------o3-0-----.- ALIVB IN Ill}! CUFFIN. .' v may ig1{1?r1sn wv`H1u.'wnnxlzsmwEvxaxme JAXUsAI_' us. . .l. I-`.. lhtnronh. .- -K vnqviu alumna. 1: Inc Uwnly Cotkuloooul ' hvodoo_hr- odthnloynlly Onnphu us in- ooupuiblo. uni llnl they will not ho oouoodnnlolnooo or nhuldon by the bnuulocin ol the nu-Catholic pulinnn. The Onqo Iociotha IN making H (or south: of ucotinptobo inlqludor Soot- lnd.buMhnluhdIhotinlnl' huianlunnhnouloulhupoc u nunouunuuuuuuu uh: hiniunlnnul-pdu. J. J. IAVNII who nhnpxuentod Iothwoll in tho Home of Common: Int ualomluyl thatho huapposlodnuinu the decision of Judge (Mt. unnuting him, And that ho will his his Ion Ill Pulhnont. which opens tomorrow. I! hudouhowillbounnaurponmdiltho Suput-at-Arm: dun hi duty will no that ho h suddenly nlnond. He in not low a number oi Pu-Iiunont. and nevu- wu. though through the bunglingoon- dlotol I Deputy Returning Omar he who pculttod to uquoon nntotho con. oil cl hiloolllily Ind (Inn 01.!!!) 0! in- d-ulty dlovnnoo. Inilk hu. thoqh In-dily sud don- vlllthl Ilooioi methods 3! the Tory putty. hon done justice in the uvud to him on titlo ud dignity which the mm ` l..lA_ .1 AL. -Qn-5|` I-In-ulatl hnnlunul London. Jun. 1|.-The agitation in Inland. band II Lord nonunion`: noulonngopcoclt. in briskly unin- hllod. Thno-fourths at tho Magh- Inhl Inn nlxmdv nnhlinlv nhmd CIT. h.l'I|lX~XXl'Ill9 W "II- WW '0 W`-"J Ill 7 gr`! thonnolvaon noon! in to appnuuuu whiohloudhounnb hu luddownulhoonlvunnwhhhlonl Inoplulotu Innonuomnounnu nu hiddownuthooulyauonwhlohloyal Onnouon onnd. In lb Oannlv IUIUI uuu: awn - Tlmo vu luunohod at Philndolphiu oasho llthhfgatho '00:: ol tho Auction ' in; puny. in iron ailing usual. the Input 0; built in than country. Length. extreme. 885 hot: breadth. utromo. I ha. She wuolnrinunod Ulunnoo 8. Bowen and will load fat 1 Chin port. II OW III I I is hotter. \ nu nun-nu. A powder magnino on the Uornvnll on billn. nou Lebanon. Pm. oxplodod on the nth. A workman tuned Poser. wbohud onluod thopngumo jun pn- viom in tho nlnlonon. In blown In vnonu onunu we uuquuno mu pn- vious to tho uplonion, wu blown In noun. The font ol the uplouion wu tolls mile III]. ' `Fungus -up Inn-unlngal -A mlnlnlnln The eddreee in reply to the Governor General will be moved in the Home ol Couymonn by Mr. Meouher 0! men- gerry. and seconded by Mr. Belleeu. member for Levis. In the Sense itie likely Glut Mr. Lecoete will move and Mr. leliideey will second the eddreu. De-:lu\Ann Ida in n new-at -mm.-n -6 I--l- l-I4lll|j\.-y IIIII ilW\1V" UIIII Illllft "Prinoou Mu is I grant noon: at the Savoy, the music ocpooidly bung excellent. and crossing guns hop: in Sir Arthur Sullivufu grand open. which in now in lmnd. Tho colnpooor hints]! in honor. III III} UUIIUI VIC . Peter Wndo wu banned ycatenhy morning in Dublin for the murder oi Quinn at lhthhrulnm. Thou was 3 until crowd outaide the pol bug no diu- turbuoe. _.|,, - 5,. u t\_ 3|-aux ouuuuuuunu law Ilyvu u.- nhjou. A non blawtolhodominsnt polioo-nllonn puny In Quoboo WI" In Ilnulnnh ptulgo of the Act. but Maud look to Onhrio (or uynpathy. It llukiod Ihogllmot intorfatonoosnd Iduul domination woo olton to war the _._n.__-`_ --.__ Juoob Brewer. a real auto agent and `justice or the giuoo. Colhonr. III.. has been publicly whipped by Mu. Laur- mu. who claimed that Bnwor bud Iwindled her. and she could not justice in no other my. - lI.o..- \\'-A.. mg. Iunnunul vnatnnlnu UIIV IIZK ml ` Eu-I Spencer. Lon! Liontouns ol Irohml. bu roooivqd 3 monorinl from Mn. Cuherino Ihgniro Asking compen- ntion for the murder ol her too. Philip. It Kilcroory in Dowmbet lurby Orangu- Ilv Iuvuuy In .1. up: n uvvuuu unuuuuu Them in grant. -indignation unong pt-when all our the San beans 3 bill lnsboenin npnd in_thoHo-ob pm- pouuuz that pa pmmna to bodono in the Butt prison. Ia`.-pl qnAnAQ- I4;-.I Ijgnig--no nl ucuu uvuvu . A Inn has been discovered at Bir- Ininuhun who kept the body 01 his nine: (or twenty I in land no money to pay or I count Innonl. TL... in ..-..-0 .h..Iiun-tin- --unu- remnroxe IIII DOCII VIIIIIG Dy IDO- thor me. but the prom t notion of the new Bro company an the town from destruction. 1 |_,__ 1: _ . , _ , , __n ,. n,-,, ....., . _ . 'fAt the Bonlanrd don Cpucinu.- In an`: cums oi table: And dunno and hnhiop in Any unfurled tho haunt Susana; "On an Rnndnv nhnrnnnnn nl lhnlnd wonm . Inc ncu..uII pv um unmou- n!_:|o non natjonlity pnuumdo in crowds. .00II|ilul and (on: doing this hndoomt Ituot. La Mcmrlaolr, (Oath- arino Booth)" hu held two mousing: lor lbs nmclnmntima cl Ihc maa nf Sgl. ' VIIIOI III! III! OIIIXI. M the ns meeting the bu] in Illon. M unuoouais mdunaed. udnlggz-zuabu toluvmboina "The public in pnciulyihu which ' V would nthud.| public which I. Fnncuqno (Iibo was pnooat wil.hjl.Ju|eIC Indgsvonlotbor 1|! hnnin -2-inn-.3 dnnnvihnn um. - uou. ` " "en. The Holy Spirit. whose marvel- lous power the Solution Anny eonntl hevond All other. worked upon their coneoionoee and we saw this auditory. lutidionl. worldly. sceptical. listen with the moat prolound attention whilst In Marrlulule nnloldod holore their eyes the solemn penorunn of the life ol the men without God and without hope in the worlcl. likening it to I venel with- out rudder or campus. toeeedon the ocean of life subject eny_ moment to he wrecked upon some concealed rock and there to eternally pariah. At the second meeting the Attention Mr. W. Sutherland Taylor. 0! Mon- 1 trod. bu jun been appointed `Pressure: 0! Ihecnnndinn Pacic; Rsilwny. ll.`-.1]... -tnln .\I\ nntl `HY! u-n-M. Al UZITIZI Zvluuvuu Amiimn ovllqulilh hdivinoly mama. -swim Domini uplml orbom km- nn I` Not. howovor dofootlvo the lmha oi thou minnoooriu my be. on we but sympathise with their hoirty udavon to bring under the innnonoo oMho0oIp0|.lIlhoyoonoeiyeit.thoIo who on living without God it the world. l1_thoy nah Ihepowcnoltho world tooouo nudity. and the that ol 0! Iulitloo. to any who had not bolon thought ol anything but this visible Jouotllditl pottyintotootnll thoj pan! 5 God to pay to holon mum Ildou who hodonlv hownono `ho won by ;' ll thoyinoldn thousand: from min Iovh-ho-ontltholthoydothinlsopon Io nodoI|hG-Io hrwo hold that thoy uodoingngootl worhndwinh than God spud. so for. But no hrthor." ` L`ptIcfipo_loMh 'lI`lAhe }ronch llufo; l'0llI-A am: a the mutants. 1' I _u Ibo u-mu Int -nuns. `I- [dug sun-hm up nub." " ` .1 ; tnow nation in Pnriron thoeolu an of fin Iran. the French on-guno! tluil A--.- . j Qlllbl. -= "Ouch Sundry dhnoouyltbond nd 98!: Doc.._vn tho uni-Idlv Lhn nah tho man `-41 lnnlun-. anno uooun nu new two moounguor Ibo ptoolunctiauoliholnungc (Sal- ntioa and life Maul. 0 Al (ha int. rnnnlinn ah- |._I| Q..- muun. JIIIEI uuuuo Inagovoru on will known Irihll) describe: thus: ``A maul uni nlmmu... am... won non runny ueocnbe: than: '``A and :1 that diluent public from III! which ll: tbs hall at the quay Ynlnly (uh any handgun- ton). A public nnnrvulunld. no `- ed. An ununbly cl uni; ` sort the men on could unn- gino lot such mystic 0 union. But nevertheless than people no Also of eonuzioncea sud im- moral tools. In created in the image ol God. and have not yet was every hcnlty upon Wlllch the clonal truth out make: nlutuy imptesqiou when 30': urged bv the powqr of ths spirit of were so om-nnuy pemu. At the secbnd meeting the nttention was if possible still more riveted. Lu Marnrlmla spoke at length upon death. Never hpvouwo seen In audience of this chat; listen with attention more pro- (onnd. I u\I....Iu hall ..I cl... .-... |.l.. ......-:..., IOUIII. 4 "Nurly hall at the l"0 hly remain- ed on each occasion for tho prny-er meet- ing." - Lu! NIg`nI'n uul To-Dqfu Input: Oondon. nod Dgwn tor our hazy Render. ` bin buildings were dukroyad and seven others unroofed uy croyclouo in Compton. Quebec. D-um;-In haw: Iuann nn;I>nI naninnt Tho Pull Hall` Uuzmo quotas lrom tho TUE! Ibo Iollowing (Ronnn) C A- Iholb VIII J luau. Ioody sud Snn~ lay: -`Whudnh tho luau": ol Moody at! Baby 7 Well. we Catholics noon Into an in Admitting thpt the undoubted and aid uncltnau 0! those . _ .;x.._ __.-_.|:.A. 1- .a:.x..-|.. ..|..-...a vvunyvvug V u-nun. . Protests have been entered `as: [.110 return of Maura. Cunoron in Ross in Want Middloaex. : .. .. ..,.. _.,, . ...,,. . .. I Irauc-I Anny: ill: I II(lV|lIUX..'IIIIK B0|IFXIiDC I Ibo rich..tho pv nu-v nntinnnlitv mam-nuln in ... ..... .........-.. . ........( .......-,. Barglus stole 02:!) And $511) worth of 'ovtollery from the house of Mr. George swoon. St. Cnhnrinei. on the lam. Pembroke has been vilitod by Ino- tlmr me. but mount notion the -XIZ""'rv-U llhrjhllllllooibil. COS l)H..\'.\'El) '`El.ll}RAIS. ORA HUI o\Gl'l`A'l`l0N. `..Ir- .3 j.i;;;;.;i{ oouyauuwmonnoyu Iuhnd. Oonnly Iuintntu lnndoaluu WUIKIIKFIH ulcu llvvulvw -u Irv illopl. nrtbadwo. uy uonbor vot~ in` to it would ho cooking to ovonido tho low: and to inoult. the ` Pnwlnoil Logiolutun`. mu In-more nu-ion: dkpulowould orioo tho: that our the Bonndory Award. But omit- llq oll opinion juthofou to tho Iulhol Oho0nIgo Bilhhthon not to hoooonhlhoo uuunonloo Inge shod ohlakon oonlnu homo to roost? Qnohoollllllomhlilahirgolnotoot hot 0I&lb'I right. on o Province, to ihludonld bollntlorfoo. Ind noluor thu loot union two-third: of its mom- ;:Aod'IoovoI'rHoonr license in in cl ooutltntlolnl hwnpontbo -hh_ A man hlavlolhodoninuat I I 7`\~N\ \ uuns.wIoI.Io; I0: `IRI 8.70: I.40IoJ.l0: |oIJ5;0I hpllbhtz to 8.00 to bur ; |. III win I. I) LII; No. I Iluh. l.lOI)l.ll. OIlI7h\o`M. Phullllo. ouuuonq. u to `us. Rye N to Oh. Owing! to 4.15. Our:-nuI.Io|.'l|. Pnv&no- Duthnorunry. I) `In. Pod--l7.0 \ol0.. lad-1] bl): Ia#--ll to NC. H|$-lIbM0. CIO$-I0|MlI. oou. TIC muowugnn no nunqnum tion :-l`|oIu- can at 5.46 to M0; nun Motel`. * on-hxumkoonklth nnclnndjl h 4.50: nun: hhrkl rnnuycuu by 3 moon umqul. on on will run any onhnryoongh. II In Almost magic.-Ally. Auk E. Bkinnor lot I 85 con! bottle of "Hub" Couch Cure. Dr. Canon`: Pulmonary 1: Drop. the prcuuri Iionolunoldc ` Pru- wow. 0 but ready ht tho Lung inhlugo bottles at 50 cents. For uh every- I on. uurtnunulnun nnowou uyusouur plea Bur Renown: nova null Apia bo- oomo (My. Sold at 50 cent: 5 bottle. -::.Q_-:_ rnuonpuonou notion rundyosnby nouou ouvidounanyouhnry Alumni -nah-gllu An]: I! worllll. n expelled I and nickel oxpouoa by n. vmho` sickening drug: -----o< Funk Spunk. Wilton Avenue. Toronto. nuns tune ngo resolved I Ind injury by u: unidout on the G.'l'R. The noun oon~ tuliouworu uohl hauled by than 0! Enlvtnfl Yo low il. 'I'lo cllluo llnlr lusciou- In lppuod with n spougn o: I brush, and it never luluin in goodooonou tho hdr. Hdrtlulhuboon nnowod bythoCin- nlou Ania Ole very vnlunblo (turn 0! Dr. Low`: Plenum Worn Syrup in. shut it in highly ugroocblo to cute. and :1! variation 0! worms. tum worm indndad. can hm mlnlv .'"...s...."':.::."'.:'..:." .2: Hngytnfl __:_4.* me out moment nuuzonuu aoolu-9 that worms in the huunn u non no olua induced by eating too ! y o! uncooked (run and too much meal. cheat. no. Whnour any ho its cause Fnolnufn Worm Powders an Ipoody and auto to cure ;Ihey destroy the tonal. and oontun limit on cathartic to expo] them. New York. Jun. I5.-Two noted dis- coveries bsvo been mule by clsrgvmen. u. Howard Crosby has loaded the Garden of Eden. He says it was situ- stod At the junction 0! the Tigris and Euplnitns. when mounds still sxisl. to muk the spot. Rev. A. Parker. 0! Mor- rinown. has also Ioostod it. "Re up it is in one`: busst. `s3.`$.':`; [an no. :09! Ml ink, Incl; `~"l.'..'a."a tolnni; 9. Nu. Potindoouolguuud. ii: nllolzn-ioun `nun. Walnut}. Jun. l5.-'It in mid um thohlhho Nponodby thowsnsnd land Oonmmoo will pnvido for I cjdutblo lowonny of the Iui. Tho hill doubtless will be hand in the .. 81% hush are that it will pun oh; puny h nation. . I Pinabunz. Ponu.. ,.lnu. l5.-An enci- dent occurred two miles out ol Bred- lord on the Erie nu-row gauge. A trnin I-en into A lot ol oil on the truck, which enveloped the train III ames. Three women were burned to doeth. end fteen men and one boy burned end wounded. The engineer was badly burned Ind will probably die. 1 ---- vv --.-w V-.--. Toronluo. Jan. l5.-Ir. J. J. Hswkiu. lougnonboc (or llothwollanyu ha ha uppudod` opium tho hold: outing hung from Pulhulont. Ho uypb II the hi: an chm the Home opens. . . _ K _ Toronto. Jun. l5.-'I`ho But Not- thumborhnd Provincial oloolion cue cune up yesterday morning before Ilia} Court. 0! Annual 3| (hnnmln Hull. Clim- came up yeuemny morning ooxons I my I Conn Appeal 0 Onaoodo Hull. Clin- oollor Boyd held Mr.` Farris to be nol nnulkv nl an--nnk nnnnkinnn and "I, @113 50,0 IIQIII Hf.` I"CI'l |I N) X IIOI sunny ol corrupt pllntiotl. and Mr. Juntioo Cunemn just the opposite. `IIIISI I uuu uuu v-_--v-. uhgcnlduy. ohunuod uulonlk B'Uo'|II#lI. Ioho nahhgthu uauuuoquunpoa-ua.n.by _#I-|I`dIhuiH|nuug_gqaoadou`ol Ibopnylolhoiullowntlunhuinl-be unicwuqnuoIouu2.nono.p..u CW3-IIl,lIVI-Ollldiilp. lg lulu Iopldatyolllnonrutlndglf _,nunniIIIoouIvcniunoo olnpq v|&'uI||Io&odIg'|u wolluupon govnlh. Thorlghtdlholnonaoe blbutnuh oubodono uinywithnl uynuunltz uonolhudlhopoopla -I-L...n.... H :. .....al..u. nu Ann nl Otuln. Jan. l5,-Moau-u. McDonald and Edwud. Scotch dologntea ol Ludy Clthcut. who visited Manitoba lust summer. hue on balm]! of mint Indy pnrohuod 5(l).0lI) news of lnnd in Tur- tle Honnhin oountry. on which It in to locate crofters from the ighluad estates of Lady Lhthout. London. Jun. l6.-The garrison ol Enninkillan has been Ordered to make pnpnntions to nooommodnu L000 ud- diuoncl troops. which the to be sent them in View of the Nuionnhst. meet- ings nnnounood to be held dnrmg- the coming week. one st Gnu: on the ham inst, pqd another at Boyle on the `Amh. u ` """ """""_"`T eog Ollinslu. I5. -.--'I'wuln hnn- I had onluud cal vhulcn hnvo muck torn dung cl Inga. `man an II.Iv_-dun manna wniting to be -`mi. _- - _--._. Queeoc. Jun. `X6.--nAlehn. `fallen and Lynch it ll holiovod. have `accepted pom-ah ax. hnchot in .1 mm o(. Ir. llohonnon will be adored the l`n-1-Injlnin and Innlnnn In nnonnln Ameliesburn. Jun. l5.-Two children. one 5 non of E. D. Brickumu end eno- ther. 5 daughter 0! Mr. Sule-bury. were sitting near the above in Briclunenl house, when a penon. in Itllti the tire. upset. ? kettle ol boiling water over the two. the children were severely scolded. but will probnbly recover. ol. -7. TIE W11] 00 IIIIIIUI SUI 'l`ru::rIln Ind unless he nooopu r. `V to form 1 MInilu'\'. . `I \ `l'l.hBlll-.I DKATII. . ` ruin, N.Y.. Jpn. l5.-At n {mock shin Ihornnugv chi Gndiy. ngod 83, nnilou'ncr.w` ouahnuohtnnko! 'th'PohId C Hnkkinut BL, wuouuck hr - frninlnl. nnl. II: can Innrlnllv Inn- K3'iXCI1CI|1l'lIl-,'IIIIl'llCI its an-sight cu. .Howu1cu(n1Iymu- uualnnddiodinlun-i.b|o uonv. i. ` Tniihs u liuinlly dated. uaddriin ta-ri.b1o"m snout- / Qinhopolltlohunnnphuonnding IhoA|uIonthoIubjoo|ol0nnoln- oupunolhvgowol tho|:I'opoudro- Inhuduunolnrllll moth: Home olconnou. Ililujudtbbonnga in Ingolnulnuinoulvdocluodby --hnhunaguot um Provlnooto be m._I gnnlaah-nnlnnn, --1 lnnnlnr vol. The best medical tuthontiu dooluo HA1 worm: In an Dnungn nvntnnn urn nllgn niumnkranv . Bllcl-`S; null: or coAl.IInI:Lun. w ~ .- u-uA n,, L guano ufraklu. O;ppIyIn;1 cl on and I.I|IlII[ launching and KoepIn| In `Iepnlr IIO our line! cool on Lnnpo. 70] I'll UNIIPIIID I` II of the noun: Iolhumuooulluq In wool lion. DIEGO. I. TBANAIIAN. ' 0|!) CIOVI. lludou. Jun. It Ida. ` II:-tun Iouwnnuuuuy-uyw. Thudon it in Inuilutly tbo,dnIy ol |hIhMct|ono|lmthoyuunotim- '-lhlllpahlholnu. ._ _.,. IALID Tlllblll will In the S all Olcli also nl ur3X'v`z'xr. Ila last. ul Idolonh pp. Iron pun-an vul- lq to counts! for the 3..-mu lmnmsunmmml ASHLEY'8-G-AT- SHlRT-lI0l.' SE unsn` IAIIGAINS IN IIIIAVI l'|deI-wear. AbiIi_I_43%>:;&%<:9.J l.hohI.Ju.l\h.II&" IA.AIInnn&nh1nll ouurs Fumusmnos lam Shin Hnuso.l YIUIBDAY. the 'l'\VIll`l`1-HRUI` ol FIR BUAIY you an In Iholut tor nu lapel-II ofoounluu bun nu lhlll. nn._v-nu - 1... u no... 4 you or 40:10:. ' ,__ 9n_.A.. .l._.._.-.. -_ ltmuldbomndoloum an uyundol A mnnulnoumuj Irpoto. ll 0 wall adoplod lot I Gnu! um. no doubt I ul ol llnl kind water . In thuollnodduzoltho kind In lho any. It organ would apply mo_IIvg powu the on . hoowlnn monn wot u nk. unch lmplonuonuultho bun uuu mi` by I'o_qu1_|-od. `All cu-I: application in I and no lmptonnoniiui tho buuduu u ' mt be U An npvllonuon col clad. Apply to nxvmnou, noun; a on. I . |0IIuo..l .m WbuI~-qmu. mm. mm uni" rod Sm: l.onol.Io. 0orn--Ilctdy; uh: 1.000; hihr__|_|gix- 54 63; l`9jO|l85. s. ~ om--quhc; new sum as 33. nut 41. Byo--quioI : Onnkdn nominnllv 66 in lulu h__ullun. Ontario hvuuunal . Bl. Pull H. uad Hg`. N W I. [Tn N w.1.. Lo......... Pacino BIL`. mm rnnnxurs \ Ilnnounuan Ion CLOVII um TIMOTHY sun. nun uni. cuoncn run. IJ PIDUI. `- luau : Iloct. Pubs: land. nuances. TO BE PUBLISHED NEXT WEEK-- B|'AROE'LlS7'I0 lsdntim Armfs P0115103 W "85", |For8alaurTnBp{aI [me IIOKEISIIIE roam." llny be had at the BOOKIIOICS-l [IN PRESSII FRIDAY. the RIGHT OF` FIBIUARY non. Ila` Ireland for introducing hlvue Bills to OIIIO. 1IllD.\\'. tho FIR?` 0!` l`IllRUAk\' I nut. will In Inc In: My tor mooning Pen- IOII fov Print: Bill; unn-qunI; unto :3 33. u u. Ego -quiet ; nominally no . pglnp an at may put: giving I binary PHOVINOIAL JIORT-W. 1Hk'l'l..\I{(il BUILDING ON Tlll COIKNIN _ of Ouurio url Union Blrooh. knqwn u OF` THE FORMER. LIST OF LOCAL 0l"I`XCBll8. 8liI{(ll-IANTB. I83 WBLLIIOTGN H1`. in IQ): ' I-ofrun ronuc. ion-n.,nx. Jun. 10, noon. IN'O_'J_?_IOE- .. it uh. No_'r_Iom A`E`L_1STs"' _wl[.L II: no I1. 0 MILES 1'. GILLIIOI. CR: 0 the lnalslntln Anombly. rv. . iE JEeu. ---1 an t-1- % am a nil?) 3.- 3"""3""*="-i.-'1':'."'.-` run. an Ania an nnli. you A non uuouuoouuou londnnlnn. IIII. lea`...-.-==._2__._.,.'_._.'.(,_..;_;...........'l AIa.I. ` fancy cake and Dual Inlet. I`.-atoll:-an La-_ ` 3|i'-iii`; Darling llinl. lhnliaugg, Friday Brenna. January llnl. 1. ' I3 lallusuoinhunuunn. -In; .... ' Inlutbd. . ....................II. Hon """' . . V 4 n:uI}:t21:-1:." I30! 0.. ...... -~... r. W I Mr. undo: `I J; Iniohzbuv om. Incl. Jute u---w-v- vvvg-nu u ...-......_......--- u-u-:11 ...(`buIo II` II. cunouquggi .....IullIuudIl -nu ...... . ,... ... u ; COIN" {vmuh Ian. Jam M. i-.-.. J . GALLOVVAY, I .I DIR H `KII ITIIRET 1 HHIAIII Itsusnumusl NOW 18 YOUR TIME. umug 1'0 SECURE I Int! at I prion you will not honhlo to buy It at nun. lulu ha-In unpncol so pcrernl. you ahoul-I hoyono Io! bathe III: advance uhu plnoqund G ALLOWAT I ilthe plum` to [M Ilnla HI 0Fi`I\`.Is8 H18 ENTIRE STOCK Or` IIDFI-`.1 In 9.3 So \I. Pu-u: Lnmlxskunk Rnntun mmb Mink. Allrtchcn. any Lamb. lhluc Dual. Bab his, English lhlr ud Ill ovcy decal;-uon A1` GA LL()\\'A Y 3 [sum IILEAIIINE smsl -_._n _ ___g_ _ [Tyspnsm mumnmsmnn YIGIL...-. .................\........... ooiiuvx 1-_u qusiii'."m Tioiolmouh. OIPIINI I Mn. lloy ulna mnuo-in-n 9 Jamil A sriroinh _um-: or ovum TWO .3. "sI_,l@Iln1:Ion.` ' In (In: gov. We all any mstnnxungysglurm Rabi ls` We no tins only lxoulo _iu the any thnt can shown noel 9! Set! Muntloa. IJCIZ DI- "uIIIII'II aw; gun Ililrdn. 3 Lndjen` cnihnere Clrc-clan (Our llu.-Owl nndup. . 1 Ion`: coo`: COO! 005 up, do best gummy. I On`.-y O0IIIIoOeoO7.l0 up. 5 Ilhu dud Gluten II xnulmn lurch` pried.-0. and lie Ines! noel hue [in II bula.` noxnnnuvawxmnoinnsms ldtblllllhvl btnldlueu bociulqov. Wonllonu y I Fol! LADIES WI: IIAVI: Ion J-nelson. Asu-uchnu Jnckels. seal Cups uni Minus. 1 Penn: Ian) noun. o.._ Boas. Cups am. as-. gl-`(Ill IIEN'l`I..lE..l-ISM WE IIAVI-2 ' I Persian Lani (fault. I I'M-clan Ln-D Capt. ._ ! Persian la-D Oaumlelo. . seal Cups. ` Soul Illuntlcu. I . We am In nninlnluun y I rilslllillll cm unfit mm! to an lnonoy 3 L308` Au. . Innila tron IIH : --1`-L MILLSJBROS; corner l'I'hociund Iago: In. I\_. ,. , `bl. - lm mun FOR mus =unuun!ItIl Xmas Presents FURS! FUR (`OATS AND Rl)lH'I.\` -:-nn u.|n-n/n out-- vnoroga Au. vnuvmuncnss sinner. IvIIIonpld.~8hIvnIuanlInulq uuu-nib-that-upon.-n"u. Stu! rails:-nsqguvhuuo booth: was nllh in vlhtlodir A__.A _._j.__A._.Il__ AI._A -. I1--.` New A R J. NEWMAN. .._L -__L -___.n :_ \VIl0I.lS.\I.B PRIFIIN. zuiggps gnd Furt- Iii WELLINGTON Si` V PROGRAMME : hunt I f1'ii|'iiL *gwZT2U#o -.K- Wnlhnuhoupnh nnpulto the oootliluolthonullodinglnlolho Nrpoud. nvuhdinpton-at. Anunluroulinou. ' Inu-yWilncl. Il.P.P..n_dln. Vcuobylnhlnlbuhuvlidlhou -nnnnnlal -ILn-Anna:-Inllnuntlnn furl! e_+.aa- I -hm juluvr 11:43.21:-:'."" Uhh.'I'oIoIl0. OIIII In `a Ialldluhuo It I nnln $9.`: - . u ' ntulnl IPI'5I`u. `run nlo .m.-..a'.".1 A W. WlHOI,%'-I ! : IOU I8- Uo%'VIlw1 lute. .-:.- L...-vv '-:.".~.'.:-."'-T. 0IlC\\m1INIlI. Illhtlltvill In IIIQII vnlu IIOOI II I IIIII GIIIIHIOI on 1 than $n|rlov plan. Innn should Into Ila oppor- Iunutyolumuocajvodnl-Iloleuc a nu low price. In puuhnl. In the din I9- LIIIIIT C Wllbllc Don : S Mason. uuopunlouu. All Olalllll 001` TI! IALAIOI 0!` their wmu soul M tutu dlnouu on lid: znlrlnw nhnn. CORNII IOOKITORI KK.CI'lK'KXI'IIlU$Il- AIX Iohhdhunruudal. udhl-and ilk! hpulnlll hoothhyupon wonId| hlnillnnulvntohnvoonly good (cod ...1 L._.__-_..A-3-L. .|L......I u- I lsfum `in n` was The Milhontin. we. Atnn Wuot-\>y Bobt. nncluun. 20 A urou Huron-.1 fortune In 501. Chnphn. A ollo WK:-ab} John I-lsnndotl. 10. mu. I.oJ-uy mum nu..n. ,_. _. ___ -7` Lilo o! ZIin;li-by Jon (lrnb. 2' , um and Lennon 0! Lord Lguon Autobiography. we. 50.. it. Put 2. lhounphy. u. A Grant HoInuII-.\ Fortune Seven Clnnhnm Thirlby HAH-by W. E. NORTH. Illuuruod. 85 ulna. Lilo and LOIKOII of Lord L)l(on--Put I Autobionnnlw. Round the Galley I-`ma - nel. Ibo. [E\Tvi3ooK" Kind: 3- W153 WZIUIF 'vIdIhIhobouhn|nthll,IoInd\hat Ilnyounhiudonlyihhhyudclpu. `nth-no bod. Ho vuphottoa tln lutdny.to|ou|hrtiblorowenudby lbnloolthiuliqgnr. Th Dinoton lidncul|owiHobon|d.hI'thon|o wunodqtholnutuhkudoudtho hwpngndthnuoybhbyth vcuIuu..lnhhuhwu|loponntIIo ab. at line! on Ibo punch. The ...;.|._.||..._s...4I.J ..ul|..a....a..| n inns: bonus, `an A man: uaon1'u:N'r won rm: I ('HK'HT"K`| TRADE. MARMALADE you John Ildr 0 non. London. Inhd. -....---_ 1 . ouxon IIARUALADE In I lb. you Oran Ijumuulo In I nun: OI-up luunlulo in 1 llttlnn. PII Q fot.tILomIoTl_lllly and E ' FaIll|_o of Ira! Corner lonlrcnl k Princess Sun. I . IN mmm owns` Elh. gntncusn. I : We have received by the last Steamer from London a few oesea of very superior {Bleak 'rea.biendeq in Lonidoia dock ` in bond. under the supervis- ion of Her Majesty's Custom House omcinls. This Tea is put up expressly for the no- biJ.ity of Great Britain. This mixture is made up from the nest teas that can be got in , `china and India. and if we are encouraged by the fami - lies here using _ these tine ` gradeofteaswevsicontinue | to import them. I Douloatod What. Mr. Henry W1lnot.,I.P.l'.. said In duind Ionic: to I matter 0! action inpotI|noo-0ho muucol booths. M uoqno. intboput. povpkoonldgn no- -Ihllqbnldittywhiphv. and hoprotut oslIqIluHbonhol\hhlal.Bouru- Odlhotllhilllltho hoothllhonld ho than nnponlblonnn. whovould ptovidomod loodutl putthurhou !0|I0l@ Oman Y w. 1:. McRAE & m. !|i|ck 65.553. | Pu-tics who hue hon waiting tor thou- Driod Bhok-honioa can now be supplied as the In! con- -._..____. L-` __. ,, Onnotlntlulwcllhgton 8 Ln. ` M18537 4! UILSII ---'ru 'Knuou---- RIOIIVED TO-DAY In Ilocl l`l'III'I'. M ' mouInuuuI.) I`or[I|uI'I llloei. Prhmou Incl. .n n.. be. Mn "A--u Ihl-at I. LOYNI8 I 00., bats. Pou-lino Heal. Oatmeal. Orookod Wiect. nusggn. mm Jan in I lb. Jo Iplorrv hm In I ll Straw [onion Munnlule in II lb. pols. .......... .. .... u... w. ligament hu univ- ed. Alno Groceries. -l:_\~ W. (`lcrl Run- .. .... ... ... I Sheri! Fcrgnoon Mid that such I comic in: followed in oonncctxon with _n .L, La. ,-|__L2.2___ rvl Inn uunnx nu-a -nunru. II`. John Wulmot. Piltlbllr. Mid Shut ycu db: yen thou In trouble shout AI`. --uni-Q-npni nl Inann Ant` int .1 ..'l uuuuuuuuxy uu nuns uuuu on-gun nu each article. 80 advooshd on J edge. to but all the rouponnibility. o|....: I`...-n... nah` um: mm}. a uunnnnvunm. J. ICOGIIOI. JIBIEI and u. S. Old:-ion. of . Andimn-'l'hmnnn Hill: And ,1! Iii [II III!!!` II ITVIIIIIII IIIIIII the Appointment of Judges. and they did their best. but it ass. in his opinion. nnnoooutrvlo luvs than Judges lol- .._|. _..a:-|_ I1. -.I_...n..J ..-- l...1... ungu lcunngneny. ol rlnlourg I own- uhip; W. Du. ol Storringion: Henry Cunmmvhun. J. Rnddon. Jame: Minuet Imp; vv. uuu. ox alornnpon; u Cunmncvlnm. Roddon, James and (I R, nldrinvn nl Knmvnlnn, nnvu-ury. Second Vice Preaident-J .B. Wslkolr. Kingston. Dinotoruqlohn Simpson. J. I. Fair, of Ki Tow ` ; R, J. Dnnlop. Hugh ocsngherty, Pmlbnrg Town- nhin: W. Dn. nl Slnlrinllnn: Hnnrv In-v I nun Tho mating proooodod to dock Ibo vr vi-run-. following odours lot 1884 : \. Prouidont-D. Niclrauntnnqni. l"i1~ut_\'noo-I :-eoitiolat--D. J`. Wnlkcr. vonry. i Second '\ im` Pmnidant.-J .B. Wnlkam. n uuulln-I Win lvuu. IUI luv lIluuIuu- tion 0! the memben. from the Council ol the Agriculture and Aha Association. who will gin pnnos und medal: for I51 {treat Iubjoctu in I884. Those print will be nwudod lot essays on duerent topics ol grout interest to tho lumen. The lubjoot of Agricultural Education was touched upon and the aunonnco- -ont mule um prunes would be offered for the best model farms in group 5. which includes the counties between Hutmp and Roylnw, but not Laoda. ` Th- unnrln II. -nnlinnnn in niwnn -m ll-Iluy nun Awuuuwg IIIII IIVI navvuuu The mode 0! npplicntiop in given. whid :- u........|. um dunno..- A. oh- And. auu nnvuv vn -rylivcolvu no 51161:. unnu- in through the Secretary ol the Agri- ....la..._l u~.:.a- :. AL. -.A:.... Iuav-5|: uuv uvwlvu-I III II cultural Society in the riding. us any uuvvunu, an nvuvwu. In pnoontina the lnnnoin! nporl for tho put you-thd Dinoton an cued Aobooblo tonlcr toll): hvonb cou- ditiol o! tho Auonintson. than hing n bnlnnco on hand d 0781.55. an amount uhinh, umnialnrinn Lhn lnhnnu M Lin u anon. on: non: .v a -3.? "M uulllon` sud pawn 1,004 as .. ., vi . , . _ i-axsua nu-mo u: an colzxcu. oun- `Ill-A mu. lu!'lI'l'QjII nuxau. um awn: weep. ponury. In. eeeue. uuu enu . In I e cleneee of bones. nettle. pige, root. Tegehblee. deiry products. implement: end oenieaes. there we: emuked increase in the put yeer. end then in no doubt the: but the eeeeon been hvonblo the diereuce in the olueee referred to. between the less exhibition end in pndoceseor 0! 1881. would not have exieted. unquunnnn vs nun ---nu-gnu. The Treasurer`: aucament of receipts and expenditures was snlnmmod (or adoption : llnaoinh nun an-nuns. -nrvln . ' Tho Scctohry I-and the annual nport ` of the Dirocton. u lollon: '- ---_-Al__ AL- I-- ._l ___--A I..- I new IIII uae uulvaluo weuner throughout. would indicate the: the lidlnnd Oentnl Fnitlhdloutnone ol in sonhnty. Thin but In timber evi- eneed by the number of entries and by (Ina -Qtgnulnnnn nhu-inn (Inn nhnu -Q|l lnuluy mime clans: nr Uouwolu sheep. ponlry. grain. uodn. trail I moon-iol. the clung: hor:en;. Haul Inna:-njlhnkjin ulnar DIIIIIOO OII IIIIICI C ITULOO. Ill Iolllll which. considering the luonou oi the neuon when the Annual ambition wu bald nd the nnhvonhlo nuhor Ilu-nnnhnnt -nl|I Intlinnlg that flu: _ 1. run Ina ll manor evi- the Mundane during the show week. The cntriu. of I" kinda, numbered lm against 8.754 in 1881 : while then III I dilemma of 216 auction in {nor oftbo later you. the mount paid in min: momv but var In in oxen; oi or we tune: you. me unouns puu m pt-in many but our um pnid in 1881 y 043. The hllin 0!! III the ontrieo wu manly in t clans: hr Couwold -I...-x nnllllnr n-min -anal. {unit --ul -.. Q! . -ow-vc- . uun. pun. hqquur :`_ loan H. wil- not. '33.. D. Nicol. J.I.F|il'. Jolhnl Knt. R..J. Pauly. 8&il Fugnson. JIB. Wnlkoll. John Bilnj, W. Hui con. man. K_ni|M. `noun um-. Jdm Eng. Dmidnu. Edilld Bihbdu. John IlilnoC.J. J. Wilnokhu. Gnu aqd H. Bulb. dindhn and l'b0PrM&| loot ihoohlil nnd the mooning called to onlor. V on: Aunnviv no-..\-- Today at 1 ddodk the nuns] Hie!- ingolthd Idlud Cdatnl !u:-Auo- ohilllvululdin the Council Chun- ur. rhatonowing p-than vnuin .n ..4I....-' in I 1 n...I.... I:...: Qua. any uauuvuq 7-uuuul wwv Ill : ma. J. Dunlap. rms. GIII: It. D. J. Will. Vino-Pnnident. II. D IlI|.l__A._ Q....A._. u- I no u. a. umnovo. on nuuuon. Andiuon-Thomas Mills and .l. L. `crunch, nun vnrnnnnu vr rncnna. ` A circuit: win road. for the internu- :-_ -1 AL- ___.L_.. k____ AL- n-..__.| mu. The r_P.t0 you Idoptod. 1-. nrwtnin-n nu -nu hibuaip ct-zzmtln. r'.u'n. wuunl C n-Zn Iluuoadoloul-I`IuIu l 'w Pro. uouulu-olocuunuuoa-y. vyuvu . ltawipts. man Ian I 3.: E:I'.'.'.".n.L'.'.".";..s.. ... utquunnhoIpIIyot.adoondonI_ ;...L.n...n. 45.. .h-an--Inn .1 .-.'..'-. ..`..`;;.'.;a " DI ho: ...... .. " It'll ll I 1'."..".'.,' ""..' I Elli? CID: lIls*n\lUw III I no uhnhionhluhnqptlundut Clnlnhol the Eplphnylowituntbo Idlllot Wnhon lihholl Iolhny uooanlunonuuouuuocuuun-nu. ndnwnnounuiolthobolyuot Ironon in ndupnlu skunk lot WO.BnI'y0IortIIllb~m|do|ohIil|g Inuloy onlolh-ur supposed Inuoo. I unuu. The ndntukor hyothuu be no abduttoehulholiddthoonhonr uoodnluhoumdncholunoenruo. and an-A -n-nmnnlnl thnhvnnnl U. THIS Jilhlltolhct dnnnlanvhsol` pIIInI.voIUl,\ |hyw|Il'uIII- ny- -n uh-I jot null-onninulou. JOIIIIWIVMIC. uIu.. dlll. |o.-:rl. Lucinda Nooloy wu tukon vary nud- ill on Thank} lllhl Int. Md lg two in nu ptouounood dud. Altai tho fuuonl union the Kuiahhot Lo hour sud India went through their noi- ttllor thodoud. Thou tho Iorrowiug Mud: took tholrlut look out tho un- dorhkorwu about to nplnootho lid on tltoomwhou o ghooout thooorpoo u|&dhintodnwhook with monola- nuiol. That:-load: won nuanced. and. is holy tuuoulhttol Hound an main. um mambo: mid: "Iv `rho lineal lurncu lulod sud Ibo l'I- CcIhlotAIoInoc|tno Ibo LII. wtnon Inna aoonnn nun unvoumg so pay toitly ond oqouoly for in Ipirituol pt-ivilqomu it has to do torito lood Ind clothing. What would 3 dootor or a lawyer think if pstielno or clients not up 3 "oooinl" or a "donation party" to pay him 7 And the mmislu-inl protu- uon in not lower. but IIiqhor.thu: shone. Lot conqnntioun pay their Imnisun u may do other moo {or who; any nooivo (mm thou. bouootly III] on- grudgingly. no debt due` not muoly to thuniniokt. bnluto the Lou] ol the vineyard. and It shay not their "uo~ cislo" lot than use them for social put- poooo pun|g.onoc u a moon: of extort- um money In unwilling given I YOUIU. 010.. Jun. 14. .lnrncI. Christin honesty oi tho non. which umaoeluu itself mural in so uni hi:-Iv And nmnnnlv In in nniritunl concerning than or Innung f h h put b be money or c are y on :- hinmenle"oI on him`. I mud in the Bible thus they that preach the (impel should live by the Gospel. lot the labourer up worthy ol hla, hire." llld that "God loveth a cheerful giver. but [do not read that Ha love: the giver who will not give unless he can get _ eome equivalent lor his money in the uhnpe at n you meeting or any other enteljhinmenb. And ouch men are the only nine tom ol net: upedienu. Such method: of mining hue; ue "Ieuuth the dlity ol tho Christina nlinhn." at Christian nuninnn. ol the 0: we unrluun unniucn. of the Church. The no not only `lie Prue and Plllpll. fl! I'.'IiIur. Hrilirli Wluq. SiI.-l herdly think it necessary to come to the deienoe of uowspapenv. which are generally pretty well nb e to teke care of themselves. riut l thinli youdenerve in good vvordlrom nll vrln have found you ready to promote and encourage all good works. religious and charitable. by opening your columns lor the dillusoion of necessary iulormntion respecting them. I (or one lure often felt indehtecl no you lor doing thin. Thane 01 your readers _who are interest- ed in the Salvation Army. as most of us are. hnve llld to thank you lor very lull to te and ooouionnlly for judicious entiniein. And you have. also. especially ol Into. shown youreelf e lover of good men." However. I will not pull you up with my more compliments! 1 don't ` suppose the content; 0! any of our pn- pero ere always plensnut reading. nor Will be. till our whom state of social. in pervaded by the righteousnem whic alone "eulteth a nation." since I news- paper in simply the rellection of society in general. it in true; too. lhnt many things no published which would be better unpublished, hut l must add thet it your paper hee ollende.l in this way its ollenoae have generally csceped rn notice. At ell events. I hardly thin you should have tnlien to yoursell cer- tain recent etriotcree which were pro- bably notrpealtlnr our local press at all! With I) need I reconlna yours you do not 0% N be over sensitive in delending yonruell from imputation: which do not It. . While. however. I agree with your corree nt. "Observer." on to thin point. must enter an nnqunhlied ro- teat inregerd to hielttaek on the v. F. locum for hi: very just renierke oonogl-nina flu: pee-oboe of making mnnev for church nnruoaee bv enter Phlloiolpllh. Jul. 10.-AJow d no nhnhihln Ihnnn nlhund 1| `d'ao_uI'tlul'! ` `- Mr. 4953 Simpson and u-b Dioton dol the | ' forjlaich `ubnunkoonla be lye mu. II_ II `__LI_ _._`;,,_._ 1 .g_. _.___ ITTXIIUIH K TIIITMI. u:.n,|..un -inohuou um uz|'oo- I nu-nu dnvu IipIIdniuuoinadnc-I && D If popln telling l i`qnor woullbvlthoirbogtladoneu. ` I jivlhllnuuuu. wolnvc hnO::II.nIkuIhh::hbot u orlno .. .. ..'`'.`2`':....... qI$uI.IlOhn&IwII|IoI hhuucuolunlh Idthalhhw - I Iuuuu I nu \ nau-. 'l`.ha newly elgctcd President now took um chair and thanked clip Society lot the !IoIIOI)If caulerud upon him. &.c.. promised to diaclnmo.'ni: dunes II nlinlnctorily as he could. Ho hnlinvod that with the continued encouragement ol thopouplo they could nly on lining a goonl show ya: dlcr your and thin the ponnnnoacv ol the ination would he eshhliuhod. ` , ,1 nL,..I._ __.. _-..-...I 1. AL. where Mr. Lumnorung a mum wu used. { desire to any that he did not content to sing And that an lpoloxy for the mistake is homby teudeml.- Yours truly. .I. Hr. John Wilbot pvropom-I an yxhoi 9 ' 'Innle iniuuln m= lhr spring at the If the Socitty-could Ivd It be this uhilmion iouhl be in um intact of tbs` liruen. Ho ndv.}on|eI mother- I- Ei`6r`;I.ap"a.`r' 1E'.`?5aier"iazr1n`a ' Iwurd of prison for the bent umnulnand . : -bu:-n . IIEWI. ` `DI . Bighunooinoidotl With Mr. Wil- uIot'I rglnuh. Spring Ill -tho tithe to draw the qtock and the time to unkq good reloctions for breeding! gnrposou. punun v-a nnll n n. nun... . .n....... .. . . ,, Sm.-ln the programme ol um cou- oerl for Jan. lam. published in Int night`: Wluu. I unsuke Inn mule w_l3rob Mr. Cumberland`: nuns wu Janina In not (Izaak Inn dial nnl ! nu VIZIJIIIIIUII . A vote 0! thank: wu paused to the totiring President. Mr. R. J; Duulop. for his oorts during tho put Venn. The meeting than uljolgrnoul. An Apology llulo. TIM .'(liIul'. Ifnlixlv "'55/_ ~__ u u ,_A_ _:,A Jtllviu. lnd.. l5.-!l'I. Lnnlluln Nnnlnv Ill hhnn var! lul- Jan. lnitln, I88}. wnnnum nicnruuw. IIIII Cl III- IUII wanna! wunau uuu In-' jcdtyollhopooph lnhndod buhould his : but aunt injutioo nnsinmhnt olsllowinghhuunoooulul oppounoin thoolonottooaht Ilouylo which holanowuhownlohuuuoolsim. And howillioplt. wonnybounnninon nuwho h Inn rough to won honor: whhhhohowuhodidnolmsndol Inhnhnonout hodinputu tho pnnullomhuotvotyupuoulundtho nclonlntllonbunoo olnluvIooom- pdn to do no. But wohopo Hr. lhwuwlllplo Olhwuudgivo an pnololhowhr cu`: wlllwillcu-ry, |h.|Il dlolhr tho Oonnlunl ulilupuiowoqdolq.