlwhoro the cross would to phod: outta with tho points cloud mumbling a pinion` apical X ; scion lot uuaiiduo with I can [or tho other ouulidue struck out. II ihho Nu hi -uh I niohh : onus on tho ' Inhuidnolnuuuhdlohwishuusll . 3--- A--- ..l lm night anal Aunngg let. r. Pair: Pliu-Iu lus [Pint nugu mm: at St. GooIn'u-`A 'a V - Good inprudol. - ` `1 .. L `u'|IKWIXIllIolKllV$ unnu-nu [I000 ton ol tlnrighl cod. Anon; Ihodinnllouul bullet won that hu- la; names or initiuln written nywlnn on tho halos. thou hvln I nnubot phat! upon thou by the lightning Ola: uooonlnu with the nun` lit: and poll book. by wind: the vet: could `to idoglilod." mvmm 0| Wodnodlv n. w. I-`oln-r u-ma luovichlhobjullroiuabtlttld snudnolnouin|oIu|IdiItboIin- ilqolilut &hH$n'IHl- bl. Wolh hind. when In undid Iotuvnnl dnyl Yity burn it That lilo ay. moving; toward: Waln- jown. Ho and bin nliu ml! Ind `I .30! \'otI.M\hiI IIh.IbouHbobqi|- Iiqollltnh. And by the my Bu. didn'tliko_\o uh um nliu. He had eurhdoooin his Intel: lot!) nun- n4oloonmI|_I,d`IdiUdiIo-no- pushes. MNIMIUU III Iliookcdsoludhboldoonpnlnn nin- 'h. lhloohd.It|lnIovnn|o|o1|u --mu-:1` Inllnllhllslhhlln \\ 0l`Ll) HLES` Ins Lslluus. Ho combutsod we populu Mel ,_I: _:... _._.n L.....;...... -mu: innnm. 0.? or YIIQZQ, n_.__ :_ LI. ..n Eb. Pu. and II: Ynllno. -n -11,, E *B RI'rIs`HT wnizr .\i(5 mu` Ey'rT.` one aw on ou-uu.-. yin-xnnluu-mono! &-nkllrnij mum & uunnm M Qmcn`u_ couoge oemmm 51:. R. V. Ro~ `t On Saturday` evouugg n musumi of tin Anocimion ol the maiden! grmmnks ol gun igl thorcbnir. Dr, (inn: Iupn sent and. bi invihuon. ii-oko Iouuotob | lot`-in elect: ~ . ` ' u:_._ I ._.L- 'o.. oh. I`.III!\l'Il on lhu ` i `x ' ,3 Dr. Grunt`: l.uusnI on the smm u ' '-It I-J(-`onI\udI bv the Resin ._. -. dent Gmllua-s. ` r . .\ Ioiglga enact . since I Ipolo `to the Cancer! on glmf , cu1:p,_QLl1g;1 bu _b_egn `Lap nbuudnnt I we should ngnin hf: st.ocET'Qiio1iEy'( Imus wriloxn the 4iI':~k. when in!_or- 1 Innliofwu ondutly qfchl. I 391. my has Mqglltln u. n n r at: nndloturmlunuu in l'n'n*c~||ly Collqze. {Ionian ol Slnto ml to Colleges. the `. bi';'_wus ounces &h'o"ct.ueInnt by giving the number enrolled "Int went." [I in lI_,onll Run] of correclign. hill 1 Jun Iidi objection ta take lul. \`eu.`;_ gures. My only desire In to aim the " lntgsst infonnnuon both as to Fnivenisy . , C0ll.eou:dQuecn'n. He also inlorlu D {but than in in All IUF nlk-ndlng ..I..... n. An. `and mink: uni. this is I ! of knowing that the Profonson WlO {hunt than in in on we nu-nu-u. class: in Arts. `nnd think: tint is thetrnonnnihenotnhn. |IIVlnoob- joetion. slid inny mention that our cor nnpondinglict is ill. Evidently then nut be from 211) u_l.(Il.| attending Arts dunes Ill nlltho Colleges. Now. with unbnihsion. 1 any that these could not be pmpcrlv nouoamodntod in the clan rooms 0! l'nim.I.aity College. nor _Iv nttnndcd to b one staff of . Then no on y two colleges out 0! the {city or tiltv in Union] nnd Ollllridgn thu hue over 30! |tnlents.__ In (ilucow Ind I-Zdinbnrgh it is trne that there nu; singlo clnses containing from zlilv to ill), but I litre direct means think most of the I-ellue of their stu- duents nd this state of things intoler- Able.` it would be any fur me to` nu-rt that Queen`: in ready to receive all the Itntlcntn who the now or wet Ihnll he in Ontario. but 1 line too much IOMIGCI for Dr. Wilson and his collenguea. not to annals of other colleges thnt In: doing goon work. .... walk` ll uI`A`|l A ~'rnux_ TO TALK lh SLLII A `lnaus. l_t is shut! thiuglor a college to have too` low ltndllltl. It in I bad thing for the students when it. In: too many. Re- member. we no ugonking not of I l`ni vanity but of u co legs. um 01 a college with one ltcully. When it is seriously proposed to mull ml! the students of Uu~ tuio in Fuivenny College. it may also I n um:-mo-I to gather all our High College. it use to pro l to gather School K: into l'ppcr (`Anode College. thebeet endowed nl our Collegiate Insti- tutee. But this side ol the question muybe let: to the t-enenl body ol ex- end I need not diecuu it further be meet importuat contribution to the dinenesien he: been given-I em proud to sny--by one 0! our own gnduetou. my esteemed friend Dr. Coven. His two letters are regarded by the (rienils of Fnivenity . College es summing up' their cane. and are declared by them to | be unenewenble. I em delighted to hear it. in View ol the loot thnt he sub- stantially edmite every position lot. which Ihnve contended. Especinlly in his second letter. end more especinllv in the second hlli ol that letter. he. like a statesmen. is seeking for common ground nther than lot A bent-n controversial victory. In hie own spirit! shall point out wherein we ngme. enal then env ints of difference enn be understood. heee. lthink. ere not important. 1 H ,, i I. A: regents the support of our uiater in Toronto. Dr. Cuen says distmctly thet "it Is not roposed thet tho Gov- ernment ehoul do everything." He admit: thnt it is eminently proper that its gndnetoe end friend: should nig- nily their intern`! in it by hosting 1 pert in the eoetol it: more eonplete equipment." and decluen that they use not nnwilhng to do so." On this point here said nothing Itronfer. except thetperhepel have p the excel- klll ecri I'll wqggl ``how." And "now Alter no on e.time :" After the 8ll)0Y neetol n mlllibg` em! a halt for lorty yeen! Let tho stetc giro Queen`: uuter of a mxllion [or tho enme work nivenity College is doing endl en glue to double ll. thus suing the auto quarter 0! n million in the proneculiau of its work. sud ol course allowing It. All the control It vents over It: own UYIIIDBI. IIIICIOI Illl nun. uu onyu u--- B in nu impcrhn quution whether clamp: in nu constitution of Tomato UIIIVUII would not hllltoopnn {ha lihonlity." And. he nova, in coin that its government. should be undo pull more popular nnd ntronnur incentives furnished to pr-uh: lxbo- nlily." Theta 3n: ILSO suggestions. But. the Treumnw of the l`ro\iuc<~ yrill ask. Is It right tooluim money (mm the Eixlic purse tnll those chsngew` lmu) u made and those incentives lnnnsh ! .._| 0 xndnlon 53.` `(IO U)` Illlilllxlvuu an--u equal unonnu. Cow. it noemsm mo um tho point here m not whether To- ronto University hu 1 more mtimno ..|.nm. nun show Io"un nuts. The 2. He points out that though most u! the I-European Fniveruliee. such as Glu- gow and I-Idinbnnzh. were lonndnl by use uulloenoe. the line he sea Huoteeil them. Ind `to doeoontbe condition that the by themselves nine ......| .mmnu .'ms-. in once loudly nus:-ted -that cared not IOI the publir l'nivnrnity bu iumnuo tolnion than they point that moot ol the people ol Ontario will nnlurnlly wish to bottle in which in the bent vny lot the anus to gel. its work done 1 That which is not beneath the d in ol Grant Brisniu need not be honest I our dignity. Should not. the nu adopt the economical vrny ol utilit- inn and nsinmlnkinu voluntary libenlity nthor than the uponoivo way oi giving nlltnulhopnbliopnnof Pnnlynhto inuisnuonn uonpl so oombinnjbo Inui- IIIIIIII of expense with the` minimum ol ocioucy. We ptohnt ngninst the loo|~ inh my hoiq unponod npon nu. -nnnvunun IIEIII II)l'(`ATl0N. nun Wu nu-..-'.._.. ..'., , IICCIDIG IIRIII |nl'('A1'Iox. 3. no uluih that it 0 gononl or public uyuomol higher education on xi}: udoqnun nonunion lot in rcli~ ~ it ' lithohunduolonomui. that nun npcrty politician? Or in it by Ilnhllcina in our Iyuom ovary olciont oollhgo that I religions oour unity like that ol Ontario has nub- linked? Han in a pod umm In my nihmhhm tally vibe: to oitiuu in thtim C d Ic odlulhn. . 1-33"}. ofoouhlnluln its promotion the III. upuiua and and o! nil Ioc~ that d In oonnuity. sud Nlyulll wlnoln divides our oonnulu is n uriom ml." Ihuwudaoonldmtboupotu. lauhonhononthu wonh: Ind lot nngioul nynan In clutic enough to nnlrnm n In M Ilohiblo the Whole` of anneal system no uuuc cuuugu .. onlnouuluu `No the wholdol thouuiou: juvi bononnchthobot -o torhr the system and the nuou. ngduu AIXI $1111.. '_" "' '7J.51J."J&'.'.;;.T I. lblbitll In Hflttltl Pluhyhdn (lluuhudid I right and masonry chi, in landing Viototiu _-A n....-. An` and I.hAl|h} `Ty `mall- Qlooul chdtohuhd no kw.` liituq Yunna- nd ~-um than in the` matter. to tho noollou Inga how dclud the oouuootod with nuoy. _ Further. under this haul. in nu um. 5 ;. .. immrnnn mnnion sum: AID gum. onongu In I whole .5. oh. 1.: 1 try Iain 7'0 eIIIi'``'``~ ;, rut Pmleuon I 7`v|d`;` ,a also `K `orntwmmgm a ` u mu-t vent V o . u -> }:_g,;_ w4g.couuIn !o . `iijnssico um! at u uunux`. . Dunno - an `us `-':` wxhe ,nunI.hao Collagen u: in . ..u"to. ol the question? ln`c@ -`gauge! lid IIIQIKI KIIIIIIIR uplnllous. Illll "would not C eclihe the clmllenge to al.- umit the column 0! this prolglcm ` '. o! It at is beet. lo: collegzuue education. in view of the mm 0! thing: ncunllv unting He lruzkly stake um wlule runny think the: II. we: unad- vulnge to hue but one nnn-enity for Ontario. not many nuunlauo Ilml Men sianld he only our colhvr." Thu it the one great` puinl. tn `winch I have (mm the tint nought. to dlrect. Attention. I resolutely related to revive the contro- veniee o! the put. or In no drum nude by psnonnl snacks from the red `point am. he: to he need. It my nu hue time and mm (or that style ol writings may mu" nu-lulge in ll to their heart. oouu.-nt. \\'n.h me. me is too on for that non of tlnng. 1 tool that we uu celled upon to do the duty of the to-dhv: nu-l when the College qneevon in reopened. our clear duty is to take our Iuml on tho common-sense principle that it must. be neuled not one nisledly. but in View of the auto ol ung: Actu- that there In mom than one efficient college in Outnna, nut` that more than one college is needed. . .~nunm.u.n~'.u r\~.u~nl: \ nlly existing?" and the auto ol things is` j bnlv one Colhgo would up n 1 V 1 in the scum] cucuunancu u! the Dr. (Inc: an am` it must then nnjxin to continue to that one In .75 v inn: endovmeu Surely this" in In 7q\'|.Iion. ~'l`lwinjnax.ice_ pgninst Whith luannnashafmo Innd.~wou1d beili we prongs Qcfovv fotd In iii ` ` ` C0 ~I'toIIIf.- II6I~iGilIOQ~`9il. ` alnotrdo. ind will loci and lost ho IND than ml! the work. `that the Damiano I-nnniuu in-uion. -'l`heruunuuce_ uguns: wmenj IIIIIAI. uvyuauna nr..u.-.n u .` u. r. l 5. He admits the other cullea ` hue um right to oet uumneln In the . unto u \ put. ol the pubhc uysloln; Ind : m his an-euml lain.-r unoa the In ION!-I4 ! 1 patrol we puunc Iyswm; Inn ; , ~33 Ins u-coud In noblc-I1 viiiftl. "I um `um. unwnulng lurlv In look In the question. Illh up;-mciulou of the , history and work oi um bthor colleges. ! and moirl ntunue upil-ions? and 7 "nnnhl nnl 4 at-Hhn {ha rhlnll I0 | '60 IBIIU IDIII nix Province requires. E .en-pan run I L-.n much plouun K; uuling hinull ol the llnt opponnnlty In that Inonlourdudly the [voqiool Kinglton nod vicinity lot the vary zuuvupououn ukodod to him in the I .l (UIIl\\l\I.\ n_r..xy\ Inn. 6. He suggests the nppolnuneut of 3 Commission to consider the whole unb- juct. by putting itself into correspon- dnce with the collage: und thus pm- pcring the cum [or the intelligent no- uon 0! the House of Assembly. This in one o! the tbmo courses for which I have nlwnys saidlhut we were propu- ml Cu. Thu uuldmss was highly commended by the meeting. The Princxpnl wss tblnked sud requested to have his speech printed uel dnstributecl. _.._.;- nponlng of the Srhooi-. This morning tho schools re-opened with ll lingo ntlondnnce of pupils. In- spector Kiilil visiteil ihein nnd found the l0ICllL`l`:i in their plncns. There wins nn ovoivroivillng at Queen lrool School. but this was on-rconie by sending those lroin l.-niiso Scliool to the Model nnd (For-lon Stine: SchooL .\lina Knowles will uiliu cliuge of Miss Davidson`: clua until u successor ho nppointoil. Miss English will take the plnco to which Miss Godwin wu appointed. Min Elliott who loos not intsnd going to the Otlnwn Noting! School. will be given n posilioii. Two olthe rooms in the Model School were so cold that the children hul who disniiued. Proper halting nrnngomonta will line to he mule in this school. Ahlno Toqple Crovnlod. .~\b`.n-3 Temple" could not oonhln the crowds that dented admission to is yet- torthy. (`Apt Pigeon. ol Bothvrcll, wu present nu-l took un motive purl. mun soruoes. llo wns upon 3 tnin coming east null close following that which Ira wrcclml in tlnz awful Humbcr htslity 1 av--- A mother undo I pathetic appeal on Suunlny night. to the: police to prevent her son lrom spending all l.hQ money he up-nod st one of our city saloons. Inter wo learn that the (author. searching for his 0l'I);.' son. had his huds badly trust. I L:..,... bitten. A couple of intemsling lilo iuuunnao case: will come 0!! 3% the DII'iz|i0lI Conn to-marrow. Those Interested in Inch mitten may learn something us to the vnys ol the busumsa. The pn.-pnntory clan in the Collu- ginbo lnstitnto will not. nanemble until Wodnoodny morning A: 9 o'clock. Mm Sutherland. the tencbcl. will not fonch the city until tomorrow. n .FJ.\lJL.I1Ja.sV for oouho. lonnduorothrou. but bunch. sun. and by Igor: um public upukon. Prr pad bylhoobonuohhe lutnnnuoulrut -mu--n .1.-mm-. st--:3;-: byunoonuunh and LI lumen: Run the QIDI. I. luv Io. oruh moon ol It-ouch way. has ale null ruullu Prlcooonu. . .Noc no vithtboudonitIud.WlIhill 11-%t-.=_-.-%-:-.-.'_!'w-` "8 "ml A -nun; In-nnahnh. (`A- 00 HAVE II PS3 GIN!` Stun. wu_.L ..:.v.'%.'L:ez'a:".'o`1`g`:`...'?`.:.`: than from Pd lwodflbrngsoon. I-`WOUND AT l.A8'l'--A runny turnt- td In an Inn! adult Goal. Bu- iun. Odloun. OI. Inna`: Hun Con Bun. Insist. non rdundod it not away -ounhotory. In us. Is an Oct. 16. I77-`l=*!=!!'=:!9`}?'.*_!.'**| I. I I VV. J . .W ILBON I.\\'\'.\\{\' .. l"|`|h|Inoroc -A `- . bu, ~~ \ SCARLET ,cANA1_)A YARN. Reduced ' nLUn c1n_~_uDA YARN. ` A /` _Re(}_uc 0- per pougd. ed to 50c. per pound.` ;coM1~1 A). hula BEST women mu LINEN nouns F.x ``*,5 my IN THE CITY. YOU ARE INVITED TO COME And See What we are Doing. IBIEBARGAINS IN READYMIE IJLIITHINI} 3 AT TIIE CI-IEAPSIDE. IIBAVY TWERD PANTr1 AND VEST Int .50 ;T\\'HliD COATS 91. $2.50 um! I3 Tweed Suits. uobby norm. O01, worth 99 . Boys Tweed hunk N35. .50 um! IR; 100 Houv woes! l`unLn ll 01.60. worth 9`) 50. WON[)ERl"('L BARGAINS l.\' WINTER DRY GOODS \T BQWES & 1a1s , 'lNhRnR IHYI` ', AS WE ARE l)Il`0RTING ll!-JAVILY THIS $l'RlNG DIRECT FROM THE Bnunh Kuhn. we hue determined to oor ALL om mums ;.\'r mm` ..\.\'1>' l -NDER. This 1: I gonumo oor u we must ham mom Hoods At. your own prion. I]'_`_ll.a;IcFlllL`S. As Que Stock in this Dopu-tmont Must be cleared Ont this month [GENUINE BARGAIN i|VI|LLlNERY AT HM-_FPRI`E PONS().\' S C0. AND BONNET & (`0., IANUF'ACTCRl'1RH. Tllli BERT .\lANl'_ FA(`Tl Rl2R.N` IN THE \\'0lll.D. See our Black Gros Grain Silk it 75c. regular price, 91 O0 -- -~ -- ~ 900. " 1 25 -- ~~ -- ~ -- 91.25. ~ 1 65 In (I `I Grey and Striped at " 60 " " Light Checked Sumh 45, 65 Dress Goods. J ackets. Ulsters, Millinery and all Heavy Woolen Goods at Cost Price at g sPEN_cf:'.f. & _CRUMLEY'S l\`L`I'.\\' UTIID I.` ~.- -......___. III SAL! W38 Iisulli. IIIISS ITIEI , IIISTOI Ylnnllth Inrnnl Icahn reason. which entirely ex- Rih-1'9"' % 8%%%%.,%!3V9x.de" GREY A1%7;d:DAYARN B|ackGrosGrainSi|ks Eu loath! upon having I Genuine cm-nu Iueoton run and `van: on 0000:. con. . ncnqhg on Tuesday. Dec. uh. - .. . n _:__ nn. _-._ Ir- |'_-.I._.;;-.. -1 0...... G! :1. ill nap -Q-A And Ions sateii IIY noon aim | .A.'.'[` W.._L_J_3_RON S- | n_ 7W_iI`.DR(.iN. Jun. 3rd. odd u..g...e........- A. in ..... um a. funnels. Bhull. Ct. rupee-aonqmul squall: Dunn Good: uni prion not lb.- u II n II n u u CFHEAP SALE We have spgnt. the last week in going through and Marking Down our entire atdck and are condent We 1. Show the Cheapest Goods Hue decided to oer 1! ml the above F\\'EEPlNU REDUFTION. Great Mark-Down Sale I rw 2---2 THE DRY GUUDS AND .\lll.l.l.\'l-IRY STORI-I.- Oonoui At 300 `P1. ;vmQ|n;pin|iIn n.;{.LrAuct GOODS um um: to outintbonmtnndornulootiontobolnd iullolnnrhlthieh bovill II ullumu hpn;udIohrui-I in gnotvuiotyu Ibolvvcuhviuqpriou. llnubhthl WILL HOLD DUIHNH THE NEXT 1) DAYI ` . VI Id?!-~ utwcxo m_, *1) s1+111;_\"u01.iEmmi` WILSII & STEIN. vvuuyn uvvvu ----- ralnououollromil M 86 poruu..ud tho but nluo In tho city. Thu unluc- noun mpnmn sad goon-glad mount India -ndulllus. lions no pnulno no path! nu nann- _lnd Io Ipudal lino. Cupob. D00! Inn. Rap. 00.31! nub- pect Io dnuocut. Ippullulollylohl be vh V`fhiuluu| that he OPPOSITE WINDSOR HOTEL .a . wprm 45. WILSUNXS BUILDINGS. IN) Pdicoss Slmo. l'UNl'., Oppolitc my Hold. In`. mrhnyd dn Ihnltblohi " ._ r -' Ioubnot onlhnuilthoonmod (do -' -----. A - -4 _ cl lb old ouhnnn in u hrp V - x`- poltgo l:ow.cIcn in the kluw 1. MITCHELL`, I III IO (`INT ITOIF. II IIOCI ITIIBT. In; L W- III" V. r'IU--- - Vtlils-A Nil! U3 u'Icl:da-it u hobo; . 1-r---- -3..-- 7 T , AT TIE (`DILINCI lllli. ILIIIRAF. IT . Cvjuuwwux-_____- --jg nImnonn.oouIorwu.un1'U 1 hunt has t _._. x x.JUo.L, ' I IIRW YEAR'S DAY. haven [in sud onluto ulna \ I! BOA The man [fun 1iWiEB*39l_&3-I g. ., . -:. W--. -.- .. ,. . `. `:.":."'.t CX&n.:`I-Iv- _ .lIQ&JbwuhtIIIupInIIL us In I`l I"I`I I II2(?l-28 NEW J.r9_Ia9tf9}gt_- ._JUS'1` RECEIVED VVICII 1'0 Ill; lI1"~TIo ll Au-In QM Inns IF ll t) In Icmloa I an: ,` = A \ nun {mt nus no Princess street. n_.| T n:uh.f`\`2v u.I:nI Arr-Iv In In an quality lat. ` Wgt;%oh.. 50 9 sq-ecinlly no in during lb; l LOST: nllv nnv L.| A nun: oI:u\` Io~BIot..h-1 Y llall [UL Prop Hon-I F-!"!','."" {rung u an" -mu 017815. ,, -- - v\rvuu-----. cvvrr I;I.)h`l` Ac: x. `futons Iluuouslolnlud Ids. MOVIE) nullhlhnlhu-0 l~|l%It. `j. II. II. louuunouu |lllIl||'I 1-_-tr---_' Lionsjur I `inning rill 0'! N W` "3 mutt. hi: hon shop. wwcomngod-h .\._ -;... -545... II: nhnnld X |nlnn~ no V The uudonu 0! Quinn`: (`olkgo to- uumo work Io-marrow. The India! n n_,_ ____. .. I-_I-.-rIAI, Iggy `WK |0~mC'l'DI'. In: June.- Colleen opus on Vuduudcy. luv new undolh will culpt. -. :_ _..--...| .5... ....nl lulu: will Ska-;:i_r.14-(v3arniva| .o -I-nu r`l!ll.I umz. IT. unmet. ma own way. .............g,.._... the Ttynhlutt. Ila ghould ho ptlrot ` in-I. The lollowing won an nmblnliou ol the unormmour u the lletoonologb ed Obnerntoty it `I o'clock lot the not low dnys. all bqlow um: Fridny. 10 : Saturday. In `H Sunday. 10 : gm log} .I.... 9 ! uudolh mu cup:-. It in upochd tint nu-eml Indus jom uwclnn at -010 Women : Modiul Fnll-an -"lll il IQ-Inll. run uu-v u--- w. v.- ,, Colloga when it M-oponl. 3`. C-1?` TI jvvuuq An ehgnggmut lsu boon msdowiu: the luv. H. I. Pub: hr an evmingh manna un 5:. Jam` School Bonus. on louhyu. 140:. It. Pith: is huh- Iynpohuolhythepnuvhunvcr ho, bu nsd.ut!InJn|hshnshowilin~ coins aneounxelnent on this his lint visit to Kinguon. Incl IW Law. The Manual Wulnru. noticing our nmuh About the me o! huge: upon the Inc: which Into boon condemned nohru the nut undo isoonou-nod.. up that the non anon ol I`u-liuncnl uhould not In ullom-I Io clout without a good iupuuliu luv hing placed upon the statute boob. We ounce oven oomecmn how the elections us going today. but than on be aid of ihon-duI they did not ouch lunch excitement. and that the total Voh polld will pmhhly be nulnll one. || the nppol` ondol Ridcun. in I-`routoun Oldil tbhnqui Wad: the moat life can Ippnnnt. & pain: :3 common ul.'oIod tn the 04:0: II! Iulrrv run In rqn!rv1l.2|g|;l\ ph- nunylnt Iholr llcktl. and lun l Tun- nntvllllbcnno cl Ibo ohnuhnlwy u. land 3. TIUIITS 'u.I. Mt uunn, A and mu` Inn-nandn-cc. We` will thin owning pt-ill. an anti uiviu tho malt alum city election. The public ink-mat will. ol course. not lxonpznnl u usual. in the nhuneoof tho muyonlly coolant. but utill 5 good may will Ital hkuovwlo III Inn- od in in am `nah in vhidnlco `I op;-ofnlion. and we will endeavor to un- tily tlaoir curiosity. ueorge Spgngunboru. tnvollot tor a Huston bonus. and broth: oil in. II`. W. ago an oxcunlou Ininuvotkor mnnugo. Whjlo nbunihounlioueod the nonrilyol the snubs. The Chat- ---_-A.- Jnnnnnll In IH |3|0' ROI`). tnononruyou uuwu-u... ......... Inonekr dropped to 18 hdow ndtioou-go hudlm cut. hound one I-AA Inn... Ila nrril il lat uumt. A Iilviuuv __ Ir. Juno: (invalid. (mostly ol Iiinguon. Ibowuil tho city vcntoutny ud to-day. III nun Tomato Station. nboutb an the Kuhn bound 0:- , _g__ n.. 1...! .-4| -nnndnd hv .---?..__ lg. n. Tomlinnon a. mu... pun. - - , .._-.:_.. ..;.|. L. uh. inn this lnlyulunwu-q--........ uuooundunothoruhutonn udlyiupoodoluuntiu. Thnuo hlpglnnyuonndalobonolllodu Inyohhounorlndthenwillho uvonlwulllitlhyuu Iotndyr on Inlmdny Evening. Jun. Jul uonudnqutvdqhvoh honnlanui dlhuiruppcln ,AL __ _.I....L.Ig ._::..-.:.-__.-__-.I-- JA lgl IIl_ID. rungnl llllntg and lnbw. _._,_an...o` Iljjo #InIA:Il- ' III] Inuunndnneu. _ 4 lion 5 - ` . A ceqll U. N I . spr:t1A1,_ sauces. cm {.aSz 1)` \4|v|x11`\`.` TIC . ..---- `liornouonor D-II- . .L , __.;.a...n. ..I51hu.0ul. __._,..q dilion ' The nniiynl classical lab! `NH -._. --:.aI- an-alnnlntl ` i , __.__._ ` . u.-onlean-uxnddluuuuneu `and Bean] menu-nun. am It I . I ii uvug mm