..:.'m' a-.':-'..-.'.':.-.-.-.*-.:- `H . olog: can. IIIO | nu my Ilishihtv bv Jonucorgm |n`d ugh. Md yI:Juunnl nponwuunqoulinogjlnlliney 0! John lawty lor tho tupoddout Roe. la km opening luau-kn uni hui nply. Mt. `lllako chimed mu _.-_ __ ._ , ._.. I ruin-am Jug` n.-.1 pal Jr: Tjdlln ll.-IIIO (EHO! A an n ` ry' |hougnmoIh'IIIE'l`;n'uo.vProvinoasl pl-anon csne. The name : hut hon W -IIvIv` uurvu Illvulll 3.. Brooklyn. Cqi. Abbie. Nowhnn. N.\'. Cunt. Hahn. Kinnmn. an.` u.-15.. 01 A9! 3 ml litmus nnctv in lmnnn 9 Iolmllll VAIONB. -...:.... ARIYR AN8l\'ERS.\R\ . _`g,|;:.'s`.*\`ux KLECTIILT. ,n".`i u1t1'r1sH WH1G`.fFRI`DAX\; EVENING JA.\'UA.R\' 11. Innvlnllnnplnnuln. uptq-on lb or pmnu.lnvuhoou:: ol__ bvllndoluhnu. The judg- unlvuinhvourol nnduhmnh. vuhoudb Juduhuadhot at I vilhhotl` . HinI.ordshippvo{:3 null II Ouzoudo l{nll.TomnUo.on - mutiny. ThojnQnontwunuhun- tlvuoounonhrynpontlnhuholsho the ho. 3'....s..""'.!'.`I"" s......u.. 3'T:?..! ;. TXXEN Ull V. Jf -1 In which tho Souotyol I-'|-Sad: through- out who Do-inion an intnnohd. It nch.-val hp Jn-Alan Dnuuuu at II-Hg. Juucnlln tho Wuclnhocan Agni-cl Ihnnnhnllnnnl Ihnndnlv. unto was an nu Inn: unpwyou. Fro: Oiktlnu which thoorimnl {or- tnno with which John and Pour Doll lnooioo ouno hero in cuiuslod. the upahl invested in the various Del- nonieo ruhnnnts in now essiuutod at II III} lIi\ ll0lIl% nun Il.(.lXl.(ll1 nun worm I nunaoomo sum. onieohnat tholndinonsqnuo Hanna l50wuikrsndi)ooohuoem- nd. unit: nacho! Ibo Brouivn . cunt and Brown! that place: 5 wuihnund looooks. Iukinginnllflb vtihl-I uldweoolu. In udditlonlo than: tlunu an. M1 -ninnp A-unln-can use mount. and II moon- bor. lwl. leaving the rant:-um and cattle to his nephew Chulamthm Innk- I ineim worth handsome sum. Iunnninn Iv... on Oh; Hntlinnn Sunni-n to am sum: or menu unrnnon. e Mano oumond ol Wsll Street Ipocnlnuons. believed ovary l in; ru- Inomund bought wdloldum --NI judgment. He would uauv 0.l.I.i0l" lmdn cannon.-as:L Iii not Iuqnhmnd u ofhn would nah il- to un add. throw .doIvn hundred: ol dolhn.ud insin that he ovndit. re- pnllui ol all danish. Lonno Dollnonioo dial on Ana. and. 1&4]. hung to his nophow. Chu-la Dolnonioo. Olm.(ll).ud sohi-months donth ol his brother Siro. the bulk ol the able. valued at OHXXICXX). Silo. Ah. an-5-ininn Iunnkhnp nli-d in manila. II! (Iron Delnodoo. cl Sow York. Louve- llono--lIIs Lump Wealth. New York. Jan. ll.-.-\ couple of duyu nqochulu Doluouico Ion homo and is non missing. In Sopienhcr has he be- fin to give sign: of mean! alienation. 3 human nmmmnd ol Wnll Bind. 9 lununu.-yum I gxvlIIl m'm,!r9Q. .` kn nvnnnnmj UIIIII. Jun. IU.-um l0ll0Wlu,; up- ponntments to the Sonuo have been made: .\1r..l. ti. Ron. ol Quebec. in the place ol the late Senator Price; Hon. A. Lucono. Montreal. in place 0! the Inc Senior Bureau : Dr. .\lc.\lilln.n. of Alonndrin. in phenol the Inn Sou- Iu Broune: Mr. Junes `l urner. ol Hamilton. in place of the lam Senator Hopo; erslzeti cloliindney. ol Hul- &ou. in place of bun.-Governor Aikina, The vuancna caused by the (loath oi Suntan Hnmilmn nnd Gibbs lmvo not I00 uuuuu INIUII siluuuui WI VIII- Iung-llnruu and an oxpouu inciden- Isl to the Mallow. Iouqhnn and Wu- loni chain: has also too: dolnyul, Luge ninu have but expended in me work 61 Pu-Ihnongury nxiuntion in .L._ -:.- _...a ...._n_ ..l rhhli. -_.I :_ 1 cvuancan caused by was noun ol Sensors Hamilton nnd ml heel lled. J{~"~`|l'J!mI. , I `CH Guam 'Iuuven:na.1$I qjtuowu 9 M - unmonnuxzv - . Laodouderry. Jul. H.-lr. Wnlku. Q.(.`.. Sohcnor-Uononl lo"! Inland. III ycuordny elected to the Coqnndu with- mn ognpodjtlou?` no in I Lihunl. I ,___._.._. sung and it val only an vuup'mI- Innund tynllh i Halon- orw oltbo tnnqhin. and uh; II the with was pulod civil yugwolld to- an L Pu-in. .nL. n.-'n.. ochl unis al the loan in the light at Sonny `shown {hit than were four odn killed. Algnnn -oinnnlv knot IQ?-ll A"I0'IKl' um than tour omqen quad. eleven nu-iounly hurt. noven ulightly wounded. Seventy-seven men were kills! and 831 wounded. [Ina-nnunntn IIAIIA hnn Conn.` AI. Qnn~ nuuou no :31 wounded. | Document: Invo bean lonnd Al. Son~ say which proved beyond doubt that the Black Flag: won {urninhed with arms by the Chinese Government. St. John. Nld..Jua. l0.-(llnI. one oltlm 83 pneonere. wee dinchuged es noon today. the evidence uzuinet him having completely broken down. Coun- sel lot the prisoner: nqneeled that in the inlotveta ol order. justice end lair ylsy so the prisoners tho reeultot these nnveetignione ehonld not be pnbliehed. The Court ruled that It was better thus the tnnln should be widely mud publicly known. cnulihblo tuna euuppar In pfllt. nu win In new on uad Itlglithuociotiu. _-.---u... . '---_..__..-. Berlin. J.u. u.-rh. Krruz Znlnuy any: that England`: thonghlluuu in the Inunaomontol alhinin Enypthu nndotod her situation momma : to the IN-u-gm. 'g-A L49 nnnnwnlinn Rnvnl : . an . "-----w... Dublin. Jan. l0.-l)ol. King Bu-nu_I. .\l.P. lot this county. in I upoanh um ovuina aid is only idle nlIip`ml- lnnnnnd tvnnh win dnind ......-.....,.. ....-......... an-nu. Jun . - lt?-~I:. Dovhu. -to Inn (hhuod in the lutoouvau ll South Rcninw. ha been spin nouhnurl for the Load hqzinlutnn .by the Conwrn; rm; till torn ,2inoln1. Home. Jun. l0.-'l`ln' Pope an about to *".......' -':..........'*'`-s..... -"-". noun will In nods button notinoaul ....a L~...n.n. ....ms.; 'z"" .'.7E` 7a.'.'.'7'.mnu""' "" "'3 to i be still more dangerous. Thoouool Dorhnd v.Jonu in nhinh u ilnnngtunl In`-n`4.4h kl:-mnnlu, mhwn. Jnu. unnl-nuanta In 'l`l.l'l.l-liR;\Pl'll`1*-;g_[Hu,']-`s. 'nncun'u canon. IICIIVZ up --I1ElIfUCC | IIIIIIZ uncut bond Jay nib whites. Tho nngndhn '-LnALn- AL. -nl-nuns: unnltl Ql'A REES IN lX)l}R'l`. cnaunlii no uyunn. - . ..-- gm, n__|__ BIIIILNI DIUIIXID. A Ili\`lNG IAN. I: IJ.-lj jli mxqiiiffin A PREDICTION. IlPUII-IIOPlIhl'I`|lIl A `M |0.-Tho lollowiu,,; up- an Sannn hum been WI W .'WT j} III it tho Dublin oonlty cotton Igdnl Col. |n__ II-n-ngn An` lh M Koala`-n. ` -u.- ---.- ...-.-..-_-. Yuhldnylulioou 3 Intel: In yqd on the outline rink Duran uuuankippdbyxnjahatlndmui lhnilton. mouthing in 0 dudtlod vh- lorylor tho laid . The Icon wu: ggn. W. C. Onnuthcti. W. Idio--' .i.. .l. Shun ud Iqjot shun (clip) -19. Thootbor hnnnnlu Dou- .i.oun, W. 8U'Il`L Cl. FBI` and Curt Hamilton (OU|>)~'I. tho! the .`. .'.}....T........"T' \h h Ibo land. I In in. m ii] 0! thou; uppotitqsll lndluu um Thin body. an tho London Slnuulnrd, in about to oolohl-no its lath omnivor- nry. It now poooouosolhouo oud obrood. 69100:-poond l.489ooon. Tho onny Inn Iwooon shroud. In India o ml number :1. notivoo hove joi Army to pro inoorpnoon in tho nooo ptovololn cl tho ptinaipol citioo and tho wotk bu boon onpponod bvhndoniood inlndn. Tho north ol tho Amy in tho Anohofnn Uolonioo boo boon tho Inorvolol the you-. Twelve months ogothoro won only three or tour oorpo oohhhobod in South Auotnlio. Now. in the loud tho Anny Ian 34 corps. under 40 ollloon prunes. I moon veael no pleroua me sir got into the blood. detth iuhntl ensues. The! noun taken her ' on that The blulncua. il poniotodin. will kill off I henlthy ht woman in about nix yumnd they don't make I [grab dual 0! money. oithor."-(`IrwIunJ omld. Herald. Tho Hulooltnmn niun ab oliqiIi - _.!!9.;.flhunnnhxpnLIr.c.'.n.Ir1L up lllbnhoob noun 5: nnupagp IlI$nnn1nnAnInIu..-nLn._.'._.A. ' `DO. III "IO 0! H10 ll mung blood venel he pierced the nut cal. mm the hlnml. dash iuhntlv . _. u ~.._.-.. -_ ..._- ._-..-. "I-`et women in ude ehowl no notati- ouuly ehortiived," aid an old ehowmen. "I reckon yon_don`I know how theyue dootored up They etu-t with e pretty fast women to begin with. Then with e silver needle little holoe en uede through the edipoee or htty tieeue. clear to the mueele. The tiuuee ere then blown up u 1 butcher blown up meet. until In increeee in bulk ie obteined, which. in the em. amount: to In much u hel1_or three~qnertere 0! an inch. II when the progzreeeol the inating lnrnnnn. nhlnnrlvaunl hnnialnufl the ` IIIIIN HI!" TIIDDOTI Illlli IUD other every step. "Who is ho?" "Oh. it`: old Gri that lives out on the sands." tune I former. He must ban a wretched lute of it." "There. you're olf. young teller. (lripp is one of our oldest. and beat citiu-na-ono ol the piononra. I reckon ha`: worth half n IIIiIIion."-.3lu:-A-Ion .\ImI. man with we oonelesn Ind Ieamer neg. ' tugging at the rope and leather lines. The male gunned deeply and painfully started walk eo elow that it would III`! angered the chief uauunnena at a lumen]. As he yalked it was seen that oae ol his hind legs had been broken at the knee joint. and healed an thas it but Inward and rubbed against the 4.15.. ml Audra: -I-n "\\'|\n an I109" IIIhogo0oon0rIIuIo.ulIpofs- psiinyourpspuutholign. Ihil.q_l$- Linnm usoduk quills. Bayonet. lolhomhewu -bemln-iodmonul sy.uuhh|lydnIuk.|IIindashoI thou. liew|:doIad.ud'nuudtoa nponnnlm ihoduulcunanount 4-- Ala -.-ulna -high L: M In Ind gaudy mung. mo IIIIIIB wu non : to the broken nnd spliced shaft: with odds ud ends of Itrnps. Hi: whole human we I mun or knots nnd twins and angles. Pho nanle stood with his nose within six inches 0! the ground and gnu n hollow cough at intervals. From I nlnp clone to his ear A long tunnel de- pended. It had once been red. but was nown dirty pink. "(let u n." slid the with the bonelesn um leather leg. Onauino gt llua rnnn nml lmbhhr lihnn. l i I.n.\';-:! ln"Inu: lib Ina; ,_ V ._no'r:kdnoKIIIgy+\ I lhglhhmn undenhnd that 1' Well. II"! n not. now um Keeling in none lot over. It the once wronged me I lggve done lu worse. My love in :3 strong in ever. but the leehng 0! lntred which baton Ineompm nied in: now replaced by one or `ty for her sud contempt {or myself. a will be nnrried some day. and then [will endeavor to make up lor the wrong I t I have done her." ----oo_-.._ I$ UUUiTljU'lT$m Ihnollodhoohiiqpyvny vllnhoovcm Instill Iaoohnllui hvqhouhohool Trains in Khguou hdnnnw. Ind Ihoyvcnuo lokulnponuvioluon .0! lb Inmwhhh lnu,|npuohl)nlc- ouootohookoun-nnud quit A man with: leg that hung as loose (mm his hips: if it had been 1 piece of buy rope buttoned a rugged overcoat over his humped shoululen and pigeon bunt. Then In looked up nnd down nuns; with corneal vacuity. and hopped on his good leg to his wuuzon nnd dmw him ' self pcinlnlly up no his seat. The bop 1 of the wagon no nude chiol! y o! gunny ` nooks. uad onntod to one side as I! h had nbont. mule up its mind to give up lnrthor oort to be nwngmon to . Tlnee n has were gone horn the llin pheols. he hlld spring was broken nnd was Ines n-om mo Inna wneons. u spring tied to the ulo with half unrnvollod ropes. Attached to this ruin ol 1 vehicle umnle wuhimhod. The wnggon by comparison with this heat van s new and gaudy thing. The mule wu nod . to the broken unhcod I NV UK Hu|` the marriage ugnononl would be cut- riod out. On Sunrduv slao procured I mu-raga" lioouo. And once then has been nlunooenlully tryin to induce uonoonounnu-ry thou, {Bosh minin- Iun uni dlcinh an Iottlno Clothe knot.` Th?` the wonuwould never bo uh vi A Ilhnndgwho night .... - ...- _.._. _ -'n-ualnlunn -In ' and Inn uliillilil to Ilbo'_our`or sue! piour. On I uuhonotl Ino- nononid: then qlouintingno whn was am can of the 'l`hnlcnn never renal. but it nlnyn nnklod in my haul. eveh when liu moat muily lucinatod with her. Hov- ed her mud yo: I hated her. You can't understand that ? Well, it`: I hot. Now ah-Q I-ling in nnnn lnr Avnr. II aha nu. In wand uiouo In. mnmnnnnnshnn-unt. _ thiunoninq "Au to u-y `I you-all in um :2`: had: `(hr hi: uuderoun unnltppol you ?" M and unn|IIpoIyoI?"munu.' No." Ibo replied. `.21 love him and he Iona no. lonnol uphill it. You wouldn't undonund. Than In: an old gtndggbuuhnu Allover now. and 1 can sure he would ` 1" The lqonor next. culled n the gum: 1-=-9 -.- -:::"-.*':'_*..."'-.%.-...(.**'*J`....* *'*` Boudmppuubdtothoyuuuouolud the publish lnlbvo Ilhltho Baud -.nnll.a- um...` uh..- --J._." L.` !IAllll')'l!\'[_1` A- HUKDRBEIQ NIYIII IR! II IIIIIIII "l'bolQol|It1 cull sh al.- uad |do":bll":at:hoi lo-Opoood lolnmlnn. nu. A1` `rue IIOIAIKOS` IXBTITUTB hum d--IIIII. V In! 5-. lBU8|NE501l9El and tho klulnvdontl - 0 uuho.ocIA'l'UIl.DA JIIDI JOII I\'I INTI`. . uuchn. I 'r':.:2:: ...-:.2.':..-.:.-:.*.:::_:g | ul1wl|lb0_hu|1lulInvdgg_g_!nI'I ' A. non-nu III . l I I I . n . U r l ' I NB. ll PIIICIII II'III`I'. Jqn. Illh. (Not! C P. X. Opnlllonl -.- -.-. .... .._- -..___ - NOW IS YOUR 'l'lI8_._LADlIll'. T0 IICURI a In! an pm: you rm not bublo to buy It 08 unit. lulu bolt; canned D potent yr. :1 should tmyono I0! below this udvuce Inn |h0o.ul0ALl:0WA\ linho pl: 1 to you an- J. GALL()WAY, Ill OITKLI llll ENTIRI I100! 0|? IUFPI II lllul. PCIIAI hnhlknnk. luau: unb llnl. Altnohn. Guy lamb. Baltic Bnl. lob NI. IIIHII urolll II:'la cl OYU1 dtaulirtlol A Y lithe. . ...`5.'.5'B2.# .""" "'* I`~lIoi'qIq.IuII'uuu Pino- .. ' 1:==.'.-.:t:.x'-'~--- In W-I. Ayn ' of mum cnmma sun] IEIR II II .oIdIn. lllh. Cdlll-Inc, nlici ol tholue Isl llyuanmoutlyru. Tho funeral will uko plan on Bnuldlr Illi- noon at hall pus giro o`clocl. tron the undue. M John Dianna. Ontario Stuck hhndl Ind Iequlntnouuo nupoonuly Igvnui to Anna. l|_ gL-AgL I._..-__ An I nnI-`B-_L A_|.-__-- -11:.-.-a----.- u.-..v......., .- v --cw vv an..- on an on Jun .u uzuooeu. Arkunu Inn n.. o c nu. w. n.-r.ynor. mi Illoollnlcnoo I. H: ppen. uedann nunt boooco tho (Intuit pouiblo in- contivu to "tan pulu" indplquoo. But tau! (ton Shani` ooIIldnntnII' ' the remedy lion dinollyu the noun ol Ihoovil. in tho loud iholl. It the '1`:-who In all oudutul. to an- GALL()\\'AY S. -----oo:--- _ Dr. Canon`: Pulmonuy Cough Stops. the pnaori {ion of an old Cundnn Pne- mionor. T 0 heat. remedy for the Lump. inhlugo bottle: at 50 cents. For nlo away- Iv ore. BHIWIII I I 0 IN` l2lu's.-Tho market, uwlun to the may and ol the mail In lnncuvo. The chain: in prices no row. but the domnnd tor potatoes, .31.. but. lamb ad mmou Ilnood 1 1. `Mad If f "*1 NW an ft` . e lhohcliod........'. .......... I , Jun. I1. I i Whett~~3 Feb.; 100:` lo I 1\hy;`9:+3' naked tor Jan ; 94! Inc . ` J Corn~-51! to 69} for thy ; 66; Feb. : 55: nu. Pork-u.e~u Feb. 15 In Ihy ; um; Much. Lu'd-`.I.25 Mn '. ' um not quo . V I -oo~-----_. Ioumurougn .. lhobcliod...... .1 . lhtylfpnu-ngu. 0n..`..I .... ._ w----- ---_.____._ , linnqnnrnn In anvil no TIIGIIY nun. nun aunt. came: run. Li fllll Tho Vlouoyol lulh hlunouoly u- popuht with tho Euophn ohnonl. Whilo Indy nmly nooivod by the nuns upon uolohl Inky. howu .l_..A lg-anal L-n ilk . -Ll|- Th. I FIIJUL I Iona`: Ila;-I. I :-hex Inna. Angina. rnouo nun. nah; -cam:-3. _.._,,., ,.-V__ ~V,_-_ When-quot State I 11.`. to H0. Oorn-nuId ; sales L000; high mix- ed 63; njeotodyo. 01I-quiol; new Snub! 880. M. I. `V < bulillc--quiot ; Cundn nomiunlly 64`: in Ru-|`u__nnmh ugh: MINI] hnnh nl Na a. Bu:-:-qmot; Idol 00.01!) huh of No. lllnn 1:84 to 00; No. I Cundn Tic. ~c'n.Jxm I WHOLESALE PIIC88. W FA!!!"-!.!._ :7-unomvcs innit; .. .1. . . Mujke. IIIIIKI QZVIIU, VIZ VIIIZ. luv qnodhnihothcg Ihvgluuupwould tunonnolornngunlollnonouhnd boounnehdiuonnududou-lodtydnw npoohuon tothounnormg pqinulu I m . um V 72` ` m nu |A__g.g._u a Imml .._-nu: AlIl.lCAl--- umxyr Aunnx '1:-r. |v2f?._T!2mwo1 I WIOLL I! II!` by Malina anon-uni ll lo I . Ad lnlomlar. v '3`.'.'.'.`-'3.` "` tn 7. u. 0.-P:ITlt. I. an M mom ` IIII njillil I! out U-vvyu 0! tin WW`. loan. Redmond and Wnllhe. Octolthigiloolno lrpin 5.11!) Io'l.tlDIIIvo hoonupo-dad in the up port at loud luau The out at .1... n..nx.. nnnlli ronlnnl nun: (`nl panic! in octane nllovd on the ho- lule lu Incl III In nqnnd In v rguwoulllynllhli at ' noun-s-::Iy i ll Illa II I thouluno tho chnnduttbcytnloodpur EIDI`. Cfldeb WI" hollultccl. A Band II`! to In nttonvlunoy AA-lQlnn.X --.0. Itnonnlly II III No! Ix.-_ dnlv sxA1In|"u'nIIlALm (Iurhng Rink. Bun-Io Strut. -s_;`,, -u_.___.,,, - ll`:-May Even!-3. January lIIh.I [comma IOOKI`l'OII| The Milhonun. 30-. A Noblo Wilo-by John Suundorl. lb. Lima [.03 -by W.(Tluk Ruuell 200. Life of Zwingli -by Jenn Limb 3'-o. Annnn \\`nter-by Rabt. uuhnnnn. 20. do.. dn., Part 2, Biography. 20. A Grout HoIroau-.\ I-`orulne in Seven (`hnptom W w_$U TI Tn IIII rather Io outlook in lth iuidnnu olndo%Ildc. Woluhounptiou In In -.11 n-n-nhlnn TL: -m--. Round the (hlley I-`Iro--by W. (`Jul Bun- sol. l. c. Thirlby l`lull-b_v W. E. Norris. lllualrnod. $5 cents. Lilo and Lelhn 0! Lord Lyttou-I-`III I Autobiography, 20. mmnnsrunmmnwnsmnnj . .. I A In-:cIM. LINE or on-:11 'l`\\'0i - IQDIIDIQM " I "imu_uso a mud. H; ;u|I to An nmn..y- ' ; `Hui auction. . ' J, Ladies` Au. Hauler: Iron Ila upwards. - I.ad|n'Cnshno-re Circular: (Int Ilugdbu and up. Hen`: (`don Cog! 098 up. u In D(`$pOL`QIullIy. < any noun loboobalo ` 1 , mm and Gloves at nd 3 mun` prion. and the `nut . not has run II Klnjploi. ( tin! can show: nluck 0' Sell Mnntlea. I L1` \\e ll`' lhe only }:J>\l`nA|V' In l.h.e ell)` PEISIII ula cm Pnuu 0550 It you run sun numgiy - A -vw--- alumni in wt: our]: in: nlmoot citin- ly shunt. tlii nonulod oompunyvu ropnullul by clown nu. ol whom AL-n---`an-an-an as-lnl lhnnlsnnnth `H13 "iiI}H`I' PLAUB `rm! ' E! run mu: `XMAS GIFTS. A : I-on caannnmnu we Inn: ` I Pernlnl Ln-5 Canln. Persian Lani Caps. > Persian Lani Gauntlets. sen! Capt. - Seal Iinunllelo. I MILLS+BROS.,E mu-rnnut saotmna rnnnnjgs Io vcnov. \\o null only -. nnt.umiauunsdmrua.ga:tf Cu. to j4;;Lm Islam son Iii IIIIBI I IHlJ'I`lIH C1` * ram |..u)u:s wl: u.u'|; Sen! Jacket-. ' I Aurncbnn Jackets. seal caps and Hal- Penlnl Lamb bells. ` loan. Pups. `C-9 kc. | ._ Corner Btook And Wellington Scrub. Jan ll Vhmwwm Fusr corner rnnooufondu I330! u.` II.` nub. , XUIIIT. vl-II um lnuuu: 1;- have been otpnind during tho you. About 171!!! but bun waived by the Tnuunr. 113.!!!) o! which urn hu huutInuod_ from tho lriulunn ol 5).. Anghnnli-n nnln-LI-Q Ln Chg gnu:-n mm mus Am Roms READINGS. No_'1_:-_J;c1>m III IIOCK I'l`IlB'l'. mm Indium . New Advertisements. s|An:run:n|ns Hate; Cpyand In wsulnm-ron in .. nu. OIIUTIFUL --__ ..._. 1\`l'O_';Z'IO.3._ " ..*~.T.'-5'7-:NI'.'$-.'V.-'-'.-.-.'aE:*-*.%"` `. IAIIIIT DAWN`. I"F*ZI ll TVZ Ifg IE WIITII thnowuuoonnontol IIIIIUQIQIIIN -0 -L._A ..l_.A.. AL- ..._.I -_A:lL__ -...... 15300!-3.1 N pnnnbouunlu `. ` DAWI o ~ \ Anal! I Walk Haul. JQIJIIII. Ilt faaey Cate -u Incl Ialor. n.-Angus`-g. A4, III unnnlood. No`: the AMI-cu- - A:--:1 -. 2;--1 IAIIIIT WALII. Dal. -m`.`m*. l:._._.__ nuym uI'onH;In.k`9 on once , Iunnyolgeluucugoodnrllolgac - opp. IA-v sign, do but ' othcr will one yuan V - hull condent In 0&1`: Nuorvirn Iothoon ulna: nwm ll Innkacl Flllflx And] at 'lI' on: sun. In ma." Veal luqo and lhiufou . nuunvl IPICIAL ruxhn noun nuan coguuur wt Guhohul a fqugaooal onqrluu-0. [coll mundgul l_I o&h[ All CLIAIINO 001' `I'll I |LA"`f`I 0' IBM! wmu anal canal dl noon : M thou inn] low 3|-Ian. Ii Douiosted Wheat. ; Dnuioatod Bu-loy. Rolled Outs. ! Peurlino Heal, . 1 Oatmeal. E Crooked Wheat. jcsmums mums OIIIVU ICU` In-01-. VIII vi IIIU lvquu 0! about mild). the H utillory mum and tour nu. tho nclnhshu` oanpuy moved on upnunhtivo. and the in den` oonpuy Ivroomn ad one an. Tho auto Iillhr. about 340 Inna. ho oonpuiuol aom. Iuat "elk " on co-puny ol nilwny onployoou. and Ihluouupuiuot ca- .I-l- Una: -n-Inn: Ml and mo orinlit iii 'bT:i-Blot 07 (&h.`u TGGM. 'I.I I.6od1Iod. an-u ldhunuo a united uunbtrol puplou ma. Human`. It. Wnuo & nunlvotl TIA! [N0 cl Ibo IIIIIJ 1!. H W. I'll.!0l.loIualy of Row I22 land fkxuuvulnrylnau-. pup-I cl . I. W . lhl, milk :3 y 0! Into In chant`: cl-ugh. futon. In docldtll. win: to per Illll. . And all otha Uldorvcu in nupolon. In : lullhd Inn lulu line not nit. Ion`: lnlltod (llonl from no per pair luv: All Wool `lop gum: (mm 76!` up. Ion`: Envy (Irny llnnnol Blnru from H up. Ion : luv: Uuon emu Dun Ibo up (1-do Irhloveg Kid Ind other lib ul , IIOIIIPCIDE HBIFII VIII IE [1. Do not \.\:I:`lu`II;I n,_ -..L .-_--... uvy Ribbed Bhiru nml Dmwcnatfrom ti on -to DC IDIL PCIIIIL Bury uouuo Btu-nod mm Incl Dv-nuns null homto our um. I057! 81-u:lc| Bhinu unl Dram-:1 hum II 0. . per IE. AsHL?'s T Great Shin Hausa. N0 DAMAONI) G00lIB-I|U'l` Al L I'll and now. We will [In )0: 0 uplnndld uugn M Unorweu 2 Michnalbcvitthtldnnhugbtutto tho Phlltluhh aw. Ilnnod up thd result 01 th Notions! novonut in lnlndduilqthoputyon. Hodivlqu its opuntlou Im two puts. (n shut thoNnionl [Aquila lnhnd.uadI`J) tho Puliunontuy work m Wntuim star. Then us. he up. ubout two hundred and lit: bnnohu ol the I4-qua uhblhlod throughout the .......... e..... um. ...|.|:.. .....u..... JAMES REDDEIPC,` oo1p:|' 1 We hae received by the last St.oa.mer from London a few cases or very supemor Black 'I`ea.blende d in Londondock in bond. under the supervis-` ion of Hex: Majesty's Custom House officials. This Tea is put. up expressly for the` no- bllity of Great Britain. This xnixtup is made up from the nest fees` that can be got. in China and Ipdm. and if we are encouraged by the fami- lies here "using Tese ne _`.grqdeoft.ea.s wow continue to import t em. men In. IV POFKID P \)1\: I31`!-`HQ Em um: u Ioblmy gm: 3 I-`aglllfos of lmt Corner Montreal R Princes: nu. JMARMALADE lollllllj !B|ack Barrios. Itlnvyviv I1! ullvu II-oval douhonvuiounhools. lhrtieu \\'hu huro been w|iuuu_ for those Dried Blnckberrien can now be supplied as the that non- Iugnmont hm urix ed. Also IJUBEIIT G WALSH hon John llolr I Bou. London. ltiulnud. ill. hm! (`cu-Ir.mo.ru Ilu-ta. no-to-. no-I ruxuu Innluuuuun-. nu I In. pnu Orume Iunmlule In 0 lb. nu. Ol'1IO Innuuulo In T lb:-mu. . _ -_ u-._._u-.n_ n- us; _ naoalvtb TO-DAY Porgnnorn Illnol. Prheou red. s. LOYNI8 a. oo., W. ll. M('RAE & (`(). 1-ct II - I ii [31 POPND C.\NNlSTF.'RR. %*'v!'i-mtg. Curnul Jam II) I lb. Jan. Iiuphorrv Jam III I III. Mn. Blvntbony Jun In 4 lb Inn. nms_IgA1.. m.cengne;.;` 1) "ie.a_-V`. fl, Elwin `Sic. I nocm A YEA R's SPHMI Bl`. Q-U!-I OIIIVWIJ Some Ihy piblic ._ .---.i..4I An-i-n I . bytln any! ` II..I_.._.c .-pl Mi Tho 1, up 1,: -.. ,1 ~I:u_w- yu-Iv- vv-lfulqunvu-ICU Iuhiiu Ids. Iodoulhlinu nsnuinuuoundlnnudiu huh; Ilohn can ohlcnl IO- IOVOII-Idhlltflllh. Iulqjtjlu-IoII1p-v'uu9 proud but Innltlnunho. Be an lid uhtuqnny In lunch hvoluunuhinuhIl.IIc@'\hoiIu I.._`..A._...._._ ...l.n ll._-.. TVS Qt w in it wl-I Jlnuhh yuriil boqplnquuuu a-.L.`a_.g..a. |I..|.....uL.n.... Vjjih CIIVX-jVjvIIij in |will.uuuuIhK.hP.IL.hopu. I ._....| Agnx. I....-sa..._I... Inl `IIoIuuOlnIIul0- D.(I.`*uI'&XII lI'Q 0oupIv.uvhd.`qoIuIonIiIuud[ hill nnnnnnnnlhnth .-__kn3AI 0|InvhyhnIln.(hIh.ol lan- ln.IilodWilIhnCluIo.hnclyol Ihllnd Canal lnlnl likely. dnd.@Id7yann. `- luihhounn bud bylh luuythuovqlcounlhtunh Jlnnnonn AL. lInL In-A 15.11.... WIIXIQITT` ohhunhnlholud luihdouht an uhcno on Ilodvoulqd 00 .-g-. `Ag- Ir. lniuwuhoill Innovating to mac Ibo nooliqolllosoloolloud. Wn.0onI1hb.CiIyInIcu.nulon honuuvanoold. Thodchtkiov -Io. -ggll "5..""'a...`.... a. mu. ....m...` dduutlhlnsulbounlunldutiuu lnrlhliouo :l0onIol. bu Inch L-.--g-l-A.) . with than) haunt and I-ulnar forbidding and eonnlonnon. He in oppuontly nboutaoyunnol ago. The jury round I undies olgnily. with n uuugnoonnondauonlonuoy. I-hip: wunhtaoodtolvuynnin \hoPoni- bltiuy. Ho tool bin uuunoo without --._J . IIC uvun.-. sun: In`: uuuitllu VII PIVIIPI` unutedouunpiciou olhviuosu- odhor doubt. [I III sign list In cruelly ill-sumo-I her. and hot body bonin may pineal the nuts 0! blown uuikick: thuho had duds. rum. nnnnpln small in -nun. And A, -I.-pal... nunnnlynov--nuuv uuuujlu llxpr laconic uncllin uunnndohloudu A_.__- _:;L _I,-__ 1...___- -_; __.L-_ usullvll III IIIIIVU VVZII Ii U3 Til?- Iiuy. `-Conldlrt yonunke it four ? he naked. itonially. as he ma removed tron the box. Bolton Rdr. convicted 0! men- eleuhter. ha been sentenced to in pnnoumou lot an van`; He was charged with his vile`: death. which occurred ve weeks ego. She was hand deed in the squalid hovel thei had been hethoneand bu-husband wenptoupt Ivglunnhnulnnnn-nioinn alhnpi-non-_ " an old man mmcnlormnn while lrink~ ~ in with him at n lnu-. He watched V Ilunilugn and: two Inn '00 the Pepi bunny. Du-id Wade nob 37.50 from Gonna`: pookot book and run on 50. but unload lo I low IIIIIIOII ud [no it back n in ovynor. uyinu that it vunol worth Ihsliuq. When he It-~ tnrnonl tho pootoyhook it contained two 5 out pieces. The ptinouor tn 3... o-....l In nu... ..._ K- ah. n...:.._ I UIIIII luau. auu ylluullir VII `- tuouitothruynniuunlinllu. utI....I.I-u ...... _.- L. {A 1.-.. an n , 3.: ha. hdu*hn- iin not at nqui uinuug' uihIhI:"1lI gnu -sIoonotinwothonploycnnidubo _.....|...........|.V.nn.......u_.-'~. otmousutnauuoauacp-u.yJ nu-U Iuuunvuuu av-ova I101 III! III!!! nqch `about the locomotive um-In. Hlhovwouupmupommu hinti- unhu why wait Ieoocrv to adopt thoaiuiht hour:-union. and why does ` the management us this moment. for lnduntrfl uh. think ol buildinu con- pouitp bouund shun luau ? A. I..- 0|... \l'-... :5 I.-- _..L 5.. aL-_|. jllj tutu; XVWZW VI-4:` inqttonihoputnldnpmwo. Thy uop|dq|hoqhIuiunelunoo- uluddlIiqIhIubol'\ho Inton- nis Oovuunntbuliouunullsl the dnuuuhlnu niolhonndilhunsly uted. In |8'I8|h00ou|rntin/edi- Intlindnjonlyoolhcvulthnncuuhol hukmpteiundlnhonnnnblu. print- od than ooupionouly. and culled the god: towillnn thodillhr which at bladed by incompetent: and gmueuu and (mu upon the yhool." Yet. with autistic: showing that [An nor. in hilnnn sad bnuinou Icon. in. with thooxoqtion o! 1578. tho moot qntortnnnh lot I my long tuu.wououpponol|opuonouli- nlnl -II-nan. Ilia -n njunilu A W WW1` W $'m'W_|C` and dlunu. It in. we paooin. 5 annual in-non oniul thing to w niul thoovcamenl that in pronto: hm -on boon unlined. um in polncy (nu highly protective u the nuldat protectionist on again, does not mu. prosperity continent. and an my um Sir Loonud and his nunanpu dolin- don no 1 lot of political hulnbuun. Th Bmnkvillo Hum don not know __._I. `-L__.A AL- |-____._.:___ ____ .- vv vv-UUuIl\l -uu-us uungvu u vhlorthowum it hu not tothnnk Who 50VCl'I|l,IIII for In uvonn. In ndnneouonl bu not depended upon thonnooeu .3! the Nationnllblicy; in nxinhnoo does not hinge upon the pup | o! _n .\liniauy. but upon the sup- port or tho "sovereign people. Th Wnm in Libnnl in politics. but it in notuopnniunutohlinkuovory puny indincntion. 1: ha hon nbonl as independent unpnpor. fnonnhh ton puny. can he. Ind our Buockvillo friondn `would think mum at the Traces it It ooonpiotl n ninth: position. Sir John In-lould not long since aid to greatly ndmirun outspoken papa: : lot the otguu which were slu-`uh and atnginqud (rovolliq in their nlsitndo he had no fooling bntthntoleontonpt. We cu inlet the opinion ho mun enlar- hin for our Bmckvillo oontomponry. Iva Mouth tbudlthn hr I`IhoII `Incl. not-A Tony Ind Inland. VI III! ` y nu`:-uuu-uu nu tho cily sud county 01 Dublin and in oounotiou will occur two um: con nlituoncioo. A hduu of about 1'3.(ID nuuim in tho 'l`nnnlu'u Lucia db: Inuit: all tboobrgu mcu-ndiu tho work of Iltlalguo In lnhnd during '|`n punt you. Spuhingol tho Idslstion be ob urvu thus the bill: which have can puuod ndnly uxmgl. tho nu. pus, tn puullly uohowkdpd to be of Inlnulhl Ionian to tho county. The l.nhonn`DnlliuAothuuoI|nu. vcryoxhulvuly snihd omlptoto uncut: bnlilpnnbutohooopoou byvhioh catatonia! ohupwillbo _..n-do-IL.-nnnInnnnnnInllrnLnI_ -a the o-mu `Gavin-nklhiqhibiih` 9- m'I.~I..4.~'u doun r`1Ln.s.T ; In nu. "I-run.-pct-p It! used duh: aunlhr oi-pan daily -mu` Ihi-II In -v.I-`o-.-yr hnu up d at up Inedould. lfrunnhulnmdo new oditocfn loan VIl"iuQ"O ennui` lino idau-1l)\h II 3150:`: hit- |7&)llIaI_.nont can I lino when u..__ -3 L__ n_.|__L_:_, :1 _-. _- mint CU. 513?}! tufts '1-In-nu goorivuguonohlllwovu-Iho:"nnd (8)l|nlIhIWlmnnppdnncoduuIns dudionutiu umnuon by been M pinchodnnnnnpnvpucnu. Ontnovcreu hoounouod boon lowwudL~li@u'I hdutriuhuo nlwnyi hacdnibylhopod Ind haduuuullluyanjuovnlun E.-D-g-nth-n-n-nltl-xxunn Thgu ARRIVAI. 0!` l lllS0.\' l\`.R.\'. PKI.`l)_l!Ah IIITION. u- uuwwwvyi 9 -no-.-4-. Ittijlnaguuunuvwuuu thonldhouhucdlnbvnvigo.-on or- Thuoiulovocktollnnon hvonblycnldloduuulhdm unison. !|hIthp|Ilvkuondpn- vbulolhlnntlnpopnppnh but the vlulhpuhnno cl haw: nuvlnfb nu nqulnulby any unihlln. lnvlcwcl Ihopnpnnnodlhlbiwhicisir clulnnbllhdilulh-in; hnulIuI.lb.nn|hado|o|ivo puiljullbyulnnlhhvllbo duuuhlhuuhnuhllofdlntod tulud-pvulnuihhhnd. ~ A`O&IIuIHlvlllhpuII n..n.L.aL-n.-nnl-lnninhn Ihnhhn. I pnuo hooking at 8 p.I.;|ln.. hllutlpa-: \huqn0_uC:l)p.n.; ownlulldukpm; gllqw |IIIyoI' Iootilu. connecting 1| um .-.|..L _ '1'-II-;II|iIIbIlIt|lI.SIlItII7.'NU- noIth.I|I-wvillhorcpluuulhd -_-....---.s ""l `Fun nlgiuluu nu uni uunllwl VIII) opnodllnnpouthocitpu-Iwho Inn I-iualnnllnnnhhon. will be pre- nuk Tbolollotiugnncxpochdlobo on bad. the gamut gathering 0! Amy had: that has over occurred in (L--`L ~ null wllvll Iluluuuvu `I-Iv III-Iulli IIII beouboqhu they will move into shun. They an ouryinx out Anny regulation to the Inuit. 0ud'pIQu'I.l.ions no being undo lonhounivu-uryolI.hoAr|ny's nick upon Kinpton. All the clean who nu.-_.4I In. -1-sa\- Ch pic. .-.I -1.- L.-- -- I The clean oltho Salvation Army have uncured rooms at Ill Buy Sinus. and than lurninhecl (um hnihn Inn L4... L._-LAL AL-.. -..II _..._. 2-5- `L-.. uonnnnuvuncgnus. 0nMou\hyInxIl.ho0ouI1I|l| listen hump-unto: the sum oluno potiiclmvhoh Allqotlhythenm pondonkuobounlnn. A (`I-Ioltnhon &CII-Aunutftuo `loan upon: ubornoun. culoa um uuuuon or me) we -ovidonoo ol the machnncty by which Luny wu appoints}! Roda agent. and argued um lug agency, In tally abb- Iulhod. He also oouhndod that Ibo u...n..... .... ....m.... 4.- ........ ...;n.;.. n.- I YOICQK3. Rizal b hvoslvillllllvu an an hula: nnjlnmhn-n nah '.?'.a.."'x.'.'u-5.'.'1'.:u.'i".'.`."....""n..,."' "us. cl was Ilppothrof Ron`: oopno-L Tlpr. Blnhmek. ulnar nninnnn out Mf. lllti. IIIOI` llllq XI unnoulythnochugaawemnowmgod omoltholmwhuuhwon brought lob wunwduuinu-inlaookupuaddinonsod tho various points urnwd by 000 neu- Izuuuuuinnnuoou upnu annulus! I to pohh II-gud II II [Ell- uonot. Mr. Blake l'0|IlI9{'~Il|d the court tanned ` L On Monuhv lull tho (ml-I II" linm l\CFNI\XEII|. I10 W "III 5% `HOW nothing about Luuyi nllqud noon- cilnno/II. but on the contrary Md every nuonto behdnthntho lndinbinun actual opponent. Ho culled nhnuou to tho lu`n:I..,.I.hnt-ix. gnu-v man `ham q V_vKIIu In lIT`JII`II!' T......m...-...nc.PfH -I . ua upmsnou or Ionnonnn uqnot or tuongdrinkdnll hould or givm it any kph`. nun. Ibop Q ht pique. Imhnn the huuu ol 5 polhq balm- sion. to. Thin oonlullion III huaod onlhe onrcnuntnou am the Act did not limit the oouo D Ibo selling oi liquor. but upoko 01 giving." whzle the bluckamiuru shop might hirly come within the mud: or other phat." man It. Johnnlun. on the mic. IBIIIII IHIQKDIIGIII. I10 XIIOG IIKDIIOII to tho!` 4.hr-in. evoty out when Luuy undo tn ole: which might be corrupt. it Ira done opu- ly. no that than was good ground lol- considering uni ho mu inn: A.\hI\V4) nu .u..~`_. nuenbgo ....... -.-. -.._- -.v -.-..- I01` Avnxu xx Rout Ixnnn. but Iotnjnn him by creating such evi dent uwonld ho Iihly to overthrow tho Ihuiosuu than punnvu& Rouqnnuo uliouho Iulhhuian- hnnuhlhnnnluimldncinnn. wxu. +5 an-I-IIIJIAI-uznu ` MD` undo ed by U00 lollowiq dltill of vcncumuunoh : Thu [Airy vu n nmnkipnl eauncnllot and nconornxivo. and hence. by tho tnluoljho lnnnox Conntuuvo Auodltiol. 0 mambo: 01 um. Auwcnuou nuioliln nomihodng (`outlines : int In uonuinozl {ho comnuuoo n 3 audit: thnoqh which hindualno: cork wuubulooozthli um In an uutholv to [guy to act an agent lot the ` land that A.|Ir7.&h he at ntnluutdhll. did unlflv 1! Han nu-nan ..uvr1.&I(n no a nun nnnu D did unhnqiully at the cutest union 0! Boo`: llbth do also ' (or use napoudolt. vlichoonplo rohuou ol spay. an pom do his-inn 1!. pint aunt: lot L nupoudont. tn not to which Ir. Iluko ulijecus-I bootnue It woulcfupen Ibo II] In nnlimiunl oon-tujltayn by unsung. `lb snow tony or lly -Ioh onvusen. pro- vided with tnudn. would introduce I very dauggmnn potato! dohnehing n constituency Nut ho up the nu-v-nnu an 9-: unnnrnu an-nu I QUIITION OF TIE Ullllli DIUHK in the blnchnitln shop mu the ling place. and contended am the eating outolliqnor` in this tanner wu within tho union of tho lshluacsiou ol the `Iv.-non Act. which canola that spirituous fol-mound liqnot nuonndrinkdl hnld an nivm vuunn mo ICU! 0l other pals Johnston. on the and uh. ullod tho amnion of the judpl to the ol the naclnnnv II Ilnnh Illlllth III I130 GEXUX ICC I09` unsung on polling my cum within the unions 0! the ltd nation of the locuon .\cl. and quoted I number of English dubious in uqapon of this view. I . .-. .\--on`: V: n.-un- was the first point touched upon by Mr. Hacker Ccmeton. who i lot the Rupondeut. He that Roe how nothinn Ilnnl LAII-I`: nllnnud runn- 000500.35: l0.-'l\o In-nnmllnnn-nnulmnx Tisha. no on um`? Qumlotl AlI!"-KQIIOUON .L__'_. . at PAH 4 . .-`I "WIT -'lZI anus: vIlu`1wuI vv oiuhlblloludoouonydlnhul. Tho Tn-Inyn Act has also but un- dccduu-vhublohylhouoouoltho 1.1-; _..L- I- ggggnhlnn AL. -I-J-lg .1