BUY YO U R`C0'l!`0RB NOW. 003 PRICES WILL BI IOUND A8 EVER 133 LOWIST. --avg` --v -1 _--.----...__ ._._-_ o! for I884 in n Inonuhr gathering at Odgleuows II none point nu Alum- drb Buy. in which all the lodge: in I`..A.-. n.a..a.. -uni Innnv in Nnrnrn WEI! KFIIGCU V-I nuusu-u utylu or man and pngnlnmo cud: laptinntocu. Pistol bun-nngod for two noted ..__._.__.... l..A_-.-. tn -monk lI|An._ oyou opeigood "viva. lay: youth huboonmadohnppy hon. Asdvotioniuinlhnilton going:-y inouooHbouoottIgI.nd.junpiIgnp. dIcluodthI|IhoIonIdn`tuIudhnviIg hurhuhudgiglinr. irting nd om- Iingupwitbthogirlcn thobmkoltho hull IIIWIIIUIIIISIIIIII. Inlquuu-V -wvl---u-. Z WICIIIIUII Kilpuou in thophon foryonugnoI| Ioauondoollo. .'l`hoynoloulyuouro |goododuonion.but.ilthoykoepI.hoix Angn A-`R: -mul "-inn- Ann: Inn! Iva] Gnu Ivwu-U Wu. lCeIl av-vw uvnun ~ An Othvreooneepouden up that she neeatsenseonhipe will be lined eoonellprthe neeeioeopenmudthnt Dr.Sn||innienleoIeneppoinuneI`nt. Therein: hiadenuldil Cuwln for elowuhoee. end Iokintloleneniole oenheeeuned under H. Kuuzuonnnx hue been buying up everything In the -h- n. II, -I.-.- -"""" II".v--us `I V"-1'---o -- --v uhnpoohhou. Ycdordny nlknool the bonus 5&- hohcd to I . Dovlun cub now: no any. noing down sheet. They run into N. Gnonwuodb oonmlionory. _._4-I.__ - -l`.I.-n uguuwuluuuo vuuu:-uu-u--nwu-vu-- odl9bolow zero. but :t.tho'oboonI- Iory tho lowutwu l8.6bolow um.- In thnun an-on--uh-Anni LII ml WWW - WW -IIUVUI WIIIIII `VIII clan the walk and road: at has an- ponntlnntbowork nowonhila. The lhcnnonohr we-tdownlowdur ingunnigln. Ono nu'ugl|unintu-- ..nnon..|...... ...... L-A .. u..'..|...-.. n-uuunug uu-an vn sun: The Iricnda ol the Snlnuon 0500:: no sending protons: to the Minion Homo. These will make the rooms quite chooul And The Oounnilho on stunt: hit of purchasing I now then] which Will ..I..... ah. -.IL- --.I -o...I. gs I... an. vnuwunu IVJIUI Iv: . / Au noun unsung 9! the Petuboro` Baud 0! Ednoauonono ol the Inonbon `spot: 1!) time: sud Inn than wpnnd up. Robert. think of that. "L- l`._'-_.l_ .1 AL. l.`_l_.A.__ -1`-.. l`OI' CI Jami I Iouusllltol-. ms `III DIAUWD 0000!!` REUEDI A .__.-n_o.A._.-.n.lEII.Il-uu 31- ` It in undunood that the girl: Inn Adopted the lollowing as their motto for lap you: I! you uoowhn: you tum. Ink for It." ' 'l`|__ 4, I ,-__,,-: 74`) _ _:,:n 1, ,~ . The gwl investigation irill begin lo~ marrow on the urns] ol Inspector Cris- tio. He: will be uocouypuliod by hi: oicinl nmvmr. . --u-`vs-on-v--av-uuu--5 --------u- thnugnnor pnunmo ol noun on: I ucuud. WorhnoI;.uo now angcggl in m~ uingthobolloroltbilna Ruuhlerao QLQQ - an-no-Inn uunnnnnng AI -tn--n Ann h II II II!` VI WI II-ICU WI `IV 31%: Iorgnu"yInnuiun in in x Thom no twenty young man in tninina. and they no becoming very export. A that show oonnpgu no u'_IuiIIa`_ lot 0 weak`! hon.` They have boon in Iontrqnl for six months. While onvolopu at from 01.45 pot thousand to 92.11). with bnnincuoudn printed upon shun. See samples II the Win: oloo. uy__n____ ___ ,A__ ,__,..,l ;._ __ auvuuvuxg f uulnl-, Invlun-cg. Twool tho lab candidate: lll the Ca- tu-Iqni Wan! election lnlk olprotulilq it. A108 of good that will do them. ll...-..-`.-___..:..- 3. :5: nan.) -5.`... twonty mndihhl in St. hm`: Church. ` u-u-In-llg 1\- Round-.. -.-Inn vwvuuyunuunjxlpuo-Ivv-u-\ BI-ockvilh. on Sunday morning. 1'-An! ILA I-5. ._.uIi.In.- nnl town. um M my Mil 5| tonal uw nun:-s-.uo so had. NEW 3 in quad. no nzounu: to/stow GOODS. Thinnltptninulohoubuy oho. Enrything willbo jumping. It`: loop ynr,,yoII4know. Tholuiriglnoubonol didnoucluilhouthtovoningtbq vcngoinglqoouotogxht. `Ibo Btoclvillo Rmordrr pnuobon who uuobd thopun In & by us ! than nary Ihoy nooks. 1-5.. m.s..... ..o n.c..a.. ......:.....| .. ........ ,..... ._., .. ` " Thl`K.1 "gnu u-urn ` `noon today with I) pnnulpu. ' I'I:n lngiln hnnn RitIgnhA- And "An. livvu uv \-, wlnll UV fjufunu '1' In':hlmmBydunMn ud u- irowugnishsu brought}! bytnh. -Jnuiofu" |ouu'.nponthopui|ionol the flag sounds the press. will up III.-vO4\.1n:n1 Tu 8S.(5uphn alive! at Bglihx \. 1810:!) p.I. ' t." Tu-r1- ->m: 1`:-in-ii - . ....:.2.. [Juan II`...- i.I'aI.`0IBlrl'IM'0llidI&] A and Guetuulltlllr-ooulp.` thus naqnuo. % IIW. . 77 _ IL._n_:.-_ n. "- `Em mun` T `luouunodl with .;\\\ \\ ` \\ .\` \ \ .nn:_A1B"Tnnr._~ U . PILLOW C01"l`0ll 1! While Twill Shooting 0. and WIIIIIIM Shooting: chap. ynldl wih White Frill Blooilg 850. -pun nu uuu nun-u IIoq:uklhon- Pghigsu Anal "nun I--Iqjuxnuu-I-up-Q uuuunnliua-u`u:u-*p nlnnbcuy nulhvliu. Oyuun _ Iuuhqnulunnl. uthpsnluo Z IZVI UI In at w: - nntclu.pIhlhuuoIIho.apn\lo-l nnwhohdiuvd Ihuityalruu n qlurtotolnoouluryuhonldnowboptom mind by man. Thnilluu It on 51...]-nhnalal-noun.-A Lhnxnh-L wliqlljn --2--u-u--out-v thnbdddnaonu. hthvubp pynudpiuiuu-ullndhonnu kicnhy kind hall has nonuni- uohi 0 lb 3 _Ioac&I.&I\h Iuwuln shit my window- calm ll!-,lU!`-0"0. . `I an nun urtho `stanz-bah: `Tunnnouuuonu. Auto canon unis \o Idiaihlho MC {and thnuhoy uhulduiq "dsvno llodbdtht an; ....n._ .....u L. :_....-I an-- 'XV'Z`j- lrIV*?.""-" ii walk: woultlboinptovolloor .I.I._.l.I_llAL...4II.n-grlintlnn Imonuddinqulowwotdno Ibonoolm Iiol. llowonldlotlun tho plunn dmoulgdlltlhtin thoooudlin lOLhIHhouwhoIoulddooovou|d ndhnvooenlhlbnyait. VIII .-LAA.-I--.-LII.-n1n-lLnl A _.n.. W-Wjifjwug l!dll!hoehod'l"nh|o Lmcn. iunndlloc Wide Bluddhhlo Linen from Ald. Iolntyn mend. seconded by All. Oildonloovo. um Quin Council do- |intotuduuynpo|hyIoAld.Alhn in Ihpnunmlulmudxpnuunhopo Ihaolmuin-uI|nmn-uh$nIInnn|hA tholloilhoud. nohovunld Iooonll not laid: g`: -.IJ3__ _ l-- _.A-4I_ 1. AL. -..nI- TIE Ell IUII WHO IIH IIIU I which he bed received from the Alder- men dunug hi: term ol omee. He wee gnlelul. too. for the ueintence um Ind been elwnye cordielly extended to him by them. He had bed I pleeeent yeu. uutlud not need lengnege calculated towonnd the leelilueluy up. It be oended the no In not iehnhd. end it we: to be attributed so u {alum 01 [and end not of the heat. The o~ oinle he remember-e-l. uyina um they had performed their dutiee to the ol- unngt nghiglnnlinn Una -nnInI Ln Enxnl llljkllvllllvu ouwu uuilli iv Iuv ur most ulhhotiou. .,2ot would to loud tho upon-Gen. whooo home the Ihmp ol hit-non And impufnlity. He would kindly nmonbor the Cannoil. ad. lilo Rip Van Winkle. hopod not on of them would "lit long and bron- - ' I I I\l||`I`-Q \ `III VIII:-Uu In IIIIIO and loll gnhlnl for the kindnun -I.i.|. 5.- I.-A -gaging.` 'u-turn Ah. AI`;-. T YVU XV` KUWF T Will with sbility uuddkdtv. In aomyiu this nnhmanl let no Inns that you `till lnquontlrlook but nun l$ III uvivo its happy rcmiuisoencoc." (Ap- planaa.) guns I,nninn.a|nn -`LI thin mnkinn ,......... Inyor Livingston said this motion I'll something which In did not expect. L-.5 L- AL--In.4I ALA u-u-Ail `II (in; nun uuulvouun. wuuuu uv lulu nun val.-vs... bnthathanhovitbo0onIcil|lItho _,4, ,, 1 Ln _-.-n_| 1-- AL, |_;._A..-.. IIIII Iuuluuvlu Ilvcuvuun. Ald. Mclntyre. in tendering to the llnyor the roudntion. aid : II in with the guns: plain um I dinhnnp I duty dinohd by Iuuimnu vote of she Council. `II is quite nnnooudry thus I ahould lathe any ohnorntioln of my ovm.ud vet I mu: sly um I shun in the tooling which the Aldermen outer` A.:__n..A -..- L.-_ an...-..i.4l LL. nhgir _ Tllrhy Tu Cloth. Ixtn qunlily. only No_ 1 `kilo Rqlttu Inn Ill ! inn-. ' IIIU uvuuuu wuuuu uuu nunununwu v-UIII Ou'n--OlnO you luv` ooooyiod 50 cinn- -hb. -Lklhc -uul tlh-nil. In nu-numbing Illluvu . "Thu! the thunk: ol the Council be undated to His Worship (0: his O0IIl'~ (com conduat in the chi: dating 1&3." The motion Ins earned by I fall vote. the membeti Minding. Ahl Ih.l_b--.. in o.n...I..-{nun in Oh; UIl-U fIl\l- JIVIIIIJ IV II: Mr. Livingston erased the nounoy vith all possible huh. llld Ald. Moln- Iyro took his place. .\ld. Smytbo con- tinuoll: ..1n . .. .. u . .; .v ,,_,,~: . "fhn the Mayor hug the chsir and this Ald. Mclntyn tpka it. \I. I ;..:.....n.... .....n.J oh- 1......- Cs-Jvululnlsiui nu vjuvvlu . Ala. R. J. Cu1on--Ira qnih eudont that sum`: what you're waiting for. (Smile: and winks.) nnlltlmu Ion snlous. Ald. Smytbo now stood up. his seri- ousnoos at once commnndinu attention. He moved. Iecondod by Ala. It. .I, Cor- ...... Iuv .,..... .. .... ..........~. Md. Whiting--()r the spirit Ins en- tered into him. But what are we wait in`: lot? Some one ought. to more the tdjournmeul for oyuton S , ALI D I t`..-.s-.,,,Ib`- ....Gl- n--J--.6 Ald. \\'hi_linu-()ur tooling: um too I doop for uttornnpo. ,, The M|yot-l| nppgus so. Ald. 8uytho-oI than no they 1 In your boots 1` Voice in the u|l|or\'-`*Hur. lnr." Ald. Smythe-That mun has entered into the spirit of the dobue. 1l.l \\'I.hin.._l\. M... ...:-.0 |..... -n vu uuv uvuu--cu-u~~ . `Am. Roddou main no A...-1...... um; lroanft in . evening ogugd to exist u_ Alder u.L' but his colleagues would" ` 1 not scoops the amendment. and the Oti- gilul motion did not reach the In yor. though some one ngd it. In: mniod un- I`VIn I'll. UV I - .-A about oljnbiluion (hated the nul~ ol the iweoolition 8|; n..|.I__ _. co-gin-tea:-.1: `>9-i!!'o ` the my cmmasmomm; sh`. um. ' was given seven] expteuiou of the `Chain 5`; amen bewuhcldby um- our whounbehulpruided.:,~,..... ' ` Al-I. Creemul led all by moving. so clouded by AM. `J. Canon. the! she Fin- uee Cglnlllint ho Lnitrucled to pR0~ vide Olmwlth wlmlto namepl- mai on the mm. . The noun we: carried uuhouly - and hut: applause. be done for tho retiring member: ol tho Council. He though 0! theit epidtuteg has decided that iomelhing 10`: expensive would have In do. and novedaeoonded by Md. Whiting. that the nuns: and Iympethiep _of those who rennin : extended to than "who from this evening can to exist. 4 .......n -0 :..s.n.n .... ..'......1 n.. .....I, l..Wl"I"I"l\ Ihs I f IJ'v?I-gnu : mum? lnvonlantihnplohto II qpunnoo an h-lbo `in Jon; and rouou--I|.-uq 0ol&IonolIlQ'Iao ) Ald. R J. QnI:I-By a majority cl :80 down. 3-!` ciao Ioqpdly naval. l.Ah-A4 -. -- nan`...- dlvlulhuwlnvnht. and your l__...u_.-L:......A....nL.-...LAA.A. .pn&hIhavlu0uIhqoq|Mo: Ir. Fhuall. vlnlul Inn Eliot Iouochys.-ndonuluuingzoply. Ho hI|\Io%dh Inarkindud -_..__|m_._A_....3-._A.- --4| IL.- wljlytpjuz. u-nu unu- nhntlbth uuhnuhol though Iq'Al@.-h||IwI-iahnunuo llhodah ninth tln0onIoi|. nil ililylyhbvilo inhinplnoolouitfhun uh hddcu ._ AL.-.4 I9IIn-Qn-}"QIlI W IGDVIII Iajnq Thollll tulol Ill. I Ihl IOU hononud. win The City oi when AId.0iIdun\oovo. the propane. Aldmlniugud lohtvmud Ityot Liviagnlonupohiuhl-Ioolthohnhnl pnin. `l`hoycllniilr.F|unpnn| ......n_|..-i.LI-nnulh-nlnlnnl IIUIIIVIIVIIVIIII um u--u----- cu ---.-... hi oouncly and houpihlity. Mayor Livingston responded. Ho hid be but not nought us honor in the In: place: he. thonlon. nppncishd tho favour 0! sh: puopln tho non. Id In thought layer Iocunnon would udnitlhnho would not Inn boon a slab yurhul In (hind tu- hm. llo ngudd the Ohio! II~ iolnnyoho cilyol non inponuoo sh: thou:-Intuition cl Kinpaou in Parliament. IIIII` T CV TC Icnhloi%.&IuvhIl aaguuctiuinhlluhdquln. qiilluduvo and Onvo. :-.:.u.. on." in-nun Inn gj"'"`yrWW 7 ' Hidl vlilllf nhol Uapuhoalo. hunks! AL -nan`: -13 wnnlvvll is ac u-auav van -uuwu... ad pnnunly disnpponn. AM. Cnqnzu Inn dolnsod but not subdued. Ila aid the electors would hat 0! him again. Over-oonldonoo Ind ddutod him. Son and continuous now owed haul` than baton. one Aldonnu nmulinx. Lot Ill hue our riot wink tho oppor-V Iain Inna; numnhnt um next nu`: u._.. .- - A...-.--an -3.: Kn -|,u' II I Uuuu--u -can dgus. no trials. In punch howl. C-nnnounn 1-up unrnn lulu! Inu I In uauvu Md. uildonloovo sound the Slayer. commanding his ulhulion to business. LE- _____4.._ __4 L.._tIi- F IHIZTVI j 9111': vvvl 3-.zboQtuubuIho|nuhunu -._ _...-n--- D` nl jnnnnnhnl Itkll Inbuullv-tun:-v vyuy. Aid. Onnonwu [Id hut he was kindly nunnbord. Ilia in diluent hon coins others-he was not all-udto (tooth: mnsic.nd ho had bun delect- An honuhw|A|d. hlnoolnlw-ml` an atrocious pnn-thu Cu-yon`: Ind boonaulguinl-ydduk But {at the hot thtl Inn! was ranching for Ihn Mayor`: bunch bowl than would have boon trouble. and this AM. .\lc0niro perceived I! ha hocuno very nolemn gul nnuunlw xii-nngaru`. WIIII Uv.RKIIlV||- ` Md. Irving apoko liko the philoso~ phat that he is. He [ml ugtola in outing his connection with tho Council. but his I-Airemoal `In due to the {get that he could not dischlnzo Ins pnbhc done: and u the tune timogin his lamina: tho tthntion which It lo- luldod. Ho Iookod upon the Council on an mlninhlo training ochool. sud nontiouul thqhcl that Sn John Mu- Ilnnltl `Iii nnuhblo and an - ---L.- -9 Li. A I-gilt Kw WC ITECIIIV VC 3 uonbc olthiu houoltuhlo body. An: n._.,_ _._ _|-.'| 3.; L- .... Illa Inuu.II-|,-yang ouuua - ---g. nuun. something handsome as comgnn.-I with the rate II which `men could be pnmhnod in \'|cIoI'in Wuxl. No man? tiouod this hm lot Md. Gildonloos-0`: benet. uadu u Inn: to him in main! tohnw he should prooood when nuanced with opposition. Au Ina... ....|.. my. uh. ..n.iI.~..n\ Ald. lelatyre` dedl`Ttto he Iaduk and that he tetind voluntarily. Ha repudiated the idea that the cox hy-law haul killed him.- It wui passed in 1888. largely through his uaistance. and he had the pluck to run in IE3 and prove that the elector: zlid not diaapptove of his action. `Aid. lcnin suggested that perhaps the olectorsvhad not heanl laat year about the passage 0! the hy- law. a reection which Ald. Mclntyre quickly resented. He admitted that a year ago there had been talk of opposi- tion. and he and hh) colleaguv.-A felt that thej` were going to be lett. They had to do They nonldft 4 bribe thoelectoltthnt they bought 08 I AL- -.:s-a...._,...-:.... ah... . In... . nous:-xeersm During Ihoovu .,__u. .a..a.:. .L..._h.3.. _..a.|` slviull. uuuu allt III! Ilrunnc. Ald. Oildonloon hunotonlly nun- bubdhia removal to 5 but of twin oppolitiou auncxom wuu. He had Icbdon 3 cunion mun by AM. Pawn- ing-thu iomo thin land to gin. Ho knowtln Council would uh Iln Inn has whpamfpublnc Info oudoa with the clot; ol the week. and thaw` would be especially mam: upon ooouions 0! this They won out of the way (or tile uent. but he would not any that they had oeuud lrom troubling. He thought the city would hear [tom than -:3` luulvvu TIM Inna. um: @3- paiionoodudnod olnlundnotlvs unbanxhuho city would hulnlonu by hair utinuaz. lacuna sh In nun-L; nlllun-n&u"n1g-Q nch \VIl'l.llIaIl l\l vluun -nu-n-w. The Mayor. than hoe wulwrutbod In unilos. touted the` waiting Inunbon. Iollo 0! when. in acid. had but 08- __.__...l --J _..4 -`.2__A -_J ggac-g I-own -o-an us- when they! |..-I _ -.|u.-L an nu-nu an-nu. Q l'll!I'r-(`LL88 Illa! will ulnyu In on hand on the uhotuu notion. ____.__ IELIIIR nuns. Poyyour nu: canons and an the discount. IIII UIII ll IGUII. -nu II usvnfvuvvu unu- thojonrnoyeua holnuh tlolnondto `ado! dumuliuwhond. Thocou ol nishing the line will not oxcooil N7.- nnnlll\ spoon`: Oouoco noun. J. C. Iobood. Captain of the .-\no oiuinn Foothill Tani. ii inriouiy nil. The Ulivonity union will In n- uunodon tho but Sudny in Juan. Ru. Duid liuholl. ol Bolloviuo. will punch. and Pnnidolt Nollu. D D.. 9: in. Int] TTCTII: lalnox Irving, the well |movI|lIInI." huupnn put oi huholiullyl lmgtunlr in; uuou-In an abut cl typhoid (over. He in oouplohly noonnd. 8. Hahn. Ila dugout "hack" ol tho `Vasily Inn. is dud. u plant] I.:. I.` -_. -1 (In-In}. and n Inn III lull IIIU uni.` nun V complaint! to the tmnnit of tho Rocky Mounuill. W) miles was ol Winnipog -leuina but some ill) mils: to canned with tho Ptcio Ooan. The Company expect to an the vlnolo rand cou- plotod bolero horn oeoun ooocnin baton tho out ol I885. and it isoxpootoxl that AL- ;....-_.-. an... L4 -nnn In-an Anal In The Uundiol Pacic Railway Com- puy bu built Q miles ol nilway. 0: the Pnino Section 877 miles ol nil: hqyoboen laid uni the uukbuhoen an-unl-And In that nnmmil. ll tho Rack! uuuluu uquunu nu avg`-u -an-u... Later on the girls were noon below. dnncing uni singing quiu mernly. The chest was bohl und immonlut. When in Kingston [our yous ago she III the oonpnlon ol the dilnpnhblo Sanh Garrison. and Iron that time her cunt had boon downwud. Shouyathu her companion Id be: MRI`!-lid no doubt Ipouhthotrnth. Thopdlhgotumv nlnnn In Imp Sh. uni thorn when U1?- uu"n'hu1'oi`frrn: mu1-iz. Na a. stun] (on low writer. (`APR ut wd lover ens. Iu-Indeolueol Iuuurmo uolh. W0fl.m VIII he unld us bupun. AaIl|-on w.u7.,r 0. 39: an [Inn wn. _ jaw UV nun- iush tn nn inane. 5 I This morning Charlotte Mitchell. agedlil. aml Saraliihtcliell. agod 10. won before the Magistrate on a charge ol ngraucv. The young girls. who have been introduced to crime, arrived as tho police station yealcnlay alteinoon and were harmed. They vrautul to get out al o'clock.olainnnu to have a plaoa. |Iu|`tlio Cliiel wisely soul a Constablo - "with them. and they returned shortly Thev were not wanted at The eldest girl alto:-wanls, the place ileauzuaud. told the Magiauam that they` won hnwzlil to Canada by Mia Rye about 1 a van ago. and tliai lhey livou for a lima in Montreal. With the Inonoy tho] . poasuaod they came to Kingatou in aoamli of work. [urn later on discov- emal that Cliarlotu had been in King- ston about lonr year: ago. but that also returned to England. nmalno-I than for a while and came out apin. Tliogirls Iuoaoat togaollorawoalspanding: further `anquinaa in rqpnl Uotbem. I .1-.. Ana alm uh-la aroma anon hnln-, INDI-:LIg.E INK. p-elwvlv xrveuuuuxuuuu - u-nu u uau |nd`- Dickens` -~n..m 0! Lime Joe") be In quite up to the mull tho. Ihougl: leelin 7:: Iron: well nd being obliged tollaorten we pmgrunme he planned his nods.-ac; won`. um will 1.. warmly greeted upon me tecurn. Mr. Reyner. otgumt ol Juneau` _wu tainted in the modal pan: 0! the evening by Miuen Walton and. Heulip. Meun. Rnwneley end Keeley. who ungj put ol the "Von: Creator" uni "swoel Ind Low." Min Wilson sung u a solo "The Contriln out." Mr. Ihwnelev gs-'e "The \`il- leyo Blncknumh."= and Mr. Keeley one of whet the reporter! always call hie "iuimihbles." llu 3):`: lllrh-Baton tho In(InlnIo-0In lad Asia: I: u linden lug. - nuuuuqgruuu vvuuu-on \rI-Uvry Hnlnojtnovn tram pm-an opinjgns who I most onuruining under. `Ilia eottl Int owning warranted and pain gimp him. While in the uugicnlut hcuy pub ho ianonthu I \lmit:lllI0" not I hrlott. .;ho ulurodly will nun`! criti- ciun in better ulna my ol the widen o! Ins: Ilmiconsiunul lune who mm Vilbd um: while 1:: KM hnmouroul _,._L|_ :_ ..-I~|,_ \~,-.n, .-_.__.__ puns. notably in The North Counuy Fund." 0! Tennyson. and the Nov Church omu. 0! Carlton. he was nnooqmonly nuoooulul. In the pntlnao ql-`othoringhcu`1 "(Luz Hymn" _....Iv n:-|.-_-- uI\-_u. -0 I anl- l..."x L- _ ...,.... .... -....., ..,_&=_ school Home on Ilhult) oujgy tho, nuiinnoltln luv. H. u. Parlor. Cut"-" nb 01 Trollon. Ont. Bu welcome upon` his line visit vuggyariu. an-I uolhor nouns Ill word lot West End cout- inuu-nu. Though` ahvouriblr ho'n|d- Otlu pruluuorol eloention in Tnnilg rallqnu. J`o':-on-0. I.rDd..%IiIIAllnlJl_, `Philu|q!phin h`choolol thutgrybovu -I.-.anu.nou I-an-n um... nnininnn Ink: A T75`! Pinlodilieqf |;i\ (Ali but lilo!- _ iI||.\'I..Iu|en-`t`|Iu'-elnloy In-\~.` ' . Illu. Pu-Lcr. I I ` `TII PIAIIACI. I I;I"IA#P&Q&h~ -hjiw-h-nujnlkn I'll l`\\'0 \'0l3.\'(i \'Al3RA.\'T.\'. -xA(:ci()Dlu`_;.:\Isr:E-V lsnqudoing a st:-Ell; parliu % tiling` Boat on apmbalion mulnothon ifupnu prompt payment for any article kept. EAIKE8 I: 1.001!!! 1.. In). uuruuiiiiiiiiiii. III- l8IPhslIuI82lot$|-II. `II I :- 100 Runnum of Embroiderloa. 7 dmoront makes. New White mud. to? rum Won 1:. An any um White Cotton: at mix Prlooo. F - X. OOUSINEAU 85 CC), Jun. III. 4UIBemnanuNewDrecIGoodntrom`l 1-Qydl to 7 111: -A _._L _-l_. iM*ILLINERy;A1H%;LF Pale; Terms Strictly Cash. IWALSI-{&STEACY S ' mulch they purchased at a (rut uomloo and are offering at 25 par cont. below the whole- sale prices. lladios Fancy Wool skirts, Ri%i9m!_&_ B'" N h uvhligtidll smuhuwnu .... .f luuy tori PI-cool: Imam annel Jnoudlngtolbo moot Iutonlorneon I: In um um inks. Guy porn: human no zlzogd `gym! ol FIVE DOLLAR`. uulovn for non: mutt NGII1`AI`KJ0UTOl-- II (`ASK I'll IUNIY WILL B] IITUIIIID. bybognnho .. . Iovluon . In uutomnuknovuuonnch .... .. luurylobtnlhlpvlnnu luihr ...r.-. . R-ITI.IJIC.IIIOIIIO& .. . ... ..... in vIIl.m an o! any uoldut. mean I sun: an ::==: lluuunulonldunl II). F. A R.MSTR()NG S "Is......" ..'~:.....- `- "n is VII _Apply to lhwdon l.`u`u-bu. IS NOW SHOQES T Jun. mh. nukxl 13 C. Pulul . N I`. .. VI Jlutfold. (`oun Vino on; non. fa;I.IpooI:q.naIqu- 'afi:wnxm9irEsEEE(up:srg1n{gqnrnruJ.!msAn;nn;nJn1-A A 9st4."Li;I;L'LTr;..vurnNv. a1u:A'r_ _x_um-Down um: -.-o-.-- anu A... -m- Lulu and cant : Snovnluou cl V BUY A horn. not o'd lhu all and In mum! nub uni c opp: Apply u-g Wm Du ._l'r1nuu ll . 1355*` TI HDUKO N Inn 5 good Flu houdllu hone. Mn! location: II ha: non together App". outing It-fin. M `N .A. JOB LOT OF ---D"U'2BI1G--- 141 Princess Street.- ' )loImoco'I`ei.n".' char. N'\'..... .. :0:-hale-r_ N Y. .. tnhboro, Egg _ E-,-diva. . |'f|I\lv|l H Y.. .. AM Pun Jenn N \' ` OIIOGIKI` ' . uvovotol. N I'.'..L.. ..IluM|v8IInondn. N uj .. Roan : Pbill. N\' .. .. NIH-uolnry.\`| .... .. ...l`ucg N.\ .. . Lyndoumo, \`I . ...III N \' Aru u. lo. ,'olfvh7l I .... .. Iolvun Iqun ii 3" Eng! Iunohouunon 'uT7n-nZi:-rou_oIu'wx' " AHTID NNY LADIEH Oll YOUNG KIN who no out ol cud`-:yInonI. In ollyot country. dhnnoo no nbhr cap Inn won At their own human all. no you nu Walulthvuulzon onouado lI:=:ii:.`: Lllnu . .3 . an ; no mu I luuhuunr . Ian. Boxu 7' 0}` IA.`I`!_'_QID. 0.15.- ARI} SHOWING Thzotilrarmlnuu . R]-tun no . ` . . . . . . . . ., lu;u'vIoIhou|du.. .. .. lujulylol Poolltn is led! .. nuadrulbyhol urn: . . . . . . . . . . .. iS|l'IilOl.ItII|O|Ii?W `human: . nu: ml my . .......... .. lnur;IoI`&s%yIn-I`: AAA. . . . . . . .. Bodddhrhotna . . . . .. . .. IullItoIhhIId.... . nolunllo. .` . .... Vollonlnt... luuryhtom . Thmwl IIIIOUOI 8|-mun! in-lollunrunvodol Piping alol on Hula! . t-lapped. ou'Ic.|_I Medan lilo! on IQ . . H: on Igll . . . . _. cu hunt with the spill: ol but Iron in . Ilnuhul Inn-lo toll on lap Injury elbow joint loll um . luaury debut. .' [vol .... .. ll down Quin lmury lotooc. 14 In an to Inn-I . lliury lo tool. .. lunry to lo; lIhryIofuoI.. lmurytolq.-. Bwunol nu.-I . IIVWO TIN good In! mun! louuoa: In: voonunothor Au Iv. 1`. PD. not Clo. It on. ' B|In|lol1Q.. . In-lolhcornvod Fin]!-I cm by nor. gpluqdnhoudu .... Tbumbcul b Imam Illloa uM.. 39%|:-_|v-low `In \oInood.. Box toll on foot. I hand . Iumry to I-00 Cult nub! l-nun: . Iloru-netcd,I.Ioo....... Duloulid iouldi Nsvnlnoll ankle... .. olubr ig had . Iron lcl|_og tool .. - ljlvoalualthni` I hnlprglou g:nIoI_Io'Id_. Hrrunnl thumb _ luury Iolq.. .. (`In In VIII! no !`\n root with no C\nboswiIIuo_ .. cut floltlllp _ lrn):_I`-no -no .| ......... .. . usages n mum . CuIIn:d_..,.._, -.. Ikfaonum.` ciuonlud ...... Runod an by and plugged onwa- Hand (`tube-I ignited sumo (`cl Ilcwl by 3:1 Juana-I by Iron. Cm _b0s_I}I_I uq . . I ADI! lo . Pnuu II. lap: on`Ii;:. NU II thccnanllleglhl. A milk Q` womu 5-refund.` Apply [gag `.2..'Y.`_ "IT`.Z"..'_'I'.'_l'_"-1'_'L_""" " `W '1' As`v'2 i.'.'.':.`'z"..`2`.'.n"h'n".'5?"r'.a...'.. . ._ _ ._`,,., . .5 __` II: can '.`.\:`."~'... :`::"'.`.;.:.".`.'..':.?.-'.""! pubudodnouhly. `Andrus. - IKTIRIATIONAL TRIO \'l' AID LUNG lNl1'l`ll`TR. In nhu llama. `I :-mm jinx: uulvwu 2- -uu` _......, E CB walnut ol A In-rblavngtuu .uc.a':'--u (I6 am Isduruduupq And all duo-Ialthonmo. Ihlootoulunn hymn at-I at In Qunncuf . wutnilbhln. l.IocmlI.colhrI1d:n;dcd 7-9-:2-I`-r . _. ..__ menu In. as. Innnlunnul nl A-lb-A. Il$hhIA&- an undu-Inna with to Inform Ike PH .`'.2.`_":.! .`f.!`.$`?..`.3P.':`1?P3:.1'.'.3.`.:'n..'`.' (X)lt'0I1'AIIl.l: DWILLIHO Ilolill nag avg-_glO per month. AwIyu|thlunl3:o_. A nun: .n_ .......L A-Qln In llnnltu-uholulunn +------------------ IIAIKI Kl no Conan Mill Itorl ~ mu! huohl. or sddrou onqnlnu Ihh *- . 7`;: ...'.:':'.tL.:r';". 'E.':.';.......'- "';'::g..": - II. I. /I'M Prldeesu linen. nun lIlI&Il'.lZlIl. A pr For i\'io. It 3-ou'vuaI can catch: Blp Clghuullvodl In 0!. ii` Fi, 1-noouuu llpI.I" |I|W|l|`IDIP|hI \ 1273* we-. ll,'T . or I: I` Imp.` gun, I: 113 UI In-on `Yaw Wanted. lcbd; Ion WIIIIDQ. :.~'.i"'I t. wvu .-_. lnntovuhgolltydo Club cunt- hhul Ir. laud WihoI.\hohq| otOoAnuhIion.ntuoynhnppu u'l`im Doolni. Thqqaouunury lino and nay vuoo IQQU ox. |:nuuIuthnnu|lolIr.Iilnu bullhhoity. lie-ulounulivu-y wI|ilohon.Di|h"nHuIhon h&us.u`dIlhI-slow wouhwiniuo Ilnpunnuusniuru I-uhwillnoouo inRovYotk. I \ uhI~hyIuIJchP.c.ButpI. huhudllushn ndunlo dlnlhi Iolthm dlhh dy.wnniiIlI(coIhlcuubAlhn,y hlllululnunn. Iowulj tpsslohnuhn Ihudhnp can ul. Douuudhuuuunqauhhhh` 5...;-i-I-in-uh:-nnvvnls lb I1 mW__WuI-- huhtinflqlu-mnyvan. ulhultnnhnlnnnunnycunog with nunplohnuo. Iowa About An.......IA:"`$n A In. unu-~ The Bonovillo IIIIIIII gin low :0- puh ol I-`nsbgr Shula`: Icahn on "Christin I-`nigh and in lulnonoo on Society." `I'M um-vo on the ul- drun. which Inked unhou.wuohu- lchriud by lofty oloqotlnl. [RC5 fl`- pgausin Ian! and dI|lu1ynppn- ' 1--hug illnnhnlltnq -Q. `Elihu! FWIU uuu-5 -51. :-u-.., lhuhthhu innhnhloolntoonhg ollonnohcltnnd his mutiny hlbocuvollrqnid. lazdlnbtljlm. Dnnidllhuvcuhsvgnlo-narrow be lodieiu Hut and his with him 3 IhuonnudohoonoivoIonholul- IuhundNonhAWouu-n Railroad. Ho uponIthoC.P.B.dxivonusuui- nous that tho Kingston oqinu no hllyugooduuyontholnmholhoy all-Zngliuhocvuitod Shh: make. no Iillruunhhpouontho'C.P.R.nd -.-&-LLi-gn-hp-gdnnnnng IUK IIU lllllniulnluuuu uni nuuuavunu Ioshod ol Ruding wudiucnned. Then were sown! Iuchu-god also Cluiunu olthohoudiludnoa. dunouhutodlliubovuwollpoulul on his nhjoct. Tho Oamnitho vnll hum. --nklmn nnnlnnn-nan 1II'I"Iill|, Lu! night Thoma Puke not tho Coumitho on School Innupncnlund 1.. a__ L___'--a- L.n AL. ID-s:....I l....u..... _ ...... ............_ for two hounjnduhulllhokntioml .. -. , ; ,llI,. x:___.__.|:_._.__-.: vim-.. III! III, IUVUII uni wins an: n unnat--nu way. The olmmh would Inlet l great loss should ho ho In-ond. n. 51;. .-.;.J..... Ru. Dr. Potts uongin-luv ol Mr. Wil- `hun Bndon) in nguining his Itnngth. V\'ritingIontrioudhony|: "lunglnd toroport that I an steadily lmdlnng nyounngth. Noxtwukl propagate- tuniu\olonh'ul.ud I hope to n- Iunomylondlilowork iunmodonh `I'M. 4-Inn-ml. uuuulol -nnu-A uncut `-W T:---- :--v- `lr. I Nun: ullddhbuo D-Qyhhkllhhtlltllln L-.. _._..A..I 3. All The Library will be cloud until the 281.1: inns. in order that the work 0! re- nnmborina my In colnploiod lot the new catalogue about to be innod. Mon bun having book: out no requested to return than imnodhulr. Donations olbookn Inll horooaivod by thdbibnrian ` II the institute. The (`amnion (lcuemu puhlighu thin ` rook: proolululionlillinltug EH3 the Liquor Linton Act 01 1% [Lu oolno inao font Tho `Susana no dnumad. I-`renown inono. ndocn nos include tbodty. which in a upunlo district. The eonntiu oi lnnnoxrgnd Adtlington no Also in one district. vv---v---_-.-......_ .. i ranmanuaunariuunnu an I-an-nu nu in-on ` I any-`nu-uuu uuuuuun up-cuuugyvu lot the oceans. Dacia; will In kept up until 3 o'clock. Tickets. 850. vu VVTICW UV Iuu Ivul u-D. the I. CL B. U. will hold u: ununbly in then IIn||.`WIlliII`l(b SNOOM Plol. SCI- loyh Qudtillo Band has boon ongugod in. IL; n-3..-- fin-`Inn -6" L. I--..A Nouhouhrly to uoborly winds. cloudy In lair. ntyoold rather with now in the noulbon portion. chin C .:`.!*...":.......... M ` vr. span: 1;. ~ -. ;:::.2:..-.-..-' . _.. -- ..- ._._~.. 0:: Wodlorhy owning Ibo mu: int. 1.. I HI I: n _m r...|.| .. ........u.. :. B`3`.a'%!n .-:.:..-&""*""* '4 .' lAIn:u:. ' v, ' lacuna ` up-m `-'-'.'."-.=E" -v`-"`-ig"'~`~,"-1': finmv uni VICINITY.` 3'1-71acui. Kong pay an Vinnunoal-. 'VIII,j'ji-IjI%vII-vU- Iuhllhlndndnlhoconpny. In 1.2. _._....n. -3-.11.-an.-A h g-45 wm C I` ;.nauu Thohlluwhqullulwuo `halal- IuiIiitinen;pg_acu.| _____-T 7:. tnucvuhgthuvus hund- hdnnouihojtnulnn _lAL.._._A._.4.4I.l_L-_a__ _ $.L.. nmljjw qluun III-In-- l`cIInnn.ndHon. J.B.!iIoh.olNohnnh.inAp1'l.'rho Bluliblaonhnolhuonldunnp I-luwuu Uu v-..-... ..._. .. The Iuurisavohnn voulin. not ditlttoxyootnwuu cnnphlinmht L...A.m..n-nnhnIn:"In(&jI logollllivuuux. auuv--H 'ngud|pwon|1lho and lulnudqil _.d.4Ih-gllln -nnin_ tun nu . nu wu-vu nu nu um.-- .- Euhn Ontario and may in Nouhon New York will us. put. Sovcnl styles 0! hantilnl And not reading iulhtiononni. with annlopu to hatch. naind by tho Vino job __.I_A.__ J-..-A-.-A ng. handrail mama uunnAv|